Daily Archives: June 20, 2023

2023-06-20: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). Premier to attend 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions. ecns.cn Premier Li Qiang will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin on June 27, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning announced on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). Chinese mainland resumes imports of sugar apples from Taiwan island as of Tuesday. ecns.cn Chinese mainland resumed the import of sugar apples from Taiwan island as of Tuesday after suspending the trade due to the detection of plant pests on the tropical fruit.

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). China exports electricity amid Vietnam's power crunch. ecns.cn China has resumed cross-border electricity exports to neighboring Vietnam, for the first time after a seven-year hiatus since 2016.

Francisco Dominguez (2023-06-19). Alex Saab, Hostage of the Hybrid War Against Venezuela. orinocotribune.com By Francisco Dominguez — Jun 17, 2023 | The case is a terrifying example of the US's continuing commitment to illegal, unilateral intervention and 'regime change,' where no country is truly safe. | June 12 2023 was the third anniversary of the illegal kidnapping and imprisonment by the US of Alex Saab. | Because the brutality and cruelty of the US blockade was wreaking havoc on the economy and millions of the most vulnerable in Venezuela were being deliberately denied their human rights to the most basic necessities of daily life, President Nicolas Maduro tasked Saab with travelling around the world procurin…

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-06-19). Our Systems Reward Dysfunction And Destruction: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | Our civilization is sick because all its systems ensure that human behavior is driven by profit, and health isn't profitable. Nobody gets rich from everyone staying healthy all the time. The gears of capitalism will still keep turning if its populace is made shallow and dull by bad education and crappy art made for profit. Billionaires aren't made by leaving forests and oceans unmolested, consuming less, mining less, drilling less, using less energy. The economy doesn't soar when the world is at peace and nations are working together in harmony. | I…

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Hong Kong launches dual counter model, as yuan's internationalization makes steady progress. ecns.cn HKEX officially launched the highly anticipated Hong Kong dollar-yuan dual counter model on Monday, marking a landmark progress in the yuan's internationalization and strengthening the city's status as an international financial hub.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Consumer market buoyed by shopping carnival, Father's Day. ecns.cn Chinese consumers' passion for online shopping was visible once again during this year's June 18 shopping carnival, which industry experts said played a vital role in promoting the recovery of consumption and shoring up the economy.

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-20). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. indybay.org The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs.

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). Adviser calls for stronger policy shifts amid recovery risks. ecns.cn As China's economic recovery is facing downward pressure, stronger and clearer policy shifts are needed to restore business confidence and realize sound growth, a political adviser said.

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). China sees loan prime rates fall for first time in 10 months. ecns.cn China's loan prime rates, the market-based lending benchmarks, fell for the first time since August 2022 on Tuesday as policy efforts strengthened to bolster economic recovery.

ecns.cn (2023-06-20). Wang urges constructive interactions with U.S. in Asia-Pacific. ecns.cn Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi has said Beijing is ready to work with Washington to "explore constructive interaction in the Asia-Pacific" as the US prepares to host the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting this year.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Trade fair nets major investment deals. ecns.cn The 32nd Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair is estimated to have achieved more than 200 billion yuan ($27.9 billion) worth of trade and investment cooperation in various fields.

WSWS (2023-06-19). Australian Senate inquiry highlights worsening problem of children "refusing" to attend school. wsws.org While school avoidance occurs across all socio-economic groups, the public system is the least able to meet the needs of its students.

Kim Petersen (2023-06-19). Readouts Point to a Disjuncture between US and China. dissidentvoice.org During the economic crisis in 2008, the United States sought China's aid. US treasury secretary Hank Paulson conferred with Chinese officials, and China agreed to increase the value of the RMB and to stop selling US T-bills which it had been doing at that time. Paulson said, "It is clear that China accepts its responsibility …

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). De-dollarization means disarmament of the PKK. uwidata.com The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum commenced on June 16th. The forum saw the participation of numerous leaders and ministers from Asia to Africa, including Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who delivered a speech. The forum addressed the issues of multipolarity and alternative currencies to dollar. Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek, United World International author and the …

_____ (2023-06-19). Pseudo-Nationalism Is About Political Desperation and Sure Sign of Economic Collapse. transcend.org 15 Jun 2023 – Perception matters. Nepal's perception in business world is perhaps zero, to say the least. Economic scenarios have completely changed from the time of "baby boomer" generation days of the 50s.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Experts in El Salvador warns on climate threats to food. plenglish.com Risk specialists question how the State faces the threat posed by the El Niño for the country and what are the prevention measures. | The coordinator of sustainability processes for Ahuachapán (western part of the country) and specialist in ecological risk management of the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES), Miguel Urbina, pointed out that there will be a lack of food and this will increase prices, due to drought and the effects of the El Niño climate phenomenon. | These assessments coincide with data from a multidimensional study of El Salvador, prepared by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develo…

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Experts hail fast growth of Tibet at expo forum. ecns.cn Tibet enjoys a prosperous and harmonious environment, featuring political and social stability, and strong economic development, said a top official of the autonomous region during a forum held in Lhasa on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Nation joining trade pact will benefit region. ecns.cn China has submitted the documents for joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which if successful is expected to bring tangible economic benefits to participating countries and further bolster economic integration of the Asia-Pacific region, an expert said.

Richard Heinberg, Resilience. (2023-06-19). Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, Or Collapse. popularresistance.org Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the resulting disruption of multiple global supply chains, policy think tanks have increasingly adopted the term polycrisis to signify humanity's destabilized status quo. The World Economic Forum's 2023 Global Risk Report uses the newish word 13 times in 90 pages. Scholars from a range of disciplines (including Columbia University historian Adam Tooze) have written about the polycrisis, and both Cascade Institute and Omega Institute have published papers and reports on it. The Cascade Institute notes that "a global polycrisis occurs when…

Middle East Eye (2023-06-19). Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2023-06-20). On 2023 Juneteenth, ILWU10 Closes N.Ca Ports & Makes Actor Danny Glover An Honorary Member. indybay.org On Juneteenth, ILWU Local 10 will close all ports in Northern California and make Danny Glover and honorary member of the Local. Retired ILWU Local 10 secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas talks about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Danny Glover with the ILWU Local 10.

Working Films (2023-06-20). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. indybay.org Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-20). Environment coalition protests NT Labor's plans for more gas. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-20). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-20). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate. greenleft.org.au

Nkechi Taifa (2023-06-19). Reparations, in Our Lifetime. aclu.org Once dismissed by many as impractical, the quest for reparations for the descendants of African people enslaved in the United States is now being embraced as a legitimate concept to be taken seriously. The remedy is not only being sought to address harms from the enslavement era, but also for lingering impacts which manifest today. The illegal kidnapping, cultural assault, and nearly 300 years of forced free labor, followed by 100 years of convict leased labor, Black codes, sharecropping, the peonage system, lynchings, mass murders, systemic racism, Jim Crow, gerrymandering, redlining, educational inequities,…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-06-19). Socialist Party of Zambia president Fred M'membe faces threat of arrest. peoplesdispatch.org A warrant was issued against Socialist Party President Fred M'membe without any of the proper formalities being followed. He said that the police, in collaboration with ruling UPND cadre drafted into the State House security, intended to "abduct" him…

WSWS (2023-06-19). Australia: Despite coal bonanza, Queensland Labor budget cuts social services. wsws.org The coal royalty boost has only a marginal impact on the super-profits of the coal giants, while the cost-of-living measures do little to offset the devastating impact of surging prices and home mortgage repayments and rents.

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Uganda Police Arrest Suspected Collaborators in School Massacre. telesurenglish.net Ugandan authorities reported on Monday the arrest of 20 people suspected of collaborating in last week's massacre in western Uganda by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a rebel group linked to the Islamic State. | RELATED: | Police spokesman Fred Enanga said "twenty arrests have been made of suspected ADF collaborators" in Friday's attack at Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Secondary School in Kasese district. A total of 42 peopl…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-06-19). Presidente colombiano presenta popularidad superior al 47 %. telesurtv.net El sondeo elaborado por el CNC señaló que Petro, dentro del sector de los jóvenes, tiene un apoyo que supera el 62 por ciento.

Dana Al-Hasan (2023-06-20). Raleigh, NC community members fight to save mosque, resist gentrification at Shaw University. liberationnews.org Raleigh, North Carolina residents have come together to protest the rezoning and development of Shaw University, speaking out at the April and May city council meetings and pushing back against the wealthy investors and realtors who stand to profit if the plan goes forward. | The public pressure campaign has already successfully forced Raleigh City Council to postpone their decision on the rezoning application a few times. Now, they are set to decide on Tuesday, June 20th.

Roosevelt Institute (2023-06-20). Capital in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty). indybay.org Inequality is not an accident. It's not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, very, very big. That is when he proposes a policy that seems like it's common sense now, but at the time, the idea of a wealth tax of 2 percent sounds radical.

rebekah (2023-06-19). The Boldest Step to Close the Racial Wealth Divide in Generations. inequality.org Juneteenth celebrates the end of chattel slavery in the United States. But over 150 years later, discriminatory public policies have prevented African Americans from closing the racial wealth divide in this country they helped build. Policy created that divide — and policy can close it. One state is showing how to move forward in advancing …

_____ (2023-06-19). How Torture, Deception and Inaction Underpin the UAE's Thriving Sex Trafficking Industry. transcend.org 12 Jun 2023 – An underground network of suspected sex traffickers has taken refuge in the wealthy Gulf nation. The U.S. State Department says efforts to identify and protect victims have fallen short.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-06-19). Millions Of People In The US Ration Medicine. popularresistance.org A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published this month reveals that approximately 9.2 million people in the US try to save money by rationing their medication. Most adults between the ages of 18 and 64 take at least one prescription medication, but 8% of them—9.2 million people—ration medicine by skipping doses, taking less than instructed, or delaying a refill. | Meanwhile, pharmaceutical giants like Merck are fighting tooth and nail against President Biden's limited checks on astronomical medication prices. Giving the government power to negotiate medicine prices with com…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Housing, food and electricity prices increase in Panama. plenglish.com Panama City, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Housing, electricity and food groups stand out as the most expensive in Panama, so says a report of the General Comptroller of the Republic.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Over 1,400 workers at Canada's National Steel Car vote by 95 percent for strike action. wsws.org National Steel Car is a particularly barbaric workplace. Three workers have died in as many years in gruesome workplace "accidents," for which no executives, or the company owner, the financial swindler Greg Aziz, have been charged or convicted.

Maher Al-Dana (2023-06-19). Lebanon Under Occupation, Financial Fraud and Sectarian Political Corruption. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-06-19). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. transcend.org Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Russia increases fertilizer exports to Latin America. plenglish.com Moscow, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The financial director of the Russian fertilizer manufacturer Phosagro, Aleksander Sharabaiko, informed that the company increased exports to Latin America by 50% in the first four months of this year.

_____ (2023-06-19). An Unfolding Tragedy: The Impossibility of Doing 'Anything Other'. strategic-culture.org The conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available, Alastair Crooke writes. | The Tragedy that besets the West today consists, on the one hand, of the sheer impossibility for it to continue doing what it has been doing — yet matched only by its impossibility to do anything other. | Why is this so? It is because the conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available: Zero interest credit, zero inflation, a colluding media, and cheap energy 'subsidising' a shrinking and increasingly sclerotic manu…

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Cuban President Diaz-Canel to Meet With Pope Francis. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel will hold meetings with Pope Francis and Italian Head of State Sergio Mattarella, as part of a tour of Europe from June 20 to 24. | RELATED: | The Pope's audience with Diaz-Canel will be strictly private and will take place a few days after Francis was discharged after spending nine days hospitalized for an abdominal hernia operation. | While for his interview with Mattarella, the Cuban president is ex…

Map Liberation. (2023-06-20). Colonial Universities Grab Land For Profit, War, And Medical Apartheid. popularresistance.org Universities on Turtle Island, as la paperson writes, "are land-grabbing, land-transmogrifying, land-capitalizing machines." Indigenous land theft, and profits from slavery, enabled these universities to be built in the first place — and they still collect profits from stolen lands.[1] | With this accumulated capital, major US universities have become colonial real estate agents. Harvard University, notably, owns land all over the world — from vineyards in Washington state to farmlands in Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, and Romania.[2] Harvard's land-grabbing machine has harmed Indigenous communiti…

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Rate cuts bode well for vitality of banking. ecns.cn The recent reduction in bank deposit rates is conducive to maintaining reasonable profit margins among banks and strengthening their capacity to generate capital through profits.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-06-19). Replacing the capitalist dream of AI-driven profits. nationofchange.org When asked to share alternatives to capitalism, ChatGPT offered many options, none of which rely on the fantasy that money hoarding at the top can eventually benefit the rest of us.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-20). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. indybay.org San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-06-20). On the Dialectics of Socialism and Western Marxism's Purity Fetish. orinocotribune.com By Gabriel Rockhill — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Gabriel's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase Noah Khrachvik: Our next speaker is Gabriel Rockhill. Gabriel Rockhill is a Franco-American philosopher, cultural critic and activist. He is the founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. His books include Counter-History of the Present: Untimely Interrogatio…

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). Dollar Mart By: Julie Stout. midwesternmarx.com The customer is well-groomed. Black, or African-American, and she has done something lovely with her edge hairs. They're curled into spirals and waxed to lay down flat along her crown. She has a French manicure, and she's buying Midol, a box of tampons, and an individually-wrapped pickle. We don't sell a lot of Midol. Mostly, people steal it. We don't sell a lot of those pickles. I've often thought if we took them out of the refrigerator nex …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). From Breadline to Box Office: the Frankfurt School and Film Noir. By: Ian Hall. midwesternmarx.com ​While Audre Lorde's proclamation that "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" is so often borne out as sage—her thesis being woefully apropos to the milieus of contemporary American finance capital, electoral politics, and commercial artistry—there are myriad examples of creators and actors, acolytes to ideologies that are dead-left of the Overton window in their respective fields, weaponizing the means, methods, and te …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). Nicolás Maduro Makes Historic Trip to Brazil for South American Presidents' Summit By: Global News Service. midwesternmarx.com Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro participated in a joint press conference on May 29 from the Planalto Palace in Brasília, highlighting the importance of resuming ties. The press conference was held following a bilateral meeting between the heads of state ahead of the South American Presidents' Summit.As Lula told media, "This is a historic moment. After eight years, President Nicolás Maduro is bac …

Fight Back (2023-06-20). Event on FRSO program held in Orlando. fightbacknews.org Orlando, FL – On July 3, the Orlando District of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a Political Program release discussion at a meeting attended by over 30 people representing other progressive forces in the area. | In an effort to build a unified progressive base in Orlando, FRSO Orlando members Jacob Muldoon, Edmund Anglero and Diego Gonzalez discussed the history of struggle in the United States, FRSO and their goal of building a new communist party, and the united front against monopoly capitalism. | "FRSO believes that only through a strategic alliance of the oppressed nations and working clas…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-19). The Battle Fronts in the Face of the Global Colonizing Offensive and the New Fascism. libya360.wordpress.com José Ernesto Guerrero Photo: Bill Hackwell We will only be able to successfully confront capitalism, its colonizing desires and the neo-fascism that beats in its entrails from a common class front, from a fully emancipated consciousness. At the end of June and beginning of July the XXVI edition of the Sao Paulo Forum will be…

WSWS (2023-06-20). Happy FKN Sunshine: Life in a decaying industrial town. wsws.org Happy FKN Sunshine, directed by Derek Diorio, is a comedy-drama about a high school metal band searching for a way out in a dying Canadian mill town.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Australian Catholic school workers threatened with substantial real wage cut by teachers' union. wsws.org Around 25,000 teachers and school workers in the state of Victoria are voting today and tomorrow on a new industrial agreement that includes nominal wage rises of just 1 percent every six months.

submedia.tv (2023-06-20). System Fail #23: Life Over Lithium. itsgoingdown.org subMedia.Tv returns with a new episode of System Fail, featuring a look at the fight against Lithium mining in Peehee Mu'huh also known as Thacker Pass, Nevada. As guilt mounts over humanity's inaction in the face of the climate crisis, industrialized capitalists have adapted their tactics to meet the demands of a more environmentally conscious…

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Industrial internet to boost productivity, cut costs. ecns.cn The industrial internet, a new type of manufacturing automation that combines advanced machines, internet-connected sensors and big data analysis, is driving this revolutionary approach to the production of customized products.

WSWS (2023-06-20). The destruction of an independent judiciary in Ukraine. wsws.org In this article, Ukrainian socialist Maxim Goldarb describes the systematic destruction of an independent judiciary by the Zelensky government and the transformation of the courts into tools for the suppression of democratic rights and dissent.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Sri Lankan SEP demonstrates in Colombo against privatisation and government repression. wsws.org The protest was part of the SEP's campaign to mobilise the working class against the government's austerity measures on the basis of a socialist program.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Youths urged to contribute to national rejuvenation. ecns.cn The nation's young people were called on to shoulder their responsibilities to build China into a strong socialist country and advance national rejuvenation at the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China on Monday.

Staff (2023-06-19). "Get Down to Business": Harry Belafonte in 2016 on Trump, Socialism & Fighting for Justice. democracynow.org We continue our Juneteenth special with more from Harry Belafonte, the legendary actor, singer and civil rights activist, who died in April at the age of 96. Belafonte last appeared on Democracy Now! in 2016 at a special event at the historic Riverside Church in New York to celebrate Democracy Now!'s 20th anniversary. He co-headlined the event with Noam Chomsky. It was the first time they had done a public event together. Belafonte spoke about Donald Trump, who had just been elected president, and ongoing struggles for freedom and justice in the United States. "We just have to get out our old coats, dus…

Sakis Gekas (2023-06-19). The Electoral Collapse of SYRIZA: The Left and the Coming Election. socialistproject.ca The meteoric rise of SYRIZA in Greece in 2012 and the resounding double victory of 2015 (one in January and the second in September, after the great compromise of July 2015) seems to have ended with the crushing defeat in the

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). Switzerland's road to socialism and the Chinese experience. uwidata.com A delegation of the Communist Party of Switzerland visited China in mid-May. The delegation led by Massimiliano Arif Ay, General Secretary of the Party, met and exchanged views with many Chinese individuals, organizations and institutions. The party also had talks with its Chinese counterpart, the Communist Party of China. Massimiliano Arif Ay answered our questions …

Editor (2023-06-20). False Witnesses and Sinister Plots: Exposing the CIA Connection in the 'Chinese Police Station' Narrative. scheerpost.com By Kit Klarenberg / MintPressNews For months, mainstream media across the Western world — in particular English-language outlets based in the constituent members of the 'Five Eyes' global spying network — have been rabidly awash with terrifying news of secret "Chinese police stations" operating the world over. It is claimed these "stations" are unofficial, covert Chinese Communist …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-19). Leftist party members praise Cuban president's visit to Italy. plenglish.com Rome, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The Italian Communist Refoundation Party, one of the left-wing forces in this European nation, issued Monday a communiqué welcoming Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel who arrived a few hours ago in Rome.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). China's Communist Youth League starts national congress. ecns.cn The Communist Youth League of China convened its 19th national congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). President Xi's letter boosts confidence for Taiwan people. ecns.cn People from Taiwan said the congratulatory letter from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, has boosted their confidence in the integrated and peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait.

ecns.cn (2023-06-19). Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi meets visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. ecns.cn Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Monday.

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