2023-08-29: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-08-28). Mass opposition developing to CDC's proposed anti-scientific infection control guideline. wsws.org The guideline revision is not an arbitrary decision or a misguided mistake, but a conscious and criminal maneuver designed to ensure that another surge or another pandemic will not cause any slowdowns in the economy.

infobrics (2023-08-29). How Does the BRICS Currency Transform the World Economy?>. infobrics.org The creation of a BRICS currency has become throughout the past year one of the headline themes related not only to BRICS, but also the global financial markets…

infobrics (2023-08-29). Brics Membership to Boost UAE's Trade Ties with Global South, Minister of Economy Says. infobrics.org Country remains focused on strengthening economic relations with other major partners around the globe…

infobrics (2023-08-29). BRICS Influence in Shaping the Global Financial Landscape and Its Implications for Developing Economies Like Zambia. infobrics.org We explored the BRICS economy—an alliance of emerging market economies comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Now, we shift our focus to examine BRICS' potential impact on the global financial system. As global economic and political dynamics change, we'll explore what this means for developing countries like Zambia…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). BRICS and the English-Speaking Caribbean. orinocotribune.com By Wayne Kublalsingh — Aug 25, 2023 | August 24, 2023, marked a dramatic shift in the course of global history. BRICS, the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, announced that they were admitting Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates into its fold. | The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has calculated that the larger BRICS Plus formation is worth roughly 30 per cent of the globally economy, that is US$30.7 trillion. BRICS Plus is home to 46 per cent of the global population, 3.7 billion citizens. Its share of oil production is now 43.1 per cent; and…

Chuck Collins (2023-08-28). 60 Years After the March on Washington, Black Economic Inequality Persists. counterpunch.org Black Americans have endured the unendurable for too long. Sixty years after the famed March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his landmark "I Have a Dream" speech, African Americans are on a path where it will take 500 more years to reach economic equality. A new report,

Dean Baker (2023-08-28). Trump's $3.6 Trillion Dollar Tax Hike. counterpunch.org Most candidates would not make a huge tax hike a center piece in their presidential campaign, but Donald Trump is not your typical presidential candidate. In case people missed it, Trump floated the idea of imposing 10 percent tariffs across the board on all imports with a group of people who have served as his economic advisers.

ecns.cn (2023-08-28). China's special envoy: BRICS expansion is of great significance. ecns.cn On August 24, 2023, the Press Center of Chinese Delegation held a briefing for Chinese and foreign media in Johannesburg, South Africa, and invited Special Envoy on BRICS Affairs and Director-General of the Department of International Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry Li Kexin to brief the media and take questions from the press.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-28). Thinking about weight-loss surgery? 4 things to consider. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Anyone who's struggled with reaching or maintaining a healthy weight probably has heard comments like, "If you want to lose weight, just eat less and exercise more" or "Losing weight is all about willpower." But weight loss is much more complicated. Genetics, socioeconomic status, mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, and certain medications can affect your ability to lose weight and keep it off. That's why weight loss requires a complex, multipronged approach,…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-08-28). Chilean teachers ratify call to strike. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) Leaders of the Chilean Teachers Association will be received by the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo, but they maintain the call for an indefinite strike in demand for socioeconomic improvements.

Staff (2023-08-29). Syria accuses Israel, US of trying to escalate war in the country. peoplesdispatch.org Syria's foreign and expatriate ministry issued a statement on Monday, August 28, accusing Israel and the US of trying to escalate the war in the country by supporting terrorists and aggravating the impact of economic sanctions. The statement called on the UN Security Council to "resume its responsibilities and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for …

Chuck Collins, Inequality. (2023-08-28). 60 Years After March On Washington, Black Economic Inequality Persists. popularresistance.org Black Americans have endured the unendurable for too long. Sixty years after the famed March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his landmark "I Have a Dream" speech, African Americans are on a path where it will take 500 more years to reach economic equality. | A new report, Still A Dream, coauthored by Institute for Policy Studies and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, examines the economic indicators since 1963. Our country has taken significant steps towards racial equity since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and '60s.

Editor (2023-08-29). BRICS Calls for Global Economic Decision Making in the Interest of the Majority. scheerpost.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). Crashed an Anti-Syria Lobby Meeting Where They Pushed for a New Caliphate and More Starvation Sanctions. orinocotribune.com By Hekmat Aboukhater ∑ Aug 21, 2023 | I crashed the meeting of a lobbying front that ended the life-saving General License 2023 on Syria, and is now pushing to extend Washington's economic war for another 8 years. | Behind closed doors, the former State Department official leading the workshop revealed the group's ultimate goal: partitioning Syria and creating a de facto Caliphate for a rebranded Al Qaeda offshoot. | This July 30, I registered under an alias to join a workshop organized by the Syrian American Council (SAC), the leading voice of the lobby that aims to starve and destabilize Syria into submissi…

Andrew Korybko (2023-08-28). Argentina's Invitation To Join BRICS Turns Geo-Economics Into A Top Election Issue. thealtworld.com

Caleb Crowder (2023-08-28). Sixty Years Later, We Can Make King's Dream a Reality. ips-dc.org Sixty years ago, Dr. That 1963 rally on the National Mall was the culmination of two decades of marches focused on ending employment discrimination and demanding greater job opportunities for African Americans. The organizing manual for the March on Washington made it plain: "We march to redress old grievances and to help resolve an American crisis. That crisis is born of the twin evils of racism and economic deprivation." | In what wo…

Dave DeCamp (2023-08-28). Macron Says France Will Support ECOWAS Military Action in Niger. news.antiwar.com French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday said that his country would support a military intervention in Niger to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum, who was ousted in a July 26 coup. "We support the diplomatic action, and when it decides to do so militarily, of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), in a partnership approach," …

Marc Steiner (2023-08-28). The March on Washington was a labor struggle too. therealnews.com The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom has been rightfully memorialized as an iconic moment in American history, particularly as the venue for Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. Yet a deeper look at the March on Washington can offer a richer understanding of what made the Civil Rights Movement possible, and what organizers today can emulate in the ongoing struggle for racial and economic justice. Beyond the leading lights of the day such as Bayard Rustin, James Baldwin, and A. Phillip Randolph, was a multiracial, working class movement that drew together unions and churches, student org…

Kennedy Smith, Institute for Local Self-Reliance. (2023-08-28). Facing Consolidation, Communities Open Their Own Grocery Stores. popularresistance.org When the longtime owner of Hometown Foods in tiny Conrad, Iowa announced in 2019 that he was closing the community's only grocery store, some residents quickly mobilized to buy the business and keep it open. A few of them pooled their money to buy the building; one bought the fixtures; another bought the store's inventory. They then approached Andy Havens, who owns two small grocery markets in nearby towns, about managing the store. He agreed to do so — and he is now gradually buying out the initial investors.[1] | Like Conrad, a growing number of towns and cities recognize that access to fresh, healthy foo…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-28). Antipoverty Centre's Kristin O'Connell: 'There are common sense solutions to the housing crisis'. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-29). Antipoverty Centre's Kristin O'Connell: 'There are common sense solutions to the housing crisis'. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2023-08-28). Alienation under capitalism and the conspiracy pipeline. mronline.org When class analysis is absent from discussions about systemic problems, issues like income inequality, access to resources, and power imbalances are often oversimplified or ignored.

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-29). Did Airbnb Destroy The American Dream Of Owning A Home? 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Airbnb, the online home-sharing marketplace credited with revolutionizing travel and creating a new income stream for homeowners, is reaching saturation and partly to blame for the housing crisis, according to some market watchers. "The AirBnB phenomenon is a perfect example of how an interesting idea gets completely over-leveraged by people who see nothing but dollar …

Mick Hall, Consortium News. (2023-08-28). Unease Over New Zealand Overtures To US Military Presence In The Pacific. popularresistance.org Whangarei,New Zealand – Recent reports from New Zealand's security state have sparked protest after all but suggesting the country join the U.S.-led AUKUS military alliance, a move that would reverse years of New Zealand's independent foreign and defence policy and put it on a collision course with China. | Ex-Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark lamented the loss of what would remain of the country's military sovereignty. Clark blasted an "orchestrated campaign" by defence and security officials to join the U.S., Britain and Australia in AUKUS. | In a Twitter thread, she said the government was "abandoning its capa…

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). Trade unions and communists condemn French state's persecution of energy workers' leader Sébastien Menesplier By: Peoples Dispatch. midwesternmarx.com Sébastien Menesplier, the leader of the National Federation of Mines and Energy, was summoned by the police for his role in organizing a strike against the unpopular pension reforms. Unions and the French left have termed it an unprecedented escalation of attacks on labor organizing French trade union leader Sébastien Menesplier Workers' organizations and progressive movements in France denounced the state's attempt to persecute Sébastien Menesplier, nat …

Labor Video Project (2023-08-28). KPFA Journalist Frank Sterling, , Elections, Pacifica & The Fight Against The Racist Anti. indybay.org KPFA journalist Frank Sterling and KPFA LSB candidate Steve Zeltzer speak out about the refusal of the KPFA Local Station Board group "The Protectors" to support a resolution calling for the dropping of Antioch police charges against journalist Frank Sterling. The KPFA Local station board and the past manager have refused to also call for the freedom of journalist s Mumia Abu-jamal and Julian Assange. KPFA also put on programmer Ian Masters who has said he is for keeping Mumia in jail and the supporters of Mumia are dupes.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-08-28). Monday 9/4: SF Labor Day Speak Out! Stop Disney Dystopia AI Wrecking SF & World For The Billionaires. indybay.org Cruise Headquarters | 530 10th St/ Bryant St. | San Francisco…

WorkWeek (2023-08-28). Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Judgement: AI Robojudge. indybay.org WorkWeek covers Non-Profits, Privatization & Union Busting, The Play, The Judgement: AI Robojudge, Labor & The Militarization of Australia & Lessons Of UC UAW Strike…

Eric Blanc, Labor Politics. (2023-08-28). Can Boycotts Help Workers Win? popularresistance.org The recent uptick in labor organizing has prompted not only a rise in strikes, but also the return of an old labor weapon: the boycott. | While boycott campaigns generally have a mixed record at best, this tactic was used successfully in the recent unionization and first contract victories at Burgerville in Oregon as well as Spot Coffee in upstate New York — a campaign that set the stage for the subsequent Starbucks upsurge. Raising the slogan, "No Contract, No Field Trips," unionizing workers at Medieval Times in New Jersey and California are now linking up with K-12 teachers to boycott the company until i…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-28). Waterloo residents slam Labor's housing plan. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-28). Video: CFMEU demands Labor ban engineered stone, introduce super profits tax for housing. greenleft.org.au

teleSUR, JGN (2023-08-28). Presidente Díaz-Canel sostiene reunión con cubanos residentes en Namibia. telesurtv.net Díaz-Canel convocó a los colaboradores cubanos "a mantener el prestigio alcanzado y seguir aportando al avance social de este pueblo hermano" de Namibia.

WSWS (2023-08-28). Australia: University of Melbourne workers launch week-long stoppages. wsws.org The stoppages are another indication of the willingness of university workers to fight back against the offensive on their jobs and conditions, and pro-corporate restructuring, which is intensifying under the Albanese Labor government.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-08-29). Study calls for a shareholder-based carbon tax as 69,700 of the wealthiest US households are found to be "super emitters" of CO2. expose-news.com

Ann Brown (2023-08-29). Michael Jordan Becomes Wealthiest NBA Player Of All Time With $3.5 Billion Net Worth. moguldom.com Superstar National Basketball Association player Michael Jordan's net worth has soared to an estimated $3.5 billion, solidifying his position as the richest basketball player in history. This revelation from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Jordan's recent surge in wealth is attributed in part to his strategic business moves, such as his sale of a majority stake …

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-28). Protest: Federal Reserve Ignoring Systemic Climate Financial Risks. popularresistance.org

Dana Sanchez (2023-08-28). New Research Says Racial Wage Gap Is Wider: Prior Studies Leave Out Prisoners And Long-Unemployed. moguldom.com The racial wage gap, which measures the difference in average reported employment earnings between demographic groups such as Black and white men, could be 33 percent higher than previously reported, according to new research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. UMass economist Jeannette Wicks-Lim analyzed almost 30 years of U.S. Census Bureau wage data and survey panels …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-08-29). Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings. dissidentvoice.org We know what the regime is like. Starving a country, bombing its hospitals and strafing its schools has been minor fare for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The population of Yemen has found this out to their colossal cost. Add to this the killing of dissident journalists, the enthusiastic employment of capital punishment, and an …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-08-28). Sanders proposes U.S. and China cut military spending, shift funds to global warming fight. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., is proposing the United States and the People's Republic of China mutually agree to cut military spending, shifting the money to combatting global warming. Sanders made his proposal in an Op-ed in The Guardian on Aug. 21. But when he proposed a 10% cut—at least $90 billion—on July 27 during Senate …

Dave LIndorff (2023-08-28). Covid Precautions Aren't Primarily Aren't for You; They're to Protect Those You Ought to Care About. thiscantbehappening.net I've never thought of myself as someone who needed special consideration. Not even when I ended up spending a year on crutches or a walking in a stiff full-length plaster leg cast following a nasty ski accident at 19, or when ai learned in my 40s after a stubborn case of viral pneumonia that … |

Evaggelos Vallianatos (2023-08-28). Poseidonia Meadows in Greece at Grave Risk. counterpunch.org Seagrass and fish farms The Institute of Marine Conservation Archipelagos, a Greek non-profit scientific organization, is sounding the alarm about the state of the marine environment in Greece, especially now that Greece has been under extreme pressure to pay off its ill-gotten debt. The warning is primarily about the fate of Poseidonia sea grass /

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-28). Corporate profiteering from the cost-of-living crisis. greenleft.org.au

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-28). Ukraine: The Wunderwaffe Delusion. libya360.wordpress.com Chay Bowes Why Ukraine's Western backers are happy to feed Zelensky's fantasies about American F-16s The 50-year-old jet won't turn the tide of the conflict in Kiev's favor, but it profits its partners to keep pretending As the Western establishment media begrudgingly accepts what many analysts have long predicted — that Kiev's counteroffensive is a…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-29). Corporate profiteering from the cost-of-living crisis. greenleft.org.au

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). BRICS and G77+China: A Historic Transformational Opportunity By: Alejandra Garcia. midwesternmarx.com world leaders attending the BRICS Summit in South Africa. photo: Alejandro Azcuy The BRICS group, an alliance of leading emerging economies formed by Brazil, Russia, India, and China in June 2009 with South Africa coming on board in 2010, concluded its first face-to-face meeting on Thursday after three years of impasse due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. From August 22-24, Johannesburg, South Africa, was the scene of key discussions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.Pre …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-28). The BRICS Have Changed the Balance of Forces, but They Will Not by Themselves Change the World: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2023) By: Vijay Prashad. midwesternmarx.com ​Mao Xuhui (China), '92 Paternalism, 1992. Dear friends,​Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.In 2003, high officials from Brazil, India, and South Africa met in Mexico to discuss their mutual interests in the trade of pharmaceutical drugs. India was and is one of the world's largest producers of various drugs, including those used to treat HIV-AIDS; Brazil and South Africa were both in need of affordable drugs for pat …

Ed Rampell (2023-08-29). Imagining Karl Marx as a Private Eye. covertactionmagazine.com What If the Co-Author of The Communist Manifesto Would Have Become a Gumshoe? Novelist Jim Feast's sly alternate history Karl Marx Private Eye (PM Press) somehow manages to bring Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes, Karl Marx and his youngest daughter together at Karlsbad, Bohemia, in 1875. The author may have chosen to set his whodunit at Karlsbad …

Yanis Iqbal (2023-08-29). Negotiating Faith and Capitalism: An Exploration of Contemporary Spirituality. dissidentvoice.org Born into a Muslim family, I regularly encounter people who come to my house to invite me to religious gatherings. In these times of neoliberal fascism, it is interesting to note the ideological experience that piety seeks to provide. The most recent person whom I interacted with attempted to root the everyday relevance of religion …

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-29). New Film: Colonialism And Capitalism Are Decimating Our Forests. popularresistance.org

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-08-28). Consumer Health: Teens and depression — a back-to-school concern. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org With many teens heading back to school, peer pressure and academic expectations are once again a reality. These added pressures can cause ups and downs during what can be an already tumultuous time of life. For some teens, though, the lows are more than just temporary feelings. They're symptoms of depression. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Teen depression is a…

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-29). NTEU at Melbourne Uni begin week of industrial action. greenleft.org.au

Staff (2023-08-28). Gary Younge on Jacksonville Shooting & Why America's Gun Problem "Makes Its Racism More Lethal" democracynow.org On Saturday, a white supremacist gunman killed three Black people at a store in Jacksonville, Florida, in a racially motivated attack. Authorities say the 21-year-old white gunman initially tried to enter the historically Black college Edward Waters University, but he was turned away by a security guard before driving to a nearby Dollar General and opening fire with a legally purchased attack-style rifle. America's gun problem "makes its racism more lethal," says Gary Younge, author of Dispatches from the Diaspora: From Nelson Mandela to Black Lives Matter. "There's been a significan…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-08-28). Will White People Survive? thealtworld.com Beginning in 1787 the English began campaigning for the abolition of the slave trade. As the slave trade was the product of black Africa itself, the only way the English could abolish the slave trade was by prohibiting English purchase of slaves and by using England's command of the seas to blockade the African ports where the slaves captured by the black African King of Dahomey were loaded onto Portuguese, French, British, and Dutch ships. Once the British closed Dahomey's Gate of No Return at Ouidah by blockading the port, Dahomey's revenues which had equipped Dahomey's army with modern European weapons collaps…

Jason Hickel (2023-08-28). The double objective of Democratic ecosocialism. mronline.org The title of this week's episode is taken from an article to be published in September's Monthly Review. The author, Jason Hickel, talks to Steve about the topic in his third visit to the podcast.

WSWS (2023-08-28). IYSSE holds well-attended anti-war meeting at Peradeniya University in Sri Lanka. wsws.org IYSSE and SEP members campaigned at the campus prior to the event, explaining the growing threat of world war and the international socialist program required to prevent it.

Federico Fuentes (2023-08-29). A socialist guide to China's role in the world today. greenleft.org.au In his latest work, Simon Hannah sketches out China's development into "one of the most powerful capitalist and emerging imperialist countries in the world". Federico Fuentes reviews.

Fight Back (2023-08-28). Philippines: Vow to attain justice for the Tiamzons and all victims of state terrorism! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 21 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | One year ago today, Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), Wilma Austria (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries, were arrested by troops belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, on their way to the coasts of Catbalogan town, Samar. While in the custody of their fascist captors, they were subjected to severe torture before they were subsequently killed. Their lifeless bodies were loaded on a boat and brought to sea where reportedly being exploded. | The torture and murder of the Tiamzons,…

Fight Back (2023-08-28). Philippines: Vow to attain justice for the Tiamzons and all victims of state terrorism! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 21 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | One year ago today, Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan), Wilma Austria (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries, were arrested by troops belonging to the 8th Infantry Division, on their way to the coasts of Catbalogan town, Samar. While in the custody of their fascist captors, they were subjected to severe torture before they were subsequently killed. Their lifeless bodies were loaded on a boat and brought to sea where reportedly being exploded. | The torture and murder of the Tiamzons,…

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