Daily Archives: June 26, 2023

2023-06-26: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). Major Chinese cities see full recovery in holiday consumption to pre-epidemic levels during Dragon Boat Festival. ecns.cn Major Chinese cities including Beijing and Shanghai have seen a full recovery in the tourism and consumption sectors during the recent three-day Dragon Boat Festival holidays.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). MOFCOM sets 164 tasks to guide high-quality devt of pilot free trade zones. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recently issued a 164-task list to guide the high-quality development of the country's pilot free trade zones (PFTZ) from 2023 to 2025, as the nation remains committed to widen its opening-up to the world.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). Sino-Thai trade relations make fruitful gains. ecns.cn Bilateral ties between China and Thailand covering a wide range of cooperation on trade, finance and personnel exchange echoed the Belt and Road Initiative and the two countries will get even closer in the future under the current strategic partnership.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). China's GDP expected to grow 6.2% in H1. ecns.cn China's economy saw an overall recovery and improvement in the first half of this year, with GDP forecast to expand 6.2 percent year-on-year, The Paper reported Monday quoting a report released by the China Macroeconomy Forum.

ecns.cn (2023-06-25). Rate cuts herald banks' better profitability. ecns.cn The recent industry-wide cuts in Chinese commercial banks' deposit rates will likely help the lenders to improve their profitability, inject more liquidity into the real economy, energize market players and boost consumption.

The Lever (2023-06-26). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: How New York Passed A Landmark Climate Law. levernews.com On this week's bonus episode of Lever Time Premium, exclusively for The Lever's supporting subscribers: Producer Frank Cappello and Lever Editorial Fellow Keerti Gopal sit down with organizer Brandon Tizol to discuss the four-year long campaign to pass the Build Public Renewables Act (BPRA) in New York state.The landmark climate bill — which was recently passed as a part of New York state's annual budget — is a huge win for climate activists and a big step toward realizing publicly-owned 100 percent renewable energy in the state, which has the third largest economy in the country.The new initiative…

teleSUR (2023-06-25). Barbados PM Mottley Holds Talks With Chinese Premier Li. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Chinese Premier Li Qiang held talks with Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, who is on an official visit in Beijing. | RELATED: | "Barbados is a good friend and partner of China in the Caribbean region," he pointed out, noting that the Asian nation is ready to work with Barbados to promote the joint construction of a high-quality Belt and Road, and enhance exchanges and cooperation related to the economy,…

David Giesen (2023-06-26). Saturday 7/1: Non-binary economics: the walking tour. indybay.org meet in the lobby of the American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco…

WSWS (2023-06-26). Australian central banker openly calls for higher unemployment. wsws.org Now stated blatantly, the aggressive offensive by the Reserve Bank and the Labor government means destroying up to 150,000 jobs in order to induce an economic slump and further drive down workers' real wages.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-25). Indian Prime Minister concludes visit to Egypt to strengthen ties. plenglish.com Cairo, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, will be received by the Egyptian President, Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, on his second and last day of visit to the country as part of the efforts to strengthen economic and trade relations.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-25). The Effects of Market Manipulation on Oil Prices. southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | The global oil market is a complex and ever-changing system that is influenced by various factors. One of the most significant factors affecting the prices of crude oil is the balance of supply and demand, which can be influenced by geopolitical events, economic conditions, and market speculation. | However, market manipulation is a factor that is often overlooked when analyzing oil prices. Market manipulation is the deliberate distortion of prices or supply to achieve a…

Editor (2023-06-25). The Power of Sports: Tackling Gender Stereotypes in Hong Kong. scheerpost.com The most recent report of the World Economic Forum paints a rather dim picture of gender inequality worldwide. According to current research, it will take 132 years to close the global gender gap. Alicia Lui from the initiative Women in Sports Empowered Hong Kong (WISE) works with youth to approach this problem in Hong Kong and agreed to share a few valuable insights with Pressenza contributor, Chris Hoellriegl.

Emily Mangiaracina (2023-06-25). World Economic Forum Adviser Claims the Planet No Longer Needs the 'Vast Majority' of the Population. globalresearch.ca

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-26). Saturday 7/15: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-26). Labor breaks election promise with new income management card. greenleft.org.au

Labor Video Project (2023-06-26). Ian Masters CIA Operative Protested At KPFA In Berkeley. indybay.org

LaborNet (2023-06-26). Friday 6/23: Hands Off Korean Independent Journalist Jan Jin-young-Drop The Charges NOW! indybay.org San Francisco Korean Consulate | 3500 Clay St. | San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-06-26). Mayo Clinic and University of Minnesota announce new pathway program for training nurse-midwives. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences and the University of Minnesota School of Nursing are collaborating to create a new academic pathway for nurse-midwives that will expand the nurse-midwifery workforce in the Upper Midwest. The collaboration creates a pathway for students admitted to the University of Minnesota School of Nursing's Doctor of Nursing Practice program to complete the approximately 1,000 hours of required clinical training at Mayo Clinic hospitals in Minnesota and…

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-06-26). Premian en Cuba trabajo colaborativo entre Telecristal y TeleSUR. telesurtv.net La Unión de Periodistas de Cuba destaca la serie de reportajes Incendio en Pinares de Mayarí, de Yordanis Rodríguez Laurencio y Eddi de la Pera.

WSWS (2023-06-26). Australian IYSSE member advances antiwar perspective at pro-establishment "anti-AUKUS" meeting. wsws.org The only challenge to ex-Labor parliamentarian Peter Garrett's militaristic speech came from International Youth and Students for Social Equality member Morgan Peach.

WSWS (2023-06-26). Official US intelligence report finds no evidence for laboratory origin of SARS-CoV-2. wsws.org The release of the ODNI findings only corroborates what principled scientists have stated before: that the WIV did not possess SARS-CoV-2 or a close ancestor and there is no evidence that the virus emerged from the laboratory to cause the COVID pandemic.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-25). Environment coalition protests NT Labor's plans for more gas. greenleft.org.au

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-06-25). Cuba congratulates Mozambique on Independence Day. plenglish.com Through its Twitter profile, the Cuban Foreign Ministry confirmed its willingness to continue strengthening the existing ties of friendship and cooperation in various sectors. | Diplomatic relations between Cuba and Mozambique were established at the very moment when the African nation achieved its independence, on June 25, 1975, and since then, they have developed a close collaboration in areas such as medical assistance, education, agriculture, and in training of human resources. | Finally, Mozambique maintains an unequivocal position against the US blockade on Cuba, which it expresses every year with its vote,…

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-26). CPSU campaigns to restore the Commonwealth Employment Service. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2023-06-26). The Boldest Step to Close the Racial Wealth Divide in Generations. scheerpost.com

F. William Engdahl (2023-06-25). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. globalresearch.ca Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). More efforts called on to energize consumption. ecns.cn More direct and prompt policy support is therefore required to fuel the consumption market and more effectively boost this year's growth.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). Progress seen in battle against drugs. ecns.cn China's overall anti-drug situation is constantly improving, with the scale of supply, consumption and abuse continuously decreasing, and the high incidence of drug crimes has been effectively curbed.

ecns.cn (2023-06-26). New survey finds greener lifestyles, room for improvement in China. ecns.cn Chinese people have led increasingly greener lifestyles, but the country still needs to ramp up efforts to promote green consumption, a new survey report unveiled on Monday has found.

Ingar Solty (2023-06-26). Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment – And Things Should Stay That Way. indybay.org The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future and the future of our finite planet democratically and thus avert the impending climate catastrophe.

WSWS (2023-06-26). Fed chair tries to project calm as financial problems continue to mount. wsws.org Despite claims that the banking system is "sound and resilient," the Fed is treading carefully lest its interest rate hikes spark another crisis after three of the four biggest bank failures in US history occurred in March and April.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-25). Bitcoin Price and Black Swan Events. southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | Like any other financial asset, Bitcoin is susceptible to black swan events, which can impact its price and demand. In this article, we explore the relationship between Bitcoin and black swan events, and how rare events can affect Bitcoin's demand and supply. Bitcoin price keeps on changing but if you have a grip on basics of the market, you can get the most out of this. Try using

Anonymous103 (2023-06-25). What Will Happen If BTC Replaces The Fiat Currency — Challenges & Possible Scenarios. southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | BTC operates on a decentralized network, offering transparency, lower transaction fees, and protection against inflation. However, there are challenges to widespread adoption, including regulatory barriers and resistance from governments and financial institutions. This expert article will explore Challenges to BTC replacing fiat currency and possible scenarios If BTC replaces fiat currency. Before we get deep into topics, here is a pro tool for BTC trading. Try…

Ellen Brown (2023-06-25). Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid, "Global Financial Giant" globalresearch.ca First published by Global Research on January 23, 2020 | BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-25). Climate change fanatics demand a new financial system. expose-news.com The climate change cult is not only paving the way for the destruction of healthcare and scaring our children to death, but it is also demanding a new international monetary system because …

Jeremy Kuzmarov, Covert Action Magazine. (2023-06-26). 'If You Challenge The FBI, They Will Crush You,' Says Whistleblower. popularresistance.org Being an FBI agent was Stephen Friend's dream job. For eight and a half years working there, the Notre Dame graduate and Iraq War veteran investigated around 200 violent crimes, including human and sex-trafficking cases, and served five years as part of an FBI SWAT team. | Friend did his job so well that he won an FBI performance award. | Then one day this past fall, his top-secret security clearance was revoked by his superiors at the Jacksonville, Florida, field office, and he lost his job. | The reason was that he had expressed concern about a) the inflation of statistics regarding Domestic Violent Extremism (…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-26). Soaring inflation and interest rates is the final part of their plan. expose-news.com Dr. Vernon Coleman was right to warn about soaring inflation and interest rates in 2020. The politicians and bankers knew too. Here's the video. with a transcript, Dr. Vernon Coleman made about …

Franc Contreras (2023-06-25). Guatemalans vote for new president. america.cgtn.com Voters in Guatemala voted Sunday on a successor to President Alejandro Giammattei. The winner will take office next January. Top campaign issues for those in Central America's most populated nation include inflation and corruption. But with many opposition candidates eliminated from the race, observers …

Anonymous103 (2023-06-25). Why Bitcoin is a Smart Investment in Today's Market. southfront.org

ecns.cn (2023-06-25). World's largest hydro-solar power plant enters first phase. ecns.cn The first phase of the world's largest hydro-solar power plant, also the world's highest power station of its kind, entered full operation in China on Sunday, according to its operator State Development and Investment Corp.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-06-25). Replacing the Capitalist Dream of AI-Driven Profits. socialistproject.ca Artificial intelligence (AI) and how it's going to change the world is a popular topic of conversation these days. There is concern that it will generate ever-more deceptive Then there's the seemingly…

rs21.org.uk (2023-06-25). Think abortion is legal in Great Britain? rs21.org.uk Marx in the anthropocene.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-26). NSW hospital workers strike over wages. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2023-06-26). The far-right politics of Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wsws.org Kennedy Jr. has garnered support from billionaire libertarians, anti-vaccine zealots and Trump co-conspirators for centering his presidential campaign on opposition to all COVID-19 mitigation measures, anti-immigrant border policies and a zealous adherence to "American free market capitalism."

Ian Angus (2023-06-25). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, June 2023. greenleft.org.au From peasant farms to world history to cities in crisis, Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six important new books for greens and reds.

Peninsula Peace & Justice Center (2023-06-25). Thursday 6/22: Pride, Prejudice & Corporate P.R: Corporate Capitalism and Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

Anonymous103 (2023-06-25). Will the Rising Popularity of Stablecoins Affect the Value of Bitcoin? southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | Stablecoins are digital assets that are designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a stable asset, such as the U.S. dollar. This has led to questions about the potential impact of stablecoins on the value of Bitcoin. In this expert article, we will explore the relationship between stablecoins and Bitcoin and examine whether stablecoins pose a threat to Bitcoin's dominance in the cryptocurrency market. You might be into trading BTC trading and this tool can really…

Isaac Nellist (2023-06-26). Rent controls are not a 'zombie idea'. greenleft.org.au Isaac Nellist argues that rent controls have been used around the world to deal with skyrocketing rents.

Daniel Falcone (2023-06-25). Neoliberalism Sucked Senegal Dry. Now Its Democracy Is at Stake. truthout.org After the arrest of the progressive-leaning opposition leader Ousmane Sonko in Senegal, protesters and dissatisfied segments of the political left have taken to the streets. In this exclusive Truthout interview, James Genova discusses the history and political culture of Senegal and talks about the root causes of the ongoing protests and the current crises unfolding in the country. |

mforinoco (2023-06-25). The Western Left Must Reject Anti-China Propaganda and Join the Progressive Global Trend. orinocotribune.com By Jenny Clegg — Jun 20, 2023 | What follows is the text of a speech given by veteran British peace activist and China specialist Jenny Clegg at the launch event in London for Carlos Martinez's book The East is Still Red: Chinese socialism in the 21st century. | Summarizing the key points of the book, Jenny highlights in particular the escalating New Cold War and anti-China rhetoric in the West. "China is being presented as an existential threat to the Western way of life so as to prepare a climate for war." | Beyond the obvious dangers of preparing a climate for war, Jenny points out that the incessant lies…

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2023-06-25). PSL Statement: The Failed Coup in Russia. liberationnews.org An attempted coup directed against Russia's military forces has ended. The leader of the coup attempt, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has agreed to leave Russia.

thecommunists (2023-06-25). Michael Palin in the DPRK: a western exceptionalism showcase. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** This article was prompted by an awful piece of BBC propaganda, entitled Michael Palin in North Korea. If you want to understand western exceptionalism, watch this programme, first with and then without sound, because the only part of this presentation that makes the …

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