Daily Archives: June 10, 2023

2023-06-10: News Headlines

Bruce Lerro (2023-06-10). Promethean City Builders vs Finance Capital Malthusians. dissidentvoice.org Part I Who are Some Western Supporters of Multipolarists? Orientation Most of us realize there is a major tectonic shift in the world economy from West to East. The multipolar nations are basing their economies on investing in developing the productive forces of science and technology and to better human life. The Belt and Road …

WSWS (2023-06-10). As slowdowns continue on West Coast docks, Chamber of Commerce calls on Biden to force through tentative agreement. wsws.org The largest business group in the US demanded, in the name of the "economy," that Biden appoint a mediator to overcome workers' demands for wage increases and pension benefits.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Why China's socialist economy is more efficient than capitalism By: John Ross. midwesternmarx.com The difficulty the U.S. faces in its current attempts to damage China's economy was analysed in detail in the article "The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide". Reduced to essentials, the U.S. problem is that it possesses no external economic levers powerful enough to derail China's economy. The U.S. has attempted tariffs, technology sanctions, political provocations over Taiwan, the actual or threatened banning of companies such as Huawei …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-06-09). Syria estimates wheat production to exceed one million tons. plenglish.com During his visit to several state-owned grain purchasing facilities and centers in the central province of Hama, the chief executive said that grain trading operations are being facilitated by government institutions. | All capacities should be employed to achieve an excellent grain production season, which would support the national economy, he said. The Syrian government approved a package of measures aimed at boosting wheat planting and production and supporting wheat farmers, considered the main food for the population. | Before the war in 2011, Syria produced sufficient quantities for self-consumption and e…

Anonymous834 (2023-06-09). Poland And Baltic Countries Could Send Troops To Ukraine — Former NATO Chief. southfront.org Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | Former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told The Guardian on June 7 that a group of countries in the Atlantic Alliance could take individual action and send troops to Ukraine in case member states fail to provide security assurances to Kiev at the NATO summit in Lithuania's capital Vilnius in July. | Rasmussen said: "If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-06-09). BRICS New Development Bank De-Dollarizing. popularresistance.org The BRICS bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is expanding, and building a new economic architecture to challenge the dominance of the US dollar. | One of the most important institutions created by the BRICS is the New Development Bank (NDB). This is a Global South-oriented alternative to the World Bank, which is located in and essentially controlled by the United States. | In March 2023, the NDB inaugurated its new chief: Dilma Rousseff, the former president of Brazil, from the South American nation's leftist Workers' Party. | Rousseff has stressed that the NDB's goals are financing "infrastru…

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). Forex performance seen staying relatively stable. ecns.cn China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain a relatively stable performance as the economy remains on an uptrend while the U.S. dollar's strength may not be sustainable.

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). State banks cut yuan deposit rates to spur investment, consumption. ecns.cn Major Chinese state banks officially lowered their yuan deposit rates on Thursday for a second time since last September. The move is expected to ease pressure on profit margins and inject liquidity into the bricks-and-mortar economy, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). China's CPI up 0.2% in May. ecns.cn China's consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, rose 0.2 percent in May on a yearly basis, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). Dragon Boat Festival holidays to unleash new round of spending momentum. ecns.cn The coming three-day Dragon Boat Festival holidays are expected to spark another year-on-year surge in domestic travel and tourism, adding to the spending passion that was kindled by the May Day holidays last month.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-06-10). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-06-10). NZEI pushes through sellout of New Zealand primary teachers. wsws.org The Labour government's pay cut was pushed through by the union, which told 30,000 primary teachers they had to accept it due to the "current economic climate."

Fight Back (2023-06-09). Seattle Homegrown workers picket amidst contract fight. fightbacknews.org Seattle, WA – On Saturday, June 3 Homegrown workers and community supporters held a picket in front of the Queen Anne location of Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches, amidst their fight for a first contract with UNITE HERE Local 8. | The picket came days after Homegrown workers saw the company's first response to the economic demands during contract bargaining earlier that week on Tuesday, May 30. | "Homegrown, Homegrown you can't hide, we can see your greedy side!" called workers from the picket lines. Cafe workers gave their thoughts on the $1.75 proposed raise offered by the company. | "I think it's disrespectfu…

infobrics (2023-06-09). The BRICS Reshape the Global Geopolitical Map. infobrics.org Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have become the new geopolitical, economic and diplomatic platform for developing countries…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, Land Is Predictable But Markets Are Not. popularresistance.org Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's 'absolute advantage' principle — countries should focus on what they do 'best', rather than diversify their economies. It seemed churlish to me, that developing countries such as Argentina should only produce raw materials, while wealthy countries such as Ger…

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not. dissidentvoice.org Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's …

WSWS (2023-06-09). US and Britain agree "Atlantic Declaration," pledging economic warfare against Russia and China. wsws.org Pursuing NATO's war against Russia was pivotal in further cooperation, alongside confronting China, in alliance with the US and Australia in the AUKUS alliance.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Food, Energy Prices Drag Eurozone Economies Into Mild Recession. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU), released data showing that the 20-nation eurozone was in mild recession at the start of this year. | RELATED: | Economic growth in the eurozone countries declined by 0.1 percent in each of the last two quarters, indicating a technical recession. Economic growth was hurt by high food and energy prices, disrupted trade networks, and instability — all l…

Fight Back (2023-06-09). Seattle Homegrown workers picket amidst contract fight. fightbacknews.org Seattle, WA – On Saturday, June 3 Homegrown workers and community supporters held a picket in front of the Queen Anne location of Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches, amidst their fight for a first contract with UNITE HERE Local 8. | The picket came days after Homegrown workers saw the company's first response to the economic demands during contract bargaining earlier that week on Tuesday, May 30. | "Homegrown, Homegrown you can't hide, we can see your greedy side!" called workers from the picket lines. Cafe workers gave their thoughts on the $1.75 proposed raise offered by the company. | "I think it's disrespectfu…

infobrics (2023-06-09). The BRICS Reshape the Global Geopolitical Map. infobrics.org Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have become the new geopolitical, economic and diplomatic platform for developing countries…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, Land Is Predictable But Markets Are Not. popularresistance.org Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's 'absolute advantage' principle — countries should focus on what they do 'best', rather than diversify their economies. It seemed churlish to me, that developing countries such as Argentina should only produce raw materials, while wealthy countries such as Ger…

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not. dissidentvoice.org Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's …

WSWS (2023-06-09). US and Britain agree "Atlantic Declaration," pledging economic warfare against Russia and China. wsws.org Pursuing NATO's war against Russia was pivotal in further cooperation, alongside confronting China, in alliance with the US and Australia in the AUKUS alliance.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Food, Energy Prices Drag Eurozone Economies Into Mild Recession. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU), released data showing that the 20-nation eurozone was in mild recession at the start of this year. | RELATED: | Economic growth in the eurozone countries declined by 0.1 percent in each of the last two quarters, indicating a technical recession. Economic growth was hurt by high food and energy prices, disrupted trade networks, and instability — all l…

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Salvadorans Ask for the Release of Santa Marta Activists. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES) filed a legal appeal in favor of the Santa Marta's community environmental leaders who remain detained and accused of murdering a woman in 1989. | RELATED: | Before the Sensuntepeque Court, their defense attorney Denis Muñoz requested alternative measures to preventive detention, arguing that they are in delicate health conditions. Three months ago, however…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-09). Russia considers that Latin America has growing interest in the EEU. plenglish.com Sochi, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are showing more and more interest in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the Prime Minister of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin said at a plenary session of the III Eurasian Congress.

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). Global organizations raise expectations on China's economic growth. ecns.cn The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development rose the economic growth expectation on China again in a report released on June 7 local time to 5.4 percent this year and 5.1 percent next year.

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's small farmers, the land is predictable but the markets are not: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2023). mronline.org In 2021, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) noted that Argentina remains 'a major exporter of agricultural products', which, at that time, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the country's exports (as of April 2023, agricultural goods accounted for 56.4% of the country's exports).

Robert Reich (2023-06-09). Busting the 'paid what you're worth' myth. nationofchange.org It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people while millions of Americans struggle to get by.

Matthew Ehret (2023-06-10). John F Kennedy Broke the Rules of the Zero Sum Game. Will his Nephew Learn How This Was Done? thelastamericanvagabond.com "Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe." — President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address Recently, presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr delivered an interview

Joelle Fishman (2023-06-09). Connecticut caregivers strike attracts national support to end poverty wages. peoplesworld.org HARTFORD, CT — Striking group home and day program caregivers marked week two of their strike against poverty with a rally at Emanuel Lutheran Church, followed by a march to the State Capitol, as Nobel prize winning economist Paul Stiglitz issued a statement of support indicating that the strike is gaining national attention. The members …

Spencer Sunshine (2023-06-09). Far Right "Proud Boys" Group Has Continued to Grow Despite January 6 Charges. truthout.org The events of January 6, 2020, have been closely watched for their long-term impact on the far right. Members of two groups in particular, the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, were hit with felonies for their participation in the breach of the U.S. Capitol. Now, two years later, the Oath Keepers have largely collapsed, while the Proud Boys have grown. These are the findings of the Southern Poverty Law… |

Saurabh Jha, Eric J Topol (2023-06-10). Perspectives] Upending the model of AI adoption. thelancet.com In 2016, Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer of deep learning artificial intelligence (AI), predicted radiologists' extinction within 5 years. 7 years later, radiologists have yet to be replaced, and radiology AI—use of AI for image interpretation—is not widely implemented in many high-income countries. Yet adoption has been rapid for certain use cases in some low-income and middle-income settings.

Jeff Abbott (2023-06-09). The Other Americans: Investment Alone Isn't Enough to Tackle the Causes of Migration. progressive.org It has been nearly two years since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that she would be leading efforts to address the root causes of migration. But, income from family members abroad far outweighs Biden Administration investments.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Mexican President Praises Strength of Peso Against Dollar. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) hailed the current strength of the Mexican peso against the dollar and declining inflation, saying it was partly due to policies to contain prices. | RELATED: | "We will continue to be careful that inflation does not increase. When there is inflation, income is greatly affected. Salaries can be increased, but if there is a rise in inflation, you lose…

WSWS (2023-06-10). SEP rejects Sri Lankan government invitation to discuss "labour law reform" wsws.org The government's pretense that it is engaging in a democratic exercise in bringing in new labour laws is a blatant lie. It is carrying out the demands of the IMF, big business and foreign investors.

Asa Winstanley (2023-06-09). Labour's new bankroller is Israel lobbyist, South African apartheid profiteer. electronicintifada.net Gary Lubner says he'll donate $6 million to party.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-06-10). New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending. indybay.org Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-10). AI Ground Zero In SF As Tech, Auto Bosses & Politicians Destroy Taxi/Uber Worker Jobs. indybay.org Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed and her MTA and police are allowing remote taxis unregulated entry into San Franciscoo streets destroying the jobs for all taxi workers and UBER/LYFT drivers. The AI technology is still in development and these remote vehicles violate the California Vehicular code but Newsom and London Breed and her police refuse to enforce the law against these tech and auto companies that control these remote vehicles.

Pip Hinman (2023-06-10). Criticism of Labor's support for AUKUS grows. greenleft.org.au While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese talks up the AUKUS deal, opposition is growing among unionists and retired defence officials. Pip Hinman reports.

WSWS (2023-06-10). Western Australian industrial court hands down record fine for nurses' strike. wsws.org The ruling, issued under a Labor government, is a clear message to workers throughout Australia that industrial action will not be tolerated. The Australian Nursing Federation readily accepted the $350,000 fine and vowed to prevent any future "illegal" strikes.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-06-09). As New York Skies Darken, Delivery Workers Help Each Other. popularresistance.org Wildfire smoke muddled the New York City skyline on Tuesday. Many people experienced the eerie threat mainly by scrolling through social media. But others experienced it in their bodies. | "My eyes were burning," said UPS package driver Matt Leichenger, who was making deliveries in Brooklyn. "My throat was scratchy. By lunchtime, I was feeling dizzy and nauseous." | Eventually, he got himself a surgical mask, he said, pausing momentarily to cough while we spoke on the phone. "It got a little bit better, but I was still blowing snot." | News stories showed a veil of smoke stretching from Wisconsin to Alabama[mdash…

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Marcy Winograd (2023-06-09). The Surprising Pervasiveness of Pro-War Propaganda. fpif.org Editor's note: The war in Ukraine has divided progressives like few other foreign policy issues in recent years. As a platform for progressive internationalism, FPIF has featured a range of viewpoints on the subject. In that spirit, we present this response from CODEPINK — a group that includes longtime collaborators with FPIF and our parent institution, the Institute for Policy Studies — to a recent critique by FPIF director John Feffer entitled " In the Foreign P…

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). Taiwan authorities obstruct peaceful mainland student visit. ecns.cn Taiwan's pro-reunification Labor Party has strongly condemned Taiwan authorities for obstructing an island-based foundation from inviting Chinese mainland university students for an exchange program in Taiwan.

Greg Miller, FreightWaves. (2023-06-09). West Coast Container Ports Hit As Labor Talks Take Ominous Turn. popularresistance.org Will West Coast port labor negotiations devolve into a major, extended disruption to U.S. supply chains, akin to the labor fallout in 2014-2015? If there was a way to place a "prop" bet on this, how have the odds changed since the last port labor contract expired on July 1, 2022? | The longer the talks drag on, the higher the chance of a worst-case scenario. Talks on the new contract began in May 2022. The one-year anniversary has now come and gone. | There have been glimmers of hope along the way, at times nudging the betting line toward a less dramatic climax. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (IL…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-09). At Apple Headquarters Workers Want Labor Power! WGAW Rallies With South Bay Labor. indybay.org Striking Writers Guild Of America West workers and other unionists rallied at the world headquarters of Apple to demand that Apple meet their demands.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-09). Progressives in Belgium protest lenient verdict to fraternity members accused of ragging student to death. peoplesdispatch.org Sanda Dia, a Belgo-Mauritanian student, died during a violent hazing (ragging) incident in 2018 which involved forced alcohol consumption, torture, and harassment. Those convicted of the murder have been asked to do community service and pay fines…

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). Chinese ministry vows targeted policy support in nationwide campaign to boost auto sales. ecns.cn The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announced on Thursday that it will organize promotional activities across the country to boost auto sales in the second half of the year, vowing, among others, targeted policy measures to support auto consumption.

Greg Palast (2023-06-09). Diamonds for the Antichrist. dissidentvoice.org This is the exposé I wrote for The Guardian that killed off "Reverend" Pat Robertson's billion-dollar financial scams parading under the banner of The Christian Coalition. Note: The juiciest parts I got from Robertson himself, recorded on a miniature reel-to-reel tape recorder hidden inside a fake cigarette lighter. No-one asked why I had a cigarette lighter—but no …

Kit Klarenberg, Mintpress News. (2023-06-09). Disturbing Details Of New Pentagon 'Perception Management Office'. popularresistance.org Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the "Influence and Perception Management Office" (IPMO), in March. | Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to its raison d'être or modus operandi. Its budget likewise remains a mystery but purportedly runs into the "multimillions." | Pentagon financial documents from 2022 offer a laconic and largely impenetrable description of IPMO.

Staff (2023-06-09). Headlines for June 9, 2023. democracynow.org Donald Trump Indicted on Federal Criminal Charges over Mishandling of Classified Documents, Smoke from Canadian Wildfires Spreads South and West Across United States, Supreme Court Orders Alabama to Redraw Racially Gerrymandered Congressional Maps, SCOTUS Upholds Ability of Medicaid Recipients to Sue States That Violate Their Rights, SCOTUS Justices Thomas and Alito Get Extensions on Financial Disclosure Filings, U.S. Halts Food Aid to Ethiopia, Accuses Military of Diverting Deliveries Away from Civilians, Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Journalist During Demolition of Home in Ramallah, Aid Groups Say New EU Mea…

Andreas Urban (2023-06-09). Loss of reality and bellicism. indybay.org Ukraine is "worn out" here, which is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc., in the desperate hope to finally force Russia to surrender or at least to gain a negotiating position in which the West can impose all possible maximum demands on the enemy. None of this is even remotely realistic.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-06-10). A Matter of Interest: The RBA, Inflation and Corporate Profits. dissidentvoice.org He is one of the least empathetic of beings, a cold fish, bothered and irritated. Captured by the cradle of numbers (he is an economist); obsessed by the spreadsheet of projections that may never result, there is not much to recommend the chief of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Philip Lowe. Come to think of …

WSWS (2023-06-10). Remains dumped in Guadalajara identified as those of missing Mexican call center workers. wsws.org The workers were killed because they tried to leave their employment with the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel, which was scamming owners of resort timeshares.

Lindsay Koshgarian (2023-06-09). For GOP, Debt Ceiling Deal Was Never About Debt — It Was About Conserving Power. truthout.org Many mainstream accounts of the recent debt ceiling deal make it sound like the negotiations represented a give and take between spending and saving — with President Biden and Democrats aligned with spending, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Republicans aligned with saving. The real interests of the Republican Party in these negotiations, however were not actually about spending… |

WSWS (2023-06-10). SAG-AFTRA and studios, networks begin talks behind closed doors. wsws.org The billion-dollar entertainment and media corporations are continuing their drive to lower wages, cuts jobs and increase profits at the expense of entertainment industry workers.

Gregory Chen (2023-06-09). Profit from misery: How landlords use a 'fire loophole' against tenants. liberationnews.org Landlord mismanagement and its devastating consequences…

Ralph Nader (2023-06-09). Technology Needs Assessments by Congress, Municipalities, and Local Civic Groups. dissidentvoice.org The pace of for-profit technological innovations is accelerating, but to what end beyond corporate sales? The gap between marketing new high-tech products and assessing their intended and unintended consequences has never been greater. Let's start with the ballooning of augmented reality inside virtual reality. Facebook's Oculus Rift escapism has flopped. Trying to improve on this …

Victor Grossman (2023-06-09). In Berlin, sports, parties and griddle cakes yield to concern about war. peoplesworld.org BERLIN — What excited Berliners most in May? Surely soccer! But the reaction was split between "Wessies" and "Ossies"! When a second-to-last-minute goal pushed West Berlin's legendary "Hertha" team (founded 1892) out of the "top 18" league and down into the second league, with less TV-time, less endorsements, tickets and profits, two-thirds of Berlin groaned. …

The Lancet (2023-06-10). Editorial] Protecting the health of sex workers in the EU. thelancet.com The decriminalisation of sex work has long been a contentious issue, nowhere more so than in the EU, where member states are ideologically divided on sex work policies. The EU is currently debating a proposal on sex work that will be voted on at the end of June, before a Parliamentary-level vote expected by September. The draft document encourages member states to adopt a form of regulation in which clients but not sex workers are criminalised, with the promise of lessening the demand for sex work and reducing harms to women—an approach aligned with the so-called Nordic Model.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). THE PARTY RESPONDS TO CRISIS IN CUBA By: MLToday. midwesternmarx.com ​The Communist Party of Cuba is a vanguard political party in a political system of people's democracy. As such, its role is to educate the people, guiding the people in the construction of socialism. The Party in Cuba possesses the moral authority to guide and educate, but it does not have the legal and constitutional authority to decide. The Constitution grants to the National Assembly of People's Power, the deputies of which are nominated by the dele …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Chris Hedges: Dr. Cornel West Announces He Is Running for President By: Chris Hedges. midwesternmarx.com ​Dr. Cornel West, in his first interview since deciding to enter the U.S. presidential race, explains why he is a candidate. Dr. Cornel West, the moral philosopher and civil rights activist, will formally announce today he is running for president on the People's Party ticket. Cornel will be a singular voice for serious social and political change in an electoral system saturated with corporate money and rigged to crush third parties. His decades-long commitment to …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Revolution and counterrevolution: remembering Tiananmen 34 years later By: Amanda Yee. midwesternmarx.com This June 4 marks the 34th anniversary of what is known in the United States as the Tiananmen "massacre." The story we are typically told in the West is that young student activists had gathered in Tiananmen Square, uniting around the liberal demands of democracy and freedom, bravely defying the repressive Chinese government. After weeks of these ongoing protests, the Communist Party of China had had enough and cracked down on the peaceful protesters. As the story goes, i …

cameron orr (2023-06-09). Marxist IQ: Imperialism past and present. cpusa.org As the Biden administration continues the blockade against Cuba, a Cold War revival against China, and a nearly $900 billion military budget, understanding V.I. Lenin's theory of imperialism, enunciated in Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism has rarely been more important. The following questions derive from that work. 1. Modern imperialism is the foreign …

WSWS (2023-06-09). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org India: Contract child protection workers in Kerala strike indefinitely; Mumbai textile workers walk out over unpaid wages; Australia: NSW paramedics impose bans in long-running pay dispute; Australian Ballet performers to take action over pay…

isj.org.uk (2023-06-10). Feeling the heat: wildfires and capitalism. isj.org.uk Smoke is dense, choking, acrid and debilitating.

Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-06-09). Pacifica's CRD Longshore Workers Shut Down Ports;Protests over Florida Anti-immigrant Bill. indybay.org Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy On Longshore Workers Shut Down Ports; Protests over Florida Anti-immigrant Bill; South Africa Stands Up to the ICC…

_____ (2023-06-10). Jeffrey Sachs, America's Wars and the US Debt Crisis. strategic-culture.org


| To surmount the debt crisis, America needs to stop feeding the Military-Industrial Complex, the most powerful lobby in Washington. |


| By Jeffrey D. SACHS |



| In the year 2000, the U.S. government debt was $3.5 trillion, equal to 35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2022, the debt was $24 trillion, equal to 95% of GDP. The U.

ecns.cn (2023-06-09). China to hold world's first supply chain-themed national expo. ecns.cn China will hold the first China International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing from November 28 to December 2 with the aim of providing an international platform for advancing orderly and efficient industrial synergy across countries.

Ekenge Mayele, Black Agenda Report. (2023-06-09). FBI Attacks The Black Liberation Movement…Again. popularresistance.org On July 29, 2022 the U.S. government initiated a watershed assault on the African Revolution headquartered in the U.S. with an attack on the home of the Chairman of the Black is Back Coalition, Omali Yeshitela, who is also the Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and leader of the international Uhuru Movement. | This attack went beyond the harassment the anti-imperialist and black liberation movement have come to expect from the U.S. government when its class peace and domestic colonial domination are challenged. The July 29 attack on the African People's Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement are akin to…

Staff (2023-06-09). DOJ vs. African People's Socialist Party: Omali Yeshitela Blasts Charges of Being Russian Agent. democracynow.org We look at a federal indictment of four U.S. citizens for alleged election interference that has received little press attention despite its major implications for free speech and activism in the country. In April, the Biden administration charged four members of a pan-Africanist group with conspiring with the Russian government to sow discord in U.S. elections. Omali Yeshitela, chair of the African People's Socialist Party, faces charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, along with Penny Hess, Jesse Nevel and Augustus Romain Jr. Three Russians were also named in an indictment unsealed by the Just…

WSWS (2023-06-09). Jacobin promotes politics of Salvador Allende after far right wins vote in Chile. wsws.org The publication aligned with the Democratic Socialists of America mythologizes Allende to justify its support for both the Boric and the Biden administrations.

scorinoco (2023-06-10). President of Honduras Starts Official Tour of China. orinocotribune.com The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, started her six-day official visit to China on Friday, with a view to consolidating bilateral relations in various fields. Upon her arrival in Shanghai on Friday, June 9, the Honduran president was received by the highest authority of the Communist Party of China in the city of Shanghai. | The secretary of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Honduras, Enrique Reina, reported, "The highest authority of the Communist Party in Shanghai and secretary of the Municipal Committee, Chen Jining, received President Xiomara Castro, and expressed his support to promote…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-09). Party delegation from Havana pays tribute to Marti in Hanoi. plenglish.com Hanoi, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in Havana, and his accompanying delegation paid tribute to Cuban National Hero José Martí in this capital on Friday.

thecommunists (2023-06-09). Who blew up the Kakhovka dam? thecommunists.org The collapse of Kakhovka dam (on the Dnieper river in the Kherson region that was recently reincorporated into Russia) and consequent release of a flood tide of water, swamping the area and causing great loss of life and widespread infrastructural damage, is the latest incident to be blamed on Russia by Washington and Kiev, as …

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