2023-09-21: News Headlines

Ben Norton (2023-09-21). Chinese balloon was not spying, US gov't admits months after manufactured crisis. geopoliticaleconomy.com The Pentagon admitted that a Chinese balloon that crossed into US territory in February was not spying; it was likely blown off course by wind. But Washington and the media milked this manufactured scandal for new cold war propaganda.

Jayati Ghosh (2023-09-20). Sri Lanka's dangerous domestic debt restructuring. mronline.org The recent bailout agreement between the International Monetary Fund and Sri Lanka fails to address the economy's structural problems. Instead, it focuses on highly regressive measures that disproportionately affect the working poor and are likely to exacerbate the country's ongoing debt distress.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs. expose-news.com On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation. They began by discussing the global shift that appears to be on the horizon with …

Staff (2023-09-21). World Must Decarbonize Before "Point of No Return" on Climate Crisis: Colombian President Gustavo Petro. democracynow.org In Part 2 of our interview with Colombian President Gustavo Petro, he says climate change is a "vital matter" the world must address collectively. But unlike world trade, which is governed by a set of common rules, there is no organizing rubric for decarbonizing the world economy in time to prevent catastrophe. "There's no courts for this. There's no justice. So everybody can just slip by," Petro says. He says the amount of money rich countries have provided to hasten the clean energy transition falls far short of commitments made in the 2015 Paris Agreement and is a drop in th…

ecns.cn (2023-09-20). Representatives from 110 countries confirm participation in Belt and Road Forum: Chinese FM. ecns.cn Representatives from more than 110 countries have confirmed that they will attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in October, with preparations for the forum being well underway.

ecns.cn (2023-09-20). China files appeal over WTO ruling on countermeasures against U.S. tariffs. ecns.cn MOFCOM has said that the WTO expert panel's ruling contains legal errors regarding the report on the U.S. suing China over the latter's countermeasures against U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum.

ecns.cn (2023-09-20). China cuts U.S. Treasury holdings in July to 14-year low. ecns.cn China cut its holdings for a fourth consecutive month in July to $821.8 billion, a 14-year low, data from the U.S. Treasury Department showed on Monday local time.

John Feffer (2023-09-20). More Butterflies, Fewer Billionaires: Unrigging the Global Economy. fpif.org In a fit of madness or just plain desperation, you've enrolled in a get-rich-quick scheme. All you have to do is sell some products, sign up some friends, make some phone calls. Follow that simple formula and you'll soon be pulling in tens of thousands of dollars a month — or so you've been promised anyway. And if you sell enough products, you'll be invited into the Golden Circle, which offers yet more perks like free concert tickets and trips to Las Vegas. | Still, I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that there's a catch. If you don't sell a pile of products or sign up a ton of friends to do the sa…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-20). Candidates for vice presidency of Argentina will hold a debate. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Sep 20 (Prensa Latina) The vice presidential candidates from the main political forces in Argentina, will participate in a television debate on topics such as the economy, inflation and work.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Intellectual Property, Knowledge Monopoly and the Rent Economy By: Prabir Purkayastha. midwesternmarx.com ​Neoliberalism privatised the rewards but socialised the risks of the patents system. Image Courtesy: Left Word The twentieth century saw the emergence of public funded universities and technical institutions, while technology development was concentrated in the R&D laboratories of large corporations. The age of the lone inventor—Edison, Siemens, Westinghouse, Graham Bell—had ended with the nineteenth century.1 The twentieth century was more about industry-bas …

Bob Bishop (2023-09-21). Could the Strategic Petroleum Reserve storage caverns collapse? sonar21.com Congress in 1975 enacted the Energy Policy and Conservation Act ("EPCA"), creating the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The Act attempts to shield the U.S. economy from oil supply shocks, including those…

ecns.cn (2023-09-21). Chinese association urges EU to objectively view China's EV industry development. ecns.cn CPCA on Wednesday urged the EU to objectively view the development of China's electric vehicle (EV) industry, rather than arbitrarily use unilateral economic and trade tools to hinder the development Chinese EV products in Europe.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-09-21). Climate Related News: Wildfires, urban fires, climate change and economic depression have something in common but it is not CO2. expose-news.com Corporate media frequently spread conspiracy theories but this is never acknowledged. Corporate media also spreads propaganda according to the wishes of their paymasters. Propaganda which includes all things related to a "human-caused …

Staff (2023-09-21). Lift the Blockade on Venezuela & Cuba: Colombian President Petro Warns U.S. Sanctions Are Driving Migration. democracynow.org In Part 3 of our interview with leftist Colombian President Gustavo Petro, he describes how hard-line U.S. policies are preventing the Americas from addressing issues like migration, calling on the Biden administration to "open up a plural dialogue" to bring the region closer together. He notes many people moving through Latin America to seek asylum in the United States are from Venezuela, a country that has been devastated by U.S. sanctions. He calls for an end to punitive economic sanctions against both Venezuela and Cuba, both to slow migration and to address historic injustice. "The scars of…

Brett Wilkins (2023-09-20). GM, Ford Paid Average Combined Tax Rate of Just 1 Percent on $42B in Profits. truthout.org Despite reaping tens of billions of dollars in profits between them over the past five years, General Motors and Ford paid an average combined tax rate of just 1% on total pre-tax income, an analysis published Tuesday by economic justice advocates revealed — as the auto giants claimed they cannot afford striking workers' demands for better pay. The Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) analysis — which… |

ecns.cn (2023-09-20). China-ASEAN Expo shines light on shared future. ecns.cn With closer economic and trade ties, China and member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are expected to embrace a brighter shared future.

Jim Hightower (2023-09-20). An Attack Weaker Than Near Beer. otherwords.org Oh, thank God for Ted Cruz! Once again, the far-right-wing U.S. senator is saving you and me from a political horror that doesn't exist. | This is Ted's specialty, for he seems unable to deal with the real economic and social problems that workaday people actually have. Thus, he constantly tries to divert attention by staging embarrassing political stunts, such as his furious fulminations against Big Bird, Mickey Mouse, and other fictional characters. | Unable to triumph over them, however, Cruz is now conjuring up entirely fictional conflicts to let him — a Harvard-educated elitist — pose as a hero o…

Julio Adamor (2023-09-20). Lula takes a stand before Joe Biden by condemning the embargo on Cuba. peoplesdispatch.org Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's speech and that of US President Joe Biden at the opening ceremony of the 78th United Nations General Assembly shared many similarities: they talked about hunger in the world, social inequality, extreme environmental events such as climate change and the need to democratize the UN and global governance as a whole. But one topic was approached in quite different terms by the two presidents: the Caribbean countries, particularly the embargo on Cuba. | "Brazil will continue to reject measures taken without support from the UN Charter, such as the economic and financial…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-20). Cuba receives signs of solidarity at the UN. plenglish.com The president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, condemned the United States blockade against Cuba once again: "Brazil will continue to denounce measures taken without support of the UN Charter, such as the economic and financial blockade imposed on Cuba". He also spoke out against the attempts to classify Cuba as a state sponsoring terrorism. | The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, also described the blockade as "inhumane and criminal," and criticized such coercive measures and the reprisals applied by hegemonic powers against the people in detriment of their development and most basic human rights. | Accordi…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Pepe Escobar: Russia, North Korea Stage 'Strategic Coup' Against Western Hegemony. midwesternmarx.com It will take ages to unpack the silos of information inbuilt in the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok last week, coupled with the — armored – train-keeps-a-rollin' conducted by North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un straddling every nook and cranny of Primorsky Krai.The key themes all reflect the four main vectors of the New Great Game as it's being played across the Global South: energy and energy resources; manufacturing and labor; market and trade rules; and logistics. But they go wa …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). A new and more just global contract is imperative, says Cuba's Miguel Díaz-Canel at UN General Assembly. peoplesdispatch.org Speaking at the UN General Assembly session, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel stressed the need for "changes that can no longer be postponed in the midst of the unjust, irrational and abusive international economic order"

ecns.cn (2023-09-21). I disapprove politically motivated negative comments about China: Nobel Prize winner. ecns.cn Attending a forum to mark the 10th anniversary of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Christopher A Pissarides, the 2010 Nobel Prize winner in economics, delivered a speech on Wednesday. "ÄÄ…

Edward Hunt (2023-09-21). US Claims to Central Pacific Flout International Law. counterpunch.org In defiance of international norms and rules, U.S. officials are laying claim to the large oceanic area in the central Pacific Ocean that is home to the compact states. Now that they are renewing the economic provisions of the compacts of free association with Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia, U.S. officials are

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-21). Venezuelan President recalls International Day of Peace. plenglish.com That is the path of the Bolivarian Republic and "we will always insist on building a world without hatred and violence, where human solidarity and social justice prevail," the head of State wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter. | The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared September 21, 1981, as the International Day of Peace, with the goal of commemorating the ideals of peace of every people and every nation. | The date makes special emphasis on social and economic development on issues such as poverty, hunger, health care, education, climate change, gender equality, water, sanitation, electricity,…

Staff (2023-09-21). Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Ukraine, Palestine & Why Latin America Rejects Western Hypocrisy. democracynow.org Colombian President Gustavo Petro joins Democracy Now! for an exclusive broadcast interview after his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he spoke of the need to end wars and stop the climate crisis. Petro is the first leftist to ever govern Colombia. He was elected in 2022 after campaigning to fight inequality and poverty, increase taxes on the wealthy, expand social programs, restore peace and end Colombia's dependence on fossil fuels. He is a former M-19 guerrilla who went on to become the mayor of Bogotá and a senator before rising to the presidency. In Part 1 of the interv…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). Socialists in the Netherlands accuse government of failing to combat rising poverty. peoplesdispatch.org Proposals in the 2024 budget presented by the caretaker government on Prince's Day have been deemed as inadequate to mitigate the rise in poverty amid a severe cost of living and housing crisis…

WSWS (2023-09-20). Unite educators and all workers behind the autoworkers' strike! End poverty wages and unsafe conditions! wsws.org The strike by autoworkers against the Big Three automakers is part of a growing international wave of struggles against inflation, concessions and job losses.

WSWS (2023-09-21). Fed pauses rate increases but indicates more to come. wsws.org The Fed wants the unemployment rate to rise, with projections by members of the FOMC—the so-called dot plot—putting the jobless rate at 4.1 percent next year, up from its present level of 3.8 percent.

Helena Sheehan (2023-09-21). Marxism & Class. mronline.org The working class makes the world go round. The working class should not be positioned as the most vulnerable in need of help, but as those who labour and deserve a just distribution of the fruits of their labour.

WSWS (2023-09-21). New Zealand election debate points to bipartisan agenda of austerity and war. wsws.org The televised leaders' debate underscores that both the incumbent Labour Party and the opposition National Party are committed to strengthening New Zealand's role in the US-led war drive against China and Russia, while slashing spending on public services amid the worsening cost-of-living crisis.

Ann Garrison (2023-09-21). Amnesty International pushes regime change in Eritrea with dubious, unverifiable report. thegrayzone.com Amnesty's new report accusing Eritrea's government of gruesome war crimes relies entirely on anonymous testimony, grainy satellite images, and zero field investigation. It is the latest salvo in the West's campaign to topple the country's fiercely independent government. Eritrea is a small country with a geostrategically significant coast on the Red Sea. Fiercely independent, it is one of only two African nations that refuse to collaborate with AFRICOM, the US Africa Command. Committed to an incremental, self-reliant development strategy, it …

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-21). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-21). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping. greenleft.org.au

Labor Video Project (2023-09-21). Zionists & Anti Zionists Protest Netanyahu In SF. indybay.org Zionists and Anti Zionists rallied in San Francisco at. Union Square. on. September. 18th to protest the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-21). Stop Robo Trucks! IBT At Capitol Demand That Gov. Newsom Sign AB316: Chant Of "Fuck Gavin" indybay.org Hundreds of Teamsters from throughout California rallied at the State Capitol in Sacramento to demand that Governor Gavin Newsom sign AB 316 which requires a driver for trucks over 10,000 pounds.

Danielle J. Brown, Maryland Matters. (2023-09-20). Healthcare Workers In Maryland, Virginia And DC Authorize Strike. popularresistance.org Some 3,800 union healthcare workers in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., are threatening to go on strike at the end of this month if the leadership at Kaiser Permanente and the union cannot agree to a new contract addressing staffing shortages and low pay for workers. | According to a Monday statement from OPEIU Local 2, which represents 8,000 workers in the region, about 98% of health care workers from the union voted to authorize a strike to protest "unfair labor practices" if no agreement is reached by Sept. 30. | The health care workers represented by OPEIU Local 2 union include optometrists, pharmacis…

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-20). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping. greenleft.org.au

imperial.ac.uk (2023-09-20). Imperial and Indian Institute of Science driving innovative, high-impact science. imperial.ac.uk Imperial College London and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore are collaborating on several highly innovative research projects.

Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Labor Notes. (2023-09-20). Don't Do The Boss Any Favors. popularresistance.org Management everywhere relies on workers "going the extra mile." We cut corners, we skip breaks, and we look the other way on common violations of the contract, work rules, or even safety. | But it's also possible, when the time is right, to just stop doing the boss these favors. After all, how often does management do workers a favor? | As they build momentum for a possible strike, General Motors worker Nick Livick in Kansas City reports that his co-workers are refusing to help management as they normally would. Instead they are waiting for direct orders, and stopping the line when management starts it up early a…

Keith Brower Brown, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-20). Work Extra During A Strike? Auto Workers Say 'Eight And Skate'. popularresistance.org Only 13,000 of 146,000 auto workers at the Big 3 companies are on strike, so far. But others still on the job are turning up the heat by refusing voluntary overtime. | At all three companies—Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis—Auto Workers (UAW) members have told Labor Notes about overtime refusals. Many Big 3 plants are hugely dependent on overtime to make up for understaffing. | Organizing on the shop floor and on Facebook, many auto workers unified so fast to do their part for the strike that they forced management to shut their plants for this entire past weekend. | That followed advice from top…

Labor Video Project (2023-09-20). Zionists & Anti Zionists Protest Netanyahu In SF. indybay.org Zionists and Anti Zionists rallied in San Francisco at. Union Square. on. September. 18th to protest the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Labor Video Project (2023-09-20). Stop Robo Trucks! IBT At Capitol Demand That Gov. Newsom Sign AB316: Chant Of "Fuck Gavin" indybay.org Hundreds of Teamsters from throughout California rallied at the State Capitol in Sacramento to demand that Governor Gavin Newsom sign AB 316 which would require drivers of trucks over 10,000 pounds…

noreply (2023-09-20). Update On Sub Damage. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Which explains the cropping of surrounding in the photo, to avoid identification of the place which IS NOT Sevastopol–because it is photoshop. Russian submariners already pointed that out, especially this side "hole", plus, the "base photo" is taken from… the dock in either St. Petersburg or Kronshtadt. There your go–the "price" of Western "naval experts". Most likely the damage in a front of sail is the only thing which did happen, but I already elaborated on it.

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-20). Manifiesta 2023: 15,000 Voices Amplify Call For Solidarity And Hope. popularresistance.org Approximately 15,000 people gathered in Ostend, Belgium, on September 9-10 for the latest edition of the solidarity festival Manifiesta. This year's festival was an enormous success and featured additional programs designed to immerse visitors in the event. Music performances by Meteor and Axelle Red drew large crowds during the evenings, but so did Chris Smalls from the Amazon Labor Union, as he reminded listeners that the workers' struggle is "a marathon, rather than a sprint." | The experience of building the Amazon Labor Union serves as a practical example of the possibility of creating a different world, a m…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-09-20). Is Intellectual Property Turning Into a Knowledge Monopoly? orinocotribune.com By Prabir Purkayastha — Sep 7, 2023 | The twentieth century saw the emergence of public funded universities and technical institutions, while technology development was concentrated in the R&D laboratories of large corporations. The age of the lone inventor Edison, Siemens, Westinghouse, Graham Bell had ended with the nineteenth century. The twentieth century was more about industry-based R&D laboratories, where corporations gathered together leading scientists and technologists to create the technologies of the future. In this phase, capital was still expanding production. Even though finance capital was al…

manager (2023-09-21). Off-the-Mark Media Coverage Aside, UAW Strike Shows the Time is Now for Workers to Unite. cepr.net The US is in the throes of a major resurgence of union drives and strike activity, and the "hot labor summer" seems poised to become a vibrant labor autumn. With private sector union membership at just 6.0 percent in 2022, the size and scope of the strikes are still far from what they were in …

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-09-21). Sindicatos protestan contra nueva ley laboral en Grecia. telesurtv.net La ley presentada permite dos empleos a tiempo completo y establece un sexto día laboral en determinadas empresas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-20). Denuncian éxodo de enfermeros de Puerto Rico a EE.UU. telesurtv.net Buscan mejorar sus condiciones laborales. Esta migración comenzó hace 20 años y se agudizó a partir de la pandemia de la Covid-19.

cameron orr (2023-09-21). Show solidarity with striking auto workers. cpusa.org The following letter was sent from the CPUSA Labor Commission to attendees of a "Solidarity with auto workers" event, hosted one day before the UAW's contract was set to expire. | Dear fellow worker, | It was great to see you at the "Solidarity with auto workers" online meeting last week. | We wanted to share with you some resources for solidarity action. | Many folks are introducing resolutions of support in their unions or other organizations.

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-09-21). Biden, Brazil's Lula unveil joint deal to promote workers' rights. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—When Brazil's President Luíz Inacio "Lula" da Silva, replaced Jair Bolsinaro, the "Donald Trump of the Global South," as president of his country, the Biden administration had high hopes of being able to work with the newly-elected president. It has turned out that Biden and Lula, who leads his country's Workers Party, see eye …

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-21). Analyst On Real Estate Market: I'm More Concerned With HELOC Borrowing Than ARM Mortgages. moguldom.com Thanks to skyrocketing pandemic housing prices, Americans have an average of $200,000 in home equity and they're tapping into it in increasing numbers, using their No. 1 source of wealth to borrow against the value of real estate with home equity lines of credit. Home equity lines of credit or HELOCs have become more popular than cash-out …

E Lee C (2023-09-21). Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. indybay.org On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have their cry ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion with juveniles and potential financial ties. The victim was subsequently arrested without cause, faced false charges, and endured injuries. Seekin…

Kit Klarenberg (2023-09-21). Intel-linked UK official pushing censorship of Russell Brand. thegrayzone.com The author of letters to social media companies demanding the financial punishment of Russell Brand is a British lawmaker implicated in London's war on Covid-19 and Ukraine dissenters. Her husband was a commander in the Army's psy-ops division. Allegations of sexual impropriety and abuse by comedian and podcaster Russell Brand by the British media prompted YouTube to demonetize the star's popular channel on September 20. The Grayzone can now reveal that YouTube's financial censorship of Brand is the result of …

Block the Streets (2023-09-20). Round Two: Protest at Hilton where TERFs are Convening. indybay.org Sustained protest in action! Following a Noon to 2pm demo in front of the Hilton in San Francisco's Financial District, a second more radical round of action from 2pm lasted about 4 hours on Sept 16.

Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams. (2023-09-20). Climate Defenders Arrested While Blocking Entry To NY Federal Reserve. popularresistance.org A day after tens of thousands of climate activists marched through Manhattan's Upper East Side demanding an end to oil, gas, and coal production, thousands more demonstrators hit the streets of Lower Manhattan Monday, where more than 100 people were arrested while surrounding the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to protest fossil fuel financing. | Protesters chanted slogans like "No oil, no gas, fossil fuels can kiss my ass" and "We need clean air, not another billionaire" as they marched from Zuccotti Park—ground zero of the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement—to pre-selected sites in the Financial Dist…

E Lee C (2023-09-20). Back The Blue Until It Happens To You. indybay.org On June 1, 2023, a troubling incident unfolded at a Milpitas, California, 24 Hour Fitness location, prompting a determined pursuit of justice. The incident involved harassment and intimidation, with the victim seeking help from the police, only to have their cry ignored by a dispatcher. When officers arrived, they displayed hostility, detaining and confiscating personal items from the victim. Allegations of false accusations and corruption emerged, suggesting collusion with juveniles and potential financial ties. The victim was subsequently arrested without cause, faced false charges, and endured injuries. Seekin…

Global Research News (2023-09-20). Selected Articles: G77 Rejects "Digital Monopolies" and Calls for "Reform" of the Financial System. globalresearch.ca By Cuban President…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-20). UN General Assembly: Global South Leaders Call for Urgent Reforms in Multilateral Institutions. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch UN Secretary General António Guterres speaks at the the 78th session of the UN General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York, September 19, 2023. (Photo: Xinhua/Li Rui) Reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and financial, must reflect the need of the changing world which is multipolar and against hegemonic practices, leaders…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). At UN General Assembly session, Global South leaders call for urgent reforms in multilateral institutions. peoplesdispatch.org Reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and financial, must reflect the need of the changing world which is multipolar and against hegemonic practices, leaders from the Global South said at the UN General Assembly said…

Ryan Grim, Murtaza Hussain, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-09-20). US Helped Pakistan Get IMF Bailout With Secret Arms Deal For Ukraine. popularresistance.org Secret Pakistani arms sales to the U.S. helped to facilitate a controversial bailout from the International Monetary Fund earlier this year, according to two sources with knowledge of the arrangement, with confirmation from internal Pakistani and American government documents. The arms sales were made for the purpose of supplying the Ukrainian military — marking Pakistani involvement in a conflict it had faced U.S. pressure to take sides on. | The revelation is a window into the kind of behind-the-scenes maneuvering between financial and political elites that rarely is exposed to the public, even as the pub…

infobrics (2023-09-20). India expels Canadian diplomat as relations continue to deteriorate over Khalistan. infobrics.org Trudeau's popularity declines as inflation and unaffordability spikes.

Matt Stoller (2023-09-20). The Missing Inflation Data. levernews.com

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-09-21). Argentina: candidates for vicepresidents held debates. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) A debate, held on Wednesday, between the candidates for vice presidents of the five parties that will compete in the general elections on October 22nd in Argentina, was focused on inflation, security, work, the role of the State, the defense of human rights and the impact of the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Lindsay Koshgarian, Alliyah Lusuegro (2023-09-20). Climate Is the Fight of Our Lifetime. Our Federal Budget Should Reflect That. fpif.org More than half of discretionary spending goes to the military. Only a tiny fraction addresses the most urgent threat to our security.

WSWS (2023-09-20). Far-right Republicans block short-term funding proposal, increasing chance of government shutdown. wsws.org Political warfare between Trump-aligned members of the House Freedom Caucus and Speaker Kevin McCarthy over proposed spending cuts is driving the government towards a shutdown at the end of the month.

Jake Johnson (2023-09-21). House GOP unveils budget with trillions in cuts to medicaid, food benefits, and more. nationofchange.org The Republican proposal would cut federal discretionary spending by nearly $5 trillion over the next decade.

ecns.cn (2023-09-20). Greater scope likely for energy, renewables biz with Arab nations. ecns.cn China and Arab nations, which have cooperated in the oil and gas sector for decades, should continue to expand investments in energy and promote the development of new energy business including solar and wind power.

David Starr (2023-09-21). BRICS Attempts to Establish Multi-Polar World, Rejecting U.S.-dominated Uni-Polar World. covertactionmagazine.com On August 22-24, the BRICS organization (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held its 15th Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. BRICS Chairman Cyril Ramaphosa, who is president of South Africa, made concluding remarks about the Summit in a media briefing: "Leading up to the Summit, there was a wide-ranging BRICS business program aimed at attracting investment, …

Editor (2023-09-21). Sep 21, 2023. sitrepworld.info ‚ô´ Simple Man — Lynyrd Skynyrd Lavrov's Devastating UNSC Presentation, by Karl Sanchez War Profiteers Are A Sign Of A Profoundly Sick Society, by Caitlin Johnstone So They Want Negotiations, Now. Have they any idea what they are talking about? by Aurelien A spiritual warrior against the empire of greed, by Paul Cudenec The Worst Global Food Crisis In Modern History, About To Go To An Entirely New Level, by Michael Snyder The west destroyed Africa, Eurasia will revive it, by Matthew Ehret How Not to Launch a Global Anti-Censorship Movement, by CJ Hopkins Iranian President Raisi addresses th…

Zane McNeill (2023-09-20). Citizen Groups Sue EPA for Using Black Neighborhoods as "Sacrifice Zones" truthout.org Environmental citizen groups in Louisiana, West Virginia and Texas are suing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after Black communities in these states were excluded from an effort to tighten regulations regarding cancer-causing air pollution. The lawsuit alleges that majority-Black communities in these states are disproportionately burdened with facilities that are major sources of… |

midwesternmarx (2023-09-20). Elliot Abrams Was a CIA Agent According to Daughter of CIA-Mafia Liaison By: Jeremy Kuzmarov. midwesternmarx.com Appointment of Abrams to Public Diplomacy Commission Shows President Biden's Close Ties to the CIA In September 1998, Desiree A. Ferdinand gave a sworn deposition, in a case filed with the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, detailing the career of her father, Colonel Albert V. Carone, an army intelligence officer in World War II who she claimed was a CIA liaison with organized crime.​Ferdinand testified in a civil suit brought against the CIA and then-Vice President and fo …

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-09-21). Capitalism is a giant scam. mronline.org Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Caitlin Johnstone): One of the most formative moments of my life was when I was running a small eco blog called Earth Mums in the mid-00s which focused on consumer solutions to the problem of environmental destruction. Back then I still believed that while capitalism was…

Mike Pappas, Left Voice. (2023-09-20). The Housing Crisis And Migrant Crisis Are Crises Of Capitalism. popularresistance.org New York City mayor Eric Adams declared in August that there is "no room" in the city for hundreds of migrants being forced to sleep on the street because shelters are already crowded and in disrepair. The mayor initially encouraged those seeking shelter to "consider another city" as they struggled to survive. Adams announced plans to house as many as 2,000 in a tent complex on Randalls Island and later designated space on an airfield to house asylum seekers. These spaces are identified, as the claim goes, that the city simply doesn't have housing space for those seeking asylum, especially because it is already d…

Bill Fletcher, Jr. (2023-09-21). Amilcar Cabral in the age of 'identity politics'. therealnews.com During his life, Bissau-Guinean revolutionary Amilcar Cabral co-founded the PAIGC and dedicated his life to the liberation of his native Guinea and Cape Verde from Portuguese colonialism and capitalism-imperialism. One of his most celebrated works, Return to the Source, has recently been republished by Monthly Review Press. To mark this occasion, Polly Gaster began to wor…

Industrial Workers of the World (2023-09-21). Three Peet's Cafes Organize with IWW in California. itsgoingdown.org Report on successful union organizing campaign in the bay area of so-called California at Peet's Cafe chain stores by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Three Peet's Coffee shops in Berkeley and Oakland, California, United States, won their campaign to form a union with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). On June 9,…

Dana Sanchez (2023-09-20). Crypto Pioneer Arthur Hayes Brings Attention To Capital Flight From China: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Arthur Hayes, the co-founder of the BitMEX crypto exchange with a passion for Bitcoin, brought attention to capital flight from China in a recent Twitter thread, expressing his hopes that some of the money that has left the country "finds its way to Lord Satoshi and $BTC". At its height in 2019, BitMEX was worth …

Jorge Alemán (2023-09-21). Argentina — Coartada neoliberal. globalizacion.ca Veo en la TV argentina a un politólogo italiano Loris Zanatta entrevistado por Carlos Pagni, ambos situándose como dos liberales encantados de conocerce en su afinidad ideológica. | Segun Zanatta, el kirchnerismo y el fenómeno Milei vuelven a repetir un ciclo…

Editor (2023-09-20). Degrowth and ecosocialist revolution. mronline.org It is becoming increasingly clear that humanity cannot resolve the anthropogenic ecological crises without radically restructuring our social relations—a consensus shared by the degrowth movement and revolutionary socialism. Panel Discussion at Socialism 2023…

Staff (2023-09-21). Colombian President Gustavo Petro Denounces U.S. Intervention in Americas, from Chilean Coup to Drug War. democracynow.org Colombian President Gustavo Petro says the U.S.-backed coup in Chile 50 years ago, when General Augusto Pinochet deposed socialist President Salvador Allende, left a lasting scar across Latin America. Many progressives took up arms against corrupt governments, often led by "Nazis," Petro says, fueling decades of conflict that is only now beginning to fade. "Today, having closed out that cycle of weapons and violence, we need to rethink democracy," Petro told Democracy Now! in an exclusive interview this week at Colombia's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. He also d…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-20). Tuesday 9/19: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. indybay.org New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: bit.ly/ReadingCircleRegistration

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-20). "France out of Africa, US and NATO too!" Activists picket the UNGA. peoplesdispatch.org On Tuesday September 19, the opening day of the United Nations General Assembly, anti-imperialist activists rallied outside the UN Headquarters in New York City to demand that France end its imperialist meddling in West Africa and the Sahel. Organizers with the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the December 12th Movement, Bridging Africa and Black America, and others denounced the neocolonial policies of the European nation and voiced solidarity and support to Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, and Niger, which recently underwent coups opposing French neocolonialism. Activists demanded that France end its neocolonial…

WSWS (2023-09-20). "It's almost like we are in a civil war between the rich and the poor": Autoworkers respond to Will Lehman's Newsweek op-ed. wsws.org Autoworkers have responded with enthusiasm to the editorial written by the Pennsylvania Mack Trucks worker and socialist candidate for UAW president in 2021.

WSWS (2023-09-21). The role of Security and the Fourth International in the fight for the continuity of the International Committee of the Fourth International. wsws.org The following lecture was delivered by Eric London, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Party (US), to the SEP (US) International Summer School, held between July 30 and August 4, 2023.

Amanda Yee (2023-09-21). The Korean War Continues With Biden's Renewal of Travel Ban to North Korea. socialistproject.ca On August 22, the US State Department

Joanna Straughn, Everett, Sara Flounders (2023-09-21). Summer Smith was 'guided by a great feeling of love'. workers.org Summer Smith, a communist organizer, mother and educator died after a long battle with cancer on Aug. 10, 2023, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the age of 41. She is survived by her daughter, Violet. Summer Smith at Wells Fargo protest for workers rights, Salt Lake City, Jan. 1, . . . |

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