Daily Archives: December 24, 2023

2023-12-24: News Headlines

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-24). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Staff (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. peoplesdispatch.org The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 announced by President Javier Milei on Wednesday December 20, proposes significant changes to the country's labor regime, amid the proposed modification of more than 300 regulations. In addition, it advances a profound deregulation of the economy, proposes a "shock stabilization plan," and aims to advance the privatization …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). DPRK newspaper calls U.S. as exporter of wars. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Dec 23 (Prensa Latina) North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun described the United States as exporter of wars, and also condemned that the foundation of its economy is the war industry, ACNC agency reported Saturday.

dzorinoco (2023-12-23). Economic Costs of War: a Lesser Misfortune for 'Israel'. orinocotribune.com Al-Carmel Editorial Team — Dec 17, 2023 | Since the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7, 2023, economic experts anticipated a substantial impact of the war on the "Israeli" economy. Indeed, figures released by "Israeli" newspapers and media revealed significant economic losses compared to previous wars waged by the enemy. However, this wasn't surprising. | The negative economic indicators of the occupying entity are deemed "natural consequences," as markets and economic estimations are affected by general conditions in any country, especially during periods of instability, whether financial, se…

Redacción Chile (2023-12-23). "We are hopeful, but we are not naàØve", artisanal fishermen react to the draft new fishing law. pressenza.com Artisanal fishermen from CONDEPP reacted to the presentation of the draft of the new fishing law by President Gabriel Boric accompanied by the Minister of Economy Nicolás Grau, this morning in the cove of Quintay. | For Hernán Cortés, president of the council for the defence of the fishing heritage A.G. CONDEPP, the presentation responds to artisanal fishermen's desire for a decade. "From the beginning, we denounced that the fishing industry had links with parliamentarians in the fisheries commission that approved the Longueira law, that is why we appreciate that the government fulfills its commitment to present…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-23). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2023-12-24). Putin se reunirá con el Consejo Económico Supremo Euroasiático. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, participará el 25 de diciembre en la reunión del Consejo Económico Supremo Euroasiático con sede en San Petersburgo, informó hoy el servicio de prensa del Kremlin.

Roger Harris (2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. counterpunch.org Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. Negotiated prisoner exchange In […] | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, check the status of y…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-24). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. indybay.org Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

presstv.ir (2023-12-24). German economic adviser calls for higher taxes to fund Ukraine war. presstv.ir A German economic adviser has proposed a tax increase to fund the proxy war in Ukraine.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-12-23). Transnational Corporations Provoke A Single Scream Of Horror. popularresistance.org Within the United Nations, there is a little-known debate about the status of global tax regulation. In August 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a draft document called 'Promotion of Inclusive and Effective International Tax Cooperation at the United Nations'. This document comes out of a long debate led by the Global South about the unregulated behaviour of transnational corporations (especially the ways in which they avoid taxation) and about the fact that discussions regarding regulations have been dominated by Global North countries (notably those in the Organisation for Economic Cooperatio…

Patricia Harrity (2023-12-23). Experts Warn — WEF's Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4+ Billion People. expose-news.com The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-23). WEF's deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda. expose-news.com "Working together, restoring trust" was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum ("WEF") held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF's …

Staff (2023-12-23). Nation in ruins, Cadillac, Aircraft, and Lincoln in view: Jinnah's leadership examined. muslimmirror.com By Nasim Yousaf Since 1947, Pakistan has faced a tumultuous history marked by political upheavals, economic difficulties, corruption, and instability, with Muhammad Ali Jinnah serving as the inaugural Governor General. The nation was not given a sound foundation, and its challenges can be attributed to Jinnah's lack of foresight, limited governance experience, dictatorial tendencies, and …

The Independent (2023-12-23). Africa is steadily marching toward gender parity. independent.co.ug Africa is making significant strides towards closing gender gaps across key areas: economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment, according to the World Economic Forum. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | Namibia is among a select group of nine nations globally that have successfully closed over 80% of their gender gap, marking a significant stride …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-23). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-23). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. indybay.org Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Labour Against The Arms Trade, World Beyond War, Socialist Project. (2023-12-23). Toronto Picketers At Military Contractor Pratt And Whitney. popularresistance.org On Tuesday morning of December 12, more than two hundred workers and union members from across the Toronto area picketed the Mississauga manufacturing plant of defence contractor Pratt & Whitney Canada. As Israel pursues its deadly assault on Gaza for a third month, the picket lines interrupted business as usual at an aerospace giant that makes engines for aircrafts that the Israeli military is using to carry out its bombing campaign against Palestinian lives and infrastructure. Encountering banners that read "Stop Arming Apartheid" and "Arms Embargo on Israel Now" as they arrived for morning shift, cars wer…

WSWS (2023-12-23). The New Zealand National Party-led government's agenda of war and austerity, and how to fight it. wsws.org The opposition that is already emerging to the National Party-NZ First-ACT coalition government's agenda of austerity and war must be transformed into a conscious socialist movement, in opposition to Labour and its allies which are seeking to suppress and divide the working class.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Clinical trial finds cell therapy improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Stem cell-based therapy improved quality of life for patients with advanced heart failure, Mayo Clinic researchers and international collaborators discovered in a late-stage multinational clinical trial. In one of the largest studies of cell intervention after a heart attack, patients reported their daily hardship lessened when stem cells optimized for heart repair supplemented standard of care. This clinical study further documented lower death and hospitalization rates among those treated with cell therapy….

Staff (2023-12-24). Campaign for Voter ID preparation for minorities. muslimmirror.com By Dr. Danish Lambe Mumbai: Rahman Foundation in collaboration with Star Foundation, two prominent organizations in Maharashtra, are leading a comprehensive campaign in key minority areas with the objective of assisting individuals from minority communities in obtaining their voter IDs. This initiative represents a significant step towards enabling active and empowered participation of these communities …

Staff (2023-12-24). Campaign for Voter ID preparation for minorities. muslimmirror.com By Dr. Danish Lambe Mumbai: Rahman Foundation in collaboration with Star Foundation, two prominent organizations in Maharashtra, are leading a comprehensive campaign in key minority areas with the objective of assisting individuals from minority communities in obtaining their voter IDs. This initiative represents a significant step towards enabling active and empowered participation of these communities …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo…

ecns.cn (2023-12-24). Agricultural universities urged to act. ecns.cn Agricultural universities are being urged to report to market regulators suspected unauthorized advertising of snacks in order to safeguard their reputations. The move comes after a number of colleges denied any involvement with popular snacks sold online that falsely claimed collaboration with the institutions.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-24). FBI investiga por malversación a colaboradores de Juan Guaidó. telesurtv.net Sospecha que gran parte de fondos dirigidos a Venezuela terminaron en poder de Carlos Méndez y su canal EVTV Miami, que Guaidó intentó usar para sustituir a teleSUR.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-24). 35 muertos por inundaciones registradas en el sur de India. telesurtv.net El Secretario General de Gobierno de Tamil NAdu, Shiv Das Meena, indicó que ya las labores de rescate culminaron por lo que 35 es el saldo final de muertos registrados oficialmente.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-24). Nicaragua reporta el rescate de 22 personas de un naufragio. telesurtv.net La Fuerza Naval del Ejército de Nicaragua envió al sitio del accidente un grupo de lanchas rápidas para colaborar en las acciones de rescate.

WSWS (2023-12-23). Australia: Labor government representatives promoted at Gaza vigil in Newcastle. wsws.org The promotion of Labor MPs is a warning of the attempts to subordinate opposition to the genocide to the very government backing it.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Clinical trial finds cell therapy improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Stem cell-based therapy improved quality of life for patients with advanced heart failure, Mayo Clinic researchers and international collaborators discovered in a late-stage multinational clinical trial. In one of the largest studies of cell intervention after a heart attack, patients reported their daily hardship lessened when stem cells optimized for heart repair supplemented standard of care. This clinical study further documented lower death and hospitalization rates among those treated with cell therapy….

ecns.cn (2023-12-23). Agricultural universities urged to act. ecns.cn Agricultural universities are being urged to report to market regulators suspected unauthorized advertising of snacks in order to safeguard their reputations. The move comes after a number of colleges denied any involvement with popular snacks sold online that falsely claimed collaboration with the institutions.

ARG Medios (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. peoplesdispatch.org Milei pushed forward more than 11 labor laws and modified 20 aspects of the Labor Contract Law. It will now be cheaper to fire, protests are restricted if not banned, and precariousness will be the order of the day.

WSWS (2023-12-23). Los Angeles County doctors and dentists set to strike December 27. wsws.org To undercut doctors' militancy, the UAPD is pursuing the AFL-CIO's treacherous script of Unfair Labor Practice strike action.

WSWS (2023-12-23). 2,000 attend Labor for Palestine rally in Oakland, California. wsws.org The militant mood of workers attending Saturday's demonstration stood in contrast to the official speakers from local unions and the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America.

Josh Crowell, Tamara Dowell, Labor Notes. (2023-12-23). Amazon Goes Into Union-Busting Overdrive. popularresistance.org Our union campaign at Amazon's "superhub" air cargo center, KCVG in Northern Kentucky, is taking off. And not surprisingly that's prompting the company to go into union-busting overdrive. | In the last two months of 2023, we've organized three marches on the boss—demanding translation rights for workers who are English language learners, and also challenging the company when they gave out "final written warnings" to 11 of us for union tabling activities, even though they were outside of work areas. | The video of our first march on the boss got over 5 million views on Tik Tok.

Sybil Davis, Jason Koslowski, Left Voice. (2023-12-23). The Hollywood Strikes Showed A New Class Consciousness Is Growing. popularresistance.org As 2023 draws to a close, one of the biggest stories of the year was the "hot labor summer" and the overall rise of labor activity. The most significant of these strikes was the UAW strike, which began in mid-September and lasted until mid-October. | The Hollywood strikes of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) probably generated fewer high-profile headlines. But they deserve some special attention for a few reasons. The strikes ground a highly lucrative industry to a halt, and they cost California and other production-heavy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo…

Staff (2023-12-23). Nota informativa del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. cubadebate.cu El Consejo de Ministros ha decidido disponer el receso laboral con pago del salario, el miércoles 3 de enero de 2024, como justo reconocimiento al esfuerzo realizado por nuestro pueblo en el año 2023 y con el objetivo de propiciar el descanso de los trabajadores.

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-23). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2023-12-23). As billionaire wealth surges, US faces record homelessness. wsws.org The latest "point-in-time" survey from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed a staggering 12 percent jump in homelessness in 2023, one of many indicators of severe social distress in capitalist America.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2023-12-23). Burundi – Food Security Outlook Update: High food and fuel prices likely to drive Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes in east, December 2023. reliefweb.int

UMMID (2023-12-23). Owning home still a dream for majority in United States. ummid.com Owning a home is still a dream for majority of the families in the United States this even as prices have gone down, a latest survey result released Thursday December 21, 2023 showed.

JANET (2023-12-23). New York City: Monday global strikes for Palestine. iacenter.org By Toni Arenstein December 22, 2023 New York City The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for global strikes to take on Mondays until the Zionist aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people ends. They stated, "The duty today for all the free people of the world, especially the sons and daughters of the Arab nation, is to escalate pressure and protest using all means of struggle and its forms and tools, to strike the interests of the forces of aggression, besiege their embassies and bases and prevent financial and military support to the Zionist entity that slaughters and bes…

Larry Johnson (2023-12-23). Simon Kuper Wins The Ben Hodges Award for Ukraine Fabulism. sonar21.com Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels | No. That is not Simon Kuper hanging with Def Fàºhrer. This is Simon Kuper. | Simon Kuper | He is a "columnist" for the Financial Times. I think a more accurate title is, "fabulist." For those whose native tongue is other than English the word, "fabulist", is a polite synonym for LIAR. And boy did he lie in his latest column, "

presstv.ir (2023-12-23). US, Europe plan to seize Russia's $300 billion in assets: Report. presstv.ir The Biden administration is showing favor in seizing over $300 billion in assets the Russian central bank has set aside in Western financial institutions.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-24). Day 77 roundtable: Gaza's Christians; Craig Mokhiber on genocide. electronicintifada.net Why does the UN fail to stop Israel's slaughter?

Brandon Soderberg, Andrew Friedman, The Real News Network. (2023-12-24). Here We Go Again. popularresistance.org It was about to get dark. | In the summer of 2003, Devin was 19 years old and living in West Baltimore with his mom and two brothers, just a few blocks away from the Western District Baltimore Police station. Every night around 9 or 10 p.m., Baltimore cops patrolled the area heavily. They drove in marked and unmarked cop cars searching for signs of disorder, ready to round up people for mass arrest. It was all part of a policing strategy introduced in the late '90s called "zero tolerance." | "It always happened around sundown," Devin told The Real News. "The police see you out with even just one or two people and…

The Independent (2023-12-24). Japan OKs FY 2024 budget, defense spending reaches new high. independent.co.ug TOKYO | Xinhua | The Japanese government on Friday adopted a draft budget of 112.07 trillion yen (about 787 billion U.S. dollars) for fiscal year 2024, with defense spending hitting an all-time high for the 10th straight year. The figure approved by the cabinet for the fiscal period from April 2024 to March 2025 marked …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Mindfulness and mental health. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've been hearing a lot about mindfulness meditation lately and how it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. But I'm a bit skeptical and don't really understand how sitting still and doing nothing can make such a big difference. I have a busy and active lifestyle, and the idea of spending time just focusing on my breath or thoughts sounds boring. Are there real benefits of mindfulness meditation and how…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Mindfulness and mental health. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've been hearing a lot about mindfulness meditation lately and how it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. But I'm a bit skeptical and don't really understand how sitting still and doing nothing can make such a big difference. I have a busy and active lifestyle, and the idea of spending time just focusing on my breath or thoughts sounds boring. Are there real benefits of mindfulness meditation and how…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places…

ecns.cn (2023-12-24). Investment in power grid rises 1.8% to $78b. ecns.cn Investment in China's power grid has remained relatively stable in recent years, with total investment in national grid construction projects in 2022 reaching 500.6 billion yuan ($78.22 billion), up 1.8 percent year-on-year, according to the China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places…

ecns.cn (2023-12-23). Investment in power grid rises 1.8% to $78b. ecns.cn Investment in China's power grid has remained relatively stable in recent years, with total investment in national grid construction projects in 2022 reaching 500.6 billion yuan ($78.22 billion), up 1.8 percent year-on-year, according to the China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.

JANET (2023-12-23). Migrants wage 7th hunger strike at Tacoma detention center. iacenter.org By Jim McMahan December 22, 2023 Tacoma, Washington Detainees at the NorthWest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma are waging their seventh hunger strike against intolerable conditions this year. The migrant workers are imprisoned at a facility owned by the huge Geo corporation, which operates prisons for profit. Outside the Northwest Detention Center, Tacoma, Washington, Dec. 17, 2023. Credit: Jim McMahan Strikers at the NWDC have numbered from a few to over 100, and as of this writing they are in their 37th day! They are demanding to be released, although that often means deportation. Demonstrators outside are de…

The Independent (2023-12-24). Museveni backs European Union ban of coffee linked to deforestation. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has expressed support for the European Union's regulations aimed at only accepting coffee exports from registered farmers and those grown on non-deforested lands. Recently, the European Parliament approved a landmark deforestation law banning imports into the European Union of coffee, beef, soy, and other commodities if …

Michaela Herrmann, Clare Carlile, DeSmog. (2023-12-23). Animal Pharma Industry Resists Curbing Overuse Of Antibiotics. popularresistance.org Two years after landmark European Union legislation designed to curb the overuse of antibiotics on farms came into force, new analysis from DeSmog reveals eight key narratives the veterinary medicine and farming lobbies deploy to defend the billion-dollar market for the drugs. | Aiming to combat the emergence of deadly treatment-resistant bacteria in humans, known in medical jargon as "antimicrobial resistance," or AMR, the new rules are the world's most rigorous legislation governing farm antibiotics. The regulations banned the "routine" use of antibiotics on farms for whole herds of healthy animals, including o…

Michaela Herrmann, Clare Carlile, DeSmog. (2023-12-23). Animal Pharma Industry Resists Curbing Overuse Of Antibiotics On Farms. popularresistance.org Two years after landmark European Union legislation designed to curb the overuse of antibiotics on farms came into force, new analysis from DeSmog reveals eight key narratives the veterinary medicine and farming lobbies deploy to defend the billion-dollar market for the drugs. | Aiming to combat the emergence of deadly treatment-resistant bacteria in humans, known in medical jargon as "antimicrobial resistance," or AMR, the new rules are the world's most rigorous legislation governing farm antibiotics. The regulations banned the "routine" use of antibiotics on farms for whole herds of healthy animals, including o…

WSWS (2023-12-23). Argentina's ultra-right government declares war on working class. wsws.org On December 20, Argentina's ultra-right President Javier Milei signed a decree to downsize the government, scrap regulations and strip the working class of existing social, wage, retirement and welfare benefits.

Pete Dolack (2023-12-24). So Long, and Thanks for All the Hamburgers. counterpunch.org Image by Li-An Lim. | It's not true that humanity is committing suicide, as exemplified by the COP28 farce of a climate summit. The world's industrialists and financiers are committing humanity to ecocide. More than ever, it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. | Death by capitalism. That phrase has a certain catchy feeling to it. But it's no joke, is it? No, no joke at all. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ ar…

Editor (2023-12-23). Capitalist contradictions and revolutionary struggle: An introduction. mronline.org Hearing or reading about the "contradictions of capitalism" in an article or at a rally might be intimidating, like a foreign language or a term only a certain group can understand.

teleSUR -JCM (2023-12-24). A 13 se eleva cifra de muertos tras explosión en una fábrica en Indonesia>. telesurtv.net Tras el incidente, los trabajadores fallecidos y heridos fueron trasladados de inmediato al centro médico ubicado dentro del parque industrial.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-24). Explosión en un parque industrial de Indonesia deja 12 muertos. telesurtv.net Entre los fallecidos por el incendio en la fábrica de níquel se encuentran siete ciudadanos indonesios y cinco extranjeros.

Editor (2023-12-23). How Israel Buys Support From Celebrities & Influencers (w/ Lee Camp). scheerpost.com By Lee Camp / BreakThrough News Why have so many celebrities, politicians, and influencers come out to strongly support Israel? The two word answer: the "Israel lobby." But it's much deeper than that. Comedian Lee Camp reveals the gruesome and often hidden details of how the Israel Support Industrial Complex's sausage is made.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). Italy's foreign trade with non-EU nations scaled down in December. plenglish.com According to the National Statistics Institute (ISTAT) ¥s latest report, this monthly decline in exports impacted on industrial power groups as well as both intermediate and non-durable consumer goods, by dropping 31.0; 3.4 and 2.5%, respectively. | However, ISTAT's experts, foreign sales of consumer durables experienced a growth of 2.6% at that stage. | Regarding imports, there were cyclical declines in all groups, with a 7.5% drop in energy and 4.5% in consumer durables but purchases of capital goods grew by 1.7%. | In November 2023, Italy ¥s trade balance with non-EU countries was positive for an amoun…

Last Real Indians. (2023-12-23). Hoopa Valley Tribe Reclaim Over 10,000 Acres. popularresistance.org The Hoopa Valley Tribe announced today the acquisition of 10,395 acres of land bordering the western boundary of the Tribe's Reservation. The return of the Hupa Mountain property brings the Tribe's landholdings to a total of over 102,000 acres. When the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation was created, the Hupa people lost access to and use of more than two-thirds of their ancestral lands. The Tribe's $14.1 million purchase of the land rightfully returns management, conservation, and use of the land to Hupa People. | "Today is a day of intense celebration for our Tribe," said Hoopa Valley Tribal Chairman Joe Davis.

Ann Brown (2023-12-23). U.S. Government: Atlanta Attorney Fraudulently Took $7 Million In PPP Loans, Purchased Barbie-Color Bentley. moguldom.com Georgia attorney and former City of Atlanta police officer Shelitha Robertson has been convicted of a fraudulent scheme to obtain over $7 million in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, Robertson, a 62-year-old Atlanta resident, conspired to submit fraudulent PPP loan applications on behalf …

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-24). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-12-23). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. greenleft.org.au

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-24). Aprueban amparo contra los decretos neoliberales de Javier Milei. telesurtv.net Dicho amparo será inscrito en el Registro de Procesos Colectivos, planteando ser el escenario para incluir otras presentaciones en el mismo expediente penal contra las medidas tomadas desde la Presidencia.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-24). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: bit.ly/PalestinianStruggleReadingCircle (or scan QR code in the image)…

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Stop the Gaza genocide! Build a socialist anti-war movement!"—SEP (Australia) holds well-attended public meeting. wsws.org More than 150 workers and young people joined the meeting to discuss the way forward for the working class in the fight to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Helen Halyard's patience and kindness have nurtured an entire generation of socialists" wsws.org The following tributes to Helen Halyard were read out to an international memorial meeting held on December 3.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-23). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: bit.ly/PalestinianStruggleReadingCircle (or scan QR code in the image)…

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-24). Ajamu Baraka: Report Back From Peace Delegation To China. popularresistance.org On the issue of Chinese diplomacy, it is important to note that the Chinese approach is a significant departure from the crisis oriented, zero-sum diplomacy that is characteristic of diplomacy emanating from the West. | This was a particularly important element that we addressed in our discussions with members of Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, various specialists on China and in a meeting with representatives from the Chinese Communist Party. | What is clear is that on the issue of diplomacy there is a fundamental divergence in core values. The principles articulated by President Xi Jinpi…

thecommunists (2023-12-23). Defeat in war deepens the cracks in Ukraine and its backers. thecommunists.org The imperialist proxy war against Russia is now dead in the water, with the much-lauded Ukrainian 'offensive' stuck in the mud and all the previous claims of imminent victory ringing hollow. Attempts to soften the blow of defeat by rebranding it as a 'stalemate' fool nobody: there is neither an equality of rival forces nor …

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