Daily Archives: September 11, 2023

2023-09-11: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). G20's New Delhi Declaration: A Successful Balancing Act. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch The declaration omitted the use of the word aggression in the context of the Ukraine war, which had been a major point of contention. It recognized that the G20 is not the platform to resolve geopolitical and security issues while acknowledging their impact on the global economy The 18th Summit of G20 (Group…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-09-10). Sanctions Failing: EU Imports More Russian Gas, China Beats US Tech War. popularresistance.org Western sanctions are backfiring: The European Union is now importing Russian liquified natural gas at record levels, and China has made high-tech breakthroughs despite US export restrictions. | Washington's and Brussels' economic warfare is, ironically, strengthening the economic sovereignty of Beijing and Moscow while blowing back on Europe. | The world is living through a new cold war: Cold War Two. And one of the main ways in which this war has been waged is through economic means. | Sanctions are the principal instrument of economic warfare. When they are imposed unilaterally by a country, without the suppor…

Ben Norton (2023-09-10). Western Sanctions Failing: EU Imports More Russian Gas, China Beats US Tech War. orinocotribune.com By Ben Norton — Sep 6, 2023 | Western sanctions are backfiring: The European Union is now importing Russian liquified natural gas at record levels, and China has made high-tech breakthroughs despite US export restrictions. | Washington's and Brussels' economic warfare is, ironically, strengthening the economic sovereignty of Beijing and Moscow while blowing back on Europe. | The world is living through a new cold war: Cold War Two. And one of the main ways in which this war has been waged is through economic means. | Sanctions are the principal instrument of economic warfare. When they are imposed unilateral…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-09-11). Nigerian Trade Unions Stage Two-day Strike Amid Economic Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-11). 12 Facts About The Current Economics And Science Of Podcasting: Spotify And Industry Trends. moguldom.com Contrary to popular belief, podcasting is experiencing robust growth. However, several myths and misconceptions are holding the industry back from reaching its full growth potential, according to marketing and technology insight provider Mar Tech Series. The portion of Americans who listen to online audio and podcasts has reached record highs, Edison Research said in its …

infobrics (2023-09-11). US politicians talking about sending Special Forces into Mexico over cartel crisis, accusing China. infobrics.org Because political actions often have economic repercussions, adding further across-border militarization into this complicated dynamic could have quite unpredictable and escalating consequences.

News Desk, The Cradle. (2023-09-11). Biden Announces Deal Connecting Europe And West And South Asia. popularresistance.org US President Joe Biden announced a multinational rail and ports deal linking Europe, West Asia, and South Asia on 9 September at a gathering on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi. | The deal, known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), comes as the White House seeks to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Russia and Iran's North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) by pitching Washington as an alternative partner and investor for developing countries. | A memorandum of understanding for the deal was signed by the European Union, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emi…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). Nigerian president Bola Tinubu weathers challenge to electoral victory but faces resistance from labor By: Tanupriya Singh. midwesternmarx.com The Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) has dismissed all petitions filed by the opposition challenging the victory of President Bola Tinubu in the February 25 polls. The ruling was issued in the midst of a two-day strike organized by the Nigeria Labour Congress against the government's economic policies Nigerian President Bola Tinubu. (Photo: @officialABAT/Twitter) The Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) of Nigeria has dismissed all petitions challenging the victo …

scorinoco (2023-09-10). Venezuela and China Sign Agreements on Cooperation and Development of Special Economic Zones. orinocotribune.com The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the People's Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Superintendence of Special Economic Zones of Venezuela and the Special Economic Zones Research Center of Shenzhen University of the People's Republic of China. | The agreement is focused on cooperation, development, and modernization of Venezuela's special economic zones. | Johann àÅlvarez, national superintendent of Special Economic Zones, signed on behalf of Venezuela. Meanwhile, Tao Yitao, director of the Special Economic Zones Research Center of Shenzhen University of the Peo…

Richard D. Wolff (2023-09-11). Economic growth in G7 versus BRICS: a reality check. nationofchange.org Like rose-colored glasses, anti-systemic glasses make economic problems appear less dangerous, narrower, and more limited in effects than they actually are.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-11). 50 Years After Chile's Coup, Salvador Allende's Grandson Speaks About Britain's Role in the Rise of Pinochet. libya360.wordpress.com John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete Pablo Sepúlveda Allende speaks to Declassified UK in Santiago, Chile, 2023 In Santiago, Declassified spoke with Pablo Sepúlveda Allende about Margaret Thatcher's friendship with Chile's dictator and how Labour helped him evade justice for crimes against humanity. "The colonialist countries in general have collaborated so that the decolonised countries can't become independent",…

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-11). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-11). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely. greenleft.org.au

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-11). Boric and former Chilean presidents sign commitment for democracy on 50th anniversary of coup. peoplesdispatch.org The leaders committed to always take care of and defend democracy, face the challenges of democracy, defend and promote human rights, and strengthen spaces for collaboration among states…

WSWS (2023-09-11). Australia: Qantas CEO resigns early amid public anger. wsws.org The move came after multiple scandals emerged, involving not just Australia's largest airline and "national flag carrier," which Joyce had led since 2008, but the Labor government.

WSWS (2023-09-11). New York school bus workers kept on the job despite strike authorization. wsws.org The union is collaborating with the Adams administration to sabotage the struggle by thousands of school bus workers.

WSWS (2023-09-11). Pseudo-left Socialist Alternative promotes Australian Labor government's Voice referendum. wsws.org Socialist Alternative is lining up with a pro-war, pro-business Labor government, while slandering the majority of the population as "racist" for opposing its right-wing policy of establishing an indigenous Voice to parliament.

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-10). Labor needs to step up support for Palestine, meeting hears. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-10). Socialists slam Queensland Labor for locking up children indefinitely. greenleft.org.au

Manlio Dinucci (2023-09-10). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" globalresearch.ca Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Melissa Garriga, Tim Biondo, Peace, Planet News. (2023-09-11). The Pentagon Is The Elephant In The Climate Activist Room. popularresistance.org With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there's a big elephant in the room, and it has the Pentagon written all over it. | The U.S. military is the world's largest institutional oil consumer. It causes more greenhouse gas emissions than 140 nations combined and accounts for about one-third of America's total fossil fuel consumption. The Department of Defense (DoD) also uses huge amounts of natural gas and coal, as well as nuclear power plants at its bases around t…

ecns.cn (2023-09-11). Renminbi grows as PBOC pledges decisive action to prevent overshooting. ecns.cn The renminbi rebounded against the U.S. dollar on Monday after Chinese financial authorities emphasized their readiness to act decisively to forestall any exchange rate overshooting.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Global Days of Action: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. indybay.org BlackRock Financial Investments | 400 Howard Street (between First and Fremont Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

People's Health Dispatch. (2023-09-10). Activists Announce Campaign Against Effects Of Commodification Of Health. popularresistance.org In a joint effort to combat the growing marketization of health services in Europe, three organizations—the European Public Services Union (EPSU), the European Network Against Commercialization of Health and Social Protection, and the People's Health Movement (PHM) Europe—have announced a renewed regional campaign. The initiative was announced during a public meeting held on Thursday, September 7, aiming to bring health to the forefront of the European Union's (EU) agenda. | The coalition has expressed deep concern over the EU's prioritization of financial and fiscal matters, such as free competition…

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-11). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2023-09-11). Congress reconvenes amid budget crisis as US federal deficit doubles. wsws.org Ultra-right Republicans in the House of Representatives are demanding sweeping spending cuts and an impeachment probe of President Biden as the price of averting a federal shutdown.

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-10). Qld gov't referred to UN Committee Against Torture for suspending human rights law. greenleft.org.au

Frank Haubold' (2023-09-11). Ukraine war: the business with death. indybay.org State-sponsored arms shipments cause corporate profits to skyrocket. That warlike conflicts boost the business of arms corporations is a well-known fact, but never in recent history have Western arms firms and corporations been able to enrich themselves so shamelessly from human suffering as in the Ukraine conflict.

Peace in Ukraine Coalition (2023-09-11). Wednesday 10/4: Continuation: Yes to Peace In Ukraine: No to War Profiteering. indybay.org Montgomery BART Station | Market Street (Montgomery and Sansome Sts) | San Franciisco, CA…

Helen Flannery, Inequality. (2023-09-10). Over Half Of 20 Top Public Charities Are Donor Advised Funds. popularresistance.org Last year, we wrote about how donor-advised funds, or DAFs, had become the top recipients of charitable giving in the United States. At the time, we were astounded to discover that DAF sponsors made up six of the top 10 and nine of the top 20 most successful public-charity fundraisers in the country. | We've updated the data for 2021 — the most recent year for which complete data is available — and the picture has only gotten more stark. Donor-advised fund sponsors now make up seven of the top 10 and eleven of the top 20 public charities in the United States. Public charities are nonprofits that rely…

WSWS (2023-09-11). From the archives of Marxism: Lessons of the 1973 coup in Chile. wsws.org This statement was published by the International Committee of the Fourth International on September 18, 1973, in response to the overthrow of the government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). Canadian foreign worker program a 'breeding ground' for slavery — UN expert By: RT. midwesternmarx.com ​The United Nations has called on Ottawa to guarantee the rights of tens of thousands of migrant workers who enter the country annually Migrant workers remove weeds surrounding strawberries plants at a farm in Markham, Ontario, Canada, on July 30, 2023 © Getty Images / Creative Touch Imaging Ltd./NurPhoto via Getty Images Canada's temporary foreign worker program, under which up to 60,000 people a …

midwesternmarx (2023-09-10). 'Clear As The Full Moon': The Revolution Will Not Be Defeated By: Andreína Chávez Alava. midwesternmarx.com With presidential elections on the horizon, VA writer Andreína Chávez looks at the recent history and challenges facing the Bolivarian Process. ​Revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez alongside President Nicolás Maduro on December 8, 2012. (Archive) "This Revolution does not depend on one man. This Revolution belongs to the people and no one can stop it." Hugo Chávez Recently, I went to a bar in a popular neighborhood of western Caracas that has a lon …

Zane McNeill (2023-09-10). Oral History of Political Prisoners Shows Enduring Power of Revolutionary Hope. truthout.org Political prisoners "are our messengers, our dreamers, and our pioneers," writes celebrated Marxist and abolitionist Angela Davis in the preface to Rattling the Cages: Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners. "They teach us that we do not have to accede to existing modes of organizing our collective existence. They remind us that there is life beyond racial capitalism… |

WSWS (2023-09-11). "Oppose the system designed to steal our wages": US Postal Service workers found rank-and-file committee. wsws.org The following the founding statement of the USPS Rank-and-File Committee, which was established in a meeting held September 3 to organize a fight against…

Corinne Loperfido, In These Times. (2023-09-11). No Parties On A Dead Planet: It's Time We Reimagine Burning Man. popularresistance.org For the past 37 years, people have flocked to Burning Man to celebrate art, radical self expression and community. The first iteration of Burning Man began in 1986 when a small group of friends met on a San Francisco beach with an eight-foot statue of a man they built with scrap lumber. They soaked the statue in gasoline and burned it, symbolizing the destruction of the powers that be. | The world does not look today as it did in 1986: As about 72,000 "Burners" lined up in their cars and campers to take reprieve from the grind of capitalism and attend this year's Burning Man, which now conven…

Editor (2023-09-11). Review: "Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Fuel Capitalism" mronline.org Nicolas Graham's book on forces of production and fossil-fuel capitalism gives an important analysis of why fundamental change is needed to solve the climate crisis, finds John Clarke…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-11). Tuesday 9/12: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. indybay.org New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: bit.ly/ReadingCircleRegistration

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-11). Socialist Alliance reaffirms 'critical Yes' position on Voice to Parliament referendum. greenleft.org.au

Staff (2023-09-11). "The Other 9/11": Ariel Dorfman on 50th Anniversary of U.S.-Backed Coup in Chile That Ousted Allende. democracynow.org We look at the 50th anniversary of what is sometimes called the "other 9/11" — the U.S.-backed coup in Chile, when General Augusto Pinochet ousted President Salvador Allende and inaugurated almost two decades of brutal military rule. Allende died in the presidential palace on September 11, 1973, marking the end of Chile's first socialist government. During Pinochet's military dictatorship, more than 3,000 people were disappeared or killed, and some 40,000 more were tortured as political prisoners as Chile remained a close partner to the United States during the Cold War. "We&#8…

Taroa Zúñiga Silva (2023-09-11). 'Chile Needs a Communist Party': Interview With Lautaro Carmona. orinocotribune.com The general secretary of the Communist Party of Chile says with the resumption of democracy, the Communist Party has made the case for its legality by reviving this slogan in the country. | On August 31, 2023, the President of the Communist Party of Chile, Guillermo Teillier, was buried in the historical cemetery of Recoleta. In this graveyard lies the remains of a range of important people, from former Chilean President Salvador Allende to the socialist singer Victor Jara. Both Allende and Jara were victims of the military coup d'état that took place 50 years ago on September 11, 1973. | Teillier, who was tortur…

Walden Bello (2023-09-11). Remembering Salvador Allende and the Chilean Counterrevolution. fpif.org When I heard that Salvador Allende won the Chilean presidential elections in September 1970 and sought to bring his country to socialism by peaceful means, I decided to do my doctoral dissertation on Chile. In May 1972, I went to take a crash course in Spanish in Cuernavaca in the Mexican state of Morelos, the birthplace of the legendary peasant leader Emiliano Zapata whose life had been made into a movie starring Marlon Brando that I had seen and liked as a teenager. After three weeks, I felt that the course had substantially improved the rudimentary Spanish I had from high school in the Philippines. So, I flew…

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