Daily Archives: July 6, 2023

2023-07-06: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-07-06). U.S., EU were informed about export controls on gallium, germanium by China: MOFCOM. ecns.cn The gallium, germanium export control does not target any specific country, and China informed U.S., EU about the measure prior to the announcement.

ecns.cn (2023-07-06). China's export control measures not a complete ban. ecns.cn China's export control measures on gallium and germanium-related items are not targeted at any specific country, and the implementation of such actions conforms to internationally recognized practices.

Dean Baker (2023-07-06). Things Just Keep Getting Worse in China, Now They Are Running Out of Jobs. cepr.net Remember all those stories in the New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, and elsewhere telling us about the looming disaster facing China because of its declining population. The problem was that the declining population meant a smaller workforce, which would be a drag on the economy. It turns out that things in China …

ecns.cn (2023-07-06). China to strive for new breakthroughs in critical mineral exploration: minister. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) will focus closely on the national strategic needs and implement another round of strategic actions to seek breakthroughs in critical mineral exploration and expand production capacity.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-06). India hosts G20 meeting on space economy. plenglish.com New Delhi, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) India hosts the fourth meeting on the space economy under the presidency of the Group of Twenty (G20) aiming at improving the participation of this sector in global dynamics in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Shawgi Tell (2023-07-06). Economic Conditions Continue To Worsen For Millions. dissidentvoice.org While the monopoly-controlled media incessantly promotes disinformation, incoherence, and irrationalism about the U.S. economy, real people are experiencing harder economic conditions with each passing month. Below are 30 recent statistics that bear this out. ***** "More than half — 54% — of American millennials and Gen Z are still financially dependent on their parents, according …

Alan Macleod (2023-07-05). The Problem with Environmentalism, and Why a Recession is Definitely Coming, with Second Thought's JT Chapman. mintpressnews.com Alan MacLeod speaks with YouTube and podcast star JT Chapman (First Thought, Second Thought, The Deprogram) about what everyone should know about environmentalism, about why a recession is definitely coming (and how we could stop it) and about what progressives and radicals could learn about the economy from WalMart.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-06). Mayo Clinic names leaders for Discovery Oasis biotech innovation hub in Phoenix. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In 2021, Mayo Clinic announced plans to develop a biotechnology innovation hub called Discovery Oasis adjacent to Mayo Clinic Hospital in North Phoenix. Two leaders have now been named to champion this organizational priority. Steven Lester, M.D., Mayo Clinic cardiologist and health care futurist, will serve as the medical director for Discovery Oasis. Aric Bopp, an experienced economic development leader, will serve as its executive director. "I am inspired by this opportunity because I believe Discovery…

Wolfgang Mueller (2023-07-06). China's further development has priority. indybay.org The focus of Chinese policy remains the economic and social development of the country… Despite the enormous successes in economic and social development, there is still a long way to go before China catches up and can also keep up with the rich industrialized countries in terms of per capita economic output.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-06). ECLAC highlights the region's role in the global lithium market. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Lithium is a strategic resource for energy transition and our region has a privileged position in that global market, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) said in Chile Wednesday.

anonimo (2023-07-06). Deputies continue visit in central province on economic objectives. plenglish.com Santa Clara, Cuba, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba (parliament), led by the President of the nation, Miguel Diaz-Canel, visited today economic objectives of this central territory following a schedule of the legislative body.

Horacio Duque (2023-07-06). Petro interviene, con Emergencia social y económica, los graves problemas de la Guajira. globalizacion.ca Presidente Gustavo Petro, rompe bloqueo de la ultraderecha fascista | Aunque los sectores de la ultraderecha reaccionaria quieren acorralar el gobierno del presidente Gustavo Petro para provocar su parálisis institucional y el colapso de todas las entidades públicas, lo que está…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-07-06). The Federal Reserve Has Been a Disaster for America. thealtworld.com Like all indoctrinated economics PhDs, I used to teach students that the Federal Reserve was created as a central bank in order to provide cash to banks experiencing a run on deposits so that bank failures would not become general and collapse the money supply and, thereby, employment and output. It all sounds so reasonable and rational until you realize that finance least of all is idealistic. | The Federal Reserve was actually created in order to save the big New York banks from their greed-driven mistakes, and that is the Fed's principal activity. In recent decades the Fed has gone beyond merely saving the big…

WSWS (2023-07-06). Yellen's China visit a tactical manoeuvre. wsws.org National security has been invoked to impose a series of sweeping technology bans on China aimed at crippling its economic development in this crucial area.

WSWS (2023-07-06). South Korean trade union confederation launches phony two-week strike. wsws.org The KCTU is attempting to dispel workers' anger over declining social and economic conditions while directing them back behind the opposition Democratic Party.

Zane McNeill (2023-07-06). Lawsuit Uses SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling to Go After Legacy Admissions. truthout.org A Boston nonprofit, Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR), filed a lawsuit on behalf of multiple Black and Latinx community groups on Monday, alleging that legacy admissions at Harvard University violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The parties being represented in the lawsuit — the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino… |

infobrics (2023-07-05). BRICS Could Smash Dollar Dominance – Jim ONeill. infobrics.org The five emerging nations have already outpaced the G7 in economic growth, the prominent economist has noted…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-07-06). Haitian authorities destroy expired medicines and foodstuffs. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Authorities in Haiti's North Department destroyed a batch of expired or spoiled medicines and foodstuffs sold in pharmacies and markets in the region, it was announced today.

Sarah Anderson (2023-07-06). The Richest 10% Are Starting to Feel the Pinch, but Will That Change How They Think About Inequality? inequality.org Media attention is often focused on the power the very richest 1% have in politics and society. But, the mindset and motivations of a much larger group just beneath them is often overlooked. The top 10% of income earners — managers and professionals in the media, business, politics, and academia — wield significant influence in …

Labor Ed Project on AFL-CIO Int'l Operations (2023-07-06). Saturday 7/15: Panel: 50th Anniversary of US Supported Coup In Chile & The Struggles & Lessons Today. indybay.org Eric Quezada Center for Culture & Politics | 518 Valencia St | San Francisco…

Labor Video Project (2023-07-06). On Julian Assange's Birthday: SF Rally To Free Him & Mumia Abu-jamal. indybay.org On Julian Assange's birthday on July 2, 2023 a solidarity rally was held at the Harry Bridges Plaza in San Francisco to demand his freedom.

LaborFest (2023-07-06). Saturday 7/15: LaborFest Panel – Palestine: Journalists, Educators & The US Labor Movement. indybay.org Please register for an event in advance. | Find the details in your confirmation email. (e.g. zoom link) | laborfest.net/event/50th-anniversary-of-chile-coup-labor-solidarity-afl-cio/

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-06). Mayo Clinic researchers pioneer AI method to predict how cells are organized in disease microenvironments. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cells in the human body, the building blocks of life, are arranged in a precise way. That's necessary because pathways and spaces provide a means for cells to communicate, collaborate and function within the specific tissue or organ. Changes in cell arrangement can lead to uncontrolled cell growth, cell death and diseases, including cancer. Scientists at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine and Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed an artificial intelligence method, called Spatially Informed Artificial…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-07-06). UPS-Teamsters could strike Aug 1: What you need to know. therealnews.com The largest private sector labor contract in the US is set to expire at midnight on July 31; as negotiations continue to play out, we will soon see whether or not the nearly 350,000 Teamsters working for United Parcel Services (UPS) will hit the picket line and wage one of the largest strikes in US history. As Sean Orr, a UPS package-car driver and elected shop steward for Teamsters Local 705 in Chicago, and Elliot Lewis, a UPS package-car driver and alternate shop steward for Teamsters Local 804 in New York City, recently wrote in Jacobin, "This contract fight is about two visions of work in the twenty-fir…

Andy Kroll (2023-07-06). Caution: Children at Work. tomdispatch.com An aged Native-American chieftain was visiting New York City for the first time in 1906. He was curious about the city and the city was curious about him. A magazine reporter asked the chief what most surprised him in his travels around town. "Little children working," the visitor replied. Child labor might have shocked that outsider, but it was all too commonplace then across urban, industrial America (and on farms where it had been customary for centuries). In more recent times, however, it's become a far rarer sight. Law and custom, most of us assume, drove it to near extinction. And our reaction to seeing it…

Jacqueline Luqman, Black Agenda Report. (2023-07-06). What To The Exploited Working Class And Poor In A Capitalist Dictatorship Is The Fourth Of July? popularresistance.org Here's a little Fourth of July Critical Race and Labor History for you: On July 2, 1777 , Vermont became the first colony to abolish slavery when it ratified its first constitution and became a sovereign country, a status it maintained until its admittance to the union in 1791 as the 14th state in the United States. However, Harvey Amani Whitfield , author of The Problem of Slavery in Early Vermont, 1777-1810, writes that slavery in Vermont was gradually phased out over a period of multiple decades. Additionally, the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) staff write in "Vermont 1777: Ea…

WSWS (2023-07-06). Australia's second-largest state Victoria blocking people from reporting COVID infections. wsws.org In a two-page statement, buried on an official website, the state Labor government has decreed that up to 70 percent of COVID cases will no longer be counted.

WSWS (2023-07-06). Will Lehman and attorney discuss lawsuit against Biden admin demanding re-run of UAW election. wsws.org In this video, Will Lehman and his attorney discuss the lawsuit Lehman filed Monday against the Biden administration's Department of Labor over the fraudulent UAW election.

WSWS (2023-07-06). GM, Stellantis workers support Will Lehman lawsuit. wsws.org Autoworker Rank-and-File Network members support Will Lehman's lawsuit against the Labor Department sanction of the rigged UAW election.

Ya-Ting Yang, David Wong, Darren M. Ashcroft, Jon Massey, Brian MacKenna, Louis Fisher, Amir Mehrkar, Sebastian CJ. Bacon, the OpenSAFELY collaborative, Kieran Hand, Xiaomin Zhong, Ali Fahmi, Ben Goldacre, Tjeerd van Staa, Victoria Palin (2023-07-05). Articles] Repeated antibiotic exposure and risk of hospitalisation and death following COVID-19 infection (OpenSAFELY): a matched case—control study. thelancet.com Our observational study has provided evidence that antibiotic exposure frequency and diversity may be associated with COVID-19 severity, potentially suggesting adverse effects of repeated intermittent antibiotic use. Future work could work to elucidate causal links and potential mechanisms. Antibiotic stewardship should put more emphasis on long-term antibiotic exposure and its adverse outcome to increase the awareness of appropriate antibiotics use.

Jake Johnson (2023-07-06). World's Richest Added Average of $14M Per Day to Their Wealth Over Past 6 Months. truthout.org The 500 richest people on the planet collectively added $852 billion to their fortunes in the first half of 2023 due in large part to a record-breaking rally in the U.S. stock market. According to a Bloomberg analysis of its Billionaires Index, the world's richest people added an average of $14 million per day to their wealth over the past six months, "the best half-year for billionaires since the… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-07-06). Florida Residents And Real Estate Investors Are Being Dropped By Insurance Companies, Prices Skyrocket. moguldom.com Homeowners insurance in Florida is the most expensive in the U.S., up 42 percent in the last year alone and rising as Floridians pay an average of $6,000 per year for premiums in 2023 compared to $1,700 for the rest of the country. Despite the rising costs, Florida homeowners are being squeezed even more by …

Sameena Rahman (2023-07-05). Huge Israeli attack on Jenin cannot break Palestine's spirit. liberationnews.org This criminal raid would not be possible without the U.S. financial and military support to Israel.

infobrics (2023-07-05). New Development Bank Mechanism "Very Fair": Rousseff. infobrics.org The financial governance mechanism of the BRICS-led New Development Bank (NDB) is "very fair," Dilma Rousseff, the bank's president, has said…

Dean Baker (2023-07-06). The New York Times Has Decided We Need to Cut Social Security and Medicare. cepr.net The New York Times editorial board came to a shocking realization this week: we are living on borrowed money. That was the headline of an editorial it ran calling for deficit reduction. Having discovered the deficit, the piece then went on to call for a combination of increased revenue and reduced spending to reduce the …

WSWS (2023-07-06). NATO plans escalation against Russia at Vilnius summit. wsws.org Next week, NATO will hold a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, where the military alliance will announce plans to rapidly expand military spending, surge troops to Russia's borders, and dramatically increase its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-07-06). NATO plans massive escalation against Russia at Vilnius summit. wsws.org Next week, NATO will hold a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, where the military alliance will announce plans to rapidly expand military spending, surge troops to Russia's borders, and dramatically increase its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

midwesternmarx (2023-07-06). Bolivia Forges Lithium Extraction Partnerships with China and Russia By: Misión Verdad. midwesternmarx.com Bolivia's government has recently entered into agreements with Chinese and Russian companies for the extraction of lithium from two of the country's salt flats. Signed on Thursday, June 29, these agreements grant authorization to China's Citic Guoan and Russia's Uranium One Group to deploy direct lithium extraction (DLE) technologies for lithium exploration in Bolivia, with a total investment of $1.4 billion.A previous agreement worth a similar value had already be …

Staff (2023-07-06). Syria's Missing: New U.N. Body Will Investigate Disappearance of 130,000 People in 12-Year Civil War. democracynow.org The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution to establish an independent body to investigate what happened to more than 130,000 people who went missing during the conflict in Syria over the last 12 years. The Syrian government opposed the resolution, along with Russia, China, Belarus, North Korea, Cuba and Iran. "This is one of the most painful chapters in the Syrian crisis," says Dr. Zaher Sahloul, president and CEO of the medical nonprofit MedGlobal, as well as a former medical school classmate of President Bashar al-Assad.

Staff (2023-07-06). How Syria Profits from Trafficking Captagon, Highly Addictive Amphetamine Propping Up Assad Regime. democracynow.org We speak with BBC Arabic correspondent Rasha Qandeel, whose new documentary investigates Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's role in producing the highly addictive amphetamine known as Captagon and how this is impacting his relations with other states in the region. "This is going to be a main factor in a lot of changes in the Middle East," says Qandeel, who notes that curbing the drug trade has already played a role in recent moves by Arab states to normalize relations with Syria.

Jake Johnson (2023-07-06). New Campaign Aims to Unseat House Republicans Who Have Sabotaged Debt Relief. truthout.org A new campaign launched Thursday aims to channel widespread anger over the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against student debt cancellation into an effort to unseat House Republicans who have opposed and attempted to sabotage debt relief every step of the way. Launched by the nonprofit Protect Borrowers Action, the campaign will focus its attention on more than a dozen Republican-held seats in… |

Chris Walker (2023-07-06). Houston Sues State of Texas Over "Death Star" Law Minimizing Local Governments. truthout.org The city of Houston is suing the state of Texas over a new law that severely restricts the kinds of ordinances and regulations that can be enacted by municipalities. House Bill 2127 became law last month after it was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott (R). It is often described as the "Death Star" law by its critics, who use the term — based on a fictional space station from the Star Wars franchise that… |

midwesternmarx (2023-07-06). Pakistan arrests human trafficking suspects after migrant boat tragedy By: The Associated Press. midwesternmarx.com Pakistani authorities said Wednesday they have arrested seven alleged key figures in a human trafficking ring following last week's sinking of an overcrowded smuggling vessel off Greece that left more than 500 migrants missing, including Pakistanis.Police told The Associated Press that the ring was engaged in smuggling Pakistanis into Europe and that the arrests took place over the last two days, as part of a government crackdown on traffickers.Thirty other suspects were arrested over the …

Ann Garrison (2023-07-06). Human suffering worsens in DRC, the heart of Africa. mronline.org A million more Congolese people have been displaced to satisfy the resource hunger of the industrialized world.

greenleft.org.au (2023-07-06). Former ADF major says military industrial complex 'keeps us chained to the past'. greenleft.org.au

Mnar Adley (2023-07-05). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. mintpressnews.com Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

Staff (2023-07-06). Judge Smacks Down Big Pharma In Cancer Lawsuits & NY School Performed Illegal Surgeries On Children. trofire.com A court has ruled that Johnson and Johnson can NOT hide behind bankruptcy to avoid lawsuits. Plus, a special needs school in New York is being sued for running, what one former employee calls, a complete scam operation costing taxpayers millions. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more. Transcript: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, …

WSWS (2023-07-06). Talks "collapse" at UPS, as management digs in its heels over demands for massive concessions. wsws.org While the Teamster bureaucrats will continue their efforts to try and block a strike, their failure to do so by now suggests they are beginning to lose control of the situation. Their attempts to keep workers in line through PR maneuvering collides with the objective and irreconcilable class interests of workers and management.

WSWS (2023-07-06). Talks "collapse" at UPS, as management digs in its heels over demands for sweeping concessions. wsws.org While the Teamster bureaucrats will continue their efforts to try and block a strike, their failure to do so by now suggests they are beginning to lose control of the situation. Their attempts to keep workers in line through PR maneuvering collides with the objective and irreconcilable class interests of workers and management.

ecns.cn (2023-07-06). InsightsÔΩúVietnamese Ph.D. Graduate: CPC is the key to China's success. ecns.cn China's development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese-style modernization under the leadership of the CPC is the key to China's success today,said Hoang Thi Hanh Trang, Vietnamese Ph.D. Graduate from School of International Studies, Renmin University of China.

Staff (2023-07-06). 8 July, Albuquerque: Solidarity Rally for a Free Palestine. samidoun.net Samidoun Albuquerque will be participating in the following rally: | Solidarity rally for a Free Palestine! End all U.S. Aid to Israel — Solidarity with Palestinians in Jenin! | Saturday, July 8 | 11 am | UNM Bookstore, Albuquerque, NM | Organized by PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) and Stop the War Machine…

unitedEditor (2023-07-06). Democracy in check: The crisis of MAS in Bolivia and Evo's alliance with the accomplices of the coup. uwidata.com By Ana Laura Dagorret* The Movement Towards Socialism in Bolivia (MAS) is going through its final crisis. The rupture has left two well defined sides: On one side, the current president Luis Arce leads the "renovation" of the party. The other side's leader is the former president and founder of MAS, Evo Morales, who is …

greenleft.org.au (2023-07-06). Socialist Sarah Hathway elected to the City of Greater Geelong Council. greenleft.org.au

The Tricontinental (2023-07-06). Dossier no. 66: The world needs a new socialist development theory. mronline.org Across the world, evidence of human misery is increasingly easy to find. The data collected and reported by international agencies is stunning. Billions of people around the planet lack access to adequate education, healthcare, food, and shelter, as well as information and culture.

thecommunists (2023-07-06). Prigozhin's failed mutiny. thecommunists.org On Saturday 24 June, Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner private military group, occupied key points in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, after which he began a march towards Moscow with a view to effecting a change in the composition of the Russian government, if not its complete overthrow. For months leading up to …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-07-05). Communist activists Aleksander and Mikhail Kononovich are facing death threats in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org Communist youth leaders Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail, who are under house arrest in Ukraine, have said they are facing death threats. Left and progressive organizations across the world have condemned the persecution of the activists…

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