Daily Archives: August 15, 2023

2023-08-15: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-15). Security and economy are the key issues in Ecuador's early general elections. peoplesdispatch.org All seven presidential candidates advocated strengthening of the security in the country and promised improvements as they stood next to fellow hopeful Fernando Villavicencio's empty podium, who was assassinated last week…

ecns.cn (2023-08-15). China to suspend releasing youth jobless data as labor market statistics work needs improvement: NBS. ecns.cn China will suspend releasing jobless data for the youth starting from August, as labor market statistics work needs improvement amid economic and social development.

ecns.cn (2023-08-15). China announces further steps to unleash rural consumption. ecns.cn Chinese authorities on Monday released a guideline on promoting the high-quality development of rural circulation, as part of a national campaign to build a nationwide unified market and unleash the consumption potential of rural areas.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-15). East Cleveland Residents Are Building A Closed Loop Economy. nextcity.org

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Geothermal energy source leads power generation in El Salvador. plenglish.com Reports from the Directorate General of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mines (DGEHM) unfolded to be the main source, followed by hydropower, noting that just in July the geothermal power plants of Lageo produced 129.34 GWh. | Those electricity advances in using renewable sources provide a significant benefit for the Salvadoran economy, since it allows to stabilize energy tariff. | The plants of the Executive Commission Hydropower in Lempa River (CEL), generated 79.94 GWh, to which was added the production of the small plants of Cucumacayan Electrical Company, which reached 3.77 GWh and Energetic Investments (INE) with…

Jake Johnson (2023-08-14). Argentina's Presidential Primary Winner Has Vowed to "Chainsaw" Public Spending. truthout.org Javier Milei, an admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump who believes climate change is a "socialist lie" and wants to impose extreme austerity on Argentina's economy, won the Latin American nation's presidential primary on Sunday with just over 30% of the vote. The surprise result makes Milei — a self-described "anarcho-capitalist" — the slight frontrunner for the October general election… |

teleSUR (2023-08-14). Effect of War on Sudanese Economy. telesurenglish.net The repercussions of the conflict are added to the deterioration of economic conditions with the depreciation of the Sudanese pound and the exacerbation of the electricity crisis, as well as the "almost non-existent" water in some areas. All these factors led to a "total paralysis" of state institutions and public life in the capital, Khartoum, resulting in the closure of schools and universities. | According to the United Nations report, the conflict has left 24 million people, about half of the country's population, in need of food and other aid. Aug. 14, 2023.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Is Imperialism Losing in Africa and Syria? Interview with Harpal Brar. libya360.wordpress.com The coup leaders in Niger and Burkina Faso say they want Africa to be relevant on the gran geopolitical chessboard. Is the political and economic independence of Africa and Syria possible? Harpal Brar, the founder and former chairman of the communist party in Great Britain answers. Proletarian TV: / proletariancpgbml Harpal is the author of many…

infobrics (2023-08-15). BRICS Waiting for the Expansion of Its Ranks — 22 Nations Apply for Membership. infobrics.org Twenty two nations have formally applied to become members of the BRICS economic bloc, a South African diplomat said…

Staff (2023-08-15). Despite Adversities, Majority of Venezuelans Support Chavismo. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( "Even with the serious economic hardships that affect the quality of life of Venezuelans, today there are more people supporting Chavismo than the opposition. It is not true that Chavismo is defeated or exhausted," said Schémel in a TikTok video posted on Wednesday, August 2.

ecns.cn (2023-08-14). Terror attack in Pakistan slammed. ecns.cn China on Monday strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a convoy carrying Chinese engineers to the Gwadar Port in Pakistan, saying that any attempt to undermine the China-Pakistan friendship or the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will never succeed.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Sanders promotes UAW bureaucracy, economic nationalism in online event. wsws.org Sanders' and Fain's rhetorical appeals to social discontent were combined with a lying narrative which covered up for the Democratic Party and the UAW bureaucracy, which are both centrally responsible for creating the conditions workers now confront.

_____ (2023-08-14). Niger — The Liberation from "Independence" transcend.org 8 Aug 2023 – Thousands demonstrate in the streets of the capital of Niger. They do not want an ECOWAS-Economic Community of West African States intervention as it stands for western influence. ECOWAS, France, the EU, USA and other western governments may be thinking they are domineering over the sovereignty of other nations.

infobrics (2023-08-14). Russia and Brazil: Developing Culture and Education. infobrics.org Russia and Brazil are two nations whose economic power cannot be underestimated. Brazil is Russia's main trading partner in Latin America and the Caribbean, accounting for a third of trade between Moscow and the region…

Nate Hagens, Resilience. (2023-08-14). Just Stop Oil: The Intersection Of The Four Horsemen And The Web Of Life. popularresistance.org In Part 4 of this Frankly mini-series, Nate concludes the deep dive into the nexus between "just stopping oil" and "just pumping oil" with 10 guideposts which might help us to navigate through the intersection of the Four Horsemen of the 2020s and the shrinking Web of Life….together known as The Great Simplification. From decomplexifying at various scales to a change of consciousness arising from more humans focused on "Inner Tech", there are many ways we as individuals and as a part of the greater society can manage the push and pull of both environment and economic issues while remaining grounded in the reali…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-14). AMLO's pro-working class policies are why poverty decreased in Mexico. peoplesdispatch.org On August 10, the Mexican National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) released a In these same four years, the "multidimensional poverty" level decreased from 41.9% to 36.3…

Special to People's World (2023-08-14). Social Security turns 88, but how long can it survive Republican attacks? peoplesworld.org On Aug. 14, 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the first Social Security Act into law. In the aftermath of the Great Depression, during which poverty encompassed some 60% of the senior population in the United States, Social Security was a major plank of Roosevelt's "New Deal." The law was passed after an intense period of …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-15). Activists demand Blackrock cancel Zambia's debt. peoplesdispatch.org Activists from organizations such as the People's Forum, Friends of the Congo, ANSWER Coalition, Friends of Swazi Freedom, Black Men Build and many others, protested outside the global headquarters of investment firm BlackRock in New York City to demand it cancel Zambia's debt. 70% of Zambia's debt is held by Western institutions, and 220 million is held by investment giant BlackRock. In 2021, Zambia was diverting half of its entire public income to paying its external debts. Activists argue that BlackRock, which is worth USD 10 trillion, could easily cancel the debt and allow Zambia to develop.

Lynda Carson (2023-08-15). Exposing the affordable housing "lottery" application fee scams. indybay.org Exposing The Affordable Housing Lottery Scams: | As recent as March 7, 2023, HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge sent out a nationwide notice in opposition to excessive rental application fees that may be duplicative, unnecessary, and may be a blatant rip off scam, affecting low-income renters and people of color.

WSWS (2023-08-15). New Zealand Labour government scraps remaining COVID public health measures. wsws.org The Labour government has ended the requirements for masks to be worn in hospitals and for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, a decision that will fuel the spread of the virus and more deaths and severe illnesses.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-08-15). The Deadly Intersection of Labour Exploitation and Climate Change. socialistproject.ca As temperatures soar in the United States this summer, some among us are lucky enough to be able to remain in air-conditioned interior spaces, ordering food, groceries, clothing, and other products to be delivered to us. The rest, toiling in the extreme heat to pull products off hot warehouse shelves and drop them off curbside in scorching delivery trucks, are risking health and even life. July 2023 marked the planet's In San Bernardino, California, where retail giant Amazon has a…

Staff (2023-08-15). Britain's workers abused by the Tories and bosses — from racism to zero-hours contracts. thecanary.co The UK's labour market is little more than an insecure, racist aberration — not that that's anything new. However, what is new is that it's actually getting worse, as two analyses from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) found. Structural racism in the UK labour market First up, the TUC has found that the number of …

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Incorrect Nonauthor Collaborator Name. jamanetwork.com In the Original Investigation titled "Effect of Ivermectin vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial," published in the October 25, 2022, issue of JAMA, a nonauthor collaborator's surname was incorrectly listed. The full name should have been listed as Upinder Singh. This article was corrected online.

WSWS (2023-08-15). US Labor Department uses spurious arguments to reject Will Lehman's election complaint, sanctions disenfranchisement of UAW members. wsws.org The August 8 letter from the Office of Labor-Management Standards Enforcement ignores the widespread evidence of voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy.

teleSUR, SH (2023-08-15). Organizaciones marcharán durante ascensión presidencial en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Los organizadores de "El otro 15 agosto" exigirán al nuevo presidente paraguayo, salarios justos, respeto a los derechos laborales, entre otras demandas.

teleSUR, SH (2023-08-15). Presidente nicaragàºense encabeza aniversario de la Fuerza Naval. telesurtv.net El presidente Daniel Ortega, reconoció la labor y esfuerzo de la Fuerza Naval en el resguardo de las costas del país.

Ann Brown (2023-08-15). Timbaland's Artist Magoo Passes Away At Only 50: 3 Things To Know. moguldom.com The world is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip-hop. But the celebration has paused a bit to recognize the death of one of the American music genre's veterans, Magoo. A former collaborator of super producer Timbaland, Magoo reportedly died on Aug. 13 at the age of 50. Here are three things to …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Youth jobless among Panama's challenges. plenglish.com Panama City, Aug 15 (Prensa Latina) Experts in labor market on Tuesday warned of challenges that jobless represents for youngsters in Panama, a social indicator worsened on Tuesday by the Covid-19 impact.

C.J. Hopkins (2023-08-15). The "Free-Speech Twitter" PSYOP. dissidentvoice.org It's never a very enjoyable experience, facing the fact that you've been bamboozled. Realizing that you've fallen prey to an elaborate con, or PYSOP, is painful. It's embarrassing. People feel ashamed. No one likes to see themselves as a sucker. It's humiliating. It makes people angry. It makes them want to lash out at someone. …

John Wojcik (2023-08-15). Communists discuss history of their relationship with U.S. labor movement. peoplesworld.org CHICAGO—"Everyone agrees that the goal in the labor movement is unity within the working class. The path to that unity is difficult, and what Marxism does is uncover and overcome the obstacles on that path to unity," said Roberta Wood at a national gathering called by the Labor Commission of the Communist Party this week. …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-08-15). CPUSA Labor Commission makes proposals for 2024 election work. peoplesworld.org CHICAGO—With a warning from a veteran unionist and political activist ringing in their ears, attendees at the CPUSA Labor Commission's special session in Chicago started laying political plans for 2024. The Iowan activist, a veteran of the 15-day Teamsters forced strike against UPS in 1997, warned the packed session that "What you win on the …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-15). Science Saturday: Progressive alliance advances science through patient-powered research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Harnessing the power of patients' lived experiences and their biospecimen data, a unique relationship between a nonprofit patient advocacy group called The MOG Project, a team of Mayo Clinic neurologists, and the Autoimmune Neurology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic has created a synergetic bridge that's advancing the science behind a devastating neurological illness. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease, or MOGAD, is a rare, central nervous system demyelinating disorder that can render an individual blind, paralyzed, or comatose….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-15). Mayo Clinic provides internships, mentoring for undergrads on accelerated career pathway. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org By Jay Furst ROCHESTER, Minn. — Akhil Kollengode is a University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) student who aims to be a project manager or operations manager in healthcare when he graduates. Thanks to an innovative collaboration between Mayo Clinic and UMR, he's on a fast track to achieving that. Kollengode is a paid intern at Mayo Clinic as part of the Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree program at UMR. The internship is a…

Staff (2023-08-15). We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast — Pro-Union, Pro-Worker Podcast on Labor News, History and Theory. wibailoutpeople.org All Episodes:

teleSUR, dcdc, MER (2023-08-15). Sube a 96 cifra de muertos por incendios forestales en Hawái. telesurtv.net Las autoridades prevén que la cifra aumente a medida que los equipos de búsqueda sigan sus labores en las zonas afectadas.

WSWS (2023-08-15). Biden's Labor Department uses spurious arguments to reject Will Lehman's election complaint, sanctions disenfranchisement of UAW members. wsws.org The August 8 letter from the Office of Labor-Management Standards Enforcement ignores the widespread evidence of voter suppression by the UAW bureaucracy.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Committee For Public Education members advance independent perspective in defence of educators, Julian Assange. wsws.org "What was absolutely clear is that the union apparatus cannot tolerate one iota of criticism of its role and that of the Labor government," Sue Phillips explained, "This is an expression not of its strength but its weakness."

Eric A. Gordon (2023-08-14). Modern Yiddish publishing: New feminist horror stories by Elizabeth Schwartz. peoplesworld.org Elizabeth Schwartz is a singer extraordinaire, recording artist, filmmaker—and the subject of a film documentary—podcast writer (of, among other things, the 2021 audio drama, Debs in Canton, about Eugene V. Debs, which won multiple awards for excellence in writing). She is a frequent collaborator with her husband, klezmer musician and also multi-talented creative, Yale Strom. …

Jim McMahan (2023-08-14). Starbucks workers on the move. workers.org Seattle The Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) "Union Calling" bus came to Seattle to demonstrate outside Starbucks world headquarters on Aug. 8. Hundreds of baristas and their allies came to protest Starbucks' union-busting campaign against the workers. At the rally and press conference, which was addressed by Washington State Labor Council . . . |

Nathan Halverson (2023-08-14). State Pension Fund Is Invested in Deal to Drain Arizona's Dwindling Groundwater. truthout.org As rural Arizonans face the prospect of wells running dry, foreign firms are sucking up vast amounts of the state's groundwater to grow hay for Saudi Arabia and other wealthy nations. Now it turns out that a key investor in this water transfer scheme is Arizona's own employee retirement fund. In La Paz County, a rural community about 100 miles west of Phoenix, Al Dahra Farms USA has been running a… |

_____ (2023-08-14). Can We Measure Inequality without Tallying the Wealth of the Wealthiest? transcend.org 31 Jul 2023 – Hundreds of prestigious economists don't think so. The World Bank, unfortunately, does.

_____ (2023-08-14). Nuclear Now—What Is Nuclear Power (Documentary). transcend.org June 2023 – Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a curious newcomer, Nuclear Now offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and opportunities presented by nuclear energy. With director Oliver Stone's signature, style, and a wealth of expert insights, this is a must-see for anyone concerned about the future of our planet. And its present.

WSWS (2023-08-14). Committee For Public Education members advance independent perspective in defence of educators, Julian Assange. wsws.org "What was absolutely clear is that the union apparatus cannot tolerate one iota of criticism of its role and that of the Labor government," Sue Phillips explained, "This is an expression not of its strength but its weakness."

Eric A. Gordon (2023-08-14). Modern Yiddish publishing: New feminist horror stories by Elizabeth Schwartz. peoplesworld.org Elizabeth Schwartz is a singer extraordinaire, recording artist, filmmaker—and the subject of a film documentary—podcast writer (of, among other things, the 2021 audio drama, Debs in Canton, about Eugene V. Debs, which won multiple awards for excellence in writing). She is a frequent collaborator with her husband, klezmer musician and also multi-talented creative, Yale Strom. …

Jim McMahan (2023-08-14). Starbucks workers on the move. workers.org Seattle The Starbucks Workers United (SBWU) "Union Calling" bus came to Seattle to demonstrate outside Starbucks world headquarters on Aug. 8. Hundreds of baristas and their allies came to protest Starbucks' union-busting campaign against the workers. At the rally and press conference, which was addressed by Washington State Labor Council . . . |

Nathan Halverson (2023-08-14). State Pension Fund Is Invested in Deal to Drain Arizona's Dwindling Groundwater. truthout.org As rural Arizonans face the prospect of wells running dry, foreign firms are sucking up vast amounts of the state's groundwater to grow hay for Saudi Arabia and other wealthy nations. Now it turns out that a key investor in this water transfer scheme is Arizona's own employee retirement fund. In La Paz County, a rural community about 100 miles west of Phoenix, Al Dahra Farms USA has been running a… |

_____ (2023-08-14). Can We Measure Inequality without Tallying the Wealth of the Wealthiest? transcend.org 31 Jul 2023 – Hundreds of prestigious economists don't think so. The World Bank, unfortunately, does.

_____ (2023-08-14). Nuclear Now—What Is Nuclear Power (Documentary). transcend.org June 2023 – Whether you're a seasoned environmentalist or a curious newcomer, Nuclear Now offers a thought-provoking look at the challenges and opportunities presented by nuclear energy. With director Oliver Stone's signature, style, and a wealth of expert insights, this is a must-see for anyone concerned about the future of our planet. And its present.

ecsorinoco (2023-08-14). Gustavo Petro Attributes Villavicencio Murder to Fentanyl Boom in US. orinocotribune.com The Colombian president spoke of the fentanyl consumption boom in the US and linked it to violence in Ecuador and the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio. | Colombian president Gustavo Petro explained this Saturday on his X account that: "The cocaine market collapsed in the US and was replaced by a worse one, that of fentanyl, which already kills 100,000 people a year." | Petro explained the current state of the cocaine market and its structural transformation that has occurred due to the explosion of fentanyl consumption in the United States, which ended up increasing drug trafficking violence in Ecuador. Th…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-15). 2023 California Admission Day – Discover International Underground Railroad Month. indybay.org California Admission Day was an essential part of the 1850 Compromise, a fiercely debated US Congressional Act signed by President Willard Fillmore that strengthened and extended slavery in Utah and New Mexico regions. The passage of the Fugitive Slave Law, which made the federal government financially responsible for capturing and returning freedom seekers to their enslavers…

Anonymous103 (2023-08-15). Subscription-Based Services and the Dawn of the Digital Yuan Age. southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and finance, subscription-based services are emerging as a dominant force, reshaping the way consumers access products and services. Coupled with the rise of digital currencies, such as the Digital Yuan, the world is witnessing a transformative shift in how transactions are conducted, businesses operate, and financial interactions take place. This article delves into the intersection of subscription-based services and the advent…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-15). Egyptian lawmakers repeat support for Palestinian cause. plenglish.com Mujahid Nassar, a member of the House of Representatives, the told Al-Ahram daily that Cairo will not abandon the Palestinian people neither politically nor financially. | He noted the importance of a tripartite summit held on Monday between Presidents Abdel Fatah El-Sisi (Egypt) and Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine), and King of Jordan Abdullah II. | "The event is very important to revitalize Arab solidarity with the inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip," he stressed. | Nassar's colleague in parliament, Ahmed Bahaa Shalaby, spoke in a similar vein, considering that the meeting confirmed Egypt's support for t…

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-14). 'Earn Your Leisure' Became A Top Podcast In America: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Childhood friends Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings saw a void in financial literacy education in Black and brown communities and they're working to change that with their "Earn Your Leisure" podcast and a growing media platform where they sell merchandise, tickets to conferences and online courses. It's working. The "Earn Your Leisure" educational platform provides …

Ann Brown (2023-08-14). Is America Financially Sick? Credit Card Balances Hit $1 Trillion For First Time Ever. moguldom.com The financial health of the U.S. isn't looking too good, judging from Americans' growing dependency on credit cards. Americans have been increasingly turning to their credit cards to make ends meet. The result s that credit card debt has soared. Credit card balances have soared to unprecedented levels, surpassing the $1 trillion threshold for the …

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Gauging the Value of Top-Selling Drugs in Medicare. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent article entitled "Added Therapeutic Benefit of Top-Selling Brand-name Drugs in Medicare" relied on a flawed analysis that imported categorical value judgments from other countries to bolster government price-setting policies included in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-08-15). Argentina ¥s inflation ramped up 6.3 percent in July. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Aug 15 (Prensa Latina) Argentina's National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) issued on Tuesday that the general level of the Consumer Price Index reported a 6.3% inflation in July.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-08-15). Podcast Ep 82: Will Visa Waiver Program allow Israel to keep racist entry policies? electronicintifada.net US would ignore Israel's ongoing apartheid practices for Palestinian Americans with Gaza or West Bank identification.

jamanetwork (2023-08-15). Intrapartum Magnesium for Neuroprotection. jamanetwork.com Prematurity remains a proximate cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Despite extensive years of research and investment, limited gains have been made in preventing preterm birth. There has been substantial focus on obstetric interventions to mitigate the effects of prematurity with short-term and long-term reductions in infant mortality and morbidity. The administration of prenatal corticosteroids is an intervention that has substantially reduced moderate to severe respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, perinatal death, and neonatal death, which are the most severe complications of premat…

Anand Naidoo (2023-08-15). The Heat: China-U.S. Ties. america.cgtn.com A flurry of diplomatic meetings and sanctions on investments in China. We will take a look at the developments and challenges in the China-U.S. relationship. In their meeting last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden agreed to improve relations between Beijing …

Kwolanne Felix (2023-08-15). Despite Reversing AP Psychology Ban, Some Florida Schools Still Won't Teach It. truthout.org The College Board, the nonprofit that devises Advanced Placement (AP) courses, recently announced its AP psychology course was effectively banned by the Florida Board of Education. The course discusses psychological concepts aligned with current research about gender and sexuality that violate Florida's abhorrent "Don't Say Gay" bill. The College Board has rightly refused to censor science for… |

Carl Gibson (2023-08-15). Alabama ignoring SCOTUS show true danger of partisan court. nationofchange.org The most effective solution may be not just ethical regulations and term limits, but reforming the way we conduct presidential elections entirely.

teleSUR (2023-08-15). Spain Beat Sweden 2-1 in Women's World Cup. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Spanish soccer team defeated Sweden 2-1 and advanced to the final of the FIFA Women's World Cup that takes place in Australia and New Zealand. | RELATED: | Nine minutes before the end of regulation time, the Spanish Salma Paralluelo opened the scoring. The lead, however, was short-lived as Rebecka Blomqvist scored an 88th-minute goal to equalize for the Swedes. | This result did not last long either. In the 89t…

Andy Merrifield (2023-08-14). John Berger and Gramsci in Rome: Personal Reflections. mronline.org "A week or so on, John Berger was still with me, there in spirit. Or, better, I was still with him. When in Rome, I told myself…well, what better thing to do than to visit Gramsci, the great Marxist, whose grave lies in the city's 'Non-Catholic Cemetery' in Testaccio."

WSWS (2023-08-15). Unifor targeting Ford in Detroit Three auto talks, seeks to divide Canadian and US workers. wsws.org Unifor President Lana Payne reiterated at a press conference Thursday that the union bureaucracy will work to keep Canadian autoworkers separated from their co-workers in the US, despite the near simultaneous expiration of their contracts in September and the common corporate assault on their jobs and wages.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-15). Drug Patents Are Stifling Progress and Making us Sicker. leftvoice.org

Frank Cappello (2023-08-15). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Trading Places (w/ Jamel Johnson). levernews.com

_____ (2023-08-15). U.S. Capitalism and Why the Glut of 'Wonder Weapons' to Ukraine Won't Make a Difference. strategic-culture.org This war in Ukraine is the ghoulish epitome of Western capitalism, writes Finian Cunningham. | Join us on , , and . | It is slowly and reluctantly dawning on Western officials and their servile media that the Ukraine counter…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-08-15). The rise of private cops: How not to tackle homelessness. nationofchange.org Like many cities with a serious housing problem, Portland is increasingly relying on private security to "clean up" the human debris of capitalism.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Gustavo Petro: The New Zone for the World's Largest Cocaine Production is the Colombian-Ecuadorian Border. libya360.wordpress.com Gustavo Petro From the marijuana of welfare capitalism and its rebellious youth, we have moved on to cocaine, the drug of competitiveness and neoliberalism; and now we are entering the drug of death, fentanyl: the drug of the capitalism of the climate crisis and war. The structure of the cocaine market has changed. The areas…

Staff (2023-08-15). Moms For Liberty (Moms For Bigotry): Foot Soldiers for Capitalism. wibailoutpeople.org Adolf Hitler Quoted in Newsletter: | In a recent newsletter from the Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, it was discovered that the group had quoted Adolf Hitler in its inaugural newsletter. In the first version of the letter, it included the quote, "'He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,' and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely clear, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi lead…

Cecilia Paz (2023-08-14). Four sneaky ways capitalist health care kills poor people. liberationnews.org It is common knowledge that healthcare under capitalism is only guaranteed to those who can afford it.

F. William Engdahl (2023-08-15). Why China Can't Pull the World Out of a New Great Depression. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-08-15). Is the U.S. a Failed State? "Why Did the U.S. Decide to Deindustrialize?" Michael Hudson. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-08-15). Is the US a Failed State? "Why Did the U.S. Decide to Deindustrialize". Michael Hudson. globalresearch.ca

Anonymous103 (2023-08-15). Smoke Rises Over Ukraine After Another Wave Of Russian Strikes. southfront.org Industrial and military facilities are on fire throughout Ukraine as a result of another wave of Russian precision missile strikes. At night, air alert sounded in all regions of the country. Local sources reported Russian strikes in Dnipro, Zaporizhia, as well as Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkasy, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Zhytomyr regions. Local residents are publishing photos of fires across the country. | Russian missiles flew to Western Ukraine. Local authorities repor…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-08-15). Oppenheimer Paradox: Power of science, weakness of scientists. mronline.org The bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 heralded the atomic age and ushered in the military-industrial complex that took over the United States.

Ki-Jana Carter (2023-08-14). Teamsters blast Yellow leadership as company declares bankruptcy. liberationnews.org On August 7, the freight trucking company Yellow announced it is filing for bankruptcy, putting 30,000 people out of work. Yellow is a major player in the small-freight logistics industry. Before ceasing operations on July 30, Yellow was the third-largest carrier of "less-than-truckload" freight. Yellow truck drivers carried goods from factories to distribution centers to stores all across the country, producing $5.2 billion in revenue last year.

Greg Kearney (2023-08-14). DeSantis to government workers: "We are slitting throats on Day One" peoplesworld.org If he wins the White house, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis promised mass murder of "bureaucrats," a favorite Republican denigration of government workers—local, state, and federal. "We are going to start slitting throats on Day One" of the federal employees, he stated. Read the full story: DeSantis in N.H. calls for slitting the throats of federal workers…

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (2023-08-15). Tuesday 8/29: Chicano Moratorium. indybay.org 48 S 7th Street #101 | San Jose, CA 95112…

WSWS (2023-08-15). University and College Union sanctions further UK strikes only to maintain control of its members. wsws.org The only Higher Education Committee faction to explicitly support an early strike ballot was the UCU Left, led by the Socialist Workers Party. But anyone looking to them for leadership will be cruelly disappointed.

WSWS (2023-08-14). UK junior doctors speak on National Health Service strike. wsws.org World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke with doctors on the picket lines in London and Leeds.

WSWS (2023-08-14). UPS workers in Chicago and New York speak out: "Sean O'Brien talks out of both sides of his mouth and insults us with this garbage contract" wsws.org UPS workers in Chicago and New York spoke to the World Socialist Web Site over the weekend about the national tentative agreement, as well as the low pay and poor working conditions they face daily.

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-08-15). Communist Party of Venezuela Decries 'Usurpation' by Supreme Court. venezuelanalysis.com The PCV has claimed that the judicial ruling is part of a scheme orchestrated by the leadership of the PSUV to take over the party's credentials.

thecommunists (2023-08-15). It is not north Korean but US nuclear weapons which threaten the world. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Korean Central News Agency with thanks. ***** At the first session of the preparatory committee for the 11th Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, the USA and its vassal forces unreasonably criticised the DPRK's nuclear deterrent for self-defence as a "threat" to international peace and security and to the …

teleSUR (2023-08-15). Paraguay: Santiago Peña Assumes the Presidency Amid Marches. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Clasista Trade Union Action (ASC), the Citizen Participation Party (PPC), the Social Platform for Human Rights, Memory and Democracy, the Paraguayan Communist Party (PCP) and other progressive organizations called for marches in Asuncion amid the Santiago Peña presidential inauguration ceremony. | RELATED: | The marches will begin at 10: 00 a.m. from Italia Square and aim to ask the new Paraguayan president…

thecommunists (2023-08-14). Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail? thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The National Education Union (NEU), Britain's biggest teaching union, announced on 31 July that, following a consultation with its members, it would be accepting the 6.5 percent pay offer made by the government through its proxy, the Schools Teachers' Review Body. Thus the …

A Guest Author (2023-08-14). Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition For the people of Niger and their new leadership. workers.org The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition issued the following statement Aug. 10. Signers include Mobilization4Mumia, Mumia United Nations Liaison Group, International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Friends of Mumia Mexico, Workers World Party, Communist Workers League and Malcolm X Commemoration Committee. Graphic: Anastasya Eliseeva The new government of Niger . . . |

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