Daily Archives: October 13, 2023

2023-10-13: News Headlines

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-10-13). IMF and World Bank Meetings Wrestle with Low Growth, High Interest Rates, Debt Crises and. indybay.org As world leaders arrive for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF forecasts the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for the two decades before the pandemic.

ecns.cn (2023-10-13). Nation may allow higher foreign stakes in certain JVs. ecns.cn China is studying the feasibility of further removing or easing the restrictions on the amount of equity stakes that multinational corporations can hold in joint ventures in certain industries, said the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-10-13). China-U.S. Track 2 economic dialogue adds to increasing efforts to stabilize relations. ecns.cn A senior Chinese diplomat met on Thursday with a U.S. delegation participating in the China-U.S. Track 2 economic dialogue, signaling continuously increasing interaction between the world's two biggest economies and improving signs in bilateral ties.

ecns.cn (2023-10-13). China's consumer prices flat in September. ecns.cn China's consumer prices remained flat in September while factory-gate prices fell at a slower pace, official data showed on Friday.

W. T. Whitney (2023-10-13). Colombia's Campaign Against Drug-Trafficking Favors Peace Prospects and Rural Life. counterpunch.org Colombian president Gustavo Petro on October 3 attended a big meeting of mostly small farmers in El Tambo, in Cauca, where "the coca economy is the main way of life for thousands of peasants." Colombia's first progressive president ever was presenting his government's National Drug Policy for 2023. Petro had insisted earlier that "war on drugs has failed." He

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-10-12). World Leaders Focus on High Debt Levels and Poor Economic Growth as Morocco Meetings Begin. indybay.org World leaders, finance ministers, business groups, academics and development organizations descend on Marrakesh, Morocco, for the IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings. IMF head Kristalina Georgieva reports that the global economy lost $3.7 trillion due to shocks since 2020 and that slow and unequal growth continues.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-10-12). Jubilee USA Statement on IMF World Economic Outlook Report. indybay.org As world leaders arrive in Marrakesh for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF releases its flagship World Economic Outlook report. The IMF projects the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for two decades before the pandemic.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-10-12). IMF and World Bank Meetings Wrestle with Low Growth, High Interest Rates, Debt Crises and. indybay.org As world leaders arrive for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF forecasts the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for the two decades before the pandemic.

ecns.cn (2023-10-12). China's robust economy drives multinational investment: report. ecns.cn Amid a world characterized by uncertainty, China's economic development shows robust resilience, and drives domestic investment by multinational companies, according to a report released by Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation…

ecns.cn (2023-10-12). Central Huijin Investment increases stake in four China commercial banks. ecns.cn Central Huijin Investment Ltd, an arm of China's sovereign wealth fund, has increased its stake in China's four biggest commercial banks on Wednesday, sending the A-share market climbing on Thursday morning.

Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-10-12). How Could A BRICS+ Bank And Settlement Currency Work? popularresistance.org This first week of October has seen U.S. interest rates soar to the 5% level on long-term Treasury bonds. That has made long-term Treasuries one of most attractive investment vehicles in the world, or even the most attractive. | One obvious result is that countries aiming to de-dollarize their central-bank reserves would make an untimely decision to move out of the dollar at this point. To avoid holding dollars in the form of US Treasury securities would mean holding foreign reserves denominated in a currency that is declining against the dollar. No other government is willing to make its currency so attractive t…

Robert Reich (2023-10-12). From Robber Barons to Bezos: Is history repeating itself? nationofchange.org It is time to fight for an economy and a democracy that works for all rather than the few.

Staff (2023-10-12). IMF Projects Venezuela's Economy to Grow in 2023 and 2024. orinocotribune.com The latest report presented by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) contains positive forecasts for the economies of Latin America for the end of this year and 2024, largely thanks to the weight of Brazil and Mexico, the two largest economies in the region. | In the case of Venezuela, the IMF predicts, despite the ongoing illegal economic war waged on the country—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—the economy will grown by 4% in 2023 and 4.5% in 2024. | : 1.5% | Germany: 0.9% | France: 1.3% | Italy: 0.7% | Spain: 1.7% | Japan: 1.0% | Canada: 1.6% | China: 4.2% | India: 6.3% | Russia: 1.1% | B…

Dean Baker (2023-10-13). Putting Ukraine Spending in Context. counterpunch.org The United States support of Ukraine, following the invasion by Russia, has featured prominently in the news in recent days as Republicans in Congress have made it front and center in the budget debate. As usual, the media has reported U.S. spending on military and economic assistance without providing any context for the spending. This

ecns.cn (2023-10-13). BRI cooperation a strong impetus for global economic growth. ecns.cn The cooperation over the Belt and Road Initiative has provided a strong impetus for the world economic growth, Executive Vice-Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said on Friday.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-13). Cuba displayed at ECLAC progress made in gender equality. plenglish.com Hernández participated in the Sixty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which took place at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Chile. | The delegate reported in an interview with Prensa Latina that Cuban women currently hold 55.7 percent of the seats in Parliament. "In Cuba, we have three autonomies: economic, physical and decision-making," she said. | She also recalled Cuba ¥s national program for the advancement of women aimed at promoting their empowerment, and also the proto…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). A decade of BRI development transforms China's Xinjiang region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt By: Li Xuanmin in Urumqi and Horgos>. midwesternmarx.com ​A decade of BRI development transforms the region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt On Sunday morning, workers were harvesting grapes on farmland in Yining county in Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The freshly-picked fruit was then uploaded onto a truck, headed to Kazakhstan via highway, and within six hours, it would be delivered to the Kazakhstani market and sold to the local consumers."It used to take two to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-10-12). Ukraine Receives $1.15 Billion in Direct Budgetary Aid from US. news.antiwar.com Ukraine on Wednesday received a $1.15 billion tranche of direct budgetary aid from the US that's disbursed through the World Bank. The budgetary aid the US has been providing Ukraine funds government services and salaries, subsidizes small businesses, pays farmers, and provides other types of economic support. According to Ukraine's Finance Ministry, the country has …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-12). Haiti: A New Affront? libya360.wordpress.com Mireille Fanon Mendes France A man holds a Haitian flag as Haitian Americansfrom throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties hold a demonstration August 4, 2001 in Miami, FL. The protest was against the continuing economic embargo against Haiti and in support of Haitian Democracy. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) The dice have been cast: in October…

Mariana Lopes Simàµes (2023-10-12). Tackling malnutrition in an era of political uncertainty: the case of Brazil. peoplesdispatch.org During an era marked by the ascent of far-right governments and influenced by a neoliberal economic agenda, addressing malnutrition challenges — including undernutrition and its consequences, as well as overweight/obesity — demands the development of strategies to overcome systemic barriers that prevent countries from ensuring the right to health on the national level. The implementation of such strategies needs to be bulletproof to political changes and instability, as illustrated by some examples in Latin America. | Years ago, Brazil embarked on a journey to eliminate hunger, a mission grounded in a…

Peter Koenig (2023-10-12). Video: Ready for the Economic Crash? Reiner Fuellmich with Peter Koenig. globalresearch.ca

Ralph Nader (2023-10-12). Prevention of Dangers — Mark of a Compassionate Society. counterpunch.org If only canes, walkers, railings and banisters were sentient, what would their message be to humans on Earth? "Prevention is the Priority, Dummies," they would exclaim. "Look at how many trips and falls we prevent for our users compared to the enormous costs in pain, suffering, family disarray and economic expenses that would occur were

Pamela Merino-Salazar, Ada Avila Assunàßà£o, Marcelo Amable, Fernando G Benavides, David Gimeno Ruiz de Porras (2023-10-14). Comment] Informal employment as a fundamental determinant of mental health in Latin America and the Caribbean. thelancet.com Informal employment is a persistent structural feature of labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. This type of employment is a complex phenomenon that refers to all jobs outside of state employment regulation and social protection systems and can be found in the informal and formal sectors.1 According to the International Labour Organization, in 2022, 53 ∑7% of workers in Latin America and the Caribbean region engaged in informal employment, while in North America and Europe (excluding eastern Europe) the figures are 9 ∑6% and 13%, respectively.

The Lancet (2023-10-14). Editorial] The future of work and health. thelancet.com The world of work is changing rapidly. Estimates suggest that by as early as 2025, employers will divide work equally between human beings and machines, disrupting 85 million jobs globally. A move towards automation and outsourcing is in direct contrast to the political dialogue, which has framed employment as the antidote to poverty. Most people assume that employment with good working conditions is good for health: it offers connection, community, and purpose. Sustainable Development Goal 8 calls for achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all by 2030.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-13). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! indybay.org If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-12). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! indybay.org If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

Kelsey Moore (2023-10-13). Subsidized Employment Can Help California's High-Unemployment Latino Cities. cepr.net The low national unemployment rate can obscure much variation across the country. In every state, many communities continue to experience high unemployment. This problem is particularly visible in a large state like California. In the second quarter of this year, the national unemployment rate was 3.5 percent. It was a bit higher for California overall, …

Roselena Ramirez (2023-10-13). Jackson Hole: A Tale of Income Inequality and the Vanishing Affordable Housing. america.cgtn.com Jackson Hole, located in the American state of Wyoming, boasts luxurious ski resorts and breathtaking scenery. It is also home to some of the wealthiest citizens in the country. However, the area has faced a significant issue of skyrocketing rents over the last decade, making affordable housing almost nonexistent. This has led to one of the highest rates of income inequality in America. In this context, Mike Kirsch explains why the situation in Jackson Hole is a cause for concern.

WSWS (2023-10-13). Reject all capitalist parties in New Zealand's crisis election! Join the Socialist Equality Group! wsws.org For workers and young people who want to fight against war and oppression, and for an end to capitalism, the only option is to oppose Labour, National and all their allies and build the Socialist Equality Group.

WSWS (2023-10-13). UK unions leaders' line up behind Starmer and Labour's agenda of austerity and war. wsws.org

Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO Operations (2023-10-13). Friday 10/20: Report On 50th Anniversary Of Chilean Coup With Chilean American UTPE Member Lisa Milos. indybay.org 518 Valencia St/16th St. | San Francisco…

Labor Video Project (2023-10-13). UESF Educators & Paras Fed Up! San Francisco SFUSD Workers Take Strike Vote. indybay.org Thousands of SFUSD UESF members came to Balboa High to take a strike vote.

WSWS (2023-10-13). Australian Labor government bans pro-Palestinian protest, threatens police rampage in Sydney. wsws.org Police are threatening to invoke "extraordinary powers" against a Sydney protest this Sunday, which could include mass searches, enormous fines and terms of imprisonment.

WSWS (2023-10-13). What the 2007 Northern Territory "intervention" reveals about Australia's Voice referendum. wsws.org The NT intervention initiated by the Coalition government of John Howard, with the bipartisan support of the Labor Party, demonstrates all too clearly the regressive agenda of both the Yes and No camps in the current Voice referendum.

WSWS (2023-10-13). Australian students denounce attacks on Gaza and hypocrisy of Labor's Voice campaign. wsws.org "In the referendum, the media is saying we need to acknowledge indigenous rights. But when something happens in Palestine, they ignore the rights of the Palestinians."

Keith Brower Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-10-12). Auto Workers Escalate: Surprise Strike At Massive Ford Truck Plant. popularresistance.org Every Friday for the past four weeks, Big 3 CEOs have waited fearfully for Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain to announce which plants will strike next. | But without warning on Wednesday afternoon, the union threw a haymaker: within 10 minutes the UAW would be shutting down the vast Kentucky Truck Plant. | This plant, on 500 acres outside Louisville, is one of Ford's most profitable—cranking out full-size SUVs and the Superduty line of commercial trucks. | "We make almost half of Ford's U.S. revenue right here," says James White, who has worked in the plant for a decade. | These 8,700 strikers join th…

Kelly Hayes (2023-10-12). Israel's Tools of Occupation Are Tested on Palestine and Exported Globally. truthout.org "The danger now is not just in Palestine for Palestinians. It's gone well beyond that now. It's exported, the idea that you can export occupation, you can export the tools of occupation, the tools of apartheid. That is where we currently are in the early 2020s," says The Palestine Laboratory author Antony Loewenstein. In this episode of "Movement Memos," host Kelly Hayes talks with Loewenstein… |

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-10-12). Trabajadores del Seguro Social y Salud continúan paro en Perú. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes demandan mejoras en las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores.

Liz Theoharis (2023-10-12). Abandoning the Poor. counterpunch.org On the island of Manhattan, where I live, skyscrapers multiply like metal weeds, a vertical invasion of seemingly unstoppable force. For more than a century, they have risen as symbols of wealth and the promise of progress for a city and a nation. In movies and TV shows, those buildings churn with activity, offices full

SAM (2023-10-12). Share the Wealth vs. Waste the Wealth. inequality.org

Media Lens (2023-10-12). The Achilles' Heel Of Propaganda: Julian Assange, Nick Cohen And Russell Brand. dissidentvoice.org In the second decade of the 21st century, after much empty talk of 'government of the people, by the people, for the people', it was discovered that people weren't even capable of governing their own media consumption. Huge, artificially intelligent computers revealed that while 49.5% of the population was drowning in a 'post-truth' sea of …

Anjoulie Woodhead (2023-10-12). Jubilee USA Statement on IMF Global Financial Stability Report. indybay.org The IMF releases the Global Financial Stability Report and raises global concerns over continued inflation, the banking system and climate investments.

Karsten Riise (2023-10-12). US Hitting the Brick Wall of Military and Financial Self-destruction. globalresearch.ca

Derrick Crowe (2023-10-12). Maryland: Rent Stabilization in Montgomery County. peoplesaction.org On July 18, 2023, the Montgomery County Council — an 11-member legislative body elected by 1.1 million residents of the county just north of Washington, DC — voted 7-4 to pass permanent rent stabilization, becoming the first county in Maryland to do so. The new law caps annual rent increases at 3%+inflation with a hard …

WSWS (2023-10-13). As House Republican crisis deepens: Democrats seeking deal on Ukraine, Israel military aid. wsws.org The proposed tradeoff is to provide Democratic votes to elect a Republican House Speaker in return for approval of a further massive increase in military spending for the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

Becky Grant (2023-10-13). CounterPunch is Feeling the Pain. counterpunch.org You already know that CounterPunch is a one-of-a-kind resource. You tell you to turn to CounterPunch year after year because you rely on CounterPunch to find different perspectives on the day's issues. But did you realize we're different behind the scenes as well? According to statistics, most donations to non-profits come from just six households.

Staff (2023-10-13). Gaza's Health System at a "Breaking Point" Amid Israeli Siege & Bombing. democracynow.org The World Health Organization warns Gaza's healthcare system is at a "breaking point" under Israel's unabated bombing of civilians, and its blockade of resources and medical supplies. The WHO also reports dozens of attacks on hospitals and ambulances. We speak with Dr. Zaher Sahloul, a physician specializing in disaster relief with the international medical nonprofit MedGlobal, which is supporting doctors in Gaza. He calls the situation there "beyond catastrophic" as the number of critically injured patients far outstrips available hospital beds. Sahloul says the U.S. must tell…

Jake Johnson (2023-10-12). Workers at Ford's Most Profitable Plant Have Walked Off the Job. truthout.org The United Auto Workers launched a surprise strike at Ford's most profitable plant on Wednesday evening, calling on nearly 9,000 members in Kentucky to walk off the job after the company did not come to the bargaining table with a new contract proposal. Speaking outside of Ford's Dearborn, Michigan headquarters, UAW president Shawn Fain said that "we came here today to get another offer from Ford."… |

Joe Maniscalco, Portside. (2023-10-12). NYC Transit Retirees Join Fight Against Medicare Advantage. popularresistance.org TWU Local 100 retiree Patricia Jewett put more than 30 years into the MTA New York City Transit. Now at 67, her knees are shot and bronchial asthma makes it hard to breathe. | But Jewett says she remains proud of being the first woman to ever work in the East New York Bus Depot's Maintenance Division — and she doesn't understand why she and her fellow retirees are now being stripped of their traditional Medicare coverage and pushed into a profit-driven Medicare Advantage plan. | "I spent years being the only woman in an all male atmosphere," Jewett told Work-Bites this past Friday outside the Downtown Marri…

ecns.cn (2023-10-13). Beijing sets stricter guidelines for childcare institutions. ecns.cn Beijing's childcare institutions will face tighter regulations starting from Jan 1 next year as the city's health commission has announced a set of new measures aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of children.

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). Decades before Snowden, this American patriot waged war against illegal surveillance in the US By: Robert Bridge. midwesternmarx.com ​In the 1970s, US Army Captain Christopher Pyle blew the lid on government agencies' domestic spying Former undercover agent Christopher Pyle testifies before the Senate Constitutional Rights subcommittee that the Army has spied on politicians and thousands of ordinary Americans on February 24, 1971. © Bettmann Archive/Getty Images In 1970, a US Army captain went rogue after he discovered that the military was conducting surveillance on dissidents across …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). How Western media, social media influencers peddle lies to vilify Palestinians By: Shabbir Rizvi. midwesternmarx.com Since the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance operation "Al Aqsa Storm" on Saturday, mainstream Western media and social media influencers have been aggressively pushing Zionist narratives as part of a murky disinformation campaign against the resistance.The multi-front information war is designed to control the narrative around anything surrounding the Palestinian issue and the latest military operation that has shaken the foundation of the regime.Now more than ever, i …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). Israeli terror against Palestinians is behind the war in the Mideast By: John Wojick. midwesternmarx.com People stand outside a mosque destroyed in an Israeli air strike in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Sunday, Oct.8, 2023. AP Photo/Yousef Masoud At a minimum hundreds of Israelis and even more Palestinians have already been killed in violence now marked by constant barbaric air raids Israel has unleashed on the territory of Gaza, a small enclave near the southern tip of Israel that is literally an outdoor prison for its 2 million Palestinian inhabitants.​People in Gaza cannot leave there a …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). The Moral Imperative of Unconditional Decolonization. By: Yanis Iqbal. midwesternmarx.com Naomi Klein's article "Why are some of the left celebrating the killings of Israeli Jews?" is a ragbag of liberal rhetoric. Some unspecified leftists are criticized for celebrating the anti-Jew violence of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. By minimizing the massacre of Israeli civilians, these leftists are said to be fueling the sense of insecurity among Jews that drives Zionist settler-colonialism. Klein desires for "n international left rooted in values that side with …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). The Savagery of the War Against the Palestinian People. By: Vijay Prashad. midwesternmarx.com ​Who knows how many Palestinian civilians will be killed by the time this report is published? Among the bodies that cannot be taken to a hospital or a morgue, because there will be no petrol or electricity, will be large numbers of children. They will have hidden in their homes, listening to the sound of the Israeli F-16 bombers coming closer and closer, the explosions advancing toward them like a swarm of red ants on the chase. They will have covered their ears with their hands, c …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-12). From River to Sea: Interview with a Comrade of the PFLP. libya360.wordpress.com Beir Bua Resistance Reports Q: The PFLP is of course a socialist, Marxist-Leninist political party, and generally aims for a Palestine free from both national and class oppression. What is the specific program of the PFLP, and also what separates the PFLP from other Palestinian factions? A: The Arab popular movement, with its different nationalist,…

Juan Cole (2023-10-12). Is California's Climate Lawsuit against Big Oil a Gamechanger? counterpunch.org The depths of depravity into which unvarnished capitalism can plunge mortal souls is incalculable. It should come as no surprise then that oil company executives and the officials of petrostates like Saudi Arabia have so assiduously lied to us about the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, the executives of tobacco firms have been perfectly content

Demilitarize Western Mass, Popular Resistance. (2023-10-12). Massachusetts: Blockade Of L3Harris Protests Military Industrial Complex. popularresistance.org Northampton, MA – On the morning of Thursday, October 12, members and supporters of the Demilitarize Western Mass collective created a blockade at 50 Prince Street, Northampton, in front of L3Harris (the local subsidiary of weapons giant.) L3Harris is the ninth largest weapons manufacturer in the world, and this direct action is in protest of this part of the military industrial complex in the region, particularly their role in violence abroad and carceral surveillance systems. | The blockade consists of protesters locking themselves to a large boat and three trailers, preventing cars from entering either of the…

DJ Mouse (2023-10-13). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. indybay.org hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

WSWS (2023-10-13). For an active boycott of the Voice referendum! Build a socialist movement of the working class against war and austerity! wsws.org The referendum will solve nothing. The key issue is building a movement against the the entire political establishment, and its program of war, austerity and dictatorship.

DJ Mouse (2023-10-12). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. indybay.org hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-12). People's movements around the world will gather in Johannesburg to dream up a socialist future. peoplesdispatch.org South Africa prepares to host historic conference on dialogues towards socialism featuring 500 political leaders, intellectuals, and members of mass movements…

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