Monthly Archives: July 2023

2023-07-27: News Headlines

Geo Collective, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-07-27). Economics For Emancipation: Tame, Smash, Escape. I'm currently the education programs and research manager at the Center for Economic Democracy and we're a movement support organization based in Boston, Massachusetts. Our work focuses mostly on capacity building in the movement, with the goal of democratizing economic power. In terms of what we actually do, what that looks like is organizing and building local coalitions, experimenting and trying to create new models of economic democracy, and also connecting trends locally with national partners to strengthen the broader Solidarity Economy movement. | And ultimately, what we're doing at CED is trying to build…

Staff (2023-07-27). GDP: Soaring Structure Investment Makes Up for Slowing Consumption, as GDP Grows at 2.4 Percent in Q2. The economy is growing at a solid sustainable pace, with strong investment growth making up for slower consumption growth. Inflation is slowing and likely to continue to do so.

WSWS (2023-07-27). US Fed lifts interest rates to two-decade high. The Fed is trying to tread a fine line as it lifts rates to try to combat the wages struggles of the working class by slowing the economy without lifting them at such a pace as would cause major problems for financial markets. (2023-07-27). Xinjiang regional GDP up 5.1%, foreign trade surges 65% in H1. Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region had a remarkable economic performance in the first half of 2023, with regional GDP growing 5.1 percent year-on-year and foreign trade in goods jumping 65.2 percent.

Pepe Escobar (2023-07-26). BRICS Problems, BRI Solutions. By Pepe Escobar — Jul 24, 2023 | While the five original BRICS states have their geopolitical differences, they are finding enormous common ground on the geoeconomic front as trade volumes surge and trade routes multiply. | As the BRICS approach the most important summit in their history on August 22-24 in Johannesburg, South Africa, some fundamentals need to be observed. | The top three BRICS cooperation platforms are politics and security, finance and the economy, and culture. So the notion that a new BRICS gold-backed reserve currency will be announced at the South Africa summit is spurious. | What is in…

infobrics (2023-07-26). The BRICS of the Future: Why the Block Is Ascending on the World Stage?>. In the past several years the BRICS have greatly increased their prominence in the global economy as a rising number of developing countries are applying for membership in the block… (2023-07-26). Entry, residency process for families of foreign executives eased. Recent efforts to improve the business climate for foreign businesses, including measures to facilitate the entry of company executives and their family members, will help China integrate more deeply into the global economy.

teleSUR (2023-07-27). Sany Group Committed to Sustainability in Africa. China-Africa economic relations have never been stronger and deeper. Years of hard work have allowed us to build a solid and inclusive cooperation, which in addition to purely economic issues, also includes social, cultural and environmental aspects. | Sany is today a leader in building technology and services for clean energy generation. Jul. 27, 2023.

Mark Niu (2023-07-27). Imagry introduces AI-powered mapless self-driving system. Remember all those predictions about everyone owning self-driving cars around now? It hasn't happened. But as Mark Niu reports, artificial intelligence may be giving new momentum to finally making autonomous driving economical and reliable.

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-27). Disagreements over Illegal Sanctions Continue to Divide Venezuela's Opposition. The lifting of illegal US and European sanctions against Venezuela has become the new issue in the endless dispute among Venezuelan opposition groups. Businesspeople, economists, and political leaders were engaged in a give and take regarding the lessening or strengthening of the unilateral coercive measures. | After the new president of Fedecámaras, Adán Celis, said that the lifting of the sanctions would allow a more fluid trade and economic recovery, right-wing precandidate to the primaries Andrés Velázquez criticized him. | Celis, the new head of the most prominent business association in Venezuela (Fedecamar…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-07-27). Taiwan and economic war make tensions between China and US grow. Beijing, Jul 27 (Prensa Latina) China on Thursday expressed its opposition to military exchanges between the United States and Taiwan, which it described as malicious acts that damage China's sovereignty and national security seriously.

Editor (2023-07-27). Is the end of Western financial dominance in Africa on the horizon or will the history of Libya repeat itself? Countries across Africa recently took a major step towards economic independence from the West by launching an insurance system that will allow them to conduct inter-state trade without the involvement of the U.S. dollar or other Western currencies. This could have major implications on the development of both African as well as Western economies. However, the Wests response to previous attempts to free Africa from the economic and political dominance of the West, then by Libya, are a source of worry.

WSWS (2023-07-27). 70 years since the end of the Korean War. The lessons of the Korean War should not be forgotten. It is a graphic demonstration of the ruthlessness with which US imperialism will pursue its economic and strategic interests with complete disregard for human life and suffering. (2023-07-27). Key meeting lays out long-term plan for economic work. Feng Xuming, an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said strengthening counter-cyclical regulation and policy reserves was proposed, which will drive internal economic momentum.

Ahmed Adel (2023-07-26). Germany, France Face Economic Depression, High Energy Costs, Declining Industrial Production, Cheap Russian Energy "Still Off the Table"

scorinoco (2023-07-26). Malnutrition: Another Threat to the Future of Syrian Children. By Sara Salloum — Jul 23, 2023 | UNICEF confirmed that acute malnutrition among Syrian children is on the rise, as the number of malnourished children aged between 6-59 months has increased by 48% from 2021 to 2022. | The severe nutritional deficiency, which many Syrian families are now suffering from, as a result of the economic blockade imposed on the country, is no longer a secret to anyone. Consequently, the siege has caused a deterioration in the exchange rate of the Syrian pound and an increase in food prices compared with low wages, in addition to the conditions of displacement and the loss of resourc…

infobrics (2023-07-26). Germany, France face new recession but cheap Russian energy still off the table. Sanctions against Russia have boomeranged and affected the EU much worse, bringing to question just how much longer Germany and other countries can maintain this economically suicidal policy.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-26). On second anniversary of 'Presidential coup,' Tunisians resolve to continue resistance. President Kais Saied, despite enjoying absolute power for the last two years, has done little to improve the economic and social situation as the people struggle with high inflation, poverty, unemployment, and acute shortages of basic food items. Meanwhile, he has concentrated power and repressed opposition…

Staff (2023-07-26). Samidoun joins international fact-finding mission to expose U.S. sanctions against Venezuela. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is participating in the international fact-finding mission in Venezuela launched by the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the National Lawyers Guild (U.S.) on the impact of U.S. sanctions and coercive economic measures targeting the people and nation …

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-07-26). America's Deteriorating Economic Performance. The US military/security complex and its numerous supporters in the House and Senate can't get enough of war. The one they have going in Ukraine has denuded NATO members and the US of weapons and ammunition, thus creating a massive resupply market for US armaments manufacturers. This is great profit news for the merchants of death, but it is a foolish policy to be warring with Russia when we are out of bullets. | Not content with our precarious position, Washington if fomenting war with China. NATO is no longer limited to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It has been expanded to the South Asian Treaty Organ…

teleSUR (2023-07-26). Russia Backs Brazilian Plan to Increase Liquidity at BRICS Bank. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the plans to increase liquidity for the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), which is part of the economic cooperation bloc led by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. | RELATED: | "We are aware that the bank's liquidity is on the agenda. There are several ideas… and we will support them," Putin said during his meeting with BRICS NDB President D… (2023-07-26). China, South Asia ties on upswing. China and South Asia's extensive collaboration and their highly complementary trade structure will be crucial drivers of economic and social development on both sides, Chinese officials said on Tuesday.

Fight Back (2023-07-26). Protesters decry Louisiana Education Superintendent meeting with far-right extremist group. Baton Rouge, LA – On July 24, protesters from across Louisiana gathered outside Jones Creek Library in East Baton Rouge Parish. They chanted and waved signs, voicing their opposition to Louisiana Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley's meeting with Moms for Liberty, a far-right national organization identified as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. | The demonstrators marched around the library and received supportive honking from passing highway traffic. They chanted "Ban hate, not books!" and "Defend trans youth!" | Moms for Liberty was founded in Florida and was initially focused on suppo…

Shailly Gupta Barnes (2023-07-26). A Bittersweet Milestone for the Anti-Poverty Movement. This summer marked a milestone anniversary in the history of American anti-poverty programs: two years ago, the first monthly payments of the expanded Child Tax Credit went out to millions of households. | The expansion had deep roots in the welfare rights movement, including the powerful organizing of poor mothers and caregivers who insisted for decades that poor and low-income people didn't need to prove their worthiness to receive government assistance. | When the credit went into effect, nearly all families with children in this country started receiving monthly tax credits of up to $300 per child — wit…

Ana Vraƒçar (2023-07-27). Johnson & Johnson's TB drug deal will fail to reach all those in need. A recent deal struck between Johnson & Johnson and the Global Drug Facility promises improved access to bedaquiline in a number of low income countries, but fails to address structural problems…

teleSUR (2023-07-26). Rich Students Overrepresented in US Elite Private Colleges. A study published by Opportunity Insights, a group of researchers and policy analysts at Harvard University, shows that students with parents in the top 1 percent income level are more than twice as likely to attend an elite private university than those from middle-class families with comparable SAT and ACT scores. | RELATED: | The study looked at 12 colleges from the "Ivy League Plus" group, including the eight Ivy League schools, and St…

WSWS (2023-07-27). Sri Lankan government's employment bill aims to abolish workers' basic democratic rights. The Wickremesinghe government's new labour laws are in order to impose the International Monetary Fund's austerity program and make workers and the poor pay for the crisis of Sri Lankan capitalism.

Federico Fuentes, Sonny Melencio (2023-07-26). The Philippines: Amid threat of regional war, socialists oppose US militarisation and China's bullying. Filipino socialist activist and Party of the Labouring Masses (PLM) chairperson Sonny Melencio speaks with Federico Fuentes about global imperialism and the Filipino left's response to the threat of a US-China war. (2023-07-27). Friday 7/28: Photos: 1973 Durban Working Class Uprising against apartheid & 1984 ILWU Boycott Of SA Cargo. ILWU Local 10, Henry Scmidt Room, 400 North Point St., SF…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-27). Ethiopia and Russia agree to strengthen trade and collaboration. Addis Ababa, Jul 27 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday agreed to strengthen trade and collaborate in agriculture and manufacture. (2023-07-27). Labor must end immigration detention and offshore processing, protesters say. (2023-07-27). Refugee rights rally demands Labor ends cruel temporary visas.

WSWS (2023-07-27). Australian Labor government facilitating extradition of former US pilot on frame-up charges. Duggan, an Australian citizen, faces extradition and life behind bars in the US for allegedly training Chinese citizens to fly planes more than a decade ago.

Vince Quiles (2023-07-27). Why the UPS-Teamsters showdown proves you should unionize your workplace. Unionizing—it's so hot right now. Whether you're a barista, a warehouse worker, or a package car driver, whether you work in Hollywood or higher education, the voracious corporate greed and exploitation workers across sectors are experiencing, and the wave of militant labor action shaking the US in response, shows why every worker needs to know their rights and why every workplace needs a union. Vince Quiles, lead organizer for Home Depot Workers United at Store 4112 in Philadelphia, breaks down the argument for why you and your coworkers should unionize, and what you can achieve together if you do.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-27). SAG AFTRA Members Picket Netflix HQ-Protest 1 Cent Residuals. Dozens of SAG AFTRA strikers picketed the headquarters of Netflix in Los Gatos. Netflix refuses to provide information about the times it streams films to the union and also wants SAG AFTRA and Writers Guild West members to work as gig workers with no healthcare and pensions.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-27). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

Party for Socialism, Liberation (2023-07-26). PSL statement: UPS Teamsters' victory shows how workers can fight and win! The Teamsters have delivered a powerful lesson for all workers: for organized labor to have real power, the most essential thing is to be prepared to strike…

G. Dunkel (2023-07-26). Heat waves' uncounted death toll on workers. In most of the United States, bosses forcing workers to labor in deadly heat is totally legal. July 4, 2023, was the hottest day in recorded history. This year, June and July have set and broken records in the United States, with more than 100 million people living under heat . . . |

Keith Brower Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-07-26). As Big Three Auto Contracts Expire: Hurried Line Speeds, Horrible Hours. David Sandoval remembers when he and his co-workers had a whole 72 seconds to assemble their sections of each seat for the Ford F-150, back when he started at a Michigan parts plant in 2004. | Today, 60 seconds is the deadline managers give each team racing at a dozen stations: to bolt the frame together, lay electronics, add heating and cooling gear, set cushions, and attach trim. Robotic lifting arms help on only one or two steps; handheld tools and elbow grease must do the rest. Each crew is told to clear 680 seats in a 10-hour shift. | That harsh speedup makes it small wonder that repetitive motion injuries a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-26). Virtual Slave Labor in Congo's Cobalt Mines. Ann Garrison I spoke to Maurice Carney, Executive Director of Friends of the Congo, about the virtual slave labor in the cobalt mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's cobalt mines. AG: Maurice, you and I have talked many times for Black Agenda Report about the wartorn northeastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo…

WSWS (2023-07-26). Germany's Christian Democrat leader moves closer to far-right AfD. The Christian Democrats are preparing a new stage in their collaboration with the far-right Alternative for Germany. CDU leader Friedrich Merz is probing the terrain.

C.J. Atkins (2023-07-26). Disco and dictators: Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos overthrown again, this time on Broadway. Eva Perón may have long reigned as the "First Lady of Broadway," but Santa Evita better make way because the Philippines' Iron Butterfly is storming the stage in Here Lies Love, which opened July 20 at New York's Broadway Theater. A creative collaboration between singer-songwriter David Byrne and musician Fatboy Slim, the show portrays the …

isabella (2023-07-27). Boston's Wealthy Real Estate Players Avoid Paying their Fair Share.

isabella (2023-07-26). OLIGARCH Act Seeks to Combat Extreme Wealth Inequality.

infobrics (2023-07-26). Is a Brics Currency a Viable Option?>. Adriaan Pask, chief investment officer at PSG Wealth, explains some of the requirements for a reserve currency and why it's unlikely the US dollar could be dethroned any time soon…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-26). Ndileka Mandela: "Africa Needs Better Leaders" On the eve of the Russia-Africa Summit, Ndileka Mandela sat down with RT's Moussa Ibrahim to explain why the continent needs leaders of her grandfather's stature now more than ever. Asked why a continent so rich in minerals, resources, and young workers could still find its wealth stripped by foreign interests, Mandela gave a harsh response. "Africa…

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-26). Progressives Unveil Bill to Tax Billionaire Wealth Up to 8 Percent. A group of progressive lawmakers in the House have introduced a bill that would levy up to an 8 percent tax on the wealth of the richest Americans, with a goal of combating extreme and growing wealth inequality in the U.S. The bill, dubbed the Oppose Limitless Inequality Growth and Reverse Community Harms (OLIGARCH) Act, would levy a wealth tax on individuals who have at least 1,000… |

Jeff Ernsthausen (2023-07-26). Ultrawealthy Reap Tax Breaks From Private Foundations With Little Public Benefit. Once a week, a little past noon on Wednesdays, a line of cars forms outside the wrought-iron gates of the Carolands mansion, 20 miles south of downtown San Francisco. From the entrance, you can see the southeast facade of the 98-room Beaux Arts chateau, which was built a century ago by an heiress to the Pullman railroad-car fortune. Not visible from that vantage point is the stately reflecting… | (2023-07-26). Luxury market to shine on booming demand from consumers. China's wealthiest continue to drive luxury's revival as two-thirds of the consumers surveyed by Vogue Business and Barclays Research reported spending over 15,000 yuan ($2,075) on luxury fashion products.

teleSUR (2023-07-26). Strike of Hauliers in Haiti Due to Fuel Crisis. Popular unrest over fuel prices began this September, when the government announced that prices would rise by more than 100 percent. At that time, there were strong protests that paralyzed most of the services in the country. | Haitian hauliers are demanding a 40 percent reduction in fuel prices. Jul. 26, 2023.

Dana Sanchez (2023-07-26). Hunter Biden Sold Art To DNC Donor: 5 Things To Know About Art Being Used For Money Laundering. In 2021, when a New York art gallery debuted paintings by Hunter Biden with asking prices as high as $500,000, the White House said that buyers' identities were known only to the gallery, not to Hunter Biden himself. Internal documents from Georges Bergès Gallery show Biden sold $1.3 million worth of art. Of that amount, … (2023-07-26). PV profits surge amid high orders, lower costs. Thanks to rising market demand and lower prices for upstream silicon materials, leading photovoltaic companies are anticipating a doubling of their net profits in the first half, with an increased contribution from exports.

Prof. Maurice Okoli (2023-07-28). BRICS' Financial and Geopolitical Options: The New Development Bank (NDB). Putin Meets Dilma Rousseff in St. Petersburg.

Dana Sanchez (2023-07-27). Federal Reserve Pushes Interest Rates Even Higher To 5.5%, Making Debt More Expensive. The Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday by a quarter of a percentage point to the highest level in more than 22 years in an effort to slow inflation. The central bank's Federal Open Market Committee determines monetary policy and dictates how expensive many forms of consumer debt will be including mortgages, credit cards, auto … (2023-07-27). CFMEU's housing plan deserves support. (2023-07-27). CFMEU's housing plan needs support.

C.J. Atkins (2023-07-27). Seeking top union rights, Grindr workers hook up with CWA. As mass layoffs continue sweeping the tech sector, workers at the gay hookup app Grindr have launched a union, hoping to pre-emptively lock in place rights before their employer can pound them into the ranks of the redundant. Like many companies in the tech sector, Grindr has long stuck to a no-strings-attached, employment-at-will relationship with …

manager (2023-07-26). How Unions Can Use Universal Design to Better Serve Workers with Disabilities. As Disability Pride Month draws to a close, today, July 26th marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The landmark civil rights legislation set out to prohibit disability-based employment discrimination and to ensure that people with disabilities enjoyed equal access to opportunities and services. While the passage of the ADA represented …

WSWS (2023-07-27). Union-NDP supported Trudeau government waging war on two fronts on behalf of Canadian capital. The Trudeau government has expanded Canada's participation in the US-NATO war on Russia and committed to hiking military spending by tens of billions of dollars per year, even as it deploys the repressive powers of the capitalist state to break a militant strike by 7,400 West Coast dockers.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Jake Johnson (2023-07-27). Shell's Investments in Oil and Gas Projects May Increase by 10 Percent This Year. With much of the world reeling from record-shattering heat and devastating wildfires, the London-based oil giant Shell is poised to ramp up its investments in planet-warming fossil fuels after ditching its plan to cut oil production. An analysis released Thursday by the rights group Global Witness estimates that Shell's investments in oil and gas projects are set to surge to around $14.5… | (2023-07-27). CSRC: Capital market to spur development. Investment, financing and trading will be facilitated to invigorate the Chinese capital market so that it can contribute to the country's high-quality development, the China Securities Regulatory Commission said at a two-day mid-year work conference that ended on Tuesday.

Staff (2023-07-26). Venezuela's Parliament: Europe's Alleged Investment in Latin America Should be Viewed With Caution. Following the European Union's announcement that it had approved an alleged investment of ‚Ǩ45 billion in Latin America and the Caribbean, members of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN) expressed their reservations as to the real objective pursued by the European bloc since, among other hypotheses, it was suggested that this would lead to the indebtedness of Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) countries with fewer resources and "tie them up" in the classic style of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). | Another theory suggests that the investment will increase the degree of…

Teresa Bahr (2023-07-26). 3.2 Million Children May Lose Care If Congress Lets Pandemic-Era Funds Expire. It is grueling to be forced to choose between work and caring for one's child. Yet this is the position of countless families in communities across the country — and things are about to get worse. On September 30, pandemic-era investments under the American Rescue Plan Act for child care will cease. When this happens, more than 3.2 million children will lose access to child care nationwide. |

WSWS (2023-07-27). A postal worker forced to work in extreme heat dies in Turkey. Postal worker Kƒ±rmƒ±zƒ±gàºl's death is one of the latest tragic examples of the dire situation faced by countless workers in many sectors around the world who are forced to work in unsafe conditions for the profit of their employers.

Ann Garrison (2023-07-26). The impending pro-war Democratic Party takeover of Pacifica Radio. The largest, most historically influential progressive non-profit radio network in America, Pacifica Radio, faces a takeover attempt by Democratic Party elements. Will Pacifica embrace the pro-war logic it was created to oppose?>

WSWS (2023-07-26). After posting $3.2 billion in quarterly profits, GM execs vow to maintain "cost discipline" against autoworkers. The profit report was released as 170,000 autoworkers in the US and Canada, including 55,000 GM workers, face a contract expiration in less than two months.

Jerry Redfern (2023-07-26). Industry wants new pipeline on Navajo land scarred by decades of fossil fuel extraction. Navajo opponents say it is another way outsiders will profit by harming their environment and health. (2023-07-26). Tourism operators expect to net profits. Domestic tourism steadily recovered in the first half of the year, with many tourism operators becoming more confident about turning losses into profits. (2023-07-26). Business magazine releases China 500 companies list. Business magazine Fortunereleased its latest China 500 companies list on Tuesday, with the total revenue and profits of the 500 companies hitting $15 trillion (107 trillion yuan) and $717.1 billion in 2022.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-07-27). 'Where Danger Lies…': The Communal Alternative in Venezuela. Editorial note: Orinoco Tribune does not generally publish articles that are over two weeks old. However, an exception is being made in this case as the article remains as important today as it was at the time of its publication. | By Chris Gilbert — Jul 1, 2023 | In 2009, the same year that he launched the communal project in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez attended the COP15 climate summit in Copenhagen. He spoke brilliantly there, joking that if the climate were a bank, it would have been rescued already. Riffing on Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Chávez argued that there was a "specter" haunting the conference an…

Federico Fuentes (2023-07-27). Solidarity needed for Russian anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky. Internationally renowned Marxist sociologist and anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky is currently being held in a Russian pre-trial detention centre and faces the possibility of up to 7 years' jail if found guilty of the trumped-up charge of "justifying terrorism". Federico Fuentes reports.

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-26). Sanders, Nearly 180 Democrats Unveil Bill to Raise Minimum Wage to $17. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) introduced a bill on Tuesday to raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in 14 years and end the longest period that the wage hadn't been increased since the minimum wage was established decades ago. The bill would raise the current federal minimum wage by nearly $10 an hour, increasing it from the current level of $7.25 to $17 an hour over the next five… |

WSWS (2023-07-27). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Strikes across Portuguese National Health Service over pay, conditions and staffing including one-day national strike of GPs and pharmacists; electricity workers in Lebanon join indefinite four-month-long public sector pay strike; Nigerian doctors at University College Hospital begin three-week strike over colleagues' wages unpaid for three months…

WSWS (2023-07-27). Anatomy of a sellout: UPS tentative agreement includes two-tier wages for part-timers, freezes to pension contributions for some. In the hours after the Teamsters announced its "historic" deal, UPS workers are uncovering massive betrayals in whatever information has been released so far.

Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-07-27). Jailed in TX Suffer from Heat-related Illnesses; Justice for Shireen; UC Union Busting. On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy, Incarcerated People in Texas Suffer from Heat-related Illnesses; Justice for Shireen; Unions call out UC and Netflix; Florida to Teach that African Americans Benefited from Enslavement…

WSWS (2023-07-27). Film and television strikers in Los Angeles are determined to fight: "It's theft. That's what capitalism comes down to." Major concerns are being raised by actors and writers on the picket lines pertaining to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to replace tens of thousands of entertainment workers. (2023-07-27). Hanfu sales gaining popularity via livestreaming. At an e-commerce industrial park in Daiji town of Caoxian county, Shandong province on Tuesday, a girl was using a livestreaming platform to promote hanfu— traditional Chinese clothing.

Mnar Adley (2023-07-26). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

Jeff Shantz (2023-07-26). Canada: Dockworkers strike declared illegal, among ominous government moves. Dockworkers ended their strike in British Columbia, following a controversial ruling by the Canadian Industrial Relations Board to declare their strike illegal, reports Jeff Shantz.

Anonymous103 (2023-07-26). Military Situation In Ukraine On July 26, 2023 (Map Update). Ukrainian authorities confirmed damage to industrial facilities in the Kharkiv region as a result of strikes of Russian UAVs; | Last night, explosions thundered in the Kherson region; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Stelmakhovka; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Kupyansk; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Terny; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions near Dibrova; | Russian artillery destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Zhitomir;…

WSWS (2023-07-26). Interview with Germany's Left Party chair: a declaration of political bankruptcy. The entire interview clearly established that the Left Party is prepared to enter the government at any time and help implement its policies of war and social devestation.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-26). Peruvians Take Over Lima, Continuing to Pressure Boluarte Coup Regime. Clau O'Brien Moscoso Seven months in, and in the face of brutal state repression, the people of Peru continue their struggle against the neoliberal dictatorship of the Boluarte coup regime. National Strike, Day 196 On July 19th, over 7 months after the parliamentary coup that ousted President Pedro Castillo, tens of thousands of Peruvians gathered…

Bill Blum (2023-07-26). Unequal Justice: Trump 2024 and the Blueprint to End American Democracy. Donald Trump nearly destroyed American democracy in his first term in office. If he is reelected, he plans to try to finish the job. This isn't a matter of speculation; it's a virtual certainty.

Federico Fuentes (2023-07-27). Free Russian anti-war socialist Boris Kagarlitsky!

WSWS (2023-07-26). UK jury finds Kevin Spacey not guilty of all charges. All the allegations against Spacey tested in court have now failed. The outcomes have vindicated the principled stand taken by the World Socialist Web Site against the #MeToo witch-hunt.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-07-26). Venezuela highlights Cuban people as example of resistance. Caracas, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) What we have to thank the brother people of Cuba the most is the example of its men and women who never gave up, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, highlighted today. (2023-07-27). Xi inspects SW China's Sichuan. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspected southwest China's Sichuan Province on Tuesday and Wednesday. (2023-07-27). Insights | El Salvador student: The CPC's rural revitalization strategy is admirable. "The principal of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will always be the people of China. That allows for a better understanding and needs of the people." Ana González, an international student from the Republic of El Salvador, shared her views in an interview with China News Network. (2023-07-27). Xi calls for high-quality development of armed forces with high-level governance. As China's Army Day, which falls on Aug 1, draws close, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Monday held its seventh group study session on strengthening all-around military governance.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-07-26). The setback can become a victory: Díaz-Canel at the Moncada. Santiago de Cuba, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) The First Secretary of the Communist Party and Cuban President, Miguel Díaz-Canel, affirmed here today that setbacks can become a victory, closing the commemoration for the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada Barracks.

thecommunists (2023-07-26). Joti Brar: Occupied Korea and the decline of US imperialism. In this comprehensive interview with Red Star Radio's Alexander Mckay, Comrade Joti Brar reports back from her recent visit to south Korea with the World Anti-imperialist Platform, following a similar interview after her visit to Venezuela. Speaking about the Platform's rally in Gwangju, Joti reflects that this city is the one place in south Korea …

2023-07-27 22:14:25 | 22:14 EST | tr | 94 | 1 | 59 | 48 | 1 

2023-07-24: News Headlines (2023-07-24). Measures to bolster private investment. China has unveiled a series of measures to stimulate the vitality of private investment and boost confidence, signaling the country's latest push to bolster the private sector and shore up the world's second-largest economy. (2023-07-24). Internet economy on cusp of expansion. China's sprawling internet economy is entering a new stage of development, as the country takes strides toward building world-leading digital infrastructure and exploring various applications of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence.

Pepe Escobar (2023-07-24). BRICS problems, BRI solutions. While the five original BRICS states have their geopolitical differences, they are finding enormous common ground on the geoeconomic front as trade volumes surge and trade routes multiply. | As the BRICS approach the most important summit in their history on August 22-24 in Johannesburg, South Africa, some fundamentals need to be observed. | The top three BRICS cooperation platforms are politics and security, finance and the economy, and culture. So the notion that a new BRICS gold-backed reserve currency will be announced at the South Africa summit is spurious. | What is in progress, as confirmed by BRICS sherpa…

Anonymous103 (2023-07-24). US Grows Tired Of Zelensky, Who Burning Bridges With Europe — Former Pentagon Official. Click to see full-size imageAnglo Alliance enables Zelensky's petulant behaviour. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | US officials are growing tired of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky making endless demands for Western support, writes Douglas MacKinnon, a former adviser for policy and communications at the Pentagon, in an op-ed for The Hill. Even without MacKinnon's insight, it is evident that Western leaders are becoming weary of Zelensky's demands, as seen at the rece…

Michael Hudson (2023-07-24). Is the US a Failed State with Michael Hudson. It's a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we're in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector. (2023-07-24). Globalization of renminbi to boost stability. The internationalization of the renminbi is gathering momentum, and such a trend will help facilitate China's further opening-up and encourage the country's global trade and investment. (2023-07-24). Tripartite meeting of central bankers to help East Asian economy. The Central Bank Governors' Meeting of China, Japan and South Korea was held on Sunday in Japan with candid exchange of views on regional economic and financial developments.

_____ (2023-07-24). In Sicily, Top of the Mountain, Watching the New Barbarians. 18 Jul 2023 – NATO, already humiliated in Afghanistan, is now being demilitarized, a process running in parallel to the state of the economy prevailing amongst all NATOstan members. War? Against a nuclear, hypersonic superpower? Give us a — Thucydides — break.

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Cuban President Denounces US Blockade's Damage to Economy. On Saturday, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel denounced the U.S. embargo's damage to the island's economy. | RELATED: | Addressing legislators at Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power in Havana, he said that the U.S. embargo is an external factor that harms the economic development of the Caribbean nation. | "This huge external factor gravitates against the country's development," he said, adding that capital…

Staff (2023-07-24). Cop City and the escalating war on environmental defenders. This story originally appeared in In These Times on July 13, 2023. It is shared here with permission. The fight in Atlanta over Cop City, a massive police training facility, has turned into ground zero for overlapping crises facing our country: the climate emergency, vast political and economic inequality, ever-militarizing police forces and systemic racism. If we …

Editor (2023-07-24). The Climate Crisis Is Most Detrimental to the Black Community. As the only key to being insulated from the worst aspects of climate change in its current form is through financial stability, the economic fragility that has been a hallmark of this community due to systemic racism makes it most susceptible to feeling the effects of climate change more than any other group.

Mauricio Becerra Rebolledo, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-07-24). Lula And Xi Jinping Pave The Way For Trade De-Dollarization. In September 2006, at the UN General Assembly, the foreign ministers of Brazil, China, Russia and India began to outline what would become a major trade and monetary support agreement. In 2010, during a meeting of the presidents of these countries in Brasilia and a year later in China, what is now known as the BRICS was ratified and began to take shape, with South Africa joining the group. Initially the BRICS countries showed their willingness to engage in closer dialogue with each other, but over the years the agenda began to include broader international cooperation and, above all, economic and financial partne… (2023-07-24). India rejects BYD's $1 billion factory proposal. India has rejected BYD's proposal to set up a $1 billion factory in the country in partnership with Hyderabad-based Megha Engineering and Infrastructure Ltd, the Economic Times reported on Saturday.

teleSUR (2023-07-24). Tanzania: PM Urges African Women Police Officers To Join Forces. On Sunday, Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa urged African women police officers to join forces in fighting crime. | Related: | At the opening of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Africa Chapter's training conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's economic hub, Majaliwa called on women police networks in African countries to sharpen their skills in fighting crime. | According to official st…

WSWS (2023-07-24). Fiji government imposes "belt-tightening" austerity budget. With Fiji experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis the seven-month-old Rabuka-led government has launched a sweeping attack on living standards.

_____ (2023-07-24). Economics According to the Dharmic Way. This is a simple explanation of how we should view economics according to the principles of Vedic Dharma.

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-24). Auto Workers Kick Off Bargaining With 'Members' Handshake'.

Barbara Barrett, In These Times. (2023-07-24). Despite Heat Deaths, Many States Don't Require Water Breaks. Even as summer temperatures soar and states wrangle with protecting outdoor workers from extreme heat, Texas recently enacted a law that axes city rules mandating water and shade breaks for construction workers. | In state after state, lawmakers and regulators have in recent years declined to require companies to offer their outdoor laborers rest breaks with shade and water. In some cases, legislation failed to gain traction. In others, state regulators decided against action or have taken years to write and release rules. | Heat causes more deaths in the United States each year than any other extreme weather. (2023-07-24). India rejects BYD's $1 billion factory proposal. India has rejected BYD's proposal to set up a $1 billion factory in the country in partnership with Hyderabad-based Megha Engineering and Infrastructure Ltd, the Economic Times reported on Saturday.

teleSUR (2023-07-24). Tanzania: PM Urges African Women Police Officers To Join Forces. On Sunday, Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa urged African women police officers to join forces in fighting crime. | Related: | At the opening of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Africa Chapter's training conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's economic hub, Majaliwa called on women police networks in African countries to sharpen their skills in fighting crime. | According to official st…

WSWS (2023-07-24). Fiji government imposes "belt-tightening" austerity budget. With Fiji experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis the seven-month-old Rabuka-led government has launched a sweeping attack on living standards.

_____ (2023-07-24). Economics According to the Dharmic Way. This is a simple explanation of how we should view economics according to the principles of Vedic Dharma.

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-24). Auto Workers Kick Off Bargaining With 'Members' Handshake'.

Barbara Barrett, In These Times. (2023-07-24). Despite Heat Deaths, Many States Don't Require Water Breaks. Even as summer temperatures soar and states wrangle with protecting outdoor workers from extreme heat, Texas recently enacted a law that axes city rules mandating water and shade breaks for construction workers. | In state after state, lawmakers and regulators have in recent years declined to require companies to offer their outdoor laborers rest breaks with shade and water. In some cases, legislation failed to gain traction. In others, state regulators decided against action or have taken years to write and release rules. | Heat causes more deaths in the United States each year than any other extreme weather.

Rania Khalek (2023-07-24). Texas 'Death Star' Law Eliminates Water Breaks For Construction Workers. As Texas sweltered last month under a record-breaking heat wave, the state passed a new law that eliminates mandatory water breaks for construction workers. | Tevita Uhatafe, the 1st Vice President of the Tarrant County Central Labor Council, discusses how HB 2127, which activists are calling "the law that kills", impacts workers across Texas.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-24). SAG AFTRA Members Picket Netflix HQ-Protest 1 Cent Residuals. Dozens of SAG AFTRA strikers picketed the headquarters of Netflix in Los Gatos. Netflix refuses to provide information about the times it streams films to the union and also wants SAG AFTRA and Writers Guild West members to work as gig workers with no healthcare and pensions.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-24). UC UAW Workers & Unite Here 11 Strikers Protest Union Busting By UC Bosses At UC Regents. Hundreds of UC UAW members and Unite Here Local 11 strikers from Southern California rallied at the UC Regents meeting against the flagrant union busting tactics including felony arrests for chalking at UCSD.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-24). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

Press Associates (2023-07-24). Laborers, Transportation Trades blast Republicans' infrastructure cuts. PHILADELPHIA —In just two weeks, thanks to federal infrastructure funds from legislation last year—and coordination by state, federal, and local officials plus round-the-clock work from unionists—the collapsed I-95 bridge in Philadelphia was replaced and reopened, thus solving a major transportation bottleneck in the Northeast U.S. But if the House's ruling Republicans have their way, in …

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-07-24). Detienen en Brasil a cómplice en asesinato de Marielle Franco. El arresto sucede por el acuerdo de colaboración que firmó uno de los autores del homicidio, el expolicía Elcio Queiroz.

WSWS (2023-07-24). Australian government's universities report demands restructuring for big business and war. "Courses must be designed with the skills needs of industry in mind," Labor's Accord report insists.

WSWS (2023-07-24). Hot labor summer: Growing strike movement colliding with pro-corporate union bureaucracies. A powerful strike movement has begun to emerge in the US and internationally in recent weeks, involving tens of thousands of workers across different industries, coming into headlong conflict with the union apparatuses. (2023-07-24). Efforts to isolate China put technology leaps at risk, academic says. A Chinese political scholar has raised concerns over the implications of the United States' policy of so-called de-risking for China's technological advancements and international collaboration. (2023-07-24). Labor must end immigration detention and offshore processing, protesters say. (2023-07-24). Refugee rights rally demands Labor ends cruel temporary visas.

Larry Johnson (2023-07-24). U.S. Secretary of STate Blinken Really is this Out of Touch With Reality. My friend, Andrei Martyanov, published a short piece on Antony Blinken's latest public demonstration of schizophrenia and I want to elaborate on Andrei's astonishment at Blinken's total detachment from reality….

Fight Back (2023-07-23). The Milwaukee Area Labor Council stands in solidarity with Teamsters fighting for a fair contract at UPS. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution passed by the Milwaukee Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO executive board in July 2023. | The collective bargaining agreement representing 340,000 Teamsters at UPS across the country, including Wisconsin Teamsters Local 344, expires at midnight, August 1, 2023. | If UPS Teamsters go on strike, it will be the largest strike against a single business in U.S. history, and the largest strike since the last UPS Teamsters strike in 1997. This is a struggle that will impact every working person in the country. | UPS makes over $13 billion in profits every year on…

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-24). Study: Affirmative Action for the Richest 1 Percent Is Common at Elite Colleges. Just weeks after the Supreme Court ruled to end race-based affirmative action in college admissions, a new study suggests that "affirmative action" for the rich is very much alive when wealthy Americans seek acceptance to the most elite colleges in the U.S. According to a study released Monday by Opportunity Insights, a Harvard University-based research group, students from families within the… |

Rhoda Wilson (2023-07-24). Wind turbines are an eyesore, a hazard and an environmental disaster. Wind turbines, once touted by the few wealthy and less populated countries as a clean solution for electricity, are now becoming an eyesore, a hazard, and a significant environmental threat. Will Wind … (2023-07-24). Realty policies to assuage concerns, boost confidence. China recently extended the timelines for a basket of financial policies supporting the real estate market.

_____ (2023-07-24). Colonialism or Sovereignty? How the Global Financial System Traps Countries in Debt. 12 Jul 2023 – Political economists Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, and Ann Pettifor discuss how the international financial system traps Global South countries in debt, reinforcing a neocolonial order.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-23). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-07-24). Podcast Ep 80: From NYC to Florida, students fight lobby smears. Fatima Mohammed and Ahmad Daraldik stand strong against racist campaigns over their Palestine advocacy.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two… (2023-07-24). China unveils measures to boost private investment. China pledged on Monday to boost the private sector with a raft of policy measures designed to stimulate the vitality of private investment and boost confidence.

Editor (2023-07-24). Why Capitalism Is Leaving the US in Search of Profit. By Richard Wolff / CounterPunch Early U.S. capitalism was centered in New England. After some time, the pursuit of profit led many capitalists to leave that area and move production to New York and the mid-Atlantic states. Much of New England was left with abandoned factory buildings and depressed towns evident to this day. Eventually …

Editor (2023-07-24). Ralph Nader: The Cost of Re-Enforcing Political Monocultures. By Ralph Nader / In nature, monocultures are not so resilient to predators or other ravages that exploit their inherent vulnerabilities. Farmers have known this characteristic of monocultures forever. (Agribusiness doesn't care as much, given its short-term profit outlook.) Democratic voters are at risk from the increasing political monocultures that are weakening resistance to …

Dana Drugmand (2023-07-24). This database exposes the client conflicts of more than 1,500 Big Oil lobbyists. New group reveals that hundreds of schools, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, and more are paying lobbyists who also represent the fossil fuel industry.

Ann Brown (2023-07-24). Adidas and Ye's Battle Over a $100 Million Marketing Fund. The drama between Kanye West, who is changed his name to Ye, and Adidas continues. Back in October 2022, Adidas ended its highly profitable and long-term partnership with Ye to sell his Yeezy products over remarks he made that were deemed anti-Semetic. Then in May 2023, after losing a whopping $540 million, Adidas said it would …

WSWS (2023-07-23). Striking UK First Manchester bus drivers: Unite union "try and split us, but we've all stuck together so they can't push us around" One driver said, "All the big companies made profits over COVID. The government is investing in things we don't need, like going to war. We're in a war here with our circumstances."

Editor (2023-07-24). The revolutionary spirit of the Buddha. Marx and Engels both took a surprising interest in the ideas of the great Indian spiritual leader, argues Sean Ledwith.

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). Western Marxism and the Politics of Abstract Humanism By: Yanis Iqbal. Western Marxism is dominated by the use of empty phrases when the need arises for a practical intervention in the conjuncture. Slavoj Žižek, for instance, has been calling for a "stronger NATO" in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so that "European unity" can be preserved. The analytical focus is wholly tilted towards ahistorical cultural symbols. For Žižek, a "Eurasian" project is not about the reduction of European count …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). The Eco Collapse We Were Warned About Has Begun By: José Seoane. In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level.​Thus, in June, the surface temperature in the North Atlantic reached the maximum increase of 1.3 degrees Celsius with respect to preindustrial values. In a similar direction—although in lower values—the average temperature of the seas at the global level increased. On the other hand, the retraction of Antarctic ice reac …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). Hollywood Executives Bring Industry to Halt Rather Than Pay Workers a Fair Price By: Sonali Kolhatkar. Refusing to negotiate better compensation and fair working conditions for actors and writers, major film and television studios are to blame for the work stoppages afflicting their industry. Hollywood has come to a standstill this summer as actors join their writer colleagues on the picket line. The Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced that it would be on strike starting July 14, 2023, over negotiations breaking down with t …

Adam Johnson, The Real News Network. (2023-07-24). Chasing Clicks Through Ad Money, Media Does PR For Amazon. Every year, America's corporate media celebrates the coming of that most sacred and deal-laden of holidays, so-called Amazon "Prime Day." The media fanfare around Prime Day is such a staple that it has become a perennial strategic rallying point for Amazon workers trying to draw attention to Amazon's low wages, unsafe working conditions, and aggressive anti-union corporate culture. These are year-round problems that ramp up to 11 during the taxing and brutal period before, during, and after Prime Day, when workers are pressured into long hours, exposed to high temperatures, and given impossible performance metric…

WSWS (2023-07-24). Australian Pharmaceutical Industries workers' four-week strike shut down with no real wage gains. Under the proposed union-management deal, API workers will receive an average nominal wage rise of 4.5 per annum over four years, keeping their wages lower than their counterparts in other warehouses.

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-24). Latin America Again Refuses to Fall In Line With the Collective West on Ukraine, This Time from Brussels.

infobrics (2023-07-24). The BRICS Dream Towards 2050. The BRIC group thesis, defended in the essay "Dreaming with BRICS: The Road to 2050", held that Brazil, Russia, India and China — South Africa had not yet been accepted — had promoted global capitalism have changed their political systems to adopt…

Jorge Alemán (2023-07-24). Capitalismo invisible/antagonismos borrosos. La insistencia en el carácter digital del nuevo capitalismo financiero no es suficiente. Hay una mutación antropológica testimoniada por los 23000 millones de dispositivos conectados a la red. Como bien señala Mauricio Ferraris el siervo de la gleba que trabajaba…

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-07-24). There Are Very Few Good Films About War. Films about war, shorn of the bone crushing fear, the putrid stench of the corpses, the deafening noise of explosions, the constant exhaustion and the nervous anxiety that comes with trying to understand what is happening in the terrifying chaos, are pale and inadequate reflections of the vast enterprise of industrial slaughter. And these are the good films, of which there are only a few. | Most feature war films and documentaries, from The Sands of Iwo Jima to Saving Private Ryan, are war pornography. They romanticize those wielding the terrible instruments of death. They justify the unjustifiable. They pay homa…

Anonymous103 (2023-07-24). Ukraine Is Ammunition-Starved, And The West Simply Cannot Keep Up With Its Pledges. Illustrative ImageThe current state of affairs, with a Western deindustrializations crisis, makes it very difficult for the West to pursue its proxy attrition war: it simply cannot produce all the weapons it promises to give Ukraine. | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | While Western discussions have focused on sending sophisticated weapons to Kiev, Hal Brands, a Henry Kissinger Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International…

_____ (2023-07-24). From Enlightenment Corruption to Cybernetics Fusion. 18 Jul 2023 – We are told that we are living through the "Fourth Industrial Revolution". In this period humans will merge with the machines engineered by social engineers and will be part of a new "organism." This new species of "transhuman" will be liberated from all outdated ideas of Soul, morality, freedom, free will or any relationship with the Divine.

teleSUR (2023-07-24). The King of Spain to Call Consultations to Form a Government. Due to the political deadlock caused by the general elections, King Felipe VI will initiate a round of consultations with the Spanish parties to form a government after August 17. | RELATED: | On Sunday, the Popular Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) did not obtain the necessary majority to govern. They need support from other political organizations, which seems unlikely to be achieved. | According to the Spani…

WSWS (2023-07-24). Spain in election limbo after right-wing Popular Party and far-right Vox fail to secure majority to govern. Calls for "Unity against fascism" will be used as a weapon against the working class, to try and blackmail workers into uniting behind a renewed Socialist Party-Sumar government to try and stifle a movement to the left that has seen an eruption of struggles against their pro-war and austerity policies.

WSWS (2023-07-24). Workers speak out: Actors and writers, UPS workers, and autoworkers across the US. We are posting here a roundup of video comments from actors and writers, UPS workers and autoworkers that appeared on the World Socialist Web Site in the last week.

WSWS (2023-07-24). Stop the censorship of socialist students at Macquarie University! The IYSSE is being targeted because it "is the only organization that advances a genuine anti-war perspective based on the unification of the international working class against the capitalist nation-state system."

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-24). Venezuela to overcome with Simón Bolívar, says Diosdado Cabello. Caracas, Jul 24 (Prensa Latina) The first Vice President of the United Socialist Party (PSUV) Diosdado Cabello on Monday claimed the Venezuelan people will win alongside Simón Bolívar.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-07-24). Venezuela ratifies unrenounceable defense of Palestine's cause. Caracas, Jul 24 (Prensa Latina) The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) on Monday ratified the stance of the Government of Nicolás Maduro regarding the unrenounceable defense of the Palestinian people's cause. (2023-07-24). Ecosocialism needed in the age of climate emergency. (2023-07-24). Videos from Ecosocialism 2023.

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Spain's General Elections: PP Fails to Obtain Absolute Majority. With 99.23 percent of the votes counted for Sunday's general elections in Spain, the PP wins the elections but does not have an absolute majority; the PSOE holds on with a narrow margin. | RELATED: | The Popular Party is the party that obtains the most deputies, with 32.84 % of the votes (136 seats out of the 350 that make up the Congress of Deputies), while the Socialist Party practically equals it in votes with 31.81 % of th…

Fight Back (2023-07-23). Milwaukee Anti-War Committee rallies against the Milwaukee Air & Water Show. Milwaukee, WI – On Saturday, July 22, activists and community members united at The Calling sculpture in downtown Milwaukee to protest the annual Milwaukee Air & Water Show. The rally was organized by the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) to demonstrate that the show is not a harmless family event as it is often portrayed, but a celebration of U.S. militarism and a polarizing affair for the city. | Members from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR), and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) came together with the community to demand an…

thecommunists (2023-07-24). Seven decades of US imperialist interference in Ukraine. This short video gives a quick run-down of the divide in Ukraine between the east and the west that has been fuelled in order to lay the groundwork for today's war against Russia on Ukrainian soil. A divide known to, studied, and exploited by the USA and its Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) since at least …

Taroa Zúñiga Silva (2023-07-24). In Chile, having a good constitution doesn't guarantee social change. Bárbara Navarrete, newly-elected secretary general of the Communist Youth of Chile speaks to Taroa Zúñiga Silva.

scorinoco (2023-07-24). President of Cuba: Solidarity Remains an Indestructible Weapon of Struggle and a Message of Peace. The following is the English translation of the speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Republic of Cuba, at the People's Summit Solidarity Festival, in Brussels, Belgium, on July 17, 2023 (stenographic version from the Presidency of Cuba). | Brother Centella; | Brother Manu; | Sisters and brothers from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe; | Comrades who fight for social justice (Applause): | I was told that someone was asking if we were going to be at this event, and we ask you: do you think we would ha…

2023-07-24 23:14:11 | 23:14 EST | tr | 81 | 0 | 9 | 75 | 2 

2023-07-23: News Headlines (2023-07-23). Tripartite meeting of central bankers to help East Asian economy. The Central Bank Governors' Meeting of China, Japan and South Korea was held on Sunday in Japan with candid exchange of views on regional economic and financial developments. (2023-07-23). Globalization of renminbi to boost stability. The internationalization of the renminbi is gathering momentum, and such a trend will help facilitate China's further opening-up and encourage the country's global trade and investment.

Michael Hudson (2023-07-23). Is the US a Failed State with Michael Hudson. It's a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we're in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Cuban President Denounces US Blockade's Damage to Economy. On Saturday, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel denounced the U.S. embargo's damage to the island's economy. | RELATED: | Addressing legislators at Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power in Havana, he said that the U.S. embargo is an external factor that harms the economic development of the Caribbean nation. | "This huge external factor gravitates against the country's development," he said, adding that capital… (2023-07-22). Insights | CPC never forgets its main mission to serve people: Italian expert. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests. The distinctive model of the socialist market economy has tried to combine private profits and common prosperity, productivity and welfare, merit and social demand, something even impossible to think of nowadays in the West.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-22). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held. (2023-07-22). Chinese, Ukrainian commerce officials eye deepening economic cooperation, expanding imports. China's Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy International Trade Representative Ling Ji met with Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Taras Kachka in Beijing on Thursday.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-22). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-22). Liberal Democracy: Africans Can Survive, Not Thrive. Lonzen Rugira The first sign of the liberal scam was the promotion of democracy that was primarily responsive to markets rather than to people Liberal democracy was sold to Africa as a cure-all against its turbulent decades of post colonial misrule, a magic wand that that would, in tandem with economic liberalization, also serve as…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-07-22). In Latin America and Asia, Canada Supports the US Government's New Cold War. By Owen Schalk — Jul 18, 2023 | Washington and Ottawa are openly challenging the economic influence of their geopolitical competitors around the world | Over the past few weeks, two events have occurred that seem unrelated, but are deeply interconnected. | First, the US government dispatched roughly 1,000 military personnel to Peru to participate in a joint military exercise between June and August. Their arrival coincides with the return of pro-democracy protests aimed at applying pressure to the unelected right-wing government of Dina Boluarte (who took power after elected President Pedro Castillo's remova…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-22). China prepares national census to improve macroeconomic governance. Beijing, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) China will conduct its fifth national economic census next August to obtain scientific and accurate information to improve macroeconomic governance, local press reported today. (2023-07-22). Guidance greeted as stimulative for entrepreneurs. China's latest guidance to drive the development of the private sector will boost confidence among private enterprises, allowing them to make more innovations and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth.

Sara E Boyd, Scott J C Pallett, Luke S P Moore (2023-07-22). Correspondence] Orthopaedic preparedness for disasters must extend to infection surveillance. We read with interest the work of Hamaiyal Sana and colleagues who highlight the unique surgical requirements and barriers to quality provision of orthopaedic care in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) during disaster situations.1 Development of the suggested collaborative framework has merit, but preparedness stretches beyond adequacy of surgical equipment and must consider the entire care pathway. Disaster situations are associated with considerable disruption to diagnostic microbiology laboratory infrastructure, exacerbating limited capacity in many LMICs.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-23). SAG AFTRA Members Picket Netflix HQ-Protest 1 Cent Residuals. Dozens of SAG AFTRA strikers picketed the headquarters of Netflix in Los Gatos. Netflix refuses to provide information about the times it streams films to the union and also wants SAG AFTRA and Writers Guild West members to work as gig workers with no healthcare and pensions.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-23). UC UAW Workers & Unite Here 11 Strikers Protest Union Busting By UC Bosses At UC Regents. Hundreds of UC UAW members and Unite Here Local 11 strikers from Southern California rallied at the UC Regents meeting against the flagrant union busting tactics including felony arrests for chalking at UCSD.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-23). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

WorkWeek (2023-07-23). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina…

Zach Patnoe (2023-07-22). Wisconsin Teen Killed in Sawmill Amid National Push to Expand Child Labor. Amid the ongoing push to expand child labor across the nation, 16-year-old Michael Schuls was tragically killed while working at a sawmill in northern Wisconsin. Florence Hardwoods had illegally employed the teen despite Wisconsin state law prohibiting minors from all occupations in logging and sawmills.

Dan DiMaggio, Courtney Smith, Labor Notes. (2023-07-22). Auto Workers Kick Off Bargaining With 'Members' Handshake'. Bargaining between the United Auto Workers and Big 3 automakers is looking very different this year. | New UAW leaders ditched the public handshake ceremony with company executives that has traditionally kicked off bargaining. "I'm not shaking hands with any CEOs until they do right by our members," said President Shawn Fain in a Facebook live talk July 11. | Instead, officers—recently elected on promises of greater transparency and militancy, in the union's first-ever direct election for top posts—established what could become a new tradition: "the Members' Handshake." Fain and other executive board…

mforinoco (2023-07-22). BP Financed Colombian Military. By John McEvoy — Jul 19, 2023 | Documents reveal how the oil company offered to finance Bogota's military as it was killing opponents during the 1990s and collaborated with a general accused of kidnap, torture and murder, John McEvoy reports. | BP offered to aid Colombia's "national defence activities" when the country had the worst human rights record in the Western hemisphere | Foreign Office promised to "do anything we could to help BP operate smoothly in Colombia" | Colombian trade unionist who holds BP partly responsible for his kidnapping and torture tells Declassified he hopes "BP will be judged for i… (2023-07-22). TSMC delays chip production at Arizona plant. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) — the world's largest chipmaker — will delay mass production of chips at its new Arizona-based chip plant until 2025 due to a shortage of skilled labor.

F. William Engdahl (2023-07-22). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-23). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Tatyana Tandanpolie (2023-07-22). Trump Campaign Reportedly Spending Over Half of Recent Donations on Legal Bills. As former President Donald Trump's legal woes mount, the line between his criminal defense and his 2024 presidential campaign is blurring, a political and financial muddying that The Washington Post projects will only worsen as multiple prosecutions continues to dominate his time, resources and messaging. Trump's appeals to stay out of prison on social media, in rally speeches and in interviews… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Nadra Nittle (2023-07-22). LA Unified School District Is Spending Millions on Urgent Climate Adaptation. The clouds that blanket Los Angeles in the late spring, keeping temperatures cool and skies overcast, dissipate by the first weeks of summer. The months known in the city near the ocean as "May Gray" and "June Gloom" give way to an exposed July sun that blazes relentlessly until well after the school year starts. It is not unusual for Angelenos to contend with triple-digit heat until shortly… |

WSWS (2023-07-23). Striking UK First Manchester bus drivers: Unite union "try and split us, but we've all stuck together so they can't push us around" One driver said, "All the big companies made profits over COVID. The government is investing in things we don't need, like going to war. We're in a war here with our circumstances."

Editor (2023-07-22). When can there be a fall in the rate of profit? SEVERAL major economists have put forward theories predicting a falling tendency of the rate of profit under capitalism; Marx had seen in this fact an awareness on their part of the essential transitoriness of the capitalist system. But while some of these theories have logical validity, others do not. Among the latter is Adam Smith's theory.

Ralph Nader (2023-07-22). The Cost of Re-Enforcing Political Monocultures. In nature, monocultures are not so resilient to predators or other ravages that exploit their inherent vulnerabilities. Farmers have known this characteristic of monocultures forever. (Agribusiness doesn't care as much, given its short-term profit outlook.) Democratic voters are at risk from the increasing political monocultures that are weakening resistance to the GOP and Big Business …

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-22). Mutual Aid Organizers in NYC Fill the Dire Gaps Left by the City and Nonprofits.

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). Western Marxism and the Politics of Abstract Humanism By: Yanis Iqbal. Western Marxism is dominated by the use of empty phrases when the need arises for a practical intervention in the conjuncture. Slavoj Žižek, for instance, has been calling for a "stronger NATO" in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so that "European unity" can be preserved. The analytical focus is wholly tilted towards ahistorical cultural symbols. For Žižek, a "Eurasian" project is not about the reduction of European count …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). The Eco Collapse We Were Warned About Has Begun By: José Seoane. In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level.​Thus, in June, the surface temperature in the North Atlantic reached the maximum increase of 1.3 degrees Celsius with respect to preindustrial values. In a similar direction—although in lower values—the average temperature of the seas at the global level increased. On the other hand, the retraction of Antarctic ice reac …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-23). Hollywood Executives Bring Industry to Halt Rather Than Pay Workers a Fair Price By: Sonali Kolhatkar. Refusing to negotiate better compensation and fair working conditions for actors and writers, major film and television studios are to blame for the work stoppages afflicting their industry. Hollywood has come to a standstill this summer as actors join their writer colleagues on the picket line. The Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced that it would be on strike starting July 14, 2023, over negotiations breaking down with t … (2023-07-23). Video: Capitalism in Crisis.

Nick Corbishley, Naked Capitalism. (2023-07-22). Latin America Again Refuses To Fall In Line With The Collective West. Volodymyr Zelensky is accustomed to being the star guest, whether in person or on-screen, at just about every Western international summit, though his shine does appear to be fading. But at the summit that took place in Brussels early this week between the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the president of Ukraine was nowhere to be seen. This was despite the best efforts of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who is current holder of the EU Council's rotating president, to get his name on the guest list. | At a bare minimum, Zelensky's participation would have requ…

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-22). The Cycles and Spirals of Capitalism.

susanrosenthal (2023-07-22). Gender Rebels: A Threat to Capitalism. Why are gender rebels being attacked? Why are they being attacked now? Who benefits from such attacks?>

WSWS (2023-07-22). Statement from Brazil opposes censorship of IYSSE at Sydney's Macquarie University. "Macquarie's management sees the IYSSE anti-war campaign as a risk to its multiple connections with the military industrial sector, and has felt emboldened amid the establishment's militaristic campaign."

scorinoco (2023-07-22). Governor of Zulia State Wants End of Sanctions That Are Destroying Venezuela's Industrial Production.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Francis Fukuyama parades Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at Stanford University. In proudly sharing a platform with Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are fighting a war on behalf of US imperialism, Fukuyama, the erstwhile prophet of the triumph of "liberal democracy", has become the embodiment of the bankruptcy of his own theory.

WSWS (2023-07-22). ONLINE MEETING: The battle at Yellow freight: Logistics and postal workers must rally in support! With the company on the verge of bankruptcy and refusing to pay pensions and healthcare, a strike at the company could begin as soon as Monday. (2023-07-23). Insights | Westerners should have deeper understanding of CPC's achievements: Swedish researcher. "One of the reasons I think that has been so successful, in terms of China's internal modernization improvement,is because of the foundation of the common good," said Stephen Brawer, chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, in a recent interview with China News Network. He also voiced his ideas on socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese modernization, and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

teleSUR (2023-07-23). Spain's General Elections: PP Fails to Obtain Absolute Majority. With 99.23 percent of the votes counted for Sunday's general elections in Spain, the PP wins the elections but does not have an absolute majority; the PSOE holds on with a narrow margin. | RELATED: | The Popular Party is the party that obtains the most deputies, with 32.84 % of the votes (136 seats out of the 350 that make up the Congress of Deputies), while the Socialist Party practically equals it in votes with 31.81 % of th… (2023-07-23). Ecosocialism needed in the age of climate emergency. (2023-07-23). Videos from Ecosocialism 2023.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Australia: Sydney apartment residents face $50 million repair bill for building defects. Vicinity apartment owner Patrick Quintal told World Socialist Web Site reporters that the collapse of Toplace means that owners of defective apartments may be liable for the full cost of complying with the rectification orders.

Staff (2023-07-22). Venezuela's El Panal 2021 Commune Welcomes Vietnam's Communist Party Delegation (+Arreaza & PCV). Venezuelan Socialist Commune El Panal 2021 welcomed the Commission of Mass Mobilization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, accompanied by Venezuelan Minister for Communes and Social Movements Jorge Arreaza. The aim of the meeting is sharing the advances made in social and communal organizing in both countries in order to resolve problems of the communities. | The Vietnamese delegation toured the productive spaces of the commune and noted the progress and experiences of Venezuela's grassroots organizations. | "With a tour of its productive facilities, the Socialist Commune El Panal 2021 re…

thecommunists (2023-07-22). Capitalist contradictions abound: Victorian illnesses on the rise. Around 11,000 people in England were hospitalised with malnutrition last year. Read that again. Provisional data recently obtained by the Times Health Commission under freedom of information laws reveal that cases of malnutrition have more than doubled in a decade and have quadrupled since the banking collapse of 2007/8 and the harsh regime of cuts and austerity … (2023-07-22). Insights | BRI doesn't distinguish participants based on ideologies, nor does it respond to zero-sum game logic: expert. "The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests," said Fabio Massimo Parenti, professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florencein an online interview with China News Network.

2023-07-23 23:32:12 | 23:32 EST | tr | 51 | 5 | 30 | 20 | 2 

2023-07-22: News Headlines (2023-07-22). Chinese, Ukrainian commerce officials eye deepening economic cooperation, expanding imports. China's Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy International Trade Representative Ling Ji met with Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Taras Kachka in Beijing on Thursday. (2023-07-22). Insights | CPC never forgets its main mission to serve people: Italian expert. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests. The distinctive model of the socialist market economy has tried to combine private profits and common prosperity, productivity and welfare, merit and social demand, something even impossible to think of nowadays in the West.

Michael Hudson (2023-07-22). Is the US a Failed State with Michael Hudson. It's a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we're in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-22). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-21). "It's Not Socialism": China is a Capitalist Cheap Labour Economy, Based on Exceedingly Low Wages.

Zara Jemuel (2023-07-21). Militant Black Unionism Offers Best Resistance to Growing White Nationalism. The United States economy keeps Black labor at the bottom because when bosses conceded on slavery, they settled on poverty wages. While white nationalism's most visible soldiers are terror organizations and politicians, the quest for racial purity is made possible by Sears, General Motors, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Chase Bank, and other so-called job creators. Corporate benefactors fund extremist… |

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Saudi Arabia To Provide 500-Mln-Usd Aid to Tunisia's Economy. On Thursday, Saudi Arabia signed agreements with Tunisia to provide 500 million U.S. dollars to help finance Tunisia's state budget. | Related: | According to official statements, at the government headquarters in Tunis, in the presence of Tunisian Prime Minister Najla Bouden Romdhane, the agreements were signed by Tunisian Finance Minister Sihem Namsia and her Saudi counterpart Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan. (2023-07-22). Guidance greeted as stimulative for entrepreneurs. China's latest guidance to drive the development of the private sector will boost confidence among private enterprises, allowing them to make more innovations and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth.

manager (2023-07-21). IMF Surcharge Fees Hurt Those the Fund Is Meant to Help. DC Journal Opelika-Auburn News See article on original site When Rep. Chuy Garcia, D-Illinois, learned about the International Monetary Fund's surcharge policy, it felt familiar: "To me, this looks like the business model of payday lenders here in Chicago, not an economic development agency." The IMF is the lender of last resort to countries experiencing economic difficulties. …

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-21). Venezuela's National Assembly Approves New Tax Law Aimed at Safeguarding Citizen Rights and Fostering Economic Growth. The National Assembly of Venezuela has approved the Organic Law for the Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of the States and Municipalities. | The law was approved by the National Assembly during a second round of discussions on Tuesday, July 18. It is aimed at protecting the rights of Venezuelan people embroiled in tax issues. | Jorge Rodríguez, the president of the National Assembly, emphasized that the primary objective of this law is to establish a systematic framework for tax regulations while safeguarding the rights of individuals, merchants, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Additionally,…

Ann Brown (2023-07-21). 7 Signs The Ad-Supported Media Business Is Headed For Financial Crisis. Media companies are being hit hard by the current economic downturn the U.S. is experiencing. Media companies, big and small, are announcing total shutdowns or major workforce cuts. While it is mainly media that is ad-supported, even non-profit media companies are making deep cuts as well. But this is really nothing new; media job losses …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-21). UN proposes elimination of all nuclear weapons as first step under new agenda for peace. Rising geopolitical and geo-economic tensions across the globe need a better, reformed, and updated UN system which reflects the growing multipolarity and is more representative, unbiased, and effective…

teleSUR (2023-07-21). African Union: STC New Economic Objective. This July 21 culminates the sixth Specialized Technical Committee of the African Union, with new economic objectives raised and agreed upon. | Related: | Russia Ready to Supply Free Grain to African Countries -Kremlin | After several days of sessions between ministers, central bank presidents, specialists in economic issues, and investors, the meeting has managed to specify several areas of work and understanding. The central purpose is to implement the collective development…

Mike Ludwig (2023-07-21). 60 Years After the March on Washington, 1 in 3 Black Children Live in Poverty. Conservatives today would have you believe the civil rights movement of the 1960s was so successful that systemic racism is a problem of the past. Every February, white Republicans observe Black History Month by twisting famous lines from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech to serve their own agendas. The Constitution is "colorblind," they claim, and if this flies in the face of… |

Sara Flounders (2023-07-21). As Yellen dictates terms to China What we defend, what Wall Street wants to destroy. What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on the personalities or aspirations of individuals. At the root is a very concrete, material basis that drives the conflict. Otherwise, meetings, discussions and diplomacy would . . . |

Ann Brown (2023-07-21). 7 Signs The Ad-Supported Media Business Is Headed For Financial Crisis. Media companies are being hit hard by the current economic downturn the U.S. is experiencing. Media companies, big and small, are announcing total shutdowns or major workforce cuts. While it is mainly media that is ad-supported, even non-profit media companies are making deep cuts as well. But this is really nothing new; media job losses …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-21). UN proposes elimination of all nuclear weapons as first step under new agenda for peace. Rising geopolitical and geo-economic tensions across the globe need a better, reformed, and updated UN system which reflects the growing multipolarity and is more representative, unbiased, and effective…

teleSUR (2023-07-21). African Union: STC New Economic Objective. This July 21 culminates the sixth Specialized Technical Committee of the African Union, with new economic objectives raised and agreed upon. | Related: | Russia Ready to Supply Free Grain to African Countries -Kremlin | After several days of sessions between ministers, central bank presidents, specialists in economic issues, and investors, the meeting has managed to specify several areas of work and understanding. The central purpose is to implement the collective development…

Mike Ludwig (2023-07-21). 60 Years After the March on Washington, 1 in 3 Black Children Live in Poverty. Conservatives today would have you believe the civil rights movement of the 1960s was so successful that systemic racism is a problem of the past. Every February, white Republicans observe Black History Month by twisting famous lines from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech to serve their own agendas. The Constitution is "colorblind," they claim, and if this flies in the face of… |

Sara Flounders (2023-07-21). As Yellen dictates terms to China What we defend, what Wall Street wants to destroy. What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on the personalities or aspirations of individuals. At the root is a very concrete, material basis that drives the conflict. Otherwise, meetings, discussions and diplomacy would . . . |

Sara E Boyd, Scott J C Pallett, Luke S P Moore (2023-07-22). Correspondence] Orthopaedic preparedness for disasters must extend to infection surveillance. We read with interest the work of Hamaiyal Sana and colleagues who highlight the unique surgical requirements and barriers to quality provision of orthopaedic care in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) during disaster situations.1 Development of the suggested collaborative framework has merit, but preparedness stretches beyond adequacy of surgical equipment and must consider the entire care pathway. Disaster situations are associated with considerable disruption to diagnostic microbiology laboratory infrastructure, exacerbating limited capacity in many LMICs. (2023-07-22). TSMC delays chip production at Arizona plant. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) — the world's largest chipmaker — will delay mass production of chips at its new Arizona-based chip plant until 2025 due to a shortage of skilled labor.

Labor Video Project (2023-07-22). UC UAW Workers & Unite Here 11 Strikers Protest Union Busting By UC Bosses At UC Regents. Hundreds of UC UAW members and Unite Here Local 11 strikers from Southern California rallied at the UC Regents meeting against the flagrant union busting tactics including felony arrests for chalking at UCSD.

WorkWeek (2023-07-22). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-22). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

_____ (2023-07-21). U.S. Military Sought to Experiment on Africans for Big Pharma: Kremlin. The allegations involve Metabiota, a firm with links to US President Joe Biden's son, Hunter | Join us on , , and . | The Pentagon planned to use its biolaboratories in Africa to test unregistered medicines on local populati…

Editor (2023-07-21). Michigan Amazon Workers Stage Largest Delivery Station Strike Yet. By Luis Feliz Leon / Labor Notes In the middle of Amazon's Prime Day promotional sales rush, 60 warehouse workers walked out for more than three hours at its delivery station in Pontiac, Michigan—bringing the facility to the brink of a total shutdown. A delivery station is the last warehouse an Amazon package passes through …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-21). Cuban President calls to strengthen local productive systems. At the First Ordinary Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), the Cuban leader said major productive forms must make up robust and efficient systems subordinated by municipalities. | "Where are the workers from? Who discusses the problems? Who takes care of labor force?", the President asked as he urged for provincial and municipal autonomies to boost local development. | By empowering the municipalities, provinces and the entire country are empowered. It ¥s necessary to order, structure and transform, he added during discussions on the implementation of the Food Sovereignty and Food and N…

Judy Greenspan (2023-07-21). Bay Area activists launch new anti-APEC coalition. San Francisco A broad coalition of Filipino progressive organizations, anti-imperialist groups, labor and other supporters gathered on July 11 in front of San Francisco City Hall. This was part of a countrywide push to demand "No to APEC! People Before Profits!" Demonstration against APEC, San Francisco, July 11, 2023. Photo: . . . |

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Wind Power Reaches Antigua and Barbuda. This ambitious project is the result of collaboration between the Department of the Environment and the West Indies Oil Company, with financing of US$15 million from the Abu Dhabi Development Fund. | The government of Antigua and Barbuda has joined the management of renewable energy generation on several fronts. Jul. 21, 2023.

Ann Brown (2023-07-21). Federal Reserve Set to Launch Instant Payments Service FedNow: 3 Things to Know. On July 20, the Federal Reserve's new system for instant payments, the FedNow Service, went live. Much like Zelle, this new tool will allow banks and other financial institutions to instantly transfer money for their customers, 24/7, 365 days a year. Instant payment is a method of exchanging money and processing payments, allowing for almost …

Eva Tesfaye, Barn Raiser. (2023-07-21). Tribes Take The Lead On Regenerative Agriculture. Not only do the bees produce honey that is sold, but the tribe's agricultural operation, Ioway Farms, also uses the bees to pollinate its orchard. It's all part of the work the tribal nation is doing to better farm the land. Rhodd says just a few years ago they used the same row cropping practices as the rest of the Midwest. | "What folks didn't see was the financials of our operation. We were spiraling downwards," Rhodd says. "Financially we weren't a profitable farming operation, and it's due to the mindsets that's been instilled in us." | The tribe decided to stop "chasing yields" and start implementing practi…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-22). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Michelle Begue (2023-07-21). U.S. changes drug war policy toward Colombia. The United States is suspending its annual monitoring of illicit crops in Colombia.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-07-21). Young organizers talk unions with Biden and Bernie at the White House. WASHINGTON—Ordinarily, Kumbar Nambiar, a young Yale grad, would be spending his Mondays off before relief pitching for the rest of the week for the Lansing Lugnuts, a Detroit Tigers minor league baseball farm club in outstate Michigan. Not on July 17, though. Instead, Nambiar spent it at the White House telling Democratic President Joe Biden, …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). Africa's path to socialism By: Tanupriya Singh. 200 delegates from 40 organizations are gathering in South Africa for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. For the next four days, progressive movements and organizations will discuss the challenges posed by capitalism, and articulate the socialist way forward On Monday, July 17, 200 delegates from progressive organizations, political parties, people's movements, and trade unions across the African continent will gather in Bel …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). COMMUNISTS CONDEMN DEATH THREATS AGAINST BROTHERS ALEXANDER AND MIKHAIL KONONOVICH IN UKRAINE By: MLToday. Communist Party of Ireland Statement: Solidarity with Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich The Communist Party of Ireland joins communist parties and other leftist and progressive forces around the world in condemning the death threats, persecution and other forms of ongoing intimidation against communist youth leaders Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich who are under house arrest in Ukraine.Following the onset of the proxy NATO war against R …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). Thousands of actors join picket lines in Los Angeles and New York By: David Walsh. The strike by tens of thousands of US film and television actors officially began Friday. The actors, members of the Screen Actors Guild—American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), have now joined the 11,000 members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA), on strike since May 2.The actors and writers are striking against the cabal of giant film and television production companies organized in the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) over fundamental …

Fidel Castro (2023-07-21). Our right to be Marxist-Leninists. This commentary, reprinted from Havana Times, was given May 7, 2015, by late Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz. We share this now in honor of the 70th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks, which launched the Cuban Revolution. This 2021 graphic honors the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Hospital, opened . . . | (2023-07-22). Video: Capitalism in Crisis.

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Tropical Depression Near The Philippines, Call For Vigilance. On Friday, Philippine volcanologists called for vigilance as an approaching tropical depression could develop into a super typhoon and dump heavy rain in areas near an erupting volcano southeast of Manila. | Related: | According to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the tropical depression will bring heavy rainfall from Sunday, triggering floods and landslides. | An…

WSWS (2023-07-22). Statement from Brazil opposes censorship of IYSSE at Sydney's Macquarie University. "Macquarie's management sees the IYSSE anti-war campaign as a risk to its multiple connections with the military industrial sector, and has felt emboldened amid the establishment's militaristic campaign."

Last Real Indians. (2023-07-21). Navajo Chapters Oppose Huge Pumped Storage Projects. Black Mesa, Arizona – Tó Nizhóní àÅní, Diné Citizens Against Ruining our Environment and the Center for Biological Diversity submitted resolutions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today from Navajo chapters and agencies opposing three pumped storage projects on the Navajo Nation's Black Mesa, southeast of Kayenta. A total of 18 chapters and agencies have passed resolutions opposing the projects. | "People who live here don't want these projects, and we don't want more damage from industrial energy development to the land and aquifers that we depend on," said Adrian Herder of Tó Nizhóní àÅní…

WSWS (2023-07-21). Australian entertainment union opposes industrial action to support striking US actors and writers. The Media Entertainment Arts Alliance has made clear to the US entertainment corporations that there will be no disruption to their productions in Australia during the strike.

WSWS (2023-07-22). ONLINE MEETING: The battle at Yellow freight: Logistics and postal workers must rally in support! With the company on the verge of bankruptcy and refusing to pay pensions and healthcare, a strike at the company could begin as soon as Monday.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Francis Fukuyama parades Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion at Stanford University. In proudly sharing a platform with Ukrainian neo-Nazis who are fighting a war on behalf of US imperialism, Fukuyama, the erstwhile prophet of the triumph of "liberal democracy", has become the embodiment of the bankruptcy of his own theory.

WSWS (2023-07-21). Reject management-union privatisation and job destruction program at Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation. Appeals for increased retrenchment payouts is a cynical manoeuvre by union bureaucrats who are simply asking for a higher price for the destruction of jobs that they have no right to sell.

WSWS (2023-07-21). Striking National Steel Car worker on the need for rank-and-file committees: "All the USW bureaucrats have made their peace with the system a long time ago" A leading member of the National Steel Car Rank-and-File Committee explained why workers' took the decision to establish the NSC-RFC in opposition to the United Steelworkers bureaucracy. (2023-07-22). Ecosocialism needed in the age of climate emergency. (2023-07-22). Videos from Ecosocialism 2023.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Australia: Sydney apartment residents face $50 million repair bill for building defects. Vicinity apartment owner Patrick Quintal told World Socialist Web Site reporters that the collapse of Toplace means that owners of defective apartments may be liable for the full cost of complying with the rectification orders.

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Comrade Tongogara, who dedicated his life to the cause of freedom. Lalkar is sad to announce the death of Comrade Tongogara, who breathed his last on 11 May this year. Born Danny Morrell on 6 February 1942, he adopted the name Tongogara after the great Zimbabwean fighter Josiah Tongogara who fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe from the clutches of the racist white minority regime of … (2023-07-22). Insights | BRI doesn't distinguish participants based on ideologies, nor does it respond to zero-sum game logic: expert. "The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests," said Fabio Massimo Parenti, professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florencein an online interview with China News Network.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-22). China prosecutes corrupted public servants of various ranks. Beijing, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Chinese authorities investigated 316,000 cases of corruption in the first half of the year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC) reported.

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Donetsk communist leader: 'No democracy in Ukraine'. Steve Sweeney interviews Boris Litinov, head of the Donetsk republican branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Topics discussed range from Comrade Litinov's views on the split in the international communist movement over the war in Ukraine, his thoughts on the effect of western propaganda on the communist and trade union organisations in …

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2023-07-21: News Headlines

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Saudi Arabia To Provide 500-Mln-Usd Aid to Tunisia's Economy. On Thursday, Saudi Arabia signed agreements with Tunisia to provide 500 million U.S. dollars to help finance Tunisia's state budget. | Related: | According to official statements, at the government headquarters in Tunis, in the presence of Tunisian Prime Minister Najla Bouden Romdhane, the agreements were signed by Tunisian Finance Minister Sihem Namsia and her Saudi counterpart Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan.

Anonymous103 (2023-07-21). James Cleverly Rules Out UK And US Troops Joining Conflict In Ukraine. Click to see full-size imageMeanwhile, Germany does not have a single combat-ready division. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said on July 19 that he had doubts that UK and US troops would fight in Ukraine when asked at the Aspen Institute's Security Forum. Although this guarantee was made at the forum, Cleverly could not help but make bombastic claims, such as Russia's military facing an inevitable collapse."Be under no illusion Russia…

Michael Hudson (2023-07-21). Is the US a Failed State with Michael Hudson. It's a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we're in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-21). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-07-21). "It's Not Socialism": China is a Capitalist Cheap Labour Economy, Based on Exceedingly Low Wages.

Zara Jemuel (2023-07-21). Militant Black Unionism Offers Best Resistance to Growing White Nationalism. The United States economy keeps Black labor at the bottom because when bosses conceded on slavery, they settled on poverty wages. While white nationalism's most visible soldiers are terror organizations and politicians, the quest for racial purity is made possible by Sears, General Motors, Dow Chemical, ExxonMobil, Chase Bank, and other so-called job creators. Corporate benefactors fund extremist… | (2023-07-21). Insights | CPC never forgets its main mission to serve people: Italian expert. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests. The distinctive model of the socialist market economy has tried to combine private profits and common prosperity, productivity and welfare, merit and social demand, something even impossible to think of nowadays in the West. (2023-07-21). Chinese, Ukrainian commerce officials eye deepening economic cooperation, expanding imports. China's Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy International Trade Representative Ling Ji met with Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Taras Kachka in Beijing on Thursday.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-07-21). Argentine president denounces effects of debt with IMF. Buenos Aires, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The debt contracted by former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) represents an impressive weight for the Argentine economy, President Alberto Fernández said today.

Lauren Smith, Covert Action Magazine. (2023-07-20). Nicaraguans Celebrate Anniversary Of The Sandinista Revolution. In the United States, the word "socialism" has come to have a negative meaning. In that meaning, the word implies the loss of individual sovereignty, rejection of religion and the institution of authoritarian political measures. | While denounced as socialist by U.S. propagandists and repeated by the ill-informed media, in fact, Nicaragua has a mixed economy based on traditional humane Christian spiritual beliefs under the concept of Sandinismo. It also encourages multiple political parties in line with genuinely social democratic ideals. | The foreign media denounce the Ortega administration for its alleged oppr…

teleSUR (2023-07-21). African Union: STC New Economic Objective. This July 21 culminates the sixth Specialized Technical Committee of the African Union, with new economic objectives raised and agreed upon. | Related: | Russia Ready to Supply Free Grain to African Countries -Kremlin | After several days of sessions between ministers, central bank presidents, specialists in economic issues, and investors, the meeting has managed to specify several areas of work and understanding. The central purpose is to implement the collective development…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-21). UN proposes elimination of all nuclear weapons as first step under new agenda for peace. Rising geopolitical and geo-economic tensions across the globe need a better, reformed, and updated UN system which reflects the growing multipolarity and is more representative, unbiased, and effective…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-21). One year after mass uprising, Sri Lanka's political and economic crisis festers. Ahilan Kadirgamar, Senior Lecturer at the University of Jaffna, talks about the political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka, one year after the uprising that overthrew President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He explains how the Ranil Wickremesinghe regime has combined repression with anti-people economic policies…

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-21). Venezuela's National Assembly Approves New Tax Law Aimed at Safeguarding Citizen Rights and Fostering Economic Growth. The National Assembly of Venezuela has approved the Organic Law for the Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of the States and Municipalities. | The law was approved by the National Assembly during a second round of discussions on Tuesday, July 18. It is aimed at protecting the rights of Venezuelan people embroiled in tax issues. | Jorge Rodríguez, the president of the National Assembly, emphasized that the primary objective of this law is to establish a systematic framework for tax regulations while safeguarding the rights of individuals, merchants, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. Additionally,… (2023-07-21). Guidance greeted as stimulative for entrepreneurs. China's latest guidance to drive the development of the private sector will boost confidence among private enterprises, allowing them to make more innovations and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth.

manager (2023-07-21). IMF Surcharge Fees Hurt Those the Fund Is Meant to Help. DC Journal Opelika-Auburn News See article on original site When Rep. Chuy Garcia, D-Illinois, learned about the International Monetary Fund's surcharge policy, it felt familiar: "To me, this looks like the business model of payday lenders here in Chicago, not an economic development agency." The IMF is the lender of last resort to countries experiencing economic difficulties. …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-07-21). World Federation of Trade Unions rejects US blockade against Cuba. Havana, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), Pambis Kyritsis, rejected here the use of economic blockades as a political tool of powerful nations to impose their model of domination on countries like Cuba.

Ann Brown (2023-07-21). 7 Signs The Ad-Supported Media Business Is Headed For Financial Crisis. Media companies are being hit hard by the current economic downturn the U.S. is experiencing. Media companies, big and small, are announcing total shutdowns or major workforce cuts. While it is mainly media that is ad-supported, even non-profit media companies are making deep cuts as well. But this is really nothing new; media job losses … (2023-07-21). Private firms on tap for more gov't assistance. China will soon roll out a series of policy measures to support more private investment and boost private enterprises as part of a package of measures to bolster corporate confidence and revive economic recovery. (2023-07-21). Nation's ODI to maintain upward trajectory. China's outbound direct investment is poised to maintain an upward trajectory in the second half of 2023, boosting the growth of its private companies and contributing to global economic recovery.

Editor (2023-07-20). From Affirmative Action To Reparations: Bridging Racial Economic Inequality.

Editor (2023-07-20). 175+ Groups Urge Biden to Immediately Enact New Student Debt Cancellation Plan. "Restarting the fundamentally broken student loan system without first delivering on the relief promised to borrowers remains a grave mistake, and will only exacerbate already dire economic situations for millions."

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-20). Machado Confirms Neoliberal Agenda at Council of the Americas Forum. María Corina Machado, the far-right pre candidate for Venezuela's primary elections, reiterated her neoliberal agenda as she spoke about her hopes to run for the presidency. Machado is currently unable to hold public office in Venezuela due to her efforts to overthrow the country's democratically elected president. | This Tuesday, July 18, Machado presented her "Economic Plan of Government" at a virtual event organized by the far-right think tank

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Russia Extends Countermeasures Against Sanctions to 2025. Russian President Vladimir Putin extended until December 31, 2025, the validity of trade restrictions against non-friendly countries in response to Western sanctions. | RELATED: | The previous version of the decree "On the use of special economic measures in foreign trade" was initially issued on March 8, 2022, and was to be in effect until December 31, 2023. | The new document is now available on the official web…

Ann Brown (2023-07-20). EU Says Slavery Inflicted 'Untold Suffering,' Hints At Reparations. The European Union (EU) has acknowledged and expressed deep regret for the "untold suffering" inflicted by Europe's slave-trading past on millions of people. The EU also hinted at the need for reparations for slavery, which it described as a "crime against humanity." The EU is a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states …

Anonymous103 (2023-07-20). Military Situation In Iraq On July 20, 2023 (Map Update). The Iraqi security forces arrested four ISIS members in the Nineveh province; | Hundreds of Iraqi protesters attacked the Sweden's embassy in Baghdad and set it on fire in response to Sweden's permission to burn the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag again.; | After insulting the Holy Quran in Sweden under auspice of Sweden government, the Ashab al-Kahf resistance group announced that the forces of this group will target all commercial and economic interests of Sweden in Iraq;…

infobrics (2023-07-20). Experts Pitch for Kenya to Join BRICS. As more countries are considering joining BRICS, the bloc of emerging economies, experts in Kenya are now urging the new administration to follow suit for economic and trade benefits…

infobrics (2023-07-20). BRICS Currency: Is It a Feasible Idea?>. In recent times, there has been a growing call among countries to trade in currencies apart from the US dollar due to the economic disruption caused by Western sanctions against Russia and its subsequent eviction from international dollar-trading systems like SWIFT…

Prof. Hussein Gharbieh (2023-07-20). Economic and Financial Collapse: "Saudi Crown Prince has a new plan for Lebanon"

Staff (2023-07-20). Venezuela's Non-Energy Exports Reach $3 Billion in 2023. According to data from the Venezuelan Exporters Association (AVEX), Venezuela's exports—excluding the energy sector—have reached approximately $3 billion so far in 2023. | AVEX president, Ramón Goyo, According to Goyo, Venezuela's main markets are the European Union, the United States—whose governments maintain illegal sanctions against Venezuela[m…

Sara Flounders (2023-07-21). As Yellen dictates terms to China What we defend, what Wall Street wants to destroy. What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No great struggle is based on the personalities or aspirations of individuals. At the root is a very concrete, material basis that drives the conflict. Otherwise, meetings, discussions and diplomacy would . . . |

Mike Ludwig (2023-07-21). 60 Years After the March on Washington, 1 in 3 Black Children Live in Poverty. Conservatives today would have you believe the civil rights movement of the 1960s was so successful that systemic racism is a problem of the past. Every February, white Republicans observe Black History Month by twisting famous lines from Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech to serve their own agendas. The Constitution is "colorblind," they claim, and if this flies in the face of… |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-21). Not even remittances can save El Salvador from poverty. San Salvador, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) At least two of ten Salvadoran families who receive remittances from the United States and other countries are in a state of poverty, El Salvador's Multipurpose Household Survey (EHPM) reported.

Editor (2023-07-20). The World Needs a New Development Theory That Does Not Trap the Poor in Poverty. By Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research In June, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network published its Sustainable Development Report 2023, which tracks the progress of the 193 member states towards attaining the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 'From 2015 to 2019', the network wrote, 'the world made some progress on the SDGs, although this was already …

Damian Balassone (2023-07-20). Poem: Spiritual Land/Spiritless Man. Damian Balassone, on the poverty of spirit.

Eleanor J. Bader, The Indypendent. (2023-07-20). When The Welfare Rights Movement Was Force For Uplifting The Poor. When Dartmouth history professor Annelise Orleck was still working on her first book, Common Sense and a Little Fire: Women and Working Class Politics in the United States, 1900-1965, she learned about the work of an intrepid group of low-income, southern-born women in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thirteen years of research and interviews followed. The result, Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty, tells the amazing story of fed-up and reviled welfare recipients who organized on their own behalf, winning a raft of financial, medical and educational improvements for themselves, their chi…

Sara E Boyd, Scott J C Pallett, Luke S P Moore (2023-07-22). Correspondence] Orthopaedic preparedness for disasters must extend to infection surveillance. We read with interest the work of Hamaiyal Sana and colleagues who highlight the unique surgical requirements and barriers to quality provision of orthopaedic care in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) during disaster situations.1 Development of the suggested collaborative framework has merit, but preparedness stretches beyond adequacy of surgical equipment and must consider the entire care pathway. Disaster situations are associated with considerable disruption to diagnostic microbiology laboratory infrastructure, exacerbating limited capacity in many LMICs.

WSWS (2023-07-21). In the midst of bitter conflict with actors and writers, Netflix reports $8.2 billion in second-quarter revenue. On Wednesday, Netflix reported total revenue of $8.2 billion in the second quarter of 2023, with net income of $1.5 billion.

Chris Ramsaroop, The Real News Network. (2023-07-20). Canada Is Pushing Climate Refugees Into Migrant Worker Programs. In 2017, wildfires in B.C. captured headlines around the world. Canadians from coast to coast donated generously to those whose homes and businesses were impacted. But there were some agricultural workers whose precarity rendered them nearly invisible, even as they continued to labour in the heat and the smoke. Andrea,* a former blueberry worker who was employed under the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program during the disaster, vividly remembers what it was like to work during the fires. | "There was a mix of colours, red, grey, brown. It was covering the sky. You couldn't see the sky and it was hard to breathe.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-21). Cuban President calls to strengthen local productive systems. At the First Ordinary Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), the Cuban leader said major productive forms must make up robust and efficient systems subordinated by municipalities. | "Where are the workers from? Who discusses the problems? Who takes care of labor force?", the President asked as he urged for provincial and municipal autonomies to boost local development. | By empowering the municipalities, provinces and the entire country are empowered. It ¥s necessary to order, structure and transform, he added during discussions on the implementation of the Food Sovereignty and Food and N…

Labor Video Project (2023-07-21). UC UAW Workers & Unite Here 11 Strikers Protest Union Busting By UC Bosses At UC Regents. Hundreds of UC UAW members and Unite Here Local 11 strikers from Southern California rallied at the UC Regents meeting against the flagrant union busting tactics including felony arrests for chalking at UCSD.

WorkWeek (2023-07-21). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina…

Judy Greenspan (2023-07-21). Bay Area activists launch new anti-APEC coalition. San Francisco A broad coalition of Filipino progressive organizations, anti-imperialist groups, labor and other supporters gathered on July 11 in front of San Francisco City Hall. This was part of a countrywide push to demand "No to APEC! People Before Profits!" Demonstration against APEC, San Francisco, July 11, 2023. Photo: . . . |

Editor (2023-07-21). Michigan Amazon Workers Stage Largest Delivery Station Strike Yet. By Luis Feliz Leon / Labor Notes In the middle of Amazon's Prime Day promotional sales rush, 60 warehouse workers walked out for more than three hours at its delivery station in Pontiac, Michigan—bringing the facility to the brink of a total shutdown. A delivery station is the last warehouse an Amazon package passes through … (2023-07-21). TSMC delays chip production at Arizona plant. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) — the world's largest chipmaker — will delay mass production of chips at its new Arizona-based chip plant until 2025 due to a shortage of skilled labor.

_____ (2023-07-21). U.S. Military Sought to Experiment on Africans for Big Pharma: Kremlin. The allegations involve Metabiota, a firm with links to US President Joe Biden's son, Hunter | Join us on , , and . | The Pentagon planned to use its biolaboratories in Africa to test unregistered medicines on local populati…

Alexandra Bradbury, Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-07-21). UPS Teamsters Are 'Just Practicing'. The clock is ticking on the August 1 strike deadline of 340,000 UPS Teamsters. It would be the largest strike at a private employer in decades. | "People are actually paying attention," said delivery driver Kioma Forero, a Local 804 shop steward in New York City. Customers along her route stop her to say, "I hope your negotiations go well." The hosts are talking about it on Hot 97, the city's top hip-hop station. | A deal could still avert a strike—as we went to press, the Teamsters announced UPS had reached out to resume negotiations. The union bargaining team had dispersed to members' home locals after ta…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-21). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-07-21). Colombianos se movilizan en apoyo al Gobierno de Petro. Trabajadores se movilizarán en todo el país para respaldar las reformas laboral, pensional y a la salud que serán presentadas ante el Congreso.

U.S. House of Representatives (2023-07-20). "The Weaponization of the Federal Government": The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech.

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-20). UK's MI6 Spy Chief Urges Russians to Spy. The head of Britain's MI6 spy agency has called for Russians opposed to the war in Ukraine to collaborate with the intelligence service. "I invite them to do what others have done this past 18 months and join hands with us. Our door is always open," MI6 chief Richard Moore told POLITICO in an interview …

Annelise Whitley (2023-07-20). Migration and the Shadow of War. Seeking news coverage about the Adriana, the boat crowded with some 700 people migrating to Europe to seek a better life that sank in mid-June off the coast of Greece, I googled "migrant ship" and got 483,000 search results in one second. Most of the people aboard the Adriana had drowned in the Mediterranean, among them about 100 children. I did a similar search for the Titan submersible which disappeared the same week in the North Atlantic. That kludged-together pseudo-submarine was taking four wealthy men and the 19-year-old son of one of them to view the ruins of the famed passenger ship, the Titanic. They all…

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-07-21). Cuban Parliament debates on food, prices and energy. Havana, Jul 21 (Prensa Latina) The 10th Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (parliament) today debates transcendental issues for the population such as food, price control and the national energy system.

Ann Brown (2023-07-21). Federal Reserve Set to Launch Instant Payments Service FedNow: 3 Things to Know. On July 20, the Federal Reserve's new system for instant payments, the FedNow Service, went live. Much like Zelle, this new tool will allow banks and other financial institutions to instantly transfer money for their customers, 24/7, 365 days a year. Instant payment is a method of exchanging money and processing payments, allowing for almost …

Staff (2023-07-20). Headlines for July 20, 2023. More Temperature Records Fall as U.S. Heat Wave Intensifies, Migrants Face Intense Heat in Mexico as They Wait to Apply for Asylum at U.S. Border, Receding Floodwaters in Northern India Prompt Warnings over Waterborne Diseases, Russia Bombards Ukraine's Black Sea Ports and Threatens Cargo Ships, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Rally Against Tax Hikes and Inflation, Taliban Guards Attack Women Protesting Closure of Beauty Parlors and Salons, Iraqis Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad to Protest Qur'an Burning in Stockholm, Egyptian President Pardons Rights Researcher and Lawyer for Political Prison…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-07-21). Young organizers talk unions with Biden and Bernie at the White House. WASHINGTON—Ordinarily, Kumbar Nambiar, a young Yale grad, would be spending his Mondays off before relief pitching for the rest of the week for the Lansing Lugnuts, a Detroit Tigers minor league baseball farm club in outstate Michigan. Not on July 17, though. Instead, Nambiar spent it at the White House telling Democratic President Joe Biden, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-20). House and Senate Set Up for Fight Over How Much Military Aid to Give Taiwan. The House and Senate are set up for a fight over how much military aid to include for Taiwan in 2024 spending bills as each chamber's appropriators granted a different amount, Defense News reported Thursday. The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday passed its 2024 State Department and foreign aid spending bill that includes $113 million …

Jake Johnson (2023-07-20). 'On what planet is that fiscally responsible?' GOP spending cuts would kill 500,000 jobs. "Even by the low standards of Congress in 2023, it's shocking how quickly House Republicans ripped up their end of the bargain that steered the country clear of default last month." (2023-07-21). Experts call for R&D investments in booming hair health sector. China's hair health sector requires greater investment in research and development to develop rapidly and meet rising consumer demand, industry experts have said.

David Moore (2023-07-20). Investment Industry Pours Cash Into Kyrsten Sinema's Leadership PAC. After preserving a tax benefit for investment managers last year, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) continues to rely on investment industry donors as she faces a Democratic challenger in a possible 2024 re-election campaign. In the second quarter this year, private equity, hedge fund, and venture capital executives streamed dozens of four-figure donations to Sinema's campaign… |

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2023-07-20). Community Investors Are Doing What Big Dollar Retail Investors Won't. Lyneir Richardson has been helping Black people buy the block since 1991 or 1992. | Then a new lawyer at the First National Bank of Chicago, Richardson occasionally had to take on pro-bono assignments that popped up related to the bank's community reinvestment obligations. One such pro-bono assignment sent him to his childhood neighborhood on the West Side to work on loan documents for a $100,000 loan from a community-based organization to a barbershop on Chicago Avenue. | "The amount of the loan, $100,000 or $100 million, didn't matter. It was the same documents, a promissory note, a mortgage," Richardson says.

Dave Zirin (2023-07-20). Sports betting is a tax on fans—and a ticking time bomb. It was once taken from granted that gambling and professional sports could never mix, for the sake of the fans and the integrity of the games themselves. Those days are long gone. Smartphones have made sports betting more accessible and widespread than ever—and tech companies and sports leagues are in cahoots to reap the profits. Edge of Sports takes aim at this regressive and dangerous turn in the world of professional sports, asking what happens to the games we love when a scandal inevitably strikes. | Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino | Post-Production: Taylor Hebden Audio | Post-…

Richard D. Wolff (2023-07-20). Why capitalism is leaving the US, in search of profit. Ongoing controversies and alarms surround this capitalist exodus.

Fidel Castro (2023-07-21). Our right to be Marxist-Leninists. This commentary, reprinted from Havana Times, was given May 7, 2015, by late Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz. We share this now in honor of the 70th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks, which launched the Cuban Revolution. This 2021 graphic honors the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Hospital, opened . . . |

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). Africa's path to socialism By: Tanupriya Singh. 200 delegates from 40 organizations are gathering in South Africa for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. For the next four days, progressive movements and organizations will discuss the challenges posed by capitalism, and articulate the socialist way forward On Monday, July 17, 200 delegates from progressive organizations, political parties, people's movements, and trade unions across the African continent will gather in Bel …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). COMMUNISTS CONDEMN DEATH THREATS AGAINST BROTHERS ALEXANDER AND MIKHAIL KONONOVICH IN UKRAINE By: MLToday. Communist Party of Ireland Statement: Solidarity with Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich The Communist Party of Ireland joins communist parties and other leftist and progressive forces around the world in condemning the death threats, persecution and other forms of ongoing intimidation against communist youth leaders Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich who are under house arrest in Ukraine.Following the onset of the proxy NATO war against R …

midwesternmarx (2023-07-21). Thousands of actors join picket lines in Los Angeles and New York By: David Walsh. The strike by tens of thousands of US film and television actors officially began Friday. The actors, members of the Screen Actors Guild—American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), have now joined the 11,000 members of the Writers Guild of America (WGA), on strike since May 2.The actors and writers are striking against the cabal of giant film and television production companies organized in the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) over fundamental …

WSWS (2023-07-21). Canadian autoworkers at General Motors' CAMI plant forced to rely on food banks amid massive attacks on wages and conditions during electric vehicle transition. The 170,000 autoworkers in all the other operations of the Detroit Three in Canada and the United States who face—or will face—EV retooling programs, would do well to learn the lessons of the CAMI experience.

WSWS (2023-07-20). Rents soaring to record levels in Australia. With real wages being cut and the cost of living rising across the board, rents have grown over the past 12 months at some of the fastest rates on record.

WSWS (2023-07-21). Michael: Rapper Killer Mike releases an unflattering self-portrait. The outspoken rapper responds to this moment of capitalism's intersecting crises … with an album that worships God and Mammon. (2023-07-21). Video: Capitalism in Crisis.

Jacqueline Luqman, Black Agenda Report. (2023-07-21). RFK, Jr.: It's Not Genetics, It's Racial Capitalism. I know that opinions about COVID-19 and the vaccines related to it are still as varied as they are passionate, at least in the US where this government did absolutely nothing under two presidents to protect people and save lives in the midst of a global pandemic. But let me just be the one to say it if you were afraid to. Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s recent comments about the virus are wackadoodle, but should not be dismissed outright because of his dismissal of US racialized capitalism that fueled the deadly outcome of the pandemic in the US among certain groups of people.

teleSUR (2023-07-21). Tropical Depression Near The Philippines, Call For Vigilance. On Friday, Philippine volcanologists called for vigilance as an approaching tropical depression could develop into a super typhoon and dump heavy rain in areas near an erupting volcano southeast of Manila. | Related: | According to the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the tropical depression will bring heavy rainfall from Sunday, triggering floods and landslides. | An…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-07-21). Presidente Petro llama a discutir reformas sociales en Colombia. El mandatario señaló que una reforma agraria "amplía el mercado interno, se libera la fuerza de trabajo de la tierra y por tanto se pondrían las condiciones fundamentales para la industrialización".

WSWS (2023-07-21). Australian entertainment union opposes industrial action to support striking US actors and writers. The Media Entertainment Arts Alliance has made clear to the US entertainment corporations that there will be no disruption to their productions in Australia during the strike.

Mnar Adley (2023-07-20). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

Clare Carlile, Desmog. (2023-07-20). BBC Under Fire For Doing Pesticide Giant's Public Relations. The BBC has been accused of "selling the public's trust" by producing "totally biased" documentaries on the future of sustainable food sponsored by Corteva, one of the world's largest pesticide firms, potentially in breach of the broadcaster's editorial guidelines. | The "Follow the Food" documentaries, which featured a total of 28 episodes over three series, showcase "solutions" to climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and food security in the farming sector. | Sustainable farming advocates have criticised the content for favouring industrial agriculture, which is heavily dependent on chemical pesticides and fer…

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Lula Sanctions Food Purchase Program for Small Producers. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned on Thursday the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the Solidarity Kitchens Program. At least 30% of public purchases of food products must be made from small farmers. | RELATED: | "The government is investing in the quality of food for the Brazilian people; it is investing so that they have the right to the necessary calories and proteins, so that children c…

WSWS (2023-07-21). Reject management-union privatisation and job destruction program at Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation. Appeals for increased retrenchment payouts is a cynical manoeuvre by union bureaucrats who are simply asking for a higher price for the destruction of jobs that they have no right to sell. (2023-07-21). Ecosocialism needed in the age of climate emergency. (2023-07-21). Videos from Ecosocialism 2023.

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Comrade Tongogara, who dedicated his life to the cause of freedom. Lalkar is sad to announce the death of Comrade Tongogara, who breathed his last on 11 May this year. Born Danny Morrell on 6 February 1942, he adopted the name Tongogara after the great Zimbabwean fighter Josiah Tongogara who fought for the liberation of Zimbabwe from the clutches of the racist white minority regime of …

Fight Back (2023-07-20). SDS Denver stands up and speaks out for the Tampa 5. Denver, CO – On July 12, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Denver was joined at the Union Station by members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the Black Student Alliance of MSU Denver, and other members of the community. They staged a speak-out demanding that the politically-motivated charges against the Tampa 5 be dropped. | July 12 marked the day that the Tampa 5 made their second appearance in court. | Paul Nelson, member of the Denver SDS connected the Tampa 5 to the broader progressive movement, saying, "This is about more than just the Tampa 5. What's at risk here is right to protest. The r…

Fight Back (2023-07-20). Freedom Road Socialist Organization launches two new Nationalities Commissions. The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) took another major step forward with the launching of an African American Commission and a Chicano/Latino plus other oppressed nationalities commission. Comrades from more than a dozen cities where the FRSO does organizing among African Americans, Chicanos, and other oppressed nationalities gathered to carry out a decision by the 9th Congress to establish these commissions. | Attendees ranged from veterans of the upsurge of the Asian American, Black, and Chicano peoples struggles in the 1960s and 1970s to a plurality of the meeting who joined in the last three years…

Peter Boyle (2023-07-20). Malaysian socialists in election pact with youth-based party. The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) and the Malaysian United Democracy Alliance (MUDA) have agreed on an electoral pact for the upcoming state assembly elections on August 12, reports Peter Boyle. (2023-07-21). Insights | BRI doesn't distinguish participants based on ideologies, nor does it respond to zero-sum game logic: expert. "The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests," said Fabio Massimo Parenti, professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florencein an online interview with China News Network.

thecommunists (2023-07-21). Donetsk communist leader: 'No democracy in Ukraine'. Steve Sweeney interviews Boris Litinov, head of the Donetsk republican branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Topics discussed range from Comrade Litinov's views on the split in the international communist movement over the war in Ukraine, his thoughts on the effect of western propaganda on the communist and trade union organisations in …

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2023-07-20: News Headlines

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-20). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held. (2023-07-20). China and Algeria to expand scope of cooperation. Premier Li Qiang highlighted on Wednesday the need for China and Algeria to work toward more concrete outcomes while cooperating on infrastructure development and expand cooperation to cover emerging sectors such as the digital economy.

WSWS (2023-07-19). Germany's new strategy: Preparing for war against China. The German government adopted a China strategy for the first time on Thursday. The aim is to reduce the German economy's dependence on China in preparation for a war against the rising Asian economic power.

Fight Back (2023-07-19). UPM Blandin Paper Company workers begin strike. Grand Rapids, MN – At 6 a.m., July 15, around 200 members of Teamsters Local 346 walked off their jobs at the UPM Blandin Paper Company and began a strike. Grand Rapids gets its name because it sits along the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota. The UPM Blandin paper plant was built in its location on the edge of the river to use the river to power its paper mill. The plant has been an established feature of the town's economy since its founding in 1901. Now, for the first time in the history of the plant its workers have gone on strike. | When workers were asked why they decided to go on strike, some of the…

Ann Brown (2023-07-20). EU Says Slavery Inflicted 'Untold Suffering,' Hints At Reparations. The European Union (EU) has acknowledged and expressed deep regret for the "untold suffering" inflicted by Europe's slave-trading past on millions of people. The EU also hinted at the need for reparations for slavery, which it described as a "crime against humanity." The EU is a supranational political and economic union of 27 member states …

Editor (2023-07-20). From Affirmative Action To Reparations: Bridging Racial Economic Inequality.

Editor (2023-07-20). 175+ Groups Urge Biden to Immediately Enact New Student Debt Cancellation Plan. "Restarting the fundamentally broken student loan system without first delivering on the relief promised to borrowers remains a grave mistake, and will only exacerbate already dire economic situations for millions."

Prof. Hussein Gharbieh (2023-07-20). Economic and Financial Collapse: "Saudi Crown Prince has a new plan for Lebanon"

infobrics (2023-07-20). BRICS Currency: Is It a Feasible Idea?>. In recent times, there has been a growing call among countries to trade in currencies apart from the US dollar due to the economic disruption caused by Western sanctions against Russia and its subsequent eviction from international dollar-trading systems like SWIFT…

infobrics (2023-07-20). Experts Pitch for Kenya to Join BRICS. As more countries are considering joining BRICS, the bloc of emerging economies, experts in Kenya are now urging the new administration to follow suit for economic and trade benefits… (2023-07-20). Computing power becomes new engine driving economic growth in China: MIIT. Computing power has injected energy into the digital transformation of all walks of life and is becoming an important driving force for high-quality economic and social development, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said Monday. (2023-07-20). Experts: More active fiscal policy on agenda. China's fiscal policies will work more actively to boost both investment and consumption to secure a greater overall economic recovery in the second half, experts said.

teleSUR (2023-07-19). Putin to Participate in the BRICS Summit by Videoconference. On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov announced that President Vladimir Putin will participate by videoconference in the summit of the BRICS countries, a forum for economic cooperation led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. | RELATED: | Earlier, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said that Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov will represent Russia at the BRICS summit to be held from August 22 in Johannesburg. | In March, South Africa invit…

Editor (2023-07-19). Patriarchy and the origins of women's oppression. Any vision of a world beyond capitalism involves the liberation of women from oppression, exploitation and discrimination. But just because we might have been able to win revolutionary social change, it does not mean that equal economic, social and cultural rights will be automatic for women.

infobrics (2023-07-19). Shocking extent of Ukraine's unrelenting demographic collapse. Corriere della Sera states that both urban and rural areas are essentially empty, while countless families have been divided (likely forever), particularly as wives of many soldiers forcibly deployed on the frontlines have gone abroad and never returned. It insists that Ukraine is going through a catastrophic demographic crisis and that the population collapse will soon cause very serious economic and social problems in the country.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-07-19). The politics of hedging and post-hedging in the Indo-Pacific. ASEAN countries are choosing their own path, which is not to choose sides between the US and China. Simply put, the Southeast Asian states want a stable geopolitical environment to focus on their economic development and do not want to be forced to "take sides" in any hegemonic rivalry…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-20). Cuba's meeting on biodiversity and tourism attracts markets. Holguin, Cuba, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) The 9th Workshop on Biological Biodiversity and Tourism (Biotur 2023), which is taking place in this eastern city, is attracting the attention of tourist-sending markets.

Staff (2023-07-20). Venezuela's Non-Energy Exports Reach $3 Billion in 2023. According to data from the Venezuelan Exporters Association (AVEX), Venezuela's exports—excluding the energy sector—have reached approximately $3 billion so far in 2023. | AVEX president, Ramón Goyo, According to Goyo, Venezuela's main markets are the European Union, the United States—whose governments maintain illegal sanctions against Venezuela[m… (2023-07-20). Black Sea grain deal stares at bleak future. Wheat and corn prices on global commodities markets have jumped after Russia announced on Monday its pullout of a crucial deal allowing the export of grain from Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-07-19). New Development Bank: The Emerging Markets' Very Own Development Bank. There is a new kid on the developing banking block that is entirely owned by the leading Emerging Market (EM) countries and totally focused on investing in those markets…

Editor (2023-07-20). The World Needs a New Development Theory That Does Not Trap the Poor in Poverty. By Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research In June, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network published its Sustainable Development Report 2023, which tracks the progress of the 193 member states towards attaining the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 'From 2015 to 2019', the network wrote, 'the world made some progress on the SDGs, although this was already …

Damian Balassone (2023-07-20). Poem: Spiritual Land/Spiritless Man. Damian Balassone, on the poverty of spirit.

isabella (2023-07-19). What Decades of Social Work Taught Me About Poverty.

Thalia Charles (2023-07-19). Guaranteed Income Programs Are Uplifting Oppressed Communities Across the US. The expanded child tax credit, signed into law by President Joe Biden more than two years ago, provided families with children with monthly installments of $250 or $300, reduced rates of child poverty, and served as a lifeline for low-income families. The tax credit expired after the 2022 tax year, and efforts to revive it were unsuccessful. In its absence, local and state organizers and advocates… |

Farrah Hassen (2023-07-19). Housing Is a Human Right — We Need to Recognize It. In the wealthiest country on the planet, too many people still lack access to housing. | The pandemic revealed the full extent of the U.S. housing crisis. Where were the roughly At the same time, the pandemic proved that federal intervention could ease the crisis. Eviction moratoria and unemployment relief helped keep more people housed, fed, and secure. But these initiatives ended too quickly. | Lifting federal…

WSWS (2023-07-20). Report slams New Zealand Labour government's immigrant "dawn raids" apology. The report found that anti-immigrant "dawn raids" were so entrenched that Labour's vaunted 2021 apology to the Pacific Island community appeared "to ring hollow."

Staff (2023-07-20). How the Israel Lobby Tried to Tank Jeremy Corbyn: In-Depth Analysis w/ Asa Winstanley. A massive, years-long smear campaign was launched against anti-war, anti-elite Jeremy Corbyn shortly after his election to lead the British Labour Party. The campaign targeted Corbyn and his supporters as being anti-Semitic. What's the truth and what really happened? Walter Smolarek is joined by investigative journalist Asa Winstanley, who writes for the Electronic Intifada and …

Chris Ramsaroop (2023-07-19). Pushing climate refugees into migrant worker programs. This story originally appeared in In 2017, wildfires in B.C. captured headlines around the world. Canadians from coast to coast donated generously to those whose homes and businesses were impacted. But there were some agricultural workers whose precarity rendered them nearly invisible, even as they continued to labour in the heat and the s…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-20). FAO collaborates in preserving Cuba's marine biodiversity. Havana, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Thursday that it is collaborating with Cuban authorities in the preservation of marine biodiversity in the Gulf of Guacanayabo.

teleSUR (2023-07-20). FAO: Innovative Project To Address Food Security in Sri Lanka. On Thursday, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that it is taking steps in collaboration with Sri Lanka to address the threat to food security caused by two consecutive seasons of poor harvests in 2021 and 2022. | Related: | According to official reports, with a nearly 40-percent drop in paddy production in 2022, Sri Lanka's rice ecosystem is vulnerable and requires immediate attention.

U.S. House of Representatives (2023-07-20). "The Weaponization of the Federal Government": The FBI's Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency to Censor American Speech.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-20). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

WorkWeek (2023-07-20). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina… (2023-07-20). Does fear of US intervention explain Labor's support for AUKUS?

Editor (2023-07-19). In Heat and Smoke, Workers Fight Negligent Bosses. By Caitlyn Clark / Labor Notes On June 29, the air quality in Detroit was among the worst in the world. "Outside it smelled like burnt plastic, almost like trash," said UAW member Cody Zaremba, who works at a General Motors plant in Lansing, Michigan. He and his co-workers were experiencing coughing, runny noses, watery …

Kit Klarenberg (2023-07-19). Leaked files suggest hidden British hand in latest Kerch Bridge strike. The Grayzone has exposed British intelligence freelancers for collaborating with Ukraine's Security Service to destroy Kerch Bridge. Leaked documents suggest they played a role in the latest attack on the bridge, and may be helping Kiev hunt down accused collaborators. On July 16, a predawn assault on the Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia left two civilians dead and a 14-year-old injured. As advisors to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hinted at Ukraine's culpability, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed his …

Alex Bainbridge (2023-07-19). Refugee rights activists to Jim Chalmers: '10 years too long!'. Refugee rights activists held a protest outside Jim Chalmers' electoral office, calling on Labor to deliver better policy for refugees and asylum seekers. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Vince Quiles (2023-07-19). Employers can't use your 'passions' as an excuse not to pay you. The Philadelphia Art Museum is an icon of the City of Brotherly Love, and there's no shortage of art lovers who wouldn't consider a chance to work there to be a dream job. But passion and prestige don't pay the bills, as many museum workers have found while being severely undercompensated for their labor. After a public spreadsheet displaying the vast disparities in salaries at the museum was circulated in 2019 by a group called Art Museum and Transparency, workers at the PMA began to organize for a union. In summer 2022, the

Alex Bainbridge (2023-07-19). Refugee rights activists to Jim Chalmers: '10 years too long!'. Refugee rights activists held a protest outside Jim Chalmers' electoral office, calling on Labor to deliver better policy for refugees and asylum seekers. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Annelise Whitley (2023-07-20). Migration and the Shadow of War. Seeking news coverage about the Adriana, the boat crowded with some 700 people migrating to Europe to seek a better life that sank in mid-June off the coast of Greece, I googled "migrant ship" and got 483,000 search results in one second. Most of the people aboard the Adriana had drowned in the Mediterranean, among them about 100 children. I did a similar search for the Titan submersible which disappeared the same week in the North Atlantic. That kludged-together pseudo-submarine was taking four wealthy men and the 19-year-old son of one of them to view the ruins of the famed passenger ship, the Titanic. They all…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-19). Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects the Commonwealth Games. Hosting sporting events has always been a government's formula to distract their seducible subjects. It's the secular version of smells and bells, the warbling of the church choir turned into flesh and performance. If such occasions are of sufficient scale, they might even be political promotions, body beautiful types paraded and performing before clapping and …

Sarah Anderson (2023-07-19). Tax the Fat Cat Private Jet Class, Invest in Green Transit. Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) has just introduced legislation to significantly boost excise taxes on private jet fuel. Representative Nydia Velasquez (D-NY) has introduced complimentary legislation in the House. The colorfully named "FATCAT Act" (standing for Fueling Alternative Transportation with a Carbon Aviation Tax) would hike fuel taxes on private jets from the current 22 cents …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-19). Australia, Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects the Commonwealth Games.

Staff (2023-07-19). Headlines for July 19, 2023. Trump Says He's the Target of Federal Criminal Probe of Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election, Michigan Attorney General Charges 16 GOP "Fake Electors" with Felonies, Chinese Coal Consumption Hits Record High as Temperatures Soar, Floodwaters Lap Walls of India's Taj Mahal; Heat Index in Iran Tops 150 ∞F, Wildfires Erupt in Greece as Europe Swelters in Record Heat, ACLU Asks Court to Release Children from Angola Prison as Heat Index Tops 130 ∞, Whistleblower Says Texas Officers Were Ordered to Push Migrant Children into Rio Grande, ICC to Probe Reports of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur…

Olivia Riggio, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-07-19). As Skies Turn Orange, Media Hesitate To Mention What's Changing Climate. Skies on the US's East Coast turned an apocalyptic orange in early June, as wildfire smoke from Canada blew south. On Wednesday, June 7, New York City's air quality ranked the worst in the world, with an Air Quality Index rating of more than 400 out of 500—deemed "hazardous" for any individual. | Scientists expect forest fires to increase with the advance of climate disruption—mainly driven by fossil fuel consumption. Hotter, dryer weather, an increase in the type of brush that fuels these fires, and more frequent lightning strikes all contribute to this outcome (NOAA, 8/8/22; UN, 2/23/22; PNAS, 11/1/…

teleSUR (2023-07-20). US Dollar Appreciation Hits Emerging Economies: IMF. On Wednesday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that the U.S. dollar appreciation driven primarily by global financial risks last year had harder negative spillovers, especially for imports, on emerging market economies than on developed economies. | RELATED: | The IMF's External Sector Report pointed out that the dollar's real effective exchange rate rose by 8.3 percent in 2022 to its strongest level in two deca… (2023-07-20). China eases limit for foreign debt. China increased the macro-prudential adjustment parameter for cross-border financing of corporates and financial institutions to 1.5 from 1.25 on Thursday, a move that experts said will help boost confidence in the renminbi. (2023-07-20). China raises foreign debt limit. China increased the macro-prudential adjustment parameter for cross-border financing of corporates and financial institutions to 1.5 from 1.25 on Thursday, a move that experts said will help boost confidence in the renminbi.

Ann Brown (2023-07-19). Gathering The Facts and Factors on ATL's Gathering Spot: What Went So Wrong After Acquisition by Greenwood Bank? It seemed like a match made in heaven. A thriving Black-owned business and a blossoming Black-owned financial institution. In 2022, fintech firm Greenwood acquired the popular private membership club and co-working hub The Gathering Spot. The deal was to help The Gathering Spot, which was started in Atlanta and branched off into DC and Los …

Caleb Crowder (2023-07-19). On Israel and Palestine, US Electeds Are Out of Touch With Their Own Voters. The United States' support for Israel—military, financial, diplomatic and more—is an old story. It hasn't changed much, other than to escalate. Israel bombs Gaza, and Congress votes to send hundreds of millions of dollars beyond the $3.8 billion mandated by law, and to send new weapons to replace those used up in the assault. Israeli settlers officially backed by police and military raid Jenin and other West Bank towns, attacking residents and seizing land to expand illegal settlements, all in violation of international law, and Washington continues to protect Israel from ever being held accountable i…

WSWS (2023-07-19). Rising financial distress in Australia triggers surge in calls to suicide hotline. The volunteer hotline service Lifeline Australia has seen a surge in calls this year, with many being directly related to financial distress.

teleSUR (2023-07-20). Spain: Presidential Candidates Conclude Last Debate. On Tuesday, the last debate between the candidates for the Spanish presidency took place, where the President of the Government Pedro Sánchez and the candidate for Sumar, Yolanda Díaz ratified their articulation against Santiago Abascal, president of the ultra-right-wing Vox party. | Related: | With the absence of the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the other candidates addressed issues such as employment, GDP growth or inflation…

Staff (2023-07-20). Headlines for July 20, 2023. More Temperature Records Fall as U.S. Heat Wave Intensifies, Migrants Face Intense Heat in Mexico as They Wait to Apply for Asylum at U.S. Border, Receding Floodwaters in Northern India Prompt Warnings over Waterborne Diseases, Russia Bombards Ukraine's Black Sea Ports and Threatens Cargo Ships, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Rally Against Tax Hikes and Inflation, Taliban Guards Attack Women Protesting Closure of Beauty Parlors and Salons, Iraqis Storm Swedish Embassy in Baghdad to Protest Qur'an Burning in Stockholm, Egyptian President Pardons Rights Researcher and Lawyer for Political Prison…

Sam Pizzigati, CounterPunch. (2023-07-20). A Good Year's Pay For A Good Day's Work? The just-released Good Jobs First analysis — Power Outrage: Will Heavily Subsidized Battery Factories Generate Substandard Jobs? — examines a little-known provision in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that may end up costing U.S. taxpayers more than $200 billion over the next decade, a sum above and beyond the $13 billion that state and local governments have promised as battery incentives. | Lawmakers see all those billions of tax dollars as a generator of good wages, but nothing in the battery subsidy fine-print mandates — or even incentivizes — decent worker paychecks. Ford Motor, for i…

WSWS (2023-07-20). Mobilize North American workers to defend Canadian dockers, defeat government strikebreaking! As a consequence of their fight for wage increases at least equal to inflation and improved job protections—demands shared by all workers, private and public sector alike—the dockworkers find themselves pitted in a direct political confrontation with the trade union-backed Liberal government, the repressive apparatus of the capitalist state and all corporate Canada.

WSWS (2023-07-19). Vote No to the UK education unions' pay deal sell-out! The offer represents a wage cut for 2022-23 of near 7 percent and a likely further cut for 2023-24, depending on the rate of inflation. Teachers have already suffered a wage loss of over 17 percent since 2010.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Staff (2023-07-20). Ukraine justifies massive nukes and Western 'way of war' spending increase, military claims. Ukraine highlights the need for nuclear weapons and affirms the 'western way of war', a new report claims. This report comes as the Tories announced a £6bn hike in nuclear warhead spending over the next six years. But, critics are not having it. Anti-war leaders said the decision was counter to peace and social justice, …

Editor (2023-07-19). US Asset Managers Have 'Significant Investments' in Nuclear Weapons and Cluster Bombs: Analysis. "Many investors, given a choice, would not want to profit from companies that manufacture weapons of mass destruction," said As You Sow's Andrew Behar. (2023-07-20). Esports takes Asian Games by storm, but standardization remains key. The inclusion of esports in the 19th Asian Games has sparked a new wave of enthusiasm, with players, industry insiders, platforms, and investors all seeing it as a rare opportunity. Insiders pointed out that there is still a long way to go before achieving standardization and regulation within the esports industry.

Jaime Richart (2023-07-19). La patética lógica del gobernante. Dice Karl Marx que la política es una mera superestructura cambiante de lo económico. Si aceptamos este aserto, los políticos de las democracias occidentales de partidos son meros rehenes de los poderes que manejan la economía y especialmente la financiera….

WSWS (2023-07-20). Rents soaring to record levels in Australia. With real wages being cut and the cost of living rising across the board, rents have grown over the past 12 months at some of the fastest rates on record. (2023-07-20). Video: Capitalism in Crisis.

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-07-20). There Can Be No Justice Until Capitalism Is Removed From The Earth. "What is the path that we are going to chart towards socialism?" This is the question that animated the first day of the 'Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism' conference, which is being held in South Africa between July 17 to 20. | The conference has been divided into commissions, each with a mandate to deliberate upon a particular theme and draft a concrete plan of action which will be adopted in the form of a resolution on the final day. The commissions on July 17 addressed the themes of food sovereignty and agroecology, gender struggles against patriarchy, and urban struggles for hou…

Ian Angus (2023-07-19). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2023. Wildfires, deadly heat, climate strategy, sensing the world, anti-science, mining resistance. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six important new books for reds and greens.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-19). What are the Dilemmas of Humanity today? We bring you glimpses from the first day of the Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism conference that is currently underway in South Africa. Delegates from across the continent are deliberating on the crisis of capitalism and the socialist alternatives of our time…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-19). For US workers, capitalism brings the heat.

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-07-20). USSR's Support For Black Liberation Earns Russia Grace With Africans. On the first week of spring in 1931, at the nadir of the Great Depression, nine Black teenagers stowed away on a Memphis-bound train scuffled with a gaggle of white youths who took exception to their presence. The Black youths made quick work of their counterparts, heaving all but one, Orville Gilley, from the slow-moving railcars to the grassy knoll below. Gilley would have met the same fate as his friends but by the time the Black youths got to him, the train had picked up considerable speed, and he was hanging perilously from the gondola. Fearing Gilley might fall underneath one of the railcars, two Black teen…

Mnar Adley (2023-07-20). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-19). Fighting Industrial Development In Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley'.

WSWS (2023-07-20). 22,000 Yellow workers posed to strike after company fails to pay benefit contributions. On the verge of bankruptcy, Yellow is deep in debt and is unable to pay for workers' benefits as Wall Street demands deeper cuts.

WSWS (2023-07-20). 22,000 Yellow freight workers poised to strike after company fails to pay benefit contributions. On the verge of bankruptcy, Yellow is deep in debt and is unable to pay for workers' benefits as Wall Street demands deeper cuts.

WSWS (2023-07-20). 22,000 Yellow workers poised to strike after company fails to pay benefit contributions. On the verge of bankruptcy, Yellow is deep in debt and is unable to pay for workers' benefits as Wall Street demands deeper cuts.

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-19). US Announces $1.3 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine. The Biden administration announced on Wednesday a new $1.3 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes air defense systems, kamikaze drones, missiles, and other equipment. The package is being provided to Ukraine through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which allows the US to purchase arms for Ukraine. The Pentagon said the announcement represents the beginning …

canadiandimension (2023-07-19). Cheers for Chow must be accompanied by vigilance. Curtailing the agenda of the neoliberal city will require more than a sympathetic player in the mayor's office.

Lauren Smith (2023-07-20). Nicaraguans Celebrate 44th Anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution. Under Stewardship of Original Revolutionary Leader Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua Remains a Beacon for Social Progress Despite Crushing U.S. Sanctions In the United States, the word "socialism" has come to have a negative meaning. In that meaning, the word implies the loss of individual sovereignty, rejection of religion and the institution of authoritarian political measures. While …

Peter Boyle (2023-07-20). Malaysian socialists in election pact with youth-based party. The Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) and the Malaysian United Democracy Alliance (MUDA) have agreed on an electoral pact for the upcoming state assembly elections on August 12, reports Peter Boyle. (2023-07-20). Ecosocialism needed in the age of climate emergency. (2023-07-20). Videos from Ecosocialism 2023.

WSWS (2023-07-19). US students oppose censorship of IYSSE by Macquarie University in Sydney. "The rejection to affiliate is not accidental. It is consciously intended to block students from hearing a genuine socialist perspective."

WSWS (2023-07-19). Former Amazon worker Christina Brown campaigns among UPS workers to seek justice for her sister Poushawn Brown. Christina Brown, a former Amazon worker, visited a UPS hub with a team of World Socialist Web Site reporters to share the story of how her sister, Poushawn Brown, fell ill and died while working as a COVID-19 tester at a nearby Amazon facility.

Chauncey K. Robinson (2023-07-19). 'Oppenheimer' review: Masterful exploration of history, anti-communism, and the Atomic Age's legacy. This review was published during the historic SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes. People's World acknowledges that film and television would not be possible without the workers who make it happen. We stand in solidarity with the strike and the workers. The existence of a film like Oppenheimer shows just how necessary it is to teach history …

2023-07-20 16:15:09 | 16:15 EST | tr | 84 | 1 | 36 | 53 | 0 

2023-07-19: News Headlines (2023-07-19). U.S. threatens global collaboration in semiconductor industry. The China Semiconductor Industry Association said in a statement on Wednesday that "Any damage to the current global supply chain, which developed over the past decades alongside the process of globalization, could create inevitable and irreparable harm to the global economy." (2023-07-19). Shanghai to lift production with net-based platforms. Shanghai's new guideline to nurture new-age service providers that operate internet-based platforms to aid producers and manufacturers will help meet rising demand in the real economy and promote high-quality economic development.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-19). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

WSWS (2023-07-19). Germany's new strategy: Preparing for war against China. The German government adopted a China strategy for the first time on Thursday. The aim is to reduce the German economy's dependence on China in preparation for a war against the rising Asian economic power.

Fight Back (2023-07-19). UPM Blandin Paper Company workers begin strike. Grand Rapids, MN – At 6 a.m., July 15, around 200 members of Teamsters Local 346 walked off their jobs at the UPM Blandin Paper Company and began a strike. Grand Rapids gets its name because it sits along the Mississippi River in northern Minnesota. The UPM Blandin paper plant was built in its location on the edge of the river to use the river to power its paper mill. The plant has been an established feature of the town's economy since its founding in 1901. Now, for the first time in the history of the plant its workers have gone on strike. | When workers were asked why they decided to go on strike, some of the…

Staff (2023-07-18). Historian John Womack: Unions Need to Exploit "Choke Points" in Economy to Grow Working-Class Power. As Hollywood actors enter their fifth day on the picket lines and some 340,000 Teamsters working at UPS prepare to carry out one of the largest single-employer strikes in U.S. history, we speak with historian and labor organizer John Womack Jr. about his new book, Labor Power and Strategy, focused on how to seize and build labor power and solidarity. Labor actions around the world are gaining headlines this week. In Italy, over 1,000 flights were disrupted as airport and airline workers went on a two-day strike for higher wages and better benefits. Members of the Union of Southern Service Workers at a South Carol…

infobrics (2023-07-19). Shocking extent of Ukraine's unrelenting demographic collapse. Corriere della Sera states that both urban and rural areas are essentially empty, while countless families have been divided (likely forever), particularly as wives of many soldiers forcibly deployed on the frontlines have gone abroad and never returned. It insists that Ukraine is going through a catastrophic demographic crisis and that the population collapse will soon cause very serious economic and social problems in the country.

Editor (2023-07-19). Patriarchy and the origins of women's oppression. Any vision of a world beyond capitalism involves the liberation of women from oppression, exploitation and discrimination. But just because we might have been able to win revolutionary social change, it does not mean that equal economic, social and cultural rights will be automatic for women.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-07-19). The politics of hedging and post-hedging in the Indo-Pacific. ASEAN countries are choosing their own path, which is not to choose sides between the US and China. Simply put, the Southeast Asian states want a stable geopolitical environment to focus on their economic development and do not want to be forced to "take sides" in any hegemonic rivalry… (2023-07-19). Chongqing leads nighttime economic development. People enjoy night view of at Zuijiangtan Park in Chongqing, July 18, 2023. With a unique landscape and dazzling night view, the mountain city has been leading the nighttime economic development in China.

teleSUR (2023-07-19). Putin to Participate in the BRICS Summit by Videoconference. On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov announced that President Vladimir Putin will participate by videoconference in the summit of the BRICS countries, a forum for economic cooperation led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. | RELATED: | Earlier, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said that Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov will represent Russia at the BRICS summit to be held from August 22 in Johannesburg. | In March, South Africa invited the Russian president to participate in the high-le…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-07-19). G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga. On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government. (2023-07-19). Timely steps seen facilitating breakthroughs in generative AI. China's timely measures for managing generative artificial intelligence services will give a strong boost to the technology's healthy development and help nurture key future economic growth drivers to hedge against external uncertainties. (2023-07-19). Beijing urges U.S. to hold to commitments on trade. Beijing urged Washington to earnestly follow through on U.S. President Joe Biden's commitment to not seek decoupling from China, halt China's economic development or contain it, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Tuesday.

infobrics (2023-07-18). A New Path to Economic Power Is Imminent Through BRICS>. South Africa will be chairing the BRICS group of countries under the theme, 'BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism'

infobrics (2023-07-18). BRICS Is a Reflection of the Change in the Global Scale. For those who still wonder what the BRICS is, it simply stands for the five emerging economies — namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and its goal is to promote peace, security, development and cooperation. Due to the potential of these countries in becoming major economic powers, their impact on the international arena based on their growing economic strength and relevance globally is a factor as to why the union was made in the first place, notwithstanding their sweeping population and substantial natural resources…

Andrew Korybko (2023-07-18). PAKAFUZ's Connectivity Potential Is Totally Dependent On Troubled Pakistani-Taliban Ties. PAKAFUZ isn't as promising of a project as it initially seemed due to its total dependence on seemingly intractable Pakistani-Taliban tensions and the revival of the North-South Transport Corridor as a viable complementary alternative. That's not to downplay this project's geo-economic importance in the best-case scenario that it's completed and those two's security dilemma is sustainably resolved, but just to temper expectations about it being a game-changer. |

teleSUR (2023-07-18). EU-CELAC Declaration Calls for Ending the US Blockade on Cuba. On Tuesday, the summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) culminated in a joint declaration in favor of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo of the United States against Cuba. | RELATED: | The countries attending the Brussels high-level meeting also pointed out that the inclusion of Cuba in Washington's "List of State Sponsors of Terrorism" hinders… (2023-07-19). Timely steps seen facilitating breakthroughs in generative AI. China's timely measures for managing generative artificial intelligence services will give a strong boost to the technology's healthy development and help nurture key future economic growth drivers to hedge against external uncertainties. (2023-07-19). Beijing urges U.S. to hold to commitments on trade. Beijing urged Washington to earnestly follow through on U.S. President Joe Biden's commitment to not seek decoupling from China, halt China's economic development or contain it, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Tuesday.

infobrics (2023-07-18). A New Path to Economic Power Is Imminent Through BRICS>. South Africa will be chairing the BRICS group of countries under the theme, 'BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism'

infobrics (2023-07-18). BRICS Is a Reflection of the Change in the Global Scale. For those who still wonder what the BRICS is, it simply stands for the five emerging economies — namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and its goal is to promote peace, security, development and cooperation. Due to the potential of these countries in becoming major economic powers, their impact on the international arena based on their growing economic strength and relevance globally is a factor as to why the union was made in the first place, notwithstanding their sweeping population and substantial natural resources…

Andrew Korybko (2023-07-18). PAKAFUZ's Connectivity Potential Is Totally Dependent On Troubled Pakistani-Taliban Ties. PAKAFUZ isn't as promising of a project as it initially seemed due to its total dependence on seemingly intractable Pakistani-Taliban tensions and the revival of the North-South Transport Corridor as a viable complementary alternative. That's not to downplay this project's geo-economic importance in the best-case scenario that it's completed and those two's security dilemma is sustainably resolved, but just to temper expectations about it being a game-changer. |

teleSUR (2023-07-18). EU-CELAC Declaration Calls for Ending the US Blockade on Cuba. On Tuesday, the summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) culminated in a joint declaration in favor of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo of the United States against Cuba. | RELATED: | The countries attending the Brussels high-level meeting also pointed out that the inclusion of Cuba in Washington's "List of State Sponsors of Terrorism" hinders…

infobrics (2023-07-19). New Development Bank: the Emerging Markets' Very Own Development Bank. There is a new kid on the developing banking block that is entirely owned by the leading Emerging Market (EM) countries and totally focused on investing in those markets… (2023-07-19). Heatwave threatens Europe's olive yield. The olive oil sector faces a crisis as the heatwave in southern Europe is poised to cause yet another poor harvest, potentially leading to a lack of stock in supermarkets later this year.

Damian Balassone (2023-07-20). Poem: Spiritual Land/Spiritless Man. Damian Balassone, on the poverty of spirit.

isabella (2023-07-19). What Decades of Social Work Taught Me About Poverty.

Thalia Charles (2023-07-19). Guaranteed Income Programs Are Uplifting Oppressed Communities Across the US. The expanded child tax credit, signed into law by President Joe Biden more than two years ago, provided families with children with monthly installments of $250 or $300, reduced rates of child poverty, and served as a lifeline for low-income families. The tax credit expired after the 2022 tax year, and efforts to revive it were unsuccessful. In its absence, local and state organizers and advocates… |

Farrah Hassen (2023-07-19). Housing Is a Human Right — We Need to Recognize It. In the wealthiest country on the planet, too many people still lack access to housing. | The pandemic revealed the full extent of the U.S. housing crisis. Where were the roughly At the same time, the pandemic proved that federal intervention could ease the crisis. Eviction moratoria and unemployment relief helped keep more people housed, fed, and secure. But these initiatives ended too quickly. | Lifting federal…

Nadra Nittle (2023-07-18). Minnesota Students Now Get Free Breakfast and Lunch. Will Other States Follow? Heather Gustafson knows what it's like to struggle to keep money in her children's meal accounts at school. Now a Minnesota state senator, Gustafson spent several years as a single mother raising four kids on a modest teacher's salary. Although she suspects her income would've qualified her children to receive free or reduced-price school lunch, she never completed the paperwork to determine their… |

WSWS (2023-07-19). Canada's West Coast dockers resume strike after rejection of sellout tentative contract. With the resumption of the strike, the dockworkers face a head on clash with the federal Liberal government, which, with the connivance of the union apparatus, last week sought to break the dockers' strike by invoking a seldom used provision of Canada's pro-employer Labour Code…

thecommunists (2023-07-18). An NHS nurse speaks out on pay, privatisation and demoralisation. The following article was written by a long-serving NHS nurse and party member. ***** A myth was perpetrated in the late 19th century that continues to this day. A new political party, the Labour party, had been born to represent the interests and needs of the urban working class — but, looking back, when has …

Kit Klarenberg (2023-07-19). Leaked files suggest hidden British hand in latest Kerch Bridge strike. A coterie of British intelligence freelancers has collaborated with Ukraine's Security Service on plans to destroy the newly-attacked Kerch Bridge, and to target accused collaborators who Kiev is "shooting…like pigs" On July 16, a predawn assault on the Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea with mainland Russia left two civilians dead and a 14-year-old injured. As advisors to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hinted at Ukraine's culpability, Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed his finger at Kiev and vowed revenge. The attack was the …

Alex Bainbridge (2023-07-19). Refugee rights activsts to Jim Chalmers: '10 years too long!'. Refugee rights activists held a protest outside Jim Chalmers' electoral office, calling on Labor to deliver better policy for refugees and asylum seekers. Alex Bainbridge reports. (2023-07-19). Does fear of US intervention explain Labor's support for AUKUS?

Editor (2023-07-19). In Heat and Smoke, Workers Fight Negligent Bosses. By Caitlyn Clark / Labor Notes On June 29, the air quality in Detroit was among the worst in the world. "Outside it smelled like burnt plastic, almost like trash," said UAW member Cody Zaremba, who works at a General Motors plant in Lansing, Michigan. He and his co-workers were experiencing coughing, runny noses, watery …

Vince Quiles (2023-07-19). Employers can't use your 'passions' as an excuse not to pay you. The Philadelphia Art Museum is an icon of the City of Brotherly Love, and there's no shortage of art lovers who wouldn't consider a chance to work there to be a dream job. But passion and prestige don't pay the bills, as many museum workers have found while being severely undercompensated for their labor. After a public spreadsheet displaying the vast disparities in salaries at the museum was circulated in 2019 by a group called Art Museum and Transparency, workers at the PMA began to organize for a union. In summer 2022, the

WorkWeek (2023-07-19). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-19). Science Saturday: Mayo Clinic discovery leads to diagnoses of 9 people with rare form of muscular dystrophy. Nine people around the world who have been living with unexplained, muscular dystrophy-like symptoms may now have an answer for what is causing the progressive muscle weakness in their body's mid-section, arms and legs. In a new discovery, a collaborative team of scientists led by researchers at Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine has pinpointed alterations in a single gene deep inside these people's genetic blueprint as the root cause of their ultra-rare disorder, known as limb-girdle muscular…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-07-19). Labor activists discuss how to excite voters in advance of 2024. ST. LOUIS—How do you excite voters about an election 18 months in advance? That's the problem facing the labor movement as it mobilizes its troops all-out to re-elect Democratic President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in November 2024. After all, the old saw is voters care about the presidential race until summer turns …

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-07-19). Siria condena ingreso ilegal de delegación diplomática francesa. La cancillería destacó que ese país "recuerda al gobierno francés que la lucha contra el terrorismo debe ser en colaboración con el Estado sirio".

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-07-19). Irán y Rusia buscan fecha de reunión cuatripartita sobre Siria. En mayo ocurrió primer encuentro de estos cancilleres para elaborar hoja de ruta que normalice los lazos turco-sirios.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-07-18). Michigan Amazon Workers Stage Largest Delivery Station Strike Yet. In the middle of Amazon's Prime Day promotional sales rush, 60 warehouse workers walked out for more than three hours at its delivery station in Pontiac, Michigan—bringing the facility to the brink of a total shutdown. | A delivery station is the last warehouse an Amazon package passes through before it is loaded into a truck or van en route to the customer. | This year's "Prime Day" shopping bonanza July 11 and 12 set a record for the largest sales day in Amazon's history. The crush of Prime Day puts even more pressure on workers to keep up with conveyor belts overflowing with boxes that can weigh as much…

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-18). 7 in 10 Americans Support Passage of Pro-Union PRO Act, Poll Finds. With labor activity making headlines across the U.S. and wealth inequality at all-time highs, new polling finds overwhelming support among the public for a slate of pro-worker bills advanced by Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vermont) Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee last month. According to polling by Data for Progress released Tuesday, all three bills passed by the committee last… |

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-07-19). Australia, Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects the Commonwealth Games.

Sarah Anderson (2023-07-19). Tax the Fat Cat Private Jet Class, Invest in Green Transit. Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) has just introduced legislation to significantly boost excise taxes on private jet fuel. Representative Nydia Velasquez (D-NY) has introduced complimentary legislation in the House. The colorfully named "FATCAT Act" (standing for Fueling Alternative Transportation with a Carbon Aviation Tax) would hike fuel taxes on private jets from the current 22 cents …

Anonymous834 (2023-07-19). Deserved Cancellations: Victoria Rejects The Commonwealth Games. Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | Hosting sporting events has always been a government's formula to distract their seducible subjects. It's the secular version of smells and bells, the warbling of the church choir turned into flesh and performance. If such occasions are of sufficient scale, they might even be political promotions, body beautiful types paraded and performing before clapping and glorifying spectators. Sponsors also have their share of exposure. Horrendous expenses can the…

Olivia Riggio, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-07-19). As Skies Turn Orange, Media Hesitate To Mention What's Changing Climate. Skies on the US's East Coast turned an apocalyptic orange in early June, as wildfire smoke from Canada blew south. On Wednesday, June 7, New York City's air quality ranked the worst in the world, with an Air Quality Index rating of more than 400 out of 500—deemed "hazardous" for any individual. | Scientists expect forest fires to increase with the advance of climate disruption—mainly driven by fossil fuel consumption. Hotter, dryer weather, an increase in the type of brush that fuels these fires, and more frequent lightning strikes all contribute to this outcome (NOAA, 8/8/22; UN, 2/23/22; PNAS, 11/1/…

Staff (2023-07-19). Headlines for July 19, 2023. Trump Says He's the Target of Federal Criminal Probe of Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election, Michigan Attorney General Charges 16 GOP "Fake Electors" with Felonies, Chinese Coal Consumption Hits Record High as Temperatures Soar, Floodwaters Lap Walls of India's Taj Mahal; Heat Index in Iran Tops 150 ∞F, Wildfires Erupt in Greece as Europe Swelters in Record Heat, ACLU Asks Court to Release Children from Angola Prison as Heat Index Tops 130 ∞, Whistleblower Says Texas Officers Were Ordered to Push Migrant Children into Rio Grande, ICC to Probe Reports of Ethnic Cleansing in Darfur…

Caleb Crowder (2023-07-19). On Israel and Palestine, US Electeds Are Out of Touch With Their Own Voters. The United States' support for Israel—military, financial, diplomatic and more—is an old story. It hasn't changed much, other than to escalate. Israel bombs Gaza, and Congress votes to send hundreds of millions of dollars beyond the $3.8 billion mandated by law, and to send new weapons to replace those used up in the assault. Israeli settlers officially backed by police and military raid Jenin and other West Bank towns, attacking residents and seizing land to expand illegal settlements, all in violation of international law, and Washington continues to protect Israel from ever being held accountable i…

Ann Brown (2023-07-19). Gathering The Facts and Factors on ATL's Gathering Spot: What Went So Wrong After Acquisition by Greenwood Bank? It seemed like a match made in heaven. A thriving Black-owned business and a blossoming Black-owned financial institution. In 2022, fintech firm Greenwood acquired the popular private membership club and co-working hub The Gathering Spot. The deal was to help The Gathering Spot, which was started in Atlanta and branched off into DC and Los …

WSWS (2023-07-19). Rising financial distress in Australia triggers surge in calls to suicide hotline. The volunteer hotline service Lifeline Australia has seen a surge in calls this year, with many being directly related to financial distress.

Sam Pizzigati, CounterPunch. (2023-07-20). A Good Year's Pay For A Good Day's Work? The just-released Good Jobs First analysis — Power Outrage: Will Heavily Subsidized Battery Factories Generate Substandard Jobs? — examines a little-known provision in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that may end up costing U.S. taxpayers more than $200 billion over the next decade, a sum above and beyond the $13 billion that state and local governments have promised as battery incentives. | Lawmakers see all those billions of tax dollars as a generator of good wages, but nothing in the battery subsidy fine-print mandates — or even incentivizes — decent worker paychecks. Ford Motor, for i…

WSWS (2023-07-19). Vote No to the UK education unions' pay deal sell-out! The offer represents a wage cut for 2022-23 of near 7 percent and a likely further cut for 2023-24, depending on the rate of inflation. Teachers have already suffered a wage loss of over 17 percent since 2010.

The Lever (2023-07-18). üéß DECONSTRUCTED: An Inflation Solution That Doesn't Screw Workers. Today, we're sharing an episode of the podcast Deconstructed from our friends over at

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-07-18). Pramila Jayapal caves in to Israel lobby. Biden invites Netanyahu to White House after "warm and long" phone call.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-18). Debt is grinding down developing countries but there is no plan for relief. Two reports which came out last week point out that a large number of developing countries are spending more on repayment of debt than on the development of social sectors such as health and education…

_____ (2023-07-18). Higher Military Spending Will Save Democracy: So the 'Liberal' New York Times Says. So the "liberal" New York Times says | W.J. ASTORE | Join us on , , and . | Four days ago, I got a story in my New York Times email feed on "A Turning Point in Military Spending." The article celebrated the greater willingne…

Jake Johnson (2023-07-18). Sanders Files NDAA Amendment Cutting Budget of Audit-Failing Pentagon by 10%. Sen. Bernie Sanders has filed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act that would cut the U.S. military's historically large budget by 10%, penalize the Pentagon if it fails another audit, and spotlight fraud committed by defense contractors. The Vermont Independent's efforts to rein in Pentagon spending come after the Republican-controlled House passed its version of the National… |

Editor (2023-07-19). US Asset Managers Have 'Significant Investments' in Nuclear Weapons and Cluster Bombs: Analysis. "Many investors, given a choice, would not want to profit from companies that manufacture weapons of mass destruction," said As You Sow's Andrew Behar. (2023-07-19). FDI numbers released for H1 2023. Foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland in terms of actual use dropped 2.7 percent year-on-year to 703.65 billion yuan ($97.55 billion) in the first half of 2023.

Staff (2023-07-18). Specialized Technical Committee of AU Meets in Kenya. Kenya will host the sixth meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) of the African Union Commission from July 17 through 21. The meeting will discuss issues of development, planning, and African integration. | Related: | The gathering is held under the theme "Africa beyond the crisis: drawing up an agenda for investment, sustainable growth, and shared prosperity", the STC said. | The objectives of t…

Cody Bloomfield (2023-07-18). Activists Are Working to Give the People of Atlanta a Chance to Vote on Cop City. When it comes to Atlanta's planned $90 million police training center, widely dubbed "Cop City," the project's nonprofit backer, the Atlanta Police Foundation, has long run a reality deficit, trading on political power to support factually improbable claims while keeping the public in the dark. In 2021, Atlanta City Council approved a lease of public Intrenchment Creek Park land… |

midwesternmarx (2023-07-18). WILL BIDEN DESTROY THE UPS STRIKE? By: Chris Townsend. EDITORS NOTE: Just before this posting of Marxism-Leninism Today, it was reported on July 16th that Teamster President Sean O'Brien had requested that President Joe Biden not involve himself in a possible strike at UPS. ​Final union contract negotiations are proceeding between the Teamsters Union and the gigantic and super-profitable UPS (United Parcel Service) Corporation. Will the 330,000 union members be forced to strike on August 1? Will UPS agree to the reasonable demand …

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-07-18). No Labels: A Republican-backed group set on Trump's 2024 comeback. WASHINGTON—Spoiler alert! Corporate chieftains and big givers, all but one of them nameless, thanks to federal rules, are poised to spoil next year's election and the effort to defeat the menace of Republican right-winger and fascist favorite Donald Trump. The moguls are funding their pro-Trump campaign through an allegedly non-partisan non-profit, No Labels. How non-partisan …

Jaime Richart (2023-07-19). La patética lógica del gobernante. Dice Karl Marx que la política es una mera superestructura cambiante de lo económico. Si aceptamos este aserto, los políticos de las democracias occidentales de partidos son meros rehenes de los poderes que manejan la economía y especialmente la financiera….

midwesternmarx (2023-07-18). They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine By: Chris Hedges. he playbook the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, does not change. Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe and NATO, along with a "rules based international order" is at stake. Victory is assured.The results are also the same. The justifications and narratives are exposed as lies. The cheery prognosis is …

WSWS (2023-07-19). USPS rural letter carrier whose wages were cut by $20,000 speaks out on slashed pay, harsh working conditions. The USPS' new compensation system has cut pay by tens of thousands of dollars while requiring rural letter carriers to work even longer hours.

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-07-20). There Can Be No Justice Until Capitalism Is Removed From The Earth. "What is the path that we are going to chart towards socialism?" This is the question that animated the first day of the 'Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism' conference, which is being held in South Africa between July 17 to 20. | The conference has been divided into commissions, each with a mandate to deliberate upon a particular theme and draft a concrete plan of action which will be adopted in the form of a resolution on the final day. The commissions on July 17 addressed the themes of food sovereignty and agroecology, gender struggles against patriarchy, and urban struggles for hou…

Ian Angus (2023-07-19). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2023. Wildfires, deadly heat, climate strategy, sensing the world, anti-science, mining resistance. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six important new books for reds and greens. (2023-07-19). Video: Capitalism in Crisis.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-19). What are the Dilemmas of Humanity today? We bring you glimpses from the first day of the Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism conference that is currently underway in South Africa. Delegates from across the continent are deliberating on the crisis of capitalism and the socialist alternatives of our time…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-19). For US workers, capitalism brings the heat.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-07-19). Canciller de Venezuela insta a construir un mundo diferente. Gil resaltó las alianzas del capitalismo con el fascismo en distintos momentos de la historia, y destacó que en los últimos tiempos, se evidencian en el avance de las derechas.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-07-18). "There Can Be No Justice Until Capitalism is Removed from the Earth" Tanupriya Singh As the 'Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism' conference kicks off in South Africa, peoples' movements and organizations have convened to discuss concrete strategies for a united struggle against the violence of capitalism and imperialism "What is the path that we are going to chart towards socialism?" This is the question…

The Lever (2023-07-18). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Dr. Strangelove (w/ Matthew Cunningham-Cook).

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-07-20). Soviet Union's Support For Black Liberation Earns Russia Grace With Africans. On the first week of spring in 1931, at the nadir of the Great Depression, nine Black teenagers stowed away on a Memphis-bound train scuffled with a gaggle of white youths who took exception to their presence. The Black youths made quick work of their counterparts, heaving all but one, Orville Gilley, from the slow-moving railcars to the grassy knoll below. Gilley would have met the same fate as his friends but by the time the Black youths got to him, the train had picked up considerable speed, and he was hanging perilously from the gondola. Fearing Gilley might fall underneath one of the railcars, two Black teen…

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-19). Fighting Industrial Development In Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley'.

Dave DeCamp (2023-07-19). US Announces $1.3 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine. The Biden administration announced on Wednesday a new $1.3 billion weapons package for Ukraine that includes air defense systems, kamikaze drones, missiles, and other equipment. The package is being provided to Ukraine through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, which allows the US to purchase arms for Ukraine. The Pentagon said the announcement represents the beginning …

teleSUR (2023-07-18). Panama: Martinelli Sentenced to 128 Months in Prison. Panama's former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009—2014) was sentenced Tuesday to 128 months in prison for the crime of money laundering in the case known as "New Business." | RELATED: | The Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) released the decision in charge of magistrate Baloísa Marquínez, in the case of the purchase of the newspapers "El Panamá América", "Crítica" and "Día a Día" from Editora Panamá América S.A. (EPASA).

WSWS (2023-07-19). US students oppose censorship of IYSSE by Macquarie University in Sydney. "The rejection to affiliate is not accidental. It is consciously intended to block students from hearing a genuine socialist perspective."

WSWS (2023-07-19). Former Amazon worker Christina Brown campaigns among UPS workers to seek justice for her sister Poushawn Brown. Christina Brown, a former Amazon worker, visited a UPS hub with a team of World Socialist Web Site reporters to share the story of how her sister, Poushawn Brown, fell ill and died while working as a COVID-19 tester at a nearby Amazon facility.

Robin Scher (2023-07-19). The Impact of Plastics on Human Health.

Ana Perdigón, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-07-18). Venezuelan Opposition Is Hypocritical In Labeling Citizens As 'Violent'. Diosdado Cabello, the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), expressed disbelief that the Venezuelan opposition, after having requested sanctions be placed upon the country, would label Venezuelan citizens who were outraged by their actions as "violent." | Taking to his social media accounts, Cabello criticized the hypocrisy of those who had advocated for invasion; invoked the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), a treaty imposed on the region by the US during the Cold War with functionality similar to that of NATO; and resorted to burning people alive, only to now bra…

Ciarán Giles (2023-07-18). Fascists could return to government in Spain for first time since Franco's death. MADRID (AP)—Spain's general election on Sunday could make the country the latest European Union member to swing to the right, a shift that would represent a major upheaval after five years under a left-wing government. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called the early election after his Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and its small far-left coalition partner, Unidas Podemos ("United …

thecommunists (2023-07-19). As Ukraine bleeds, British defence minister looks to a new life. The following article is reproduced from The Indicter with thanks. ***** The recent notice of resignation by the British defence minister Ben Wallace provides another insight into how impunity operates inside British imperialism. Mediocrities rising to positions of tremendous influence in the imperialist British parliamentary system are free to wreak unimaginable havoc upon the world, … (2023-07-19). Insights | South Korean student: CPC devotes itself to China's development, strives for Chinese people's happiness. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is committed to the development of the country and strives for the happiness of the Chinese people, said South Korean student Bae Eun Yeong in an interview with China News Network.

Chauncey K. Robinson (2023-07-19). 'Oppenheimer' review: Masterful exploration of history, anti-communism, and the Atomic Age's legacy. This review was published during the historic SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes. People's World acknowledges that film and television would not be possible without the workers who make it happen. We stand in solidarity with the strike and the workers. The existence of a film like Oppenheimer shows just how necessary it is to teach history …

2023-07-19 22:09:25 | 22:09 EST | tr | 94 | 0 | 29 | 68 | 4 

2023-07-18: News Headlines (2023-07-18). NDRC vows policy boost for consumption, investment. China's top economic regulator pledged on Tuesday to roll out policies that would spur consumption and increase effective investment, as part of a package of measures to revive the economy amid the still-weak demand and a gloomy global outlook.

Anonymous103 (2023-07-18). Russia Highlights Western Hypocrisy By Terminating Grain Deal. Illustrative Image"Decision to end grain deal is final," says Russian official. | UPDATE: Russia is ready to supply grain to African countries at no charge even without a "grain deal," said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation on July 18. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov announced that Russia is suspending compliance with its commitments under the Black Sea Grain Initiative but will re-implement the…

Anonymous103 (2023-07-18). Putin Warns Kiev That Russia Will Reciprocate Cluster Munition Use. Click to see full-size imageMusk highlights the grim situation Ukraine is in. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | Western media has admitted that significant amounts of weapons sent to Kiev to battle Russian forces were destroyed or damaged in the first two weeks of the offensive, which would explain why the US took the evidently desperate action to transfer cluster bombs to the Kiev regime. Responding to this provocation, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that cl…

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-18). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

teleSUR (2023-07-18). The Brazilian Economy is Expected to Grow 2.24 Percent in 2023. On Monday, the Brazilian Central Bank said that the financial market raised the country's gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast from 2.19 percent to 2.24 percent in 2023, and from 1.28 to 1.3 percent in 2024. | RELATED: | According to the bank's weekly survey of analysts at the country's leading financial institutions, at the start of this year, Brazil's expected GDP growth for the year was a scant 0.8 percent. | A… (2023-07-18). China plans new policies to spur consumption. China will roll out policies to restore and expand consumption in a bid to further revive domestic demand, the country's top economic regulator said on Tuesday. (2023-07-18). Insights | Australian sinologist: Great accomplishments of China couldn't have been obtained without CPC. The year 2023 marks the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In a recent exclusive interview with China News Network, Colin Mackerras, an Australian sinologist, highly commended the achievements of the CPC in multiple areas and pointed out that those achievements of China, from maintaining national stability to building infrastructure, developing the economy, and to promoting the status of women, could not have been obtained without the CPC's leadership.

jamanetwork (2023-07-18). Health Care Costs Will Comprise About 20% of US Economy by 2031. The country's health care spending will grow an average of 5.4% per year between 2022 and 2031, accounting for about $1 out of every $5 spent in the US by the end of the period, according to new projections from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published in Health Affairs. The agency expects that recent legislative changes, such as the expiration of regulations surrounding the COVID-19 public health emergency and the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act's prescription drug provisions, will drive some of the health expenditure trends. (2023-07-18). China boosts R&D for computing power infrastructure. Computing innovation will be strengthened, an official from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced at a press conference on Monday.

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-07-18). Importance of Aerolineas Argentinas recovery highlighted. Buenos Aires, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Yesterday, Vice President Cristina Fernández and Economy Minister Sergio Massa highlighted the importance of "Aerolíneas Argentinas", 15 years after its recovery by the State. (2023-07-18). China's industry ministry holds meetings with US businesses amid increased official exchanges. Senior officials from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) have held back-to-back meetings with U.S. business representatives in recent days to discuss China-U.S. economic and trade ties and industrial cooperation.

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-07-17). Is the US Dollar on the Verge of Being Dethroned as the World's Currency? Since Russia invaded Ukraine, and especially after Washington imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow, a number of countries across the world — including Brazil, China, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia and South Africa — have been pushing back against the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in the global economy. As this de-dollarization movement picks up steam we are forced to ask: Is the U.S. |

Walter Smolarek (2023-07-17). Three things a socialist government would be doing RIGHT NOW to tackle the heat wave. If the government and the economy were controlled by the people instead of the billionaires — socialism — then we could immediately get to work on solutions. (2023-07-18). Timely steps seen facilitating breakthroughs in generative AI. China's timely measures for managing generative artificial intelligence services will give a strong boost to the technology's healthy development and help nurture key future economic growth drivers to hedge against external uncertainties. (2023-07-18). Beijing urges U.S. to hold to commitments on trade. Beijing urged Washington to earnestly follow through on U.S. President Joe Biden's commitment to not seek decoupling from China, halt China's economic development or contain it, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Tuesday. (2023-07-18). Additional moves to boost consumption of household items. China will adopt targeted measures to bolster consumer spending on household items, as part of the country's efforts to promote the recovery and expansion of consumption and sustain a sound momentum in economic activities.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-07-18). G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga. On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government.

teleSUR (2023-07-18). EU-CELAC Declaration Calls for Ending the US Blockade on Cuba. On Tuesday, the summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) culminated in a joint declaration in favor of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo of the United States against Cuba. | RELATED: | The countries attending the Brussels high-level meeting also pointed out that the inclusion of Cuba in Washington's "List of State Sponsors of Terrorism" hinders…

infobrics (2023-07-18). A New Path to Economic Power Is Imminent Through BRICS>. South Africa will be chairing the BRICS group of countries under the theme, 'BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Multilateralism'

infobrics (2023-07-18). BRICS Is a Reflection of the Change in the Global Scale. For those who still wonder what the BRICS is, it simply stands for the five emerging economies — namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — and its goal is to promote peace, security, development and cooperation. Due to the potential of these countries in becoming major economic powers, their impact on the international arena based on their growing economic strength and relevance globally is a factor as to why the union was made in the first place, notwithstanding their sweeping population and substantial natural resources…

Deb Sitarski (2023-07-18). What Decades of Social Work Taught Me About Poverty. If my decades of work as a social worker taught me one great lesson, it's this. Poverty is an entrenched system of political choices by self-serving lawmakers, not a personal failing of ordinary people. Poverty is not, and never has been, a crime. | I've worked with many economically struggling people. I grew up in meager circumstances myself and well remember the stigma and shame of having to do without. | And this I can tell you: Not one person I've ever met wants to be poor, sick, disabled, struggling, or on the receiving end of public assistance programs. These programs are vital but often inadequate and diff… (2023-07-18). Sino-African ties poised to prosper. The diverse nature of Sino-African cooperation and its highly complementary trade structure will play a key role in supporting the economic and social development of both sides in the years ahead, government officials and business executives have said.

_____ (2023-07-17). Why Are There No Slums in China? 13 Jul 2023 – How the Chinese government deals with homelessness, how this issue relates to socialist construction, and how China confronts the challenges posed by rapid economic development, urbanization, and the migration of recent decades. What are the structural reasons behind it?>

_____ (2023-07-17). The Great Chessboard: China's Economic Rise and the Collapse of the USA. 12 Jul 2023 – The One Chart That Explains Everything… (2023-07-18). Heatwave threatens Europe's olive yield. The olive oil sector faces a crisis as the heatwave in southern Europe is poised to cause yet another poor harvest, potentially leading to a lack of stock in supermarkets later this year.

Nadra Nittle (2023-07-18). Minnesota Students Now Get Free Breakfast and Lunch. Will Other States Follow? Heather Gustafson knows what it's like to struggle to keep money in her children's meal accounts at school. Now a Minnesota state senator, Gustafson spent several years as a single mother raising four kids on a modest teacher's salary. Although she suspects her income would've qualified her children to receive free or reduced-price school lunch, she never completed the paperwork to determine their… |

jamanetwork (2023-07-18). State Public Insurance Coverage Policies and Postpartum Care Among Immigrants. This study examines the association between state public insurance coverage and postpartum care among low-income immigrants and the differences in care received among immigrants relative to nonimmigrants.

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-18). 7 in 10 Americans Support Passage of Pro-Union PRO Act, Poll Finds. With labor activity making headlines across the U.S. and wealth inequality at all-time highs, new polling finds overwhelming support among the public for a slate of pro-worker bills advanced by Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vermont) Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee last month. According to polling by Data for Progress released Tuesday, all three bills passed by the committee last… |

WorkWeek (2023-07-18). Tuesday 7/18: Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS tra. Labor Report on Argentina With High School Teacher Luciana Alterleib, member of ADEMYS trade union and a member of the workers organization Tribuna Docente, Partido Obrero in the Left Workers Front in Argentina…

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-07-18). Irán y Rusia buscan fecha de reunión cuatripartita sobre Siria. En mayo ocurrió primer encuentro de estos cancilleres para elaborar hoja de ruta que normalice los lazos turco-sirios.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-07-18). Siria condena ingreso ilegal de delegación diplomática francesa. La cancillería destacó que ese país "recuerda al gobierno francés que la lucha contra el terrorismo debe ser en colaboración con el Estado sirio".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-07-18). Sube a 14 cifra de muertos tras avalancha en Cundinamarca. La Policía y la Unidad de Gestión del Riesgo se encuentran en el lugar de los hechos ejecutando las labores de rescate.

WSWS (2023-07-18). Australian universities defunded by successive governments. Governments, both Labor and Liberal-National, have forced universities to rely ever-more heavily on private sources of cash, particularly full fee-paying international students and corporate partnerships. (2023-07-18). Does fear of US intervention explain Labor's support for AUKUS?

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-07-18). Al menos ocho muertos tras avalancha en Cundinamarca, Colombia. La Policía y la Unidad de Gestión del Riesgo se encuentran en el lugar de los hechos ejecutando las labores de rescate.

WSWS (2023-07-17). Australia: Health workers should reject union-government sellout and build rank-and-file committees to fight for a real pay rise! Neither of the pay options offered by the New South Wales Labor government and the Health Services Union represent a way forward for workers.

WSWS (2023-07-17). Australian Pharmaceutical Industry workers vote down company offer again as strike enters fourth week. Despite a campaign of isolation by the United Workers Union, workers have taken an important stand, determined to secure a pay increase that enables them to survive crippling mortgage interest rates, soaring rents and energy prices.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-17). Russia announces end of UN-brokered grain deal with Ukraine, cites unfulfilled promises. The deal was considered necessary to ease the impact on food prices in poorer countries amid the war in Ukraine. However, almost half of the Ukrainian grain went to developed and rich countries in Western Europe…

Elliott Wallace (2023-07-17). UN calls for more sustainable fashion industry. The goal: to guide shoppers away from overconsumption and toward more sustainable style options.

teleSUR (2023-07-18). Palestinian Territories Face Unprecedentedly Complex Conditions. On Monday, Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh warned that the Palestinian territories are witnessing unprecedentedly complex conditions at all levels. | RELATED: | During a meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah with Stephen Hickey, director of Middle East and North Africa Affairs at the British Foreign Office, Shtayyeh highlighted "the absence of a political horizon, the financial blockade, and the Israeli piracy of our…

Sharon Zhang (2023-07-17). Democrats Are Pushing for a George Santos Censure Vote. A group of House Democrats is pushing to censure Rep. George Santos (New York) following a remarkable series of scandals regarding the Republican's fabrications about his professional life and potential financial violations. The effort is being led by Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-New York), who is set to introduce a resolution Monday to censure Representative Santos for "defrauding the people of the… |

_____ (2023-07-17). Competing with the Dollar: BRICS Launches Game-Changing Gold-Backed Currency. 9 Jul 2023 – BRICS nations unveil a gold-backed digital currency that could challenge the US Dollar in global payments. It aims to enhance financial sovereignty, reduce reliance on existing monetary systems, and provide an alternative means of conducting global trade and accumulating reserves.

The Lever (2023-07-18). üéß DECONSTRUCTED: An Inflation Solution That Doesn't Screw Workers. Today, we're sharing an episode of the podcast Deconstructed from our friends over at

Luis Feliz Leon (2023-07-18). Michigan Amazon workers stage largest delivery station strike yet. Across all industries, while worker productivity surged 62 percent from 1979 to 2020, average hourly pay crawled up just 17 percent when adjusted for inflation. (2023-07-18). Ministry, private sector launch graduate employment campaign. The national college students employment service platform has launched a special campaign for college graduates that have not yet found jobs, the Ministry of Education said on Monday.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-07-18). Pramila Jayapal caves in to Israel lobby. Biden invites Netanyahu to White House after "warm and long" phone call.

Jake Johnson (2023-07-18). Sanders Files NDAA Amendment Cutting Budget of Audit-Failing Pentagon by 10%. Sen. Bernie Sanders has filed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act that would cut the U.S. military's historically large budget by 10%, penalize the Pentagon if it fails another audit, and spotlight fraud committed by defense contractors. The Vermont Independent's efforts to rein in Pentagon spending come after the Republican-controlled House passed its version of the National… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Brett Wilkins (2023-07-18). 'Five-alarm fire': GOP adds over 200 poison pills to House spending bills. "We cannot allow policy that harms regular people, threatens our rights, hurts the environment, and does any number of other terrible things to ride along with the appropriations package," said Public Citizen's Lisa Gilbert.

_____ (2023-07-18). Higher Military Spending Will Save Democracy: So the 'Liberal' New York Times Says. So the "liberal" New York Times says | W.J. ASTORE | Join us on , , and . | Four days ago, I got a story in my New York Times email feed on "A Turning Point in Military Spending." The article celebrated the greater willingne…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-18). Debt is grinding down developing countries but there is no plan for relief. Two reports which came out last week point out that a large number of developing countries are spending more on repayment of debt than on the development of social sectors such as health and education… (2023-07-18). Talim makes landfall in S. China's Guangdong. Multiple localities in southern China enhanced emergency response systems on Monday, suspending trains, flights and ships, as well as businesses, work and school to prepare for tropical storm Talim which is set to make landfall on Monday evening.

Staff (2023-07-18). Specialized Technical Committee of AU Meets in Kenya. Kenya will host the sixth meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) of the African Union Commission from July 17 through 21. The meeting will discuss issues of development, planning, and African integration. | Related: | The gathering is held under the theme "Africa beyond the crisis: drawing up an agenda for investment, sustainable growth, and shared prosperity", the STC said. | The objectives of t…

teleSUR (2023-07-18). European Union to Invest 45 Billion Euros in Latin America. On Monday, the European Union (EU) committed to investing over 45 billion euros to support the bloc's reinforced partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean until 2027. | RELATED: | The EU's new Global Gateway Investment Agenda was presented by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at a round table meeting on the sidelines of the third summit of the EU-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CE…

The Lever (2023-07-17). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Investing Against Climate Change. On this week's bonus episode of Lever Time Premium, exclusively for The Lever's supporting subscribers, producer Jared Jacang Maher sits down with Will Wiseman and Alba Forns, co-founders of the green energy investment app Climatize.After attending the global climate strikes in Barcelona in 2019, Will and Alba decided to turn that collective energy into tangible impact. That's when they came up with the idea for Climatize — a mobile app that allows users to invest in solar and green energy projects, many of which are focused on underserved communities.Jared chats with Will and Alba about the genesis of t…

Cody Bloomfield (2023-07-18). Activists Are Working to Give the People of Atlanta a Chance to Vote on Cop City. When it comes to Atlanta's planned $90 million police training center, widely dubbed "Cop City," the project's nonprofit backer, the Atlanta Police Foundation, has long run a reality deficit, trading on political power to support factually improbable claims while keeping the public in the dark. In 2021, Atlanta City Council approved a lease of public Intrenchment Creek Park land… |

Hal McNulty (2023-07-17). The Weekly Round-Up: Illegal Migration Bill, Huw Edwards, Striking Regulations. In the News Concluding five days of speculation, Huw Edwards was named on Wednesday as the BBC figure at the centre of the Sun's allegations of sexual impropriety. The newspaper claimed the presenter had paid a young person for 'sordid images,' suggesting a criminal offence may have taken place if the teenager had been under …

teleSUR odr DRL (2023-07-18). Fallece el intelectual alemán Franz Josef Hinkelammert. Dentro de sus aportes contamos con los realizados en el campo de la teología de la liberación, el humanismo y la crítica teológica al capitalismo, así como sus relecturas del marxismo.

The Lever (2023-07-18). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Dr. Strangelove (w/ Matthew Cunningham-Cook).

teleSUR, YSM (2023-07-18). Canciller de Venezuela insta a construir un mundo diferente. Gil resaltó las alianzas del capitalismo con el fascismo en distintos momentos de la historia, y destacó que en los últimos tiempos, se evidencian en el avance de las derechas.

Megan Sherman (2023-07-18). Capitalism's Failed Paradigm.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-07-18). "There can be no justice until capitalism is removed from the Earth" As the 'Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism' conference kicks off in South Africa, peoples' movements and organizations have convened to discuss concrete strategies for a united struggle against the violence of capitalism and imperialism… (2023-07-18). Video: Capitalism in Crisis. (2023-07-18). Industrial sector shows signs of resilience. The recovery of China's industrial sector is picking up pace amid a steady rebound in domestic demand and a series of favorable government policies encouraging industrial production despite challenges and external uncertainties.

Mnar Adley (2023-07-17). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

_____ (2023-07-17). Humanity in Hypnotic Thrall to a Techno-Industrial God. 12 Jul 2023 – As long as enough people buy into it for long enough, the slavery exercise will be irreversible.

Hedelberto López Blanch (2023-07-17). Declive social en Guatemala. Guatemala es una de las ventanas perfectas para demostrar que dentro del sistema capitalista y neoliberal, el crecimiento del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) no significa beneficio para las grandes mayorías del país. | A esa contradicción tendrá que enfrentarse el nuevo…

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2023-07-18). Encuesta electoral da victoria a partido de Gobierno en España. Un instituto demoscópico augura que el 32,2 por ciento de los votantes irá con los del Partido Socialista, mientras que un 30,8 por ciento apoyará a los del conservador Partido Popular.

Ana Perdigón (2023-07-17). Cabello Slams Venezuelan Opposition's Hypocritical Labeling of Outraged Citizens as 'Violent'. Diosdado Cabello, the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), expressed disbelief that the Venezuelan opposition, after having requested sanctions be placed upon the country, would label Venezuelan citizens who were outraged by their actions as "violent." | Taking to his social media accounts, Cabello criticized the hypocrisy of those who had advocated for invasion; invoked the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), a treaty imposed on the region by the US during the Cold War with functionality similar to that of NATO; and resorted to burning people alive, only to now bra…

Yasiel Betancourt Clavijo (2023-07-18). Colombian Communist Party ratified its duty with social justice. Bogotá, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Yesterday, the Colombian Communist Party (PCC) in a message to the nation on the occasion of its 93rd anniversary expressed its commitment to the struggles for social justice.

_____ (2023-07-17). Listening to Oppenheimer, Seven Decades Later. 12 Jul 2023 – A mere 55 years after his death, the U.S. government has restored J. Robert Oppenheimer's security clearance, which the Atomic Energy Commission had taken away from him in 1954, declaring him to be not simply a communist but, in all likelihood, a Soviet spy.

2023-07-18 23:22:32 | 23:22 EST | tr | 73 | 0 | 17 | 63 | 5 

2023-07-17: News Headlines (2023-07-17). High-level agenda urged to shore up private economy. China needs to launch a high-level agenda to effectively reinforce support for the private economy, which lies at the core of driving the nation's economic recovery, political advisers and experts said on Sunday. (2023-07-17). Finance sector tops on pay in Beijing with over $2000 monthly salary: report. The finance, digital economy, and software information service industry still lead the salary ranking in Beijing in the second quarter, according to the latest data published by Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Saturday. (2023-07-17). China achieves 146.13 million ton summer grain harvest in 2023. China has witnessed another bumper summer grain harvest this year, the country's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported on Saturday, despite adverse weather effect in some parts of the country hurting per-unit output. (2023-07-17). National carbon market marks 2nd anniversary as cumulative turnover hits 11b yuan. China's national carbon market on Sunday marked its second anniversary with cumulative turnover hitting 11.03 billion yuan ($1.54 billion). (2023-07-17). China's employment remains largely stable in H1 2023. China's employment has remained largely stable in the first half of 2023, with the average surveyed urban unemployment rate dropping down 0.2 percentage points from the first quarter to 5.3 percent.

Marcos González Hernando, Gerry Mitchell (2023-07-17). The richest 10% are starting to feel the pinch, but will that change how they think about inequality? High earners need to come around to the idea that they would benefit from progressive taxes and other policies to create an economy that works for everyone. (2023-07-17). Deflation not present and won't happen in China's economy: NBS. Chinese economy does not experience deflation and it is not expected to occur in the next stage, National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) spokesperson Fu Linghui stated at a press conference in Beijing on Monday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-17). African Union Committee on Economy and Finance meets in Kenya. Addis Ababa, Jul 17 (Prensa Latina) The sixth meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee (STC) of the African Union Commission will meet in Nairobi, Kenya, until July 21st, and will focus on economic development, planning and integration.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-17). Chinese economy expands thanks to domestic consumption. Beijing, Jul 17 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese economy grew 5.5 percent year-on-year in the first semester thanks to increasingly higher domestic consumption after Covid-19, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-17). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Colin Todhunter (2023-07-16). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Staff (2023-07-16). National Assembly Deputy Jesús Faría: Venezuela Moving Towards New Tax System. Venezuelan National Assembly approved 25 articles out of 30 of the draft Organic Law for the Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of the States and Municipalities, on Friday, July 14. The chairman of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finance and National Development, PSUV Deputy Jesús Faría, stated that this law "will serve as a support to move towards a new tax system for a post-oil Venezuela." | He explained that the preparation of the new law is "an absolutely urgent requirement for the whole nation; we must do everything in our power to stimulate the recovery of the country's productive apparat…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-07-16). Chris Hedges: American Poverty Is A Calamity By Design. Some 50 million people in the United States live in poverty today—and over 108 million people survive on less than $55,000 a year. Despite having the largest economy on earth, poverty in the US is often grinding and brutal. From millions who live without running water or reliable power, to countless children who experience food insecurity and homelessness. The data on poverty only becomes exacerbated when race is taken into account. In 2019, the median White household had a net worth of $188,200, compared with $24,100 for the median Black household. Matthew Desmond joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss h… (2023-07-16). Insights‰∏®Australian sinologist: China has grown more confident, open and stable. During the exclusive interview with China News Network, Australian sinologist Colin Mackerras highly commended the achievements of the CPC in multiple areas from maintaining national stability to building infrastructure, developing the economy, and promoting the status of women. "ÄÄ…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-07-17). G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga. On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government.

Colin Todhunter (2023-07-16). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Staff (2023-07-16). National Assembly Deputy Jesús Faría: Venezuela Moving Towards New Tax System. Venezuelan National Assembly approved 25 articles out of 30 of the draft Organic Law for the Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of the States and Municipalities, on Friday, July 14. The chairman of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finance and National Development, PSUV Deputy Jesús Faría, stated that this law "will serve as a support to move towards a new tax system for a post-oil Venezuela." | He explained that the preparation of the new law is "an absolutely urgent requirement for the whole nation; we must do everything in our power to stimulate the recovery of the country's productive apparat…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-07-16). Chris Hedges: American Poverty Is A Calamity By Design. Some 50 million people in the United States live in poverty today—and over 108 million people survive on less than $55,000 a year. Despite having the largest economy on earth, poverty in the US is often grinding and brutal. From millions who live without running water or reliable power, to countless children who experience food insecurity and homelessness. The data on poverty only becomes exacerbated when race is taken into account. In 2019, the median White household had a net worth of $188,200, compared with $24,100 for the median Black household. Matthew Desmond joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss h… (2023-07-16). Insights‰∏®Australian sinologist: China has grown more confident, open and stable. During the exclusive interview with China News Network, Australian sinologist Colin Mackerras highly commended the achievements of the CPC in multiple areas from maintaining national stability to building infrastructure, developing the economy, and promoting the status of women. "ÄÄ…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-07-17). G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga. On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government. (2023-07-17). South China preps for typhoon's landfall. Guangdong province in South China, is going all-out to brace for Typhoon Talim, with the top priorities being given to preventing casualties and minimizing economic losses, provincial authorities said on Sunday. (2023-07-17). Chinese city anticipate creating unique culture and economic growth through building 'City of Rock'. Shijiazhuang, a city located near China's capital, Beijing, has announced a plan to create China's "City of Rock." From subway and buses to lawns, shopping streets, and tourist attractions, rock music is becoming ubiquitous in every corner of the city. (2023-07-17). In Numbers: China's economic data for H1 2023.

Al Weinrub, Nonprofit Quarterly. (2023-07-16). A New (Renewable) Energy Tyranny. There are two very different (and antagonistic) renewable energy models: the utility-centered, centralized energy model—the existing dominant one—and the community-centered, decentralized energy model—what energy justice advocates have been pushing for. Although both models utilize the same technologies (solar generation, energy storage, etc.), they have very different physical characteristics (remote vs local energy resources, transmission lines or not). But the key difference is that they represent very different socio-economic energy development models and very different impacts on our commun…

F. William Engdahl (2023-07-16). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-07-16). Cuban civil society to denounce US blockade at People's Summit. Brussels, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) Cuba and its civil society will denounce the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States and its consequences, at the Brussels-2023 People's Summit, economist Nicolás Valladares said here on Sunday.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-07-16). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?

Alastair Crooke (2023-07-16). Lavish EU Aid Packages' are 'Over': The 'Green Deal' Is First Casualty. As Von der Leyen made clear, EU states must make additional contributions, totalling a further 66 billion euros, to the EU budget — just to pass through 2023. | The EU 'Green Deal' was due to cost ‚Ǩ620 billion. It was all agreed. However, as Last week, President Macron (reflecting the economic realiti…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-07-16). Cuba solidarity groups in Panama condemn US blockade. Panama, Jul 16 (Prensa Latina) The National Cuba Solidarity Coordinator in Panama (CNSCP) on Sunday condemned the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the Caribbean island for more than six decades.

Basav Sen, Gabrielle Colchete, In These Times. (2023-07-16). Cop City And The Escalating War On Environmental Defenders. The fight in Atlanta over Cop City, a massive police training facility, has turned into ground zero for overlapping crises facing our country: the climate emergency, vast political and economic inequality, ever-militarizing police forces and systemic racism. | If we want a democracy healthy enough to solve these crises, it's worth paying attention to what is happening in the South River Forest. | On May 31, in a disturbing move shortly before Atlanta's City Council approved more funding for the facility, Georgia law enforcement arrested three members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which provides activists with l…

Salish Sea Cooperative Finance, Erika Lundahl, John Beatty, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-07-16). How To Create A Debt Co-Op To Take Back Your Student Loans. The day we refinanced our first student loan, four debt cooperative members met for coffee and eggs at a greasy spoon at 8 a.m. to prepare the paperwork. Together, we all went to the bank, got the cashier's check, printed the letter, and put it in the mail, and it was elating. | So elating, in fact, that residents of downtown Seattle looked concerned as four grown adults let out shouts of joy outside a perfectly average post office after doing a seemingly simple task. But the task was anything but simple—and we had done it together. | Like an untold number of ideas throughout human history, the nuts and bol… (2023-07-17). Overseas market demand surges during first half of year. The online demand from overseas markets for products made in China surged 33 percent year-on-year in the first half of the year, data from, Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's business-to-business platform that helps facilitate foreign trade, showed.

_____ (2023-07-16). NATO Has Been Nothing but Trouble for Ukraine.

Ray Levy-Uyeda (2023-07-16). The Farm Bill Is an Opportunity to Address Climate Change and Structural Racism. This story was originally published at Prism. A significant piece of legislation most voters have likely never heard of will spend the summer sitting on the cutting room floor of Congress. When the legislation is ready for a vote, it will ensure people aren't sentenced to hunger for lack of income, dictate international trade policies, and provide support to a farm system that—depending on who you… |

Editor (2023-07-17). Inside the slaughterhouse: Child labour in the U.S. A rise in highly systematic, typically immigrant, child labour is being abetted by state legislation in the U.S., and must be resisted, argues John Clarke.

WSWS (2023-07-16). Starmer confirms Labour's UK education strategy is warmed-over Thatcherism. Starmer's speech consisted of a rehash of the pro-market policies of Margaret Thatcher and a continuation of the privatisation expanded under Tony Blair's Labour government.

Ursula Huws, Resilience. (2023-07-16). The Future Is Now: Rethinking Public Ownership. Something momentous has happened, according to recent opinion polls. After 40 years of reluctantly accepting the Thatcherite mantra that there is no alternative to the market, the British public declared that they had had enough. In August 2022, Survation polling for the campaign group We Own It revealed that 69 per cent were in favour of publicly-owned water, 65 per cent for publicly-owned buses, 67 per cent for rail, 66 per cent for energy, 68 per cent for Royal Mail, and a whopping 78 per cent for the NHS. With public sentiment matching the vigour of an emboldened labour movement, there is a feeling that some…

WSWS (2023-07-17). Australia: Health workers should reject union-government sellout and build rank-and-file committees to fight for a real pay rise! Neither of the pay options offered by the New South Wales Labor government and the Health Services Union represent a way forward for workers.

WSWS (2023-07-17). Campaign to defend victimised Sri Lankan estate workers wins significant support. The Ceylon Workers Congress, the country's main plantation union collaborated with police, providing the names of the protesting workers, who were later arrested on frame-up charges. (2023-07-17). Does fear of US intervention explain Labor's support for AUKUS?

Phoebe Davis (2023-07-17). Amerigo Scientific Updates Its Laboratory Incubators with More Advanced Features. Amerigo Scientific recently updated its line of laboratory incubators with more advanced features.

Fight Back (2023-07-16). Labor Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5. Fight Back! is circulating the following "Solidarity with the Tampa 5" resolution voted up by the union delegates to the West Central Florida Labor Council (WCFLC). President Jim Junecko of the WCFLC, AFL-CIO sent the resolution to Florida State's Attorney Susan Lopez asking she direct Prosecutor Justin Diaz to drop the charges. | Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5 | WHEREAS the West Central Florida Labor Council dedicates itself to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing social equity in the Nation; | WHEREAS we support union workers, students a…

Jake Johnson (2023-07-16). GOP Advances Education Cuts That Could Remove 220,000 Teachers from Classrooms. House Democrats warned that hundreds of thousands of teachers could lose their jobs if legislation advanced Friday by a Republican-controlled appropriations subcommittee becomes law. The panel's draft Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies funding bill for the coming fiscal year calls for nearly $64 billion in total cuts, a proposal that Democrats said "decimates support… |

Pivot to Peace (2023-07-16). Sign-on in Support: Justice for Li Tang "Henry" Liang! This statement has been republished from the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance The APALA Massachusetts Chapter and UNITE HERE Local 26 are supporting a local worker who has been wrongfully targeted. Read the statement below and sign-on to show your support. Sign-on LetterJustice for Li Tang "Henry" Liang! Chinese American community activist and hotel worker …

WSWS (2023-07-17). Australian Pharmaceutical Industry workers vote down company offer again as strike enters fourth week. Despite a campaign of isolation by the United Workers Union, workers have taken an important stand, determined to secure a pay increase that enables them to survive crippling mortgage interest rates, soaring rents and energy prices.

Mike Adams (2023-07-17). Worse Than CBDCs: Globalists Publish Plan for Worldwide "Financial Enslavement" Under "Unified Ledger"

Seymour Hersh, Scheer Post. (2023-07-16). Fear And Loathing On Air Force One. Joe Biden got what he needed before the NATO summit this week by somehow turning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inside out and getting him to rebuff Vladimir Putin by announcing that he would support NATO membership for Sweden. The public story for Biden's face-saving coup was talk about agreeing to sell American F-16 fighter bombers to Turkey. | I have been told a different, secret story about Erdogan's turnabout: Biden promised that a much-needed $11-13 billion line of credit would be extended to Turkey by the International Monetary Fund. "Biden had to have a victory and Turkey is in acute financial str… (2023-07-16). Flywire offers WeChat payment option for Chinese students. Flywire, a third-party payment platform in the United States, announced a partnership with Tencent Financial Technology, a fintech arm of China's tech giant Tencent, on Thursday.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-17). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two… (2023-07-17). Sino trade volumes soar with Middle East, Africa. China's trade and investment links with Africa and the Middle East are becoming deeper and more mature in a positive manner, with Chinese enterprises active "in all sorts of sectors", ushering in more development opportunities for all.

The Lever (2023-07-17). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Investing Against Climate Change. On this week's bonus episode of Lever Time Premium, exclusively for The Lever's supporting subscribers, producer Jared Jacang Maher sits down with Will Wiseman and Alba Forns, co-founders of the green energy investment app Climatize.After attending the global climate strikes in Barcelona in 2019, Will and Alba decided to turn that collective energy into tangible impact. That's when they came up with the idea for Climatize — a mobile app that allows users to invest in solar and green energy projects, many of which are focused on underserved communities.Jared chats with Will and Alba about the genesis of t… (2023-07-16). Carbon pricing to affect investments, survey claims. The trading of carbon emission allowances in China is expected to increasingly affect investment decisions as the carbon price rises steadily, according to the 2022 China Carbon Pricing Survey report. (2023-07-16). New pattern drives regional development. Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co Ltd and its subsidiary Beijing Rail Transit Technology Equipment Group Co Ltd have built a new pattern of "Beijing design Baoding manufacturing", further promoting coordinated industrial development in Beijing and Hebei province.

ecsorinoco (2023-07-17). NATO's "Strengthening" Hasn't Weakened Russia, It's Only Accelerated Capitalist Collapse in the NATO Member States. By Rainer Shea — Jul 14, 2023 | When you understand the processes of class struggle, you see that the supposed benefits the Russia-Ukraine conflict has brought to NATO and to American hegemony—wherein NATO has been expanded while Washington's dominance over Europe has been fortified—don't mean international capital has achieved a victory. These events instead mean international capital has made itself better able to undermine its own interests; to nurture the historical dynamics that accelerate the falling of the rate of profits, the crisis of overproduction, and the class conflict that comes fr…

Matthew Hoh (2023-07-17). Who fuels war and profits from it. It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated | goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

Jonathan Alan King (2023-07-16). Looking to Sell Weapons, Military Contractors Push Arms Race With China. Manufacturing in China has long supported the relatively high standard of living of millions of U.S. residents while helping U.S. corporations profit handsomely. Apple, Tesla, General Motors, Nike, Texas Instruments and Qualcomm have significant manufacturing operations in China. Meanwhile the Chinese government invests in U.S. Treasury and government agency bonds, having purchased about a… | (2023-07-17). China unveils regulation on consular protection to make relevant work more law-based, standardized. Chinese Premier Li Qiang has signed an order of the State Council unveiling a regulation on consular protection and assistance in China, which will come into effect on September 1. (2023-07-16). China authority says aspartame safe under nation's standard. China's food safety assessment authority said on Friday it is safe to use aspartame, a common artificial sweetener used in many products, based on China's current standards and regulations.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-07-16). Assange Exposes The Empire's True Face: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | Julian Assange is a journalist who's been imprisoned for doing journalism on war crimes, by an empire that claims to defend journalists and oppose war crimes. | Assange and his persecution expose the giant plot holes in every story the western power structure tells about itself. About its love of free speech and the free press. About its opposition to tyranny. About its wars and why it wages them. Assange exposes the empire's true face. | And in that sense it's interesting that the empire made the decision to jail and silence Assange, since in doing…

WSWS (2023-07-17). Actors and writers bring film and television production in the US to a halt, with growing impact in Canada, UK. Tens of millions of people around the globe have become aware of this social conflict in the US which further helps to puncture the myths that American capitalism peddles about itself.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-07-16). Africa's path to socialism. 200 delegates from 40 organizations are gathering in South Africa for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. For the next four days, progressive movements and organizations will discuss the challenges posed by capitalism, and articulate the socialist way forward…

Mnar Adley (2023-07-17). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex. (2023-07-16). China's high-speed railway is far more outstanding than U.S.: media reports. CNBC on Wednesday presented two sets of data regarding railway construction in a mini-documentary. "The United States ranks below many industrialized nations when it comes to ridership on its passenger rail," CNBC said, while that of China is far more outstanding, according to its figure.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-07-16). Planta química en Louisiana, EE.UU., reporta varias explosiones. No se reportaron heridos de inmediato y no se detectó ninguna fuga química en la escena en llamas en el complejo industrial cerca de Plaquemine, a unos 32 kilómetros al suroeste de Baton Rouge.

Global Research News (2023-07-17). Selected Articles: Are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Destined to Fail? By Since Bitcoin (BTC) was introduced to the world as an alternative to the current central bank system with a dying US dollar that …

Ashley Smith (2023-07-16). Resisting the Shock Doctrine: A Conversation on Ukraine, Debt and Reconstruction. In this discussion, Yuliya Yurchenko, Eric Toussaint, and Sushovan Dhar contextualize Ukraine's struggle as part of the global movement against neoliberalism and debt. This public forum was organized by the Ukraine Solidarity Network (U.S.) on May 12, 2023 and was co-hosted by Haymarket Books. Each speaker made opening comments, with a discussion. Special thanks to Nate Moore for assistance with… |

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-07-17). Oposición gana en primarias en Santa Fe, Argentina. La alianza opositora Unidos Para Cambiar Santa Fe fue integrada por Propuesta Republicana, el partido de Mauricio Macri, la Unión Cívica Radical y el socialismo.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-17). Charting a Socialist path for Africa. 200 delegates from political parties and people's movements have gathered for the "Dilemmas of Humanity: Pan African Dialogues to Build Socialism" conference. The delegates talk about why this conference is important and the socialist path forward for the challenges faced by the continent…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-07-16). Hollywood Executives Bring Industry to Halt Rather Than Pay Workers a Fair Wage. (2023-07-17). Xi stresses advancing high-quality development of internet and information technology sector. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has given important instructions on cyber security and information technology application work.

thecommunists (2023-07-17). EVENT: Trade unionism and working-class leadership. On Saturday 29 July , the CPGB-ML will be holding a seminar in London on trade unionism and working-class leadership and hear from our guest speaker on the French perspective. We will be drawing from our recent publication dealing with these matters; Manifesto for the Crisis: Class Against Class. Event details 2.00pm on Saturday 29 …

thecommunists (2023-07-17). Reflections on a visit to China and its path to modernisation. Between 16-29 April 2023, representatives of communist and progressive organisations from 15 countries were invited by the international department of the…

2023-07-17 12:29:03 | 12:29 EST | tr | 78 | 1 | 37 | 50 | 0 

2023-07-16: News Headlines (2023-07-16). Insights‰∏®Australian sinologist: China has grown more confident, open and stable. During the exclusive interview with China News Network, Australian sinologist Colin Mackerras highly commended the achievements of the CPC in multiple areas from maintaining national stability to building infrastructure, developing the economy, and promoting the status of women. "ÄÄ…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-07-16). Chris Hedges: American Poverty Is A Calamity By Design. Some 50 million people in the United States live in poverty today—and over 108 million people survive on less than $55,000 a year. Despite having the largest economy on earth, poverty in the US is often grinding and brutal. From millions who live without running water or reliable power, to countless children who experience food insecurity and homelessness. The data on poverty only becomes exacerbated when race is taken into account. In 2019, the median White household had a net worth of $188,200, compared with $24,100 for the median Black household. Matthew Desmond joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss h…

Colin Todhunter (2023-07-16). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Staff (2023-07-16). National Assembly Deputy Jesús Faría: Venezuela Moving Towards New Tax System. Venezuelan National Assembly approved 25 articles out of 30 of the draft Organic Law for the Coordination and Harmonization of the Tax Powers of the States and Municipalities, on Friday, July 14. The chairman of the Permanent Commission of Economy, Finance and National Development, PSUV Deputy Jesús Faría, stated that this law "will serve as a support to move towards a new tax system for a post-oil Venezuela." | He explained that the preparation of the new law is "an absolutely urgent requirement for the whole nation; we must do everything in our power to stimulate the recovery of the country's productive apparat…

Editor (2023-07-15). Western media has falsely presented the Donbas' 'Drive For Autonomy' as being instigated by Moscow. In Reality It Resulted Largely from Kyiv's Destruction of Eastern Ukraine's Economy Under Neo-Liberal Economic Policies Pushed by Washington Since the 1990s.

Misión Verdad (2023-07-15). Data vs Reality: What Is Happening With Venezuela's Economy?

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-07-16). G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga. On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government.

Basav Sen, Gabrielle Colchete, In These Times. (2023-07-16). Cop City And The Escalating War On Environmental Defenders. The fight in Atlanta over Cop City, a massive police training facility, has turned into ground zero for overlapping crises facing our country: the climate emergency, vast political and economic inequality, ever-militarizing police forces and systemic racism. | If we want a democracy healthy enough to solve these crises, it's worth paying attention to what is happening in the South River Forest. | On May 31, in a disturbing move shortly before Atlanta's City Council approved more funding for the facility, Georgia law enforcement arrested three members of the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which provides activists with l…

Salish Sea Cooperative Finance, Erika Lundahl, John Beatty, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-07-16). How To Create A Debt Co-Op To Take Back Your Student Loans. The day we refinanced our first student loan, four debt cooperative members met for coffee and eggs at a greasy spoon at 8 a.m. to prepare the paperwork. Together, we all went to the bank, got the cashier's check, printed the letter, and put it in the mail, and it was elating. | So elating, in fact, that residents of downtown Seattle looked concerned as four grown adults let out shouts of joy outside a perfectly average post office after doing a seemingly simple task. But the task was anything but simple—and we had done it together. | Like an untold number of ideas throughout human history, the nuts and bol…

F. William Engdahl (2023-07-16). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-07-16). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?

Luis Chirino (2023-07-15). Cuba hosts second Local Development Fair. The 2023 Local Development Fair in Havana has attracted over 600 state and private companies and international firms that are offering products and services. It's aimed at encouraging economic improvement for businesses on the island. See more.

_____ (2023-07-15). China hosts "Summer Sessions" of the World Economic Forum.

Martín Mikori (2023-07-15). La planificación económica en tiempos de cambio climático. El libro ´La planificación económica en tiempos de cambio climático ª, escrito por Paul Cockshott, Allin Cotrell y Jan Philipp Dapprich [1], desarrolla las implicancias del cambio climático en la actualidad y plantea por qué la planificación socialista es la única…

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-07-15). Third World external debt in the light of simple economics. INDIA and other third world countries can morally justify their being a part of G-20 alongside the imperialist powers, only if they raise common and pressing problems of the third world as a whole at G-20 meetings.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-15). China urges EU for multilateralism and free trade. Beijing, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) China on Saturday called on the European Union (EU) to avoid politicizing economic issues and urged for globalization and the free trade system with an inclusive approach.

Vijay Prashad (2023-07-15). The World Needs a New Development Theory That Does Not Trap the Poor in Poverty. The Akosombo Dam in the Volta River, inaugurated in 1965 during Kwame Nkrumah's presidency. In June, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network published its Sustainable Development Report 2023, which tracks the progress of the 193 member states towards attaining the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 'From 2015 to 2019', the network wrote, 'the world …

Colin Todhunter (2023-07-15). An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people's needs and genuine food security.

krish-rad_ind (2023-07-15). World Needs A New Development Theory That Does Not Trap The Poor In Poverty.

Udani Samarasekera (2023-07-15). World Report] New US$1 ∑5 billion fund for primary care. WHO is partnering with development banks to help support efforts to strengthen primary care in low-income and middle-income countries. Udani Samarasekera reports.

T Jacob John, Dhanya Dharmapalan, Norbert Hirschhorn, Robert Steinglass (2023-07-15). Correspondence] How to avoid causing polio in the name of its eradication. WHO began immunising children against polio in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) in 1974, through the Expanded Programme on Immunisation, using a trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (tOPV)—three doses during infancy. In 1984, a dose at birth was added.

WSWS (2023-07-15). Biden administration announces new limited student loan forgiveness program for 804,000 borrowers. The Biden administration announced it will begin immediately to forgive $39 billion in student loan debt for a group of borrowers who have been paying back their debts for more than two decades and others who qualify for income-driven repayment plans and have been cheated by the government.

Ursula Huws, Resilience. (2023-07-16). The Future Is Now: Rethinking Public Ownership. Something momentous has happened, according to recent opinion polls. After 40 years of reluctantly accepting the Thatcherite mantra that there is no alternative to the market, the British public declared that they had had enough. In August 2022, Survation polling for the campaign group We Own It revealed that 69 per cent were in favour of publicly-owned water, 65 per cent for publicly-owned buses, 67 per cent for rail, 66 per cent for energy, 68 per cent for Royal Mail, and a whopping 78 per cent for the NHS. With public sentiment matching the vigour of an emboldened labour movement, there is a feeling that some…

Fight Back (2023-07-16). Labor Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5. Fight Back! is circulating the following "Solidarity with the Tampa 5" resolution voted up by the union delegates to the West Central Florida Labor Council (WCFLC). President Jim Junecko of the WCFLC, AFL-CIO sent the resolution to Florida State's Attorney Susan Lopez asking she direct Prosecutor Justin Diaz to drop the charges. | Resolution in Solidarity with the Tampa 5 | WHEREAS the West Central Florida Labor Council dedicates itself to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing social equity in the Nation; | WHEREAS we support union workers, students a… (2023-07-16). Does fear of US intervention explain Labor's support for AUKUS?

Pivot to Peace (2023-07-16). Sign-on in Support: Justice for Li Tang "Henry" Liang! This statement has been republished from the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance The APALA Massachusetts Chapter and UNITE HERE Local 26 are supporting a local worker who has been wrongfully targeted. Read the statement below and sign-on to show your support. Sign-on LetterJustice for Li Tang "Henry" Liang! Chinese American community activist and hotel worker …

Ricardo Vaz (2023-07-15). Venezuela: Chavista Groups Deliver Writ to Demand Salary Measures. The legal document relies on the Venezuelan Constitution and labor legislation to argue for wage raises and the conversion of bonuses into salaries.

WSWS (2023-07-15). Australian government installs new central bank chief to put fresh face on offensive against workers. Michele Bullock's appointment signals a reassurance to the financial and corporate elite of Labor's ongoing commitment to their profiteering interests.

WSWS (2023-07-15). 16-year-old worker killed in Wisconsin sawmill amid growing erosion of child labor laws. Michael Schuls' tragic death at the young age of 16 in a Wisconsin sawmill is the product of the accelerating assault on child labor protections.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-07-15). Amazon Teamsters' Rolling Pickets Hit Facilities Nationwide. Brandi Diaz was at a customer's door in Palmdale, California, delivering stuff for Amazon, when the customer asked her, "What's the difference between you and UPS drivers?" | "He said the difference is UPS is union, Amazon is not. He referred to us as 'Jeff's Bozos.' | "I am no longer Bezos' Bozo!" Diaz said over honks and chants from 200 Teamsters from six different locals and some labor allies at a picket line outside an Amazon warehouse in northern New Jersey July 6. | Diaz and her co-workers voted to join Teamsters Local 396 in April. They are Amazon delivery drivers, but they were nominally employed by an Am…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-15). West Nile virus: What you need to know. Female Culex mosquito, courtesy: CDC The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have confirmed reports of West Nile virus in 10 states. The bite of an infected mosquito most commonly spreads the virus. "West Nile virus is the leading cause of mosquito-borne illness in the U.S.," says Dr. Bobbi Pritt, director of the Clinical Parasitology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic. It's a flavivirus —a specific type of RNA virus that can infect humans, birds and horses. "West Nile virus is…

Ellen Brown (2023-07-15). The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions. "Rather than collecting taxes from the wealthy," wrote the New York Times Editorial Board in a July 7 opinion piece, "the government is paying the wealthy to borrow their money." Titled "America Is Living on Borrowed Money," the editorial observes that over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), annual federal budget …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-15). Russians embrace Chinese cars after Western brands depart. Moscow, Jul 15 (Prensa Latina) As the exodus of Western automakers narrows options for Russian consumers, Chinese automakers are filling the gap, forcing Russians to overcome their reluctance to embrace Chinese brands and accept higher prices. (2023-07-16). Flywire offers WeChat payment option for Chinese students. Flywire, a third-party payment platform in the United States, announced a partnership with Tencent Financial Technology, a fintech arm of China's tech giant Tencent, on Thursday.

Seymour Hersh, Scheer Post. (2023-07-16). Fear And Loathing On Air Force One. Joe Biden got what he needed before the NATO summit this week by somehow turning Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan inside out and getting him to rebuff Vladimir Putin by announcing that he would support NATO membership for Sweden. The public story for Biden's face-saving coup was talk about agreeing to sell American F-16 fighter bombers to Turkey. | I have been told a different, secret story about Erdogan's turnabout: Biden promised that a much-needed $11-13 billion line of credit would be extended to Turkey by the International Monetary Fund. "Biden had to have a victory and Turkey is in acute financial str…

WSWS (2023-07-15). Australian construction insolvencies hit record highs. In the 2022—23 financial year, 2,170 construction businesses have gone into administration, 69 percent more than in 2021—22.

Robert Hunziker (2023-07-15). Climate Poison Pills in Congress. Republican lawmakers in the US Congress are unabashedly pro-global warming: "Bring it on! We've got air conditioners in our cars, offices, and homes… no sweat!" Not one Republican in Congress voted for the nation's most inclusive climate bill of all time, the Inflation Reduction Act, not one Republican vote. Meanwhile, here we go again, this … (2023-07-15). China's CPI to recover from next month, PBOC official says. China's consumer inflation may further decline in July but is likely to gradually recover from August to a level close to 1 percent by the end of the year.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-16). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Emily Kennard (2023-07-15). DeSantis Outspends Trump on Digital Ads Ahead of Debates. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his committees are outspending former President Donald Trump on digital ads by almost two-fold on Meta and Google as the race between the two 2024 presidential contenders tightens, but committees affiliated with current Democratic President Joe Biden dwarf both Republican challengers. Trump has spent $928,544 on Meta and Google — which includes Facebook… | (2023-07-16). Carbon pricing to affect investments, survey claims. The trading of carbon emission allowances in China is expected to increasingly affect investment decisions as the carbon price rises steadily, according to the 2022 China Carbon Pricing Survey report. (2023-07-16). New pattern drives regional development. Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co Ltd and its subsidiary Beijing Rail Transit Technology Equipment Group Co Ltd have built a new pattern of "Beijing design Baoding manufacturing", further promoting coordinated industrial development in Beijing and Hebei province.

Robert Hunziker (2023-07-15). Climate Poison Pills in Congress. Republican lawmakers in the US Congress are unabashedly pro-global warming: "Bring it on! We've got air conditioners in our cars, offices, and homes… no sweat!" Not one Republican in Congress voted for the nation's most inclusive climate bill of all time, the Inflation Reduction Act, not one Republican vote. Meanwhile, here we go again, this … (2023-07-15). China's CPI to recover from next month, PBOC official says. China's consumer inflation may further decline in July but is likely to gradually recover from August to a level close to 1 percent by the end of the year.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-16). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Effects of hot weather, humidity on blood pressure, heart. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm retired and enjoy spending time outdoors in my garden and kayaking with my family. I have high blood pressure, which has been managed by medication for nearly 10 years. Recently I've noticed that I develop a headache, nausea and sometimes dizziness after a few hours in the heat and sun. What is causing these symptoms? ANSWER: Weather can play a role in triggering certain health problems. High temperatures and high humidity are two…

Emily Kennard (2023-07-15). DeSantis Outspends Trump on Digital Ads Ahead of Debates. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his committees are outspending former President Donald Trump on digital ads by almost two-fold on Meta and Google as the race between the two 2024 presidential contenders tightens, but committees affiliated with current Democratic President Joe Biden dwarf both Republican challengers. Trump has spent $928,544 on Meta and Google — which includes Facebook… | (2023-07-16). Carbon pricing to affect investments, survey claims. The trading of carbon emission allowances in China is expected to increasingly affect investment decisions as the carbon price rises steadily, according to the 2022 China Carbon Pricing Survey report. (2023-07-16). New pattern drives regional development. Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co Ltd and its subsidiary Beijing Rail Transit Technology Equipment Group Co Ltd have built a new pattern of "Beijing design Baoding manufacturing", further promoting coordinated industrial development in Beijing and Hebei province. (2023-07-15). China's largest electrochemical energy storage power station put into operation. The total battery installed capacity of this electrochemical energy storage station stood at 800,000 kilowatts, ranking 1st of its kind in China. The total investment of project is 5 billion RMB ($700 million), with a total capacity of 200,000 KW/800,000KWh.

Matthew Hoh (2023-07-16). Who fuels war and profits from it. It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated | goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-07-15). Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom. I just read a disturbing paragraph in "So what doomed the Instant Pot? How could something that was so beloved sputter? Is the arc of kitchen goods long but bends toward obsolescence? Business schools may someday make a case study of one of Instant Pot's vulnerabilities, namely, that it was simply too well made. Once you slapped down your ninety dollars for the Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1, you were set for li…

Derek Seidman (2023-07-15). How Big Banks Are Financing — and Profiting From — Climate Destruction. In the climate movement's ongoing efforts to cut off the financing of the fossil fuel industry, perhaps no culprit has loomed as large as the big banks. For nearly a decade, organizers have been naming and shaming the banks that prop up the oil, gas and coal industries, identifying them as key drivers of climate chaos. There's a simple reason why banks have been such a big focus: they profit from… | (2023-07-16). China authority says aspartame safe under nation's standard. China's food safety assessment authority said on Friday it is safe to use aspartame, a common artificial sweetener used in many products, based on China's current standards and regulations.

Peter Koenig (2023-07-15). WHO's Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History.

Editor (2023-07-15). Engels: How North West England shaped an internationalist. Katherine Connelly outlines how the events and context of their times shaped the partnership and ideas of Marx and Engels. (2023-07-16). China's high-speed railway is far more outstanding than U.S.: media reports. CNBC on Wednesday presented two sets of data regarding railway construction in a mini-documentary. "The United States ranks below many industrialized nations when it comes to ridership on its passenger rail," CNBC said, while that of China is far more outstanding, according to its figure.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-07-16). Planta química en Louisiana, EE.UU., reporta varias explosiones. No se reportaron heridos de inmediato y no se detectó ninguna fuga química en la escena en llamas en el complejo industrial cerca de Plaquemine, a unos 32 kilómetros al suroeste de Baton Rouge.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-07-15). Continúan jornadas de solidaridad con MTS en Brasil. El Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra ofrece gran variedad de ofertas naturales y agroindustrializadas.

Fight Back (2023-07-15). Despite widespread disapproval, Milwaukee common council raises sales tax. Milwaukee, WI – After contested town halls, the Milwaukee Common Council has voted in favor of increasing the city's sales tax by 2%. The vote was 12-3. As mandated by Wisconsin Act 12 (the Shared Revenue Bill), the revenue generated by this 2% sales tax increase can only be used to pay for the city's pension obligations to the fire and police departments. | The entire situation around this 2% sales tax increase was marred by fear-mongering tactics. City officials tried to hide their betrayal of working people in Milwaukee behind threats of city bankruptcy. In the town hall hosted the night before the vote, elec…

Taru Taylor (2023-07-15). Biden's Unconstitutional "Bankruptcy Abuse" Act Makes Peons of Student Debtors. The Supreme Court recently blocked the Biden administration's plan to cancel $430 billion in student loan debt. The decision disappointed 43 million borrowers owing $1.6 trillion in student debt. Regardless, the failure of the Biden plan misdirects us from the root problem: It's not that student loan borrowers need debt relief; it's that they merit a debt discharge. Every honest… |

Mia Smith (2023-07-15). Customize Mouse Pads with Logos or Patterns at Eata Gift. Eata Gift announced the availability of mouse pad customization for its business and bulk-purchase customers.

Giorgio Trucchi (2023-07-15). Guatemala, la desfachatez de un sistema nefasto. Las elecciones del pasado 25 de junio en Guatemala ratificaron la imagen de un país institucionalmente en 'jaque mate', prisionero de un sistema político-institucional profundamente corrupto y de un modelo económico neoliberal extractivista depredador, que han obligado a millones de…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-07-16). Hollywood Executives Bring Industry to Halt Rather Than Pay Workers a Fair Wage.

WSWS (2023-07-15). Oppose JVP trade union thuggery against SEP's fight to mobilise Sri Lankan workers against IMF austerity. The JVP unions are desperately trying to prevent the working class discussing the Socialist Equality Party's call for independent action committees and its socialist and internationalist program. (2023-07-16). Xi stresses advancing high-quality development of internet and information technology sector. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has given important instructions on cyber security and information technology application work. (2023-07-15). Insights | Malaysian student: China has developed by leaps and bounds under the leadership of the CPC. The year 2023 marks the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Malaysian student Toh Wei Yuan is quite impressed with how China has developed and progressed by leaps and bounds over the years under the leadership of the CPC. During an interview with ECNS, she shared her observation.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-07-15). China to avoid bloc confrontation in Asia-Pacific region. The head of the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Affairs Commission and member of its Political Bureau, Wang Yi, made this appeal during the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which is taking place in Indonesia. | According to the Xinhua news agency, the senior diplomat urged the other members to adhere to openness and inclusiveness, in addition to promoting common security. In this regard, he opposed the so-called Asia-Pacific version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that incites confrontation in the region. | The Treaty of Friendship and Cooperatio…

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