Daily Archives: June 2, 2023

2023-06-02: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2023-06-02). Zelensky Will Not Attend The NATO Summit Unless His Ultimatum Is Met — FT. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageUkraine's entitled behaviour will not sway NATO member states. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | The Financial Times reported that Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky has made it clear to NATO leaders that he will not attend the July summit in Lithuania unless a roadmap is proposed for Kiev's entry into the alliance.

Dean Baker (2023-06-02). Economy Gains 339,000 Jobs in May Though Unemployment Rises to 3.7 Percent. truthout.org The establishment and household surveys told two different stories in May. The jobs numbers for the month were surprisingly high, with the survey showing a gain of 339,000 jobs. In addition, the numbers for the prior two months were revised up, so that the three-month average now stands at 283,000 jobs. At the same time, the household survey showed a drop in employment of 310,000… |

Staff (2023-06-02). Economy Adds 339,000 Jobs in May, but Unemployment Rises to 3.7 Percent. cepr.net If the goal of the Fed's interest rate policy was to weaken the labor market, they seem to have gotten their wish. With luck, we will not see further deterioration, but it is difficult to try to predict the future based on this report.

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-02). American Economy Adds 339,000 Jobs But Full-Time Employment Declines By 22,000. moguldom.com After near-record-low unemployment in April of 3.4 percent, the U.S. jobless rate rose to 3.7 percent in May, but employers are still finding it difficult to fill job openings and the U.S. economy continued cranking out jobs — just not for everyone. Public and private sector payrolls increased by 339,000 in May, the 29th straight …

WSWS (2023-06-01). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Hundreds of North Sea oil workers' strike over derisory pay offer; workers including transport workers, teachers and healthcare workers in Italy walk out in one day general strike demanding money for wages not war, and in defence of migrants; in Iran pensioners, striking truck drivers, oil and gas workers protest collapse of economy and regime's police state attacks; Nigerian health workers walk out over salary structure and unpaid COVID hazard allowances…

WSWS (2023-06-01). Strike wave grows in Portugal despite trade unions' attempt to strangle it. wsws.org Amid the deepest crisis of global capitalism since the 1930s, the PS is trying to impose austerity and the costs of a war economy on the backs of the working class.

Editor (2023-06-01). Ellen Brown: Another Look at the Financial Transactions Tax. scheerpost.com By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost A small financial transactions tax could correct a number of maladies in our economic system, from the federal debt crisis to the widening wealth divide to the rampant financialization of the economy, while eliminating taxes on income and sales. The debt ceiling crisis has again brought into focus …

Ellen Brown, Scheer Post. (2023-06-01). Another Look At The Financial Transactions Tax. popularresistance.org The debt ceiling crisis has again brought into focus the perennial gap between what the government spends and what it accumulates in taxes, and the virtual impossibility of closing that gap by increasing taxes or negotiating cuts in the budget. | In a 2023 book titled A Tale of Two Economies: A New Financial Operating System for the American Economy, Wall Street veteran Scott Smith shows that we would need to tax everyone at a rate of 40%, without deductions, to balance the budgets of our federal and local governments — an obvious nonstarter. The problem, he argues, is that we are taxing the wrong things [m…

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-06-02). An 'Axis of Seven' to supplement SCO. peoplesdispatch.org The new "5 Plus 2 axis" with China, Russia, and five Central Asian countries will have its own mechanisms and projections, which differ from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union community…

teleSUR (2023-06-02). RMB Assets Hold Long-Term Pull for Global Investors. telesurenglish.net Global investors are bullish on renminbi-denominated assets as China's economic growth momentum recovers and its financial markets further open up, financial professionals said on the sidelines of the 2023 Global Investor Conference, which opened on Thursday. | RELATED: | International investors are optimistic about China's long-term structural growth prospects, said Terry Pan, CEO for Greater China, Southeast Asia and South Korea at Invesc…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-06-02). AMLO destaca recuperación económica de México tras Covid-19. telesurtv.net Respecto al Producto Interno Bruto, López Obrador aseveró que se pronostica crezca un cuatro por ciento este año.

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-02). US and Taiwan Sign First Trade Agreement Under New Initiative, Angering China. news.antiwar.com The Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) announced Thursday that the US and Taiwan signed the first trade agreement under a new economic initiative that was launched last year. The deal was signed in Washington by representatives of the US and Taiwan's respective de facto embassies, the American Institute in Taiwan, and the Taipei …

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-02). Sanders, 4 Senate Democrats Vote Against Debt Limit Bill With Cuts to SNAP. truthout.org Five members of the Senate Democratic caucus voted against the debt ceiling package negotiated between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) and the White House on Thursday, condemning cruel provisions in the bill aimed at harming the nation's most economically vulnerable populations. The bill passed Thursday evening 63 to 36, with Senators John Fetterman (D-Pennsylvania), Ed Markey (D… |

Kenny Stancil (2023-06-02). Manchin, Tester and Sinema Join Senate GOP to Repeal Biden Student Debt Relief. truthout.org Economic justice advocates cried foul Thursday after the U.S. Senate passed legislation that aims to block President Joe Biden's pending student debt cancellation plan and reverse already-delivered relief. Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) and Jon Tester (Mont.), along with right-wing Independent Sen. Krysten Sinema (Ariz.), joined Senate Republicans in supporting H.J. Res. 45. |

infobrics (2023-06-02). De-dollarisation: Yet Another Hiccup or for Real?>. infobrics.org For many years, many countries around the globe were getting concerned over Washington's impositions of economic and trade sanctions as a form of weaponisation of the dollar, prompting them to diversify their portfolio of foreign currency reserves…

infobrics (2023-06-02). China and Russia's Growing BRICS Bloc Speeds Decline of U.S. Influence. infobrics.org As the United States struggles to maintain influence across vast parts of the Global South, the expanding BRICS bloc led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is receiving more applications than ever before, signaling a growing shift in the international economic order…

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). RCEP agreement in effect for all 15 members. ecns.cn The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement took effect on Friday for the Philippines, marking the RCEP agreement is in effect for all 15 members.

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). China firmly opposes the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues: spokesperson. ecns.cn China is firmly opposed to the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues, creating obstacles for normal technological cooperation and economic and trade exchanges in the industrial community and private sectors, and disrupting the global industrial and supply chains, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said at the daily news briefing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). Businesses benefit from series of tax, fee cuts. ecns.cn With businesses in China rebounding from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since the start of this year, the nation's economic growth has accelerated.

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). May plant output up, snapping recent lull. ecns.cn Zhao Qinghe, a senior NBS statistician, said Chinese businesses came under pressure in May, and more efforts should be made to consolidate the foundation for economic recovery.

Teri Mattson, WtF is Going On in Latin America, the Caribbean. (2023-06-02). Isolationism Ends: Maduro Visits Brazil. popularresistance.org Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro traveled to Brazil as part of an official visit to meet with his counterpart Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva where the pair discussed regional and international cooperation, including the potential entry of Venezuela into the BRICS bloc. | The high-level meeting comes as part of joint efforts to strengthen their bilateral ties following the restoration of diplomatic and economic relations after years of tension under Lula's predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, who embraced Washington regime change plots against Maduro, backing the so-called "interim" government of opposition figure Juan Gua…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-02). Russia highlights China's economic management model. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 2 (Prensa Latina) The Russian authorities have raised their level of attention to the economic management carried out by the Chinese government In recent years, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Maksim Reshetnikov, said.

infobrics (2023-06-02). BRICS Bloc — BRICS+ New Members. infobrics.org Emerging markets around the world are interested in joining the BRICS group which is more focused on business than values…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-06-02). People's Health Tribunal Finds Shell and Total Energy Guilty of Harming African Communities. towardfreedom.org During a People's Health Tribunal, environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored extractive corporations in Africa for exploiting natural resources and for sowing poverty and disease. Peoples Health Dispatch reports.

Staff (2023-06-02). Felicita canciller cubano a nuevo presidente de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, envió hoy felicitaciones al embajador de Trinidad y Tobago, Dennis Francis, por su elección como presidente de la 78 Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas. En su perfil en Twitter, el máximo representante de la diplomacia cubana deseó a Francis éxitos en su labor al frente de ese órgano principal de la ONU.

WSWS (2023-06-02). Australian state Labor government cuts social services, jobs amid skyrocketing debt. wsws.org The Victorian government's regressive measures represent only a down payment for the sharper austerity cuts demanded by the ruling class.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-06-02). Peligra labor de agencia de la ONU que asiste a palestinos. telesurtv.net UNRWA necesita 50 millones USD para no empezar con déficit el 2024 y 75 millones más para apoyar con alimentos a Gaza.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-02). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-02). From lift off to splash down: An update on Mayo Clinic stem cells in space. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's been six years since Mayo Clinic physician Abba Zubair, M.D., Ph.D., watched stem cells from his regenerative medicine laboratory blast into space as part of a research effort to see if zero gravity would help the cells multiply faster. Approximately 15 million people worldwide experience a stroke annually, according to the World Health Organization. Currently, stroke remains a top cause of death and disability in the world. Finding new therapies for stroke is important…

teleSUR- hvh (2023-06-02). Trabajadores peruanos de Repsol protestan ante abusos laborales. telesurtv.net "Son varios puntos del pliego de reclamos que hasta el momento esta empresa no cumple con ejecutar", indicó el gremio.

auorinoco (2023-06-02). Colombia: President Petro Rallies Support for Labor Reforms. orinocotribune.com The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, announced that he would join the march called by the trade unions of the South American country on June 7, in support of reform projects that could materialize in Congress. Petro will participate in the "Engaging Bogotá for Social Reforms" conference together with union organizations such as the Central Union of Workers (CUT), the General Confederation of Labor, and others. | "This time, I will not be on the balcony. I will march alongside the working people," the Colombian president announced via social media, "and I hope that those who voted to make a change in Colombia…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Peruvian Workers Protest Against REPSOL Labor Abuses. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, La Pampilla Refinery Workers Union (SUTRELAPA) held a sit-in to denounce the breach of labor agreements by the transnational oil company REPSOL. | RELATED: | "So far, the company has not satisfied various demands to avoid arbitrary changes," the Peruvian workers said, explaining that they are requesting an annual shift schedule that allows establishing positions, vacations, medical breaks, and replacements for each…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). BRICS Foreign Affairs Ministers Meet in South Africa. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the foreign affairs ministers of the BRICS countries are meeting in the South African city of Cape Town to promote paths towards a new multilateralism. | RELATED: | This meeting provides an opportunity to reflect on regional and global developments, South African Foreign Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor said without elaborating on the agenda. The participants, however, are expected to discuss issues rel…

Steve Gillis (2023-06-01). Los Angeles Mass labor action builds WGA strike momentum. workers.org "Solidarity Is Power" lead banner of the LA County Labor Federation "Unions Strike Back" march, May 26, 2023. Thousands of workers from many unions shut down major intersections outside Los Angeles' Crypto.com Arena during Friday rush hour on May 26, in a display of labor power and solidarity with striking . . . |

Adriaan Alsema (2023-06-01). Colombia charges mining executives over terrorist financing. colombiareports.com The Colombia director of US mining corporation Drummond has been charged for allegedly funding a paramilitary group that assassinated two labor union leaders in 2001. Drummond Colombia boss Jose Miguel…

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Ukrainian Conflict Has Far-Reaching Negative Impact: Italy's CB. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Italian Central Bank Governor Ignazio Visco said that the Ukrainian conflict has had a sprawling impact on the European economies, pushing the median wealth and consumer confidence lower. | RELATED: | In his annual report, he pointed out that the Ukraine crisis has also had an impact on energy prices, which resulted in an increase in interest rates by the European Central Bank (ECB), all of which…

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). At-home services find traction among Gen Z. ecns.cn Door-to-door (DTD) services have shifted from a luxury use pattern to a routine consumption mode in China.

WSWS (2023-06-02). Alleging financial crimes, Georgia police arrest 3 organizers of Atlanta Solidarity Fund in militarized SWAT raid. wsws.org The Atlanta Solidarity Fund has been heavily involved in raising funds in support of those arrested while protesting "Cop City," a proposed multimillion-dollar military-style police training facility on the city's outskirts.

Sam Knight (2023-06-01). Why Is the Fed Seeking Advice From the Architect of Past Financial Meltdowns? truthout.org As the leader of a body that determines the fate of the world behind closed doors, the head of the Federal Reserve is highly scrutinized. Observers, for example, used to guess what former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan was thinking about interest rates based on the weight of his briefcase. If the load was heavy, the reasoning stood, Greenspan had paperwork to convince the other members on the panel that… |

infobrics (2023-06-01). Lula Says He's Started Talks With BRICS Bank to Help Argentina. infobrics.org Brazil President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said he's actively working to help Argentina overcome its financial crisis after meetings with its president, Alberto Fernandez, in Brasilia…

WSWS (2023-06-02). New York City transit workers union announces sellout contract. wsws.org The below inflation wage increases is a disgrace for a workforce that lost more than 170 people while maintaining transit service throughout the pandemic.

WSWS (2023-06-02). Voting begins on tentative agreement between SDEA union and San Diego Unified. wsws.org The union has declared the agreement a "historic win," however it provides no guaranteed staffing of counselors, paraeducators or nurses, and includes paltry wage increases that barely meet inflation.

Staff (2023-06-02). Rep. Ro Khanna: Avoiding Default Was Necessary, But Debt Deal Was Passed at Expense of "Most Vulnerable" democracynow.org After a contentious battle with the Republican House majority, President Biden and Congress have agreed on a bipartisan deal suspending the debt ceiling until January 1, 2025. Among other concessions to Republicans, the deal caps domestic spending below the current rate of inflation, allows for larger increases to the military budget, implements new work requirements for social programs and fast-tracks the approval and construction of the controversial 300-plus-mile-long fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline through West Virginia and Virginia. Our guest, California Congressmember Ro Khanna, is among a number of pr…

WSWS (2023-06-01). Australian inflation rate moves back up as real wages continue to fall. wsws.org Despite data which indicates a growing crisis for ever increasing sections of the population, the Reserve Bank of Australia, in line with its counterparts internationally, is determined to press ahead with the suppression of the living standards of the working class.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-06-01). CUNY caves to Israel lobby over anti-racist speech. electronicintifada.net AIPAC top donor to lawmaker Ritchie Torres, who attacked law school graduate over her remarks against Israeli aggression.

Staff (2023-06-02). Headlines for June 2, 2023. democracynow.org Senate Approves Debt Deal Limiting Domestic Spending and Rolling Back Climate Protections, Senate Votes to Rescind Biden's Student Debt Relief Plan, Russia Fires More Missiles at Kyiv Amid Fresh Cross-Border Attacks from Ukraine, U.N. Warns Foundering Black Sea Grain Deal Could Exacerbate Food Crisis, Zelensky Presses EU and NATO to Grant Ukraine Membership; China Calls for Peace Talks, Protesters Disrupt Arms Convention as Canadian Defense Minister Touts Cybersecurity Plans, Rights Groups Slam "Sham Trial" for Iranian Journalists Who Helped Expose Death of Mahsa Amini, Workers Protest Florida&#…

Natalia Marques (2023-06-02). Attacks on student loan forgiveness threaten millions in the US. peoplesdispatch.org US Senators from the Republican and Democrat parties pushed to quickly approve the bipartisan debt ceiling deal on Thursday night, June 1. Republicans, led by Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, successfully negotiated severe cuts on government spending in a way that will hurt workers

Rick Rozoff (2023-06-01). Meeting NATO demand: Denmark to triple military spending. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense Post/Agence France-PresseMay 30, 2023 Denmark to Triple Defense Budget Over Next Decade Denmark's government announced Tuesday that it would triple its defense budget over the next 10 years in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Denmark intends to reach the NATO goal of spending two percent of gross domestic product on the military …

Jake Johnson (2023-06-01). McCarthy Warns That Social Security and Medicare Are the GOP's Next Target. truthout.org After securing a debt ceiling agreement that caps federal spending and threatens food aid for hundreds of thousands of poor adults, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear Wednesday that Republicans are not finished targeting the nation's safety net programs — and signaled a coming effort by the GOP to slash Social Security and Medicare. In a Fox News appearance ahead of the House's passage of the… |

Jake Johnson (2023-06-01). 38 Members of Congressional Progressive Caucus Vote Against Debt Ceiling Bill. truthout.org Nearly 40 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus broke with the majority of their House Democratic colleagues late Wednesday to vote against the debt ceiling agreement negotiated by President Joe Biden and Republican leaders. The legislation, which would lift the debt ceiling until January 2025 and enact painful caps on non-military federal spending, passed the GOP-controlled House by a… |

Zoe Alexandra, People's Dispatch. (2023-06-02). Arrest Of Bail Fund Organizers In Atlanta Sets A Dangerous Precedent. popularresistance.org Officers from the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) raided an activist house in the southern US city of Atlanta on the morning of May 31. During the raid, the officers arrested three members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a non-profit organization that provides "support for people who are arrested at protests, or prosecuted for movement involvement" by way of jail and legal support and accompaniment, bail funds, and helping provide access to representation. | The three arrested organizers, Marlon Kautz, Adele Maclean and Savannah Patterson, were booked in the DeKalb C…

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-01). 4 Artificial Intelligence Bubble Stocks To Bet Against: Profit When The FOMO Runs Out. moguldom.com Nvidia's blockbuster first-quarter results have helped drive excitement to new levels about investing in artificial intelligence, but market watchers say some stocks are overvalued amid the hype. The investor enthusiasm is inspiring comparisons to the dot.com bubble that preceded the bust of March 2000, when most tech stocks lost 75 percent of value from their highs. Economist …

Brett Wilkins (2023-06-02). Like tobacco and Big Oil, secret docs show chemical companies knew PFAS dangers. nationofchange.org "The industry used several strategies that have been shown common to tobacco, pharmaceutical, and other industries to influence science and regulation—most notably, suppressing unfavorable research and distorting public discourse."

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). Efforts sought to curb minors' online addiction. ecns.cn "If accounts are easily obtained from the internet, our country's measures against addiction to online games among children, such as regulations, will be meaningless," the paper quoted the mother as saying.It also ordered game providers to adopt real-name registration of users and take more action to prevent children under 18 from becoming obsessed with online games.

Staff (2023-06-01). Artificial Intelligence "Godfathers" Call for Regulation as Rights Groups Warn AI Encodes Oppression. democracynow.org We host a roundtable discussion with three experts in artificial intelligence on growing concerns over the technology's potential dangers. Yoshua Bengio, known as one of the three "godfathers of AI," is a professor at the University of Montreal and founder and scientific director at Mila–Quebec AI Institute. Bengio is also a signatory of the Future of Life Institute open letter calling for a pause on large AI experiments. He is joined on Democracy Now! by Tawana Petty, the director of policy and advocacy at the Algorithmic Justice League, an organization dedicated to raising awareness abou…

WSWS (2023-06-03). Strikes across Italy opposing Meloni's social cuts and war policy. wsws.org In Milan, Naples and Turin, strikers marched through the city center chanting, "Abbassate le armi, alzate i salari!" (Down with arms, up with wages!).

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-02). Ecuadorian trade unions and social movements condemn dismissal of workers from government ministry. peoplesdispatch.org Over 35 workers, including Juan Fernando Rodríguez Escobar, President of the Ecuadorian Solidarity Workers Confederation, have been dismissed from the Ministry of Government. The illegal dismissals are believed to be linked to the ongoing collective bargaining process for better wages and working conditions…

WSWS (2023-06-01). Australian health union's "Big Wednesday," a farce aimed at blocking a real struggle by workers. wsws.org This was not a strike, but a stunt designed to create the illusion that the union will lead a fight for decent wages and conditions.

Rainer Shea (2023-06-02). Bezos Is Planning To Replace the Present US Imperialism With a 'Decolonized' Version of Imperialism. orinocotribune.com By Rainer Shea — May 29, 2023 | The project by Jeff Bezos and other oligarchs to weaponize the concept of anti-colonialism towards reinforcing capitalism goes deeper than their "decolonial" NGOs. This is because whereas these NGOs are relatively easy for developing radicals to recognize as anti-revolutionary, there are other, more insidious ways that imperialism-compatible "anti-colonial" politics is getting normalized. The effort by Bezos to set up his "Earth Fund" so that he can

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-06-01). How illegal Great Depression-era Pennsylvania coal miners fought cops, banks, and bosses to unionize. therealnews.com

teleSUR (2023-06-01). Second Tropical Depression Forms In The Atlantic. telesurenglish.net The National Hurricane Center (NHC), based in Miami, Florida, reported Thursday the formation of the second tropical depression of 2023 in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. | RELATED: | According to the most recent NHC bulletin, the tropical depression is moving at 2 mph (4 km/h) in a west-northwesterly direction with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph (55 km/h). | The depression is 305 miles (490 kilometers) west-northwest of Ft.

teleSUR (2023-06-02). 45 Bags Filled With Human Remains Discovered by Mexico Police. telesurenglish.net During a recent investigation into the disappearance of seven young individuals in Jalisco, located in Western Mexico, a minimum of 45 bags containing human remains were discovered in a ravine. | Related: | The bags were found in the depths of a 40-meter ravine located in the Zapopan municipality, which is considered to be a suburban area of Guadalajara, an expansive industrial center. | "Forty-five bags with human…

Adam McKay (2023-06-01). Adam McKay: It's not too late to demand a sane government response to climate change. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The hot, pissed off, oil-caked cat is now out of the bag. | We will likely cross 1.5 degrees Celsius (or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of global warming beyond preindustrial levels in the next two to four years. This is the temperature at which scientists have warned, for quite some time, serious destabilization may occur. While global temperatures are usually measured as the longer-term trend line rath…

Ryan Cristián (2023-06-02). Scott C. Smith Interview — The East Palestine Diaster And The Continuing EPA Cover Up. thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is Scott C. Smith, Chief Sustainability Officer at ECO Integrated Technologies, Inc., one of the few independent experts in the ground in East Palestine exposing the ongoing cover up by the EPA and Norfolk Southern. (odysee.com/@TLAVagabond: 5) (www.bitchute.com/channel/24yVcta8zEjY/) Source Links: Coming Shortly… Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bitcoin-donation (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f)…

Ashley Curtin (2023-06-01). USPS establishes deal with Ford to purchase 9,250 electric vehicles. nationofchange.org Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said that by 2026, all new vehicles will be electric vehicles (EV).

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-06-02). Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset". Global Debt and Neoliberal "Shock Treatment" globalresearch.ca

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-06-02). Honduras: Psychological Operations Against Xiomara Castro's Government. orinocotribune.com By Ricardo Arturo Salgado — May 29, 2023 | The right-wing wars in Latin America are waged—to a great extent—in the minds of people, especially those who still think they are part of the privileged class, despite the fact that neoliberalism is gradually making them lose purchasing power. Psychological operations, whose spearheads are in the media and social networks, have been relentless against the progressive government of President Xiomara Castro since the very day she took office. | In Honduras, private media constitutes 98% of all media, and the number of troll and bot farms created by the na…

Jim McMahan (2023-06-02). Workers World Party intersex candidate opens Seattle City Council campaign. workers.org Seattle Liv Morgan Liv Morgan, an intersex Workers World Party member, declared her candidacy for Seattle City Council, District 3, on May 25. Her campaign as an official write-in candidate is breaking new ground in the struggle of oppressed genders for representation, visibility and for socialism. Abandoned and orphaned, and . . . |

Federico Fuentes (2023-06-02). Brazil: Can Lula's plan bring peace to Ukraine? greenleft.org.au Israel Dutra, of the Brazilian Socialist Left Movement within the Socialism and Liberty Party, speaks to Federico Fuentes about Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's peace proposal for the war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-06-01). Royal Mail workers speak out: "My life is turned upside down. Will I survive?" wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is publishing a further round-up of comments received from UK postal workers condemning the Communication Workers Union sell-out deal with Royal Mail.

Chloe DS (2023-06-01). Malaysia: Building solidarity in a time of climate crisis. greenleft.org.au Green Left's Chloe DS spoke to Cheong Huei Ting, Central Committee member of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) and Coordinator of the PSM's Environmental and Climate Crisis Bureau ahead of her participation in the Ecosocialism 2023 Conference in July in Naarm/Melbourne.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-06-01). Imperialist Hegemony and the Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora (Statement). orinocotribune.com By Abayomi Azikiwe -May 29, 2023 | Africa Liberation Day comes amid an escalating campaign by the West and their allies to stifle sovereignty and sustainable development. | Note: The following solidarity statement was prepared and delivered in part to the African Liberation Day program organized by the All-African People's Revolutionary Party, (A-APRP-GC) under the theme "Pan-Africanism: Waging Class Struggle in Africa and the Diaspora, Fighting for the One United Socialist Africa!" on Sat. May 27, 2023. The event was broadcast over the "Africans on the Move" internet radio program hosted by Lee Robinson of the A…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-06-02). Communist Party of Swaziland to launch campaign for release of its member Mvuselelo Mkhabela and other political prisoners. peoplesdispatch.org 21-year-old Mvuselelo Mkhabela, a Central Committee member of the banned Communist Party of Swaziland, who had continued organizing anti-monarchist resistance underground after escaping police custody with a bullet wound, was arrested in April and tortured again…

ecns.cn (2023-06-02). Xi visits a Beijing school ahead of International Children's Day. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Beijing Yuying School on Wednesday morning ahead of International Children's Day, which falls on June 1.

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