Monthly Archives: June 2024

2024-06-29: News Headlines

Lara Witt, Maya Schenwar, In These Times. (2024-06-29). We Can't Let The Press Launder Israel's War. The United States-backed Israeli siege and genocide in Gaza is entering its tenth month. Israel's relentless bombings and executions by Israeli snipers and soldiers have killed more than 38,100 Palestinians in Gaza, with thousands more uncounted and decomposing under the rubble, and more than 86,000 injured. Reports by nonprofit agencies and organizations have detailed the Israeli military's numerous war crimes, including abductions, torture and sexual violence against Palestinians. More than 2.3 million Palestinians are at risk of dying from Israeli-imposed starvation, indiscriminate bombing, the spread of disea…

newarab (2024-06-29). Israel leaves Lebanon border land 'uninhabitable', report says. Israel's assault on the border area with Data collected by the British financial daily indicates that around five kilometres of (2024-06-29). UK: Gaza fuels election anger. Britain's tightly controlled political system is facing new challenges from independent candidates, especially in light of the country's ongoing support for the genocide in Gaza.

unitedEditor (2024-06-29). Bolivia: A coup for destabilization and forced early elections. By Fernando Esteche This week's coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in …

unitedEditor (2024-06-29). Bolivia: A coup for destabilization and forced early elections. By Fernando Esteche This week's coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in …

infobrics (2024-06-29). Nicaragua in Negotiations to Join BRICS. The government of Nicaragua has set a goal to join BRICS and is negotiating this with the member countries, Adviser to the President of Nicaragua on Investment Laureano Ortega said…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-29). Hunted Biden: The First Presidential Debate Disaster. It was cruel. Sinister cruel. While Donald Trump was always going to relish the chance to be not only economical with the truth but simply inventive about it, Joe Biden, current Commander in Chief of the United States, leader of the self-described Free World, seemed a vanishing shadow, longing for soft slippers and the fireplace …

infobrics (2024-06-29). In Europe, new (right) forces could change the political course. Due to the decline of France and the deindustrialization of Germany, the influence of the individual states in the European Union is shifting in the long term.

newarab (2024-06-29). In Morocco, UM6P university refuses to halt ties with Israel. In Morocco, despite mounting protests from students and professors, one university remains steadfast in its ties with eight Israeli institutions. | "Our frustration grows as UM6P not only joined the national normalisation trend but also took the lead by forming the most partnerships and hosting numerous high-level delegations," Established in 2013 by the state-owned OCP Group, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), "a private non-profit re…

newarab (2024-06-29). Turkey removed from FATF money laundering grey list. The international crime watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) removed Turkey was downgraded to the "grey list" in 2021 on concerns about money laundering and terrorist financing. The latest move came after an FATF team recently held meetings with Turkish authorities to assess progress in addressing those worries. | Turkey has made "significant progress" in i…

newarab (2024-06-29). EU chief in Egypt for joint investment conference.

newarab (2024-06-29). Oxford University threatens court action over pro-Gaza protests. The UK's Oxford University has threatened court action against pro- The university said the encampment, which is located around the Radcliffe Camera, must be removed by 7 July. | The protesters have set up the encampment to call for a Gaza ceasefire and for the university to sever all financial ties with An…

Staff (2024-06-29). Venezuela's Presidential Elections: Voting Drill on Sunday. The head of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela's (PSUV) "Our Venezuela" presidential campaign staff, Jorge Rodríguez, called for massive participation in the voting drill this Sunday. He reiterated the strength of PSUV's robust electoral machine and called for Chavismo to "not only vote on July 28 but also stay in the streets in defense of the vote." | This Friday, June 28, Rodríguez reported that the National Electoral Council (CNE) will deploy many voting machines during the electoral drill this Sunday so that voters become familiar with the process amid the the upcoming presidential election. | He explain…

Radhika Desai, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-06-29). India: 2024 Election Was A 'Revolt Of The Farmers'. The election results from India made the whole world sit up and take notice. Headlines used words like "stunning" and "shocked" to describe the result. No Indian election has elicited such worldwide attention. Modi and his BJP have thundered into the electoral arena with the slogan "Ab Ki Baar, Char So Paar", which means "this time will go over 400". | The National Democratic Alliance, the coalition that the BJP leads, was to win more than 400 seats in a Lok Sabha that has 545 seats. And the BJP itself was supposed to win 370 seats, which would have itself constituted the super majority of over two-thirds.

Pablo Meriguet, People's Dispatch. (2024-06-29). Hundreds Of Kenyan Police Arrive In Port-Au-Prince. 400 Kenyan police officers arrived on June 25 in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. The deployment of 600 more is expected to follow in the coming days and weeks. The arrival of the Kenyan police force was authorized by the United Nations Security Council, which last year approved the dispatch of foreign law enforcement forces to the Caribbean country. The dispatch occurred the same day that Kenyan police killed eight protesters in Kenya who were protesting the unpopular neoliberal Finance Bill 2024. | The armed mission in Haiti supposedly to stop the advance of gangs, which in recent months have controlled, accord…

A Guest Author (2024-06-29). China's economic development and role in international politics in the face of U.S. hostility. This interview with Rémy Herrera, a research analyst at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the Sorbonne in Paris, the largest such research institution in France, was carried out by Tang Xiaofu for the Observers' Network, Beijing, where it was published in May 2024. Some of the following . . . |

Lyn Neeley (2024-06-29). Striking nurses: 'Patients over profits'. Portland, Oregon Over 3,000 nurses from six Providence Corporation hospitals across Oregon completed a three-day strike on June 20, carrying signs saying, "Patients over profits." Since December, the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) has been in negotiations with Providence for a contract that ensures safe staffing ratios, better hours, higher pay . . . | (2024-06-29). Insights | Economist: 'Peak China,' 'overcapacity' narratives attempt to curb China's development. Recently, some countries have been hyping pessimism about the Chinese economy, crafting rhetoric such as "Peak China" narrative and so-called "overcapacity" in new energy sectors. (2024-06-29). China-Peru free-trade talks reach 'substantial conclusion'. China and Peru announced on Friday "the substantial conclusion of negotiations" on the upgrading of a free-trade agreement, six years after the negotiations were launched in 2018. (2024-06-29). Foreign investment in China's securities market in Q1 hits three-year high. Foreign investment in yuan assets maintained sound momentum in the first quarter of the year, with net foreign investment in China's securities market hitting a relatively high level over the past three-year period. (2024-06-29). Recovery set for further momentum. China's economic recovery is poised for further momentum, given strong policy stimulus and the gradual recovery in confidence and expectations, government officials and experts said. (2024-06-29). China-Serbia FTA to take effect on July 1. The free trade agreement (FTA) between China and Serbia will officially take effect on July 1, 2024… (2024-06-29). Buying a house grants residency in Suzhou. Suzhou in Jiangsu province announced that from Aug 1, 2024, to July 31, 2027, individuals who purchase a house in the city and use it as their place of residence can apply for household registration, or hukou.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-29). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-06-29). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-06-29). Protest Against Legalized Insurance Blackmail. How insurance companies profit by worsening the climate crisis.

Labor Video Project (2024-06-29). KPFA "Protectors" and Their Supporters Voted Against Supporting Freedom For Julian Assange. The so called "Protectors" at KPFA voted against calling for the freedom of Julian Assange and have blocked even any discussion at the KPFA LSB board of his case. In 2018 they stopped the Local Station Board which they control from taking action and for KPFA building a public campaign to free him. They want a corporatized KPFA and Pacifica…

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-06-29). The clowns are packing up, the circus is almost over. The seedy betting scandal looks like it will be the dying gasp of a Tory election campaign marred by ineptitude and dysfunction. Such has been the scale of humiliation for the Tories during the last few weeks, that their own candidate described what everyone is thinking. A 'shower of shit,' James Cracknell, ex-Olympian rower and Conservative candidate for Colchester, declared in a campaign video. | But campaigning hasn't exactly been glitch-free for the other parties either. Think tanks are still accusing both the Tories and Labour of being in denial about their spending plans. The Lib Dems leader is still hur…

Tina Landis (2024-06-29). California's community solar program undermined by for-profit interests of utility companies. Under capitalism, community-solar microgrids are a threat to private utilities' profits. In the end, ensuring continued profits for the ruling elite outweighs implementing real climate solutions in any meaningful way.

Editor (2024-06-29). "The Searchers: Five Rebels, Their Dream of a Different Britain, and Their Many Enemies" — book review. Andy Beckett's The Searchers provides a thoughtful consideration of five leaders of the Labour left, their relation to mass movements, and political impact, finds Kevin Crane.

Juan M. Garcia (2024-06-29). Cuban youths graduate in fire protection in Russia. The institution, attached to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, trained the Cuban specialists for five years in subjects related to theory and practice, and application of experiments in both laboratories and exercises in polygons. | At the same time, as part of the curriculum, a Russian-Spanish dictionary was created where the main themes and concepts oriented to firefighter subjects are developed, Lieutenant Arnaldo Bombino, a recent graduate, told Prensa Latina. | In that regard, he added that in addition to the specialist title, they were certified as drone pilots for work in emergency situation…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-06-29). UNDP supports digital transformation in Cuba. As announced by the UNDP office on its website, the action aims to facilitate access for the Cuban population to different social programs through digital platforms. | The Ministry of Communications (MINCOM) and the National Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP) are participating and contributing to the project's implementation. | For its development, it also has the support of the government of Luxembourg as part of the UNDP Financing Windows. | The primary objective is to strengthen institutional capacities to promote technological innovation in order to design digital se…

WSWS (2024-06-29). The Australian Labor Party's record in the Assange case. The Australian government's involvement in the plea deal arrangements was the result of mass popular pressure. It followed years of Labor actively assisting the persecution of Assange.

WSWS (2024-06-29). Strikers at multi-billion-dollar Cargill's Guelph plant forced to resort to food banks. Since the strike began, there have been over 100 new clients requiring food support—almost triple the monthly average. Poverty levels in the area, according to the last census, showed that 11 per cent of people living in Guelph were low-income families.

WSWS (2024-06-29). Oppose Sri Lankan trade unions attempt to subordinate class struggles to up-coming elections! Prepare a general strike against government austerity! Fight for socialist policies! Without a political fight against the Wickremesinghe regime and the overthrow of the capitalist system, workers cannot defend any of their basic rights.

WSWS (2024-06-29). Victorian nurses union pushes wage deal as Labor government slashes hospital budgets. The latest offer contains a 28.4 percent (compounded) wage increase over four years, under which base pay rates in most classifications will still be lower in real terms than in 2019, until at least October 2027.

WSWS (2024-06-29). Oppose Sri Lankan trade unions attempt to subordinate class struggles to upcoming elections! Prepare a general strike against government austerity! Fight for socialist policies! Without a political fight against the Wickremesinghe regime and the overthrow of the capitalist system, workers cannot defend any of their basic rights.

The Independent (2024-06-29). Legal standards, norms for internet governance. A lack of global norms leaves Uganda's government able to manipulate social media COMMENT | SOLOMON WINYI | Uganda is facing many of the same challenges with social media as other countries but the lack of globally accepted regulations has left a path for an authoritarian regime to stifle the public sphere. The global proliferation of …

Guest Blogger (2024-06-29). The true cost of Labour's net zero plans is slowly being revealed — and the sums are staggering. At least the Telegraph is starting to dismantle Mad Miliband's crazy agenda:…

Guest Blogger (2024-06-29). Joe Biden's Energy Policies Are Based on Fantasies and Fairy Tales. Frankly, the policy decisions in the Biden White House are detrimental to the wellbeing of the United States citizens and economy.

aljazeera (2024-06-29). 7.6 million: How England's healthcare waiting list trebled under the Tories. Waiting times for NHS care have also risen sharply across the UK since ruling Conservatives came to power in 2010.

Staff (2024-06-29). Starmer's Labour will be "a midwife for fascism", says independent Sean Halsall. In the sixteenth of our video interview series #CanaryCandidates, we meet independent candidate Sean Halsall — standing against Labour's Patrick Hurley Sean Halsall is a councillor who is standing as an independent candidate in Southport in the general election. A former Labour Party member, he now says "it's hard to justify why anyone would stay …

The Independent (2024-06-29). African ministers unveil policy to boost maritime security. NAIROBI, KENYA | Xinhua | African ministers on Thursday launched the Regional Maritime Transport Policy for Eastern, Southern and Northern Africa to boost maritime security. Salim Mvurya, Kenya's cabinet secretary for the Ministry of Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs, told a forum in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, that the policy provides procedures to …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-29). Mayo Clinic launches 'Tomorrow's Cure' podcast to spotlight medical innovations transforming healthcare. The free podcast, hosted by Cathy Wurzer, features visionaries from across the field of medicine ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is launching "Tomorrow's Cure," a new podcast that will highlight medical innovations transforming healthcare and feature the visionaries who make them possible. "Tomorrow's Cure" is brought to listeners in collaboration with PRX, a Pulitzer and Peabody Award-winning public media organization and one of the world's top podcast distributors. Key Details: Release date: "Tomorrow's Cure" debuts…

newleftreview (2024-06-29). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Gunnett Kaaf (2024-06-29). ANC's crushing electoral defeat: A nightmare of coalitions, splits and neoliberal crisis. Gunnett Kaaf — Voters have rejected the ANC, but other mainstream parties are not viable alternatives to exit the neoliberal crisis. That's why South Africa is in the throes of a deepening political and social crisis.

Ralph Jennings,Amanda Lee (2024-06-29). China's property crisis raises questions of overseas spillover after US Congress hearing. After a hearing in the US Congress, concerns over the downstream effects of China's property market slump have grown — but analysts say such a spillover is improbable with the scale of government intervention.

Ziad A Memish, Alimuddin Zumla, Shabir A Madhi, Abdullah A Al Rabeeah (2024-06-29). Correspondence] Novel funding pledges for advancing polio eradication efforts. On March 20, 2024, the WHO International Health Regulation Committee for Polio met to review the current global status quo of wildtype polio virus (WPV1) and vaccine-derived polio virus (cVDPV) in the context of the global target of interruption of WPV1 and certification of its eradication by 2026 and the elimination of cVDPV by 2028.1 The Committee unanimously agreed that due to the continuing risk of the international spread of WPV1 and cVDPV, polio should remain a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and control efforts should be intensified.

UMMID (2024-06-29). End of Petrodollar Agreement and World Currency Reform. What will be the impact of the recent ending of the special petrodollars agreement involving Saudi Arabia and the USA under which the former had agreed to denominate oil trade in US dollars and, less explicitly, to use surplus petrodollars to buy US treasury bonds in return for US military assistance and security for Saudi Arabia and its rulers?

newleftreview (2024-06-29). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

The Lancet (2024-06-29). Editorial] UK elections: the need for a healthy change. On July 4, voters in the UK are projected to elect the Labour Party to a historic majority. After 14 years in government, and with their support squeezed by Reform UK, the Conservative Party is likely to suffer extensive losses. Regardless of the final tally, the next government will inherit a UK that has become sicker, poorer, and more inequitable over the past decade. Political, financial, and public health crises have taken devastating tolls on communities where progress towards good health and prosperity was already stagnating or deteriorating, and without decisive and focused interventions, these trends are…

Staff (2024-06-29). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

2024-06-29 19:40:37 | 19:40 EST | tr | 54 | 0 | 0 | 58 | 0 

2024-06-25: News Headlines

Alan Macleod (2024-06-25). Maduro vs. US Election Interference: A Battle for Venezuela's Future. With upcoming elections scheduled for July 28, the United States is working overtime to dislodge the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro. Ten individuals are vying for the position, including nine in opposition to Maduro, who heads a coalition of 13 leftist groups. | Washington, though, has made clear that its preferred candidate is 74-year-old retired diplomat Edmundo González, and is spending big, bankrolling a myriad of opposition organizations, from political parties to NGOs and media outlets, all with the same goal in mind: ousting Maduro and returning Venezuela into the U.S. sphere of influence. | The U.

Open Letter, Mondoweiss. (2024-06-25). International Olympic Committee Must Sanction Israel Over Its Genocidal War. Like apartheid South Africa, Israel uses its participation in international sport as a tool for normalizing its systematic discrimination against Palestinians. In response, Palestinians are making the same calls for boycotts as black South Africans did. Palestinian civil society groups are urging us to isolate Israel and hold it accountable for breaches of international law and crimes against humanity. | The indiscriminate killing being conducted in Gaza, described by many as the first live-streamed genocide, is just the latest example of industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians by Israel's leaders. In January…

Chris Townsend, MLToday. (2024-06-25). The Biggest Organizing Wave You Never Heard Of. Nobody would pick the U.S. state of Virginia to be a trade union organizing hotspot. But that's what increasingly is happening, despite the fact that many of the unions and certainly the national AFL-CIO are oblivious to it. Richmond the state capital was once the capital of the Confederacy, and Virginia is in many ways the ideological and historical home of U.S. segregationist and anti-union bigotry. | Virginia is seeing a significant and remarkable expansion of its small but wily labor movement. In a labor movement urgently in need of new union organizing experimentation it would certainly be of value to consid…

Maureen Skehan, Workers' World. (2024-06-25). Boston: No Cops, No Corporations, No Pride In Genocide! In the spirit of global solidarity with oppressed people's resistance, from Stonewall to Palestine, over 70 queer/trans, pro-Palestinian and pro-working class organizations in the greater Boston area united under the banner of "Liberate Boston Pride," demanding "No cops! No corporations! and "No Pride in Genocide!" ( | Endorsing organizations included Students for Justice in Palestine, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, ACT UP Boston, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Boston, Democratic Socialists of America Boston, the Dyke March,…

Lewis Raven Wallace, Truthout. (2024-06-25). Queer Activists Are Making BDS A Key Question Of Pride This Year. Every June, as rainbow boas and blue and pink banners unfurl, and jello shots and plastic cups of light beer tumble onto the streets, borne by tens of thousands of happy gays, a cultural battle ensues. Pride season is here, and everyone is pissed. | On one side of the battle, you have the corporate gays, the nonprofit-industrial complex of LGBTQ organizations, the glitzy and boozy Pride parades and parties, and the representation of gay and trans identity as a fully assimilated, capitalism-compatible lifestyle. | On the other, you have all of us who recognize that Pride emerged from a legacy of anti-police uprisi…

Pip Hinman, Susan Price, Chloe DS, Rachel Evans (2024-06-25). Isolate apartheid Israel, protesters say on 37th continuous week of protest for Palestine. For the 37th consecutive week protesters took to the streets around the country to protest Labor's complicity in Israel being able to continue its genocide in Gaza for nine months.

Staff (2024-06-25). Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters. We discuss the plea deal and release of Julian Assange with Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein, and the reaction in Assange's home country of Australia to his release and WikiLeaks's legacy, which he says helped open the door to whistleblowers and leakers in the era of digital journalism. Loewenstein, the author of The Palestine Laboratory, also discusses the state of press freedom in Israel's war on Gaza. The Israeli military doesn't view Palestinian journalists as journalists, he argues. Instead, it views them as "akin to terrorists" to justify its targeting of them, an…

Lucia Posteraro (2024-06-25). European financial institutions invest billions in arms companies that sell weapons to Israel. (2024-06-25). Academics call on PM to end Labor's Israel complicity.

Editor (2024-06-25). Jun 25, 2024. This Song Will Lift Your Spirit | Oceans — Hillsong United Julian Assange Is Free! by Joe Lauria 'Draft Notice' from the Shop of Horrors, by Dennis Kucinich Here It Comes, by James Howard Kunstler Putin's "war" to re-shape the American Zeitgeist, by Alastair Crooke Bring Back Capitalism !?, by Matt Taibbi Stumbling Into Ruin: Reflections on senescence, amnesia, and war, by John Leake Belief in eternal progress has been a driving element of liberalism for generations, by eugyppius We're all buying more nukes. Here are the five main reasons why, by Martin Jay American Pravda: JFK, LB…

David Giesen (2024-06-25). Tuesday 6/25: A Close Reading by Leo Tolstoy of POVERTY, BY AMERICA. on line: ZOOM:

Geopolitical Economics (2024-06-25). A look inside China: Is this the most sovereign country on Earth? Journalist Ben Norton discusses his experience living in China. | China went through a partial colonialization, a century of humiliation. | China is responsible for 3/4 of all poverty reduction and has lifted 800 million out of extreme poverty…

Tomasz Konicz (2024-06-25). Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone. Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare — which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction — because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.

LaborFest (2024-06-25). LaborFest 2024 On 90th Anniversary Of The SF Gen Strike, Labor, Al & The Techno Fascists. LaborFest 2024 schedule of events.

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Qatar Today Tuesday, June 25, 2024. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Doha, Qatar, today, Tuesday, June 25, opened at QR 8,468.46 per ounce, according to Qatar-goldprice.com24-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Doha stood at QR 272.15 today.22-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 249.47 early today.21-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 238.13 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Doha opened at QR 204.11.14…

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Jordan Today 25 June, Tuesday. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Amman, Jordan today opened at a selling price of JOD 1,648.068 per ounce, on Tuesday, June 25, not including taxes and fees.24-karat gold prices in Amman Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 52.987 today.22-karat gold rates in Jordan Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in the Kingdom of Jordan stood at JOD 48.571 early today.21-karat gold prices in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 46.363 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in Amman Today

albawaba (2024-06-25). Gold prices in Riyadh Today 25 June 2024. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today, Tuesday, June 25, opened at SAR 8,724.38 per ounce, according to gold prices in Riyadh Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 280.38 today.22-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 257.01 early today.21-karat gold prices in Saudi Arabia Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in KSA stood at SAR 245.33 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Sau…

Ramzy Baroud (2024-06-25). Armed Vs. Peaceful Resistance — What You Need to Know about Muqawama in Gaza. The word Muqawama in Palestinian lexicon does not need elaboration beyond the immediate meaning it generates among ordinary Palestinians. Only recently, and specifically after the Oslo peace accords and the sudden infusion of western-funded NGOs, did such terms as 'peaceful resistance' and 'non-violent resistance' begin to emerge within some circles of Palestinian intellectuals. These phrases,

Sam Pizzigati (2024-06-25). In France, a Bold New Take on 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité'. France has rendered unto the world, over the past quarter-century, a distinct public service. Thanks to the trailblazing research of three French scholars — Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman — we know much more about the world's maldistributed wealth than ever before. Could France now be on the brink of making another significant

Dean Baker (2024-06-25). The Labor Price of Gas is at Trumpian Levels. The media have told us endlessly how people can no longer afford things due to higher prices and the fact that wages have risen more doesn't matter. I wouldn't want to disagree with the experts, but suppose we just did a little calculation about how much time it takes a typical worker to earn enough

Ashley Smith (2024-06-25). Answering the Call to Fight Injustice: An Interview with Barbara Smith. Barbara Smith is one of the leading intellectuals and activists who developed the traditions of Black feminism. A part of a group of Black lesbian socialists, she co-authored the groundbreaking "Combahee River Collective Statement." A prolific writer, she has published many books and articles that have emphasized the interlocking nature of systems of oppression under

latintimes (2024-06-25). Asian Markets Rebound On Bargain-buying But Tech Worries Linger. With US data indicating the world's top economy remains in rude health and the jobs market still tight, investors remain unsure about the Federal Reserve's plans for interest rates, with debate centred on when — or even if — it will cut this year.

latintimes (2024-06-25). Hot Cocoa Prices Bring Sweet Profits, Danger To Ecuador Producers. After the Ivory Coast and Ghana, Ecuador is the world's third-largest cocoa grower, producing some 420,000 tons a year.

Imran Mulla (2024-06-25). UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? | Former candidate Tiger Patel has urged his supporters to back the Workers Party's Craig Murray, leaving two rival pro-Gaza candidates in the race – as pressure mounts for one to stand down | | Tiger Patel an…

Areeb Ullah (2024-06-25). Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? | Yakoob has a sizeable following on social media and has placed the war on Gaza at the centre of his election campaign in Birmingham's Ladywood | | Akhmed Yakoob came third in the West Midlands mayoral race, winning…

Connor Freeman (2024-06-25). EU Approves Military Aid to Ukraine Drawn From Frozen Russian Assets. European Union foreign ministers have approved, for the first time, the transfer of approximately ‚Ǩ1.4 billion ($1.5 billion) in military and financial aid to Kiev, using interest profits drawn from frozen Russian central bank assets. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell made the announcement on Monday, as reports say Washington is preparing to send Ukraine …

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-06-25). Ethiopia and EU discuss ways to strengthen parliamentary links. Addis Ababa, Jun 25 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia and the European Union (EU) discussed possible ways to strengthen existing parliamentary collaborations, the mission of that European political community reported today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-06-25). UN confirms deployment of experts for elections in Venezuela. Four experts will travel to the country at the beginning of July to provide an independent internal report on the general development of the elections scheduled for next July, the spokesman for the Secretary General (António Guterres), Stéphane Dujarric, announced at a press conference. | The news coincides with the completion of a technical evaluation announced weeks ago by the organization's Secretariat. | In accordance with United Nations regulations, the Electoral Expert Panels do not issue public evaluative statements on the general conduct of the electoral process or its results. | This assistance mechanism…

Pressenza New York (2024-06-25). Inflation, economic crisis and uncertainty in Bangladesh. In January 2009, when the Awami League came to power through a landslide victory in December's general elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saw terrorism and militancy as key factors threatening the security of the entire region. During the 2001-2006 rule of the Al Qaeda-connected Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its coalition partner—the pro-Islamist and pro-Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) — the country had become a safe haven for terrorists and jihadists. | By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury | Within a couple of weeks of assuming office, Sheikh Hasina declared an all-out war against terrorism an…

Germán Gorraiz López (2024-06-25). Is a socio-economic paradigm shift inevitable on planet Earth? Western society is characterised by the reign of hedonism and nihilism, as opposed to the critical spirit and culture of effort of the 20th century, because it is made up of individuals who are dependent on material goods and who form a homogeneous, uncritical mass that is easy to manipulate by the ruling classes. | To produce these consumer goods, the world's leaders have opted for the uncontrolled consumption of raw materials and fossil fuels to feed the production machinery, ignoring deforestation, uncontrolled pollution and the waste generated, which would already plunge us into a dangerous vortex of CO2 incr…

tvbrics (2024-06-25). Ethiopia aims to achieve 8.3% economic growth in the current fiscal year. The strategy will continue efforts to reduce inflation and modernise market infrastructure…

DPA (2024-06-25). EU ministers approve US$1.5 billion Ukraine military aid using Russian assets. European Union governments agreed to use in profits from Russian frozen assets for arms and other aid to Ukraine, sparking Hungarian anger.

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

WSWS (2024-06-25). Australia: Queensland Labor government's desperate "cost-of-living" budget fails to reverse collapsing support. Facing electoral defeat, and increasing hostility among workers, the Queensland budget's token measures attempt to mask a big business agenda.

WSWS (2024-06-25). An actor of the anti-establishment, Donald Sutherland, dies aged 88. Unlike Jane Fonda, who has done everything in her power to make the public forget her onetime radical days and views, Sutherland retained a general hostility to capitalism until his death.

Luke Fletcher (2024-06-25). This is how Plaid Cymru would transform workers' rights. The past several years have been unimaginably difficult for the vast majority of people in the UK. | The cost-of-living crisis, inflation, soaring housing, food and energy costs, as well as the industrial disputes that followed in the wake of the resultant profiteering has meant that most have had little, if any, financial breathing room. | This gives the current General Election period a particular sense of urgency, an urgency that is both indicative of the need for a transformation in the way our society operates and yet neutralised by the hot air, bland delirium and lack of ambition from Westminster's gover… (2024-06-25). Is Labor ramping up deportations of non-citizens?

Harrison Dressler (2024-06-25). In Praise of Laziness. Walter A. Ratcliffe, a

Staff (2024-06-25). France, the new Popular Front, hopes and contradictions. By Dimitris Skarpalezos After the thunderous victory of the far-right "National Rally" in the French European elections, under the pressure of the mass of their supporters, the parties of the broader left formed a coalition for the parliamentary elections called the "New Popular Front" in reference to the Popular Front of communists and socialists …

Catherine ABSALOM (2024-06-25). Joint NGO letter on the European Union's macro-financial assistance to Egypt and human rights.

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Beyond Life Without Parole in the US: 2nd Chances Make Communities Stronger. Click to expand Image | Ruben R. was sentenced to life without parole for a crime he committed when he was 17 years old. Changes in law gave him the chance to go before the parole board, and he was found eligible for release. After coming home, Ruben taught himself carpentry skills, became a property manager, and worked part-time for a non-profit organization. In his spare time, he has gone back into prisons as a volunteer speaker, encouraging people to choose a path of self-improvement. Los Angeles, California. | © 2021 Chip Warren for Human Rights Watch… (2024-06-25). Amex bullish on China credit card biz. American Express sees great potential in China's credit card market and is ready to further increase investment in the country as needed, said the head of the global financial services corporation's joint venture in China. (2024-06-25). Nation sees surge in blue-collar work. China's job market is experiencing a surge in blue-collar professions, fueled by the nation's economic transformation and a growing need for skilled workers.

| Peter Boyle | (2024-06-25). Why ecosocialism is not just a good idea but a necessity. As the climate emergency and extinction crises deepen, there is no choice but to struggle to democratise the economy so that it can be made to serve social needs and ecological sustainability. Peter Boyle reports.

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Editor (2024-06-25). Cuba tells the United States there is only one Cuba. Far from being a sign of the U.S. government softening its economic and financial siege on Cuba and contributing to help Cuba's private sector, this new policy attempts to destroy the core of the ideological makeup of Cuban socialism.

Eileen Kinch (2024-06-25). MC USA Archives welcomes a new collection of MEDA materials. Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) was born in 1953 out of the desire to provide support to Mennonite immigrants to Paraguay after World War II. What started with a small collection of U.S. business owners who wanted to encourage Mennonite businesses in Paraguayan colonies in the Chaco region has blossomed into a multi-national economic development … (2024-06-25). Low-altitude economy hitting new heights. As the low-altitude economy gains traction nationwide, local governments across China are exploring region-specific ways to leverage their unique strengths and create their own industry clusters.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). FDA Announces Increased Oversight of Some Diagnostic Laboratory Tests. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will begin supervising laboratory-developed tests more closely due to concerns that they do not always provide accurate results, the agency recently announced.

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-25). Damning analysis reveals shocking rise in child poverty under Tories. New analysis has revealed the devastating rise of child poverty in working families in Britain under the Conservative government. | The Trades Union Congress (TUC) found that between 2010 and 2023, the number of children growing up in poverty in working households has increased by a staggering 44 per cent. | This is on average an increase of over 1,300 a week and refers to households with at least one parent in work. Children growing up in poverty in working households now account for 69% of all children in poverty, while making up for nearly a quarter of all children in working families. | In 2023, there wer… (2024-06-25). U.S. lens on investments to hinder AI, chip sectors. Washington's latest proposal to restrict and monitor U.S. companies' and individuals' investments in key technologies in China will jeopardize the global artificial intelligence and semiconductor supply chains. (2024-06-25). Quixotic regulation: Australia's eSafety commissioner capitulates.

Stu Becker (2024-06-25). After 150 years, Black residents of Sandbranch, Texas, still have no running water. SANDBRANCH, Texas—The residents of the predominantly Black and low-income Texas community of Sandbranch can't drink the water from their taps because it's too polluted. Raising awareness and organizing a fightback against the situation was the focus of Southern Sector Rising's second annual Juneteenth Celebration here on June 19. For more than 150 years, the people …

aljazeera (2024-06-25). 'Britain's on its knees': The broken UK town backing Nigel Farage. Clacton, with high unemployment and low immigration, looks set to finally deliver the right-wing populist to parliament.

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Kenya police fire water cannons and tear gas at finance bill protesters. Kenyan police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons at protesters angry over tax rises and spending cuts. (2024-06-25). MOFCOM deplores U.S. government plan to curb outbound investment in Chinese technology firms. China's Commerce Ministry on Monday hit back at the U.S.' plans to curb new U.S. investment in critical Chinese tech industries, saying China firmly opposes the U.S.' coercive move and reserves the right to take counter measures.

Frank Chen,Ji Siqi (2024-06-25). Chinese premier rebuffs 'bloc confrontation', talks up open markets in 'Summer Davos' address. In a keynote address to the 'Summer Davos' forum, Chinese Premier Li Qiang offered a strong critique of Western trade restrictions while also pitching the country as a welcoming place for overseas firms. (2024-06-25). Global governance school set to boost country's role on world stage. The Shanghai University of International Business and Economics inaugurated the School of Global Governance, the first of its kind in Shanghai, on May 27, with the aim of training young talented Chinese to work in the global arena. (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) British scholar: China is better placed to cope with possible dangers of AI. The development of AI should be regulated, and compared to the United States, China is better placed to cope with the possible dangers of AI, said David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, in the latest W.E. Talk.

Editor (2024-06-25). How Karl Marx influenced Abraham Lincoln and his position on slavery & labor. If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

GABIK (2024-06-25). New KZN Finance MEC shuts down Treasury's secondary office. New KZN Finance MEC shuts down Treasury's secondary office | Newly appointed KwaZulu-Natal Finance MEC, Francois Rodgers, has started to demonstrate his commitment to ensure effective spending of the budget by closing down the office on the 9th floor of The Marine Building in Durban. | Rodgers said the closure of the leased offices will save the KZN Treasury an estimated R1 million a year, which will be directed to other strategic service delivery needs of the department in supporting the province. | Rodgers said his main priority was to stabilise the finances of KwaZulu-Natal and work with the Treasury team, as… (2024-06-25). Chinese visitors to Dubai seen surging. There has been a significant surge in Chinese tourists to Dubai, the city's Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) said during a roadshow in Shanghai last week.

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-06-25). AI and employment. This problem, it must be noted, relates exclusively to the application of AI under capitalist conditions; but, capitalism being the reality over much of the world, the threat of AI to the working people remains extremely serious.

G. Bin Zhao (2024-06-25). How to read China's economic report card for the first 5 months of 2024. While some sectors may be holding back China's economic recovery, the country's long-term outlook shows promise. (2024-06-25). China's unilateral visa-free policy boosts Polish netizens' searches for China tourism. Searches for China-related keywords on travel platforms by Polish users increased by 40 percent compared to the previous day, according to media reports, following China's decision on Monday to implement a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens.

Mark Gruenberg (2024-06-25). On the anniversary of Roe's demise, abortion rights are a major election issue. WASHINGTON—The second anniversary of the Supreme Court's guillotining of the national constitutional right to an abortion is—or should—remind voters their decisions in this November's election, up and down the ballot, will determine not only whether that right may be restored, but so much more. Abortion rights, worker rights, living wages, Social Security's and Medicare's future, …

Bloomberg (2024-06-25). US TikTok ban could hit Oracle's revenue and profit, cloud provider warns. A law in the US that would ban hosting TikTok if ByteDance does not sell would 'adversely impact' Oracle if it cannot redeploy capacity, the company said. (2024-06-25). Labor's 'Community Improvement Districts' bill hands property owners special say over public space. (2024-06-25). China to further open up market for foreign businesses. China will further open up its vast domestic market for foreign businesses through a slew of measures.

The Independent (2024-06-25). CSOs identify key opportunities in the Shs72 trillion budget. The non-governmental organisations call for strong anti-corruption measures and debt reduction Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), under the umbrella of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), have identified several opportunities in Uganda's new Shs72 trillion budget. They emphasize investments in human capital development, peace and security, infrastructure, wealth creation, and …

Jomo Kwame Sundaram (2024-06-25). Government debt is symptom, not cause. Developing country governments are being blamed for irresponsibly borrowing too much. The resulting debt stress has blocked investments and growth in this unequal and unfair world economic order.

Abul Rizvi (2024-06-25). Labor commits to strengthening regional migration. (2024-06-25). (W.E. Talk) How to meet the challenges posed by AI using Marxism views. In the latest W.E. Talk with China News Service, Xu Feng, deputy director of the United Front Theory Department at the Central Institute of Socialism, said that the answer to the question of whether there will be an emergence of autonomous consciousness as a result of AI's autonomous learning is still controversial, and the standards and criteria for examining it are varied.In his opinion, there is still a high probability that humankind will be able to control AI as much as possible and make it work for humankind and will not rapidly go in the direction of alienation and dissimulation."ÄÄ"&…

UMMID (2024-06-25). Safety and Security key concerns why millionaires migrating from India. Safety and Security are the main reasons why thousands of millionaires are migrating from India to other countries, international investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners revealed in a report. (2024-06-25). Will NSW Labor's 'once in a generation' plan fix the housing crisis?

Bárbara Gómez (2024-06-25). Exigen en Rusia sacar a Cuba de lista ilegal elaborada por EEUU. Moscú, 25 jun (RHC) El Partido Comunista de la Federación de Rusia -PCFR-, emitió una declaración este martes en la que exige excluir a Cuba de la lista de estados que según Washington patrocinan el terrorismo, y poner fin al bloqueo contra la nación caribeña.

María Candela (2024-06-25). Actores económicos: una mirada a los datos. La reciente edición de la convención y feria internacional Cubaindustria 2024 fue espacio propicio para fortalecer la industria cubana, sin dudas, y como parte del tejido empresarial, los actores económicos en toda su diversidad también tuvieron su espacio.

Staff (2024-06-25). Informa Minsap sobre presencia del virus de Oropouche en nueve provincias y 23 municipios del país. La confirmación de la presencia del virus de Oropouche en nueve provincias y 23 municipios de Matanzas, Mayabeque, Villa Clara, Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de àÅvila, Holguín, Guantánamo, Santiago de Cuba y Cienfuegos, a partir de muestras estudiadas en el laboratorio nacional de referencia del Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí (IPK), activan los sistemas sanitarios en la Mayor de las Antillas.

Staff (2024-06-25). Comienzan los Play Off de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol el próximo jueves. El jueves comienzan los Play Off de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol. En esa jornada, Pinar del Río se enfrentará a Sancti Spíritus a las 2: 00 p.m. en el estadio Capitán San Luis, y a las 6: 30 p.m., Santiago de Cuba tendrá un duelo con Industriales en el Guillermón Moncada.

Staff (2024-06-25). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-25). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-06-25). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

newarab (2024-06-25). How Israel wages psychological warfare on Lebanon. As From

newarab (2024-06-25). Keir Starmer has lost the British Arab voter. He doesn't care. As Keir Starmer's Labour Party readies itself to form a new government on July 5, there are many lingering uncertainties and blurred lines. Are the party's plans ambitious enough to meet the nation's needs? Will Starmer make a stand or continue to flip-flop between policies? Is the forthcoming election victory merely a castle made of sand? | One element however is crystal clear: Labour has irrevocably lost the support of the 500,000-strong Recent polling b…

newarab (2024-06-25). Progressives fear a Bowman loss in NY could empower big money. On the eve of the New York Democratic primary race, progressives are expressing concern that if Representative These concerns come as Bowman trails his opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, in recent polls by around 17 points, following months of heavy spending by right-leaning political action committees. | "This election is not about Jamaal versus Mr. Latimer. This election i…

newarab (2024-06-25). Jordan police detonate explosives hidden in Amman warehouse. Jordanian security forces said they uncovered and detonated explosives hidden in a commercial warehouse in an industrial area southeast of the capital Amman on Monday that security sources say were part of an Iran-linked plot to Witnesses earlier said security forces had sealed the Abu Alanda area in a wide scale security operation two days after authorities announced they had detonated explosives uncovered in another location in the capital. The authorities said the explosives found on Monday were hidde… (2024-06-25). UK Muslims gravitate toward independent candidates. British Muslims have traditionally voted Labour; however the party's stance on the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza has cast doubt on that support in the upcoming general elections. (2024-06-25). US interests will be targeted if Israel attacks Lebanon, warns Iraqi resistance. The secretary general of Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq resistance movement says the US interests in West Asia will be targeted in case Israel wages military aggression on Lebanon. (2024-06-25). Geoeconomic implications of Iran's Rasht-Caspian railway. The project is a driver of economic activities and a catalyst in the creation of logistics centers and distribution of goods, which will generate added value along the corridor and increase the country's transit capacity and income.

2024-06-25 19:17:26 | 19:17 EST | by | 93 | 0 | 2 | 106 | 0 

2024-06-23: News Headlines

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-06-23). US Vows 'Security Support' For Israel In All-Out War With Lebanon. Senior US officials confirmed that if Israel wages a full out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Washington is fully prepared to back its ally in Tel Aviv, CNN reported on 22 June. | According to a senior administration official speaking with CNN, the US officials gave the assurances in person to a delegation of Israeli security officials visiting Washington this week. | The Israeli officials, including Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, met with US officials, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and White House Mi…

newarab (2024-06-23). Israeli attacks kill eight near Gaza aid centre. Eight Palestinians were killed on Sunday in an Israeli air strike on a training college near Gaza City being used to distribute aid, Palestinian witnesses said, as Israeli tanks pushed further into the southern city of Rafah. | The strike hit part of an industrial college run by the UN Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA now providing aid to displaced families, the witnesses said. UNRWA and the Israeli military did not immediately respond to requests for comment. |

Margaux Hourigat (2024-06-23). Terms of Reference : Consultancy Civil Society and the ICC : Pathways to Collaborative and Genuine Engagement. 1. BACKGROUND
| This joint project of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Coalition for the International Criminal Court (ICC) (CICC), under the auspices of the Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes: Making Justice Work, aims to enhance the relationship between civil society organisations (CSOs) and the International Criminal Court (ICC or Court). FIDH is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights (…) | – |

Kevin Gosztola, The Dissenter. (2024-06-23). Why Is A Stanford Student Reporter Still Facing Felony Charges? A coalition of press freedom and First Amendment organizations have demanded that the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office abandon felony charges against a Stanford University student reporter. | Dilan Gohill, a freshman, covers student protests for the university's newspaper known as The Daily. He was arrested on June 5, along with 12 demonstrators, after they engaged in an act of civil disobedience against the Stanford's investments in companies "that provide material and logistical support to Israel's current military campaign" in Gaza. | The letter [PDF] from the coalition to the local prosecutor ind…

newarab (2024-06-23). A year after migrant shipwreck, Pakistan families seek justice>. A year after the disappearance of his brother in one of the deadliest shipwrecks in the Mediterranean, Suleman Tariq wants answers. But, like other young Pakistanis, he is also determined to make it to Europe. | "Since my brother went missing, our financial situation has worsened. I have no choice but to leave Pakistan to help my family repay the loan we took," said Tariq, whose brother Usman Tariq, was on board but not declared dead. | "There's absolutely nothing in this country… However, I will only pursue legal avenues and will not follow my brother's path." |

newarab (2024-06-23). 'AIPAC is scared': Jamaal Bowman holds Bronx rally for NY seat. US Representative Jamaal Bowman is in the fight for his political career as he defiantly called out his opponent's donations from "AIPAC is scared to death. That is why they're spending record amounts of money in this race," said Bowman, yelling to a cheering Bronx crowd on Saturday, with some holding Palesti…

Jorge Torres, Labor Notes. (2024-06-23). Low Voltage Electricians Live To Strike Another Day. Two months into an unprecedented strike, the 1,023 members of the limited energy construction unit of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 46 in Seattle voted overwhelmingly June 11 and again June 15 to stay out. | But the union announced June 17 that it had agreed to end the strike. Members would be voting on a third offer that barely differed from the latest rejected one—the raise had increased by 50 cents. | In an emotional meeting, members were told the strike was ending regardless, and if they didn't accept this latest deal, with no leverage they would likely end up with something worse. They voted it up by…

Keerti Gopal, Scheer Post. (2024-06-23). Climate Activists Blockade Citigroup's Doors With Model Pipeline. New York—Tensions were high outside of Citigroup's global headquarters on Friday morning as climate activists blockaded the doors for an hour and hundreds of employees waited in the plaza to get to work. | The demonstration marked the end of the second week of the "Summer of Heat on Wall Street," a sustained, direct-action campaign targeting financial institutions, with a particular emphasis on Citi for its robust financing of fossil fuel projects, despite stated commitments to a clean energy transition. According to the Banking on Climate Chaos report from the Rainforest Action Network, an advocacy group,…

Naveena Sadasivam, DeSmog. (2024-06-23). The Air In Louisiana's 'Cancer Alley' Is Even Worse Than Expected. Since the 1980s, the 85-mile stretch of the Mississippi River that connects New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has been known as "Cancer Alley." The name stems from the fact that the area's residents have a 95 percent greater chance of developing cancer than the average American. A big reason for this is the concentration of industrial facilities along the corridor — particularly petrochemical manufacturing plants, many of which emit ethylene oxide, an extremely potent toxin that is considered a carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency and has been linked to breast and lung cancers. (2024-06-23). Nation to crack down on market barriers. China will take more "powerful" actions to crack down on local protectionism and hidden market thresholds to create a fair market for all businesses, as a fair competition review system will come into force in August. (2024-06-23). Air China orders 100 C919 aircraft in $10.8 billion deal. Air China announced a major purchase of domestically produced C919 aircraft on Thursday evening. (2024-06-23). China's FDI inflow in Jan-May hits 412.51 billion yuan. Foreign direct investment (FDI) into China from January to May 2024 reached 412.51 billion yuan ($56.81 billion), with the number of newly established foreign-backed companies reaching 21,764, up 17.4 percent year-on-year.

Maria Elena Saludas (2024-06-23). The 6th International Eco-socialist Meeting and the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Eco-socialist Meeting concluded successfully.

GRAIN (2024-06-23). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-23). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Dean Baker (2024-06-23). The Washington Post Wants You Think the Economy Is Awful #45,706. Even though we have had the longest streak of below 4.0 percent unemployment in 70 years, and real wages are rising, especially at the bottom end of the wage distribution, the major media outlets insist the economy is terrible. The Washington Post is setting the pace with the lead story on its homepage headlined "Millennials …

LaborFest (2024-06-23). LaborFest 2024 On 90th Anniversary Of The SF Gen Strike, Labor, Al & The Techno Fascists. LaborFest 2024 schedule of events.

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-06-23). Jacob Rees-Mogg's 'wokery can damage your wealth' Telegraph column widely mocked. 'Jacob Rees-Mogg saying "wokery can damage' your wealth when his party has fiscally shafted everyone except those who can afford the fees of the public school he went to, is really something.'

Margarita Labarca Goddard (2024-06-23). Biden, Trump or neither? The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, I don't think anyone doubts that. Perhaps that status will be short-lived, but for now it is. He is backed by money, weapons, including nuclear weapons, and an economy that affects the rest of the planet. This president can intervene and even invade any country he wants and almost always succeeds. There are a few exceptions, starting with Vietnam, but come on, today it dominates the whole of Europe, which not so long ago was quite autonomous, and now even France grovels before the Yankee president. There is no need to dwell on this subject…

tvbrics (2024-06-23). Saudi Arabia cuts crude oil prices. The oil market has renewed its focus on fundamentals…

tvbrics (2024-06-23). BRICS News Digest for the previous week. We tell you about what happened in economics, politics, culture, science and education in the countries of the association…

WSWS (2024-06-23). Report on Alderney Channel Islands Nazi labour camps confirms perpetrators not tried because of "a succession of cover-ups." The Alderney Expert Review Panel places the total death toll between 641 and 1,027 victims, with a likely upper limit of 1,134.

Janine (2024-06-23). Treasury issues MTEF technical guidelines. Treasury issues MTEF technical guidelines | National Treasury (NT) has issued the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Technical Guidelines for 2025. | The guidelines are issued to assist departments at both national government and other state institutions to prepare medium term estimates for 2025 budget. | National Treasury said the 2024 Budget sought to balance stabilising "public finances and reduce fiscal and economic risks while promoting economic growth and supporting vulnerable members of society". | "The 2025 Budget will see a debt-stabilising primary surplus achieved in 2025/26, a reduction in the fi… (2024-06-23). Iran Presidential Race Heats Up with TV Debates. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Six men running for the Iranian presidency have faced off in three rounds of nationally televised debates to discuss economic and cultural issues, defend their plans, and criticize those of the rivals.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: Coping with cancer-related fatigue. People can experience cancer-related fatigue before, during and after treatments. This is different from the typical tiredness. At times, your arms and legs might feel heavy, making it hard to move. It may be challenging to even get out of bed in the morning. Cancer-related fatigue can take a toll mentally too. It can sometimes lead to depression and other emotional distress. Dr. Touré Barksdale, a Mayo Clinic cancer rehabilitation and palliative medicine specialist, gives…

UMMID (2024-06-23). Safety and Security key concerns why millionaires migrating from India. Safety and Security are the main reasons why thousands of millionaires are migrating from India to other countries, international investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners revealed in a report.

Monthly Review (2024-06-23). Two (wrong) views on Marx, degrowth, and productivism (plus John Bellamy Foster on ecosocialism and degrowth). Monthly Review — The myth of Prometheanism in Marx's thought, revived by two opposite extremes on the issue, has resulted in the erection a "Tower of Babel" that threatens to extinguish much that has been achieved by Marxian ecology.

Anti*Capitalist Resistance (2024-06-23). Ecosocialist revolution: A manifesto. Ecosocialist Revolution: A Manifesto is published by Anti*Capitalist Resistance. The document and was adopted by Anti*Capitalist Resistance at their 2024 conference.

newleftreview (2024-06-23). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-23). Mayo Clinic launches 'Tomorrow's Cure' podcast to spotlight medical innovations transforming healthcare. The free podcast, hosted by Cathy Wurzer, features visionaries from across the field of medicine ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is launching "Tomorrow's Cure," a new podcast that will highlight medical innovations transforming healthcare and feature the visionaries who make them possible. "Tomorrow's Cure" is brought to listeners in collaboration with PRX, a Pulitzer and Peabody Award-winning public media organization and one of the world's top podcast distributors. Key Details: Release date: "Tomorrow's Cure" debuts…

newleftreview (2024-06-23). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Monica Mbabazi (2024-06-23). Demonstration Farm Based on President Museveni's 4-Acre Model Launched in Kasanje. A demonstration farm based on President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni's 4-acre model farming strategy was launched in Kasanje Town Council, Wakiso District, on Friday. The event, themed "Interpreting His Excellency's 4-Acre Model Vision for Improved Household Income in the Metropolitan Districts of Uganda," was officiated by Dr. Hillary Musoke Kisanja, Private Secretary to the President in …

Catherine ABSALOM (2024-06-23). Joint NGO letter on the European Union's macro-financial assistance to Egypt and human rights.

Emily NeilCarmen Russell-Sluchansky (2024-06-23). Trump focuses on immigration, crime in first-ever rally in Philadelphia. What questions do you have about the 2024 elections? What major issues do you want candidates to address? Former President Donald Trump addressed immigration, crime and the economy at a rally in Philadelphia on Saturday night. | It was Trump's first rally in the

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-23). Researchers identify vascular changes in the brain linked to Alzheimer's disease. Mayo Clinic researchers and collaborators have identified vascular changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-23). 4 takeaways from PlatforMed 2024 to advance collaboration, transformation in healthcare with platform thinking. PlatforMed, the annual conference on platform transformation in healthcare, underscored the importance of a collaborative approach to healthcare innovation to create a world where everyone, everywhere has access to the best possible care. More than 250 global leaders in technology and healthcare gathered June 4-5 in Phoenix for PlatforMed 2024. Healthcare leaders, industry experts, policymakers, investors, and startups shared new insights and discussed the future of healthcare. The event opened with a welcome address from…

Staff (2024-06-23). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

Pacific Media Watch (2024-06-22). In Canada, a pattern of police intimidation of freelance journalists is emerging. COMMENTARY: By Savanna Craig On the morning of April 15, I headed to a branch of Scotiabank in downtown Montreal to cover a pro-Palestine protest. Activists had chosen the venue due to the Canadian bank's investments in Israeli defence company Elbit Systems. I watched as protesters blocked the bank's ATMs and teller booths and the…

2024-06-23 22:39:58 | 22:39 EST | tr | 40 | 1 | 4 | 38 | 0 

2024-06-17: News Headlines

Mi Cuba por Siempre, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-06-17). Russia And Cuba, Beyond Warships. While the international media only report on the arrival of a Russian naval detachment in Cuba, relations between the Russian Federation and Cuba go much further and are getting stronger. Unlike the Biden administration, which is focused on maintaining the economic and financial persecution measures against Cuba, the Russian government is working together with the Cuban government to reach mutually beneficial agreements, which you will certainly not read about in the major mainstream outlets. | Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Russia to attend a meeting of the BRICS+ forum and…

dar ell (2024-06-17). Google workers object to Nimbus.. Seems some googlers dont like the way trillion$ google/Alphabet i.n.c. | are using advanced AI capabilities to profit on | mass murder/social control/genocide atrocities in Palestine and other places with project 'Nimbus'.

Leila's Daughters (2024-06-17). Operation Campus Flood: A Call for a Week of Autonomous Action. No more gradualism in the face of a genocide. A new phase of the the #Escalate movement on college campuses has begun. With Berkeley lighting the way. We are calling this OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD. And it is an open invite for all who are sick of it all to join in displacing the displacers. From the outside in and the inside out, we need to raze the settler-empire academy that provides training, labor, capital, and a steady stream of propaganda and knowledge production for the Israel-Zionist entity.

WSWS (2024-06-17). David North's The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide addresses the disastrous consequences of nationalist political programs. The series of lectures on the historical development of Zionism expose the bankruptcy of all politics based on nationalism and race—and point the way forward for all those who want to fight against genocide, war and dictatorship.

Margaux Hourigat (2024-06-17). Terms of Reference : Consultancy Civil Society and the ICC : Pathways to Collaborative and Genuine Engagement. 1. BACKGROUND
| This joint project of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Coalition for the International Criminal Court (ICC) (CICC), under the auspices of the Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes: Making Justice Work, aims to enhance the relationship between civil society organisations (CSOs) and the International Criminal Court (ICC or Court). FIDH is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights (…) | – |

Staff (2024-06-17). Inside Force 400: Spies and Sabotage in America's Covert War on Yemen. Tragic stories of civilian deaths due to false or misleading intelligence, often obtained by poorly paid local collaborators, are not just relics of the past. These incidents, once common in Afghan and Iraqi cities during their respective U.S. occupations, are now leaving their mark in war-torn Yemen. On the evening of May 31, Radio Hodeidah …

infobrics (2024-06-17). Russia's Initiative to Create Space Council Within BRICS Has Received Backing from South Africa. South Africa has thrown its support behind Russia's proposal to establish a space council within the BRICS group, signaling a significant step towards enhancing collaboration in space exploration…

UMMID (2024-06-17). Why Intel cancelled $25 bn chip factory expansion in Israel? In a major economic setback for Israel, Intel has halted its planned expansion of a major factory project worth $25 billion in the occupied Palestinian territory under the Zionist control.

Editor (2024-06-17). Prison Labor in Texas is Modern-Day Slavery.

Staff (2024-06-17). Prison Labor in Texas is Modern-Day Slavery. By Xandan Gulley / Prism Reports Texas summers are brutal. Temperatures rise to the triple digits, the sun is scorching, and the heat makes the skin sizzle. Working outside in these conditions is perilous. It's critically advised to stay hydrated, away from the sun, or in the shade if possible. Incarcerated people work in these extreme … (2024-06-17). China-Europe freight train runs setting new monthly record in May. The number of China-Europe freight trains completed in May reached 1,724, which carried 186,000 standard containers of goods, hitting a new monthly high, the China State Railway Group said. (2024-06-17). China's industrial output up 5.6% in May. China's value-added industrial output, an important economic indicator, went up 5.6 percent year-on-year in May, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Monday. (2024-06-17). Economist: Goal of growth achieveable. The annual growth target of around 5 percent is a feasible goal, as China has the potential to take on more debt to boost economic growth while not inflicting inflation. (2024-06-17). Regulation to target online insults, rumors. China has introduced a new regulation to combat cyberbullying that imposes stricter requirements on internet platforms, aiming to enhance early warning systems dealing with online attacks, experts said.

Maria Elena Saludas (2024-06-17). The 6th International Eco-socialist Meeting and the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Eco-socialist Meeting concluded successfully.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-17). The World Bank's accounts. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-06-17). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

David Schultz (2024-06-17). Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America.

Staff (2024-06-17). FEMA Urged to Fund Disaster Response for Extreme Heat, Wildfire Smoke. A multistate coalition of environmental, labor and health groups urged the Federal Emergency Management Agency today to unlock crucial disaster relief funding for extreme heat and wildfire smoke, both of which are not recognized by FEMA as major disasters. "It's urgent that FEMA treats intensifying heat waves and wildfire smoke as the major climate disasters …

Dean Baker (2024-06-17). CPI Without Owner's Equivalent Rent Has Been at Fed Target for a Year. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but the Consumer Price Index (CPI), excluding owners' equivalent rent (OER) fell to 1.4 percent in June 2023 and has remained pretty close, but mostly above 2.0 percent ever since. We all know the Fed targets the Personal Consumption Expenditure Deflator, where the OER has a smaller weight, but

Sarah Anderson (2024-06-17). A Fair Tax Agenda for Wall Street. The following is written testimony prepared for a June 12, 2024 Senate Budget Committee hearing on "Making Wall Street Pay Its Fair Share: Raising Revenue, Strengthening Our Economy." Thank you, Chairman Whitehouse, Ranking Member Grassley, and members of the committee, for the invitation to participate in this important hearing. I am Sarah Anderson, Global Economy

Ralph Nader (2024-06-17). Nonfiction Summer Reading Recommendations. 1. "The Emperor's Nightmare" by Robert A. G. Monks (2022). Harvard lawyer, former CEO and Shareholder Rights Activist, Monks digs deep inside big corporate power and the devastating impact of this corpocracy on weakened democratic institutions. Constitutional reset is crucial, he concludes. 2. "Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power, and

Peter Koenig (2024-06-17). Video: Geopolitical Issues. "War is a Racket… The Most Profitable". Fear, Poverty and Homelessness, The Depopulation Agenda. Peter Koenig.

Islamic Relief Worldwide (2024-06-17). G7 Spends 62 Times More on Weapons Than Aid, as Military Spending Surges to Record Levels.

Jochen Oltmer (2024-06-17). Labor migration has always existed. Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (…)…

latintimes (2024-06-17). China Says Relations With Australia Back 'On The Right Track'. China hailed mended ties with Australia on Monday, saying relations were "on the right track" as the trading partners moved on from a bitter economic dispute despite a duel for influence in the Pacific. Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrived to a grand ceremonial welcome at Parliament House in Canberra.

latintimes (2024-06-17). Shareholders OK With Soaring Executive Pay In US. Executive salaries at major US corporations are soaring — but shareholders happy with stock prices and greater transparency over remuneration are not pushing back.

latintimes (2024-06-17). Nuclear Arms Spending Soars As Global Tensions Swell: Studies. Nuclear-armed countries hiked spending on atomic weapons arsenals by a third in the past five years as they modernized their stockpiles amid growing geopolitical tensions, two reports showed on Monday.

latintimes (2024-06-17). Crypto Funding: Startups Rake In Over $100 Billion In 10 Years. Cryptocurrency startups continue to attract more investments as the latest data showed that funding in the startup sector has breached the $100 billion-mark within a span of 10 years.

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-17). 'The sums don't add up': IFS rubbishes the maths behind Reform UK's 'problematic' pledges. Pledges made in Reform UK's election 'contract' today have been ripped to shreds, whether that's over the unspecified welfare savings, vastly inflated figures or Liz Truss style tax cuts. | Nigel Farage announced the party's general election vision for Britain, which includes tax cuts costing nearly £90bn per year and spending increases of £50bn per year. | Among the Reform promises are; a vow to leave the European Convention on Human Rights, scrapping the UK's environmental goals, freezing 'non-essential' immigration, cut back 'office waste' in the NHS to spend more on frontline services and prom…

Editor (2024-06-17). Pioneers for Communism: Strive to be like Che. The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once called Ernesto 'Che' Guevara the "most complete human being of our age." (2024-06-17). Iran: Closer economic ties will enhance political relations with Iraq. Iran's interim president says the promotion of economic relations with Iraq will lead to enhanced political relations. (2024-06-17). China slams G7 statement as 'full of arrogance, prejudice and lies'. China slams a statement by the Group of Seven (G7) industrialized countries as "full of arrogance, prejudice and lies." (2024-06-17). Economic expectations from Iran's next government. Iran's economy has been facing many structural problems during the past decades, where the lack of appropriate policies has led to the accumulation of problems and various economic super-challenges.

_____ (2024-06-17). Global Peace Index 2024. The Global Peace Index ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness. Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace since 2007, it is the world's leading measure of global peacefulness that launches in June each year.

tvbrics (2024-06-17). India emerges as leading labour market in Asia-Pacific region. It is expected to grow at over 30 per cent in the third quarter of 2024…

tvbrics (2024-06-17). India creates its own deep-sea mission. This project will help to strengthen the economy of the nation…

WSWS (2024-06-17). Popular Front works to tie French anti-fascist protests to capitalist rule. As 640,000 people marched in France to protest the surging far right vote, Jean-Luc Mélenchon's Popular Front sought to tie the protest to the pro-war, big business Socialist Party.

WSWS (2024-06-17). Campaigning in Detroit, Trump incites violence against immigrants. Speaking at a church in Detroit, Trump blamed immigrants for the poverty and unemployment caused by capitalism.

WSWS (2024-06-17). Social banditry: Oligarch Elon Musk takes record $45 billion payout. The awarding by Tesla shareholders on Thursday of a massive pay package worth more than $45 billion to CEO Elon Musk is part of accelerating social inequality and the deepening economic, social, military and political crisis of world capitalism.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). Most news consumers suspicious of AI in journalism, survey shows. News consumers most opposed to use of AI for sensitive topics such as politics, report finds.

newleftreview (2024-06-17). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

noemail (2024-06-17). China-Australia Diplomatic Thaw: Leaders Seek Common Ground in First Ministerial Meet in Seven Years. In a landmark meeting signaling a diplomatic thaw, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed to properly manage their nations' differences as they transition from a period of icy relations. The leaders and senior ministers from both governments convened at Parliament House to address critical issues, including lingering trade barriers, military conflicts, and China's investment interests in critical minerals.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). US falling far behind China in nuclear power, report says. The US is between 10 and 15 years behind China in rolling out next-generation reactors, research institute says.

newleftreview (2024-06-17). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

portside (2024-06-17). The Best Way To Secure LGBTQ Rights: Unions. Labor's ability to improve queer workers' lives stems from its power to raise standards for all workers.

aljazeera (2024-06-17). Why Microsoft, OpenAI and Nvidia are facing antimonopoly probes. US Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission are seeking to root out anticompetitive practices in field of AI.

theonion (2024-06-17). SATIRE: Smithsonian Under Fire For Collection Of Nazi Memorabilia. WASHINGTON—Facing backlash from the public as well as prominent donors, the Smithsonian Institution was reportedly under fire Monday for its collection of Nazi memorabilia. "I've made financial contributions to the Smithsonian for years, but after finding out about some of the hideous and horrifying pieces inside the…

Staff (2024-06-17). All political parties are ignoring the UK's 'financial apartheid' against Black and brown people. With the general election just weeks away, Tynah Matembe — money expert, Edinburgh based entrepreneur, and founder of MoneyMatiX — has criticised the government's track record on financial inclusion. She has also highlighted the fact that the main parties are not discussing the issue and ignoring what Matembe calls "financial apartheid" in the UK. Financial …

The Independent (2024-06-17). A plea for political economy. Studying politics separately from economics creates an artificial gap between interconnected subjects COMMENT | KAUSHIK BASU | The world economy is at a turning point. As global supply chains face increasingly frequent disruptions, the structures underpinning markets and international trade are unraveling, leading to economic instability which, in turn, is spilling over into other domains and …

UMMID (2024-06-17). Kuwait: 53, including 5 Indians, dead in massive fire. At least 53 workers, including five Indians, have been killed after a massive fire broke out in a building accommodating labourers in Mangaf area of Kuwait's Southern Ahmadi Governorate.

Sophia Schmidt (2024-06-17). Residents suing over FDR Park tree clearing accuse judge of potential bias. Have a question about Philly's neighborhoods or the systems that shape them? PlanPhilly reporters want to hear from you! The fight over a plan to build new athletic fields at FDR Park in South Philadelphia has entered the realm of legal ethics and trust in the judicial system. | A group of residents suing to stop the controversial cutting of trees for the park renovation accuse a Commonwealth Court judge of having ties to the nonprofit running the project. The basis for their lack of confidence in an unbiased decision a…

APR editor (2024-06-17). Kanaky New Caledonia unrest: FLNKS congress postponed due to splits. By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ Pacific correspondent French Pacific desk The national congress of New Caledonia's pro-independence platform, the FLNKS, was postponed at the weekend due to major differences between its hard-line component and its more moderate parties. The FLNKS is the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front. It consists of several pro-independence parties, including the Kanak…

_____ (2024-06-17). (Italiano) Il boicottaggio: uno strumento di lotta nonviolenta alla portata di tutti. 10 Giugno 2024 – In senso lato si puà≤ definire il boicottaggio come una forma di non collaborazione che si pratica per isolare a livello sociale, sottrare consenso a livello politico o danneggiare a livello economico persone, aziende o istituzioni responsabili di comportamenti illegittimi.

Staff (2024-06-17). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

2024-06-17 17:49:47 | 17:49 EST | tr | 57 | 0 | 1 | 59 | 0 

2024-06-16: News Headlines

Leila's Daughters (2024-06-16). Operation Campus Flood: A Call for a Week of Autonomous Action. No more gradualism in the face of a genocide. A new phase of the the #Escalate movement on college campuses has begun. With Berkeley lighting the way. We are calling this OPERATION CAMPUS FLOOD. And it is an open invite for all who are sick of it all to join in displacing the displacers. From the outside in and the inside out, we need to raze the settler-empire academy that provides training, labor, capital, and a steady stream of propaganda and knowledge production for the Israel-Zionist entity.

Eric Brooks (2024-06-16). Greeting to the 32nd CPUSA Convention: Palestinian People's Party. Dear comrade Joe Sims, Dear comrades in the leadership of CPUSA, | On behalf of the leadership and all members of Palestinian Peoples Party (PPP) we extend to you and through you to all members of your party our congratulations for the successful end of the 32nd national convention of your party hoping you every success in your struggle for better future of your people and the peoples of the world for social justice, peace and socialism. | With this opportunity we would like also to thank you for your firm position of solidarity with the just struggle of our people for ending the ongoing genocide and ending th…

WSWS (2024-06-16). Socialist Equality Party election campaign wins support in Holborn and St Pancras, London. Dozens of workers, youth and retirees stopped and spoke with SEP campaigners. The stall, with its large placards denouncing Labour's support for the Gaza genocide and NATO's proxy-war in Ukraine, attracted interest throughout the day.

dar ell (2024-06-16). Google workers object to Nimbus.. Seems some googlers dont like the way trillion$ google/Alphabet i.n.c. | are using advanced AI capabilities to profit on | mass murder/social control/genocide atrocities in Palestine and other places with project 'Nimbus'.

Margaux Hourigat (2024-06-16). Terms of Reference : Consultancy Civil Society and the ICC : Pathways to Collaborative and Genuine Engagement. 1. BACKGROUND
| This joint project of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Coalition for the International Criminal Court (ICC) (CICC), under the auspices of the Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes: Making Justice Work, aims to enhance the relationship between civil society organisations (CSOs) and the International Criminal Court (ICC or Court). FIDH is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) composed of 188 national human rights (…) | – |

Visualizing Palestine (2024-06-16). Citibank Finances the Colonization of Palestine. Financing Jewish settlements in Palestine is financing the usurpation of Palestine, the oppression of Palestinians, allying with apartheid, and prioritizing profit over people.

UMMID (2024-06-16). Why Intel cancelled $25 bn chip factory expansion in Israel? In a major economic setback for Israel, Intel has halted its planned expansion of a major factory project worth $25 billion in the occupied Palestinian territory under the Zionist control.

scorinoco (2024-06-16). Russia and Cuba, Beyond Warships. By Mi Cuba por Siempre — Jun 13, 2024 | While the international media only report on the arrival of a Russian naval detachment in Cuba, relations between the Russian Federation and Cuba go much further and are getting stronger. Unlike the Biden administration, which is focused on maintaining the economic and financial persecution measures against Cuba, the Russian government is working together with the Cuban government to reach mutually beneficial agreements, which you will certainly not read about in the major mainstream outlets. | Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Russia…

Zac Chapman, Nairuti Shastry, Portside. (2024-06-16). Will The Revolution Be Funded? In April 2022, grassroots organization Mijente unveiled a political framework in which it advocated for a threefold strategy of working within, without, and against the state to achieve its political goals. This framing was inspired by a movement group in Chile, the Movimiento de Pobladores en Lucha. | We propose a similar path: building strategic alignment across groups working within, without, and against philanthropy. We aim to share the historical and present-day value of diverse approaches to fundraising that include but are in no way limited to philanthropic investment. Moreover, we seek to show how alignin…

Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Labor Notes. (2024-06-16). Big Union Win In Virginia Schools Where Bargaining Is Suddenly Legal. Education unions just won a massive victory in the fight to bring collective bargaining rights to Virginia's public sector. Workers at the Fairfax County Public Schools voted this week to unionize, creating a wall-to-wall union of 27,500 teachers, custodians, teaching assistants, bus drivers, and more. | The new bargaining unit is one of the largest K-12 unions on the East Coast, according to the National Education Association. | Fairfax County is in Northern Virginia, near Washington, D.C., and the Fairfax County school district is by far the largest in the state. | But many teachers, especially newer ones, live…

Steve Early, Convergence. (2024-06-16). 'Power Lines—Building A Labor-Climate Justice Movement'. A familiar scene played out in the city council chambers of Richmond, California on May 22, 2024. For the last 20 years, since members of the anti-Chevron Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA) first got elected to the council, any measure before that body affecting the city's largest employer and business tax payer has been hotly debated. | Local environmental justice organizations, like Communities for a Better Environment (CBE) and the Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) mobilize their working-class members to attend and sign up to speak during the time allotted for "public comment." | To rebut the resulti…

Jeffrey Sachs, Friends of Socialist China. (2024-06-16). The Perils And Promise Of The Emerging Multipolar World. In his recent article for Common Dreams, Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs describes the world's trajectory towards multipolarity over the past three decades. He notes that, "in 1994, the G7 countries constituted 45.3% of world output, compared with 18.9% of world output in the BRICS countries (Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Russia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates). The tables have turned. The BRICS now produce 35.2% of world output, while the G7 countries produce 29.3%." | The West's political influence is also waning, as exemplified by the failure of the US-led sanctions against Russia from 2022…

Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Fight Back! News. (2024-06-16). All Out For The March On The Republican National Convention. Step onto the stage of history in Milwaukee, July 15, as thousands march on the Republican National Convention. | More than 100 organizations are participating in this effort, spearheaded by the Coalition to March on the RNC, and mobilizations are taking place in cities across the U.S. As Trump is raking in money from billionaire donors and stepping up his campaign for the White House, it's vital that all of was who support Justice, progress and peace should be in the streets raising the banner of opposition. | Everyone who can be there should be there. | On July 15, we will be marching under the slogans: Fight t…

Larry Johnson (2024-06-16). My Presentation at the St. Petersburg International Economic forum. This is short and to the point. My speech was well received. The Syria's Ambassador to Moscow was present and applauded. You can see Alexander Dugin, Maria Zakharova sitting behind me. You will also see my good friends, Pepe Escobar and Zeinab Saffar, on the extreme right of the stage. (2024-06-16). Insights | Xinjiang residents have been primary beneficiaries of rapid development: Canadian scholar. Over the past decade, the economic and social development of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been extremely rapid, particularly in infrastructure such as roads, education, and healthcare, said Barry Sautman, a retired professor from the Division of Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a distinguished professor at Tsinghua University. (2024-06-16). China releases regulation governing cyber violence to create healthy online ecosystem. Chinese authorities released a regulation governing cyber violence on Friday, which will come into effect on August 1 this year. (2024-06-16). Premier highlights economic potential. China's efforts to restructure its economy through upgrading of consumption, industries and trade to promote high-quality growth will bring new opportunities for global development, Premier Li Qiang said on Friday. (2024-06-16). Insights | Yale expert says China's energy transition encouraging. Mary Tucker-Grim, professor at the same Yale School , emphasized the necessity of China's transformation from an industrial society to an ecological civilization. She criticized Western accusations of China's "overcapacity" and the imposition of tariffs on its new energy industries as very unfair. (2024-06-16). China's financing activities remain steady. China's financing activity remained lukewarm as the increment in aggregate social financing — the total amount of financing to the real economy — stood at 14.8 trillion yuan ($2.04 trillion) in the first five months of 2024. (2024-06-16). Comicomment: Ocean safety should not be based on lies. The Japan Atomic Energy Regulation Authority has revealed that a nuclear fuel development corporation falsified inspection records for radioactive waste tanks and other equipment for up to 14 years.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-16). The World Bank's accounts. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-06-16). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

David Schultz (2024-06-16). Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America.

Maria Elena Saludas (2024-06-16). The 6th International Eco-socialist Meeting and the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Eco-socialist Meeting concluded successfully.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-06-16). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2024-06-16). Nigerian Labor Unions Stage Strike to Raise Minimum Wage.

Oxfam International (2024-06-16). Less Than 3% of G7 Military Spending Could Help End Global Hunger and Solve Global South Debt Crisis.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-06-16). War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis. Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts. Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, media disinformation, war propaganda, WMD, international law,…

Jochen Oltmer (2024-06-16). Labor migration has always existed. Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (…)…

Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead (2024-06-16). Sunak accused of hypocrisy for claims Labour will change voting rules so they stay in power for very long time. According to the prime minister, Labour's move to allow those old enough to work, pay tax, and serve in the armed forces the right to vote, would "make it harder to remove them from power."

Juan M. Garcia (2024-06-16). Barbados condemns US blockade and Cuba's inclusion on terrorist list. Bridgetown, Jun 16 (Prensa Latina): Barbados considered a matter of urgency that United States lift the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba and exclude the island from its list of sponsors of terrorism, due to the dire consequences for the Cuban people. (2024-06-16). UK Labor Party loses Muslim support over Gaza stance ahead of elections. United Kingdom's Muslim populations have been alienated by the Labour Party's stance on Gaza. (2024-06-16). Iran: Closer economic ties will enhance political relations with Iraq. Iran's interim president says the promotion of economic relations with Iraq will lead to enhanced political relations.

Harry Glasbeek (2024-06-16). Law At Work: Class, Property, Capitalism. This essay is an excerpt from Harry Glasbeek's new book For thousands of years, workers have produced goods and services for themselves and others, sometimes being paid, sometimes not. But, for the most part, workers had few legally recognized political or social rights. Workers were not free, at least not in the way in which we describe freedom in our time. It was not until the late 1800s that the goods and services provided for others by workers in the Angl…

tvbrics (2024-06-16). Ethiopia aims to achieve economic growth of 7.9% in current fiscal year. Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed is evaluating the fiscal year's final 100 days of results…

Plus News (2024-06-16). No More Fresh Food Vending, Open Air Markets In Entebbe. Entebbe Municipal Council will from effective July 1, 2024 close all weekly open air markets popularly known as "kabubbu" except for one in Kitooro, Mayor Fabrice Lurinda has announced. Also banned are mobile delivery vans or trucks vending food stuffs, which he said will be impounded and their owners charged accordingly. Briefing journalists on various …

Staff (2024-06-16). UK: Eid Al Adha messages from political leaders. Eid Al-Adha messages from political leaders Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer MP, Leader, Labour Party On behalf of the Labour Party, I want to send my very best wishes to the Muslim community over Eid al-Adha. This holy festival is a chance for families, friends and neighbours to come together. Both to celebrate with … (2024-06-16). Iran's BRICS Membership Marks New Age in Regional Relations: Russian Politician. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran's membership in BRICS and its cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union have opened a new chapter in the promotion of Tehran's relations with regional countries, a senior member of Russia's State Duma said.

UMMID (2024-06-16). Courtesy PMRDA, Greater Pune poised to be a model city for future. Under the administration of PMRDA, Greater Pune's urban expansion has emerged as one of the most impressive success stories of planned growth, economic prosperity, and sustainable development.

newleftreview (2024-06-16). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

UMMID (2024-06-16). Kuwait: 53, including 5 Indians, dead in massive fire. At least 53 workers, including five Indians, have been killed after a massive fire broke out in a building accommodating labourers in Mangaf area of Kuwait's Southern Ahmadi Governorate.

Mehret Ayalew Mandefro (2024-06-16). A New Documentary Highlights China's Expansion Into Ethiopia. This Sunday, Made in Ethiopia premiers at the DC/DOX documentary festival in Washington, DC. This film rejects simplistic narratives and explores Ethiopia's burgeoning industrial sector and partnership with China through three individuals' perspectives. Ethiopia is the most populous nation in East Africa. In the 20th century, it faced economic troubles and civil war between communist…

Isaac Nellist, Chloe DS, Jacob Andrewartha, Cyn Huang, Daniil Sapunkov, Amey (2024-06-16). US student socialists assess 'explosive' Gaza solidarity encampment movement. Cyn Huang, Daniil Sapunkov and Amey discuss how the Palestine student movement plans to progress over the summer break and its impact on labour struggles, the left and the 2024 presidential elections.

newleftreview (2024-06-16). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-16). Mayo Clinic Minute: Coping with cancer-related fatigue. People can experience cancer-related fatigue before, during and after treatments. This is different from the typical tiredness. At times, your arms and legs might feel heavy, making it hard to move. It may be challenging to even get out of bed in the morning. Cancer-related fatigue can take a toll mentally too. It can sometimes lead to depression and other emotional distress. Dr. Touré Barksdale, a Mayo Clinic cancer rehabilitation and palliative medicine specialist, gives…

The Independent (2024-06-16). Sudanese embrace Eid al-Adha with soaring livestock price due to war. KHARTOUM | Xinhua | For the second year, the Sudanese welcome the Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice, without the usual joy of celebration, as the traditional rituals are becoming unaffordable during the civil war killing thousands, displacing millions, and collapsing the economy. According to Islamic traditions, Muslim families buy cattle, usually a goat …

The Independent (2024-06-16). Entebbe to close open air markets, ban fresh food vending. Wakiso, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Entebbe Municipal Council will from effective July 1st, 2024 close all weekly open air markets popularly known as "kabubbu" except for one in Kitooro, Mayor Fabrice Lurinda has announced. Also banned are mobile delivery vans or trucks vending food stuffs, which he said will be impounded and their owners charged …

The Independent (2024-06-16). Filmmakers urged to seek mentorship and prioritise collaboration. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Richard Mulindwa — a multi-award-winning film producer, writer, and director, has called for mentorship among young actors, directors, and producers. He asserted that the lack of mentorship hinders the quality of many productions. "We are losing a lot of talent because of inexperienced directors in Uganda. Some people know …

noemail (2024-06-16). Real Estate Revival in Amaravati: A New Dawn Under Naidu's Leadership. After a five-year lull, real estate prices in Andhra Pradesh's Amaravati region are poised to soar. The shift in regime from YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led YSRCP to N Chandrababu Naidu-helmed NDA has injected new life into the formerly abandoned city project.

Staff (2024-06-16). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

Gabisile (2024-06-15). Deputy President Mashatile to address National Youth Day commemoration. Deputy President Mashatile to address National Youth Day commemoration | Deputy President Paul Mashatile will speak at the 48th anniversary of Youth Day at Old Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane, Limpopo, on Sunday. | According to the Presidency, the commemoration will focus on "actively embracing the socio-economic gains of our democracy". | The annual event recollects the sacrifices of South Africa's youth in the fight for democracy, an event immortalised by the Soweto Uprising of 16 June 1976. | "This important national day provides an opportunity, for our country, to commemorate and honour the bravery of you…

2024-06-16 16:58:51 | 16:58 EST | tr | 53 | 0 | 7 | 50 | 0 

2024-06-11: News Headlines

Jessica Buxbaum (2024-06-11). Devastation Into Dollars: Israeli Startups Are Making a Killing in Gaza. Despite calls across college campuses demanding divestment from Israel, one sector of the Israeli economy appears to be booming. Israeli startups raised over A number of these successful startups have participated in Israel's ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip, suggesting genocide is a lucrative marketing tool for business. Products like suicide drones, smart guns, and robot dogs have all been deployed on the battlefield since October 2023, with some startups even exploiting th…

Robert Inlakesh (2024-06-11). US Had Direct Involvement In Israeli Massacre of 274 Palestinians. Officials in Washington praised Israel's military operation that freed four Israeli captives from the Gaza Strip but refrained from commenting on the approximately 274 Palestinians killed during the mission, which involved U.S. collaboration. | While Israelis celebrated the extraction of the captives from Gaza's Nuseirat, Palestinian refugees in the area were left to collect the remains of their loved ones. An eyewitness

Nandita Bajaj (2024-06-11). How Patriarchal Pronatalism Dominates the Conversation about the Human Future. "Global Population Growth Is Slowing Down. Here's One Reason Why," Scientific American Governments worldwide are in a race to see which one can encourage the most women to have the most babies. Hungary is slashing income tax for women with four or more children. Russia is offering women with 10 or more children a "Mother-Heroine" award. Greece, Italy, and South Korea are …

newarab (2024-06-11). Empowered communities lead post-IS reconstruction in Mosul. The scent of Men with practised hands expertly prepare shimmering fish, while customers, a mix of men and women, weave through the stalls. | Some inquire about prices; others place orders, selecting whole-cooked fish or diced portions destined for home kitchens. | This local market embodies the duality of Mosul's everyday life on th…

newarab (2024-06-11). Muslims set to back Labour in UK election, Gaza anger remains. British Muslims are set to overwhelmingly back Labour in the upcoming UK elections, but anger over the Savanta

Victoria Torres (2024-06-11). Hitmen: Venezuelan Opposition's New Plan Against President Maduro. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro denounced members of the opposition for having hitmen at their disposal in Venezuela with the aim of assassinating the president during campaign rallies amid the upcoming July 28 presidential elections. | "They have a group of hitmen, the extreme right… They have a group of hitmen already in Venezuela, looking for me, looking for us [his presidential campaign staff], to harm us," President Maduro said this Sunday, June 9, during an event in Caracas with leaders of the governing United Socialist Party (PSUV). | The president pointed toward Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, and…

Victoria Torres (2024-06-11). Venezuela's Foreign Minister Participates in BRICS Summit. Venezuelan Minister for Foreign Affairs Yván Gil met with several of his counterparts and other authorities from the BRICS+ countries at the BRICS+ Foreign Ministers Summit, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. | The most recent of his meetings was on Monday, June 10, with Foreign Minister of South Africa Earlier, Minister Gil met with the minister of state for economic affairs and trade of…

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2024-06-11). Study Finds Indicators Of Economic Growth Without Environmental Harm. A recent study conducted by researchers from China, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Britain, and South Africa has found evidence of separation between economic growth and environmental degradation in China's most economically significant lake basin. | The Yangtze River Delta, which was studied by the team, accounts for only 4 percent of the country's land area but a quarter of its gross domestic product (GDP). Some of China's major industries, including chip, electric vehicle, robot and battery manufacturers and developers in software and artificial intelligence are concentrated in the delta.

Matthew Rozsa, Salon. (2024-06-11). Climate Change Activists Gear Up For A Summer Of Dissent. "We have a series of many events," said Pumarol. "We are planning direct actions throughout the summer." | For three months starting on June 10th, they plan on shutting down the headquarter of Citibank, a financial institution that helps fund fossil fuel exploration. They also plan on staging a protest where humans dress as orcas, the iconic cetaceans that have been targeting yachts at least since November. "I think it's been a source of inspiration for many activists. We're also going to have a day where scientists are going to get arrested in front of city headquarters, and we're going to have a day where elder…

Sam Pizzigati, Inequality. (2024-06-11). For The Rich, One Nation Isn't Rolling Out The Red Carpet. So you think the rich have life easy, do you? Just try telling that to the deep pockets who've spent tens of millions buying condos at 432 Park Avenue, the 11-year-old Manhattan luxury tower that once rated as our hemisphere's tallest residence. Condo owners in the tower have had to put up with "faulty elevators, leaky plumbing, and noise issues." They're now suing the building's operator. | Or consider the plight of those fabulously wealthy souls who've had to pay millions to move their mansions off the sandy coast of Nantucket, the one-time hippie refuge that's become a summer "holiday hot spot for billionaires…

Ana Vraƒçar, People's Dispatch. (2024-06-11). Far-Right Surge In Elections Shakes Up European Parliament. The European Union woke up to a grim reality, albeit with few surprises, after the European Parliament elections concluded on Sunday, June 9. As predicted by polls, far-right parties emerged gleeful. According to preliminary results, combined, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Identity and Democracy (ID) groups secured only four fewer seats than the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), the second-largest group in parliament. Including mandates won by unaffiliated parties close to ECR and ID, the far-right easily overtakes the center. | The conservative European People's P… (2024-06-11). Weak yen a double-edged sword, say mkt mavens. The depreciation of the Japanese yen has created ups and downs in China, both promoting outbound tourism and the value of renminbi and Chinese assets while also presenting some problems for Chinese exporters. (2024-06-11). Expert predicts positive export outlook for H2. China's ongoing optimization of its export goods structure and expansion of its trading partnerships will help mitigate the effects of rising trade barriers and other external challenges. (2024-06-11). Experts call for efforts to expand demand. Overall price levels in China are likely to rise, from moderately to significantly, as domestic demand is expected to improve amid a series of policy measures aimed at boosting consumption and increasing investment, experts said. (2024-06-11). Holidaymakers choosing short trips over long-haul journeys. This year's three-day Dragon Boat holiday overlapped with the period of the National College Entrance Examination. As a result, the number of people who took trips and prices of travel products have not increased significantly, industry players found. (2024-06-11). Robotics engineers help to promote industrial transformation. Na Peng (right) and his colleague check a spot welding robot in Shenyang, Northeast China's Liaoning province, on June 3, 2024.Na Peng debugs the program of the industrial robot control system in Shenyang, Northeast China's Liaoning province, on June 3, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]…

GRAIN (2024-06-11). Whipping up disaster: how Brazil became a lab for financial agro-investments.

David Schultz (2024-06-11). Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America.

Maria Elena Saludas (2024-06-11). The 6th International Eco-socialist Meeting and the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Eco-socialist Meeting concluded successfully.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-11). The World Bank's accounts. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Adam Fishbein (2024-06-11). Warren's New Bill Makes Private Equity's Death Grip on Hospitals a Crime. Private equity's entrance into health care since 2000 has been dramatic. Both the number of private equity (PE) deals and annual PE investments in health care increased tenfold between 2001 and 2020, and peaked in 2021. Until now, lax corporate transparency and accountability regulations meant that there was nothing anyone could do when corporate owners …

David S. D'Amato (2024-06-11). Socialism: the Great Anti-Theft Movement. In his 1869 essay Yours Or Mine, the radical American writer and publisher Ezra Heywood argued that capitalists had made stealing a fine art. Heywood had no problem in principle with a competitive market economy. But he saw state power as serving the interests of the capitalists, and he called the state "one great embodiment

Eugene Puryear (2024-06-11). Feeling the pain: Inflation, wages, and the working class. Once again the mainstream press is touting a "blowout" jobs report.

Abramorama (2024-06-11). Video: "The Vaccine". They Set the Data; Prioritize Profits Over People: Official Trailer: Protocol 7.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2024-06-11). Wednesday 6/12: Action to Protest Fascist Argentina Pres Melei's Attack on Workers Party PO & Polo Obrero. San Francisco Federal Building | 90 7th St. | San Francisco…

Cynthia Papermaster (2024-06-11). Wednesday 6/12: Bay Area Merchants of Death Tour. Tour-goers will be picked up in Berkeley, SF and Palo Alto and returned to pick up spots.

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-11). Tories' own attack ad suggests that they could come third. It's got so bad for the Conservatives, that their own paid for attack ad suggests that they could come third. | With the polls continuing to predict a Tory wipeout at the general election, giving the Labour Party an average 20-point lead, Sunak has failed thus far to reverse the trend since calling a general election. | Today is the day of the Tory manifesto launch and there are even reports that rebel Tories could launch an alternative manifesto should Sunak's current proposals fall flat. | It follows on from a torrid week for the Prime Minister, who issued an apology after facing a backlash for leaving D-Day…

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-11). Nick Robinson tears Rishi Sunak apart for repeating ' £2,000 tax rise' claim. Rishi Sunak's election campaign is full of car crash interviews, the latest of which occurred last night during a gruelling interview with the BBC's Nick Robinson. | Sunak took part in a long form election interview with Robinson, the first party leader to do so, where he faced questions on tax and spend, immigration, the NHS and the overall Tory record in office. | During the first leaders debate with Keir Starmer, Sunak lied and claimed that Labour would raise taxes by £2,000 per working household. The Treasury's top civil servant criticised the Conservatives for presenting the figure as if it had been…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-06-11). Venezuela at the St.Petersberg Forum: Strategic Partnership and De-Dollarization. Misión Verdad Venezuelan delegation at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Venezuela participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held from June 5 to 8 in the Russian city of the same name. The 27th edition of the Spief was attended by representatives from 136 countries and its central theme was "The basis of…

Imran Mulla (2024-06-11). UK election 2024: In Leicester South, independent Shockat Adam wants to lead anti-Labour revolt.

Amiad Horowitz (2024-06-11). Vietnamese representative tells CPUSA convention about agent orange problems. A representative of the Communist Party of Vietnam addressed a gathering of hundreds of U.S. communists and their supporters at an even here last weekend, telling the gathering that his people continue to suffer the effects of agent orange. It was a chemical that the U.S. sprayed on people, animals, agricultural products and forests in …

Press Associates (2024-06-11). Iranian communist leader: "Won't take very long to oust theocratic government" Read more coverage of the Communist Party USA's 32nd National Convention. CHICAGO —An official of the Iranian Tudeh Party, predicted here this weekend that "it won't take very long" to oust the theocratic government that has run the Islamic Republic since its 1979 revolution. And Danesh said that when Iranians do so, the CPUSA will …

Amiad Horowitz (2024-06-11). Vietnamese representative tells CPUSA convention about agent orange problems. Read more coverage of the Communist Party USA's 32nd National Convention. CHICAGO — A representative of the Communist Party of Vietnam addressed a gathering of hundreds of U.S. communists and their supporters at an even here last weekend, telling the gathering that his people continue to suffer the effects of agent orange. It was a …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-11). Cuba is working to modify Labor Code. Havana, Jun 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban authorities announced on Tuesday that they are working to modify the Labor Code and the Social Security Law as a sign of the State's commitment to the welfare and exercise of labor rights.

Pressenza New York (2024-06-11). Biden's New Border and Asylum Cap. President Joe Biden signed an executive order that places stronger regulations on undocumented migrants seeking asylum at the Southern border on June 4th. According to President Biden, this decision was made to combat the fentanyl crisis, as well as manage immigration from Palestinian refugees. | This decision comes after President Biden expressed his frustration with Republican legislators during a White House press release on Tuesday because of their disagreements on how the border should be secured."Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue through bipartisan legislation, because that's the only wa…

GAIA (2024-06-11). Freedom from Pollution, Poverty, and Wasteful Systems. Waste Workers Call For Equal Rights, Push for "Magna Carta": | Formed in February 2024, PNWWA is a coalition of 12 waste worker organizations representing over a thousand members across the archipelago. Their unified voice underscores the need for legislative action to improve the working conditions and safeguard the rights of waste workers and waste pickers nationwide. | "We are calling for, among others, just compensation and social benefits and protection because we provide essential services to society. We are as deserving of such benefits and protection as any other worker, perhaps even mor…

tvbrics (2024-06-11). ASEAN ministers collaborate in order to leverage artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence increases countries' GDP…

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Europe preparing for war as Ukraine conflict looms large, report finds. Global Peace Index finds Europe's military spending is rising amid fears the war in Ukraine will expand.

WSWS (2024-06-11). UAW enforces judge's strikebreaking order against University of California academic workers. The UAW apparatus is a critical instrument of the Biden administration, which is relying on the discredited labor bureaucracy to hold back opposition to US imperialism's wars for global domination.

WSWS (2024-06-11). Cornel West adapts to far-right in interview on Musk-boosted X program. West assured cryptocurrency entrepreneur Mario Nawfal's right-wing audience that he opposed open borders, socialism and Marxism.

Guest Blogger (2024-06-11). Updated Hydrogen Costings. The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world's biggest markets — has risen by more than 50% compared to last year, research house BloombergNEF (BNEF) has found, rather than the gradual reduction its analysis had previously indicated.

Gabisile (2024-06-11). Health Minister to brief media on Mpox outbreak. Health Minister to brief media on Mpox outbreak | Health Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla, will hold a media briefing on Wednesday to provide an update on the outbreak of Monkeypox disease, also known as Mpox. | According to the statement, the Minister will outline plans by the department in collaboration with various stakeholders in the sector to curb further spread and prevent mortality. | Last week, the department reported that two more cases of Mpox had been detected at Addington and St Augustine Hospitals in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. | Additionally, the country recorded two infections last month, one in Durban and the…

The Independent (2024-06-11). NCBA Bank launches 2024 Golf Series, marks World Environment Day. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | NCBA Bank, in collaboration with the Uganda Golf Club, has launched the 2024 NCBA Golf Series, aimed at promoting the development of golf and inspiring greatness in Uganda's golfing fraternity. The bank also used the opportunity to emphasize its comprehensive sustainability initiative aimed at combating climate change and preserving …

newleftreview (2024-06-11). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). A construction worker's death casts a shadow on France's Olympics journey. Amara Dioumassy died one year ago, prompting labour unions to call for better safety standards.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Is the UK's left-wing Labour Party on a 'rightward' path in election race? Labour's leader Keir Starmer has been accused of purging left-wing members of his party ahead of the general election.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). Bangladesh's 'missing billionaires': A wealth boom and stark inequality.

aljazeera (2024-06-11). New Zealand scraps 'burp tax' on livestock after backlash from farmers. Centre-right coalition gov't says it will focus on 'practical tools and technology' to reduce agricultural emissions.

The Independent (2024-06-11). Stanbic supports health facilities with maternal healthcare services. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | On June 6, Stanbic Uganda Holdings Limited (SUHL), the parent company of Stanbic Bank donated equipment worth Shs20 million to Mbale Referral Hospital and Maluku Health Center III, as part of its Corporate Social Investment. The support aims to improve maternal healthcare services across the country. The donation was part …

The Independent (2024-06-11). BoU Deputy Governor says global factors could influence inflation trend. Bank of Uganda chose to keep the Central Bank Rate at 10.25% for the next two months Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT & AGENCIES |The BoU Monetary Policy Committee forecasts a lower inflation rate of between 5 and 5.4% next financial year as the shilling is expected to be more stable. However, BoU Deputy Governor …

Adriaan Alsema (2024-06-11). Chiquita liable for financing death squads in Colombia: US court. Chiquita must compensate victims of paramilitary organization AUC, which received financial support of the banana corporation in Colombia, a US court ruled. The sentence is a major victory for nine…

newleftreview (2024-06-11). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

jamanetwork (2024-06-11). WHO Updates Terminology for Pathogens That Spread Through the Air. A multiyear global collaboration among public health agencies has led to new terminology for pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 that can spread through the air, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced. The report by the WHO and partners, including the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, moves away from the dichotomy of "aerosols" and "droplets" that sparked debate and confusion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Akielly Hu (2024-06-11). A lack of data hampers efforts to fix racial disparities in utility cutoffs.

Guest Blogger (2024-06-11). Deputy Leader Of Germany's Centre-Right Party: Country in A "Green Fairy Tale World" The Deputy Leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union Jens Spahn warns that the current socialist-green government is leading the country into a "green fairy tale world" and sharply citicizes the country's the nuclear phase-out.

NEOB (2024-06-11). Trial date set for Richard Mdluli corruption case. Trial date set for Richard Mdluli corruption case | The corruption case against former South African Police Service (SAPS) Crime Intelligence Head, Richard Mdluli, has been set down for trial in October. | Mdluli will be in the dock in the Pretoria High Court with co-accused, former SAPS Head of Supply Chain Management, Heine Barnard and former SAPS Crime Intelligence Chief Financial Officer, Solomon Lazarus. | According to National Prosecuting Authority Investigating Directorate spokesperson, Henry Mamothame, the court ordered that the "trial will commence on the set date regardless of the pending outcome on an…

Adam Bienkov (2024-06-11). How Rishi Sunak 'Changed the Rules' to Keep the Conservative Party in Power. "If Labour wins this time, they'll change the rules so they're in power for a very long time", Rishi Sunak said this morning, as he published the Conservative party's election manifesto. | His justification for this dramatic claim was that the Labour leader Keir Starmer has announced that he plans to extend the right to vote to all 16-year-olds, therefore making it, in Sunak's words "harder to remove him from power". | Now, aside from what this says about the Conservative party's view of young people, and their right to be heard, this is a quite extraordinarily hypocritical comment from the Prime Minister.

The Independent (2024-06-11). Why women's health matters for everyone. Improvements could add years to life and life to years — and potentially boost the global economy by $1 trillion ANALYSIS | MELODY CHIRONDA | Maternal health, which refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and…

Lylla Younes (2024-06-11). What is LaToya Ruby Frazier trying to show us? In the winter of 2010, the photographer LaToya Ruby Frazier strapped knee pads over her leggings and pulled on a pair of Levi's blue jeans. The denim brand had just opened a popup shop on Wooster Street in lower Manhattan to promote a new clothing line designed around the motif of the "urban pioneer." For the site of its ad campaign, the company chose Braddock, Pennsylvania, aestheticizing the town's post-industrial landscape in a series of images plastered across magazine pages and New York billboards, and making it appear as a place in motion with ample economic horizons for any working American. "Go Forth,"

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-11). Invitan desde Venezuela a atestiguar comicios presidenciales. La Habana, 11 jun (RHC) El primer vicepresidente del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, invitó a todas las personas amantes de la paz y la democracia a acompañar las venideras elecciones presidenciales en su país.

Staff (2024-06-11). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

2024-06-11 21:39:47 | 21:39 EST | tr | 63 | 0 | 0 | 66 | 0 

2024-06-09: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-06-09). Leaders of London rally issue dead-end call for Sunak and Starmer to reverse support for Israel's genocide. The determined opposition of workers and young people is being corralled into a dead-end, with calls that the only way to stop Israel is to put pressure on the Tories and, above all, the Labour Party of genocide apologist in chief, Sir Keir Starmer.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-06-09). 94% Of Americans Want To End Ukraine War, But US Rejects Peace Deal. Polling shows that the vast majority of people in the United States and Western Europe want negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. | Despite this, NATO opposes a peace proposal made by China and Brazil, and refuses to invite Russia to a so-called "peace conference" that the Western powers are holding in Switzerland from June 15-16. | The Institute for Global Affairs of Eurasia Group, an avowedly pro-NATO and anti-Russia consulting firm that has worked extensively with Western governments, published a study this June titled "The New Atlanticism". | The survey found that the 94% of people in the US and 88% in West… (2024-06-09). Tourism improves Cambodia relations. China and Cambodia are poised to strengthen tourism cooperation, aiming to leverage their rich cultural and natural resources for mutual economic and social benefits. (2024-06-09). Far-right parties see big gains in European elections. A voter has his identity verified before casting his vote for the European elections in The Hague on Thursday.Labor is part of the Socialists and Democrats political group, while the Greens belongs to the Greens bloc."ÄÄ… (2024-06-09). May exports grow better than expected. China's exports grew better than expected in May, with analysts pointing to improved external demand and strong resilience in foreign trade, providing a solid base for achieving its annual economic target. (2024-06-09). U.S.-China subnational climate action: a step towards real collaboration. The U.S.-China High-Level Event on Subnational Climate Action, held from May 29 to 30 in Berkeley, California, marks a significant milestone in international environmental cooperation.

Pete Dolack (2024-06-09). Capitalism Can't Overcome the Laws of Physics. Image by Dan Cristian PƒÉdure»õ. | You can't have infinite growth on a finite planet. That should be a commonplace idea. And that inevitably means facing up to the necessity of putting an end to capitalism in favor of an economic system of rationality, sustainability and equity for all the world's peoples. | It can't be said too many times that the concept of "green capitalism" is a chimera. Unfortunately, belief in that chimera is not limited to the world's center-left political parties; it extends to the world's Green parties. Various "Green New Deal" programs have been floated in re…

Labor Video Project (2024-06-09). Trump's SF Pacific Heights Benefit With Techno-Fascist Billionaires & Supporters. Trump came to San Francisco to raise millions of dollars from techno fascist billionaires and crypto speculators who don't want any regulation. His supporters and protesters rallied on the block of billionaire David Sacks $42 million dollar mansion.

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2024-06-09). Wednesday 6/12: Action To Protest Fascist Argentina Pres Melei's Attack On Workers Party PO & Polo Obrero. San Francisco Federal Building | 90 7th St. | San Francisco…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-06-09). Ethiopia ranks Africa's fifth largest economy in 2024. Addis Ababa, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopia has ranked fifth among African nations with the largest economies in 2024, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Fana Broadcasting Corporate noted on Sunday.

Pressenza Philippines (2024-06-09). BCU's Braintrust: Faculty and Deans Share Learnings at RISE 2024: ICREATE #3/4. by Genevieve Balance Kupang | Baguio City, Philippines. We hope you enjoyed reading the first and second series of this article dubbed respectively "WCC ATC and Partner Institutions Host RISE 2024: ICREATE Conference Fostering Global Collaboration in Research and Innovation #1/4 Series" & "BCU Students Gain Valuable Insights at RISE 2024: ICREATE 1st International Conference on Research and Innovation 2/4." The framework used in sharing the lessons learned from the conference, the "Three Ls," highlights key takeaways through the lens of what we Learned, what we Liked, and what we Long For shared by Engr. Leono…

tvbrics (2024-06-09). UAE comes out on top in world for investments in culture and creativity. Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a world leader in attracting foreign direct investment…

tvbrics (2024-06-09). Chile's economic activity grows by 3.4 per cent in April.

WSWS (2024-06-09). TikTok bans video demanding Bogdan Syrotiuk's freedom, branding it "hate speech" The TikTok ban comes just days after the Zelensky regime issued an order banning access to the World Socialist Web Site across Ukraine. The order was issued by the Ukrainian State Special Communications Service, a wing of the country's military-intelligence apparatus.

The Independent (2024-06-09). Cooperation with China helps Africa realize blue economy aspirations. * "Fishing is a rewarding vocation that has enabled me to educate my children, feed them, and pursue other businesses on the side," said Mohamed Chamira, a fisherman with 57 years of experience. * China has been carrying out fishery cooperation with nearly 20 African countries and their partnerships hold huge potential. * By March …

GABIK (2024-06-09). Closing date looms for sport, culture events funding proposals. Closing date looms for sport, culture events funding proposals | The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation has reminded applicants of funding proposals for sports, arts, culture and recreation events and festivals to submit their proposals before the 14 June 2024 deadline. | The department said proposals are being sought for events taking place during the 2024/2025 financial year ending on 31 March 2025. | These can include festivals, music shows, sports tournaments, seminars, exhibitions, and more. | "The department seeks to support initiatives that are in line with the wider provincial gov…

The Independent (2024-06-09). Ugandan, Chinese vocational schools partner up to boost training, employment. KAMPALA, Uganda | Xinhua | Uganda's Luyanzi Institute of Technology (LIT), a vocational school in Kampala, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hunan Mechanical and Electrical Polytechnic (HMEP) in China to enhance training and employment opportunities for its students. Ayub Sooma, chairperson of LIT, signed the MoU at LIT with Chen Li, vice …

GABIK (2024-06-09). Call to minimise marine pollution. Call to minimise marine pollution | Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment Minister, Barbara Creecy has urged citizens to play their part in minimising marine pollution by adopting sustainable practices, including reducing littering, participating in beach clean-ups, and recycling materials. | Creecy made the call as South Africa joined the global community in celebrating World Oceans Day (WOD), held under the theme 'Awaken New Depths.' | Observed on 08 June, the main objective of this year's WOD celebrations was to highlight the vital role of oceans in shaping socio-economic realities and environmental sustai…

The Independent (2024-06-09). Uganda and Korea sign Shs2 trillion loan framework deal. Seoul, South Korea | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda and the Republic of Korea signed a $500 million (Shs1.9 trillion) loan Framework Agreement, marking a significant boost to bilateral relations and economic cooperation. The signing ceremony, coinciding with the conclusion of the First Korea-Africa Summit, took place at the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Seoul. …

aljazeera (2024-06-09). Polls open in 20 EU countries to elect new European Parliament. The vote will shape how the EU tackles Russia, industrial rivarly with China and the US, climate change and migration.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-06-09). A Mayo Clinic virologist explains FLiRT and why you may need a new COVID-19 vaccination. A COVID-19 antigen rapid test A new variant of COVID-19, known as FLiRT, is now the most dominant strain in the U.S. This variant, which evolved from the omicron strain, is characterized by changes in its spike protein — the part of the virus that binds to host cells. Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says that these changes could increase the virus' ability to infect cells and evade the immune system,…

Kimera Abdu (2024-06-09). Building Review Board Releases Checklist for Condominium Buyers. The National Building Review Board (NBRB) has released a comprehensive checklist designed to protect potential condominium buyers from fraudulent transactions and substandard properties. The new guidelines aim to help buyers make informed decisions before finalizing any property purchases. This comes in response to numerous complaints from buyers who found their apartments did not meet their …

noemail (2024-06-09). PGA Tour and Saudi Public Investment Fund Make Progress in New York Meeting. The PGA Tour has signaled progress following a face-to-face meeting in New York with the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia. This pivotal assembly included the PGA Tour's negotiating committee and representatives from the Saudi Arabian sovereign wealth fund.

aljazeera (2024-06-09). India's Modi urged to set 'ambitious' economic agenda after poll humbling. Unemployment and inflation among the biggest challenges facing Modi's reduced coalition, analysts say.

Guest Blogger (2024-06-09). L A Times Editorial on How to Fight "Skyrocketing Electric Bills" Conceals Hugely Failed California Government Electricity Market Debacles. California's government meddling in electricity markets has for decades been systematically driving up the state's electricity prices hugely beyond increases being experienced elsewhere across the U.S.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-06-09). Leñadores de Las Tunas prolongan su dominio sobre Leones de Industriales. La Habana, 9 jun (RHC) En la jornada sabatina correspondiente a la Serie Nacional de Béisbol número 63, los actuales campeones, Leñadores de las Tunas, dispusieron de los Leones de Industriales 7-3, con éxito para Rubén Rodríguez, descalabro de Fher Cejas y el decimotercer jonrón de Denis Peña.

Staff (2024-06-09). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

newarab (2024-06-09). UK Labour 'pro-Israel' candidate faces antisemitism complaint. A 'pro-Israel'

newarab (2024-06-09). Israel's treatment of Palestinian workers decried at UN meeting. The head of the International Labour Organization on Thursday criticized the decimation of Palestinian workers' labour rights since the start of Israel's treatment of Palestinian workers, under scrutiny for decades by the UN labour body, has increased since the Oct. 7 war with criticism focused on more than half a million job losses and Israel's exclusion of some 200,000 Palestinians from Israel for security reasons. | "This has been the hardest year for…

newarab (2024-06-09). Venezuela, Turkey sign gold deal in region hit by illegal mines. "Turkey's investment is intended to continue developing gold (in) the Mining Arc (of Orinoco),"

newarab (2024-06-09). Who is the former Labour pro-Palestine candidate Faiza Shaheen. The decision garnered a great deal of attention and interest in the left-winger who grew up in the Chingford and Woodford Green constituency. | Earlier this month, Shaheen was summoned to an interview with three…

2024-06-09 21:11:54 | 21:11 EST | tr | 33 | 1 | 3 | 31 | 0 

2024-06-04: News Headlines

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-06-04). Twenty Years Of Building An Economic Alternative To Capitalism In The US. The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives recently turned twenty years old. Clearing the FOG speaks with Dr. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, a professor and author of "Collective Courage: A History of African-American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice," and a charter member of the USFWC, about the work to create a national cooperative organization and the rise of the cooperative economy in the United States. She spoke about the role that cooperatives have played in advancing social and economic justice, the benefits of cooperatives not only to the individual but also more broadly to their communities, and the his…

David Vine, Theresa Arriola, TomDispatch. (2024-06-04). The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All. We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. | Bombs also make people rich. | When a bomb explodes, someone profits. And when someone profits, bombs claim more unseen victims. Every dollar spent on a bomb is a dollar not spent saving a life from a preventable death, a dollar not spent curing cancer, a dollar not spent educating children. That's why, so long ago, retired five-star general and President Dwight D…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-04). Ming Vase Politics: UK Labour and Purging the Corbynistas. By any reckoning, this was the move of a fool. A fool, it should be said, motivated by spite larded with caution. Evidently playing safe, adopting what has been called a "Ming Vase strategy" (hold it with scrupulous care; avoid danger), the British Labour Party under Sir Keir Starmer is already laying its own boobytraps …

Alex Bainbridge, Peter Boyle, Chloe DS (2024-06-04). Labor votes against Palestinian state while protesters march against genocide. Thousands rallied around the country on the 35th weekend of continuous protests against Israel's genocide. Alex Bainbridge reports. (2024-06-04). More than 1700 public servants condemn Labor for 'complicity in Palestinian genocide'.

The Independent (2024-06-04). Now Stanbic's "Oli Sorted" Campaign offers 100% home financing. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Stanbic Bank has unveiled its new "Oli Sorted" campaign, offering Ugandans 100% home financing alongside a variety of other financial solutions. This 90-day initiative, timed with the back-to-school season, allows parents to borrow up to Shs 350 million in unsecured personal loans for school fees and related expenses. Israel Arinaitwe, …

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). The movement for Palestinian Solidarity in Chilean Universities: defying the liberal academia. By: Camilo Godoy & Catalina Calderón. ​After 76 years of occupation, students from across the Globe have shown their support towards the Palestinian cause during recent months. The agreements, cooperation and public relations with Universities and academic institutions from Israel has been a common factor in the causes towards it, considering the context of imperialism and aggression with direct complicity from the US' government and the UK after the AlAqsa Flood Operation by Hamas and then continued by other part …

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). "Modern (Mis)interpretations of Clean Slates'. By: Michael Hudson. ​Why were Clean Slates so important to Bronze Age societies? From the third millennium in Mesopotamia, people were aware that debt pressures, if left to accumulate unchecked, would distort normal fiscal and landholding patterns to the detriment of the community. They perceived that debts grow autonomously under their own dynamic by the exponential curves of compound interest rather than adjusting themselves to reflect the ability of debtors to pay. This idea never has been accepted …

LEPAIO (2024-06-04). Zionism, Histadrut, the AFL CIO, Solidarity Center & What was Left Out of 2024 Labor Notes.

Freedom Socialist Party (2024-06-04). Wednesday 7/24: Reading Circle — General Strike: A Key to Unlocking Worker Power Today. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St (near Ellis), San Francisco | Also on Zoom:

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). Western arms supplies to Ukraine prevent peaceful solutions By: Margaret Kimberley. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all for this opportunity to address the Security Council and to provide a briefing on the issue of peace as it relates to Ukraine and its connections with people in this country and all over the world.​As a journalist, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, and a member of the Black Alliance for Peace and of the United National Antiwar Coalition, and as a citizen of the United States, the nation which has taken a lead role in continuing this cri …

latintimes (2024-06-04). Asian Markets In Reverse As US Data Spark Economy Worries. The losses came as energy firms were weighed by a further drop in oil that came after OPEC and other major producers said they would begin lifting output before the year's end, calling time on a period of cuts that has kept crude elevated.

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). Forgotten Scandal: Canadian Peace Congress Leader Threatened for Leaking Canada's Cooperation with U.S. Germ Warfare By: Jeffrey S. Kaye. This article has been slightly modified from its original appearance (under a different title) in The Canada Files, March 14, 2023. New documentation on Canada's Cold War experiments breeding insects and rodents for use in biological warfare has been added to this article. It was late April 1952 and the Korean War was nearing its second anniversary with no end in sight. In Canada, newspapers and the Canadian government erupted in fury when it was reported that t …

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). Raisi led the charge for Russia—Iran—China's 'new world order' By: Pepe Escobar. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's eastward vision was instrumental in advancing the strategic Moscow—Tehran—Beijing nexus and bulldozing a path toward institutionalizing multipolarity. Amidst all the sadness and grief over the loss of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, let's take a moment to showcase the critical path he helped forge toward a new global order. ​In the nearly three years since Raisi ascended to the Iranian presidency, Eurasian integration …

midwesternmarx (2024-06-04). Communists must heed Marx & Engels' warnings about relying on the lumpen, or be backstabbed in the class war By: Rainer Shea. The need for Marxists to avoid romanticizing the lumpenproletariat—the social element that operates on the economy's margins—is more urgent than ever. Because our class conflict is escalating amid the recent disruptions to U.S. hegemony, and the related economic breakdowns. Which means the ruling class is increasingly seeking to weaponize the lumpen against the working class cause, heightening the dangers of investing in the lumpen.​In The Peasant War in Germany, E …

David Vine, Theresa Arriola (2024-06-04). The military-industrial complex is killing us all. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bombs also make people rich.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-06-04). Cuba ratified interest in cooperation with Eurasian Economic Union. Havana, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero ratified his country's commitment to expand and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation ties with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU in Spanish).

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-06-04). Bolivia's president to fulfill extensive agenda in Russia. La Paz, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) President Luis Arce will conduct a series of activities during a visit to Russia, including participating in the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-06-04). Cuban youths pay tribute to patriots Maceo and Che. Havana, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) A varied program of activities is reportedly being carried out by the Cuban Young Communist League (UJC, in Spanish) to commemorate the 179th and 96th birthdays of Antonio Maceo and Ernesto Che Guevara, respectively.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-06-04). Solidarity association reiterates cooperation with Cuba. The president of the organization, Víctor Fernández, highlighted the actions of CubaCoop in almost 30 years of working jointly with Cuba, during which it has provided over 20 million euros to economic, social, and cultural projects. | Fernández also ratified the association's priority for supporting Cuba's politics while denouncing the US blockade, and assisting Cuba's economic sphere. | Fernández considered that CubaCoop annual gala, held on May 31st in Paris, was a success; more than 500 persons and 50 French companies participated. "We truly appreciate such an extensive presence at the greatest event in coope…

WSWS (2024-06-04). SEP (Australia) calls for release of Bogdan Syrotiuk on Hunter Valley radio. Nick Beams and John Davis called on listeners to join the fight to free Syrotiuk, the victim of a gross frameup for his socialist opposition to war.

WSWS (2024-06-04). Australian Labor government ramps up anti-immigrant measures. "Foreigners" are being blamed for the deteriorating social conditions being produced by capitalism's economic and cost-of-living crisis and the channelling of billions of dollars into military spending.

WSWS (2024-06-04). Signs of potential turmoil in global financial system. A tremor went through the $26 trillion US Treasury market last week when there was a shortage of buyers at two auctions for US debt.

WSWS (2024-06-04). Claudia Sheinbaum, AMLO's protégé, elected president of Mexico. While the ruling class would have preferred Gálvez and a swifter shift to the right, it is confident that a Sheinbaum administration will put the defense of the capitalist profits first.

David Vine (2024-06-04). The military-industrial complex is killing us all. Freeing ourselves from the monster destroying our planet and our futures.

| The FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) is an international human rights NGO. Since 1922, it has been committed to defending all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As the transformation of societies is first and foremost the responsibility of local actors, its activities aim to strengthen their capacity for action and their influence. The FIDH federates 188 national human rights associations (…) | – |

Stephen Koukoulas (2024-06-04). Real wage growth returns: Labor announces minimum pay increase.

newarab (2024-06-04). George Galloway party launches Gaza-focused UK election campaign. Left-wing MP George Galloway launched his Galloway said Labour leader Keir Starmer had "blood on his hands" over his refusal to condemn Israel's

newarab (2024-06-04). Pret A Manger pulls out of plans to open in Israel over Gaza war. British sandwich and coffee chain Pret A Manger said it has given up on a plan to The retailer, owned by investment firm JAB and founder Sinclair Beecham, signed an agreement with Israeli retail group Fox Group and foodservice business Yarzin Sella Group in December 2022 to introduce the Pret brand into Israel. | However, no Pr… (2024-06-04). Iran an invincible power, any military option against it off the table: IRGC. The IRGC chief commander says any possible option of war against Iran is null and off the table.

Robert Delaney (2024-06-04). Epoch Times executive Bill Guan charged in US with US$67 million money laundering in alleged 'sprawling scheme'. Indictment alleges a 'make money online' team and others at the company used cryptocurrency to 'knowingly purchase' millions in crime proceeds at a discount.

The Independent (2024-06-04). Africa to spend $75 billion on debt interest, AfDB says. Debt chokes Africa's ability to meet more pressing needs ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | African nations will spend $75 billion on debt interest payments this year, money they desperately need for pressing issues such as social spending and public investments, according to the African Development Bank. In addition, the countries will require $10 billion annually for the … (2024-06-04). Labor's doxing laws risk outlawing truth-telling.

The Independent (2024-06-04). President preaches wealth creation at Martyr's Day. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has praised Ugandan clerics, Christian and non-Christians, for fostering unity and ending hostilities along faith lines that once sharply divided the nation. Reflecting on the pre-NRM era, President Museveni highlighted significant divisions based on tribal and religious affiliations, which he credits the NRM ideology for mitigating. … (2024-06-04). Leftist Sheinbaum wins Mexican election. The landslide victory of Claudia Sheinbaum at the Mexican presidential election is a reflection of the widespread popularity of the economic and social welfare programs enacted by her predecessor.

The Independent (2024-06-04). Equity Bank trains 126,000 youth, women and refugees in financial literacy. Equity Bank bags award for promoting financial education and inclusion Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Equity Bank Uganda has in the last two years trained 126,107 youth, women, and refugees in financial literacy and entrepreneurship education. Up to 58% of those trained are female, 77% youth and 30% are refugees as the bank promotes financial …

Margaux Hourigat (2024-06-04). Consultancy – Irishaid Programme. Innovative online and in-person advocacy to influence local human rights change Terms of reference for a final evaluation of the project The applicants for the evaluation must provide:
1. A technical offer composed of a presentation of the methodological approach, a timetable for the execution of the evaluation and the references of the consultant(s) (detailed Curriculum/a) 2. A detailed financial offer (in euros, showing all the headings, unit costs, number of units, etc.) (…) | – |

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Parques solares reducirán la dependencia energética de Santiago de Cuba. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) Desde mayo pasado, brigadas especializadas laboran en el primero de los cuatro nuevos parques solares con que contará la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, según informó a Granma Orlando Riera Girón, director de Inversiones de la Empresa Eléctrica.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Reiteran en Francia apoyo a Cuba mediante cooperación descentralizada. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) La asociación Cuba Coopération France (CubaCoop) subrayó hoy su respaldo a la nacià≤n caribeña y el compromiso con el aporte a su desarrollo socioeconómico mediante la colaboración descentralizada.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-06-04). Cuba en el Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo-2024. La Habana, 4 jun (RHC) La llegada a la Federación de Rusia del vice primer ministro cubano Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz responde a una invitación oficial para la participación de Cuba en el Foro Económico Internacional San Petersburgo 2024.

2024-06-04 13:39:47 | 13:39 EST | by | 42 | 0 | 0 | 44 | 0 

2024-06-03: News Headlines

Elliot Woods, Scheer Post. (2024-06-03). Texas Has 'The Most Aggressive' Well-Plugging Program In The US. After a century and a half of oil and gas production in the United States, the nonprofit environmental watchdog Climate Tracker published a sobering report in 2020: Some 2.6 million unplugged onshore wells lay scattered across the country. Plugging all those derelict holes, from the rocky Appalachian hill country of western Pennsylvania to the dry plains of West Texas and the tundra of Alaska, and countless points between, might cost as much as $280 billion. And that figure from the report did not include undocumented wells — the ones that have vanished from the books, if they were ever recorded in the firs…

Cinnamon Janzer, Next City. (2024-06-03). Philadelphia's Reforestation Hub Isn't Just Diverting Tree Waste. Each year, U.S. cities lose an estimated 36 million trees to development, disease and old age, many of which ultimately end up in landfills. Losing these urban trees — known to help cool their neighborhoods, lower carbon emissions and improve mental health, among other benefits — costs an estimated $96 million annually. | In Philadelphia, a partnership is giving the City of Brotherly Love's fallen trees new life. Philadelphia Parks & Rec joined forces with Cambium Carbon, a Washington, D.C.-based startup that repurposes waste wood, and PowerCorpsPHL, a local nonprofit that creates job opportuniti…

Phil Pasquini (2024-06-03). Pray-In for Gaza at Senator Padilla's Office Calls for Peace. Human rights activists assembled at San Francisco's Harry Bridge's Plaza this morning before marching through the Financial District to the downtown office of California's U.S. Senator Alex Padilla demanding he use his voice and his vote to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Paul Larudee (2024-06-03). Paying the Toll. A 5/31/2024 article in CounterPunch returns to the question of the death toll of the genocide in Gaza, and the gross undercount of deaths by almost every agency imaginable, even the ones in Gaza itself. I suggest further elaboration. 200,000 was the number dead that Ralph Nader estimated at the beginning of March. It has … (2024-06-03). More than 1700 public servants condemn Labor for 'complicity in Palestinian genocide'.

WSWS (2024-06-03). Australian Labor government blocking Palestinians from refugee status. Labor has denied over 4,600 applications by Palestinians for temporary visas, while excluding those fleeing the genocide from refugee protections altogether.

infobrics (2024-06-03). At the Crossroads: Brazil in the Face of BRICS Expansion. The option for disengagement from BRICS is gaining adherents among Brazilian diplomats and is being actively promoted by sectors of Brazilian organized civil society, especially those NGOs and think tanks that receive financial support from European and American institutions. The engagement of these sectors in the G20 events during Brazil's Presidency of 2024 and the lack of interest in the BRICS process during Russia's Presidency in the BRICS in the same year is another sign of alertness, writes Fabiano Mielniczuk…

infobrics (2024-06-03). Russia Fueling Indian Economic Growth – Jaishankar. New Delhi's decision to purchase energy supplies from Moscow despite Western pressure is not limited to oil, the foreign minister has said…

Chris Jarvis (2024-06-03). These are the 100+ cultural figures who have demanded Keir Starmer ends arms sales to Israel. They've asked the Labour leader to "take a stand against the ongoing atrocities committed by Israel".

MEE staff (2024-06-03). Steve Coogan, Riz Ahmed, and other celebrities urge Starmer to end Israel arms sales. Steve Coogan, Riz Ahmed, and other celebrities urge Starmer to end Israel arms sales | More than 100 musicians, filmmakers and actors signed a letter calling on the Labour leader and election frontrunner to end 'UK complicity' in war crimes in Gaza | | Celebrities, including Alan Partridge actor Stev…

Staff (2024-06-03). President Maduro: Electoral Victory Must Be Immense and in Peace. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people of Lara state to deploy the 1àó10 electoral outreach strategy in all the streets of the region. The 1×10 method has been used by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to bring more Chavista voters to the polls on election day. | During a phone-call with coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Presidential Campaign Staff, Delcy Rodríguez, who was present at an organizational meeting of electoral teams of the PSUV in Lara state, President Maduro pointed out that it is necessary to "renew all our discourse and our way of working" to opti…

Staff (2024-06-03). The Milei Effect: The 'Lion' Against Argentina's Soup Kitchens. Since Javier Milei's administration as president of Argentina began in December 2023, he made the decision to no longer send food to soup kitchens. The women who are in charge of cooking for the people who benefit from these places say that they don't get anything: no rice, no pasta, no grains. | This uncovered a large-scale scandal when it became known that the government of El León (Milei) has held more than 5 thousand tons of food in warehouses, while the country is experiencing the worst food, employment and social crisis in history. Poverty grows and as the soup kitchens stopped receiving help from the gover…

Editor (2024-06-03). The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All. By David Vine and Theresa (Isa) Arriola / TomDispatch We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill. Bombs destroy. Bombs also make people rich. …

LEPAIO (2024-06-03). Zionism, Histadrut, The AFL CIO, Solidarity Center & What Was Left Out Of 2024 Labor Notes.

Labor Video Project (2024-06-03). We Need A New Election! SEIU Presidential Candidate Avery Horton Demands Democracy In SEIU. The SEIU held a national convention in May 2024 and had an election for president. Oregon SEIU 503 board member and homecare worker Avery Horton Jr. learned he could run and self nominated himself forcing an election at the SEIU convention. Most members in the United States were not informed about the election and he is now demanding a new election in the SEIU because of numerous election violations including misuse of union funds to campaign by President April Verrett and other candidates on her slate.

Labor Video Project (2024-06-03). Milei & Techno Fascists Protested in Silicon Valley at San Jose Bay Area Council "Summit"

albawaba (2024-06-03). Gold prices in Jordan Today 2 June, Sunday. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Amman, Jordan today opened at a selling price of JOD 1,649.862 per ounce, Sunday, June 2, not including taxes and fees.24-karat gold prices in Amman Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 53.044 today.22-karat gold rates in Jordan Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in the Kingdom of Jordan stood at JOD 48.624 early today.21-karat gold prices in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Jordan stood at JOD 46.414 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in Amman Today: The…

albawaba (2024-06-03). Gold prices in Dubai Today Sunday, June 2, 2024. ALBAWABA — Gold prices in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) today, Sunday, June 2, opened at a selling price of AED 8,546.44 per ounce, according to gold rates in UAE Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in UAE stood at AED 274.66 today.22-karat gold prices in Dubai Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in UAE stood at AED 251.77 early today, June 2.21-karat gold rates in Dubai Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in UAE stood at AED 240.32 at the start of business today.18-karat gold prices in UAE Today: The price per gram of 18-ka…

albawaba (2024-06-03). Gold prices in Qatar Today Sunday, June 2, 2024. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Doha, Qatar, today, Sunday, June 2, opened at QR 8,476.58 per ounce, according to Qatar-goldprice.com24-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Doha stood at QR 272.41 today.22-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 249.71 early today.21-karat gold rates in Qatar Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in Qatar stood at QR 238.36 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold prices in Doha Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Doha opened at QR 204.31.14-k…

albawaba (2024-06-03). Gold prices in Riyadh Today 2 June 2024. ALBAWABA – Gold prices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today, Sunday, June 2, opened at 8,732.74 per ounce, according to gold prices in Riyadh Today: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 280.64 today.22-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 257.26 early today.21-karat gold prices in Saudi Arabia Today: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in KSA stood at SAR 245.56 at the start of the business day, today.18-karat gold rates in KSA Today: The price per gram of 18-karat gold in Saudi ope…

Joel Schlosberg (2024-06-03). Don't Chip Off the Old Mr. Block. "Mr. Block … licks the hand that smites him and kisses the boot that kicks him." Industrial Worker editor Walker C. Smith wasn't foreseeing, by 111 years, Walter Block, PhD's "Libertarians Should Vote For Trump" (The Wall Street Journal, May 29); the character from Walker's newspaper was fictional enough to be a blockhead in the

latintimes (2024-06-03). ECB To Start Rate Cuts But Sticky Inflation Clouds Path Ahead. Policymakers are poised to reduce eurozone borrowing costs by a quarter percentage point on Thursday, taking the key deposit rate to 3.75 percent from its current record level.

Zoe Alexandra (2024-06-03). Claudia Sheinbaum is the next president of Mexico. The progressive leader is making history as the first woman president in North America and has vowed to follow in the footsteps of her colleague President López Obrador in building an anti-neoliberal economic development model…

_____ (2024-06-03). North Korea: Government-sponsored Labor Migration. Historically, migration has benefited the economies where it has happened, but it has also led to popular antagonism. The main argument is usually about the numbers arriving and the nature of the immigrants–often displaying traits of racism and ethnic contempt.

_____ (2024-06-03). (Franàßais) Voici le Peuple; Ou Est la Vision? 1er juin 2024 – Voici ceux qui peuvent profiter du krach imminent de l'empire américain et créer un nouveau monde. | On peut voir leur visage dans les rues, sur les campus universitaires et dans les mairies.

tvbrics (2024-06-03). Unemployment in Chile falls to 8.5 per cent. Sectors of the economy such as public administration and trade contributed to this decline…

tvbrics (2024-06-03). Venezuelan President announces lowest inflation in 20 years. Maduro praised the positive results achieved, which show the right path in economic strategy…

aljazeera (2024-06-03). Malaysia's chip industry falls in crosshairs of US sanctions on Russia. Kuala Lumpur-based Jatronics has been accused of supplying parts needed to sustain Moscow's war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2024-06-03). Sri Lankan government to entrench IMF austerity in legislation. The new bill, which concentrates economic policy powers in the hands of Sri Lanka's executive president, is a further move towards autocratic forms of rule.

WSWS (2024-06-03). New Zealand government presents austerity budget amid nationwide protests. The budget, which slashes spending on social programs to fund tax cuts for the rich and free up money for war preparations, was met by large-scale protests. (2024-06-03). Early results of 618 festival signal robust consumption outlook. Chinese e-commerce platforms on Saturday unveiled positive early sales data for the ongoing 618 shopping festival – which used to fall on June 18 – China's second-largest online shopping event only after the Double 11 shopping event.

Urban CNY News (2024-06-03). 2 Part Institute for Caregivers (I-Care) Class Series 'Key Legal & Financial Planning Concerns for Seniors & Caregivers'. Community Wesleyan Church 112 Downer Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 | Presented by: Timothy P. Crisafulli, Esq. | Part 1: "Asset Preservation & Estate Planning: What You Need to Know" | Thursday, June 6th from 5: 30pm-7: 00pm | This class will provide an easy-to-understand overview of healthcare planning and strategies for asset preservation to help attendees take control and gain peace of mind. Understanding and preparing key legal and financial documents such as Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Advanced Directives, Wills and Gifts Riders will be discussed. | Part 2: "How to Pay for Long-Term Care: Understan…

Mazibuko Jara, Federico Fuentes (2024-06-03). South Africa: 30 years after Mandela's post-apartheid victory, ANC suffers historic election defeat. The African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority in South Africa's May 29 elections. South African socialist Mazibuko Jara discussed the reasons for the ANC's declining support and the rise of the recently formed uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party, led by former ANC president Jacob Zuma with Green Left's Federico Fuentes just prior to the elections. (2024-06-03). Suzhou shakes up residency rules. The city of Suzhou in East China's Jiangsu province has announced the scrapping of all restrictions on homebuying from Sunday.

Urban CNY News (2024-06-03). Now Hiring: The Great New York State Fair Seeking Candidates to Fill Hundreds of Positions During 13-Day Fair. The Great New York State Fair, a division of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, is actively seeking candidates for temporary positions during the 13-day Fair. | In total, hundreds of positions are needed to help staff 13 days of The Great New York State Fair, which begins Wednesday, August 21 and continues through Labor Day, Monday, September 2. Currently, applicants are needed to help fill roles throughout The Fair in various departments including working in agriculture buildings, guest relations representatives, ticket takers, safety and security guards, tram conductors and drivers, an…

Abul Rizvi (2024-06-03). Labor's re-drafted Ministerial Directive on visa cancellation is misguided.

Urban CNY News (2024-06-03). Carpenters Recruit Apprentices.

Veronica Riccobene (2024-06-03). Big Food, Big Profits, Big Lies.

newleftreview (2024-06-03). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

Margaux Hourigat (2024-06-03). Consultancy – Irishaid Programme. Innovative online and in-person advocacy to influence local human rights change Terms of reference for a final evaluation of the project The applicants for the evaluation must provide:
1. A technical offer composed of a presentation of the methodological approach, a timetable for the execution of the evaluation and the references of the consultant(s) (detailed Curriculum/a) 2. A detailed financial offer (in euros, showing all the headings, unit costs, number of units, etc.) (…) | – | (2024-06-03). Norway eyes closer trade ties with China. Norway expects more economic and trade collaboration with China in various areas as the two countries strive to achieve common goals on environmental issues and with regards to healthy food, a Norwegian official says.

Sam Morris (2024-06-03). Uni of Queensland forced to disclose, students vow to fight on to divest from the war machine. The University of Queensland committed to disclosing financial and research partnerships with weapons manufactures in return for the UQ Gaza solidarity camp shutting down. Sam Morris reports.

Yuke Xie (2024-06-03). Absa aims to use new Beijing office to strengthen China-Africa business ties. The financial services group will develop relationships with Chinese firms, advise on the capability that Absa Group has across its footprint in Africa, Absa China CEO Kaempfer says.

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-03). Diane Abbott confirms she 'intends to run and win'. Diane Abbott said on Sunday evening that she intends to 'run and win' in the general election for Labour in the Hackney North and Stoke Newington seat. | It comes after Keir Starmer ended speculation about Abbott's political future in the party last week and On X, Abbott wrote: "I am the adopted Labour candidate for Hackney North & Stoke Newington. I intend to…

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-03). Labour has 'historic opportunity' to reverse NHS privatisation, says campaigners. Labour has been told it will have a 'historic opportunity' to reverse NHS outsourcing in its first term, if the party wins the general election. | Assuming Labour takes office on July 5, campaign group We Own It has laid out a plan for Labour not to renew private NHS contracts which are set to expire in the first term of the next government, as analysis has found a huge majority of contracts will need renewing over the next four years. | Based on an analysis of NHS contracts, data has shown that the next government will inherit 7,452 contracts, worth a total of £29.1bn, between for-profit private compan…

Reuters (2024-06-03). UK election 2024: Labour's Diane Abbott confirms she will run after confusion over candidacy. Britain's first black woman lawmaker, Diane Abbott, said she intends to run for the Labour Party in a July 4 general election, after confusion over her candidacy. (2024-06-03). Trade-ins: Housing's latest hope in China. There was a time when "trade-in deals" referred to selling one's old home appliances or cars to buy new ones with subsidies. Now, it has become a buzz phrase in China's property industry.

aljazeera (2024-06-03). Sharif's Beijing trip: Can China-Pakistan Economic Corridor be revived? The $62bn project, meant to resurrect Pakistan's economy, has struggled amid attacks on Chinese workers.

| The FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) is an international human rights NGO. Since 1922, it has been committed to defending all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As the transformation of societies is first and foremost the responsibility of local actors, its activities aim to strengthen their capacity for action and their influence. The FIDH federates 188 national human rights associations (…) | – |

The Independent (2024-06-03). MTN Uganda sells unsold shares from undersubscribed 2021 IPO. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Telecom firm, MTN Uganda, is selling more than 1.5 billion ordinary shares, originally unsold during the initial public offering (IPO), to the public at the current market price of UGX 170 per share. Each investor must purchase a minimum of 1,400 shares. This secondary offer, conducted in accordance with Uganda …

The Independent (2024-06-03). Mbarara city council reduces 2024/2025 budget by shs15 billion. Mbarara, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Mbarara City Council has reduced its budget for the next financial year by 15 billion shillings The City Council on Friday approved 51.4 billion shillings down from 66.89 billion shillings for the financial year 2023/2024. While presenting the budget estimates Ronald Taremwa, the Secretary for Finance, said that the current …

Combined Sources (2024-06-03). South Africa elections: ANC loses 30-year majority; Communists warn of right-wing threat. South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) party will not consider any demands from possible coalition partners that President Cyril Ramaphosa step down, a top official said on Sunday. This came after the ANC lost its 30-year-old majority after a stinging result in Wednesday's election. South Africa has now been plunged into a series of negotiations …

Plus News (2024-06-03). Minister Kasaija Set to Explain UGX 72 Trillion at Budget Month Launch. The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development launches the National Budget Month 2024/2025 tomorrow, Tuesday, to give the context around the 72 trillion budget for next year. The Budget Month events are part of the ministry's compliance with the Public Finance Management Act and accompanying regulations related to transparency and public inclusion in the … (2024-06-03). Plan to aid cities looking to reduce property stock. A plan to permit local governments to purchase property stock and increase the quantity of affordable housing has offered cities an option to curtail their property inventories. (2024-06-03). Labor's doxing laws risk outlawing truth-telling.

newleftreview (2024-06-03). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-06-03). How BJP masked its class agenda with false religious narrative. In attacking the wealth tax proposal, the PM whipped up hatred against Muslims, trashed Congress, thereby protecting his super-rich patrons.

Veronica Riccobene (2024-06-03). Big Food, Big Profits, Big Lies. As food costs have skyrocketed for Americans, some of the country's biggest chains and grocery brands, including General Mills, PepsiCo, and Tyson, have blamed the price hikes on supply chain issues and economywide inflation. But behind the scenes, these companies have expanded profits and quietly authorized billions of dollars in lucrative stock buyback programs and dividend payouts to shareholders.Americans (2024-06-03). Xizang's trade surges: exports skyrocket, imports follow. The Xizang autonomous region reported a total import and export value of 2.78 billion yuan ($384 million) in the first four months of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 201 percent. (2024-06-03). Chinese scientists unveil low-power neuromorphic 'brain-like' chips. A Chinese scientific team has developed a new 'brain-like' chip that operates on reduced energy consumption, marking a significant advance in China's chip manufacturing technology.

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-03). G7: Whether or not to maintain the suspension of Ukrainian debt payments. Why is the G7 discussing Ukraine's debt?
| For more than a year, the leaders of the main powers allied against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine have been debating at the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States), but they have been unable to reach agreement on how to finance the war and the reconstruction of Ukraine.
| It should be noted that as part of the sanctions imposed by NATO members, the Russian Federation's financial assets in Western (…) | – | / | <...

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-03). James Wolfensohn switches on the charm (1995-2005). In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-06-03). Whipping up disaster: how Brazil became a lab for financial agro-investments.

David Schultz (2024-06-03). Newsflash: Inequality in Neoliberal America.

newarab (2024-06-03). UK Labour replaces Faiza Shaheen with member of pro-Israel JLM. The Tatle…

newarab (2024-06-03). Tommy Robinson far-right march sees anti-Islam chants in London. Supporters of far-right activist According to the Socialist Worker around 5,000 people demonstrated through At the march both Tom… (2024-06-03). Iran an invincible power, any military option against it off the table: IRGC. The IRGC chief commander says any possible option of war against Iran is null and off the table.

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