Monthly Archives: May 2023

2023-05-31: News Headlines

Asad Ismi (2023-05-31). Pakistan: An Economy on the Brink.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-31). UN appeals for aid for war-torn Syria. Around 70% of Syria's population—over 15 million people—depends on humanitarian aid for their survival, according to the UN. The country's economy has been severely hurt due to a decade-long war and sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, with the situation worsening since the disastrous earthquake in February… (2023-05-31). InsightsÔΩúBWA board chairman: China a contributor to global economy and multi-polar world order. Michael"ÄÄSchumann, board chairman of Germany's Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, claimed that in a globalized, internationalized, multi-polar world and economy, we are, to some extent, dependent on each other. (2023-05-31). Chinese mainland respects Taiwan-funded companies to independently choose their listing place: Taiwan Affairs Office of State Council. The Chinese mainland respects Taiwan-funded companies to independently choose their listing place, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council told a press conference on Wednesday.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-05-30). Meta and Privacy: The Economy of Data Transgressions. Meta, to put it rather inelegantly, has a data non-compliance problem. That problem began in the original conception of Facebook, a social network conceived by that most anti-social of types, Mark Zuckerberg. (Who claims that these troubled sorts lack irony?) On May 22, the European Union deemed it appropriate to slap a $1.3 billion fine …

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-05-30). Debt deal includes cruel attack on the nation's poorest. WASHINGTON — The deal that President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy hammered out to raise the debt ceiling avoids default for two years but inflicts pain and suffering on millions of the most vulnerable Americans. The economy can bear the cuts, according to the front-page article in today's New York Times as if what the …

Staff (2023-05-31). Erdoƒüan Reelected to 5 More Years in Turkey as His Government Grows More Authoritarian & Nationalist. We look at the impact of the reelection of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan Sunday in a tight runoff vote, extending his 20-year rule for a further five years. Erdoƒüan received just over 52% of the vote, beating challenger Kemal Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu, an economist and former civil servant who unified a broad coalition but failed to unseat Erdoƒüan despite growing dissatisfaction with his governance and deep economic pain within the country. We speak with Cihan Tuƒüal, UC Berkeley sociologist and author of The Fall of the Turkish Mo…

Dan Lieberman (2023-05-31). Beware of Economic Textbooks. Protests by British university economic students against neo-classical economics highlight the notion that economic education is dominated by theories that defy practical applications and applications that cannot predict, prevent, and ameliorate periodic crises. Students learn economics from unverified and outdated theories, many contradicting one another, which leads to a confused understanding of the discipline and …

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-31). Bush Files to Strike Expanded Work Requirements for SNAP Out of Debt Limit Bill. Ahead of Wednesday's House vote on the debt ceiling deal, progressive lawmakers have introduced a pair of amendments to remove provisions that would hurt the nation's most economically vulnerable populations. On Tuesday, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) filed an amendment to the legislation that would strike a provision buried in the bill that would restart student loan payments at the end… |

Ana Perdigón (2023-05-31). Lula Promotes South American Unity at Brasilia Summit. On Tuesday, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presented 10 proposals for the future of the region to the 10 leaders who attended the summit of South American presidents in Brasilia. | Lula was responsible for opening the cycle of speeches at the Summit of Presidents that was held this Tuesday, May 30. During his speech, he pronounced himself strongly in favor of unity and presented 10 proposals to strengthen rapprochement in economic, cultural, and social matters. | "What unites us today, in Brasilia, is the sense of urgency to collectively look towards our region," said Lula, "the determination…

Staff (2023-05-31). Predomina un orden económico internacional totalmente injusto, antidemocrático (+ Video). Un análisis profundo sobre el contexto internacional actual realizó el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, durante una reciente entrevista con la televisora Russia Today.

infobrics (2023-05-31). South African Business Community Expects BRICS Summit to Enhance Trade. BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are expected to discuss measures to relax some trade hindrances, increase trade among member states and promote post-pandemic economic recovery, said Ayanda Ntsaluba, an official from the South African Chapter of BRICS Business Council…

infobrics (2023-05-31). BRICS Expanding Opportunities to Influence Global Governance. BRICS' economic rise also marks an important challenge to the US-led 'liberal world order' (2023-05-31). Business in border regions seen as critical to economic development. The newly-issued guideline by the General Office of the State Council on stabilizing trade growth has also touched on the importance of trade development in China's border regions. (2023-05-31). Hundreds of innovations shown during Beijing forum. The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, also called Beijing E-Town, developed 211 new products and technologies in 2022, many of which have filled domestic gaps, an official said during the 2023 ZGC forum held this week.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-31). India extends billion-dollar credit to Sri Lanka for one more year. Colombo, May 31 (Prensa Latina) India extended to Sri Lanka its one-billion-dollar credit line for another year to help the neighboring island, which is immersed in a serious economic crisis.

Don Monkerud (2023-05-30). The Phony War on American Culture. Bereft of an economic program, Republicans turn to social values, beliefs, and prejudices to gain votes and turn the clock back on the change that accompanies society's development. The GOP can no longer convince a majority of voters to support tax cuts for the rich, eliminating government regulations and cutting programs for the poor. In …

_____ (2023-05-30). The Secret of Erdogan's Success in the 2023 Election. Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not "Made in USA," Steven Sahiounie writes. | Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term as President of Turkey which will extend his time in power to a quarter of a century. The authoritarian leader has won another five years at the helm of a ship struggling in a sea of economic woes, that has seen inflation rise to an annual 44%, and the Turkish lira devalued. Economic experts point the blame squarely at Erdogan who has refused to follow economic policy and raise interest rates. | Erdogan won just over 52% of the vote against K…

infobrics (2023-05-31). BRICS Expanding Opportunities to Influence Global Governance. BRICS' economic rise also marks an important challenge to the US-led 'liberal world order' (2023-05-31). Business in border regions seen as critical to economic development. The newly-issued guideline by the General Office of the State Council on stabilizing trade growth has also touched on the importance of trade development in China's border regions. (2023-05-31). Hundreds of innovations shown during Beijing forum. The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, also called Beijing E-Town, developed 211 new products and technologies in 2022, many of which have filled domestic gaps, an official said during the 2023 ZGC forum held this week.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-31). India extends billion-dollar credit to Sri Lanka for one more year. Colombo, May 31 (Prensa Latina) India extended to Sri Lanka its one-billion-dollar credit line for another year to help the neighboring island, which is immersed in a serious economic crisis.

Don Monkerud (2023-05-30). The Phony War on American Culture. Bereft of an economic program, Republicans turn to social values, beliefs, and prejudices to gain votes and turn the clock back on the change that accompanies society's development. The GOP can no longer convince a majority of voters to support tax cuts for the rich, eliminating government regulations and cutting programs for the poor. In …

_____ (2023-05-30). The Secret of Erdogan's Success in the 2023 Election. Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not "Made in USA," Steven Sahiounie writes. | Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term as President of Turkey which will extend his time in power to a quarter of a century. The authoritarian leader has won another five years at the helm of a ship struggling in a sea of economic woes, that has seen inflation rise to an annual 44%, and the Turkish lira devalued. Economic experts point the blame squarely at Erdogan who has refused to follow economic policy and raise interest rates. | Erdogan won just over 52% of the vote against K…

Jeffrey Andreoni, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-05-30). From Bayanihan To Talkoot. For all of human history, societies have depended on communal work to sustain themselves into the (often unpredictable) future. However, at a certain point, that all changed. Market forces took over, and communal projects ceased to have the same significance. The individual took precedence over the community, and large public works became the purview of burgeoning states. | The classic North American example of such communal work projects is the Amish tradition of barn-raising, wherein the community gathers to help a neighbor erect their barn without remuneration or any expectation of reciprocity because, as we'l…

Trish Brown (2023-05-31). Prayer Helped Me Survive Poverty, But I Needed Government Help Too. You could say the blues have followed me wherever I've gone. | My mom came from a family of 18, picking cotton and peanuts in Georgia. My dad, who played the blues, couldn't read. He learned numbers selling produce. | I was born in Massachusetts, where my mom worked in the factories and raised me alone after my parents separated. She was always telling me, "Keep praying we'll get by." | The prayers helped, but thankfully they were supplemented by government cheese and cash assistance. Our country's social safety net has always been flawed, under-funded, and over-complicated. But it's also essential — and we…

Jake Johnson (2023-05-30). New Work Requirements for Food Aid Would Deepen Hunger and Poverty, Critics Warn. Hundreds of thousands of older Americans could soon be at risk of losing federal food aid and falling deeper into poverty due to a provision of the new debt ceiling agreement that expands work requirements in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a change that comes as food banks across the United States are seeing demand surge. The deal that the Biden White House reached with House… |

WSWS (2023-05-31). China growth rate falters as youth unemployment rises. The youth jobless rate has reached a record high of more than 20 percent with around 11.5 million graduates entering the labour force in coming months.

Dean Baker (2023-05-30). Homeownership Rate for Moderate-Income Households Hits Highest Level on Record. That's what the Census Bureau data for the first quarter of 2023 showed, in a report completely ignored by the media. While NPR was telling us that the homeownership rate reported in the 2020 Census hit its lowest level in half a century (this was the top of the hour news summary, no link), the …

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2023-05-30). Can Guaranteed Income Prevent Gentrification? Louisville activist Cassandra Webb has been working to curb violent crime in her city for years. | Cities United, the national nonprofit with which she works, has taken on the mission of violence reduction in the city from seemingly every angle: working with youth leaders at the ground level, convening a network of urban leaders and stakeholders, advancing place-based initiatives to align public and private resources with Louisville residents' vision for reversing disinvestment in their communities. | But increasingly, Webb says, it's become clear to her that some of these problems can only be solved through mone…

Joe Ajaero, Nigeria Labour Congress. (2023-05-31). Nigeria Labour Congress 'Outraged' That New President Ends Fuel Subsidies. We at the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) are outraged by the pronouncement of President Bola Tinubu removing the "fuel subsidy' without due consultations with critical stake holders or without putting in place palliative measures to cushion the harsh effects of the 'subsidy removal'. | Within hours of his pronouncement, the nation went into a tailspin due to a combination of service shut downs and product price hike, in some places representing over 300 per cent price adjustment. | By his insensitive decision, President Tinubu on his inauguration day brought tears and sorrow to millions of Nigerians instead of hop…

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-31). Sanders Report Uncovers Looming Child Care Cliff If Congress Lets Funding Expire. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) released a report on Tuesday finding that the U.S. is quickly hurtling toward a child care cliff that will plunge the country even deeper into its child care crisis come September unless Congress acts. The report, released by Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee chair Sanders and member Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington), finds that both families and… |

Alex Salmon (2023-05-31). Protest calls on Labor to fight climate change, not prepare for war. Stop AUKUS WA and Walyup Climate Action protested the Labor government's enormous AUKUS military spending. Alex Salmon and Leonie Lundie report.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-31). Stand Up Fight Back!LA Strike Wave As Writers Guild Rally & Other Unions Prepare To Strike. Thousands of Los Angeles members of the striking Writers Guild of America West and other unions and LA City SEIU had a strike vote and may join the writers on strike.

Liberation Staff (2023-05-31). Anti-communist backlash removes Elizabeth Gurley Flynn historical marker in Concord, NH. New Hampshire lawmakers removed a historical marker honoring the communist, feminist and labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn just two weeks after its installation in Concord.

Muhammed Shabeer, People's Dispatch. (2023-05-31). A Regime Of Private Corporations That Is Normalizing Fascism In Italy. Italy is one of a few countries in the European Union without a legal minimum wage; 21 out of 27 EU countries have instituted minimum wages. In Italy, minimum wages are only determined in collective labor agreements, but these salaries are often very low — around four to six euros per hour. In addition, Italy is the only country in the continent where since 1990, real wages are not growing — they even diminished by 3% in the last 30 years. Thus, one out of 10 people in Italy are working poor, among the youth, this number increases to one out of six. | Already a year ago, Potere al Popolo started a pol…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-31). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

WSWS (2023-05-31). The right-wing origins of Australia's indigenous Voice. A book by two central advocates of the Labor government's Voice scheme shows that, far from being a grassroots movement, it originated as a bid to head off anger and disaffection among ordinary indigenous people.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-31). México y EE.UU. acuerdan mayor colaboración contra el fentanilo. El canciller mexicano Marcelo Ebrard destacó al final de la reunión que en materia de fentanilo, se ha logrado mayor coordinación para identificar a los responsables.

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Turkmenistan & Iran Sign 5 Cooperation Agreements And 3 MoUs. On Tuesday, Iran and Turkmenistan signed five agreements and three memoranda of understanding (MoUs) aimed at improving cooperation in various areas, as reported by the official news agency, IRNA. | Related: | As per the report, the agreements were signed in Tehran in the presence of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. | The documents highlighted an emphasis on collaboration b…

Liberation Staff (2023-05-30). (VIDEO) Showdown at UPS: Workers ready to strike vs. corporate giant. In just a few months, the United States may experience a labor struggle the scale of which has not been seen in over 25 years.

infobrics (2023-05-30). NDB in Talks with Saudi Arabia to Expand Membership, Strengthening Financial Cooperation. The New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS group of major emerging economies, is reportedly in discussions with Saudi Arabia regarding its potential membership as the tenth member of the bank…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Ukraine: The Moment of Truth. Theiry Meyssan President Zelensky arrives in Japan on May 20, 2023, for the G7 summit. Since February 24, 2022, the eyes of the world have been on the Ukrainian conflict. The West is supporting Kiev financially, delivering incredible quantities of arms and ammunition, but is careful not to get directly involved in the theater of…

WSWS (2023-05-31). US budget deal will accelerate savage cuts to public education. Given the impact of inflation, the cap on spending to 2023 levels will mean a cut in billions of real dollars to already cash-strapped school districts.

WSWS (2023-05-30). Strikes at Manchester and Bradford FE Colleges as UCU negotiates below inflation deals. There is no attempt by the University and College Union to mount a unified campaign of strikes throughout further education, let alone with hundreds of thousands of educators under attack at universities and schools.

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). "Combat-credible forces across conflict continuum": U.S. leads NATO allies in Black Sea drills. U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMay 24, 2023 The third and final DEFENDER 23-linked exercise, Saber Guardian 23, begins May 24, 2023 Exercise Saber Guardian 23, the third and final connected exercise making up the Dynamic Employment of Forces to Europe for NATO Deterrence and Enhanced Readiness 2023 exercise, or DEFENDER 23, begins May 29. Led …

Staff (2023-05-30). Debt Deal Raises Military Spending & OKs WV Pipeline While Introducing New Work Rules for Food Stamps. President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are urging lawmakers to support a deal to suspend the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025, in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt for the first time in history. The two leaders reached a tentative agreement over the Memorial Day long weekend, but it must still be approved by Congress before a June 5 deadline, when the government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills. Both progressive lawmakers and members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus have expressed some opposition to the deal, which calls for nondefense discretionar…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

KATIE (2023-05-29). Now is the time to stop spyware profiteering.

Kim Kelly, In These Times. (2023-05-31). The Young Miners Dying Of 'An Old Man's Disease'. Adaptation is a way of life for John Moore. He's worked construction, run a wig shop and now promotes concerts. The wig shop idea came to him because his middle daughter was having trouble styling her thick, curly hair. He didn't know much about wigs, or hair in general, so he learned and started turning a profit soon after the grand opening. That's the kind of man he is‚Äâ—‚Äâsomeone who's always looking out for the next opportunity, the next chance to make it. | When we meet, Moore is wearing a black puffer jacket, a black durag, work boots and a cautious smile. He's soft…

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-30). Las Vegas Casinos Make It Harder To Win, Push Odds And Rules Against Players To Squeeze Profit. If you thought it was hard to win money in Las Vegas, casinos are making it even harder for visitors to win with lower payouts on blackjack hands, riskier bets on some roulette wheels and more cash required to play at many game tables. Paying out lower winnings to lower-end gamblers boosts casino profits as …

Staff (2023-05-31). Con Filo: Entre Marx y Lenin (+ Video). Entre Marx y Lenin, entre Martí y Fidel: esa ha sido la historia de Cuba. En ese empeño, establecemos las alianzas pertinentes, siempre que no comprometan nuestros principios. De esas alianzas y de la histérica reacción de nuestros odiadores ante ellas se habló este martes en Con Filo.

Staff (2023-05-31). Algunas reflexiones sobre plan y mercado en el modelo socialista cubano (I). Uno de los temas más discutidos en torno a la construcción del socialismo se ha referido a lo largo de los años a la permanencia de las relaciones monetario-mercantiles en este proceso y sus consecuencias para la nueva sociedad que se desea desarrollar. La opinión de Marx y Engels sobre el tema partía de considerar la desaparición del mercado en el socialismo.

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-30). 74 Percent of Voters Support Raising Federal Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour. Amid the longest period in Congressional history without any raising of the federal minimum wage, new polling finds that the vast majority of voters not only support raising the minimum wage, but also nearly tripling it. According to polling by Data for Progress released last week, 74 percent of voters support raising the federal minimum wage to $20 an hour — almost three times the current level… |

Muhammed Shabeer (2023-05-30). Giorgia Meloni government is a regime of private corporations that is normalizing fascism. Maurizio Coppola from Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) talks about his party's campaign for a 10 Euro minimum wage, the Giorgia Meloni government's attack on workers, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism and fascism…

WSWS (2023-05-31). San Diego bus drivers on strike against poor working conditions, unpaid breaks, lack of bathrooms and low wages. Workers are regularly forced to work six-day weeks, have 4-5 hours of unpaid time between split shifts, wages far below the cost of living and no access to safe and clean bathrooms.

mforinoco (2023-05-31). The Cultural Looting of Gaza. By Miko Peled — May 30, 2023 | There needs to be a particularly high standard of cynicism and cruelty to rob destitute people. In many ways, this is what capitalism is all about. But to use the fact that people are near ruin to exploit them is as cold as it gets. | People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders. | EXPLOI…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-30). Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Realities: Vijay Prashad (Interview). In this insightful discussion, Vijay Prashad, a prominent Indian historian and commentator, shared his valuable insights on various subjects, including the role of the Indian diaspora in shaping global perspectives on Indian politics and culture, his motivation to study the intersections of imperialism, capitalism, and globalization, and the enduring effects of colonialism on India and other colonized nations. Through his profound knowledge and expertise, Prashad provided thought-provoking perspectives that shed light on significant historical and contemporary issues. | As the Director of the Tricontinental: Inst…

Editor (2023-05-30). Ralph Nader: Inverted Corporate Capitalism—Blocking Their Owner-Shareholders. By Ralph Nader / It is the season of annual shareholder meetings for giant corporations when CEOs go through the motions of elections for their Board of Directors and approval of other resolutions. People who own stock in General Motors (GM) receive the "GM Meeting Information" in an envelope emblazoned with this disingenuous message: …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-30). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Succession Finale (w/ David Sirota). On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, Rivka and Frank are joined by David Sirota to break down the series finale of HBO's Succession.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice:

Staff (2023-05-31). Biden & Republicans Unite Against the Poor and the Environment. On today's episode Brian Becker and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss how Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have unveiled a "debt ceiling" agreement involving major attacks on workers and the environment. The two are now racing to push through Congress a deal that would see stepped up production of fossil fuels, cuts …

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). U.S. provides Poland with 800 Hellfire missiles. Defense NewsMay 30, 2023 Poland buys 800 Hellfire missiles to arms its new attack helicopters The Polish government has signed a deal to purchase 800 Hellfire II missiles that are to be carried by a new fleet of attack helicopters, with a request to buy Boeing AH-64E Apaches still in the pipeline. The contract for …

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-05-31). New speakers announced for Ecosocialism 2023 conference. An exciting new range of guest speakers at the Ecosocialism 2023 conference in Naarm/Melbourne July 1-2 have been announced. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Sue Bolton (2023-05-31). Councils must show solidarity, stop enabling drag panic. Merri-bek Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton argues that councils must not cave in to pressure from the homophobic far-right and cancel LGBTIQ gatherings because that enables "drag panic".

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-31). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Oppose the witch-hunting of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation workers. The Socialist Equality Party opposes the victimisation of SLIC workers and stands unconditionally in defense of the jobs and democratic rights of all insurance corporation employees.

WSWS (2023-05-31). "We are exploited all the time": New York City UPS workers speak out as July 31 contract deadline draws closer. Last week, UPS workers from Local 804 in New York City spoke with the World Socialist Web Site about the conditions they face in the most expensive city in the world and the struggle ahead.

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councillor resigns. Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora. Abayomi Azikiwe Kwame Nkrumah And Haile Selassie Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27,…

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councilllor resigns. Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-05-31). U.S. Empire Named Most Murderous Killing Machine In History. New study finds U.S. responsible for nearly 300 million deaths—and counting In September, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation—established by a bipartisan act of Congress in 1993—opened the Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, D.C., which aims to spotlight the plight of the alleged 100 million victims of Communist ideology. The 100 million figure was …

2023-05-31 18:01:25 | 18:01 EST | tr | 75 | 1 | 25 | 52 | 0 

2023-05-30: News Headlines

Anonymous834 (2023-05-30). Meta And Privacy: The Economy Of Data Transgressions. Click to see the full-size image | Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark. | Meta, to put it rather inelegantly, has a data non-compliance problem. That problem began in the original conception of Facebook, a social network conceived by that most anti-social of types, Mark Zuckerberg. (Who claims that these troubled sorts lack irony?) | On May 22, the European Union (2023-05-30). Big data key to high-tech development>. China's emphasis on building basic systems for data and putting data resources to better use will unleash the value of massive data resources and lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the digital economy, officials and experts said at the China International Big Data Industry Expo 2023, which ended on Sunday in Guiyang, Guizhou province. (2023-05-30). NDB sets new record with 8.5b 'panda bond'. The New Development Bank announced its successful issuance of a 8.5-billion-yuan ($1.2 billion) "panda bond" in the China interbank bond market on Monday.

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-30). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-05-29). Exchange rate depreciation and real wages. Most people, including even trained economists, fail to appreciate the fact that an exchange rate depreciation, if it is to work in reducing the trade deficit in a capitalist economy, must necessarily hurt the working class by lowering the real wage rate…

Dongsheng Collective (2023-05-29). Is China's housing market in trouble? In recent years, China's housing issue has been prominently featured in the Western media. Rapid urban development, skyrocketing prices, the dependency of local governments on land revenues, and the most "shocking", the rumored bankruptcy of the real estate giant Evergrande, 13 years after the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-2008 shook the world economy, aroused the attention of financial analysts everywhere. However, what is the actual situation of the real estate market in China and what is the government doing?

Ben Bartee (2023-05-30). Did Globalization Drive Far-Right Electoral Success in European States From 1990-2020? Introduction: | Globalization is the process of political, cultural, and economic integration of national economies and societies at the regional and international levels. This phenomenon arguably threatens the primacy of the state as the main actor on the international stage, supplanted …

Don Monkerud (2023-05-30). The Phony War on American Culture. Bereft of an economic program, Republicans turn to social values, beliefs, and prejudices to gain votes and turn the clock back on the change that accompanies society's development. The GOP can no longer convince a majority of voters to support tax cuts for the rich, eliminating government regulations and cutting programs for the poor. In … (2023-05-30). BRI energized by green solutions. Chinese companies are making strides to leverage resource strengths of economies involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to promote new energy cooperation and propel win-win results, with continuous increases in economic viability of BRI new energy projects, experts said. (2023-05-30). China warns EU against sanctions bid. So these normal economic cooperation and activities should not be interfered with, and they should not be the reason for any coercive measures from any side, either from the US or the European side."

Peter Koenig (2023-05-30). China's Belt and Road Diplomacy. Towards Economic Cooperation and Peace.

infobrics (2023-05-29). Call it "decoupling" or "de-risking", US economic war against China doomed to backfire. If forced to "pick a side", most countries may end up "decoupling" from the US instead.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions. Francisco R. Rodiguez Executive Summary This paper provides a comprehensive survey and assessment of the literature on the effects of economic sanctions on living standards in target countries. We identify 32 studies that apply quantitative econometric and calibration methods to cross-country and national data in order to assess the impact of economic sanctions on indicators…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). The G7, Economic Coercion and the Art of Projection. In this article for the Morning Star, Carlos Martinez addresses the "stunning hubris and hypocrisy of the imperialist powers" in accusing China of economic coercion. He points out that G7 states are all involved in multiple forms of economic coercion, and that the US is the world's sanctions superpower, imposing unilateral economic sanctions on nearly 40…

Fidel Vascós González (2023-05-29). Acerca del pensamiento económico de José Martí. Presentación en la Jornada por el 170 natalicio de José Martí organizada por la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de La Habana (SEAP) el 19 de mayo de 2023. | Se ha dicho con razón que el pensamiento de José…

Henry Heller, Canadian Dimension. (2023-05-29). Liberalism And The Spectre Of Inverted Totalitarianism. The conflict now raging between the West and Russia and China is a struggle for global power. At the end of the Second World War the economic weight and influence of the United States allowed it to dominate world trade and manufacturing but also to control financial markets as well as build a system of global political and military alliances and bases which reinforced its control. Today its imperial dominance is under threat. The US is trying to prevent the emergence of rivals for world hegemony and block the development of a multipolar world. But it still maintains a residual power based on the role of the dolla…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-29). Lula and Maduro criticized economic blockade against Venezuela. Brasilia, May 29 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva criticized the economic blockade against Venezuela, promoted by the United States, in a joint declaration with his peer Nicolás Maduro, who tomorrow will participate here in a South American summit.

Dr. Gary G. Kohls (2023-05-29). The High Costs of Military Air Shows. Author's Note and Update : | The US Navy's "Blue Angel" fighter jet squadron are scheduled to "perform" at Duluth, Minnesota's military air show on July 15/16, 2023. The economic and environmental costs of such pro-military propaganda stunts that heavily contribute to …

Graham Peebles (2023-05-29). The crowning fiasco: even the king looked embarrassed. The discussion around the British monarchy, which is starting to ignite and will grow and deepen, needs to take in the wider issue of wealth and income inequality and the poisonous economic system that fuels it.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-29). Government bid for EU membership deepens crisis in Moldova. On May 15, the head of the Moldovan parliament, Igor Grosu, announced the initiation of Moldova's withdrawal from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, a political and economic cooperation forum founded by…

Jake Johnson (2023-05-30). New Work Requirements for Food Aid Would Deepen Hunger and Poverty, Critics Warn. Hundreds of thousands of older Americans could soon be at risk of losing federal food aid and falling deeper into poverty due to a provision of the new debt ceiling agreement that expands work requirements in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a change that comes as food banks across the United States are seeing demand surge. The deal that the Biden White House reached with House… |

Sharon Parrott, Center on Budget, Policy Priorities. (2023-05-29). Debt Ceiling Agreement Improved, But Harmful Provisions Remain. While the debt ceiling agreement announced last night is a significant improvement over the radical House bill, it is not the deal the country deserves. There are a number of troubling elements, including the provision that will put at risk food assistance for very low-income older adults. This policy will increase hunger and poverty among that group, runs contrary to our nation's values, and should be rejected. The nation must pay its bills — but that shouldn't mean enacting legislation that leaves people who already struggle to afford the basics worse off. | We should never have been in this situation. We…

Dean Baker (2023-05-30). Homeownership Rate for Moderate-Income Households Hits Highest Level on Record. That's what the Census Bureau data for the first quarter of 2023 showed, in a report completely ignored by the media. While NPR was telling us that the homeownership rate reported in the 2020 Census hit its lowest level in half a century (this was the top of the hour news summary, no link), …

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-29). 2 Large Lenders Roll Out 1 Percent Down Payment Mortgages: 3 Things To Know. The two largest U.S. lenders are making homeownership more affordable for lower income Americans with a 1 percent down payment at a time when high home prices and interest rates have locked many would-be homeowners out of the market. For millennials, the downpayment is the No. 1 hurdle to homeownership, according to a report by …

_____ (2023-05-29). G7 Owes the Poor $13 Trillion in Unmet Pledges. Meanwhile… The G7 countries owe low- and middle-income countries US$ 13.3 trillion in unpaid aid and funding for climate action when one billion people risk cholera because of the reduction and non-payment of committed assistance.

Staff (2023-05-29). Free Julian Assange: Noam Chomsky, Dan Ellsberg & Jeremy Corbyn Lead Call at Belmarsh Tribunal. Former British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and famed linguist and dissident Noam Chomsky joined others earlier this year calling on President Biden to drop charges against Julian Assange. The WikiLeaks founder has been languishing for over four years in the harsh Belmarsh prison in London while appealing extradition to the United States. If he is extradited, tried and convicted, Assange faces up to 175 years in jail for violating the U.S. Espionage Act for publishing documents that exposed U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Belmarsh Tribunal at the National…

Gabriela Calugay-Casuga, Rabble. (2023-05-29). How Some Amazon Shareholders Allied With The Labour Movement. During Amazon's annual general meeting on May 24, a proposal for an independent audit on working conditions in Amazon warehouses did not pass. This was unsurprising after Amazon's Board of Directors advised their shareholders to vote against the proposal ahead of the meeting. | The Board of Directors recommended against passing the proposal because they claim that the company regularly enhances safety processes and programs, they have shared workforce incident rates, they are transparent about their commitment to improve workplace safety and because there are already "independent directors" who review workplace i…

Ana Ibis Falcón Lamoth (2023-05-30). Valencians enjoy Buena Fe's concert. The recital, sponsored by the "Jose Marti" Friendship Association of Valencia, with support from the State Movement of Solidarity with Cuba (MESC), took place in the premises of Intersindical Valenciana. | According to a press release sent to Prensa Latina by Cubainformacion Coordinator Jose Manzaneda, it was "a resounding success and proof that fascism will not pass," according to Rocio Raya, president of the "Jose Marti" Friendship Association of Valencia. | The concerts also counted on the collaboration of the "Caguairan" Association of Cuban Residents in Valencia, who expressed their willingness to protect t…

Black Rose Anarchist Federation + AK Press (2023-05-30). Tuesday 7/18: Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor & Armed Struggle in Uruguay '56-76. Tamarack Collective Bar + Restaurant | 1501 Harrison St. | Oakland, CA | 94612…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-30). Stand Up Fight Back!LA Strike Wave As Writers Guild Rally & Other Unions Prepare To Strike. Thousands of Los Angeles members of the striking Writers Guild of America West and other unions and LA City SEIU had a strike vote and may join the writers on strike.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-30). A New Generation of Organizers Are Building Union Power in the South By: Maximillian Alvarez>. Editor's Note: The following is the transcript of a special live episode of the Working People podcast. It was produced in collaboration with the Action Builder / Action Network team on March 21 in Atlanta, Georgia. In this panel discussion, Max speaks with local organizers about the specific challenges workers in the South face in their workplaces and in their efforts to organize—and how they are finding creative ways to overcome those challenges today. Panelists includ …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-30). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

Staff (2023-05-30). El sistema de seguridad social en Cuba cumple 60 años: "Hay que adoptar políticas que permitan garantizar estabilidad laboral" En 2023 se cumplen seis décadas de la promulgación del primer sistema de seguridad social en Cuba, la Ley 1 100 de 1963. Esa legislación y las que siguieron, como la Ley 1 165 (1964), Ley 24 (1979) o la Ley 105, han unificado beneficios y derechos de la seguridad y asistencia sociales para trabajadores, madres y padres, y personas en estado de vulnerabilidad.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-05-30). Naufragio en lago italiano deja cuatro fallecidos. Las labores de rescate se prolongaron durante toda la madrugada del domingo y hasta la mañana de este lunes.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-05-30). Asamblea de OMS aprueba resolución sobre Salud de Pueblos Indígenas. La resolución pide al director general de la OMS elaborar un plan de acción mundial para la salud de los Pueblos Indígenas.

Paul Petit (2023-05-29). South Australians oppose Labor's new anti-protest bill. South Australian unions, human rights, legal and community groups are campaigning against Labor's new draconian anti-protest laws, which passed the Legislative Assembly with the Liberal's support. Paul Petit reports.

_____ (2023-05-29). Coherence of Sustainable Development Goals through Artificial Intelligence. Elaboration of Strategic Sonnets as Memorable 14-Fold Modes of Aesthetic Presentation…

_____ (2023-05-29). Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki in China. 24 May 2023 – Eritrea can chart an exciting new development path through mutually respectful collaboration with China.

Derek Seidman (2023-05-29). One Small Union Is Stoking Much of the Militant New Graduate Worker Organizing. The past two years have seen a fresh wave of graduate worker militancy marked by bold strikes, new organizing drives and whopping union election victories. Indeed, the six largest union filings with the National Labor Relations Board in 2022 were all for graduate worker unions. Amid this surge, one union is showing up a surprising amount: the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America… |

Fight Back (2023-05-29). $26,000 pledged at online FRSO fundraising event. Minneapolis, MN — More than $26,000 was pledged at the May 25 Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) online fundraising event. The event featured Frank Chapman of the FRSO central committee member and executive director of National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, FRSO Standing Committee Member Fern Figueroa, and the FRSO Labor Commission Chair Cherrene Horazuk. | This means about $70,000 has been raised in the $130,000 fund drive that will help FRSO expand its national office and put more full-time organizers in the field. | Fern Figueroa, states, "Fundraising is an important part of o…

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-29). Biden Labor Board Restores Right To Use Heated Language.

WSWS (2023-05-30). Australian Rich List shows growing concentration of wealth at the very top. The holdings of the 10 wealthiest people in Australia increased by an average of 10 percent, to over $200 billion in total, during the past 12 months.

infobrics (2023-05-30). NDB in Talks with Saudi Arabia to Expand Membership, Strengthening Financial Cooperation. The New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS group of major emerging economies, is reportedly in discussions with Saudi Arabia regarding its potential membership as the tenth member of the bank…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Ukraine: The Moment of Truth. Theiry Meyssan President Zelensky arrives in Japan on May 20, 2023, for the G7 summit. Since February 24, 2022, the eyes of the world have been on the Ukrainian conflict. The West is supporting Kiev financially, delivering incredible quantities of arms and ammunition, but is careful not to get directly involved in the theater of…

teleSUR (2023-05-30). 9.2-Mln-Usd Worth of Drugs Confiscated in Australia's Sydney. On Tuesday, law enforcement authorities in the state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, announced that an individual has been indicted on charges associated with drug trafficking and financial improprieties after a seizure of approximately 12 kg of heroin and 16 kg of MDMA in the city of Sydney. | Related: | As per the declaration made by the New South Wales Police Force, around 12: 15 p.m local time, on Monday, detectives carried…

Anonymous103 (2023-05-29). The G7 Show: Certified Rotten. Source: Financial Times | Doubling down on failure | Written by The Japanese hosted the G7 Summit this year. Predictably is was Kabuki. A show with costumes, song and dance, incomprehensible to the audience. The story doesn't matter. | What can one say? | And, by the way, Modi and Lula were not impressed. Nor were the Vietnamese or the Indonesians. | Recently….: | Fi…

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-29). Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF "Great Reset"

Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada. (2023-05-29). NY Bill Would Stop Charities From Funding Israeli Crimes. A new bill would prevent New York state-based registered charities from funding illegal Israeli settlement activities in the occupied West Bank. | Introduced by state Assembly member Zohran Mamdani, the bill is the first of its kind in targeting US-based not-for-profit organizations involved in the violent dispossession and expulsion of Palestinians from their land. | Mamdani told The Electronic Intifada that representatives of human rights groups, including Jewish Voice for Peace, the Adalah Justice Project, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, came to his office "and…

Staff (2023-05-30). Debt Deal Raises Military Spending & OKs WV Pipeline While Introducing New Work Rules for Food Stamps. President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are urging lawmakers to support a deal to suspend the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025, in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt for the first time in history. The two leaders reached a tentative agreement over the Memorial Day long weekend, but it must still be approved by Congress before a June 5 deadline, when the government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills. Both progressive lawmakers and members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus have expressed some opposition to the deal, which calls for nondefense discretionar…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

Binoy Kampamrk (2023-05-29). Rogue consultants: PwC, tax evasion and getting clients. It has been galling to see that PwC executives' sharing of confidential information — notably tax policies — will not lead to them spending time in a prison cell. Binoy Kampark argues ATO whistle blower Richard Boyle's treatment could hardly be more different.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-29). Biden, McCarthy Agree on $886 Billion Military Budget. The debt ceiling agreement reached between the White House and House Republicans that was announced Sunday caps military spending at $886 billion for 2024, matching President Biden's requested budget. Republicans negotiating the debt ceiling deal only sought non-military spending cuts. The $886 billion cap for military spending represents about a 3.3% increase from 2023. The …

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-29). Russia Places Sen. Graham on Wanted List Over Dead Russians Comment. Russia has issued an arrest warrant for Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) over his comments about Russians dying in Ukraine and calling US spending on the proxy war with Russia the "best money we've ever spent." "Lindsey Olin Graham, an American citizen, born on July 9, 1955, is wanted under an article of the Russian Criminal …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-05-29). European Commission has initiated four pan-European projects for Digital IDs. The European Commission has set aside ‚Ǩ46 million (about £40 million) for four pan-European pilot projects of the European Digital Identity ("EUDI") wallet. The projects represent a combined investment of over ‚Ǩ90 …

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-30). Las Vegas Casinos Make It Harder To Win, Push Odds And Rules Against Players To Squeeze Profit. If you thought it was hard to win money in Las Vegas, casinos are making it even harder for visitors to win with lower payouts on blackjack hands, riskier bets on some roulette wheels and more cash required to play at many game tables. Paying out lower winnings to lower-end gamblers boosts casino profits as …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-05-29). Minnesota Not Very Nice: Opposing Medea Benjamin in Minneapolis. Report on counter-demo against red/brown organizer Medea Benjamin from so-called Minneapolis, MN. On an unseasonably cool May evening even by Minneapolis standards, a small and diverse group of antifascists stood outside of a building used by a number of Minneapolis non-profits, among them the local chapter of "Veterans for Peace" (VFP) and "Women Against Military…

KATIE (2023-05-29). Now is the time to stop spyware profiteering.

Peter Koenig (2023-05-29). WHO's Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-30). Hezbollah, Anti-Imperialism, and the Compatible Left By: Sammy Ismail. "such power and the people who excercised it, embodied a mystique, expressed not simply in guns but in books, uniforms, social behavior and a mass of manufactured products. Only by accepting these things and those who brought them would it be possible to penetrate this mystique and grasp the power which lay behind it" (Chris Clapham, Third World Politics: an introduction, 1985) The Middle East Institute, a Washington-based think-tank, assesses Hezbollah as the "most formid …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-30). How The U.S. War on Taiwanese Semiconductors Might Benefit Japan By: Vijay Prashad. On May 15, 2023, Berkshire Hathaway reported in a Form 13F filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it had completed the sale of its $4 billion stake in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC). This sale completed a process that began in February 2023, when Berkshire Hathaway announced that it sold 86 percent of its holdings in TSMC. In April, Berkshire Hathaway's leader Warren Buffett told Nikkei that the geopolitical tension between the United States and Chi …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-30). How Workers in the South Are Defying History By: Tom Conway. Workers at Blue Bird Corporation in Fort Valley, Georgia, launched a union drive to secure better wages, work-life balance, and a voice on the job.The company resisted them. History defied them. Geography worked against them.But they stood together, believed in themselves, and achieved a historic victory that's reverberating throughout the South.About 1,400 workers at the electric bus manufacturer voted overwhelmingly in May 2023 to join the United Steelworkers (USW), reflecting the …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-30). Ideology and Hypocrisy Amid Slavery and Democracy – Strange Bedfellows from Time Immemorial By: Stephen Joseph Scott. The history of the existence of slavery as an institution in antiquity and beyond is one of the most common; and, at the same time, one of the most complex tales to be told. Virtually every society, touching almost all the continents of the world, has had its own form of enslavement. The implication being that, nearly, every group of humankind whether racially, ethnically, or culturally categorized as diverse, unattached, or essentially separate, has been marked by the legacy and traditio …

Gilberto López y Rivas (2023-05-29). Las bases militares del imperialismo estadounidense. Para quienes consideran que los términos de imperialismo y colonialismo están pasados de moda, demodé, y prefieren utilizar eufemismos como globalización neoliberal o nuevo orden mundial, y refieren despectivamente a una ideologización de la ciencia social basada en un marxismo…

Jeremy Smith (2023-05-29). Federation University staff takes enterprise agreement protest to the CBD. National Tertiary Education Union members, students, families and community members joined a protest in the Wadawurrung/Ballarat CBD over an impasse in wages negotiations at Federation University. Jeremy Smith reports.

Miko Peled (2023-05-30). The Cultural Looting of Gaza. There needs to be a particularly high standard of cynicism and cruelty to rob destitute people. In many ways, this is what capitalism is all about. But to use the fact that people are near ruin to exploit them is as cold as it gets. | People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders. | Exploiting Gazans: | Israel exploi…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-05-30). Lee Camp: The Threat Of Dangerous Ideas And Why We Need Them. Political comedian Lee Camp recently published his second book, "Dangerous Ideas," which provides a bitter dose of reality in a way that makes it hard not to laugh. He explains that most journalists avoid covering the major crises of our times with any depth, leaving the public grossly misinformed. Camp, who has the courage to take on difficult topics, such as the oligarchy, capitalism, militarism and racism, and what to do about them, has had his work censored, banned and erased in retaliation. On Clearing the FOG, Camp discusses the challenges of living in a country that is afraid or unable to face reality and…

Editor (2023-05-30). Ralph Nader: Inverted Corporate Capitalism—Blocking Their Owner-Shareholders. By Ralph Nader / It is the season of annual shareholder meetings for giant corporations when CEOs go through the motions of elections for their Board of Directors and approval of other resolutions. People who own stock in General Motors (GM) receive the "GM Meeting Information" in an envelope emblazoned with this disingenuous message: …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-30). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Succession Finale (w/ David Sirota). On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, Rivka and Frank are joined by David Sirota to break down the series finale of HBO's Succession.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice:

Anonymous349 (2023-05-29). At Least 4 People Injured In Ukrainian Strikes On Russia's Belgorod Region. Click to see the full-size image | On May 29, two industrial facilities came under fire in the Shebekinsky district of the Belgorod region, one of them, a building with paint and varnish liquids, caught fire. | At least, four people were injured in the attack of the Kyiv regime. | The attack was confirmed by the Governor of the region Vyacheslav Gladkov."There are four victims — men, employees of the enterprise, moved to the Central District Hospital with burns of the respiratory tract and carbon monoxide p… (2023-05-30). Sports products from Yiwu sell well as Asian Games approach. Yiwu, the world's largest wholesale market for small commodities in east China's Zhejiang Province, has seen hot sale of sports goods. At the Yiwu International Trade Market, the number of foreign businessmen who came to purchase related products has increased rapidly."ÄÄ "ÄÄ…

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councilllor resigns. Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora. Abayomi Azikiwe Kwame Nkrumah And Haile Selassie Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27,…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-05-30). Low Pay and a Four-Day Workweek. Dolly Parton's signature song "9 to 5," and the

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-30). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

WSWS (2023-05-30). Introduction to Lawrence Porter's Marcus Garvey and the Reactionary Logic of Racialist Politics. Mehring Books is pleased to announce the publication of Marcus Garvey and the Reactionary Logic of Racialist Politics by Lawrence Porter, assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US).

Clodovaldo Hernández (2023-05-29). Fight Between PSUV and PCV is Unnecessary, Untimely, and Alien. By Clodovaldo Hernández — May 28, 2023 | Life turns on a dime: The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has never had as much public attention as it does these days. It has even become a trending topic on social media platforms despite the fact that many of their leaders do not use those platforms because they are weapons (although not necessarily dented) of imperialism. | I have the slight impression that this was not the purpose of those who, hailing from the government and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), wanted to knock out their former ally. These are, apparently, shots that have backfired.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-29). South Africa's Abahlali baseMjondolo continues struggle for true freedom. Every year, April 27 is commemorated as Freedom Day in South Africa. It marks the first elections with universal voting rights after the fall of white supremacist apartheid rule, 29 years ago. However, for South Africa's socialist militant shack dwellers' movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM), the occasion is an expression of how poor and otherwise marginalized communities in the country remain profoundly unfree. | Abahlali baseMjondolo's General Secretary Thapelo Mohapi talks about the true meaning of freedom for the masses of South Africa. (2023-05-30). Xi stresses accelerated efforts to build leading country in education. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, stressed accelerated efforts to build China into a leading country in education as the Party's leadership convened a study session on Monday. (2023-05-30). Xi calls for accelerated efforts to build leading country in education. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a group study session Monday on building a leading country in education. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the session.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). Venezuela: The Fight Between PSUV and PCV is Unnecessary, Untimely, and Alien. Clodovaldo Hernández Life turns on a dime: The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) had never had as much public attention as it does these days. It has even become a trending topic on social media platforms despite the fact that many of their leaders do not use those platforms because they are weapons (although not…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-29). Violations Mar Sudan's Ceasefire, Paramilitary RSF Occupies Communist Party's Office. Pavan Kulkarni A market in Khartoum that was destroyed in the fighting. Photo: Ayin Network "The occupation of our party office is a part of the ongoing attempts by the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces to silence the voice of the democratic forces that opposed this catastrophic war," SCP spokesperson Fathi Elfadl…

A Guest Author (2023-05-29). G7 in Hiroshima: a War summit. Published May 25 in Avante!, weekly newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party. Translation by John Catalinotto. Living in the illusion of past domination, the seven countries known as the G7 insist on trying to convey the idea that they are the seven largest economies in the world. But the reality . . . |

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-29). Cuban President congratulates workers in the tobacco sector. The president stressed on his Twitter account that every May 29 is celebrated the day of tobacco workers in honor of the birth of Lázaro Peña, the captain of the working class in Cuba. | Peña (1911-1974) was born in Havana into a very humble family that barely managed to support his public education for two years, until the death of his father forced him, as a child, to work in various trades to ensure the family's livelihood. | At the end of 1929 he joined the ranks of the clandestine Communist Party, actively participating in the organization of workers to fight against the dictatorship of Gerardo Machado (1925…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-05-29). Violations mar Sudan's soon-to-expire ceasefire, paramilitary RSF occupies Communist Party's office. "The occupation of our party office is a part of the ongoing attempts by the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces to silence the voice of the democratic forces that opposed this catastrophic war," SCP spokesperson Fathi Elfadl told Peoples Dispatch…

2023-05-30 19:04:32 | 19:04 EST | tr | 86 | 0 | 46 | 46 | 0 

2023-05-28: News Headlines (2023-05-28). Digital tech in spotlight at expo. China will ratchet up efforts to leverage emerging digital technologies to further bolster industrial upgrading, and build basic systems for data, as part of its broader drive to promote high-quality development of the digital economy, and tap the value of massive data resources more efficiently.

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-28). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds. (2023-05-27). China's Commerce Minister meets with U.S. Commerce Secretary. China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Washington on Thursday while Wang was attending the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting, according to the ministry.

JANET (2023-05-27). How capitalism drives climate catastrophe. By Maddi Johnson May 17, 2023 Portland, Oregon Since I moved to Oregon, all I've been hearing is: "This weather isn't normal. It's too hot in the summers, too cold in the winters." You hear the same story all across the globe. Every year, everywhere, new weather records are broken. Anecdotes aside, the data is indisputable. Already we've seen historical bread baskets start to fail. Places where crops have been grown for generations are suddenly no longer viable. Whether it's due to freak storms, temperature changes, lack of rain or water sources drying up, farmers are losing their livelihoods. The global economy…

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-05-27). Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing.'.

Staff (2023-05-27). China builds global alternative as US-led financial order decays. To analyze how China is building a global alternative as the US-led neoliberal financial order decays, political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by economic geographer Mick Dunford. You can find more episodes of Geopolitical Economy Hour here. Video Podcast Transcript RADHIKA DESAI: Hello and welcome to the 10th Geopolitical Economy Hour, the fortnightly …

William K. Black (2023-05-28). The Day Orthodox Economists Lost Their Minds and Integrity. The orthodox economic attack on MMT should be a 'slam dunk' — if orthodox economists were correct about MMT. (2023-05-28). Partnership poised for further economic growth. With the global financial scene evolving as Kenya pushes for stronger bilateral ties with its key trading partners, China remains among the top business and development partners for the East African economic powerhouse.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-28). Obsolete Cold War Attitudes Are Holding Europe Back By: Fiona Edwards. Instead, an independent foreign policy is desperately needed—and gaining support. Recently, the United States has been followed by a number of European countries in supporting a cold war policy toward Russia and China. This has created increasing problems in Europe—bringing a major war to the continent, creating serious economic difficulties, and intensifying a decline in living standards.In this context, the case for Europe establishing an independent foreign policy ha …

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-27). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-05-27). Angolan organizations address Africa's challenges. Luanda, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The celebration of the Africa Day on May 25th led to analyses in Angola over the economic problems of the continent and the desires for social justice.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-05-27). Video: Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. Michel Chossudovsky. First published on March 23, 2023 | We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona …

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-27). Presidente mexicano congela vínculos económicos con Perú. López Obrador también celebró la intervención de una comisión internacional que investiga la represión policial en Perú tras la destitución de Pedro Castillo.

Eesha Yaqoob, Saad Javed, Shehzad Ali Khan (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Trauma care in the face of climate change in Pakistan. The effect of climate change on society is broad and profound. Studies have shown that low-income countries face the greatest number of deaths due to disasters, with 33% of those deaths occurring in countries with the lowest human development indices.1 Extreme weather events have killed 10‚Äà000 people and caused US$4 billion of damage in Pakistan, which is continuously placed among the top ten most susceptible countries on the Climate Risk Index. The country is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to its high rates of multidimensional poverty.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-28). SF Chronicle PMWG Workers Demand Justice & Living Wages In Protest. Dozens of San Francisco Chronicle workers rallied at 12 noon on May 23 2023 to demand better wages and benefits. Many of the younger workers are forced to leave because of their income and the housing crisis.

Ruth Kutalek, Syed Masud Ahmed, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Tamara Giles-Vernick (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Community engagement: learning from low-income countries. We welcome Winnie Byanyima and colleagues'1 comment on community pandemic response emphasising the importance of community-led efforts for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, and highlighting the central role of social sciences in achieving this goal. Indeed, multiple actors involved in epidemic response have advocated involving communities, stakeholders, and civil society organisations in epidemic response efforts,2 particularly because top-down interventions cannot tackle underlying structural shortcomings that lead to distrust, rumours, and non-compliance.

Editor (2023-05-27). After Clearing MI5 of Torture, Keir Starmer Attended its Chief's Farewell Party. The year after he protected Jonathan Evans from possible prosecution, the U.K. Labour leader — then senior public prosecutor — went to the spymaster's farewell drinks, paid for by the security agency, Matt Kennard reports.

The Lancet (2023-05-27). Editorial] Childhood as a commodity: ending child labour. Children continue to be exposed to physical harm and denied education while toiling for long hours in the world's wealthiest nations. Children as young as 12 and 13 years have been engaged in labour involving midnight shifts, dangerous machinery, and punishing physical demands across industries supplying some of the USA's largest corporations according to a harrowing New York Times investigation. Most had migrated, unaccompanied, from central America. Uncertain of their immigration status and some indebted to traffickers, many considered dangerous labour safer than deportation.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation + AK Press (2023-05-28). Tuesday 7/18: Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor & Armed Struggle in Uruguay '56-76. Tamarack Collective Bar + Restaurant | 1501 Harrison St. | Oakland, CA | 94612…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-28). Stand Up Fight Back!LA Strike Wave As Writers Guild Rally & Other Unions Prepare To Strike. Thousands of Los Angeles members of the striking Writers Guild of America West and other unions and LA City SEIU had a strike vote and may join the writers on strike.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-28). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

Robert M. Schwartz, Labor Notes. (2023-05-28). Biden Labor Board Restores Right To Use Heated Language. In a landmark May Day ruling called Lion Elastomers, the National Labor Relations Board restored the rights of union representatives to use heated language, including occasional profanity, during arguments with management. | The Board ordered employer Lion Elastomers to reinstate steward Joseph Colone with full back pay going back to a 2018 discharge. | The ruling reversed the Trump era's infamous General Motors decision, which had upended 70 years of precedent protecting workers' rights to use strong language when pressing union points during grievance discussions and other meetings.

Alex Salmon (2023-05-27). WA firefighters take a stand for a pay rise, against exploitation. The United Professional Firefighters Union Western Australia is demanding that WA Labor negotiate, not dictate, on a new enterprise agreement. Alex Salmon reports.

mforinoco (2023-05-27). The Experience of Nicaragua in Managing the Covid Pandemic. By Coleen Littlejohn — May 27, 2023 | Nicaragua, the third poorest country in Latin America, has a population of approximately 6.7 million people but has the most extensive and well-equipped public health system in Central America. Since 2018, Nicaragua has had a pharmaceutical plant with the capacity to produce 12 million influenza vaccines per year and plans to produce antiviral drugs, such as Interferon Alfa/2B, and Covid vaccines. The National Reference Diagnostic Center is one of the pioneer laboratories of molecular biology in Latin America, second in the region. Recently, the government inaugurated th…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-27). Transportistas italianos realizan huelga por derechos laborales. La manifestación afecta los servicios ferroviarios, marítimos y de taxis.

Zaher Nahle (2023-05-27). Expanding Use of Primates in Drug Testing Is a Threat to Public Health. Between 2000 and 2020, an estimated 482,000 primates were imported into the U.S. to be experimented on in testing laboratories. All the while, pharmaceutical drug development has been mired in serious challenges, particularly during the animal-heavy research stages known as preclinical phases. Now, a series of supply chain disruptions have created a shortage of primates for laboratory testing use. |

JANET (2023-05-27). Harry Belafonte was more than a Civil Rights activist but a genuine internationalist. By Monica Moorehead and Pedro de la Hoz May 1, 2023 The great Jamaican-identified artist, Civil Rights activist and internationalist, Harry Belafonte, died from congestive heart failure at age 96 on April 25, 2023. Despite becoming the first Black person to win a TV Emmy award in 1960, a Broadway Tony award in 1954 and selling millions of recordings, Belafonte experienced racist discrimination firsthand, like most Black entertainers in the 1950s and 1960s, including his good friend, the late actor Sidney Poitier. Belafonte was an important political organizer and financial backer of the Civil Rights Movement led…

Scott Fullwiler (2023-05-28). Replacing the Budget Constraint with an Inflation Constraint. Let's stop pretending that replacing a budget constraint with an inflation constraint is so hard. (2023-05-28). Slow response worsens inflation control in U.S. At the forum, titled "The Fed: Lessons Learned From the Past Three Years", Bernanke and other high-profile economists analyzed the root causes of persistent inflation and formulated recommendations for policymakers.

mforinoco (2023-05-27). The Ecuador of Guillermo Lasso. By Tanya Wadhwa — May 27, 2023 | During Lasso's two years in office, Ecuador has registered the highest annual inflation of the decade, the highest rate of homicide in seven years, mass migration, and unprecedented drug-related activities. | On Wednesday morning, May 17, Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso

Webmaster (2023-05-27). Argentina adopting U.S. dollar to fight inflation would be 'insane' neocolonialism, says economist Ha-Joon Chang. Right-wing politicians in Argentina want to adopt the US dollar as the national currency to fight inflation. Development economist Ha-Joon Chang said this is "insane", warning dollarization would make the Latin American nation a "colony".

Fight Back (2023-05-27). Minnesotans testify to State Board of Investment to urge divestment from Israel. St. Paul, MN – The Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) meets quarterly to review investment reports and to hear from the public. Normally the meetings start around 10 a.m., but on May 25 the SBI started their meeting over three hours late. The Executive Board, which includes Governor Tim Walz, Secretary of State Steve Simon, Attorney General Keith Ellison and State Auditor Julie Blaha, heard testimony concerning taconite mining leases until after 1 p.m. | By the time the governor acknowledged the SBI meeting, most of the people who had come for the public meeting had been turned away due to the meeting bein…

Talha Burki (2023-05-27). World Report] Non-profit to appeal in court dispute with Global Fund. A court case was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, but the judge said that The Global Fund had intentionally smeared IRD, which supports tuberculosis care in Pakistan. Talha Burki reports.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-28). Republicans Want to Defund Our Libraries By: Sonali Kolhatkar. Claiming to protect children, Republicans are going after libraries and librarians instead of the police, gun manufacturers, and actual child sexual abusers. Missouri Republicans in early April voted to cut all public funding for libraries as part of their state budget proposal.Leading the move was Cody Smith, a top Republican lawmaker and chair of the state's budget committee, who made no attempt to hide the fact that he was retaliating against librarians because they dared to joi …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-28). US would rather see the world end than lose its supremacy By: Global Times. Editor's Note: The recent developments in East Asia, such as the détente between South Korea and Japan, South Korea's increasing hostility toward China, and the talk of a liaison office of NATO in Tokyo, have raised alert of observers, as the US escalates confrontation with China. What are the obstacles for East Asia to maintain peace? Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Wenwen discussed these issues with K.J. Noh (Noh), a US-based journalist, political analyst, writer and e …

midwesternmarx (2023-05-28). Western Marxism: The Unwholesome Temptation By: Greg Godels. Image credit: Left Voice. The history of Marxism has a parallel history of counter-Marxism — intellectual currents that posture as the true Marxism.Even before Marxism came into being as a coherent ideology, Marx and Engels devoted an often-neglected section of their 1848 Communist Manifesto to debunking the existing contenders for true socialism.As the workers' movement painfully sought a system of beliefs to animate its response to capital …

Emily Nonko, Next City. (2023-05-28). New Digital Legal Tool Helps Immigrant Workers Reclaim Stolen Wages. In the fall of 2018, Rodrigo Camarena caught an article in El Diario La Prensa, a Spanish-language newspaper in New York City, detailing the increase of wage theft for immigrant workers. One worker told the paper their employer threatened to call immigration services if they complained about not getting paid. | Camarena is director of Justicia Lab, which develops technology to support immigrants and advocates. "It made me really mad, knowing the problem got so much worse under the Trump administration," recalls Camarena. He reached out to Make the Road New York, an immigrant advocacy organization quoted in the ar…

CRD (2023-05-27). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Ralph Nader (2023-05-27). Inverted Corporate Capitalism: Blocking Their Owner-Shareholders. It is the season of annual shareholder meetings for giant corporations when CEOs go through the motions of elections for their Board of Directors and approval of other resolutions. People who own stock in General Motors (GM) receive the "GM Meeting Information" in an envelope emblazoned with this disingenuous message: "Your Voice/Your Vote/Be Heard. Every …

WSWS (2023-05-27). Australia: 95-year-old Clare Nowland dies after police tasering. Born in 1928, Nowland lived through the Great Depression, World War II and more than three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, but did not survive an encounter with NSW Police.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-05-27). Inicia construcción de Planta de Bioinsumos en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. La planta tiene el objetivo de industrializar fertilizantes para mejorar la producción agrícola.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-05-28). Bidding Farewell To The American Century. Like Cicero in the Roman Republic, there are always a handful of chroniclers who can see and articulate clearly the social, cultural, and political realities of empires in terminal decline. They call out the bankruptcy of an inept and corrupt ruling class, blinded by hubris, as well as a populace that has checked out of civic life and is entranced by bread and circus spectacles. In his trilogy Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, Chambers Johnson does a masterful job of showing how and why we are disintegrating. So does Andrew Bacevich, who, in his newest book of e…

WSWS (2023-05-27). Erdoƒüan runs phony "anti-imperialist" populist campaign in Turkish elections. Erdoƒüan can posture as an anti-imperialist and a friend of working people and refugees thanks to the political bankruptcy of his rival, Kemal Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu.

John Clarke (2023-05-28). Capital and Resistance: A Review of Socialist Register 2023. This volume is the first in nearly forty years in which Leo Panitch didn't play a direct role. Though last year's volume was produced following his…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-28). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-28). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online… (2023-05-27). How Israel helped bring down Jeremy Corbyn. The story of how a hostile foreign government helped stop a socialist becoming Britain's prime minister.

Eds. (2023-05-27). The fight for migrant rights in the U.S.: an interview with Justin Akers Chacón. Justin Akers Chacón, a socialist based in San Diego, California, campaigns for worker and migrant rights in the US-Mexico border region and is the author of The border crossed us: the case for opening the US-Mexico border. He caught up with Red Flag to discuss immigrant rights in the US under Democratic President Joe Biden.

WSWS (2023-05-27). Video: Stellantis workers at Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan support striking workers at Clarios. This week, the World Socialist Web Site spoke to autoworkers at Warren Truck outside of Detroit about the ongoing strike of 525 Clarios workers in Ohio.

thecommunists (2023-05-27). Caleb Maupin and Harpal Brar: Chinese Revolution 2: The PLA and WW2. In this second part of a wide-ranging discussion on the Chinese Revolution, Harpal Brar and Caleb Maupin continue in their assessment of the struggle between the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang (KMT). ***** Continuing directly on from the first part of their discussion on the Chinese Revolution, our commentators look at the early …

2023-05-28 13:58:47 | 13:58 EST | tr | 52 | 2 | 32 | 20 | 0 

2023-05-27: News Headlines

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-27). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds. (2023-05-27). Digital tech in spotlight at expo. China will ratchet up efforts to leverage emerging digital technologies to further bolster industrial upgrading, and build basic systems for data, as part of its broader drive to promote high-quality development of the digital economy, and tap the value of massive data resources more efficiently.

Colin Todhunter (2023-05-26). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Dan Collyns (2023-05-26). Ecuador political crisis holds up trade deal with China. Ecuador and China signed a free trade agreement earlier this month that will deepen ties between the small Andean nation and the world's second-biggest economy. The trade deal needs to be ratified by Ecuador's parliament which is currently dissolved until fresh elections are held in … (2023-05-26). Chinese, U.S. commerce ministers hold talks in Washington. China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo held talks in Washington on Thursday, engaging in frank, professional and constructive exchanges on China-U.S. economic and trade relations as well as issues of common concern. (2023-05-26). China's Commerce Minister meets with U.S. Commerce Secretary. China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Washington on Thursday while Wang was attending the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting, according to the ministry.

teleSUR (2023-05-26). Mexican Economy Grows 3.7% In The First Quarter – Inegi. Revised figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) released on Friday indicated that Mexico's economy grew 3.7 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2022. | RELATED: | Inegi reported last April 28 preliminary growth of 3.9 percent between January and March for the country's economy, the second largest in Latin America after Brazil. | Inegi's revision d…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-27). Presidente mexicano congela vínculos económicos con Perú. López Obrador también celebró la intervención de una comisión internacional que investiga la represión policial en Perú tras la destitución de Pedro Castillo.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-05-27). Angolan organizations address Africa's challenges. Luanda, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The celebration of the Africa Day on May 25th led to analyses in Angola over the economic problems of the continent and the desires for social justice.

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-26). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination. (2023-05-26). 'Broad' scope for Sino-Swedish biz ties. The prospects for economic and trade cooperation between China and Sweden are broad, said Ludvig Nilsson, chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.

infobrics (2023-05-26). US might use credit default to attack competitors. Increasing the debt ceiling won't save US from economic woes.

Kenny Stancil (2023-05-26). Among the GOP's debt ceiling hostages? Social Security payments for oldest Americans. "The choice facing the executive branch is clear: Act or default; act or increase the suffering of millions; act or go into economic tailspin."

Kim Petersen (2023-05-26). Does China Have a Huge Problem Despite Impressive Economic Development? The G7 has recently wound up its meeting in Hiroshima, and the participants joined to affirm their fear of the Threat of China. British media reported that prime minister Rishi Sunak said: "China poses the biggest challenge to global security and prosperity of our age with the 'means and intent to reshape the world order'." The …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-05-26). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity. (2023-05-26). Partnership poised for further economic growth. With the global financial scene evolving as Kenya pushes for stronger bilateral ties with its key trading partners, China remains among the top business and development partners for the East African economic powerhouse.

Vince Montes (2023-05-26). Towards a Multipolar World? Does "Global Realignment" Provide an Opportunity for Nations to Exercise Self-Determination? The Case of Puerto Rico. Do the emergence of a seemingly multipolar world and the declining power of the US (mainly its constant economic crises, falling rates of profit, recession, excessive debt, etc.) provide an opportunity for Puerto Rico and other nations to achieve self-determination?…

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-26). Seeds Of Economic Recovery Are Already Sprouting Roots In The Bronx.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-05-26). Kazakhstan will limit its integration to the economic field. Astana, May 26 (Prensa Latina) Kazakhstan is committed to limiting the integration processes in the Eurasian space to the economic sphere, without establishing unions with other states, said the spokesman for the Presidency of Kazakhstan, Ruslan Zheldibay.

Eesha Yaqoob, Saad Javed, Shehzad Ali Khan (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Trauma care in the face of climate change in Pakistan. The effect of climate change on society is broad and profound. Studies have shown that low-income countries face the greatest number of deaths due to disasters, with 33% of those deaths occurring in countries with the lowest human development indices.1 Extreme weather events have killed 10‚Äà000 people and caused US$4 billion of damage in Pakistan, which is continuously placed among the top ten most susceptible countries on the Climate Risk Index. The country is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to its high rates of multidimensional poverty.

Joelle Fishman (2023-05-26). 1,700 Connecticut caregivers facing poverty go on strike at six group homes. HARTFORD, Conn.—Over 1,700 union group home and day program workers providing care for individuals with disabilities in six Medicaid-funded agencies across the state walked off their jobs on Wednesday, May 24, in an indefinite strike to end poverty. They are members of SEIU District 1199NE. After picketing in the morning, the caregivers moved to the …

Cara Brumfield (2023-05-26). Work Requirements Won't Solve Labor Shortages. For decades, Republican lawmakers have sought to deny benefits to people experiencing poverty unless they can prove they are either working or actively looking for work. Now those efforts have been ramped into overdrive.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-27). SF Chronicle PMWG Workers Demand Justice & Living Wages In Protest. Dozens of San Francisco Chronicle workers rallied at 12 noon on May 23 2023 to demand better wages and benefits. Many of the younger workers are forced to leave because of their income and the housing crisis.

Ruth Kutalek, Syed Masud Ahmed, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Tamara Giles-Vernick (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Community engagement: learning from low-income countries. We welcome Winnie Byanyima and colleagues'1 comment on community pandemic response emphasising the importance of community-led efforts for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, and highlighting the central role of social sciences in achieving this goal. Indeed, multiple actors involved in epidemic response have advocated involving communities, stakeholders, and civil society organisations in epidemic response efforts,2 particularly because top-down interventions cannot tackle underlying structural shortcomings that lead to distrust, rumours, and non-compliance.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-05-26). Russia denounces Western intentions regarding grain agreement. "The agreement was presented with the objective of reducing threats to food security and help countries in need in Asia, Africa and Latin America. However, it turned out to be a screen to facilitate exports to Western powers," the diplomat said during the 11th International Meeting of Senior Security Representatives. | According to the deputy minister, since August 1st, 2022, a total of more than 30.3 million tons of grain have been exported from the ports of Odessa, Yuzhni and Chernomorsk. "Most of the production, some 80 percent, went to high-income and above-average countries, including the European Union, wi…

The Lancet (2023-05-27). Editorial] Childhood as a commodity: ending child labour. Children continue to be exposed to physical harm and denied education while toiling for long hours in the world's wealthiest nations. Children as young as 12 and 13 years have been engaged in labour involving midnight shifts, dangerous machinery, and punishing physical demands across industries supplying some of the USA's largest corporations according to a harrowing New York Times investigation. Most had migrated, unaccompanied, from central America. Uncertain of their immigration status and some indebted to traffickers, many considered dangerous labour safer than deportation.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation + AK Press (2023-05-27). Tuesday 7/18: Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor & Armed Struggle in Uruguay '56-76. Tamarack Collective Bar + Restaurant | 1501 Harrison St. | Oakland, CA | 94612…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-27). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-27). Transportistas italianos realizan huelga por derechos laborales. La manifestación afecta los servicios ferroviarios, marítimos y de taxis.

Harm Venhuizen (2023-05-26). U.S. capitalism needs more cheap workers; Republicans respond by weakening child labor laws. MADISON, Wis. (AP)—Lawmakers in several states are embracing legislation to let children work in more hazardous occupations, for more hours on school nights, and in expanded roles, including serving alcohol in bars and restaurants as young as 14. The efforts to significantly roll back labor rules are largely led by Republican lawmakers to address worker shortages …

Suzanne James (2023-05-26). Independent MP Judy Hannan speaks out on gambling reform, koalas and housing. Suzanne James spoke to newly-elected female Independent MP Judy Hannan about the opportunities for a progressive cross-bench with a minority NSW Labor government.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-26). Docentes y sanitarios españoles reclamarán mejores condiciones laborales. Se estima que cerca de 78.000 trabajadores de ambos sectores se unirán a una huelga por mejores salarios y mayor inversión.

Harm Venhuizen (2023-05-26). U.S. capitalism needs more cheap labor; Republicans respond by weakening child labor laws. MADISON, Wis. (AP)—Lawmakers in several states are embracing legislation to let children work in more hazardous occupations, for more hours on school nights, and in expanded roles, including serving alcohol in bars and restaurants as young as 14. The efforts to significantly roll back labor rules are largely led by Republican lawmakers to address worker shortages …

Brittani Banks (2023-05-26). A New Generation of Organizers Are Building Union Power in the South. Editor's Note: The following is the transcript of a special live episode of the Working People podcast. It was produced in collaboration with the Action Builder / Action Network team on March 21 in Atlanta, Georgia. In this panel discussion, Max speaks with local organizers about the specific challenges workers in the South face in …

CounterSpin (2023-05-26). Eric Thurm on the Hollywood Writers' Strike. CounterSpin230526.mp3 GQ ( This week on CounterSpin: Going on strike is something that people with no personal experience are comfortable depicting as frivolous and selfish. That extends to many corporate news reporters, who appear unable to present a labor action as other than, first and foremost, an unwonted interruption of a natural order. However else they explain the issues at stake, or humanistically portray individual strikers, the overarching narrative is that workers are pressing their luck, and that owners who make the…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-05-26). Cuba signs collaboration agreement with Catalonia. Barcelona, May 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba renewed the Collaboration Agreement with the General Council of Chambers of Catalonia, at the conclusion of a business visit to Spain that was described as "fruitful".

teleSUR (2023-05-26). Australia: 1st Portable Hydrogen Generator Developing. Researchers from Australia's national research agency have launched a project to develop the first portable green hydrogen generator in the nation. | Related: | On Friday, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) started a project with a funding of 10 million Australian dollars (around 6. 5 million U.S. dollars) that aims to design and construct an easily deployable device able to generate environmen…

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-26). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

_____ (2023-05-26). Britain At War-Provoking The Consequences. On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries. One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Mickey Z. (2023-05-26). Doing Squats with John Gotti's Lawyer. My first personal trainer job was a doozy. I launched my career at New York City's decadently scandalous Vertical Club — sort of the Studio 54 of gyms. On a nightly basis, I interacted with the Big Apple's financial/social elite (and their myriad hangers-on). As for celebrities, it was always veritable who's who — from …

WSWS (2023-05-26). Australian unions hail announcement of new Qantas boss. As chief financial officer, Vanessa Hudson presided over a $1 billion cost-cutting plan during the pandemic, which included the destruction of "at least 6,000" jobs.

Owen Fairclough (2023-05-26). U.S. debt ceiling fight causing financial damage. The U.S. has a new deadline to solve the debt ceiling crisis: June 5. The Treasury Department says that's the day the country risks defaulting on its $31.4 trillion public debt if the ceiling isn't raised. But the crisis is already causing damage.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-26). Britain at War: Provoking the Consequences. Christopher Black On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries. One has to wonder what universe Mr….

MEE staff (2023-05-26). Erdogan will show 'gratitude' to Gulf states for financial support after election. Erdogan will show 'gratitude' to Gulf states for financial support after election | Turkey is likely to be more dependent on Gulf states and Russia for financial support if Erdogan wins reelection | Fri, 05/26/2023 – 18: 50 | Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan (R), accompanied by his wife Ermine Erdogan, waves to supporters at AK Party headquarters in Ankara, Turkey, on 15 May 2023 (AFP) | Turkish President R…

teleSUR (2023-05-26). US Urges Debt Ceiling Agreement. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen revealed on Friday that lawmakers have just over a week to reach an agreement on the debt ceiling before the federal agency runs out of funds and starts defaulting on its financial obligations. | Related: | The government will run out of money to pay its bills on June 5, triggering a dire default unless Congress raises the $31.4 trillion debt ceiling. | "Based on the most recent available data, we now estimate that the Treasury will… (2023-05-27). Slow response worsens inflation control in U.S. At the forum, titled "The Fed: Lessons Learned From the Past Three Years", Bernanke and other high-profile economists analyzed the root causes of persistent inflation and formulated recommendations for policymakers.

teleSUR (2023-05-26). NYC Prohibits Discrimination Based on Weight or Height. On Friday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed into law a bill that prohibits discriminating against anyone based on their height or weight in employment, housing, or public places. | RELATED: | "No one should be discriminated against because of their height and weight. We all deserve equal access to employment, housing, and public spaces, regardless of our appearance," Adams said after signing a law promoted by Dominican-…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-05-26). NY bill would stop charities from funding Israeli crimes. State-registered groups send at least $60 million a year to Israeli settler organizations.

John Bachtell (2023-05-26). Are lawmakers close to a deal to raise the debt limit? White House spokespeople and Republicans neared a deal yesterday that would hike the debt limit for two years while putting a ceiling on federal spending on everything except the military and veterans benefits for the next two-year period. That would prevent Republicans from holding the nation hostage again for the remainder of the Biden administration. …

progressive (2023-05-26). Smoking Gun: U.S. Military Spending, By the Numbers. A visual breakdown.

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-05-26). 'Clean energy is moving fast': Investments in renewables will overtake fossil fuels for the first time this year, IEA says. The global energy crisis that followed Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as the growing affordability of renewables, has given rise to more sustainable alternatives. (2023-05-26). China criticizes G7's double-talk on decoupling. China has called on the Group of Seven not to abuse trade and investment restrictions and deliver on their commitments to not decouple from China, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. (2023-05-26). GBA promising prospect for overseas Chinese. Many investment and business opportunities have been created as Guangdong province goes all out to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Ray Bailey (2023-05-26). How protests that double as trainings are growing this fossil fuel divestment campaign. The activists represented a broad coalition of grassroots organizations that had come to Malvern to stage an intervention over Vanguard's $300 billion investments in fossil fuels.

Florence CGTN (2023-05-26). Fight for gender equity in the workplace. One of the world's largest investment banks, Goldman Sachs, recently agreed to a $215 million payout to settle a class action lawsuit brought against the bank by a group of women. They accused Goldman Sachs of paying male employees more than their female counterparts.

Talha Burki (2023-05-27). World Report] Non-profit to appeal in court dispute with Global Fund. A court case was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, but the judge said that The Global Fund had intentionally smeared IRD, which supports tuberculosis care in Pakistan. Talha Burki reports.

WSWS (2023-05-26). Sri Lankan government's "let it rip" policy produces COVID-19 surge. Colombo continues to cover up the growing danger of a new wave of the deadly COVID-19, while maintaining its criminal "let it rip" policies which place profits before human lives.

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2023-05-26). CovertAction Bulletin — Eyewitness: Horrors at the Border from Biden's Policies. What is the real impact of Biden's anti-immigrant policies on the border and where is the outrage? On May 11, the U.S. government's Title 42 regulation expired. It had been in place for three years and prevented nearly all people who sought asylum in the United States from applying for it…

WSWS (2023-05-26). San Francisco Chronicle writers hold lunch-hour picket to protest low wages. The one-hour walk-out highlights the dire conditions facing news writers, and the need to unite their struggle with ongoing strikes in Hollywood and New York.

WSWS (2023-05-26). Australia: Telstra targets poor with price hike while slashing jobs and wages. While increasing its lowest-cost mobile phone plans by 20 percent, Telstra is slashing hundreds of jobs and imposing real wage cuts.

CRD (2023-05-27). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-26). On African Liberation Day, there is renewed focus on struggle against capitalism and imperialism. May 25 is African Liberation Day, marking the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. 60 years later, the struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism is not complete…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-05-26). Unity is an imperative: reclaiming African Liberation Day, 60 years on. African Liberation Day marks the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. While the idea of 'liberation' has since been removed in letter, and even in spirit, from official commemorations of the day, radical forces have held onto it in their fight against capitalism…

WSWS (2023-05-27). Australia: 95-year-old Clare Nowland dies after police tasering. Born in 1928, Nowland lived through the Great Depression, World War II and more than three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, but did not survive an encounter with NSW Police.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-05-27). Inicia construcción de Planta de Bioinsumos en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. La planta tiene el objetivo de industrializar fertilizantes para mejorar la producción agrícola.

Staff (2023-05-26). Matanzas: Avistada tromba en altura sobre zona industrial. Una tromba en la altura fue avistada hoy a la 1: 55 minutos de la tarde próxima a la zona industrial de esta ciudad cubana, situada a unos 100 kilómetros al este de La Habana, fenómeno que no ocasionó daños.

WSWS (2023-05-27). Erdoƒüan runs phony "anti-imperialist" populist campaign in Turkish elections. Erdoƒüan can posture as an anti-imperialist and a friend of working people and refugees thanks to the political bankruptcy of his rival, Kemal Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu.

Chris Hedges (2023-05-26). Bidding farewell to the American century. Like Cicero in the Roman Republic, there are always a handful of chroniclers who can see and articulate clearly the social, cultural, and political realities of empires in terminal decline. They call out the bankruptcy of an inept and corrupt ruling class, blinded by hubris, as well as a populace that has checked out of civic life and is entranced by bread and circus spectacles. In his trilogy Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, Chambers Johnson does a masterful job of showing how and why we are disintegrating. So does Andrew Bacevich, who, in his newest boo…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-27). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-27). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online…

WSWS (2023-05-27). Video: Stellantis workers at Warren Truck Assembly Plant in Michigan support striking workers at Clarios. This week, the World Socialist Web Site spoke to autoworkers at Warren Truck outside of Detroit about the ongoing strike of 525 Clarios workers in Ohio.

Daniel Woo (2023-05-26). Socialist Lalo Vargas announces campaign for CD14 in Los Angeles. On May 20, in Lincoln Heights, Lalo Vargas, the first openly socialist candidate launched their campaign for Los Angeles City Council District 14 — contesting the seat of disgraced Councilmember Kevin de Leon.

Pablo Dávalos (2023-05-26). Inteligencia artificial, extractivismo digital y socialismo. En noviembre del año 2022, la empresa OpenAI, abría al público el acceso al programa de inteligencia artificial ChatGPT (por Generative Pretrained Transformer). A partir de entonces se desató una carrera por la inteligencia artificial entre varias empresas y varias…

Herman Michiel (2023-05-26). European Parliament to Join the Militarisation Path. The European Union is "in urgent war mode,"

2023-05-27 10:55:12 | 10:55 EST | tr | 76 | 0 | 60 | 22 | 0 

2023-05-26: News Headlines (2023-05-26). Chinese, U.S. commerce ministers hold talks in Washington. China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo held talks in Washington on Thursday, engaging in frank, professional and constructive exchanges on China-U.S. economic and trade relations as well as issues of common concern. (2023-05-26). China's Commerce Minister meets with U.S. Commerce Secretary. China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo in Washington on Thursday while Wang was attending the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting, according to the ministry.

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-26). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds.

Colin Todhunter (2023-05-26). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Anonymous834 (2023-05-25). US Military Aid To Ukraine Could Be Suspended Due To Debt Ceiling — Media. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. The Hill reported that US military funding to Ukraine could be suspended…

Ben Norton, Michael Hudson (2023-05-25). Origins of debt: Michael Hudson reveals how financial oligarchies in Greece & Rome shaped our world. Economist Michael Hudson discusses the origin of Western debt-based societies and the research in his book "The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization's Oligarchic Turning Point".

Ben Norton (2023-05-25). Argentina adopting US dollar to fight inflation would be 'insane' neocolonialism, says economist Ha-Joon Chang. Right-wing politicians in Argentina want to adopt the US dollar as the national currency to fight inflation. Development economist Ha-Joon Chang said this is "insane", warning dollarization would make the Latin American nation a "colony".

infobrics (2023-05-25). Could BRICS Rescue Argentina's Economy?>. Right-wing presidential candidates tout commitment to the West, but severe financial crisis could necessitate a shift…

Staff (2023-05-25). Headlines for May 25, 2023. Anti-Kremlin Militia That Staged Attacks in Russia Used U.S.-Made Armored Vehicles, Fighting Punctures Ceasefire in Khartoum as U.N. Warns 1.3M Have Fled Sudan, U.N. Appeal for Aid to Drought-Stricken Horn of Africa Falls Far Short of Goal, After Battering Guam, Typhoon Mawar Heads Toward Philippines as Category 5 Storm, German Police Stage Nationwide Raids Against "Last Generation" Climate Action Group, Watchdog Says 90% of Chevron's Carbon Offsets Are "Junk", Rep. Matt Gaetz Admits Republicans Are Holding U.S. Economy "Hostage" over Debt Limit, Ron DeSantis Launches 202…

Staff (2023-05-25). Venezuela at Eurasian Economic Union Summit: 'The World Needs New International Financial System'. During a speech at the Second Summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, urged participants to reflect on the need to create a new international financial infrastructure, and further highlighted the importance of creating an economic model that serves humanity, and does not solely serve hegemonic forces. | The Venezuelan vice president made a call at the summit, held this Wednesday, May 24, for nations of the region and beyond to resume their leading role in the world economy. She further elaborated, explaining that 23 years ago the world's main trading partner…

Staff (2023-05-25). Democrats Want Biden Back In The Basement. America's Lawyer E54: The Democratic Party doesn't want to have a primary for the 2024 election, even as challengers to President Biden gain momentum. A new report has revealed that Senator Dianne Feinstein's health problems have been covered up by her staffers for YEARS. And Florida governor Ron DeSantis is tanking Florida's entire economy with …

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-26). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination. (2023-05-26). 'Broad' scope for Sino-Swedish biz ties. The prospects for economic and trade cooperation between China and Sweden are broad, said Ludvig Nilsson, chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-05-26). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-05-25). Venezuela Rejects 'Cynical' US Report on Terrorism: 'Sanctions Are the Real Terror'. Caracas condemned the US' "infamous war on terror" and the imposition of economic sanctions against one-third of the planet. (2023-05-26). 'Broad' scope for Sino-Swedish biz ties. The prospects for economic and trade cooperation between China and Sweden are broad, said Ludvig Nilsson, chairman of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-05-26). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-05-25). Venezuela Rejects 'Cynical' US Report on Terrorism: 'Sanctions Are the Real Terror'. Caracas condemned the US' "infamous war on terror" and the imposition of economic sanctions against one-third of the planet.

Editor (2023-05-25). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions: Event Summary. By Francisco R. Rodríguez and Mark Weisbrot / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) On May 19, 2023, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) brought together leading experts in the study of economic sanctions to help to answer a critical, but often-ignored, question: What are the human consequences of US economic sanctions? …

Fight Back (2023-05-25). Detroit day of resistance sends message: "No to APEC! Not in our city!" Detroit, MI – The International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), Public Citizen, and local organizers united in a day of resistance to APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). The senior officials of APEC stopped in Detroit for some of their U.S. meetings to solidify the IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) deal. | The IPEF represents more of the same failed policy the U.S. attempts to push on workers both here and abroad – hyper exploitation and investment abroad, deindustrialization and unemployment at home. Much like the embattled TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) which was pushed by the U.S. until 2…

A Guest Author (2023-05-25). ALU's Chris Smalls: 'Worker solidarity doesn't stop at the border'. Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls greets Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on May 1, 2023. By Chris Smalls On May Day, I joined a delegation of organizers on a trip to Cuba to show solidarity with the Cuban people and call out the injustice that is an economic . . . |

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Armenia And Azerbaijan Move To Normalize Bilateral Relations. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met Thursday in Moscow and announced that they are ready to normalize relations on the basis of mutual recognition of territorial integrity. | RELATED: | The meeting was held within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Council, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said that "in my opinion, on the whole, despite the difficulties and…

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Eurasian Economic Union-BRICS Turnover Increases by 60 Pct. On Wednesday, as part of the first day of the Eurasian Economic Forum (EEF) held in Moscow, policymakers discussed the key areas of cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and the BRICS. | RELATED: | Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich said that if we look at the volume of foreign trade of the EAEU members with the…

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Putin Calls for Enhanced Eurasian Union-LATAM Cooperation. On Thursday, Russia's President Vladimir Putin called for intensifying economic cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Latin America. | RELATED: | "The UEE should actively develop relations with countries striving for an equal and mutually beneficial association," he said during the summit of the EAEU, an integration scheme that encompasses Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. | Putin als… (2023-05-25). Chinese, U.S. commerce chiefs to meet. Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao will hold talks with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on China-U.S. economic and trade relations and issues of common concern.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-25). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-25). Presidente de Bolivia: cooperación es esencial para afrontar desafíos económicos globales. El mandatario aseveró que el diálogo y la cooperación son trascendentales para enfrentar los desafíos económicos y sociales. (2023-05-25). China, Singapore bourses further bridges rapidly growing ETF markets. The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) have recently deepened their relationship significantly by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to launch an SSE-SGX exchange-traded fund (ETF) link.

Eesha Yaqoob, Saad Javed, Shehzad Ali Khan (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Trauma care in the face of climate change in Pakistan. The effect of climate change on society is broad and profound. Studies have shown that low-income countries face the greatest number of deaths due to disasters, with 33% of those deaths occurring in countries with the lowest human development indices.1 Extreme weather events have killed 10‚Äà000 people and caused US$4 billion of damage in Pakistan, which is continuously placed among the top ten most susceptible countries on the Climate Risk Index. The country is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to its high rates of multidimensional poverty.

WSWS (2023-05-25). Union abruptly ends strike of New York City resident physicians. The Committee of Interns and Residents has sent its members back to work at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens without allowing them to vote on the tentative agreement, which will do nothing to improve their poverty wages.

Ruth Kutalek, Syed Masud Ahmed, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Tamara Giles-Vernick (2023-05-27). Correspondence] Community engagement: learning from low-income countries. We welcome Winnie Byanyima and colleagues'1 comment on community pandemic response emphasising the importance of community-led efforts for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, and highlighting the central role of social sciences in achieving this goal. Indeed, multiple actors involved in epidemic response have advocated involving communities, stakeholders, and civil society organisations in epidemic response efforts,2 particularly because top-down interventions cannot tackle underlying structural shortcomings that lead to distrust, rumours, and non-compliance.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-26). SF Chronicle PMWG Workers Demand Justice & Living Wages In Protest. Dozens of San Francisco Chronicle workers rallied at 12 noon on May 23 2023 to demand better wages and benefits. Many of the younger workers are forced to leave because of their income and the housing crisis.

The Lancet (2023-05-27). Editorial] Childhood as a commodity: ending child labour. Children continue to be exposed to physical harm and denied education while toiling for long hours in the world's wealthiest nations. Children as young as 12 and 13 years have been engaged in labour involving midnight shifts, dangerous machinery, and punishing physical demands across industries supplying some of the USA's largest corporations according to a harrowing New York Times investigation. Most had migrated, unaccompanied, from central America. Uncertain of their immigration status and some indebted to traffickers, many considered dangerous labour safer than deportation.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation + AK Press (2023-05-26). Tuesday 7/18: Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor & Armed Struggle in Uruguay '56-76. Tamarack Collective Bar + Restaurant | 1501 Harrison St. | Oakland, CA | 94612…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-05-26). Docentes y sanitarios españoles reclamarán mejores condiciones laborales. Se estima que cerca de 78.000 trabajadores de ambos sectores se unirán a una huelga por mejores salarios y mayor inversión.

Suzanne James (2023-05-26). Independent MP Judy Hannan speaks out on gambling reform, koalas and housing. Suzanne James spoke to newly-elected female Independent MP Judy Hannan about the opportunities for a progressive cross-bench with a minority NSW Labor government.

Staff (2023-05-25). Geneva bends to Zionist pressure campaign, censors exhibition of Swiss revolutionary artist Mark Rudin. From 25 to 27 May an exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by the late Swiss activist and artist Marc Rudin was to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by Secours Rouge Geneva in collaboration with Samidoun Geneva. This exhibition was an opportunity to pay tribute to our comrade, who died on April 7, and his …

_____ (2023-05-25). Operation Stiff Upper Lip… British Minister Rushes to Kiev Following Artyomovsk Debacle. When the NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev is finally defeated, people like Ben Wallace will be answerable to war crimes prosecutions. | Britain's top military minister Ben Wallace was in Kiev this week on a This year marks the 80th anniversary of the same city being liberated by the Soviet Red Army from the Nazi Wehrmacht and their Ukrainian fascist collabor…

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australian Labor's budget cuts real spending on schools, maintains lucrative subsidies for private system. While continuing to starve public schools of desperately-needed funding, the Albanese government is maintaining the lucrative flow of public monies into the private schools.

Alex Bainbridge (2023-05-25). Video: Sydney rallies against nuclear subs, AUKUS and militarism. Labor Party members joined leftists and peace activists to speak out against militarism, AUKUS and the Quad at a protest organised by Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition on May 24, reports Alex Bainbridge.

cameron orr (2023-05-25). The U.S. military budget is a threat to democracy. Congress and U.S. presidents routinely ask how the government will pay for education and healthcare, for cleaning the environment, for ensuring labor justice — all the human needs. But rarely, if ever, do they ask where the vast fortune they are flooding into the Pentagon budget will come from. After the end of World …

Staff (2023-05-25). Asamblea Nacional constituye comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario. El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, Esteban Lazo Hernández, informó este jueves la constitución de las once comisiones para el trabajo parlamentario y nombró a los presidentes de cada una de ellas. Explicó que la composición de las comisiones es heterogénea, para garantizar y favorecer la labor de la comisión.

Staff (2023-05-25). Asamblea Nacional define cronograma legislativo de la décima legislatura. El nuevo cronograma legislativo contiene las normas jurídicas previstas para el 2022 y que, por disímiles motivos, se decidió su aprobación en la actual legislatura, así como las solicitudes de varias instituciones para la elaboración de normas jurídicas que permitan la actualización del ordenamiento jurídico cubano. En el periodo 2023-2027 se prevé aprobar 52 leyes, de ellas 16 previstas inicialmente en el cronograma legislativo para el 2022.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-25). The War On Public Education, Tech & The Writers Guild West With Education Lawyer Kathleen. Education lawyer and whistleblower Kathleen Carroll talks about the role of billionaire owner Reed Hastings in privatization education through charters and the introduction of testing, software and co-locations in schools throughout California and the country. She also talks about the collaboration of the AFT and NEA in pushing testing and charters in California through Proposition 39.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-25). Science Saturday: Collaborative study discovers new disease behind patient's recurring blood clots. In 2018, a male patient in his 60s began experiencing chest pains, which turned out to be caused by multiple blood clots in his lungs. As he visited several institutions in and around his home state of Michigan, doctors conducted the typical testing panels to look for a condition called thrombophilia that causes blood clots to form too easily. But tests did not confirm the known thrombophilic conditions. "So people were not able to give…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-25). Celebran 60 años de colaboración médica internacional de Cuba. La viceministra de Salud habló sobre la "hermosa Operación Milagro, que devolvió la visión y con ella la vida útil a personas de 35 países de América y África".

F. William Engdahl (2023-05-26). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Cuba's Tourism Booming With Inflow of 1.2 Mln Foreign Visitors. On Wednesday, the National Statistics Bureau informed that, in the first four months of 2023, Cuba received over than 1.2 million foreign visitors, up by 190 percent from a year earlier. | RELATED: | Canada tops the list with some 495,000 visitors, followed by the United States and Russia with 54,000 and 44,000 respectively. | "The rise in fuel prices and the U.S. blockade against the island have impacted the flow of…

WSWS (2023-05-26). Australian unions hail announcement of new Qantas boss. As chief financial officer, Vanessa Hudson presided over a $1 billion cost-cutting plan during the pandemic, which included the destruction of "at least 6,000" jobs.

_____ (2023-05-26). Britain At War-Provoking The Consequences. On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries. One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Alastair Crooke (2023-05-25). Financial 'Shock and Awe' on Russia Pronounced 'Dead' by Two Establishment Journals.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-05-25). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Yemen Faces Financial Hurdles Due to Houthi Attacks. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik said that Yemen is facing financing difficulties following a drop in public revenues caused by Houthi attacks on oil export ports. | RELATED: | The Houthi attacks have caused an estimated US$1 billion in losses, preventing the government from meeting its responsibilities, including improving public services and paying wages across the war-torn country. | To address the challeng… (2023-05-25). Beijing's Xicheng cracks down on financial crime. A total of 1,441 people have been charged with financial crimes by prosecutors in Beijing's Xicheng district over the past decade, demonstrating the regional judiciary's determination and efforts to protect financial security.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-25). Russia Has Lowest Inflation in Europe — PM. Consumer price growth has slowed to 2.3% in May, Mikhail Mishustin announced | Inflation in Russia has continued to slow through May, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin told a Shanghai business forum on Tuesday, noting that the indicator is currently the lowest in Europe. | "As of early May, inflation slowed to 2.3% year-over-year. This is the lowest figure among all European countries," Mishustin stated. The indicator continued to fall after a sharp drop to 3.51% in March from 10.99% in February. It is currently well below the government target of 5% for the year. | In comparison, Switzerland recorded 2.6% inflati…

Jake Johnson (2023-05-25). Sanders Leads Senate Call to Investigate Price-Gouging Military Contractors. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday led a group of senators in urging the Pentagon to investigate price gouging by military contractors after a CBS News probe that aired on "60 Minutes" earlier this week confirmed that private corporations are drastically overcharging the Defense Department for weaponry and other equipment, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in excess taxpayer spending and… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-25). US Spent $1.1 Trillion of Federal Discretionary Money on Militarism in Past Year. A staggering majority of the U.S. federal discretionary budget went toward so-called defense and other militaristic and carceral programs in the past year, a new report reveals, as U.S. defense spending continues to reach new heights. According to an analysis by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) released on Wednesday, the U.S. spent $1.1 trillion of the discretionary budget on militarism and… |

Philip A. Faruggio (2023-05-25). Farruggio for President 2024. Since my governor, Fascism Forever Captain Ron as I call him, just announced for President, allow me to jump into the fray. Of course, I have not much of a chance as anyone else who stands apart from the Two Party/One Party scam to get the support needed without raising and spending a fortune. Issues! …

Olivia Alperstein, Institute for Policy Studies. (2023-05-25). New Report: $1.1 Trillion Was Spent On Militarism And War Last Year. Washington, D.C. — On May 24, the National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies released a critical new analysis of the militarized budget in the United States, "The Warfare State: How Funding for Militarism Compromises our Welfare." | The new report found that this past year, out of a $1.8 trillion federal discretionary budget, the U.S. spent a staggering $1.1 trillion — or 62% — of that budget on militarism and war. | Threats to cut spending for vital domestic programs have featured prominently in the debt ceiling debate in recent weeks, but spending on militarism has been al… (2023-05-26). China criticizes G7's double-talk on decoupling. China has called on the Group of Seven not to abuse trade and investment restrictions and deliver on their commitments to not decouple from China, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. (2023-05-26). GBA promising prospect for overseas Chinese. Many investment and business opportunities have been created as Guangdong province goes all out to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-25). Gabon's Vice President arrived in Cuba on official visit. According to the Cuban Foreign Ministry, the leader will hold official talks with Vice President Salvador Valdes, Deputy Prime Minister and head of Foreign Trade and Investment, Ricardo Cabrisas, among other authorities. | Cuba and Gabon established relations on March 26, 1974. Since then, they have been developing positive bilateral ties. Currently, both nations' authorities are remarking the existence of big potentialities to be exploited for mutual benefit. (2023-05-25). Listed companies win more projects in May on robust investment pipeline. Supported by the expanding effective investment in the country, many listed companies along the infrastructure industrial chain recently announced the winning of major project tenders.

Talha Burki (2023-05-27). World Report] Non-profit to appeal in court dispute with Global Fund. A court case was dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, but the judge said that The Global Fund had intentionally smeared IRD, which supports tuberculosis care in Pakistan. Talha Burki reports.

WSWS (2023-05-25). Workers Party imposes austerity in Brazil. Lula has seen a 13 percent drop in his approval rating as his government deepens austerity policies designed to guarantee profits and foreign debt payments.

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2023-05-26). CovertAction Bulletin — Eyewitness: Horrors at the Border from Biden's Policies. What is the real impact of Biden's anti-immigrant policies on the border and where is the outrage? On May 11, the U.S. government's Title 42 regulation expired. It had been in place for three years and prevented nearly all people who sought asylum in the United States from applying for it…

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-25). Supreme Court Ruling Opens Millions of Acres of Wetlands to Pollution. The Supreme Court issued a ruling on Thursday that severely curtails the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ability to regulate water pollution in the latest of the far right justices' crusade against environmental regulations. In a 5-4 decision, with the three liberal justices and Brett Kavanaugh disagreeing, the Court ruled that the EPA's jurisdiction over protecting the "waters of the… |

WSWS (2023-05-26). San Francisco Chronicle writers hold lunch-hour picket to protest low wages. The one-hour walk-out highlights the dire conditions facing news writers, and the need to unite their struggle with ongoing strikes in Hollywood and New York.

WSWS (2023-05-26). Australia: Telstra targets poor with price hike while slashing jobs and wages. While increasing its lowest-cost mobile phone plans by 20 percent, Telstra is slashing hundreds of jobs and imposing real wage cuts.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-25). How Workers in the South Are Defying History. Workers at Blue Bird Corporation in Fort Valley, Georgia, launched a union drive to secure better wages, work-life balance, and a voice on the job. The company resisted them. History defied them. Geography worked against them. But they stood together, believed in themselves, and achieved a historic victory that's reverberating throughout the South. About 1,400 …

Steve Gillis (2023-05-25). WWP solution to debt crisis: Defund the Pentagon! Credit: Tony Murphy It's television news teaser material that on June 1, the U.S. government will run out of money to pay its debts — everything from wages for its vast global armies and civilian government workers, to Social Security checks and interest payments on Treasury bonds. According to President . . . |

CRD (2023-05-26). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-25). Slavery and Prior Accumulation in Venezuela. Cira Pascual Marquina Enrique S. Rivera is a historian, journalist, and documentary film producer. He teaches at UCLA, and his recent book, The Untold History of Capitalism: Primitive Accumulation and the Anti-Slavery Revolution (2021), focuses on the 1795 anti-slavery rebellion in the west of what we now know as Venezuela, but it also examines the origins of…

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australia's Gold-Tweed Coast bus workers fight to prevent another union betrayal at Kinetic. Kinetic workers are again taking industrial action over pay and conditions, concerned that the Transport Workers Union is about to strike another rotten deal with the global bus conglomerate.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-25). Paraguay is regional leader in hemp industrialization. Asuncion, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Paraguay is currently considered one of the leading nations in the successful development of industrial hemp, according to experts from the Latin American Industrial Hemp Association (LAIHA), which is committed to the promotion of this sector in the continent.

Staff (2023-05-25). The Censorship Industrial Complex Has Been Revealed.

Daniel Woo (2023-05-26). Socialist Lalo Vargas announces campaign for CD14 in Los Angeles. On May 20, in Lincoln Heights, Lalo Vargas, the first openly socialist candidate launched their campaign for Los Angeles City Council District 14 — contesting the seat of disgraced Councilmember Kevin de Leon.

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-26). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online…

Fight Back (2023-05-25). Appleton, WI: Activists shut down county board meeting, call for removal of transphobic member. Appleton, WI – Over 50 outraged community members gathered outside the Outagamie County Courthouse on May 23 for a protest demanding accountability around Tim Hermes, a member of the Outagamie County Board of Supervisors. The event took aim at Hermes after recent transphobic comments he made during a board meeting became public. A look at his social media reveals a long history of bigotry and racism. The demand put forward was for Hermes's removal from office. | The action was organized by members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Appleton Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and a brand ne…

Fight Back (2023-05-25). Programa Político de la OSCL ahora disponible en español. El libro traducido al español del programa político de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad ya está disponible. Esperamos que esta nueva traducción ayude a traer ideas revolucionarias a una mayor audiencia, incluyendo al movimiento de la liberación Chicano y el movimiento para los derechos inmigratorios. | OSCL es una organización que reconoce la existencia de la nación Chicano de Aztlán y miramos la lucha por su liberación como parte importante de nuestra estrategia para la revolución en los Estados Unidos. La introducción de nuestro programa dice: | En 1846, Estados Unidos lanzó una guerra que re…

Rania Khalek (2023-05-25). G7 Sends F-16 Jets to Ukraine: Flirting with Disaster, Direct War on Russia. As South Africa and China advocate for peace, President Vladimir Zelensky of Ukraine embarked on a tour to secure additional weapons, including a stop at the Group of Seven (G7) Summit held in Hiroshima. | Brian Becker, host of The Socialist Program, National Director of ANSWER Coalition, discusses the current critical juncture of the war and how the G7 is pushing towards a nuclear standoff.

thecommunists (2023-05-25). Former Greek communist leader says CIA-run Ukraine is fighting a 'just war'.

2023-05-26 03:15:16 | 03:15 EST | tr | 94 | 1 | 58 | 33 | 4 

2023-05-25: News Headlines

Staff (2023-05-25). Venezuela at Eurasian Economic Union Summit: 'The World Needs New International Financial System'. During a speech at the Second Summit of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, urged participants to reflect on the need to create a new international financial infrastructure, and further highlighted the importance of creating an economic model that serves humanity, and does not solely serve hegemonic forces. | The Venezuelan vice president made a call at the summit, held this Wednesday, May 24, for nations of the region and beyond to resume their leading role in the world economy. She further elaborated, explaining that 23 years ago the world's main trading partner…

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-25). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds.

Anonymous834 (2023-05-25). US Military Aid To Ukraine Could Be Suspended Due To Debt Ceiling — Media. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. The Hill reported that US military funding to Ukraine could be suspended… (2023-05-25). China has 2.73 mln 5G base stations; user base world's largest. The number of China's 5G base stations and users are both growing rapidly as the push for digital construction progresses, laying a solid foundation for China's digital economy and high-quality development, experts said. (2023-05-25). U.S. urged to reciprocate new envoy's push for better relations. As Xie Feng arrived in the United States to assume his new post as China's 12th ambassador to the world's largest economy, observers said Washington should offer not just due hospitality, but also more sincerity for repairing the strained bilateral ties.

Anonymous834 (2023-05-24). Zelensky Humiliatingly Withdraws From Meeting With Lula In Japan. Click to see the full-size image | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky responded with irony to a journalist's question about why he did not meet with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during their respective visits as guests to the G7 Summit in Japan. However, given that Zelensky responded defensively, it is clear he, and not Lula, is disappointed in the meeting not occurring. | On May 19, the Ukrainian president's team…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-05-24). Worker empowerment stalls in Venezuela as left unity fractures. Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president from 1999 until 2013, inspired and led a "Bolivarian Revolution" that sought independence from U.S. domination, regional integration, and so-called "socialism of the 21st century." The obstacles that lay before these goals have been many: capitalism in control of the national economy, unrelenting right-wing political opposition, U.S. intervention—and longstanding political divisions …

Editor (2023-05-25). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions: Event Summary. By Francisco R. Rodríguez and Mark Weisbrot / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) On May 19, 2023, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) brought together leading experts in the study of economic sanctions to help to answer a critical, but often-ignored, question: What are the human consequences of US economic sanctions? …

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-25). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination. (2023-05-25). Chinese, U.S. commerce chiefs to meet. Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao will hold talks with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai on China-U.S. economic and trade relations and issues of common concern.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-25). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-05-25). Presidente de Bolivia: cooperación es esencial para afrontar desafíos económicos globales. El mandatario aseveró que el diálogo y la cooperación son trascendentales para enfrentar los desafíos económicos y sociales.

A Guest Author (2023-05-25). ALU's Chris Smalls: 'Worker solidarity doesn't stop at the border'. Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls greets Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on May 1, 2023. By Chris Smalls On May Day, I joined a delegation of organizers on a trip to Cuba to show solidarity with the Cuban people and call out the injustice that is an economic . . . |

Aram Aharonian (2023-05-24). Elecciones en una Argentina en crisis económica y social, deshojando la margarita. El neoliberal Mauricio Macri y la progresista Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, principales protagonistas de estos últimos 20 años de gobierno, anunciaron que no serán candidatos presidenciales. En la famosa "grieta", que los separaba, encontraron la forma de echarse mutuamente las…

Prof. Maurice Okoli (2023-05-24). Ghana's Economic Policies Within the Geopolitical Context and the Corona Crisis.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-24). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. Headlines in This News Package: Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? Despite Poor Record, Greece's Ruling New Democracy Emerges as Single Largest Party in Elections Economic Sanctions Hurt the Poor, Sick, and Vulnerable, Shows Report Political Crisis in Ecuador Continues Following Dissolution of Parliament Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? [262 words] …

_____ (2023-05-24). The PRC-Japan rivalry extends to Europe. Together with India, China and Japan form today the strategic triangle on which the political and economic situation in Asia will increasingly depend. The latter however is the continent where the focus of the current stage of the "Great Game" is shifting more and more definitely. Leaving the territory of another continent, which for centuries, […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Anonymous103 (2023-05-24). In Video: Unmanned Boats Targeted Russian Ship In Black Sea. Click to see full-size image | On the morning of May 24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to attack Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs of the Black Sea Fleet. The ship was ensuring the safety of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the economic zone of Turkey. | Three unmanned boats targeted the ship at about 5.30 am local time. The incident took place 140 kilometers northeast of the Bosphorus. | As a result of response fire, the attack failed. All Ukrainian boats were destroyed by fire from the st…

Misión Verdad (2023-05-24). The Architecture of Open Society Foundation's Interference and Looting (+Francia Marquez). By Misión Verdad — May 24, 2023 | In an unprecedented event in Colombian politics, the vice president of Colombia, Francia Márquez, publicly thanked the Open Society Foundations of speculator and financial hit man George Soros for financing her recent tour to Africa, an occurence that invites us to reflect on the mechanisms that his foundation uses to achieve his political and economic goals. | It is well known that Soros owns a vast conglomerate of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and foundations around the world, but Francia Márquez's message is a reminder that this is not the only tool he uses to achi… (2023-05-25). China, Singapore bourses further bridges rapidly growing ETF markets. The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) have recently deepened their relationship significantly by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to launch an SSE-SGX exchange-traded fund (ETF) link.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-24). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. Headlines in This News Package: Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? Despite Poor Record, Greece's Ruling New Democracy Emerges as Single Largest Party in Elections Economic Sanctions Hurt the Poor, Sick, and Vulnerable, Shows Report Political Crisis in Ecuador Continues Following Dissolution of Parliament Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? [262 words] …

_____ (2023-05-24). The PRC-Japan rivalry extends to Europe. Together with India, China and Japan form today the strategic triangle on which the political and economic situation in Asia will increasingly depend. The latter however is the continent where the focus of the current stage of the "Great Game" is shifting more and more definitely. Leaving the territory of another continent, which for centuries, […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Anonymous103 (2023-05-24). In Video: Unmanned Boats Targeted Russian Ship In Black Sea. Click to see full-size image | On the morning of May 24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to attack Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs of the Black Sea Fleet. The ship was ensuring the safety of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the economic zone of Turkey. | Three unmanned boats targeted the ship at about 5.30 am local time. The incident took place 140 kilometers northeast of the Bosphorus. | As a result of response fire, the attack failed. All Ukrainian boats were destroyed by fire from the st…

Misión Verdad (2023-05-24). The Architecture of Open Society Foundation's Interference and Looting (+Francia Marquez). By Misión Verdad — May 24, 2023 | In an unprecedented event in Colombian politics, the vice president of Colombia, Francia Márquez, publicly thanked the Open Society Foundations of speculator and financial hit man George Soros for financing her recent tour to Africa, an occurence that invites us to reflect on the mechanisms that his foundation uses to achieve his political and economic goals. | It is well known that Soros owns a vast conglomerate of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and foundations around the world, but Francia Márquez's message is a reminder that this is not the only tool he uses to achi… (2023-05-25). China, Singapore bourses further bridges rapidly growing ETF markets. The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) have recently deepened their relationship significantly by signing a Memorandum of Understanding to launch an SSE-SGX exchange-traded fund (ETF) link.

infobrics (2023-05-24). NDB Begins 'New Journey' After Selling First Bond since Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Bank starts road to redemption with capital markets return…

MEE staff (2023-05-24). US, EU lawmakers demand UAE remove oil executive as Cop28 head. US, EU lawmakers demand UAE remove oil executive as Cop28 head | Sultan al-Jaber's lead of Cop28 reflects an emboldened Gulf region basking in its return to influence over energy markets and climate talks | Wed, 05/24/2023 – 19: 42 | Sultan al-Jaber speaks during UAE Climate Tech conference in Abu Dhabi Energy centre, on 10 May 2023 (AFP) | More than 100 members of the US Congress and the European Parliamen…

WSWS (2023-05-25). Union abruptly ends strike of New York City resident physicians. The Committee of Interns and Residents has sent its members back to work at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens without allowing them to vote on the tentative agreement, which will do nothing to improve their poverty wages.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-05-24). People's Health Tribunal finds Shell and Total Energy guilty of harming African communities. Environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored the actions of extractive corporations in Africa, who exploit natural resources and sow poverty and disease, during a People's Health Tribunal…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-25). SF Chronicle PMWG Workers Demand Justice & Living Wages In Protest. Dozens of San Francisco Chronicle workers rallied at 12 noon on May 23 2023 to demand better wages and benefits. Many of the younger workers are forced to leave because of their income and the housing crisis.

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch. (2023-05-24). Fossil Fuel Companies Owe $5.4 Trillion In Reparations, Study Says. The biggest fossil fuel companies in the world owe at least $209 billion in yearly climate reparations to communities that suffered the brunt of the calamities caused by the climate crisis, a new study has concluded. | While substantial, the researchers consider theirs to be a conservative cost estimate, as it did not put a price tag on the loss of lives or income, additional wellbeing considerations or extinction of species and other types of biodiversity depletion not reflected in gross domestic product calculations, reported The Guardian. | The study said the 21 biggest polluters have collectively caused $5.4…

Alex Bainbridge (2023-05-25). Sydney rallies against AUKUS, after Quad meeting rescheduled. Labor Party members joined leftists and peace activists to speak out against militarism, AUKUS and the Quad at a protest organised by Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Black Rose Anarchist Federation + AK Press (2023-05-25). Tuesday 7/18: Book Launch: Anarchist Popular Power – Dissident Labor & Armed Struggle in Uruguay '56-76. Tamarack Collective Bar + Restaurant | 1501 Harrison St. | Oakland, CA | 94612…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-25). The War On Public Education, Tech & The Writers Guild West With Education Lawyer Kathleen. Education lawyer and whistleblower Kathleen Carroll talks about the role of billionaire owner Reed Hastings in privatization education through charters and the introduction of testing, software and co-locations in schools throughout California and the country. She also talks about the collaboration of the AFT and NEA in pushing testing and charters in California through Proposition 39.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-25). Science Saturday: Collaborative study discovers new disease behind patient's recurring blood clots. In 2018, a male patient in his 60s began experiencing chest pains, which turned out to be caused by multiple blood clots in his lungs. As he visited several institutions in and around his home state of Michigan, doctors conducted the typical testing panels to look for a condition called thrombophilia that causes blood clots to form too easily. But tests did not confirm the known thrombophilic conditions. "So people were not able to give…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-25). Celebran 60 años de colaboración médica internacional de Cuba. La viceministra de Salud habló sobre la "hermosa Operación Milagro, que devolvió la visión y con ella la vida útil a personas de 35 países de América y África".

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australian Labor's budget cuts real spending on schools, maintains lucrative subsidies for private system. While continuing to starve public schools of desperately-needed funding, the Albanese government is maintaining the lucrative flow of public monies into the private schools.

Gustavo Veiga (2023-05-24). Brasil, la Amazonia y cómo se expande Estados Unidos. Para octubre próximo unos 300 militares estadounidenses ingresarían otra vez a la estratégica Amazonia. Mientras Bolsonaro pactó maniobras conjuntas de ambos ejércitos hasta 2028, Lula fluctúa entre la confrontación geopolítica y las relaciones de colaboración. | Brasil ha sido siempre el…

Alex Bainbridge (2023-05-24). Stage 3 tax cuts: New figures on Labor's hand-out to billionaires. New analysis by the

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-24). Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki in China. Ann Garrison Eritrea can chart an exciting new development path through mutually respectful collaboration with China. Any doubt that a new multipolar world has emerged in the Horn of Africa should have dissipated last week with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki's trip to China. President Xi Jinping rolled out the red carpet for Afwerki and his delegation and…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-24). NLRB sues colleges, says athletes are workers. LOS ANGELES—The big business of college sports is back in federal court again. And this time it's over the right of the athletes to organize. That's because the National Labor Relations Board's top enforcement official, General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, sued the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Pac-12 conference, and several colleges to court in federal …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-24). With all the debt limit talk, few eye Pentagon cuts. WASHINGTON—In all the talk about cutting spending in return for raising the U.S. debt limit, there seems to be a sacred cow: The Pentagon. A survey of websites of groups normally expected to advocate for cutting military spending—including US Labor Against War and Racism, the United Electrical Workers, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union—discloses …

Simon Elliott (2023-05-24). Minnesota workers win labor reforms, ban on captive audience meetings. Workers in Minnesota are about to see the fruits of years of work organizing and building power across the state. A sweeping package of labor reforms has passed both the Minnesota House and Senate and was signed by Governor Tim Walz on May 24.

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-24). Labor's Uptick Isn't Just Hype. (2023-05-25). Chinese Ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang meets with Minister of State of UK's FCDO Anne-Marie Trevelyan. Chinese Ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang on Monday met with Anne-Marie Trevelyan, minister of state of UK's Foreign, Commonwealth &Development Office. The two sides exchanged views on China-UK relations and relevant regional and international issues.

Hendrik Sybrandy (2023-05-24). "From conflict to consensus": The historic deal to save the Colorado River. "From conflict to consensus" — That's how one official describes negotiations among three U.S. states over water consumption from the Colorado River. On Monday, California, Arizona and Nevada agreed to cut their reliance on the drought-ravaged river, heading off potential disaster at least in the …

Alastair Crooke (2023-05-25). Financial 'Shock and Awe' on Russia Pronounced 'Dead' by Two Establishment Journals. (2023-05-25). Beijing's Xicheng cracks down on financial crime. A total of 1,441 people have been charged with financial crimes by prosecutors in Beijing's Xicheng district over the past decade, demonstrating the regional judiciary's determination and efforts to protect financial security.

teleSUR (2023-05-25). Yemen Faces Financial Hurdles Due to Houthi Attacks. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik said that Yemen is facing financing difficulties following a drop in public revenues caused by Houthi attacks on oil export ports. | RELATED: | The Houthi attacks have caused an estimated US$1 billion in losses, preventing the government from meeting its responsibilities, including improving public services and paying wages across the war-torn country. | To address the challeng…

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-24). The Inflation Reality And The Attack On Wages.

Peter Certo (2023-05-24). In OtherWords: May 24, 2023. This week, President Biden and House Republicans remain deadlocked in their negotiations about debt. Except, not really. | As I write, They're also calling for more spending on the next biggest driver of…

Editor (2023-05-24). Chris Hedges on Weapons to Ukraine, Military Buildup to China and Pentagon Spending. By Mnar Adley and Alan MacLeod / MintPress News The war in Ukraine is well into its second year, and the United States is insistent on pumping billions more into the quagmire that has already seen thousands of lives lost and millions displaced. The U.S. has already approved more than $113 billion in aid to …

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2023-05-24). U.S. foreign policy: A bipartisan embrace of militarism. In December 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, approving "national defense" spending of $858 billion for fiscal year 2023…

Staff (2023-05-24). Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis. The United States faces a default on its debt in early June if a deal on the debt ceiling is not reached between the Biden administration and Republicans in Congress before then. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is pushing for sweeping budget cuts and new work requirements for recipients of government programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP. Notably, however, neither Republicans nor Democrats are proposing cuts to one of the biggest drivers of the nation's debt: the massive U.S. military budget. "We've got to get this military-industrial lobby under control, but it's h… (2023-05-25). Listed companies win more projects in May on robust investment pipeline. Supported by the expanding effective investment in the country, many listed companies along the infrastructure industrial chain recently announced the winning of major project tenders.

Adriaan Alsema (2023-05-24). NGO's urge Colombia to sink investor protection treaties. Multinational NGO's are visiting Colombia to urge the country's leaders to abandon controversial treaties that seek to protect foreign investment. Over the past decades, Colombia's previous governments signed multiple investor…

Mohammad Ayesh (2023-05-24). Arabic press review: Egyptian prisoners launch collective hunger strike. Arabic press review: Egyptian prisoners launch collective hunger strike | Meanwhile, Qatar is set to boost investments in Egypt while Saudi Arabia tops regional box office revenues | Wed, 05/24/2023 – 13: 53 | A media tour of the Correctional and Rehabilitation Center in Badr City, 70 kilometres northeast of Cairo, on 16 January 2022 (AFP)
| Egypt: Hunger strike begins over jail condi…

teleSUR (2023-05-24). World Trade Summit In China, A "Unique" Opportunity – Arce. The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, participated this Wednesday in the II World Trade and Investment Promotion Summit of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. | RELATED: | Arce participated in the summit held in Beijing with a virtual intervention and spoke of China's role on the world stage and bilateral cooperation on issues of industrialization of zinc and lithium, among others. | He stressed that the s…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-05-24). Bolivia's president highlights deepening ties with China. La Paz, 24 May (Prensa Latina) President Luis Arce said at the 2nd World Trade and Investment Summit on Wednesday that relations between Bolivia and China have been continuously deepening for 38 years through cooperation and cultural exchange.

WSWS (2023-05-25). Workers Party imposes austerity in Brazil. Lula has seen a 13 percent drop in his approval rating as his government deepens austerity policies designed to guarantee profits and foreign debt payments.

Staff (2023-05-24). President Maduro Accuses Washington of Stealing $4 Billion in CITGO Profits.

splcenter (2023-05-24). Experts: VDARE's Real Estate Deals May Cost Group Nonprofit Status. White nationalist hate group VDARE could lose its nonprofit status over real estate agreements surrounding a historic castle the group purchased in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, according to two nonprofit lawyers to whom Hatewatch described property records and court filings. Most of the documents came from a lawsuit VDARE brought against New York Attorney General (AG) Letitia James' office, wherein the AG alleges VDARE "violated New York law."

WSWS (2023-05-24). Amazon workers hold strike votes at UK Midlands warehouses, GMB union seeks recognition. Strikes at Amazon warehouses show the determination of this critical group of workers to improve their conditions. But this requires a programme based on internationalism, class struggle, and the primacy of workers' needs over Amazon's profits.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). Expanded Intro: Capitalism, Commodity Production and Imperialism. In this episode, we expand on two previous episodes, one on capitalist exploitation, and the other on imperialism. In this episode, we talk about commodity production under capitalism, and especially, the shift from production for the use and needs of society to the production, for the sake of exchange and profit from exchange solely for the owning class. We also talk about imperialism, what its characteristics are, and what we need to do to avoid simplistic analysis, both of its history and current existence.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-05-24). 'One Health' will give WHO's Dictator General power to initiate climate lockdowns. The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations ("IHRs") and the Pandemic Treaty both incorporate the "One Health" approach. One Health has little definition or structure and is sold using vague strings …

WSWS (2023-05-24). Introduction to new pamphlet from Mehring Books: Marxism vs. Critical Race Theory. The pamphlet, which presents a criticism of critical race theory and identity politics from the left, is now available from Mehring Books.

Marxist-Leninist (2023-05-24). Let Us Celebrate the People's Patriots and End the Ignominy of Monarchical-Patriotic Legends. An assembly of some 6,000 Quebec patriots, the Assembly of the Six Counties, was held October 23-24, 1837 despite public assemblies being banned by the British colonial government. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is calling for Victoria Day to be renamed Patriots' Day. The aim is to engage people in discussion on the peoples' …

Steve Gillis (2023-05-25). WWP solution to debt crisis: Defund the Pentagon! Credit: Tony Murphy It's television news teaser material that on June 1, the U.S. government will run out of money to pay its debts — everything from wages for its vast global armies and civilian government workers, to Social Security checks and interest payments on Treasury bonds. According to President . . . |

CRD (2023-05-25). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

_____ (2023-05-24). Kissinger's Fairy Tales for Idiots. Kissinger's idea of bringing peace by having Ukraine join NATO is as crazy as the thought of putting out a fire with kerosene. | In October 2019, the online edition of published the article "The Dissolution of the Soviet Union was the Biggest Crime of the United States — Henry Kissinger is Disappointed with Capitalism", which quotes an alleged statement by Henry Kissinger, the 56th U.S. Secretary of State and 7th U.S. National Security Advisor, from which it could be concluded that the experienced politician, diplomat, political theorist, and geopolitical advisor, in the later years of his l…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). An introduction to Imperialism. In this episode, similarly to other reason, short introductory episodes, we go over the topic of imperialism in nine minutes. Of course, this doesn't come close to covering every aspect or the historical development of the phenomenon known as Capitalism imperialism, however, it does bring us into a bit better have an understanding that the majority of us have from our high school education or from the phony and hypocritical western media sources…

Staff (2023-05-25). The Censorship Industrial Complex Has Been Revealed.

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australia's Gold-Tweed Coast bus workers fight to prevent another union betrayal at Kinetic. Kinetic workers are again taking industrial action over pay and conditions, concerned that the Transport Workers Union is about to strike another rotten deal with the global bus conglomerate.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-24). Capturing Carbon With Machines Is a Failure—So Why Are We Subsidizing It? Human activity—mostly the burning of fossil fuels—has raised Earth's atmospheric carbon content by 50 percent, from 280 parts per million (ppm) to 420 ppm. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, we've released approximately 950 billion metric tons of carbon into the air. Every year, humans emit more than 40 billion metric tons of carbon …

Tribuna Popular (2023-05-24). Venezuela: Gobierno intenta crear un falso PCV subordinado a su política neoliberal. Caracas, 22-05-2023 (Redacción TP).- El Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro propició el pasado domingo 21 de mayo un evento fraudulento para "construir un falso positivo" con el objetivo de "desconocer los procesos legítimos de toma de decisiones en el seno del Partido Comunista de Venezuela e intentar, a través de medidas administrativas o judiciales, colocarlo al …

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-25). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online…

Judith Deutsch (2023-05-24). Scapegoating Dr. Hassan Diab in France and Canada: The Varieties of Moral Experience. The fate of Dr. Hassan Diab is being determined by an absence of morality as in scapegoating, and by an absolutist moral stance that law is engraved in stone and that the State's duty is limited to examining compliance with the law.

scorinoco (2023-05-24). FBI Indicts US Black Activists on Speech Crimes, International Day of Action Set for May 27 (+Uhuru). On May 27, 2023, people around the world will gather publicly to demand "Drop the charges against the Uhuru 3!" | In early May, African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela, 81, was shackled in handcuffs and leg irons after reporting to the Middle District Federal Court in Tampa for his arraignment in a courtroom packed with supporters. | Chairman Yeshitela faces federal charges after a lifetime of organizing dedicated to "the liberation for Africa and African people everywhere." | Penny Hess, 77, and Jesse Nevel, 33, two white persons working under the leadership of the APSP also face charges…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-24). Venezuelan Communists say government established fake communist party to 'hijack' their supporters. CARACAS—The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has pointed the finger at the leadership of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for an alleged attempt to "hijack" the organization. "The PSUV leadership wants to take away the PCV's legal status, to neutralize its role in the country's social struggles," Communist Party General Secretary àìscar …

Staff (2023-05-24). Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars. A bombshell new investigation from The Intercept reveals that former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was responsible for even more civilian deaths during the U.S. war in Cambodia than was previously known. The revelations add to a violent résumé that ranges from Latin America to Southeast Asia, where Kissinger presided over brutal U.S. military interventions to put down communist revolt and to develop U.S. influence around the world. While survivors and family members of these deadly campaigns continue to grieve, Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday this week. "This…

thecommunists (2023-05-24). Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination. The failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin in May, whether directly ordered by the west-backed junta in Ukraine or the work of freelancing fascists, signalled a new level of provocation and threat against Russia. The drone attack on the Kremlin, taken together with the supply by Britain and others of long-range weapons capable …

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2023-05-24: News Headlines

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-05-24). Worker empowerment stalls in Venezuela as left unity fractures. Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president from 1999 until 2013, inspired and led a "Bolivarian Revolution" that sought independence from U.S. domination, regional integration, and so-called "socialism of the 21st century." The obstacles that lay before these goals have been many: capitalism in control of the national economy, unrelenting right-wing political opposition, U.S. intervention—and longstanding political divisions …

Anonymous834 (2023-05-24). Zelensky Humiliatingly Withdraws From Meeting With Lula In Japan. Click to see the full-size image | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky responded with irony to a journalist's question about why he did not meet with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during their respective visits as guests to the G7 Summit in Japan. However, given that Zelensky responded defensively, it is clear he, and not Lula, is disappointed in the meeting not occurring. | On May 19, the Ukrainian president's team… (2023-05-24). China's digital economy scale reaches $7.12 trillion: report. The scale of China's digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan (around $7.12 trillion) in 2022, maintaining its position as the world's second largest, according to a report published by the Cyberspace Administration of China on Tuesday. (2023-05-24). Digital economy seen as key to development. China's economic rebound has been better than expected, and because it has a strong digital economy, the prospect of an electronic currency should be explored. (2023-05-24). FM urges Netherlands to oppose decoupling. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang called on Tuesday for China and the Netherlands to jointly oppose decoupling, in order to avoid the risk of fragmented global trade and promote the recovery of the world economy. (2023-05-24). China's commerce ministry slams U.S. 'trade initiative' talks with island of Taiwan. China's MOFCOM strongly criticized the United States for engaging in so-called "trade initiative" talks with Taiwan, asserting that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and the one-China principle is the prerequisite for China's Taiwan region to participate in external economic cooperation.

Marc Steiner, Bret Gustafson (2023-05-23). 'For us, extractivism is lethal': The ongoing colonial violence of resource extraction in Latin America. From the defeat of the coup government in Bolivia, the election of Xiomara Castro in Honduras, and the rise of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico, to the historic election of Gustavo Petro in Colombia and the return of Lula in Brazil, left-leaning governments are changing the political landscape of Latin America. However, even more progressive parties and ruling coalitions have failed to rein in the violence of the resource extraction economy and the domineering power of international capital flowing through mining, drilling, and deforestation operations across the hemisphere. Indigenous and environmenta…

Junaid S. Ahmad (2023-05-23). Following failed kidnapping of Imran Khan, Pakistan's regime desperately cracks down on dissent. Pakistan's toppled Prime Minister Imran Khan tried to defend himself against bogus corruption charges, but the military kidnapped him. The Supreme Court ruled it was an unlawful arrest and he was freed. So now the unelected regime is cracking down hard, threatening to prosecute protesters in army courts.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-05-23). Economy must be 'at service of life': resisting debt and neocolonialism in Africa. A dossier and accompanying discussion hosted by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research interrogates the vicious cycle of debt rooted in neocolonial extraction that continues to trap countries across the African continent…

unitedEditor (2023-05-23). Rafael Correa's shadow back on Ecuador's horizon. PIA Global and United Word International share this exclusive interview with Ricardo Patiño Aroca, former foreign minister and minister of economy and defense in the government of Rafael Correa (in government 2007 — 2017). Aroca presents us an analysis of the current situation in the brotherly Andean country. In the session that began this Tuesday, …

A Guest Author (2023-05-25). ALU's Chris Smalls: 'Worker solidarity doesn't stop at the border'. Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls greets Cuban president Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana on May 1, 2023. By Chris Smalls On May Day, I joined a delegation of organizers on a trip to Cuba to show solidarity with the Cuban people and call out the injustice that is an economic . . . |

Brittani Banks (2023-05-24). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. Headlines in This News Package: Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? Despite Poor Record, Greece's Ruling New Democracy Emerges as Single Largest Party in Elections Economic Sanctions Hurt the Poor, Sick, and Vulnerable, Shows Report Political Crisis in Ecuador Continues Following Dissolution of Parliament Will the Latest Ceasefire Hold in Sudan? [262 words] …

Anonymous103 (2023-05-24). In Video: Unmanned Boats Targeted Russian Ship In Black Sea. Click to see full-size image | On the morning of May 24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to attack Russian reconnaissance ship Ivan Khurs of the Black Sea Fleet. The ship was ensuring the safety of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the economic zone of Turkey. | Three unmanned boats targeted the ship at about 5.30 am local time. The incident took place 140 kilometers northeast of the Bosphorus. | As a result of response fire, the attack failed. All Ukrainian boats were destroyed by fire from the st…

Aram Aharonian (2023-05-24). Elecciones en una Argentina en crisis económica y social, deshojando la margarita. El neoliberal Mauricio Macri y la progresista Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, principales protagonistas de estos últimos 20 años de gobierno, anunciaron que no serán candidatos presidenciales. En la famosa "grieta", que los separaba, encontraron la forma de echarse mutuamente las…

Prof. Maurice Okoli (2023-05-24). Ghana's Economic Policies Within the Geopolitical Context and the Corona Crisis.

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-24). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination.

_____ (2023-05-24). The PRC-Japan rivalry extends to Europe. Together with India, China and Japan form today the strategic triangle on which the political and economic situation in Asia will increasingly depend. The latter however is the continent where the focus of the current stage of the "Great Game" is shifting more and more definitely. Leaving the territory of another continent, which for centuries, […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-24). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing… (2023-05-24). One-China principle prerequisite for Taiwan's participation in foriegn cooperation. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the one-China principle is a prerequisite for Taiwan's participation in foreign economic cooperation, the Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday. (2023-05-24). China, ASEAN companies eye each other's markets. Chinese companies as well as their counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expressing a keen interest in exploring business opportunities in each other's markets, propelled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact taking effect early last year.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-05-24). Díaz-Canel assesses PCC's challenges. Havana, May 24 (Prensa Latina)The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel stated that the main challenge of this political organization is to search for solutions to face the country's economic challenges. (2023-05-24). BYD mulls NEV plant in Europe. BYD is considering building a passenger vehicle manufacturing plant in Europe, the latest move by the Shenzhen, Guangdong province-based carmaker to explore international markets as its NEV models gain in popularity overseas.

WSWS (2023-05-25). Union abruptly ends strike of New York City resident physicians. The Committee of Interns and Residents has sent its members back to work at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens without allowing them to vote on the tentative agreement, which will do nothing to improve their poverty wages.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-05-24). People's Health Tribunal finds Shell and Total Energy guilty of harming African communities. Environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored the actions of extractive corporations in Africa, who exploit natural resources and sow poverty and disease, during a People's Health Tribunal…

Newsclick (2023-05-23). Got a degree, but no Job? | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. Journalist and analyst Aunindyo Chakravarty talks about the phenomenon of educated Indian youth failing to get jobs. Unemployment amongst those with graduate or post graduate degrees is twice as much as that amongst those with lesser education…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-24). SF Chronicle PMWG Workers Demand Justice & Living Wages In Protest. Dozens of San Francisco Chronicle workers rallied at 12 noon on May 23 2023 to demand better wages and benefits. Many of the younger workers are forced to leave because of their income and the housing crisis.

Anonymous (2023-05-24). Two Los Angeles Film Professors Bilked Taxpayers Over $3.5 Million Dollars. Faculty infighting and an attitude of entitlement in a Community College Film School, deprived low-income students in the Van Nuys/North Hollywood area of technical training and financial aid, while two full-time film professors bilked California taxpayers over $3.5 million dollars in salaries. (2023-05-23). System Fail: Rise of AI, Resistance Committees in Sudan, and Defending Squats in Barcelona. subMedia.Tv returns with a new episode of System Fail, featuring a look at the rise of Artificial Intelligence, resistance in Sudan, and defending squats in Barcelona. As technological advances in Artificial Intelligence are poised render the labour of millions obsolete, humans in industrialized nations must decide whether to succumb to existential despair or embrace their…

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australian Labor's budget cuts real spending on schools, maintains lucrative subsidies for private system. While continuing to starve public schools of desperately-needed funding, the Albanese government is maintaining the lucrative flow of public monies into the private schools.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-24). NLRB sues colleges, says athletes are workers. LOS ANGELES—The big business of college sports is back in federal court again. And this time it's over the right of the athletes to organize. That's because the National Labor Relations Board's top enforcement official, General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, sued the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Pac-12 conference, and several colleges to court in federal …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-24). With all the debt limit talk, few eye Pentagon cuts. WASHINGTON—In all the talk about cutting spending in return for raising the U.S. debt limit, there seems to be a sacred cow: The Pentagon. A survey of websites of groups normally expected to advocate for cutting military spending—including US Labor Against War and Racism, the United Electrical Workers, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union—discloses …

Gustavo Veiga (2023-05-24). Brasil, la Amazonia y cómo se expande Estados Unidos. Para octubre próximo unos 300 militares estadounidenses ingresarían otra vez a la estratégica Amazonia. Mientras Bolsonaro pactó maniobras conjuntas de ambos ejércitos hasta 2028, Lula fluctúa entre la confrontación geopolítica y las relaciones de colaboración. | Brasil ha sido siempre el…

Bevan Ramsden (2023-05-24). Labor Rushes Through a Bill to Exempt AUKUS Nuclear Submarines from Environmental Protections.

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-24). Labor's Uptick Isn't Just Hype.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-24). The War On Public Education, Tech & The Writers Guild West With Education Lawyer Kathleen. Education lawyer and whistleblower Kathleen Carroll talks about the role of billionaire owner Reed Hastings in privatization education through charters and the introduction of testing, software and co-locations in schools throughout California and the country. She also talks about the collaboration of the AFT and NEA in pushing testing and charters in California through Proposition 39.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-24). The Formation & History of Brazilian Fed Conlutas with Sao Paulo Worker Fabio Bosco. Brazilian transit worker Fabio Bosco talks about the history and formation of the independent trade union federation Conlutas.

Simon Elliott (2023-05-24). Minnesota Workers Win Labor Reforms, Ban on Captive Audience Meetings. Workers in Minnesota are about to see the fruits of years of work organizing and building power across the state. A sweeping package of labor reforms has passed both the Minnesota House and Senate and was signed by Governor Tim Walz on May 24.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-24). Science Saturday: Collaborative study discovers new disease behind patient's recurring blood clots. In 2018, a male patient in his 60s began experiencing chest pains, which turned out to be caused by multiple blood clots in his lungs. As he visited several institutions in and around his home state of Michigan, doctors conducted the typical testing panels to look for a condition called thrombophilia that causes blood clots to form too easily. But tests did not confirm the known thrombophilic conditions. "So people were not able to give…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-24). Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki in China. Ann Garrison Eritrea can chart an exciting new development path through mutually respectful collaboration with China. Any doubt that a new multipolar world has emerged in the Horn of Africa should have dissipated last week with Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki's trip to China. President Xi Jinping rolled out the red carpet for Afwerki and his delegation and… (2023-05-24). Sinopec vows to 'deepen cooperation in oil and gas resources'. China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec, vowed on Wednesday to strengthen cooperation on oil and gas pipeline networks between central Asian and Southeast Asian countries and regions, and promote collaboration in areas of new energy.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-24). Protest Over CA AG Rob Bonta's Refusal To Prosecute O'Neil's Killer. There was a protest at the San Francisco Hall of Justice and courts against the decision by California Attorney General Rob Bonta not to protest the killer of Keito O'Neil.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-24). Science Saturday: Blood Tube Optimization Program hails first successful project. Frontline staff in the Central Clinical and Central Processing Laboratories in the division of Clinical Core Laboratory Services (CCLS) made an astute observation that more tubes of blood were being collected from patients than seemed necessary. Analysis pointed to a potential benefit of new laboratory automation equipment and technology. The previous automation line in Central Processing required all tubes loaded in a rack to be the same height and serum aliquoted into cups for testing….

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-05-24). Thursday 6/1: Jail Former SF Fed Member & Silicon Valley CEO Gregory Becker! Bankers Out Of Fed Reserve. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 Market St. | San Franciso…

teleSUR (2023-05-23). Cuba Rejects Being in US List of Not-Collaborating Countries. On Tuesday, Cuba described as "mendacious accusations" the US decision to keep the island on its list of countries that do not "fully" cooperate against terrorism. | RELATED: | Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez considered that Cuba's permanence on that list is an "abominable crime that the U.S. has practiced without scruples and uses opportunistically as a tool of political coercion." | Previously, the State Department included Cuba for the… (2023-05-23). Festival of Learning and Teaching celebrates education innovation. Imperial has hosted its second collaborative and celebratory festival dedicated to education innovation and achievement.

jacobin (2023-05-23). Japan's Labor Movement Is Taking Up the Demands of Part-Time and Temporary Workers. In Japan, part-time and temporary workers account for nearly 40% of the workforce. (2023-05-24). Athletes join critics of Paris 2024 ticket prices. Athletes have added their voice to an uproar around ticket prices for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, claiming the high cost contradicts organizers' promise that events would be accessible for everyone.

Hendrik Sybrandy (2023-05-24). "From conflict to consensus": The historic deal to save the Colorado River. "From conflict to consensus" — That's how one official describes negotiations among three U.S. states over water consumption from the Colorado River. On Monday, California, Arizona and Nevada agreed to cut their reliance on the drought-ravaged river, heading off potential disaster at least in the …

jamanetwork (2023-05-23). Swapping Out Sugary Drinks Associated With Lower Mortality. For adults with type 2 diabetes, consuming more than 1 serving of a sugar-sweetened drink per day was linked to a 20% increase in all-cause mortality as well as an increase in cardiovascular disease events and death compared with drinking less than 1 serving per month, according to data from 15‚ÄØ486 participants who were followed up for almost 19 years. Increased consumption of beverages including tea, coffee, plain water, and low-fat milk were associated with lower mortality.

Thierry Meyssan (2023-05-23). The moment of truth in Ukraine. Since February 24, 2022, the eyes of the world have been on the Ukrainian conflict. The West is supporting Kiev financially, delivering incredible quantities of arms and ammunition, but is careful not to get directly involved in the theater of operations. Moscow remains patient and pretends not to see the foreign military advisors present on the ground. We are reaching a tipping point where the West could be precipitated into war by a deliberate use of their weapons against Russia on its pre-2014 territory. This is why six EU states are suddenly recommending peace negotiations and two good offices missions are be…

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-24). The Inflation Reality And The Attack On Wages.

Staff (2023-05-24). Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis. The United States faces a default on its debt in early June if a deal on the debt ceiling is not reached between the Biden administration and Republicans in Congress before then. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is pushing for sweeping budget cuts and new work requirements for recipients of government programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP. Notably, however, neither Republicans nor Democrats are proposing cuts to one of the biggest drivers of the nation's debt: the massive U.S. military budget. "We've got to get this military-industrial lobby under control, but it's h…

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2023-05-24). U.S. foreign policy: A bipartisan embrace of militarism. In December 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, approving "national defense" spending of $858 billion for fiscal year 2023…

Anonymous834 (2023-05-24). Eric Zuesse: Why The U.S. Debt-Limit 'Debate' Is A Charade Of 'Democracy'. Click to see the full-size image | Written by According to the U.S. federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB), U.S. military spending this year is

People's Daily (2023-05-23). The view from China: U.S. debt ceiling 'crisis' reveals wasteful military spending. Due to clashes between the two major political parties, weak governance, and huge military expenditures driven by a Cold War mentality, the U.S. is now unable to pay back its debts without borrowing new money. The U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the U.S. might face a default for the first time in history …

April M. Short (2023-05-24). Our times call for managing complexities, not solving problems. How Paicines Ranch in California works to bring business and investment up to date with our times and closer to nature—prioritizing ecosystem health, habitat, and the sequestration of carbon through soil practices.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-05-24). Bolivia's president highlights deepening ties with China. La Paz, 24 May (Prensa Latina) President Luis Arce said at the 2nd World Trade and Investment Summit on Wednesday that relations between Bolivia and China have been continuously deepening for 38 years through cooperation and cultural exchange.

teleSUR (2023-05-24). World Trade Summit In China, A "Unique" Opportunity – Arce. The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, participated this Wednesday in the II World Trade and Investment Promotion Summit of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. | RELATED: | Arce participated in the summit held in Beijing with a virtual intervention and spoke of China's role on the world stage and bilateral cooperation on issues of industrialization of zinc and lithium, among others. | He stressed that the s…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-05-24). NGO's urge Colombia to sink investor protection treaties. Multinational NGO's are visiting Colombia to urge the country's leaders to abandon controversial treaties that seek to protect foreign investment. Over the past decades, Colombia's previous governments signed multiple investor…

Mohammad Ayesh (2023-05-24). Arabic press review: Egyptian prisoners launch collective hunger strike. Arabic press review: Egyptian prisoners launch collective hunger strike | Meanwhile, Qatar is set to boost investments in Egypt while Saudi Arabia tops regional box office revenues | Wed, 05/24/2023 – 13: 53 | A media tour of the Correctional and Rehabilitation Center in Badr City, 70 kilometres northeast of Cairo, on 16 January 2022 (AFP)
| Egypt: Hunger strike begins over jail condi…

WSWS (2023-05-25). Workers Party imposes austerity in Brazil. Lula has seen a 13 percent drop in his approval rating as his government deepens austerity policies designed to guarantee profits and foreign debt payments.

WSWS (2023-05-24). Amazon workers hold strike votes at UK Midlands warehouses, GMB union seeks recognition. Strikes at Amazon warehouses show the determination of this critical group of workers to improve their conditions. But this requires a programme based on internationalism, class struggle, and the primacy of workers' needs over Amazon's profits.

splcenter (2023-05-24). Experts: VDARE's Real Estate Deals May Cost Group Nonprofit Status. White nationalist hate group VDARE could lose its nonprofit status over real estate agreements surrounding a historic castle the group purchased in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, according to two nonprofit lawyers to whom Hatewatch described property records and court filings. Most of the documents came from a lawsuit VDARE brought against New York Attorney General (AG) Letitia James' office, wherein the AG alleges VDARE "violated New York law."

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). Expanded Intro: Capitalism, Commodity Production and Imperialism. In this episode, we expand on two previous episodes, one on capitalist exploitation, and the other on imperialism. In this episode, we talk about commodity production under capitalism, and especially, the shift from production for the use and needs of society to the production, for the sake of exchange and profit from exchange solely for the owning class. We also talk about imperialism, what its characteristics are, and what we need to do to avoid simplistic analysis, both of its history and current existence.

Staff (2023-05-24). President Maduro Accuses Washington of Stealing $4 Billion in CITGO Profits.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-24). Eight Mayo hospitals again earn highest grades for patient safety from Leapfrog Group. Eight Mayo Clinic hospitals were recognized for excellent patient safety, again earning A grades from the Leapfrog Group. Eight hospitals across Mayo Clinic scored high marks for patient safety, earning A grades from The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit organization that provides safety ratings. The ratings are intended to help patients choose their preferred health care destinations. Mayo Clinic hospitals that received an A grade are: Arizona Mayo Clinic Hospital. Florida Mayo Clinic Hospital….

Douglas Healey (2023-05-23). Biden picks fossil fuel profits over planet with approval of Mountain Valley Pipeline. In yet another move contradicting his campaign promises of climate action, the Biden administration recently granted approval of a 303-mile natural gas pipeline in the heart of Appalachia, despite the rapidly destabilizing climate.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-05-24). 'One Health' will give WHO's Dictator General power to initiate climate lockdowns. The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations ("IHRs") and the Pandemic Treaty both incorporate the "One Health" approach. One Health has little definition or structure and is sold using vague strings …

WSWS (2023-05-24). Introduction to new pamphlet from Mehring Books: Marxism vs. Critical Race Theory. The pamphlet, which presents a criticism of critical race theory and identity politics from the left, is now available from Mehring Books.

Marxist-Leninist (2023-05-24). Let Us Celebrate the People's Patriots and End the Ignominy of Monarchical-Patriotic Legends. An assembly of some 6,000 Quebec patriots, the Assembly of the Six Counties, was held October 23-24, 1837 despite public assemblies being banned by the British colonial government. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is calling for Victoria Day to be renamed Patriots' Day. The aim is to engage people in discussion on the peoples' …

Steve Gillis (2023-05-25). WWP solution to debt crisis: Defund the Pentagon! Credit: Tony Murphy It's television news teaser material that on June 1, the U.S. government will run out of money to pay its debts — everything from wages for its vast global armies and civilian government workers, to Social Security checks and interest payments on Treasury bonds. According to President . . . |

_____ (2023-05-24). Kissinger's Fairy Tales for Idiots. Kissinger's idea of bringing peace by having Ukraine join NATO is as crazy as the thought of putting out a fire with kerosene. | In October 2019, the online edition of published the article "The Dissolution of the Soviet Union was the Biggest Crime of the United States — Henry Kissinger is Disappointed with Capitalism", which quotes an alleged statement by Henry Kissinger, the 56th U.S. Secretary of State and 7th U.S. National Security Advisor, from which it could be concluded that the experienced politician, diplomat, political theorist, and geopolitical advisor, in the later years of his l…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). An introduction to Imperialism. In this episode, similarly to other reason, short introductory episodes, we go over the topic of imperialism in nine minutes. Of course, this doesn't come close to covering every aspect or the historical development of the phenomenon known as Capitalism imperialism, however, it does bring us into a bit better have an understanding that the majority of us have from our high school education or from the phony and hypocritical western media sources…

CRD (2023-05-24). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Frank Cappello (2023-05-23). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Parasite (w/ Jessica Burbank).

WSWS (2023-05-25). Australia's Gold-Tweed Coast bus workers fight to prevent another union betrayal at Kinetic. Kinetic workers are again taking industrial action over pay and conditions, concerned that the Transport Workers Union is about to strike another rotten deal with the global bus conglomerate.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-24). Capturing Carbon With Machines Is a Failure—So Why Are We Subsidizing It? Human activity—mostly the burning of fossil fuels—has raised Earth's atmospheric carbon content by 50 percent, from 280 parts per million (ppm) to 420 ppm. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, we've released approximately 950 billion metric tons of carbon into the air. Every year, humans emit more than 40 billion metric tons of carbon …

Ryan Black (2023-05-23). The Military-Industrial Complex Is Triggering US Debt Crisis. JEFFREY D. SACHS | COMMON DREAMS…

WSWS (2023-05-24). Syriza's rout in the Greek general election. The role of Syriza in Greece is a strategic experience for the international working class, demonstrating the bankruptcy of claims made by pseudo-left tendencies around the world that meaningful change can be made by voting their pro-capitalist parties into government.

Tribuna Popular (2023-05-24). Venezuela: Gobierno intenta crear un falso PCV subordinado a su política neoliberal. Caracas, 22-05-2023 (Redacción TP).- El Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro propició el pasado domingo 21 de mayo un evento fraudulento para "construir un falso positivo" con el objetivo de "desconocer los procesos legítimos de toma de decisiones en el seno del Partido Comunista de Venezuela e intentar, a través de medidas administrativas o judiciales, colocarlo al …

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-24). Venezuelan Communists say government established fake communist party to 'hijack' their supporters. CARACAS—The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has pointed the finger at the leadership of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for an alleged attempt to "hijack" the organization. "The PSUV leadership wants to take away the PCV's legal status, to neutralize its role in the country's social struggles," Communist Party General Secretary àìscar …

Judith Deutsch (2023-05-24). Scapegoating Dr. Hassan Diab in France and Canada: The Varieties of Moral Experience. The fate of Dr. Hassan Diab is being determined by an absence of morality as in scapegoating, and by an absolutist moral stance that law is engraved in stone and that the State's duty is limited to examining compliance with the law.

Liza Featherstone (2023-05-23). Socialists want to crack down on Israeli war crimes. This story originally appeared in A group of New York legislators recently put forth a bill that would ensure the state government can't use public money to fund human rights abuses that have been found illegal under international law. The idea seems straightforward — why would government dollars be used to fund illegal activities? | In a sensible world, the principles set out in "Not on Our Dime," a New Yo…

Fight Back (2023-05-23). FRSO Political Program now available in Spanish. The Spanish translation of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization is now available as a paperback book. We hope that this new translation will help to bring revolutionary ideas to a wider audience, including the Chicano liberation and immigrant rights movement. | FRSO is an organization that recognizes the existence of the Chicano nation of Aztlán and sees its struggle for liberation as an important part of our strategy for revolution in the United States. The introduction to our program states, | "In 1846, the U.S. launched a war that resulted in the theft of northern Mexico and the exten…

Dexter Whitfield (2023-05-23). Global Trade in Renewable Energy Assets Soars. Secondary market transactions are a common feature of Public Private Partnerships (Whitfield, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2019) and are now a core element of the renewable energy sector as detailed in A Global Renewable Energy Secon…

thecommunists (2023-05-24). Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination. The failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin in May, whether directly ordered by the west-backed junta in Ukraine or the work of freelancing fascists, signalled a new level of provocation and threat against Russia. The drone attack on the Kremlin, taken together with the supply by Britain and others of long-range weapons capable …

Staff (2023-05-24). Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars. A bombshell new investigation from The Intercept reveals that former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was responsible for even more civilian deaths during the U.S. war in Cambodia than was previously known. The revelations add to a violent résumé that ranges from Latin America to Southeast Asia, where Kissinger presided over brutal U.S. military interventions to put down communist revolt and to develop U.S. influence around the world. While survivors and family members of these deadly campaigns continue to grieve, Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday this week. "This… (2023-05-24). Auditing key to self-reform of Party, Xi says. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed on Tuesday the unique role of auditing in advancing the Party's self-reform, and called for effective auditing work to serve the overall development of the Party and State.

thecommunists (2023-05-23). British delegate in Seoul: Global capitalist system teetering over the abyss. The following speech was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar on behalf of our party at the fourth international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Seoul on 15 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I began my party's contribution to our conference in Caracas two months ago by saying that our event was taking place at a …

2023-05-24 23:56:41 | 23:56 EST | tr | 92 | 0 | 19 | 74 | 6 

2023-05-23: News Headlines (2023-05-23). China's commerce ministry slams U.S. 'trade initiative' talks with island of Taiwan. China's MOFCOM strongly criticized the United States for engaging in so-called "trade initiative" talks with Taiwan, asserting that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and the one-China principle is the prerequisite for China's Taiwan region to participate in external economic cooperation. (2023-05-23). FM urges Netherlands to oppose decoupling. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang called on Tuesday for China and the Netherlands to jointly oppose decoupling, in order to avoid the risk of fragmented global trade and promote the recovery of the world economy.

Marc Steiner, Bret Gustafson (2023-05-23). 'For us, extractivism is lethal': The ongoing colonial violence of resource extraction in Latin America. From the defeat of the coup government in Bolivia, the election of Xiomara Castro in Honduras, and the rise of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico, to the historic election of Gustavo Petro in Colombia and the return of Lula in Brazil, left-leaning governments are changing the political landscape of Latin America. However, even more progressive parties and ruling coalitions have failed to rein in the violence of the resource extraction economy and the domineering power of international capital flowing through mining, drilling, and deforestation operations across the hemisphere. Indigenous and environmenta…

unitedEditor (2023-05-23). Rafael Correa's shadow back on Ecuador's horizon. PIA Global and United Word International share this exclusive interview with Ricardo Patiño Aroca, former foreign minister and minister of economy and defense in the government of Rafael Correa (in government 2007 — 2017). Aroca presents us an analysis of the current situation in the brotherly Andean country. In the session that began this Tuesday, … (2023-05-23). Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway starts joint testing. The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway (HSR) started joint commissioning and testing on Monday afternoon, marking a milestone in the construction of the railway project.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-05-23). Economy must be 'at service of life': resisting debt and neocolonialism in Africa. A dossier and accompanying discussion hosted by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research interrogates the vicious cycle of debt rooted in neocolonial extraction that continues to trap countries across the African continent…

Junaid S. Ahmad (2023-05-23). Following failed kidnapping of Imran Khan, Pakistan's regime desperately cracks down on dissent. Pakistan's toppled Prime Minister Imran Khan tried to defend himself against bogus corruption charges, but the military kidnapped him. The Supreme Court ruled it was an unlawful arrest and he was freed. So now the unelected regime is cracking down hard, threatening to prosecute protesters in army courts.

Derrick Crowe (2023-05-23). Report: Defeating Authoritarianism Requires Shift, Investments from Philanthropy. WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new report urges changes in the fields of organizing and philanthropy to stop the rise of authoritarianism and tackle intertwined crises from catastrophic climate change to runaway economic inequality. The Antidote to Authoritarianism: How An Organizing Revival Can Build a Multiracial Pluralistic Democracy and an Inclusive Economy, published by People's Action Institute with …

Junaid S. Ahmad, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-05-23). Following Failed Kidnapping Of Imran Khan, Regime Cracks Down On Dissent. Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan pledged to build a "Naya Pakistan" — a New Pakistan. He hoped to break with decades of internal misrule and gross corruption and offer a hopeful future for the world's fifth-most populous country, of nearly 248 million people. | Khan's vision also meant a New Pakistan that ended its external dependencies and subordinate relationship with Washington, which could only be described as neo-colonial. | Khan's period in power came at a bad time, especially because of the Covid-19 crisis, and his own rule did at times reflect a lack of political acumen and an inability t… (2023-05-23). China, ASEAN companies eye each other's markets. Chinese companies as well as their counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expressing a keen interest in exploring business opportunities in each other's markets, propelled by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership pact taking effect early last year.

Rania Khalek (2023-05-23). Why China's Diplomatic Assertiveness Scares the U.S., w/ Tings Chak. According to U.S. politicians, military leaders and the media, everything China does on the international stage — brokering peace deals, expanding economic initiatives, building ports — is part of an aggressive campaign to weaken the United States. | While China is becoming more assertive diplomatically, is the U.S. interpretation of why accurate or is it projection and delusion? And how does it relate to China's internationalist past? What does it mean for the future of the Global South and the world order? To discuss this and more, | Rania Khalek was joined by Tings Chak, a researcher at the Tricont…

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2023-05-23). The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals. Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler). History also shows that imperial interests have often led to the suppression of aspirations for self-determination.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-23). 'Market Fundamentalism' Is an Obstacle to Social Progress By: Richard D. Wolff. A changing world order, a shrinking U.S. empire, migrations and related demographic shifts, and major economic crashes have all enhanced religious fundamentalisms around the world. Beyond religions, other ideological fundamentalisms likewise provide widely welcomed reassurances. One of the latter—market fundamentalism—invites and deserves criticism as a major obstacle to navigating this time of rapid social change. Market fundamentalism attributes to that particular social ins …

Pepe Escobar (2023-05-23). Adventures in NATOstan — Sparks Flying in Ibiza, Locked Down Bilderberg in Lisbon. By Pepe Escobar — May 22, 2023 | Let's start with a graphic depiction of where the Global North and the Global South really stand. | 1. Xian, former imperial capital, and key hub of the Ancient Silk Roads: Xi Jinping hosts the China-Central Asia summit, attended by all Heartland "stans" (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgzystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan). | The final statement stresses economic cooperation and "a resolute stand" against Hegemon-concocted color revolutions. That expands what the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are already implementing. In practice, the…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-23). La Via Campesina Warns of Democratic Frailty in Ecuador (Statement). By La Via Campesina -May 20, 2023 | Communiqué from La Vía Campesina denounces the dissolution of democratic institutions in Ecuador, coupled with a recent decree on terrorism and the military supporting the President. | (Bagnolet, May 20, 2023) The peasant, indigenous, landless, women and workers' organizations that are part of the international movement La Via Campesina around the world warn with great concern about the current context in Ecuador, marked by a serious political crisis, accompanied by a deep economic and social crisis, with high levels of violence by criminal groups, the State and the sectors of…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-23). 60+ Years of Inhumane US Blockade on Cuba (Report Back). By Jasmine Butler — May 19, 2023 | We entered Cuba on May 3rd, 2023 with a base-level understanding of the U.S. blockade, its intent and purpose, and how it has impacted the Cuban people for the last 60+ years. Over the next 10 days, we discovered the depths of the U.S.' economic, political, psychological, and emotional warfare against the Cuban people. Beyond just a lofty economic measure, the blockade is intended to squeeze the life out of Cuba, to turn its people against the government and against socialism, and to ensure that U.S. hegemony continues to dominate the region and the globe. While the blockad…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-23). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

manager (2023-05-23). The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions: Event Summary. On May 19, 2023, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) brought together leading experts in the study of economic sanctions to help to answer a critical, but often-ignored, question: What are the human consequences of US economic sanctions? Assessing a wide range of evidence, the findings of our panelists were unanimous: economic …

infobrics (2023-05-23). India to Deepen Economic Ties with Russia Despite Western Sanctions. The Federation of Indian Exporters Organization (FIEO), India's apex trade body, also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Business Russia to promote trade and investments between the two countries, during the on-going delegation visit…

Victor M. Toledo, Resilience. (2023-05-23). Community Radio And Social Power. If we are facing a crisis of civilization and therefore need a civilizational transformation, a total paradigm shift, then everything that decentralizes, localizes, makes society horizontal and empowers must be disseminated and celebrated. | We are talking about amplifying social power in the face of economic (capital) and political (State) powers, since social power is the only way to overcome the tremendous social and environmental crisis that humanity is suffering today. | Participatory communication is one of the phenomena that has grown exponentially not only in Mexico, but in much of the world. If the Inter… (2023-05-23). Sovereign borrowing to increase, OECD predicts. Sovereign borrowing needs are forecast to increase this year, according to a report published on Monday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD.

WSWS (2023-05-23). Bangladesh releases a major strategic policy document. In the face of ongoing political and economic pressure from Washington, the government is attempting to maintain a delicate balance between the US and China.

Alastair Crooke (2023-05-22). The EU Is Over-Invested in the Ukrainian War-Project. Ukraine is not a stand-alone foreign policy issue, but rather the pivot around which Europe's economic prospects will rotate. | The European Union, by any standards, is over-invested in the Ukrainian war-project — and in its romance with Zelensky too. Just earlier this year, the western (and EU) narrative was that the coming post-Winter offensive by Ukraine would 'break' Russia and render a 'coup de grace' to the war. MSM headlines spun a regular tale of Russia on its last legs. Now, however, the Establishment messaging has done a 180 ∞. Russia is not 'on its last legs' … | Two very Establishment An…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-22). Venezuelan Communist Party Denounces 'Fake Congress' by Parallel Organization. The leftist organization has struck an increasingly critical stance in recent years against the government's economic policies.

teleSUR (2023-05-22). Ecuador's CNE Seeks To Unify Elections & Yasuní Referendum Date. Ecuador's National Electoral Council (CNE) approved on Monday to recommend unifying the date of the early presidential and legislative elections and the referendum on oil exploitation in the Yasuní National Park. | RELATED: | "To guarantee political participation and optimize technical and economic resources, as Plenary of the CNE we approved the report that recommends requesting the Constitutional Court [CC] to unify the vo…

Aram Aharonian (2023-05-22). Elecciones en una Argentina en crisis económica y social: Deshojando la margarita. El neoliberal Mauricio Macri y la progresista Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, principales protagonistas de estos últimos 20 años de gobierno, anunciaron que no serán candidatos presidenciales. En la famosa "grieta", que los separaba, encontraron la forma de echarse mutuamente las…

_____ (2023-05-22). The False Promise and Bitter Fruit of Neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is a political economic philosophy that consists of two claims, one economic and the other political. The economic claim is free market laissez-faire economies are the best way to organize economic activity as they generate efficient outcomes that maximize well-being. The political claim is free market economic arrangements promote individual liberty. This paper argues both claims are problematic.

_____ (2023-05-22). US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. 15 May 2023 – To paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. It's no wonder "socialism with Chinese characteristics" spooks the Hegemon creditor oligarchy to the point they are even risking a Hot War. (2023-05-23). BYD mulls NEV plant in Europe. BYD is considering building a passenger vehicle manufacturing plant in Europe, the latest move by the Shenzhen, Guangdong province-based carmaker to explore international markets as its NEV models gain in popularity overseas.

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-23). Fannie Mae: We Expect A Recession Will Hit America After Housing Correction. Housing bulls may think the worst is behind us. There's a record number of multifamily units under construction, new home sales are rising, and just 16 percent of regional housing markets tracked by Zillow showed home price declines between March and April. However, one government-sponsored enterprise suggests the housing recession isn't over. A revised forecast model by Fannie …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-22). Workers at NYC fresh food market go union on card-check. NEW YORK—New York City residents who patronize the city's leading outdoor fresh produce markets, run at various locations by the non-profit GrowNYC, now will have a new reason to increase their purchases: The staff is going union. The card-check recognition for the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union will cover GrowNYC's 200-250 workers, spread across …

Katherine Coe (2023-05-23). Reflections from a wedding conversation on poverty eradication. At a wedding I attended recently, I fell into an interesting conversation with another guest. She asked me what I 'do' (somehow the words 'for work' are always implicit in this phrase, yet rarely spoken out loud), and I shared that I fundraise for an international human rights organization. I quickly assured her that I…

Staff (2023-05-23). Got a degree, but no Job? | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. More and more Indian families are sending their children for higher education, in the hope that it will get them better jobs and a better life. More than 20% of young people in the 18-24 age-bracket were enrolled for higher education in 2020-21. But unemployment amongst those with graduate or post graduate degrees is twice …

Anonymous (2023-05-23). Two Los Angeles Film Professors Bilked Taxpayers Over $3.5 Million Dollars. Faculty infighting and an attitude of entitlement in a Community College Film School, deprived low-income students in the Van Nuys/North Hollywood area of technical training and financial aid, while two full-time film professors bilked California taxpayers over $3.5 million dollars in salaries. (2023-05-23). System Fail: Rise of AI, Resistance Committees in Sudan, and Defending Squats in Barcelona. subMedia.Tv returns with a new episode of System Fail, featuring a look at the rise of Artificial Intelligence, resistance in Sudan, and defending squats in Barcelona. As technological advances in Artificial Intelligence are poised render the labour of millions obsolete, humans in industrialized nations must decide whether to succumb to existential despair or embrace their…

WSWS (2023-05-23). Spate of breakdowns in New Zealand's railways and ferries. Repeated failures and disruptions are resulting from decades of underinvestment in transport infrastructure by successive Labour and National Party governments.

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-23). Cash Assistance, Not Child Labor, Can Fix the Labor Shortage.

jacobin (2023-05-23). Japan's Labor Movement Is Taking Up the Demands of Part-Time and Temporary Workers. In Japan, part-time and temporary workers account for nearly 40% of the workforce.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-23). The War On Public Education, Tech & The Writers Guild West With Education Lawyer Kathleen. Education lawyer and whistleblower Kathleen Carroll talks about the role of billionaire owner Reed Hastings in privatization education through charters and the introduction of testing, software and co-locations in schools throughout California and the country. She also talks about the collaboration of the AFT and NEA in pushing testing and charters in California through Proposition 39.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-23). The Formation & History of Brazilian Fed Conlutas with Sao Paulo Worker Fabio Bosco. Brazilian transit worker Fabio Bosco talks about the history and formation of the independent trade union federation Conlutas.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-23). Protest Over CA AG Rob Bonta's Refusal To Prosecute O'Neil's Killer. There was a protest at the San Francisco Hall of Justice and courts against the decision by California Attorney General Rob Bonta not to protest the killer of Keito O'Neil.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-05-23). Thursday 6/1: Jail Former SF Fed Member & Silicon Valley CEO Gregory Becker! Bankers Out Of Fed Reserve. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 Market St. | San Franciso… (2023-05-23). Festival of Learning and Teaching celebrates education innovation. Imperial has hosted its second collaborative and celebratory festival dedicated to education innovation and achievement.

teleSUR (2023-05-23). Cuba Rejects Being in US List of Not-Collaborating Countries. On Tuesday, Cuba described as "mendacious accusations" the US decision to keep the island on its list of countries that do not "fully" cooperate against terrorism. | RELATED: | Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez considered that Cuba's permanence on that list is an "abominable crime that the U.S. has practiced without scruples and uses opportunistically as a tool of political coercion." | Previously, the State Department included Cuba for the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-23). Science Saturday: Blood Tube Optimization Program hails first successful project. Frontline staff in the Central Clinical and Central Processing Laboratories in the division of Clinical Core Laboratory Services (CCLS) made an astute observation that more tubes of blood were being collected from patients than seemed necessary. Analysis pointed to a potential benefit of new laboratory automation equipment and technology. The previous automation line in Central Processing required all tubes loaded in a rack to be the same height and serum aliquoted into cups for testing….

Bevan Ramsden (2023-05-23). Labor rushes through a bill to exempt AUKUS nuclear submarines from environmental protections. Labor is rushing a dangerous amendment though parliament that would exempt the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines from important environmental protections. As Bevan Ramsden argues, this has be strenuously opposed.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-23). Presidente de Argentina llama a respetar derechos laborales. El presidente destacó que cientos de empresas volvieron a ser puestas en funcionamiento tras su cierre por quiebra, vaciamiento, abandono u otras causas.

Hamilton Nolan, In These Times. (2023-05-23). In 49 States, Your Boss Can Hold You Captive. This week, state legislators in Minnesota passed a package of pro-labor measures that instantly makes the state the envy of workers everywhere. The new laws include paid sick days for everyone, banning noncompete agreements, a crackdown on wage theft, and a wage board to set pay in the nursing home industry. All a big deal. But let's talk briefly about one in particular: a ban on captive audience meetings. | As you know if you have ever hung around union people who are in the process of getting extremely mad, "captive audience meetings" are when the boss calls a mandatory meeting for employee…

Jenny Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-05-23). Organizing Despite The Churn. When the Amazon Labor Union first submitted union authorization cards, "we had to withdraw and file again," recalled organizing committee member Justine Medina, "because Amazon challenged over 1,000 of our signatures saying they no longer worked there." | The sky-high turnover at the 8,000-worker fulfillment center on New York's Staten Island, made collecting cards "a race against Amazon firing everyone," she said. | Amazon has annual turnover of 150 percent. "They design the productivity quota, the rates system, to be a constant speedup situation, and that makes it hard to keep the job," said Medina, who still w… (2023-05-23). IAEA, ministry sign deal to establish collaboration center in Beijing. A center affiliated with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has been designated as the International Atomic Energy Agency's first global collaboration center for nuclear and radiation safety, according to the ministry.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-23). Cubans in Belize recall international medical aid's 60th anniversary. Belmopan, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Cuban health collaborators in Belize, headed by their Embassy in this country, on Tuesday recalled the first time Cuban physicians and nurses rendered their services to other countries 60 years ago.

WSWS (2023-05-23). Australia: Workers and students express anger over Labor government's budget. "It is a slash and burn austerity budget. It is anti-poor and anti-working class."—Melbourne food production worker.

Rania Khalek (2023-05-22). Antony Loewenstein On His Book, 'Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports Technology Of Occupation'. Journalist and author Antony Loewenstein joins the "Unauthorized Disclosure" podcast to discuss his new book, The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World. | The book from Verso Books will be published on May 23, and it comprehensively documents how Israel's military industrial complex uses the occupied Palestinian territories as a testing ground for the development of weapons and surveillance technology. | In our interview, Antony describes the impact Israeli military support and weapons have had on populations in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. He specifica…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-05-22). US Labor Agency Rejects Starbucks' Effort To Obtain Records Of Worker Communications With Media. The following article was made possible by paid subscribers. Support independent journalism on press freedom and whistleblowers. Subscribe to The Dissenter Newsletter and get a The decision [

Fight Back (2023-05-22). Cop running against socialist Minneapolis City Council member Aisha Chughtai instigates attack at nominating convention. Minneapolis, MN – At the Minneapolis Ward 10 Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) party convention on Saturday, May 13, current socialist City Councilmember Aisha Chughtai, along with her campaign volunteers and delegates, were subject to an attack by her electoral opponent, who is a cop, and his campaign operatives. Video of the incident went viral and has become a national news story. | Chughtai is the incumbent councilwoman who was elected in 2021. She comes out of the labor movement and is an immigrant rights activist. Chughtai has led the fight against Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey's inhumane approach to homelessnes…

Bill Darkin (2023-05-22). Why Labor needs to scrap 'mutual' obligations and raise the rate. The Community and Public Sector Union has called on the Anthony Albanese government to scrap the punitive "mutual" obligations system, stating it "does more harm than good". Bill Darkin reports.

isabella (2023-05-22). Minnesota Lawmakers Approve Nine Major Worker-Friendly Changes.

Ann Brown (2023-05-22). Communist Film Producer Boots Riley Emerges As Vocal Leader In Hollywood Writers Strike. Hollywood's writers are on strike, and a number of notables are showing solidarity, such as film producer Boots Riley. The 2023 Writers Guild of America strike is a labor dispute between the Writers Guild of America labor union and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which began on May 2. The main contention …

Editor (2023-05-22). Chris Hedges: Why the Conspiracy Theory About Trump and Russia Won't Go Away. The latest investigation into the charges that Donald Trump's campaign worked in concert with the Russian government exposes a cynical collaboration between Trump opponents and the FBI.

_____ (2023-05-22). Give the Defense Innovation Unit a Slice of Ukraine Funds. 16 May 2023 – Calls to make Ukraine a laboratory and a testing ground for U.S. weapons and platforms are the right ones. Ukraine presents a tremendous opportunity for the Pentagon, industry, and our allies to learn how our weapons fare under real-world, high-intensity combat. But Ukraine should also be an accelerator, speeding up technologies with military applications.

isabella (2023-05-22). 'We Are Not Taxing the Very Wealthy Enough': Runaway Inequality About to Get Worse.

Arthur MacEwan, Dollars & Sense. (2023-05-23). The Inflation Reality And The Attack On Wages. Inflation was slow throughout the second half of 2022. Yet you wouldn't know this from newspaper headlines, statements from "experts," or the statements and actions of the Federal Reserve. It was only in January of 2023, when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for December 2022 was released showing an actual (very small) decline in prices for the month, that there began to be a general recognition that the relatively high rate of inflation of late 2021 and the first half of 2022 had abated. The December 2022 decline of one-tenth of 1% was later revised upward to an increase of one-tenth of 1%, but this tiny increase…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-05-22). The Federal Reserve's Anti-inflation Policy Makes No Sense. Dear readers and fellow economists, the Federal Reserve is treating a rise in prices from supply shocks and disruptions from the Covid lockdowns and sanctions against Russia, Iran, and other countries as if it were a monetary inflation. It is true that too much money is chasing too few goods and services, but the cause is supply shortages and not excess consumer demand. | This fact is obvious, but it is not acknowledged. We know that the lockdowns and sanctions stopped production, caused transportation problems, caused energy shortages, caused business failures, and disrupted supply chains. | We know that excess…

thecommunists (2023-05-22). Defy the anti-trade union laws! Download this leaflet as a pdf. ***** The failure of wages to keep pace with galloping inflation, alongside insane hikes in rents, food prices and energy bills since 2008, and reaching unprecedented heights in recent months, have been driving desperate workers across the country onto picket lines for more than a year now. For a …

jamanetwork (2023-05-23). Swapping Out Sugary Drinks Associated With Lower Mortality. For adults with type 2 diabetes, consuming more than 1 serving of a sugar-sweetened drink per day was linked to a 20% increase in all-cause mortality as well as an increase in cardiovascular disease events and death compared with drinking less than 1 serving per month, according to data from 15‚ÄØ486 participants who were followed up for almost 19 years. Increased consumption of beverages including tea, coffee, plain water, and low-fat milk were associated with lower mortality.

Dave DeCamp (2023-05-23). Neo-Nazi Militia Used US Armored Vehicles in Attack on Russia's Belgorod Region. A neo-Nazi militia launched a cross-border raid from Ukraine into Russia's Belgorod region on Monday using US armored vehicles, Financial Times reported Tuesday. Denis Nikitin, leader of the Russian Volunteer Corps, said his fighters who attacked Belgorod were in possession of US armored vehicles, including at least two M1224 MaxxPro armored vehicles and several Humvees. …

Sarah Anderson (2023-05-23). The Post Office Can Bring People-Centered Public Banking to Every ZIP Code. The need for a public banking option is urgent. Nearly 10 million households, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color, are unbanked or underbanked in the United States. Unbanked or underbanked households must pay expensive fees for non-bank financial services to access their own money for paying bills, cashing checks, remittances, rent, and …

Ann Brown (2023-05-23). Popular YouTube Pranksters Warned About Getting Busted On Chasing Clout: Man Pulls Gun. Clout chasing on social media for views and likes that could potentially result in a financial payoff can be deadly. YouTube pranksters have taken to doing extreme pranks on strangers that are potentially dangerous for everyone involved. Recently on YouTube, an unidentified personality decided it would make for good Internet entertainment to pour fake gasoline …

Anonymous103 (2023-05-23). Legal Status of Bitcoin in Germany. SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | Germany is one country that has been actively regulating Bitcoin, and it's important to understand the legal status of Bitcoin in Germany for anyone who wants to use it or invest in it. In this expert article, we will explore six key things you need to know about the legal status of Bitcoin in Germany, including its legality, and taxation. Bitcoin is legal in many countries and many are investing in it and making financial lives easier. If you too want to invest/tr… (2023-05-23). China's non-financial ODI up 26.6% in Jan-April. China's non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) rose 26.6 percent year-on-year to 289.29 billion yuan in the first four months of the year, official data showed Monday.

People's Daily (2023-05-23). The view from China: U.S. debt ceiling 'crisis' reveals wasteful military spending. Due to clashes between the two major political parties, weak governance, and huge military expenditures driven by a Cold War mentality, the U.S. is now unable to pay back its debts without borrowing new money. The U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the U.S. might face a default for the first time in history …

Staff (2023-05-22). 31 May, Ottawa: Stop CANSEC — Shut Elbit Down! Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins ILPS Canada and many other organizations to say: Canada, stop profiting off the arms trade! In 2022 the Canadian military spending reached over $36 billion which is set to increase by $8 billion over the next 5 years. Canada's involvement in the war industry and arms trades culminates every …

Sarah Anderson (2023-05-22). A Walmart Worker's View on the Retirement Divide. I'll be turning 67 at the end of this month. I'd love to be able to retire on my birthday. I'd celebrate by spending the afternoon at the mall with my daughter and then start planning little trips to visit relatives. But even after working for our nation's largest employer — Walmart — for 22 …

Cynthia Murray (2023-05-22). CEOs Get to Retire Comfortably. Workers Like Me Deserve the Same. I'll be turning 67 soon. I'd love to be able to retire on my birthday. I'd celebrate by spending the afternoon at the mall with my daughter and then start planning little trips to visit relatives. | But even after 22 years of working for Walmart, our nation's largest employer, I can't afford to retire any time soon. | Walmart does offer a 401(k) with matching funds. But with a high-deductible health plan and at my wage of just $16.83 an hour, I haven't been able to save much at all for what should be my "golden years." | Lots of my fellow Walmart associates are in the same boat. I know this from talking to my co-…

infobrics (2023-05-22). China's Russian Belt & Road Initiative Continues Apace in The Russian Far East. Khabarovsk BRI investments reach US$1.6 billion in 2022, China trade up 31%…

Douglas Healey (2023-05-23). Biden picks fossil fuel profits over planet with approval of Mountain Valley Pipeline. In yet another move contradicting his campaign promises of climate action, the Biden administration recently granted approval of a 303-mile natural gas pipeline in the heart of Appalachia, despite the rapidly destabilizing climate.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-23). Eight Mayo hospitals again earn highest grades for patient safety from Leapfrog Group. Eight Mayo Clinic hospitals were recognized for excellent patient safety, again earning A grades from the Leapfrog Group. Eight hospitals across Mayo Clinic scored high marks for patient safety, earning A grades from The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit organization that provides safety ratings. The ratings are intended to help patients choose their preferred health care destinations. Mayo Clinic hospitals that received an A grade are: Arizona Mayo Clinic Hospital. Florida Mayo Clinic Hospital….

Editor (2023-05-23). WSJ Worries Debt Limit Fight Could Jeopardize Military Contractors' Profit.

WSWS (2023-05-23). NIH lifts suspension of EcoHealth Alliance and reinstates grant to study bat coronaviruses in China. The non-profit international research organization has been the target of right-wing conspiracy theories claiming that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-23). Is Crypto Transactions, and Virtual Assets To Come Under the Money Laundering Act in India? SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | In India, there is a growing debate over whether cryptocurrency transactions and virtual assets should be brought under the purview of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). In this article, we will explore the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in India, the potential risks associated with unregulated crypto transactions, and the need for cryptocurrency regulation in India. The regulations vary from country to country and it is also legal to trad… (2023-05-23). Foreign companies abiding by Chinese laws welcome to Chinese market: FM Spokesperson. Foreign companies and their products are welcome to the Chinese market as long as they abide by Chinese laws and regulations, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Monday. (2023-05-23). Foreign companies are welcome to Chinese market as long as they abide by Chinese laws. Foreign companies and their products are welcome to the Chinese market as long as they abide by Chinese laws and regulations.‚ÄÇ…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-23). Post-9/11 US Conflicts Killed Over 4.5 Million People By: Brett Wilkins. The author of a study on the people killed indirectly by the War on Terror calls on the U.S. to step up reconstruction and assistance efforts in post-9/11 war zones. Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. (Filetime, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)…

midwesternmarx (2023-05-23). Woody Guthrie Prize Given to Punk Rock Group that Supports Escalation of Ukraine War and Overthrow of Russian Government By: Jeremy Kuzmarov. ​Members of Pussy Riot receiving the Woody Guthrie Prize in Tulsa Oklahoma on May 6. [Source: Photo courtesy of Jeremy Kuzmarov] As a proponent of peaceful relations with the Soviet Union, Woody Guthrie would likely be rolling over in his grave if he knew how his heirs betrayed his name Famous for his song "This Land Is Your Land" and for adopting the slogan "This Machine Kills Fascists" on his guitar, the great American folk singer Woody Guthrie was an aut …

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-05-23). Kshama Sawant Takes Successful Worker-Led Struggle Nationwide. Roughly ten years ago, Kshama Sawant won a seat on the Seattle City Council as an open socialist. Sawant eschewed politics as usual and led by example, taking only the average worker's salary from her paycheck and putting the remainder into worker-led movements. She used her office as a platform for people's struggles and won many victories from a higher minimum wage, to the Amazon tax to housing rights and more. She also survived a recall election. Clearing the FOG speaks with Sawant about her plans to leave city council when her term ends next year, what she has learned as a councilwoman and the new Workers Str…

Kenny Stancil (2023-05-23). Working longer 'not a viable solution' to US retirement crisis, economists say. Instead of forcing aging employees to delay retirement, lawmakers should ensure that workers have "access to jobs that pay fair wages and provide solid benefits during their prime working years," argues a new report.

Joelle Fishman, Mariano Rivera (2023-05-22). Rally at Connecticut State Capitol Demands 'Equity Can't Wait'. HARTFORD, CONN — After months of testifying at public hearings and sharing personal stories with legislators showing the emergency need to fund living wages and human needs post pandemic, nearly 2,000 rallied at the State Capitol under the banner "Equity Can't Wait." As the rally called on lawmakers to pass a moral budget, inside the …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-23). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Parasite (w/ Jessica Burbank).

cameron orr (2023-05-23). Our plan of action uses every tool in the toolbox. The study of fascism done by Communists throughout history is being proven correct in the United States. As the GOP is being taken over by extreme right elements in their party, this is confirming Bulgarian Communist Georgi Dimitrov's points about how fascism develops in countries experiencing a crisis of capitalism and a revolutionized working …

Ryan Black (2023-05-23). The Military-Industrial Complex Is Triggering US Debt Crisis. JEFFREY D. SACHS | COMMON DREAMS…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-05-23). Paraguay strengthens sanitary barriers to contain avian flu. Asuncion, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan authorities are on Tuesday strengthening sanitary barriers to both contain the spread of avian flu, and protect industrial poultry breeding from catching it, since three outbreaks of that disease have been reported, in addition to forecasts of others in the country.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-23). Introduction to Bitcoin Script. SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | Bitcoin Script is a simple programming language that allows users to define the conditions under which a transaction can be spent, making it a key component of the Bitcoin ecosystem. In this article, we will provide an introduction to Bitcoin Script, covering its basics, programming, execution, limitations, and future developments. If you know about Bitcoin, here is a piece of information that may excite you. | Wri…

Anonymous103 (2023-05-23). Integration Of Bitcoin With Blockchain-Based Voting System.

teleSUR (2023-05-22). Panama: Former President Martinelli to Be Prosecuted on Tuesday. On Tuesday, Judge Baloisa Marquinez is expected to set up the "New Business" hearing, in which former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and 20 others will be tried for the purchase of a media publisher with public funds. | RELATED: | The trial hearing should have been installed on April 17. On that occasion, however, the defense managed to postpone the hearing in a case whose trial was called in December 2022.

Dexter Whitfield (2023-05-23). Global Trade in Renewable Energy Assets Soars. Secondary market transactions are a common feature of Public Private Partnerships (Whitfield, 2010, 2016, 2017, 2019) and are now a core element of the renewable energy sector as detailed in A Global Renewable Energy Secon…

Liza Featherstone (2023-05-23). Socialists want to crack down on Israeli war crimes. This story originally appeared in A group of New York legislators recently put forth a bill that would ensure the state government can't use public money to fund human rights abuses that have been found illegal under international law. The idea seems straightforward — why would government dollars be used to fund illegal activities? | In a sensible world, the principles set out in "Not on Our Dime," a New Yo…

Staff (2023-05-23). Venezuela's Communist Party Controversies Reach New Level. This Sunday, a dissident Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) faction held a grassroots congress in Caracas, creating controversy within the political organization. While formal leaders stated that this congress intended to assault this political party, others oppose the position of the party leaders. | The leadership of the PCV, represented by the general secretary of the Central Committee, Oscar Figuera, claimed that the Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) wants to "assault" the PCV to "subordinate it to the interests of the government of Nicolás Maduro." | "The PSUV leadership wants to usurp the legal personalit…

Fight Back (2023-05-23). FRSO Political Program now available in Spanish. The Spanish translation of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization is now available as a paperback book. We hope that this new translation will help to bring revolutionary ideas to a wider audience, including the Chicano liberation and immigrant rights movement. | FRSO is an organization that recognizes the existence of the Chicano nation of Aztlán and sees its struggle for liberation as an important part of our strategy for revolution in the United States. The introduction to our program states, | "In 1846, the U.S. launched a war that resulted in the theft of northern Mexico and the exten…

Hands Off Uhuru, Popular Resistance. (2023-05-23). May 27: International Day Of Action For Black Power Activists. In early May, African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela, 81, was shackled in handcuffs and leg irons after reporting to the Middle District Federal Court in Tampa for his arraignment in a courtroom packed with supporters. | Chairman Yeshitela faces federal charges after a lifetime of organizing dedicated to "the liberation for Africa and African people everywhere." | Penny Hess, 77, and Jesse Nevel, 33, two white people working under the leadership of the APSP also face charges after organizing for decades in the white community for solidarity and reparations to the black community. | The "

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-05-23). Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba celebrará VI Pleno. El cónclave cumplirá el encargo del Octavo Congreso del Partido de evaluar la implementación de las directrices del modelo de desarrollo socialista cubano. (2023-05-23). Auditing key to self-reform of Party, Xi says. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, stressed on Tuesday the unique role of auditing in advancing the Party's self-reform, and called for effective auditing work to serve the overall development of the Party and State.

thecommunists (2023-05-23). British delegate in Seoul: Global capitalist system teetering over the abyss. The following speech was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar on behalf of our party at the fourth international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform in Seoul on 15 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I began my party's contribution to our conference in Caracas two months ago by saying that our event was taking place at a …

cameron orr (2023-05-23). Twin Cities CP: active and fighting on all fronts. The following Twin Cities club report was given on Saturday, April 22, 2023. Introduction Welcome and thank you for attending the Twin Cities Communist Party USA 2023 club conference! This is the first time in many years we've held a club conference with a political report and an action plan, making this an historic …

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-05-22). Welcoming ceasefire, Sudanese left calls for involvement of civil society and regional institutions. The Sudanese Communist Party has welcomed the ceasefire between the army and the Rapid Support Forces but has warned against monopolization of the peace process by US and Saudi Arabia. It has called for the involvement of Sudanese civil society and African Union peacekeepers…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-22). Right-wing New Democracy party falls just short of majority in Greek polls, surge in seats for communists. While pro-government sections and media are celebrating the performance of the ND, analysts have noted its loss of majority in the house and the surge in popularity for working class forces that are in the opposition…

2023-05-23 23:39:04 | 23:39 EST | tr | 107 | 0 | 28 | 85 | 5 

2023-05-22: News Headlines (2023-05-22). China's Commerce Minister reassures U.S. firms ahead of talks. China will continue to welcome U.S. companies to develop in China and achieve win-win results based on mutual respect and benefit, Wang Wentao, China's commerce minister, said at a symposium with representatives from several U.S. companies on Monday.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-22). US Attempting To Punish Belarus For Supporting Russia. Illustrative ImageTsikhanouskaya spreads fake news on Lukashenko's health. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | The US and its allies are attempting to transfer weapons and explosives to Belarus for being a sincere partner of Russia and in a vain effort to destabilise the situation in the country. Such provocations force Belarus to take new active measures of strategic deterrence. These include the construction of defensive fortifications near its border with Ukraine, suc…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-05-22). Damage from US debt default could cascade across global economy. Washington, May 22 (Prensa Latina) A US debt default, a threat that hovers over the country nowadays given disagreements among congressmen, could bring about a gigantic economic damage, according to experts.

Via Campesina, Resumen English. (2023-05-22). La Via Campesina Warns Of Democratic Frailty In Ecuador. The peasant, indigenous, landless, women and workers' organizations that are part of the international movement La Via Campesina around the world warn with great concern about the current context in Ecuador, marked by a serious political crisis, accompanied by a deep economic and social crisis, with high levels of violence by criminal groups, the State and the sectors of power that continue looting the people. | On Wednesday, May 17, the president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso signed executive decree 741, which establishes the dissolution of the National Assembly. This in the midst of the political trial opened aga…

Anonymous103 (2023-05-22). How Will The Bitcoin Market React To The Next Economic Recession?

Olivia Rosane (2023-05-22). Calls Grow for Fossil Fuel Industry to Pay Climate Reparations Amid New Report. More than 90% of the people killed in extreme weather events during the last half-century lived in the Global South, a new World Meteorological Organization report has found. The figure came from an update Monday to the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate, and Water-related Hazards to cover the years 1970 to 2021. The U.N. | (2023-05-22). China's consumption to continue to rise in performance. China's consumption will perform better in the second and third quarters and will have stronger economic growth, according to industry experts.

_____ (2023-05-22). The EU Is Over-Invested in the Ukrainian War-Project. Ukraine is not a stand-alone foreign policy issue, but rather the pivot around which Europe's economic prospects will rotate. | Ukraine is not a stand-alone foreign policy issue, but rather the pivot around which Europe's economic prospects will rotate. | The European Union, by any standards, is over-invested in the Ukrainian war-project — and in its romance with Zelensky too. Just earlier this year, the western (and EU) narrative was that the coming post-Winter offensive by Ukraine would 'break' Russia and render a 'coup de grace' to the war. MSM headlines spun a regular tale of Russia on its last legs. No…

teleSUR (2023-05-22). Ecuador's CNE Seeks To Unify Elections & Yasuní Referendum Date. Ecuador's National Electoral Council (CNE) approved on Monday to recommend unifying the date of the early presidential and legislative elections and the referendum on oil exploitation in the Yasuní National Park. | RELATED: | "To guarantee political participation and optimize technical and economic resources, as Plenary of the CNE we approved the report that recommends requesting the Constitutional Court [CC] to unify the vo…

_____ (2023-05-22). The False Promise and Bitter Fruit of Neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is a political economic philosophy that consists of two claims, one economic and the other political. The economic claim is free market laissez-faire economies are the best way to organize economic activity as they generate efficient outcomes that maximize well-being. The political claim is free market economic arrangements promote individual liberty. This paper argues both claims are problematic.

_____ (2023-05-22). US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. 15 May 2023 – To paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. It's no wonder "socialism with Chinese characteristics" spooks the Hegemon creditor oligarchy to the point they are even risking a Hot War.

Abdul Rahman (2023-05-21). Economic sanctions make populations in targeted countries poorer, sicker and vulnerable. According to a study published by CEPR, rich and developed countries in the West have increased the use of illegal unilateral punitive measures despite being aware of their ill effects on people…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-22). Workers at NYC fresh food market go union on card-check. NEW YORK—New York City residents who patronize the city's leading outdoor fresh produce markets, run at various locations by the non-profit GrowNYC, now will have a new reason to increase their purchases: The staff is going union. The card-check recognition for the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union will cover GrowNYC's 200-250 workers, spread across …

WSWS (2023-05-22). International students in Australia confronting cost-of-living crisis and housing shortage. Between the cost of university education, inflation, and lack of support, many international students are at acute risk of poverty, ill-health, and homelessness.

thecommunists (2023-05-21). British delegate in Korea: We share the same struggle against poverty and war. The following greeting was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar to the congress of the People's Democracy Party (PDP) of south Korea on Sunday 14 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I bring fraternal greetings from the Communists of Britain. We are most enthused to see the vital role being played by your party all over south Korea, …

WSWS (2023-05-22). Jobless rate rising in Australia, while tax cuts grow for wealthy. Amid growing unemployment, deliberately driven by interest rate hikes, a report shows that the Labor government's income tax cuts will hand the lion's share of $313 billion to the rich over the next decade.

Marc Doussard (2023-05-22). Cash Assistance, Not Child Labor, Can Fix the Labor Shortage. Addressing the labor shortage with a basic income has the kinds of side effects politicians always claim they want: More work, more education, less debt, less stress, and better health.

Anonymous (2023-05-22). Los Angeles Valley College perpetuated wage theft against students on Julie Su's watch. Wage theft is a crime. In 2013, Secretary of Labor Julie Su formed a criminal investigation agency to stamp it out in California and put the bad guys in handcuffs. That didn't stop the Grant Director at Los Angeles Valley College, serving the Van Nuys, North Hollywood and East San Fernando Valley, from perpetuating it against low-income students.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-22). Workers at NYC fresh food market go union on card-check. NEW YORK—New York City residents who patronize the city's leading outdoor fresh produce markets, run at various locations by the non-profit GrowNYC, now will have a new reason to increase their purchases: The staff is going union. The card-check recognition for the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union will cover GrowNYC's 200-250 workers, spread across …

WSWS (2023-05-22). International students in Australia confronting cost-of-living crisis and housing shortage. Between the cost of university education, inflation, and lack of support, many international students are at acute risk of poverty, ill-health, and homelessness.

thecommunists (2023-05-21). British delegate in Korea: We share the same struggle against poverty and war. The following greeting was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar to the congress of the People's Democracy Party (PDP) of south Korea on Sunday 14 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I bring fraternal greetings from the Communists of Britain. We are most enthused to see the vital role being played by your party all over south Korea, …

WSWS (2023-05-22). Jobless rate rising in Australia, while tax cuts grow for wealthy. Amid growing unemployment, deliberately driven by interest rate hikes, a report shows that the Labor government's income tax cuts will hand the lion's share of $313 billion to the rich over the next decade.

Marc Doussard (2023-05-22). Cash Assistance, Not Child Labor, Can Fix the Labor Shortage. Addressing the labor shortage with a basic income has the kinds of side effects politicians always claim they want: More work, more education, less debt, less stress, and better health.

Anonymous (2023-05-22). Los Angeles Valley College perpetuated wage theft against students on Julie Su's watch. Wage theft is a crime. In 2013, Secretary of Labor Julie Su formed a criminal investigation agency to stamp it out in California and put the bad guys in handcuffs. That didn't stop the Grant Director at Los Angeles Valley College, serving the Van Nuys, North Hollywood and East San Fernando Valley, from perpetuating it against low-income students.

Anonymous (2023-05-22). Two Los Angeles Film Professors Bilked Taxpayers Over $3.5 Million Dollars. Faculty infighting and an attitude of entitlement in a Community College Film School, deprived low-income students in the Van Nuys/North Hollywood area of technical training and financial aid, while two full-time film professors bilked California taxpayers over $3.5 million dollars in salaries.

People's Dispatch. (2023-05-22). Young Leaders From The US Pledge To Fight Blockade Of Cuba. From April 24 to May 3, over 150 young organizers from the United States traveled to Cuba as part of a brigade organized by the International Peoples' Assembly (IPA) to learn about the Cuban process and stand in solidarity with the island nation against the criminal US blockade. The organizers returned to the US with an even greater commitment to continue building their struggles at home and to fight for the end of the blockade of Cuba. | Peoples Dispatch spoke to Phil Agnew of Black Men Build, D'Atra "Dee Dee" Jackson of Black Youth Project 100, Kawena ªulaokalƒÅ Kapahua of Academic Labor United,…

Eric Blanc, Labor Politics. (2023-05-22). Labor's Uptick Isn't Just Hype. Is the current labor uptick just more hype than reality? Numerous articles have recently made this case, pointing to the continued decline in union density in 2022. This skepticism also appears to be the prevailing view among most national union leaders. Though rarely stated publicly, labor's continued routinism suggests that few people up top see our moment as particularly novel or urgent. | But contrary to these skeptics, there is compelling data indicating that things really are changing — and, therefore, that unions should immediately make a major turn to new organizing.

Editor (2023-05-22). Chris Hedges: Why the Conspiracy Theory About Trump and Russia Won't Go Away. The latest investigation into the charges that Donald Trump's campaign worked in concert with the Russian government exposes a cynical collaboration between Trump opponents and the FBI.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-22). Protest Over CA AG Rob Bonta's Refusal To Prosecute O'Neil's Killer. There was a protest at the San Francisco Hall of Justice and courts against the decision by California Attorney General Rob Bonta not to protest the killer of Keito O'Neil.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-22). The Formation & History of Brazilian Fed Conlutas with Sao Paulo Worker Fabio Bosco. Brazilian transit worker Fabio Bosco talks about the history and formation of the independent trade union federation Conlutas.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-22). The War On Public Education, Tech & The Writers Guild West With Education Lawyer Kathleen. Education lawyer and whistleblower Kathleen Carroll talks about the role of billionaire owner Reed Hastings in privatization education through charters and the introduction of testing, software and co-locations in schools throughout California and the country. She also talks about the collaboration of the AFT and NEA in pushing testing and charters in California through Proposition 39.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-05-22). Thursday 6/1: Jail Former SF Fed Member & Silicon Valley CEO Gregory Becker! Bankers Out Of Fed Reserve. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 Market St. | San Franciso…

_____ (2023-05-22). Give the Defense Innovation Unit a Slice of Ukraine Funds. 16 May 2023 – Calls to make Ukraine a laboratory and a testing ground for U.S. weapons and platforms are the right ones. Ukraine presents a tremendous opportunity for the Pentagon, industry, and our allies to learn how our weapons fare under real-world, high-intensity combat. But Ukraine should also be an accelerator, speeding up technologies with military applications.

Staff (2023-05-21). 25-27 May, Geneva: Exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin. As part of the action days for the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, Secours Rouge Geneva, in collaboration with Samidoun, is organizing an exhibition of posters by Marc Rudin. The Swiss revolutionary artist and internationalist who died last April was part of the Palestinian liberation struggle for years. His political posters were published by Palestinian …

Sasha Abramsky (2023-05-22). The GOP Would Rather Hold Hungry Families Hostage Than Tax the Wealthy. On Friday afternoon, with negotiations on legislation to raise the debt ceiling reportedly stalled, 66 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) sent a letter to the president urging him to invoke the 14th Amendment, one clause of which mandates the federal government to pay its bills, as an end-run around GOP obstructionism. Meanwhile, Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Elizabeth… |

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-05-22). The Federal Reserve's Anti-inflation Policy Makes No Sense. Dear readers and fellow economists, the Federal Reserve is treating a rise in prices from supply shocks and disruptions from the Covid lockdowns and sanctions against Russia, Iran, and other countries as if it were a monetary inflation. It is true that too much money is chasing too few goods and services, but the cause is supply shortages and not excess consumer demand. | This fact is obvious, but it is not acknowledged. We know that the lockdowns and sanctions stopped production, caused transportation problems, caused energy shortages, caused business failures, and disrupted supply chains. | We know that excess…

thecommunists (2023-05-22). Defy the anti-trade union laws! Download this leaflet as a pdf. ***** The failure of wages to keep pace with galloping inflation, alongside insane hikes in rents, food prices and energy bills since 2008, and reaching unprecedented heights in recent months, have been driving desperate workers across the country onto picket lines for more than a year now. For a …

Staff (2023-05-22). 31 May, Ottawa: Stop CANSEC — Shut Elbit Down! Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins ILPS Canada and many other organizations to say: Canada, stop profiting off the arms trade! In 2022 the Canadian military spending reached over $36 billion which is set to increase by $8 billion over the next 5 years. Canada's involvement in the war industry and arms trades culminates every …

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-22). Sinema Illegally Used $180K in Campaign Funds on Lavish Trips, Complaint Alleges. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona) has been hit with a complaint alleging that she illegally used a huge cache of campaign funds over the course of three years to fund lavish trips across the U.S. and to Europe. The complaint, filed by PAC Change for Arizona 2024 on Thursday, says that Sinema "committed serious violations" of federal campaign finance laws by spending over $180,000… |

Jake Johnson (2023-05-22). GOP pushes for even larger Pentagon budget amid 'unconscionable' profiteering. "Free advice for the speaker of the House: if you want to cut spending so bad, start and end with the Pentagon budget," said one watchdog group.

WSWS (2023-05-22). Biden proposes $1 trillion in social spending cuts after announcing $375 million more for war in Ukraine. In the barrage of propaganda over the supposed necessity to slash social programs to avert the nation's first-ever default on its debt obligations, nothing is said about the role of military spending in driving up the debt.

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-22). Former Top Pentagon Official Reveals Brazen Defense Contractor Price Gouging. As the annual U.S. defense budget creeps closer to $1 trillion, an explosive interview with a former top Pentagon official has exposed private defense contractors' brazen plot to price gouge the government on weapons and equipment — and reap billions upon billions of dollars of profits from taxpayers' pockets in the process. On Sunday, 60 Minutes aired an interview with Shay Assad… |

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-05-23). Kshama Sawant Takes Successful Worker-Led Struggle Nationwide. Roughly ten years ago, Kshama Sawant won a seat on the Seattle City Council as an open socialist. Sawant eschewed politics as usual and led by example, taking only the average worker's salary from her paycheck and putting the remainder into worker-led movements. She used her office as a platform for people's struggles and won many victories from a higher minimum wage, to the Amazon tax to housing rights and more. She also survived a recall election. Clearing the FOG speaks with Sawant about her plans to leave city council when her term ends next year, what she has learned as a councilwoman and the new Workers Str…

WSWS (2023-05-22). German rail workers union negotiates wage cuts after cancelling strike action. The EVG union is preparing to enforce a wage cut based on the rail management's offer, greased merely by a fractional concession on a minimum wage.

Joelle Fishman, Mariano Rivera (2023-05-22). Rally at Connecticut State Capitol Demands 'Equity Can't Wait'. HARTFORD, CONN — After months of testifying at public hearings and sharing personal stories with legislators showing the emergency need to fund living wages and human needs post pandemic, nearly 2,000 rallied at the State Capitol under the banner "Equity Can't Wait." As the rally called on lawmakers to pass a moral budget, inside the …

WSWS (2023-05-22). Turkish elections: Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu's xenophobic campaign exposes the pseudo-left. The continued support of the HDP and the pseudo-left parties for Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu as an "alternative" to Erdoƒüan, despite his campaign's pro-imperialist and xenophobic character, exposes their own political bankruptcy.

Anonymous103 (2023-05-22). Real-World Applications of Bitcoin in Advertising and Marketing. (2023-05-22). In Numbers: Over $1.5 billion of intent purchase deals inked at 3rd China-CEEC expo.

teleSUR (2023-05-22). Panama: Former President Martinelli to Be Prosecuted on Tuesday. On Tuesday, Judge Baloisa Marquinez is expected to set up the "New Business" hearing, in which former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) and 20 others will be tried for the purchase of a media publisher with public funds. | RELATED: | The trial hearing should have been installed on April 17. On that occasion, however, the defense managed to postpone the hearing in a case whose trial was called in December 2022.

Chris Gilbert (2023-05-21). Communal Socialism in Venezuela w/ Chris Gilbert.

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-05-22). Welcoming ceasefire, Sudanese left calls for involvement of civil society and regional institutions. The Sudanese Communist Party has welcomed the ceasefire between the army and the Rapid Support Forces but has warned against monopolization of the peace process by US and Saudi Arabia. It has called for the involvement of Sudanese civil society and African Union peacekeepers…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-22). Right-wing New Democracy party falls just short of majority in Greek polls, surge in seats for communists. While pro-government sections and media are celebrating the performance of the ND, analysts have noted its loss of majority in the house and the surge in popularity for working class forces that are in the opposition…

2023-05-22 22:55:42 | 22:55 EST | tr | 56 | 0 | 5 | 48 | 2 

2023-05-21: News Headlines

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-05-21). Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing'.

WSWS (2023-05-20). Interest rate hikes, inflation, rent and financial parasitism. According to economist Ross Garnaut, interest rate hikes actually increase rather than decrease inflation because of changes in the structure of the Australian economy over the past several decades, above all the rise of monopolies which make their money not through productive activity but by the extraction of economic rents.

Editor (2023-05-20). Leaked recordings expose shocking state corruption in 'U.S. governed' Moldova. The Grayzone has obtained video recordings of well-connected figures within Moldova's political and business community openly testifying to rank corruption within the country's government and economy, while outlining schemes to enrich Western investors for an appropriate fee.

Abdul Rahman (2023-05-21). Economic sanctions make populations in targeted countries poorer, sicker and vulnerable. According to a study published by CEPR, rich and developed countries in the West have increased the use of illegal unilateral punitive measures despite being aware of their ill effects on people…

scorinoco (2023-05-21). The United States of America's Coercive Diplomacy and Its Harm. By Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People's Republic of China — May 18, 2023 | Introduction | The United States is used to accusing other countries of using great power status, coercive policies and economic coercion to coerce other countries to obey and engage in coercive diplomacy, but in fact, the United States is the instigator of coercive diplomacy. The invention rights, patent rights and intellectual property rights of coercive diplomacy all belong to the United States. For a long time, the United States will do everything possible to coerce other countries, and the United States has a very disgraceful "d… (2023-05-21). InsightsÔΩúKazakhstani scholar: China of significance in Kazakhstan's modernization process. Dr. Ikboljon Qoraboyev, Associate Professor of International Relations at Maqsut Narikbayev KAZGUU University, noted that the economic and trade relations between China and Kazakhstan reached new heights in 2022, with the bilateral trade volume of $30 billion. (2023-05-21). Insights | CEIBS professor: China plays absolutely important role in Southeast Asia. The role that China plays in Southeast Asia is absolutely important, said Bala Ramasamy, professor of Economics at China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS), during an interview with China News Network."ÄÄ "ÄÄ…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-21). Nucleus RadioPharma to open manufacturing facility in Rochester, Minnesota. Facility aims to manufacture next generation of radiopharmaceuticals ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nucleus RadioPharma, a radiopharmaceutical company founded by Eclipse and Mayo Clinic, announced today it has received approval from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for its economic incentive request to support a facility in Rochester. The facility will be based in the Two Discovery Square building within Destination Medical Center's Discovery Square District. Nucleus was established to address the acute manufacturing…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-05-21). Cuba y Rusia concretan nueva etapa de nexos económicos. Durante el foro se suscribieron ocho documentos referidos a cuestiones como la macroeconomía, la inteligencia artificial, el suministro de trigo y el desarrollo de empresas mixtas.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-05-20). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?

Pepe Escobar (2023-05-20). Adventures in NATOstan: Sparks Flying in Ibiza, Locked Down Bilderberg in Lisbon. With G7 "leadership" mired in a sticky swamp of intellectual shallowness, predictably the only agenda in colonized Japan was more sanctions on Russia. | Let's start with a graphic depiction of where the Global North and the Global South really stand. | 1. Xian, former imperial capital, and key hub of the Ancient Silk Roads: Xi Jinping hosts the China-Central Asia summit, attended by all Heartland "stans" (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgzystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan). | The final statement stresses economic cooperation and "a resolute stand" against Hegemon-concocted color revolutions. That expands what the Shangh…

Pepe Escobar (2023-05-20). Pepe Escobar: US Empire of Debt Headed for Collapse. By Pepe Escobar — May 15, 2023 | Prof. Michael Hudson's new book, The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization's Oligarchic Turning Point" is a seminal event in this Year of Living Dangerously when, to paraphrase Gramsci, the old geopolitical and geoeconomic order is dying and the new one is being born at breakneck speed. | Prof. Hudson's main thesis is absolutely devastating: he sets out to prove that economic/financial practices in Ancient Greece and Rome — the pillars of Western Civilization — set the stage for what is happening today right in front of our eyes: an empire redu…

Editor (2023-05-20). Discussing ecology and entropy. Workers' Liberty organises a monthly Marxist ecology reading group. This month they discussed a chapter on "Entropy and ecological economics" from 'Marxism and Ecological Economics' by Paul Burkett.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-05-20). Cuba reiterates will to strengthen ties with the United Kingdom. Havana, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuba reiterated today its willingness to continue strengthening bilateral ties in the political, economic and cooperation sectors with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

thecommunists (2023-05-21). British delegate in Korea: We share the same struggle against poverty and war. The following greeting was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar to the congress of the People's Democracy Party (PDP) of south Korea on Sunday 14 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I bring fraternal greetings from the Communists of Britain. We are most enthused to see the vital role being played by your party all over south Korea, …

WSWS (2023-05-20). Union calls off New York resident physicians' strike at last minute. The Committee of Interns and Residents announced a tentative agreement that will maintain poverty wages for its members at Jamaica and Flushing hospitals, who work as many as 80 hours per week.

Anonymous (2023-05-21). Los Angeles Valley College perpetuated wage theft against students on Julie Su's watch. Wage theft is a crime. In 2013, Secretary of Labor Julie Su formed a criminal investigation agency to stamp it out in California and put the bad guys in handcuffs. That didn't stop the Grant Director at Los Angeles Valley College, serving the Van Nuys, North Hollywood and East San Fernando Valley, from perpetuating it against low-income students.

Richard Horton (2023-05-20). Comment] Offline: The case for global health. Global health has become fashionably unfashionable. The case against global health is strong. Global health is the invention of a largely white and wealthy elite residing in high-income, English-language speaking countries. The discipline claims to be concerned about the health of people living in low-income and middle-income settings. But the resources—human, infrastructural, and financial—underpinning global health are mostly concentrated in those countries already replete with power and money.

Editor (2023-05-20). Discussing ecology and entropy. Workers' Liberty organises a monthly Marxist ecology reading group. This month they discussed a chapter on "Entropy and ecological economics" from 'Marxism and Ecological Economics' by Paul Burkett.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-05-20). Cuba reiterates will to strengthen ties with the United Kingdom. Havana, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuba reiterated today its willingness to continue strengthening bilateral ties in the political, economic and cooperation sectors with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

thecommunists (2023-05-21). British delegate in Korea: We share the same struggle against poverty and war. The following greeting was delivered by Comrade Joti Brar to the congress of the People's Democracy Party (PDP) of south Korea on Sunday 14 May 2023. ***** Comrades, I bring fraternal greetings from the Communists of Britain. We are most enthused to see the vital role being played by your party all over south Korea, …

WSWS (2023-05-20). Union calls off New York resident physicians' strike at last minute. The Committee of Interns and Residents announced a tentative agreement that will maintain poverty wages for its members at Jamaica and Flushing hospitals, who work as many as 80 hours per week.

Anonymous (2023-05-21). Los Angeles Valley College perpetuated wage theft against students on Julie Su's watch. Wage theft is a crime. In 2013, Secretary of Labor Julie Su formed a criminal investigation agency to stamp it out in California and put the bad guys in handcuffs. That didn't stop the Grant Director at Los Angeles Valley College, serving the Van Nuys, North Hollywood and East San Fernando Valley, from perpetuating it against low-income students.

Richard Horton (2023-05-20). Comment] Offline: The case for global health. Global health has become fashionably unfashionable. The case against global health is strong. Global health is the invention of a largely white and wealthy elite residing in high-income, English-language speaking countries. The discipline claims to be concerned about the health of people living in low-income and middle-income settings. But the resources—human, infrastructural, and financial—underpinning global health are mostly concentrated in those countries already replete with power and money.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-05-21). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-21). Banko Brown Murder & License To Kill: SF Press Conference At DA Brook Jenkins Office. The murder of Banko Brown by a Walgreen security guard in San Francisco and the failure to prosecute by the District Attorney Brook Jenkins backed up by Mayor London Breed has led to fury among people in San Franicsco. Many Democratic Party officials organized a rally at Jenkins office to protest and call for prosecution. There are over 61 billionaires in San Francisco and speakers charged that there is massive ethnic cleansing going on in San Francisco with Blacks being driven out of San Francisco by a Black Mayor, District Attorney and police chief. | There is also a campaign to drive Black workers from their p…

Labor Video Project (2023-05-21). Protest Over CA AG Rob Bonta's Refusal To Prosecute O'Neil's Killer. There was a protest at the San Francisco Hall of Justice and courts against the decision by California Attorney General Rob Bonta not to protest the killer of Keito O'Neil.

Staff (2023-05-21). Congreso peruano autoriza ingreso de tropas estadounidenses en el país. El Congreso de Perú autorizó el arribo al país de elementos de las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses para labores de cooperación y entrenamiento a militares y policías de la nación andina. Lo hizo con una votación de 70 votos a favor, 33 en contra y cuatro abstenciones. Las tropas operarán entre el 1ro de junio y el 31 de diciembre.

Staff (2023-05-21). 25-27 May, Geneva: Exhibition of Palestinian resistance posters by Marc Rudin. As part of the action days for the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, Secours Rouge Geneva, in collaboration with Samidoun, is organizing an exhibition of posters by Marc Rudin. The Swiss revolutionary artist and internationalist who died last April was part of the Palestinian liberation struggle for years. His political posters were published by Palestinian …

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-05-21). Thursday 6/1: Jail Former SF Fed Member & Silicon Valley CEO Gregory Becker! Bankers Out Of Fed Reserve. San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 Market St. | San Franciso…

Jim McIlroy (2023-05-21). NSW health workers, teachers push Labor to cancel pay cap. The NSW Health Services Union has stepped up its industrial campaign, demanding the new Labor government grant pay rises to its paramedics and other ancillary hospital staff. Jim McIlroy reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-21). Mayo Clinic study suggests improved time efficiency, accuracy with AI-automated head and neck radiotherapy model. ROCHESTER, Minn. — A study conducted by Mayo Clinic suggests artificial intelligence could potentially improve time efficiency and standardization for radiation therapy planning in patients with head and neck cancers. The validation study, published in Frontiers in Oncology, evaluated the efficiency of an algorithm trained by Mayo Clinic and developed in collaboration with Google Health. Radiation therapy planning for head and neck cancers requires a heavy time investment from multiple specialty areas due to the…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-21). Celebran homenaje póstumo a intelectual cubano Iroel Sánchez. Sánchez era reconocido por su activa labor como dirigente cultural, periodista, analista político, escritor, editor y realizador audiovisual.

Fight Back (2023-05-20). FRSO Labor Commission: Statement on the Teamster/UPS contract negotiations. The 2023 Teamster/UPS Contract negotiations are here and every class in the U.S. is watching them like a hawk. Workers want to see a serious blow struck against a massive corporation and the ruling class wants to see an increasingly militant labor movement put down. The last time we saw a showdown like this at UPS was in 1997 when the Teamsters under Ron Carey struck and defeated the company. Every contract negotiation after that was increasingly weak and concessionary as the next Teamster president, Hoffa Jr., would talk tough, sell short and declare victory. This culminated with the historic betrayal of 2018 wh…

Ana Perdigón (2023-05-20). President Maduro: Government and Workers Have to Recover Productivity Together. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, explained that the ministers of the government have to work together with the Workers' Productive Councils (CPTT) to recover total productivity of all companies in the country. | On Thursday, May 19, during a meeting with the CPTT of the industrial sector in Carabobo state, President Maduro instructed his cabinet to work to bring investments to recover the productive activity of the strategic companies of the Workers' Productive Councils. | The president tasked Labor Minister Francisco Torrealba, Minister of Industries Hipólito Abreu, and Vice President Delcy Rodríguez…

WSWS (2023-05-20). Durham report shows Democrats fabricated anti-Russia intelligence during 2016 elections. The long-awaited report by Special Counsel John Durham demonstrates that the Democratic Party, the 2016 election campaign of Hillary Clinton and the FBI collaborated in concocting intelligence that Donald Trump was colluding with the Russian government.

WSWS (2023-05-20). A year of Australia's Labor government: Militarism, austerity and "let it rip" mass death. More rapidly than any recent government, the Labor administration has implemented a program of reaction all down the line, including escalating Australian involvement in US plans for war with China, an offensive on social spending and homicidal COVID policies.

Daria Marcantonio Kieffer, Micaela Morse, Labor Notes. (2023-05-20). Common Good A Big Subject In Oakland Schools Strike. The 3,000 teachers and support staff of the Oakland Education Association walked out May 4, shutting down all 85 elementary, middle, and high schools. | Community support was immediate and widespread—parents were already familiar with the cuts the district had inflicted or proposed. Many donated food and joined our picket lines to walk, dance, and chant in solidarity. | Eighty-eight percent of teachers had voted to strike, after it became clear that our demands were not being taken seriously at the negotiating table. | The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) had stonewalled us—delaying meetings, fa…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-05-20). Ghana grateful for Cuban doctors ¥ 40-year professionalism. Accra, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Since the Cuban medical collaboration in Ghana started off back in 1983, we ¥ve ever received an unfavorable view about any doctor and I am proud of that, according to Dr. Hafez Adam Taher, director of External Cooperation at Ghana ¥s Health Ministry.

Saurav Sarkar, In These Times. (2023-05-20). Starbucks Union Workers Have A New Strategy To Win A First Contract. It's a truism in labor circles that winning a first contract can be even more difficult than winning a union election. The ongoing year-plus battle between Starbucks and its unionizing baristas is proving that adage correct. | According to data from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), as of May 10, workers had won union elections at 308 Starbucks stores since December 2021‚Äâ—‚Äâyet not a single shop has come close to reaching a first contract. (Each Starbucks that has unionized is legally a separate bargaining unit organized into Workers United, an SEIU affiliate.)…

Staff (2023-05-20). Patrick Lawrence: The Origin of the Specious. Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost "Why is our collective mood so sour? We are awash with material wealth, and technology provides us with unprecedented powers. But this veneer of well-being masks a deeper crisis. … Our institutions are crumbling, leaving us vulnerable and aimless. … How have …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-20). G7: Indian Diplomacy in Overstretch. M. K. Bhadrakumar G7 Summit leaders at "working lunch" session, Japan, 19 May, 2023 The Foreign Secretary's special briefing on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Asia-Pacific tour (May 19-24) dovetailed skilfully into three summit meetings, and brings to mind an institution of the Middle Ages known as the "wandering minstrels". Wealthy people used to employ minstrels to entertain…

_____ (2023-05-20). AUKUS may turn out to be the largest financial swindle perpetrated by the United States and the United Kingdom against Australia and other Asia Pacific nations.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-20). AUKUS: A Financial Swindle Perpetrated by the US and the UK against Australia and Other Asia Pacific Nations. Bakhtiar Urusov Equipment for the country's ground forces "arrives with depressing regularity," years behind time, and substantially over budget, according to a report issued on April 19 by the British Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee. For instance, the programs, which provide new Ajax armored fighting vehicles and Morpheus tactical communication and information systems, have faced significant…

Talha Burki (2023-05-20). World Report] Warnings over the future of UK medical research. A new report by the Academy of Medical Sciences calls for changes to employment and funding to safeguard the future of health research in the UK. Talha Burki reports.

Owen Fairclough (2023-05-21). President Biden rejects GOP demands for spending cuts. President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are scheduled to hold an in-person meeting on May 22 to further deliberate on the debt limit. See the latest.

Donald Shaw (2023-05-20). House Republicans Attempt to Block Poultry Regulation Opposed by GOP Megadonor.

Joseph Winters (2023-05-20). Proposed PFAS Regulations Ignore Major Source of Drinking Water Contamination. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drew praise earlier this year when it proposed long-awaited drinking water standards for six per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. But the agency is missing a major source of these so-called "forever chemicals," according to researchers at Harvard University. A study published Monday in the journal Environmental Science and Technology finds that… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-20). Intersectionality is Anti-Marxist: It Treats All Liberation Struggles as Separate from Class Struggles. Rainer Shea There's a distinction between the way intersectionality views the unique types of liberation struggles that the different societal groups wage, and the way that Marxism views them. Intersectionality views them as coming from innately different places, from origins that can be fully separated from each other. The key word is "fully," because there…

thecommunists (2023-05-20). The real trade union barons. This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The British media, almost in totality, would have us believe that, when there are periods of class struggle the likes of which we are currently seeing in this country, poor downtrodden workers are being led by the nose and deprived of their wages …

Amir Khafagy, Documented NY. (2023-05-20). Doctors Win Benefits At Two Queens Hospitals After Near Strike. During the first wave of Covid-19, Queens hospitals were on the frontlines of the pandemic. Although they were celebrated as essential workers, some first-year physician residents were only making between $15 and $17 an hour while they routinely worked 80-hour weeks. | Nearly three years later, about 300 resident physicians and fellows at Jamaica and Flushing Hospitals have won a new contract after threatening to walk off the job if their demands for better wages and improved working conditions were not met.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-20). Cuban Music Band Buena Fe Forced to Cancel Concerts in Spain Due to Threats by Anti-Cuba Fascists. The popular Cuban music band Buena Fe was forced to cancel two of its concerts in Spain after the owners of the concert venues received threats from anti-Cuba fascists. | "We are sad to announce that the concerts in Salamanca and Zamora have been suspended," the Cuban music duo announced on its Facebook page. "Under the pretext of defending democracy, fascist harassment and threats have been unleashed against the owners of the venues, and those threats have been more powerful than the songs. A thousand apologies to those who had purchased tickets." | Buena Fe is on tour in Spain to promote its new album Morada,…

Chris Gilbert (2023-05-21). Communal Socialism in Venezuela w/ Chris Gilbert.

Staff (2023-05-21). Iroel Sánchez: "Al estado socialista le conviene una sociedad civil activa" Me parece que hay dos problemas esenciales que luego se derivan en más. Uno es el incumplimiento del principio de distribución socialista del que tanto se habla, o sea, no hay relación adecuada entre el aporte y los ingresos de las personas. Y en otro orden, todavía arrastramos muchas prácticas igualitaristas que terminan generando más desigualdad. Cuando le das lo mismo a todo el mundo, lo necesite o no.

Fight Back (2023-05-20). Delegation from U.S. reports "The Cuban Communist Party supports progress for LGBTQ people" Havana, Cuba – In a rose and butter-yellow building held up by Greek columns, Cuba's LGBTQ activists work every day to advance equality. This building, formerly someone's mansion and now repurposed by the socialist government, houses the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX). | From May 7 to 14, an LGBTQ delegation from the U.S. got to meet with CENESEX organizers, health workers and other public servants. | CENESEX helped organize hundreds of neighborhood meetings to debate and amend the new Families Code, covered in our last delegation report. The law went through 25 drafts to account for commentary from…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-05-20). Communist parties discuss ideas at meeting in Geneva (+Photo). Geneva, Switzerland, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of the communist parties of Nicaragua, Cuba, Türkiye, Uruguay, Italy, Portugal, Sri Lanka and South Korea participated today in this city in a meeting to discuss political work in those countries.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-05-20). Communist parties discuss ideas at meeting in Geneva. Geneva, Switzerland, May 20 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of the communist parties of Nicaragua, Cuba, Türkiye, Uruguay, Italy, Portugal, Sri Lanka and South Korea participated today in this city in a meeting to discuss political work in those countries.

2023-05-21 23:46:00 | 23:46 EST | tr | 61 | 1 | 35 | 23 | 0