Monthly Archives: August 2023

2023-08-29: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-08-28). Mass opposition developing to CDC's proposed anti-scientific infection control guideline. The guideline revision is not an arbitrary decision or a misguided mistake, but a conscious and criminal maneuver designed to ensure that another surge or another pandemic will not cause any slowdowns in the economy.

infobrics (2023-08-29). How Does the BRICS Currency Transform the World Economy?>. The creation of a BRICS currency has become throughout the past year one of the headline themes related not only to BRICS, but also the global financial markets…

infobrics (2023-08-29). Brics Membership to Boost UAE's Trade Ties with Global South, Minister of Economy Says. Country remains focused on strengthening economic relations with other major partners around the globe…

infobrics (2023-08-29). BRICS Influence in Shaping the Global Financial Landscape and Its Implications for Developing Economies Like Zambia. We explored the BRICS economy—an alliance of emerging market economies comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Now, we shift our focus to examine BRICS' potential impact on the global financial system. As global economic and political dynamics change, we'll explore what this means for developing countries like Zambia…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). BRICS and the English-Speaking Caribbean. By Wayne Kublalsingh — Aug 25, 2023 | August 24, 2023, marked a dramatic shift in the course of global history. BRICS, the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, announced that they were admitting Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates into its fold. | The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has calculated that the larger BRICS Plus formation is worth roughly 30 per cent of the globally economy, that is US$30.7 trillion. BRICS Plus is home to 46 per cent of the global population, 3.7 billion citizens. Its share of oil production is now 43.1 per cent; and…

Chuck Collins (2023-08-28). 60 Years After the March on Washington, Black Economic Inequality Persists. Black Americans have endured the unendurable for too long. Sixty years after the famed March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his landmark "I Have a Dream" speech, African Americans are on a path where it will take 500 more years to reach economic equality. A new report,

Dean Baker (2023-08-28). Trump's $3.6 Trillion Dollar Tax Hike. Most candidates would not make a huge tax hike a center piece in their presidential campaign, but Donald Trump is not your typical presidential candidate. In case people missed it, Trump floated the idea of imposing 10 percent tariffs across the board on all imports with a group of people who have served as his economic advisers. (2023-08-28). China's special envoy: BRICS expansion is of great significance. On August 24, 2023, the Press Center of Chinese Delegation held a briefing for Chinese and foreign media in Johannesburg, South Africa, and invited Special Envoy on BRICS Affairs and Director-General of the Department of International Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Li Kexin to brief the media and take questions from the press.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-28). Thinking about weight-loss surgery? 4 things to consider. Anyone who's struggled with reaching or maintaining a healthy weight probably has heard comments like, "If you want to lose weight, just eat less and exercise more" or "Losing weight is all about willpower." But weight loss is much more complicated. Genetics, socioeconomic status, mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and certain medications can affect your ability to lose weight and keep it off. That's why weight loss requires a complex, multipronged approach,…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-28). Chilean teachers ratify call to strike. Santiago de Chile, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Leaders of the Chilean Teachers Association will be received by the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo, but they maintain the call for an indefinite strike in demand for socioeconomic improvements.

Staff (2023-08-29). Syria accuses Israel, US of trying to escalate war in the country. Syria's foreign and expatriate ministry issued a statement on Monday, August 28, accusing Israel and the US of trying to escalate the war in the country by supporting terrorists and aggravating the impact of economic sanctions. The statement called on the UN Security Council to "resume its responsibilities and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for …

Chuck Collins, Inequality. (2023-08-28). 60 Years After March On Washington, Black Economic Inequality Persists. Black Americans have endured the unendurable for too long. Sixty years after the famed March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his landmark "I Have a Dream" speech, African Americans are on a path where it will take 500 more years to reach economic equality. | A new report, Still A Dream, coauthored by Institute for Policy Studies and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, examines the economic indicators since 1963. Our country has taken significant steps towards racial equity since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and '60s.

Editor (2023-08-29). BRICS Calls for Global Economic Decision Making in the Interest of the Majority.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). Crashed an Anti-Syria Lobby Meeting Where They Pushed for a New Caliphate and More Starvation Sanctions. By Hekmat Aboukhater ∑ Aug 21, 2023 | I crashed the meeting of a lobbying front that ended the life-saving General License 2023 on Syria, and is now pushing to extend Washington's economic war for another 8 years. | Behind closed doors, the former State Department official leading the workshop revealed the group's ultimate goal: partitioning Syria and creating a de facto Caliphate for a rebranded Al Qaeda offshoot. | This July 30, I registered under an alias to join a workshop organized by the Syrian American Council (SAC), the leading voice of the lobby that aims to starve and destabilize Syria into submissi…

Andrew Korybko (2023-08-28). Argentina's Invitation To Join BRICS Turns Geo-Economics Into A Top Election Issue.

Caleb Crowder (2023-08-28). Sixty Years Later, We Can Make King's Dream a Reality. Sixty years ago, Dr. That 1963 rally on the National Mall was the culmination of two decades of marches focused on ending employment discrimination and demanding greater job opportunities for African Americans. The organizing manual for the March on Washington made it plain: "We march to redress old grievances and to help resolve an American crisis. That crisis is born of the twin evils of racism and economic deprivation." | In what wo…

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-28). Macron Says France Will Support ECOWAS Military Action in Niger. French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said that his country would support a military intervention in Niger to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum, who was ousted in a July 26 coup. "We support the diplomatic action, and when it decides to do so militarily, of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), in a partnership approach," …

Marc Steiner (2023-08-28). The March on Washington was a labor struggle too. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom has been rightfully memorialized as an iconic moment in American history, particularly as the venue for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. Yet a deeper look at the March on Washington can offer a richer understanding of what made the Civil Rights Movement possible, and what organizers today can emulate in the ongoing struggle for racial and economic justice. Beyond the leading lights of the day such as Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin, and A. Phillip Randolph, was a multiracial, working class movement that drew together unions and churches, student org…

Kennedy Smith, Institute for Local Self-Reliance. (2023-08-28). Facing Consolidation, Communities Open Their Own Grocery Stores. When the longtime owner of Hometown Foods in tiny Conrad, Iowa announced in 2019 that he was closing the community's only grocery store, some residents quickly mobilized to buy the business and keep it open. A few of them pooled their money to buy the building; one bought the fixtures; another bought the store's inventory. They then approached Andy Havens, who owns two small grocery markets in nearby towns, about managing the store. He agreed to do so — and he is now gradually buying out the initial investors.[1] | Like Conrad, a growing number of towns and cities recognize that access to fresh, healthy foo… (2023-08-28). Antipoverty Centre's Kristin O'Connell: 'There are common sense solutions to the housing crisis'. (2023-08-29). Antipoverty Centre's Kristin O'Connell: 'There are common sense solutions to the housing crisis'.

Editor (2023-08-28). Alienation under capitalism and the conspiracy pipeline. When class analysis is absent from discussions about systemic problems, issues like income inequality, access to resources, and power imbalances are often oversimplified or ignored.

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-29). Did Airbnb Destroy The American Dream Of Owning A Home? 5 Things To Know. Airbnb, the online home-sharing marketplace credited with revolutionizing travel and creating a new income stream for homeowners, is reaching saturation and partly to blame for the housing crisis, according to some market watchers. "The AirBnB phenomenon is a perfect example of how an interesting idea gets completely over-leveraged by people who see nothing but dollar …

Mick Hall, Consortium News. (2023-08-28). Unease Over New Zealand Overtures To US Military Presence In The Pacific. Whangarei,New Zealand – Recent reports from New Zealand's security state have sparked protest after all but suggesting the country join the U.S.-led AUKUS military alliance, a move that would reverse years of New Zealand's independent foreign and defence policy and put it on a collision course with China. | Ex-Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark lamented the loss of what would remain of the country's military sovereignty. Clark blasted an "orchestrated campaign" by defence and security officials to join the U.S., Britain and Australia in AUKUS. | In a Twitter thread, she said the government was "abandoning its capa…

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). Trade unions and communists condemn French state's persecution of energy workers' leader Sébastien Menesplier By: Peoples Dispatch. Sébastien Menesplier, the leader of the National Federation of Mines and Energy, was summoned by the police for his role in organizing a strike against the unpopular pension reforms. Unions and the French left have termed it an unprecedented escalation of attacks on labor organizing French trade union leader Sébastien Menesplier Workers' organizations and progressive movements in France denounced the state's attempt to persecute Sébastien Menesplier, nat …

Labor Video Project (2023-08-28). KPFA Journalist Frank Sterling, , Elections, Pacifica & The Fight Against The Racist Anti. KPFA journalist Frank Sterling and KPFA LSB candidate Steve Zeltzer speak out about the refusal of the KPFA Local Station Board group "The Protectors" to support a resolution calling for the dropping of Antioch police charges against journalist Frank Sterling. The KPFA Local station board and the past manager have refused to also call for the freedom of journalist s Mumia Abu-jamal and Julian Assange. KPFA also put on programmer Ian Masters who has said he is for keeping Mumia in jail and the supporters of Mumia are dupes.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-28). Monday 9/4: SF Labor Day Speak Out! Stop Disney Dystopia AI Wrecking SF & World For The Billionaires. Cruise Headquarters | 530 10th St/ Bryant St. | San Francisco…

WorkWeek (2023-08-28). Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Judgement: AI Robojudge. WorkWeek covers Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Play, The Judgement: AI Robojudge, Labor & The Militarization of Australia & Lessons Of UC UAW Strike…

Eric Blanc, Labor Politics. (2023-08-28). Can Boycotts Help Workers Win? The recent uptick in labor organizing has prompted not only a rise in strikes, but also the return of an old labor weapon: the boycott. | While boycott campaigns generally have a mixed record at best, this tactic was used successfully in the recent unionization and first contract victories at Burgerville in Oregon as well as Spot Coffee in upstate New York — a campaign that set the stage for the subsequent Starbucks upsurge. Raising the slogan, "No Contract, No Field Trips," unionizing workers at Medieval Times in New Jersey and California are now linking up with K-12 teachers to boycott the company until i… (2023-08-28). Waterloo residents slam Labor's housing plan. (2023-08-28). Video: CFMEU demands Labor ban engineered stone, introduce super profits tax for housing.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-08-28). Presidente Díaz-Canel sostiene reunión con cubanos residentes en Namibia. Díaz-Canel convocó a los colaboradores cubanos "a mantener el prestigio alcanzado y seguir aportando al avance social de este pueblo hermano" de Namibia.

WSWS (2023-08-28). Australia: University of Melbourne workers launch week-long stoppages. The stoppages are another indication of the willingness of university workers to fight back against the offensive on their jobs and conditions, and pro-corporate restructuring, which is intensifying under the Albanese Labor government.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-29). Study calls for a shareholder-based carbon tax as 69,700 of the wealthiest US households are found to be "super emitters" of CO2.

Ann Brown (2023-08-29). Michael Jordan Becomes Wealthiest NBA Player Of All Time With $3.5 Billion Net Worth. Superstar National Basketball Association player Michael Jordan's net worth has soared to an estimated $3.5 billion, solidifying his position as the richest basketball player in history. This revelation from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Jordan's recent surge in wealth is attributed in part to his strategic business moves, such as his sale of a majority stake …

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-28). Protest: Federal Reserve Ignoring Systemic Climate Financial Risks.

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-28). New Research Says Racial Wage Gap Is Wider: Prior Studies Leave Out Prisoners And Long-Unemployed. The racial wage gap, which measures the difference in average reported employment earnings between demographic groups such as Black and white men, could be 33 percent higher than previously reported, according to new research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. UMass economist Jeannette Wicks-Lim analyzed almost 30 years of U.S. Census Bureau wage data and survey panels …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-08-29). Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings. We know what the regime is like. Starving a country, bombing its hospitals and strafing its schools has been minor fare for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The population of Yemen has found this out to their colossal cost. Add to this the killing of dissident journalists, the enthusiastic employment of capital punishment, and an …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-08-28). Sanders proposes U.S. and China cut military spending, shift funds to global warming fight. WASHINGTON—Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., is proposing the United States and the People's Republic of China mutually agree to cut military spending, shifting the money to combatting global warming. Sanders made his proposal in an Op-ed in The Guardian on Aug. 21. But when he proposed a 10% cut—at least $90 billion—on July 27 during Senate …

Dave LIndorff (2023-08-28). Covid Precautions Aren't Primarily Aren't for You; They're to Protect Those You Ought to Care About. I've never thought of myself as someone who needed special consideration. Not even when I ended up spending a year on crutches or a walking in a stiff full-length plaster leg cast following a nasty ski accident at 19, or when ai learned in my 40s after a stubborn case of viral pneumonia that … |

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2023-08-28). Poseidonia Meadows in Greece at Grave Risk. Seagrass and fish farms The Institute of Marine Conservation Archipelagos, a Greek non-profit scientific organization, is sounding the alarm about the state of the marine environment in Greece, especially now that Greece has been under extreme pressure to pay off its ill-gotten debt. The warning is primarily about the fate of Poseidonia sea grass / (2023-08-28). Corporate profiteering from the cost-of-living crisis.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-28). Ukraine: The Wunderwaffe Delusion. Chay Bowes Why Ukraine's Western backers are happy to feed Zelensky's fantasies about American F-16s The 50-year-old jet won't turn the tide of the conflict in Kiev's favor, but it profits its partners to keep pretending As the Western establishment media begrudgingly accepts what many analysts have long predicted — that Kiev's counteroffensive is a… (2023-08-29). Corporate profiteering from the cost-of-living crisis.

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). BRICS and G77+China: A Historic Transformational Opportunity By: Alejandra Garcia. world leaders attending the BRICS Summit in South Africa. photo: Alejandro Azcuy The BRICS group, an alliance of leading emerging economies formed by Brazil, Russia, India, and China in June 2009 with South Africa coming on board in 2010, concluded its first face-to-face meeting on Thursday after three years of impasse due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. From August 22-24, Johannesburg, South Africa, was the scene of key discussions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.Pre …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). The BRICS Have Changed the Balance of Forces, but They Will Not by Themselves Change the World: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2023) By: Vijay Prashad. ​Mao Xuhui (China), '92 Paternalism, 1992. Dear friends,​Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.In 2003, high officials from Brazil, India, and South Africa met in Mexico to discuss their mutual interests in the trade of pharmaceutical drugs. India was and is one of the world's largest producers of various drugs, including those used to treat HIV-AIDS; Brazil and South Africa were both in need of affordable drugs for pat …

Ed Rampell (2023-08-29). Imagining Karl Marx as a Private Eye. What If the Co-Author of The Communist Manifesto Would Have Become a Gumshoe? Novelist Jim Feast's sly alternate history Karl Marx Private Eye (PM Press) somehow manages to bring Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, Karl Marx and his youngest daughter together at Karlsbad, Bohemia, in 1875. The author may have chosen to set his whodunit at Karlsbad …

Yanis Iqbal (2023-08-29). Negotiating Faith and Capitalism: An Exploration of Contemporary Spirituality. Born into a Muslim family, I regularly encounter people who come to my house to invite me to religious gatherings. In these times of neoliberal fascism, it is interesting to note the ideological experience that piety seeks to provide. The most recent person whom I interacted with attempted to root the everyday relevance of religion …

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-29). New Film: Colonialism And Capitalism Are Decimating Our Forests.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-28). Consumer Health: Teens and depression — a back-to-school concern. With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows are more than just temporary feelings. They're symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen depression is a… (2023-08-29). NTEU at Melbourne Uni begin week of industrial action.

Staff (2023-08-28). Gary Younge on Jacksonville Shooting & Why America's Gun Problem "Makes Its Racism More Lethal" On Saturday, a white supremacist gunman killed three Black people at a store in Jacksonville, Florida, in a racially motivated attack. Authorities say the 21-year-old white gunman initially tried to enter the historically Black college Edward Waters University, but he was turned away by a security guard before driving to a nearby Dollar General and opening fire with a legally purchased attack-style rifle. America's gun problem "makes its racism more lethal," says Gary Younge, author of Dispatches from the Diaspora: From Nelson Mandela to Black Lives Matter. "There's been a significan…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-08-28). Will White People Survive? Beginning in 1787 the English began campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade. As the slave trade was the product of black Africa itself, the only way the English could abolish the slave trade was by prohibiting English purchase of slaves and by using England's command of the seas to blockade the African ports where the slaves captured by the black African King of Dahomey were loaded onto Portuguese, French, British, and Dutch ships. Once the British closed Dahomey's Gate of No Return at Ouidah by blockading the port, Dahomey's revenues which had equipped Dahomey's army with modern European weapons collaps…

Jason Hickel (2023-08-28). The double objective of Democratic ecosocialism. The title of this week's episode is taken from an article to be published in September's Monthly Review. The author, Jason Hickel, talks to Steve about the topic in his third visit to the podcast.

WSWS (2023-08-28). IYSSE holds well-attended anti-war meeting at Peradeniya University in Sri Lanka. IYSSE and SEP members campaigned at the campus prior to the event, explaining the growing threat of world war and the international socialist program required to prevent it.

Federico Fuentes (2023-08-29). A socialist guide to China's role in the world today. In his latest work, Simon Hannah sketches out China's development into "one of the most powerful capitalist and emerging imperialist countries in the world". Federico Fuentes reviews.

Fight Back (2023-08-28). Philippines: Vow to attain justice for the Tiamzons and all victims of state terrorism! Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 21 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | One year ago today, Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), Wilma Austria (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries, were arrested by troops belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, on their way to the coasts of Catbalogan town, Samar. While in the custody of their fascist captors, they were subjected to severe torture before they were subsequently killed. Their lifeless bodies were loaded on a boat and brought to sea where reportedly being exploded. | The torture and murder of the Tiamzons,…

Fight Back (2023-08-28). Philippines: Vow to attain justice for the Tiamzons and all victims of state terrorism! Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 21 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | One year ago today, Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), Wilma Austria (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries, were arrested by troops belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, on their way to the coasts of Catbalogan town, Samar. While in the custody of their fascist captors, they were subjected to severe torture before they were subsequently killed. Their lifeless bodies were loaded on a boat and brought to sea where reportedly being exploded. | The torture and murder of the Tiamzons,…

2023-08-29 20:40:59 | 20:40 EST | tr | 60 | 0 | 41 | 18 | 0 

2023-08-26: News Headlines

TASS (2023-08-26). Gazprom delivering 41.5 mln cubic meters of gas to Europe through Ukraine via Sudzha. The Ukrainian side rejected the application for pumping through Sokhranivka…

TASS (2023-08-26). Putin congratulates Abkhazian president on anniversary of independence recognition. The President of Russia noted that the republic has made significant progress in building a democratic statehood and an independent national economy over the past decade and a half…

unitedEditor (2023-08-25). UN provocation against the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; Erdoƒüan's visit to Hungary — "Our strategic partner"; Erdoƒüan's remarks on foreign policy and economy following cabinet meeting. Summer heatwaves go on in Türkiye, so does the busy political agenda. Two significant events of the last week were the negative stance adopted by United Nations officials towards the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and President Erdoƒüan's visit to Hungary. Thirdly, decisions of the Cabinet meeting also held an important place. UN provocation against the Turkish Republic of Northern …

TASS (2023-08-25). Venezuela views BRICS as group of countries holding similar positions — diplomat. According to Sergey Melik-Bagdasarovt, a possible membership in BRICS opens additional opportunities for Venezuela in terms on investments into the national economy…

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). Ocean Samples Within Permitted Limit After Fukushima Water Release. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The analysis of ocean samples taken after the release of treated water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant (NPP) has shown that tritium concentration remained within permitted limits, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said on Friday.

Blanca Eekhout, Peoples Dispatch. (2023-08-25). Venezuela's Experience Of Building Democracy Under Siege. From the moment of their initiation, progressive and anti-imperialist projects face constant and enormous challenges. There is the urgent need to resolve the socio-economic problems of the people: hunger, unemployment, and access to health and education. But how can that be achieved without advancing the forces of production and development in the economy? At the same time, how can the economy be developed in a capitalist world without reproducing the exploitation of workers? And furthermore, how can this be accomplished in the face of resistance from a resentful local oligarchy and a determined imperialism, whic…

TASS (2023-08-25). Russia and Myanmar to resume flights after a thirty-year break — regulator. "Flights will be operated by A319 aircraft twice a week," the Federal Agency for Air Transport added…

TASS (2023-08-25). Capital outflow from Russia to decrease almost 2.5-fold in 2023 to $90 bln — VEB.RF. It is reported that funds received from exports are partially placed overseas…

TASS (2023-08-25). Russia may boost agriculture exports to $60 bln — VEB.RF. In 2022, Russia's agriculture exports surpassed $41.5 bln, up by 12% compared with 2021…

TASS (2023-08-25). Dollar exchange rate up above 95 rubles on Moscow Exchange first since August 17. Meanwhile, the euro exchange rate was up by 0.22% at 102.88 rubles…

TASS (2023-08-25). Restoration of Crimean Bridge on schedule — Russian Deputy PM. Marat Khusnullin added that as soon as this part of the bridge is restored, they will open traffic on it and start to repair the part of the bridge which is now operational…

TASS (2023-08-25). Airport in Mariupol to be restored in 2026-2027 — Deputy Prime Minister. Marat Khusnullin underlines that restoring the airport is a top priority, since the nearest airport is located in Taganrog, 150 km away…

TASS (2023-08-25). BRICS common payment unit to become matter for future — Russian MFA. At this stage, the BRICS member states' efforts are focused on the formation of conditions for expansion of settlements in national currencies, Sergey Ryabkov noted…

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). German Business Confidence Plummets as Recession, Deindustrialization Pummel Economy. The Central European industrial giant and EU economic powerhouse has fallen on hard times over the past year-and-a-half amid the ongoing crisis in economic ties with Russia. Along with inflation and recession, Berlin is facing the stark prospect of widespread deindustrialization as doing business in Germany becomes unprofitable.

TASS (2023-08-25). Dollar, euro in the red in early trading hours — Moscow Exchange. The dollar plunged by 15.5 kopecks, the euro lost 26 kopecks…

TASS (2023-08-25). Rosatom identifies five sites to build small power plants in the Arctic. Rosatom selected regions: the Krasnoyarsk Region, Yakutia and Chukotka…

TASS (2023-08-25). No plans to transfer EEF venue because of heavy rains. Preparations for the forum are underway in line with the approved roadmap…

TASS (2023-08-25). Russian experts propose introduction of simplified taxation system for Cuba. The effective taxation system in Cuba is unsuitable so far for the planned transition to private competition development, Executive Director of the Institute Anton Sviridenko said…

TASS (2023-08-25). BRICS common payment unit to become matter for future — Russian MFA. At this stage, the BRICS member states' efforts are focused on the formation of conditions for expansion of settlements in national currencies, Sergey Ryabkov noted…

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). German Business Confidence Plummets as Recession, Deindustrialization Pummel Economy. The Central European industrial giant and EU economic powerhouse has fallen on hard times over the past year-and-a-half amid the ongoing crisis in economic ties with Russia. Along with inflation and recession, Berlin is facing the stark prospect of widespread deindustrialization as doing business in Germany becomes unprofitable.

TASS (2023-08-25). Dollar, euro in the red in early trading hours — Moscow Exchange. The dollar plunged by 15.5 kopecks, the euro lost 26 kopecks…

TASS (2023-08-25). Rosatom identifies five sites to build small power plants in the Arctic. Rosatom selected regions: the Krasnoyarsk Region, Yakutia and Chukotka…

TASS (2023-08-25). No plans to transfer EEF venue because of heavy rains. Preparations for the forum are underway in line with the approved roadmap…

TASS (2023-08-25). Russian experts propose introduction of simplified taxation system for Cuba. The effective taxation system in Cuba is unsuitable so far for the planned transition to private competition development, Executive Director of the Institute Anton Sviridenko said…

TASS (2023-08-25). India tries to depoliticize B20 meetings — expert. "If there is reference to the situation around Ukraine, then it is made without aggressive rhetoric," Alexander Shokhin noted…

TASS (2023-08-25). BRICS influences G20 agenda, prompting reforms of global financial systems — expert. Alexander Shokhin noted that, in his opinion, the future payment and settlement system will most likely be based on digital currencies of national banks, stablecoins and blockchain… (2023-08-25). China eases major mortgage policies to support real estate market. According to the measures, family members who do not own a property in a city are eligible for the credit policy for first-time homebuyers at the same place, regardless of whether they have applied for housing loans previously, or in other cities.


Steven Wishnia, The Indypendent. (2023-08-25). Hollywood Is A Union Town, But The History Is Complicated. The American movie industry has been one of the most consistently unionized sectors of the economy since the 1930s — but to achieve that, workers had to overcome "the iron fist of the moguls" and organized crime, says historian Gerald Horne, author of Class Struggle in Hollywood 1930-1950. | Craft workers — painters, plumbers, carpenters — were the first to organize, joining the International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE), founded in New York in 1893. Five hundred of them went on strike in 1918. The Screen Writers Guild, ancestor of the Writers Guild of America, was found…

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). Federal Reserve to Keep Hiking Interest Rates as US Economy Not Cooling – Chairman. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The Federal Reserve will keep raising interest rates as long as it is needed to bring inflation back to its long-term target of 2% per year given that the US economy is not cooling as was initially thought, Chairman Jerome Powell said on Friday.

MEE staff (2023-08-25). Syria: Protests spread over dire economic and living conditions.

Newswire Editor (2023-08-25). In a Summer of Climate Chaos, Fed Summit Ignores Risk of Climate Crisis to Global Economy.

sputnikglobe (2023-08-26). Expanded BRICS Has Big Economic Prospects Despite Possible Political Disagreements. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The enlargement of BRICS could have big prospects for the economic development of member states, despite potential disagreements among them as regards the group's political role in the international arena, experts told Sputnik.

sputnikglobe (2023-08-26). US Restrictions on China Dictated by Ensuring Dominance in Pacific – Not Trade Interests. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Recent Biden administration restrictions to impede China's advances in different domains are not dictated by its economic interests, but instead stem from an effort to maintain US dominance in the Western Pacific, experts told Sputnik.

MEE staff (2023-08-26). Lebanon: Popular comedian detained after sketch on economic conditions.

sputnikglobe (2023-08-26). Flagging Ukraine Counteroffensive Triggers Allies' Fears About Support Nosediving – Report. The US and its allies have sunk billions-worth of military and economic support into the Ukraine quagmire. However, as the costs of propping up Kiev take their toll on the West, the counteroffensive by Ukraine's military largely never got off the ground, with the effort resulting in severe losses in manpower and military equipment.

Staff (2023-08-25). Fed Chair Again Ignores Recession Risks Under Higher Interest Rates. During the annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium today, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced: "Although inflation has moved down from its peak—a welcome development—it remains too high. We are prepared to raise rates further if appropriate." Powell's hawkish tone on higher interest rates comes on the heels of a new survey finding U.S. consumer demand …

SAM (2023-08-25). "Economic Populism" Was Nowhere To Be Found At The GOP Debate. BRANKO MARCETIC | JACOBIN…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-25). Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt To Become Full Members of BRICS. The powerful Global South bloc will add six new members in total as it looks to form a new world economic order | Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have officially been invited to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on 24 August during the closing of a three-day "As a five BRICS countries, we have reached an agreement on the guiding principles, standards, criteria, and procedures on the BRICS expansio…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-25). Xi Pledges China's Continuous Support for Cuba in Opposing Interference. Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that China will continue to firmly support Cuba in defending national sovereignty and opposing external interference and blockade. | China will also try its best to provide support for Cuba's economic and social development, said Xi in a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Johannesburg on the sidelines of the 15th BRICS Summit. | Xi recalled that President Diaz-Canel paid a successful state visit to China last November, when they reached a broad consensus on further deepening China-Cuba ties in the new era and agreed to work together to build a China…

SAM (2023-08-25). "Economic Populism" Was Nowhere To Be Found At The GOP Debate. BRANKO MARCETIC | JACOBIN…

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2023-08-25). BRICS Calls For Economic Decision Making In The Interest Of The Majority. The first day of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg saw calls for a more democratic global economic order with greater participation of countries from the Global South. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa set the tone by underlining that BRICS stands for inclusiveness and transparency in its development agenda and must continue to do so. | Speaking on the second day, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said that India fully supports the expansion of the bloc, adding that it welcomed "moving forward with consensus on this." India also reiterated its proposal for the African Union's membership in the G20.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-25). Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt To Become Full Members of BRICS. The powerful Global South bloc will add six new members in total as it looks to form a new world economic order | Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have officially been invited to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on 24 August during the closing of a three-day "As a five BRICS countries, we have reached an agreement on the guiding principles, standards, criteria, and procedures on the BRICS expansio…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-25). Xi Pledges China's Continuous Support for Cuba in Opposing Interference. Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday that China will continue to firmly support Cuba in defending national sovereignty and opposing external interference and blockade. | China will also try its best to provide support for Cuba's economic and social development, said Xi in a meeting with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Johannesburg on the sidelines of the 15th BRICS Summit. | Xi recalled that President Diaz-Canel paid a successful state visit to China last November, when they reached a broad consensus on further deepening China-Cuba ties in the new era and agreed to work together to build a China…

Editor (2023-08-25). China's Xi vows to support Cuba in defending Cuba's sovereignty. China's President Xi Jinping has pledged to support Cuba's defense of its national sovereignty, opposing foreign interference and a U.S. economic blockade, and will expand strategic coordination with Havana.

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). Bidenomics Balloons US Budget Deficit to Bloated 'Crisis-Size'. The Biden administration's economic policies have already triggered fears that the US may be heading towards an economic crisis worse than the 2008 Great Recession, amid fallout from the Fed's interest rate hikes, mounting debt, surging home prices, and a spending spree as part of proxy, trade and tech wars against Russia and China.

Lauren Johnston (2023-08-25). China shifting from extraction to investment in Africa. China experienced a massive economic boom in the 1990s and 2000s which increased its demand for resource imports, like oil, from Africa. That led to a model of development finance in which China funded infrastructure in African countries in return for access to resources. This approach became known as the Angola model, because it all …

Abdul Rahman, People's Dispatch. (2023-08-25). BRICS Calls For Economic Decision Making In The Interest Of The Majority. The first day of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg saw calls for a more democratic global economic order with greater participation of countries from the Global South. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa set the tone by underlining that BRICS stands for inclusiveness and transparency in its development agenda and must continue to do so. | Speaking on the second day, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said that India fully supports the expansion of the bloc, adding that it welcomed "moving forward with consensus on this." India also reiterated its proposal for the African Union's membership in the G20.

midwesternmarx (2023-08-25). We Did Not Evolve to Be Selfish—and Humans Are Increasingly Aware We Can Choose How Our Cultures Can Evolve By: April M. Short. At this critical moment in human history, a new paper on multilevel cultural evolution shows how looking to our cultural evolutionary origins might help us improve society at many levels. Ours is a critical time in the cultural evolution of humanity that is likely to shape our long-term future, or lack thereof. As a species, we have been on a self-destructive trajectory that has led us to our current polycrisis of unlivable economic conditions, worsening climate disasters, and the potent …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-25). Norwegian man is detained in psychiatric unit for posting truths on Facebook about conspiracies. Trond Harald H√ •land has been outspoken on social media about the World Economic Forum, climate change and vaccine passports. He has also been critical of the Norwegian health system for what happened …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-25). Thinking about weight-loss surgery? 4 things to consider. Anyone who's struggled with reaching or maintaining a healthy weight probably has heard comments like, "If you want to lose weight, just eat less and exercise more" or "Losing weight is all about willpower." But weight loss is much more complicated. Genetics, socioeconomic status, mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and certain medications can affect your ability to lose weight and keep it off. That's why weight loss requires a complex, multipronged approach,… (2023-08-25). China, ASEAN advancing negotiations on FTA 3.0: ministry. China and ASEAN are actively advancing version 3.0 Free Trade Area negotiations, enhancing the openness of the China-ASEAN economic and trade system, Li Fei, vice minister of Commerce, stated at a press conference on Friday.

Staff (2023-08-25). Railroad Workers United: Sierra Club issues 'Updated Rail Transportation Statement'. "Effective rail transportation is essential to avert the worst effects of human-caused climate change. Increasing the mode share of passenger and freight transportation to rail will result in many environmental, economic and social benefits. Rail transportation is inherently much more energy efficient than road transport, especially for freight. Shifting to rail not only has environmental benefits but economic ones as well…" | With this exhaustive 50-page document the Sierra Club calls for Open Access to the rail network and electrification of freight and passenger rail. In addition, the Report is l…

Morning Star (2023-08-25). Uniting progressive and reactionary governments, expanded BRICS alliance doesn't necessarily challenge U.S. imperialism. The following guest editorial is from Morning Star, Britain's daily socialist newspaper. Just as significant as the fact that the BRICS economic alliance is expanding is the list of countries which are now set to join: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Argentina. The six applicants will mean the BRICS (which …

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). Ukraine Quagmire Will Cost US $600 Bln More Even If Fighting Stopped Tomorrow — Analysis. The US has already committed over $110 billion in military and economic support to Ukraine, with President Joe Biden recently asking Congress for $24 billion in additional cash. Washington's allies have sent tens of billions of dollars more in aid, with Ukraine quickly becoming the most expensive NATO-instigated security crisis since Afghanistan.

infobrics (2023-08-25). Interest From Countries to Join BRICS Shows Its Relevance, Lula Says. Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said the interest of other countries to join the BRICS organisation showed how relevant its pursuit for a new world economic order is…

infobrics (2023-08-25). Is Germany once again the "sick man of Europe"?>. Much has been talked about German economic woes – these conversations however cannot fail to take into account the issue of the energy crisis and the issue of de-industrialization in post-Nord Stream Europe.

Marcos Silva Martínez C. (2023-08-25). Colombia — Paz total, conflicto socioeconómico-político, causas, responsables. La solución del conflicto socioeconómico-político colombiano, es imposible lograrla, solo con aprobación y promulgación de ley y designación de comisiones. La solución, demanda remover y revertir las causas que lo generaron y sustentan e implica la pérdida de privilegios, poder…

thecommunists (2023-08-25). Oxfam identifies inequalities in shocking detail, but provides no solution. For decades, Oxfam shops have been a common fixture on British high streets. Their twin-track approach of selling cheap second-hand clothes, used books, tantalising bric-a brac and ethically-sourced products from developing countries, with the promise of charitable contributions winging their way to the wretchedly poor overseas, has appeared to be a winning formula: spending and …

Ann Brown (2023-08-25). Top Reparations Scholars Darity and Mullen Win Another Prestigious Award: ASA Outstanding Book. Dr. William Sandy Darity recently announced via Twitter that his book, "From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century," authored with A. Kirsten Mullen, had taken home another award. This award is the Inequality, Poverty and Mobility's 2023 Outstanding Book Award from the American Sociological Association (ASA). Last year ,the distinction …

| Reuters | (2023-08-25). Inflation hurting Modi, but still likely to win India's 2024 polls – survey. Indian voters are growing unhappy with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government due to high inflation and unemployment but he is still on track to comfortably win a third term in elections next year due to his personal popularity, a key survey said. | The popularity of main opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has risen and a new, 26-party opposition alliance called "INDIA" is expected to do well, the "Mood of the Nation" survey by India Today magazine said on Friday. | Modi, however, is far ahead of Gandhi with a 36-point lead as the candidate best-suited to be India's next prime minister and his Bharatiya Janata…

Staff (2023-08-25). Labour Party income is up and its membership is down, so it's clear what this is all leading to. New Electoral Commission figures show that Labour Party membership has fallen by tens of thousands over the past two years. At the same time, its total income has skyrocketed. There's only one reason for this, and nowhere is it more evident than at its annual conference. Labour's income is a dead giveaway On 24 August, …

WSWS (2023-08-25). Biden administration launches new student debt repayment program. SAVE participants making over $30,000 a year will pay 5 percent of their discretionary income for at least 20 years before becoming eligible for debt forgiveness.

Labor Video Project (2023-08-26). KPFA Journalist Frank Sterling, , Elections, Pacifica & The Fight Against The Racist Anti. KPFA journalist Frank Sterling and KPFA LSB candidate Steve Zeltzer speak out about the refusal of the KPFA Local Station Board group "The Protectors" to support a resolution calling for the dropping of Antioch police charges against journalist Frank Sterling. The KPFA Local station board and the past manager have refused to also call for the freedom of journalist s Mumia Abu-jamal and Julian Assange. KPFA also put on programmer Ian Masters who has said he is for keeping Mumia in jail and the supporters of Mumia are dupes.

Shirin Kamangar (2023-08-26). Popular Protest and Labor Insurgency in Iran. "The workers very carefully considered how best to advance their struggle in the face of the restrictions imposed on them both by the present regime and by the right-wing opposition. The mass uprising has provided fertile ground for them to voice demands linked to their daily existence and lived experience. " | – | / |

United Front Committee for Labor Party (2023-08-26). Sunday 9/1: Rally Against Imperialism! Hands off Niger! Hands off Arakaki and Ruiz! San Francisco Federal Building. 90 7th Street, San Francisco CA…

WorkWeek (2023-08-26). Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Judgement: AI Robojudge. WorkWeek covers Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Play, The Judgement: AI Robojudge, Labor & The Militarization of Australia & Lessons Of UC UAW Strike…

Sharon Zhang (2023-08-25). Union-Busting Bosses Handed Major Loss in New Labor Board Decision. Labor officials issued a much-anticipated decision on Friday that could make it far easier for workers to unionize in the face of employers who break labor laws in union elections. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a new standard in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC that would force an employer to recognize and bargain with a union if a majority of workers had previously… |

Dane Rohl, Labor Notes. (2023-08-25). So You Wanna Practice Picket? Here's How We Did It. For the first time since I started working at UPS 15 years ago, it feels like unions across the country are on the rise. UPS Teamsters mobilized for a massive contract campaign to win the best contract we've ever had. Now it's the Auto Workers' turn. | Like in the Teamsters, UAW members recently elected new leadership that will stand up for you—and more importantly, actually allow members to stand up for yourselves. | I've been following the contract fights at the Big 3 automakers. You're fighting for a lot of the same things we fought for: ending two-tier, a fair raise, and control of your time.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-25). 'Something Must Change': New Jersey Nurses Strike for Safe Staffing. (2023-08-25). Video: CFMEU demands Labor ban engineered stone, introduce super profits tax for housing. (2023-08-25). Waterloo residents slam Labor's housing plan.

Abraham Gutman, The Philadelphia Inquirer. (2023-08-25). UPenn Residence Advisers Will Have Union Election Despite Opposition. University of Pennsylvania students who work as residence hall assistants will hold a unionization vote this fall, the National Labor Relations Board decided this week. The decision rejects Penn's claim that students aren't employees and don't have the right to form a union. | About 220 student workers filed paperwork with the NLRB in March to join the Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 153, which represents students in universities around the region. | If the effort is successful, the union would be the first of its kind in the Philadelphia area. Students at other universities have forme…

Gareth Dale (2023-08-26). The politics of degrowth – Technology, ideology, and the fight for eco-socialism. Degrowth identifies and critiques growth as fundamental to the capitalist system. Growth enriches property owners and the wealthy, leaving the rest of humanity behind with devastating environmental consequences. | – | / |

NewsOne Staff (2023-08-26). Every Time Auntie Maxine Waters Proved She Was Unbought And Unbossed. Maxine Waters, the U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district and the first woman and African American to be the chair of the House Financial Services Committee, is just as fearless as ever.

FP Staff (2023-08-26). Nirmala Sitharaman discusses bilateral financial issues with EU trade commissioner. On Saturday, Nirmala Sitharaman, the Union's minister of finance, met with Valdis Dombrovskis, the executive vice-president of the European Commission, to address bilateral and financial problems of mutual concern. | According to the Ministry of Finance, the two leaders met in New Delhi and discussed the ongoing consultations for the India-EU Investment Protection Agreement (IPA) and India-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA). | Along with Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal, the EU Trade Commissioner co-chaired the EU-India High-Level Dialogue on Trade and Investment on Saturday in Delhi. | The resumption of negotiati…

FP Staff (2023-08-26). Russia's military ties with Iran will withstand geopolitical pressure: Sergei Ryabkov. Russia's military cooperation with Iran will not succumb to geopolitical pressure, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, following reports that Washington has asked Teheran to stop selling drones to Moscow. | "There are no changes, and cooperation with Iran will continue," Ryabkov said, according to a report on Saturday from Russian state news agency RIA. "We are independent states and do not succumb to the dictates of the United States and its satellites." | The US is pressing Iran to stop selling the armed drones, which Russia is using in the war in Ukraine, the Financial Times reported earlier t…

Misión Verdad (2023-08-25). President Maduro's Discourse at BRICS Summit: Key Points. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, participated in the recently concluded 15th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the BRICS, held in Johannesburg, South Africa. This was the first time that Venezuela participated in a meeting of the largest emerging economies' cooperation bloc. | The following are the key points of his speech, given at the event titled "BRICS+ Rapprochement Dialogue," held on Wednesday, August 23. | Venezuela advocates for new international financial system | "Venezuela joins the call for the creation of a new global financial system that would allow us to carry out our transacti…

WSWS (2023-08-25). Growing mortgage stress in Australia amid cost of living crisis. Levels of mortgage stress are at their highest levels since the 2008 financial crisis, with broad sections of the working class struggling to make ends meet.

WSWS (2023-08-25). Republican presidential debate—the ugly face of American fascism. The Democrats offer no alternative to the Republicans, because both parties represent the interests of the financial aristocracy and its national-security apparatus.

channelnewsasia (2023-08-26). Quotes: Reactions to FIFA suspending Spanish soccer federation head Rubiales. (2023-08-25). Regulator encourages institutional investors to increase equity investments. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has encouraged mid- and long-term institutional investors to beef up equity investments at a meeting on Thursday, as part of the commission's continuous efforts to boost investors' confidence.

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-08-25). Realistically, How Strong Is America? America's weakness is overlooked by investment analysts. Having offshored manufacturing, the US is import-dependent, and having weaponized the dollar Washington is causing foreign central banks to stop holding dollars as reserves. The consequence is that the US has a rising issuance of debt to finance trade and budget deficits, but a declining supply of customers for that debt. Either the Federal Reserve has to monetize the debt or interest rates will rise. | Note also that it appears there will be in about 4 months a large expansion of BRICS. Argentina, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates hav…

Dianne Feeley (2023-08-26). UAW Mobilizing, Contract Deadlines Nearing. As UAW contracts with the Detroit Three expire at midnight September 14, it looks like the companies are far from settling. Having raked in over a quarter of a trillion dollars in the last decade, they are balking at newly elected UAW President Shawn Fain's demand that "Record profits deserve record contracts." | – | / |

sputnikglobe (2023-08-25). EU's Stricter Regulations For Tech Giants to Go Into Effect on Friday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – New regulations of the European Union's Digital Services Act will go into effect on Friday, affecting operation of large online platforms and search engines in member states. (2023-08-25). Regulator asks businesses not to use Japanese aquatic products. The State Administration for Market Regulation, China's market regulator, said it would urge food producers and operators to stop purchasing and using aquatic products from Japan.

Staff (2023-08-25). After Almost a Decade of Missed Deadlines, EPA Ordered to Finalize Ethylene Oxide Regulations. Yesterday, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia signed a consent decree mandating the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to finalize much-needed updates to ethylene oxide regulations by March 1, 2024. This court-enforced deadline comes as a result of years of tireless advocacy from communities across the country and a corresponding lawsuit filed …

Editor (2023-08-25). Discovering a Green Marx: Kohei Saito's 'Marx in the Anthropocene'. It's always seemed a little strange that less has been said about the final 15 years of Marx's oeuvre than any other period of his writing.

midwesternmarx (2023-08-25). Book Review: 'Cancel This Book' Asks for a Return to Revolutionary Class Analysis By: Danny Shaw. Dan Kovalik's book, Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture (2021) Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture, by Dan Kovalik (Hot Books: New York, 2021) Academic and activist Dan Kovalik's new book, Cancel This Book: The Progressive Case Against Cancel Culture, was written on the frontlines of the twin struggles of our time, the class struggle and the fight for Black liberation. Reading it brought me back to so many ma …

Michael G. Long (2023-08-25). The March on Washington Was More Than a Dream. To make MLK's demands a reality, we should demand a much higher minimum wage.

David Scott Mathieson (2023-08-25). Wages of guilt for Myanmar's Rohingya atrocity. A bewildering factor of mass atrocity crimes is the need for so many onlookers to seek to normalize the aftermath. Six years on from the military campaign against the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar — where over 700,000 civilians were forced out of northern Rakhine state into squalid camps in Bangladesh, with several thousand murdered and …

sputnikglobe (2023-08-26). France and EU to Spend 200 Million Euros to Destroy Wine Surpluses. The French government on Friday announced 200 million euros from an EU fund to eliminate excess wine production in a bid to curb price fluctuations and help producers who are losing revenue due to falling demand.

FP Explainers (2023-08-26). Why France will spend millions of euros to destroy wine. France will spend millions of euros to destroy excess wine. Renowned for its fine wine, the European country is now battling an overproduction problem. | The European Union earlier provided ‚Ǩ160 million (about Rs 14 billion) in funds to France to destroy its surplus wine. Adding to the fund, the French government has decided to spend a total of ‚Ǩ200 million (about Rs 17 billion) to destroy surplus wine and support producers, reported Paris-headquartered news agency AFP. | But why is France compelled to get rid of its surplus wine? Let's take a closer look. | Myriad problems…

Andrés Kogan Valderrama (2023-08-26). Argentina — Milei y su capitalismo de boludos. La reciente victoria de Javier Milei en las primarias presidenciales en Argentina (PASO) no dejaron indiferente a nadie y viene a mostrar el rápido ascenso de la ultraderecha en nuestros países, la cual ha aprovechado la rabia, el malestar y…

Justin A. Davis, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-08-25). Taking Lessons From Black Political Prisoners During Black August. From local police outfitted with military-grade equipment, to nonviolent protesters jailed on terrorism charges, the spectacle of state repression has become an increasingly visible part of the Black liberation struggle in U.S. cities. Police and prisons have long served as a conduit for stamping out Black-led protest movements, especially when those movements openly challenge capitalism and state power. Between the 1960s and 1980s, for example, local, state and federal law enforcement coordinated massive campaigns to dismantle radical groups like the Black Panthers, Republic of New Afrika and Black Liberation Ar…

WSWS (2023-08-25). Video: For a European movement against capitalism and war. The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party – SGP) is contesting the 2024 European elections in close cooperation with its sister parties in Britain, France and Turkey.

Jenny Farrell (2023-08-25). Novel 'Strumpet City' depicts 1913 Dublin lockout, Irish proletariat's first great class struggle. The Dublin lockout of 1913 was one of the greatest industrial disputes in Irish history. The conflict between some 20,000 workers and 300 employers lasted from Aug. 26,1913, to January 18, 1914. Its core demand was the right to organize. Dublin's tenements were among the most squalid in Europe. People lived crammed together, infant mortality …

Staff (2023-08-25). BMA Consultants begin two days of strikes in England — and announce further action to come. On 24 August, British Medical Association (BMA) consultants in England began two more days of strikes, and announced further industrial action in October. They're striking to force the government to fix their rate of pay and improve the retention of these highly trained NHS professionals. BMA consultants committee chair Dr Vishal Sharma said in a …

Staff (2023-08-25). Organizers to converge in Atlanta, Georgia to discuss "What will a new society run by workers look like?" Social movement organizers and leaders from across the US will gather in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 2, for the International People's Assembly-North America conference titled "Dilemmas of Humanity: A Socialist Horizon". They will meet at the city's historic "Neighborhood Church" to deliberate on questions including "What will a new society run by workers look like? …

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2023-08-23: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-22). BRICS summit begins with focus on expansion, de-dollarization. The summit of BRICS leaders is expected to take crucial decisions related to the bloc's expansion and its role in carving out more space for the economies of the Global South in the world economy…

Staff (2023-08-22). Vijay Prashad on BRICS & Why Global South Cooperation Is Key to Dismantling Unjust World Order. As a two-day BRICS summit gets underway in South Africa, we speak with author and analyst Vijay Prashad about whether the bloc — which comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — can meaningfully challenge U.S. and Western domination in world affairs by building an alternative forum for countries of the Global South. BRICS countries represent 40% of the world's population and a quarter of the world's economy, and the group is now considering a possible expansion to more than 20 other countries. "BRICS is an instrument to push forward their political views, which they fe…

Dan Collyns (2023-08-22). Ecuador's presidential election to go to runoff in October. Ecuador's presidential election moves to the second round in October, between two former lawmakers. They're vying for support from voters concerned about Ecuador's sharp increase in crime and a struggling economy. (2023-08-22). U.S. Commerce Secretary to visit China. At the invitation of Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, the United States Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo will visit China from Aug 27 to 30, the ministry announced on Tuesday. (2023-08-22). China announces tax incentives for investors in tech firms' CDRs. Chinese authorities on Tuesday announced tax breaks for individuals and institutions that invest in overseas-listed innovative firms' Chinese depositary receipts (CDRs).

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-22). State of California recognizing our 2023 International Day for People of African Descent. The State of California is poised to join the efforts to elevate International Day for People of African Descent and utilize the influence from the 5th largest economy on earth to align… "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies".

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-22). The Majority Of Small Businesses: America Is Already In Recession. More than half of U.S. small business owners who responded to a National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) survey in July said they believe the economy is already in a recession, but they also reported that their own businesses are financially strong. The Nashville-based NFIB has been conducting monthly surveys since 1986 among its 325,000 members, … (2023-08-23). China's early-season rice output estimated to increase slightly. In 2023, China's early-season rice yielding is estimated to increase slightly, recording a rising unit production despite a small decline in sown area.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-23). The Stalled Decolonization. By Prabhat Patnaik — Aug 20, 2023 | MUCH of the ex-colonial world, having set up dirigiste regimes to wrest control over its natural resources from metropolitan capital and to build up industries behind protectionist walls, was sought to be re-assimilated into imperialist hegemony through the neo-liberal economic order; but in one segment of this world decolonisation itself was never completed. The former French colonies of West Africa belong to this segment. Even though local personnel replaced French administrators, they did not effectively shake off French hegemony, and by implication metropolitan hegemon…

Editor (2023-08-22). We won't win climate justice in court. The recent climate victory in the US state Montana is welcome, but a legal strategy must not replace mass mobilisation to combat capitalist economic logic, argues John Clarke…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). State of Chinese America: Rising Fear About US Warmongering. Chinese Americans are not a quiet monolith. This survey by the Committee of 100 in partnership with Columbia University revealed rising concerns about anti-Asian violence, economic issues, and worsening mental health, all correlating with the escalated US warmongering in China. 79% of survey respondents viewed the current U.S.-China relations as negative and trending towards war. … (2023-08-22). BRICS ties give impetus for growth. Enhanced cooperation and better coordination among BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — will bolster their economic growth and fortify the multilateral trading system.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-23). The Stalled Decolonization. By Prabhat Patnaik — Aug 20, 2023 | MUCH of the ex-colonial world, having set up dirigiste regimes to wrest control over its natural resources from metropolitan capital and to build up industries behind protectionist walls, was sought to be re-assimilated into imperialist hegemony through the neo-liberal economic order; but in one segment of this world decolonisation itself was never completed. The former French colonies of West Africa belong to this segment. Even though local personnel replaced French administrators, they did not effectively shake off French hegemony, and by implication metropolitan hegemon…

Editor (2023-08-22). We won't win climate justice in court. The recent climate victory in the US state Montana is welcome, but a legal strategy must not replace mass mobilisation to combat capitalist economic logic, argues John Clarke…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). State of Chinese America: Rising Fear About US Warmongering. Chinese Americans are not a quiet monolith. This survey by the Committee of 100 in partnership with Columbia University revealed rising concerns about anti-Asian violence, economic issues, and worsening mental health, all correlating with the escalated US warmongering in China. 79% of survey respondents viewed the current U.S.-China relations as negative and trending towards war. … (2023-08-22). BRICS ties give impetus for growth. Enhanced cooperation and better coordination among BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — will bolster their economic growth and fortify the multilateral trading system.

infobrics (2023-08-22). BRICS Countries Want to Replace Dollar?>. The BRICS confederation, which includes the developing countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, seen as the pioneer of an economic system that is an alternative to the US dollar-dominated financial system…

Luis Britto García (2023-08-22). El dogma liberal y las crisis económicas. 1.- El dogma liberal y neoliberal | Las crisis periódicas | Desde que hay capitalismo hay crisis económicas: recurrentes, destructivas, cada vez más graves. Tres soluciones se han propuesto para remediarlas: la liberal, la keynesiana, la socialista. Cada una comporta una posición…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-08-22). Niger Is The Latest West African Nation To Rise Up Against Neocolonialism. At the end of July, the Presidential Guard of Niger, backed by the military, unseated the current president, Mohamed Bazoum, in a coup supported by the people. In response, the United States and France, with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), began planning a military intervention to return Bazoum to power. West African nations, including Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, quickly declared solidarity with the new government, a move that could turn a military intervention into a greater regional conflict. To understand what is happening in Niger and how it fits into the bigger picture of the rejec…

Staff (2023-08-22). Niger Is The Latest West African Nation To Rise Up Against Neocolonialism — Interview with Abayomi Azikiwe of the Pan African Newswire. By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. | August 21, 2023 | At the end of July, the Presidential Guard of Niger, backed by the military, unseated the current president, Mohamed Bazoum, in a coup supported by the people. In response, the United States and France, with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), began planning a military intervention to return Bazoum to power. West African nations, inc… (2023-08-23). China's civil aviation passenger transport scale reaches new heights. The scale of civil aviation passenger transport reached a new high in July, Economic Daily reported on Wednesday.

unitedEditor (2023-08-22). Witnessing the BRICS Summit. The BRICS countries are gathering for their first face-to-face summit after the pandemic. It is their 15th summit taking place while tensions around Ukraine and Taiwan are increasing and especially the Western block is struggling with an economic crisis, responding in closing borders and pursuing more aggressive policies. In that context, we have the chance to …

Chris Hedges (2023-08-22). The crucifixion of Julian Assange. The Biblical prophets — Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah — believed that anything worth living for was worth dying for. Their enemy was not only suffering, calumny, poverty, injustice, but a life devoid of meaning. (2023-08-22). Antipoverty Centre report calls for income-first approach. (2023-08-22). Unemployment is up and the Reserve Bank will make sure it gets worse.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-22). How Crypto Aid Is Stolen in Ukraine by State Officials. By Slavisha Batko Milacic — Aug 18, 2023 | The development of the cryptocurrency market and its relative anonymity has come as a boon for many representatives of both the shady and completely legal business, providing them with the last opportunity to hide their assets from the state. This prompted the adoption of numerous laws on state control over cryptocurrencies. However, for the corrupt "servants of the people" the crypto became not only a salvation from the eagle eye of law enforcement agencies, but also a chance for earning additional income. So, for Ukrainian officials and their partners, cryptocurre…

jamanetwork (2023-08-22). Aspirin for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in 51 Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries. This cross-sectional study evaluates the prevalence of self-reported aspirin use for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among individuals in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.

Ana Perdigón (2023-08-22). María Corina Machado's Advisor Calls for Civil Disobedience, Military Uprising. A fugitive from Venezuelan justice and international advisor to María Corina Machado's primaries campaign, Antonio Ledezma, confirmed Machado's strategy to promote a military rebellion to force her registration if she wins the opposition primaries, scheduled for October 20. | In an interview this Sunday, August 20, Ledezma said that only with the "impulse of a process of civil disobedience will they be able to handle the exclusion of Machado's candidacy by the National Electoral Council (CNE)." He immediately elaborated on the military option. | "The only way to be able to carry out the registration of a woman wh…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-08-22). Fired-Up Auto Workers Are Ready To Battle The Big Three. Warren, Michigan – Sunday afternoon at the Auto Workers (UAW) Region 1 Pavilion in Warren, Michigan, felt a lot like church. Auto workers came together in sweltering heat to rally each other with fiery speeches, cheers, and songs in the first Big 3 contract rally anyone can remember. | The contracts with Ford, General Motors (GM), and Stellantis expire September 14. | "I've been told throughout this thing that we've set expectations too high. You're damn right we have, because our members have high expectations, and record profits deserve record contracts," said UAW President Shawn Fain at the rally. "As a union,…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). Henry Liang: the Chinese-American Peace Activist Arrested In Boston. Henry Liang's arrest in Boston is part of the witch hunt on anyone who speaks out against U.S. foreign policy on China, particularly in the Chinese-American community. We say: drop the charges! Thank you to Amrita from Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) and Mike from UNITE HERE Local 26 for the interviews.

Staff (2023-08-22). Trader Joe's fired a union supporter who worked at the chain for over 18 years. #TraderJoes. Trader Joe's fired a union supporter who worked at the chain for over 18 years. Union leaders delivered a petition with over 22,000 signatures to the Trader Joe's corporate headquarters & held a rally to protest the corporations union busting tactics. #TraderJoes #LaborUnion…

Anonymous (2023-08-22). Breaking: CALTECH Hires LAVC Stalker as Labor Consultant. CalTech (California Institute of Technology) is a prestigious research institution in Pasadena, California. Like many larger institutions, CalTech has been embroiled in a series of legal issues. To combat them, Cal-Tech has employed a consultant who stalked and retaliated against student whistleblowers at Los Angeles Valley College.

Jake Johnson (2023-08-22). NLRB Accuses Amazon of Illegally Calling Cops on Workers to Crush Union Campaign. A regional director of the National Labor Relations Board submitted a filing on Monday accusing Amazon of illegally calling the police on workers and other unlawful union-busting tactics during its effort to crush an organizing campaign at a warehouse near Albany, New York. In the complaint, first reported by Bloomberg, the NLRB official writes that Amazon "has been interfering with, restraining… |

Marc Steiner (2023-08-22). India and Israel's fascists are in cahoots. Can Hindu and Jewish progressives form an alliance too? | Warnings of rising fascism have emanated from India for years as the Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, movement under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unleashed escalating religious and caste-based violence in "the world's largest democracy." Throughout, India's fascists have found a fellow traveler, a collaborative partner, and a state model to emulate in Israel's ethno-nationalist apartheid regime. How deep does the India-Israel relationship go? And how can Hindu and Jewish progressives be part of the solution? Aparna Gopalan joins T…

United Front Committee For Labor Partty (2023-08-22). Wednesday 8/23: Shut Robotaxis Down NOW! Health and Safety Emergency In SF. 530 10th St/Bryant St Next To Costco | San Francisco, CA…

Fernando Dorado (2023-08-22). Colombia — Petro se enfrenta a Grupo Aval. Más rápido de lo que se pensaba se van mostrando y enfrentando las fuerzas, y se acercan momentos definitorios en Colombia. La oligarquía financiera no cede ante las reformas sociales (salud, pensiones, laboral) porque tocan su caja menor (Empresas Promotoras… (2023-08-22). Labor needs to move on Murray-Darling Basin water protection. (2023-08-22). No New Gas Coalition forms to stop NT Labor gas push. (2023-08-22). Refugees call on federal Labor to give them permanent visas.

Labor Video Project (2023-08-23). When WE Fight We Win! SAG AFTRA WGA Picket Netflix World HQ On National Day Of Action. Striking SAG AFTRA WGA worker rallied at Netflix world headquarters in Los Gatos to demand protection from AI and the war on workers in this industry by the billionaires…

Anonymous (2023-08-23). Caltech Labor Consultant Enabled Scott Svonkin's Alleged Abusive Behavior. Pasadena CalTech University's Labor Consultant Annie Goldman-Reed was previously was a low-level administrator at Los Angeles Valley College. In 2017, she ran a campaign to discredit a fellow trustees allegations of abusive behavior. This followed years a smear campaigns against other LACCD whistleblowers.

Alex Bainbridge (2023-08-23). Labor fails on AUKUS, housing and taxation. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's argument that long-term government is counterposed to pro-working class policies contains major flaws, argues Alex Bainbridge. (2023-08-23). Waterloo residents slam Labor's housing plan.

Jeff Abbott (2023-08-22). Bernardo Arévalo Victory Is a Turning Point for Guatemala. The president-elect has promised to crack down on corruption and break up monopolies, a welcome sign in a country gripped by a wealthy elite.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-08-23). Cutting Climate Change Research: Cuts at the Australian Antarctic Division. Australia's funding priorities have been utterly muddled of late. At the Commonwealth level, there is cash to be found in every conceivable place to support every absurd military venture, as long as it targets those hideous authoritarians in Beijing. It seemed utterly absurd that, even as the Australian federal government announced its purchase of over …

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-22). This Week On Americas Now: Illegal Mining in the Rainforests of Ecuador. Earlier this year, Ecuadorean President Guillermo Lasso declared illegal mining a threat to national security, linking it to organized crime. But with gold prices at an all-time high, that has done little to stop the miners. Dan Collyns visited an indigenous village where residents formed … (2023-08-22). Imported goods favored amid consumption upgrade. Chinese consumers are exhibiting vibrant purchasing power for imported and foreign-branded products, which has become a key driver for upgraded consumption fueled by China's further opening-up and gradual improvement in cross-border logistics and deliveries. (2023-08-22). Baidu sees positive financials, continues investing in AI. Chinese tech heavyweight Baidu Inc delivered better-than-expected financial results for the April-June period on Tuesday, with its total revenue reaching 34.1 billion yuan ($4.7 billion), an increase of 15 percent year-on-year.

Katie Myers (2023-08-22). Coal Barons on Opposite Side of Aisle Face Off in West Virginia Senate Race. A recent campaign ad targeting West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin shows the centrist Democrat standing alongside President Biden, applauding the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Ominous music plays as the words, attributed to Biden, "I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel" splash across the screen. The spot, from a dark money group aligned with Republicans, paints Manchin as a… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-22). War and Lenin in the 21st Century. Gary Wilson © Photo : Screenshot / Social Media Rare footage of destruction of foreign mercenaries in Zaporizhzhya. Part I: U.S. funds war, takes over Ukraine assets The U.S. is funding a proxy war against Russia — Congress has approved $113 billion for Ukraine — seizing Ukraine's assets in the process. The U.S. is spending… (2023-08-23). China's investment in AI expected to reach $38.1b in 2027. China's investment in artificial intelligence is forecast to reach $38.1 billion (273.9 billion yuan) in 2027, accounting for 9 percent of the world's total, according to a recent report by market consultancy IDC.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-22). Philadelphia Nonprofit Wants to Give Latino Entrepreneurs the Capital Boost They Need.

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2023-08-22). D.C.'s Street Vendor Regulations Formalize The Informal. Informality often makes something beautiful. A rapper freestyling. A jazz musician improvising. A drag queen lip-syncing. Their organic, in-the-moment, uncodified nature is a huge reason they captivate and excite. | Street vending is supposed to be the informal version of commerce. In this country, lawmakers and law enforcement have made attempts to codify street vending, and usually it gets pretty ugly, pretty quickly. | Maybe this summer in Washington, D.C. will be the start of something different. | After years of street vendor-led organizing, earlier this year D.C. Council Members unanimously passed legislati…

Ruth Conniff (2023-08-22). MIDDLE AMERICA: Holding On to Democracy. Across the country, Republicans are pushing local, state, and national regulations to curtail democracy and lock in minority rule.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-22). Namibia: Canadian Oil Company's Extraction Pump and Dump Scam Highlights Criminal Resource Extraction. Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba Picture of the Recon Africa drilling site at the Mbambi Village in Kavango basin. No liner, in violation of safety regulations concerning the environment. Courtesy of Rob Parker. Through interviews with key witnesses, along with documents and cables from key ministries in Canada and Namibia, The Canada Files has discovered the unlawful…

jamanetwork (2023-08-22). Regulating Direct-to-Consumer Polygenic Risk Scores. This Viewpoint discusses the possible harms associated with direct-to-consumer polygenic risk scores and advocates for federal regulation.

cameron orr (2023-08-22). Freeing our organizations from the culture of oppression requires vigilance. I was recently asked how I became a Marxist-Leninist and I feel like the simplest answer I can provide is my experience as a Black person, who is often perceived as a woman. Throughout my life, I have struggled tremendously with not feeling good enough, while simultaneously feeling like I'm too much. A lot of this comes down to the unfair expectations and standards people hold me to, as a Black femme, while also making me feel invisible for my achievements and accomplishments. I've noticed in school and work, I would always be doing more than my white peers, only to be less respected, acknowledged, and support… (2023-08-22). NSW Teachers challenger calls for action on wages, conditions.

Frank Cappello (2023-08-22). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Titanic (w/ Dr. Erika Okamoto).

Tom Conway, Nation Of Change. (2023-08-22). How Washington State Can Protect Workers At Oil Refineries. The grief hits Scott Campbell like a ton of bricks every time he walks into the union hall and sees the memorial to the fallen workers. | Seven members of the United Steelworkers (USW) union reported for their shifts at the former Tesoro refinery in Anacortes, Washington, on April 2, 2010, and never drove back out. They perished when a decades-old, structurally deficient piece of equipment called a heat exchanger exploded and caught fire in one of the worst industrial incidents in state history. | Campbell and other members of USW Local 12-591 pay tribute to the seven with a laser focus on safety at the refinery,…

Rodney Atkinson (2023-08-23). NATO/EU Aggression Plunges Germany Into Crisis. "Deindustrialization"

Reynard Loki (2023-08-22). The Food System and the Challenge of Climate Change.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-08-22). Socialist Party of Zambia leader Fred M'membe arrested again in rising campaign of repression. SP President Fred M'membe was arrested on August 22 on an additional charge in a case of political violence in the Serenje district in April. Despite having been attacked by members of the ruling UPND, M'membe and other SP leaders were arrested by the police…

Socialist Alliance (2023-08-23). Solidarity with Indian students resisting hate mobs, fighting for a democratic campus. Socialist Alliance condemns the recent brutal attack on students by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad hate mobs — the youth wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the West Bengal police.

thecommunists (2023-08-22). Book review: War made Invisible by Norman Solomon. This article is reproduced from Savage Minds, with thanks. ***** Usually when I read a interesting book I'm reviewing and being a journalist, I often find myself inspired to write an article that delves further into some aspect that the book brushed over. But in the case of Norman Solomon's infuriating, well-documented and much needed …

2023-08-23 11:17:37 | 11:17 EST | tr | 69 | 3 | 53 | 21 | 0 

2023-08-18: News Headlines (2023-08-18). China resumes some beef imports from South Africa. Chinese customs and agricultural authorities on Thursday resumed imports of beef from some areas in South Africa that are free of foot-and-mouth disease, following close cooperation between authorities of the two countries to address relevant issues.

teleSUR (2023-08-18). How the US Economy Has Catalyzed Global Economic Turmoil. Just a week after Moody's slashed the credit ratings of 10 small and medium-sized American banks and indicated the possibility of downgrading the credit ratings of some large U.S. banks, the U.S. banking sector faced another challenge. | RELATED: | On Tuesday following Moody's, another international rating agency, Fitch Ratings, warned that it might downgrade the ratings of dozens of U.S. banks, including JPMorgan Chase. | While concerns a…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-17). Net Zero Zealots are a threat to South Korea's industrial sector and economy. South Korea is Asia's fourth-largest economy. The country relies on coal and nuclear power to produce around 70% of its electricity, with "renewable energy" accounting for around 15%. South Korea's industrial sector …

Anonymous103 (2023-08-17). Oil Trading Showdown: Developed vs Developing Economies. SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | Oil trading is a crucial aspect of the global economy, and understanding its dynamics in developed and developing economies is vital. This comparative study explores the implications and future trends, considering factors such as economic growth, sustainability, and collaboration. This Comparative Analysis: Develop…

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-08-18). CIA Fingerprints Are All Over Brazil's Indigenous Genocide. From April 1964 to March 1985, a military junta ruled Brazil with an iron fist. Its crimes against humanity throughout this period were extensive, including institutionalized torture, imprisonment, forced disappearances and mass murder. Typically, the victims were political opponents of the regime, although the country's indigenous population was a specific, dedicated target. | In most cases, their crime was objecting to economic "reform" projects that destroyed their homes or simply living in the wrong place at the wrong time. With the backing and direction of the World Bank, the junta forcibly displaced indigen… (2023-08-18). MOC's Taiwan tariff plan welcomed. A Chinese mainland spokeswoman on Friday expressed support after the Ministry of Commerce announced recently that they will study the suspension or partial suspension of tariff preferences for Taiwan products under the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

John Bachtell (2023-08-18). 'Bidenomics' aims for global green transition, but it's hampered by anti-China strategy. This is the third installment in a three-part series analyzing the set of policies dubbed "Bidenomics" by the Biden administration and the Democratic Party. In the series, author John Bachtell argues the economic initiatives of the Biden presidency are a break from the neoliberal orthodoxy that's dominated policymaking in Washington for decades. Part one and …

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-17). ECOWAS Says Most West African States Ready to Join Niger Intervention Force. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) said Thursday that most West African nations are prepared to join a standby force that might intervene in Niger to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum, who was deposed in a July 26 coup. According to Al Jazeera, ECOWAS commissioner Abdel-Fatau Musah said all ECOWAS members except Cape Verde …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-17). Santiago Peña sworn in as president of Paraguay amid protests. As the conservative economist Peña took office, hundreds of citizens took to the streets to reject the neoliberal economic policies promoted and implemented by the Colorado Party during the past eight decades of its government…

teleSUR (2023-08-17). Ambush Leaves 17 Soldiers Killed in Niger. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), will hold a meeting of its Chiefs of Staff in Accra, Ghana, to address the details of a possible multinational military deployment in Niger, in order to depose the coup junta. | This terrorist attack occurred on the eve of a meeting between military leaders of countries in Niger's geographical vicinity. Aug. 17, 2023.

teleSUR (2023-08-17). Angola Hosts Summit of Southern African Development Community. Its mission has been to promote sustainable and fair growth, focusing on socioeconomic development through effective productive systems, greater cooperation and integration, good governance, and lasting peace and security, so that the region emerges as a competitive and effective actor in relations. | The 43rd Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of SADC is being held under the theme: "Human and Financial Capital: The Key Drivers of Sustainable Industrialization in the SADC Region." Aug. 17, 2023. (2023-08-17). China remains important engine for world economic growth: FM spokesperson. China remains an important engine for world economic growth, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Wednesday.

Tony Kirby (2023-08-19). Perspectives] Kelley Lee: putting the governance of global health under scrutiny. Kelley Lee, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Global Health Governance at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, spent her early childhood in Vancouver's Chinatown area, where she learned how social disadvantage can profoundly shape life chances. The area, now known as the Downtown Eastside, was already a place of struggle against addiction and poverty in the 1960s. For the Asian community, it was also a place born from institutionalised anti-Chinese policies and racial segregation. Lee's grandfather paid the notorious head tax in 1911 to enter Canada, while her Canadian-born parents were denied citiz…

Fight Back (2023-08-18). "They Cloned Tyrone": On national oppression. Warning: Major spoilers for They Cloned Tyrone | They Cloned Tyrone is a peculiar little science fiction movie set in the Glen, a fictional poor Black community existing in the South. It follows the life of the protagonist Fontaine, a drug dealer without any particular flair or personality. | The Glen is rife with poverty, inequality and unfairness. For an individual not well versed in political theory, these problems might seem interpersonal or individualistic. For a Marxist-Leninist, this could only be described as one thing: national oppression. | Now you may ask: is the movie operating from a Marxist-Leninist…

WSWS (2023-08-18). Drought-affected small farmers in Sri Lanka denounce government indifference. While drought is a natural phenomenon, the decades of poverty afflicting Sri Lankan rural toilers and the now-worsening food shortages across the island are the result of capitalism and big-business government policies.

WSWS (2023-08-18). Drought affected small farmers in Sri Lanka denounce government indifference. While drought is a natural phenomenon, the decades of poverty afflicting Sri Lankan rural toilers and the now-worsening food shortages across the island are the result of capitalism and big-business government policies.

Megan Squire, Hannah Gais (2023-08-17). Hosting Company Used by Extremists Received $3 Million in Bitcoin After 2021 Hack. An unidentified source sent Epik, a web services company that caters to a far-right customer base, nearly $3 million worth of bitcoin one day after hackers announced that they had broken into the company's servers, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Data Lab found.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-08-18). Incendio de Tenerife sin control: ya quemó 3.800 hectáreas. Bomberos de Islas Canarias explicaron que las labores de extinción del incendio de Tenerife, considerado el peor de los últimos 40 años, experimentarán dificultades por las condiciones meteorológicas.

United Front Committee For Labor Partty (2023-08-18). Wednesday 8/23: Shut Robotaxis Down NOW! Health and Safety Emergency In SF. 530 10th St/Bryant St Next To Costco | San Francisco, CA…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-18). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

Vijay Prashad (2023-08-17). Lo que está ocurriendo en Níger no es un típico Golpe. La reciente oleada de golpes de Estado en àÅfrica Occidental debe entenderse en el contexto del descontento generalizado con las élites gobernantes y su colaboración con el imperialismo.

Dan Cohen, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-08-17). US Apparel Industry Endorses Looming Haiti Invasion. As the Biden administration works diligently to organize an invasion of Haiti — most recently with Kenya's pledge to send 1,000 police officers — the sweatshop labor industry is celebrating. | American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA) president and CEO Steve Lamar applauded Kenya's recent announcement that it would send 1,000 police officers in support of an "anti-gang" mission, telling the trade publication Sourcing Journal that it "reinforces that a country like Kenya has shared values, and shared prosperity, with the United States and with Haiti, and is trying to be a long-term partner. He a… (2023-08-18). Over 3.5 million lose 'dollar millionaire' status in 2022. More than 3.5 million people lost their "dollar millionaire" status last year during the first fall in global wealth since the 2008 financial crisis.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-18). We are moving toward a Global Empire and enslavement of humanity in a Digital Gulag. Using the fake covid pandemic narrative as cover, the privileged, power-mad parasites who pilfer the world's wealth have sharply accelerated their longstanding plan to create a single global empire that is completely …

WSWS (2023-08-18). Australian rental crisis hitting workers. The Anglicare report showed that essential workers are being driven into housing insecurity due to skyrocketing rental prices.

Anonymous103 (2023-08-17). Military Situation In Syria On August 17, 2023 (Maap Update). On August 17, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On August 17, protesters blocked the Damascus-Suwayda road in protest against the high fuel prices and the deteriorating living conditions; | On August 16, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Fatterah; | On August 16, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Sfuhen; | On August 16, SAA… (2023-08-17). UK recession concerns persist despite July inflation rate improving to 6.8%. The United Kingdom's consumer price index, or CPI, measure of inflation fell to 6.8 percent in July from 7.9 percent in June, sparked by a record 25.2 percent monthly drop in gas prices and despite service costs hitting a 30-year high. (2023-08-17). Fewer cities see home prices rise in July. Fewer Chinese cities reported home price increases both in month-on-month and year-on-year terms in July, and residential property prices in major Chinese cities were either flat or down slightly from a month ago. (2023-08-18). CIFTIS to spotlight financial services. The China International Fair for Trade in Services is set to host a special section dedicated to financial services from Sep 2-6 at the Shougang Park in Beijing, said its major organizer on Thursday.

splcenter (2023-08-18). Libertarian Party's Far-Right Leadership Worries Takeover Turning Into 'Disaster'. A year after the far-right Mises Caucus took over the Libertarian Party, its membership and financial numbers are down. Some state parties, including New Mexico, Virginia and Massachusetts, have splintered or disaffiliated from the national party. Leaked documents Hatewatch obtained show the Libertarian National Committee is squabbling and worried that their takeover is "turning into a disaster."

Sharon Zhang (2023-08-17). Supreme Court Rebuffed Democrats' Call for Thomas Probe With Just One Sentence. Earlier this year, a group of Democrats urged Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to open a probe into Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito after journalists uncovered egregious corruption in the form of alleged violations of the court's ethics code and financial disclosure requirements. Chief Justice Roberts rebuffed their call, as new reporting reveals, with just one sentence… |

WSWS (2023-08-17). Deepening problems for the Chinese financial system. The pickup in the Chinese property market at the start of the year, following the lifting of COVID public health measures, has been short-lived with a major property developer missing an interest payment on a debt.

Anonymous765 (2023-08-17). Join Resistance. Support Independent Voice! Dear Friends, | We are forced to resort to this appeal due to the unprecedented pressure on SouthFront. | As you may know SouthFront was blocked by all financial platforms/systems that are under the U.S. control. That's why we are forced to use crypto wallets to receive your donations. | The escalation of new military conflicts and unrest in different world regions threaten our common security. Today, objective information is a valuable resource. We believe that together we are able to overcome any challenges. | The SouthFront Team is grateful for your strategic support!We appeal to all our dear readers and viewe…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-18). Consumer Health: What is swimmer's itch? It's summertime, and for many people that means spending time with family and friends at the lake or river. For some, it also means an unpleasant skin irritation: swimmer's itch. Swimmer's itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is a rash that can occur after you go swimming or wading outdoors. It's most common after being in freshwater lakes and ponds, but you can get it in saltwater too. There is no risk of contracting swimmer's itch…

Connor Walcott (2023-08-17). The Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Strategy: ESG Goes Undercover as Companies Drop the Acronym but Keep the Same Agenda.

WSWS (2023-08-18). UAW president grovels before Biden, as opposition builds among autoworkers. Fain's reply deliberately covered up the purpose of Biden's intervention in the auto contracts, which is to ensure that the profit interests of the corporations are protected and that the class struggle is contained.

Tatyana Novikova (2023-08-17). Rare Earth Mining: Sacrificing the Environment to Save the Planet? A rare earth elements project in Sweden is frozen because of non-compliance with environmental standards. But new European regulations on critical minerals could change that.

teleSUR (2023-08-17). Sudan: Re-Arrest of Young Revolutionary. The Permanent Commission for the Defense of Detainees and Public Freedoms: "the lack of respect for laws and regulations is what led to war, chaos, and the constitutional vacuum in the country." | Mohammed Adam Tupac was arrested following national protests in Sudan on 1/13/22. He was hit by two gunshots and tortured after arrest and is held responsible for the murder of a police officer against all evidence. Aug. 17, 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-18). Joao Pedro Stédile: Latinoamérica atraviesa una crisis del capitalismo. El líder del Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra de Brasil, Joao Pedro Stédile, fue entrevistado en el podcast "Los Nadies", conducido por la presidenta de teleSUR, Patricia Villegas. (2023-08-18). China plans recycling system for wind turbines, solar panels. China will set up a recycling system for ageing wind turbines and solar panels, drawing up new industrial standards and rules to decommission, dismantle and recycle wind and solar facilities.

Reynard Loki (2023-08-17). Our food system is the bullseye for solving the world's climate challenges. The industrialized food system is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Rodney Atkinson (2023-08-17). NATO/EU Aggression Plunges Germany Into Crisis. "Deindustrialization"

Staff (2023-08-17). Headlines for August 17, 2023. Hawaii Officials Defend Response to Wildfires; Gov. Calls for Moratorium on Lahaina Land Purchases, Yellowknife Orders Evacuation of 20,000 Residents as Record Wildfires Continue to Devastate Canada, Appeals Court Backs Restrictions on Abortion Pill, Sending Case to Supreme Court, 60 Asylum Seekers Feared Dead Near Cape Verde, ECOWAS Military Chiefs Meet over Niger Coup Amid Mounting Humanitarian Concerns, Libya Fighting Kills 55 People, U.N. Warns of "Spiralling" Humanitarian Situation in Sudan as Army Leader Says Talks Needed, NATO Official Apologizes for Saying Ukraine Could Give Up Territory in Ex…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-08-18). Sunday 8/27: A Socialist Understanding of Antisemitism. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), | San Francisco | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 ∑ wheelchair accessible | Also available via Zoom – to register:

WSWS (2023-08-18). Meeting: End political censorship at Sydney's Macquarie University! Affiliate the IYSSE! The IYSSE urges students and staff to take a stand against management's censorship of the only socialist and anti-war club on campus. Attend our meeting on campus on Thursday September 7.

Fight Back (2023-08-17). Commentary: It's dangerous for Black moms to give birth. African American women across the county are in shock about the recent case of Jessica Ross and the decapitation of her baby, Treveon Isaiah Taylor Jr., during childbirth. This case illustrates the deeply troubling maternal and infant mortality crisis affecting African American communities. The heart-wrenching incident is a painful reminder of the urgent inequalities within the United States healthcare system that unevenly impact Black women and their infants. It is an unfortunate representation of a broader crisis that can only be addressed through the struggle for Black liberation and socialism. | Jessica Ross,…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-18). NYTimes' McCarthyite 'Exposé' Carries Water for the MAGA Right. By Communist Party USA — Aug 11, 2023 | It's official: The new Cold War is on—and the New York Times "proves" it by warning of a nefarious Chinese plot to influence U.S. public opinion. | In

2023-08-18 18:16:34 | 18:16 EST | Sw | 49 | 0 | 26 | 28 | 1 

2023-08-15: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-15). Security and economy are the key issues in Ecuador's early general elections. All seven presidential candidates advocated strengthening of the security in the country and promised improvements as they stood next to fellow hopeful Fernando Villavicencio's empty podium, who was assassinated last week… (2023-08-15). China to suspend releasing youth jobless data as labor market statistics work needs improvement: NBS. China will suspend releasing jobless data for the youth starting from August, as labor market statistics work needs improvement amid economic and social development. (2023-08-15). China announces further steps to unleash rural consumption. Chinese authorities on Monday released a guideline on promoting the high-quality development of rural circulation, as part of a national campaign to build a nationwide unified market and unleash the consumption potential of rural areas.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-15). East Cleveland Residents Are Building A Closed Loop Economy.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Geothermal energy source leads power generation in El Salvador. Reports from the Directorate General of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mines (DGEHM) unfolded to be the main source, followed by hydropower, noting that just in July the geothermal power plants of Lageo produced 129.34 GWh. | Those electricity advances in using renewable sources provide a significant benefit for the Salvadoran economy, since it allows to stabilize energy tariff. | The plants of the Executive Commission Hydropower in Lempa River (CEL), generated 79.94 GWh, to which was added the production of the small plants of Cucumacayan Electrical Company, which reached 3.77 GWh and Energetic Investments (INE) with…

Jake Johnson (2023-08-14). Argentina's Presidential Primary Winner Has Vowed to "Chainsaw" Public Spending. Javier Milei, an admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump who believes climate change is a "socialist lie" and wants to impose extreme austerity on Argentina's economy, won the Latin American nation's presidential primary on Sunday with just over 30% of the vote. The surprise result makes Milei — a self-described "anarcho-capitalist" — the slight frontrunner for the October general election… |

teleSUR (2023-08-14). Effect of War on Sudanese Economy. The repercussions of the conflict are added to the deterioration of economic conditions with the depreciation of the Sudanese pound and the exacerbation of the electricity crisis, as well as the "almost non-existent" water in some areas. All these factors led to a "total paralysis" of state institutions and public life in the capital, Khartoum, resulting in the closure of schools and universities. | According to the United Nations report, the conflict has left 24 million people, about half of the country's population, in need of food and other aid. Aug. 14, 2023.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Is Imperialism Losing in Africa and Syria? Interview with Harpal Brar. The coup leaders in Niger and Burkina Faso say they want Africa to be relevant on the gran geopolitical chessboard. Is the political and economic independence of Africa and Syria possible? Harpal Brar, the founder and former chairman of the communist party in Great Britain answers. Proletarian TV: / proletariancpgbml Harpal is the author of many…

infobrics (2023-08-15). BRICS Waiting for the Expansion of Its Ranks — 22 Nations Apply for Membership. Twenty two nations have formally applied to become members of the BRICS economic bloc, a South African diplomat said…

Staff (2023-08-15). Despite Adversities, Majority of Venezuelans Support Chavismo. Caracas ( "Even with the serious economic hardships that affect the quality of life of Venezuelans, today there are more people supporting Chavismo than the opposition. It is not true that Chavismo is defeated or exhausted," said Schémel in a TikTok video posted on Wednesday, August 2. (2023-08-14). Terror attack in Pakistan slammed. China on Monday strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a convoy carrying Chinese engineers to the Gwadar Port in Pakistan, saying that any attempt to undermine the China-Pakistan friendship or the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will never succeed.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Sanders promotes UAW bureaucracy, economic nationalism in online event. Sanders' and Fain's rhetorical appeals to social discontent were combined with a lying narrative which covered up for the Democratic Party and the UAW bureaucracy, which are both centrally responsible for creating the conditions workers now confront.

_____ (2023-08-14). Niger — The Liberation from "Independence" 8 Aug 2023 – Thousands demonstrate in the streets of the capital of Niger. They do not want an ECOWAS-Economic Community of West African States intervention as it stands for western influence. ECOWAS, France, the EU, USA and other western governments may be thinking they are domineering over the sovereignty of other nations.

infobrics (2023-08-14). Russia and Brazil: Developing Culture and Education. Russia and Brazil are two nations whose economic power cannot be underestimated. Brazil is Russia's main trading partner in Latin America and the Caribbean, accounting for a third of trade between Moscow and the region…

Nate Hagens, Resilience. (2023-08-14). Just Stop Oil: The Intersection Of The Four Horsemen And The Web Of Life. In Part 4 of this Frankly mini-series, Nate concludes the deep dive into the nexus between "just stopping oil" and "just pumping oil" with 10 guideposts which might help us to navigate through the intersection of the Four Horsemen of the 2020s and the shrinking Web of Life….together known as The Great Simplification. From decomplexifying at various scales to a change of consciousness arising from more humans focused on "Inner Tech", there are many ways we as individuals and as a part of the greater society can manage the push and pull of both environment and economic issues while remaining grounded in the reali…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-14). AMLO's pro-working class policies are why poverty decreased in Mexico. On August 10, the Mexican National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) released a In these same four years, the "multidimensional poverty" level decreased from 41.9% to 36.3…

Special to People's World (2023-08-14). Social Security turns 88, but how long can it survive Republican attacks? On Aug. 14, 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the first Social Security Act into law. In the aftermath of the Great Depression, during which poverty encompassed some 60% of the senior population in the United States, Social Security was a major plank of Roosevelt's "New Deal." The law was passed after an intense period of …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-15). Activists demand Blackrock cancel Zambia's debt. Activists from organizations such as the People's Forum, Friends of the Congo, ANSWER Coalition, Friends of Swazi Freedom, Black Men Build and many others, protested outside the global headquarters of investment firm BlackRock in New York City to demand it cancel Zambia's debt. 70% of Zambia's debt is held by Western institutions, and 220 million is held by investment giant BlackRock. In 2021, Zambia was diverting half of its entire public income to paying its external debts. Activists argue that BlackRock, which is worth USD 10 trillion, could easily cancel the debt and allow Zambia to develop.

Lynda Carson (2023-08-15). Exposing the affordable housing "lottery" application fee scams. Exposing The Affordable Housing Lottery Scams: | As recent as March 7, 2023, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge sent out a nationwide notice in opposition to excessive rental application fees that may be duplicative, unnecessary, and may be a blatant rip off scam, affecting low-income renters and people of color.

WSWS (2023-08-15). New Zealand Labour government scraps remaining COVID public health measures. The Labour government has ended the requirements for masks to be worn in hospitals and for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, a decision that will fuel the spread of the virus and more deaths and severe illnesses.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-08-15). The Deadly Intersection of Labour Exploitation and Climate Change. As temperatures soar in the United States this summer, some among us are lucky enough to be able to remain in air-conditioned interior spaces, ordering food, groceries, clothing, and other products to be delivered to us. The rest, toiling in the extreme heat to pull products off hot warehouse shelves and drop them off curbside in scorching delivery trucks, are risking health and even life. July 2023 marked the planet's In San Bernardino, California, where retail giant Amazon has a…

Staff (2023-08-15). Britain's workers abused by the Tories and bosses — from racism to zero-hours contracts. The UK's labour market is little more than an insecure, racist aberration — not that that's anything new. However, what is new is that it's actually getting worse, as two analyses from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) found. Structural racism in the UK labour market First up, the TUC has found that the number of …

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Incorrect Nonauthor Collaborator Name. In the Original Investigation titled "Effect of Ivermectin vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial," published in the October 25, 2022, issue of JAMA, a nonauthor collaborator's surname was incorrectly listed. The full name should have been listed as Upinder Singh. This article was corrected online.

WSWS (2023-08-15). US Labor Department uses spurious arguments to reject Will Lehman's election complaint, sanctions disenfranchisement of UAW members. The August 8 letter from the Office of Labor-Management Standards Enforcement ignores the widespread evidence of voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy.

teleSUR, SH (2023-08-15). Organizaciones marcharán durante ascensión presidencial en Paraguay. Los organizadores de "El otro 15 agosto" exigirán al nuevo presidente paraguayo, salarios justos, respeto a los derechos laborales, entre otras demandas.

teleSUR, SH (2023-08-15). Presidente nicaragàºense encabeza aniversario de la Fuerza Naval. El presidente Daniel Ortega, reconoció la labor y esfuerzo de la Fuerza Naval en el resguardo de las costas del país.

Ann Brown (2023-08-15). Timbaland's Artist Magoo Passes Away At Only 50: 3 Things To Know. The world is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip-hop. But the celebration has paused a bit to recognize the death of one of the American music genre's veterans, Magoo. A former collaborator of super producer Timbaland, Magoo reportedly died on Aug. 13 at the age of 50. Here are three things to …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Youth jobless among Panama's challenges. Panama City, Aug 15 (Prensa Latina) Experts in labor market on Tuesday warned of challenges that jobless represents for youngsters in Panama, a social indicator worsened on Tuesday by the Covid-19 impact.

C.J. Hopkins (2023-08-15). The "Free-Speech Twitter" PSYOP. It's never a very enjoyable experience, facing the fact that you've been bamboozled. Realizing that you've fallen prey to an elaborate con, or PYSOP, is painful. It's embarrassing. People feel ashamed. No one likes to see themselves as a sucker. It's humiliating. It makes people angry. It makes them want to lash out at someone. …

John Wojcik (2023-08-15). Communists discuss history of their relationship with U.S. labor movement. CHICAGO—"Everyone agrees that the goal in the labor movement is unity within the working class. The path to that unity is difficult, and what Marxism does is uncover and overcome the obstacles on that path to unity," said Roberta Wood at a national gathering called by the Labor Commission of the Communist Party this week. …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-08-15). CPUSA Labor Commission makes proposals for 2024 election work. CHICAGO—With a warning from a veteran unionist and political activist ringing in their ears, attendees at the CPUSA Labor Commission's special session in Chicago started laying political plans for 2024. The Iowan activist, a veteran of the 15-day Teamsters forced strike against UPS in 1997, warned the packed session that "What you win on the …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-15). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-15). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

Staff (2023-08-15). We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast — Pro-Union, Pro-Worker Podcast on Labor News, History and Theory. All Episodes:

teleSUR, dcdc, MER (2023-08-15). Sube a 96 cifra de muertos por incendios forestales en Hawái. Las autoridades prevén que la cifra aumente a medida que los equipos de búsqueda sigan sus labores en las zonas afectadas.

WSWS (2023-08-15). Biden's Labor Department uses spurious arguments to reject Will Lehman's election complaint, sanctions disenfranchisement of UAW members. The August 8 letter from the Office of Labor-Management Standards Enforcement ignores the widespread evidence of voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Committee For Public Education members advance independent perspective in defence of educators, Julian Assange. "What was absolutely clear is that the union apparatus cannot tolerate one iota of criticism of its role and that of the Labor government," Sue Phillips explained, "This is an expression not of its strength but its weakness."

Eric A. Gordon (2023-08-14). Modern Yiddish publishing: New feminist horror stories by Elizabeth Schwartz. Elizabeth Schwartz is a singer extraordinaire, recording artist, filmmaker—and the subject of a film documentary—podcast writer (of, among other things, the 2021 audio drama, Debs in Canton, about Eugene V. Debs, which won multiple awards for excellence in writing). She is a frequent collaborator with her husband, klezmer musician and also multi-talented creative, Yale Strom. …

Jim McMahan (2023-08-14). Starbucks workers on the move. Seattle The Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) "Union Calling" bus came to Seattle to demonstrate outside Starbucks world headquarters on Aug. 8. Hundreds of baristas and their allies came to protest Starbucks' union-busting campaign against the workers. At the rally and press conference, which was addressed by Washington State Labor Council . . . |

Nathan Halverson (2023-08-14). State Pension Fund Is Invested in Deal to Drain Arizona's Dwindling Groundwater. As rural Arizonans face the prospect of wells running dry, foreign firms are sucking up vast amounts of the state's groundwater to grow hay for Saudi Arabia and other wealthy nations. Now it turns out that a key investor in this water transfer scheme is Arizona's own employee retirement fund. In La Paz County, a rural community about 100 miles west of Phoenix, Al Dahra Farms USA has been running a… |

_____ (2023-08-14). Can We Measure Inequality without Tallying the Wealth of the Wealthiest? 31 Jul 2023 – Hundreds of prestigious economists don't think so. The World Bank, unfortunately, does.

_____ (2023-08-14). Nuclear Now—What Is Nuclear Power (Documentary). June 2023 – Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a curious newcomer, Nuclear Now offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and opportunities presented by nuclear energy. With director Oliver Stone's signature, style, and a wealth of expert insights, this is a must-see for anyone concerned about the future of our planet. And its present.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Committee For Public Education members advance independent perspective in defence of educators, Julian Assange. "What was absolutely clear is that the union apparatus cannot tolerate one iota of criticism of its role and that of the Labor government," Sue Phillips explained, "This is an expression not of its strength but its weakness."

Eric A. Gordon (2023-08-14). Modern Yiddish publishing: New feminist horror stories by Elizabeth Schwartz. Elizabeth Schwartz is a singer extraordinaire, recording artist, filmmaker—and the subject of a film documentary—podcast writer (of, among other things, the 2021 audio drama, Debs in Canton, about Eugene V. Debs, which won multiple awards for excellence in writing). She is a frequent collaborator with her husband, klezmer musician and also multi-talented creative, Yale Strom. …

Jim McMahan (2023-08-14). Starbucks workers on the move. Seattle The Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) "Union Calling" bus came to Seattle to demonstrate outside Starbucks world headquarters on Aug. 8. Hundreds of baristas and their allies came to protest Starbucks' union-busting campaign against the workers. At the rally and press conference, which was addressed by Washington State Labor Council . . . |

Nathan Halverson (2023-08-14). State Pension Fund Is Invested in Deal to Drain Arizona's Dwindling Groundwater. As rural Arizonans face the prospect of wells running dry, foreign firms are sucking up vast amounts of the state's groundwater to grow hay for Saudi Arabia and other wealthy nations. Now it turns out that a key investor in this water transfer scheme is Arizona's own employee retirement fund. In La Paz County, a rural community about 100 miles west of Phoenix, Al Dahra Farms USA has been running a… |

_____ (2023-08-14). Can We Measure Inequality without Tallying the Wealth of the Wealthiest? 31 Jul 2023 – Hundreds of prestigious economists don't think so. The World Bank, unfortunately, does.

_____ (2023-08-14). Nuclear Now—What Is Nuclear Power (Documentary). June 2023 – Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a curious newcomer, Nuclear Now offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and opportunities presented by nuclear energy. With director Oliver Stone's signature, style, and a wealth of expert insights, this is a must-see for anyone concerned about the future of our planet. And its present.

ecsorinoco (2023-08-14). Gustavo Petro Attributes Villavicencio Murder to Fentanyl Boom in US. The Colombian president spoke of the fentanyl consumption boom in the US and linked it to violence in Ecuador and the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio. | Colombian president Gustavo Petro explained this Saturday on his X account that: "The cocaine market collapsed in the US and was replaced by a worse one, that of fentanyl, which already kills 100,000 people a year." | Petro explained the current state of the cocaine market and its structural transformation that has occurred due to the explosion of fentanyl consumption in the United States, which ended up increasing drug trafficking violence in Ecuador. Th…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-15). 2023 California Admission Day – Discover International Underground Railroad Month. California Admission Day was an essential part of the 1850 Compromise, a fiercely debated US Congressional Act signed by President Willard Fillmore that strengthened and extended slavery in Utah and New Mexico regions. The passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, which made the federal government financially responsible for capturing and returning freedom seekers to their enslavers…

Anonymous103 (2023-08-15). Subscription-Based Services and the Dawn of the Digital Yuan Age. SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and finance, subscription-based services are emerging as a dominant force, reshaping the way consumers access products and services. Coupled with the rise of digital currencies, such as the Digital Yuan, the world is witnessing a transformative shift in how transactions are conducted, businesses operate, and financial interactions take place. This article delves into the intersection of subscription-based services and the advent…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-15). Egyptian lawmakers repeat support for Palestinian cause. Mujahid Nassar, a member of the House of Representatives, the told Al-Ahram daily that Cairo will not abandon the Palestinian people neither politically nor financially. | He noted the importance of a tripartite summit held on Monday between Presidents Abdel Fatah El-Sisi (Egypt) and Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine), and King of Jordan Abdullah II. | "The event is very important to revitalize Arab solidarity with the inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip," he stressed. | Nassar's colleague in parliament, Ahmed Bahaa Shalaby, spoke in a similar vein, considering that the meeting confirmed Egypt's support for t…

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-14). 'Earn Your Leisure' Became A Top Podcast In America: 5 Things To Know. Childhood friends Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings saw a void in financial literacy education in Black and brown communities and they're working to change that with their "Earn Your Leisure" podcast and a growing media platform where they sell merchandise, tickets to conferences and online courses. It's working. The "Earn Your Leisure" educational platform provides …

Ann Brown (2023-08-14). Is America Financially Sick? Credit Card Balances Hit $1 Trillion For First Time Ever. The financial health of the U.S. isn't looking too good, judging from Americans' growing dependency on credit cards. Americans have been increasingly turning to their credit cards to make ends meet. The result s that credit card debt has soared. Credit card balances have soared to unprecedented levels, surpassing the $1 trillion threshold for the …

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Gauging the Value of Top-Selling Drugs in Medicare. To the Editor A recent article entitled "Added Therapeutic Benefit of Top-Selling Brand-name Drugs in Medicare" relied on a flawed analysis that imported categorical value judgments from other countries to bolster government price-setting policies included in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Argentina ¥s inflation ramped up 6.3 percent in July. Buenos Aires, Aug 15 (Prensa Latina) Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) issued on Tuesday that the general level of the Consumer Price Index reported a 6.3% inflation in July.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-08-15). Podcast Ep 82: Will Visa Waiver Program allow Israel to keep racist entry policies? US would ignore Israel's ongoing apartheid practices for Palestinian Americans with Gaza or West Bank identification.

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Intrapartum Magnesium for Neuroprotection. Prematurity remains a proximate cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Despite extensive years of research and investment, limited gains have been made in preventing preterm birth. There has been substantial focus on obstetric interventions to mitigate the effects of prematurity with short-term and long-term reductions in infant mortality and morbidity. The administration of prenatal corticosteroids is an intervention that has substantially reduced moderate to severe respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, perinatal death, and neonatal death, which are the most severe complications of premat…

Anand Naidoo (2023-08-15). The Heat: China-U.S. Ties. A flurry of diplomatic meetings and sanctions on investments in China. We will take a look at the developments and challenges in the China-U.S. relationship. In their meeting last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden agreed to improve relations between Beijing …

Kwolanne Felix (2023-08-15). Despite Reversing AP Psychology Ban, Some Florida Schools Still Won't Teach It. The College Board, the nonprofit that devises Advanced Placement (AP) courses, recently announced its AP psychology course was effectively banned by the Florida Board of Education. The course discusses psychological concepts aligned with current research about gender and sexuality that violate Florida's abhorrent "Don't Say Gay" bill. The College Board has rightly refused to censor science for… |

Carl Gibson (2023-08-15). Alabama ignoring SCOTUS show true danger of partisan court. The most effective solution may be not just ethical regulations and term limits, but reforming the way we conduct presidential elections entirely.

teleSUR (2023-08-15). Spain Beat Sweden 2-1 in Women's World Cup. On Tuesday, the Spanish soccer team defeated Sweden 2-1 and advanced to the final of the FIFA Women's World Cup that takes place in Australia and New Zealand. | RELATED: | Nine minutes before the end of regulation time, the Spanish Salma Paralluelo opened the scoring. The lead, however, was short-lived as Rebecka Blomqvist scored an 88th-minute goal to equalize for the Swedes. | This result did not last long either. In the 89t…

Andy Merrifield (2023-08-14). John Berger and Gramsci in Rome: Personal Reflections. "A week or so on, John Berger was still with me, there in spirit. Or, better, I was still with him. When in Rome, I told myself…well, what better thing to do than to visit Gramsci, the great Marxist, whose grave lies in the city's 'Non-Catholic Cemetery' in Testaccio."

WSWS (2023-08-15). Unifor targeting Ford in Detroit Three auto talks, seeks to divide Canadian and US workers. Unifor President Lana Payne reiterated at a press conference Thursday that the union bureaucracy will work to keep Canadian autoworkers separated from their co-workers in the US, despite the near simultaneous expiration of their contracts in September and the common corporate assault on their jobs and wages.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-15). Drug Patents Are Stifling Progress and Making us Sicker.

Frank Cappello (2023-08-15). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Trading Places (w/ Jamel Johnson).

_____ (2023-08-15). U.S. Capitalism and Why the Glut of 'Wonder Weapons' to Ukraine Won't Make a Difference. This war in Ukraine is the ghoulish epitome of Western capitalism, writes Finian Cunningham. | Join us on , , and . | It is slowly and reluctantly dawning on Western officials and their servile media that the Ukraine counter…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-08-15). The rise of private cops: How not to tackle homelessness. Like many cities with a serious housing problem, Portland is increasingly relying on private security to "clean up" the human debris of capitalism.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Gustavo Petro: The New Zone for the World's Largest Cocaine Production is the Colombian-Ecuadorian Border. Gustavo Petro From the marijuana of welfare capitalism and its rebellious youth, we have moved on to cocaine, the drug of competitiveness and neoliberalism; and now we are entering the drug of death, fentanyl: the drug of the capitalism of the climate crisis and war. The structure of the cocaine market has changed. The areas…

Staff (2023-08-15). Moms For Liberty (Moms For Bigotry): Foot Soldiers for Capitalism. Adolf Hitler Quoted in Newsletter: | In a recent newsletter from the Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, it was discovered that the group had quoted Adolf Hitler in its inaugural newsletter. In the first version of the letter, it included the quote, "'He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,' and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely clear, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi lead…

Cecilia Paz (2023-08-14). Four sneaky ways capitalist health care kills poor people. It is common knowledge that healthcare under capitalism is only guaranteed to those who can afford it.

F. William Engdahl (2023-08-15). Why China Can't Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression.

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-08-15). Is the U.S. a Failed State? "Why Did the U.S. Decide to Deindustrialize?" Michael Hudson.

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-08-15). Is the US a Failed State? "Why Did the U.S. Decide to Deindustrialize". Michael Hudson.

Anonymous103 (2023-08-15). Smoke Rises Over Ukraine After Another Wave Of Russian Strikes. Industrial and military facilities are on fire throughout Ukraine as a result of another wave of Russian precision missile strikes. At night, air alert sounded in all regions of the country. Local sources reported Russian strikes in Dnipro, Zaporizhia, as well as Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr regions. Local residents are publishing photos of fires across the country. | Russian missiles flew to Western Ukraine. Local authorities repor…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-08-15). Oppenheimer Paradox: Power of science, weakness of scientists. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 heralded the atomic age and ushered in the military-industrial complex that took over the United States.

Ki-Jana Carter (2023-08-14). Teamsters blast Yellow leadership as company declares bankruptcy. On August 7, the freight trucking company Yellow announced it is filing for bankruptcy, putting 30,000 people out of work. Yellow is a major player in the small-freight logistics industry. Before ceasing operations on July 30, Yellow was the third-largest carrier of "less-than-truckload" freight. Yellow truck drivers carried goods from factories to distribution centers to stores all across the country, producing $5.2 billion in revenue last year.

Greg Kearney (2023-08-14). DeSantis to government workers: "We are slitting throats on Day One" If he wins the White house, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis promised mass murder of "bureaucrats," a favorite Republican denigration of government workers—local, state, and federal. "We are going to start slitting throats on Day One" of the federal employees, he stated. Read the full story: DeSantis in N.H. calls for slitting the throats of federal workers…

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-08-15). Tuesday 8/29: Chicano Moratorium. 48 S 7th Street #101 | San Jose, CA 95112…

WSWS (2023-08-15). University and College Union sanctions further UK strikes only to maintain control of its members. The only Higher Education Committee faction to explicitly support an early strike ballot was the UCU Left, led by the Socialist Workers Party. But anyone looking to them for leadership will be cruelly disappointed.

WSWS (2023-08-14). UK junior doctors speak on National Health Service strike. World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke with doctors on the picket lines in London and Leeds.

WSWS (2023-08-14). UPS workers in Chicago and New York speak out: "Sean O'Brien talks out of both sides of his mouth and insults us with this garbage contract" UPS workers in Chicago and New York spoke to the World Socialist Web Site over the weekend about the national tentative agreement, as well as the low pay and poor working conditions they face daily.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-08-15). Communist Party of Venezuela Decries 'Usurpation' by Supreme Court. The PCV has claimed that the judicial ruling is part of a scheme orchestrated by the leadership of the PSUV to take over the party's credentials.

thecommunists (2023-08-15). It is not north Korean but US nuclear weapons which threaten the world. This article is reproduced from the Korean Central News Agency with thanks. ***** At the first session of the preparatory committee for the 11th Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, the USA and its vassal forces unreasonably criticised the DPRK's nuclear deterrent for self-defence as a "threat" to international peace and security and to the …

teleSUR (2023-08-15). Paraguay: Santiago Peña Assumes the Presidency Amid Marches. On Tuesday, the Clasista Trade Union Action (ASC), the Citizen Participation Party (PPC), the Social Platform for Human Rights, Memory and Democracy, the Paraguayan Communist Party (PCP) and other progressive organizations called for marches in Asuncion amid the Santiago Peña presidential inauguration ceremony. | RELATED: | The marches will begin at 10: 00 a.m. from Italia Square and aim to ask the new Paraguayan president…

thecommunists (2023-08-14). Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail? This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The National Education Union (NEU), Britain's biggest teaching union, announced on 31 July that, following a consultation with its members, it would be accepting the 6.5 percent pay offer made by the government through its proxy, the Schools Teachers' Review Body. Thus the …

A Guest Author (2023-08-14). Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition For the people of Niger and their new leadership. The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition issued the following statement Aug. 10. Signers include Mobilization4Mumia, Mumia United Nations Liaison Group, International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Friends of Mumia Mexico, Workers World Party, Communist Workers League and Malcolm X Commemoration Committee. Graphic: Anastasya Eliseeva The new government of Niger . . . |

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2023-08-14: News Headlines (2023-08-14). Ministry of Commerce places tariff on polycarbonate from Taiwan. The Ministry of Commerce said on Monday that it will levy anti-dumping tariff on imports of polycarbonate originating in Taiwan from Tuesday. (2023-08-13). Guidelines unveiled to draw more foreign investment. China has issued 24 new guidelines to attract more global capital and further optimize the country's business environment for multinational corporations.

teleSUR (2023-08-13). Presidential Candidate Massa Votes in the Argentine Primaries. Sergio Massa, the Economy Minister and presidential candidate for the ruling coalition "Union for the Homeland," stated that he has "positive expectations" regarding the outcome of the primary elections taking place in Argentina on Sunday. | RELATED: | "Today marks a first step. Every political force will determine their candidates. We hold optimistic expectations for today," Massa affirmed after casting his vote at a school in…

WSWS (2023-08-14). Sanders promotes UAW bureaucracy, economic nationalism in online event. Sanders' and Fain's rhetorical appeals to social discontent were combined with a lying narrative which covered up for the Democratic Party and the UAW bureaucracy, which are both centrally responsible for creating the conditions workers now confront.

infobrics (2023-08-14). Russia and Brazil: Developing Culture and Education. Russia and Brazil are two nations whose economic power cannot be underestimated. Brazil is Russia's main trading partner in Latin America and the Caribbean, accounting for a third of trade between Moscow and the region…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-14). Israeli army enters Gaza Strip. At least a dozen vehicles entered agricultural land near the security fence, in the vicinity of the city of Beit Lahiya, the Safa news agency reported on Monday. | According to the source, the convoy consisted of five bulldozers, a Namer armored personnel carrier, two Merkava tanks and several jeeps. | Israel has kept Gaza locked down since 2007, when the Islamic Resistance Movement came to power there. | According to data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the cumulative cost of the Israeli siege of Gaza and economic restrictions totaled 16.7 billion dollars in 2007 and 2018, accountin…

_____ (2023-08-14). Niger — The Liberation from "Independence" 8 Aug 2023 – Thousands demonstrate in the streets of the capital of Niger. They do not want an ECOWAS-Economic Community of West African States intervention as it stands for western influence. ECOWAS, France, the EU, USA and other western governments may be thinking they are domineering over the sovereignty of other nations. (2023-08-13). Envoys hail Xinjiang role in reviving Silk Road. Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region is witnessing increasing economic and cultural exchanges with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, and they expect more BRI cooperation, particularly with Xinjiang, to revive the centuries-old Silk Road.

JANET (2023-08-13). A declaration from West Africa Peoples Organization on Niger. August 7, 2023 The slightly edited statement was released on Aug. 2, 2023. The West Africa Peoples Organisation (WAPO) released a declaration condemning the ultimatums announced by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine, UEMOA) on the situation in Niger. WAPO is an anti-imperialist platform of progressive people's organizations from across West Africa, including members of the International Peoples' Assembly. The ECOWAS Heads of State meeting in Abuja on July 31, 2023 have taken serious decisions against th…

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). From the American System to the Chinese Dream: A materialist Understanding of the American Revolution's Place in Global History. By: Marius Trotter. This is part 2 in a series of articles on the American Revolution. Here is Part 1. Before we go into the reasons the liberal/left intelligentsia has decided to disown the American Revolution (the subject of part 3), it is important to take a step back and re-examine the event with new eyes.The American Revolution as a Developmental ProjectThe American Revolution was not merely a war of independence. It was also an economic revolution- the creation of the first major power that …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-13). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Andrew Korybko (2023-08-13). Kyrgyzstan Is The US' Next Regime Change Target. What Senator Menendez demands is nothing short of a soft coup brought about by voluntarily reversing Kyrgyzstan's recent "Democratic Security" successes under the Damocles' sword of "security and economic" consequences if it dares to refuse. If he has his way, then suspected Color Revolutionaries will be released from prison, Western "NGO" intel fronts will be allowed to meddle with impunity, and their allied propaganda outlets will once again incessantly spew anti-state disinformation for provoking riots. | Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Menendez conveyed his country's intentions to overt…

Brian Berletic (2023-08-13). NEOCONS ADMIT DEFEAT | BRIAN BERLETIC ON UKRAINE'S STALLED OFFENSIVE | BIDEN BLASTS CHINA. VIDEO BEGINS AT FIRST STORY ON UKRAINE'S COUNTEROFFENSIVE BEGINS Ukraine's offensive has been quiet, too quiet, and the neocons are now admitting that they are losing the proxy war on Russia. | The economic war on China is heating up and Biden's recent remarks are likely to spark major controversy.

teleSUR (2023-08-13). Argentina Holds Key Primaries for the Presidential Race. Approximately 35.4 million Argentinians are called to vote on Sunday in crucial primaries that will determine the direction of the race towards the October presidential elections. The electorate will head to the polls amid a complex economic scenario. | RELATED: | These elections will decide the presidential pairings and the lists of candidates for national legislators who can compete in the October election. To qu…

unitedEditor (2023-08-13). Capitalist mode of production undermines Türkiye's security and independence. The NATO summit in Vilnius concluded, doors have been opened to Sweden's membership. Meanwhile, tensions are increasing in the Black Sea. The Turkish government has meanwhile announced new measures in the economicy policy that mount up to a fundamental turn. Retired Lieutenant General Ismail Hakkƒ± Pekin brings all these factors together in his interview. Now, …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-13). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Andrew Korybko (2023-08-13). Kyrgyzstan Is The US' Next Regime Change Target. What Senator Menendez demands is nothing short of a soft coup brought about by voluntarily reversing Kyrgyzstan's recent "Democratic Security" successes under the Damocles' sword of "security and economic" consequences if it dares to refuse. If he has his way, then suspected Color Revolutionaries will be released from prison, Western "NGO" intel fronts will be allowed to meddle with impunity, and their allied propaganda outlets will once again incessantly spew anti-state disinformation for provoking riots. | Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Menendez conveyed his country's intentions to overt…

Brian Berletic (2023-08-13). NEOCONS ADMIT DEFEAT | BRIAN BERLETIC ON UKRAINE'S STALLED OFFENSIVE | BIDEN BLASTS CHINA. VIDEO BEGINS AT FIRST STORY ON UKRAINE'S COUNTEROFFENSIVE BEGINS Ukraine's offensive has been quiet, too quiet, and the neocons are now admitting that they are losing the proxy war on Russia. | The economic war on China is heating up and Biden's recent remarks are likely to spark major controversy.

teleSUR (2023-08-13). Argentina Holds Key Primaries for the Presidential Race. Approximately 35.4 million Argentinians are called to vote on Sunday in crucial primaries that will determine the direction of the race towards the October presidential elections. The electorate will head to the polls amid a complex economic scenario. | RELATED: | These elections will decide the presidential pairings and the lists of candidates for national legislators who can compete in the October election. To qu…

unitedEditor (2023-08-13). Capitalist mode of production undermines Türkiye's security and independence. The NATO summit in Vilnius concluded, doors have been opened to Sweden's membership. Meanwhile, tensions are increasing in the Black Sea. The Turkish government has meanwhile announced new measures in the economicy policy that mount up to a fundamental turn. Retired Lieutenant General Ismail Hakkƒ± Pekin brings all these factors together in his interview. Now, … (2023-08-13). Hebei authorities deliver flood loss data. As of Thursday, the recent heavy rainstorms have affected 3.88 million people in 110 counties and districts in Hebei province and resulted in 95.81 billion yuan ($13.25 billion) in direct economic losses. (2023-08-13). Biden asks for $20 bln more in Ukraine aid. The United States' flow of military and economic aid to Ukraine will rise by more than $20 billion if Congress approves a request that the White House made on Thursday.

Lynda Carson (2023-08-14). Exposing the affordable housing "lottery" application fee scams. Exposing The Affordable Housing Lottery Scams: | As recent as March 7, 2023, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge sent out a nationwide notice in opposition to excessive rental application fees that may be duplicative, unnecessary, and may be a blatant rip off scam, affecting low-income renters and people of color.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Committee For Public Education members advance independent perspective in defence of educators, Julian Assange. "What was absolutely clear is that the union apparatus cannot tolerate one iota of criticism of its role and that of the Labor government," Sue Phillips explained, "This is an expression not of its strength but its weakness."

John Capodanno, Labor Notes. (2023-08-14). How We Turned Our Backs On An Abusive UPS Manager. I'm a 34-year Teamster and package car driver for UPS, and I've been a steward for the past seven years. Since I've been with UPS for so long, I am very used to the constant harassment and intimidation this company has thrived on. | I had the honor to be put on the national negotiating team for the UPS contract by my local union—one of the strongest in the country, Local 25 in Boston. After UPS walked away from the negotiating table in early July, I was at barns helping to run practice picket lines. | The UPS center in Westwood, a suburb of Boston, has a new center manager from New Orleans named Brian Newma…

Sam Yaser, Workers' World. (2023-08-14). Buffalo: Starbucks Workers, Volunteers Hold City-Wide Pickets. Buffalo, New York – As part of the Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) Bus Tour, Starbucks workers and volunteers in Buffalo, New York, demonstrated the power of the Starbucks unionization campaign in the face of corporate resistance. | To bolster their efforts, dozens of Starbucks workers traveled to Buffalo on July 26, to spread information concerning the company's egregious union busting and breaking of labor laws. The Bus Tour displayed working-class power in a united front for fair compensation and protection from Starbucks' actions. | Informational pickets were dispersed around Buffalo. Customers and passersby…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-14). Robo Taxis Battle In SF In SF at CPUC Where SEIU87 Pres Opposes IBT & CA AFL-CIO. At a hearing of the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco on 8/10/23 a struggle took place over whether 200 robo taxis should be able to operate 24 hours a day. SEIU 87 Olga Miranda supported Cruise owned by GM and Waymo which is owned by Google. | IBT District Council president Jason Rabinoowitz said the Teamsters and California AFL-CIO were united against allowing robot taxis from expanding.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-08-14). Siete frases de pensadores en el Día Internacional del Filósofo. Este 13 de agosto se celebra el Día Internacional del Filósofo. En el marco de este día se busca destacar la labor de las personas que han dedicado su labor a dar respuestas a las preguntas existenciales.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-14). Ordinary session of African environmental conference began today. Addis Ababa, Aug 14 (Prensa Latina) The nineteenth Ordinary Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) is taking place under the motto "Take advantage of opportunities and improve collaboration to address environmental challenges in Africa" with the aim of strengthening institutional collaboration and improving global and regional environmental frameworks.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-14). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-14). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

teleSUR, dcdc, MER (2023-08-14). Sube a 96 cifra de muertos por incendios forestales en Hawái. Las autoridades prevén que la cifra aumente a medida que los equipos de búsqueda sigan sus labores en las zonas afectadas.

_____ (2023-08-13). Australian Government Insists on Unfettered War Powers. By Mike HEAD | Join us on , , and . | With virtually no media coverage, let alone public discussion, the Albanese Labor government last week released its official response to a parliamentary committee report on the power to…

Andy O'Brien, Labor Notes. (2023-08-13). Ironworkers' Loud Contract Campaign Gets The Goods. To make company negotiators feel their power, ironworkers in Augusta, Maine, got loud—hammering on beams in the plant and leaning on their car horns. | "Hammer time" was one of many pressure points they used to win a good contract in May. Another one: when the company dragged its feet in bargaining, workers just stopped putting in extra hours—and stopped going the extra mile when they were there. | Ironworkers Local 807 represents 85 shop fabricators at the facility, owned by the steel manufacturing company Cives. Their contract had been extended twice for short periods, but as the company continued i…

_____ (2023-08-14). Can We Measure Inequality without Tallying the Wealth of the Wealthiest? 31 Jul 2023 – Hundreds of prestigious economists don't think so. The World Bank, unfortunately, does.

_____ (2023-08-14). Nuclear Now—What Is Nuclear Power (Documentary). June 2023 – Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a curious newcomer, Nuclear Now offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and opportunities presented by nuclear energy. With director Oliver Stone's signature, style, and a wealth of expert insights, this is a must-see for anyone concerned about the future of our planet. And its present.

SAM (2023-08-13). The Tesla Take on 'Sharing' the Wealth. (2023-08-14). Tesla announces price cuts in Chinese mainland amid fiercer competition. U.S. electric vehicle maker Tesla Inc. announced that it decided to cut prices in the Chinese market for its Model Y long-range and performance versions from Monday.

ecsorinoco (2023-08-14). Gustavo Petro Attributes Villavicencio Murder to Fentanyl Boom in US. The Colombian president spoke of the fentanyl consumption boom in the US and linked it to violence in Ecuador and the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio. | Colombian president Gustavo Petro explained this Saturday on his X account that: "The cocaine market collapsed in the US and was replaced by a worse one, that of fentanyl, which already kills 100,000 people a year." | Petro explained the current state of the cocaine market and its structural transformation that has occurred due to the explosion of fentanyl consumption in the United States, which ended up increasing drug trafficking violence in Ecuador. Th…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-14). 2023 California Admission Day – Discover International Underground Railroad Month. California Admission Day was an essential part of the 1850 Compromise, a fiercely debated US Congressional Act signed by President Willard Fillmore that strengthened and extended slavery in Utah and New Mexico regions. The passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, which made the federal government financially responsible for capturing and returning freedom seekers to their enslavers…

Ann Brown (2023-08-14). Is America Financially Sick? Credit Card Balances Hit $1 Trillion For First Time Ever. The financial health of the U.S. isn't looking too good, judging from Americans' growing dependency on credit cards. Americans have been increasingly turning to their credit cards to make ends meet. The result s that credit card debt has soared. Credit card balances have soared to unprecedented levels, surpassing the $1 trillion threshold for the … (2023-08-14). Regulator asks banking, insurance sector to support flood-hit regions. The National Financial Regulatory Administration has issued a circular requiring more efforts from the banking and insurance system to strengthen financial services for people and companies in the flood-hit regions.

JANET (2023-08-13). GABRIELA statement: Condemn U.S.-led attacks on the peoples of Palestine and their supporters. August 10, 2023 Manila, Philippines GABRIELA issued the following slightly edited statement August 5. The national alliance of Filipino women GABRIELA and the women's committee of the International League of Peoples' Struggle strongly denounce the repressive measures launched by the U.S. and its cohorts against peoples' resistances across the world. Its latest attack came in the form of severing access to financial services of one of the leading fiscal sponsors of grassroots organizations in many parts of the world: the Alliance for Global Justice. Shortly before the credit card company cut off AFGJ's access to i…

Staff (2023-08-14). The Tories are already talking about more benefit cuts — and blaming public sector pay rises for them. The Tories are already coming up with proposals for more cuts to benefits. It comes as the government says inflation is going to go up again in August — blaming public sector pay rises. So, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has responded accordingly. It's already looking for where it can save money. Clue: …

teleSUR (2023-08-13). PASO in Argentina: Abstentionism, Protests and Inflation. The primary elections in Argentina are taking place today under the expectant gaze of world public opinion. More than 35 million Argentines will elect this Sunday those who will run for office on October 22nd. This is an election year for Argentines. Since the middle of the year, all kinds of elections have been taking place in the country, to reach general terms on October 22, 2023. On October 22 they will elect the president, vice-president, 130 deputies and 24 national senators, which will not exclude continuing of other processes on a smaller regional scale. | The government that takes office on December 10 wil…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-08-13). The 14th Amendment's Requirement of Equality Under Law Is a Dead Letter Constitutional Guarantee. I explained and documented in my 1995 book, The New Color Line, that the EEOC had created in defiance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment a two-tier legal system in which "preferred minorities" enjoyed rights superior to those of white American citizens to university admissions, employment, and promotion. Less qualified blacks according to the objective admission scores can be admitted at the exclusion of more qualified whites, and less qualified blacks can be hired and promoted at the expense of more qualified whites. I have stressed for many years that the failure of the courts to defend the 14t…

Karsten Riise (2023-08-13). Ukraine "Aid" in Perspective. A Huge Addition to "Defense Spending"

People's Dispatch. (2023-08-14). US-Based Organizations Demand Blackrock Cancel Zambia's Debt. On August 14, progressive organizations, led by the ANSWER Coalition and the Peoples Forum, will rally outside of the BlackRock global headquarters in New York City to demand that the multinational investment company cancel Zambia's debt. BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, holds the largest privately-owned share of Zambia's debt at a staggering USD 220 million. BlackRock is not starved for funds, owning USD 10 trillion in assets and dividends and investing in industries such as private prisons, fossil fuels, and pharmaceutical giants. | "[BlackRock's] refusal to cancel or negotiate a restructuring of t… (2023-08-14). BRI helps CEEC tap green biz in Central Asia. Chinese enterprises led by China Gezhouba Group Overseas Investment Co, an overseas investment arm of China Energy Engineering Corp, recently embarked on a transformative journey to Central Asia, amid the strong push globally for green energy transition. (2023-08-13). China strongly deplores U.S. investment restrictions: ministries. China urges the U.S. to follow through on its commitment, stop politicizing, instrumentalizing and weaponizing tech and trade issues, immediately cancel its wrong decisions, remove restrictions on investments in China, and create an enabling environment for China-U.S. business cooperation, a spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. (2023-08-13). Comicomment: U.S. investment ban on China: Another boomerang that hurts itself. U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order Wednesday limiting U.S. investments in advanced technology industries in China. The move is widely considered to be politicizing, instrumentalizing and weaponizing tech and trade issues, another step to suppress China's technological progress under the pretext of national security.

Geoff Dembicki, DeSmog. (2023-08-13). Group That Calls CO2 'Gas Of Life' Praises Renewables Moratorium. When the Alberta government announced in early August a six-month pause on new renewable energy projects, it caused immediate chaos within the sector, plunging into uncertainty 100 developments awaiting approval and investments worth $25 billion. Industry leaders say they weren't warned or consulted. | "It was a done deal before we had a chance to convince the minister that the industry doesn't need a moratorium," Vittoria Bellissimo, president and CEO of the Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA), said in reaction. "I think it was a mistake," she told CBC. | It was a perplexing move for a United Conserva…

teleSUR (2023-08-13). Ecuador: Zurita to Replace Assassinated Presidential Candidate. On Sunday, the Construye movement decided to appoint journalist Christian Zurita as its presidencial candidate, replacing Fernando Villavicencio, who was assassinated. | RELATED: | This came after Vice Presidential candidate Andrea Gonzalez-Nader was unable to assume the presidential candidacy due to current legal regulations. | "The candidate we have chosen in agreement with Construye is Christian Zurita, a fellow…

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). It's Never About The US President, It's About The US Empire By: Caitlin Johnstone. We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it's never the president doing those things, it's the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate. Really if you look solely at the raw data of the US power structure around the wo …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). Right-Wing Has Not Tried to Suppress Teaching the History of Anti-Imperialist Movements Because They Are Rarely Discussed in Any Course By: David Starr. ​Meeting of the Anti-Imperialist League circa. 1900. [Source:] On February 20, journalist Max Blumenthal gave a powerful address at the Rage Against the War Machine rally across from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., in which he emphasized how Ukrainians had been used as pawns to advance U.S. imperial interests.​Blumenthal said that people on the other side of the U.S. empire did not care whether people identified as leftist or …

Cecilia Paz (2023-08-14). Four sneaky ways capitalist healthcare kills poor people. It is common knowledge that healthcare under capitalism is only guaranteed to those who can afford it.

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-13). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

Hannah Sharland, The Canary. (2023-08-14). Aberdeen Community To Lose Last Green Space In Energy Transition Land-Grab. On Wednesday 9 August, campaigners from Climate Camp Scotland, This is Rigged, and Scot.E3 demonstrated outside the headquarters of Ironside Farrar in Edinburgh. Campaigners held the peaceful demonstration in solidarity with residents of Torry, Aberdeen. Torry is to be the site of a large-scale industrial development that threatens a precious local park and wetland. | The project developer has commissioned Ironside Farrar to produce a master plan for the site. The coalition of climate groups and energy workers were protesting the advancing implementation of Scotland's so-called Energy Transition Zone (ETZ).

Anonymous103 (2023-08-14). Military Situation In Ukraine On August 14, 2023 (Map Update). Russian UAVs and missiles struck oil depots and port facilities in the Odessa region; | Russian forces struck military targets in the industrial zone on Zaporozhie; | The Russian Army destroyed an S-300 air defence system near Zelyonyi Gai; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions in Staromayorskoye; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions in Urozhaynoye; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions in Sinkovka; | Russian artillery struck AFU positions in Kharkov; | Russian…

People's Dispatch. (2023-08-13). People's Movements Worldwide: 'Cuba Is Not A State Sponsor Of Terror!'. On August 11, artists, intellectuals, political leaders, people's movements, trade unions, and political parties from around the world launched a historic campaign to call on US President Joe Biden to remove Cuba from the state sponsors of terrorism list. | The convening organizations of this campaign, the International Peoples' Assembly (IPA), ALBA Movimientos, Foro de Sà£o Paulo, Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, Jornada Continental por la Democracia y Contra el Neoliberalismo, World March of Women, Continental Latin American and Caribbean Network in Solidarity with Cuba, and La Vía Campesina, se…

WSWS (2023-08-14). UPS workers in Chicago and New York speak out: "Sean O'Brien talks out of both sides of his mouth and insults us with this garbage contract" UPS workers in Chicago and New York spoke to the World Socialist Web Site over the weekend about the national tentative agreement, as well as the low pay and poor working conditions they face daily.

WSWS (2023-08-13). After the convention: A balance sheet of the DSA, 2016-2023. The Democratic Socialists of America's 2023 convention provides an opportunity to take stock of the role the organization has played in the period beginning in 2015-16, when an initial but powerful radicalization of workers and youth spurred growing interest in socialism and drove 13 million people to vote for self-proclaimed socialist candidate Bernie Sanders.

Fight Back (2023-08-13). Chicago rally demands charges against the Tampa 5 be dropped. Chicago, IL – On August 9, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at UIC and Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression joined forces with a powerful coalition to demand justice for the Tampa 5, at a rally in the Federal Plaza. | This dynamic coalition – including the United States Palestinian Community Network, Anakbayan Chicago, Mientras Haya Amor Hay Esperanza (As Long As There's Love There's Hope), Freedom Road Socialist Organization, LVLHS Fight Back!, and members of the Chicago Teachers Union – embodied the rallying cry of "The people united will never be defeated!" with speeches and message…

JANET (2023-08-13). Book Launch: "The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century" Discussion of 'The East is Still Red'August 13, 2023 Full discussion of the Program is available to watch on YouTube at: Talk by Sara Flounders (below) Book Launch: The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century On Sunday 13 August 2023, the International Manifesto Group hosted a launch event for Carlos Martinez's book The East is Still Red — Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century. Author Carlos Martinez discussed the book with a panel of commentators. This launch took place at 11AM US Eastern Time, 4PM London Time and 11PM Beijing time over Zoom and…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-08-13). Oppenheimer Paradox: Power of Science and the Weakness of Scientists. The new blockbuster film on scientist Robert Oppenheimer has brought back the memories of the first nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It has raised complex questions on the nature of the society that permitted such bombs to be developed and used, and the stockpiling of nuclear arsenals that can destroy the world many times over. Did the infamous McCarthy era and hunting for reds everywhere have any relationship with the pathology of a society that suppressed its guilt over the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, substituting it instead with a belief in its exceptionalism? What explains the transformation of O…

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-08-14). New York Times helps Marco Rubio push persecution of antiwar leftists. Citing a recent McCarthyite smear piece by The New York Times, Senator Marco Rubio published a letter on Wednesday that he'd sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the investigation of American leftist antiwar groups, claiming they are "tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and operating with impunity in the United States."

thecommunists (2023-08-14). Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail? This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The National Education Union (NEU), Britain's biggest teaching union, announced on 31 July that, following a consultation with its members, it would be accepting the 6.5 percent pay offer made by the government through its proxy, the Schools Teachers' Review Body. Thus the …

Staff (2023-08-13). Venezuela: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Communist Party Dissidents, Appoints Ad Hoc Board for Elections. Caracas ( The TSJ's ruling, announced on Friday, August 11, in Judgment No. 1160, appointed an ad hoc board of directors to oversee the PCV's internal affairs and organize democratic elections for a…

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2023-08-12: News Headlines

Anonymous834 (2023-08-11). Ukraine "Cannot Decide Its Destiny" Because It Depends On US Political Climate. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | The Ukrainian Army's high dependence on Western military support to continue its fight against Russian troops has placed Kiev in a position where it cannot decide its path for itself, said an analyst on CNN. The outlet also indicated that after more than 17 months of active combat, the Ukrainian conflict had entered a decisive stage since Kiev now depends on the decisions taken in Washington more than…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-08-11). US Pressures Saudi Arabia To Sell Oil In Dollars, Not Chinese Yuan. The United States is negotiating behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, pressuring the country to keep selling its oil in dollars. | Washington is concerned that Riyadh may price its crude in other currencies, particularly China's renminbi. | Saudi Arabia is one of the world's top three oil producers. Since the 1970s, Riyadh has agreed to sell its crude in dollars, helping maintain the greenback's hegemonic status as the global reserve currency. | The Wall Street Journal reported that the US is working on a diplomatic deal in which Saudi Arabia would agree to normalize relations with Israel's apartheid regime.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Biden escalates economic war against China. Starting from the beginning of next year, the US will ban US investment in quantum computing, advanced chips and artificial intelligence in key sectors of the Chinese economy affecting investments by private equity forms, venture capitalist companies as well as US companies undertaking joint ventures with Chinese firms. (2023-08-11). Freight train boosts ASEAN trade. A freight train carrying 46 containers traveled from North China's Hebei province to Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, last week, the latest route linking China and an Association of Southeast Asian Nations economy. (2023-08-11). China, South Africa to enhance economic and trade cooperation, strengthening close ties: officials. Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Paul Mashatile, the deputy president of South Africa, on Wednesday in Pretoria. The two officials pledged to enhance economic and trade cooperation.

Anonymous834 (2023-08-11). American Economic War-Gaming Rages On, Harming US Itself, Displaying Its Futility. Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | In another chapter of its economic war, on August 9, Washington announced it would restrict US venture capital and private equity firms investments in Chinese artificial intelligence and semiconductors. It is uncertain whether American policy-making has taken into consideration all the possible outcomes of such measures. | American economic security powers lie mostly in the Treasury…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-08-11). Presidente de Brasil lanza programa de crecimiento económico. El PAC invertirá 350.000 millones de dólares (1,7 billones de reales) y alcanzará a todos los estados de Brasil.

Alan MacLeod, Mintpress News. (2023-08-11). Beyond Niger: How ECOWAS Became A Tool For Western Imperialism In Africa. Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison. | In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperial vehicle to stamp out anti-colonial projects in West Africa. | On July 26, a group of Nigerien officers overthrew the corrupt government o…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-11). Video: COVID Lockdown Measures Contribute to Economic Destabilization and Undermine Civil Society. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. (2023-08-11). Hebei authorities deliver flood loss data. As of Thursday, the recent heavy rainstorms have affected 3.88 million people in 110 counties and districts in Hebei province and resulted in 95.81 billion yuan ($13.25 billion) in direct economic losses. (2023-08-11). Biden asks for $20 bln more in Ukraine aid. The United States' flow of military and economic aid to Ukraine will rise by more than $20 billion if Congress approves a request that the White House made on Thursday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Costa Rica proposes annual day against U.S. blockade of Cuba. Tegucigalpa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rican delegation to the 3rd Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba proposed on Friday the celebration of an annual Central American day to call for the end of the economic and commercial US blockade against Cuba.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Nicaraguan group rejects U.S. blockade against Cuba. Tegucigalpa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan Anti-imperialist Network of Solidarity with the Peoples Augusto C. Sandino, rejected on Friday the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba. (2023-08-11). Support for private sector grows stronger. China's top economic regulator on Thursday announced nine measures in a bid to enhance the government's commitment to honest performance and create a more favorable environment for the private sector. (2023-08-11). China confirms 592 tons of gold reserves in country's largest gold mine. China has completed the detection of the country's largest gold mine, Xiling gold mine in Laizhou, East China's Shandong Province, and confirmed 592.19 tons of gold reserves with potential economic value of over 200 billion yuan.

Owen Schalk, Canadian Dimension. (2023-08-11). Niger Coup Will Have Ramifications For United States, France And Canada. On July 26, the African continent was rocked by news of a military coup in Niger, the fourth in West Africa since 2020. Cooperation between the US and Nigerien militaries has been suspended. The Niger government has withdrawn from its military agreements with France. The over 1,000 US troops in Niger have been restricted to their bases. France has evacuated 600 nationals from the country, while in a veiled threat, President Emmanuel Macron declared he "would not tolerate any attack against France and its interests." | Meanwhile, a rift has emerged in West Africa, with the Economic Community of West African States…

Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal. (2023-08-11). Latin America And West Africa — Patterns Of Neocolonialism. The patterns of neocolonial intervention in the majority world by the United States and its allies since their victories over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 are very clear. Almost immediately the Western countries started a cycle of bloody aggression against peoples resisting colonialism, followed later by the dependence of most African and Asian countries on the ruthless Western economic system. In all this time, the United States and Europe demonstrated the most crude and brutal determination to guarantee at all costs control of the natural resources required by their capitalist system.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-08-11). Presidente de Venezuela firma activación de zona económica especial. La reunión versó sobre el fortalecimiento del modelo de desarrollo económico soberano y el avance de la producción nacional para garantizar el encadenamiento productivo.

Staff (2023-08-11). All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger — The Black Alliance for Peace. All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger: | The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interest…

Natalia Marques (2023-08-11). Hip hop and the conditions that gave rise to a cultural movement. Hip hop, the most popular cultural export of the United States, emerged out of the uniquely devastating conditions of deindustrialization and the criminalization of poverty…

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-11). A Look into the Lives of Emerald Miners in Colombia. The emerald is one of the world's top-selling gemstones. Colombia is, by far, the largest producer of the green gem. The country's most valuable deposits are located outside the town of Muzo. While the area may be rich in emeralds, poverty remains a problem. Michelle Begue has the story. …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). President Petro backs emergency decreed in La Guajira. Bogota, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) President Gustavo Petro underscored on Friday the multidimensional poverty indicators of La Guajira Department, which is in almost every way the poorest and with the greatest unsatisfied needs in Colombia.

Ananya Tina Banerjee, Shashika Bandara, Joyeuse Senga, Nadia González-Domínguez, Madhukar Pai (2023-08-12). Perspectives] Are we training our students to be white saviours in global health? In 2012, the Nigerian-American writer and artist Teju Cole called out the culture of white saviourism in the USA and introduced the concept of the White Saviour Industrial Complex (WSIC). The make-up of global health education perpetuates and feeds into the WSIC, with universities in high-income countries (HICs) accounting for a major share of global health programmes. Global health education is in certain respects a growth industry of whiteness that promotes justice only on paper and remains rooted in harmful colonial worldviews.

Lynda Carson (2023-08-11). Exposing the affordable housing "lottery" application fee scams. Exposing The Affordable Housing Lottery Scams: | As recent as March 7, 2023, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge sent out a nationwide notice in opposition to excessive rental application fees that may be duplicative, unnecessary, and may be a blatant rip off scam, affecting low-income renters and people of color.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. India: Punjab power utility workers demand job permanency; Bangladeshi tea garden workers still on strike; Australia: South32 labour hire coal miners strike for higher pay; New Zealand Westpac workers hold nationwide walkout.

WSWS (2023-08-11). New Zealand unions push through below-inflation pay deals for nurses, teachers. Facing an election in October, the Labour-led government is depending on the trade unions to suppress emerging struggles of the working class as it moves to defend jobs and living standards.

Eliza A Hawkes, Judith Trotman, Carla Casulo, Sonali M Smith, Ann LaCasce, international Women in Lymphoma Steering Committee (2023-08-12). Correspondence] Author gender representation of journal reviews and editorials on lymphoma (2017—22). Gender inequity in academic medicine is a well recognised problem that marginalises a crucial talent pool and ultimately diminishes innovation, collaboration, and progress.1,2 The international Women in Lymphoma (WiL) alliance, founded in 2019, consists of over 930 members globally from more than 50 countries.3 WiL is led by a steering committee of 23 members representing nine countries from five global regions. Recognising gender parity in lymphoma practice despite the under-representation of women in lymphoma leadership, WiL is committed to advocacy and promotion of equal gender representation in all lymphoma a…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-11). Robo Taxis Battle In SF In SF at CPUC Where SEIU87 Pres Opposes IBT & CA AFL-CIO. At a hearing of the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco on 8/10/23 a struggle took place over whether 200 robo taxis should be able to operate 24 hours a day. SEIU 87 Olga Miranda supported Cruise owned by GM and Waymo which is owned by Google. | IBT District Council president Jason Rabinoowitz said the Teamsters and California AFL-CIO were united against allowing robot taxis from expanding.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-11). Thursday 8/10: Stop The Robo Taxis/Disney Dystopia & Newsom Democratic Party Corruption At CPUC. California Public Utility Commission | 505 Van Ness/McAllister | San Francisco…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-11). No Robo Taxis In San Francico! Labor & Public Rally At Newsom Controlled CPUC.

WSWS (2023-08-11). As Detroit school workers' contracts set to expire, the unions openly sabotage a fight. Detroit educators face a contract expiration August 20 in the midst of the widening "hot labor summer" of escalating strikes.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Australia: Labor seeks to impose real pay cuts on education staff in New South Wales. In response to the government's miserly offer, the teachers union is employing the same tactics that it used to shut down the struggle of teachers across the state in 2022.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-11). Which class should control Artificial Intelligence: the workers or the bosses? Working people should control and run AI for the benefit of workers and the public. In order to do that they need the unions to break from the Democrats and build a mass democratic workers party that will stop this capitalist madness for profits and destruction of workers jobs.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-11). Ironworkers' Loud Contract Campaign Gets the Goods.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-11). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-11). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

Brett Murphy, Alex Mierjeski, Pro Publica. (2023-08-11). The Billionaires Who Treated Justice Clarence Thomas To Luxury Travel. During his three decades on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle most Americans can only imagine. A cadre of industry titans and ultrawealthy executives have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion, an entire 737. It's a stream of luxury that is both more extensive and from a wider circle than has been previously understood. | Like clockwork, Thomas' leisure activities have been underwritten by benefactors who share the…

Peter Lazenby, Morning Star Online. (2023-08-11). Time To Start A Conversation About How We Tax Wealth. United Kingdom – The TUC has condemned a "tale of two Britains" which sees working people suffering "the longest pay squeeze in modern history" while bankers' bonuses are at eye-watering levels and chief executive pay is surging. | The damning criticism came as the TUC launched a blueprint to squeeze Britain's multimillionaires for a "modest" proportion of their wealth and end the country's "increasing wealth inequality." | The blueprint would raise £10 billion for the public purse and should be the "start of a national conversation about taxing wealth," said TUC general secretary Paul Nowak. | It would aff…

WSWS (2023-08-11). Amid cost of living crisis, Commonwealth Bank of Australia reports record profit. The bank is directly profiting from increasing interest rates, which are driving hundreds of thousands of mortgage-holders to the financial brink.

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-11). Argentineans Getting Used to Living with High Levels of Inflation. Argentina is experiencing triple-digit inflation. The South American country reached one of the world's highest inflation rates surpassing 100 %. Most of the prices in the country have doubled. Joel Richards reports on the soaring cost of living Argentineans are confronting.

Sharon Zhang (2023-08-11). New Report Reveals Link Between Judge Aileen Cannon and Leonard Leo. A new report reveals that U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, the Donald Trump-appointed Florida judge presiding over the case regarding Trump's improper storage of classified documents, once received a luxury trip from a school backed by Leonard Leo, the conservative kingmaker of the judiciary branch. According to financial documents reviewed by Accountable.US and reported by The Guardian… |

infobrics (2023-08-11). Changing the Global Monetary and Financial Architecture: The Role of BRICS-Plus. Since 2022 the theme of the creation of a common BRICS currency has become one of the most important BRICS-related topics in the global agenda…

teleSUR (2023-08-11). England: Junior Doctors Launch Fresh Industrial Action Over Pay. On Friday, junior doctors across England started a four-day walkout, their fifth round of industrial action in the ongoing dispute between the British Medical Association (BMA) and the government over pay amid high inflation. It could deal further a blow to the country's already strained healthcare system. | RELATED: | The strikes aim to "achieve full pay restoration to reverse the steep decline in pay faced by junior doc…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-11). US-based organizations demand BlackRock cancel it's share of Zambia's debt. On August 14, progressive organizations, led by the ANSWER Coalition and the Peoples Forum, will rally outside of the BlackRock global headquarters in New York City to demand that the multinational investment company cancel (2023-08-11). China strongly deplores U.S. investment restrictions: ministries. China urges the U.S. to follow through on its commitment, stop politicizing, instrumentalizing and weaponizing tech and trade issues, immediately cancel its wrong decisions, remove restrictions on investments in China, and create an enabling environment for China-U.S. business cooperation, a spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. (2023-08-11). Trade ties with S. Africa to deepen. China will deepen and expand trade and investment cooperation with South Africa, besides strengthening cooperation in emerging fields, the country's Commerce Ministry said on Thursday.

Jessica Kutz (2023-08-11). Group Mobilizes to Help Pregnant and Postpartum People During Maui Wildfires. After the scale of destruction caused by the wildfires in Maui came into focus Wednesday, the team from Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies, a Hawaii-based reproductive health nonprofit, jumped into action. They set up a 24-hour hotline to assist pregnant and postpartum people displaced by the fires, and are sending breast pumps, infant formula, diapers and many other supplies to the island from Oahu… |

Paul Webster (2023-08-12). World Report] Tech companies criticise health AI regulations. Efforts in the USA to strengthen oversight of AI in health are being resisted by industry. Paul Webster reports.

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-11). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

_____ (2023-08-11). War is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 BILLION in Sales from Proxy War With Russia. Western capitalism is at once a sponsor and an addict of war. | Join us on , , and . | Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. Accor…

ELEL (2023-08-12). Department of Error] Department of Error. Burkhardt G, Kumpf U, Crispin A, et al. Transcranial direct current stimulation as an additional treatment to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in adults with major depressive disorder in Germany (DepressionDC): a triple-blind, randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre trial. Lancet 2023; 402: 545—54 —In this Article, line 3 and line 20 of the Randomisation and masking section should have said "(DC-Stimulator Mobile, neuroConn, Ilmenau, Germany)". These corrections have been made to the online version as of Aug 10, 2023, and the printed version will be correct.

Grace van Deelen (2023-08-11). Study Finds Air Pollution May Be Fueling a Rise in Drug-Resistant Infections. Air pollution could be helping drive a rise in drug-resistant infections, which pose a dangerous threat to global public health, according to a new study. The paper, published Monday in Lancet Planetary Health, concludes that particulate air pollution (PM2.5), which comes from burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, and transportation, may be one of the largest contributors to the… |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-08-11). Chinese security detected a US spy in a military industrial sector. Beijing, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) China revealed Friday details of the arrest of a spy recruited by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who offered sensitive information about the country's military development.

WSWS (2023-08-11). How the "friends" of Royal Mail workers helped the CWU inflict defeat – Part 1. If thousands of Royal Mail workers were blindsided by CWU General Secretary Dave Ward's betrayal of the strike, this was above all the responsibility of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party and similar petty-bourgeois groups which built him up over years as a "left".

Fight Back (2023-08-11). Tallahassee demands justice for the Tampa 5! Tallahassee, FL – On August 9, Tallahassee students and community members gathered outside the Leon County Clerk of Courts office to show solidarity with the Tampa 5. They demanded the dismissal of the charges against them, pointing out that the Tampa 5 were due to appear in a Tampa court that day. | Regina Joseph of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization said, "I know what it is like for the Tampa 5. The Tally19 were arrested just down the block. There were 100 protesters but 300 police officers from the Florida State University Police Department, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Tallahassee Police Depart…

Staff (2023-08-11). Motion shreds DOJ case attacking Black free speech rights — The Burning Spear. By Spear Staff, August 3, 2023 | The future of the first amendment of the U.S. constitution and the right to engage in peaceful activism and free speech activities hangs in the balance with the case of the Uhuru 3 that includes African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela. | African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel, two white o…

Staff (2023-08-11). Communist Party of Venezuela Expresses Solidarity With Far-Right Politician María Corina Machado. As the road to the 2024 presidential elections moves forward, different political alliances that are being formed are becoming more and more transparent; this is especially clear in the solidarity shown by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) towards the candidate for the far-right opposition primaries, María Corina Machado. | In a press conference held this Monday, August 7, the PCV asked the Attorney General's Office to investigate the governor of Trujillo, Gerardo Márquez, for statements—allegedly aimed at María Corina—asking PSUV supporters in the city of Pampanito to condemn, with force if nece…

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2023-08-11: News Headlines

Anonymous834 (2023-08-11). Ukraine "Cannot Decide Its Destiny" Because It Depends On US Political Climate. Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | The Ukrainian Army's high dependence on Western military support to continue its fight against Russian troops has placed Kiev in a position where it cannot decide its path for itself, said an analyst on CNN. The outlet also indicated that after more than 17 months of active combat, the Ukrainian conflict had entered a decisive stage since Kiev now depends on the decisions taken in Washington more than…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-08-11). US Pressures Saudi Arabia To Sell Oil In Dollars, Not Chinese Yuan. The United States is negotiating behind the scenes with Saudi Arabia, pressuring the country to keep selling its oil in dollars. | Washington is concerned that Riyadh may price its crude in other currencies, particularly China's renminbi. | Saudi Arabia is one of the world's top three oil producers. Since the 1970s, Riyadh has agreed to sell its crude in dollars, helping maintain the greenback's hegemonic status as the global reserve currency. | The Wall Street Journal reported that the US is working on a diplomatic deal in which Saudi Arabia would agree to normalize relations with Israel's apartheid regime.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Biden escalates economic war against China. Starting from the beginning of next year, the US will ban US investment in quantum computing, advanced chips and artificial intelligence in key sectors of the Chinese economy affecting investments by private equity forms, venture capitalist companies as well as US companies undertaking joint ventures with Chinese firms. (2023-08-11). Freight train boosts ASEAN trade. A freight train carrying 46 containers traveled from North China's Hebei province to Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, last week, the latest route linking China and an Association of Southeast Asian Nations economy. (2023-08-11). China, South Africa to enhance economic and trade cooperation, strengthening close ties: officials. Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Paul Mashatile, the deputy president of South Africa, on Wednesday in Pretoria. The two officials pledged to enhance economic and trade cooperation.

Ben Norton (2023-08-10). US pressures Saudi Arabia to sell oil in dollars, not Chinese yuan, amid Israel negotiations. As part of negotiations for Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel, the United States is demanding that Riyadh keep pricing its oil in dollars, not China's renminbi or other currencies.

WSWS (2023-08-10). Chinese exports slump amid global downturn and US trade war. China's economic slowdown is not just the result of low global growth and faltering global trade but of the US economic warfare aimed at undermining the Chinese economy and in particular crippling its hi-tech industries.

teleSUR (2023-08-10). The Caribbean Strengthens in Response to Extreme Weather Events. According to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), temperatures in the region have risen by an average of 0.2 °C per decade over the past 30 years, the highest rate ever recorded. This increase has triggered a series of extreme events that have seriously affected the region's population and economy. | Rising sea levels and warming oceans pose increasing risks to livelihoods, ecosystems and coastal economies. Aug. 10, 2023.

Anonymous103 (2023-08-10). U.S. War Crimes and the Political Economy of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Who Is Responsible? Why? Written by Prof. Joseph H. Chung. Originally published by GlobalResearch Introduction For the last 40 years, the media and the academics of…

infobrics (2023-08-10). S Africa Keen on Collaborating with BRICS Partners in Vaccine Manufacturing. South Africa is keen on strengthening collaboration with BRICS nations in the field of vaccine manufacturing, the hydrogen economy as well as the marine sciences, a minister said…

infobrics (2023-08-10). BRICS Summit 2023: The Quest for a New World Order. The BRICS have emerged as a powerful alliance of emerging-market economies over the course of the 21st century. Comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as their acronym alludes to, the group has increasingly become the bricks and mortar which supports the global economy…

Anonymous834 (2023-08-11). American Economic War-Gaming Rages On, Harming US Itself, Displaying Its Futility. Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | In another chapter of its economic war, on August 9, Washington announced it would restrict US venture capital and private equity firms investments in Chinese artificial intelligence and semiconductors. It is uncertain whether American policy-making has taken into consideration all the possible outcomes of such measures. | American economic security powers lie mostly in the Treasury…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-08-11). Presidente de Brasil lanza programa de crecimiento económico. El PAC invertirá 350.000 millones de dólares (1,7 billones de reales) y alcanzará a todos los estados de Brasil.

Alan MacLeod, Mintpress News. (2023-08-11). Beyond Niger: How ECOWAS Became A Tool For Western Imperialism In Africa. Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison. | In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperial vehicle to stamp out anti-colonial projects in West Africa. | On July 26, a group of Nigerien officers overthrew the corrupt government o…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-11). Video: COVID Lockdown Measures Contribute to Economic Destabilization and Undermine Civil Society. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. (2023-08-11). Hebei authorities deliver flood loss data. As of Thursday, the recent heavy rainstorms have affected 3.88 million people in 110 counties and districts in Hebei province and resulted in 95.81 billion yuan ($13.25 billion) in direct economic losses. (2023-08-11). Biden asks for $20 bln more in Ukraine aid. The United States' flow of military and economic aid to Ukraine will rise by more than $20 billion if Congress approves a request that the White House made on Thursday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Costa Rica proposes annual day against U.S. blockade of Cuba. Tegucigalpa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rican delegation to the 3rd Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba proposed on Friday the celebration of an annual Central American day to call for the end of the economic and commercial US blockade against Cuba.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-08-11). Presidente de Brasil lanza programa de crecimiento económico. El PAC invertirá 350.000 millones de dólares (1,7 billones de reales) y alcanzará a todos los estados de Brasil.

Alan MacLeod, Mintpress News. (2023-08-11). Beyond Niger: How ECOWAS Became A Tool For Western Imperialism In Africa. Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison. | In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperial vehicle to stamp out anti-colonial projects in West Africa. | On July 26, a group of Nigerien officers overthrew the corrupt government o…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-08-11). Video: COVID Lockdown Measures Contribute to Economic Destabilization and Undermine Civil Society. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky. (2023-08-11). Hebei authorities deliver flood loss data. As of Thursday, the recent heavy rainstorms have affected 3.88 million people in 110 counties and districts in Hebei province and resulted in 95.81 billion yuan ($13.25 billion) in direct economic losses. (2023-08-11). Biden asks for $20 bln more in Ukraine aid. The United States' flow of military and economic aid to Ukraine will rise by more than $20 billion if Congress approves a request that the White House made on Thursday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Costa Rica proposes annual day against U.S. blockade of Cuba. Tegucigalpa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rican delegation to the 3rd Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba proposed on Friday the celebration of an annual Central American day to call for the end of the economic and commercial US blockade against Cuba.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). Nicaraguan group rejects U.S. blockade against Cuba. Tegucigalpa, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) Nicaraguan Anti-imperialist Network of Solidarity with the Peoples Augusto C. Sandino, rejected on Friday the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba. (2023-08-11). Support for private sector grows stronger. China's top economic regulator on Thursday announced nine measures in a bid to enhance the government's commitment to honest performance and create a more favorable environment for the private sector. (2023-08-11). China confirms 592 tons of gold reserves in country's largest gold mine. China has completed the detection of the country's largest gold mine, Xiling gold mine in Laizhou, East China's Shandong Province, and confirmed 592.19 tons of gold reserves with potential economic value of over 200 billion yuan.

Owen Schalk, Canadian Dimension. (2023-08-11). Niger Coup Will Have Ramifications For United States, France And Canada. On July 26, the African continent was rocked by news of a military coup in Niger, the fourth in West Africa since 2020. Cooperation between the US and Nigerien militaries has been suspended. The Niger government has withdrawn from its military agreements with France. The over 1,000 US troops in Niger have been restricted to their bases. France has evacuated 600 nationals from the country, while in a veiled threat, President Emmanuel Macron declared he "would not tolerate any attack against France and its interests." | Meanwhile, a rift has emerged in West Africa, with the Economic Community of West African States…

Stephen Sefton, Tortilla Con Sal. (2023-08-11). Latin America And West Africa — Patterns Of Neocolonialism. The patterns of neocolonial intervention in the majority world by the United States and its allies since their victories over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945 are very clear. Almost immediately the Western countries started a cycle of bloody aggression against peoples resisting colonialism, followed later by the dependence of most African and Asian countries on the ruthless Western economic system. In all this time, the United States and Europe demonstrated the most crude and brutal determination to guarantee at all costs control of the natural resources required by their capitalist system.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-08-11). Presidente de Venezuela firma activación de zona económica especial. La reunión versó sobre el fortalecimiento del modelo de desarrollo económico soberano y el avance de la producción nacional para garantizar el encadenamiento productivo.

Staff (2023-08-11). All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger — The Black Alliance for Peace. All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger: | The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interest…

Ricardo Mimbela (2023-08-10). Visualizing the Racial Wealth Gap. Systemic inequities and barriers keep people of color from achieving economic security through employment, education, and homeownership, resulting in racial disparities in wealth and income. These disparities are the consequence of ongoing discrimination, structural inequality, and biases across our institutions. They continue to emerge in new forms of technology — including artificial intelligence and algorithmic risk assessment tools — that influence nearly every facet of life. The confluence of these inequities has created a massive, persistent racial wealth gap in the United States. | Here are…

Walter Smolarek (2023-08-10). Aug. 14 in NYC: Rally To Demand BlackRock Cancel Zambia's Debt. Join the ANSWER Coalition and The People's Forum on Monday, Aug. 14 at Bella Abzug Park (542 W 36th St): | Today, debt is one of the major tools that big corporations and US-led multinational financial institutions, like the IMF and World Bank, use to keep poorer countries beholden to Western economic and political interests. | Right now, Zambia is facing a severe debt crisis. In 2021, Zambia was spending over 50% of its national income on just servicing its external public debt. That's money being diverted from funding social services, the construction of key infrastructure like roads and hospitals, p…

Editor (2023-08-10). Burkina Faso & Mali vow to defend Niger's new leadership with force. Burkina Faso and Mali have declared their willingness to defend Niger with armed force if France, Nigeria, or ECOWAS (the Economic Community of West African States) were to intervene in Niger following the recent change of power.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-10). US Officials Making Secretive Trips to South Yemen to Plunder Resources: Analyst. Secretive and suspicious visits by American diplomats and military commanders to southern Yemen are part of the economic war on the Arab country and to plunder its rich natural resources, says a Yemeni analyst. | Ali Azzehri, a journalist and analyst based in Yemen, in an interview with the Press TV website, said visits by American officials have increased dramatically in recent months. | "These consecutive trips to the occupied areas in southern Yemen are part of the massive aggression on Yemen, which is mainly aimed at plundering its wealth through the fake regime imposed on southern Yemen by hostile foreign in…

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-10). Biden Asks Congress for Additional $24 Billion to Spend on Ukraine War. The White House on Thursday asked Congress to approve a $40 billion bill that includes nearly $24 billion for additional spending on the war in Ukraine. According to CNN, the $24 billion for the Ukraine war includes $13 billion in military aid and $7.3 billion in economic and humanitarian assistance. It also includes $3.3 billion …

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-10). ECOWAS Activates Standby Force for Potential Niger Intervention. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Thursday ordered the activation and deployment of a reserve force to "restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger" while also saying it would seek peaceful means to restore Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum. After the summit, Alassane Ouattara, the president of Cà¥te d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast), …

Natalia Marques (2023-08-11). Hip hop and the conditions that gave rise to a cultural movement. Hip hop, the most popular cultural export of the United States, emerged out of the uniquely devastating conditions of deindustrialization and the criminalization of poverty…

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-11). A Look into the Lives of Emerald Miners in Colombia. The emerald is one of the world's top-selling gemstones. Colombia is, by far, the largest producer of the green gem. The country's most valuable deposits are located outside the town of Muzo. While the area may be rich in emeralds, poverty remains a problem. Michelle Begue has the story. …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-11). President Petro backs emergency decreed in La Guajira. Bogota, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) President Gustavo Petro underscored on Friday the multidimensional poverty indicators of La Guajira Department, which is in almost every way the poorest and with the greatest unsatisfied needs in Colombia.

David Trimmer (2023-08-10). The End Child Poverty Act Would Dramatically Reduce Poverty. In April of this year, the

Stephen Janis, Taya Graham (2023-08-10). How 'urban renewal' went from a vision for public good to a private enrichment scheme. America's numerous struggling cities face the unenviable task of addressing crumbling physical and social infrastructure, housing and affordability crises, and unemployment on shoestring budgets (after you account for the massive slices handed to police) and public debt. In the age of neoliberalism, the solution is all too often to turn to the private sector—which usually only results in an upward transfer of public wealth into private hands without substantial improvement to the problems at hand. Urban development, particularly in a city like Baltimore, is especially egregious in this regard. But it…

Ananya Tina Banerjee, Shashika Bandara, Joyeuse Senga, Nadia González-Domínguez, Madhukar Pai (2023-08-12). Perspectives] Are we training our students to be white saviours in global health? In 2012, the Nigerian-American writer and artist Teju Cole called out the culture of white saviourism in the USA and introduced the concept of the White Saviour Industrial Complex (WSIC). The make-up of global health education perpetuates and feeds into the WSIC, with universities in high-income countries (HICs) accounting for a major share of global health programmes. Global health education is in certain respects a growth industry of whiteness that promotes justice only on paper and remains rooted in harmful colonial worldviews.

Lynda Carson (2023-08-11). Exposing the affordable housing "lottery" application fee scams. Exposing The Affordable Housing Lottery Scams: | As recent as March 7, 2023, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge sent out a nationwide notice in opposition to excessive rental application fees that may be duplicative, unnecessary, and may be a blatant rip off scam, affecting low-income renters and people of color.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. India: Punjab power utility workers demand job permanency; Bangladeshi tea garden workers still on strike; Australia: South32 labour hire coal miners strike for higher pay; New Zealand Westpac workers hold nationwide walkout.

WSWS (2023-08-11). New Zealand unions push through below-inflation pay deals for nurses, teachers. Facing an election in October, the Labour-led government is depending on the trade unions to suppress emerging struggles of the working class as it moves to defend jobs and living standards.

Eliza A Hawkes, Judith Trotman, Carla Casulo, Sonali M Smith, Ann LaCasce, international Women in Lymphoma Steering Committee (2023-08-12). Correspondence] Author gender representation of journal reviews and editorials on lymphoma (2017—22). Gender inequity in academic medicine is a well recognised problem that marginalises a crucial talent pool and ultimately diminishes innovation, collaboration, and progress.1,2 The international Women in Lymphoma (WiL) alliance, founded in 2019, consists of over 930 members globally from more than 50 countries.3 WiL is led by a steering committee of 23 members representing nine countries from five global regions. Recognising gender parity in lymphoma practice despite the under-representation of women in lymphoma leadership, WiL is committed to advocacy and promotion of equal gender representation in all lymphoma a…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-11). Robo Taxis Battle In SF In SF at CPUC Where SEIU87 Pres Opposes IBT & CA AFL-CIO. At a hearing of the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco on 8/10/23 a struggle took place over whether 200 robo taxis should be able to operate 24 hours a day. SEIU 87 Olga Miranda supported Cruise owned by GM and Waymo which is owned by Google. | IBT District Council president Jason Rabinoowitz said the Teamsters and California AFL-CIO were united against allowing robot taxis from expanding.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-11). Thursday 8/10: Stop The Robo Taxis/Disney Dystopia & Newsom Democratic Party Corruption At CPUC. California Public Utility Commission | 505 Van Ness/McAllister | San Francisco…

Labor Video Project (2023-08-11). No Robo Taxis In San Francico! Labor & Public Rally At Newsom Controlled CPUC.

WSWS (2023-08-11). As Detroit school workers' contracts set to expire, the unions openly sabotage a fight. Detroit educators face a contract expiration August 20 in the midst of the widening "hot labor summer" of escalating strikes.

WSWS (2023-08-11). Australia: Labor seeks to impose real pay cuts on education staff in New South Wales. In response to the government's miserly offer, the teachers union is employing the same tactics that it used to shut down the struggle of teachers across the state in 2022.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-11). Which class should control Artificial Intelligence: the workers or the bosses? Working people should control and run AI for the benefit of workers and the public. In order to do that they need the unions to break from the Democrats and build a mass democratic workers party that will stop this capitalist madness for profits and destruction of workers jobs.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-11). Ironworkers' Loud Contract Campaign Gets the Goods.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-11). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-11). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

teleSUR (2023-08-10). Red Cross Calls for Collaboration to Tackle Hunger in Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest hunger prevalence rate on the planet. The IFRC estimates that about 240 million people do not have access to adequate and healthy food. In this context, one in three children under 5 years of age suffers from acute malnutrition and 2 out of 5 breastfeeding women suffer from anemia. | Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest hunger prevalence rate on the planet. Aug. 10, 2023.

Teddy Ostrow (2023-08-10). Teamsters organizing delivers the goods at UPS. UPS Teamsters nationwide are voting on the tentative agreement for the largest private-sector labor contract in the United States. The vote will end on August 22. A majority decision will determine whether the contract is ratified, or the national negotiating committee will return to the bargaining table and potentially call a strike.

Brett Murphy, Alex Mierjeski, Pro Publica. (2023-08-11). The Billionaires Who Treated Justice Clarence Thomas To Luxury Travel. During his three decades on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle most Americans can only imagine. A cadre of industry titans and ultrawealthy executives have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion, an entire 737. It's a stream of luxury that is both more extensive and from a wider circle than has been previously understood. | Like clockwork, Thomas' leisure activities have been underwritten by benefactors who share the…

Peter Lazenby, Morning Star Online. (2023-08-11). Time To Start A Conversation About How We Tax Wealth. United Kingdom – The TUC has condemned a "tale of two Britains" which sees working people suffering "the longest pay squeeze in modern history" while bankers' bonuses are at eye-watering levels and chief executive pay is surging. | The damning criticism came as the TUC launched a blueprint to squeeze Britain's multimillionaires for a "modest" proportion of their wealth and end the country's "increasing wealth inequality." | The blueprint would raise £10 billion for the public purse and should be the "start of a national conversation about taxing wealth," said TUC general secretary Paul Nowak. | It would aff…

WSWS (2023-08-11). Amid cost of living crisis, Commonwealth Bank of Australia reports record profit. The bank is directly profiting from increasing interest rates, which are driving hundreds of thousands of mortgage-holders to the financial brink.

Brett Murphy (2023-08-10). Beyond Harlan Crow, Other Billionaires Funded Justice Thomas's Luxury Vacations. During his three decades on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle most Americans can only imagine. A cadre of industry titans and ultrawealthy executives have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion… |

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-11). Argentineans Getting Used to Living with High Levels of Inflation. Argentina is experiencing triple-digit inflation. The South American country reached one of the world's highest inflation rates surpassing 100 %. Most of the prices in the country have doubled. Joel Richards reports on the soaring cost of living Argentineans are confronting.

Sharon Zhang (2023-08-11). New Report Reveals Link Between Judge Aileen Cannon and Leonard Leo. A new report reveals that U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, the Donald Trump-appointed Florida judge presiding over the case regarding Trump's improper storage of classified documents, once received a luxury trip from a school backed by Leonard Leo, the conservative kingmaker of the judiciary branch. According to financial documents reviewed by Accountable.US and reported by The Guardian… |

infobrics (2023-08-11). Changing the Global Monetary and Financial Architecture: The Role of BRICS-Plus. Since 2022 the theme of the creation of a common BRICS currency has become one of the most important BRICS-related topics in the global agenda…

WSWS (2023-08-10). Moody's announces significant downturn in ratings of mid-sized banks. A report by the rating agency Moody's on the status of 27 banks, including some of the largest, has pointed to the growing problems in the US banking and financial system.

teleSUR (2023-08-11). England: Junior Doctors Launch Fresh Industrial Action Over Pay. On Friday, junior doctors across England started a four-day walkout, their fifth round of industrial action in the ongoing dispute between the British Medical Association (BMA) and the government over pay amid high inflation. It could deal further a blow to the country's already strained healthcare system. | RELATED: | The strikes aim to "achieve full pay restoration to reverse the steep decline in pay faced by junior doc…

Dean Baker (2023-08-10). China Doesn't Need to Fear Deflation. In the wake of the Great Recession there was a spate of news articles warning of the menace of deflation. The story was that something really bad would happen if the rate of inflation went from a modest positive rate to a modest negative rate. This means something really bad would happen if the rate …

Alan Macleod (2023-08-10). From Wallet to War Machine: The Startling Truth About Your Tax Dollars Revealed, with Lindsay Koshgarian. Lindsay Koshgarian, Program Director of the National Priorities Project, joins MintCast to discuss the shocking everyday impact of military spending on Americans.

Dorothy Fortenberry, Commonweal Magazine. (2023-08-10). Sweat And Solidarity On The Picket Line. A day on the picket line begins with considering the heat. It's August. I live in the Valley. Even in the best of times, even in a merely "normal hot" summer and not a "climate change is breaking daily temperature records across the globe" summer, it would be quite hot, and spending hours outside in direct sunlight during the middle of the day would be the kind of thing I would work hard to avoid. But because there is a strike going on and I need to picket, staying home is not an option. And so I consider the heat and how best to protect myself. | The Writers Guild is on strike and has been for months.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-11). US-based organizations demand BlackRock cancel it's share of Zambia's debt. On August 14, progressive organizations, led by the ANSWER Coalition and the Peoples Forum, will rally outside of the BlackRock global headquarters in New York City to demand that the multinational investment company cancel (2023-08-11). China strongly deplores U.S. investment restrictions: ministries. China urges the U.S. to follow through on its commitment, stop politicizing, instrumentalizing and weaponizing tech and trade issues, immediately cancel its wrong decisions, remove restrictions on investments in China, and create an enabling environment for China-U.S. business cooperation, a spokesperson from the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. (2023-08-11). Trade ties with S. Africa to deepen. China will deepen and expand trade and investment cooperation with South Africa, besides strengthening cooperation in emerging fields, the country's Commerce Ministry said on Thursday.

Jessica Kutz (2023-08-11). Group Mobilizes to Help Pregnant and Postpartum People During Maui Wildfires. After the scale of destruction caused by the wildfires in Maui came into focus Wednesday, the team from Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies, a Hawaii-based reproductive health nonprofit, jumped into action. They set up a 24-hour hotline to assist pregnant and postpartum people displaced by the fires, and are sending breast pumps, infant formula, diapers and many other supplies to the island from Oahu… |

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-10). Things are not looking good for UK's Net Zero Zealots and offshore wind profiteers. At the end of June, we wrote that things were not going as well for the Net Zero Zealots in Europe as hoped. However, the UK seemed hellbent on marching forwards, charging …

Paul Webster (2023-08-12). World Report] Tech companies criticise health AI regulations. Efforts in the USA to strengthen oversight of AI in health are being resisted by industry. Paul Webster reports.

Fight Back (2023-08-10). Fight conspiracy theories with Marxism-Leninism. It is growing more and more common to hear people repeating core elements of conspiracy theories. Many of these conspiracy theories grow from the fringes of right-wing extremist groups, then begin to creep into the mainstream through websites like Elon Musk's Twitter (now renamed "X"), or through podcast personalities like Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, or through "influencers" on social media. They have grown even more prevalent since Donald Trump's rise to power, as he himself promoted many of them from the Oval Office in Washington. | Indeed, conspiracy theories abound. Some appear ridiculous, suc…

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-11). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

_____ (2023-08-11). War is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 BILLION in Sales from Proxy War With Russia. Western capitalism is at once a sponsor and an addict of war. | Join us on , , and . | Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. Accor…

ELEL (2023-08-12). Department of Error] Department of Error. Burkhardt G, Kumpf U, Crispin A, et al. Transcranial direct current stimulation as an additional treatment to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in adults with major depressive disorder in Germany (DepressionDC): a triple-blind, randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre trial. Lancet 2023; 402: 545—54 —In this Article, line 3 and line 20 of the Randomisation and masking section should have said "(DC-Stimulator Mobile, neuroConn, Ilmenau, Germany)". These corrections have been made to the online version as of Aug 10, 2023, and the printed version will be correct.

Grace van Deelen (2023-08-11). Study Finds Air Pollution May Be Fueling a Rise in Drug-Resistant Infections. Air pollution could be helping drive a rise in drug-resistant infections, which pose a dangerous threat to global public health, according to a new study. The paper, published Monday in Lancet Planetary Health, concludes that particulate air pollution (PM2.5), which comes from burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, and transportation, may be one of the largest contributors to the… |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-08-11). Chinese security detected a US spy in a military industrial sector. Beijing, Aug 11 (Prensa Latina) China revealed Friday details of the arrest of a spy recruited by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who offered sensitive information about the country's military development.

Mnar Adley (2023-08-10). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-10). Venezuela wins lawsuit in Portugal, recovers frozen assets worth over 1.5 billion USD. The assets had been frozen in a Portuguese bank since 2019. They were intended for the purchase of medicines, food products and other essential supplies for the country…

WSWS (2023-08-11). How the "friends" of Royal Mail workers helped the CWU inflict defeat – Part 1. If thousands of Royal Mail workers were blindsided by CWU General Secretary Dave Ward's betrayal of the strike, this was above all the responsibility of the Socialist Party, Socialist Workers Party and similar petty-bourgeois groups which built him up over years as a "left".

Fight Back (2023-08-11). Tallahassee demands justice for the Tampa 5! Tallahassee, FL – On August 9, Tallahassee students and community members gathered outside the Leon County Clerk of Courts office to show solidarity with the Tampa 5. They demanded the dismissal of the charges against them, pointing out that the Tampa 5 were due to appear in a Tampa court that day. | Regina Joseph of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization said, "I know what it is like for the Tampa 5. The Tally19 were arrested just down the block. There were 100 protesters but 300 police officers from the Florida State University Police Department, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Tallahassee Police Depart…

Staff (2023-08-11). Motion shreds DOJ case attacking Black free speech rights — The Burning Spear. By Spear Staff, August 3, 2023 | The future of the first amendment of the U.S. constitution and the right to engage in peaceful activism and free speech activities hangs in the balance with the case of the Uhuru 3 that includes African People's Socialist Party (APSP) Chairman Omali Yeshitela. | African People's Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess and Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel, two white o…

Ana Perdigón (2023-08-10). Communist Party of Cuba and PSUV Sign Cooperation Agreement. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has signed a cooperation and exchange agreement with the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC). | On Tuesday, August 8, Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of PUV, signed the agreement on behalf of the party. For PCC, the agreement was signed by the secretary of Organization of the Communist Party of Cuba, Roberto Morales Ojeda. | According to the signatories, this agreement is aimed at strengthening friendship, dialogue and communication between the two organizations, in addition to reciprocal learning and political trust. | Se firma el Acuerdo de Intercambio y Cooperaci…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-10). The U.S. Plot to Finalize the Theft of Venezuela's Oil. Margaret Kimberley Venezuela and the Caribbean region The U.S. has used its influence to steal another country's oil revenues. Venezuela is in the crosshairs because it dares to be socialist in the hemisphere the U.S. claims as it's "backyard." It was always about the oil. United States assertions that the government of elected president Nicolas…

Staff (2023-08-11). Communist Party of Venezuela Expresses Solidarity With Far-Right Politician María Corina Machado. As the road to the 2024 presidential elections moves forward, different political alliances that are being formed are becoming more and more transparent; this is especially clear in the solidarity shown by the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) towards the candidate for the far-right opposition primaries, María Corina Machado. | In a press conference held this Monday, August 7, the PCV asked the Attorney General's Office to investigate the governor of Trujillo, Gerardo Márquez, for statements—allegedly aimed at María Corina—asking PSUV supporters in the city of Pampanito to condemn, with force if nece…

2023-08-11 23:39:04 | 23:39 EST | tr | 96 | 0 | 27 | 70 | 4 

2023-08-10: News Headlines (2023-08-10). China urges U.S. to immediately remove investment curbs, vows 'necessary' countermeasures. The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday blasted the U.S.' investment restrictions in China as "economic coercion" and "tech bullying," urging Washington to immediately withdraw its wrong decision while vowing to firmly safeguard the country's rights and interests.

teleSUR (2023-08-10). The Caribbean Strengthens in Response to Extreme Weather Events. According to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), temperatures in the region have risen by an average of 0.2 °C per decade over the past 30 years, the highest rate ever recorded. This increase has triggered a series of extreme events that have seriously affected the region's population and economy. | Rising sea levels and warming oceans pose increasing risks to livelihoods, ecosystems and coastal economies. Aug. 10, 2023. (2023-08-10). China has right to take measures as U.S. restricts tech investment. China is seriously concerned and reserves the right to take measures in response to U.S. President Joe Biden signing an executive order on Wednesday that blocks and regulates high-tech U.S.-based investments going toward China. (2023-08-10). U.S. tech-investment curbs seen hurting business, ties. The order authorizes the U.S. Treasury Department to regulate the flow of certain U.S. investments and expertise into three sectors: semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

infobrics (2023-08-10). S Africa Keen on Collaborating with BRICS Partners in Vaccine Manufacturing. South Africa is keen on strengthening collaboration with BRICS nations in the field of vaccine manufacturing, the hydrogen economy as well as the marine sciences, a minister said…

infobrics (2023-08-10). BRICS Summit 2023: The Quest for a New World Order. The BRICS have emerged as a powerful alliance of emerging-market economies over the course of the 21st century. Comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as their acronym alludes to, the group has increasingly become the bricks and mortar which supports the global economy…

WSWS (2023-08-10). Chinese exports slump amid global downturn and US trade war. China's economic slowdown is not just the result of low global growth and faltering global trade but of the US economic warfare aimed at undermining the Chinese economy and in particular crippling its hi-tech industries.

Ben Norton (2023-08-10). US pressures Saudi Arabia to sell oil in dollars, not Chinese yuan, amid Israel negotiations. As part of negotiations for Saudi Arabia to recognize Israel, the United States is demanding that Riyadh keep pricing its oil in dollars, not China's renminbi or other currencies.

Prof. Joseph H. Chung (2023-08-09). U.S. War Crimes and the Political Economy of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Who Is Responsible? Why?

Walter Smolarek (2023-08-10). Aug. 14 in NYC: Rally To Demand BlackRock Cancel Zambia's Debt. Join the ANSWER Coalition and The People's Forum on Monday, Aug. 14 at Bella Abzug Park (542 W 36th St): | Today, debt is one of the major tools that big corporations and US-led multinational financial institutions, like the IMF and World Bank, use to keep poorer countries beholden to Western economic and political interests. | Right now, Zambia is facing a severe debt crisis. In 2021, Zambia was spending over 50% of its national income on just servicing its external public debt. That's money being diverted from funding social services, the construction of key infrastructure like roads and hospitals, p…

Ricardo Mimbela (2023-08-10). Visualizing the Racial Wealth Gap. Systemic inequities and barriers keep people of color from achieving economic security through employment, education, and homeownership, resulting in racial disparities in wealth and income. These disparities are the consequence of ongoing discrimination, structural inequality, and biases across our institutions. They continue to emerge in new forms of technology — including artificial intelligence and algorithmic risk assessment tools — that influence nearly every facet of life. The confluence of these inequities has created a massive, persistent racial wealth gap in the United States. | Here are…

Staff (2023-08-10). Niger Crisis: African workers reject military intervention, call for dialogue. The African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa) has advised the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to resort to dialogue in resolving the political impasse in Niger. | It said it was imperative that the regional bloc reversed its earlier course of using the military to intervene in the crisis. | Such an action would degenerate into violent hostilities, it… (2023-08-10). ASEAN envoys call for closer ties with China. Envoys from countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have called for enhancing China-ASEAN cooperation amid complex changes in the global political and economic landscape, and emphasized the need to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation.

Tamanisha J. John, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2023-08-10). US Moves To Curtail China's Economic Investment In The Caribbean. Toronto, Ont. – On March 8, 2023, General Laura J. Richardson of the United States Southern Command gave testimony at a congressional hearing wherein she issued a warning to U.S. lawmakers about the expansion of Chinese influence in the Caribbean that were at odds with purported U.S. interests in the region. Richardson advised policy makers in the U.S. to "pay more attention" to the Caribbean (and Central and South America) because "proximity matters." To raise the issue to a level of "threat" for U.S. policymakers, Richardson claimed that China had "increased its support for anti-U.S. regimes in the region" of w…

The Black Alliance for Peace. (2023-08-10). All Africans Should Condemn Call For ECOWAS-Led Military Invasion Of Niger. The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interests. As Western imperialism seems to be losing its neo-colonialist grip on Africa, it is trying to expand its use of puppets and proxies to undermine resistance. | The military coup in Niger on July 26 deposed President Mohamed Bazoum and installed General Abdourahamane Tchiani as the country's new leader.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-10). US Officials Making Secretive Trips to South Yemen to Plunder Resources: Analyst. Secretive and suspicious visits by American diplomats and military commanders to southern Yemen are part of the economic war on the Arab country and to plunder its rich natural resources, says a Yemeni analyst. | Ali Azzehri, a journalist and analyst based in Yemen, in an interview with the Press TV website, said visits by American officials have increased dramatically in recent months. | "These consecutive trips to the occupied areas in southern Yemen are part of the massive aggression on Yemen, which is mainly aimed at plundering its wealth through the fake regime imposed on southern Yemen by hostile foreign in…

Editor (2023-08-10). Burkina Faso & Mali vow to defend Niger's new leadership with force. Burkina Faso and Mali have declared their willingness to defend Niger with armed force if France, Nigeria, or ECOWAS (the Economic Community of West African States) were to intervene in Niger following the recent change of power.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-10). Why Russia's Long-Term Economic Future Might Be Stunningly Bright.

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-09). Niger Junta Accuses France of Violating Airspace, Freeing 'Terrorists'. Niger's ruling Junta on Wednesday accused France of violating Niger's airspace and freeing "terrorists" as tensions continue to rise in West Africa after the ousting of Nigerien President Mahamoud Bazoum. The coup leaders shut down Niger's airspace on Sunday to prepare for potential military intervention, as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-09). Ibrahim Yero: "'They Cannot Frighten the People of Niger'" Kivanc Ozdal General Abdurahman Ciyani, Chairman of the National Council for the Protection of the Homeland and Commander of the Presidential Guard Regiment in Niger, has announced that the President of the country, Muhammed Bazum was overthrown and the Constitution suspended due to the socio-economic crisis in the country. Following the events, the people hung…

Janna Corredor, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-08-09). Venezuela Proposes Joint Task Force For Amazon Rainforest Recovery. Venezuela has proposed actions that unite economic and sustainable development to restore the vital regeneration of the Amazon rainforest, to be accomplished with the support and union of all South American countries, according to vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, speaking at the Fourth Amazon Summit 2023, taking place in the city of Belém, Brazil. | "We are called to coordination and union," Rodríguez stated this Tuesday, August 8, during a presentation at the summit. "Surely, unity is the work that binds us for vital regeneration.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-09). Anti-Imperialist Committee Holds 'Hearing' on Venezuela Sanctions and Impact. The tribunal heard from experts and activists before issuing a statement that "unequivocally denounce[d] the US imperialist hybrid war" on Venezuela. | The International People's The tribunal, which focuses on "sanctions, blockades and economic coercive measures," brought a 14-person delegation to the Caribbean country. The team featured academics, lawyers and activists, including representatives from the National Lawyers Guild…

Staff (2023-08-09). Fourth Amazon Summit: Venezuela Proposes Joint Task Force for Amazon Rainforest Recovery. Venezuela has proposed actions that unite economic and sustainable development to restore the vital regeneration of the Amazon rainforest, to be accomplished with the support and union of all South American countries, according to vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, speaking at the Fourth Amazon Summit 2023, taking place in the city of Belém, Brazil. | "We are called to coordination and union," Rodríguez stated this Tuesday, August 8, during a presentation at the summit. "Surely, unity is the work that binds us for vital regeneration. We have the responsibility of life itself; that is why Venezuela's me…

WSWS (2023-08-09). Chinese deflation and economic slowdown brings political clampdown. It has been reported that Chinese authorities are putting pressure on economists and others to avoid commentary on negative economic developments which are growing by the day.

David Trimmer (2023-08-10). The End Child Poverty Act Would Dramatically Reduce Poverty. In April of this year, the

WSWS (2023-08-10). Reject GEO/AFT push to impose U-M contract ultimatum! Mobilize campus workers, students, teachers against strikebreaking and poverty wages! The grad student instructors have waged a courageous struggle and can defeat the strikebreaking of the university and its corporate and government backers. This requires the development of a rank-and-file committee independent of the AFT apparatus and its agents in the GEO leadership.

Editor (2023-08-09). Another Chance to Reduce Child Poverty.

Stephen Janis, Taya Graham (2023-08-10). How 'urban renewal' went from a vision for public good to a private enrichment scheme. America's numerous struggling cities face the unenviable task of addressing crumbling physical and social infrastructure, housing and affordability crises, and unemployment on shoestring budgets (after you account for the massive slices handed to police) and public debt. In the age of neoliberalism, the solution is all too often to turn to the private sector—which usually only results in an upward transfer of public wealth into private hands without substantial improvement to the problems at hand. Urban development, particularly in a city like Baltimore, is especially egregious in this regard. But it…

Anonymous (2023-08-10). Erika Endrijonas Legal Mess Lands In Federal Court. Erika Endrijonas may have taken the helm of Santa Barbara City College, but the legal mess she created at Los Angeles Valley College is headed for Federal Court. Local News Black-outs may assuage egos, but they don't serve the community and low-income students.

WSWS (2023-08-09). UK Tory government launches fascistic campaign against asylum seekers. The Labour Party has already declared that in government they would keep the barges as detention centres and other anti-immigration infrastructure of the Tories.

WSWS (2023-08-09). UK "warehousing people" in overcrowded, unsafe prisons. Labour's Shadow Justice Secretary Steve Reed criticised the Conservative government from the right, pledging, "Labour is the party of law and order. In Government it will get on and deliver the prison places we need to ensure that dangerous criminals are where they belong—behind bars."

Teddy Ostrow (2023-08-10). Teamsters organizing delivers the goods at UPS. UPS Teamsters nationwide are voting on the tentative agreement for the largest private-sector labor contract in the United States. The vote will end on August 22. A majority decision will determine whether the contract is ratified, or the national negotiating committee will return to the bargaining table and potentially call a strike.

Labor Video Project (2023-08-10). No Robo Taxis In San Francico! Labor & Public Rally At Newsom Controlled CPUC.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-10). Which class should control Artificial Intelligence: the workers or the bosses? Working people should control and run AI for the benefit of workers and the public. In order to do that they need the unions to break from the Democrats and build a mass democratic workers party that will stop this capitalist madness for profits and destruction of workers jobs.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-10). Thursday 8/10: Stop The Robo Taxis/Disney Dystopia & Newsom Democratic Party Corruption At CPUC. California Public Utility Commission | 505 Van Ness/McAllister | San Francisco…

Staff (2023-08-10). We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast Episode 50 — Teamsters Local 662, Actions and Writers Strikes, Protesting the RNC and Much More!

San José May Day Coalition (2023-08-10). Thursday 8/31: Reclaiming the Militant Legacy of Labor Day. Join Zoom meeting: |

WSWS (2023-08-10). Australian workers call for strikes at highest rate in five years. The growing strike vote reflects mounting opposition among broad sections of the working class to deepening real wage cuts. But Labor, the unions and the industrial courts are employing increasingly anti-democratic measures to shut down workers' struggles.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-10). Russia-Africa Summit opens new phase of cooperation. Addis Ababa, Aug 10 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd Russia-Africa Summit opened a new phase of cooperation and expressed Moscow's desire to collaborate with Africa in fields such as trade, peace and security, an official source said on Thursday.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-10). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-10). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-08-10). White Liberals' Promotion of "White Racism" Has Caused Black Legislators to Abandon Belief in the 14th Amendment. Reginald Jones-Sawyer has a bill in the California legislature that has passed in the House. If it passes in the Senate, the new law will require judges to sentence according to race in order to rectify white racial bias and reduce the alleged disparate impact of the legal system on blacks. In other words, blacks would be given less of a sentence than whites for the same crimes in order to rectify blacks being captured by other blacks in African slave wars and sold to European slave traders who brought them to the New World as a labor force long prior to the existence of the United States. | This is called rectif…

Laura Capote (2023-08-09). Gustavo Petro's first year: Social and environmental justice and regional integration. Petro's inaugural year was characterized by guaranteeing free higher education, agrarian reform, reopening of relations with Venezuela, and an attempt to reform health care, labor regulations, and pensions…

Brett Murphy (2023-08-10). Beyond Harlan Crow, Other Billionaires Funded Justice Thomas's Luxury Vacations. During his three decades on the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle most Americans can only imagine. A cadre of industry titans and ultrawealthy executives have treated him to far-flung vacations aboard their yachts, ushered him into the premium suites at sporting events and sent their private jets to fetch him — including, on more than one occasion… |

Brett Murphy, Alex Mierjeski (2023-08-10). Clarence Thomas' 38 vacations: The other billionaires who have treated the Supreme Court Justice to luxury travel. Thomas has secretly reaped the benefits from a network of wealthy and well-connected patrons that is far more extensive than previously understood.

Mike Ludwig, Truthout. (2023-08-09). More People Die Young In US Due To Health Care And Welfare Cuts. From 1930 through the middle of the last century, the mortality rate in the United States was lower or commensurate with the mortality rates of other wealthy nations, such as Canada, France and Britain. However, in the late 1970s through the 1980s, U.S. health outcomes and mortality rates began to diverge from those of its peers. | By 2021, about half of all U.S. deaths under the age of 65 would have been avoided if the U.S. mortality rates were on par with those of other countries, according to a new study published by the National Academy of Sciences. | In other words, on average one out of every two deaths und… (2023-08-10). Prices in German supermarket reflect climate cost. German discount supermarket Penny has drawn mixed reactions from critics after temporarily increasing prices of some products to incorporate hidden climate costs. (2023-08-10). CPI falls, but demand to recover soon. China's consumer prices dropped year-on-year in July for the first time since early 2021 while factory-gate prices continued to decline, increasing the urgency for policymakers to take more steps to boost domestic demand and support growth. (2023-08-10). Police find new ways to track suspects hiding overseas. Shanghai police are using a new system to track suspects of financial crimes who have fled overseas, by using information sharing and joint investigations.

WSWS (2023-08-10). Moody's announces significant downturn in ratings of mid-sized banks. A report by the rating agency Moody's on the status of 27 banks, including some of the largest, has pointed to the growing problems in the US banking and financial system.

Julia Rock (2023-08-09). Trump Donors Get Bailout, Truckers Get Layoffs. As tens of thousands of workers are being laid off in the bankruptcy of one of America's largest trucking companies, one player in the collapse is set to get at least some financial protection: Apollo Global Management, a politically-connected private equity firm that owns a huge chunk of the company's debt. | Read the full story for free.: | Sign up for a free subscription to The Lever to gain access to this story and more. | Already have an account?

WSWS (2023-08-09). UPS made massive revenues in the last quarter, financial statement reveals. The company will spend $8.4 billion in share buybacks and dividends this year, equal to nearly $25,000 for each of its unionized workers in the US.

Alan Macleod (2023-08-10). From Wallet to War Machine: The Startling Truth About Your Tax Dollars Revealed, with Lindsay Koshgarian. Lindsay Koshgarian, Program Director of the National Priorities Project, joins MintCast to discuss the shocking everyday impact of military spending on Americans. (2023-08-09). Imperial students spend summer in prestigious labs across the globe. Imperial students are spending part of their summer at top institutes across the globe as part of the International Research Opportunities Programme. (2023-08-10). CFA Institute mulling new certificate localized for China. The CFA Institute, a global association of investment professionals, is mulling over rolling out a new investment certificate localized for the Chinese market in the next one or two years. (2023-08-10). Beijing shows strong opposition against new U.S. executive order. Beijing expressed dissatisfaction and opposition on Thursday to Washington's single-minded rollout of restrictions on investments in China, and vowed to resolutely safeguarditsrights and interests.

teleSUR (2023-08-10). Biden's New Ban on China Aimed in Wrong Direction, Expert Says. On Wednesday, Denis Simon, a professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said that U.S. President Joe Biden's new executive order to limit U.S. investments in advanced technology industries in China is "aimed in the wrong direction." | RELATED: | The order restricting certain types of foreign investment and capital flows into China represents just "another punitive step in an effort to contain China," Simon said, noting that it's aim…

Jim Spellman (2023-08-10). Biden approves executive order putting restrictions on U.S. investment in Chinese tech firms. A new executive order signed by President Biden will place restrictions on U.S. investments in some Chinese high-tech firms.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-08-10). China rejects US measure to politicize business exchanges. Beijing, Aug 10 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Thursday denounced the politicization of business by the United States, which wants to use national security concerns to prevent investments in China.

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-09). Biden Signs Executive Order Banning Certain Investments in China. (2023-08-10). Chinese travelers to lift profits of Frankfurt Airport in 2023. Germany's Frankfurt Airport expects its core profit for 2023 to return to the stratosphere, thanks largely to the reopening of China's borders after the easing of COVID-19 travel restrictions. (2023-08-10). 'Rice kingdom' farmers fear crops may be lost. As floodwaters subside in Northeast China, farmers in the country's "rice kingdom" are worried profits from this year's harvest are disappearing with them.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-10). Things are not looking good for UK's Net Zero Zealots and offshore wind profiteers. At the end of June, we wrote that things were not going as well for the Net Zero Zealots in Europe as hoped. However, the UK seemed hellbent on marching forwards, charging …

Fight Back (2023-08-10). Fight conspiracy theories with Marxism-Leninism. It is growing more and more common to hear people repeating core elements of conspiracy theories. Many of these conspiracy theories grow from the fringes of right-wing extremist groups, then begin to creep into the mainstream through websites like Elon Musk's Twitter (now renamed "X"), or through podcast personalities like Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan, or through "influencers" on social media. They have grown even more prevalent since Donald Trump's rise to power, as he himself promoted many of them from the Oval Office in Washington. | Indeed, conspiracy theories abound. Some appear ridiculous, suc…

Fight Back (2023-08-09). Chicago: Loretto workers stop deliveries and fight to win. Chicago, IL – 200 workers at Loretto Hospital are on the ninth day of their #StrikeForStaffing. This is their slogan because they are the lowest-paid CNAs, housekeepers and tech workers in any safety net hospital in Chicago. Because of their low wages, workers have to work 50 or 60 hours a week to make ends meet. Being forced to work excessive overtime isn't best for patient care. | Ebony Childs is a striker who has worked as a patient care tech for 18 years on an addiction unit. On the picket line today, she said, "We are on strike for better wages, for respect, for safe staffing, and for the community to have b…

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-10). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

Ajamu Baraka (2023-08-09). War in Africa and War in the Americas: Accelerating the End of White World Supremacy. By Ajamu Baraka — Aug 2, 2023 | The structural crisis of capitalism in its neoliberal form has created a legitimacy crisis for the capitalist rulers, making the use of force a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance. (from the The US recently deployed troops to Peru to shore-up the coup in that country, followed by the deployment of troops to Ecuador and the bizarre AFRICOM plan to insert Kenya and Rwanda forces all the way from Africa to Haiti to support the illegitimate Ar…

Mnar Adley (2023-08-10). MintPress News Is Being Targeted: Join Us in Standing up to the War Machine. Stand up for truth. Stand up against war. Today, we invite you to join us in empowering MintPress News, the vanguard of fearless investigative journalism that unearths the hidden web of the military industrial complex.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-08-10). Anuncian aseguramiento de planta de agua para litio en Bolivia. Considerando que la Planta de Tratamiento de Agua para Uso Industrial está lista, se prevé que la Planta Industrial de Carbonato de Litio ya esté trabajando en agosto.

Staff (2023-08-10). Belém's Fourth Amazon Summit 2023: Results. Representatives of the countries that share territory of the Amazon rainforest met at the Fourth Amazon Summit 2023, in order to work together to conserve the world's largest land-based natural lung. As a result of this meeting, convened by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, several agreements have been made to curb deforestation, driven by industrial agriculture, mining practices, and land grabbing. | The Belém Declaration—named after the Brazilian city where the summit was held—was signed this Tuesday, August 8, by the members of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), made up…

WSWS (2023-08-09). Yellow workers dealing with lost hours, no severance pay after freight company shuttered operations and declared bankruptcy. Workers at the Columbus, Ohio facility were never told that they were being laid off, and only found out that they were out of a job when they arrived at the warehouse and found the gates padlocked shut.

Ann Brown (2023-08-09). CPA Explains Why Credit Card Points and 2% Cash Back Are Scams on the Public. You know that credit card deal you have? The one with the 2 percent cash back? The one that gives you points on your purchases? Well, as enticing as these perks may seem, certified public accountant Brennan Schlagbaum says the perks are a joke. Schlagbaum, founder of the finance platform Budgetdog, tweeted, "Credit card points …

Ana Perdigón (2023-08-10). Communist Party of Cuba and PSUV Sign Cooperation Agreement. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has signed a cooperation and exchange agreement with the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC). | On Tuesday, August 8, Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of PUV, signed the agreement on behalf of the party. For PCC, the agreement was signed by the secretary of Organization of the Communist Party of Cuba, Roberto Morales Ojeda. | According to the signatories, this agreement is aimed at strengthening friendship, dialogue and communication between the two organizations, in addition to reciprocal learning and political trust. | Se firma el Acuerdo de Intercambio y Cooperaci…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-10). The U.S. Plot to Finalize the Theft of Venezuela's Oil. Margaret Kimberley Venezuela and the Caribbean region The U.S. has used its influence to steal another country's oil revenues. Venezuela is in the crosshairs because it dares to be socialist in the hemisphere the U.S. claims as it's "backyard." It was always about the oil. United States assertions that the government of elected president Nicolas…

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