Monthly Archives: June 2023

2023-06-20: News Headlines (2023-06-20). Premier to attend 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions. Premier Li Qiang will attend the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin on June 27, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning announced on Tuesday. (2023-06-20). Chinese mainland resumes imports of sugar apples from Taiwan island as of Tuesday. Chinese mainland resumed the import of sugar apples from Taiwan island as of Tuesday after suspending the trade due to the detection of plant pests on the tropical fruit. (2023-06-20). China exports electricity amid Vietnam's power crunch. China has resumed cross-border electricity exports to neighboring Vietnam, for the first time after a seven-year hiatus since 2016.

Francisco Dominguez (2023-06-19). Alex Saab, Hostage of the Hybrid War Against Venezuela. By Francisco Dominguez — Jun 17, 2023 | The case is a terrifying example of the US's continuing commitment to illegal, unilateral intervention and 'regime change,' where no country is truly safe. | June 12 2023 was the third anniversary of the illegal kidnapping and imprisonment by the US of Alex Saab. | Because the brutality and cruelty of the US blockade was wreaking havoc on the economy and millions of the most vulnerable in Venezuela were being deliberately denied their human rights to the most basic necessities of daily life, President Nicolas Maduro tasked Saab with travelling around the world procurin…

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-06-19). Our Systems Reward Dysfunction And Destruction: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | Our civilization is sick because all its systems ensure that human behavior is driven by profit, and health isn't profitable. Nobody gets rich from everyone staying healthy all the time. The gears of capitalism will still keep turning if its populace is made shallow and dull by bad education and crappy art made for profit. Billionaires aren't made by leaving forests and oceans unmolested, consuming less, mining less, drilling less, using less energy. The economy doesn't soar when the world is at peace and nations are working together in harmony. | I… (2023-06-19). Hong Kong launches dual counter model, as yuan's internationalization makes steady progress. HKEX officially launched the highly anticipated Hong Kong dollar-yuan dual counter model on Monday, marking a landmark progress in the yuan's internationalization and strengthening the city's status as an international financial hub. (2023-06-19). Consumer market buoyed by shopping carnival, Father's Day. Chinese consumers' passion for online shopping was visible once again during this year's June 18 shopping carnival, which industry experts said played a vital role in promoting the recovery of consumption and shoring up the economy.

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-20). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs. (2023-06-20). Adviser calls for stronger policy shifts amid recovery risks. As China's economic recovery is facing downward pressure, stronger and clearer policy shifts are needed to restore business confidence and realize sound growth, a political adviser said. (2023-06-20). China sees loan prime rates fall for first time in 10 months. China's loan prime rates, the market-based lending benchmarks, fell for the first time since August 2022 on Tuesday as policy efforts strengthened to bolster economic recovery. (2023-06-20). Wang urges constructive interactions with U.S. in Asia-Pacific. Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi has said Beijing is ready to work with Washington to "explore constructive interaction in the Asia-Pacific" as the US prepares to host the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting this year. (2023-06-19). Trade fair nets major investment deals. The 32nd Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair is estimated to have achieved more than 200 billion yuan ($27.9 billion) worth of trade and investment cooperation in various fields.

WSWS (2023-06-19). Australian Senate inquiry highlights worsening problem of children "refusing" to attend school. While school avoidance occurs across all socio-economic groups, the public system is the least able to meet the needs of its students.

Kim Petersen (2023-06-19). Readouts Point to a Disjuncture between US and China. During the economic crisis in 2008, the United States sought China's aid. US treasury secretary Hank Paulson conferred with Chinese officials, and China agreed to increase the value of the RMB and to stop selling US T-bills which it had been doing at that time. Paulson said, "It is clear that China accepts its responsibility …

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). De-dollarization means disarmament of the PKK. The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum commenced on June 16th. The forum saw the participation of numerous leaders and ministers from Asia to Africa, including Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who delivered a speech. The forum addressed the issues of multipolarity and alternative currencies to dollar. Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek, United World International author and the …

_____ (2023-06-19). Pseudo-Nationalism Is About Political Desperation and Sure Sign of Economic Collapse. 15 Jun 2023 – Perception matters. Nepal's perception in business world is perhaps zero, to say the least. Economic scenarios have completely changed from the time of "baby boomer" generation days of the 50s.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Experts in El Salvador warns on climate threats to food. Risk specialists question how the State faces the threat posed by the El Niño for the country and what are the prevention measures. | The coordinator of sustainability processes for Ahuachapán (western part of the country) and specialist in ecological risk management of the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES), Miguel Urbina, pointed out that there will be a lack of food and this will increase prices, due to drought and the effects of the El Niño climate phenomenon. | These assessments coincide with data from a multidimensional study of El Salvador, prepared by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develo… (2023-06-19). Experts hail fast growth of Tibet at expo forum. Tibet enjoys a prosperous and harmonious environment, featuring political and social stability, and strong economic development, said a top official of the autonomous region during a forum held in Lhasa on Saturday. (2023-06-19). Nation joining trade pact will benefit region. China has submitted the documents for joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which if successful is expected to bring tangible economic benefits to participating countries and further bolster economic integration of the Asia-Pacific region, an expert said.

Richard Heinberg, Resilience. (2023-06-19). Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, Or Collapse. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the resulting disruption of multiple global supply chains, policy think tanks have increasingly adopted the term polycrisis to signify humanity's destabilized status quo. The World Economic Forum's 2023 Global Risk Report uses the newish word 13 times in 90 pages. Scholars from a range of disciplines (including Columbia University historian Adam Tooze) have written about the polycrisis, and both Cascade Institute and Omega Institute have published papers and reports on it. The Cascade Institute notes that "a global polycrisis occurs when…

Middle East Eye (2023-06-19). Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-20). On 2023 Juneteenth, ILWU10 Closes N.Ca Ports & Makes Actor Danny Glover An Honorary Member. On Juneteenth, ILWU Local 10 will close all ports in Northern California and make Danny Glover and honorary member of the Local. Retired ILWU Local 10 secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas talks about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Danny Glover with the ILWU Local 10.

Working Films (2023-06-20). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard. (2023-06-20). Environment coalition protests NT Labor's plans for more gas. (2023-06-20). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. (2023-06-20). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate.

Nkechi Taifa (2023-06-19). Reparations, in Our Lifetime. Once dismissed by many as impractical, the quest for reparations for the descendants of African people enslaved in the United States is now being embraced as a legitimate concept to be taken seriously. The remedy is not only being sought to address harms from the enslavement era, but also for lingering impacts which manifest today. The illegal kidnapping, cultural assault, and nearly 300 years of forced free labor, followed by 100 years of convict leased labor, Black codes, sharecropping, the peonage system, lynchings, mass murders, systemic racism, Jim Crow, gerrymandering, redlining, educational inequities,…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-06-19). Socialist Party of Zambia president Fred M'membe faces threat of arrest. A warrant was issued against Socialist Party President Fred M'membe without any of the proper formalities being followed. He said that the police, in collaboration with ruling UPND cadre drafted into the State House security, intended to "abduct" him…

WSWS (2023-06-19). Australia: Despite coal bonanza, Queensland Labor budget cuts social services. The coal royalty boost has only a marginal impact on the super-profits of the coal giants, while the cost-of-living measures do little to offset the devastating impact of surging prices and home mortgage repayments and rents.

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Uganda Police Arrest Suspected Collaborators in School Massacre. Ugandan authorities reported on Monday the arrest of 20 people suspected of collaborating in last week's massacre in western Uganda by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a rebel group linked to the Islamic State. | RELATED: | Police spokesman Fred Enanga said "twenty arrests have been made of suspected ADF collaborators" in Friday's attack at Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Secondary School in Kasese district. A total of 42 peopl…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-06-19). Presidente colombiano presenta popularidad superior al 47 %. El sondeo elaborado por el CNC señaló que Petro, dentro del sector de los jóvenes, tiene un apoyo que supera el 62 por ciento.

Dana Al-Hasan (2023-06-20). Raleigh, NC community members fight to save mosque, resist gentrification at Shaw University. Raleigh, North Carolina residents have come together to protest the rezoning and development of Shaw University, speaking out at the April and May city council meetings and pushing back against the wealthy investors and realtors who stand to profit if the plan goes forward. | The public pressure campaign has already successfully forced Raleigh City Council to postpone their decision on the rezoning application a few times. Now, they are set to decide on Tuesday, June 20th.

Roosevelt Institute (2023-06-20). Capital in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty). Inequality is not an accident. It's not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, very, very big. That is when he proposes a policy that seems like it's common sense now, but at the time, the idea of a wealth tax of 2 percent sounds radical.

rebekah (2023-06-19). The Boldest Step to Close the Racial Wealth Divide in Generations. Juneteenth celebrates the end of chattel slavery in the United States. But over 150 years later, discriminatory public policies have prevented African Americans from closing the racial wealth divide in this country they helped build. Policy created that divide — and policy can close it. One state is showing how to move forward in advancing …

_____ (2023-06-19). How Torture, Deception and Inaction Underpin the UAE's Thriving Sex Trafficking Industry. 12 Jun 2023 – An underground network of suspected sex traffickers has taken refuge in the wealthy Gulf nation. The U.S. State Department says efforts to identify and protect victims have fallen short.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-06-19). Millions Of People In The US Ration Medicine. A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published this month reveals that approximately 9.2 million people in the US try to save money by rationing their medication. Most adults between the ages of 18 and 64 take at least one prescription medication, but 8% of them—9.2 million people—ration medicine by skipping doses, taking less than instructed, or delaying a refill. | Meanwhile, pharmaceutical giants like Merck are fighting tooth and nail against President Biden's limited checks on astronomical medication prices. Giving the government power to negotiate medicine prices with com…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Housing, food and electricity prices increase in Panama. Panama City, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Housing, electricity and food groups stand out as the most expensive in Panama, so says a report of the General Comptroller of the Republic.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Over 1,400 workers at Canada's National Steel Car vote by 95 percent for strike action. National Steel Car is a particularly barbaric workplace. Three workers have died in as many years in gruesome workplace "accidents," for which no executives, or the company owner, the financial swindler Greg Aziz, have been charged or convicted.

Maher Al-Dana (2023-06-19). Lebanon Under Occupation, Financial Fraud and Sectarian Political Corruption.

_____ (2023-06-19). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Russia increases fertilizer exports to Latin America. Moscow, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The financial director of the Russian fertilizer manufacturer Phosagro, Aleksander Sharabaiko, informed that the company increased exports to Latin America by 50% in the first four months of this year.

_____ (2023-06-19). An Unfolding Tragedy: The Impossibility of Doing 'Anything Other'. The conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available, Alastair Crooke writes. | The Tragedy that besets the West today consists, on the one hand, of the sheer impossibility for it to continue doing what it has been doing — yet matched only by its impossibility to do anything other. | Why is this so? It is because the conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available: Zero interest credit, zero inflation, a colluding media, and cheap energy 'subsidising' a shrinking and increasingly sclerotic manu…

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Cuban President Diaz-Canel to Meet With Pope Francis. On Tuesday, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel will hold meetings with Pope Francis and Italian Head of State Sergio Mattarella, as part of a tour of Europe from June 20 to 24. | RELATED: | The Pope's audience with Diaz-Canel will be strictly private and will take place a few days after Francis was discharged after spending nine days hospitalized for an abdominal hernia operation. | While for his interview with Mattarella, the Cuban president is ex…

Map Liberation. (2023-06-20). Colonial Universities Grab Land For Profit, War, And Medical Apartheid. Universities on Turtle Island, as la paperson writes, "are land-grabbing, land-transmogrifying, land-capitalizing machines." Indigenous land theft, and profits from slavery, enabled these universities to be built in the first place — and they still collect profits from stolen lands.[1] | With this accumulated capital, major US universities have become colonial real estate agents. Harvard University, notably, owns land all over the world — from vineyards in Washington state to farmlands in Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, and Romania.[2] Harvard's land-grabbing machine has harmed Indigenous communiti… (2023-06-19). Rate cuts bode well for vitality of banking. The recent reduction in bank deposit rates is conducive to maintaining reasonable profit margins among banks and strengthening their capacity to generate capital through profits.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-06-19). Replacing the capitalist dream of AI-driven profits. When asked to share alternatives to capitalism, ChatGPT offered many options, none of which rely on the fantasy that money hoarding at the top can eventually benefit the rest of us.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-20). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-06-20). On the Dialectics of Socialism and Western Marxism's Purity Fetish. By Gabriel Rockhill — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Gabriel's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase Noah Khrachvik: Our next speaker is Gabriel Rockhill. Gabriel Rockhill is a Franco-American philosopher, cultural critic and activist. He is the founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. His books include Counter-History of the Present: Untimely Interrogatio…

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). Dollar Mart By: Julie Stout. The customer is well-groomed. Black, or African-American, and she has done something lovely with her edge hairs. They're curled into spirals and waxed to lay down flat along her crown. She has a French manicure, and she's buying Midol, a box of tampons, and an individually-wrapped pickle. We don't sell a lot of Midol. Mostly, people steal it. We don't sell a lot of those pickles. I've often thought if we took them out of the refrigerator nex …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). From Breadline to Box Office: the Frankfurt School and Film Noir. By: Ian Hall. ​While Audre Lorde's proclamation that "the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" is so often borne out as sage—her thesis being woefully apropos to the milieus of contemporary American finance capital, electoral politics, and commercial artistry—there are myriad examples of creators and actors, acolytes to ideologies that are dead-left of the Overton window in their respective fields, weaponizing the means, methods, and te …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-19). Nicolás Maduro Makes Historic Trip to Brazil for South American Presidents' Summit By: Global News Service. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro participated in a joint press conference on May 29 from the Planalto Palace in Brasília, highlighting the importance of resuming ties. The press conference was held following a bilateral meeting between the heads of state ahead of the South American Presidents' Summit.As Lula told media, "This is a historic moment. After eight years, President Nicolás Maduro is bac …

Fight Back (2023-06-20). Event on FRSO program held in Orlando. Orlando, FL – On July 3, the Orlando District of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a Political Program release discussion at a meeting attended by over 30 people representing other progressive forces in the area. | In an effort to build a unified progressive base in Orlando, FRSO Orlando members Jacob Muldoon, Edmund Anglero and Diego Gonzalez discussed the history of struggle in the United States, FRSO and their goal of building a new communist party, and the united front against monopoly capitalism. | "FRSO believes that only through a strategic alliance of the oppressed nations and working clas…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-19). The Battle Fronts in the Face of the Global Colonizing Offensive and the New Fascism. José Ernesto Guerrero Photo: Bill Hackwell We will only be able to successfully confront capitalism, its colonizing desires and the neo-fascism that beats in its entrails from a common class front, from a fully emancipated consciousness. At the end of June and beginning of July the XXVI edition of the Sao Paulo Forum will be…

WSWS (2023-06-20). Happy FKN Sunshine: Life in a decaying industrial town. Happy FKN Sunshine, directed by Derek Diorio, is a comedy-drama about a high school metal band searching for a way out in a dying Canadian mill town.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Australian Catholic school workers threatened with substantial real wage cut by teachers' union. Around 25,000 teachers and school workers in the state of Victoria are voting today and tomorrow on a new industrial agreement that includes nominal wage rises of just 1 percent every six months. (2023-06-20). System Fail #23: Life Over Lithium. subMedia.Tv returns with a new episode of System Fail, featuring a look at the fight against Lithium mining in Peehee Mu'huh also known as Thacker Pass, Nevada. As guilt mounts over humanity's inaction in the face of the climate crisis, industrialized capitalists have adapted their tactics to meet the demands of a more environmentally conscious… (2023-06-19). Industrial internet to boost productivity, cut costs. The industrial internet, a new type of manufacturing automation that combines advanced machines, internet-connected sensors and big data analysis, is driving this revolutionary approach to the production of customized products.

WSWS (2023-06-20). The destruction of an independent judiciary in Ukraine. In this article, Ukrainian socialist Maxim Goldarb describes the systematic destruction of an independent judiciary by the Zelensky government and the transformation of the courts into tools for the suppression of democratic rights and dissent.

WSWS (2023-06-20). Sri Lankan SEP demonstrates in Colombo against privatisation and government repression. The protest was part of the SEP's campaign to mobilise the working class against the government's austerity measures on the basis of a socialist program. (2023-06-19). Youths urged to contribute to national rejuvenation. The nation's young people were called on to shoulder their responsibilities to build China into a strong socialist country and advance national rejuvenation at the opening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China on Monday.

Staff (2023-06-19). "Get Down to Business": Harry Belafonte in 2016 on Trump, Socialism & Fighting for Justice. We continue our Juneteenth special with more from Harry Belafonte, the legendary actor, singer and civil rights activist, who died in April at the age of 96. Belafonte last appeared on Democracy Now! in 2016 at a special event at the historic Riverside Church in New York to celebrate Democracy Now!'s 20th anniversary. He co-headlined the event with Noam Chomsky. It was the first time they had done a public event together. Belafonte spoke about Donald Trump, who had just been elected president, and ongoing struggles for freedom and justice in the United States. "We just have to get out our old coats, dus…

Sakis Gekas (2023-06-19). The Electoral Collapse of SYRIZA: The Left and the Coming Election. The meteoric rise of SYRIZA in Greece in 2012 and the resounding double victory of 2015 (one in January and the second in September, after the great compromise of July 2015) seems to have ended with the crushing defeat in the

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). Switzerland's road to socialism and the Chinese experience. A delegation of the Communist Party of Switzerland visited China in mid-May. The delegation led by Massimiliano Arif Ay, General Secretary of the Party, met and exchanged views with many Chinese individuals, organizations and institutions. The party also had talks with its Chinese counterpart, the Communist Party of China. Massimiliano Arif Ay answered our questions …

Editor (2023-06-20). False Witnesses and Sinister Plots: Exposing the CIA Connection in the 'Chinese Police Station' Narrative. By Kit Klarenberg / MintPressNews For months, mainstream media across the Western world — in particular English-language outlets based in the constituent members of the 'Five Eyes' global spying network — have been rabidly awash with terrifying news of secret "Chinese police stations" operating the world over. It is claimed these "stations" are unofficial, covert Chinese Communist …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-19). Leftist party members praise Cuban president's visit to Italy. Rome, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The Italian Communist Refoundation Party, one of the left-wing forces in this European nation, issued Monday a communiqué welcoming Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel who arrived a few hours ago in Rome. (2023-06-19). China's Communist Youth League starts national congress. The Communist Youth League of China convened its 19th national congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday. (2023-06-19). President Xi's letter boosts confidence for Taiwan people. People from Taiwan said the congratulatory letter from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, has boosted their confidence in the integrated and peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait. (2023-06-19). Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi meets visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Monday.

2023-06-20 03:57:28 | 03:57 EST | tr | 70 | 0 | 52 | 34 | 0 

2023-06-19: News Headlines (2023-06-19). Hong Kong launches dual counter model, as yuan's internationalization makes steady progress. HKEX officially launched the highly anticipated Hong Kong dollar-yuan dual counter model on Monday, marking a landmark progress in the yuan's internationalization and strengthening the city's status as an international financial hub. (2023-06-19). Consumer market buoyed by shopping carnival, Father's Day. Chinese consumers' passion for online shopping was visible once again during this year's June 18 shopping carnival, which industry experts said played a vital role in promoting the recovery of consumption and shoring up the economy.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-06-18). Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing.'.

Radhika Desai, Michael Roberts (2023-06-18). Did the debt ceiling deal really save the US from bankruptcy? Economists Radhika Desai and Michael Roberts discuss the US debt ceiling deal reached by President Joe Biden and the Republican opposition, and what it means for the future of the economy. (2023-06-18). China submits papers for CPTPP accession. The Chinese government has submitted the documents for China's accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, and China has both the willingness and capability to join the CPTPP, a senior government official said on Saturday. (2023-06-18). China to promptly formulate policies to restore, expand consumption: top economic planner. China will promptly formulate policies that restore and expand consumption, continuously improve consumption environment, and release the potential of service consumption.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Experts in El Salvador warns on climate threats to food. Risk specialists question how the State faces the threat posed by the El Niño for the country and what are the prevention measures. | The coordinator of sustainability processes for Ahuachapán (western part of the country) and specialist in ecological risk management of the Unidad Ecológica Salvadoreña (UNES), Miguel Urbina, pointed out that there will be a lack of food and this will increase prices, due to drought and the effects of the El Niño climate phenomenon. | These assessments coincide with data from a multidimensional study of El Salvador, prepared by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develo…

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-19). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs. (2023-06-19). Experts hail fast growth of Tibet at expo forum. Tibet enjoys a prosperous and harmonious environment, featuring political and social stability, and strong economic development, said a top official of the autonomous region during a forum held in Lhasa on Saturday. (2023-06-19). Nation joining trade pact will benefit region. China has submitted the documents for joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, which if successful is expected to bring tangible economic benefits to participating countries and further bolster economic integration of the Asia-Pacific region, an expert said.

Richard Heinberg, Resilience. (2023-06-19). Polycrisis, Unraveling, Simplification, Or Collapse. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the resulting disruption of multiple global supply chains, policy think tanks have increasingly adopted the term polycrisis to signify humanity's destabilized status quo. The World Economic Forum's 2023 Global Risk Report uses the newish word 13 times in 90 pages. Scholars from a range of disciplines (including Columbia University historian Adam Tooze) have written about the polycrisis, and both Cascade Institute and Omega Institute have published papers and reports on it. The Cascade Institute notes that "a global polycrisis occurs when…

Kim Petersen (2023-06-19). Readouts Point to a Disjuncture between US and China. During the economic crisis in 2008, the United States sought China's aid. US treasury secretary Hank Paulson conferred with Chinese officials, and China agreed to increase the value of the RMB and to stop selling US T-bills which it had been doing at that time. Paulson said, "It is clear that China accepts its responsibility …

_____ (2023-06-19). Pseudo-Nationalism Is About Political Desperation and Sure Sign of Economic Collapse. 15 Jun 2023 – Perception matters. Nepal's perception in business world is perhaps zero, to say the least. Economic scenarios have completely changed from the time of "baby boomer" generation days of the 50s.

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). De-dollarization means disarmament of the PKK. The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum commenced on June 16th. The forum saw the participation of numerous leaders and ministers from Asia to Africa, including Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who delivered a speech. The forum addressed the issues of multipolarity and alternative currencies to dollar. Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek, United World International author and the …

Anonymous103 (2023-06-18). Earthquake Within Catalan Independentism In The Municipal Elections. Written by Jordi Oriola Folch | In the last autonomic elections in Catalonia in 2021, the three pro-independence parties (ERC from the center-left, JUNTS from the center-right and CUP from the left) won 52% of the votes. A kind of unofficial referendum, which showed the desire of the people of Catalonia to be able to decide to leave the Spanish state as a solution to the constant disagreements and the irreconcilable way of living the political, economic and social. This divergence can a…

Jorge Sellare, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-06-18). Five Facts About Producer Organizations And Rural Development. Producer organizations (POs) receive substantial attention and policy support, given their potential to contribute to pro-poor rural development. Here, we first synthesize decades of empirical research in the form of five stylized facts—common and largely unchallenged conclusions—about POs. Then, we explore these stylized facts using several secondary and primary data sets. We confirm some stylized facts, challenge others, and highlight which ones lack empirical evidence to derive policy implications and directions for future research. We highlight largely overlooked low and regionally biased particip…

Katie Kienbaum, John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance. (2023-06-18). Local Ownership Of Clean Energy Boosts Benefits And Busts Barriers. ILSR's new report, Advantage Local: Why Local Energy Ownership Matters, finds that local ownership of clean energy can address many of the most pressing challenges we face today, from the climate crisis to economic inequality to corporate exploitation. The report details how local clean energy ownership — as distinct from local siting — can boost the economic impacts of clean energy, cut through public opposition to project development, and put power back in the hands of people instead of polluting utility monopolies. | As shown in the report, local ownership of clean energy, such as rooftop solar pan… (2023-06-18). International trade fair kicks off in Hebei. An international economic and trade fair kicked off on Friday in Langfang, Hebei province, committed to display state-of-the-art trade logistics and cross-border trade chains, according to the fair's official website.

_____ (2023-06-19). Pseudo-Nationalism Is About Political Desperation and Sure Sign of Economic Collapse. 15 Jun 2023 – Perception matters. Nepal's perception in business world is perhaps zero, to say the least. Economic scenarios have completely changed from the time of "baby boomer" generation days of the 50s.

unitedEditor (2023-06-19). De-dollarization means disarmament of the PKK. The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum commenced on June 16th. The forum saw the participation of numerous leaders and ministers from Asia to Africa, including Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who delivered a speech. The forum addressed the issues of multipolarity and alternative currencies to dollar. Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek, United World International author and the …

Anonymous103 (2023-06-18). Earthquake Within Catalan Independentism In The Municipal Elections. Written by Jordi Oriola Folch | In the last autonomic elections in Catalonia in 2021, the three pro-independence parties (ERC from the center-left, JUNTS from the center-right and CUP from the left) won 52% of the votes. A kind of unofficial referendum, which showed the desire of the people of Catalonia to be able to decide to leave the Spanish state as a solution to the constant disagreements and the irreconcilable way of living the political, economic and social. This divergence can a…

Jorge Sellare, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-06-18). Five Facts About Producer Organizations And Rural Development. Producer organizations (POs) receive substantial attention and policy support, given their potential to contribute to pro-poor rural development. Here, we first synthesize decades of empirical research in the form of five stylized facts—common and largely unchallenged conclusions—about POs. Then, we explore these stylized facts using several secondary and primary data sets. We confirm some stylized facts, challenge others, and highlight which ones lack empirical evidence to derive policy implications and directions for future research. We highlight largely overlooked low and regionally biased particip…

Katie Kienbaum, John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance. (2023-06-18). Local Ownership Of Clean Energy Boosts Benefits And Busts Barriers. ILSR's new report, Advantage Local: Why Local Energy Ownership Matters, finds that local ownership of clean energy can address many of the most pressing challenges we face today, from the climate crisis to economic inequality to corporate exploitation. The report details how local clean energy ownership — as distinct from local siting — can boost the economic impacts of clean energy, cut through public opposition to project development, and put power back in the hands of people instead of polluting utility monopolies. | As shown in the report, local ownership of clean energy, such as rooftop solar pan… (2023-06-18). International trade fair kicks off in Hebei. An international economic and trade fair kicked off on Friday in Langfang, Hebei province, committed to display state-of-the-art trade logistics and cross-border trade chains, according to the fair's official website.

Middle East Eye (2023-06-19). Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians.

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Uganda Police Arrest Suspected Collaborators in School Massacre. Ugandan authorities reported on Monday the arrest of 20 people suspected of collaborating in last week's massacre in western Uganda by the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a rebel group linked to the Islamic State. | RELATED: | Police spokesman Fred Enanga said "twenty arrests have been made of suspected ADF collaborators" in Friday's attack at Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Secondary School in Kasese district. A total of 42 peopl… (2023-06-19). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. (2023-06-19). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-19). On 2023 Juneteenth, ILWU10 Closes N.Ca Ports & Makes Actor Danny Glover An Honorary Member. On Juneteenth, ILWU Local 10 will close all ports in Northern California and make Danny Glover and honorary member of the Local. Retired ILWU Local 10 secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas talks about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Danny Glover with the ILWU Local 10.

Nkechi Taifa (2023-06-19). Reparations, in Our Lifetime. Once dismissed by many as impractical, the quest for reparations for the descendants of African people enslaved in the United States is now being embraced as a legitimate concept to be taken seriously. The remedy is not only being sought to address harms from the enslavement era, but also for lingering impacts which manifest today. The illegal kidnapping, cultural assault, and nearly 300 years of forced free labor, followed by 100 years of convict leased labor, Black codes, sharecropping, the peonage system, lynchings, mass murders, systemic racism, Jim Crow, gerrymandering, redlining, educational inequities,…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-06-19). Presidente colombiano presenta popularidad superior al 47 %. El sondeo elaborado por el CNC señaló que Petro, dentro del sector de los jóvenes, tiene un apoyo que supera el 62 por ciento.

Working Films (2023-06-19). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

WSWS (2023-06-19). Australia: Despite coal bonanza, Queensland Labor budget cuts social services. The coal royalty boost has only a marginal impact on the super-profits of the coal giants, while the cost-of-living measures do little to offset the devastating impact of surging prices and home mortgage repayments and rents.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-06-19). Socialist Party of Zambia president Fred M'membe faces threat of arrest. A warrant was issued against Socialist Party President Fred M'membe without any of the proper formalities being followed. He said that the police, in collaboration with ruling UPND cadre drafted into the State House security, intended to "abduct" him…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-18). Voices from across the globe unite against the New Cold War, advocate New Non-Alignment. A webinar organized by the No Cold War campaign in collaboration with several progressive movements and platforms highlighted the ongoing transition towards a multipolar world and the need for a new Non-Aligned Movement…

Roosevelt Institute (2023-06-19). Capital in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty). Inequality is not an accident. It's not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, very, very big. That is when he proposes a policy that seems like it's common sense now, but at the time, the idea of a wealth tax of 2 percent sounds radical.

rebekah (2023-06-19). The Boldest Step to Close the Racial Wealth Divide in Generations. Juneteenth celebrates the end of chattel slavery in the United States. But over 150 years later, discriminatory public policies have prevented African Americans from closing the racial wealth divide in this country they helped build. Policy created that divide — and policy can close it. One state is showing how to move forward in advancing …

_____ (2023-06-19). How Torture, Deception and Inaction Underpin the UAE's Thriving Sex Trafficking Industry. 12 Jun 2023 – An underground network of suspected sex traffickers has taken refuge in the wealthy Gulf nation. The U.S. State Department says efforts to identify and protect victims have fallen short.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Housing, food and electricity prices increase in Panama. Panama City, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Housing, electricity and food groups stand out as the most expensive in Panama, so says a report of the General Comptroller of the Republic.

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-06-19). Millions Of People In The US Ration Medicine. A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published this month reveals that approximately 9.2 million people in the US try to save money by rationing their medication. Most adults between the ages of 18 and 64 take at least one prescription medication, but 8% of them—9.2 million people—ration medicine by skipping doses, taking less than instructed, or delaying a refill. | Meanwhile, pharmaceutical giants like Merck are fighting tooth and nail against President Biden's limited checks on astronomical medication prices. Giving the government power to negotiate medicine prices with com…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-19). Russia increases fertilizer exports to Latin America. Moscow, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) The financial director of the Russian fertilizer manufacturer Phosagro, Aleksander Sharabaiko, informed that the company increased exports to Latin America by 50% in the first four months of this year.

Maher Al-Dana (2023-06-19). Lebanon Under Occupation, Financial Fraud and Sectarian Political Corruption.

_____ (2023-06-19). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

_____ (2023-06-19). An Unfolding Tragedy: The Impossibility of Doing 'Anything Other'. The conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available, Alastair Crooke writes. | The Tragedy that besets the West today consists, on the one hand, of the sheer impossibility for it to continue doing what it has been doing — yet matched only by its impossibility to do anything other. | Why is this so? It is because the conditions that gave rise to the golden era that created the 'Comfort Generation' no longer are available: Zero interest credit, zero inflation, a colluding media, and cheap energy 'subsidising' a shrinking and increasingly sclerotic manu…

teleSUR (2023-06-19). Cuban President Diaz-Canel to Meet With Pope Francis. On Tuesday, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel will hold meetings with Pope Francis and Italian Head of State Sergio Mattarella, as part of a tour of Europe from June 20 to 24. | RELATED: | The Pope's audience with Diaz-Canel will be strictly private and will take place a few days after Francis was discharged after spending nine days hospitalized for an abdominal hernia operation. | While for his interview with Mattarella, the Cuban president is ex…

_____ (2023-06-19). ICAN: Global Spending on Nuclear Arsenals Increased in 2022 for Third Year in a Row. 15 Jun 2023 РIn 2022 the nuclear-weapon states spent five thousand dollars more per minute on their nuclear arsenals than in 2021: US$ 157 664 (or € 149 938).

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-06-19). Replacing the capitalist dream of AI-driven profits. When asked to share alternatives to capitalism, ChatGPT offered many options, none of which rely on the fantasy that money hoarding at the top can eventually benefit the rest of us.

Jennifer Berry Hawes (2023-06-18). Charleston Grad Student Uncovers the Largest Known Slave Auction in the US. This story was originally published by ProPublica. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up for Dispatches, a newsletter that spotlights wrongdoing around the country, to receive our stories in your inbox every week. Sitting at her bedroom desk, nursing a cup of coffee on a quiet Tuesday morning, Lauren Davila scoured digitized old newspapers for slave auction… |

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-06-18). Thank You For Your Service. Listen to a reading of "Thank You For Your Service" (reading by Tim Foley): | Thank you for your service. | I say this not to the employees of the war machine, who in truth serve nothing besides imperial domination and the profit margins of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. | I say this to the peacemakers. | To the truth-tellers. | To the defiant ones. | To those who've shone the light of truth upon the blood-spattered face of the empire against their own interests for the benefit of everyone. | To those who've stared down the barrel of the most powerful military force ever assembled and said "Do your worst." | To…

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-19). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

mforinoco (2023-06-18). The Purity Fetish and the Commodity Fetish. By Radhika Desai — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Radhika's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase Thanks for the invitation to be part of this panel of some of the most acute thinkers discussing this very important book. It is important particularly for its focus on dialectics, which is a philosophical mode that is much maligned and misunderstood in the English speaking world, dismissed as 'Hegelian mystical fog.' Garrido's is a crystal…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-19). The Battle Fronts in the Face of the Global Colonizing Offensive and the New Fascism. José Ernesto Guerrero Photo: Bill Hackwell We will only be able to successfully confront capitalism, its colonizing desires and the neo-fascism that beats in its entrails from a common class front, from a fully emancipated consciousness. At the end of June and beginning of July the XXVI edition of the Sao Paulo Forum will be… (2023-06-19). Industrial internet to boost productivity, cut costs. The industrial internet, a new type of manufacturing automation that combines advanced machines, internet-connected sensors and big data analysis, is driving this revolutionary approach to the production of customized products.

Staff (2023-06-19). "Get Down to Business": Harry Belafonte in 2016 on Trump, Socialism & Fighting for Justice. We continue our Juneteenth special with more from Harry Belafonte, the legendary actor, singer and civil rights activist, who died in April at the age of 96. Belafonte last appeared on Democracy Now! in 2016 at a special event at the historic Riverside Church in New York to celebrate Democracy Now!'s 20th anniversary. He co-headlined the event with Noam Chomsky. It was the first time they had done a public event together. Belafonte spoke about Donald Trump, who had just been elected president, and ongoing struggles for freedom and justice in the United States. "We just have to get out our old coats, dus…

Sakis Gekas (2023-06-19). The Electoral Collapse of SYRIZA: The Left and the Coming Election. The meteoric rise of SYRIZA in Greece in 2012 and the resounding double victory of 2015 (one in January and the second in September, after the great compromise of July 2015) seems to have ended with the crushing defeat in the

WSWS (2023-06-18). Communication Workers Union political smear of World Socialist Web Site falls flat on its face. This is the second attack by the CWU on the WSWS on its Twitter page. Its first attempt at red baiting came in the wake of announcing the joint statement on a "negotiators agreement" with Royal Mail on April 15, in its first attempt to end the national dispute by 115,000 postal workers.

Michelle Weinroth (2023-06-18). Say "No" to a Second Extradition for Hassan Diab. (2023-06-19). President Xi's letter boosts confidence for Taiwan people. People from Taiwan said the congratulatory letter from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, has boosted their confidence in the integrated and peaceful development across the Taiwan Strait. (2023-06-19). Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi meets visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing on Monday. (2023-06-19). China's Communist Youth League starts national congress. The Communist Youth League of China convened its 19th national congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday. (2023-06-18). Xi sends congratulatory letter to 15th Straits Forum. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, sent a congratulatory letter to the 15th Straits Forum on Saturday.

2023-06-19 20:23:19 | 20:23 EST | tr | 65 | 1 | 22 | 52 | 0 

2023-06-18: News Headlines (2023-06-18). China plans raft of steps to boost growth. China will work further in implementing a raft of supportive measures to boost consumption, carry out the construction of major projects, and expedite the development of a modern industrial system to boost growth. (2023-06-18). China to promptly formulate policies to restore, expand consumption: top economic planner. China will promptly formulate policies that restore and expand consumption, continuously improve consumption environment, and release the potential of service consumption. (2023-06-18). China submits papers for CPTPP accession. The Chinese government has submitted the documents for China's accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, and China has both the willingness and capability to join the CPTPP, a senior government official said on Saturday.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-06-17). Trump Boasts He Wanted To Take Venezuela's Oil After Overthrowing Its Government. Former US President Donald Trump gave a speech in which he boasted that he wanted to "take over" Venezuela and exploit its large oil reserves. | "When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would have taken it over; we would have gotten to all that oil; it would have been right next door", Trump said. | "But now we're buying oil from Venezuela. So we're making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this? Nobody can believe it", he added. | Trump made these remarks on June 10, at a speech for a convention organized by the North Carolina Republican Party. | The US government initiated a coup attempt against Ven…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-17). SPIEF proves strength of Russian economy. St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 17 (Prensa Latina) State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Saturday said that the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) has proved that plans to isolate Russia and destroy its economy failed.

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-18). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs. (2023-06-18). International trade fair kicks off in Hebei. An international economic and trade fair kicked off on Friday in Langfang, Hebei province, committed to display state-of-the-art trade logistics and cross-border trade chains, according to the fair's official website.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-17). Putin: Russia Has More Nuclear Weapons Than All NATO Countries. © Sergey Bobylev/TASS | Russia will use its nuclear weapons only if faced with an existential threat, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on June 16. | Answering a question on his stance on using tactical, low-yield nuclear weapons as a deterrent, Putin stressed that his attitude about the idea of using such weapons was "negative" and pointed to Moscow's nuclear doctrine."Nuclear weapons are created to ensure our security in…

F. William Engdahl (2023-06-17). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

JANET (2023-06-17). International Conference, Rome, Oct. 27: For a true and just peace: Stop the Third World War! June 15, 2023 This is a statement posted by the initiators of a call for an international conference to end the war in Ukraine. For more information and a list of signers, see The clash between Russia and Ukraine, due to the direct involvement of NATO, threatens to unleash a third world war. The Euro-Atlantist elites justify their direct support for the puppet regime in Kiev as "necessary to repel Russian aggression." Actually, the real aggressor is the U.S.-NATO-EU coalition, which took advantage of the Soviet Union's dissolution to economically and politically subdue all of Eastern Europe…

Narges Neyazi, Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Alaa AbouZeid (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Non-communicable diseases in Afghanistan: a silent tsunami. Afghanistan is experiencing an untypical humanitarian crisis resulting from a chronic 40-year conflict and political upheavals. This crisis has led to a rapid economic collapse, inflation, drastic rises in poverty, hunger, and risk of malnutrition.1 Afghanistan is suffering from the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Outbreaks of many communicable diseases such as acute watery diarrhoea, measles, dengue fever, pertussis, and Crimean—Congo haemorrhagic fever in addition to COVID-19 have worsened the situation.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-06-17). Pitfalls of export-led growth. AFTER Sri Lanka and Pakistan, Bangladesh has become the third country in our neighbourhood to become afflicted by a serious economic crisis.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-06-17). Vladímir Putin interviene en Foro Económico de San Petersburgo. De acuerdo con medios internacionales, la intervención del mandatario está programada para las 11.00 GMT.

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-17). The Heat: St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Entrepreneurs and investors from around the world attend an important economic forum in Russia. And, Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Bill Gates. Chinese President Xi held talks with billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates in Beijing on Friday. President Xi and Gates discussed strengthening cooperation between … (2023-06-17). Experts see steady FX in H2 on recovery outlook. China's foreign exchange market is more capable of maintaining steady performance in the second half of the year than in the past as a series of supportive policies are set to help economic recovery regain momentum. (2023-06-17). Jobs stable in May, but youth still struggling. The unemployment rate remained stable in May, hovering around 5 percent, but younger job seekers still face a tough outlook with structural imbalances in the job market.

Phoebe Ashley-Norman, Jessamy Bagenal (2023-06-17). Perspectives] Political complicity in junk food industry tactics. Fear and opportunity partly underpin the tactics of the beverage and food industries. Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages, for instance, have fallen by about 25% during the past 20 years in many high-income countries (HICs). To counteract such a decrease in sales in HICs, companies have focused their attention on opportunities in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is the backdrop to Eduardo J Gómez's compelling book Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies, which looks at six country case studies from China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and S…

The Lancet (2023-06-17). Editorial] Rethinking our approach to refugees. The theme of 2023's World Refugee Day is hope away from home: a world in which refugees are always included. But regrettably, in several notably high-income countries such as the UK, parts of Europe, and the USA, the approach to refugees could not be further from inclusive, and instead is focused on externalisation, deterrence, containment, and return. It is time to rethink our approach to refugees, to move away from aggression, fear, and prejudice, and to uphold a shared responsibility towards protection and dignity.

Dominique Nuala Lucas, James H Bamber, Seema Quasim (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Perinatal outcomes and the role of obstetric anaesthesia interventions. The meta-analysis by Jameela Sheikh and colleagues1 identified that babies born to Black women had consistently poorer perinatal outcomes than babies born to White women after adjusting for maternal characteristics. Although they highlighted the complex multifactorial reasons behind this disparity, they did not specifically discuss the effect of intrapartum obstetric interventions. In a population-based study of 435‚Äà281 livebirths, Kearns and colleagues2 investigated the relationship between labour epidural analgesia and neonatal outcomes. (2023-06-18). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. (2023-06-18). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-18). On 2023 Juneteenth, ILWU10 Closes N.Ca Ports & Makes Actor Danny Glover An Honorary Member. On Juneteenth, ILWU Local 10 will close all ports in Northern California and make Danny Glover and honorary member of the Local. Retired ILWU Local 10 secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas talks about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Danny Glover with the ILWU Local 10.

Working Films (2023-06-18). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

WSWS (2023-06-17). Striking film and television writers rally in New York's Times Square. Broadway artists, actors and singers showed their support for the writers, who face wage cuts, the casualization of their labor and the threat of artificial intelligence.

Roosevelt Institute (2023-06-18). Capital in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty). Inequality is not an accident. It's not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, very, very big. That is when he proposes a policy that seems like it's common sense now, but at the time, the idea of a wealth tax of 2 percent sounds radical.

Anonymous834 (2023-06-17). Biden Administration Uses New Definition Of 'Recession' So As To Hide America's Having Just Been In One. Written by Eric Zuesse. In a hearing by the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, on Tuesday June 13th, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-17). Latin America has leading role in French forum on financial pact. Paris, Jun 17 (Prensa Latina) Latin America and the Caribbean will have a significant presence of Heads of State and Government at the summit that Paris will host this month on a New Global Financial Pact, organizers announced today.

The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute (2023-06-17). The Rockefeller Way: The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan. First published in December 2016, this article is of relevance to an understanding of the ongoing debate on Climate Change as well the Green New Deal, largely controlled by the financial establishment. The Rockefellers also play a key role in …

WSWS (2023-06-17). Germany: Train drivers union leader turns union into a temporary employment agency. The cooperative founded by the Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is a trap and marks a new low in the transformation of trade unions into tools of big corporations.

Dongsheng News (2023-06-17). Xiomara Castro, Mahmoud Abbas, and Anthony Blinken in China. This week's News on China. | ‚Ä¢ US calls China "aggressive" | ‚Ä¢ Suez Canal investments | ‚Ä¢ Multinational pharmaceuticals in China | ‚Ä¢ History of bicycles in China…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-06-17). Venezuelan Oil Production Continues Upward Trend as Gov't Eyes Natural Gas Investments. The Maduro government has been courting European partners, though companies remain wary of possible US sanctions. (2023-06-17). BRI creates more than 3,000 projects, 420,000 jobs for participating countries in decade: ministry. A decade on since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced, it has galvanized nearly $1 trillion of investment globally and created more than 3,000 projects and 420,000 jobs for participating countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the daily press conference on Thursday.

Evan Vorpahl (2023-06-17). New Details From Leonard Leo's Trust Fund Expose the Inner Workings of the Right. Newly obtained documents show that the billion-dollar trust fund given to Leonard Leo — the right-wing attorney and longtime leader the Federalist Society who orchestrated Donald Trump's Supreme Court picks — has dumped at least $411 million into fueling right-wing infrastructure in the U.S. since mid-2020. The latest IRS filing of the new nonprofit, Marble Freedom Trust — obtained by Accountable. |

Keerti Gopal (2023-06-17). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Climate Justice Hits The Courts. Good things are happening! Montana youth have brought a first-of-its-kind climate justice case to trial, and a similar effort in Oregon is soon to follow. Plus, the Senate is taking steps to address the insurance industry's profit-hungry approach to climate disaster, and SCOTUS sides with Native American families. Not only that, but a new cleaner residential heating technology is gaining popularity, voters are standing up for struggling renters, and more.All this and much more in this week's edition of You Love To See It below, a weekly feature reviewing good news, progress, and action steps that's one of the…

Anonymous834 (2023-06-18). The Revenge Of Partygate: Boris Johnson Resigns. Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark. | The agent of chaos is at it again. Boris Johnson, frontman of the Brexit disaster show, prime minister responsible for breaking regulations, rules and laws, and overall self-serving gross figure of indulgence, has decided to throw in the towel. He is leaving the House of Commons. The time had come

Peter Koenig (2023-06-17). WHO's Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-18). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

mforinoco (2023-06-18). The Purity Fetish and the Commodity Fetish. By Radhika Desai — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Radhika's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase Thanks for the invitation to be part of this panel of some of the most acute thinkers discussing this very important book. It is important particularly for its focus on dialectics, which is a philosophical mode that is much maligned and misunderstood in the English speaking world, dismissed as 'Hegelian mystical fog.' Garrido's is a crystal…

Pamela Haines, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-06-17). The Childcare Movement Is Rediscovering Its Power. Last month, hundreds of childcare workers, families and children gathered in front of City Hall in Philadelphia for a Day without Childcare and a demand for better wages. It was a rousing, passionate event. A lead organizer of the event — and a third-generation childcare provider — Shineal Hunter, was thrilled. "This is a grassroots effort," she said. "It's just a beginning, a starting point to educate as many providers, parents and stakeholders and get them to jump on board. This whole opportunity is allowing me to see how much power we have to make change happen. We just have to join together and sp…

Jesse Carpentier (2023-06-17). Insurance industry refuses policies to those most in need as climate change unfolds. Capitalism not only lacks a clear plan to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, it also falls very short on investing in resilient infrastructure that would help communities withstand climate-related hazards, or assisted relocation from areas that will become uninhabitable regardless.

Dean Baker (2023-06-17). Will Biden's Industrial Policy Create a Lot More Moderna Billionaires? People routinely tout Biden's efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs as a way to rebuild the middle class and reduce inequality. Whatever the motives, there is not much reason to believe that it will have this effect. When the United States opened up its market to freer trade in manufactured goods, through trade deals like …

Michael Welch (2023-06-17). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens?

_____ (2023-06-17). Unequal confrontation between Vilnius and Beijing. At the end of April in Lithuania, one of the "major" NATO countries, the local Foreign Ministry initiated a conference on "NATO and the Indo-Pacific Region," where Vilnius tried to contribute to the unfolding confrontation with China in accordance with the trends set by the United States. It is noteworthy that the Baltic state stood […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Michelle Weinroth (2023-06-18). Say "No" to a Second Extradition for Hassan Diab.

JANET (2023-06-17). Red Square/Molotov Club: 'Stop NATO! Peace to the People!'. June 16, 2023 The following is a memorandum issued by the VI Annual Conference of the expert community "Red Square/Molotov Club," held May 24-25 in Moscow. Participants of the VI Annual Conference of the expert community "Red Square / Molotov Club" (hereinafter: "Community"), held with the organizational support of the news agency M.A.R.T.corp., in Moscow from May 24-25, 2023, declare: In the years since the V Annual Conference of the Community (2020), the world has been subjected to increasing instability and turbulence. Thus, the Peace Movement in different countries, as well as the left, socialist and communis… (2023-06-18). Xi sends congratulatory letter to 15th Straits Forum. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, sent a congratulatory letter to the 15th Straits Forum on Saturday.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-06-18). Exposing The CIA Connection In The 'Chinese Police Station' Narrative. For months, mainstream media across the Western world — in particular English-language outlets based in the constituent members of the 'Five Eyes' global spying network — have been rabidly awash with terrifying news of secret "Chinese police stations" operating the world over. | It is claimed these "stations" are unofficial, covert Chinese Communist Party (CPC) security and intelligence cells concealed in private businesses run by Chinese émigrés, such as restaurants. From behind benign facades, they surveil and harass pro-democracy ex-pats, among other nefarious activities.

WSWS (2023-06-17). Intensifying witch hunt over Radio New Zealand's "pro-Kremlin" Ukraine war reports. The manufactured furore presages a return to the reactionary atmosphere and methods of the 1950s anti-communist witch-hunts to prepare for a vast escalation of imperialist war abroad and class war at home.

thecommunists (2023-06-17). Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine? The recent announcement that Rishi Sunak's government would be providing first depleted uranium shells to Ukraine and then Storm Shadow long-range missiles represent two of the latest of examples of the British government's consistent and active efforts to escalate the war in Ukraine. It is doing so with zero concern for the lives of British …

2023-06-18 12:13:53 | 12:13 EST | tr | 51 | 6 | 35 | 18 | 0 

2023-06-17: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-06-17). Trump Boasts He Wanted To Take Venezuela's Oil After Overthrowing Its Government. Former US President Donald Trump gave a speech in which he boasted that he wanted to "take over" Venezuela and exploit its large oil reserves. | "When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would have taken it over; we would have gotten to all that oil; it would have been right next door", Trump said. | "But now we're buying oil from Venezuela. So we're making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this? Nobody can believe it", he added. | Trump made these remarks on June 10, at a speech for a convention organized by the North Carolina Republican Party. | The US government initiated a coup attempt against Ven… (2023-06-17). China plans raft of steps to boost growth. China will work further in implementing a raft of supportive measures to boost consumption, carry out the construction of major projects, and expedite the development of a modern industrial system to boost growth. (2023-06-17). China to promptly formulate policies to restore, expand consumption: top economic planner. China will promptly formulate policies that restore and expand consumption, continuously improve consumption environment, and release the potential of service consumption.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-17). SPIEF proves strength of Russian economy. St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 17 (Prensa Latina) State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Saturday said that the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) has proved that plans to isolate Russia and destroy its economy failed.

_____ (2023-06-16). Gee, Thanks America! U.S. Sanctions Make Russian Economy Stronger and Precipitate Multipolar World. The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have made the stronger. | Russia's economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies which held that Western sanctions would bring the Russian economy to its knees and force it to submissively "Cry Uncle". | When the conflict in Ukraine escalated 16 months ago (after eight years of NATO-sponsored aggression using the Kiev Neo-Nazi regime), various W…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-16). The West is a Dictatorship in Decline: Interview with Venezuela's Foreign Minister. Al Mayadeen Al Mayadeen interviewed Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil, asking him about various topics from the recent visit may by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to the country to the US sanctions stifling the Venezuelan economy. The interview aired Friday and saw the top Venezuelan diplomat talk about his country's people and its development despite the Western draconian…

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-17). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs.

Narges Neyazi, Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Alaa AbouZeid (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Non-communicable diseases in Afghanistan: a silent tsunami. Afghanistan is experiencing an untypical humanitarian crisis resulting from a chronic 40-year conflict and political upheavals. This crisis has led to a rapid economic collapse, inflation, drastic rises in poverty, hunger, and risk of malnutrition.1 Afghanistan is suffering from the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Outbreaks of many communicable diseases such as acute watery diarrhoea, measles, dengue fever, pertussis, and Crimean—Congo haemorrhagic fever in addition to COVID-19 have worsened the situation.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-06-17). Pitfalls of export-led growth. AFTER Sri Lanka and Pakistan, Bangladesh has become the third country in our neighbourhood to become afflicted by a serious economic crisis.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-06-17). Vladímir Putin interviene en Foro Económico de San Petersburgo. De acuerdo con medios internacionales, la intervención del mandatario está programada para las 11.00 GMT. (2023-06-17). Experts see steady FX in H2 on recovery outlook. China's foreign exchange market is more capable of maintaining steady performance in the second half of the year than in the past as a series of supportive policies are set to help economic recovery regain momentum.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-17). Putin: Russia Has More Nuclear Weapons Than All NATO Countries. © Sergey Bobylev/TASS | Russia will use its nuclear weapons only if faced with an existential threat, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on June 16. | Answering a question on his stance on using tactical, low-yield nuclear weapons as a deterrent, Putin stressed that his attitude about the idea of using such weapons was "negative" and pointed to Moscow's nuclear doctrine."Nuclear weapons are created to ensure our security in…

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-16). The Heat: Western Sanctions. More than a quarter of the world is under economic sanctions. But are they effective? And who bears the brunt of these measures? The United States and Western powers consider sanctions a diplomatic tool. Its targets consider sanctions economic blackmail, if not a form of …

_____ (2023-06-16). On the Real Importance of New Sino-Russian Economic Pacts. In March 2023, when China's President Xi visited Moscow, he told his Russian counterpart that the scope of the changes taking place in today's world is such that has not been "seen for 100 years." The pace and the scope of these changes — which we can understand in terms of a visible shift towards […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

teleSUR (2023-06-16). EVP Delcy Rodriguez Calls for Oil Market De-Dollarization. On Thursday, at the XXVI International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2023, Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, questioned the current international energy trade and called for the de-dollarization of the market. | Related: | During her speech at the forum, Rodríguez recalled the proposal of the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro "to have inter-regional trade in local currencies at the s…

teleSUR (2023-06-16). Venezuela: A New International Economic Order Key for WT. On Thursday, in Russia, on the XXVI ST. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2023, Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, said that the construction of a new international economic order is part of the key to the regionalization of world trade. | Related: | "The call is to de-dollarize international trade, the crude oil trade (…), we are already beginning to see Arab countries and Gulf countri…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-06-16). Russia has been available to new markets ¥ doors, says President Puti. St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina) Russia had been opening to Latin American, African and Asian markets' doors long before the war with Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin assured on Friday. (2023-06-17). Jobs stable in May, but youth still struggling. The unemployment rate remained stable in May, hovering around 5 percent, but younger job seekers still face a tough outlook with structural imbalances in the job market.

Phoebe Ashley-Norman, Jessamy Bagenal (2023-06-17). Perspectives] Political complicity in junk food industry tactics. Fear and opportunity partly underpin the tactics of the beverage and food industries. Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages, for instance, have fallen by about 25% during the past 20 years in many high-income countries (HICs). To counteract such a decrease in sales in HICs, companies have focused their attention on opportunities in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is the backdrop to Eduardo J Gómez's compelling book Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies, which looks at six country case studies from China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and S…

The Lancet (2023-06-17). Editorial] Rethinking our approach to refugees. The theme of 2023's World Refugee Day is hope away from home: a world in which refugees are always included. But regrettably, in several notably high-income countries such as the UK, parts of Europe, and the USA, the approach to refugees could not be further from inclusive, and instead is focused on externalisation, deterrence, containment, and return. It is time to rethink our approach to refugees, to move away from aggression, fear, and prejudice, and to uphold a shared responsibility towards protection and dignity.

Dominique Nuala Lucas, James H Bamber, Seema Quasim (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Perinatal outcomes and the role of obstetric anaesthesia interventions. The meta-analysis by Jameela Sheikh and colleagues1 identified that babies born to Black women had consistently poorer perinatal outcomes than babies born to White women after adjusting for maternal characteristics. Although they highlighted the complex multifactorial reasons behind this disparity, they did not specifically discuss the effect of intrapartum obstetric interventions. In a population-based study of 435‚Äà281 livebirths, Kearns and colleagues2 investigated the relationship between labour epidural analgesia and neonatal outcomes.

WSWS (2023-06-16). Australian Labor government's proposed labour hire reform will not stop rise of low-paid, insecure work. The government's "consultation paper" on "Same Job, Same Pay" makes clear that it will do little to limit the ability of businesses to use labour-hire and contracting arrangements to eliminate permanent jobs and entitlements, such as sick and annual leave.

thecommunists (2023-06-16). Communist message to Silk Mill rally: Ditch the Labour party! Download a copy of this leaflet as a pdf. The Derby lock-out of 1833-4 is considered to be one of the key moments in the development of a working-class identity in Britain. Led by the trade unions, it was the first practical national example of the workers seeking to wrestle back a degree of control … (2023-06-17). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. (2023-06-17). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate.

Labor Video Project (2023-06-17). On 2023 Juneteenth, ILWU10 Closes N.Ca Ports & Makes Actor Danny Glover An Honorary Member. On Juneteenth, ILWU Local 10 will close all ports in Northern California and make Danny Glover and honorary member of the Local. Retired ILWU Local 10 secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas talks about the history of Juneteenth and also the history of Danny Glover with the ILWU Local 10.

Working Films (2023-06-17). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

WSWS (2023-06-17). Striking film and television writers rally in New York's Times Square. Broadway artists, actors and singers showed their support for the writers, who face wage cuts, the casualization of their labor and the threat of artificial intelligence.

Amy Goodman (2023-06-16). Death of Track Star Tori Bowie Refocuses Nation on Black Maternal Health Crisis. Olympic track star Tori Bowie was eight months pregnant and in labor when she died on May 2, according to an autopsy. She was alone in her home at the time and may have suffered from respiratory distress and eclampsia, a rare but life-threatening pregnancy complication. Her baby also died. Bowie, a three-time Olympic medalist, was just 32 years old, and her death has led to an outpouring of grief… |

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-06-16). Labor Movement Means More Than Unions. Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, headlines have focused on union organizing victories at Starbucks and Amazon. But a recent New York Times story declaring "New York Delivery Workers Are Getting a Bump in Pay" reminds us that workers outside the union movement are part of the labor movement too. However important, unions are …

Eric A. Gordon (2023-06-16). LA County Federation of Labor backs Marisa Alcaraz for City Council. LOS ANGELES — In the aftermath of the infamous scandal last fall, when secretly taped conversations revealed the privately expressed racist attitudes of three Los Angeles City Council members, as well as the then leader of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, City Council President Nury Martinez, representing District 6, resigned. On April 4, …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-06-16). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Staff (2023-06-16). "Unacceptable": Olympic Track Star Tori Bowie's Death Highlights Black Maternal Health Crisis. Olympic track star Tori Bowie was eight months pregnant and in labor when she died on May 2, according to an autopsy. She was alone in her home at the time and may have suffered from respiratory distress and eclampsia, a rare but life-threatening pregnancy complication. Her baby also died. Bowie, a three-time Olympic medalist, was just 32 years old, and her death has led to an outpouring of grief and anger from friends and supporters who say it's part of a larger Black maternal health crisis. Across the United States, Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy and childbirth complications…

WSWS (2023-06-16). Australian Labor government slashes annual health budget by $11 billion. The Albanese government's latest budget deepened cuts to the crisis-ridden public health system, primarily by terminating COVID-19 safety measures, despite the ongoing pandemic.

Alex Press, Labor Notes. (2023-06-16). Will Plant Workers Strike For The Right To Strike Over Grievances? Erie, Pennsylvania – "What do you think of the company's contract proposals?" asked a man at the head of a contingent of workers marching through the mile-long, mile-wide Wabtec locomotive factory. | "F— you!" responded members of United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 506, their voices echoing off the walls. | A few blocks down at Irish Cousins, the bar across from the union hall, one patron's "How are you doing?" was answered by another with "Waiting on the word." | It was the afternoon of Friday, June 9, and 1,400 workers were preparing for the possibility that when their contract expired at midnight, they…

Dean Baker (2023-06-16). Biden's Restrictions on Oil Drilling Have Pushed Prices Back Up to Where They Were in the Bush Administration. For better or worse (worse in my view), President Biden has not done much to restrict drilling for new oil and gas. As a result, we are now producing more than when Donald Trump was in the White House. Nonetheless, there are still many people who want to blame Biden's restrictions for the high price …

Anonymous834 (2023-06-17). Biden Administration Uses New Definition Of 'Recession' So As To Hide America's Having Just Been In One. Written by Eric Zuesse. In a hearing by the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, on Tuesday June 13th, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-06-17). Latin America has leading role in French forum on financial pact. Paris, Jun 17 (Prensa Latina) Latin America and the Caribbean will have a significant presence of Heads of State and Government at the summit that Paris will host this month on a New Global Financial Pact, organizers announced today.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-16). Desperate Crowd Funding For Ukraine War? Israel To Make First Merkava Tank Sale. March 20, 2008. a Merkava tank during a training day held in the Golan Heights for the 188th Armored Brigade. Photography by Neil Cohen, IDF Spokesperson's Film Unit. | Israel is in talks to sell hundreds of its used Merkava main battle tanks to two countries, including one in Europe, head of the International Defense Cooperation Directorate in the Israeli Ministry of Defense revealed on June 15. | Yair Kulas told the Calcalist financial paper that his directorate, also known as SIB…

scorinoco (2023-06-16). Venezuela Strengthens Financial Ties with Russia Through Interbank Connections and Mir Card Integration. The president of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), Calixto Ortega Sánchez, has announced that the Venezuelan financial system has made significant progress in interbank connections between Russian and Venezuelan banks, as well as in the use of Russian Mir cards. | In statements to the Russian media Sputnik, the BCV chief explained that Venezuela has already completed the necessary technological modifications in order to be connected to the interbank messaging system of the Central Bank of Russia. | "This will allow a fluid communication to facilitate import and export transactions in our currencies: the bolíva…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-06-16). Dominicans urge to collect sargassum through a regional project. Santo Domingo, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina) Authorities, local and international experts proposed on Friday in the Dominican Republic to defuse the vast spread of sargassum by means of a regional project based on major researches and financial strategies.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-16). Israel To Make First Merkava Tank Sale To Two Countries, One Of Which Is European. March 20, 2008. a Merkava tank during a training day held in the Golan Heights for the 188th Armored Brigade. Photography by Neil Cohen, IDF Spokesperson's Film Unit. | Israel is in talks to sell hundreds of its used Merkava main battle tanks to two countries, including one in Europe, head of the International Defense Cooperation Directorate in the Israeli Ministry of Defense revealed on June 15. | Yair Kulas told the Calcalist financial paper that his directorate, also known as SIB…

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-06-16). Thanks to IRA tax credits, it's now cheaper to make solar and wind components in the US. "This report shows that the Inflation Reduction Act successfully creates an air-tight business case for supporting U.S. workers and manufacturers."

WSWS (2023-06-17). Germany: Train drivers union leader turns union into a temporary employment agency. The cooperative founded by the Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is a trap and marks a new low in the transformation of trade unions into tools of big corporations. (2023-06-17). BRI creates more than 3,000 projects, 420,000 jobs for participating countries in decade: ministry. A decade on since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced, it has galvanized nearly $1 trillion of investment globally and created more than 3,000 projects and 420,000 jobs for participating countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the daily press conference on Thursday.

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-06-16). Fossil Fuel Giant Suncor Chooses Shareholders Over Breathable Air. An oil refinery is poisoning the air in Colorado due to poor maintenance and inspection, according to a new report from federal environmental regulators. But instead of devoting money to deal with the problems, the refinery's owner, Suncor Energy, has massively increased payouts to shareholders — at the urging of one of the world's largest hedge funds.The case illustrates how Wall Street's investments in fossil fuels directly threatens the health of local residents and, in particular, vulnerable populations.The Canadian oil and gas giant Suncor has made headlines in recent years for a series of chemical re…

Anonymous765 (2023-06-16). Profiting From Dam Disaster, Kiev Attempts Attacks On Dniepr River. |

Brittani Banks (2023-06-16). Replacing the Capitalist Dream of AI-Driven Profits. Artificial intelligence (AI) and how it's going to change the world is a popular topic of conversation these days. There is concern that it will generate ever-more deceptive imagery that can upend people's lives or create propaganda that can fuel mass fear. There's the ultimate fear of human extinction from the increasingly sophisticated evolution of …

Drago Bosnic (2023-06-16). The Ukraine Counteroffensive has Stalled: Failures of Germany's 'Leopard 2' Battle Tanks.

infobrics (2023-06-16). US profits as German 'Leopard 2' tanks soon to 'reach' Moscow. Ever since the German armor's debacle, Washington DC and London have been strangely quiet about their previously boastful pledge to send the "Abrams" and "Challenger 2" MBTs. Especially now when German manufacturers are facing plummeting stocks and market share losses. We can only guess who will benefit the most from filling the gap.

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-17). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

cameron orr (2023-06-16). Marxist IQ: a Juneteenth primer. This Marxist IQ celebrates Juneteenth, a day marking the historic struggle that ended racialized chattel slavery in the U.S., demonstrating the role of the slaves in emancipating themselves. W.E.B. DuBois said a turning point in the Civil War was achieved when there was a general strike of the enslaved Black population. 2023 marks the …

Carlos L. Garrido (2023-06-16). Book Launch Presentation: The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism. By Carlos L. Garrido — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Carlos Garrido's presentation at the book launch of recent book, The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism. | In an 1875

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-16). Yuri Bezmenov: The four stages of Marxist ideological subversion. In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984, former KGB informant and Soviet journalist Yuri Bezmenov discussed the four stages of "ideological subversion" created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken …

Fight Back (2023-06-16). Book review: "The Revolutionary Science of Marxism-Leninism" is all about theory to transform the world. Minneapolis, MN — The Revolutionary Science of Marxism-Leninism, published by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, is a concise and fantastic book detailing the fundamentals of Marxism. Written by J. Sykes, the book is an excellent introduction for those looking to learn the science of revolution, the history, methods and outlook of scientific socialism. It breaks down complex questions of philosophy, organizing and others into easily understandable terms, making it good for beginners and an excellent primer for those who already have a grasp on Marxism-Leninism and are looking to sharpen their understa…

jacobin (2023-06-16). A Marxist Just Became the Head of Austria's Social Democratic Party. Andreas Babler, a Marxist who has described the EU as a worse military alliance than NATO, is the new head of Austria's Social Democratic Party.

Pamela Haines, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-06-17). The Childcare Movement Is Rediscovering Its Power. Last month, hundreds of childcare workers, families and children gathered in front of City Hall in Philadelphia for a Day without Childcare and a demand for better wages. It was a rousing, passionate event. A lead organizer of the event — and a third-generation childcare provider — Shineal Hunter, was thrilled. "This is a grassroots effort," she said. "It's just a beginning, a starting point to educate as many providers, parents and stakeholders and get them to jump on board. This whole opportunity is allowing me to see how much power we have to make change happen. We just have to join together and sp…

WSWS (2023-06-16). Wall Street demands cuts at Yellow Corp as contract negotiations with Teamsters stall. Yellow's investors are demanding further cuts to jobs and wages as the company faces bankruptcy with $1.6 billion in debt.

Jesse Carpentier (2023-06-17). Insurance industry refuses policies to those most in need as climate change unfolds. Capitalism not only lacks a clear plan to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, it also falls very short on investing in resilient infrastructure that would help communities withstand climate-related hazards, or assisted relocation from areas that will become uninhabitable regardless.

Bruce Lerro (2023-06-16). Promethean City Builders vs Finance Capital Malthusians. Orientation Summary of Part I In Part I of this article, I contrasted the differences between rising Multipolarism with a declining Anglo-American empire. Taking the side of the multipolarists of the East, I identified Lyndon LaRouche as someone who bridged the gap between East and West. His concept of "The American system" defends the Enlightenment …

Editor (2023-06-16). Don't Be Fooled by Rainbow Capitalism, Says Legendary Black Trans Activist.

Michael Welch (2023-06-17). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens?

Kari Polanyi Levitt (2023-06-16). June 14, Kari's 100th Birthday: The Importance of Karl Polanyi's Analysis to Understanding Current Neoliberalism. First published on May 20th, 2016 | Laissez faire was planned, explained Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation: The origins of the market system go back to the intentional project of institutional transformation initiated in England in the 19th century, establishing …

Chris Hedges (2023-06-16). Cornel West's presidential candidacy is 'for the least of these'. Dr. Cornel West is running for president. In a wide-ranging conversation on The Chris Hedges Report, West lays out a political vision centering "the least of these." Rejecting the corporate duopoly and its two wings—a neofascist Republican party, and the neoliberal Democrats—West calls for a multiracial alliance of poor and working people against militarism, corporatism, racism, and all other forms of bigotry and oppression. | Editor's Note: Since the time this interview was recorded, Dr. Cornel West has announced his intention to seek the Green Party nomination for presidential candidate, rathe…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-16). WHO warns of unequal access to morphine for medical use. Geneva, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina) The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new report on access to morphine for medical use, which describes how the global distribution of morphine, as a vital pain medicine, is unequal and does not fulfil the medical need.

Bill Blum (2023-06-16). Unequal Justice: The Supreme Court's Ruling on Voting Rights Is Not as Good as It Seems. At first glance, the Court's ruling in Allen v. Milligan, released on June 8, appears to be a far-reaching victory for voting rights. But it's always important to read the fine print.

WSWS (2023-06-16). For a socialist movement against war! Vote the IYSSE into Humboldt University's student parliament on July 4! The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is standing five candidates in this year's Student Parliament (StuPa) elections at Berlin's Humboldt University. The following is the IYSSE election manifesto.

WSWS (2023-06-17). Intensifying witch hunt over Radio New Zealand's "pro-Kremlin" Ukraine war reports. The manufactured furore presages a return to the reactionary atmosphere and methods of the 1950s anti-communist witch-hunts to prepare for a vast escalation of imperialist war abroad and class war at home. (2023-06-17). Xi sends congratulatory letter to 15th Straits Forum. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, sent a congratulatory letter to the 15th Straits Forum on Saturday.

thecommunists (2023-06-17). Why is Britain so set on escalating the war in Ukraine? The recent announcement that Rishi Sunak's government would be providing first depleted uranium shells to Ukraine and then Storm Shadow long-range missiles represent two of the latest of examples of the British government's consistent and active efforts to escalate the war in Ukraine. It is doing so with zero concern for the lives of British …

cameron orr (2023-06-16). Oklahoma Communists say there's no pride in McCarthyism. Citing a 1955 law that declared the Communist Party illegal in the state of Oklahoma, organizers of Oklahoma City Pride blocked local Reds from having a booth alongside other community organizations and corporate sponsors at this year's "Pride on 39th" festival. "We have reviewed your application and have found that Title 21, Section 1266.1 …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-06-16). President Diaz-Canel assesses recovery in Cuban central province. Alongside with the Secretary of Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) Roberto Morales, the Cuban leader held a meeting with local authorities of the most affected sectors, in which he ordered that families in vulnerable situations must be top-priority. | Diaz-Canel pointed out that producing construction materials should be increased based on the territory's potentiality, and urged to update the disaster reduction plans.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-16). Legendary whistleblower and anti-war activist Daniel Ellsberg passes at 92. Daniel Ellsberg, the whistleblower who made history in 1971 by releasing the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret study of the US military's invasion of Vietnam, passed away peacefully in his home in California on June 16. | The Pentagon Papers, a report prepared by the US government, revealed that the US state had lied to its people about the scope of the Vietnam War. The US had not bombed and invaded Vietnam to save the Vietnamese from communism, the papers revealed. | The New York Times was the first major newspaper to publish the papers, but others of its standing followed suit shortly after. The massive revelations…

2023-06-17 11:19:48 | 11:19 EST | tr | 75 | 0 | 50 | 32 | 0 

2023-06-16: News Headlines (2023-06-16). China plans raft of steps to boost growth. China will work further in implementing a raft of supportive measures to boost consumption, carry out the construction of major projects, and expedite the development of a modern industrial system to boost growth. (2023-06-16). China to promptly formulate policies to restore, expand consumption: top economic planner. China will promptly formulate policies that restore and expand consumption, continuously improve consumption environment, and release the potential of service consumption.

Anonymous834 (2023-06-16). Biden Proposes "Israel Model" For Ukraine Instead Of NATO Membership. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | The Biden administration is considering proposing an "Israel model" for Ukraine in NATO. This deal would be a limited commitment and would not include a guarantee of collective defence. At the same time, media reports indicate that the White House is committed to providing more military aid to Ukraine, regardless of the outcome of its counteroffensive, which is evidently failing. | Acc… (2023-06-16). Honduras notifies Taiwan DPP authorities of end to FTA. Honduras has officially notified the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities in the island of Taiwan that it will end a free trade agreement (FTA) with the island in six months.

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-15). The Heat: U.S. Interest Rates. After ten consecutive interest rate hikes, the U.S. Federal Reserve hits the pause button. We'll discuss what the decision means for the U.S. economy and its global impact. For the first time in over a year, the U.S. Federal Reserve said it would hold its …

Narges Neyazi, Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad, Alaa AbouZeid (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Non-communicable diseases in Afghanistan: a silent tsunami. Afghanistan is experiencing an untypical humanitarian crisis resulting from a chronic 40-year conflict and political upheavals. This crisis has led to a rapid economic collapse, inflation, drastic rises in poverty, hunger, and risk of malnutrition.1 Afghanistan is suffering from the double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Outbreaks of many communicable diseases such as acute watery diarrhoea, measles, dengue fever, pertussis, and Crimean—Congo haemorrhagic fever in addition to COVID-19 have worsened the situation.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-06-16). Vladímir Putin interviene en Foro Económico de San Petersburgo. De acuerdo con medios internacionales, la intervención del mandatario está programada para las 11.00 GMT.

Christoph Butterwegge (2023-06-16). Homelessness: Structural Violence in a Rich Country. The causes can be found in present social structures, prevailing property relations and mounting socio-economic crisis phenomena. Nowhere does the capitalist economic system fail so blatantly as in the supply of living space since apartments in Germany are treated like sausages, wall tapestries and throwaway handkerchiefs. (2023-06-16). Experts see steady FX in H2 on recovery outlook. China's foreign exchange market is more capable of maintaining steady performance in the second half of the year than in the past as a series of supportive policies are set to help economic recovery regain momentum.

teleSUR (2023-06-16). EVP Delcy Rodriguez Calls for Oil Market De-Dollarization. On Thursday, at the XXVI International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2023, Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, questioned the current international energy trade and called for the de-dollarization of the market. | Related: | During her speech at the forum, Rodríguez recalled the proposal of the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro "to have inter-regional trade in local currencies at the s…

teleSUR (2023-06-16). Venezuela: A New International Economic Order Key for WT. On Thursday, in Russia, on the XXVI ST. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2023, Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, said that the construction of a new international economic order is part of the key to the regionalization of world trade. | Related: | "The call is to de-dollarize international trade, the crude oil trade (…), we are already beginning to see Arab countries and Gulf countri…

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-16). The Heat: Western Sanctions. More than a quarter of the world is under economic sanctions. But are they effective? And who bears the brunt of these measures? The United States and Western powers consider sanctions a diplomatic tool. Its targets consider sanctions economic blackmail, if not a form of … (2023-06-15). Experts call for new round of stimulus. It is now the right time for China to roll out a new round of economic stimulus, with private investment a key focus, as faltering recovery momentum has intensified employment pressures while the United States has paused interest rate hikes… (2023-06-16). Industry reposes confidence in Russia's economic recovery. The 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, being held under the theme "Sovereign Development as the Basis of a Just World: Joining Forces for Future Generations", opened on Wednesday. (2023-06-16). Support for exports, consumption to sustain growth momentum. China should step up policy support to shore up exports and boost domestic consumption for sustaining growth and economic recovery amid multiple headwinds including stubbornly high inflation abroad and shrinking external demand.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-06-16). Venezuela destaca construcción de nuevo orden económico internacional. "El llamado es a desdolarizar el comercio internacional, el comercio del crudo", precisó en el XXVI Foro Económico Internacional (SPIEF).

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-06-16). Presidente iraní resalta cooperación económica con Cuba. El mandatario destacó que la industria de la biotecnología constituye un ejemplo de la cooperación entre ambos países.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-06-16). Premier cubano participa en Foro Económico de San Petersburgo. Según el Gobierno cubano, Marrero trató el desarrollo sostenible en sus tres dimensiones: económica, social y ambiental.

teleSUR (2023-06-15). Conviasa's Caracas-Havana-Moscow Route Begins June 16. The Venezuelan Minister of Transport, Ramón Celestino Velázquez, affirmed this Friday that the new Caracas-Havana-Moscow air route of Venezuelan airline Conviasa will contribute to a greater strengthening of tourism ties in the region. | RELATED: | At the Russia-Latin America session of the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the minister said that "now we are going to have weekly flights, which are going to connect so many sister co…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-06-15). Behind the Unrest in Senegal: Economic Distress and the Shifting Character of Global Politics.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-16). Saturday 6/24: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite. (2023-06-16). Jobs stable in May, but youth still struggling. The unemployment rate remained stable in May, hovering around 5 percent, but younger job seekers still face a tough outlook with structural imbalances in the job market.

Phoebe Ashley-Norman, Jessamy Bagenal (2023-06-17). Perspectives] Political complicity in junk food industry tactics. Fear and opportunity partly underpin the tactics of the beverage and food industries. Sales of sugar-sweetened beverages, for instance, have fallen by about 25% during the past 20 years in many high-income countries (HICs). To counteract such a decrease in sales in HICs, companies have focused their attention on opportunities in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is the backdrop to Eduardo J Gómez's compelling book Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies, which looks at six country case studies from China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, and S…

The Lancet (2023-06-17). Editorial] Rethinking our approach to refugees. The theme of 2023's World Refugee Day is hope away from home: a world in which refugees are always included. But regrettably, in several notably high-income countries such as the UK, parts of Europe, and the USA, the approach to refugees could not be further from inclusive, and instead is focused on externalisation, deterrence, containment, and return. It is time to rethink our approach to refugees, to move away from aggression, fear, and prejudice, and to uphold a shared responsibility towards protection and dignity.

Dominique Nuala Lucas, James H Bamber, Seema Quasim (2023-06-17). Correspondence] Perinatal outcomes and the role of obstetric anaesthesia interventions. The meta-analysis by Jameela Sheikh and colleagues1 identified that babies born to Black women had consistently poorer perinatal outcomes than babies born to White women after adjusting for maternal characteristics. Although they highlighted the complex multifactorial reasons behind this disparity, they did not specifically discuss the effect of intrapartum obstetric interventions. In a population-based study of 435‚Äà281 livebirths, Kearns and colleagues2 investigated the relationship between labour epidural analgesia and neonatal outcomes.

thecommunists (2023-06-16). Communist message to Silk Mill rally: Ditch the Labour party! Download a copy of this leaflet as a pdf. The Derby lock-out of 1833-4 is considered to be one of the key moments in the development of a working-class identity in Britain. Led by the trade unions, it was the first practical national example of the workers seeking to wrestle back a degree of control …

WSWS (2023-06-16). Australian Labor government's proposed labour hire reform will not stop rise of low-paid, insecure work. The government's "consultation paper" on "Same Job, Same Pay" makes clear that it will do little to limit the ability of businesses to use labour-hire and contracting arrangements to eliminate permanent jobs and entitlements, such as sick and annual leave.

Eric A. Gordon (2023-06-16). LA County Federation of Labor backs Marisa Alcaraz for City Council. LOS ANGELES — In the aftermath of the infamous scandal last fall, when secretly taped conversations revealed the privately expressed racist attitudes of three Los Angeles City Council members, as well as the then leader of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, City Council President Nury Martinez, representing District 6, resigned. On April 4, …

Working Films (2023-06-16). Working Films and National Labor Leaders Announce Short Film Fund to Support Worker-Led Organizing. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

Amy Goodman (2023-06-16). Death of Track Star Tori Bowie Refocuses Nation on Black Maternal Health Crisis. Olympic track star Tori Bowie was eight months pregnant and in labor when she died on May 2, according to an autopsy. She was alone in her home at the time and may have suffered from respiratory distress and eclampsia, a rare but life-threatening pregnancy complication. Her baby also died. Bowie, a three-time Olympic medalist, was just 32 years old, and her death has led to an outpouring of grief… |

Alex Press, Labor Notes. (2023-06-16). Will Plant Workers Strike For The Right To Strike Over Grievances? Erie, Pennsylvania – "What do you think of the company's contract proposals?" asked a man at the head of a contingent of workers marching through the mile-long, mile-wide Wabtec locomotive factory. | "F— you!" responded members of United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 506, their voices echoing off the walls. | A few blocks down at Irish Cousins, the bar across from the union hall, one patron's "How are you doing?" was answered by another with "Waiting on the word." | It was the afternoon of Friday, June 9, and 1,400 workers were preparing for the possibility that when their contract expired at midnight, they… (2023-06-15). Flame lit for Asian Games as 100-day countdown starts. The flame for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, was lit in an elaborate ceremony on Thursday, marking the start of the 100-day countdown to the opening of the sporting extravaganza. (2023-06-15). Gates Foundation renews partnership on global health. The Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation announced on Thursday a renewed collaboration with the Beijing municipal government and Tsinghua University to support the Global Health Drug Discovery Institute in its efforts to improve health outcomes worldwide through lifesaving therapies for infectious diseases. (2023-06-16). Renewable energy should not be 'next semiconductor' in U.S.-China competition: experts. A commentary published on Wednesday by the Brookings Institution pointed out that preventing U.S.-China clean tech collaboration from turning into the "next semiconductor" is vital for the fate of a planet facing increasing climate challenges. (2023-06-16). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. (2023-06-16). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate.

krish-rad_ind (2023-06-16). Will Erie Locomotive Plant Workers Strike for the Right to Strike over Grievances?

teleSUR, JDO (2023-06-16). Jurista brasileño destaca labor del MST para ampliar derechos. Rechaza que se intente criminalizar al movimiento de Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra. Insta a que se aplique la reforma agraria.

Working Films (2023-06-16). WORKING FILMS AND NATIONAL LABOR LEADERS ANNOUNCE SHORT FILM FUND TO SUPPORT WORKER-LED OR. Working Films, in collaboration with Amazon Labor Union, North Carolina AFL-CIO, Starbucks Workers United, Union of Southern Service Workers, and United Farm Workers, are issuing a call for short films to amplify workers seeking to have their voices heard.

WSWS (2023-06-16). Australian Labor government slashes annual health budget by $11 billion. The Albanese government's latest budget deepened cuts to the crisis-ridden public health system, primarily by terminating COVID-19 safety measures, despite the ongoing pandemic.

WSWS (2023-06-16). Australian Labor government's budget reduces annual health budget by $11 billion. The Albanese government's latest budget deepened cuts to the crisis-ridden public health system, primarily by terminating COVID-19 safety measures, despite the ongoing pandemic.

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-06-15). Venezuela: Metalworkers Demand Labor Rights, No More Protest Criminalization. Workers from Venezuela's industries are rallying for better pay and calling for the release of detained union leaders.

Akbar Rafsanjani (2023-06-15). Indonesia's Jokowi targets labor rights in the name of 'job creation'. (2023-06-16). Experts call for more eased policies in realty. Major Chinese cities saw new home prices in May grow at a slower pace than the previous month and pre-owned home prices dip month-on-month, triggering market expectations of more policy optimization.

Natalia Marques (2023-06-15). Millions of people in the US ration medicine as Big Pharma fights to keep prices high. A new CDC study shows that 9 million people are trying to save money by rationing medication, as pharmaceutical giants rally against price checks…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-06-16). Dominicans urge to collect sargassum through a regional project. Santo Domingo, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina) Authorities, local and international experts proposed on Friday in the Dominican Republic to defuse the vast spread of sargassum by means of a regional project based on major researches and financial strategies.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-16). Desperate Crowd Funding For Ukraine War? Israel To Make First Merkava Tank Sale. March 20, 2008. a Merkava tank during a training day held in the Golan Heights for the 188th Armored Brigade. Photography by Neil Cohen, IDF Spokesperson's Film Unit. | Israel is in talks to sell hundreds of its used Merkava main battle tanks to two countries, including one in Europe, head of the International Defense Cooperation Directorate in the Israeli Ministry of Defense revealed on June 15. | Yair Kulas told the Calcalist financial paper that his directorate, also known as SIB…

Anonymous669 (2023-06-16). Israel To Make First Merkava Tank Sale To Two Countries, One Of Which Is European. March 20, 2008. a Merkava tank during a training day held in the Golan Heights for the 188th Armored Brigade. Photography by Neil Cohen, IDF Spokesperson's Film Unit. | Israel is in talks to sell hundreds of its used Merkava main battle tanks to two countries, including one in Europe, head of the International Defense Cooperation Directorate in the Israeli Ministry of Defense revealed on June 15. | Yair Kulas told the Calcalist financial paper that his directorate, also known as SIB…

scorinoco (2023-06-16). Venezuela Strengthens Financial Ties with Russia Through Interbank Connections and Mir Card Integration. The president of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), Calixto Ortega Sánchez, has announced that the Venezuelan financial system has made significant progress in interbank connections between Russian and Venezuelan banks, as well as in the use of Russian Mir cards. | In statements to the Russian media Sputnik, the BCV chief explained that Venezuela has already completed the necessary technological modifications in order to be connected to the interbank messaging system of the Central Bank of Russia. | "This will allow a fluid communication to facilitate import and export transactions in our currencies: the bolíva…

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-06-16). Thanks to IRA tax credits, it's now cheaper to make solar and wind components in the US. "This report shows that the Inflation Reduction Act successfully creates an air-tight business case for supporting U.S. workers and manufacturers."

Andrew Korybko (2023-06-15). What's Behind The UN's Double Standards Towards The Suspension Of Aid In Ethiopia & Myanmar? If the UN truly had innocent intentions, then it couldn't in good conscience punish 20 million Ethiopians by cutting off their food aid while then complaining about Myanmar suspending their aid operations to one million people in that country. | The UN's World Food Program suspended aid to Ethiopia after USAID did the same in response to the alleged theft of these resources, which a government spokesperson (2023-06-16). BRI creates more than 3,000 projects, 420,000 jobs for participating countries in decade: ministry. A decade on since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced, it has galvanized nearly $1 trillion of investment globally and created more than 3,000 projects and 420,000 jobs for participating countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the daily press conference on Thursday.

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-06-16). Fossil Fuel Giant Suncor Chooses Shareholders Over Breathable Air. An oil refinery is poisoning the air in Colorado due to poor maintenance and inspection, according to a new report from federal environmental regulators. But instead of devoting money to deal with the problems, the refinery's owner, Suncor Energy, has massively increased payouts to shareholders — at the urging of one of the world's largest hedge funds.The case illustrates how Wall Street's investments in fossil fuels directly threatens the health of local residents and, in particular, vulnerable populations.The Canadian oil and gas giant Suncor has made headlines in recent years for a series of chemical re… (2023-06-15). FDI sees small jump from Jan-May. Foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland in terms of actual use nudged up 0.1 percent year-on-year to 574.81 billion yuan (about $80.16 billion) during the January-May period, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. (2023-06-16). AIIB widely recognized, Beijing says. Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin dismissed Ottawa's criticism of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on Thursday and said the Beijing-headquartered bank enjoys a widely recognized reputation as an employer with staff members coming from 65 countries and economies.

Fight Back (2023-06-16). Book review: "The Revolutionary Science of Marxism-Leninism" is all about theory to transform the world. Minneapolis, MN — The Revolutionary Science of Marxism-Leninism, published by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, is a concise and fantastic book detailing the fundamentals of Marxism. Written by J. Sykes, the book is an excellent introduction for those looking to learn the science of revolution, the history, methods and outlook of scientific socialism. It breaks down complex questions of philosophy, organizing and others into easily understandable terms, making it good for beginners and an excellent primer for those who already have a grasp on Marxism-Leninism and are looking to sharpen their understa…

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-06-16). Saturday 6/17: Marxist Transgender Liberation and LGBTQ Rights in Actually Existing Socialist Countries. San Jose Peace & Justice Center (48 S 7th St #101, San Jose, CA 95112)…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-16). Yuri Bezmenov: The four stages of Marxist ideological subversion. In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984, former KGB informant and Soviet journalist Yuri Bezmenov discussed the four stages of "ideological subversion" created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken …

Carlos L. Garrido (2023-06-16). Book Launch Presentation: The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism. By Carlos L. Garrido — Jun 13, 2023 | This is a transcript from Carlos Garrido's presentation at the book launch of recent book, The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism. | In an 1875

jacobin (2023-06-16). A Marxist Just Became the Head of Austria's Social Democratic Party. Andreas Babler, a Marxist who has described the EU as a worse military alliance than NATO, is the new head of Austria's Social Democratic Party.

WSWS (2023-06-16). Wall Street demands cuts at Yellow Corp as contract negotiations with Teamsters stall. Yellow's investors are demanding further cuts to jobs and wages as the company faces bankruptcy with $1.6 billion in debt.

Bruce Lerro (2023-06-16). Promethean City Builders vs Finance Capital Malthusians. Orientation Summary of Part I In Part I of this article, I contrasted the differences between rising Multipolarism with a declining Anglo-American empire. Taking the side of the multipolarists of the East, I identified Lyndon LaRouche as someone who bridged the gap between East and West. His concept of "The American system" defends the Enlightenment …

Editor (2023-06-16). Don't Be Fooled by Rainbow Capitalism, Says Legendary Black Trans Activist. (2023-06-16). Policies to spur industrial internet. China will draft new policies to promote the development of the industrial internet — a tech frontier in which all major economies are scrambling to establish a beachhead — as it is widely seen as a cornerstone of the fourth industrial revolution.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-06-16). Temperaturas en 11 primeros días de junio rompen récord global. También la temperatura media del aire en la superficie del planeta superó nivel preindustrial en más de 1,5 grados Celsius.

Hannah Gais, Alon Milwicki, R.G. Cravens (2023-06-15). How a Whites-Only Group Plans To Turn Rural Tennessee Into Its Homeland. Members of a whites-only group with extensive ties to the white power movement have purchased a nearly 70-acre property in central Tennessee that they intend to use as a self-described "headquarters," a Hatewatch investigation found.

Anonymous669 (2023-06-15). Netherlands To Purchase Advanced Passive Radar Systems For Ukraine. VERA-NG radar by the ERA company | On June 14, the Ministry of Defence of the Netherlands announced that it will purchase VERA-NG passive surveillance systems for Ukraine. | The press service of the ministry said that four systems will be purchased for ‚Ǩ150 million. The ministry didn't clarify if the systems will be purchased directly from the manufacturer, Czech defense contractor ERA, or from one of the countries currently operating the VERA-NG. | The system wa…

Chris Hedges (2023-06-16). Cornel West's presidential candidacy is 'for the least of these'. Dr. Cornel West is running for president. In a wide-ranging conversation on The Chris Hedges Report, West lays out a political vision centering "the least of these." Rejecting the corporate duopoly and its two wings—a neofascist Republican party, and the neoliberal Democrats—West calls for a multiracial alliance of poor and working people against militarism, corporatism, racism, and all other forms of bigotry and oppression. | Editor's Note: Since the time this interview was recorded, Dr. Cornel West has announced his intention to seek the Green Party nomination for presidential candidate, rathe…

Bill Blum (2023-06-16). Unequal Justice: The Supreme Court's Ruling on Voting Rights Is Not as Good as It Seems. At first glance, the Court's ruling in Allen v. Milligan, released on June 8, appears to be a far-reaching victory for voting rights. But it's always important to read the fine print. (2023-06-16). Kohei Saito: Why we need an ecosocialist future.

WSWS (2023-06-16). For a socialist movement against war! Vote the IYSSE into Humboldt University's student parliament on July 4! The International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) is standing five candidates in this year's Student Parliament (StuPa) elections at Berlin's Humboldt University. The following is the IYSSE election manifesto.

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2023-06-15: News Headlines (2023-06-15). China's economy continues recovery. China's economy continued to recover in May with continuous advancement in economic upgrading, but the foundation of economic recovery remains "not yet solid", the National Bureau of Statistics said on Thursday.

Anand Naidoo (2023-06-15). The Heat: U.S. Interest Rates. After ten consecutive interest rate hikes, the U.S. Federal Reserve hits the pause button. We'll discuss what the decision means for the U.S. economy and its global impact. For the first time in over a year, the U.S. Federal Reserve said it would hold its … (2023-06-15). China's jobless rate for youth of 16-24 years old hits 20.8% in May: NBS. China's surveyed unemployment rate among the 16-24 years age group hit a new high in May, but employment situation has remained stable benefitting from "targeted supportive measures" as the economy continues to recover. (2023-06-15). China, U.S. need to promote stable relations. China and the United States should promote the sound and stable growth of bilateral economic and trade relations, so as to inject more positive energy for a stable world economy, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. (2023-06-15). China's non-financial ODI rises. China's non-financial outbound direct investment continued to register double-digit growth in the first five months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

unitedEditor (2023-06-15). A return to the economy of borrowing would lead to catastrophe. By Recep Eràßin After an intense election marathon, Türkiye focused on the economy. The question mark on the minds after the selection of the economic management by President Erdoƒüan is whether the Turkish Economic Model will be abandoned or not! Türkiye experienced a "bright" period with the IMF policies implemented after the 2000s. When we …

Anonymous834 (2023-06-14). German FM Slammed My Brazilian Internet Users For Comments On Ukraine. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was severely criticised on Brazilian social media for saying during her official visit to Brazil that poor mothers in the Latin American country do not care about international conflicts because they focus "on the price of rice and beans in the supermarket." | During her speech at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Sà£o Paulo, Baerbock sugg…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-14). Philippines, Portugal to agree to fight ASF. Manila, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez on Wednesday lauded Portugal's decision to help the country fight African Swine Fever (ASF), saying that it would be a big boost to the economy. (2023-06-14). China expands Africa investment to boost trade cooperation. China will expand investment in Africa with various measures in a bid to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between the two sides, Chinese officials said on Tuesday. (2023-06-15). PBOC ramp cuts ket policy interest rate. The People's Bank of China, the country' central bank, cut a key policy interest rate benchmark by 10 basis points on Thursday, the first cut since August 2022, in a sign that policymakers are ramping up efforts to support economic recovery.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-06-15). Inicia 26 Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo. En este evento las empresas, además de la firma de acuerdos, llaman la atención de los asistentes con proyectos originales en sus "stands". (2023-06-15). Beijing to cover assisted reproduction in healthcare. Beijing on Thursday announced that 16 assisted reproduction technologies will be covered by the city's healthcare system from July 1, which is expected to relieve the economic burden of couples receiving these treatments.

Dedrick Asante-Muhammad (2023-06-14). The Boldest Step To Close the Racial Wealth Divide in Generations. Juneteenth celebrates the end of chattel slavery in the United States. But over 150 years later, discriminatory public policies have prevented African Americans from closing the racial wealth divide in this country they helped build. | Policy created that divide — and policy can close it. | One state is showing how to move forward in advancing racial economic equality. This year, Connecticut is launching the country's first "Baby Bond" program. | This program will invest $3,200 for every baby born into poverty in the state. The bonds are projected to grow to between $10,000 and $24,000 in value, depending o…

Staff (2023-06-14). Iran's President in Caracas: 'Imperialism Is in Decline'. On Tuesday, June 13, a meeting of Venezuelan youth in solidarity with the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, was held in the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas. The Iranian president called for building the new world that empowers independent and sovereign nations. "Imperialism is in decline," he said. | President Ebrahim Raisi explained, that conditions must be created to ensure that all countries can create their own economic models. | The Iranian head of state congratulated the Venezuelan people for heroically resisting the difficulties that world imperialism has imposed on them. Accordin…

WSWS (2023-06-14). 7,200 British Columbia dockworkers vote to strike, as US workers disrupt West Coast ports. A joint struggle of Canadian and American West Coast longshore workers would quickly cripple economic activity in North America's twin imperialist powers and disrupt the transportation networks that are being used to provision the US/NATO war on Russia.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-06-14). Relationships and Organizing. In this episode we talk about the lack of true connection and humanity within organizing, and the need for developing true relations with the most oppressed and organizing towards their political, social, and economic control to be vested in their own hands!

teleSUR (2023-06-14). St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Opens in Russia. The 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) kicked off on Wednesday at the Expo forum exhibition center in St. Petersburg, Russia. | RELATED: | The forum will be attended by more than 17,000 people from some 130 countries and territories, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. | SPIEF 2023 ends next Saturday, June 17, under the main theme, "Sovereign Development as the Foundation of a Just World: Join…

teleSUR (2023-06-14). Russia and Cuba Agree on Anti-Blockade Cooperation Agenda. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero agreed on a bilateral cooperation agenda that will allow Cuba to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the U.S. blockade. | RELATED: | "We will do everything possible so that our economic cooperation helps to overcome the difficulties caused from abroad," Putin said, specifying that bilateral cooperation prioritize issues related to energy and tourism. | "You know that we hav…

teleSUR (2023-06-14). Russia and India Aim to Reach $50 Billion in Trade in 2023. The India-Russia Business Forum was held on Wednesday on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum ( SPIEF). | RELATED: | The participants discussed the efforts the governments of India and Russia are taking to overcome transport and logistics problems, prospects of setting up a joint banking and financial structure to support the bilateral trade potential, and high-priority areas of coope…

teleSUR (2023-06-14). WB Approves Loan to The Philippines, Environment and Climate. On Wednesday, the World Bank (WB) said that it has approved a 750 million U.S. dollars loan to finance The Philippines' programs to boost environmental protection and climate resilience due to the Southeast Asian country intentions of accelerating its economic recovery and promoting long-term economic growth. | Related: | "The Philippines First Sustainable Recovery Development Police Loan supports ongoing government reforms t… (2023-06-14). Trade expo returns off line at end-June. The 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, scheduled to run from June 29 to July 2, will serve as an important mechanism for boosting China-Africa business cooperation and promoting high-level opening-up. (2023-06-15). Experts sanguine on A-share performance. With more supportive policies to be expected later this year, confidence in A shares will be boosted and China's capital markets overall can expect more long-term improvements, experts said.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-15). Saturday 6/24: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

WSWS (2023-06-14). El-Sisi dictatorship plunges Egyptians into poverty, steps up repression. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who overthrew the elected government of Muslim Brotherhood affiliated President Mohammed Morsi in a bloody coup in July 2013, has ruled the country with an iron fist ever since.

Conor Gallagher, Naked Capitalism. (2023-06-15). What's Behind The US-Driven Reforms Coming To The World Bank? Change is coming to the World Bank. While not expected to be formalized until October, it looks like the two big shifts will involve climate change and a bigger emphasis on middle income countries. It's difficult to predict exactly how the new mission will play out, but one thing is clear: the efforts are being driven by the desire to counter/thwart Beijing's expanding global influence. Both Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan devoted chunks of their big China speeches in April to the subject. And it looks like the reforms will go hand in hand with pushing the debunked narr…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). A record 110 million across the globe are forcibly displaced, says UNHCR report. The report claims that today, one in every 74 people is displaced due to reasons ranging from war and conflict to climate change. Contrary to the rhetoric of refugees flooding Europe, the majority of them (over 76%) is being hosted by middle or low income countries…

Ali Abunimah (2023-06-14). Official broke rules by smearing Asa Winstanley, EU admits. Johannes Bà∂rmann falsely claimed EI editor was expelled from Labour for anti-Semitism.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-06-14). In Canada, the strike wave is winning workers real gains. From May 8-12, the 30th Constitutional Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress took place in Montréal. Reporting for Working People and The Real News Network, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez attended the convention and spoke with a number of rank-and-file workers, organizers, and union officers about the state of the labor movement in Canada. | In Part 1 of our two-part dispatch from the CLC, we talk to: Emily Leedham, the Prairie Reporter for PressProgress and editor of Shift Work, PressProgress' weekly national labour newsletter; Guy Smith, president of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employee…

Andrew Moss, Counterpunch. (2023-06-15). Why The Fight To Unionize Starbucks Matters To Us All. For good reason, the fight to unionize Starbucks has drawn considerable public attention since workers at a Buffalo, New York store voted to unionize in December of 2021. Since that time, workers at more than 300 stores, representing more than 8000 workers, have so voted. The campaign has been met with strong company resistance, resulting in legal rulings that found Starbucks violating federal labor law by (among other things) illegally surveilling workers, firing workers involved in union organizing, and adding workers at specific workplaces to dilute union strength. In an eventful year-and-a-half, the company h…

infobrics (2023-06-15). China and Brazil: Developing Education. China and Brazil, as two prominent nations, have recognized the value and importance of fostering collaboration in various domains, including culture and education. The strategic partnership between these two emerging global powers has created a fertile ground for cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and educational cooperation. Educational cooperation has also been a cornerstone of the bilateral partnership…

Jordan A K (2023-06-15). Protestors call on Vic Labor to save Barak Beacon housing estate. Demolition of the public housing estate began in early June, even while residents live there. Jordan A K and Chloe DS reports.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-06-15). Rusia y Cuba acuerdan agenda de cooperación antibloqueo. Antes, los jefes de Gobierno de ambos países acordaron que la petrolera rusa Rosneft suministre 1,64 millones de toneladas de petróleo e hidrocarburos anuales a la isla.

Dean Baker (2023-06-14). National Public Radio Promotes Lie in Defense of Child Labor. National Public Radio's All Things Considered show had a piece on a bill that would make current national child labor standards apply to children working on farms. Currently, children as young as 12 can legally work in agriculture. The bill under consideration would impose the same rules for child labor on farms as apply to …

Alistair Sisson (2023-06-14). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. Throughout Australian history, housing has been an exception among essential services, otherwise provided by the state. Alistair Sisson argues Labor can be pushed to change its appoach.

Elliott Lewis, Sean Orr (2023-06-14). UPS Teamsters are ready to strike. This story originally appeared in With the largest private sector labor contract in the United States set to expire at midnight on July 31, the eyes of the American labor movement are on United Parcel Services (UPS) and the nearly 350,000 Teamsters like us that work there. Talk is c…

John Bachtell (2023-06-14). Minnesota Miracle: State legislature passes 'avalanche' of progressive and pro-labor laws. ST. PAUL, Minn.—"Whoa, holy buckets," declared Minnesota House Speaker Melissa Hortman after the close of a state legislative session that saw the passage of an "avalanche" of progressive bills, including the most sweeping pro-labor legislation in state history. The "transformational and historic" session came on the heels of a Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL) trifecta victory in …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-06-14). United for Democracy: Labor-progressive coalition launches campaign to change Supreme Court. WASHINGTON—Several unions—including both U.S. teachers unions—two AFL-CIO constituency groups, Worker's Circle, and approximately 100 other citizens' and progressive groups have formed a mass coalition to get voters to pressure Congress to change the Supreme Court. United For Democracy kicked off its drive with a $1 million TV, Facebook, and Twitter video ad campaign featuring people, …

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-06-14). How workers in Canada are fighting the bosses' 'labor shortage' con. Caught between COVID-19 and the cost-of-living crisis, Canada's workers have been pushed to the edge—and it's spurring a revitalization of the labor movement. From

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). One in five children is engaged in child labor in Afghanistan. Around 90% of Afghans lack enough food to eat, forcing many impoverished families to send their children to work. Many children are also forced to work due to unsafe migration, family separation, detentions, and injuries from unexploded ordinances…

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-14). Sanders Introduces Bill to Make Community College Free by Taxing Wall Street. On Wednesday, Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) reintroduced a proposal to make higher education free at public schools for most Americans — and pay for it by taxing Wall Street. The College for All Act of 2023 would massively change the higher education landscape in the U.S., taking a step toward Sanders's… |

Staff (2023-06-14). Headlines for June 14, 2023. Trump Pleads Not Guilty to 37 Charges Before Telling Supporters "They're Coming After You", Judge Allows E. Jean Carroll to Add Trump CNN Town Hall Remarks to Defamation Lawsuit, Russian Strikes Kill 6 in Ukraine; U.S. to Send More Weapons, Incl. Depleted Uranium Tank Shells, South African Activists Take Aim at Standard Bank in Fight to Stop East African Pipeline, Greta Thunberg Warns Global Climate Decisions at COP28 Could Be "Death Sentence" for Humanity, Olympic Track Star Tori Bowie Was 8 Months Pregnant and in Labor When She Died of Complications, Black Civil Rights Attorney Arr…

WSWS (2023-06-14). Australian Labor government faces rising discontent as recession looms. Rapidly slowing household spending and a sharp fall in dwelling construction confirm that the downturn is already hitting working people hard, on top of a worsening cost-of-living crisis.

WSWS (2023-06-15). Colombia's President Petro warns of "soft coup" attempt. It did not take long for Colombians to conclude that Petro was not going to impinge upon the wealth of the financial, corporate and landowning elites.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-14). Military Situation In Yemen On June 14, 2023 (Map Update). The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 98 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours; | The UAE-backed Shabwa Defense Forces mistakenly shot down a Chinese VTOL FIXED WING UAV belonging to Amaliqa forces over the Bayhan district; | The Islah Party militants attacked an STC checkpoint in the Mosinaa area. Three STC members were reportedly killed; | The Britain Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office has appoi…

Jake Johnson (2023-06-14). Shell Scraps Plans to Cut Oil Production, Raises Payouts to Wealthy Shareholders. Shell announced Wednesday that it is raising payouts to wealthy shareholders and scrapping plans to cut oil production by up to 2% annually, a move that environmental groups said lays bare the futility of relying on fossil fuel corporations to voluntarily curb their climate-destroying activities. The London-based company, which more than doubled its annual profits last year, said in a press… |

Peter Certo (2023-06-14). In OtherWords: June 14, 2024. The Juneteenth holiday weekend is coming up — and this year's celebration comes with a bit of good news. | Over 150 years after the end of slavery in this country, generations of public policy have left a wide open racial wealth gap. But now, writes Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, one state is showing the country how to take the next big step in closing that gap. | "I've been researching and writing about the racial wealth divide for the last 20 years," he writes. "In my view, Connecticut's Baby Bond program is the most significant step forward in public policy I've seen yet. It should be an example for the countr…

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-14). NAACP: Black Voters Will Be Disillusioned If Biden Fails to Act on Student Debt. The NAACP is warning President Joe Biden that failing to deliver on student debt relief if the Supreme Court strikes down his forgiveness plan will be tantamount to breaking his promises to narrow the racial wealth gap. In a letter sent to Biden on Wednesday, first reported by NBC, the group expressed frustration over Biden's recent move to end the student loan payment pause at the end of this… |

WSWS (2023-06-14). Silvio Berlusconi (1936—2023): The fusion of wealth, criminality and government power. The billionaire and four-time Italian head of government paved the way for the heirs of fascism to return to power.

Dean Baker (2023-06-14). Since the Pandemic, Food Prices Have Risen 23.5 Percent; People the NYT Interviews Have Seen Much Sharper Increases. NYT readers should know that anyone who has seen the cost of their food basket rise by 66.7 percent is either very atypical or badly confused about how much they used to pay for food.

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-14). Inflation In America Declines To Lowest In 2 Years: 3 Things To Know. Inflation rose at a 4 percent annual rate in May, the smallest increase in 2 years and a sign that while the overall cost of goods and services continues to increase, the pace of the increase may be slowing down. The consumer price index, which measures changes in a broad spectrum of prices from food and …

Editor (2023-06-14). Top US Companies Admit to Hiking Prices to Pad Their Profits: Analysis. "After an unprecedented 10 interest rate hikes in a row, it's clear the corporate profiteering epidemic will persist no matter how many times the Fed doubles down," said Liz Zelnick of Accountable.US.

Jake Johnson (2023-06-14). A New Report Shows How Big Pharma Is Price Gouging Cancer Patients. Major pharmaceutical companies are profiting immensely from the second-leading cause of death in the United States by saddling cancer patients with tens of thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs, often forcing them to choose between treatment and other basic necessities. But many people living with cancer in the U.S. will soon see long-overdue relief thanks to provisions of the Inflation… | (2023-06-14). Gov't goes extra mile to match jobs and seekers. The central government has undertaken more effective ways of channeling information about vacancies to job seekers, especially college students, who are facing greater employment pressure as graduation season approaches. (2023-06-15). AIIB former Canadian employee's comments a total lie: Chinese Embassy in Canada. The Chinese Embassy in Canada on Wednesday blasted Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) former global communications director's comments on the bank as sensationalism and a total lie.

H. Jacob Carlson, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Nonprofit Quarterly. (2023-06-15). How A New Generation Of Activists Are Reinventing Housing. What is social housing? The simple answer is that it is a systemic approach to providing homes that treat housing not as a commodity, but as a human right. But to make it more than just a slogan, you need policies and institutions to make that right into a reality. | Not so long ago, social housing was rarely discussed in the United States. But today there are over a dozen social housing campaigns across the country: from municipal efforts in Los Angeles, Washington DC, Seattle, Kansas City, and San Francisco; to statewide campaigns in California, New York, and Rhode Island, to mention a few. Some are grassroots…

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-06-15). Indian Communist: 'Modi represents the Indian brand of fascism'. Clifton D' Rozario, a leader of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation, and guest speaker at the upcoming Ecosocialism 2023 conference, talks to Jacob Andrewartha about the rise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and how the left is fighting back against his fascist regime.

José Carlos Llerena (2023-06-15). The Amauta Mariátegui and the Commander Che. June 14 marks the birth of two of the most important revolutionaries and Marxist thinkers in Latin America: José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira (1894-1930) and Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967). The Peruvian forefather of Indo-American Socialism and the Argentine internationalist of the Cuban Revolution may have not known each other personally, but they had a special relationship, proving themselves necessary and essential to each other. | The relationship between Mariátegui and Che Guevara is an ongoing one. It is thanks to Mariátegui's work we remember, in the way that we do, the revolutionary Che Guevara. And thanks…

midwesternmarx (2023-06-14). The Purity Fetish and Middle Class Radicalism: Review and Application of Garrido's The Purity Fetish. By: Paul So. ​Carlos Garrido's book The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism is undoubtedly an essential reading for any revolutionary American Marxist who is serious about building socialism. It is an open secret, and an embarrassment, among leftists in the west that they are politically impotent. Despite the fact that an increasing number of millennials and generation z's in the United States have a positive attitude towards socialism and Marxism, Marxists remain relativ …

WSWS (2023-06-15). Union calls off resident physicians' strike at Mount Sinai Morningside and West. The action marks the second time in one month that the Committee of Interns and Residents has called off a strike at the last minute and betrayed its members' struggles for better wages.

Peter Boyle (2023-06-14). Kohei Saito: Why we need an ecosocialist future. Kohei Saito argues there are five important reasons why we need to move beyond capitalism to deal with the ecological and social crises besetting the world today. Peter Boyle reports.

Project Censored (2023-06-14). E-girls and Truth in Military Recruitment plus Gun Violence and the Intersections of Patriarchy and Capitalism in the US. To open the program, Mickey and former Project Censored intern Reagan Haynie speak with Alan MacLeod, senior staff writer for MintPress News. He's just written about a new phenomenon in…

Joel Wendland-Liu (2023-06-14). New book studies why Black women turned to the Communist Party in 1930s. In her innovative study of four Midwestern cities during the Depression era, historian Melissa Ford reveals an emergent pattern of social crisis, involvement, and Black women's radical activism. A Brick and a Bible examines the evidence and creates a framework for understanding this tradition of social action by Black women, naming it "Midwestern Black radicalism." … (2023-06-15). China to draft new policies promoting industrial internet. China will draft new policies to promote the development of industrial internet, a tech frontier where all major economies are scrambling to establish a beachhead. (2023-06-14). Chongqing, SE Asia link freight route. The first freight train serving a new route linking Chongqing municipality in Southwest China and Southeast Asian nations reached Padang Besar, Malaysia, on Thursday, with its compartments fully loaded with industrial products. (2023-06-14). More pilot cities to fall under vocational education roadmap. China will select a second batch of around 30 pilot cities to integrate the industrial and educational sectors in the second half of this year as the country aims for greater numbers of skilled craftsmen.

Chloe DS (2023-06-15). Myanmar's spring revolution and the Rohingya genocide. Burmese educator, academic, and human rights activist, Maung Zarni, spoke to Green Left's Chloe DS ahead of his participation in the Ecosocialism 2023 conference, on July 1‚Äí2.

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, The Bullet. (2023-06-15). A Public Power Victory In New York State. On May 2, New York became the first US state to pass a major Green New Deal policy following four years of organizing by the Public Power NY coalition and allies. The Build Public Renewables Act (BPRA), now New York State law, empowers and directs the state's public power provider — the New York Power Authority (NYPA) — to plan, build, and operate renewable energy projects across New York State. Organizers are now focusing on growing the movement for Public Power from coast to coast. | Public Power NY was launched in 2019 by the Ecosocialist Working Group of the NY City's Democratic Socialists of Amer…

WSWS (2023-06-15). Ukrainian youth speak on war, social catastrophe: "The military is grabbing draft evaders everywhere" The World Socialist Web Site recently spoke with several Ukrainian youth about the situation in the country and the moods within the working population amidst the unfolding NATO-backed "counteroffensive."

Cira Pascual Marquina, Resumen English. (2023-06-14). Chávez, UNASUR And The End Of Unipolarity. A pivotal event that would push Chávez to proclaim the Bolivarian Process anti-imperialist (and later frame our project as "Socialism of the 21st Century") was the April 11, 2002 coup d'état — which involved imperialist interference — and also the popular mobilization to rescue him and bring him back to the presidency on April 12 and 13. From that moment on, he began to purge his government of the conservative and anti-popular elements in it. He did all this because he was listening and learning from the people. | In 2004 Chávez declared the Venezuelan process to be anti-imperialist. (2023-06-15). Steps taken to address youth mental health. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League has offered professional psychological counseling services to young people across the nation to help ease day-today stress and guarantee sound physical and psychological development.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). Communists in Austria demand freeze on rents amid soaring housing crisis. The Communist Party of Austria claims that the average housing cost in the country has increased by 12% over the past two years. The party has called for measures such as expansion of municipal housing and introduction of building rent caps…

Fight Back (2023-06-14). Philippines: Wyeth workers, supporters fight back against mass lay-off. Members of Wyeth Philippines Progressive Workers' Union (WPPWU) and their supporters mounted a series of mass protests and other activities to demand the reinstatement of 140 workers who were illegally dismissed by Wyeth-Nestlé Philippines on May 18, 2023 and five other workers who were fired earlier, reported Ang Bayan, official organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines, on June 7, 2023. | The WPPWU fought back with more than 20 picket protests to defend the company jobs of workers and defend the union's previous gains. | Ang Bayan said that the WPPWU protested on May 30 in front of the Nestlé Cabuyao Fact…

thecommunists (2023-06-14). EVENT: Book launch: Neo-nazi Nato's Proxy War Against Russia. On Saturday 24 June, the CPGB-ML will be holding a book launch event in London for Neo-nazi Nato's Proxy War Against Russia by Giles Shorter — a brilliant blow by blow account of every important development in Ukraine over the last ten years. Event details 2.00pm on Saturday 24 June Saklatvala Hall, Southall, London, UB2 …

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2023-06-14: News Headlines (2023-06-14). China expands Africa investment to boost trade cooperation. China will expand investment in Africa with various measures in a bid to strengthen economic and trade cooperation between the two sides, Chinese officials said on Tuesday.

unitedEditor (2023-06-14). "New constitution"; "Western winds" in the economy policy; Main opposition party (CHP) discusses chairman's resignation. Türkiye has left the electoral period behind. | With the appointment of the new Cabinet, the first issue that came to the fore has been "new constitution". | The new government's decision to appoint people with ties to the US and the UK to manage the economy has sparked a debate. | Another issue the week was whether Kemal Kƒ±lƒ±àßdaroƒülu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), would resign after his party was defeated in the elections. | Debates on the new "civil" constitution: | On May 28, Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan won the…

midwesternmarx (2023-06-13). The Purity Fetish of the Far Left. By: Alan Freeman. This is a transcript from Alan's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase HERE. ​Noah Khrachvik: … Alan Freeman is a former principal economist with the Greater London Authority and is now a research affiliate of the University of Manitoba. With Radhika Desai, he is co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group. He is also co-editor of the Future of World Capitalism book …

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-13). Top 1 Percent Would Get $24B in Tax Cuts Under New Republican Plan. After spending months threatening to tank the economy over the federal deficit, Republicans have unveiled a set of new tax proposals that would cost the government billions of dollars — by handing tens of billions of dollars of tax cuts to the richest 1 percent of Americans, as a new report reveals. On Friday, just a week after the conclusion of the debt ceiling showdown… |

WSWS (2023-06-13). Fed faces a dilemma as it meets to set interest rates. At present the betting in financial markets is that the Fed will try to thread the needle, announcing a "pause" in rate increases at this meeting while indicating that further rises may take place and ruling out any cuts this year even as the US economy continues to slow.

infobrics (2023-06-13). Brazil's Rising Challenges in the New World Order. Of special relevance in the Latin American context, Brazil, the largest nation and economy of the continent, and a country that historically managed well to sustain a course of largely autonomous but close relations with the hemispheric hegemon, finds itself today in an especially challenging position… (2023-06-14). Trade expo returns off line at end-June. The 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, scheduled to run from June 29 to July 2, will serve as an important mechanism for boosting China-Africa business cooperation and promoting high-level opening-up.

WSWS (2023-06-14). 7,200 British Columbia dockworkers vote to strike, as US workers disrupt West Coast ports. A joint struggle of Canadian and American West Coast longshore workers would quickly cripple economic activity in North America's twin imperialist powers and disrupt the transportation networks that are being used to provision the US/NATO war on Russia.

Staff (2023-06-14). Iran's President in Caracas: 'Imperialism Is in Decline'. A meeting of Venezuelan youth in solidarity with the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, was held in the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas. The Iranian president called for building the new world that empowers independent and sovereign nations. "Imperialism is in decline," he said. | Ebrahim Raisi explained, this Tuesday, June 13, that the conditions must be created to ensure that all countries can create their own economic models. | The Iranian head of state congratulated the Venezuelan people for heroically resisting the difficulties that world imperialism has imposed on them. According to…

teleSUR (2023-06-14). WB Approves Loan to The Philippines, Environment and Climate. On Wednesday, the World Bank (WB) said that it has approved a 750 million U.S. dollars loan to finance The Philippines' programs to boost environmental protection and climate resilience due to the Southeast Asian country intentions of accelerating its economic recovery and promoting long-term economic growth. | Related: | "The Philippines First Sustainable Recovery Development Police Loan supports ongoing government reforms t…

Dean Baker (2023-06-14). Since the Pandemic, Food Prices Have Risen 23.5 Percent, People the NYT Interviews Have Seen Much Sharper Increases. It is always good to hear from some real people who can put some meat on the bones of dry economic data. For this reason, it's great that the New York Times sought to interview some shoppers about how they are seeing food prices, now that food price inflation has slowed sharply. Unfortunately, the people … (2023-06-13). PBOC cuts rates to boost growth. China's central bank cut its short-term lending rate, the first such move since August 2022, as the country stepped up measures to consolidate economic recovery and restore market confidence amid downward pressure. (2023-06-13). Capital market to play key role in driving growth. China's capital market will play a significant role in stimulating the vitality of rising Chinese technology companies, further nurturing the country's technological advancement and driving high-quality economic growth.

Joel Richards (2023-06-13). China-Argentina extend economic partnership. China is Argentina's second-largest trade partner and their extending their currency swap. A move that will help ease pressure on Argentina's foreign currency reserves.

Fight Back (2023-06-13). Free the Santa Marta 5, environmentalist political prisoners in El Salvador. Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador – On January 11, 2023, five environmental activists and community leaders from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were arrested on bogus charges in a clear case of political persecution. They are still detained five months later and the movement to free them is growing around the world. | The men arrested – Antonio Pacheco, Saúl Rivas, Pedro Antonio Rivas, Alejandro Laínez and Miguel Gámez – are prominent leaders of the grassroots movement that won the world's first ban on metallic mining. The organization they're part of, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES…

Armando Desmadre, Christopher Preciado, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-06-13). Recommendations For Practicing Language Justice. Between the two of us, we have done free and rarely paid translation work for at least 40 years, including for "movements" — horizontalist, anarchist, abolitionist, mutual aid, etc. | Reflecting upon the generally monolingual nature of the above types of groups in the USA (in our limited experiences), the almost consistent tendency for translators to burn out given the general lack of practice in supporting language justice and translators, even if it means financially, and the need for better attempts to build language justice, we would like to share the following recommendations.

John V. Walsh, Popular Resistance. (2023-06-13). Taiwan's US Representative Not 'Satisfied' With Biden's Support. Bi-khim Hsiao, Taiwan's Representative in the United States, is a familiar figure in the halls of power but she does not often make public speeches. So a recent talk and press conference by Ms. Hsiao deserve some attention. | The One China Policy, endorsed by the US and UN, does not recognize Taiwan Island as an independent country but as part of China, with the government in Beijing providing the official ambassadors to the US and UN. Hence Hsiao is not an "ambassador" but a "representative," and her organization is known as the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO). Her presence and activit…

Michael Roberts (2023-06-13). Modern supply-side economics and the New Washington Consensus. Last month, the U.S. National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, outlined the international economic policy of the U.S. administration. This was a pivotal speech, because Sullivan explained what is called the New Washington Consensus on U.S. foreign policy.

Walden Bello (2023-06-13). Time to Seek Justice, Not Hand Out the Nobel Prize, for Economic Crimes. Amnesty International Philippines named FPIF commentator Walden Bello "Most Distinguished Defender of Human Rights" for 2023. This is his acceptance speech. | I would like to thank Amnesty International for this honor of naming me the Most Distinguished Human Rights Defender for 2023. Let me say that while I have long been active in the protection of the right to life, the right to be free from persecution, and the right to due process, I would like to believe that the panel of judges are also making a statement about my long-time engagement with economic rights. | Most of my life's work has been devoted to intel…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-14). Saturday 6/24: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite. (2023-06-14). Kazakh embroidery production helps female villagers increase income in China's Xinjiang. Production of Kazakh embroidery, a national intangible cultural heritage item, has helped female members of the village cooperative increase their income at the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). A record 110 million across the globe are forcibly displaced, says UNHCR report. The report claims that today, one in every 74 people is displaced due to reasons ranging from war and conflict to climate change. Contrary to the rhetoric of refugees flooding Europe, the majority of them (over 76%) is being hosted by middle or low income countries…

jamanetwork (2023-06-13). Discriminative Accuracy of the CAPTURE Tool for Identifying COPD. To the Editor A recent study reported that the CAPTURE (COPD Assessment in Primary Care to Identify Undiagnosed Respiratory Disease and Exacerbation Risk) screening tool, which combined questions about respiratory exposure, symptoms, and acute respiratory illnesses with selective use of peak expiratory flow rate for intermediate scores, had a low sensitivity (48.2%) but a high specificity (88.6%) for identifying clinically significant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in primary care settings. This tool has been validated in low- and middle-income countries.

Editor (2023-06-13). Labour's new bankroller is Israel lobbyist, South African apartheid profiteer. The UK Labour Party's latest corporate mega-donor is a pro-Israel businessperson whose firm profiteered from South African apartheid.

Zoe Alexandra (2023-06-13). 'We will not give in to blackmail': Colombians defend government and progressive reforms. Thousands took to the streets across Colombia, on June 7, in support of the labour, pension and healthcare reforms proposed by the Gustavo Petro government, reports Zoe Alexandra.

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-06-14). Protestas en Bélgica exigen mejoras en condiciones laborales. Medios locales narraron que la marcha pacífica se extendió por cerca de tres kilómetros hacia el suroeste.

WSWS (2023-06-14). Australian Labor government faces rising discontent as recession looms. Rapidly slowing household spending and a sharp fall in dwelling construction confirm that the downturn is already hitting working people hard, on top of a worsening cost-of-living crisis.

Alistair Sisson (2023-06-14). Labor must be pushed on its inadequate housing plan. Throughout Australian history, housing has been an exception among essential services, otherwise provided by the state. Alistair Sisson argues Labor can be pushed to change its appoach.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-06-14). Uso obligatorio de cubrebocas retorna en centros educativos de Chile. El uso de las mascarillas será obligatorio sólo en los espacios cerrados, como aulas, laboratorios o bibliotecas, y en el recreo los alumnos se la podrán retirar.

Dean Baker (2023-06-14). National Public Radio Promotes Lie in Defense of Child Labor. National Public Radio's All Things Considered show had a piece on a bill that would make current national child labor standards apply to children working on farms. Currently, children as young as 12 can legally work in agriculture. The bill under consideration would impose the same rules for child labor on farms as apply to …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). One in five children is engaged in child labor in Afghanistan. Around 90% of Afghans lack enough food to eat, forcing many impoverished families to send their children to work. Many children are also forced to work due to unsafe migration, family separation, detentions, and injuries from unexploded ordinances…

Alistair Sisson (2023-06-14). Labor's plan to fix the housing crisis: from inadequate to absent. Throughout Australian history, housing has been an exception among essential services, otherwise provided by the state. Alistair Sisson argues Labor can be pushed to change its appoach.

Dongmin Yang (2023-06-13). "The president forced our comrade to die"—South Korea's workers confront Yoon Seok Yeol's labor crackdown.

Courtney Smith, Labor Notes. (2023-06-13). Six Weeks In, Stock Dwindles At Struck Ohio Battery Plant. Four hundred auto workers have been on strike at vehicle battery manufacturer Clarios since May 8, rejecting two tentative agreements that fell short of their demands. | "We're not asking for the moon, we just want it to be a good place to work," said Andrew Hoertz, a machine operator, citing the company's decision to cut the piece rates—the incentives workers get paid per battery produced. | The company has pulled out all the stops to prevent any hit to battery production, from stockpiling batteries to weaken workers' leverage at the negotiating table to shifting production out of this plant, which is near…

teleSUR (2023-06-13). Inter' Labor Organization Calls for Action to End Child Labor. On World Day Against Child Labor, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has called for action to stop children labor. | Related: | On Monday, as part of the session of the International Labor Conference, the ILO held a high-level panel themed "social justice for all, end child labor. The discussion focuses on the link between social justice and the elimination of child labor. | Panelists representing worker…

WSWS (2023-06-14). Silvio Berlusconi 1936-2023: the fusion of Wealth, Criminality and Government Power. The billionaire and four-time Italian head of government paved the way for the heirs of fascism to return to power.

WSWS (2023-06-14). Silvio Berlusconi (1936—2023): The fusion of wealth, criminality and government power. The billionaire and four-time Italian head of government paved the way for the heirs of fascism to return to power.

Peter Boyle (2023-06-13). Rich countries owe US$192 trillion in climate reparations to global South. It is time for wealthy nations to acknowledge their debt to the third world and pay their dues in the form of climate reparations, reports Peter Boyle.

Editor (2023-06-14). Top US Companies Admit to Hiking Prices to Pad Their Profits: Analysis. "After an unprecedented 10 interest rate hikes in a row, it's clear the corporate profiteering epidemic will persist no matter how many times the Fed doubles down," said Liz Zelnick of Accountable.US.

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-13). Sanders Will Block Health Nominees Until Biden Offers Plan to Lower Drug Prices. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has fired a shot across the bow to the White House in his latest move in his quest to lower prescription drug prices in the U.S. Sanders has vowed to oppose all health-related nominees, including President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), until the Biden administration presents a "comprehensive" plan to address the prescription… |

infobrics (2023-06-13). Brics Is Marching Towards a Unified Currency. Amid the palpable anticipation, and the transformative discussions, we are witnessing the ascent of a momentous topic that promises to redefine global financial dynamics — the inception of a unified Brics currency…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-06-13). Silvio Berlusconi, herald of Italy's far-right. Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former prime minister and billionaire right-wing politician, died in Milan on June 12, at the age of 86. | In a decades-long career marred by financial and other scandals and prosecutions, the leader of the Forza Italia party would assume the role of prime minister four times between 1994 and until he was forced to step down in 2011. | Considered to be Italy's first true populist, his influence in shaping the national discourse extended beyond the time he spent in office, both through the role he had played in the privatization of television in the 1980s, and subsequently in the mainstr…

Yves Engler (2023-06-13). Canadian Looting of Zambian Resources Led to Debt Crisis. By Yves Engler — Jun 9, 2023 | While a geopolitical tussle between Washington and Beijing over Zambia's debt default has received significant international attention, Canada's contribution has been largely ignored. | "China is 'barrier' to ending Zambian debt crisis, says Janet Yellen," reported a recent Financial Times headline while Foreign Policy asked, "Is China Responsible for Zambia's Debt Crisis?" and African Business queried "Should China be blamed for Zambia's debt talks holdup?" | Two weeks ago the Associated Press published a long piece headlined "China's loans pushing world's poorest countries…

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-13). S&P: Corporate Bankruptcies Spike To Highest Since 2010, 3 Things To Know. Vice Media, Party City and Bed Bath & Beyond are just three of the 230+ corporate bankruptcies filed so far in 2023 that are attributed to rising inflation, supply chain disruptions and interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve as lenders pull back on loans after the banking crisis. Hit hardest by bankruptcy: consumer discretionary … (2023-06-14). Gov't goes extra mile to match jobs and seekers. The central government has undertaken more effective ways of channeling information about vacancies to job seekers, especially college students, who are facing greater employment pressure as graduation season approaches.

Brandon Soderberg, Vida Fye, Megan Kenny, Andrew Friedman (2023-06-13). Baltimore's Crime Numbers Game. by Data Analysis by Additional research and analysis by Illustrations by At a January "Take Back Our Streets Town Hall," Ba…

jamanetwork (2023-06-13). Nonhormone Treatment for Menopausal Hot Flashes Receives FDA Approval. The nonhormonal drug fezolinetant is the first of its kind to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat moderate to severe hot flashes—periods of sweating, flushing, and chills—associated with menopause, the agency announced in a statement. Fezolinetant, marketed as Veozah, targets the neurokinin 3 receptor to restore the brain's regulation of body temperature.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-13). 5 Key Takeaways from The Purity Fetish. By: Thomas Riggins. This is a transcript from Tom's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase HERE. ​Noah Khrachvik: Awesome, our first speaker is Thomas Riggins. Thomas is a retired philosophy teacher from NYU, the New School for Social Research and others. He received a PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center in 1983 and he's the Consulting Editor for the Midwestern Marx Institute. He's been ac …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-13). Book Launch Presentation: The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism. By: Carlos L. Garrido. This is a transcript from Carlos Garrido's presentation at the book launch of recent book, The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase HERE. ​In an 1875 letter to Wilhelm Bracke, Marx would say that "Every step of real movement is more important than a dozen programmes." This is the living spirit of Marxist analysis — the emphasis is laid on real struggles, on the forms of social formation these struggles discover in …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-13). On The Dialectics of Socialism and Western Marxisms' Purity Fetish. By: Gabriel Rockhill. This is a transcript from Gabriel's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase HERE. Noah Khrachvik: Our next speaker is Gabriel Rockhill. ​Gabriel Rockhill is a Franco-American philosopher, cultural critic and activist. He is the founding Director of the Critical Theory Workshop and Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University. His books include Counter-History of the Present: Un …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-13). The Purity Fetish and the Commodity Fetish. By: Radhika Desai. This is a transcript from Radhika's presentation at the book launch of Carlos Garrido's The Purity Fetish and the Crisis of Western Marxism, which you may purchase HERE. Thanks for the invitation to be part of this panel of some of the most acute thinkers discussing this very important book. It is important particularly for its focus on dialectics, which is a philosophical mode that is much maligned and misunderstood in the English speaking world, dismissed as 'Hegel …

rebekah (2023-06-13). Southern Workers Are Defying History. Workers at Blue Bird Corporation in Fort Valley, Georgia, launched a union drive to secure better wages, work-life balance, and a voice on the job. The company resisted them. History defied them. Geography worked against them. But they stood together, believed in themselves, and achieved a historic victory that's reverberating throughout the South. About 1,400 …

WSWS (2023-06-13). More rural postal workers in the US speak out about thousands in lost wages due to new compensation formula. "How do you tell your children you won't see them again, and when you do, you have no money to do anything with them?" said one worker, who lost $10,000 a year in pay. "I mean, how is this acceptable?"

Staff (2023-06-13). A new study quantifies the extent of extractive capitalism's colonial violence against Indigenous Peoples worldwide. A new study has highlighted that extractive projects are disproportionately harming Indigenous Peoples across the world. Published in the journal Science Advances, the analysis quantified the impacts of industrial and extractive projects on Indigenous communities. The study utilised information from the Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas) — a crowdsourced database — which holds details of over …

Sylvan Bachhuber (2023-06-13). Resisting 'Train Maya' and Other Destructive Development Projects in Mexico. More than 1,000 activists, Indigenous leaders, and community members gathered for an international meeting entitled "Global Corporate Capitalism, Planetary Patriarchy, and Autonomies in Rebellion." (2023-06-14). Chongqing, SE Asia link freight route. The first freight train serving a new route linking Chongqing municipality in Southwest China and Southeast Asian nations reached Padang Besar, Malaysia, on Thursday, with its compartments fully loaded with industrial products. (2023-06-14). More pilot cities to fall under vocational education roadmap. China will select a second batch of around 30 pilot cities to integrate the industrial and educational sectors in the second half of this year as the country aims for greater numbers of skilled craftsmen.

Anonymous103 (2023-06-13). Military Situation In Ukraine On June 13, 2023 (Map Update). Russian forces struck an industrial facility in Krivoy Rog with high-precision weapons; | Russian forces struck military infrastructure in Kiev with high-precision weapons; | Russian forces struck military infrastructure in Dnipro with high-precision weapons; | Russian forces struck military infrastructure in Kharkiv with high-precision weapons; | Russian forces struck military infrastructure in Ternopil with high-precision weapons; | Russian forces destroyed 1 armored pers…

Ben Bartee (2023-06-13). How the Obesity-Industrial Complex Keeps Americans Sick, Fat, and Sad.

WSWS (2023-06-13). Nicola Sturgeon arrested as Scottish National Party crisis intensifies. The infighting that has led to Sturgeon's downfall is a product of the bankruptcy of the Scottish independence project so heavily promoted by the pseudo-left, the reactionary character of which has been exposed by deepening class divisions and the de facto war between the NATO powers and Russia.

Ana Perdigón (2023-06-13). Italy Requests Extradition of Colombia's VP in Duque Administration. The government of Italy has requested the extradition of the former Colombian vice president during the government of Iván Duque, Marta Lucía Ramírez, as part of an investigation into alleged bribery related to the purchase of military vehicles produced by two Italian companies. | According to the Italian outlet Corriere della Sera, the Naples Prosecutor's Office is carrying out an investigation in which officials from both countries supposedly signed an agreement for the purchase of military vehicles. | The investigation also targets former Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema for trying to mediate the sale of…

Andrew Chuter (2023-06-13). 'NIMBY' name calling is a developer distraction. Declining levels of public housing, non-existent rent controls and annual investor tax concessions are some reasons for the spiralling cost of housing, argues Andrew Chuter.

Cira Pascual Marquina, Resumen English. (2023-06-14). Chávez, UNASUR And The End Of Unipolarity. A pivotal event that would push Chávez to proclaim the Bolivarian Process anti-imperialist (and later frame our project as "Socialism of the 21st Century") was the April 11, 2002 coup d'état — which involved imperialist interference — and also the popular mobilization to rescue him and bring him back to the presidency on April 12 and 13. From that moment on, he began to purge his government of the conservative and anti-popular elements in it. He did all this because he was listening and learning from the people. | In 2004 Chávez declared the Venezuelan process to be anti-imperialist.

Fight Back (2023-06-13). FRSO Wisconsin condemns the cowardly decision of Governor Tony Evers to sign off on reactionary GOP shared revenue plan. Fight Back News is circulating the following statement by the Wisconsin District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. | On the afternoon of June 8, Democratic Governor Tony Evers came to an agreement on a new shared revenue plan that both he and the reactionary Republicans who dominate the state legislature are touting as a "historic" victory for the people of Wisconsin. This most recent example of "reaching across the aisle" in order to come to a "compromise" is in reality a complete betrayal of the masses of people, with those in Milwaukee getting the shortest stick. It would be more accurately character…

teleSUR (2023-06-13). Fact Check of US Lies Against Cuba. The recent claim spreading in Washington that China built an "eavesdropping" facility in Cuba has been rejected by Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernandez de Cossio, who called the allegation "fabricated," "totally false and unfounded." | RELATED: | Since the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s, the U.S. administration has consistently spread lies about the island with the purpose of discrediting the socialist…

teleSUR (2023-06-13). We've Been With Venezuela and We'll Continue Together: Iran. On Tuesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and hundreds of young socialists were present at the Carreño Theater in Caracas, where Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi discussed contemporary geopolitics and the perspectives of the new world order. | RELATED: | After thanking the Bolivarian leader for the invitation to visit his country, Raisi began by pointing out that all the signs of the emergence of a new world order are…

Editor (2023-06-13). Legal Brief Filed to Bar Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett from Canada. Lawyers have filed a complaint on behalf of a Palestinian-Canadian and four Canadian organizations seeking to have the government declare former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett inadmissible to Canada before he is set to speak in Toronto on June 14. As lawyers Shane Martinez and Nicholas Pope have laid out in the complaint, Bennett should be denied entry to Canada pursuant to sections 35(1)(a) and (b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. | As put forth in the complaint filed on Tuesday, May 29th, 2023, The federal government has "domestic and international legal obligations to excl…

Fight Back (2023-06-14). Philippines: Wyeth workers, supporters fight back against mass lay-off. Members of Wyeth Philippines Progressive Workers' Union (WPPWU) and their supporters mounted a series of mass protests and other activities to demand the reinstatement of 140 workers who were illegally dismissed by Wyeth-Nestlé Philippines on May 18, 2023 and five other workers who were fired earlier, reported Ang Bayan, official organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines, on June 7, 2023. | The WPPWU fought back with more than 20 picket protests to defend the company jobs of workers and defend the union's previous gains. | Ang Bayan said that the WPPWU protested on May 30 in front of the Nestlé Cabuyao Fact…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-14). Communists in Austria demand freeze on rents amid soaring housing crisis. The Communist Party of Austria claims that the average housing cost in the country has increased by 12% over the past two years. The party has called for measures such as expansion of municipal housing and introduction of building rent caps…

thecommunists (2023-06-14). EVENT: Book launch: Neo-nazi Nato's Proxy War Against Russia. On Saturday 24 June, the CPGB-ML will be holding a book launch event in London for Neo-nazi Nato's Proxy War Against Russia by Giles Shorter — a brilliant blow by blow account of every important development in Ukraine over the last ten years. Event details 2.00pm on Saturday 24 June Saklatvala Hall, Southall, London, UB2 …

C.J. Atkins (2023-06-13). No red in the rainbow? Cold War law blocks Oklahoma Communists from Pride. Citing a 1955 law that declared the Communist Party illegal in the state of Oklahoma, organizers of Oklahoma City Pride blocked local Reds from having a booth alongside other community organizations and corporate sponsors at this year's "Pride on 39th" festival. "We have reviewed your application and have found that Title 21, Section 1266.1 et …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-13). Swaziland: Campaign launched for release of political prisoners. The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) is set to launch a "Break the Chains" campaign to demand the release of political prisoners, including its Central Committee member Mvuselelo Mkhabela, reports Peoples Dispatch.

thecommunists (2023-06-13). Garland Nixon and Harpal Brar: India, Russia, China and anti-imperialism. Following his discussion with Joti Brar, Garland Nixon invites Harpal Brar in to talk with him about Russia, India and China, dealing with such topics as the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Ukraine war, and India's relations with Russia and China in the context of the growing anti-imperialist sentiment around the world. Comrade Harpal …

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2023-06-13: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-06-13). Brazil's Rising Challenges in the New World Order. Of special relevance in the Latin American context, Brazil, the largest nation and economy of the continent, and a country that historically managed well to sustain a course of largely autonomous but close relations with the hemispheric hegemon, finds itself today in an especially challenging position… (2023-06-13). China-Arab cooperation deepens at key biz conference. China and Arab countries are swiftly expanding economic and trade cooperation in all fields, as more than 3,500 Chinese and Arab officials and business representatives gathered in Riyadh.

WSWS (2023-06-13). Fed faces a dilemma as it meets to set interest rates. At present the betting in financial markets is that the Fed will try to thread the needle, announcing a "pause" in rate increases at this meeting while indicating that further rises may take place and ruling out any cuts this year even as the US economy continues to slow.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-12). Nicaragua projects GDP growth of 3,5%. Managua, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua is projecting a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 3,5% this year due to the increase in international prices that several items of the country's economy are registering today, it was reported here.

Claudia Irizarry Aponte, The City. (2023-06-12). Food Delivery Workers Secure Landmark Minimum Pay Rate. App-based food delivery workers in New York City will earn $17.96 an hour before tips beginning July 12, an amount that takes into account their costs of operating, Mayor Eric Adams announced Sunday afternoon. | With the rate, New York will become the first major U.S. city to establish and implement pay requirements for delivery workers toiling in the gig economy. | The hourly rate will increase to $19.96 before tips by April 1, 2025, the mayor said. The standard is a significant increase from the estimated $11 hourly workers currently earn after tips.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-06-12). Asia-Pacific is where China-Russia 'no limits' partnership will be put to test. The Northeast Asian theater is going to be a crucial arena in the brewing big-power confrontation, what with the Arctic hotting up and the Northern Sea Route becoming operational. This will catapult the strategic importance of the Russian Far East and Siberia as the powerhouse of the world economy in the 21st century…

Kim Petersen (2023-06-12). How Does Technology Factor in for US Militarism toward China? The United States is about militarism. Its economy is largely based on the military-industrial complex. It has hundreds upon hundreds of military bases in lands around the planet. Yet, despite a bloated military budget, the US fails to care for all its citizens, certainly not the millions of homeless, poor, and those unable to afford …

Michael Roberts (2023-06-13). Modern supply-side economics and the New Washington Consensus. Last month, the U.S. National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, outlined the international economic policy of the U.S. administration. This was a pivotal speech, because Sullivan explained what is called the New Washington Consensus on U.S. foreign policy.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-06-13). UE quiere intensificar cooperación en materia migratoria con Túnez. El presidente de Túnez, Kais Said, recibió a los líderes de Italia, los Países Bajos y la Comisión Europea. (2023-06-13). RCEP injects dynamism into China's foreign trade industry. Official data shows that from January to April this year, the total import and export volume between China and members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) hit 4.12 trillion yuan (about $0.57 trillion), up 7.3 percent year on year, accounting for 30.9 percent of China's total foreign trade import and export volume.

Fight Back (2023-06-13). Free the Santa Marta 5, environmentalist political prisoners in El Salvador. Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador – On January 11, 2023, five environmental activists and community leaders from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were arrested on bogus charges in a clear case of political persecution. They are still detained five months later and the movement to free them is growing around the world. | The men arrested – Antonio Pacheco, Saúl Rivas, Pedro Antonio Rivas, Alejandro Laínez and Miguel Gámez – are prominent leaders of the grassroots movement that won the world's first ban on metallic mining. The organization they're part of, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES… (2023-06-13). China's appeal to foreign firms more than the size of its market. The series of recent visits to China by senior executives of global multinationals reflects their confidence in China's economic prospects and the attractiveness of China's market, manufacturing strength and innovation capability.

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-12). Report: Saudi Crown Prince Threatened US With 'Major Economic Consequences'. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned the US would suffer economic consequences if President Biden retaliated for OPEC oil cuts that were announced last fall, The Washington Post reported.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-12). China, Honduras seal 17 pacts, including Belt and Road project. Beijing, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) China and Honduras sealed 17 agreements Monday to expand exchanges in several socio-economic sectors and include the Central American territory in the Belt and Road project. (2023-06-12). Imperial experts provide economic perspective to the Infected Blood Inquiry. Imperial researchers have contributed to an independent inquiry looking at the impacts on UK patients who were given infected blood products.

Fight Back (2023-06-13). Free the Santa Marta 5, environmentalist political prisoners in El Salvador. Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador – On January 11, 2023, five environmental activists and community leaders from Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador were arrested on bogus charges in a clear case of political persecution. They are still detained five months later and the movement to free them is growing around the world. | The men arrested – Antonio Pacheco, Saúl Rivas, Pedro Antonio Rivas, Alejandro Laínez and Miguel Gámez – are prominent leaders of the grassroots movement that won the world's first ban on metallic mining. The organization they're part of, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES… (2023-06-13). China's appeal to foreign firms more than the size of its market. The series of recent visits to China by senior executives of global multinationals reflects their confidence in China's economic prospects and the attractiveness of China's market, manufacturing strength and innovation capability.

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-12). Report: Saudi Crown Prince Threatened US With 'Major Economic Consequences'. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned the US would suffer economic consequences if President Biden retaliated for OPEC oil cuts that were announced last fall, The Washington Post reported.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-12). China, Honduras seal 17 pacts, including Belt and Road project. Beijing, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) China and Honduras sealed 17 agreements Monday to expand exchanges in several socio-economic sectors and include the Central American territory in the Belt and Road project. (2023-06-12). Imperial experts provide economic perspective to the Infected Blood Inquiry. Imperial researchers have contributed to an independent inquiry looking at the impacts on UK patients who were given infected blood products.

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-06-12). Honduras seeks greater economic ties with China. See what Honduras hopes to gain in its president's state visit to China.

Barry Sheppard (2023-06-12). United States: Rich, corporations win, environment, people lose in 'debt ceiling' deal. The "debt-ceiling crisis" provided the pretext for the rolling back environmental, economic and social policies, while corporations and the rich benefitted the most from the deal struck between the Democrats and Republicans, reports Barry Sheppard.

Dean Baker (2023-06-12). AI, Job Loss, and Productivity Growth. It is really painful to see the regular flow of pieces debating whether AI will lead to mass unemployment. Invariably, these pieces are written as though the author has taken an oath that they have no knowledge of economics whatsoever. The NYT gave us the latest example on Sunday, in a piece debating how many …

Pepe Escobar (2023-06-12). How the BRI train took the road to Shangri-La. In less than a decade, China's BRI has fundamentally transformed global geopolitics. It is already far too late for the west to compete. | It is important to recognize that the US/NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is simultaneously a war designed to interrupt the progress of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). | As we approach the 10th anniversary of the BRI, to be marked by the third Belt and Road Forum later this year in Beijing, it is clear the original Silk Road Economic Belt — announced by President Xi Jinping in Astana, Kazakhstan, in September 2013 — has traveled a long way. | By Jan…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-13). Saturday 6/24: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

jamanetwork (2023-06-13). Discriminative Accuracy of the CAPTURE Tool for Identifying COPD. To the Editor A recent study reported that the CAPTURE (COPD Assessment in Primary Care to Identify Undiagnosed Respiratory Disease and Exacerbation Risk) screening tool, which combined questions about respiratory exposure, symptoms, and acute respiratory illnesses with selective use of peak expiratory flow rate for intermediate scores, had a low sensitivity (48.2%) but a high specificity (88.6%) for identifying clinically significant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in primary care settings. This tool has been validated in low- and middle-income countries.

Editor (2023-06-13). Labour's new bankroller is Israel lobbyist, South African apartheid profiteer. The UK Labour Party's latest corporate mega-donor is a pro-Israel businessperson whose firm profiteered from South African apartheid.

Zoe Alexandra (2023-06-13). 'We will not give in to blackmail': Colombians defend government and progressive reforms. Thousands took to the streets across Colombia, on June 7, in support of the labour, pension and healthcare reforms proposed by the Gustavo Petro government, reports Zoe Alexandra.

Staff (2023-06-12). Solidarity with Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah at Toulouse mobilization against French pension reforms. During a new broad labour union demonstration against the French pension reform in Toulouse which brought together nearly 50,000 people, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra was present alongside all the people mobilized, reaffirming that defending the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea is inseparable from the global struggle for social justice! Underlining this …

WSWS (2023-06-12). UK Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer slanders Roger Waters, demands censorship. Waters' steadfast criticism of NATO's war in Ukraine, defence of the Palestinians from Israeli state repression and support for the imprisoned anti-war journalist Julian Assange has earned him the ire of imperialist governments everywhere.

Jim McIlroy (2023-06-12). Unions step up push for 'same job, same pay' rule. Unions want Labor to change the law to stop bosses from misusing labour hire clauses to reduce pay rates, and have launched a campaign to get it done. Jim McIlroy reports.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-06-13). New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending. Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-13). AI Ground Zero In SF As Tech, Auto Bosses & Politicians Destroy Taxi/Uber Worker Jobs. Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed and her MTA and police are allowing remote taxis unregulated entry into San Franciscoo streets destroying the jobs for all taxi workers and UBER/LYFT drivers. The AI technology is still in development and these remote vehicles violate the California Vehicular code but Newsom and London Breed and her police refuse to enforce the law against these tech and auto companies that control these remote vehicles.

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-06-13). Chris Hedges: Requiem For Our Species. Princeton, N.J. — As I write this, the sun is a hazy reddish orange orb. The sky is an inky yellowish gray. The air has an acrid stench and leaves a faint metallic taste in my mouth. After 20 minutes outside, my head starts to ache, my nose burns, my eyes itch and my breathing becomes more labored. Streets are deserted. The ubiquitous lawn service companies with their machine mowers and whining gas-powered leaf blowers have disappeared, along with pedestrians, cyclists and joggers. Those who walk their dog go out briefly and then scamper back inside. N95 masks, as in the early days of the pandemic, are sold… (2023-06-13). Ministry issues rebuke to U.S. measure targeting Xinjiang enterprises. China firmly opposes the United States incorporating two Chinese enterprises and their subsidiaries into the entity list of the so-called "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act" on the unfounded grounds of human rights violations.

teleSUR (2023-06-13). Inter' Labor Organization Calls for Action to End Child Labor. On World Day Against Child Labor, the International Labor Organization (ILO) has called for action to stop children labor. | Related: | On Monday, as part of the session of the International Labor Conference, the ILO held a high-level panel themed "social justice for all, end child labor. The discussion focuses on the link between social justice and the elimination of child labor. | Panelists representing worker…

Dongmin Yang (2023-06-13). "The president forced our comrade to die"—South Korea's workers confront Yoon Seok Yeol's labor crackdown.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-06-12). ICC Prosecutor Opens 'Technical Assistance Office' in Venezuela Amid Human Rights Probe. President Maduro expressed hope that collaboration with the ICC would help correct the record about human rights in Venezuela.

WSWS (2023-06-12). Australian health union's online meetings present no way forward for workers. Wednesday's meetings made even more clear the bureaucracy's real aim—to ensure that workers' opposition to Labor's deepening assault on their pay and conditions remains isolated and constrained within the framework of sporadic, isolated stoppages and minor work bans.

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-12). European Employment Ministers agree on digital platforms. Luxembourg, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Employment ministers of the European Union (EU) today agreed on a labor directive on digital platforms that aims to improve their workers' condition, an issue still to be debated before the European Parliament.

Toni Waterman (2023-06-12). U.S. sees rise in child labor violations. See how the troubling rise in child labor violations in the U.S. may only continue.

_____ (2023-06-12). Forbidden Stories: The Bruno and Dom Amazon Project. 1 Jun 2023 – "This story must be told." A collaborative investigation coordinated by Forbidden Stories, which involves over 50 journalists from 16 media organisations to continue the work of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. We pursued their work because our future depends on it.

Olivia Rosane (2023-06-12). 'Tax scam': Republicans follow debt ceiling fight by proposing tax cuts for wealthy. "If House Republicans were actually serious about the deficit, they would demand wealthy corporations pay their fair share in taxes," one advocate said.

Sharon Zhang (2023-06-12). US's Largest Lobbying Group Sues to Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Plan. The U.S.'s largest lobbying group, the conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has become the second prominent group to file a lawsuit to stop a plan for Medicare to be able to negotiate the prices for a handful of drugs, joining pharma giant Merck in alleging that the plan is unconstitutional. The group announced in a statement on Friday that it is filing a lawsuit against Health and Human… | (2023-06-13). Premium goods surge on cross-border apps. Millions of Chinese consumers are increasingly purchasing premium or niche consumer goods, with their expenditure on imported and foreign-brand products turning into a key driver of consumption upgrading, experts said.

infobrics (2023-06-13). Brics Is Marching Towards a Unified Currency. Amid the palpable anticipation, and the transformative discussions, we are witnessing the ascent of a momentous topic that promises to redefine global financial dynamics — the inception of a unified Brics currency… (2023-06-13). Large-scale subsidies benefit students in need. China has subsidized over 20 million college students from families with financial problems by granting them soft loans totaling over 400 billion yuan ($56 billion).

Tanupriya Singh (2023-06-13). Silvio Berlusconi, herald of Italy's far-right. Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former prime minister and billionaire right-wing politician, died in Milan on June 12, at the age of 86. | In a decades-long career marred by financial and other scandals and prosecutions, the leader of the Forza Italia party would assume the role of prime minister four times between 1994 and until he was forced to step down in 2011. | Considered to be Italy's first true populist, his influence in shaping the national discourse extended beyond the time he spent in office, both through the role he had played in the privatization of television in the 1980s, and subsequently in the mainstr…

Staff (2023-06-12). Take a Leak? 37-Count Indictment Details Trump's Hiding of Documents, from Resort Bathroom to Ballroom. We speak with The Nation's Elie Mystal about the Justice Department's unsealed, sweeping 37-count indictment of former President Donald Trump for retaining and mishandling classified documents, including top-secret information about U.S. nuclear weapons and secret plans to attack a foreign country. Trump is the first U.S. president to face federal criminal charges. He has denied any guilt. The new indictment joins his indictment earlier this year in New York, where he is accused of committing financial fraud.

_____ (2023-06-12). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

Doug Allan (2023-06-12). Ontario's Healthcare Capacity Crisis: Ford Government Plans to Make It Worse. Despite the current healthcare capacity crisis, the Doug Ford government in Ontario plans to cut healthcare service levels. | Hospitals: The news is bad for hospital services. The new Financial Accountability Office (FAO)

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-13). S&P: Corporate Bankruptcies Spike To Highest Since 2010, 3 Things To Know. Vice Media, Party City and Bed Bath & Beyond are just three of the 230+ corporate bankruptcies filed so far in 2023 that are attributed to rising inflation, supply chain disruptions and interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve as lenders pull back on loans after the banking crisis. Hit hardest by bankruptcy: consumer discretionary …

WSWS (2023-06-13). DTE Energy hikes electricity rates on Detroit-area workers, while stockholders cash in. In the midst of skyrocketing inflation, DTE Energy is raising rates on consumers, asking hard-pressed workers to curtail activities between 3-7 PM.

WSWS (2023-06-13). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Road maintenance workers, steel workers and resident doctors joined the battle against raging inflation in Argentina, while the union for locomotive builders at Wabtec in the US blocked a strike and will submit management's "final offer" for a vote.

Editor (2023-06-12). The 'Fourth Turning' that will define our Century. European economies are reeling from inflation and the spectre of de-industrialisation-fuelled by self-imposed foreswearing of all imports of cheap Russian energy.

WSWS (2023-06-13). ILWU local president at Port of San Diego threatens to blacklist dockworkers who talk to reporters. International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 29 President Ray Leyba threatened to deny employment to any dockworker who spoke with WSWS reporters.

Brandon Soderberg, Vida Fye, Megan Kenny, Andrew Friedman (2023-06-13). Baltimore's Crime Numbers Game. by Data Analysis by Additional research and analysis by Illustrations by At a January "Take Back Our Streets Town Hall," Ba… (2023-06-13). Arab states and China to upgrade relations. Exchanges between the Arab states and China are set to get an upgrade after the 10th Arab-China Business Conference in Riyadh saw the signing of 30 investment agreements worth over $10 billion in several sectors on Sunday. (2023-06-13). Cultural fair ends with record turnover in projects. The 19th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair wrapped up on Sunday, with the turnover in investment projects hitting a record high of 3.42 billion yuan ($478.8 million).

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-12). Public investment, a Citizen Revolution's priority in Ecuador. Quito, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Luisa González, a candidate for the presidency of Ecuador for the Citizen Revolution (RC), assured that if they return to government, one of their priorities will be public investment in areas that currently affect citizens, such as security. In an interview on the Youtube channel Ingobernables, the former legislator, who held several positions during the administration of former President Rafael Correa (2007-2017), insisted on the experience of her political project, which has already shown how to be a better country.

Dana Sanchez (2023-06-12). JP Morgan Settles Jeffrey Epstein Lawsuit Alleging Bank Helped Finance Sex-Trafficking Operation. JPMorgan Chase has settled a lawsuit for an undisclosed amount brought by multiple women who allege the bank helped its client, the disgraced late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, run his sex-trafficking operation and profit from it by enabling him to pay them for sex. A woman listed anonymously as Jane Doe filed the 2022 lawsuit in …

Chris Walker (2023-06-12). Watchdog Says 14th Amendment, Not Indictments, Can Bar Trump From Presidency. On Monday morning, a nonprofit government watchdog organization called out former President Donald Trump, implying that his actions in the final weeks of his presidency should disqualify him from serving in any office again. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) wrote in a tweet that while there isn't a federal law barring former presidents from running for office if they've… |

Editor (2023-06-12). Ralph Nader: Technology Needs Assessments by Congress Municipalities and Local Civic Groups. By Ralph Nader / The pace of for-profit technological innovations is accelerating, but to what end beyond corporate sales? The gap between marketing new high-tech products and assessing their intended and unintended consequences has never been greater. Let's start with the ballooning of augmented reality inside virtual reality. Facebook's Oculus Rift escapism has flopped. …

jamanetwork (2023-06-13). Nonhormone Treatment for Menopausal Hot Flashes Receives FDA Approval. The nonhormonal drug fezolinetant is the first of its kind to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat moderate to severe hot flashes—periods of sweating, flushing, and chills—associated with menopause, the agency announced in a statement. Fezolinetant, marketed as Veozah, targets the neurokinin 3 receptor to restore the brain's regulation of body temperature.

Staff (2023-06-12). Headlines for June 12, 2023. Ukraine Says It Liberated 4 Villages as Counteroffensive Gets Underway, Law Enforcement Braces for Unrest Ahead of Trump Court Hearing as Supporters Issue Violent Threats, Deadly Battles Resume in Sudan After Ceasefire Ends; South Sudan Violence Kills 20 Displaced People, New Haven Reaches $45 Million Settlement with Randy Cox, Who Was Paralyzed in Police Van, I-95 Highway in Philadelphia Could Be Closed for Months After Tanker Truck Fire Leads to Collapse, New York City Establishes First-of-Its-Kind Minimum Wage for App Delivery Workers, Four Indigenous Children Found Alive 40 Days After Plane Crash, Colombia Si…

WSWS (2023-06-13). More rural postal workers in the US speak out about thousands in lost wages due to new compensation formula. "How do you tell your children you won't see them again, and when you do, you have no money to do anything with them?" said one worker, who lost $10,000 a year in pay. "I mean, how is this acceptable?"

WSWS (2023-06-12). New York transit workers speak out as TWU pushes sellout deal. As hazardous air quality conditions threaten transit workers health, the Transport Workers Union and transit agency are pushing cuts to real wages and reduced time off.

WSWS (2023-06-12). UPS workers in New York City and Louisville speak out during snap Teamsters strike vote. Workers are determined to win back decades of pro-company concessions, dramatic improvements to their working conditions, wages and hours and an end to management harassment. But the Teamsters apparatus under General President Sean O'Brien, a career official being falsely recast as a rank-and-file militant, is preparing a pro-company sellout behind closed doors.

Ben Bartee (2023-06-13). How the Obesity-Industrial Complex Keeps Americans Sick, Fat, and Sad. (2023-06-13). China's auto sector sees moderate recovery in May. The output and sales, as well as exports of China's automobile market, registered year-on-year growth in May, industrial data showed.

Ian Angus (2023-06-12). Industrial farming has killed billions of birds. Worldwide, 49% of all wild bird species are in steep decline, according to a new report, writes Ian Angus.

Andrew Chuter (2023-06-13). 'NIMBY' name calling is a developer distraction. Declining levels of public housing, non-existent rent controls and annual investor tax concessions are some reasons for the spiralling cost of housing, argues Andrew Chuter.

Editor (2023-06-13). Legal Brief Filed to Bar Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett from Canada. Lawyers have filed a complaint on behalf of a Palestinian-Canadian and four Canadian organizations seeking to have the government declare former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett inadmissible to Canada before he is set to speak in Toronto on June 14. As lawyers Shane Martinez and Nicholas Pope have laid out in the complaint, Bennett should be denied entry to Canada pursuant to sections 35(1)(a) and (b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. | As put forth in the complaint filed on Tuesday, May 29th, 2023, The federal government has "domestic and international legal obligations to excl…

Jenny Farrell (2023-06-12). Chingiz Aitmatov: Getting to know a world-famous writer from Kyrgyzstan. One of the lasting effects of the continuing Cold War against all socialist thought and culture is the West's denial of the art of socialist countries. This affects all genres in all the socialist countries. The work of these artists is rarely readily available to the general public, and sidelined in university courses, dismissed highhandedly …

WSWS (2023-06-12). Clarios workers call for joint action to defeat strikebreaking by auto battery company: "All UAW members should be on strike" Workers on the picket lines in Ohio and those working at a Missouri plant told the World Socialist Web Site that Clarios was deliberately mislabeling batteries to conceal that they were being manufactured by strikebreakers.

WSWS (2023-06-12). Australia's pseudo-left Socialist Alternative holds fraudulent "anti-war" meeting. The starkest aspect of the meeting was that at an event ostensibly opposing war, not a word was said about the war that is underway in Ukraine.

Peter Boyle (2023-06-12). Challenges for climate activists in Singapore. Kristian-Marc Paul, an activist in the Singapore climate justice movment, spoke to Green Left's Peter Boyle ahead of his participation in the Ecosocialism 2023 conference on July 1—2.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-12). Through its members and offshoot organisations, the Fabian Society's influence is global. The Fabian Society is a British organisation that has aimed, and still aims, to promote socialist ideas and policies through a very slow and reformist approach. The society's members include activists, intellectuals …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-13). Swaziland: Campaign launched for release of political prisoners. The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) is set to launch a "Break the Chains" campaign to demand the release of political prisoners, including its Central Committee member Mvuselelo Mkhabela, reports Peoples Dispatch.

People's Dispatch. (2023-06-12). Activists In Germany Protest NATO's 'Air Defender 23' Military Exercise. On June 10, hundreds of activists from various anti-imperialist and anti-war groups as well as the Communist Party of Germany (DKP) marched to the Wunstorf Air Base in Hannover to protest the NATO's Air Defender 2023 exercise scheduled from June 12-June 23. A vigil was also held at the Spangdahlem Air Base near Trier, which will also serve as a base for the exercise. Die Linke organized protests against the NATO exercise on June 11. The protestors denounced war-mongering and projection of military might by NATO amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and demanded a ceasefire and peace negotiations in Ukraine, as well…

2023-06-13 12:43:56 | 12:43 EST | tr | 86 | 0 | 43 | 49 | 0 

2023-06-12: News Headlines (2023-06-12). Prospects seen for deeper ties with Honduras. China and Honduras will deepen their pragmatic cooperation in economy, trade, industrial capacity and infrastructure by fully harnessing each other's competitive advantages as part of their efforts to pursue common development and achieve win-win results. (2023-06-12). Nation urged to boost smart manufacturing. China should pool more resources into bolstering the application of cutting-edge intelligent technologies in advanced manufacturing, as part of its broader drive to build a modern industrial system backed by the real economy amid mounting external uncertainties. (2023-06-12). Major Arab-China business event kicks off in Riyadh, set to further boost economic ties. The 10th Arab-China Business Conference, which is said to be the largest business gathering between China and Arab countries, kicked off on Sunday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-06-12). Asia-Pacific is where China-Russia 'no limits' partnership will be put to test. The Northeast Asian theater is going to be a crucial arena in the brewing big-power confrontation, what with the Arctic hotting up and the Northern Sea Route becoming operational. This will catapult the strategic importance of the Russian Far East and Siberia as the powerhouse of the world economy in the 21st century…

Ben Norton (2023-06-11). BRICS New Development Bank De-Dollarizing, Adding Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe as Members. By Ben Norton — Jun 7, 2023 | The BRICS bloc's New Development Bank, an alternative to the US-dominated World Bank, is de-dollarizing its loans, promoting local currencies, and adding new members: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe. | The One of the most important institutions created by the BRICS is the New Development Bank (NDB). Th…

Conor Smith, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-06-11). WSJ Celebrates Making It Harder For Poor People To Access Food. After holding the economy hostage for months, some Republicans are going through a bit of a depressive slump. "We got rolled," is how one Republican congressmember (Roll Call, 6/6/23) described the outcome of the debt ceiling negotiations. "It was a bad deal." | But don't cry too much, guys! The Wall Street Journal is here to cheer you up, and remind you that, though you didn't get all the austerity you wanted, you did get to hurt the poor a bit. Maybe not as much as you wanted, but life's not always fair, is it? | As the Journal's editorial board (5/30/23) recently wrote: "One reason the deal is worth passing: T…

Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism. (2023-06-11). The US Economy — Surprisingly Resilient Or Potemkin Village? For today's episode, we want to talk about what's going on in the US economy. Because when you look at the discussion that's going on, you see a lot of contradictory narratives. On the one hand, you have people like Bank of America's CEO Brian Moynihan, who said on Sunday that the country may face a mild recession later this year. You see a lot of major CEOs making similar predictions. By contrast, the Biden administration and much of the US mainstream media are insisting that the US economy is showing extraordinary resilience. So, Michael, I want to ask you, what is your analysis on the current state of the US e…

Barry Sheppard (2023-06-12). United States: Rich, corporations win, environment, people lose in 'debt ceiling' deal. The "debt-ceiling crisis" provided the pretext for the rolling back environmental, economic and social policies, while corporations and the rich benefitted the most from the deal struck between the Democrats and Republicans, reports Barry Sheppard.

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-12). Report: Saudi Crown Prince Threatened US With 'Major Economic Consequences'. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned the US would suffer economic consequences if President Biden retaliated for OPEC oil cuts that were announced last fall, The Washington Post reported.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-12). Cuban Prime Minister conducts official visit to Russia. Marrero arrived in Moscow from Sochi, where he headed the Cuban delegation at various events of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and spoke at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and at the 3rd Eurasian Congress. | The Cuban authority presided over the signing of three important documents between the Biocubafarma business group and Russian and Belarusian companies in the sector. | He also met with his Russian counterpart, Mikhail Mishustin, in order to check the progress of the established agreements and the potential for economic-commercial relations between Russia and Cuba and between the EEU and Cuba. | Ma…

Jonathan Ng (2023-06-11). US Economic War on Venezuela Has Rewarded Corruption and Undermined Democracy. This spring, the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó delivered a solemn address to the international press in Miami, Florida. Claiming his life was in danger, Guaidó announced that he fled Venezuela to escape persecution and rally the world against the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In bold strokes, he argued that Maduro constitutes a threat to "the entire world… |

Radwan Mortada, The Cradle. (2023-06-11). The US Doesn't Defeat Terror, It Only Tries To Balance It. Adil Abdul-Mahdi, prime minister of Iraq from October 2018 to May 2020, emerged as a significant figure during one of the most tumultuous periods in the country's recent history. | Caught between navigating relations with Washington and Tehran, and a worsening economic crisis, he ultimately resigned in the face of popular protests and the state's violent crackdown. | In a rare media interview with The Cradle, Abdul-Mahdi candidly discloses details of those harrowing days and the foreign interests — particularly American and British — that played a hand in the chaos, terrorism, sectarianism, and econom…

Dave DeCamp (2023-06-12). Report: Saudi Crown Prince Threatened US With 'Major Economic Consequences'. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned the US would suffer economic consequences if President Biden retaliated for OPEC oil cuts that were announced last fall, The Washington Post reported.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-12). Cuban Prime Minister conducts official visit to Russia. Marrero arrived in Moscow from Sochi, where he headed the Cuban delegation at various events of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and spoke at the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and at the 3rd Eurasian Congress. | The Cuban authority presided over the signing of three important documents between the Biocubafarma business group and Russian and Belarusian companies in the sector. | He also met with his Russian counterpart, Mikhail Mishustin, in order to check the progress of the established agreements and the potential for economic-commercial relations between Russia and Cuba and between the EEU and Cuba. | Ma…

Jonathan Ng (2023-06-11). US Economic War on Venezuela Has Rewarded Corruption and Undermined Democracy. This spring, the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó delivered a solemn address to the international press in Miami, Florida. Claiming his life was in danger, Guaidó announced that he fled Venezuela to escape persecution and rally the world against the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In bold strokes, he argued that Maduro constitutes a threat to "the entire world… |

Radwan Mortada, The Cradle. (2023-06-11). The US Doesn't Defeat Terror, It Only Tries To Balance It. Adil Abdul-Mahdi, prime minister of Iraq from October 2018 to May 2020, emerged as a significant figure during one of the most tumultuous periods in the country's recent history. | Caught between navigating relations with Washington and Tehran, and a worsening economic crisis, he ultimately resigned in the face of popular protests and the state's violent crackdown. | In a rare media interview with The Cradle, Abdul-Mahdi candidly discloses details of those harrowing days and the foreign interests — particularly American and British — that played a hand in the chaos, terrorism, sectarianism, and econom…

Resumen English. (2023-06-11). Lula To Launch Social Programs; Part Of Stopping Amazon Deforestation. The government of leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will launch a social program with economic aid to vulnerable families working in the conservation of the Amazon rainforest that is a similar program that was repealed by the previous president, the far-right Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022). | The program, called 'Bolsa Verde', an environmental version of the popular 'Bolsa Familia', will be implemented in 30,000 families in the Brazilian Amazon, but the government's intention is to expand it to other biomes, such as the Cerrado (the Brazilian savannah) or the Atlantic Forest, all threatened by deforestation and other…

scorinoco (2023-06-11). Colombia: The Friends and Enemies of Petro. By Gustavo Bolívar — Jun 4, 2023 | Gustavo Petro is paying the price for coming to power without the permission of the six owners of the country and without the endorsement of any of the eight presidential families. | This fact, which today is taking its toll on him, gave him the necessary independence to develop reforms that, precisely, bother the former and mortify the latter. The former because they see their economic interests threatened in some strategic sectors which are the object of these reforms, and the latter because an alternative government capable of changing Colombia would expose the dissatisf…

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-06-11). Arab countries and China plan to expand economic cooperation. Riyadh, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Saudi Arabia today highlighted the mutual desire of Arab nations and China to expand economic cooperation and bilateral trade exchange, which in 2022 increased by more than 31 percent compared to the previous year. (2023-06-11). Premier stresses need to revitalize Northeast China. Premier Li Qiang has stressed the need to boost the momentum and vitality of economic growth in the nation's northeast by adhering to the new development philosophy.

Richard D. Wolff, Canadian Dimension. (2023-06-11). Market Fundamentalism Is An Obstacle To Social Progress. A changing world order, a shrinking US empire, migrations and related demographic shifts, and major economic crashes have all enhanced religious fundamentalisms around the world. Beyond religions, other ideological fundamentalisms likewise provide widely welcomed reassurances. One of the latter—market fundamentalism—invites and deserves criticism as a major obstacle to navigating this time of rapid social change. Market fundamentalism attributes to that particular social institution a level of perfection and "optimality" quite parallel to what fundamentalist religions attribute to prophets and divinit…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-06-12). Saturday 6/24: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Poverty by America, by Matthew Desmond. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Curtis Daly, The Canary. (2023-06-11). England To Trial A Basic Income For The First Time. England is about to pilot a basic income scheme for the first time. Thirty people will receive £1600 a month for two years. The trial, which will take place in central Jarrow and East Finchley, seeks to find out what effects this will have on the lives of the participants. | Will Stronge, director of research from thinktank Autonomy, said: | All the evidence shows that it would directly alleviate poverty and boost millions of people's wellbeing: the potential benefits are just too large to ignore. | Indeed, this seems like an interesting and positive scheme to tackle the hardship millions of people face in…

Jim McIlroy (2023-06-12). Unions step up push for 'same job, same pay' rule. Unions want Labor to change the law to stop bosses from misusing labour hire clauses to reduce pay rates, and have launched a campaign to get it done. Jim McIlroy reports.

Staff (2023-06-12). Solidarity with Georges Abdallah and Walid Daqqah at Toulouse mobilization against French pension reforms. During a new broad labour union demonstration against the French pension reform in Toulouse which brought together nearly 50,000 people, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra was present alongside all the people mobilized, reaffirming that defending the liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea is inseparable from the global struggle for social justice! Underlining this …

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-06-12). New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending. Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-12). AI Ground Zero In SF As Tech, Auto Bosses & Politicians Destroy Taxi/Uber Worker Jobs. Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed and her MTA and police are allowing remote taxis unregulated entry into San Franciscoo streets destroying the jobs for all taxi workers and UBER/LYFT drivers. The AI technology is still in development and these remote vehicles violate the California Vehicular code but Newsom and London Breed and her police refuse to enforce the law against these tech and auto companies that control these remote vehicles.

WSWS (2023-06-12). Australian health union's online meetings present no way forward for workers. Wednesday's meetings made even more clear the bureaucracy's real aim—to ensure that workers' opposition to Labor's deepening assault on their pay and conditions remains isolated and constrained within the framework of sporadic, isolated stoppages and minor work bans.

_____ (2023-06-12). Forbidden Stories: The Bruno and Dom Amazon Project. 1 Jun 2023 – "This story must be told." A collaborative investigation coordinated by Forbidden Stories, which involves over 50 journalists from 16 media organisations to continue the work of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips. We pursued their work because our future depends on it.

Dean Baker (2023-06-11). New York Times Tells Readers Jewelry Purchases Down Due to Inflation, Commerce Department Says They are Up by 26.4 Percent. Seems the NYT still can't get access to the government's data on consumption. It ran an article telling readers that demand for wedding rings has fallen. This is very plausibly explained by fewer people having met up during the pandemic, and therefore fewer people getting married. However, the subhead adds "Inflation and anxiety among shoppers … (2023-06-12). International role for yuan in works, slowly. The internationalization of the Chinese currency renminbi was, even as recently as last year, not an everyday topic in financial news reporting.

_____ (2023-06-12). Summer Fundraising — Please Pitch In. Dear reader, please partner with TMS by contributing financially to our Peace Journalism. A troubled world needs our solutions as most leaders have gone berserk with their warmongering, fear-inducing militarism, and war-dependent economies. Our heartfelt thanks.

Doug Allan (2023-06-12). Ontario's Healthcare Capacity Crisis: Ford Government Plans to Make It Worse. Despite the current healthcare capacity crisis, the Doug Ford government in Ontario plans to cut healthcare service levels. | Hospitals: The news is bad for hospital services. The new Financial Accountability Office (FAO)

Mark Keenan (2023-06-11). Deconstructing Globalization, A Historical Perspective. Towards "The Privatization and Financialization of Everything" (2023-06-11). Growth pivot points to global lens on China. The focus of leading global financial institutions on China will remain unchanged given the country's growth prospects, executives at the 14th Lujiazui Forum said.

Alastair Crooke (2023-06-11). The 'Fourth Turning' that will Define our Century. European economies are reeling from inflation and the spectre of de-industrialisation — fuelled by self-imposed foreswearing of all imports of cheap Russian energy. | Zbig Brzezinski, then (1997) a US Presidential adviser, put it starkly: 'Eurasia is the largest Continent on earth; and Europe is America's indispensable bridgehead into that Heartland. With each expansion of Europe's scope, therefore, the US sphere of influence expands as well'. And for domination of Eurasia, he said: Ukraine is the key state. | Today, however, the single most momentous development of our time is the tide flowing towards disav…

Paige Oamek, In These Times. (2023-06-11). Winning Is Only The Start: Jane McAlevey On Building Worker Power. In April 2022, Amazon workers in Staten Island voted to form a union. But a year after that historic victory, union members at the JFK8 warehouse still don't have a contract, thanks largely to Amazon spending $14 million on union avoidance consultants. That may be shocking but it's not unusual. When workers vote to form a union, it takes an average of 465 additional days to sign a contract with their employer. Meanwhile this spring in Buffalo, where the first Starbucks Workers United election was won in 2021, a new decertification petition attempted to extinguish the spark that inspired hundreds of other location… (2023-06-12). Investment in water resources rises 32.1% to $57.5b. China made almost 410.6 billion yuan ($57.5 billion) of investment into building water resources management projects in the first five months this year, up by 32.1 percent from the same period last year.

WSWS (2023-06-12). Volkswagen plans a radical program of cuts aimed at boosting profits. The VW board has been in intensive talks with the IG Metall trade union and its works councils in Germany on how to enforce this programme of cuts against the workforce.

Editor (2023-06-12). Ralph Nader: Technology Needs Assessments by Congress Municipalities and Local Civic Groups. By Ralph Nader / The pace of for-profit technological innovations is accelerating, but to what end beyond corporate sales? The gap between marketing new high-tech products and assessing their intended and unintended consequences has never been greater. Let's start with the ballooning of augmented reality inside virtual reality. Facebook's Oculus Rift escapism has flopped. … (2023-06-12). OpenAI CEO calls for global cooperation on AI regulation, says 'China has some of the best AI talent in the world'. Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has called for a global cooperation in setting up the regulatory guardrails for powerful artificial intelligence (AI) systems at an industry forum held in Beijing on Saturday, noting that China can play a significant role with some of its "best AI talent in the world."

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-11). Documentary: Unsustainable — The UN's Agenda for World Domination. Globalists in the power elite — working through the United Nations — are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is …

WSWS (2023-06-11). Behind the sharp rise in US resident physicians organizing into unions. There is a growing militancy among physician-residents in the US who face crushing debts and are paid minimum wages while they carry the main burden of caring for hospital-based patients.

WSWS (2023-06-11). Behind the sharp rise in resident physicians organizing into unions. There is a growing militancy among physician-residents in the US who face crushing debts and are paid minimum wages while they carry the main burden of caring for hospital-based patients.

WSWS (2023-06-12). New York transit workers speak out as TWU pushes sellout deal. As hazardous air quality conditions threaten transit workers health, the Transport Workers Union and transit agency are pushing cuts to real wages and reduced time off.

Ian Angus (2023-06-12). Industrial farming has killed billions of birds. Worldwide, 49% of all wild bird species are in steep decline, according to a new report, writes Ian Angus.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-06-12). Through its members and offshoot organisations, the Fabian Society's influence is global. The Fabian Society is a British organisation that has aimed, and still aims, to promote socialist ideas and policies through a very slow and reformist approach. The society's members include activists, intellectuals …

WSWS (2023-06-12). Australia's pseudo-left Socialist Alternative holds fraudulent "anti-war" meeting. The starkest aspect of the meeting was that at an event ostensibly opposing war, not a word was said about the war that is underway in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-06-12). Clarios workers call for joint action to defeat strikebreaking by auto battery company: "All UAW members should be on strike" Workers on the picket lines in Ohio and those working at a Missouri plant told the World Socialist Web Site that Clarios was deliberately mislabeling batteries to conceal that they were being manufactured by strikebreakers.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-12). Cuban party delegation travels to South Vietnam. Hanoi, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in Havana, and his accompanying delegation traveled to Ho Chi Minh City, in the follow-up of their visit to Vietnam.

Rainer Shea (2023-06-11). Hurting the Democratic Party is Essential for Revolutionaries, and Voting Cornel West is Our Best Way to Do This. By Rainer Shea — Jun 9, 2023 | At this moment, the best thing we can do to weaken the Democratic Party's monopoly over organizing spaces is back Cornel West. Communists should vote for him not because he's a communist, which he isn't, but because voting for him will have an impact that advances our cause. What it will do is greatly expand the fissure that's long been developing within the country's left, the fissure that makes the communist movement better able to grow outside the DNC's influence. | This fissure first became visible during recent decades when, in reaction to the Democratic Party's reactionar…

thecommunists (2023-06-11). Joti Brar on RT: Imperialism's fascistic proxy armies and MSM lies. Joti Brar speaks to RT news about US and British imperialism's use and support of extreme right-wing forces and the media's condemnation, or support of, those same forces depending on which narrative the imperialists are spinning at the time. Osama bin Laden and the Afghan mujahideen were once heralded by the western press as 'freedom …

2023-06-12 10:14:30 | 10:14 EST | tr | 56 | 2 | 23 | 35 | 0 

2023-06-10: News Headlines

Bruce Lerro (2023-06-10). Promethean City Builders vs Finance Capital Malthusians. Part I Who are Some Western Supporters of Multipolarists? Orientation Most of us realize there is a major tectonic shift in the world economy from West to East. The multipolar nations are basing their economies on investing in developing the productive forces of science and technology and to better human life. The Belt and Road …

WSWS (2023-06-10). As slowdowns continue on West Coast docks, Chamber of Commerce calls on Biden to force through tentative agreement. The largest business group in the US demanded, in the name of the "economy," that Biden appoint a mediator to overcome workers' demands for wage increases and pension benefits.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Why China's socialist economy is more efficient than capitalism By: John Ross. The difficulty the U.S. faces in its current attempts to damage China's economy was analysed in detail in the article "The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide". Reduced to essentials, the U.S. problem is that it possesses no external economic levers powerful enough to derail China's economy. The U.S. has attempted tariffs, technology sanctions, political provocations over Taiwan, the actual or threatened banning of companies such as Huawei …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-06-09). Syria estimates wheat production to exceed one million tons. During his visit to several state-owned grain purchasing facilities and centers in the central province of Hama, the chief executive said that grain trading operations are being facilitated by government institutions. | All capacities should be employed to achieve an excellent grain production season, which would support the national economy, he said. The Syrian government approved a package of measures aimed at boosting wheat planting and production and supporting wheat farmers, considered the main food for the population. | Before the war in 2011, Syria produced sufficient quantities for self-consumption and e…

Anonymous834 (2023-06-09). Poland And Baltic Countries Could Send Troops To Ukraine — Former NATO Chief. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. | Former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told The Guardian on June 7 that a group of countries in the Atlantic Alliance could take individual action and send troops to Ukraine in case member states fail to provide security assurances to Kiev at the NATO summit in Lithuania's capital Vilnius in July. | Rasmussen said: "If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-06-09). BRICS New Development Bank De-Dollarizing. The BRICS bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is expanding, and building a new economic architecture to challenge the dominance of the US dollar. | One of the most important institutions created by the BRICS is the New Development Bank (NDB). This is a Global South-oriented alternative to the World Bank, which is located in and essentially controlled by the United States. | In March 2023, the NDB inaugurated its new chief: Dilma Rousseff, the former president of Brazil, from the South American nation's leftist Workers' Party. | Rousseff has stressed that the NDB's goals are financing "infrastru… (2023-06-09). Forex performance seen staying relatively stable. China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain a relatively stable performance as the economy remains on an uptrend while the U.S. dollar's strength may not be sustainable. (2023-06-09). State banks cut yuan deposit rates to spur investment, consumption. Major Chinese state banks officially lowered their yuan deposit rates on Thursday for a second time since last September. The move is expected to ease pressure on profit margins and inject liquidity into the bricks-and-mortar economy, experts said. (2023-06-09). China's CPI up 0.2% in May. China's consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, rose 0.2 percent in May on a yearly basis, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Friday. (2023-06-09). Dragon Boat Festival holidays to unleash new round of spending momentum. The coming three-day Dragon Boat Festival holidays are expected to spark another year-on-year surge in domestic travel and tourism, adding to the spending passion that was kindled by the May Day holidays last month.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-06-10). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?

WSWS (2023-06-10). NZEI pushes through sellout of New Zealand primary teachers. The Labour government's pay cut was pushed through by the union, which told 30,000 primary teachers they had to accept it due to the "current economic climate."

Fight Back (2023-06-09). Seattle Homegrown workers picket amidst contract fight. Seattle, WA – On Saturday, June 3 Homegrown workers and community supporters held a picket in front of the Queen Anne location of Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches, amidst their fight for a first contract with UNITE HERE Local 8. | The picket came days after Homegrown workers saw the company's first response to the economic demands during contract bargaining earlier that week on Tuesday, May 30. | "Homegrown, Homegrown you can't hide, we can see your greedy side!" called workers from the picket lines. Cafe workers gave their thoughts on the $1.75 proposed raise offered by the company. | "I think it's disrespectfu…

infobrics (2023-06-09). The BRICS Reshape the Global Geopolitical Map. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have become the new geopolitical, economic and diplomatic platform for developing countries…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, Land Is Predictable But Markets Are Not. Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's 'absolute advantage' principle — countries should focus on what they do 'best', rather than diversify their economies. It seemed churlish to me, that developing countries such as Argentina should only produce raw materials, while wealthy countries such as Ger…

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not. Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's …

WSWS (2023-06-09). US and Britain agree "Atlantic Declaration," pledging economic warfare against Russia and China. Pursuing NATO's war against Russia was pivotal in further cooperation, alongside confronting China, in alliance with the US and Australia in the AUKUS alliance.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Food, Energy Prices Drag Eurozone Economies Into Mild Recession. On Thursday, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU), released data showing that the 20-nation eurozone was in mild recession at the start of this year. | RELATED: | Economic growth in the eurozone countries declined by 0.1 percent in each of the last two quarters, indicating a technical recession. Economic growth was hurt by high food and energy prices, disrupted trade networks, and instability — all l…

Fight Back (2023-06-09). Seattle Homegrown workers picket amidst contract fight. Seattle, WA – On Saturday, June 3 Homegrown workers and community supporters held a picket in front of the Queen Anne location of Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches, amidst their fight for a first contract with UNITE HERE Local 8. | The picket came days after Homegrown workers saw the company's first response to the economic demands during contract bargaining earlier that week on Tuesday, May 30. | "Homegrown, Homegrown you can't hide, we can see your greedy side!" called workers from the picket lines. Cafe workers gave their thoughts on the $1.75 proposed raise offered by the company. | "I think it's disrespectfu…

infobrics (2023-06-09). The BRICS Reshape the Global Geopolitical Map. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have become the new geopolitical, economic and diplomatic platform for developing countries…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, Land Is Predictable But Markets Are Not. Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's 'absolute advantage' principle — countries should focus on what they do 'best', rather than diversify their economies. It seemed churlish to me, that developing countries such as Argentina should only produce raw materials, while wealthy countries such as Ger…

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's Small Farmers, the Land Is Predictable but the Markets Are Not. Thirty years ago, in my economics textbook in India, the section on international trade referred to Argentina. It would be better, according to the textbook, for Argentina to concentrate on the production and export of beef, while Germany should direct its resources towards the production of electronics. This example was used to illustrate Adam Smith's …

WSWS (2023-06-09). US and Britain agree "Atlantic Declaration," pledging economic warfare against Russia and China. Pursuing NATO's war against Russia was pivotal in further cooperation, alongside confronting China, in alliance with the US and Australia in the AUKUS alliance.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Food, Energy Prices Drag Eurozone Economies Into Mild Recession. On Thursday, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union (EU), released data showing that the 20-nation eurozone was in mild recession at the start of this year. | RELATED: | Economic growth in the eurozone countries declined by 0.1 percent in each of the last two quarters, indicating a technical recession. Economic growth was hurt by high food and energy prices, disrupted trade networks, and instability — all l…

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Salvadorans Ask for the Release of Santa Marta Activists. On Thursday, the Association for Social Economic Development (ADES) filed a legal appeal in favor of the Santa Marta's community environmental leaders who remain detained and accused of murdering a woman in 1989. | RELATED: | Before the Sensuntepeque Court, their defense attorney Denis Muñoz requested alternative measures to preventive detention, arguing that they are in delicate health conditions. Three months ago, however…

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-06-09). Russia considers that Latin America has growing interest in the EEU. Sochi, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean are showing more and more interest in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the Prime Minister of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin said at a plenary session of the III Eurasian Congress. (2023-06-09). Global organizations raise expectations on China's economic growth. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development rose the economic growth expectation on China again in a report released on June 7 local time to 5.4 percent this year and 5.1 percent next year.

Vijay Prashad (2023-06-09). For Argentina's small farmers, the land is predictable but the markets are not: The Twenty-Third Newsletter (2023). In 2021, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) noted that Argentina remains 'a major exporter of agricultural products', which, at that time, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the country's exports (as of April 2023, agricultural goods accounted for 56.4% of the country's exports).

Robert Reich (2023-06-09). Busting the 'paid what you're worth' myth. It is distorting our politics, rigging our markets, and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people while millions of Americans struggle to get by.

Matthew Ehret (2023-06-10). John F Kennedy Broke the Rules of the Zero Sum Game. Will his Nephew Learn How This Was Done? "Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe." — President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address Recently, presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr delivered an interview

Joelle Fishman (2023-06-09). Connecticut caregivers strike attracts national support to end poverty wages. HARTFORD, CT — Striking group home and day program caregivers marked week two of their strike against poverty with a rally at Emanuel Lutheran Church, followed by a march to the State Capitol, as Nobel prize winning economist Paul Stiglitz issued a statement of support indicating that the strike is gaining national attention. The members …

Spencer Sunshine (2023-06-09). Far Right "Proud Boys" Group Has Continued to Grow Despite January 6 Charges. The events of January 6, 2020, have been closely watched for their long-term impact on the far right. Members of two groups in particular, the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, were hit with felonies for their participation in the breach of the U.S. Capitol. Now, two years later, the Oath Keepers have largely collapsed, while the Proud Boys have grown. These are the findings of the Southern Poverty Law… |

Saurabh Jha, Eric J Topol (2023-06-10). Perspectives] Upending the model of AI adoption. In 2016, Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer of deep learning artificial intelligence (AI), predicted radiologists' extinction within 5 years. 7 years later, radiologists have yet to be replaced, and radiology AI—use of AI for image interpretation—is not widely implemented in many high-income countries. Yet adoption has been rapid for certain use cases in some low-income and middle-income settings.

Jeff Abbott (2023-06-09). The Other Americans: Investment Alone Isn't Enough to Tackle the Causes of Migration. It has been nearly two years since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that she would be leading efforts to address the root causes of migration. But, income from family members abroad far outweighs Biden Administration investments.

teleSUR (2023-06-09). Mexican President Praises Strength of Peso Against Dollar. On Thursday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) hailed the current strength of the Mexican peso against the dollar and declining inflation, saying it was partly due to policies to contain prices. | RELATED: | "We will continue to be careful that inflation does not increase. When there is inflation, income is greatly affected. Salaries can be increased, but if there is a rise in inflation, you lose…

WSWS (2023-06-10). SEP rejects Sri Lankan government invitation to discuss "labour law reform" The government's pretense that it is engaging in a democratic exercise in bringing in new labour laws is a blatant lie. It is carrying out the demands of the IMF, big business and foreign investors.

Asa Winstanley (2023-06-09). Labour's new bankroller is Israel lobbyist, South African apartheid profiteer. Gary Lubner says he'll donate $6 million to party.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-06-10). New York Legislature Extends Session, Vote on Debt Relief Bill Pending. Religion, Development and Labor Coalition Pushes Passage of New York Taxpayer and International Debt Crises Protection Act…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-10). AI Ground Zero In SF As Tech, Auto Bosses & Politicians Destroy Taxi/Uber Worker Jobs. Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed and her MTA and police are allowing remote taxis unregulated entry into San Franciscoo streets destroying the jobs for all taxi workers and UBER/LYFT drivers. The AI technology is still in development and these remote vehicles violate the California Vehicular code but Newsom and London Breed and her police refuse to enforce the law against these tech and auto companies that control these remote vehicles.

Pip Hinman (2023-06-10). Criticism of Labor's support for AUKUS grows. While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese talks up the AUKUS deal, opposition is growing among unionists and retired defence officials. Pip Hinman reports.

WSWS (2023-06-10). Western Australian industrial court hands down record fine for nurses' strike. The ruling, issued under a Labor government, is a clear message to workers throughout Australia that industrial action will not be tolerated. The Australian Nursing Federation readily accepted the $350,000 fine and vowed to prevent any future "illegal" strikes.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-06-09). As New York Skies Darken, Delivery Workers Help Each Other. Wildfire smoke muddled the New York City skyline on Tuesday. Many people experienced the eerie threat mainly by scrolling through social media. But others experienced it in their bodies. | "My eyes were burning," said UPS package driver Matt Leichenger, who was making deliveries in Brooklyn. "My throat was scratchy. By lunchtime, I was feeling dizzy and nauseous." | Eventually, he got himself a surgical mask, he said, pausing momentarily to cough while we spoke on the phone. "It got a little bit better, but I was still blowing snot." | News stories showed a veil of smoke stretching from Wisconsin to Alabama[mdash…

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies, Marcy Winograd (2023-06-09). The Surprising Pervasiveness of Pro-War Propaganda. Editor's note: The war in Ukraine has divided progressives like few other foreign policy issues in recent years. As a platform for progressive internationalism, FPIF has featured a range of viewpoints on the subject. In that spirit, we present this response from CODEPINK — a group that includes longtime collaborators with FPIF and our parent institution, the Institute for Policy Studies — to a recent critique by FPIF director John Feffer entitled " In the Foreign P… (2023-06-09). Taiwan authorities obstruct peaceful mainland student visit. Taiwan's pro-reunification Labor Party has strongly condemned Taiwan authorities for obstructing an island-based foundation from inviting Chinese mainland university students for an exchange program in Taiwan.

Greg Miller, FreightWaves. (2023-06-09). West Coast Container Ports Hit As Labor Talks Take Ominous Turn. Will West Coast port labor negotiations devolve into a major, extended disruption to U.S. supply chains, akin to the labor fallout in 2014-2015? If there was a way to place a "prop" bet on this, how have the odds changed since the last port labor contract expired on July 1, 2022? | The longer the talks drag on, the higher the chance of a worst-case scenario. Talks on the new contract began in May 2022. The one-year anniversary has now come and gone. | There have been glimmers of hope along the way, at times nudging the betting line toward a less dramatic climax. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union (IL…

Labor Video Project (2023-06-09). At Apple Headquarters Workers Want Labor Power! WGAW Rallies With South Bay Labor. Striking Writers Guild Of America West workers and other unionists rallied at the world headquarters of Apple to demand that Apple meet their demands.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-06-09). Progressives in Belgium protest lenient verdict to fraternity members accused of ragging student to death. Sanda Dia, a Belgo-Mauritanian student, died during a violent hazing (ragging) incident in 2018 which involved forced alcohol consumption, torture, and harassment. Those convicted of the murder have been asked to do community service and pay fines… (2023-06-09). Chinese ministry vows targeted policy support in nationwide campaign to boost auto sales. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announced on Thursday that it will organize promotional activities across the country to boost auto sales in the second half of the year, vowing, among others, targeted policy measures to support auto consumption.

Greg Palast (2023-06-09). Diamonds for the Antichrist. This is the exposé I wrote for The Guardian that killed off "Reverend" Pat Robertson's billion-dollar financial scams parading under the banner of The Christian Coalition. Note: The juiciest parts I got from Robertson himself, recorded on a miniature reel-to-reel tape recorder hidden inside a fake cigarette lighter. No-one asked why I had a cigarette lighter—but no …

Kit Klarenberg, Mintpress News. (2023-06-09). Disturbing Details Of New Pentagon 'Perception Management Office'. Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept, has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the "Influence and Perception Management Office" (IPMO), in March. | Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to its raison d'être or modus operandi. Its budget likewise remains a mystery but purportedly runs into the "multimillions." | Pentagon financial documents from 2022 offer a laconic and largely impenetrable description of IPMO.

Staff (2023-06-09). Headlines for June 9, 2023. Donald Trump Indicted on Federal Criminal Charges over Mishandling of Classified Documents, Smoke from Canadian Wildfires Spreads South and West Across United States, Supreme Court Orders Alabama to Redraw Racially Gerrymandered Congressional Maps, SCOTUS Upholds Ability of Medicaid Recipients to Sue States That Violate Their Rights, SCOTUS Justices Thomas and Alito Get Extensions on Financial Disclosure Filings, U.S. Halts Food Aid to Ethiopia, Accuses Military of Diverting Deliveries Away from Civilians, Israeli Forces Shoot Palestinian Journalist During Demolition of Home in Ramallah, Aid Groups Say New EU Mea…

Andreas Urban (2023-06-09). Loss of reality and bellicism. Ukraine is "worn out" here, which is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc., in the desperate hope to finally force Russia to surrender or at least to gain a negotiating position in which the West can impose all possible maximum demands on the enemy. None of this is even remotely realistic.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-06-10). A Matter of Interest: The RBA, Inflation and Corporate Profits. He is one of the least empathetic of beings, a cold fish, bothered and irritated. Captured by the cradle of numbers (he is an economist); obsessed by the spreadsheet of projections that may never result, there is not much to recommend the chief of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Philip Lowe. Come to think of …

WSWS (2023-06-10). Remains dumped in Guadalajara identified as those of missing Mexican call center workers. The workers were killed because they tried to leave their employment with the Jalisco New Generation drug cartel, which was scamming owners of resort timeshares.

Lindsay Koshgarian (2023-06-09). For GOP, Debt Ceiling Deal Was Never About Debt — It Was About Conserving Power. Many mainstream accounts of the recent debt ceiling deal make it sound like the negotiations represented a give and take between spending and saving — with President Biden and Democrats aligned with spending, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Republicans aligned with saving. The real interests of the Republican Party in these negotiations, however were not actually about spending… |

WSWS (2023-06-10). SAG-AFTRA and studios, networks begin talks behind closed doors. The billion-dollar entertainment and media corporations are continuing their drive to lower wages, cuts jobs and increase profits at the expense of entertainment industry workers.

Gregory Chen (2023-06-09). Profit from misery: How landlords use a 'fire loophole' against tenants. Landlord mismanagement and its devastating consequences…

Ralph Nader (2023-06-09). Technology Needs Assessments by Congress, Municipalities, and Local Civic Groups. The pace of for-profit technological innovations is accelerating, but to what end beyond corporate sales? The gap between marketing new high-tech products and assessing their intended and unintended consequences has never been greater. Let's start with the ballooning of augmented reality inside virtual reality. Facebook's Oculus Rift escapism has flopped. Trying to improve on this …

Victor Grossman (2023-06-09). In Berlin, sports, parties and griddle cakes yield to concern about war. BERLIN — What excited Berliners most in May? Surely soccer! But the reaction was split between "Wessies" and "Ossies"! When a second-to-last-minute goal pushed West Berlin's legendary "Hertha" team (founded 1892) out of the "top 18" league and down into the second league, with less TV-time, less endorsements, tickets and profits, two-thirds of Berlin groaned. …

The Lancet (2023-06-10). Editorial] Protecting the health of sex workers in the EU. The decriminalisation of sex work has long been a contentious issue, nowhere more so than in the EU, where member states are ideologically divided on sex work policies. The EU is currently debating a proposal on sex work that will be voted on at the end of June, before a Parliamentary-level vote expected by September. The draft document encourages member states to adopt a form of regulation in which clients but not sex workers are criminalised, with the promise of lessening the demand for sex work and reducing harms to women—an approach aligned with the so-called Nordic Model.

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). THE PARTY RESPONDS TO CRISIS IN CUBA By: MLToday. ​The Communist Party of Cuba is a vanguard political party in a political system of people's democracy. As such, its role is to educate the people, guiding the people in the construction of socialism. The Party in Cuba possesses the moral authority to guide and educate, but it does not have the legal and constitutional authority to decide. The Constitution grants to the National Assembly of People's Power, the deputies of which are nominated by the dele …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Chris Hedges: Dr. Cornel West Announces He Is Running for President By: Chris Hedges. ​Dr. Cornel West, in his first interview since deciding to enter the U.S. presidential race, explains why he is a candidate. Dr. Cornel West, the moral philosopher and civil rights activist, will formally announce today he is running for president on the People's Party ticket. Cornel will be a singular voice for serious social and political change in an electoral system saturated with corporate money and rigged to crush third parties. His decades-long commitment to …

midwesternmarx (2023-06-10). Revolution and counterrevolution: remembering Tiananmen 34 years later By: Amanda Yee. This June 4 marks the 34th anniversary of what is known in the United States as the Tiananmen "massacre." The story we are typically told in the West is that young student activists had gathered in Tiananmen Square, uniting around the liberal demands of democracy and freedom, bravely defying the repressive Chinese government. After weeks of these ongoing protests, the Communist Party of China had had enough and cracked down on the peaceful protesters. As the story goes, i …

cameron orr (2023-06-09). Marxist IQ: Imperialism past and present. As the Biden administration continues the blockade against Cuba, a Cold War revival against China, and a nearly $900 billion military budget, understanding V.I. Lenin's theory of imperialism, enunciated in Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism has rarely been more important. The following questions derive from that work. 1. Modern imperialism is the foreign …

WSWS (2023-06-09). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. India: Contract child protection workers in Kerala strike indefinitely; Mumbai textile workers walk out over unpaid wages; Australia: NSW paramedics impose bans in long-running pay dispute; Australian Ballet performers to take action over pay… (2023-06-10). Feeling the heat: wildfires and capitalism. Smoke is dense, choking, acrid and debilitating.

Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-06-09). Pacifica's CRD Longshore Workers Shut Down Ports;Protests over Florida Anti-immigrant Bill. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy On Longshore Workers Shut Down Ports; Protests over Florida Anti-immigrant Bill; South Africa Stands Up to the ICC…

_____ (2023-06-10). Jeffrey Sachs, America's Wars and the US Debt Crisis.


| To surmount the debt crisis, America needs to stop feeding the Military-Industrial Complex, the most powerful lobby in Washington. |


| By Jeffrey D. SACHS |



| In the year 2000, the U.S. government debt was $3.5 trillion, equal to 35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2022, the debt was $24 trillion, equal to 95% of GDP. The U. (2023-06-09). China to hold world's first supply chain-themed national expo. China will hold the first China International Supply Chain Expo in Beijing from November 28 to December 2 with the aim of providing an international platform for advancing orderly and efficient industrial synergy across countries.

Ekenge Mayele, Black Agenda Report. (2023-06-09). FBI Attacks The Black Liberation Movement…Again. On July 29, 2022 the U.S. government initiated a watershed assault on the African Revolution headquartered in the U.S. with an attack on the home of the Chairman of the Black is Back Coalition, Omali Yeshitela, who is also the Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and leader of the international Uhuru Movement. | This attack went beyond the harassment the anti-imperialist and black liberation movement have come to expect from the U.S. government when its class peace and domestic colonial domination are challenged. The July 29 attack on the African People's Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement are akin to…

Staff (2023-06-09). DOJ vs. African People's Socialist Party: Omali Yeshitela Blasts Charges of Being Russian Agent. We look at a federal indictment of four U.S. citizens for alleged election interference that has received little press attention despite its major implications for free speech and activism in the country. In April, the Biden administration charged four members of a pan-Africanist group with conspiring with the Russian government to sow discord in U.S. elections. Omali Yeshitela, chair of the African People's Socialist Party, faces charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States, along with Penny Hess, Jesse Nevel and Augustus Romain Jr. Three Russians were also named in an indictment unsealed by the Just…

WSWS (2023-06-09). Jacobin promotes politics of Salvador Allende after far right wins vote in Chile. The publication aligned with the Democratic Socialists of America mythologizes Allende to justify its support for both the Boric and the Biden administrations.

scorinoco (2023-06-10). President of Honduras Starts Official Tour of China. The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, started her six-day official visit to China on Friday, with a view to consolidating bilateral relations in various fields. Upon her arrival in Shanghai on Friday, June 9, the Honduran president was received by the highest authority of the Communist Party of China in the city of Shanghai. | The secretary of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Honduras, Enrique Reina, reported, "The highest authority of the Communist Party in Shanghai and secretary of the Municipal Committee, Chen Jining, received President Xiomara Castro, and expressed his support to promote…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-06-09). Party delegation from Havana pays tribute to Marti in Hanoi. Hanoi, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in Havana, and his accompanying delegation paid tribute to Cuban National Hero José Martí in this capital on Friday.

thecommunists (2023-06-09). Who blew up the Kakhovka dam? The collapse of Kakhovka dam (on the Dnieper river in the Kherson region that was recently reincorporated into Russia) and consequent release of a flood tide of water, swamping the area and causing great loss of life and widespread infrastructural damage, is the latest incident to be blamed on Russia by Washington and Kiev, as …

2023-06-11 00:09:04 | 00:09 EST | tr | 81 | 0 | 62 | 23 | 0