Daily Archives: June 5, 2023

2023-06-05: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-06-05). French National Assembly to examine €413 billion defense spending bill. wsws.org While imposing an illegitimate and overwhelmingly unpopular pension cut, Macron is building a "war economy" amid the NATO war with Russia.

_____ (2023-06-05). Another Look at the U.S. Financial Transactions Tax That Could Eliminate Need for All Others. transcend.org 2 Jun 2023 – A small financial transactions tax could correct a number of maladies in the US economic system, from the federal debt crisis to the widening wealth divide to the rampant financialization of the economy, while eliminating taxes on income and sales.

_____ (2023-06-05). Saudi Arabia Set to Join BRICS' New Development Bank. transcend.org 31 May 2023 – The ties between the BRICS bank and Saudi Arabia signals an advancement in the de-dollarisation of the global economy. This week, Saudi Arabia held talks to join BRICS' New Development Bank as its ninth member, a decision not only economic but also political.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-06-04). Debt Ceiling Hypocrisy: US Boosts Military Budget, Restricts Food Stamps. popularresistance.org The US government reached its debt limit of $31.4 trillion in early 2023. This unleashed a deluge of debate as to whether or not the Treasury was going to default, and how a deeply divided Congress could come to an agreement to raise the debt ceiling. | The constant chatter in the mainstream corporate media overlooked the real controversy, however. The reality is that practically no one in Washington truly cares about the US national debt. | In fact, in a bipartisan deal negotiated in late May to raise the debt ceiling, Democratic President Joe Biden and Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin Mc…

L. Randall Wray (2023-06-04). A Primer on Government Surpluses. realprogressives.org It is difficult to believe that our economy can continue to grow robustly as the government sucks disposable income and wealth from the private sector by running surpluses.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). (W.E. Talk, ∑ Understanding the Chinese path to modernization) Zheng Yongnian: What can the Chinese path to modernization bring to globalization?>. ecns.cn Modernization is a global social transition spanning several hundred years and involving the five continents. It covers such fields as the economy, science and technology, politics and culture and has brought earth-shaking changes to the world. China is undoubtedly a part of this historical process.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). In Numbers: RCEP pact's full implementation to inject vitality to world economy. ecns.cn

_____ (2023-06-05). The Hypocrisy of Economic Sanctions. transcend.org 1 Jun 2023 – Are economic sanctions a violation of human rights?>

Jon Queally (2023-06-04). Sanders Denounces Morality of System Where 3 Are Richer Than 165 Million People. truthout.org As President Joe Biden signed into law an agreement Saturday that would shield wealthy tax cheats from stronger IRS enforcement while at the same time enacting cuts to key anti-poverty programs, Senator Bernie Sanders and other progressive allies were busy denouncing the immoral, low-wage economic system in the United States in which just a small handful of mega-billionaires have accumulated more… |

Real Progressives (2023-06-04). Essentials of Heterodox & Post-Keynesian Economics. realprogressives.org Marc Lavoie of University of Ottawa presented a seminar on Heterodox and Post-Keynesian Economics at University of Missouri Kansas City…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-04). Government of Ecuador prepares more economic decrees. plenglish.com Quito, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Ecuadorian government is preparing today other economic decrees that will be added to the two already sent to the Constitutional Court (CC) to implement a tax reform and establish free zones in the country.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). RCEP agreement in effect for all 15 members. ecns.cn The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement took effect on Friday for the Philippines, marking the RCEP agreement is in effect for all 15 members.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). China firmly opposes the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues: spokesperson. ecns.cn China is firmly opposed to the U.S. politicizing and weaponizing trade and sci-tech issues, creating obstacles for normal technological cooperation and economic and trade exchanges in the industrial community and private sectors, and disrupting the global industrial and supply chains, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said at the daily news briefing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). Businesses benefit from series of tax, fee cuts. ecns.cn With businesses in China rebounding from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic since the start of this year, the nation's economic growth has accelerated.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). May plant output up, snapping recent lull. ecns.cn Zhao Qinghe, a senior NBS statistician, said Chinese businesses came under pressure in May, and more efforts should be made to consolidate the foundation for economic recovery.

David Spratt (2023-06-05). Why markets fail on fossil fuel pollution, heralding an era of climate disruption. greenleft.org.au The market mechanism models that underpin climate policymaking have failed and an era of climate disruption is now upon us, argues David Spratt.

Chris Wright (2023-06-04). What "Security Threat" Does China Pose? covertactionmagazine.com If U.S. leaders were really interested in Americans security, they would upgrade public health and housing rather than upgrading the military and thereby encouraging a dangerous arms race with China. Everyone who abhors war, detests imperialism, and favors cooperation between nations on global warming, poverty reduction, protection of biodiversity, international disarmament, implementation of international law, …

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-04). Most Uruguayans live worse, warns the Broad Front. plenglish.com This is how it is signed in the document "Towards Uruguay of Hope and Development" an analysis of the situation adopted by the Plenary of the FA that debated the national panorama in the fourth year of the mandate of President Luis Lacalle Pou. | The country model of the government coalition increases inequality, poverty increases, the cost of basic necessities rises, the quality of employment worsens, real wages and retirement and pensions fall, social policies are cut, and Your security policy fails. The State withdraws", affirms the text. | He refers to what he qualifies as the worst water crisis in national h…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-04). Cholera death toll in South Africa rises to 26. plenglish.com The Health Ministry spokesperson Foster Mohale once afresh urged population to take precautionary measures to avoid the spread of the disease. | Most cholera cases in South Africa have been so far reported in the central province of Gauteng, specifically in the Hammanskraal district, north of Pretoria, where people in abject poverty are presently living. | Last week, health authorities in the northern province of Limpopo reported one cholera case, the first one in that district. | Phophi Ramathuba, a member of the Limpopo Health Executive Council, stated the patient was not infected from local sources from contam…

WSWS (2023-06-04). Roger Waters faces attacks by Zionists, Labour and Tory politicians as tour hits UK. wsws.org For the ruling class, Waters' "crimes" are that he has opposed the US-NATO-instigated war against Russia in Ukraine and vocally supported the Palestinian people in the face of criminal attacks on them by Israel.

ecns.cn (2023-06-05). Summit stresses peace, stability. ecns.cn Collaboration and dialogue are needed to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, and major powers need to act responsibly, the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore was told this weekend.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-05). ILWU Local 52 Gabriel Prawl On Firings In Seattle, Growing Anger & West Coast Work Action. indybay.org ILWU longshore workers are facing direct union busting by the PMA and shipping bosses. In Seattle a walkout took place after longshore workers worked to health and safety rules. Seattle Local 52 past president Gabriel Prawl talks about the conditions that are developing on the docks and why anger is growing among ILWU members.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-05). Mayo neuroscientists discover unknown brain area involved in movement. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been accepted that the part of the brain called the primary motor cortex controls body movements. Certain groups of cells direct specific movements — for example, of the feet, hands or tongue. The cells of the primary motor cortex are organized as a type of topographical map of corresponding body parts in the central sulcus, a fold in the brain's outermost layer called the cerebral cortex. Mayo Clinic scientists and their international collaborators…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-05). From lift off to splash down: An update on Mayo Clinic stem cells in space. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's been six years since Mayo Clinic physician Abba Zubair, M.D., Ph.D., watched stem cells from his regenerative medicine laboratory blast into space as part of a research effort to see if zero gravity would help the cells multiply faster. Approximately 15 million people worldwide experience a stroke annually, according to the World Health Organization. Currently, stroke remains a top cause of death and disability in the world. Finding new therapies for stroke is important…

WSWS (2023-06-05). Electricity and rent hikes expose Australian government's "cost-of-living" budget. wsws.org Working-class households are being driven into destitution by skyrocketing rents, mortgage payments and power prices, making a mockery of Labor's budget and election promises.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-06-04). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" globalresearch.ca Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-04). Acuerdan redactar primer borrador contra contaminación de plásticos. telesurtv.net Los delegados del Comité Intergubernamental de Negociación sobre Plásticos aseguran que elaborarán un borrador inicial antes de su próxima reunión en Kenia en noviembre.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-06-04). Colisión de trenes en Odisha, India, deja al menos 261 muertos. telesurtv.net La funcionaria indicó que recibió instrucciones del ministro principal Naveen Patnaik, de acudir a la zona del percance para supervisar las labores de rescate.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-04). Italy: Air transport sector workers to strike nationwide. plenglish.com The strike has been called by air transport sector workers affiliated to the Italian Labor Confederation (CGIL), Italian Labor Union (UIL), Italian Confederation of Workers' Unions (CISL) and General Labor Union (UGL). | In the call for Sunday ¥s strike, it is stated that major reasons for the strike include the fact that the situation "has become unacceptable" and "it is critical to reach a contract renewal as soon as possible". | Protesters called for "the purchasing power to the salary and dignity be restored to the thousands of Italian airport workers who face absolutely inadequate conditions". | "We hope…

ecns.cn (2023-06-05). Plane ticket prices fall sharply for Dragon Boat Festival. ecns.cn Plane ticket prices dive sharply for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, with the prices expected to be 20 percent lower than the May Day holiday, Shanghai Observer reported on Sunday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-05). President of Venezuela travelled to Saudi Arabia. plenglish.com Maduro reached the King Abdulaziz International Airport in the company of the First Lady and Deputy to the National Assembly Cilia Flores, Foreign Minister Yván Gil and the Minister of Communication and Information Freddy àëáñez, among other officials. | The President travelled to Saudi Arabia from Türkiye, where he attended the assumption of his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan after his victory in the second round of the elections last Sunday. | Maduro had been in Saudi Arabia in 2015 and 2016, when he promoted the recovery and stabilization of crude oil prices, official sources indicated. | The bila…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-05). OPEC+ adopts strategy to boost oil prices. plenglish.com Vienna, Jun 5 (Prensa Latina) The members of the alliance of oil-exporting countries, OPEC+, held a meeting on Sunday where they adopted a strategy to boost prices of black gold by cutting crude production.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-04). OPEC+ decides whether to cut its crude production. plenglish.com Vienna, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The ministers of the OPEC+ alliance began a meeting today to discuss whether they will adopt new cuts in oil production, at a time when hydrocarbon prices are falling.

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). At-home services find traction among Gen Z. ecns.cn Door-to-door (DTD) services have shifted from a luxury use pattern to a routine consumption mode in China.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-04). Fight Global Censorship: Support SouthFront. southfront.org Dear Friends, | We are forced to resort to this appeal due to the unprecedented pressure on SouthFront. | As you may know SouthFront was blocked by all financial platforms/systems that are under the U.S. control. That's why we are forced to use crypto wallets to receive your donations. | The escalation of new military conflicts and unrest in different world regions threaten our common security. Today, objective information is a valuable resource. We believe that together we are able to overcome any challenges. | The SouthFront Team is grateful for your strategic support!We appeal to all our dear readers and viewe…

Tracy Marvin (2023-06-04). Social Security: Financial, Real and Political Constraints. realprogressives.org

WSWS (2023-06-05). Train horror in India: Another crime of decaying capitalism. wsws.org The government has been spending lavishly on the military, as part of its deepening strategic alliance with US imperialism against China, while refusing to make the necessary investments in a rail system that is a crucial means of transportation for the country's more than a billion people.

_____ (2023-06-04). The Mainstream Media's Unwillingness to Challenge U.S. Militarization. strategic-culture.org By Melvin GOODMAN | The Washington Post finally conceded in an editorial last week that the United States must "spend smarter" when it comes to defense. Instead of looking for ways to cut defense spending, however,…

Editor (2023-06-04). Historic Bill Would Stop New York from Subsidizing Illegal Israeli Settlements. scheerpost.com The bill to "End New York funding of Israeli settler violence Act" would establish a civil penalty for nonprofits that help fund settlements. The pro-Israel backlash has predictably described it as antisemitic.

ecns.cn (2023-06-05). China strengthens fairness of market competition. ecns.cn China will strengthen supervision and law enforcement against market intervention behaviors, and will consolidate the institutional and regulatory foundations for fair competition, the State Administration for Market Regulation said on Monday.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-04). Is AI the end of the world or the beginning of something new? expose-news.com AI is the end of the world! In something out of the start of a horror movie, this week top artificial intelligence researchers called for major regulation of the technology, releasing a one-sentence letter: …

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). Efforts sought to curb minors' online addiction. ecns.cn "If accounts are easily obtained from the internet, our country's measures against addiction to online games among children, such as regulations, will be meaningless," the paper quoted the mother as saying.It also ordered game providers to adopt real-name registration of users and take more action to prevent children under 18 from becoming obsessed with online games.

WSWS (2023-06-05). At UAW town hall, Fain & Co. falsely claim "transparency" while blacking out Clarios strike. wsws.org The tightly scripted, 25-minute event was aimed at projecting an air of "transparency" and militancy on the part of the UAW's new top leadership, while they in fact prepare to carry out the same policies as their predecessors: brutal attacks on jobs, wages and working conditions at the behest of the auto companies.

WSWS (2023-06-05). Russian autoworkers protest low wages. wsws.org Seven workers were arrested when they and dozens of others laid down their tools at the lunch hour and refused to restart the line until that night.

ecns.cn (2023-06-05). More 5G applications, 6G on the horizon: Minister. ecns.cn China will widen the industrial application of 5G and promote the research and development of 6G as it works to establish a beachhead in the future tech frontier, the country's top industry regulator said on Sunday.

WSWS (2023-06-05). Australian university union blocks call by CFPE members for broader struggle. wsws.org This was a blatant act of political censorship, showing that the NTEU bureaucrats are intent on stifling the democratic rights of members as they rush to push through sell-out enterprise bargaining deals at one university after the other.

Joe Firestone (2023-06-04). Neoliberalism Kills (Part 1). realprogressives.org We have reached the point, now, where it is neoliberalism or American Democracy, or, if you like neoliberalism or us. There is no alternative!

Joe Firestone (2023-06-04). Neoliberalism Kills (Part 2). realprogressives.org Its influence is felt even in liberal or progressive organizations, and among progressive commentators and writers, who all share ideas like fiscal policy discipline and tax reform.

_____ (2023-06-05). Of the Sahel and the Merchants of Death. transcend.org 2 Jun 2023 – There is a trafficking web across the Sahel spanning 6.000 kilometres–from Atlantic Ocean to Red Sea–home to more than 300 million people in 10 countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal.

Gaetan Heroux (2023-06-04). Bay Street has no Business at Dundas and Sherbourne. socialistproject.ca

Staff (2023-06-04). Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas denuncia "cacería de brujas" contra artistas e intelectuales cubanos. cubadebate.cu La Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas y sus socios colectivos e individuales denuncian, una vez más, la inmoral e ilegal guerra mediática y cultural que se desarrolla de manera creciente contra los creadores que decidieron apostar por la Patria socialista.

Fight Back (2023-06-04). Are U.S. drones dropping bombs in the Philippines? fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The U.S. imperialists and its military forces are notorious for outright military intervention and violating the territorial sovereignty of countries around the world. Indeed, it is well known that the U.S. military has been freely operating their drones and other aircraft within Philippine airspace to transport war matériel and personnel in their various military bases and facilities, as well as take part in local military operations, including conducting drone surveillance, in the name of "counter-terro…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-04). Cuban Communist Party congratulates Hero of the Republic. plenglish.com "A hero of Cuba, of the people, pride of the nation and for that matter, deputy, member of the Council of State and of the Central Committee of the PCC, leader of our largest mass organization, on his birthday. Congratulations Gerardo Hernández. Good health to you, continue to fight", expressed the political organization on its Twitter account. | On this social network, deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power and the island's authorities also sent congratulations to the Hero of the Republic and National Coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution. | Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, an In…

thecommunists (2023-06-04). Model motion: Defy the anti-trade union laws. thecommunists.org This model motion for use by trade unionists and others is included in our upcoming pamphlet Manifesto for the Crisis, which will be available to buy soon in the party bookshop. ***** This [conference]* notes that, since the defeat of the heroic 1984/5 miners' strike, several rounds of anti-trade union legislation have been enacted in …

ecns.cn (2023-06-04). Xi calls for efforts to build modern Chinese civilization. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended a symposium on cultural inheritance and development on Friday and made an important speech. He stressed that it is our new cultural mission in the new era to further promote cultural prosperity and develop a great culture in China and a modern Chinese civilization from a new starting point. It is imperative to have greater confidence in our own culture, shoulder the mission, work diligently and proactively, and make concerted efforts to create a new cul…

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