2023-08-23: News Headlines

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-22). BRICS summit begins with focus on expansion, de-dollarization. peoplesdispatch.org The summit of BRICS leaders is expected to take crucial decisions related to the bloc's expansion and its role in carving out more space for the economies of the Global South in the world economy…

Staff (2023-08-22). Vijay Prashad on BRICS & Why Global South Cooperation Is Key to Dismantling Unjust World Order. democracynow.org As a two-day BRICS summit gets underway in South Africa, we speak with author and analyst Vijay Prashad about whether the bloc — which comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — can meaningfully challenge U.S. and Western domination in world affairs by building an alternative forum for countries of the Global South. BRICS countries represent 40% of the world's population and a quarter of the world's economy, and the group is now considering a possible expansion to more than 20 other countries. "BRICS is an instrument to push forward their political views, which they fe…

Dan Collyns (2023-08-22). Ecuador's presidential election to go to runoff in October. america.cgtn.com Ecuador's presidential election moves to the second round in October, between two former lawmakers. They're vying for support from voters concerned about Ecuador's sharp increase in crime and a struggling economy.

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). U.S. Commerce Secretary to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, the United States Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo will visit China from Aug 27 to 30, the ministry announced on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). China announces tax incentives for investors in tech firms' CDRs. ecns.cn Chinese authorities on Tuesday announced tax breaks for individuals and institutions that invest in overseas-listed innovative firms' Chinese depositary receipts (CDRs).

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-08-22). State of California recognizing our 2023 International Day for People of African Descent. indybay.org The State of California is poised to join the efforts to elevate International Day for People of African Descent and utilize the influence from the 5th largest economy on earth to align… "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies".

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-22). The Majority Of Small Businesses: America Is Already In Recession. moguldom.com More than half of U.S. small business owners who responded to a National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) survey in July said they believe the economy is already in a recession, but they also reported that their own businesses are financially strong. The Nashville-based NFIB has been conducting monthly surveys since 1986 among its 325,000 members, …

ecns.cn (2023-08-23). China's early-season rice output estimated to increase slightly. ecns.cn In 2023, China's early-season rice yielding is estimated to increase slightly, recording a rising unit production despite a small decline in sown area.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-23). The Stalled Decolonization. orinocotribune.com By Prabhat Patnaik — Aug 20, 2023 | MUCH of the ex-colonial world, having set up dirigiste regimes to wrest control over its natural resources from metropolitan capital and to build up industries behind protectionist walls, was sought to be re-assimilated into imperialist hegemony through the neo-liberal economic order; but in one segment of this world decolonisation itself was never completed. The former French colonies of West Africa belong to this segment. Even though local personnel replaced French administrators, they did not effectively shake off French hegemony, and by implication metropolitan hegemon…

Editor (2023-08-22). We won't win climate justice in court. mronline.org The recent climate victory in the US state Montana is welcome, but a legal strategy must not replace mass mobilisation to combat capitalist economic logic, argues John Clarke…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). State of Chinese America: Rising Fear About US Warmongering. peacepivot.org Chinese Americans are not a quiet monolith. This survey by the Committee of 100 in partnership with Columbia University revealed rising concerns about anti-Asian violence, economic issues, and worsening mental health, all correlating with the escalated US warmongering in China. 79% of survey respondents viewed the current U.S.-China relations as negative and trending towards war. …

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). BRICS ties give impetus for growth. ecns.cn Enhanced cooperation and better coordination among BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — will bolster their economic growth and fortify the multilateral trading system.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-23). The Stalled Decolonization. orinocotribune.com By Prabhat Patnaik — Aug 20, 2023 | MUCH of the ex-colonial world, having set up dirigiste regimes to wrest control over its natural resources from metropolitan capital and to build up industries behind protectionist walls, was sought to be re-assimilated into imperialist hegemony through the neo-liberal economic order; but in one segment of this world decolonisation itself was never completed. The former French colonies of West Africa belong to this segment. Even though local personnel replaced French administrators, they did not effectively shake off French hegemony, and by implication metropolitan hegemon…

Editor (2023-08-22). We won't win climate justice in court. mronline.org The recent climate victory in the US state Montana is welcome, but a legal strategy must not replace mass mobilisation to combat capitalist economic logic, argues John Clarke…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). State of Chinese America: Rising Fear About US Warmongering. peacepivot.org Chinese Americans are not a quiet monolith. This survey by the Committee of 100 in partnership with Columbia University revealed rising concerns about anti-Asian violence, economic issues, and worsening mental health, all correlating with the escalated US warmongering in China. 79% of survey respondents viewed the current U.S.-China relations as negative and trending towards war. …

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). BRICS ties give impetus for growth. ecns.cn Enhanced cooperation and better coordination among BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — will bolster their economic growth and fortify the multilateral trading system.

infobrics (2023-08-22). BRICS Countries Want to Replace Dollar?>. infobrics.org The BRICS confederation, which includes the developing countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, seen as the pioneer of an economic system that is an alternative to the US dollar-dominated financial system…

Luis Britto García (2023-08-22). El dogma liberal y las crisis económicas. globalizacion.ca 1.- El dogma liberal y neoliberal | Las crisis periódicas | Desde que hay capitalismo hay crisis económicas: recurrentes, destructivas, cada vez más graves. Tres soluciones se han propuesto para remediarlas: la liberal, la keynesiana, la socialista. Cada una comporta una posición…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-08-22). Niger Is The Latest West African Nation To Rise Up Against Neocolonialism. popularresistance.org At the end of July, the Presidential Guard of Niger, backed by the military, unseated the current president, Mohamed Bazoum, in a coup supported by the people. In response, the United States and France, with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), began planning a military intervention to return Bazoum to power. West African nations, including Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, quickly declared solidarity with the new government, a move that could turn a military intervention into a greater regional conflict. To understand what is happening in Niger and how it fits into the bigger picture of the rejec…

Staff (2023-08-22). Niger Is The Latest West African Nation To Rise Up Against Neocolonialism — Interview with Abayomi Azikiwe of the Pan African Newswire. wibailoutpeople.org By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. | August 21, 2023 | At the end of July, the Presidential Guard of Niger, backed by the military, unseated the current president, Mohamed Bazoum, in a coup supported by the people. In response, the United States and France, with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), began planning a military intervention to return Bazoum to power. West African nations, inc…

ecns.cn (2023-08-23). China's civil aviation passenger transport scale reaches new heights. ecns.cn The scale of civil aviation passenger transport reached a new high in July, Economic Daily reported on Wednesday.

unitedEditor (2023-08-22). Witnessing the BRICS Summit. uwidata.com The BRICS countries are gathering for their first face-to-face summit after the pandemic. It is their 15th summit taking place while tensions around Ukraine and Taiwan are increasing and especially the Western block is struggling with an economic crisis, responding in closing borders and pursuing more aggressive policies. In that context, we have the chance to …

Chris Hedges (2023-08-22). The crucifixion of Julian Assange. mronline.org The Biblical prophets — Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah — believed that anything worth living for was worth dying for. Their enemy was not only suffering, calumny, poverty, injustice, but a life devoid of meaning.

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). Antipoverty Centre report calls for income-first approach. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). Unemployment is up and the Reserve Bank will make sure it gets worse. greenleft.org.au

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-22). How Crypto Aid Is Stolen in Ukraine by State Officials. orinocotribune.com By Slavisha Batko Milacic — Aug 18, 2023 | The development of the cryptocurrency market and its relative anonymity has come as a boon for many representatives of both the shady and completely legal business, providing them with the last opportunity to hide their assets from the state. This prompted the adoption of numerous laws on state control over cryptocurrencies. However, for the corrupt "servants of the people" the crypto became not only a salvation from the eagle eye of law enforcement agencies, but also a chance for earning additional income. So, for Ukrainian officials and their partners, cryptocurre…

jamanetwork (2023-08-22). Aspirin for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in 51 Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries. jamanetwork.com This cross-sectional study evaluates the prevalence of self-reported aspirin use for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among individuals in low-, middle-, and high-income countries.

Ana Perdigón (2023-08-22). María Corina Machado's Advisor Calls for Civil Disobedience, Military Uprising. orinocotribune.com A fugitive from Venezuelan justice and international advisor to María Corina Machado's primaries campaign, Antonio Ledezma, confirmed Machado's strategy to promote a military rebellion to force her registration if she wins the opposition primaries, scheduled for October 20. | In an interview this Sunday, August 20, Ledezma said that only with the "impulse of a process of civil disobedience will they be able to handle the exclusion of Machado's candidacy by the National Electoral Council (CNE)." He immediately elaborated on the military option. | "The only way to be able to carry out the registration of a woman wh…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-08-22). Fired-Up Auto Workers Are Ready To Battle The Big Three. popularresistance.org Warren, Michigan – Sunday afternoon at the Auto Workers (UAW) Region 1 Pavilion in Warren, Michigan, felt a lot like church. Auto workers came together in sweltering heat to rally each other with fiery speeches, cheers, and songs in the first Big 3 contract rally anyone can remember. | The contracts with Ford, General Motors (GM), and Stellantis expire September 14. | "I've been told throughout this thing that we've set expectations too high. You're damn right we have, because our members have high expectations, and record profits deserve record contracts," said UAW President Shawn Fain at the rally. "As a union,…

Pivot to Peace (2023-08-22). Henry Liang: the Chinese-American Peace Activist Arrested In Boston. peacepivot.org Henry Liang's arrest in Boston is part of the witch hunt on anyone who speaks out against U.S. foreign policy on China, particularly in the Chinese-American community. We say: drop the charges! Thank you to Amrita from Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) and Mike from UNITE HERE Local 26 for the interviews.

Staff (2023-08-22). Trader Joe's fired a union supporter who worked at the chain for over 18 years. #TraderJoes. youtube.com Trader Joe's fired a union supporter who worked at the chain for over 18 years. Union leaders delivered a petition with over 22,000 signatures to the Trader Joe's corporate headquarters & held a rally to protest the corporations union busting tactics. #TraderJoes #LaborUnion…

Anonymous (2023-08-22). Breaking: CALTECH Hires LAVC Stalker as Labor Consultant. indybay.org CalTech (California Institute of Technology) is a prestigious research institution in Pasadena, California. Like many larger institutions, CalTech has been embroiled in a series of legal issues. To combat them, Cal-Tech has employed a consultant who stalked and retaliated against student whistleblowers at Los Angeles Valley College.

Jake Johnson (2023-08-22). NLRB Accuses Amazon of Illegally Calling Cops on Workers to Crush Union Campaign. truthout.org A regional director of the National Labor Relations Board submitted a filing on Monday accusing Amazon of illegally calling the police on workers and other unlawful union-busting tactics during its effort to crush an organizing campaign at a warehouse near Albany, New York. In the complaint, first reported by Bloomberg, the NLRB official writes that Amazon "has been interfering with, restraining… |

Marc Steiner (2023-08-22). India and Israel's fascists are in cahoots. Can Hindu and Jewish progressives form an alliance too? therealnews.com open.spotify.com/episode/7yF6Z1HNTOoPnTm1XX58vg?si=2897060e653041b4 | Warnings of rising fascism have emanated from India for years as the Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, movement under Prime Minister Narendra Modi has unleashed escalating religious and caste-based violence in "the world's largest democracy." Throughout, India's fascists have found a fellow traveler, a collaborative partner, and a state model to emulate in Israel's ethno-nationalist apartheid regime. How deep does the India-Israel relationship go? And how can Hindu and Jewish progressives be part of the solution? Aparna Gopalan joins T…

United Front Committee For Labor Partty (2023-08-22). Wednesday 8/23: Shut Robotaxis Down NOW! Health and Safety Emergency In SF. indybay.org 530 10th St/Bryant St Next To Costco | San Francisco, CA…

Fernando Dorado (2023-08-22). Colombia — Petro se enfrenta a Grupo Aval. globalizacion.ca Más rápido de lo que se pensaba se van mostrando y enfrentando las fuerzas, y se acercan momentos definitorios en Colombia. La oligarquía financiera no cede ante las reformas sociales (salud, pensiones, laboral) porque tocan su caja menor (Empresas Promotoras…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). Labor needs to move on Murray-Darling Basin water protection. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). No New Gas Coalition forms to stop NT Labor gas push. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). Refugees call on federal Labor to give them permanent visas. greenleft.org.au

Labor Video Project (2023-08-23). When WE Fight We Win! SAG AFTRA WGA Picket Netflix World HQ On National Day Of Action. indybay.org Striking SAG AFTRA WGA worker rallied at Netflix world headquarters in Los Gatos to demand protection from AI and the war on workers in this industry by the billionaires…

Anonymous (2023-08-23). Caltech Labor Consultant Enabled Scott Svonkin's Alleged Abusive Behavior. indybay.org Pasadena CalTech University's Labor Consultant Annie Goldman-Reed was previously was a low-level administrator at Los Angeles Valley College. In 2017, she ran a campaign to discredit a fellow trustees allegations of abusive behavior. This followed years a smear campaigns against other LACCD whistleblowers.

Alex Bainbridge (2023-08-23). Labor fails on AUKUS, housing and taxation. greenleft.org.au Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's argument that long-term government is counterposed to pro-working class policies contains major flaws, argues Alex Bainbridge.

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-23). Waterloo residents slam Labor's housing plan. greenleft.org.au

Jeff Abbott (2023-08-22). Bernardo Arévalo Victory Is a Turning Point for Guatemala. progressive.org The president-elect has promised to crack down on corruption and break up monopolies, a welcome sign in a country gripped by a wealthy elite.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-08-23). Cutting Climate Change Research: Cuts at the Australian Antarctic Division. dissidentvoice.org Australia's funding priorities have been utterly muddled of late. At the Commonwealth level, there is cash to be found in every conceivable place to support every absurd military venture, as long as it targets those hideous authoritarians in Beijing. It seemed utterly absurd that, even as the Australian federal government announced its purchase of over …

Roselena Ramirez (2023-08-22). This Week On Americas Now: Illegal Mining in the Rainforests of Ecuador. america.cgtn.com Earlier this year, Ecuadorean President Guillermo Lasso declared illegal mining a threat to national security, linking it to organized crime. But with gold prices at an all-time high, that has done little to stop the miners. Dan Collyns visited an indigenous village where residents formed …

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). Imported goods favored amid consumption upgrade. ecns.cn Chinese consumers are exhibiting vibrant purchasing power for imported and foreign-branded products, which has become a key driver for upgraded consumption fueled by China's further opening-up and gradual improvement in cross-border logistics and deliveries.

ecns.cn (2023-08-22). Baidu sees positive financials, continues investing in AI. ecns.cn Chinese tech heavyweight Baidu Inc delivered better-than-expected financial results for the April-June period on Tuesday, with its total revenue reaching 34.1 billion yuan ($4.7 billion), an increase of 15 percent year-on-year.

Katie Myers (2023-08-22). Coal Barons on Opposite Side of Aisle Face Off in West Virginia Senate Race. truthout.org A recent campaign ad targeting West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin shows the centrist Democrat standing alongside President Biden, applauding the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act. Ominous music plays as the words, attributed to Biden, "I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel" splash across the screen. The spot, from a dark money group aligned with Republicans, paints Manchin as a… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-22). War and Lenin in the 21st Century. libya360.wordpress.com Gary Wilson © Photo : Screenshot / Social Media Rare footage of destruction of foreign mercenaries in Zaporizhzhya. Part I: U.S. funds war, takes over Ukraine assets The U.S. is funding a proxy war against Russia — Congress has approved $113 billion for Ukraine — seizing Ukraine's assets in the process. The U.S. is spending…

ecns.cn (2023-08-23). China's investment in AI expected to reach $38.1b in 2027. ecns.cn China's investment in artificial intelligence is forecast to reach $38.1 billion (273.9 billion yuan) in 2027, accounting for 9 percent of the world's total, according to a recent report by market consultancy IDC.

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-22). Philadelphia Nonprofit Wants to Give Latino Entrepreneurs the Capital Boost They Need. nextcity.org

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2023-08-22). D.C.'s Street Vendor Regulations Formalize The Informal. popularresistance.org Informality often makes something beautiful. A rapper freestyling. A jazz musician improvising. A drag queen lip-syncing. Their organic, in-the-moment, uncodified nature is a huge reason they captivate and excite. | Street vending is supposed to be the informal version of commerce. In this country, lawmakers and law enforcement have made attempts to codify street vending, and usually it gets pretty ugly, pretty quickly. | Maybe this summer in Washington, D.C. will be the start of something different. | After years of street vendor-led organizing, earlier this year D.C. Council Members unanimously passed legislati…

Ruth Conniff (2023-08-22). MIDDLE AMERICA: Holding On to Democracy. progressive.org Across the country, Republicans are pushing local, state, and national regulations to curtail democracy and lock in minority rule.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-22). Namibia: Canadian Oil Company's Extraction Pump and Dump Scam Highlights Criminal Resource Extraction. libya360.wordpress.com Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba Picture of the Recon Africa drilling site at the Mbambi Village in Kavango basin. No liner, in violation of safety regulations concerning the environment. Courtesy of Rob Parker. Through interviews with key witnesses, along with documents and cables from key ministries in Canada and Namibia, The Canada Files has discovered the unlawful…

jamanetwork (2023-08-22). Regulating Direct-to-Consumer Polygenic Risk Scores. jamanetwork.com This Viewpoint discusses the possible harms associated with direct-to-consumer polygenic risk scores and advocates for federal regulation.

cameron orr (2023-08-22). Freeing our organizations from the culture of oppression requires vigilance. cpusa.org I was recently asked how I became a Marxist-Leninist and I feel like the simplest answer I can provide is my experience as a Black person, who is often perceived as a woman. Throughout my life, I have struggled tremendously with not feeling good enough, while simultaneously feeling like I'm too much. A lot of this comes down to the unfair expectations and standards people hold me to, as a Black femme, while also making me feel invisible for my achievements and accomplishments. I've noticed in school and work, I would always be doing more than my white peers, only to be less respected, acknowledged, and support…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). NSW Teachers challenger calls for action on wages, conditions. greenleft.org.au

Frank Cappello (2023-08-22). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Titanic (w/ Dr. Erika Okamoto). levernews.com

Tom Conway, Nation Of Change. (2023-08-22). How Washington State Can Protect Workers At Oil Refineries. popularresistance.org The grief hits Scott Campbell like a ton of bricks every time he walks into the union hall and sees the memorial to the fallen workers. | Seven members of the United Steelworkers (USW) union reported for their shifts at the former Tesoro refinery in Anacortes, Washington, on April 2, 2010, and never drove back out. They perished when a decades-old, structurally deficient piece of equipment called a heat exchanger exploded and caught fire in one of the worst industrial incidents in state history. | Campbell and other members of USW Local 12-591 pay tribute to the seven with a laser focus on safety at the refinery,…

Rodney Atkinson (2023-08-23). NATO/EU Aggression Plunges Germany Into Crisis. "Deindustrialization" globalresearch.ca

Reynard Loki (2023-08-22). The Food System and the Challenge of Climate Change. socialistproject.ca

Tanupriya Singh (2023-08-22). Socialist Party of Zambia leader Fred M'membe arrested again in rising campaign of repression. peoplesdispatch.org SP President Fred M'membe was arrested on August 22 on an additional charge in a case of political violence in the Serenje district in April. Despite having been attacked by members of the ruling UPND, M'membe and other SP leaders were arrested by the police…

Socialist Alliance (2023-08-23). Solidarity with Indian students resisting hate mobs, fighting for a democratic campus. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance condemns the recent brutal attack on students by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad hate mobs — the youth wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the West Bengal police.

thecommunists (2023-08-22). Book review: War made Invisible by Norman Solomon. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from Savage Minds, with thanks. ***** Usually when I read a interesting book I'm reviewing and being a journalist, I often find myself inspired to write an article that delves further into some aspect that the book brushed over. But in the case of Norman Solomon's infuriating, well-documented and much needed …

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