Daily Archives: May 31, 2023

2023-05-31: News Headlines

Asad Ismi (2023-05-31). Pakistan: An Economy on the Brink. globalresearch.ca

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-31). UN appeals for aid for war-torn Syria. peoplesdispatch.org Around 70% of Syria's population—over 15 million people—depends on humanitarian aid for their survival, according to the UN. The country's economy has been severely hurt due to a decade-long war and sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, with the situation worsening since the disastrous earthquake in February…

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). InsightsÔΩúBWA board chairman: China a contributor to global economy and multi-polar world order. ecns.cn Michael"ÄÄSchumann, board chairman of Germany's Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, claimed that in a globalized, internationalized, multi-polar world and economy, we are, to some extent, dependent on each other.

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). Chinese mainland respects Taiwan-funded companies to independently choose their listing place: Taiwan Affairs Office of State Council. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland respects Taiwan-funded companies to independently choose their listing place, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council told a press conference on Wednesday.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-05-30). Meta and Privacy: The Economy of Data Transgressions. dissidentvoice.org Meta, to put it rather inelegantly, has a data non-compliance problem. That problem began in the original conception of Facebook, a social network conceived by that most anti-social of types, Mark Zuckerberg. (Who claims that these troubled sorts lack irony?) On May 22, the European Union deemed it appropriate to slap a $1.3 billion fine …

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-05-30). Debt deal includes cruel attack on the nation's poorest. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON — The deal that President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy hammered out to raise the debt ceiling avoids default for two years but inflicts pain and suffering on millions of the most vulnerable Americans. The economy can bear the cuts, according to the front-page article in today's New York Times as if what the …

Staff (2023-05-31). Erdoƒüan Reelected to 5 More Years in Turkey as His Government Grows More Authoritarian & Nationalist. democracynow.org We look at the impact of the reelection of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan Sunday in a tight runoff vote, extending his 20-year rule for a further five years. Erdoƒüan received just over 52% of the vote, beating challenger Kemal Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu, an economist and former civil servant who unified a broad coalition but failed to unseat Erdoƒüan despite growing dissatisfaction with his governance and deep economic pain within the country. We speak with Cihan Tuƒüal, UC Berkeley sociologist and author of The Fall of the Turkish Mo…

Dan Lieberman (2023-05-31). Beware of Economic Textbooks. dissidentvoice.org Protests by British university economic students against neo-classical economics highlight the notion that economic education is dominated by theories that defy practical applications and applications that cannot predict, prevent, and ameliorate periodic crises. Students learn economics from unverified and outdated theories, many contradicting one another, which leads to a confused understanding of the discipline and …

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-31). Bush Files to Strike Expanded Work Requirements for SNAP Out of Debt Limit Bill. truthout.org Ahead of Wednesday's House vote on the debt ceiling deal, progressive lawmakers have introduced a pair of amendments to remove provisions that would hurt the nation's most economically vulnerable populations. On Tuesday, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) filed an amendment to the legislation that would strike a provision buried in the bill that would restart student loan payments at the end… |

Ana Perdigón (2023-05-31). Lula Promotes South American Unity at Brasilia Summit. orinocotribune.com On Tuesday, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, presented 10 proposals for the future of the region to the 10 leaders who attended the summit of South American presidents in Brasilia. | Lula was responsible for opening the cycle of speeches at the Summit of Presidents that was held this Tuesday, May 30. During his speech, he pronounced himself strongly in favor of unity and presented 10 proposals to strengthen rapprochement in economic, cultural, and social matters. | "What unites us today, in Brasilia, is the sense of urgency to collectively look towards our region," said Lula, "the determination…

Staff (2023-05-31). Predomina un orden económico internacional totalmente injusto, antidemocrático (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Un análisis profundo sobre el contexto internacional actual realizó el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, durante una reciente entrevista con la televisora Russia Today.

infobrics (2023-05-31). South African Business Community Expects BRICS Summit to Enhance Trade. infobrics.org BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are expected to discuss measures to relax some trade hindrances, increase trade among member states and promote post-pandemic economic recovery, said Ayanda Ntsaluba, an official from the South African Chapter of BRICS Business Council…

infobrics (2023-05-31). BRICS Expanding Opportunities to Influence Global Governance. infobrics.org BRICS' economic rise also marks an important challenge to the US-led 'liberal world order'

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). Business in border regions seen as critical to economic development. ecns.cn The newly-issued guideline by the General Office of the State Council on stabilizing trade growth has also touched on the importance of trade development in China's border regions.

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). Hundreds of innovations shown during Beijing forum. ecns.cn The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, also called Beijing E-Town, developed 211 new products and technologies in 2022, many of which have filled domestic gaps, an official said during the 2023 ZGC forum held this week.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-31). India extends billion-dollar credit to Sri Lanka for one more year. plenglish.com Colombo, May 31 (Prensa Latina) India extended to Sri Lanka its one-billion-dollar credit line for another year to help the neighboring island, which is immersed in a serious economic crisis.

Don Monkerud (2023-05-30). The Phony War on American Culture. dissidentvoice.org Bereft of an economic program, Republicans turn to social values, beliefs, and prejudices to gain votes and turn the clock back on the change that accompanies society's development. The GOP can no longer convince a majority of voters to support tax cuts for the rich, eliminating government regulations and cutting programs for the poor. In …

_____ (2023-05-30). The Secret of Erdogan's Success in the 2023 Election. strategic-culture.org Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not "Made in USA," Steven Sahiounie writes. | Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term as President of Turkey which will extend his time in power to a quarter of a century. The authoritarian leader has won another five years at the helm of a ship struggling in a sea of economic woes, that has seen inflation rise to an annual 44%, and the Turkish lira devalued. Economic experts point the blame squarely at Erdogan who has refused to follow economic policy and raise interest rates. | Erdogan won just over 52% of the vote against K…

infobrics (2023-05-31). BRICS Expanding Opportunities to Influence Global Governance. infobrics.org BRICS' economic rise also marks an important challenge to the US-led 'liberal world order'

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). Business in border regions seen as critical to economic development. ecns.cn The newly-issued guideline by the General Office of the State Council on stabilizing trade growth has also touched on the importance of trade development in China's border regions.

ecns.cn (2023-05-31). Hundreds of innovations shown during Beijing forum. ecns.cn The Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, also called Beijing E-Town, developed 211 new products and technologies in 2022, many of which have filled domestic gaps, an official said during the 2023 ZGC forum held this week.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-05-31). India extends billion-dollar credit to Sri Lanka for one more year. plenglish.com Colombo, May 31 (Prensa Latina) India extended to Sri Lanka its one-billion-dollar credit line for another year to help the neighboring island, which is immersed in a serious economic crisis.

Don Monkerud (2023-05-30). The Phony War on American Culture. dissidentvoice.org Bereft of an economic program, Republicans turn to social values, beliefs, and prejudices to gain votes and turn the clock back on the change that accompanies society's development. The GOP can no longer convince a majority of voters to support tax cuts for the rich, eliminating government regulations and cutting programs for the poor. In …

_____ (2023-05-30). The Secret of Erdogan's Success in the 2023 Election. strategic-culture.org Under Erdogan, Ankara is not afraid of being independent, or buying military products not "Made in USA," Steven Sahiounie writes. | Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term as President of Turkey which will extend his time in power to a quarter of a century. The authoritarian leader has won another five years at the helm of a ship struggling in a sea of economic woes, that has seen inflation rise to an annual 44%, and the Turkish lira devalued. Economic experts point the blame squarely at Erdogan who has refused to follow economic policy and raise interest rates. | Erdogan won just over 52% of the vote against K…

Jeffrey Andreoni, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-05-30). From Bayanihan To Talkoot. popularresistance.org For all of human history, societies have depended on communal work to sustain themselves into the (often unpredictable) future. However, at a certain point, that all changed. Market forces took over, and communal projects ceased to have the same significance. The individual took precedence over the community, and large public works became the purview of burgeoning states. | The classic North American example of such communal work projects is the Amish tradition of barn-raising, wherein the community gathers to help a neighbor erect their barn without remuneration or any expectation of reciprocity because, as we'l…

Trish Brown (2023-05-31). Prayer Helped Me Survive Poverty, But I Needed Government Help Too. otherwords.org You could say the blues have followed me wherever I've gone. | My mom came from a family of 18, picking cotton and peanuts in Georgia. My dad, who played the blues, couldn't read. He learned numbers selling produce. | I was born in Massachusetts, where my mom worked in the factories and raised me alone after my parents separated. She was always telling me, "Keep praying we'll get by." | The prayers helped, but thankfully they were supplemented by government cheese and cash assistance. Our country's social safety net has always been flawed, under-funded, and over-complicated. But it's also essential — and we…

Jake Johnson (2023-05-30). New Work Requirements for Food Aid Would Deepen Hunger and Poverty, Critics Warn. truthout.org Hundreds of thousands of older Americans could soon be at risk of losing federal food aid and falling deeper into poverty due to a provision of the new debt ceiling agreement that expands work requirements in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a change that comes as food banks across the United States are seeing demand surge. The deal that the Biden White House reached with House… |

WSWS (2023-05-31). China growth rate falters as youth unemployment rises. wsws.org The youth jobless rate has reached a record high of more than 20 percent with around 11.5 million graduates entering the labour force in coming months.

Dean Baker (2023-05-30). Homeownership Rate for Moderate-Income Households Hits Highest Level on Record. cepr.net That's what the Census Bureau data for the first quarter of 2023 showed, in a report completely ignored by the media. While NPR was telling us that the homeownership rate reported in the 2020 Census hit its lowest level in half a century (this was the top of the hour news summary, no link), the …

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2023-05-30). Can Guaranteed Income Prevent Gentrification? popularresistance.org Louisville activist Cassandra Webb has been working to curb violent crime in her city for years. | Cities United, the national nonprofit with which she works, has taken on the mission of violence reduction in the city from seemingly every angle: working with youth leaders at the ground level, convening a network of urban leaders and stakeholders, advancing place-based initiatives to align public and private resources with Louisville residents' vision for reversing disinvestment in their communities. | But increasingly, Webb says, it's become clear to her that some of these problems can only be solved through mone…

Joe Ajaero, Nigeria Labour Congress. (2023-05-31). Nigeria Labour Congress 'Outraged' That New President Ends Fuel Subsidies. popularresistance.org We at the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) are outraged by the pronouncement of President Bola Tinubu removing the "fuel subsidy' without due consultations with critical stake holders or without putting in place palliative measures to cushion the harsh effects of the 'subsidy removal'. | Within hours of his pronouncement, the nation went into a tailspin due to a combination of service shut downs and product price hike, in some places representing over 300 per cent price adjustment. | By his insensitive decision, President Tinubu on his inauguration day brought tears and sorrow to millions of Nigerians instead of hop…

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-31). Sanders Report Uncovers Looming Child Care Cliff If Congress Lets Funding Expire. truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) released a report on Tuesday finding that the U.S. is quickly hurtling toward a child care cliff that will plunge the country even deeper into its child care crisis come September unless Congress acts. The report, released by Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee chair Sanders and member Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington), finds that both families and… |

Alex Salmon (2023-05-31). Protest calls on Labor to fight climate change, not prepare for war. greenleft.org.au Stop AUKUS WA and Walyup Climate Action protested the Labor government's enormous AUKUS military spending. Alex Salmon and Leonie Lundie report.

Labor Video Project (2023-05-31). Stand Up Fight Back!LA Strike Wave As Writers Guild Rally & Other Unions Prepare To Strike. indybay.org Thousands of Los Angeles members of the striking Writers Guild of America West and other unions and LA City SEIU had a strike vote and may join the writers on strike.

Liberation Staff (2023-05-31). Anti-communist backlash removes Elizabeth Gurley Flynn historical marker in Concord, NH. liberationnews.org New Hampshire lawmakers removed a historical marker honoring the communist, feminist and labor organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn just two weeks after its installation in Concord.

Muhammed Shabeer, People's Dispatch. (2023-05-31). A Regime Of Private Corporations That Is Normalizing Fascism In Italy. popularresistance.org Italy is one of a few countries in the European Union without a legal minimum wage; 21 out of 27 EU countries have instituted minimum wages. In Italy, minimum wages are only determined in collective labor agreements, but these salaries are often very low — around four to six euros per hour. In addition, Italy is the only country in the continent where since 1990, real wages are not growing — they even diminished by 3% in the last 30 years. Thus, one out of 10 people in Italy are working poor, among the youth, this number increases to one out of six. | Already a year ago, Potere al Popolo started a pol…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-05-31). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

WSWS (2023-05-31). The right-wing origins of Australia's indigenous Voice. wsws.org A book by two central advocates of the Labor government's Voice scheme shows that, far from being a grassroots movement, it originated as a bid to head off anger and disaffection among ordinary indigenous people.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-05-31). México y EE.UU. acuerdan mayor colaboración contra el fentanilo. telesurtv.net El canciller mexicano Marcelo Ebrard destacó al final de la reunión que en materia de fentanilo, se ha logrado mayor coordinación para identificar a los responsables.

teleSUR (2023-05-31). Turkmenistan & Iran Sign 5 Cooperation Agreements And 3 MoUs. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Iran and Turkmenistan signed five agreements and three memoranda of understanding (MoUs) aimed at improving cooperation in various areas, as reported by the official news agency, IRNA. | Related: | As per the report, the agreements were signed in Tehran in the presence of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. | The documents highlighted an emphasis on collaboration b…

Liberation Staff (2023-05-30). (VIDEO) Showdown at UPS: Workers ready to strike vs. corporate giant. liberationnews.org In just a few months, the United States may experience a labor struggle the scale of which has not been seen in over 25 years.

infobrics (2023-05-30). NDB in Talks with Saudi Arabia to Expand Membership, Strengthening Financial Cooperation. infobrics.org The New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS group of major emerging economies, is reportedly in discussions with Saudi Arabia regarding its potential membership as the tenth member of the bank…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Ukraine: The Moment of Truth. libya360.wordpress.com Theiry Meyssan President Zelensky arrives in Japan on May 20, 2023, for the G7 summit. Since February 24, 2022, the eyes of the world have been on the Ukrainian conflict. The West is supporting Kiev financially, delivering incredible quantities of arms and ammunition, but is careful not to get directly involved in the theater of…

WSWS (2023-05-31). US budget deal will accelerate savage cuts to public education. wsws.org Given the impact of inflation, the cap on spending to 2023 levels will mean a cut in billions of real dollars to already cash-strapped school districts.

WSWS (2023-05-30). Strikes at Manchester and Bradford FE Colleges as UCU negotiates below inflation deals. wsws.org There is no attempt by the University and College Union to mount a unified campaign of strikes throughout further education, let alone with hundreds of thousands of educators under attack at universities and schools.

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). "Combat-credible forces across conflict continuum": U.S. leads NATO allies in Black Sea drills. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMay 24, 2023 The third and final DEFENDER 23-linked exercise, Saber Guardian 23, begins May 24, 2023 Exercise Saber Guardian 23, the third and final connected exercise making up the Dynamic Employment of Forces to Europe for NATO Deterrence and Enhanced Readiness 2023 exercise, or DEFENDER 23, begins May 29. Led …

Staff (2023-05-30). Debt Deal Raises Military Spending & OKs WV Pipeline While Introducing New Work Rules for Food Stamps. democracynow.org President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy are urging lawmakers to support a deal to suspend the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025, in order to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt for the first time in history. The two leaders reached a tentative agreement over the Memorial Day long weekend, but it must still be approved by Congress before a June 5 deadline, when the government is expected to run out of money to pay its bills. Both progressive lawmakers and members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus have expressed some opposition to the deal, which calls for nondefense discretionar…

Staff (2023-05-30). Headlines for May 30, 2023. democracynow.org Debt Ceiling Deal Would Cap Nonmilitary Spending, Add Welfare Work Requirements, Slash IRS Funds, Sudan's Rival Military Factions Extend Shaky Truce, Drone Attacks on Moscow Follow Russian Airstrikes on Kyiv, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wins Reelection in Presidential Runoff, Israeli Settlers Move to Reestablish Illegal Outpost in Occupied West Bank, Libyan Court Sentences 23 Men to Death over ISIS Takeover of Sirte, Ugandan President Signs Draconian Anti-LGBTQ Bill That Includes Death Penalty, Lula Welcomes Venezuelan President Maduro to Brazil, Blasts U.S. Sanctions, 16 Killed Across U.

KATIE (2023-05-29). Now is the time to stop spyware profiteering. bdsmovement.net

Kim Kelly, In These Times. (2023-05-31). The Young Miners Dying Of 'An Old Man's Disease'. popularresistance.org Adaptation is a way of life for John Moore. He's worked construction, run a wig shop and now promotes concerts. The wig shop idea came to him because his middle daughter was having trouble styling her thick, curly hair. He didn't know much about wigs, or hair in general, so he learned and started turning a profit soon after the grand opening. That's the kind of man he is‚Äâ—‚Äâsomeone who's always looking out for the next opportunity, the next chance to make it. | When we meet, Moore is wearing a black puffer jacket, a black durag, work boots and a cautious smile. He's soft…

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-30). Las Vegas Casinos Make It Harder To Win, Push Odds And Rules Against Players To Squeeze Profit. moguldom.com If you thought it was hard to win money in Las Vegas, casinos are making it even harder for visitors to win with lower payouts on blackjack hands, riskier bets on some roulette wheels and more cash required to play at many game tables. Paying out lower winnings to lower-end gamblers boosts casino profits as …

Staff (2023-05-31). Con Filo: Entre Marx y Lenin (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Entre Marx y Lenin, entre Martí y Fidel: esa ha sido la historia de Cuba. En ese empeño, establecemos las alianzas pertinentes, siempre que no comprometan nuestros principios. De esas alianzas y de la histérica reacción de nuestros odiadores ante ellas se habló este martes en Con Filo.

Staff (2023-05-31). Algunas reflexiones sobre plan y mercado en el modelo socialista cubano (I). cubadebate.cu Uno de los temas más discutidos en torno a la construcción del socialismo se ha referido a lo largo de los años a la permanencia de las relaciones monetario-mercantiles en este proceso y sus consecuencias para la nueva sociedad que se desea desarrollar. La opinión de Marx y Engels sobre el tema partía de considerar la desaparición del mercado en el socialismo.

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-30). 74 Percent of Voters Support Raising Federal Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour. truthout.org Amid the longest period in Congressional history without any raising of the federal minimum wage, new polling finds that the vast majority of voters not only support raising the minimum wage, but also nearly tripling it. According to polling by Data for Progress released last week, 74 percent of voters support raising the federal minimum wage to $20 an hour — almost three times the current level… |

Muhammed Shabeer (2023-05-30). Giorgia Meloni government is a regime of private corporations that is normalizing fascism. peoplesdispatch.org Maurizio Coppola from Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) talks about his party's campaign for a 10 Euro minimum wage, the Giorgia Meloni government's attack on workers, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism and fascism…

WSWS (2023-05-31). San Diego bus drivers on strike against poor working conditions, unpaid breaks, lack of bathrooms and low wages. wsws.org Workers are regularly forced to work six-day weeks, have 4-5 hours of unpaid time between split shifts, wages far below the cost of living and no access to safe and clean bathrooms.

mforinoco (2023-05-31). The Cultural Looting of Gaza. orinocotribune.com By Miko Peled — May 30, 2023 | There needs to be a particularly high standard of cynicism and cruelty to rob destitute people. In many ways, this is what capitalism is all about. But to use the fact that people are near ruin to exploit them is as cold as it gets. | People in Gaza are confined to living with few resources in what amounts to a prison. They are permitted levels of nutrition and medicine that are just enough to prevent total starvation and disease. This is only because Israel, which controls the piece of land known as the Gaza Strip, does not want disease to spread into its own borders. | EXPLOI…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-30). Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Realities: Vijay Prashad (Interview). orinocotribune.com In this insightful discussion, Vijay Prashad, a prominent Indian historian and commentator, shared his valuable insights on various subjects, including the role of the Indian diaspora in shaping global perspectives on Indian politics and culture, his motivation to study the intersections of imperialism, capitalism, and globalization, and the enduring effects of colonialism on India and other colonized nations. Through his profound knowledge and expertise, Prashad provided thought-provoking perspectives that shed light on significant historical and contemporary issues. | As the Director of the Tricontinental: Inst…

Editor (2023-05-30). Ralph Nader: Inverted Corporate Capitalism—Blocking Their Owner-Shareholders. scheerpost.com By Ralph Nader / Nader.org It is the season of annual shareholder meetings for giant corporations when CEOs go through the motions of elections for their Board of Directors and approval of other resolutions. People who own stock in General Motors (GM) receive the "GM Meeting Information" in an envelope emblazoned with this disingenuous message: …

Frank Cappello (2023-05-30). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Succession Finale (w/ David Sirota). levernews.com On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, Rivka and Frank are joined by David Sirota to break down the series finale of HBO's Succession.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice:

Staff (2023-05-31). Biden & Republicans Unite Against the Poor and the Environment. soundcloud.com On today's episode Brian Becker and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss how Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have unveiled a "debt ceiling" agreement involving major attacks on workers and the environment. The two are now racing to push through Congress a deal that would see stepped up production of fossil fuels, cuts …

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-31). U.S. provides Poland with 800 Hellfire missiles. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMay 30, 2023 Poland buys 800 Hellfire missiles to arms its new attack helicopters The Polish government has signed a deal to purchase 800 Hellfire II missiles that are to be carried by a new fleet of attack helicopters, with a request to buy Boeing AH-64E Apaches still in the pipeline. The contract for …

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-05-31). New speakers announced for Ecosocialism 2023 conference. greenleft.org.au An exciting new range of guest speakers at the Ecosocialism 2023 conference in Naarm/Melbourne July 1-2 have been announced. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Sue Bolton (2023-05-31). Councils must show solidarity, stop enabling drag panic. greenleft.org.au Merri-bek Socialist Alliance councillor Sue Bolton argues that councils must not cave in to pressure from the homophobic far-right and cancel LGBTIQ gatherings because that enables "drag panic".

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-05-31). Wednesday 6/7: Feminists Fighting Transphobia. indybay.org New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St. (at Ellis St.), San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49…

WSWS (2023-05-31). Oppose the witch-hunting of Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation workers. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party opposes the victimisation of SLIC workers and stands unconditionally in defense of the jobs and democratic rights of all insurance corporation employees.

WSWS (2023-05-31). "We are exploited all the time": New York City UPS workers speak out as July 31 contract deadline draws closer. wsws.org Last week, UPS workers from Local 804 in New York City spoke with the World Socialist Web Site about the conditions they face in the most expensive city in the world and the struggle ahead.

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councillor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-30). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora. libya360.wordpress.com Abayomi Azikiwe Kwame Nkrumah And Haile Selassie Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27,…

Sue Bull (2023-05-30). Socialist set to take Geelong council position, after councilllor resigns. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance will likely gain another councillor in Victoria if the count back in the City of Greater Geelong proceeds in line with past practice. Sue Bull reports.

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-05-31). U.S. Empire Named Most Murderous Killing Machine In History. covertactionmagazine.com New study finds U.S. responsible for nearly 300 million deaths—and counting In September, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation—established by a bipartisan act of Congress in 1993—opened the Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, D.C., which aims to spotlight the plight of the alleged 100 million victims of Communist ideology. The 100 million figure was …

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