Monthly Archives: September 2023

2023-09-29: News Headlines (2023-09-29). Xi stresses building higher-level pilot free trade zones. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently delivered instructions on advancing the development of pilot free trade zones (FTZs). (2023-09-29). Xi stresses active participation in WTO reform, stronger ability for high-level opening-up. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on the afternoon of Sept. 27, convened its eighth group study session on the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the reform of the organization.

Editor (2023-09-29). Scolding striking auto workers in advance for wrecking economy. The first person quoted in the New York Times' rundown (9/19/23) on the United Auto Workers strike was a lawyer representing management from Littler Mendelson, the go-to firm for big corporations' union avoidance.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-29). "It's Not Socialism": China is a Capitalist Cheap Labour Economy, Based on Exceedingly Low Wages.

TASS (2023-09-29). Yakutia needs additional funding to cope with wildfires, expert says. In 2023, Yakutia's direct damage from wildfires is estimated at more than 347 million rubles ($3.5 million)…

TASS (2023-09-29). Euro surpasses 103 rubles, first time since September 20. The dollar also added 0.42%, rising to 97.21 rubles…

TASS (2023-09-29). Central Bank Governor says banking sector's capital cushion estimated at over $60 bln. Elvira Nabiullina added that the reasonability of creating a fund to support the banking sector is being discussed…

TASS (2023-09-29). Pilot project on digital ruble to be expanded in 2024 — Central Bank Governor. "Here everything is going as planned, we are testing operations, first of all the opening of wallets, transfers between citizens, the payment of purchases via QR codes," Elvira Nabiullina underlined…

TASS (2023-09-29). Belarus-Russia trade turnover may exceed record levels of 2022 by year end — ambassador. Dmitry Krutoy stressed that, despite sanctions, Minsk and Moscow "ended last year with record-breaking figures – an increase in trade turnover by 13-14 points"

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-09-28). Poverty Is Growing In Puerto Rico Under US Colonialism. Poverty in Puerto Rico, under US colonialism, is getting worse over time, not better. | More than two-fifths of Puerto Ricans suffer from poverty, and nearly three-fifths of Puerto Rican children live in poor households. | In 2022, the poverty rate in the colonized US "territory" grew from 40.5% to 41.7%, according to US Census Bureau data. | A staggering 57.6% of Puerto Rican children live in poverty. And 38.8% of families are below the poverty line. | Poverty has been growing in Puerto Rico even at a time when more people are working. The unemployment rate fell from 13.1% to 9.9% in 2022, while poverty got wors… (2023-09-28). Xi stresses building higher-level pilot free trade zones. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently delivered instructions on advancing the development of pilot free trade zones (FTZs). (2023-09-28). Xi stresses active participation in WTO reform, stronger ability for high-level opening-up. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on the afternoon of Sept. 27, convened its eighth group study session on the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the reform of the organization.

infobrics (2023-09-28). Trump's second presidency would be "hell" for Europe and Kiev, says top French newspaper. Meanwhile, Russia's economy is performing much better than predicted.

noreply (2023-09-28). A Reminder About Economy. Real economy, and why Lavrov stated about decision on battlefield.

Staff (2023-09-28). "Donald Duck" & "Missing in Action": GOP Rivals Criticize Trump for Skipping Another Debate. Donald Trump skipped the second Republican presidential debate of the 2024 race on Wednesday, declining once again to share a stage with competitors for the nomination whom he leads in the polls by double digits. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie criticized Trump for his absence, but most of the seven candidates avoided direct attacks on the front-runner. Instead, they largely aimed their fire at President Joe Biden — and each other. We air highlights from the debate, including the candidates' remarks on the UAW strike, immigration and the economy.

TASS (2023-09-28). Gazprom resumes pumping via Power of Siberia after planned maintenance. In accordance with the gas purchase and sale agreement, maintenance of equipment and systems of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline is carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn…

TASS (2023-09-28). Gazprombank closes deal on purchase of Mega shopping malls from Swedish Ingka Centres. According to the press service, the transaction includes 14 shopping malls…

TASS (2023-09-28). Ruble to strengthen to 94.3 rubles per dollar by end-2023 — document. It is reported that in 2024-2026 the exchange rate dynamics will be at the range of 90-92 rubles per US dollar…

TASS (2023-09-28). Great cleanup in Khatanga. How to rescue Arctic village that dates back to 400 years ago. The plans are not just to clean Khatanga from man-made waste, but, literally, to revive the village that used to be a prosperous place: to protect the coast from collapses, to develop the scientific and tourist potential…

TASS (2023-09-29). Russia to continue providing financial support to Afghanistan — envoy. Russia also helps through contributions to the UN's World Food Program, Zamir Kabulov noted…

TASS (2023-09-29). Draft budget for coming three years submitted to Russian lower house of parliament. Federal budget revenues are projected at 35 trillion rubles ($358 bln) in 2024, 33.5 trillion rubles in 2025, and 34.1 trillion rubles in 2026…

TASS (2023-09-29). Dollar surpasses 98 rubles, first time since September 8. By 14: 03 Moscow time, the dollar reached 97.8 rubles, the euro added 1.48%, rising to 103.72 rubles…

TASS (2023-09-29). Bank of Russia extends restrictions on money transfers abroad for another six months. The limits on transfers via money transfer systems also remain in place as total transfers may not exceed $10,000 or an equivalent amount in other foreign currencies per month…

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). US-China Trade Rift: South Korea's Semiconductor Titans Treads Carefully. South Korea's semiconductor sector, deeply linked to China, occupies a central position in the nation's economy. However, as the United States ramps up efforts to curb China's technological progress, South Korea's vital chip industry is threatened, prompting calls for strategic solutions.

TASS (2023-09-28). Russia's GDP 2.8% growth by year end looks realistic — Reshetnikov. According to the updated forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, Russia's GDP growth in 2023 is expected to be 2.8%, in 2024-2025 – 2.3%, by 2026 – 2.2%…

TASS (2023-09-28). Putin says external pressure triggered growth of Russian production. The Russian leader has noted that such a trigger also allows to unlock the country's own potential in various sectors…

TASS (2023-09-28). Bank of Russia does not rule out banking sector profit reaching $30.9 bln in 2023. "Everything will depend on how the macroeconomic situation will develop," Olga Polyakova said…

TASS (2023-09-28). Creation of alternative to SWIFT to be discussed within BRICS — Russian minister. According to Anton Siluanov, next year it will be one of the issues on the agenda of this organization's meeting…

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). Japan's economy minister says authorities must ensure end to deflation.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). Commentary: Malaysia PM Anwar's reform credentials on the line in possible Cabinet reshuffle. Malaysia Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim needs a major Cabinet overhaul to show he is serious about tackling the stagnant economy and cost-of-living issues, but his options may be limited, says James Chin, Asian Studies professor at the University of Tasmania.

teleSUR (2023-09-29). German Economic Institutes Slash 2023 Forecast to Minus 0.6 Pct. On Thursday, German institutes slashed their 2023 economic growth forecast for the country to minus 0.6 percent, a "strong downward revision" of 0.9 percentage points from the spring projection. | RELATED: | Although Europe's largest economy is still expected to recover next year, the institutes now expect gross domestic product (GDP) will only grow by 1.3 percent in 2024, instead of 1.5 percent. | The joint forecast was p…

teleSUR (2023-09-28). Russian President Meets With Regional Leaders. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday at a meeting with elected regional leaders earlier this month that the country's economy is growing, even though opponents have predicted the opposite. | RELATED: | "We have all the capabilities for solutions, no matter how strange it may seem to some external onlookers, to those who have expected to see everything collapse here," Putin said at the meeting with the le…

infobrics (2023-09-29). BRICS: Considerations and Implications of a Single Brics Currency. The 15th BRICS Summit, hosted by South Africa in Johannesburg from 22 to 24 August, culminated in the widely anticipated announcement of a soon-to-be expanded BRICS bloc, with the admission of six new member countries to this economic grouping as from January 2024…

infobrics (2023-09-29). Joining BRICS Is no Rejection of the West. The proposed expansion of the BRICS group has prompted alarm among some western commentators. Three of the six new states invited to join, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, are key US allies in the Middle East who will now enter an economic bloc with Washington's geopolitical rivals…

infobrics (2023-09-29). BRICS Offers Vision for New Global Order. With the world entering a post-COVID environment, each country is struggling to deal with severe economic challenges. Alongside these are the possibility, if not probability, of enhanced friction between nations due to insecure regional and global environments…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-29). The India-Mideast-Europe Corridor's Complexities. Scott Ritter The US, together with a consortium of nations including India and the EU, has announced the initiation of the India-Middle East-European Economic Corridor (Imec), the latest endeavor in its global infrastructure development strategy to counter Chinese influence. During the recent G20 summit, the governments of India, the US, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi…

Murat Bay, The Real News Network. (2023-09-29). In Turkey, Villagers Fight Deforestation In Coal Mine Project. Akbelen forest, western Turkey. Local villagers and environmental activists try to stop the expansion of a coal mine. Just three months after strongman President Erdoƒüan was re-elected, people flocked here from all over Turkey to try to save the remaining woodland. The protest is a symbol of a wider struggle to protect the environment in Turkey, from companies which often enjoy close relations with the government. The coal giant Limak Holding is a typical example. President Erdoƒüan dismissed the protesters as 'marginal', opposed to the country's economic development. Despite a nation-wide ou…

Tomasz Konicz & Herbert Boettcher (2023-09-29). Russia's victory in an economic war. If perspectives for ways out of the increasingly worsening crises of capitalist socialization are to emerge, it is indispensable to look at the whole of conditions and their complex entanglements. It is necessary to break with the myths and life lies of the 'free West' as well as with those of a mission for a Russian empire or any other autocratic fundamentalism.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-28). G77+China Holds Summit In Cuba Calling For A Different World Order. A meeting of the Group of 77 and China took place on September 15-16 in the Republic of Cuba where frustrations with the existing world system were articulated by the participants. | A declaration issued at the conclusion of the summit demanded the restructuring of the existing economic order which continues to be dominated by the capitalist mode of production, exchange and social relations. | Founded in 1964, today the organization has 130 member-states from Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Caribbean and Latin America. The summit has a rotating chairpersonship shared by all of the geopolitical regional affiliates. | Th…

Anand Naidoo (2023-09-28). The Heat: Belt and Road in Latin America. As China marks the 10th anniversary of its massive Belt and Road Initiative, more and more countries across Latin America and the Caribbean have signed on to the BRI project. | What has been the economic impact on the region? | Joining the discussion: | (2023-09-28). Xi stresses WTO reform, opening-up. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, underlined on Wednesday Beijing's commitment to actively and comprehensively participate in the reform of the World Trade Organization and in making adjustments to international economic and trade rules. (2023-09-28). PBOC to boost support for economic recovery. The People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, assured the market on Wednesday that it will continue to beef up support for economic recovery instead of paring down stimulus amid the recent uptick in recovery momentum.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-09-28). Files Expose Syrian 'Revolution' As Western Regime Change Operation. Throughout August and September, anti-government protests have rocked Syrian cities. While the crowds are typically small, numbering only a few hundred, they show little sign of abating. Demonstrators are motivated by increasingly unlivable economic conditions spurred by crippling U.S.-led international sanctions against Damascus. These have produced hyperinflation, mass food insecurity, and many daily hardships for the population. They also prevent vital humanitarian aid from entering the country. | The media has given the unrest blanket coverage. No reference to Washington's central role in imposing the misery…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-09-28). Paradoxes of Democracy: Elections Take Place in Russian-Controlled Parts of Ukraine While Authoritarian Rule Prevails in Kiev-Controlled Regions. By Dmitri Kovalevich — Sep 26, 2023 | The Ukrainian authorities even before the 2014 coup were always very wary of any referendum initiatives or even polls addressing 'uncomfortable' issues of language, culture, economic or social policies. | On September 10, elections to regional and municipal assemblies were held across the Russian Federation. For the first time, they were held under Russian law in the two Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk which formally became part of the Russian Federation in February 2022. Elections also took place in the two 'new territories', as they are called in Russia, of th…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-28). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). Theory or Theater: What's the Difference Between Bidenomics and Trumponomics? US President Joe Biden looks likely to face off against his predecessor Donald Trump for a second time in the 2024 presidential election. Despite the hostile rhetoric between the two figures, Marxist economics professor Richard Wolff argues that both are peddling the same economic policy.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). Trump Slams Biden for Joining UAW Strike, Claims His 'Entire Career Union Destruction'. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Former US President Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed President Joe Biden for joining the United Auto Workers' (UAW) strike the day before, saying the incumbent president's "entire career" has been "an active economic treason and union destruction."

Tomasz Konicz & Herbert Boettcher (2023-09-28). Russia's victory in an economic war. If perspectives for ways out of the increasingly worsening crises of capitalist socialization are to emerge, it is indispensable to look at the whole of conditions and their complex entanglements. It is necessary to break with the myths and life lies of the 'free West' as well as with those of a mission for a Russian empire or any other autocratic fundamentalism.

TASS (2023-09-29). Putin to address Russia – Latin America Parliamentary Conference today. The conference will include round tables devoted to equal and mutually beneficial economic cooperation and development of humanitarian ties between Russia and Latin America…

Abhishek Awasthi (2023-09-29). Ukraine's involvement revealed in missile strike on Poland. A missile attack in Poland that resulted in the deaths of two individuals has been attributed to Ukraine, as confirmed by a Polish newspaper named Rzeczpospolita. This comes day after Poland hailed progress made during talks with Ukraine in their dispute over grain exports. | As per the reports by the daily economic publication, the explosion occurred in the eastern village of Przewodow, near the Ukrainian border in November 2022, was the consequence of a rocket launched from Ukrainian territory. | The newspaper's report stated, "This rocket possesses a range of 75 km to 90 km," with a source emphasizing that, "A…

teleSUR (2023-09-29). Egypt Signs Currency Swap Agreement With UAE. UAE Central Bank Governor Khaled Mohamed Balama said the agreement reflects the depth and strength of bilateral relations between the UAE and Egypt, and constitutes an important step to boost economic and financial ties. | Egypt has signed a currency swap agreement with the UAE worth up to $1.4 billion. Sep. 29, 2023.

teleSUR (2023-09-29). Kenya To Boost Green Drive, Innovative Climate Financing. On Thursday, Kenya called on development financial institutions to devise innovative climate financing frameworks to drive green growth. | Related: | Njuguna Ndung'u, cabinet secretary of the National Treasury and Economic Planning, said that the new financial architecture would help Africa access financing for its green initiatives. | "The call for reforms in the international financing architecture would align wi…

teleSUR (2023-09-29). Puebla Group Holds Its 9th Meeting in Mexico. From Friday to Sunday, the Puebla Group will hold its 9th Meeting in Puebla, Mexico, where former presidents and progressive Ibero-American intellectuals will present foreign policy proposals. | RELATED: | More specifically, the Group will analyze its international agenda to fight hunger, economic blockades, the climate crisis, and deglobalization. | Other topics under debate will be the creation of a Latin American commo… (2023-09-27). Xi stresses WTO reform, opening-up. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, underlined on Wednesday Beijing's commitment to actively and comprehensively participate in the reform of the World Trade Organization and in making adjustments to international economic and trade rules.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-30). EU examines Nvidia-dominated AI chip market's abuses – Bloomberg News.

Andreína Chávez Alava, Venezuelanalysis. (2023-09-29). Venezuela To Launch China-Backed Poverty Elimination Program. Caracas, September 21, 2023 ( — The Venezuelan government has announced a new social program focused on fighting poverty and inequality, which will be supported by China's International Poverty Reduction Center. | On Monday, during his weekly TV program, President Nicolás Maduro said that the "Social Equality and Happiness Mission" was "almost ready" to be launched and its main purpose is to "optimize the fight against inequality, against poverty and to build a more harmonious country." | Although Maduro did not give details, he stressed that the social program will work alongside the C…

Editor (2023-09-29). Poverty is growing in Puerto Rico, under U.S. colonialism. Poverty is rising in one of the world's oldest colonies: In Puerto Rico, 41.7% of people, including 57.6% of children, live in poverty. This is nearly four times the U.S. rate. And Puerto Rican workers are getting poorer even while unemployment falls.

scorinoco (2023-09-28). Venezuela Government to Launch China-Backed Poverty Elimination Program.

Ben Norton (2023-09-30). Poverty Is Growing in Puerto Rico, Under US Colonialism: 57.6% Of Children Live in Poor Households.

Ann Danaiya Usher (2023-09-30). World Report] COVAX: the unspent billions. Waning demand has left COVAX, the scheme to provide COVID-19 vaccines to lower-income countries, with billions of unspent dollars. What to do with the money? Ann Danaiya Usher reports.

Ann Brown (2023-09-29). San Francisco Mayor London Breed: No Drug Testing, No Welfare For Poor. San Francisco Mayor London Breed is pushing for a policy change that would mandate low-income residents to undergo substance abuse screening and treatment to qualify for welfare benefits. Breed announced the policy Sept. 26 at a news conference at City Hall. Breed emphasized the need for accountability in addressing the city's pressing challenges tied to …

Julia Conley (2023-09-28). Wealthy Americans Failed to Pay $65.7 Billion in Taxes From 2017 to 2020. Citing "alarming" data provided by the federal government about the prevalence of tax evasion among the richest Americans, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden on Thursday called on the Internal Revenue Service to crack down on "particularly brazen" high-income tax cheats and noted that Democratic initiatives have already helped to begin addressing the problem. Writing to IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel… |

| Anadolu Agency | (2023-09-28). 'Double victim': UN chief urges support for Pakistan as floodwater has 'receded but needs have not'. The UN secretary general has urged for support for Pakistan, which continues rebuilding in the wake of last year's devastating floods, calling the country a "double victim" of "climate chaos" and "unjust" global financial system. | "Pakistan is a double victim — of climate chaos, and of our outdated and unjust global financial system that prevents middle-income countries from accessing much needed resources to invest in adaptation and resilience," said Antonio Guterres in an address at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday. | Triggered by torrential monsoon rains, the 2022 floods submerged one thir…

Eduardo Lucita (2023-09-29). After the primaries, the elections. "The labour and popular movement face an all-out offensive against historical social achievements and the expansion of rights achieved in recent decades, but the country has social and political reserves to face this offensive." | – | / |

WSWS (2023-09-29). Next New Zealand government could include right-wing nationalist NZ First. The NZ First Party, which is running a campaign based on racist dog whistles, bigotry and anti-vax pseudo-science, played a major role in Jacinda Ardern's Labour government from 2017‚Äí2020.

Editor (2023-09-28). Biden's Picket Line Visit Doesn't Mean He Is On Our Side.

Eduardo Lucita (2023-09-28). After the primaries, the elections. "The labour and popular movement face an all-out offensive against historical social achievements and the expansion of rights achieved in recent decades, but the country has social and political reserves to face this offensive." | – | / |

ELEL (2023-09-30). Department of Error] Department of Error. GBD 2021 Diabetes Collaborators. Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet 2023; 402: 203—34—In this Article, institutional affiliations have been amended for Bing-Fang Hwang, Made Ary Sarasmita, and Ming-Chieh Li. These corrections have been made to the online version as of Sept 28, 2023. (2023-09-29). Hong Kong delegation forges educational and cultural bonds in Beijing. A delegation comprising 27 young talents from leading Hong Kong universities embarked on a journey of exploration and collaboration in Beijing from Sept 18 to 22. This exchange program encompassed various facets of education, science, technology, and culture.

Editor (2023-09-29). UN Report Urges End to Forced US Prison Labor—a 'Contemporary Form of Slavery'. (2023-09-29). Naarm/Melbourne forum discusses right wing character of Albanese's Labor.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-29). SF Labor Community Rally To Defend Community Space at Redstone Labor Temple.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-09-29). Twenty-Five Thousand Auto Workers Are Now On Strike At The Big Three. Seven thousand Auto Workers at two more assembly plants will walk off the job at noon ET today, UAW President Shawn Fain announced in a Facebook Live appearance this morning. Joining the strike are Ford's Chicago Assembly Plant and General Motors' Lansing Delta Township Assembly in Michigan. | Fain announced that Stellantis would be spared this time. The union had been expected to expand the strike today at all three companies, but, said Region 1 Director LaShawn English, three minutes before Fain was scheduled to go on Facebook Live, the UAW received frantic emails from company representatives.

Staff (2023-09-29). Nazi Veteran Honored in Canada Was Part of Wave of Collaborators Harbored in West: Lev Golinkin. Poland says it's preparing to seek the extradition of a 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi after he received a standing ovation in the Canadian House of Commons last week following a speech by visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Yaroslav Hunka was invited by the speaker of the House, who has since resigned his post, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formally apologized for the episode on Wednesday. Hunka fought during World War II with a Nazi unit composed of Ukrainian volunteers who were involved in numerous atrocities, including massacres of Jewish civilians. But Hunka is not an outlier, acc…

Tikender Panwar (2023-09-29). Market principles will not help in mitigating the problems of the elderly. The universal coverage of social security schemes for all elderly must be the immediate intervention point. Apart from this, the tendency to consider the elderly as a non-progressive labor entity and burden on the society must be shed…

United Front Committee for A Labor Party (2023-09-29). All Out Support Striking UAW Members! 32 hours Work for 40 Hours Pay, No Two Tiers, & COLA. The United Front Committee For A Labor Party UFCCLP supports the demands of the UAW for 32 hours work for 40 hours pay, an end to tiers and a COLA. It also supports uniting the entire working class for a general strike especially connected to the attack on the working class by the government shutdown. It also calls for workers to control and benefit from AI but that requires a mass workers party that will run the country for the working class.

WSWS (2023-09-29). Australian workers and youth express their support for the SEP active boycott campaign against Labor's Voice referendum. In opposing the Voice a student remarked, "Why doesn't the population get a say on the housing crisis, or the cost-of-living crisis?"

Dan Lieberman (2023-09-28). Democratic Socialism Will Prevent the Catastrophes. Capitalism gathered resources — land, labor, and capital to start an industrial revolution that brought prosperity and elevated standards of living to much of the earth's inhabitants. Once in motion, it generated additional capital that gathered more labor and more resources in a perpetual cycle of increased production that constantly benefitted populations. The achievements did … (2023-09-28). Hong Kong delegation forges educational and cultural bonds in Beijing. A delegation comprising 27 young talents from leading Hong Kong universities embarked on a journey of exploration and collaboration in Beijing from Sept 18 to 22. This exchange program encompassed various facets of education, science, technology, and culture.

Editor (2023-09-28). "This fight is Global": Workers around the World are standing with striking U.S. autoworkers. From Brazil and Mexico to South Africa and Malaysia, international labor solidarity is aiding the UAW's fight to reverse the global race to the bottom.

Finley Williams, Labor Notes. (2023-09-28). First Tire Workers To Organize In 40 Years Win First Contract. It was late summer 2017 at the Overtyme Bar and Grill, a hotspot off a busy highway in Macon, Georgia, and Kumho Tire plant worker Mario Smith had important questions for local United Steelworkers (USW) president Alex Perkins: he wanted to know how he could bring a union to the one-year-old factory. | Now six years later—after two elections, many National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) cases, a virulent union-busting campaign, and the triumphant solidarity of the factory workers—that union has gained its first-ever collective bargaining agreement with Kumho Tire management, the first tire workers to uni… (2023-09-28). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-28). Nazigate: Canada's Top General Won't Apologize for Applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS Vet. Wyatt Reed As Canada's top officials express embarrassment for honoring a WWII Nazi collaborator in parliament, the leader of the country's military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, refuses to apologize for his standing ovation. The Canadian military has trained Ukraine's notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion for years. Canadian politicians have been in frantic damage control mode since feting a…

Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-28). Ford And GM Agree To End At Least One Tier; Stellantis Still Holding Out. The Auto Workers announced encouraging progress in their negotiations with Ford and General Motors September 22, including an end to one of the many concessionary tiers in the union's contract. | In 2015 workers at Chrysler (now Stellantis) voted down a tentative agreement 2 to 1 because it continued an onerous two-tier wage system—and even introduced new tiers. UAW President Dennis Williams (later jailed for corruption) was pissed. At a meeting of local officials called to present that deal, Williams spluttered, "Ending two-tier is bullshit." | The UAW still has other tiers to address, but it looks like Wi…

WSWS (2023-09-28). Video: For an active boycott of Australian Labor's Voice referendum! In this video, SEP National Secretary Cheryl Crisp explains why the party is calling for an active boycott of the Voice referendum.

Wyatt Reed (2023-09-28). Nazigate: Canada's top general won't apologize for applauding Ukrainian Waffen-SS vet. As Canada's top officials express embarrassment for honoring a WWII Nazi collaborator in parliament, the leader of the country's military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, refuses to apologize for his standing ovation. The Canadian military has trained Ukraine's notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion for years. Canadian politicians have been in frantic damage control mode since feting a former member of the Waffen-SS during a parliamentary reception for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on September 22. The Speaker of Canada's House of Commons, Anthony Rota, …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-28). Peruvian labor confederation demands US security for Cuban embassy. Lima, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) The General Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CGTP) on Thursday demanded that the Government of the United States guarantee the security of the Cuban Embassy in that country, and condemned the recent terrorist attack on the diplomatic mission.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-09-28). México convoca una reunión para discutir sobre migración. La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones advirtió este miércoles de que el flujo "sin precedentes" de personas atravesando las Américas requiere de una mayor colaboración entre los gobiernos de Centroamérica…

Jeffrey St. Clair (2023-09-29). Roaming Charges: Our Man in Jersey. I've been re-reading with great pleasure John Le Carré's mid-80s novel A Perfect Spy, which is a kind of roman à clef about the writer's turbulent relationship with his father, Ronnie Cornwell, an extravagant trickster and confidence artist, who, in one of his most elaborate hoaxes, ended up running for Parliament. But Le Carré's twisty tale of fraud and duplicity among the English moneyed classes (and those who would exploit their greed) can't really hold up to the career of New Jersey's own apex con man, Robert Menendez, whose personal embellishments and political fictions have become so labyrinthine that now t…

Kim C. Domenico (2023-09-29). Fighting Banal Evil with the Truth of Trauma. Few serve truth in truth because only a few have a pure will to be just, and of those again very few have the will to justice; and the most terrible sufferings have come upon man precisely from a drive to justice which lacks power of judgment. — Nietzsche Separated from the sphere of labor

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-09-29). If the government shuts down, so does the NLRB—that'll hurt the strikes. It is looking increasingly likely that Congressional Republicans will bring the federal government to a shutdown starting this weekend. "U.S. government services would be disrupted and hundreds of thousands of federal workers would be furloughed without pay if Congress fails to provide funding for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1," Reuters reports. "Workers deemed essential would remain on the job, but without pay." Among the many agencies that will be furloughing workers in the event of a shutdown is the National Labor Relations Board. Not only will unionized staff workers at the NLRB itself be hurt by the…

splcenter (2023-09-29). Artist collaborations with social justice organizations propel change.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-29). UK's largest wealth manager has been charging customers for services it doesn't provide. The UK's Financial Conduct Authority is currently analysing information from banks and building societies to ensure they comply with the Customer Duty rules, which require firms to ensure products and services deliver …

Amy Goodman (2023-09-28). Ralph Nader: GOP Debate Was "Pretty Embarrassing" Former presidential candidate Ralph Nader responds to Wednesday's second Republican debate, saying, "It's pretty embarrassing that this is what they put forward to become the president of the most powerful country in the world." Nader discusses the debate's topics of social media, former President Donald Trump and wealth inequality in America. Nader also calls for the Democratic Party to "stop… |

Staff (2023-09-28). Ralph Nader: Why Is GOP Not Debating Corporate Crime Wave & the Weakening of Our Democratic Society? Former presidential candidate Ralph Nader responds to Wednesday's second Republican debate, saying, "It's pretty embarrassing that this is what they put forward to become the president of the most powerful country in the world." Nader discusses the debate's topics of social media, former President Donald Trump and wealth inequality in America. Nader also calls for the Democratic Party to "stop engaging in candidate suppression" and respect third-party candidates such as Cornel West to run for public office as a constitutional right.

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-29). Costco Sells Out Of Gold Bars Within Hours: Is It An Indicator Of Fear? Big box retailer Costco is known for cheap prices but also sells things you might or might not buy on impulse, such as a kilo of caviar, a Victorian glass greenhouse or a $6,000 doomsday prepper food kit. Now, it has added gold to the list, setting off a gold rush as customers clear out …

Tomasz Konicz (2023-09-29). We are Zombies. Zombie movies are an apocalyptic genre, in which there is an inkling that the given social order cannot last & has reached its development limits. The first great wave of zombies hit the Western culture industry during the crisis period of the seventies of the 20th century, when the "Golden Age" of post-war capitalism, full employment and mass consumption, came to an end.

teleSUR (2023-09-29). President AMLO and Blinken to Address Drug Trafficking Issues. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet on October 5 in Mexico City during a high-level meeting on drug trafficking. | RELATED: | The meeting comes at a time of crisis due to the trafficking and consumption of fentanyl in the United States, just a few weeks after the extradition of the Mexican drug trafficker Ovidio Guzman, son of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. | Blinken will travel acco…

Editor (2023-09-29). Is Ibram X Kendi's 'Anti-Racism' a Scam? (w/ Norm Finkelstein). By Briahna Joy Gray / Bad Faith This week, Briahna spoke to writer and professor Norman Finkelstein about the latest scandal involving famed "anti-racism" advocate Ibram X Kendi. Financial mismanagement at BU is just the tip of the iceberg as Finkelstein applies his close reading of Kendi's work to the current crisis. As interesting as …

WSWS (2023-09-29). Growing concerns over US Treasury market speculation. In recent weeks, the role of speculation in the financing of government debt has been the subject of reports by the US Federal Reserve, the Financial Stability Board and the Bank for International Settlements.

Ann Brown (2023-09-28). Kevin Hart Claims The Unbanked Are Not Smart Enough To Get Bank Accounts: Here Is the Actual Science. Past remarks by comedian Kevin Hart that have recently resurfaced on social media suggesting that the unbanked lack the intelligence to obtain a bank account have sparked discussions about financial inclusion and the barriers many face in accessing traditional banking services. Hart's comments reflect a seeming lack of understanding of the complex challenges that lead …

Dean Baker (2023-09-28). Yes, Donald Trump's Lies on Financial Statements Did Cost Businesses Money. Donald Trump claims that no one was harmed when he lied about the value of his assets on statements he made to lenders, because loans were paid off with interest. New York Times columnist, Peter Coy takes this claim far more seriously than he should. The key point that Coy misses is that lenders base …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-09-29). Hungary opposes providing additional aid to Ukraine from EU budget. Budapest, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) Hungary opposes providing additional financial aid to Ukraine from the European Union (EU) if the bloc will have to grant or accept loans for it, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

Dean Baker (2023-09-29). Yes, Trump's Lies on Financial Statements Did Cost Businesses Money. Donald Trump claims that no one was harmed when he lied about the value of his assets on statements he made to lenders, because loans were paid off with interest. New York Times columnist, Peter Coy takes this claim far more seriously than he should. The key point that Coy misses is that lenders base

teleSUR (2023-09-28). Iran to Access Now-Unfrozen Funds Transferred to Qatari Banks. Iran and Qatar have started banking operations to facilitate the transfer of recently unfrozen Iranian assets from Qatari banks. | RELATED: | This takes place after a major Qatari-brokered deal between Washington and Tehran. | Iran's Central Bank governor, Mohammad Reza Farzin, and his Qatari counterpart, Bandar bin Mohamed Al Thani met in Doha on Wednesday to facilitate the financial transition, the official Iranian news…

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-28). Can Artificial Intelligence Help Knock Out America's Inflation Problem? 5 Things To Know. Experts say the latest artificial intelligence technology, generative AI, will help reverse a prolonged slowdown in productivity growth that has kept costs high for businesses and made inflation harder to reign in. It could also lead to lower wages for company workers. Widespread use of generative AI could put productivity on steroids, and although it could be …

Nora Barrows-Friedman, The Electronic Intifada. (2023-09-29). Federal Complaint Alleges University Conspired Against Palestinians. Students at the University of Illinois Chicago have filed a federal complaint against the school, alleging that staff discriminated against them because of their ethnicity and national origin. | The seven students, six Palestinian Americans and one Jewish American, attempted to join an informational session over the videoconferencing platform Zoom in January about a study abroad summer program in Israel. | During and after the video call, students say they were racially profiled, harassed and silenced by university staff and, later, by campus police. | In the Zoom call, UIC staff denied the students with Arab and…

sputnikglobe (2023-09-29). House Removes Ukraine Aid From Defense Spending Bill. Republicans have repeatedly clashed with Democrats over US aid to Kiev, which has received more than $76 billion from Washington since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.

Silja J.A. Talvi (2023-09-28). Inside the High-Security "Black Site" Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated. Unbeknownst to most protesters who gathered at the White House on the occasion of Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier's 79th birthday, Peltier wasn't able to celebrate, much less receive reports on how the well-attended event was progressing. That's because Peltier, who is now spending his 48th year in captivity, was sitting on his bunk, across from his cellie, "locked down" in a… |

sputnikglobe (2023-09-28). Russia Needs to Boost Defense Spending to Counter Hybrid War – Kremlin. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – An increase in defense spending is necessary for Russia, as the country is living in a state of hybrid war deployed against it, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

TASS (2023-09-28). Russia must increase defense spending — Kremlin spokesman. Dmitry Peskov noted that the slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory" was among the budget's priorities…

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). NFL-The 'Taylor Swift effect' brings spending boost to football.

teleSUR (2023-09-29). US Gov't Shutdown Odds Grow as Congress Remains Deadlocked. A U.S. federal government shutdown now looks increasingly likely, as a Senate-proposed stopgap funding measure has a slim chance to advance in the House amid Republican infighting, which has complicated the already intense fight between the two parties. | RELATED: | Traditionally, the House of Representatives moves first on spending and revenue bills, but U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy failed to gain support f…

Leonardo Palumbo, Camila A Picchio, Catherine Smallwood, Cristiana Salvi, Gerald Rockenschaub (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Community COVID-19 response in WHO's European region. The Risk Communication, Community Engagement, and Infodemic Management (RCCE-IM) unit of the WHO European region read the Correspondence by Ruth Kutalek and colleagues1 with interest. COVID-19 showed that RCCE-IM is an integral component of the emergency cycle, from preparedness to recovery. The authors rightly highlight that community engagement with civil society organisations (CSOs) deserves greater acknowledgment and investment to ensure sustainability in the long term, particularly in Europe.

It's Going Down (2023-09-29). Portland, OR: Industrial Timber Conference Disrupted by Protesters; Windows Busted Out. In so-called Portland, Oregon, protesters mobilized this week to disrupt the "Who Will Own the Forest Conference," which according to Oregon Live, brought together such corporate interests as "leading names in the timber industry…[like] Weyerhaeuser, and international investment firms like J.P. Morgan." According to the website set up for a counter-conference, "Forests Over Profits," the… (2023-09-28). FTZ reforms to boost trade, data flows. China will introduce a series of pioneering integrated reforms at its pilot free trade zones to improve areas like trade, investment, finance and cross-border data flows, government officials said on Wednesday.

infobrics (2023-09-28). UAE to Witness 'Growing Enthusiasm' for Investment Opportunities After BRICS Invite. The UAE's inclusion in the BRICS bloc of emerging economies — should it accept the group's invitation — is expected to open new business avenues and investment opportunities, providing the country with greater leverage globally, according to forecasts from a business setup company in the Gulf region…

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). China trade council asks US to "carefully consider" tech investment ban.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). Private sector crucial in the battle against climate change: ADB special advisor. There is increasing interest from the private sector on investing in sustainable developments, green initiatives and climate-friendly adaptations, he said. (2023-09-27). FTZ reforms to boost trade, data flows. China will introduce a series of pioneering integrated reforms at its pilot free trade zones to improve areas like trade, investment, finance and cross-border data flows, government officials said on Wednesday.

Revolutionary Workers Front (2023-09-29). Monday 10/2: SF Speak Out-Stop Attacks On Civil Service &. Outsourcing/Privatization Using Non-Profits. San Francisco City Hall | Room 400 | San Francisco…

Homeless Romantic (2023-09-28). The World's Most Dangerous Marxist | John Bellamy Foster | #182 HR. Foster explains Marx's ecological critique of capitalism and how the concept of "metabolic rift" highlights the alienation between humans and nature caused by capitalism's focus on profit over sustainability.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-28). Russia develops AI for simultaneous control of drones. Moscow, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) Russian researchers created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) capable of controlling up to 500,000 drones at the same time, the non-profit organization National Technology Initiative Platform reported.

Revolutionary Workers Front (2023-09-28). Monday 10/2: SF Speak Out-Stop Attacks On Civil Service &. Outsourcing/Privatization Using Non-Profits. San Francisco City Hall | Room 400 | San Francisco…

channelnewsasia (2023-09-29). Woman jailed for selling counterfeit branded goods from Taobao at makeshift stalls. She generated about S$2,400 in monthly profit operating her makeshift stall.

Chengliang Yang, Linda Lapp, Scott J Tebbutt (2023-09-30). Correspondence] Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy hurdles. Vaccine hesitancy and the spreading of misinformation continue to be important barriers to implementing crucial public health interventions to reduce the spread of COVID-19, according to the report by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from the 14th meeting of the International Health Regulations COVID-19 Emergency Committee.

Rosalind English (2023-09-28). Targets for reduction in sewage outflow not unlawful, says High Court. The King (on the application of Wildfish Conservation v Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency (Defendant) and the Water Services Regulation Authority (Interested Parties) [2023] EWHC 2285 (Admin) In 2022, there were over three hundred thousand incidents of overflow into coastal waters, freshwater rivers and estuaries from …

Editor (2023-09-29). For an inverted theatre. The majority of theatre broadly falls under the umbrella of dramatic theatre. It will have a linear plotline, actors who wholly inhabit well-developed characters, structured, thought-out themes, etc. Bertolt Brecht, the German Marxist playwright, would call it escapism.

WSWS (2023-09-28). 1982: Marxism, the revolutionary party, and the critique of Healy's Studies in Dialectics. The following lecture was delivered by Christoph Vandreier, the national secretary of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party) of Germany to the SEP (US) International Summer School, held between July 30 and August 4, 2023.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-29). Educators in Serbia demand fair wages, dignity for work. Teachers and their unions have been demanding basic wages at par with the average wage in the country and reduction in non-academic work. Unions held a massive rally in Belgrade on September 24 to press these demands…

Eve Ottenberg (2023-09-29). More at Stake for Auto Workers Than Wages and Benefits. The United Auto Workers have struck now for two weeks. Using a novel strategy to keep management on its toes, namely walking out at various plants at unexpected times, a new, different union leadership hopes to wrest some benefits from the claws of a monstrously greedy industry that has already raked in $21 billion this year. Its CEOs pull down millions of dollars annually, while the average worker's pay has long stagnated.

Jim McMahan (2023-09-29). Seattle city workers fight for wages. Over 1,000 city workers rallied on the steps of City Hall Sept. 20 to demand an improved union contract. Sixteen unions in the Coalition of City Unions (CCU), representing 6,000 workers, took part. It was a huge manifestation of the workers who keep the city running every day. These workers . . . |

Editor (2023-09-28). Capitalism: an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Ah, money, the driving force behind life in the modern world.

WSWS (2023-09-28). The Voice referendum and the fraud of Australian parliament's Stolen Generations apology. The current Voice proposal is the latest in a long line of false claims to redress the crimes of Australian capitalism, including the 2008 parliamentary apology to the tens of thousands of children removed from their families.

channelnewsasia (2023-09-30). Valkyrie Funds halts ethereum purchases for exchange-traded fund.

WSWS (2023-09-29). Build a Kaiser Workers' Rank-and-File Committee to prepare an all-out strike! To ensure victory in their struggle, Kaiser workers must take control out of the hands of the pro-corporate CKPU bureaucrats and assert their own independent interests by forming rank-and-file committees at every Kaiser facility.

Mike Phipps (2023-09-29). "It feels like the apocalypse" "The Russian Socialist Movement statement called on Azerbaijan to immediately cease hostilities and open negotiations without any preconditions, and on the international community to immediately impose sanctions against the leadership of Azerbaijan." | – | / |

WSWS (2023-09-29). Sydney's Macquarie University doubles down on its political censorship of the IYSSE. The university is simply ignoring the preponderance of evidence against its original decision, highlighting that this is a case of open political censorship of the IYSSE—the only socialist, anti-war club on campus.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-28). President Díaz-Canel denies zero fuel situation in Cuba. Havana, Sep 28 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel confirmed on Thursday that Cuba has not and will not reach a situation of total fuel shortage, despite the tightening of the United States blockade. On his account on the social network X, he wrote, "The reinforced blockade seeks that, but socialism is planning, participation and the people in power. All problems will have a response."

Mike Phipps (2023-09-28). "It feels like the apocalypse" "The Russian Socialist Movement statement called on Azerbaijan to immediately cease hostilities and open negotiations without any preconditions, and on the international community to immediately impose sanctions against the leadership of Azerbaijan." | – | / | (2023-09-29). CPC leadership reviews disciplinary inspection report. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Sept. 27 to deliberate a comprehensive report on the first round of disciplinary inspections launched by the 20th CPC Central Committee. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

Aidan Jonah (2023-09-28). The House of Anti-Communists, and the Nazi Monster It Spawned.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-09-29). Cuban singer Annie Garces completes Valencia tour; now is in Madrid (+Photos). Madrid, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) Cuban singer Annie Garcés has completed a tour of Valencia cities that included concerts and talks, and she will perform at the Festival of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) that begins in Rivas-Vaciamadrid this weekend.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-28). Cuba takes measures to deal with complex fuel situation. In his speech at the closing session of the 10th Congress of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Cuba's largest mass organization, the head of State noted that the rumor related to a total shortage of fuel in Cuba is false. | Díaz-Canel assured that "with the greatest transparency and traditional attachment to truth that has characterized the Revolution from the beginning, the people have been informed about everything that the leaderships of the Cuban Communist Party and the Government are doing to confront the problems that generally affect Cubans and the world, due to multiple crises." He…

Jonah Raskin (2023-09-29). "I Am Not Now, Nor Have I Ever Been": Musings on Communism and Anti-Communism. March 2024 will be the seventieth anniversary of Edward R. Murrow's 1954 See It Now program that kicked McCarthy's butt all over the TV screen. Murrow ended with these words: "The actions of the junior Senator from Wisconsin have caused alarm and dismay amongst our allies abroad and given considerable comfort to our enemies. And whose fault is that? Not really his. He didn't create this situation of fear; he merely exploited it — and rather successfully." My father woke me that evening—I was 12—to tell me about Murrow's blast and to predict McCarthy's downfall. He would indeed be censored by his…

2023-09-29 23:27:25 | 23:27 EST | tr | 149 | 2 | 75 | 73 | 7 

2023-09-25: News Headlines (2023-09-25). China-Arab States Expo ends with 170 billion yuan worth of cooperation projects inked. Companies from China and Arab states reached cooperation projects worth more than 170 billion yuan ($23.2 billion) during the four-day China-Arab States Expo, which ended on Sunday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-25). Multi-million investments confirm industrialization of Bolivia. La Paz, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) An investment of over 25 billion bolivianos (roughly three billion dollars) into productive complexes reaffirm Bolivia's progress towards a broad-based economy, according to President Luis Arce.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-09-25). BRICS Or NATO? G20 Or G77? Pepe and Michael and I are going to discuss the apparently unending series of summits and read their tea leaves to see what they tell us about how the world is changing. | And that summitry has been pretty exhausting. There was the fateful NATO summit in July, where much to his chagrin, President Zelensky failed to get even a timetable to get into NATO after having prostrated his country before NATO and having long ago so faithfully let NATO into Ukraine. | And then there was the BRICS summit in Johannesburg in August, where the organization defied pessimistic predictions and admitted six new members. (2023-09-25). Advancing new industrialization seen as key to high-quality growth. China's emphasis on advancing new industrialization is expected to provide a solid foundation for high-quality economic growth, improve the resilience and safety of its industrial and supply chains, and boost the country's core competitiveness globally.

Federico Fuentes, Promise Li (2023-09-25). US-China relations: Rivalry or 'antagonistic cooperation'? US-based Hong Kong socialist activist and scholar Promise Li discusses how economic interdependence across rivaling geopolitical blocs shapes inter-imperialist tensions today, with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-25). Angola and China will sign investment protection agreement. Luanda, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) The Governments of Angola and China are preparing an agreement for Reciprocal Protection of Investments, the signing of which should occur soon, according to the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-25). El Salvador faces complex problems. A recent study conducted by the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) showed that El Salvador needs to invest 5.3 percent of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) each year to solve the losses caused by climate change, which is equivalent to 1.6 billion dollars. | According to the study, El Salvador's GDP could be reduced between nine and 12 percent in 2050 if there is no investment response to the current challenges. | The climate will harm agriculture above all, and if climatic phenomenon, such as El Niño, continue to impact the country without an adequate response, by 2050 the agricultural yield of beans w…

Ramzy Baroud, Mintpress News. (2023-09-25). The Israeli 'Coup' And The Death Of False Democracy. From its very onset, Israel has constructed a brand for itself, a powerful gimmick that was predicated on two main pillars: democracy and stability. | The main target audience for this brand has been powerful Western states that wielded disproportionate political, economic and military powers. | These Western governments, along with their influential mainstream corporate media, did their part, by polishing Israel's image — as most democratic and most stable — while tarnishing that of their Arab and Palestinian enemies — or anyone else who dared criticize Israel. | It mattered little whether Isra…

scorinoco (2023-09-24). It's Cuba or Daniel Blake. By Ana Hurtado — Sep 20, 2023 | The world is in turmoil. As the Western powers and their economic policies continue to tear apart the world, the countries of the South have united to demand justice. | This is a long story, one that continues and has been there on a planet where human beings have gone straight into an invisible plane. Since the emergence of capitalism, we have witnessed the progressive destruction of people, their cultures, communities, their environment and their freedoms by oppressive forces that increasingly abuse all people. | Is this what we human beings are destined for? | In 2016, the…

scorinoco (2023-09-24). Venezuela's Vice President Calls Out OAS Chief's Interventionist Comments on Essequibo Referendum. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez called out the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, for his interventionist comments on the Essequibo region. The region is disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | "Venezuela has always defeated you and will continue to do so," Vice President Rodríguez wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, September 23, referring to Almagro. "You are a shameful stain for our region. You have participated in coups d'état, economic wars, and corruption. You are the godfather of regional extremism and the perverse mind of lawfare. Vene…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Presidente de Cuba llama a cambiar orden económico mundial. En declaraciones exclusivas a la multiestatal teleSUR, afirmó que cada día que pasa se acrecienta la crisis climática en detrimento del Sur global.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Rusia insta a EE.UU. y la UE a poner fin a medidas restrictivas. Expresó ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que EE.UU. y la UE asumen compromisos y no los cumplen.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Cuba ratifies its willingness to strengthen ties with Croatia. The statement was made by the Cuban Foreign Ministry on its account on the social network X, formerly Twitter, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. | In 2021, during the 2nd Round of Political Consultations between Foreign Ministries, Cuba and Croatia expressed their desire to promote the development of economic-commercial relations. | The Cuban Government thanks Croatia for its historic position against the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-09-24). BYD launches affordable EV in Mexico. Electric mobility is fast becoming the preferred mode of transportation around the world, with sales of electric vehicles growing yearly. | A leading market is China, where eight million EVs were sold in 2023, more than double that of any other global region. But Chinese EV technology is becoming available in other markets too. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports.

ecsorinoco (2023-09-25). Amnesty International Pushes Regime Change in Eritrea with Dubious, Unverifiable Report. Amnesty's new report accusing Eritrea's government of gruesome war crimes relies heavily on anonymous testimony, grainy satellite images, and zero field investigation. It is the latest salvo in the West's campaign to topple the country's independent government. | Eritrea is a small country with a geostrategically significant coast on the Red Sea. Fiercely independent, it is one of only two African nations that refuse to collaborate with AFRICOM, the US Africa Command. Committed to an incremental, self-reliant development strategy, it has chosen not to saddle itself with IMF or World Bank debt. It was also the onl… (2023-09-25). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-25). Prensa Latina and VNA agencies assess progress and renew cooperation. Hanoi, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) The press agencies VNA, from Vietnam, and Prensa Latina, from Cuba, reviewed the progress in bilateral collaboration and renewed the existing agreement in the editorial area.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-25). Continúa protestas en contra de reforma laboral en Grecia. Por otro lado, la ley prohíbe a los huelguistas impedir a un colega que vaya a trabajar durante un paro.

Tony Leah, Labor Notes. (2023-09-25). Auto Bargaining In Canada—Stuck In The Past? Bargaining with the Detroit 3 auto corporations is happening in Canada and the United States at the same time this year—the first time that bargaining has aligned since the disastrous bankruptcy negotiations and forced concessions of 2009. Unifor just reached a tentative agreement with Ford earlier this week, while the United Auto Workers' strike against selected Ford, Stellantis and General Motors plants is ongoing. | This is indicative of the major differences in the strategies of the two unions. The UAW, under new leadership, is doing things dramatically differently—raising bold demands, mobilizing…

WSWS (2023-09-25). Canadian parliament and prime minister give standing ovation to Ukrainian Nazi war criminal. The Trudeau Liberal government and Canada's political establishment as a whole are in damage-control mode after Ottawa's longstanding ties to the Nazis' Ukrainian fascist collaborators and their political descendants were brought too far into the limelight. (2023-09-24). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. (2023-09-24). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Luis Feliz Leon, Lisa Xu, Labor Notes. (2023-09-24). Auto Workers Strike Spreads To 38 Parts Depots. The clock has ticked and tocked for two of the Big 3 automakers. At noon 5,000 more members of the Auto Workers (UAW) at 38 parts distribution centers for Stellantis and General Motors walked off the job. The facilities are spread across 20 states. They join 13,000 workers at assembly plants in Ohio, Michigan, and Missouri who have been out for a week—for a total of 18,000 Big 3 auto workers on picket lines nationwide. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) The escalation adds a new type of facility to the mix. Parts distribution centers (PDCs) supply after-sales spare parts and accessories to dealershi…

Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad, Peoples Democracy. (2023-09-24). Collaboration, Not Confrontation. The United States has articulated a policy that it wishes to continue this war to severely 'weaken Russia' — as US defence secretary Lloyd Austin and other high officials have been explicitly stating — and, it is claimed, to place Ukraine in a stronger bargaining position for eventual negotiations (or in a weaker position, if the Russian offensive makes an impact, a strong likelihood that is quietly ignored). The policy of trying to 'weaken Russia' through the escalation of the war in Ukraine is the position of the United States and the United Kingdom, and with some variation, their European allies (F…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Kim Jong Un thanks China for supporting DPRK. Pyongyang, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Labor Party and president of State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un, acknowledged China's support for his country's struggles in defense of socialism.

Brett Wilkins (2023-09-24). Island Nations Back Fossil Fuel Treaty at Global Citizen Festival. Two island nations on Saturday joined the growing bloc of countries endorsing a fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty amid a worsening climate emergency and continued inadequate action by the larger and wealthier polluters most responsible for causing the planetary crisis. Answering United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres' exhortation at this week's Climate Ambition Summit for countries to… |

Dean Baker (2023-09-25). Do People Really Expect Prices to Fall Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels? Catherine Rampell had an interesting column dealing with the question of when prices will "come back down?" Rampell correctly answered "never," but I am not convinced this is the real question people are posing. Rampell deals with the question as being one about the overall Consumer Price Index (CPI). She is explicitly not talking about

Aly Shaw (2023-09-24). Biden's Advisory Council Faces Scrutiny for Water Privatization Connections. In the lead up to the 2024 presidential election, President Biden has been focused more on infrastructure than perhaps any other issue. The President has touted his bipartisan infrastructure bill that passed in 2021 and has been running ads in states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Arizona talking about his Clean Energy Plan housed within the Inflation Reduction Act. |

Owen Fairclough (2023-09-24). Republicans in Congress clash over spending as government shutdown looms. U.S. Republican lawmakers are spending the weekend trying to introduce legislation aimed at avoiding a government shutdown in less than a week. | But a small faction of their hardline conservative colleagues opposes them, demanding that their leader trim spending to reduce debts. | Owen Fairclough reports.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-25). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-24). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-24). 'Republicans for Ukraine' Ad Says Ukraine War Is Good Because It 'Weakens Russia'. A new group formed to rally GOP support for Ukraine released an ad this weekend that said US spending on the war in Ukraine is good for the US because it "weakens" Russia. The ad was made by Republicans for Ukraine, a campaign launched by Defending Democracy Together, an organization led by neoconservative Bill Kristol. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-24). Zelensky Says He Met BlackRock CEO and Other Finance Leaders in US Trip. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday that during his recent trip to the US, he met with BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and other US business and finance leaders to discuss investment in Ukraine's reconstruction. "The American entrepreneurs and financiers confirmed their readiness to make large-scale investments in our country immediately after the end of the …

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-25). Artificial intelligence: profit versus freedom. As with previous technological breakthroughs, AI places on society's agenda both new issues and old contentious ones.

Editor (2023-09-25). Sep 25, 2023. ‚ô´ For What It's Worth — Buffalo Springfield Bill Kristol's Refreshingly Honest Ukraine War Ad, by Caitlin Johnstone West Crumbles While Eurasia Rises, by Matthew Ehret (Video) Lavrov's UNGA Speech — Amazing what can be said in 15 minutes, by Karl Sanchez 'Silent Coup': How capitalism defeated decolonization, by Chris Hedges (Video, Transcript) What is wrong with the Western political class? by Gaius Baltar Western powers are falling behind in technology, held back by systemic rot, by Alex Krainer Ukraine Counteroffensive: 'I'm Ready to Die … 90% of the Guys Here Will Die Too,' by A…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-09-24). 'Silent Coup': How Capitalism Defeated Decolonization. The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact devel…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-24). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-24). 'Republicans for Ukraine' Ad Says Ukraine War Is Good Because It 'Weakens Russia'. A new group formed to rally GOP support for Ukraine released an ad this weekend that said US spending on the war in Ukraine is good for the US because it "weakens" Russia. The ad was made by Republicans for Ukraine, a campaign launched by Defending Democracy Together, an organization led by neoconservative Bill Kristol. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-24). Zelensky Says He Met BlackRock CEO and Other Finance Leaders in US Trip. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday that during his recent trip to the US, he met with BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and other US business and finance leaders to discuss investment in Ukraine's reconstruction. "The American entrepreneurs and financiers confirmed their readiness to make large-scale investments in our country immediately after the end of the …

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-25). Artificial intelligence: profit versus freedom. As with previous technological breakthroughs, AI places on society's agenda both new issues and old contentious ones.

Editor (2023-09-25). Sep 25, 2023. ‚ô´ For What It's Worth — Buffalo Springfield Bill Kristol's Refreshingly Honest Ukraine War Ad, by Caitlin Johnstone West Crumbles While Eurasia Rises, by Matthew Ehret (Video) Lavrov's UNGA Speech — Amazing what can be said in 15 minutes, by Karl Sanchez 'Silent Coup': How capitalism defeated decolonization, by Chris Hedges (Video, Transcript) What is wrong with the Western political class? by Gaius Baltar Western powers are falling behind in technology, held back by systemic rot, by Alex Krainer Ukraine Counteroffensive: 'I'm Ready to Die … 90% of the Guys Here Will Die Too,' by A…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-09-24). 'Silent Coup': How Capitalism Defeated Decolonization. The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact devel…

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-09-25). Presidente chino aboga por promover la nueva industrialización. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, recalcó la importancia de optimizar la resiliencia y la seguridad de las cadenas industriales y de suministro.

WSWS (2023-09-25). Australian parliamentarians lobby for Assange in Washington. The tour reflected a groundswell of support for Assange among ordinary people, but also underscored the bankruptcy of a fight for his freedom based on backroom diplomacy and politicking.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Protests in Syria against US mercenary militia. Damascus, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Demonstrations continue for the fifth consecutive day against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the United States, in the municipality of Qamishi, in the northeastern province of Hasakeh, it was reported here on Sunday. Activists quoted by various media outlets reported that hundreds of angry protesters and merchants gathered in the municipal roundabout to denounce the illegal and criminal measures imposed by this illegal group and the US forces.

Federico Fuentes, Promise Li (2023-09-25). Moving beyond 'No New Cold War'. Promise Li is a socialist from Hong Kong currently based in Los Angeles, and a member of US socialist organisations Tempest and Solidarity. In the second part of our interview, he discusses multipolarity and its implications for anti-war and anti-imperialist organising, with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-25). Tuesday 9/26: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom:

Franz Hinkelammert, Matthias Hui & B Dietschy (2023-09-24). Making the Kingdom of God Present. Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-24). Tuesday 9/26: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom:

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Media Counterinsurgency Against the African People's Socialist Party: Ignore the Show Trial, Reinforce the Anti-Russia Psyop Behind it. Rainer Shea The fraudulent charges against the African People's Socialist Party are supposed to represent the starting stage in our national security state's war against dissent during…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Communist Party of Chile appoints Lautaro Carmona as president. Santiago de Chile, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Chile (PCCh) appointed Lautaro Carmona as its new president on Sunday to replace Guillermo Teillier, who led the organization for 18 years until his death on August 29. (2023-09-25). Policy to help promote cross-Strait relations. The Communist Party of China is maintaining its strategic dominance in steering cross-Strait relations by rolling out a policy promoting integrated development of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, thus laying the foundation for future reunification.

2023-09-25 17:02:55 | 17:02 EST | rz | 67 | 0 | 27 | 32 | 0 

2023-09-24: News Headlines

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-09-23). The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock Down Society. The misuse of the RT-PCR technique is used as an intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society,… (2023-09-23). Shenzhen to help Saudi Arabia diversify economy. High-tech hub Shenzhen is set to play a key role in the future of Saudi Arabia as the Gulf nation seeks to reduce its dependence on oil and transition into a more sustainable economy.

Elaine Reyes (2023-09-23). The Heat: United Nations Sustainable Development. From efforts to eradicate world hunger to building affordable housing, we'll discuss why sustainable development matters. | As part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, member countries are working to complete 17 goals. They include creating sustainable cities, combating climate change, and eliminating hunger and poverty. | Later in the show, my colleague Mike Walter will bring us his conversation with the president of the UN's International Fund for Agriculture Development. | But first, my interview with

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis. Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts. Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, media disinformation, war propaganda, WMD, international law,…

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson (2023-09-23). BRICS or NATO? G20 or G77? Summits debate rapidly changing world order. Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar to discuss the rapidly changing world order at a time of summits of BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson (2023-09-23). BRICS or NATO? Summits debate rapidly changing world order. Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar to discuss the rapidly changing world order at a time of summits of BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Presidente de Cuba llama a cambiar orden económico mundial. En declaraciones exclusivas a la multiestatal teleSUR, afirmó que cada día que pasa se acrecienta la crisis climática en detrimento del Sur global.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Rusia insta a EE.UU. y la UE a poner fin a medidas restrictivas. Expresó ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que EE.UU. y la UE asumen compromisos y no los cumplen.

Ana Hurtado (2023-09-23). It's Either Cuba or Daniel Blake. The world is in turmoil. As the Western powers and their economic policies continue to tear apart the global whole, the countries of the South have united to demand justice. This is a long story, one that continues and remains on a planet where human beings have gone straight into an invisible plane. Since the …

F. William Engdahl (2023-09-23). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). Fascism is Capitalism in Decay. Ekaterina Cabylis The Relationship Between Economic Decline and Authoritarianism "Fascism is capitalism in decay," we have all heard this referenced to Lenin. While it's important to note that this specific quote may not be verbatim from his writings or speeches, it does capture the essence of Lenin's views on capitalism and its potential consequences. Lenin…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). The European Union Will End Up Under China's Technological Dominance. The European Union faces the failure of its sanctions against Russia. Faced with a historical economic and social crisis, she is between the rock and the wall, forced to enter the economic war unleashed by the United States. Like the United States, trade relations with China have worsened within the European Union. As Washington tries…

JANET (2023-09-23). LIVE SATURDAY, SEPT 23, 7PM: CUBA & VENEZUELA SPEAK FROM NYC Inbox. TONIGHT, tune into Breakthrough News for a special broadcast, live from New York City, featuring Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba & Yvan Gil Pinto, Foreign Minister of Venezuela. Over the past two centuries, the United States has waged various wars, economic sabotage, coups, blockades, and sanctions across the Americas and the Caribbean to assert the interests of the U.S. business and political elite under the auspices of the Monroe Doctrine. The same forces that have carried out the Monroe Doctrine are now fighting for a rollback of fundamental civil rights in the United States. As we enter the 200th year of…

Juan Torres López (2023-09-23). Intereses bancarios: aberración económica y espada de Damocles. El semanario The Economics calculó en un informe publicado el pasado mes de febrero que las empresas, hogares y gobiernos de 58 países que en conjunto representan el 90% del PIB mundial pagaron en 2022 un total de 13 billones…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-09-23). India-Middle East — Europe Economic Corridor Is a Geopolitical Pipe Dream. By M. K. Bhadrakumar — Sep 18, 2023 | The gusto with which the United States co-opted the idea of an

Mickey Z (2023-09-23). "Own Nothing" and "Be Happy": Kissinger, Gates, Schwab and the WEF Depopulation Agenda.

Mickey Z (2023-09-23). "Own Nothing" and "Be Happy": Kissinger, Gates, Schwab and the WEF's Depopulation Agenda.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). AFRICA'S NATO? HOW ECOWAS BECAME A TOOL FOR WESTERN IMPERIALISM By: ALAN MACLEOD. Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison.In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperia …

Mosa Tsay, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-09-23). Musician Cooperativism At Groupmuse. I am a cellist and worker-owner of a cooperative. As an ICDE fellow, I hop out of my usual action-oriented work to reflect on why cooperativism is an alternative to the status quo for freelancing musicians. As a professional cellist, I witnessed the infrastructural fractures that musicians in the United States have to navigate. In 2020, I returned to the U.S. from a year of studying in France, after contemplating during quarantine about the economics of working as an artist. One important question I wanted to solve: Rather than competing with my colleagues for limited paid gigs, how can I generate new opportuniti…

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-23). At UN General Assembly Session, Global South Leaders Call For Urgent Reforms. On the first day of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, September 19, countries from the Global South raised the demand for urgent reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and economic, for a just and democratic world order. The session was addressed by UN General Assembly chair Dennis Francis, UN Secretary General António Guterres, and leaders of various countries including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, among others. Each of these leaders highlighted the growing geopolitical tensions in the wo…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams. We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

scorinoco (2023-09-23). AMLO Will Not Attend Asia Pacific Forum in US Due to Boluarte's Presence. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he will not go to the United States to participate in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, to which his US counterpart Joe Biden had invited him, due to the presence of Dina Boluarte, coup president of Peru whom the Mexican government does not recognize. | "I am not going to San Francisco because we do not have relations with Peru, and it has to do with the Asia Pacific, and we do not want to participate in that, with all due respect," AMLO said on Thursday, September 21. | In August, the Mexican president had announced that he had been i…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Cuba ratifies its willingness to strengthen ties with Croatia. The statement was made by the Cuban Foreign Ministry on its account on the social network X, formerly Twitter, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. | In 2021, during the 2nd Round of Political Consultations between Foreign Ministries, Cuba and Croatia expressed their desire to promote the development of economic-commercial relations. | The Cuban Government thanks Croatia for its historic position against the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

scorinoco (2023-09-24). It's Cuba or Daniel Blake. By Ana Hurtado — Sep 20, 2023 | The world is in turmoil. As the Western powers and their economic policies continue to tear apart the world, the countries of the South have united to demand justice. | This is a long story, one that continues and has been there on a planet where human beings have gone straight into an invisible plane. Since the emergence of capitalism, we have witnessed the progressive destruction of people, their cultures, communities, their environment and their freedoms by oppressive forces that increasingly abuse all people. | Is this what we human beings are destined for? | In 2016, the…

scorinoco (2023-09-24). Venezuela's Vice President Calls Out OAS Chief's Interventionist Comments on Essequibo Referendum. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez called out the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, for his interventionist comments on the Essequibo region. The region is disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | "Venezuela has always defeated you and will continue to do so," Vice President Rodríguez wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, September 23, referring to Almagro. "You are a shameful stain for our region. You have participated in coups d'état, economic wars, and corruption. You are the godfather of regional extremism and the perverse mind of lawfare. Vene…

Patrick Mazza, Resilience. (2023-09-23). How To Build The Future In Place: Taking The First Steps. Building the future in place envisions bringing together an ecosystem of community-based institutions and public policies that meets human needs and balances our relations within the natural world. It involves weaving together community initiatives and advocacy campaigns that now often operate in separate compartments to create a coherent politics, built around deep-rooted, place-based movements informed by comprehensive visions for transformative change at local and bioregional scales. It starts where markets and the system are failing, prioritizing communities and people who are being failed the most. In the pr…

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-09-24). BYD launches affordable EV in Mexico. Electric mobility is fast becoming the preferred mode of transportation around the world, with sales of electric vehicles growing yearly. | A leading market is China, where eight million EVs were sold in 2023, more than double that of any other global region. But Chinese EV technology is becoming available in other markets too. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports.

Editor (2023-09-23). Venezuela: Gov't to launch China-backed anti-poverty program. The Social Equality and Happiness Mission will adapt the Chinese experience to the Caribbean country's reality to alleviate poverty and inequality.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-09-23). U.S. poverty rate shows record jump. The latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau show the poverty rate rose to 12.4 percent in 2022 in what appears to be the largest one-year jump on record. | Inflation drove living costs up at a time when federal programs that provided aid to families during the COVID-19 pandemic were expiring. | Ediz Tiyansan reports.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). Marxism & Class By: Helena Sheehan. This is the text of a talk at the conference of the Irish Labour History Society on September 17, 2023.What does Marxism bring to a conference on visions of labour and class?For me, this is connected to what Marxism brings to everything: context, clarity, coherence, comprehensiveness.Marxism is an intellectual tradition connected to a political movement that focuses on totality, on how everything is connected to everything else. It is a theory of everything, one that is open-ended and alw … (2023-09-24). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. (2023-09-24). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Luis Feliz Leon, Lisa Xu, Labor Notes. (2023-09-24). Auto Workers Strike Spreads To 38 Parts Depots. The clock has ticked and tocked for two of the Big 3 automakers. At noon 5,000 more members of the Auto Workers (UAW) at 38 parts distribution centers for Stellantis and General Motors walked off the job. The facilities are spread across 20 states. They join 13,000 workers at assembly plants in Ohio, Michigan, and Missouri who have been out for a week—for a total of 18,000 Big 3 auto workers on picket lines nationwide. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) The escalation adds a new type of facility to the mix. Parts distribution centers (PDCs) supply after-sales spare parts and accessories to dealershi…

Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad, Peoples Democracy. (2023-09-24). Collaboration, Not Confrontation. The United States has articulated a policy that it wishes to continue this war to severely 'weaken Russia' — as US defence secretary Lloyd Austin and other high officials have been explicitly stating — and, it is claimed, to place Ukraine in a stronger bargaining position for eventual negotiations (or in a weaker position, if the Russian offensive makes an impact, a strong likelihood that is quietly ignored). The policy of trying to 'weaken Russia' through the escalation of the war in Ukraine is the position of the United States and the United Kingdom, and with some variation, their European allies (F…

Charlie Saperstein, Dan DiMaggio, Labor Notes. (2023-09-23). Mexican Auto Parts Workers Face Blacklist After Union Campaign. In August 2022, auto parts workers at VU Manufacturing won a landmark election to gain recognition for a new independent union, the Mexican Workers' League (La Liga). A year later, after refusing to negotiate a new contract, the company has shut down, leaving 400 workers jobless—and 71 workers without their legally-mandated severance pay. VU is located in the border city of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, where politicians brag about maintaining "labor peace" in the foreign-owned factories known as maquiladoras. This "peace" is largely mediated by the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM), a powerful company-fri… (2023-09-23). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. (2023-09-23). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). History of Fascism in Ukraine Part III: 1944-1963 UPA War, Ratlines, and the Assassination of Stepan Bandera. Hugo Turner Dedicated to the memory of Luciana Bohne. With special thanks to T.P. Wilkinson. The "Heroes" monument in Ellenville incorporates busts of Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, both Nazi collaborators. A monument to Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army was unveiled in Hamptonburgh in 1989. Just prior to the Russian invasion of…

Michael Welch (2023-09-23). Challenges for Ending the War in 2023. The Road to Peace Paved by "Russian Collaborators?"

Sky Chadde, Ryan Murphy, In These Times. (2023-09-23). Construction Companies Exploit Agricultural Visas To Underpay Workers. Jose Ageo Luna Vanegas first worked for Signet Builders in the early 2000s. Hired on a temporary labor visa, he traveled from Mexico to U.S. job sites. The hours were long, but he was paid overtime. Years later, around 2017, Signet hired him again. This time, he received no overtime pay. | That's when he "started asking questions," his attorney, Jennifer Zimmermann, said. | The work was largely the same. His visa was different. Originally, Luna Vanegas was hired on an H-2B visa. Various industries use the visas to fill labor shortages. A hotel facing a busy summer might hire foreign maids, fo…

WSWS (2023-09-23). Campaign for active boycott of Australian Voice referendum wins support from workers and students. Socialist Equality Party campaign teams are finding widespread distrust or opposition to the Albanese Labor government's referendum, seeing it as a diversion from, and a cover for, for the underlying ruling class program of war and austerity.

WSWS (2023-09-23). Socialist Alternative hysterically defends Voice referendum as its crisis deepens. Socialist Alternative does not even pretend that the Voice will solve anything for ordinary indigenous people. But despite this, the pseudo-left is aggressively pushing Labor's policy.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Kim Jong Un thanks China for supporting DPRK. Pyongyang, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Labor Party and president of State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un, acknowledged China's support for his country's struggles in defense of socialism.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). Mayo Clinic in Florida opens downtown Jacksonville site focused on education, research. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic in Florida has opened its Community Health Collaborative in downtown Jacksonville. The office aims to understand the healthcare needs of Mayo Clinic's neighbors and share health education and biomedical research that supports their needs. "Expanding Mayo Clinic's footprint into downtown Jacksonville with a dedicated space for community engagement and Mayo Clinic research teams, allows us to fully explore innovative solutions that address the communities' most pressing health issues," says Kent…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). On the road again – thanks to collaborative cancer care. In a matter of months, Bill McDermott went from having abdominal pain and learning he had lymphoma to being told it was time for hospice care. What his family did next would steer him in an entirely different direction. Although he doesn't remember all of the details, Bill McDermott says he began having abdominal issues and pain in mid-2021. He went in for some tests at a local hospital, where he got a diagnosis…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). Mayo Clinic and GE HealthCare enter strategic collaboration to advance innovation in medical imaging and theranostics. Combining the world-class clinical and research expertise of Mayo Clinic with the deep research, engineering, and product development expertise of GE HealthCare, this new collaboration aims to forge an integrated innovation engine to advance the practice of radiology and care to patients worldwide. ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Today, Mayo Clinic and GE HealthCare announce a strategic healthcare collaboration for research and product development programs aimed to transform the experience of patients and clinicians in the practice…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). At-home COVID-19 tests: A Mayo Clinic expert answers questions on expiration dates and the new variants. COVID-19 at-home antigen test At-home COVID-19 tests allow you to collect your sample and detect active COVID-19 infections. But what if you have at-home COVID-19 tests nearing expiration or expired on your shelf? Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says companies set the original test dates arbitrarily due to these diagnostic at-home tests being developed rapidly. So, check your boxes before you toss them. "Now that we are 3 1/2 years into…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-24). Continúa protestas en contra de reforma laboral en Grecia. Por otro lado, la ley prohíbe a los huelguistas impedir a un colega que vaya a trabajar durante un paro.

WSWS (2023-09-23). "School expenses are unbearable"—Students, parents and teachers denounce Sri Lankan government. Government cuts and hyperinflation have led to a drastic rundown of education facilities and the increasing inability of parents to pay for the education of their children.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-24). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-23). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Kyle Anzalone (2023-09-23). House Speaker Reverses Course, Will Add Ukraine Funding to Defense Bill. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced on Saturday that the House would vote on a Pentagon funding bill that includes aid for Ukraine. Initially, the Congressman said the $300 million in aid for Kyiv would be voted on separately from the annual Department of Defense spending bill. Congress is seeking to pass spending bills before …

Owen Fairclough (2023-09-24). Republicans in Congress clash over spending as government shutdown looms. U.S. Republican lawmakers are spending the weekend trying to introduce legislation aimed at avoiding a government shutdown in less than a week. | But a small faction of their hardline conservative colleagues opposes them, demanding that their leader trim spending to reduce debts. | Owen Fairclough reports.

Ralph Nader (2023-09-23). Insurers Can Be Sentinels for Health and Safety. For nearly thirty-five years, a small nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. has been having an outsized impact on highway and auto safety. It is Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety and it is funded by a dozen or more property-casualty insurance companies; with a board composed of consumer leaders and insurance company representatives. Its origins …

Editor (2023-09-24). System Change: An Ecosocialist Discussion on Environmental Crisis. The worst wildfire season in Canadian history, worsening environmental degradation, and the hottest week ever recorded. Amid the consequences of human impact on our planet becoming increasingly dire, large corporations — including the fossil fuel industry — continue to hold enormous sway over environmental policy and enjoy record levels of profit. Despite numerous international climate agreements and corporate pledges, market based solutions have failed at every stage to offer a credible way out of our current crisis. | It's in this moment that many in the environmental and climate justice moveme…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). NATO Destroyed Libya in 2011; Storm Daniel Came to Sweep Up the Remains: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter By: Vijay Prashad. Shefa Salem al-Baraesi (Libya), Drown on Dry Land, 2019. Dear friends,Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.Three days before the Abu Mansur and Al Bilad dams collapsed in Wadi Derna, Libya, on the night of September 10, the poet Mustafa al-Trabelsi participated in a discussion at the Derna House of Culture about the neglect of basic infrastructure in his city. At the meeting, al-Trabelsi warned about the poor condition of the dams. As he …

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). Ukraine lost around 85% of its initial mobilized force: Field general By: Al Mayadeen English.

WSWS (2023-09-23). Hospital workers in Bay City, Michigan protest starvation wages. Workers recently voted by 99 percent to authorize a strike, decisively rejecting the hospital's latest contract offer.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-09-24). 'Silent Coup': How Capitalism Defeated Decolonization. The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact devel…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-09-23). Capitalism is the greatest threat to public health, warn researchers and activists. During the opening of the 19th conference of the International Association of Health Policy Europe, academics and activists warned that capitalism remains biggest threat to human and planetary health…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-23). NATO Destroyed Libya In 2011; Storm Daniel Came To Sweep Up The Remains. Three days before the Abu Mansur and Al Bilad dams collapsed in Wadi Derna, Libya, on the night of September 10, the poet Mustafa al-Trabelsi participated in a discussion at the Derna House of Culture about the neglect of basic infrastructure in his city. At the meeting, al-Trabelsi warned about the poor condition of the dams. As he wrote on Facebook that same day, over the past decade his beloved city has been 'exposed to whipping and bombing, and then it was enclosed by a wall that had no door, leaving it shrouded in fear and depression'. Then, Storm Daniel picked up off the Mediterranean coast, dragged itself… (2023-09-23). Purchasing limits eased to propel realty market. The latest adjustments to the home-purchasing restrictions policy and value-added tax exemption period in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, will better support local people in addressing housing issues through market-oriented methods and promote the recovery and development of the residential property market, local authorities and industry insiders said. | According to a notice issued by the local government on Wednesday evening, residents with local household registrations, or hukou, in the city's districts of Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Nansha and some areas in Baiyun district, can only purchase a maximum of tw…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Protests in Syria against US mercenary militia. Damascus, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Demonstrations continue for the fifth consecutive day against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the United States, in the municipality of Qamishi, in the northeastern province of Hasakeh, it was reported here on Sunday. Activists quoted by various media outlets reported that hundreds of angry protesters and merchants gathered in the municipal roundabout to denounce the illegal and criminal measures imposed by this illegal group and the US forces.

Franz Hinkelammert, Matthias Hui & B Dietschy (2023-09-24). Making the Kingdom of God Present. Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-24). Tuesday 9/26: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom:

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Media Counterinsurgency Against the African People's Socialist Party: Ignore the Show Trial, Reinforce the Anti-Russia Psyop Behind it. Rainer Shea The fraudulent charges against the African People's Socialist Party are supposed to represent the starting stage in our national security state's war against dissent during…

Franz Hinkelammert, Matthias Hui & B Dietschy (2023-09-23). Making the Kingdom of God Present. Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). The Success of Chinese Socialism. In the following article, originally published in the Young Communist League of Britain's Challenge magazine, Kate Woolford and Rares Cocilnau debunk some of the most persistent myths surrounding China's development. The first misconception discussed is that China is an undemocratic, "authoritarian" state. The authors point to China's system of whole-process people's democracy, "which allows citizens to…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Communist Party of Chile appoints Lautaro Carmona as president. Santiago de Chile, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Chile (PCCh) appointed Lautaro Carmona as its new president on Sunday to replace Guillermo Teillier, who led the organization for 18 years until his death on August 29.

2023-09-24 22:50:23 | 22:50 EST | rz | 72 | 2 | 45 | 25 | 0 

2023-09-21: News Headlines

Ben Norton (2023-09-21). Chinese balloon was not spying, US gov't admits months after manufactured crisis. The Pentagon admitted that a Chinese balloon that crossed into US territory in February was not spying; it was likely blown off course by wind. But Washington and the media milked this manufactured scandal for new cold war propaganda.

Jayati Ghosh (2023-09-20). Sri Lanka's dangerous domestic debt restructuring. The recent bailout agreement between the International Monetary Fund and Sri Lanka fails to address the economy's structural problems. Instead, it focuses on highly regressive measures that disproportionately affect the working poor and are likely to exacerbate the country's ongoing debt distress.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs. On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation. They began by discussing the global shift that appears to be on the horizon with …

Staff (2023-09-21). World Must Decarbonize Before "Point of No Return" on Climate Crisis: Colombian President Gustavo Petro. In Part 2 of our interview with Colombian President Gustavo Petro, he says climate change is a "vital matter" the world must address collectively. But unlike world trade, which is governed by a set of common rules, there is no organizing rubric for decarbonizing the world economy in time to prevent catastrophe. "There's no courts for this. There's no justice. So everybody can just slip by," Petro says. He says the amount of money rich countries have provided to hasten the clean energy transition falls far short of commitments made in the 2015 Paris Agreement and is a drop in th… (2023-09-20). Representatives from 110 countries confirm participation in Belt and Road Forum: Chinese FM. Representatives from more than 110 countries have confirmed that they will attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in October, with preparations for the forum being well underway. (2023-09-20). China files appeal over WTO ruling on countermeasures against U.S. tariffs. MOFCOM has said that the WTO expert panel's ruling contains legal errors regarding the report on the U.S. suing China over the latter's countermeasures against U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum. (2023-09-20). China cuts U.S. Treasury holdings in July to 14-year low. China cut its holdings for a fourth consecutive month in July to $821.8 billion, a 14-year low, data from the U.S. Treasury Department showed on Monday local time.

John Feffer (2023-09-20). More Butterflies, Fewer Billionaires: Unrigging the Global Economy. In a fit of madness or just plain desperation, you've enrolled in a get-rich-quick scheme. All you have to do is sell some products, sign up some friends, make some phone calls. Follow that simple formula and you'll soon be pulling in tens of thousands of dollars a month — or so you've been promised anyway. And if you sell enough products, you'll be invited into the Golden Circle, which offers yet more perks like free concert tickets and trips to Las Vegas. | Still, I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that there's a catch. If you don't sell a pile of products or sign up a ton of friends to do the sa…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-20). Candidates for vice presidency of Argentina will hold a debate. Buenos Aires, Sep 20 (Prensa Latina) The vice presidential candidates from the main political forces in Argentina, will participate in a television debate on topics such as the economy, inflation and work.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Intellectual Property, Knowledge Monopoly and the Rent Economy By: Prabir Purkayastha. ​Neoliberalism privatised the rewards but socialised the risks of the patents system. Image Courtesy: Left Word The twentieth century saw the emergence of public funded universities and technical institutions, while technology development was concentrated in the R&D laboratories of large corporations. The age of the lone inventor—Edison, Siemens, Westinghouse, Graham Bell—had ended with the nineteenth century.1 The twentieth century was more about industry-bas …

Bob Bishop (2023-09-21). Could the Strategic Petroleum Reserve storage caverns collapse? Congress in 1975 enacted the Energy Policy and Conservation Act ("EPCA"), creating the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The Act attempts to shield the U.S. economy from oil supply shocks, including those… (2023-09-21). Chinese association urges EU to objectively view China's EV industry development. CPCA on Wednesday urged the EU to objectively view the development of China's electric vehicle (EV) industry, rather than arbitrarily use unilateral economic and trade tools to hinder the development Chinese EV products in Europe.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). Climate Related News: Wildfires, urban fires, climate change and economic depression have something in common but it is not CO2. Corporate media frequently spread conspiracy theories but this is never acknowledged. Corporate media also spreads propaganda according to the wishes of their paymasters. Propaganda which includes all things related to a "human-caused …

Staff (2023-09-21). Lift the Blockade on Venezuela & Cuba: Colombian President Petro Warns U.S. Sanctions Are Driving Migration. In Part 3 of our interview with leftist Colombian President Gustavo Petro, he describes how hard-line U.S. policies are preventing the Americas from addressing issues like migration, calling on the Biden administration to "open up a plural dialogue" to bring the region closer together. He notes many people moving through Latin America to seek asylum in the United States are from Venezuela, a country that has been devastated by U.S. sanctions. He calls for an end to punitive economic sanctions against both Venezuela and Cuba, both to slow migration and to address historic injustice. "The scars of…

Brett Wilkins (2023-09-20). GM, Ford Paid Average Combined Tax Rate of Just 1 Percent on $42B in Profits. Despite reaping tens of billions of dollars in profits between them over the past five years, General Motors and Ford paid an average combined tax rate of just 1% on total pre-tax income, an analysis published Tuesday by economic justice advocates revealed — as the auto giants claimed they cannot afford striking workers' demands for better pay. The Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) analysis — which… | (2023-09-20). China-ASEAN Expo shines light on shared future. With closer economic and trade ties, China and member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expected to embrace a brighter shared future.

Jim Hightower (2023-09-20). An Attack Weaker Than Near Beer. Oh, thank God for Ted Cruz! Once again, the far-right-wing U.S. senator is saving you and me from a political horror that doesn't exist. | This is Ted's specialty, for he seems unable to deal with the real economic and social problems that workaday people actually have. Thus, he constantly tries to divert attention by staging embarrassing political stunts, such as his furious fulminations against Big Bird, Mickey Mouse, and other fictional characters. | Unable to triumph over them, however, Cruz is now conjuring up entirely fictional conflicts to let him — a Harvard-educated elitist — pose as a hero o…

Julio Adamor (2023-09-20). Lula takes a stand before Joe Biden by condemning the embargo on Cuba. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's speech and that of US President Joe Biden at the opening ceremony of the 78th United Nations General Assembly shared many similarities: they talked about hunger in the world, social inequality, extreme environmental events such as climate change and the need to democratize the UN and global governance as a whole. But one topic was approached in quite different terms by the two presidents: the Caribbean countries, particularly the embargo on Cuba. | "Brazil will continue to reject measures taken without support from the UN Charter, such as the economic and financial…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-20). Cuba receives signs of solidarity at the UN. The president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, condemned the United States blockade against Cuba once again: "Brazil will continue to denounce measures taken without support of the UN Charter, such as the economic and financial blockade imposed on Cuba". He also spoke out against the attempts to classify Cuba as a state sponsoring terrorism. | The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, also described the blockade as "inhumane and criminal," and criticized such coercive measures and the reprisals applied by hegemonic powers against the people in detriment of their development and most basic human rights. | Accordi…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Pepe Escobar: Russia, North Korea Stage 'Strategic Coup' Against Western Hegemony. It will take ages to unpack the silos of information inbuilt in the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok last week, coupled with the — armored – train-keeps-a-rollin' conducted by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un straddling every nook and cranny of Primorsky Krai.The key themes all reflect the four main vectors of the New Great Game as it's being played across the Global South: energy and energy resources; manufacturing and labor; market and trade rules; and logistics. But they go wa …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). A new and more just global contract is imperative, says Cuba's Miguel Díaz-Canel at UN General Assembly. Speaking at the UN General Assembly session, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel stressed the need for "changes that can no longer be postponed in the midst of the unjust, irrational and abusive international economic order" (2023-09-21). I disapprove politically motivated negative comments about China: Nobel Prize winner. Attending a forum to mark the 10th anniversary of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Christopher A Pissarides, the 2010 Nobel Prize winner in economics, delivered a speech on Wednesday. "ÄÄ…

Edward Hunt (2023-09-21). US Claims to Central Pacific Flout International Law. In defiance of international norms and rules, U.S. officials are laying claim to the large oceanic area in the central Pacific Ocean that is home to the compact states. Now that they are renewing the economic provisions of the compacts of free association with Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, U.S. officials are

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-21). Venezuelan President recalls International Day of Peace. That is the path of the Bolivarian Republic and "we will always insist on building a world without hatred and violence, where human solidarity and social justice prevail," the head of State wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter. | The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared September 21, 1981, as the International Day of Peace, with the goal of commemorating the ideals of peace of every people and every nation. | The date makes special emphasis on social and economic development on issues such as poverty, hunger, health care, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, electricity,…

Staff (2023-09-21). Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Ukraine, Palestine & Why Latin America Rejects Western Hypocrisy. Colombian President Gustavo Petro joins Democracy Now! for an exclusive broadcast interview after his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he spoke of the need to end wars and stop the climate crisis. Petro is the first leftist to ever govern Colombia. He was elected in 2022 after campaigning to fight inequality and poverty, increase taxes on the wealthy, expand social programs, restore peace and end Colombia's dependence on fossil fuels. He is a former M-19 guerrilla who went on to become the mayor of Bogotá and a senator before rising to the presidency. In Part 1 of the interv…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). Socialists in the Netherlands accuse government of failing to combat rising poverty. Proposals in the 2024 budget presented by the caretaker government on Prince's Day have been deemed as inadequate to mitigate the rise in poverty amid a severe cost of living and housing crisis…

WSWS (2023-09-20). Unite educators and all workers behind the autoworkers' strike! End poverty wages and unsafe conditions! The strike by autoworkers against the Big Three automakers is part of a growing international wave of struggles against inflation, concessions and job losses.

WSWS (2023-09-21). Fed pauses rate increases but indicates more to come. The Fed wants the unemployment rate to rise, with projections by members of the FOMC—the so-called dot plot—putting the jobless rate at 4.1 percent next year, up from its present level of 3.8 percent.

Helena Sheehan (2023-09-21). Marxism & Class. The working class makes the world go round. The working class should not be positioned as the most vulnerable in need of help, but as those who labour and deserve a just distribution of the fruits of their labour.

WSWS (2023-09-21). New Zealand election debate points to bipartisan agenda of austerity and war. The televised leaders' debate underscores that both the incumbent Labour Party and the opposition National Party are committed to strengthening New Zealand's role in the US-led war drive against China and Russia, while slashing spending on public services amid the worsening cost-of-living crisis.

Ann Garrison (2023-09-21). Amnesty International pushes regime change in Eritrea with dubious, unverifiable report. Amnesty's new report accusing Eritrea's government of gruesome war crimes relies entirely on anonymous testimony, grainy satellite images, and zero field investigation. It is the latest salvo in the West's campaign to topple the country's fiercely independent government. Eritrea is a small country with a geostrategically significant coast on the Red Sea. Fiercely independent, it is one of only two African nations that refuse to collaborate with AFRICOM, the US Africa Command. Committed to an incremental, self-reliant development strategy, it … (2023-09-21). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. (2023-09-21). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-21). Zionists & Anti Zionists Protest Netanyahu In SF. Zionists and Anti Zionists rallied in San Francisco at. Union Square. on. September. 18th to protest the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-21). Stop Robo Trucks! IBT At Capitol Demand That Gov. Newsom Sign AB316: Chant Of "Fuck Gavin" Hundreds of Teamsters from throughout California rallied at the State Capitol in Sacramento to demand that Governor Gavin Newsom sign AB 316 which requires a driver for trucks over 10,000 pounds.

Danielle J. Brown, Maryland Matters. (2023-09-20). Healthcare Workers In Maryland, Virginia And DC Authorize Strike. Some 3,800 union healthcare workers in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., are threatening to go on strike at the end of this month if the leadership at Kaiser Permanente and the union cannot agree to a new contract addressing staffing shortages and low pay for workers. | According to a Monday statement from OPEIU Local 2, which represents 8,000 workers in the region, about 98% of health care workers from the union voted to authorize a strike to protest "unfair labor practices" if no agreement is reached by Sept. 30. | The health care workers represented by OPEIU Local 2 union include optometrists, pharmacis… (2023-09-20). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping. (2023-09-20). Imperial and Indian Institute of Science driving innovative, high-impact science. Imperial College London and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore are collaborating on several highly innovative research projects.

Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Labor Notes. (2023-09-20). Don't Do The Boss Any Favors. Management everywhere relies on workers "going the extra mile." We cut corners, we skip breaks, and we look the other way on common violations of the contract, work rules, or even safety. | But it's also possible, when the time is right, to just stop doing the boss these favors. After all, how often does management do workers a favor? | As they build momentum for a possible strike, General Motors worker Nick Livick in Kansas City reports that his co-workers are refusing to help management as they normally would. Instead they are waiting for direct orders, and stopping the line when management starts it up early a…

Keith Brower Brown, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-20). Work Extra During A Strike? Auto Workers Say 'Eight And Skate'. Only 13,000 of 146,000 auto workers at the Big 3 companies are on strike, so far. But others still on the job are turning up the heat by refusing voluntary overtime. | At all three companies—Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis—Auto Workers (UAW) members have told Labor Notes about overtime refusals. Many Big 3 plants are hugely dependent on overtime to make up for understaffing. | Organizing on the shop floor and on Facebook, many auto workers unified so fast to do their part for the strike that they forced management to shut their plants for this entire past weekend. | That followed advice from top…

Labor Video Project (2023-09-20). Zionists & Anti Zionists Protest Netanyahu In SF. Zionists and Anti Zionists rallied in San Francisco at. Union Square. on. September. 18th to protest the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-20). Stop Robo Trucks! IBT At Capitol Demand That Gov. Newsom Sign AB316: Chant Of "Fuck Gavin" Hundreds of Teamsters from throughout California rallied at the State Capitol in Sacramento to demand that Governor Gavin Newsom sign AB 316 which would require drivers of trucks over 10,000 pounds…

noreply (2023-09-20). Update On Sub Damage. Which explains the cropping of surrounding in the photo, to avoid identification of the place which IS NOT Sevastopol–because it is photoshop. Russian submariners already pointed that out, especially this side "hole", plus, the "base photo" is taken from… the dock in either St. Petersburg or Kronshtadt. There your go–the "price" of Western "naval experts". Most likely the damage in a front of sail is the only thing which did happen, but I already elaborated on it.

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-20). Manifiesta 2023: 15,000 Voices Amplify Call For Solidarity And Hope. Approximately 15,000 people gathered in Ostend, Belgium, on September 9-10 for the latest edition of the solidarity festival Manifiesta. This year's festival was an enormous success and featured additional programs designed to immerse visitors in the event. Music performances by Meteor and Axelle Red drew large crowds during the evenings, but so did Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labor Union, as he reminded listeners that the workers' struggle is "a marathon, rather than a sprint." | The experience of building the Amazon Labor Union serves as a practical example of the possibility of creating a different world, a m…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-09-20). Is Intellectual Property Turning Into a Knowledge Monopoly? By Prabir Purkayastha — Sep 7, 2023 | The twentieth century saw the emergence of public funded universities and technical institutions, while technology development was concentrated in the R&D laboratories of large corporations. The age of the lone inventor Edison, Siemens, Westinghouse, Graham Bell had ended with the nineteenth century. The twentieth century was more about industry-based R&D laboratories, where corporations gathered together leading scientists and technologists to create the technologies of the future. In this phase, capital was still expanding production. Even though finance capital was al…

manager (2023-09-21). Off-the-Mark Media Coverage Aside, UAW Strike Shows the Time is Now for Workers to Unite. The US is in the throes of a major resurgence of union drives and strike activity, and the "hot labor summer" seems poised to become a vibrant labor autumn. With private sector union membership at just 6.0 percent in 2022, the size and scope of the strikes are still far from what they were in …

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-09-21). Sindicatos protestan contra nueva ley laboral en Grecia. La ley presentada permite dos empleos a tiempo completo y establece un sexto día laboral en determinadas empresas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-20). Denuncian éxodo de enfermeros de Puerto Rico a EE.UU. Buscan mejorar sus condiciones laborales. Esta migración comenzó hace 20 años y se agudizó a partir de la pandemia de la Covid-19.

cameron orr (2023-09-21). Show solidarity with striking auto workers. The following letter was sent from the CPUSA Labor Commission to attendees of a "Solidarity with auto workers" event, hosted one day before the UAW's contract was set to expire. | Dear fellow worker, | It was great to see you at the "Solidarity with auto workers" online meeting last week. | We wanted to share with you some resources for solidarity action. | Many folks are introducing resolutions of support in their unions or other organizations.

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-09-21). Biden, Brazil's Lula unveil joint deal to promote workers' rights. NEW YORK—When Brazil's President Luíz Inacio "Lula" da Silva, replaced Jair Bolsinaro, the "Donald Trump of the Global South," as president of his country, the Biden administration had high hopes of being able to work with the newly-elected president. It has turned out that Biden and Lula, who leads his country's Workers Party, see eye …

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-21). Analyst On Real Estate Market: I'm More Concerned With HELOC Borrowing Than ARM Mortgages. Thanks to skyrocketing pandemic housing prices, Americans have an average of $200,000 in home equity and they're tapping into it in increasing numbers, using their No. 1 source of wealth to borrow against the value of real estate with home equity lines of credit. Home equity lines of credit or HELOCs have become more popular than cash-out …

E Lee C (2023-09-21). Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have their cry ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion with juveniles and potential financial ties. The victim was subsequently arrested without cause, faced false charges, and endured injuries. Seekin…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-09-21). Intel-linked UK official pushing censorship of Russell Brand. The author of letters to social media companies demanding the financial punishment of Russell Brand is a British lawmaker implicated in London's war on Covid-19 and Ukraine dissenters. Her husband was a commander in the Army's psy-ops division. Allegations of sexual impropriety and abuse by comedian and podcaster Russell Brand by the British media prompted YouTube to demonetize the star's popular channel on September 20. The Grayzone can now reveal that YouTube's financial censorship of Brand is the result of …

Block the Streets (2023-09-20). Round Two: Protest at Hilton where TERFs are Convening. Sustained protest in action! Following a Noon to 2pm demo in front of the Hilton in San Francisco's Financial District, a second more radical round of action from 2pm lasted about 4 hours on Sept 16.

Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams. (2023-09-20). Climate Defenders Arrested While Blocking Entry To NY Federal Reserve. A day after tens of thousands of climate activists marched through Manhattan's Upper East Side demanding an end to oil, gas, and coal production, thousands more demonstrators hit the streets of Lower Manhattan Monday, where more than 100 people were arrested while surrounding the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to protest fossil fuel financing. | Protesters chanted slogans like "No oil, no gas, fossil fuels can kiss my ass" and "We need clean air, not another billionaire" as they marched from Zuccotti Park—ground zero of the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement—to pre-selected sites in the Financial Dist…

E Lee C (2023-09-20). Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have their cry ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion with juveniles and potential financial ties. The victim was subsequently arrested without cause, faced false charges, and endured injuries. Seekin…

Global Research News (2023-09-20). Selected Articles: G77 Rejects "Digital Monopolies" and Calls for "Reform" of the Financial System. By Cuban President…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-20). UN General Assembly: Global South Leaders Call for Urgent Reforms in Multilateral Institutions. Peoples Dispatch UN Secretary General António Guterres speaks at the the 78th session of the UN General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, September 19, 2023. (Photo: Xinhua/Li Rui) Reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and financial, must reflect the need of the changing world which is multipolar and against hegemonic practices, leaders…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). At UN General Assembly session, Global South leaders call for urgent reforms in multilateral institutions. Reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and financial, must reflect the need of the changing world which is multipolar and against hegemonic practices, leaders from the Global South said at the UN General Assembly said…

Ryan Grim, Murtaza Hussain, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-09-20). US Helped Pakistan Get IMF Bailout With Secret Arms Deal For Ukraine. Secret Pakistani arms sales to the U.S. helped to facilitate a controversial bailout from the International Monetary Fund earlier this year, according to two sources with knowledge of the arrangement, with confirmation from internal Pakistani and American government documents. The arms sales were made for the purpose of supplying the Ukrainian military — marking Pakistani involvement in a conflict it had faced U.S. pressure to take sides on. | The revelation is a window into the kind of behind-the-scenes maneuvering between financial and political elites that rarely is exposed to the public, even as the pub…

infobrics (2023-09-20). India expels Canadian diplomat as relations continue to deteriorate over Khalistan. Trudeau's popularity declines as inflation and unaffordability spikes.

Matt Stoller (2023-09-20). The Missing Inflation Data.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-21). Argentina: candidates for vicepresidents held debates. Buenos Aires, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) A debate, held on Wednesday, between the candidates for vice presidents of the five parties that will compete in the general elections on October 22nd in Argentina, was focused on inflation, security, work, the role of the State, the defense of human rights and the impact of the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Lindsay Koshgarian, Alliyah Lusuegro (2023-09-20). Climate Is the Fight of Our Lifetime. Our Federal Budget Should Reflect That. More than half of discretionary spending goes to the military. Only a tiny fraction addresses the most urgent threat to our security.

WSWS (2023-09-20). Far-right Republicans block short-term funding proposal, increasing chance of government shutdown. Political warfare between Trump-aligned members of the House Freedom Caucus and Speaker Kevin McCarthy over proposed spending cuts is driving the government towards a shutdown at the end of the month.

Jake Johnson (2023-09-21). House GOP unveils budget with trillions in cuts to medicaid, food benefits, and more. The Republican proposal would cut federal discretionary spending by nearly $5 trillion over the next decade. (2023-09-20). Greater scope likely for energy, renewables biz with Arab nations. China and Arab nations, which have cooperated in the oil and gas sector for decades, should continue to expand investments in energy and promote the development of new energy business including solar and wind power.

David Starr (2023-09-21). BRICS Attempts to Establish Multi-Polar World, Rejecting U.S.-dominated Uni-Polar World. On August 22-24, the BRICS organization (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held its 15th Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. BRICS Chairman Cyril Ramaphosa, who is president of South Africa, made concluding remarks about the Summit in a media briefing: "Leading up to the Summit, there was a wide-ranging BRICS business program aimed at attracting investment, …

Editor (2023-09-21). Sep 21, 2023. ‚ô´ Simple Man — Lynyrd Skynyrd Lavrov's Devastating UNSC Presentation, by Karl Sanchez War Profiteers Are A Sign Of A Profoundly Sick Society, by Caitlin Johnstone So They Want Negotiations, Now. Have they any idea what they are talking about? by Aurelien A spiritual warrior against the empire of greed, by Paul Cudenec The Worst Global Food Crisis In Modern History, About To Go To An Entirely New Level, by Michael Snyder The west destroyed Africa, Eurasia will revive it, by Matthew Ehret How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement, by CJ Hopkins Iranian President Raisi addresses th…

Zane McNeill (2023-09-20). Citizen Groups Sue EPA for Using Black Neighborhoods as "Sacrifice Zones" Environmental citizen groups in Louisiana, West Virginia and Texas are suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after Black communities in these states were excluded from an effort to tighten regulations regarding cancer-causing air pollution. The lawsuit alleges that majority-Black communities in these states are disproportionately burdened with facilities that are major sources of… |

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Elliot Abrams Was a CIA Agent According to Daughter of CIA-Mafia Liaison By: Jeremy Kuzmarov. Appointment of Abrams to Public Diplomacy Commission Shows President Biden's Close Ties to the CIA In September 1998, Desiree A. Ferdinand gave a sworn deposition, in a case filed with the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, detailing the career of her father, Colonel Albert V. Carone, an army intelligence officer in World War II who she claimed was a CIA liaison with organized crime.​Ferdinand testified in a civil suit brought against the CIA and then-Vice President and fo …

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-09-21). Capitalism is a giant scam. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Caitlin Johnstone): One of the most formative moments of my life was when I was running a small eco blog called Earth Mums in the mid-00s which focused on consumer solutions to the problem of environmental destruction. Back then I still believed that while capitalism was…

Mike Pappas, Left Voice. (2023-09-20). The Housing Crisis And Migrant Crisis Are Crises Of Capitalism. New York City mayor Eric Adams declared in August that there is "no room" in the city for hundreds of migrants being forced to sleep on the street because shelters are already crowded and in disrepair. The mayor initially encouraged those seeking shelter to "consider another city" as they struggled to survive. Adams announced plans to house as many as 2,000 in a tent complex on Randalls Island and later designated space on an airfield to house asylum seekers. These spaces are identified, as the claim goes, that the city simply doesn't have housing space for those seeking asylum, especially because it is already d…

Bill Fletcher, Jr. (2023-09-21). Amilcar Cabral in the age of 'identity politics'. During his life, Bissau-Guinean revolutionary Amilcar Cabral co-founded the PAIGC and dedicated his life to the liberation of his native Guinea and Cape Verde from Portuguese colonialism and capitalism-imperialism. One of his most celebrated works, Return to the Source, has recently been republished by Monthly Review Press. To mark this occasion, Polly Gaster began to wor…

Industrial Workers of the World (2023-09-21). Three Peet's Cafes Organize with IWW in California. Report on successful union organizing campaign in the bay area of so-called California at Peet's Cafe chain stores by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Three Peet's Coffee shops in Berkeley and Oakland, California, United States, won their campaign to form a union with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). On June 9,…

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-20). Crypto Pioneer Arthur Hayes Brings Attention To Capital Flight From China: 5 Things To Know. Arthur Hayes, the co-founder of the BitMEX crypto exchange with a passion for Bitcoin, brought attention to capital flight from China in a recent Twitter thread, expressing his hopes that some of the money that has left the country "finds its way to Lord Satoshi and $BTC". At its height in 2019, BitMEX was worth …

Jorge Alemán (2023-09-21). Argentina — Coartada neoliberal. Veo en la TV argentina a un politólogo italiano Loris Zanatta entrevistado por Carlos Pagni, ambos situándose como dos liberales encantados de conocerce en su afinidad ideológica. | Segun Zanatta, el kirchnerismo y el fenómeno Milei vuelven a repetir un ciclo…

Editor (2023-09-20). Degrowth and ecosocialist revolution. It is becoming increasingly clear that humanity cannot resolve the anthropogenic ecological crises without radically restructuring our social relations—a consensus shared by the degrowth movement and revolutionary socialism. Panel Discussion at Socialism 2023…

Staff (2023-09-21). Colombian President Gustavo Petro Denounces U.S. Intervention in Americas, from Chilean Coup to Drug War. Colombian President Gustavo Petro says the U.S.-backed coup in Chile 50 years ago, when General Augusto Pinochet deposed socialist President Salvador Allende, left a lasting scar across Latin America. Many progressives took up arms against corrupt governments, often led by "Nazis," Petro says, fueling decades of conflict that is only now beginning to fade. "Today, having closed out that cycle of weapons and violence, we need to rethink democracy," Petro told Democracy Now! in an exclusive interview this week at Colombia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. He also d…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-20). Tuesday 9/19: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom:

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). "France out of Africa, US and NATO too!" Activists picket the UNGA. On Tuesday September 19, the opening day of the United Nations General Assembly, anti-imperialist activists rallied outside the UN Headquarters in New York City to demand that France end its imperialist meddling in West Africa and the Sahel. Organizers with the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the December 12th Movement, Bridging Africa and Black America, and others denounced the neocolonial policies of the European nation and voiced solidarity and support to Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, and Niger, which recently underwent coups opposing French neocolonialism. Activists demanded that France end its neocolonial…

WSWS (2023-09-20). "It's almost like we are in a civil war between the rich and the poor": Autoworkers respond to Will Lehman's Newsweek op-ed. Autoworkers have responded with enthusiasm to the editorial written by the Pennsylvania Mack Trucks worker and socialist candidate for UAW president in 2021.

WSWS (2023-09-21). The role of Security and the Fourth International in the fight for the continuity of the International Committee of the Fourth International. The following lecture was delivered by Eric London, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Party (US), to the SEP (US) International Summer School, held between July 30 and August 4, 2023.

Amanda Yee (2023-09-21). The Korean War Continues With Biden's Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea. On August 22, the US State Department

Joanna Straughn, Everett, Sara Flounders (2023-09-21). Summer Smith was 'guided by a great feeling of love'. Summer Smith, a communist organizer, mother and educator died after a long battle with cancer on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the age of 41. She is survived by her daughter, Violet. Summer Smith at Wells Fargo protest for workers rights, Salt Lake City, Jan. 1, . . . |

2023-09-21 19:10:41 | 19:10 EST | rz | 88 | 0 | 53 | 40 | 0 

2023-09-18: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-09-18). China Deepens Ties With Venezuela, Challenging US 'Hegemonic Mindset'. Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro took a historic trip to China this September. There, the two nations signed 31 comprehensive agreements and formally "upgraded" their relations to an "all-weather strategic partnership", one of Beijing's highest designations. | China and Venezuela jointly blasted the "hegemonism" of the Western powers. Beijing formally condemned the illegal sanctions that Washington has imposed on Caracas. | Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized this his government will "firmly support" Venezuela's "just cause against external interference". | The global political and economic order is chang…

infobrics (2023-09-18). How the BRICS Expansion Could Shake Up the World Economy. Six new countries are set to join the BRICS to make their presence felt on the global economic stage. But the Western world's sustainability goals might suffer the consequences…

Rick Kohn, Resumen English. (2023-09-18). New US Sanctions Bill Designed To Bring Misery To Nicaraguans. As we all know, the U.S. already has imposed sanctions on Nicaragua, but they haven't yet brought about the kind of hunger and poverty and suffering that some U.S. policymakers think is necessary to overthrow the popular Nicaraguan government. So there is a new sanctions bill co-sponsored by Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine that will try to further depress the Nicaraguan economy, increase unemployment, decrease revenue for the government's popular programs so the government will be less popular. | The stated goal is the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government and a "free and fair election" to replace Daniel Ortega. (2023-09-17). China, Zambia upgrade relations. China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy. (2023-09-17). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises.

Jake Johnson (2023-09-17). "A Watershed Moment": CA Sues Oil Giants Over Decades of Climate Destruction. The state of California on Friday filed suit against ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, accusing the five oil and gas giants of a decadeslong campaign to mislead the public about the threat fossil fuels pose to the climate. The lawsuit makes California the largest economy on the planet to take legal action against fossil fuel companies over their efforts to deceive the world about… |

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-17). Venezuela keeps standing up in solidarity, Pdt Nicolas Maduro assured. Through his X account, the head of state called to continue working with the premise of respect, effort and union for the success of the present and future projects of the new world. | "We are here to make them a reality!" he said. | Maduro fulfilled an intense work agenda abroad with a week-long visit to China in which he strengthened alliances as the two countries signed 31 agreements in strategic areas such as economy, trade, aerospace, mining, agriculture, and tourism, among others. | After his stay in China, he traveled accompanied by the first combatant and deputy to the National Assembly, Cilia Flores, to…

Editor (2023-09-18). U.S. moves to curtail China's economic investment in the Caribbean. On March 8, 2023, General Laura J. Richardson of the United States (U.S.) Southern Command gave testimony at a congressional hearing wherein she issued a warning to U.S. lawmakers about the expansion of Chinese influence in the Caribbean that were at odds with purported U.S. interests in the region.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-09-18). Fascism Is Capitalism in Decay. By Ekaterina Cabylis — Sep 16, 2023 | The Relationship Between Economic Decline and Authoritarianism | "Fascism is capitalism in decay," we have all heard this referenced to Lenin. While it's important to note that this specific quote may not be verbatim from his writings or speeches, it does capture the essence of Lenin's views on capitalism and its potential consequences. Lenin believed that as capitalism reached a certain stage of development, it would exhibit characteristics that resembled fascism. This idea suggests that fascism emerges due to the inherent contradictions and crises within capitalism as…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-17). A Daft Policy: The US Economic Strangulation of China. (2023-09-17). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA. (2023-09-17). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

The People's Forum. (2023-09-17). The Closing of the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism. After nine powerful months of international hearings on sanctions & economic coercive measures, we announce the closing event of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Economic Coercive Measures. | Hosted over two days, September 29 and 30, at the People's Forum in New York City, this concluding chapter will not only deliver our verdict but also lay the groundwork for the continuation of our international movement to abolish sanctions regimes. | While this marks the end of the Tribunal, it is only the beginning of our collective efforts as an international movement…

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-09-17). Reparations Organizers Targeted by FBI to Speak in Oakland. The Uhuru Solidarity Movement presents "The Uhuru 3" on U.S.- wide speaking tour to expose the FBI's violent, pre-dawn raids and the U.S. Department of Justice baseless charges against African People's Socialist Party leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela and two reparations activists working under his leadership. Learn about the struggle for reparations and black economic development!

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). China-Asean expo starts for greater economic integration. According to the Foreign Ministry, this year's event will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. | "China has been the largest trading partner of Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for 14 consecutive years and both sides have been each other's largest trading partners for three consecutive years," spokeswoman Mao Ning said. | According to the spokeswoman, the China-Asean Expo is a key platform for deepening bilateral cooperation and promoting regional economic integration.

Harvey Wasserman (2023-09-18). California's Embrittled Diablo Nuclear Plant Now in Court. The infamous atomic reactors at Diablo Canyon are headed to federal court. Their epic case could decide the economic and ecological fate of the nation. The key issue—-embrittlement—-may seem obscure. But it's at the center of whether a melting atomic reactor will calmly cool down or explode in a violent planetary apocalypse. To support forcing

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-18). Report: Byron Allen May Acquire ABC Networks From Disney. Media mogul Byron Allen has bid $10 billion to buy Walt Disney Co.'s ABC TV network, local stations and the FX and National Geographic cable channels, an Allen spokesperson told TheWrap. Allen Media Group owns 36 affiliate broadcast TV stations of ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX networks in 21 U.S. markets and 12 24-hour HD TV …

Bharat Dogra (2023-09-18). Poverty in India: Providing Schools for the Most Marginalized Children in Remote Villages in Uttar Pradesh.

Candice Norwood, Scheer Post. (2023-09-17). Teenagers' Detention At Angola Exposes Fractured Juvenile System. This week the state of Louisiana was expected to transfer a group of mostly Black boys out of the former death row unit of Louisiana State Penitentiary — a maximum-security adult prison also known as Angola. But a federal appeals court on Wednesday temporarily paused a judge's order requiring the state to move the children out of Angola by Friday. | The American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and several law firms, pushed for a year to stop the state from detaining children at the prison, which is located on a former slave plantation. The legal advocates praised a federal judge's man…

Luis Chirino (2023-09-17). G77 nations + China address poverty, equality. The summit of G77 nations plus China wrapped up in Havana, Cuba, on Saturday. Participants reached consensus on developing countries' need to close ranks to face current global challenges. | They stressed the need for a more equitable world order to address poverty, access to science and technology, and to cushion the impact of climate change. | CGTN's Luis Chirino reports.

Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Lucy Dean Stockton, The Lever. (2023-09-17). Automakers Hand Billions To Shareholders While Stiffing Workers. Roughly 150,000 auto workers are preparing to launch what may be the biggest strike in decades this Thursday over their employers' refusal to provide adequate pay and job security. Meanwhile, in the past twelve months, the Big Three automakers — General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis — have authorized $5 billion in stock buybacks, effectively giving billions of dollars to shareholders that could have gone to auto workers. | On top of the stock buybacks, the Big Three have reported $21 billion in profits in just the first six months of 2023. Despite the enormous gains, the companies have cried poverty in…

Isaac Nellist (2023-09-17). New cost-of-living report recommends regulating food and energy prices. Anglicare Australia's new report documents how people on low incomes often end up paying more for basic goods. Isaac Nellist reports.

Amy Goodman (2023-09-18). Frontline, Youth and Labor Activists Demand Biden Act Now on Climate Crisis. During the rally at Sunday's March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, activists decried President Joe Biden's continued investment in fossil fuels and his refusal to declare a national emergency over the worsening effects of climate change. Louisiana climate justice activist Roishetta Ozane said Biden is "personally accountable" for climate change-fueled natural disasters, while 16-year-old… | (2023-09-18). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-18). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine. (2023-09-18). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-18). Manifiesta 2023: 15,000 voices amplify call for solidarity and hope. Approximately 15,000 people gathered in Ostend, Belgium, on September 9-10 for the latest edition of the solidarity festival Manifiesta. This year's festival was an enormous success and featured additional programs designed to immerse visitors in the event. Music performances by Meteor and Axelle Red drew large crowds during the evenings, but so did Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labor Union, as he reminded listeners that the workers' struggle is "a marathon, rather than a sprint." | The experience of building the Amazon Labor Union serves as a practical example of the possibility of creating a different world, a m…

Staff (2023-09-18). Labor, Frontline & Youth Voices Call on Biden to Immediately Act to Prevent Climate Catastrophe. During the rally at Sunday's March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, activists decried President Joe Biden's continued investment in fossil fuels and his refusal to declare a national emergency over the worsening effects of climate change. Louisiana climate justice activist Roishetta Ozane said Biden is "personally accountable" for climate change-fueled natural disasters, while 16-year-old Fridays for Future organizer Helen Mancini proclaimed, "There is not enough time to put this off another term." Both emphasized the role of impacted communities — from those living… (2023-09-17). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-17). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine. (2023-09-18). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine. (2023-09-18). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-18). Manifiesta 2023: 15,000 voices amplify call for solidarity and hope. Approximately 15,000 people gathered in Ostend, Belgium, on September 9-10 for the latest edition of the solidarity festival Manifiesta. This year's festival was an enormous success and featured additional programs designed to immerse visitors in the event. Music performances by Meteor and Axelle Red drew large crowds during the evenings, but so did Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labor Union, as he reminded listeners that the workers' struggle is "a marathon, rather than a sprint." | The experience of building the Amazon Labor Union serves as a practical example of the possibility of creating a different world, a m…

Staff (2023-09-18). Labor, Frontline & Youth Voices Call on Biden to Immediately Act to Prevent Climate Catastrophe. During the rally at Sunday's March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City, activists decried President Joe Biden's continued investment in fossil fuels and his refusal to declare a national emergency over the worsening effects of climate change. Louisiana climate justice activist Roishetta Ozane said Biden is "personally accountable" for climate change-fueled natural disasters, while 16-year-old Fridays for Future organizer Helen Mancini proclaimed, "There is not enough time to put this off another term." Both emphasized the role of impacted communities — from those living… (2023-09-17). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-17). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Jimmy Cloutier (2023-09-17). Nearly $2 Million in Dark Money Floods Historic Virginia Campaigns. This story was originally published by OpenSecrets in collaboration with the Virginia Center for Investigative Journalism at WHRO. Independent political groups backed largely by "dark money" organizations and wealthy donors have spent nearly $1.7 million on Virginia candidates this election cycle, raising concerns about transparency and the influence of outside money in the tightly contested… |

Keith Brower Brown, Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-17). 'No Justice, No Jeeps!' Scenes From The Auto Workers Strike. The strike is on. Last night the Auto Workers (UAW) shut down three major assembly plants at Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler). It's the first time in history the union has struck all three companies at once. | New UAW leaders kept a tight lid on plans for which plants to strike, counting on members to be more prepared to quickly swing into action than management. The strategy, so far, seems like a success, with widespread reports of managers caught by surprise, after making costly materials moves for strike prep at the wrong plants. | At each striking plant, auto workers have organized str… (2023-09-18). Huge potential seen in Sino-South African space ties. There is huge potential and there will be big opportunities in the field of space cooperation between China and South Africa as the two nations have recently decided to enhance their collaboration in this regard.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-09-18). What the Media Not Telling Us About West Africa. Little attention has been paid to the possibility that perhaps African countries are fed up with the old apparatus, that of Western-supported wealthy and violent dictators – and supposed 'democrats' – who squander their country's wealth to remain in power.

Charles Kennedy (2023-09-18). Uranium Prices Hit a 12-Year High.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). Angola plans to eliminate refrigerant gases by 2030. Since 2012 the country began to apply the schedule for the gradual elimination of these gases, which are harmful to the ozone layer and cause global warming, in compliance with the Montreal Protocol, Ivone Pascoal, the person in charge of the issue in the aforementioned ministry, explained to the Angolan Press Agency. | It is expected that the application of the measure of not importing these gases and their exclusion from consumption will be completed by 2025, leaving a margin until 2030 for their total disappearance. | Reaching this point, required intense awareness-raising work on good refrigeration practices…

Editor (2023-09-18). In final declaration, G77 rejects "digital monopolies" and calls for "reform" of the financial system. The summit in Havana ends with document that also highlights the role of technology for development.

Editor (2023-09-17). Financial Criminal Carrie Tolstedt Avoids Prison Time for Her Role in Account Fraud. By Max Jones / Original to ScheerPost Former head of the Wells Fargo community banking division, Carrie Tolstedt, "agreed to plead guilty to the criminal charge of obstructing regulators' investigation" [of Wells Fargo]," according to CNN Business. While prosecutors pursued a 12-month prison sentence for Tolstedt, she was sentenced to three years probation, will pay …

Rising in Community Defense (2023-09-17). Transgender Rights Now! Protesting TERF Convention in SF. Demonstrators protested outside the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco's Financial District, where Women's Declaration International USA is holding its convention.

WSWS (2023-09-17). UK retail chain Wilko collapses, threatening 12,500 jobs. The trade union representing Wilko workers, the GMB, has played its usual role during the entire affair, supporting the owners over the workers. Even though it was aware of the retailer's dire financial straits, the union did not warn workers of the threat to their jobs, nor did it mount any struggle in their defence.

Block the Streets (2023-09-18). Round Two: Protest at Hilton where TERFs are Convening. Sustained protest in action! Following a Noon to 2pm demo in front of the Hilton in San Francisco's Financial District, a second more radical round of action from 2pm lasted about 4 hours on Sept 16. (2023-09-18). Court imposes death penalty on child abductor. Yu Huaying, a woman who abducted and trafficked 11 children in the 1990s for financial gain, was sentenced to death by a court in Guizhou province on Monday. (2023-09-18). GBA employment plan opens to HK graduates. The GBA Youth Employment Scheme, unveiled by the Hong Kong government in early 2021, aims to encourage and support young people from the SAR in their pursuit of careers in cities within the GBA.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-09-18). Palestine Writes fights censorship calls. Festival organizers urge UPenn to reject malicious claims by pro-Israel lobby.

Pepe Escobar (2023-09-17). In Vladivostok, the Russian Far East Rises. By Pepe Escobar — Sep 14, 2023 | In Vladivostok this week, the 'Russian Far East' was on full, glorious display. Russia, China, India, and the Global South were all there to contribute to this trade, investment, infrastructure, transportation, and institutional renaissance. | VLADIVOSTOK — Russian President Vladimir Putin opened and closed his

Editor (2023-09-18). Sep 18, 2023. ‚ô´ Merle Haggard — Are the Good Times Really Over It's Hard To Find Fulfillment In A Civilization That Revolves Around Corporate Profits, by Caitlin Johnstone AI and Spiritual Intelligence, by Mark Vernon The Hunter Biden scandal has exposed the death of journalism, by Brendan O'Neill Military Industrial Complex Unraveled & Exposed, by Helena Glass UN Marks Halfway Point to Agenda 2030 with Sustainable Development Goals Summit, by Derrick Broze American Pravda: Mutually-Assured Political Destruction, by Ron Unz The Side of Huawei We Don't Know, by Chandran Nair A Few Thoughts on the Russel…

_____ (2023-09-18). It's Hard to Find Fulfillment in a Civilization That Revolves Around Corporate Profits. 18 Sep 2023 – Corporate profits are our life. Corporate profits are our religion. Most of us pour more of our energy into generating corporate profits throughout our lives than the most pious monk pours into worshipping any deity. (2023-09-18). Nation's PV firms report stellar H1 performance. Leading photovoltaic companies in China reported sound performances during the first half, with revenue of all 61 A-share PV companies exceeding 580.3 billion yuan ($79.7 billion) and net profit reaching 69.66 billion yuan, thanks to rising market demand and ever-falling costs.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-18). Brief for Murder: Pinochet's Apologists Five Decades On. During the Cold War, assassinations most foul were entertained as necessary measures to advance the set cause. In Latin America, military regimes were keenly sponsored as reliably brutal antidotes to the Marxist tic, or at the very least the tic in waiting. Any government deemed by Washington to be remotely progressive would become ripe targets …

Federico Fuentes, Michael Prà∂bsting (2023-09-18). Multipolarity or anti-imperialist internationalism? In the second part of our interview, Austrian Marxist Michael Prà∂bsting, author of The Great Robbery of the South and Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry, discusses his views on anti-imperialism in the 21st century with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Federico Fuentes, Michael Prà∂bsting (2023-09-18). Why imperialism remains relevant to understanding 21st century capitalism. In the first part of our interview, Austrian Marxist Michael Prà∂bsting, author of The Great Robbery of the South and Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry, discusses his views on imperialism in the 21st century with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

_____ (2023-09-18). What Every Child Should Know about Marx's Theory of Value. September 2023 – The law of value works in mysterious ways. For some Marxists, it underlies everything we need to know about capitalism. But, just as Karl Marx claimed he was not a Marxist, so too might he have said, "that's not my law of value."

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-18). Libya, Devastated by U.S./NATO Bombing, Unprepared for Extreme Storm Floods. Scott Scheffer Blame for the horrible flooding that has killed nearly 20,000 people in the city of Derna, with many thousands still unaccounted for in northeastern Libya, belongs squarely on the doorstep of Western capitalism and the U.S. imperialist military menace. The 2011 U.S.-led NATO war on Libya left the country in a weakened, vulnerable state. This…

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-17). The Pyramid Scheme That Is Racial Capitalism. On August 26, a lone white gunman, 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter, fired 11 rounds from his semi-automatic weapon into the windshield of a car parked outside a Jacksonville Dollar General, killing the African American driver. Then he walked into the discount store, and fatally shot two other African Americans before turning the gun on himself. | Palmeter left behind a manifesto indicating his displeasure with African Americans, reminiscent of another 21-year-old white gunman, Dylan Roof, who eight years earlier sat outside the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. Finishing off a bottle of Smir…

_____ (2023-09-18). Perpetual Wars of the United States of America. The military-industrial complex needs enemies. Without them it would wither. Can we not rid the world of these insane and anti-human weapons before everything of value is reduced to radioactive ashes? Can we not rid the world of the institution of war?>

Mansa Musa (2023-09-18). The Cop City RICO charges and America's road to fascism. After two years of resistance against the proposed "Atlanta Public Safety Training Center," more commonly known as Cop City, more than 60 activists associated with the movement have been indicted on RICO charges. The push to build Cop City and the heavy-handed state response to local protests cannot be separated from the past decade of neoliberal crisis and anti-police protests rocking Atlanta and the country at large.

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-17). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-18). Tuesday 9/19: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom:

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-18). Communists call for abolishing monarchy in Sweden. September 15 marked the 50th anniversary of the ascendance of King Carl XVI Gustaf to the throne in Sweden. Communists termed the monarchy as an outdated, redundant institution which must be abolished…

Staff (2023-09-18). Argentina's Extreme-Right Politician Javier Milei to Tucker Carlson: The Pope Endorses Theft and Has Affinity to Murderous Communists. Argentina's extreme-right presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza party, Javier Milei, took a hard line against Pope Francis and said that "he is on the side of bloody dictatorships." | In an

2023-09-18 21:40:02 | 21:40 EST | rz | 78 | 4 | 28 | 46 | 1 

2023-09-17: News Headlines (2023-09-17). China, Zambia upgrade relations. China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy. (2023-09-17). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises. (2023-09-16). China, Zambia upgrade relations. China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy. (2023-09-16). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises.

Pankaj Kumar Garg (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Challenges and opportunities for India on the world stage. Although India faces numerous domestic challenges, such as health care, education, and the economy,1 India's Government is striving to address these challenges and is implementing policies that promote the wellbeing and prosperity of its citizens.2,3 India's G20 priorities reflect a commitment to inclusive and resilient growth and focusing on issues such as climate, finance, sustainable development, and global health resilience.4 India advocates for a gradual and systematic approach to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions while supporting the most affected sections of society.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-09-16). The silences of the Delhi declaration. THE G-20 meeting in Delhi was occurring in the midst of an acute economic crisis of the world economy.

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-09-16). Intellectual property, knowledge monopoly and the rent economy. Neoliberalism privatised the rewards but socialised the risks of the patents system.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-17). Venezuela keeps standing up in solidarity, Pdt Nicolas Maduro assured. Through his X account, the head of state called to continue working with the premise of respect, effort and union for the success of the present and future projects of the new world. | "We are here to make them a reality!" he said. | Maduro fulfilled an intense work agenda abroad with a week-long visit to China in which he strengthened alliances as the two countries signed 31 agreements in strategic areas such as economy, trade, aerospace, mining, agriculture, and tourism, among others. | After his stay in China, he traveled accompanied by the first combatant and deputy to the National Assembly, Cilia Flores, to… (2023-09-15). China, Zambia upgrade relations. China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy. (2023-09-15). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises. (2023-09-17). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA. (2023-09-17). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

The People's Forum. (2023-09-17). The Closing of the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism. After nine powerful months of international hearings on sanctions & economic coercive measures, we announce the closing event of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Economic Coercive Measures. | Hosted over two days, September 29 and 30, at the People's Forum in New York City, this concluding chapter will not only deliver our verdict but also lay the groundwork for the continuation of our international movement to abolish sanctions regimes. | While this marks the end of the Tribunal, it is only the beginning of our collective efforts as an international movement…

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-09-17). Reparations Organizers Targeted by FBI to Speak in Oakland. The Uhuru Solidarity Movement presents "The Uhuru 3" on U.S.- wide speaking tour to expose the FBI's violent, pre-dawn raids and the U.S. Department of Justice baseless charges against African People's Socialist Party leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela and two reparations activists working under his leadership. Learn about the struggle for reparations and black economic development!

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-16). A Daft Policy: The US Economic Strangulation of China. The broad lament from commentators about global economic growth is that China is not pulling its weight. Not enough is being done to stir the sinews and warm the blood, at least when it comes to the GDP counters. And many such pundits hail from countries, most prominently the United States, which have done everything … (2023-09-16). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA. (2023-09-16). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

Gabriel Vera Lopes (2023-09-16). In final declaration, G77 rejects "digital monopolies" and calls for "reform" of the financial system. In the final declaration, the G77+China Summit highlighted the importance of technology for development, the impacts of climate change, and called for a reform of the international economic system. The event ended on Saturday September 16 in Havana, the capital of Cuba, and was attended by heads of state from Latin America, Africa, and Asia including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, as well as United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and diplomats and delegations from more than 100 countries. | The summit is the larges…

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-09-16). Russia's Far East. European and Asian Business Interests Participate in The Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).

Misión Verdad (2023-09-16). G77 Summit in Cuba to Focus on Global Financial System Reform. The G77+China Summit is taking place in Havana, Cuba, during September 15-16. The G77 is a group of countries that brings together the leaders and representatives of the Global South. Founded in 1964, the bloc now consists of 134 countries that account for nearly 80% of the world's population, 46% of the world's GDP, and two-thirds of the member countries of the United Nations. | The summit agenda includes dialogue on science and technology for development, the environment, the world economic order, and other issues of global impact. According to Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, the final declaration of th…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Guatemala thanks Cuba for hosting the G77+China Summit. Taking the floor on the second and last day of the meeting, under the theme "Current development challenges: the role of science, technology and innovation", René Castillo said that emerging technologies can and should provide solutions for sustainable development. He described them as a key factor for a sustainable and resilient recovery ahead of present international crises, as a planning tool, and from this analysis to generate relevant social, economic and environmental measures. | The diplomat encouraged increased research and development through cooperation among experts, to join efforts in technology trans…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Thailand urges G77+China to innovative approach for development. According to Chaivaivid, director general of the Department of International Economic Affairs at the Foreign Minister, his country has policies of investment in human development. | He cited as an example the policies implemented by the government with science-based approaches to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. | He acknowledged, however, that this problem and today ¥s geopolitical conflicts have a negative effect on international cooperation and, therefore, on nations ¥ development. | He warned that all the member states face similar concerns and appreciated the role of the G77+China as p…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-16). Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams. We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-09-16). Reparations Organizers Targeted by FBI to Speak in Oakland. The Uhuru Solidarity Movement presents "The Uhuru 3" on U.S.- wide speaking tour to expose the FBI's violent, pre-dawn raids and the U.S. Department of Justice baseless charges against African People's Socialist Party leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela and two reparations activists working under his leadership. Learn about the struggle for reparations and black economic development!

WSWS (2023-09-16). North Korean leader meets Putin in Russian Far East. Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin come together amid an intensification of the US-NATO war on Russian in Ukraine and economically crippling sanctions led by the US on North Korea.

WSWS (2023-09-16). Australian studies reveal record levels of wealth inequality. In the decade 2009‚Äí2019, 93 percent of economic growth in Australia benefitted just the richest 10 percent of the population.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). China-Asean expo starts for greater economic integration. According to the Foreign Ministry, this year's event will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. | "China has been the largest trading partner of Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for 14 consecutive years and both sides have been each other's largest trading partners for three consecutive years," spokeswoman Mao Ning said. | According to the spokeswoman, the China-Asean Expo is a key platform for deepening bilateral cooperation and promoting regional economic integration. (2023-09-15). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA. (2023-09-15). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Belize: A hostile blockade against Cuba is an affront to all peoples. Havana, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) Belize's Deputy Prime Minister Cordel Hyde said that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba is an affront to all the peoples around the world.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson (2023-09-16). Policing and Policy: Prisons, Prices, the Fiction of "Free Markets" and the "Era of Global Nihilism"

Candice Norwood, Scheer Post. (2023-09-17). Teenagers' Detention At Angola Exposes Fractured Juvenile System. This week the state of Louisiana was expected to transfer a group of mostly Black boys out of the former death row unit of Louisiana State Penitentiary — a maximum-security adult prison also known as Angola. But a federal appeals court on Wednesday temporarily paused a judge's order requiring the state to move the children out of Angola by Friday. | The American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and several law firms, pushed for a year to stop the state from detaining children at the prison, which is located on a former slave plantation. The legal advocates praised a federal judge's man…

Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Lucy Dean Stockton, The Lever. (2023-09-17). Automakers Hand Billions To Shareholders While Stiffing Workers. Roughly 150,000 auto workers are preparing to launch what may be the biggest strike in decades this Thursday over their employers' refusal to provide adequate pay and job security. Meanwhile, in the past twelve months, the Big Three automakers — General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis — have authorized $5 billion in stock buybacks, effectively giving billions of dollars to shareholders that could have gone to auto workers. | On top of the stock buybacks, the Big Three have reported $21 billion in profits in just the first six months of 2023. Despite the enormous gains, the companies have cried poverty in…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). G-77 Has a Common Position to Create a New International Order. Addis Ababa, September 16, 2023 (The Ethiopian Herald)- "The group of 77 needs a collective reflection on how to face the new global realities to have access to development, eradicate poverty, defend cultures and take its rightful place in the global decision-making that affects everyone. Since its establishment, this group has played an important role as…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-16). The Polycrisis Is The Singular Dilemma Of Humanity Called Capitalism. Dilemmas of humanity abound. There is little need to look at statistical data to know that we are in a spiral of crises, from the environmental and climate crisis to the crises of poverty and hunger. In 1993, the philosophers Edgar Morin and Anne-Brigitte Kern used the term 'polycrisis' in their book Terre-Patrie ('Homeland Earth'). Morin and Kern argued that 'there is no single vital problem, but many vital problems, and it is this complex intersolidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrolled processes, and the general crisis of the planet that continues the number one vital problem'.

Isaac Nellist (2023-09-17). New cost-of-living report recommends regulating food and energy prices. Anglicare Australia's new report documents how people on low incomes often end up paying more for basic goods. Isaac Nellist reports. (2023-09-17). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-17). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Keith Brower Brown, Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-17). 'No Justice, No Jeeps!' Scenes From The Auto Workers Strike. The strike is on. Last night the Auto Workers (UAW) shut down three major assembly plants at Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler). It's the first time in history the union has struck all three companies at once. | New UAW leaders kept a tight lid on plans for which plants to strike, counting on members to be more prepared to quickly swing into action than management. The strategy, so far, seems like a success, with widespread reports of managers caught by surprise, after making costly materials moves for strike prep at the wrong plants. | At each striking plant, auto workers have organized str…

Don Thompson (2023-09-16). California Health Workers Could Soon Secure Nation-Leading $25 Minimum Wage. A sweeping agreement between labor and the health industry would gradually raise the minimum wage for hundreds of thousands of health workers in California to a nation-leading $25 an hour while ending a years-long battle over dialysis clinics. The pact approved by state lawmakers on Thursday, the last day of this year's legislative session, would phase in the wage increase for hospitals… | (2023-09-16). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-16). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-16). Apple Whistleblower Ashley Gjà∏vik On Retaliation, Toxics & Corruption & Poisoning Workers. Apple former seinor engineering program manager Ashley Gjà∏vik became a whistleblower after discovering that her office which was located on a Superfund site and her apartment which was located next to an Apple silicon factory was spewing dangerous toxins and chemicals. She discusses her struggle with Apple and what her RICO suit is about.

Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-16). Auto Workers Strike Plants At All Three Of The Big Three. Tick, tock. At midnight the clock ran out, and auto workers massed on picket lines. | The first-ever simultaneous strike at the Big 3 automakers—General Motors, Ford, Stellantis—started September 15 with 13,000 workers walking out of three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri. There are 146,000 Auto Workers (UAW) members at the Big 3. | The UAW is calling its strategy the "stand-up strike," a nod to the Flint sit-down strike of 1936-1937 that helped establish the union. | The shot across the bow came two hours shy of midnight via a very short Facebook Live video where UAW President Shawn Fa…

teleSUR, MS (2023-09-16). Chile y Bolivia firman importantes acuerdos de seguridad. Los acuerdos buscan intensificar la colaboración en materia de lucha contra el crimen organizado y la migración irregular.

Truckers Movement for Justice, Popular Resistance. (2023-09-16). Truckers Movement For Justice To Protest At Hunts Point Market. For years, Truckers Movement for Justice (TMJ) has worked to contribute to fixing issues within the trucking industry by informing the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the US Department of Labor (USDOL) that truckers need ALL HOURS WORKED ALL HOURS PAID, OVERTIME FOR ALL, and ENFORCEMENT OF THE RIGHT TO SEE THE FREIGHT BILL. Without movement on these three simple demands, TMJ picketed on 1 May 2023 in front of the USDOT and American Truckers Association (ATA) buildings to remind and warn them to act immediately. Dirt was dumped onto the sidewalk and TMJ President Billy Randel drew a line through it bef…

Christian Sorenson, Substack. (2023-09-16). Public Need Versus The Business Of War. The American public is hurting. The bare necessities—clean water, nutritious food, and affordable housing—are hard to come by. | Tap water is contaminated with lead, PFAS, and other pollutants. The water systems that serve cities and towns suffer additional stressors, including drought, overuse, and a failure to incorporate greywater systems. And, like many necessities, you have to pay for it in the United States: Water utility prices continue to go up and up. | Hunger is a severe problem. Insufficient money and/or access means that millions of families regularly go hungry. Massive corporations domina… (2023-09-16). Gold prices soar in Chinese market as demand picks up. The domestic gold market is hot, and the retail gold price of some jewelry brands has exceeded 600 yuan ($82.44) per gram. In several jewelry stores in Beijing, the CNS reporter found that gold ornaments per gram were 540 yuan ($74.16) per gram after a discount. "ÄÄ…

Sharmila Devi (2023-09-16). World Report] German medical association objects to cannabis plan. Government proposals to legalise consumption of cannabis in private clubs have been criticised for their potential effects on young people. Sharmila Devi reports.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). Angola plans to eliminate refrigerant gases by 2030. Since 2012 the country began to apply the schedule for the gradual elimination of these gases, which are harmful to the ozone layer and cause global warming, in compliance with the Montreal Protocol, Ivone Pascoal, the person in charge of the issue in the aforementioned ministry, explained to the Angolan Press Agency. | It is expected that the application of the measure of not importing these gases and their exclusion from consumption will be completed by 2025, leaving a margin until 2030 for their total disappearance. | Reaching this point, required intense awareness-raising work on good refrigeration practices…

Fight Back (2023-09-16). U of MN Twin Cities SDS kicks off fall semester with rally to defend ethnic and gender studies. Minneapolis, MN – On September 14, 50 University of Minnesota students, staff and faculty gathered outside of the Student Union to join Students for a Democratic Society at their first rally of the semester to demand that the administration chop from the top and fully fund their ethnic and gender studies programs. | Students and other members of the campus community have been putting pressure on the UMN Board of Regents to defend ethnic and gender studies programs within the College of Liberal Arts through financial means since April, when university faculty from these departments reached out to SDS regarding al…

Fight Back (2023-09-16). U of MN Twin Cities SDS kicks off fall semester with rally to defend ethnic and gender studies. Minneapolis, MN – On September 14, 50 University of Minnesota students, staff and faculty gathered outside of the Student Union to join Students for a Democratic Society at their first rally of the semester to demand that the administration chop from the top and fully fund their ethnic and gender studies programs. | Students and other members of the campus community have been putting pressure on the UMN Board of Regents to defend ethnic and gender studies programs within the College of Liberal Arts through financial means since April, when university faculty from these departments reached out to SDS regarding al…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). G77 Final Declaration Rejects "Digital Monopolies" and Calls for "Reform" of the Financial System. Gabriel Vera LopesCuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, the host and president of the G77+ group, addresses the summit. Photo: Presidencia Cuba Declaration of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China on "Current development challenges: the role of science, technology and innovation" In the final declaration, the G77+China Summit…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Puerto Rico Bank in bribery scandal fined 15M dollars by FinCen. San Juan, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen) from the United States imposed a USD million fine against Bancrédito for violating the Bank Secrecy Act in Puerto Rico for seven years.

Ryan Cristián (2023-09-16). Dr. Mercola Interview — Technocratic Censorship & Financial Attacks In The Age Of The COVID Illusion. Joining me today is Dr. Joseph Mercola, here to discuss his near unprecedented level of censorship and financial attack at the hands of the government and financial institutions. The most alarming part of the recent development in his story is how they did not just go after Dr. Mercola, or even just his family —

WSWS (2023-09-16). UPS executives gloat over Teamsters contract: "Really good" for shareholders. UPS' Chief Executive Officer said the sell-out contract was "really good" for shareholders, while the Chief Financial Officer said he was "pleased" with the deal.

Rising in Community Defense (2023-09-17). Transgender Rights Now! Protesting TERF Convention in SF. Demonstrators protested outside the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco's Financial District, where Women's Declaration International USA is holding its convention.

WSWS (2023-09-17). UK retail chain Wilko collapses, threatening 12,500 jobs. The trade union representing Wilko workers, the GMB, has played its usual role during the entire affair, supporting the owners over the workers. Even though it was aware of the retailer's dire financial straits, the union did not warn workers of the threat to their jobs, nor did it mount any struggle in their defence.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-16). Nigerian university students protest fee hike amid soaring cost of living. Students at the University of Lagos have rejected a recent hike of mandatory fees that could see the cost of some courses soar by up to 600%. Several other public universities have announced similarly steep hikes in recent months even as inflation soars…

WSWS (2023-09-16). Sri Lankan migrant workers speak out over worsening social conditions. The Sri Lankan government encourages people to seek employment abroad to boost foreign exchange earnings but is indifferent to their ruthless exploitation and harassment.

Moshe Arbel (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Israel's health-care system is under no threat. Shelly Kamin-Friedman and colleagues1 criticised and condemned the decision made by the Knesset to amend a Basic Law and limit the courts' authority to intervene in cabinet and ministerial decisions on the basis of unreasonableness. As the Minister of Health, and because Kamin-Friedman and colleagues stated the amendment "poses a substantial threat to public health", I see it as my duty to respond to the concerns outlined, even though the matter is hardly connected to issues of health—it is a political and legal matter.

Pepe Escobar (2023-09-17). In Vladivostok, the Russian Far East Rises. By Pepe Escobar — Sep 14, 2023 | In Vladivostok this week, the 'Russian Far East' was on full, glorious display. Russia, China, India, and the Global South were all there to contribute to this trade, investment, infrastructure, transportation, and institutional renaissance. | VLADIVOSTOK — Russian President Vladimir Putin opened and closed his

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). Ethiopia: Deepening Cooperation with China Under BRI. Ethiopia stands ready to further deepen cooperation with China under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), said a senior Ethiopian official. "Ethiopia attributes its double-digit growth in the past decades to investment from China. The kind of infrastructural development booming in Ethiopia is basically because of Chinese investment in roads, bridges and railways," Temesgen Tilahun,…

Jake Johnson (2023-09-16). Bernie Sanders to Big Three Automakers: "Time for You to End Your Greed" Sen. Bernie Sanders used his remarks at a United Auto Workers rally in Detroit on Friday to send a message to the chief executives of the Big Three U.S. car manufacturers, which have thus far refused to meet the union's wage and benefit demands despite raking in huge profits over the past decade. "It is time for you to end your greed," the Vermont senator said to cheers from the crowd gathered in… |

Tina Landis, Friends of Socialist China. (2023-09-16). Capitalist Urbanization, Climate Change, And The Need For Sponge Cities. In this fascinating article, first published in Liberation School, environmentalist and author Tina Landis explains the concept of sponge cities: what they are, why they are needed, and China's leading role in developing them. | Tina observes that "the majority of the world's cities today were built for profit and speculation in mind, with little to no consideration given to negative impacts on either ecology or humanity." | "Vast hardscapes—sidewalks, roads, parking lots, buildings—and gray infrastructure that channels water away as it falls, places these urban centers at odds with biodiversity and t… (2023-09-16). Shaanxi closes down unapproved golf course. Yulin city, Shaanxi province, has shut down an unapproved golf course in response to concerns about its violation of state regulations and impact on environment, a local joint investigation group said on Thursday night.

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-17). The Pyramid Scheme That Is Racial Capitalism. On August 26, a lone white gunman, 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter, fired 11 rounds from his semi-automatic weapon into the windshield of a car parked outside a Jacksonville Dollar General, killing the African American driver. Then he walked into the discount store, and fatally shot two other African Americans before turning the gun on himself. | Palmeter left behind a manifesto indicating his displeasure with African Americans, reminiscent of another 21-year-old white gunman, Dylan Roof, who eight years earlier sat outside the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. Finishing off a bottle of Smir…

Editor (2023-09-16). Capitalism must be stopped, not reformed. The time needed for understanding is delaying the radical decisions that are needed immediately. This premise is fundamental. If we wait for people to understand fully, we do not save ourselves. We do not save the planet.

Lylla Younes, Next City. (2023-09-16). A Toxic Polluter Is Shutting Down, Thanks To Resident Organizing. In a major victory for the people of south Memphis, a plant that uses carcinogenic ethylene oxide to sterilize medical equipment announced this fall that it is shutting down. | The decision by Sterilization Services of Tennessee follows more than a year of dogged organizing by residents and activists fed up with the industrial pollution that the company, and more than 20 others, releases into their community. Ethylene oxide, an odorless and colorless gas, has been linked to multiple forms of cancer. | "We're relieved that the community will soon have one less polluting facility that they have to contend with," Am…

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-17). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-16). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

Staff (2023-09-16). 19 September, Vancouver: Political Education Discussion on Walid Daqqah. Tuesday, 19 September 7 pm Centre for Socialist Education 706 Clark Drive Vancouver Join Samidoun Vancouver for a political education discussion on the writing of Walid Daqqah, Palestinian political prisoner, freedom fighter and revolutionary intellectual, struggling for freedom while suffering from a rare cancer. We will be reading "Consciousness Molded, or the Re-Identification of Torture," …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Honduran president calls for a socialist and democratic state. Tegucigalpa, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) Honduran President Xiomara Castro on Saturday urged for a more just, socialist and democratic State that respects freedoms and the struggle for independence.

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2023-09-15: News Headlines

Pankaj Kumar Garg (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Challenges and opportunities for India on the world stage. Although India faces numerous domestic challenges, such as health care, education, and the economy,1 India's Government is striving to address these challenges and is implementing policies that promote the wellbeing and prosperity of its citizens.2,3 India's G20 priorities reflect a commitment to inclusive and resilient growth and focusing on issues such as climate, finance, sustainable development, and global health resilience.4 India advocates for a gradual and systematic approach to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions while supporting the most affected sections of society. (2023-09-15). Over 75,000 China-Europe freight trains transported goods worth $340 bln. In a significant milestone for international trade, data released by the National Development and Reform Commission reveals that over the past decade, a staggering 77,000 China-Europe freight trains have been in operation.

Justin Turpel (2023-09-15). Shock therapy without end. Ukraine must not sell out its resources, minerals, fertile lands, but must be able to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for life and economy on its own. It needs living and housing space, labor laws and incomes that are attractive for the people who want to live there and, moreover, for the numerous refugees who want to return to a livable country of origin.

TASS (2023-09-15). Dollar slides to 96.71 rubles, euro – to 103.27 rubles on Moscow exchange. In turn, the yuan rate declined by 1 kopeck, to 13.34 rubles…

TASS (2023-09-15). BRICS Arctic Floating University expedition may begin from Karelia. It is reported that the Karelian scientific center is a regional representation of the national committee for BRICS studies…

TASS (2023-09-15). Turkey to construct physical hub within gas center project — energy minister. "What we are trying to do in Thrace is a physical hub that we are trying to connect with all respective pipelines, including gas storage in Silivri and LNG facilities, building a connection point in the Thrace region to create a real, physical hub," Alparslan Bayraktar said…

TASS (2023-09-15). Russian stocks down as Friday trading opens. The dollar exchange rate was down by 0.58% at 96.77 rubles, the euro was down by 0.49% at 103.31 rubles…

TASS (2023-09-15). Washington's hope of Russian economic collapse futile — ambassador. Anatoly Antonov repeated that Russia has already been subjected to "thousands of illegal unilateral restrictions", which, however, did not lead to the collapse of the Russian economy…

WSWS (2023-09-15). ECB lifts interest rates again as euro economy slows. In her press conference, ECB president Christine Lagarde described the economy as slow and sluggish with estimates by officials putting growth at only 0.7 percent for 2023, 1.0 percent in 2024, rising to 1.5 percent in 2025.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-14). Nigerian Trade Unions Go On Two-day Strike Amid Economic Crisis. Nigeria is Africa's most populous state and is listed as having the largest economy on the continent with huge deposits of oil, natural gas and other strategic resources. | In possession of these material assets along with the 223 million people that inhabit the West African state, the achievements of Nigeria should be limitless. | However, the system of neo-colonialism in Africa, where the national wealth of various states largely benefits imperialism, is still maintaining a dominant position over the labor and resources of the people. This system of exploitation constitutes the major impediment to genuine sover… (2023-09-14). MOC criticizes EU's anti-subsidy probe into Chinese NEVs. China expressed serious concerns and strong dissatisfaction on the European Union's decision on Wednesday to launch an anti-subsidy probe into Chinese electric vehicles, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

infobrics (2023-09-14). Brics Changing Landscape and SA's National Interests. Brics wants to enlarge its sphere of influence in the global economy. Hence, apart from the addition of six new members — Argentina, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the UAE — the summit's broad aspirational goals and decisions are signalling a potential new era for Brics in the years ahead…

infobrics (2023-09-14). Egypt and BRICS… Promising Opportunities and Diversified Partnerships. There is no doubt that Egypt's membership in the BRICS group opens up promising prospects for cooperation with the economies of its members, increasing the opportunities for trade exchange, bolstering the competitiveness of the Egyptian economy, and aiding in the attraction of more investments to the competitive business environment in Egypt…

Justin Turpel (2023-09-14). Shock therapy without end. Ukraine must not sell out its resources, minerals, fertile lands, but must be able to rebuild the infrastructure necessary for life and economy on its own. It needs living and housing space, labor laws and incomes that are attractive for the people who want to live there and, moreover, for the numerous refugees who want to return to a livable country of origin.

Ragip Soylu (2023-09-14). Turkey's Erdogan revamps his team by asking long-time advisors to resign.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-14). Dedollarization Accelerating Within BRICS, Across Globe – Netley Group. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Dedollarization is happening at a steady rate within BRICS and in the global economy, although more work needs to be done to accelerate the process, Michael Goddard, the president of the Netley Group, told Sputnik.

TASS (2023-09-14). Aeroflot not planning to reduce night flights at Moscow airports due to drones — CEO. The general director of the group, Sergei Aleksandrovsky, clarified that at the peak, 19 flights of the group were sent to alternate airfields in one day…

TASS (2023-09-14). Dollar down to 96.1 rubles, euro down to 103.26 rubles on Moscow Exchange. The yuan exchange rate remained unchanged at 13.24 rubles…

TASS (2023-09-14). Anti-Russia sanctions not to affect gas hub creation — source. Turkey plans to involve many other players in trade via the hub in the future, the source in the area of strategic planning in Turkey's energy sector noted…

WSWS (2023-09-14). Australian property developer Tim Gurner reveals the real face of capitalism. Gurner said the unemployment rate must rise by 50 percent to hit the working class and change its "attitudes" and "arrogance" by bringing "pain" to the economy.

| Reuters | (2023-09-14). Elon Musk to meet Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu in Silicon Valley. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet X owner Elon Musk on Monday in Silicon Valley, an official in Netanyahu's office said on Thursday, and Musk said their talks would focus on artificial intelligence technology. | Netanyahu was already scheduled to visit California next week before traveling to New York for the UN General Assembly. The Israeli official confirmed the meeting with Musk, first reported by the Washington Post, but offered no further details. | In Silicon Valley, Netanyahu may try to bolster relations with executives in the high-tech sector, a key driver of Israel's economy. During… (2023-09-15). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises. (2023-09-15). China, Zambia upgrade relations. China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy.

Anand Naidoo (2023-09-15). The Heat: UN General Assembly. As world leaders prepare to gather in New York for the 78th meeting of the UN General Assembly, we take a look at China's growing support of the world body. | On June 26th 1945, China became the first country to sign the UN Charter. Nearly 80 years later, as the world deals with major economic and geopolitical challenges, China's support for the United Nations has grown to being in the words of last year's General Assembly president, "a strong buttress" to the UN's blue flag. | Joining the discussion: | (2023-09-15). China's economic recovery gathers steam, NBS says. China's economic recovery accelerated in August as market demand improved gradually while major economic indicators picked up marginally, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Friday.

Paul Martial (2023-09-15). In Niger, neither generals nor ECOWAS. "While the coup plotters in no way represent an alternative for Niger, the economic sanctions and threats of military intervention by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), backed by Macron, are a real danger for the population." | – | / |

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-15). Why Democracy Is Not Possible Under Capitalism. In Atlanta, residents are using the existing democratic systems under capitalism to fight the construction of a multi-million dollar training ground for militarized police repression, and finding those systems lacking. Meanwhile, in socialist Cuba, the people and the government collaborated on formulating the world's most progressive family code. | Is it possible to have democracy under a capitalist system? Under a different economic system, such as socialism, what would democracy look like? Mariah Parker, Stop Cop City activist, labor organizer with the Union of Southern Service Workers, and rapper, spoke to ove…

Staff (2023-09-15). PSUV's Cabello: Maduro's China Tour 'Extraordinary Success,' Opposition 'Overwhelmed by Desperation'. The first vice-president of Venezuela's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, described President Nicolás Maduro's state visit to China as "extraordinary," and detailed it, even before the presidential tour had concluded, as "a success, according to everything that has been signed, all the bilateral agreements made." | Cabello made the statement this Wednesday, September 13, during episode 446 of his television show Con el Mazo Dando, adding that "it is an extraordinary day of recognition, progress, projects, and proposals, [such as the creation of] special zones for economic development,"

TASS (2023-09-15). Ukraine has no resources for lengthy warfare — former presidential advisor. The country has already suffered great economic, financial and human losses, said Oleg Soskin, adviser to former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma… (2023-09-14). China to release more policies to sustain momentum in foreign trade. China's foreign trade demonstrated strong resilience and maintained stable performance in the first eight months of the year amid sluggish global economic and trade growth, and the country will take more targeted steps to sustain its growth momentum. (2023-09-14). Breathtaking scenery of Hukou Waterfall on Yellow River. Traditionally we have never traded by road. The freight is either through the longer routes of oceans or by air. Once you are connected by a road, it significantly reduces the cost of doing business. This connectivity is symbolic as well, because it opens up a door of future economic partnerships where people can easily reach out to neighboring countries. | So I think that tracking business, which starts now between Kashgar and Islamabad and other cities. Also, it will promote tourism, because people will start traveling easily. But for that, we need to again strengthen the border regulations so that people can e…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-14). In Vladivostok, the Russian Far East Rises. Pepe Escobar In Vladivostok this week, the Russian Far East was inaugurated. Russia, China, India, and the Global South were there to contribute to this trade, investment, infrastructure, transportation, and institutional renaissance. Russian President Vladimir Putin opened and closed his quite detailed address to the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok with a resounding message: "The Far East is…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-14). Russia and Myanmar sign agreement to boost tourism. "The document in the field of tourism will contribute to making progress in the bilateral potential of this sector, increasing the flow of visitors and improving the quality of services," Rusian Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov said after inking the deal, according to the Ministry's statement. | The signing of the memorandum of cooperation took place on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, which was held in the Russian city of Vladivostok from September 10 to 13. | According to the deal, the two countries agreed to intensify the exchange of tourism-related information, consolidate ties bet…

Jessica Corbett (2023-09-14). Progressive groups unveil 'Rural New Deal' to 'reverse decades of economic decline'. "Rebuilding and renewing supportive social and economic connections across rural and urban lines, empowering rural people and communities, moving away from extractive relationships of the past, is the course we must chart together."

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-09-14). 2023 International Underground Railroad Month – Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar. Between 1840 and 1875, thousands free and formerly enslaved individuals — including Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr, a famous freedom seeker who aquired 35,521 acre Mexican Land Grant in 1844, the quest for a greater measure of economic freedom. Today, he is known as as the "African Founding Father of California" a staunch abolitionist, aided many freedom seekers on their journey to freedom along today's American River Parkway.

Paul Martial (2023-09-14). In Niger, neither generals nor ECOWAS. "While the coup plotters in no way represent an alternative for Niger, the economic sanctions and threats of military intervention by ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), backed by Macron, are a real danger for the population." | – | / |

Pavan Kulkarni, People's Dispatch. (2023-09-14). Niger's Government Accuses France Of Mobilizing For War. Questioning the "sincerity" of France's comments about the withdrawal of its troops from Niger, the transitional military government, the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), has accused the former colonizer of mobilizing for war. | CNSP spokesperson Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane said on September 9 that a "hundred or so rotations of [French] military cargo planes unloaded large quantities of war material and equipment" in multiple member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). | He added that "two A400M type military transport aircraft and a Dornier 328 were deploy…

Sharon Zhang (2023-09-14). Child Poverty More Than Doubled in 2022 After Congress Let Tax Credit Expire. New data shows that child poverty skyrocketed in 2022 after lawmakers allowed pandemic stimulus provisions to expire, leaving millions to languish even as the pandemic and its economic consequences raged on. According to the Census Bureau's latest report on poverty in the U.S., the supplemental poverty rate among children more than doubled between 2021 and 2022, jumping from 5.2 percent to 12.4… |

TASS (2023-09-14). Lavrov to discuss economic, defense cooperation with Myanmar's counterpart. According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the ministers will discuss the current state and prospects for further development of the entire range of bilateral ties, "including political dialogue, trade and economic cooperation, cooperation in the fields of defense and security, as well as humanitarian exchange"

TASS (2023-09-14). Japan to preserve anti-Russian sanctions, but be guided by national interests — official. Japan's new Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, however, noted that "Japan and Russia are neighbors" and need to "react as neighbors" on some issues such as economic activities, including fisheries, and maritime security…

WSWS (2023-09-14). Death toll rises in Greece as flooding devastates Thessaly region. Sixteen people have been declared dead following the flash floods which hit Greece early last week. With a fifth of all arable land on the Thessaly plain under water, the economic devastation wrought counts in the billions of euros. (2023-09-15). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

Pavan Kulkarni, People's Dispatch. (2023-09-14). Niger's Government Accuses France Of Mobilizing For War. Questioning the "sincerity" of France's comments about the withdrawal of its troops from Niger, the transitional military government, the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP), has accused the former colonizer of mobilizing for war. | CNSP spokesperson Col. Maj. Amadou Abdramane said on September 9 that a "hundred or so rotations of [French] military cargo planes unloaded large quantities of war material and equipment" in multiple member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). | He added that "two A400M type military transport aircraft and a Dornier 328 were deploy…

Sharon Zhang (2023-09-14). Child Poverty More Than Doubled in 2022 After Congress Let Tax Credit Expire. New data shows that child poverty skyrocketed in 2022 after lawmakers allowed pandemic stimulus provisions to expire, leaving millions to languish even as the pandemic and its economic consequences raged on. According to the Census Bureau's latest report on poverty in the U.S., the supplemental poverty rate among children more than doubled between 2021 and 2022, jumping from 5.2 percent to 12.4… |

TASS (2023-09-14). Lavrov to discuss economic, defense cooperation with Myanmar's counterpart. According to the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the ministers will discuss the current state and prospects for further development of the entire range of bilateral ties, "including political dialogue, trade and economic cooperation, cooperation in the fields of defense and security, as well as humanitarian exchange"

TASS (2023-09-14). Japan to preserve anti-Russian sanctions, but be guided by national interests — official. Japan's new Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, however, noted that "Japan and Russia are neighbors" and need to "react as neighbors" on some issues such as economic activities, including fisheries, and maritime security…

WSWS (2023-09-14). Death toll rises in Greece as flooding devastates Thessaly region. Sixteen people have been declared dead following the flash floods which hit Greece early last week. With a fifth of all arable land on the Thessaly plain under water, the economic devastation wrought counts in the billions of euros. (2023-09-15). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth. (2023-09-15). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA.

Vijay Prashad (2023-09-15). Beneath the polycrisis is the singular dilemma of humanity called capitalism: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2023). Dilemmas of humanity abound. There is little need to look at statistical data to know that we are in a spiral of crises, from the environmental and climate crisis to the crises of poverty and hunger.

WSWS (2023-09-15). Child poverty in the US doubled in 2022 with ending of expanded benefits. The doubling of poverty is the direct result of a deal cut between President Joe Biden and congressional Republicans last year on a federal budget which protected massive military spending while slashing the limited social program expansions implemented at the outset of the pandemic.

Ashley Curtin (2023-09-14). Poverty in America on the rise in 2022 based on Census Bureau data. While Supplemental Poverty Measures (SPM) showed sharp increases, childhood poverty more than doubled in 2022.

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-14). Is Bidenomics Working? Black Child Poverty Skyrockets To Almost 18%. The child supplemental poverty rate among Black children spiked from less than 10 percent to almost 18 percent in 2022 after inflation sent the cost of living into the stratosphere and federal pandemic stimulus programs expired for families. Heightened poverty rates followed two years of historic declines in poverty, driven mainly by safety net programs created or …

isabella (2023-09-14). Poverty Just Jumped — And It Was No Accident.

Lucrecia Franco (2023-09-14). Refugee-led language school helps migrants. "Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity," will be on top of the agenda at this year's United Nations General Assembly. | One key global issue is the refugee crisis which has seen millions of people flee war-torn and poverty-stricken countries. | In Brazil, there are over 65,000 registered refugees, a number that grows steadily every year, but one initiative is providing refugees and vulnerable migrants an opportunity to start a new life by using their native languages.

manager (2023-09-14). New Analysis Shows Restoring the Expanded Child Tax Credit is Vital in an Age of Frequent Work Instability. Earlier this week, the Census Bureau reported its annual income, poverty, and health insurance data for 2022. Due to the tight labor market and the partial continued pandemic benefits, the 2022 supplemental poverty rate (at 12.4 percent) changed very little relative to pre-pandemic levels (at 12.3 percent from 2018 to 2019). However, we are seeing …

Max Jones, Scheer Post. (2023-09-14). Poverty Rose In 2022 As Inflation Surged, Pandemic Aid Terminated. In the aftermath of pandemic relief programs such as increased unemployment and nutrition benefits, greater rental assistance and the child tax credit — policies which the Biden administration allowed to expire in 2021 — Americans faced the largest one-year increase of poverty on record. | According to a report from the Census Bureau published on Sept. 12, the sharpest increase in poverty affected children, as child poverty more than doubled from a record low of 5.2 percent to now 12.4 percent. This was indicated by the Supplemental Poverty Measure, which "factors in the impact of government assistanc…

Staff (2023-09-14). Conservative Politicians Choose Higher Child Poverty Rates. The U.S. Census Bureau released its annual report on poverty today. It confirms that policymakers have all the tools necessary to reduce poverty rates, but they choose to have a high U.S. poverty rate. Although the United States is The United States moved in the right direction on poverty in response…

Vijay Prashad (2023-09-14). Beneath the Polycrisis Is the Singular Dilemma of Humanity Called Capitalism. Tsherin Sherpa (Nepal), Lost Spirits, 2014. Dilemmas of humanity abound. There is little need to look at statistical data to know that we are in a spiral of crises, from the environmental and climate crisis to the crises of poverty and hunger. In 1993, the philosophers Edgar Morin and Anne-Brigitte Kern used the term 'polycrisis' …

WSWS (2023-09-15). Millionaire speculator blurts out ruling class strategy of mass unemployment and wage-slashing. The comments of Australian property developer Tim Gurner reveal the real policy of the auto bosses, the banks, and capitalist governments everywhere.

WSWS (2023-09-15). Oppose all capitalist parties in the New Zealand election! Fight against war and for world socialism! Build the Socialist Equality Group! This statement of the Socialist Equality Group explains the socialist perspective needed to unite the working class against the agenda of war and austerity shared by Labour, National and all the parliamentary parties.

Fight Back (2023-09-15). FRSO Orlando statement on recent neo-Nazi activity. FRSO Orlando condemns the increasing far-right activity seen across Central Florida, including the two recent neo-Nazi demonstrations. The two rallies, one at Walt Disney World and the other at Cranes Roost in Altamonte Springs, were put on by multiple white supremacist neo-Nazi organizations as part of a larger Labor Day mobilization. The plan was exposed by the Anti-Defamation League multiple days before Labor Day, allowing the Orlando community to spread information about ways to fight back. | The Nazi groups waved swastikas, DeSantis flags, and chanted "Jews will not replace us," a slogan popularized at the 2… (2023-09-15). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-15). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Keith Brower Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-09-15). When Auto Workers Stand Up, Here's How To Stand With Them. The likely Auto Workers (UAW) strike, which the union is dubbing the "Stand Up Strike," could be a turning point for the U.S. labor movement—and all of us across the movement can lend a hand to help the strikers win. | Cross-union solidarity can turn up the heat on the Big 3 to end tiers and make green jobs good jobs. It can also boost strikers' morale and build connections that endure for years to come. | When Frito-Lay workers went on strike two summers ago in Topeka, Kansas, the Bakery Workers were amazed at the support they received, including from UAW members who brought them water and donuts.

L. Matthijs Van den Dop, Sarah Van Egmond, Jort Heijne, Joost van Rosmalen, Barry de Goede, Arthur R. Wijsmuller, Gert-Jan Kleinrensink, Pieter J. Tanis, Johannes Jeekel, Johan F. Lange, INCA Trialists' Collaboration (2023-09-15). Articles] Twelve-year outcomes of watchful waiting versus surgery of mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic inguinal hernia in men aged 50 years and older: a randomised controlled trial. During 12-year follow-up, most WW patients crossed over to surgery, significantly earlier with mildly symptomatic hernia. Considering the relatively low incarceration rate, WW might still be an option in asymptomatic patients with a clear preference and being well-informed about pros and cons.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-15). Apple Whistleblower Ashley Gjà∏vik On Retaliation, Toxics & Corruption & Poisoning Workers. Apple former seinor engineering program manager Ashley Gjà∏vik became a whistleblower after discovering that her office which was located on a Superfund site and her apartment which was located next to an Apple silicon factory was spewing dangerous toxins and chemicals. She discusses her struggle with Apple and what her RICO suit is about.

The Exposé (2023-09-15). Lab Report discovers Graphene in the Covid-19 Vaccines; & Scientists believe the Vaccinated are transmitting it to the Unvaccinated. The Covid-19 vaccines have been forensically examined in the United Kingdom and a laboratory report confirms they contain graphene nanomaterials that can penetrate the body's natural barriers and damage the central nervous … (2023-09-14). Moutai collaborates with Dove to make liquor-filled chocolate. China's luxury liquor brand Kweichow Moutai is seeking to broaden its consumer diversity with an aim to access the younger generation by collaborating with Mars Inc-owned Dove in making liquor-filled chocolate products. (2023-09-14). China issues proposal on reform and development of global governance. The Proposal of the People's Republic of China on the Reform and Development of Global Governance elaborates on China's position and proposition on global security, development, human rights and social, and new frontiers governance as well as on reform of multilateral institutions, Chinese foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Wednesday. (2023-09-14). Experts: China's scientific progress offers many benefits for U.S. The scientific and technology progress of China over the past decades has changed the U.S.-China cooperation framework — a "two-way information flow" as described by some experts — who refute "national security concerns" as excuses to shut the door for research collaboration.

Fight Back (2023-09-14). FRSO Labor Commission: Solidarity with the Autoworkers. We in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization stand in solidarity with the 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers union (UAW) as they fight for better conditions and prepare for a possible strike at the big three American car manufacturers – Ford, General Motors and Stellantis. | This year the members of UAW voted out the incumbent president, Ray Curry, in favor of a reform slate led by Shawn Fain. It was the first time that UAW members directly elected their own president. Shawn Fain ran on a platform of winning back concessions from previous contracts, taking a militant approach to the upcoming contract ne… (2023-09-14). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. (2023-09-14). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-14). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-14). Apple Whistleblower Ashley Gjà∏vik On Retaliation, Toxics & Corruption & Poisoning Workers. Apple former seinor engineering program manager Ashley Gjà∏vik became a whistleblower after discovering that her office which was located on a Superfund site and her apartment which was located next to an Apple silicon factory was spewing dangerous toxins and chemicals. She discusses her struggle with Apple and what her RICO suit is about.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-09-14). Big 3 Auto Workers Prepare To Strike: 'Cost Of Doing Nothing Is Much Higher'. Two days before their contract expires at midnight Thursday, the Auto Workers (UAW) are poised to strike the Big 3 automakers—General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis—to recoup concessions made over the past two decades, end tiers, boost wages, and fight for a shorter workweek and other quality-of-life demands. | The auto companies are preparing for a strike, given the UAW's new fighting spirit, on display in rallies and on the shop floor. | UAW President Shawn Fain was elected in March on a slate backed by the reform movement Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), on a platform of "no corruption, no con…

Phil Pasquini (2023-09-14). Teach-In on the 50th Anniversary of the Brutal Chilean Coup & The AFL-CIO. At and educational conference sponsored by the Labor Education Project on The AFL-CIO International Operations reports were made about the US AFL-CIO supported and organized coup in Chile on 9/11/73.

PNW Street Medics (2023-09-14). WHO-ICRC Basic Emergency Care Course. Developed by WHO and International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), in collaboration with the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM), the *Basic Emergency Care (BEC): Approach to the Acutely Ill and Injured* course is an open-access training course for first contact health workers who manage acute illness and injury with limited resources.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-14). Here's what 1950s propaganda about Salk's polio vaccine did and didn't say — not much has changed. In the mid-1950s, a documentary was made to promote Salk's polio vaccine. It shows the production of the vaccine, using the live polio virus, in a laboratory at Eli Lilly & Company. …

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-09-14). Trabajadores peruanos exigen mejores condiciones laborales. El paro fue convocado por los trabajadores públicos pertenecientes al régimen de contrato administrativo de servicios.

WSWS (2023-09-14). Public meeting: For an active boycott of Australian Labor's Voice referendum! In the struggle to end the oppression of Aboriginal people, the critical issue is the development of an independent political movement of the working class, directed against the entire political establishment, its program of war and austerity, and the capitalist system itself.

Editor (2023-09-15). End Wealth Supremacy.

Chris Walker (2023-09-14). DeSantis Didn't Disclose Trips Paid for by Wealthy Donors — Report. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, a candidate for the 2024 GOP nomination for president, failed to disclose multiple high-end trips, stays and other gifts from wealthy benefactors, a new report from The Washington Post details. The report showcases how DeSantis embarked on at least six separate trips on private planes that he did not disclose on campaign finance forms. The trips took place… |

Editor (2023-09-14). Sep 14, 2023. ‚ô´ Tom Lehrer: It Makes A Fellow Proud To Be A Soldier Wealthy Capitalist Accidentally Makes Great Argument For Revolution, by Caitlin Johnstone McCarthy Launches Biden Impeachment Inquiry, by Tyler Durden Lavrov's Recent Press Interviews & Zakharova's EEF Statement, by Karl Sanchez Chris Hedges Podcast w/former Amb. Craig Murray on likely imminent extradition to U.S. of Julian Assange MoA: More Voices Call On Biden To Withdraw From The 2024 Race If US Democracy Is Dead What Potential Forms of Dictatorship Come Next? by Richard Solomon A Personal Journey Through the National Security State, by…

Staff (2023-09-14). Headlines for September 14, 2023. Mayor of Flooded Libyan City Says Death Toll Could Rise to 20,000, Environmental Damage Has Brought Earth Outside "Safe Operating Space for Humanity", Morocco Rejects Offers of Foreign Aid as Earthquake Death Toll Nears 3,000, Human Rights Groups Accuse World Leaders of Failing to Act on Atrocities in Sudan, Ukraine Says Attack on Russian Black Naval Sea Fleet Struck Two Warships, Senate Subpoenas Saudi Wealth Fund as It Probes PGA-LIV Merger, New England and Eastern Canada Brace For Hurricane Lee, UAW on Cusp of Historic Strike as Automakers Fail to Meet Worker Demands Despite Massive Profits, &#8220…

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-15). 10 Of The Cheapest Places To Buy Acres Of Land: As Low As $370 Per Acre. The astronomical rise in real estate prices that started during the covid pandemic has made homeownership inaccessible for many, but it is still possible to buy acres of land in parts of the U.S. for as little as a few hundred dollars per acre. If you are really, really flexible to the point of not …

Sharmila Devi (2023-09-16). World Report] German medical association objects to cannabis plan. Government proposals to legalise consumption of cannabis in private clubs have been criticised for their potential effects on young people. Sharmila Devi reports.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-15). OPEC criticizes oil demand estimates. In a statement, the oil entity said that the data-driven forecasts do not support that fossil fuel demand will peak in 2030. | IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in an opinion article published in the Financial Times that the agency's new estimates show the approaching end of the seemingly relentless growth of demand. | Such a view has major implications for the global energy sector and the fight against climate change. | OPEC noted the danger of such projections, as they are often accompanied by calls to halt new investments in oil and gas. | They insisted that such claims only serve to cause the global en… (2023-09-15). Inflation set to further recover, NBS says. China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, is likely to continue to recover as the upcoming holidays of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are expected to boost market demand for food and services…

Derrick Crowe (2023-09-14). As Rent Inflation Peaks, Homes Guarantee Makes Case for Federal Rent Regulations in New Memo. Memo Assesses the State of American Housing Supply, Makes Case for Rent Regulations WASHINGTON, D.C. — People's Action's Homes Guarantee campaign today released a new memo outlining the current state of American rental housing supply and making the case for rent regulations to address the rental supply gap. The memo comes the day after August's Consumer …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-09-14). Washington's Expanding Military Footprint on China's Doorsteps. By Brian Berletic — Sep 5, 2023 | A series of announcements by the US reflect its large and still growing military presence across Asia-Pacific, particularly in East and Southeast Asia. Together, they reflect a continued and increasingly desperate desire by Washington to encircle and contain China. | These announcements include plans for expanding the number of US air bases across the region as part of the US Air Force's (USAF) new "Agile Combat Employment" (ACE) doctrine. It also includes plans for a "civilian port" in the Batanes islands, less than 200 km from the Chinese island province of Taiwan. Then th…

Moshe Arbel (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Israel's health-care system is under no threat. Shelly Kamin-Friedman and colleagues1 criticised and condemned the decision made by the Knesset to amend a Basic Law and limit the courts' authority to intervene in cabinet and ministerial decisions on the basis of unreasonableness. As the Minister of Health, and because Kamin-Friedman and colleagues stated the amendment "poses a substantial threat to public health", I see it as my duty to respond to the concerns outlined, even though the matter is hardly connected to issues of health—it is a political and legal matter.

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-15). Zelensky to Visit Washington Next Week as Congress Debates New Ukraine Spending. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Washington next week as Congress debates the $24 billion in additional spending on the proxy war in Ukraine that the White House has requested. The visit hasn't been officially announced but has been reported by several media outlets, including The Associated Press. Zelensky will stop in the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-09-15). Zelensky to Visit Washington Next Week as Congress Debates New Ukraine Spending. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to visit Washington next week as Congress is debating the $24 billion in additional spending on the proxy war in Ukraine that the White House has requested. The visit hasn't been officially announced but has been reported by several media outlets, including The Associated Press. Zelensky will stop in …

It's Going Down (2023-09-15). Inside the Fascist Lurch: Amanda Moore on Going Undercover Within MAGA. In this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we speak with journalist and investigator Amanda Moore, about spending over a year undercover within the broader MAGA movement and the outright fascist and white supremacist currents and activists she found firmly embedded within it. During our discussion we speak on the role of conspiracy theories…

WSWS (2023-09-15). Hunter Biden indictment, Biden impeachment inquiry mark intensification of US political crisis. The announcement Thursday by federal prosecutors that President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, would be charged with three felonies related to his 2018 gun purchase comes as far-right Republicans seek to advance an impeachment inquiry against the president and further domestic spending cuts ahead of a possible government shutdown at the end of the month. (2023-09-15). Chinese FM spokesperson expounds China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning expounded the 20th China-ASEAN Expo and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit at a daily press conference on Thursday. (2023-09-14). 8th Belt and Road Summit kicks off in Hong Kong. Kuwaiti Deputy Consul General in Hong Kong said in an interview that Kuwait is one of the first Arab countries to sign an agreement with China to build the Belt and Road Initiative jointly, and this summit forum has brought many investment opportunities for Kuwait. He believed that Hong Kong played an important role in constructing the Belt and Road Initiative. "ÄÄ…

Tina Landis, Friends of Socialist China. (2023-09-16). Capitalist Urbanization, Climate Change, And The Need For Sponge Cities. In this fascinating article, first published in Liberation School, environmentalist and author Tina Landis explains the concept of sponge cities: what they are, why they are needed, and China's leading role in developing them. | Tina observes that "the majority of the world's cities today were built for profit and speculation in mind, with little to no consideration given to negative impacts on either ecology or humanity." | "Vast hardscapes—sidewalks, roads, parking lots, buildings—and gray infrastructure that channels water away as it falls, places these urban centers at odds with biodiversity and t…

Brenda Norrell (2023-09-15). UN Human Rights Council Report on Indigenous and Militarization: What the Report Omits. Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, said a new report to the UN Human Rights Council on militarization and Indigenous Peoples, fails to relay the impacts and is padded with words stolen by college professors from authentic Native people. Ofelia describes the racket of non-profits hustling for money at the United Nations, and the profiteering academics and fake chiefs.

Helen Buyniski (2023-09-15). Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Vaccine Safety Continued and Profits Over Health.

Brenda Norrell (2023-09-14). UN Human Rights Council Report on Indigenous and Militarization: What the Report Omits. Ofelia Rivas, Tohono O'odham, said a new report to the UN Human Rights Council on militarization and Indigenous Peoples, fails to relay the impacts and is padded with words stolen by college professors from authentic Native people. Ofelia describes the racket of non-profits hustling for money at the United Nations, and the profiteering academics and fake chiefs.

WSWS (2023-09-14). Rising number of fatal accidents on railways in Germany is the result of putting profits first. The death of a young train driver near Paderborn in North Rhine-Westphalia is already the ninth fatal accident this year, significantly more than in previous years. The rank-and-file Rail Action Committee is placing the issue of safety at the centre of its work. (2023-09-15). Shaanxi closes down unapproved golf course. Yulin city, Shaanxi province, has shut down an unapproved golf course in response to concerns about its violation of state regulations and impact on environment, a local joint investigation group said on Thursday night.

WSWS (2023-09-14). 1,100 workers go on strike at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Less than two days before the contract expiration for 150,000 auto workers, more than one thousand UAW members at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan walked out on strike on Wednesday to demand an end to tiered pay structure, an increase in wages and benefits and the defense of their jobs.

Editor (2023-09-15). The pyramid scheme that is racial capitalism. On August 26, a lone white gunman, 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter, fired 11 rounds from his semi-automatic weapon into the windshield of a car parked outside a Jacksonville Dollar General, killing the African American driver. Then he walked into the discount store, and fatally shot two other African Americans before turning the gun on himself.

Alex Salmon (2023-09-14). Bernie Sanders: Don't just get angry, get organised. Alex Salmon reviews Bernie Sanders' new book, It's Ok to be Angry about Capitalism.

Daniel Borgstrà∂m (2023-09-14). Is KPFA Transitioning from Antiwar to Peacewashing? Early morning radio listeners might've thought they'd tuned into the wrong station. No, they had the right one — KPFA at 94.1 FM. But yes, something was strange, weird, and even downright wrong. Listeners were hearing a pitch for improving the Military Industrial Complex, a need to build up U.S. defense industries in order to … (2023-09-14). Major carbon fiber base emerging in Xinjiang. Xinjiang Runjust New Material Co, located in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, is building the world's largest single carbon fiber industrial base.It was all part of the first phase of a project to produce 50,000 metric tons of quality carbon fiber annually.

WSWS (2023-09-14). UK's Birmingham council, largest local authority in Europe, declares effective bankruptcy. According to reports, "at least 26" more councils could be in the same position, some "within months." Bradford, Devon, Guildford, Hastings, Kent and Southampton, with millions of people in these areas, have been identified as at risk.

WSWS (2023-09-14). Billionaire began making payments to wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in advance of Citizens United decision. Thomas was the deciding vote in the profoundly anti-democratic 2010 decision that opened the floodgates for corporations to purchase their preferred politicians and judges.

Franck Gaudichaud (2023-09-15). A Revolutionary Experience. Chile 1970-1973. "A true capitalist counterrevolution transformed Chile into the world's first experiment in neoliberalism." | – | / |

Franck Gaudichaud (2023-09-14). A Revolutionary Experience. Chile 1970-1973. "A true capitalist counterrevolution transformed Chile into the world's first experiment in neoliberalism." | – | / |

Ann Brown (2023-09-15). Socialist Political Influencer 'Compton Jay' Turns On Cornel West Over New Campaign Manager. In an unexpected move, outspoken socialist political influencer Compton Jay has taken issue with Dr. Cornel West's choice of campaign manager for his third-party presidential bid. Compton Jay, a prominent voice on social media platforms, is known for his strong socialist views and has recently criticized the decision made by West, who's running for president …

Ashley Smith, Hanna Perekhoda, Ilya Budraitskis (2023-09-15). Resisting Russian Imperialism: 2 Socialists—a Ukrainian and a Russian—on Ukraine's Struggle for Self-Determination. An interview with Hanna Perekhoda and Ilya Budraitskis. | – | / |

Fidel Vascós González (2023-09-15). Hacia una democracia directa en Cuba socialista. Presentación en el Panel titulado "La estructura del sistema del Estado cubano para un socialismo próspero y sostenible", organizado por el Consejo Científico de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País el 8 de septiembre de 2023. | El objetivo principal… (2023-09-15). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum. (2023-09-15). Video: Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum.

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-15). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-09-15). Presidente de Nicaragua conmemora aniversario de independencia. El mandatario de la nación centroamericana ratificó su compromiso con el pueblo y la juventud nicaragüense en ideas de justicia, igualdad y socialismo.

Ashley Smith, Hanna Perekhoda, Ilya Budraitskis (2023-09-14). Resisting Russian Imperialism: 2 Socialists—a Ukrainian and a Russian—on Ukraine's Struggle for Self-Determination. An interview with Hanna Perekhoda and Ilya Budraitskis. | – | / |

Bill Nevins (2023-09-14). Dick Gaughan: Bard of freedom, hope and glory. Bill Nevins' interviewed the great Scottish socialist activist-bard Dick Gaughan back in 1996, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he played a sold-out concert. (2023-09-14). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum. (2023-09-14). Video: Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum.

Jim McIlroy (2023-09-14). 'Pommy Granita' eco-socialist poetry book launched in Sydney. Jim McIlroy attended the launch of Sydney academic and writer Jake Lynch's new poetry collection, Pommy Granita.

WSWS (2023-09-14). South Korean government targets democratic rights. In language reminiscent of the country's past dictatorships, President Yoon has denounced anti-government opposition as the result of "communist totalitarianism" influence and "anti-state forces."

2023-09-15 23:59:12 | 23:59 EST | tr | 145 | 0 | 81 | 61 | 9 

2023-09-12: News Headlines (2023-09-12). Lower risk factor for insurers seen boosting stocks. China has rolled out new measures to encourage insurance companies to invest in blue-chip and high-tech stocks, as part of its broader efforts to boost the capital market and the real economy.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). G20's New Delhi Declaration: A Successful Balancing Act. Peoples Dispatch The declaration omitted the use of the word aggression in the context of the Ukraine war, which had been a major point of contention. It recognized that the G20 is not the platform to resolve geopolitical and security issues while acknowledging their impact on the global economy The 18th Summit of G20 (Group…

Jake Johnson (2023-09-11). Wall Street Donors Are Reportedly Pushing Biden to Fire FTC Chair. Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan's efforts to challenge corporate consolidation across the U.S. economy — from gaming to pharmaceuticals to semiconductors — have drawn vocal outrage from industry-backed Republican lawmakers and other mouthpieces for big business. And now, according to the Financial Times, some of the Democratic Party's Wall Street donors are privately calling on President… |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). G20's New Delhi Declaration is a successful balancing act. The declaration omitted the use of the word aggression in the context of the Ukraine war, which had been a major point of contention. It recognized that the G20 is not the platform to resolve geopolitical and security issues while acknowledging their impact on the global economy…

Ana Perdigón (2023-09-12). Colombian President: West's Economic Blockade Against Venezuela is Reason Behind Migration Crisis. Colombian President Gustavo Petro stated that the migration crisis in the region originated because of the economic blockade against Venezuela imposed by the United States and the European Union. | Making a joint statement with his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador during the Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Life, Peace and Decelopment, held in Cali, Colombia, on Saturday, September 9, Petro stated that the US blockade against Venezuela started a series of migratory waves. | "In the case of migration, it was the economic blockade that began waves of exodus, first from Venezuela to Colombi…

Ana Perdigón (2023-09-12). President Maduro Continues China Tour, Meets With BRICS Bank Chief and CPC Authorities. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, met with the president of the New Development Bank (NBD) of the BRICS, Dilma Rousseff, as part of his official visit to China. | The meeting took place at the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) headquarters in Shanghai, on Sunday, September 10. | Maduro and Rousseff discussed NDB's impact in the construction of a new world economic system. | @N… (2023-09-12). Eastern Economic Forum: China, Russia to strengthen cooperation. The Eastern Economic Forum kicked off in Vladivostok on Sunday as a key platform for discussing economic issues concerning Russia and Asia, in particular China.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-09-12). 2023 International Underground Railroad Month – Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar. Between 1840 and 1875, thousands free and formerly enslaved individuals — including Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr, a famous freedom seeker who aquired 35,521 acre Mexican Land Grant in 1844, the quest for a greater measure of economic freedom. Today, he is known as as the "African Founding Father of California" a staunch abolitionist, aided many freedom seekers on their journey to freedom along today's American River Parkway.

Pauline Lipman, Rico Gutstein, Convergence. (2023-09-12). Learning From Chile: Navigating Complexities Of Political Crises. Twenty years of grassroots organizing by Black and Latinx community organizations, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), and the broad Left propelled CTU organizer Brandon Johnson to victory in the April 2023 Chicago mayoral race. Similarly, across the country, progressive and left organizations are focusing on electoral politics as a central arena of struggle. These campaigns are part of a larger motion—a new generation of social movements, union organizing, and Black-led uprisings against racist state violence—provoked by intertwined political, economic, social, and ecological crises in the US and globa…

Richard D. Wolff, NewsClick. (2023-09-12). Economic Growth In G7 Versus Brics: A Reality Check. In the United Kingdom, the BBC prepared and published data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in January about different nations' growth forecasts for 2023 and 2024. The BBC foregrounded some really bad news for the UK. Of nine major industrial economies—the G7 (the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, and Canada), plus Russia, and China—the UK would be the only one to suffer real economic decline: a contraction in its 2023 GDP (its total annual, national output of goods and services). | So dubious a distinction for the UK followed the long political night of rule by the Conservative Pa…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-09-11). Nigerian Trade Unions Stage Two-day Strike Amid Economic Crisis.

Anya Parampil (2023-09-11). Announcing 'Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire' by Anya Parampil. After four years of frontline reporting and research, The Grayzone's Anya Parampil unveils her forthcoming book, Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire. Based on four years of original investigative work and interviews with diplomats from across the globe, Corporate Coup uses the case of Venezuela to examine the West's blueprint for modern regime change war: the hybrid diplomatic assaults, economic terrorism, covert destabilization tactics, and information warfare that the US and its allies unleash against all governments …

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-11). 12 Facts About The Current Economics And Science Of Podcasting: Spotify And Industry Trends. Contrary to popular belief, podcasting is experiencing robust growth. However, several myths and misconceptions are holding the industry back from reaching its full growth potential, according to marketing and technology insight provider Mar Tech Series. The portion of Americans who listen to online audio and podcasts has reached record highs, Edison Research said in its …

infobrics (2023-09-11). US politicians talking about sending Special Forces into Mexico over cartel crisis, accusing China. Because political actions often have economic repercussions, adding further across-border militarization into this complicated dynamic could have quite unpredictable and escalating consequences.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2023-09-11). Biden Announces Deal Connecting Europe And West And South Asia. US President Joe Biden announced a multinational rail and ports deal linking Europe, West Asia, and South Asia on 9 September at a gathering on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi. | The deal, known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), comes as the White House seeks to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Russia and Iran's North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) by pitching Washington as an alternative partner and investor for developing countries. | A memorandum of understanding for the deal was signed by the European Union, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emi…

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-11). Economic growth in G7 versus BRICS: a reality check. Like rose-colored glasses, anti-systemic glasses make economic problems appear less dangerous, narrower, and more limited in effects than they actually are.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-09-12). Putin says Russia-China relations are excellent. Moscow, Sep 12 (Prensa Latina) President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday praised the economic and political cooperation level between Moscow and Beijing during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-12). Putin describes military relations with Laos as promising. Moscow, Sep 12 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Laos have prospects for developing their relations in the military sphere, stated Russian President Vladimir Putin in a meeting with the Vice President of Laos, Pany Yathotou, on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Poverty Strategy Commission report finds millions "surviving not living" in Britain. Low pay and lack of support for the disabled are the major driving factors of this ongoing social disaster. Half of all people in poverty are disabled themselves or live with someone who is disabled. Nearly two-thirds are in a household where someone works, and over a fifth where all adults work full time.

WSWS (2023-09-12). Public meeting: A socialist perspective against war and austerity in New Zealand's crisis election. The SEG and IYSSE are holding a meeting in Wellington on October 4 to explain the socialist perspective needed to unite the working class against the agenda of war and austerity shared by Labour, National and all the parliamentary parties.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). 50 Years After Chile's Coup, Salvador Allende's Grandson Speaks About Britain's Role in the Rise of Pinochet. John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete Pablo Sepúlveda Allende speaks to Declassified UK in Santiago, Chile, 2023 In Santiago, Declassified spoke with Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Chile's dictator and how Labour helped him evade justice for crimes against humanity. "The colonialist countries in general have collaborated so that the decolonised countries can't become independent",… (2023-09-12). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-12). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Meghan Krausch, Truthout. (2023-09-12). Grassroots Organizing In Red States Is At The Heart Of Abolitionist Struggle. In Republican-controlled regions across the country, people are engaged in abolitionist organizing: Even though conditions vary, people are organizing for freedom virtually everywhere. This is nothing new. The South, for example, has been a site for abolitionist organizing for centuries, and it continues to be one, despite the attacks on long-settled civil rights being organized by Republican supermajorities in statehouses. | Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson is the first Black woman to codirect the Highlander Research and Education Center, a century-old nexus for abolitionist and labor organizing in Tennessee and beyond…

Phil Pasquini (2023-09-12). Teach-In on the 50th Anniversary of the Brutal Chilean Coup & The AFL-CIO. At and educational conference sponsored by the Labor Education Project on The AFL-CIO International Operations reports were made about the US AFL-CIO supported and organized coup in Chile on 9/11/73.

WSWS (2023-09-12). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Educators from across Argentina staged National Day of Educators' Struggle to highlight their issues including pay while more than 1,000 Hormel meatpackers rallied on Labor Day as their contract deadline neared.

WSWS (2023-09-12). Australia's Labor government and its phony Voice referendum in deepening crisis. The crisis of the Voice, a proposed indigenous advisory body to parliament, is directly connected to growing popular hostility to the cost of living crisis and the entire political establishment. (2023-09-11). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-11). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Boric and former Chilean presidents sign commitment for democracy on 50th anniversary of coup. The leaders committed to always take care of and defend democracy, face the challenges of democracy, defend and promote human rights, and strengthen spaces for collaboration among states…

WSWS (2023-09-11). Australia: Qantas CEO resigns early amid public anger. The move came after multiple scandals emerged, involving not just Australia's largest airline and "national flag carrier," which Joyce had led since 2008, but the Labor government.

WSWS (2023-09-11). New York school bus workers kept on the job despite strike authorization. The union is collaborating with the Adams administration to sabotage the struggle by thousands of school bus workers.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Pseudo-left Socialist Alternative promotes Australian Labor government's Voice referendum. Socialist Alternative is lining up with a pro-war, pro-business Labor government, while slandering the majority of the population as "racist" for opposing its right-wing policy of establishing an indigenous Voice to parliament.

Melissa Garriga, Tim Biondo, Peace, Planet News. (2023-09-11). The Pentagon Is The Elephant In The Climate Activist Room. With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there's a big elephant in the room, and it has the Pentagon written all over it. | The U.S. military is the world's largest institutional oil consumer. It causes more greenhouse gas emissions than 140 nations combined and accounts for about one-third of America's total fossil fuel consumption. The Department of Defense (DoD) also uses huge amounts of natural gas and coal, as well as nuclear power plants at its bases around t… (2023-09-12). Ethnic-featured industries benefit villagers in Tibet. Tsokhe village of Gyalze county in the Tibet autonomous region has been developing ethnic-featured industries to financially benefit its rural residents and promote vitalization.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-12). Wednesday 10/4: Global Days of Action: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. BlackRock Financial Investments | 400 Howard Street (between First and Fremont Sts) | San Franciisco, CA… (2023-09-11). Renminbi grows as PBOC pledges decisive action to prevent overshooting. The renminbi rebounded against the U.S. dollar on Monday after Chinese financial authorities emphasized their readiness to act decisively to forestall any exchange rate overshooting.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Global Days of Action: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. BlackRock Financial Investments | 400 Howard Street (between First and Fremont Sts) | San Franciisco, CA… (2023-09-12). Western journalist claiming Shanghai a 'Ghost Town' faces backlash. Michael Yon, who calls himself "America's most experienced combat correspondent," recently shared three images on X, formerly known as Twitter, depicting an empty coffee shop and deserted streets in Shanghai's financial center, Lujiazui.

WSWS (2023-09-12). Unifor maintains information blackout as strike deadlines approach for Canadian and US autoworkers. The union bureaucracy is providing workers with as little information as possible in the hopes of tamping down militant demands for a significant increase in wages and benefits amid surging inflation across Canada, the elimination of multi-tier employment, and the preservation of jobs in the transition to the manufacture of EVs. (2023-09-12). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law. (2023-09-11). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Congress reconvenes amid budget crisis as US federal deficit doubles. Ultra-right Republicans in the House of Representatives are demanding sweeping spending cuts and an impeachment probe of President Biden as the price of averting a federal shutdown. (2023-09-12). Nation playing significant role as transport gateway. Foreign business executives say China's growth this year will outpace most major economies. They view investments in the country as strategic to harnessing an extensive network of supply chains and distribution channels.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-12). Guatemalan government transitional teams to hold second meeting. "We are preparing some reports for the designated officials," the Secretary of Social Communication of the current Executive, Kevin Oliva, said. | "These include elements from 56 institutions, so that they can know the administrative and substantive part of each entity," he added. | "We await the delivery of institutional folders and the digital platform to the president-elect. The files include the legal, political and juridical framework of public bodies, as well as planning, investment and development alliances," Oliva stated. | The purpose of the first session, held behind closed doors last Monday, was to pr…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-12). "A Good Investment": The Ukraine War and the US Arms Racket. It all tallies. War, investments and returns. The dividends, solid, though the effort expended — at least by others — awful and bloody. While a certain narrative in US politics continues in the vein of traditional cant and hustling ceremony regarding the Ukraine War — "noble freedom fighters, we salute you!" twinned with "Russian aggressors

Frank Haubold' (2023-09-12). Ukraine war: the business with death. State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-12). Wednesday 10/4: Continuation: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. Montgomery BART Station | Market Street (Montgomery and Sansome Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

Frank Haubold' (2023-09-11). Ukraine war: the business with death. State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Continuation: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. Montgomery BART Station | Market Street (Montgomery and Sansome Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

WSWS (2023-09-11). Painkiller: Purdue Pharma and the opioid epidemic dramatized. Any honest viewer is likely to extend the condemnation to the profit system as a whole, which is entirely willing to sacrifice untold numbers of lives in exchange for cash flow.

Chris Hedges, Scheer Post. (2023-09-12). The Pedagogy Of Power. I am standing in a classroom in a maximum security prison. It is the first class of the semester. I am facing 20 students. They have spent years, sometimes decades, incarcerated. They come from some of the poorest cities and communities in the country. Most of them are people of color. | During the next four months they will study political philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes, Niccolà≤ Machiavelli, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx and John Locke, those often dismissed as anachronistic by the cultural left. | It is not that the criticisms leveled against these philosophers are incorrect. They wer…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-11). Book Review: Vijay Prashad and Noam Chomsky's 'The Withdrawel.' Reviewed by: Edward Liger Smith. Summary and Analysis Last year in the summer of 2022 a wonderful friend named Debbie sent me a copy of Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad's new book The Withdrawal. A year later I finally got the chance to sit down and read it (sorry it took me so long Debbie) and I was not disappointed as this text provides an excellent history of the major events and developments that have taken place within Western Capitalist imperialism throughout the last forty years or so. Those looking for a den …

WSWS (2023-09-11). From the archives of Marxism: Lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile. This statement was published by the International Committee of the Fourth International on September 18, 1973, in response to the overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

WSWS (2023-09-11). "Oppose the system designed to steal our wages": US Postal Service workers found rank-and-file committee. The following the founding statement of the USPS Rank-and-File Committee, which was established in a meeting held September 3 to organize a fight against…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-09-12). Prettification of Capitalism Is Backfiring. By Prabhat Patnaik — Sep 8, 2023 | Metropolitan economies that arm-twisted the Third World to accept that 'global trade is beneficial for all', are now taking the lead in protecting themselves against imports by violating their own neoliberal rules. | Liberal bourgeois writers tend to explain the problems that arise under capitalism not by the immanent tendencies of the system but by the capriciousness of particular governments. This way they can continue to believe in their own false theories that prettify capitalism, while putting the blame for the travails it generates on political bloody-mindedness. One…

Corinne Loperfido, In These Times. (2023-09-11). No Parties On A Dead Planet: It's Time We Reimagine Burning Man. For the past 37 years, people have flocked to Burning Man to celebrate art, radical self expression and community. The first iteration of Burning Man began in 1986 when a small group of friends met on a San Francisco beach with an eight-foot statue of a man they built with scrap lumber. They soaked the statue in gasoline and burned it, symbolizing the destruction of the powers that be. | The world does not look today as it did in 1986: As about 72,000 "Burners" lined up in their cars and campers to take reprieve from the grind of capitalism and attend this year's Burning Man, which now conven…

Editor (2023-09-11). Review: "Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Fuel Capitalism" Nicolas Graham's book on forces of production and fossil-fuel capitalism gives an important analysis of why fundamental change is needed to solve the climate crisis, finds John Clarke…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Socialist "movement incubator" celebrates five year anniversary in the heart of NYC. The People's Forum in New York City, founded in 2018 as a "movement incubator" to unite working class movements in the US and abroad, celebrated its five year anniversary on Saturday, September 9. In its five years of existence, TPF has been able to support the strengthening of progressive and socialist organizations from the heart of world capitalism. | "Over the past five years, TPF has become a reference for people who are seeking to understand what's going on in the world around them, and who want a place where they can ask questions and exchange ideas, and where there's space for socialist and internationali…

HASAN (2023-09-12). Elevate Your Earnings: Online Opportunities in Pakistan. Online shopping, sometimes known as e-commerce, has completely changed how individuals acquire goods and services. It entails making online purchases from the convenience of one's home or from any location with an internet connection. Online shopping offers convenience, a large selection of options, and the chance to read reviews and compare costs before making a purchase. The use of online platforms and marketplaces by customers to fulfill their purchasing needs has grown in popularity in recent years. The ease of browsing and purchasing, the availability of safe payment methods, and doorstep delivery are some o…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-12). Tuesday 9/12: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: (2023-09-12). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum.

WSWS (2023-09-12). "Socialism 2023" conference: Imperialist warmongering and Democratic Party politics. The "Socialism 2023" conference was dominated by the self-absorption and reactionary politics of the upper middle class milieu populating the DSA, the fraudulent "reformists" of the trade union bureaucracy and pro-imperialist state operatives.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-11). Tuesday 9/12: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: (2023-09-11). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Manolo De Los Santos: Un horizonte socialista es aquel donde lo imposible se encuentra con lo posible. El codirector ejecutivo del Foro de los Pueblos reflexiona sobre el futuro de la lucha de clases en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-09-11). Venezuelan Socialist Party Activist Calls for Scrap Metal Corruption Investigation. Workers' organizations have repeatedly denounced the dismantling of factories to be sold as scrap.

Staff (2023-09-11). "The Other 9/11": Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende. We look at the 50th anniversary of what is sometimes called the "other 9/11" — the U.S.-backed coup in Chile, when General Augusto Pinochet ousted President Salvador Allende and inaugurated almost two decades of brutal military rule. Allende died in the presidential palace on September 11, 1973, marking the end of Chile's first socialist government. During Pinochet's military dictatorship, more than 3,000 people were disappeared or killed, and some 40,000 more were tortured as political prisoners as Chile remained a close partner to the United States during the Cold War. "We&#8…

Taroa Zúñiga Silva (2023-09-11). 'Chile Needs a Communist Party': Interview With Lautaro Carmona. The general secretary of the Communist Party of Chile says with the resumption of democracy, the Communist Party has made the case for its legality by reviving this slogan in the country. | On August 31, 2023, the President of the Communist Party of Chile, Guillermo Teillier, was buried in the historical cemetery of Recoleta. In this graveyard lies the remains of a range of important people, from former Chilean President Salvador Allende to the socialist singer Victor Jara. Both Allende and Jara were victims of the military coup d'état that took place 50 years ago on September 11, 1973. | Teillier, who was tortur…

Walden Bello (2023-09-11). Remembering Salvador Allende and the Chilean Counterrevolution. When I heard that Salvador Allende won the Chilean presidential elections in September 1970 and sought to bring his country to socialism by peaceful means, I decided to do my doctoral dissertation on Chile. In May 1972, I went to take a crash course in Spanish in Cuernavaca in the Mexican state of Morelos, the birthplace of the legendary peasant leader Emiliano Zapata whose life had been made into a movie starring Marlon Brando that I had seen and liked as a teenager. After three weeks, I felt that the course had substantially improved the rudimentary Spanish I had from high school in the Philippines. So, I flew…

WSWS (2023-09-11). Democratic Socialists of America debates two ways to remain within Democratic Party. Jacobin magazine, which is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, published two articles illustrating the debate within the upper-echelons of the DSA as to how best to continue to channel the growing movement of workers behind the pro-imperialist Democratic Party.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Finnish Left slams government's decommunization attempts in the name of anti-discrimination. The government has been widely criticized for defending two ministers in the right-wing coalition with a history of making racist comments and for trying to use a recently announced anti-discrimination drive to ban communist symbols…

2023-09-12 14:57:41 | 14:57 EST | rz | 74 | 0 | 41 | 37 | 0 

2023-09-11: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). G20's New Delhi Declaration: A Successful Balancing Act. Peoples Dispatch The declaration omitted the use of the word aggression in the context of the Ukraine war, which had been a major point of contention. It recognized that the G20 is not the platform to resolve geopolitical and security issues while acknowledging their impact on the global economy The 18th Summit of G20 (Group…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-09-10). Sanctions Failing: EU Imports More Russian Gas, China Beats US Tech War. Western sanctions are backfiring: The European Union is now importing Russian liquified natural gas at record levels, and China has made high-tech breakthroughs despite US export restrictions. | Washington's and Brussels' economic warfare is, ironically, strengthening the economic sovereignty of Beijing and Moscow while blowing back on Europe. | The world is living through a new cold war: Cold War Two. And one of the main ways in which this war has been waged is through economic means. | Sanctions are the principal instrument of economic warfare. When they are imposed unilaterally by a country, without the suppor…

Ben Norton (2023-09-10). Western Sanctions Failing: EU Imports More Russian Gas, China Beats US Tech War. By Ben Norton — Sep 6, 2023 | Western sanctions are backfiring: The European Union is now importing Russian liquified natural gas at record levels, and China has made high-tech breakthroughs despite US export restrictions. | Washington's and Brussels' economic warfare is, ironically, strengthening the economic sovereignty of Beijing and Moscow while blowing back on Europe. | The world is living through a new cold war: Cold War Two. And one of the main ways in which this war has been waged is through economic means. | Sanctions are the principal instrument of economic warfare. When they are imposed unilateral…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-09-11). Nigerian Trade Unions Stage Two-day Strike Amid Economic Crisis.

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-11). 12 Facts About The Current Economics And Science Of Podcasting: Spotify And Industry Trends. Contrary to popular belief, podcasting is experiencing robust growth. However, several myths and misconceptions are holding the industry back from reaching its full growth potential, according to marketing and technology insight provider Mar Tech Series. The portion of Americans who listen to online audio and podcasts has reached record highs, Edison Research said in its …

infobrics (2023-09-11). US politicians talking about sending Special Forces into Mexico over cartel crisis, accusing China. Because political actions often have economic repercussions, adding further across-border militarization into this complicated dynamic could have quite unpredictable and escalating consequences.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2023-09-11). Biden Announces Deal Connecting Europe And West And South Asia. US President Joe Biden announced a multinational rail and ports deal linking Europe, West Asia, and South Asia on 9 September at a gathering on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi. | The deal, known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), comes as the White House seeks to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Russia and Iran's North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) by pitching Washington as an alternative partner and investor for developing countries. | A memorandum of understanding for the deal was signed by the European Union, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emi…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). Nigerian president Bola Tinubu weathers challenge to electoral victory but faces resistance from labor By: Tanupriya Singh. The Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) has dismissed all petitions filed by the opposition challenging the victory of President Bola Tinubu in the February 25 polls. The ruling was issued in the midst of a two-day strike organized by the Nigeria Labour Congress against the government's economic policies Nigerian President Bola Tinubu. (Photo: @officialABAT/Twitter) The Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) of Nigeria has dismissed all petitions challenging the victo …

scorinoco (2023-09-10). Venezuela and China Sign Agreements on Cooperation and Development of Special Economic Zones. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the People's Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Superintendence of Special Economic Zones of Venezuela and the Special Economic Zones Research Center of Shenzhen University of the People's Republic of China. | The agreement is focused on cooperation, development, and modernization of Venezuela's special economic zones. | Johann àÅlvarez, national superintendent of Special Economic Zones, signed on behalf of Venezuela. Meanwhile, Tao Yitao, director of the Special Economic Zones Research Center of Shenzhen University of the Peo…

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-11). Economic growth in G7 versus BRICS: a reality check. Like rose-colored glasses, anti-systemic glasses make economic problems appear less dangerous, narrower, and more limited in effects than they actually are.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). 50 Years After Chile's Coup, Salvador Allende's Grandson Speaks About Britain's Role in the Rise of Pinochet. John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete Pablo Sepúlveda Allende speaks to Declassified UK in Santiago, Chile, 2023 In Santiago, Declassified spoke with Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Chile's dictator and how Labour helped him evade justice for crimes against humanity. "The colonialist countries in general have collaborated so that the decolonised countries can't become independent",… (2023-09-11). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-11). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Boric and former Chilean presidents sign commitment for democracy on 50th anniversary of coup. The leaders committed to always take care of and defend democracy, face the challenges of democracy, defend and promote human rights, and strengthen spaces for collaboration among states…

WSWS (2023-09-11). Australia: Qantas CEO resigns early amid public anger. The move came after multiple scandals emerged, involving not just Australia's largest airline and "national flag carrier," which Joyce had led since 2008, but the Labor government.

WSWS (2023-09-11). New York school bus workers kept on the job despite strike authorization. The union is collaborating with the Adams administration to sabotage the struggle by thousands of school bus workers.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Pseudo-left Socialist Alternative promotes Australian Labor government's Voice referendum. Socialist Alternative is lining up with a pro-war, pro-business Labor government, while slandering the majority of the population as "racist" for opposing its right-wing policy of establishing an indigenous Voice to parliament. (2023-09-10). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-10). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-09-10). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Melissa Garriga, Tim Biondo, Peace, Planet News. (2023-09-11). The Pentagon Is The Elephant In The Climate Activist Room. With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there's a big elephant in the room, and it has the Pentagon written all over it. | The U.S. military is the world's largest institutional oil consumer. It causes more greenhouse gas emissions than 140 nations combined and accounts for about one-third of America's total fossil fuel consumption. The Department of Defense (DoD) also uses huge amounts of natural gas and coal, as well as nuclear power plants at its bases around t… (2023-09-11). Renminbi grows as PBOC pledges decisive action to prevent overshooting. The renminbi rebounded against the U.S. dollar on Monday after Chinese financial authorities emphasized their readiness to act decisively to forestall any exchange rate overshooting.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Global Days of Action: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. BlackRock Financial Investments | 400 Howard Street (between First and Fremont Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

People's Health Dispatch. (2023-09-10). Activists Announce Campaign Against Effects Of Commodification Of Health. In a joint effort to combat the growing marketization of health services in Europe, three organizations—the European Public Services Union (EPSU), the European Network Against Commercialization of Health and Social Protection, and the People's Health Movement (PHM) Europe—have announced a renewed regional campaign. The initiative was announced during a public meeting held on Thursday, September 7, aiming to bring health to the forefront of the European Union's (EU) agenda. | The coalition has expressed deep concern over the EU's prioritization of financial and fiscal matters, such as free competition… (2023-09-11). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Congress reconvenes amid budget crisis as US federal deficit doubles. Ultra-right Republicans in the House of Representatives are demanding sweeping spending cuts and an impeachment probe of President Biden as the price of averting a federal shutdown. (2023-09-10). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law.

Frank Haubold' (2023-09-11). Ukraine war: the business with death. State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Continuation: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. Montgomery BART Station | Market Street (Montgomery and Sansome Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

Helen Flannery, Inequality. (2023-09-10). Over Half Of 20 Top Public Charities Are Donor Advised Funds. Last year, we wrote about how donor-advised funds, or DAFs, had become the top recipients of charitable giving in the United States. At the time, we were astounded to discover that DAF sponsors made up six of the top 10 and nine of the top 20 most successful public-charity fundraisers in the country. | We've updated the data for 2021 — the most recent year for which complete data is available — and the picture has only gotten more stark. Donor-advised fund sponsors now make up seven of the top 10 and eleven of the top 20 public charities in the United States. Public charities are nonprofits that rely…

WSWS (2023-09-11). From the archives of Marxism: Lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile. This statement was published by the International Committee of the Fourth International on September 18, 1973, in response to the overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). Canadian foreign worker program a 'breeding ground' for slavery — UN expert By: RT. ​The United Nations has called on Ottawa to guarantee the rights of tens of thousands of migrant workers who enter the country annually Migrant workers remove weeds surrounding strawberries plants at a farm in Markham, Ontario, Canada, on July 30, 2023 © Getty Images / Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto via Getty Images Canada's temporary foreign worker program, under which up to 60,000 people a …

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). 'Clear As The Full Moon': The Revolution Will Not Be Defeated By: Andreína Chávez Alava. With presidential elections on the horizon, VA writer Andreína Chávez looks at the recent history and challenges facing the Bolivarian Process. ​Revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez alongside President Nicolás Maduro on December 8, 2012. (Archive) "This Revolution does not depend on one man. This Revolution belongs to the people and no one can stop it." Hugo Chávez Recently, I went to a bar in a popular neighborhood of western Caracas that has a lon …

Zane McNeill (2023-09-10). Oral History of Political Prisoners Shows Enduring Power of Revolutionary Hope. Political prisoners "are our messengers, our dreamers, and our pioneers," writes celebrated Marxist and abolitionist Angela Davis in the preface to Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners. "They teach us that we do not have to accede to existing modes of organizing our collective existence. They remind us that there is life beyond racial capitalism… |

WSWS (2023-09-11). "Oppose the system designed to steal our wages": US Postal Service workers found rank-and-file committee. The following the founding statement of the USPS Rank-and-File Committee, which was established in a meeting held September 3 to organize a fight against…

Corinne Loperfido, In These Times. (2023-09-11). No Parties On A Dead Planet: It's Time We Reimagine Burning Man. For the past 37 years, people have flocked to Burning Man to celebrate art, radical self expression and community. The first iteration of Burning Man began in 1986 when a small group of friends met on a San Francisco beach with an eight-foot statue of a man they built with scrap lumber. They soaked the statue in gasoline and burned it, symbolizing the destruction of the powers that be. | The world does not look today as it did in 1986: As about 72,000 "Burners" lined up in their cars and campers to take reprieve from the grind of capitalism and attend this year's Burning Man, which now conven…

Editor (2023-09-11). Review: "Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Fuel Capitalism" Nicolas Graham's book on forces of production and fossil-fuel capitalism gives an important analysis of why fundamental change is needed to solve the climate crisis, finds John Clarke…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-11). Tuesday 9/12: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: (2023-09-11). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum.

Staff (2023-09-11). "The Other 9/11": Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende. We look at the 50th anniversary of what is sometimes called the "other 9/11" — the U.S.-backed coup in Chile, when General Augusto Pinochet ousted President Salvador Allende and inaugurated almost two decades of brutal military rule. Allende died in the presidential palace on September 11, 1973, marking the end of Chile's first socialist government. During Pinochet's military dictatorship, more than 3,000 people were disappeared or killed, and some 40,000 more were tortured as political prisoners as Chile remained a close partner to the United States during the Cold War. "We&#8…

Taroa Zúñiga Silva (2023-09-11). 'Chile Needs a Communist Party': Interview With Lautaro Carmona. The general secretary of the Communist Party of Chile says with the resumption of democracy, the Communist Party has made the case for its legality by reviving this slogan in the country. | On August 31, 2023, the President of the Communist Party of Chile, Guillermo Teillier, was buried in the historical cemetery of Recoleta. In this graveyard lies the remains of a range of important people, from former Chilean President Salvador Allende to the socialist singer Victor Jara. Both Allende and Jara were victims of the military coup d'état that took place 50 years ago on September 11, 1973. | Teillier, who was tortur…

Walden Bello (2023-09-11). Remembering Salvador Allende and the Chilean Counterrevolution. When I heard that Salvador Allende won the Chilean presidential elections in September 1970 and sought to bring his country to socialism by peaceful means, I decided to do my doctoral dissertation on Chile. In May 1972, I went to take a crash course in Spanish in Cuernavaca in the Mexican state of Morelos, the birthplace of the legendary peasant leader Emiliano Zapata whose life had been made into a movie starring Marlon Brando that I had seen and liked as a teenager. After three weeks, I felt that the course had substantially improved the rudimentary Spanish I had from high school in the Philippines. So, I flew…

2023-09-11 20:11:55 | 20:11 EST | rz | 44 | 0 | 13 | 30 | 0 

2023-09-10: News Headlines

April M. Short, In These Times. (2023-09-09). The US Moneyless Economy Is Booming. Humans have a serious stuff problem. We keep making and buying new things when most of the time we could find those things in great condition, secondhand. Instead, we're making trash at such a rate that an unfathomable 40 percent of the ocean's surface is now covered in trash islands, and there is literally more than a ton of trash for each one of the 8 billion people on this planet (9 billion tons, and growing). | If these heaps of waste (the lion's share of which is produced by corporations rather than individual households) aren't mortifying enough to drive people toward the free economy of reuse, maybe the la… (2023-09-09). 2023 CIFTIS: Driving economic recovery and maintaining commitment to openness. The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) has garnered considerable attention and expanded its international reach, signaling positive developments in the Chinese economy.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-09). Argentine candidate reiterated commitment to workers. Buenos Aires, Sep 9 (Prensa Latina) I come to commit myself to the workers and to those who dream of a sovereign Argentina with autonomous decisions, said the presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa, today during an event in San Miguel de Tucumán. Accompanied by governors, deputies and leaders, the Minister of Economy promised members of social and union organizations to defend the national industry, education, retirement, scientific-technical development and the growth of all regions of the country.

TASS (2023-09-09). Putin points to importance of laser physics research for Russia's national economy. Laser physics research allows to study the properties of matter and trace the evolution of the universe…

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-09-09). Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing.'.

TASS (2023-09-09). Erdogan urges G20 leaders to meet Russian demands on grain deal. Turkish President is making the push in closed-door meetings with leaders during the G20 summit in New Delhi this weekend…

sputnikglobe (2023-09-10). Russia's Eastern Economic Forum to Kick Off in Vladivostok on Sunday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The 8th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) will kick off on Sunday in the Russian city of Vladivostok.

TASS (2023-09-10). 'Falcon Day' to be held on the first day of Eastern Economic Forum. The forum was organized on behalf of the Russian government… (2023-09-09). China welcomes stronger biz ties with Australia. China welcomes more communications and dialogues in various sectors between China and Australia, with a focus on the long-term economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday. (2023-09-09). Exports show steady growth in first 8 months. China's exports increased 0.8 percent year-on-year in the first eight months, despite lackluster overseas demand, rising protectionist pressures and intensifying geopolitical tensions, offering an encouraging boost to the country's economic recovery, said experts and executives.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-09). Syria approves new investments. Of these projects, two have entered the production phase and include a plant for processing, preserving and packaging fruits and vegetables, which offers 60 jobs, while the second is a complex for poultry breeding and meat production, and offers 17 opportunities. labor. | According to what was announced by the Council, 64 projects have been implemented so far under Investment Law number 18 of 2021, and they offer 5,149 jobs. | In May 2021, Syria passed a law that encourages establishing projects that contribute to the reconstruction of the country and the achievement of economic development. | The legislation enc…

Karen Yamanaka (2023-09-09). North Korea's chronic food shortages exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The North Korean regime has faced a severely deteriorated economic situation due to international sanctions, floods, and the Covid-19 pandemic. In January 2020, the country blocked cross-border trade and expelled humanitarian workers and foreign diplomats facing the danger of the Covid-19 pandemic. The closure of the country delayed the arrival of the pandemic. However, as early as March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that a Covid-19 epidemic was developing in North Korea. Its strategy of sealing its external borders in January 2020 prevented essential supplies from entering the country, lead…

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-09). G20 Summit Set To Begin In New Delhi; Faultlines Among Members Widen. The 18th G20 summit is set to open in the Indian capital New Delhi on Saturday, September 9. The two-day summit of the grouping would be the first to be held in India and is being keenly watched due to disagreements among member states on several economic and geopolitical issues. | The G20 consists of some of the world's 20 largest economies, including 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Apart from the members, 11 more countries have been invited as guests, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, and the UAE. The meeting will also be attended by representatives of different international organizations —…

WSWS (2023-09-09). As Ukraine offensive collapses, US tries to drum up support for war at G20. The G20 summit convened Friday in New Delhi, India, against the backdrop of the debacle of Ukraine's offensive and a deepening economic, political and social crisis of American capitalism.

WSWS (2023-09-09). The ICFI's exposure of Ernest Mandel's "neo-capitalism" and the analysis of the global economic crisis: 1967—1971. This lecture was delivered by Max Boddy, assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the SEP (US) International Summer School, held between July 30 and August 4, 2023.

Yumna Khabir (2023-09-09). Correspondence] Pakistan's economic and health crisis: calls for urgent action. Pakistan is experiencing one of the worst inflation rates in its history. The response by the outgoing Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif's Government to the International Monetary Fund's (IMFs) conditions, including the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee and increases in fuel prices, has exacerbated the situation. Those on low incomes have been hit the hardest by economic difficulties, with many experiencing job losses and reduced earnings. As a result, they have had to cut back on the amount and quality of food they can afford, seek out less expensive transportation options, and work multiple jobs to make ends meet.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-09). Western Sanctions Fail as Trade Between Russia and One of US' Closest Neighbors Hits Historic High. In 2022, the US and its allies launched a grand campaign aimed at smothering most Russian trade activity (apart from a few strategic materials, like uranium, which they themselves need). Over 18 months on, Russia has not only successfully reoriented exports away from the West, but started reclaiming lost Western markets.

Colin Todhunter (2023-09-09). An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of corporate agribusiness traders and suppliers of inputs at the expense of people's needs and genuine food security.

sputnikglobe (2023-09-09). The Daunting Physics of 'Bidenomics'. Unemployment is low—lower than at any time since the Vietnam War. Real wages are increasing. Inflation, voters' top concern for the last several years, is slowing.

Volodymyr Artiukh (2023-09-09). Labour, protests, and state capitalism in Belarus, three years on.

Caitlyn Clark, Labor Notes. (2023-09-09). Countering Dangerous Work At Amazon. Amazon workers at the STL8 fulfillment center in St. Peters, Missouri, filed an OSHA complaint August 3 against the company for health and safety violations in their warehouse. The complaint claims that the company deliberately discourages workers from receiving medical care when they are injured. | Workers say that AMCARE, Amazon's in-house medical staff, repeatedly dismiss medical complaints and keep Amazon workers on the job despite sustaining sprains, torn ligaments, slipped discs, pinched nerves, and concussions. | Amazon employs more than 3,000 workers at STL8, northwest of St. Louis. (2023-09-09). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. (2023-09-09). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-09). ManiFiesta, a Solidarity festival in Ostend, Belgium. Ostend, Belgium, Sep 9 (Prensa Latina) From 15 to 20 thousand people of all ages converged today for the first day of ManiFiesta in Ostend, Belgium, the Solidarity Festival organized by the Belgian Labor Party (PTB).

Sam Gindin (2023-09-09). A Missed Opportunity? A Closer Look at the Teamster-UPS Agreement. "The crisis in the labor movement is not primarily about union density but about the nature of unions today." | – | / |

TASS (2023-09-10). G20 leaders call for greater role of developing nations in financial institutions. The G20 is also reportedly working to improve the effectiveness of and ease of access to multilateral development banks…

WSWS (2023-09-09). Protests against cuts at West Virginia University continue as lawmakers allocate tens of millions to war-related research. The cuts at WVU are part of a systematic effort to divert all social resources to the war effort and the enrichment of the financial oligarchy.

The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute (2023-09-09). The Rockefeller Way: The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan. First published in December 2016, this article is of relevance to an understanding of the ongoing debate on Climate Change as well the Green New Deal, largely controlled by the financial establishment. The Rockefellers also play a key role in …

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-09). What If There Had Been No Coup In Chile In 1973? Imagine this scenario. On 11 September 1973, the reactionary sections of the Chilean army, led by General Augusto Pinochet and given a green light by the US government, did not leave their barracks. President Salvador Allende, who led the Popular Unity government, went to his office in La Moneda in Santiago to announce a plebiscite on his government and to ask for the resignation of several senior generals. Then, Allende continued his fight to bring down inflation and to realise his government's programme to advance the socialist agenda in Chile. | Until the moment when the Chilean Army descended upon La Moneda i…

Sam Friedman, Suzie Kay (2023-09-09). Marxism and the U.S. Response to the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 Pandemics. Over the last fifty years, few public health professionals have considered Marxism relevant, and few Marxists have treated pandemics as an imminent concern. We offer this paper to help both public health professionals and socialists view pandemics through a Marxist lens. Although our theory is global in scope, we focus on the U.S. because of its scientific prominence, its outsized global role in the AIDS pandemic, and its poor performance in the COVID-19 pandemic. Our hope is that this piece will strengthen efforts to protect public health and, better yet, help usher capitalism off the Earth before it makes the p… (2023-09-09). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-09). "A Good Investment": The Ukraine War and the US Arms Racket. It all tallies. War, investments and returns. The dividends, solid, though the effort expended — at least by others — awful and bloody. While a certain narrative in US politics continues in the vein of traditional cant and hustling ceremony regarding the Ukraine War — "noble freedom fighters, we salute you!" twinned with "Russian aggressors …

F. William Engdahl (2023-09-09). How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis. The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate capital to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine.

Aly Shaw (2023-09-09). Health Care Giants Dominate PA Lobbying While Pennsylvanians' Health Suffers. In Pennsylvania, healthcare profiteers top the list of the most aggressive spenders on lobbying in the state. Corporations in the United States spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year on well connected lobbyists to influence legislation both on a federal level and in states and cities. Pennsylvania is one of the many states in the US with relatively loose regulations on lobbying and gifts… |

Anonymous Contributor (2023-09-09). "We make the community by defending it:" neighborhood resists eviction of homeless people by local nonprofit board and business owners. This article was originally published in Fight to Win, a publication of the General Defense Committee (GDC) in so-called Michigan. by Lindy and LK GROWING HOPE, GROWING FENCES Wednesday, August 23rd, the board of the local nonprofit Growing Hope called the cops and evicted all people staying underneath their downtown Marketplace Hall — without notice…

Frank Haubold' (2023-09-09). Ukraine war: the business with death. State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Patricia Harrity (2023-09-09). Vaccination — A Clear and Present Danger. "Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now using them"—George Starr White M D A new vaccine …

Brendan O'Brien (2023-09-09). Big Real Estate Says Regulations Caused Housing Crisis, But They Wrote the Rules. The vast majority of economists, pundits and politicians agree that there aren't enough homes in this country. The most conservative estimates put the number of needed homes at around 1.7 million units, with the most liberal estimates calculating it as high as 7.3 million. The reasons for this huge discrepancy — resulting from variations in counting potential homebuyers as well as the type and… |

sputnikglobe (2023-09-09). Chinese Vessels Escort US, Canadian Warships in Taiwan Strait. BEIJING (Sputnik) – The Chinese armed forces on Saturday escorted one US and one Canadian warships passing through the Taiwan Strait, People's Liberation Army (PLA) spokesman Shi Yi said, adding that the escort had been carried out in accordance with law and regulations.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-09). Decoding the Complexities of Culture: Review of 'Culture' by Terry Eagleton. Reviewed by: Jacob Joshy. ​Culture is an "exceptionally complex word", says Terry Eagleton, and as constant agents who interact with it in our daily affairs, we know how complex it is to write a book about culture, that too in less than 200 pages. Terry Eagleton, in his book 'Culture', puts forth a similar attempt, and one can easily say that he has succeeded. Eagleton starts his book with a brief preface where he lists out his intentions, that this book in its totality "sacrifices any stric …

Liberation Staff (2023-09-09). End Capitalism Before It Ends Us: Claudia De La Cruz & Karina Garcia for President & VP. Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for President and Vice-President of the United States on the ticket of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Harriet A Washington (2023-09-09). Perspectives] Pharmacovigilance against racial capitalism. In 1852, abolitionist physician James McCune Smith, the first African American known to have earned a medical degree, exposed the pervasive conception of the Black American as a dangerous creature and described how this was a manufactured image: "The Negro with us is not an actual physical being of Ô¨Çesh and bones and blood, but a hideous monster of the mind, ugly beyond all physical portraying, so utterly and ineffably monstrous as to frighten reason from its throne, and justice from its balance, and mercy from its hallowed temple…It is a constructive Negro, that haunts with grim presence the…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-09). President of Venezuela visits technological hub in China. Beijing, Sep 9 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro continues a visit to China. His first stop was the southern city of Shenzhen, one of the country's main technological and industrial hubs.

Becky Brown (2023-09-09). Report from the Fourth International's Revolutionary Youth Camp. This summer, younger comrades met to foster international solidarity across the socialist movement. | – | / |

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-09). Tuesday 9/12: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: (2023-09-09). Xi encourages flood-affected villagers to bolster their confidence to overcome difficulties. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Thursday visited flood-affected villagers in the city of Shangzhi, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

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