Monthly Archives: July 2024

2024-07-08: News Headlines

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-08). Massacre at the Ballot: The Punishing of the Tories. The most staggering feature of these elections, leaving aside the ritualistic savaging of the Tories, was the wholly lopsided nature of the share of votes relative to the winning of seats. "This election," the Electoral Reform Society solemnly declared, "saw Labour and the Conservatives receive their joint lowest vote share on record, with a combined 57.4%." That did not prevent the two major parties from snaring the lion's share. Labour received 33.7% of the vote yet obtained 63.2% (411 seats) of the 650 on offer, making it the most disproportionate on record. The Tories, despite the bloodbath, could still count…

newarab (2024-07-08). Labour could drop bid to delay ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu. The newly elected The shift on the ICC issue, reported by The Guardian, marks a possible change in Labour's policy toward Israel, which has been roundly criticised during the Gaza war, where mass suspec…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-08). UK: Labour to drop ICC challenge over Netanyahu arrest warrant. UK: Labour to drop ICC challenge over Netanyahu arrest warrant | After Conservatives were accused of obstructing the prosecution of Israeli war crimes, new Labour government believes ICC has jurisdiction over Gaza | | David Lammy arrives at Downing Street on 5 July (AFP) | The UK's new Labour…

Greg Stoker (2024-07-08). Consent for War: Think Tanks and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Former US Special Forces Soldier Greg Stoker reveals how think tanks, heavily funded by the military-industrial complex, shape US foreign policy towards Russia, driving endless conflict for profit.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-08). In Westminster at Last: The Threat of Nigel Farage. "This is the inflection point," warned Nigel Farage last month as he assumed the reins of power at the incarnated Reform UK party, standard bearer of the often inchoate group known as the hard right of British politics. "The only wasted vote is a Conservative one. We are the challengers to Labour. We are on …

newarab (2024-07-08). Who is the UK's new 'pro-Palestine' Justice Minister. British Member of Parliament and barrister Shabana Mahmood was appointed as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice by newly elected Labour Prime Minister While having a history of supporting Palestine, the Member of Parliament has faced critiques from The New Arab looks into who Shabana Mahmood is and where exactly she stands on Palestine and Israel's war on Gaza? | Who…

newarab (2024-07-08). UK's Labour sets out 'balanced position' on Israel's Gaza war. Britain wants a "balanced position" on Israel's Lammy is on a visit to Germany, his first international trip following the Labour Party's

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-07-08). War in Gaza hits Israel's economy. Tel Aviv, Jul 8 (Prensa Latina) The Bank of Israel (issuing agency) estimated that the national economy will grow 1,5% this year and 4,2% next year, a drop from previous estimates due to the aggression against Gaza. (2024-07-08). Israel assassinates senior government official in Gaza City: Hamas. The deceased, who was identified as Ehab al-Ghussein, held the position of deputy labor minister of the Gaza government.

newarab (2024-07-08). Ex-PM Blair lays out 'advice' to Britain's new leader. Former Labour prime minister Blair warned Starmer, who will visit Scotland on his second full day as prime minister, that the anti-immigration

newarab (2024-07-08). French leftist figurehead Mélenchon says left 'ready to govern'. The "Our people have clearly rejected the worst-case scenario," said the three-time presidential candidate of the France Unbowed (LFI) party. | Leftist parties including LFI, the Socialist Party (PS), the Greens, and…

newarab (2024-07-08). Hundreds gather for memorial concert after deadly Kenya protests. Hundreds of The initially peaceful rallies mostly led by Gen-Z spiralled into violence that left 39 people dead, rights groups have said, and saw President William Ruto reject the bill containing the hikes and promise spending cuts. | On Sunday people streamed into Nairobi's central Uhuru P…

newarab (2024-07-08). Who was the senior Hamas official killed in Gaza City. A senior Ihab Ribhi al-Ghussein, who was an engineer and deputy minister of labour in the Hamas government in G…

Ociel Alí López, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-07-08). Why The US-Venezuela Dialogue Restarted. With less than a month to go before the presidential elections in Venezuela, several international players are making their moves. The first was Washington. President Nicolás Maduro announced on Monday, July 1, the resumption of talks with the US government. | Venezuela has been quite far from the front pages of the international media unlike in previous years. Additionally, its economy has stabilized, emerging from the hyperinflation that today plagues various other countries. It seems that something is happening in Venezuela, and it is that after nine years, on the coming July 28, all political sectors, without…

Friends of Socialist China. (2024-07-08). Threat Of War Looms Over NATO Summit In Washington. On June 30, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) blasted the joint military exercises conducted by the U.S., Japan, and South Korea in the region, labeling them as "reckless and provocative." The DPRK pointed out that the military "war games" disrupt peace on the Korean peninsula and the broader region. | The hostile military drills expose the formation of an "Asian version of NATO" led by the U.S., declared a statement by the DPRK's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 30. | The three-day military operation known as "Freedom Edge" took place from June 26 to 29, involving South Korea, Japan, and the U.

Jon Queally (2024-07-08). Labor Movement Commemorates the Life of Union Organizer Jane McAlevey. Members of the global labor movement expressed an outpouring of love, sadness, and gratitude for the life and work of Jane F. McAlevey after news of the union organizer's death on Sunday at the age of 59. Born on Oct. 12, 1964, McAlevey was the author of numerous books on worker organizing, including No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age and A Collective Bargain: Unions… | (2024-07-08). Starmer faces daunting list of challenges as new UK PM. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has a full in tray awaiting him as he gets used to life in Downing Street following his Labour Party's resounding victory in last week's general election. (2024-07-08). Innovation will be key policy focus. Promoting innovation through opening-up will be a key policy focus during an upcoming vital reform meeting, with greater international tech cooperation widely seen as crucial for China to nurture new growth drivers and share fresh opportunities with the rest of the world, experts and corporate executives said. (2024-07-08). Promotion of Xinjiang agricultural products accelerated nationwide. An activity promoting Xinjiang agricultural produce was held in Dongcheng district of Beijing on Saturday. (2024-07-08). Sustainability a key goal for firms listed on Shanghai bourse. Companies trading at the Shanghai Stock Exchange have been attaching greater importance to sustainable development, proven by the fact that more than half of the listed companies disclosed social responsibility reports or reports on environment, social and governance last year, according to a report released by the Shanghai bourse on Tuesday. (2024-07-08). CITIC Group unveils its AI plans. CITIC Group will strive to come up with over 50 in-depth applications powered by artificial intelligence to nurture specific foundation models for different industries, said the State-owned financial conglomerate during the four-day 2024 World AI Conference underway in Shanghai since Thursday. (2024-07-08). Europe starts to impose car import tariffs. The European Union has imposed additional tariffs on imports of electric vehicles made in China from Friday. There is, however, a four-month window during which the tariffs are provisional and intensive talks are expected to continue between the EU and China. (2024-07-08). Insights丨Bangladeshi politician: Chinese nation getting stronger under CPC's leadership. This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Nader Chowdhury, joint general secretary of the Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, a socialist political party in Bangladesh, believes that the CPC has been taking up a leading role in facilitating the Chinese nation to its rejuvenation, during a recent interview with China News Network. (2024-07-08). China needs more momentum in its economic recovery. China's economy is still in a post-pandemic recovery stage, with production indicators in January and February showing positive trends.Despite strong resilience in the US and European economies this year, their growth is expected to slow in the next one to two years, impacting China's exports. (2024-07-08). Xi, Orban exchange in-depth views on Ukraine crisis. President Xi expressed appreciation for Orban's efforts in promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and elaborated on China's relevant views and propositions. (2024-07-08). Insights丨Bangladeshi politician: Chinese nation getting stronger under CPC's leadership. Nader Chowdhury, joint general secretary of the Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, a socialist political party in Bangladesh, said the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been taking up a leading role in facilitating the Chinese nation to its rejuvenation, during a recent interview with China News Network.

Michael Hudson (2024-07-08). We Need a New Political Vocabulary. The July 4 landslide defeat of the neoliberal pro-war British Conservatives by the neoliberal pro-war Labour Party poses the question of just what the media mean when they describe the elections and political alignments throughout Europe in terms of center-right and center-left traditional parties challenged by nationalist neo-fascists. Political differences between Europe's centrist parties are

Michael Zoosman (2024-07-08). Why the Spirit of the Law Should Prevail: A Cautionary Tale of Extremism From an Ex-Scrupulous Chaplain. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. — Viktor E. Frankl Content warning: This essay briefly describes a suicide attempt. If you or someone you know are/is struggling with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please

Jonah Raskin (2024-07-08). The 2024 British Election: Big Change Ain't Gonna Come. Yeah, yeah, I know the Tories are out, Labour won big time and Keir Starmer is the new PM and at home at 10 Downing Street. Starmer called for "Change." That's what voters clearly wanted after years and years of disastrous Conservative Party rule that saw a widening gap between haves and have nots and

Democracy Now! (2024-07-08). Democracy Now! 2024-07-08 Monday. Headlines for July 08, 2024; As Labour Wins in U.K., Party's Ex-Leader Jeremy Corbyn Wins as Independent in Revolt over Gaza Policy; "Wide But Thin Mandate": Why U.K. Labour Party's Landslide Is on Shaky Ground; "The Whole Country of France Has Won": Far Right Blocked from Power as Left Surges; Iran's New Reformist President Promises More Freedom, Better Relations with the West | Headlines for July 08, 2024; As Labour Wins in U.K., Party's Ex-Leader Jeremy Corbyn Wins as Independent in Revolt over Gaza Policy; "Wide But Thin Mandate": Why U.K. Labour Party…

Metamorphosis Foundation (2024-07-08). Serbia bans festival that enabled collaboration between artists from Serbia and Kosovo.

ICRC (2024-07-08). South Africa: The 6th Commonwealth Conference. Building a culture of IHL compliance in Commonwealth Nations and commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions…

Systemic Disorder (2024-07-08). Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics. That humanity can dominate nature "is an illusion." The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. "Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Chris Jarvis (2024-07-08). Who could replace Rishi Sunak as Tory leader? Following Labour's landslide victory in the general election, the Tory leader Rishi Sunak announced as expected that he would be standing down from his role. That means we're expecting a Conservative Party leadership election sooner rather than later. A timetable is yet to be released, but the rules are in the process of being drawn up. | The list of potential contenders looks different than it did a week ago. That's because some of the most prominent Tory figures, many of whom were possible candidates in any post-Sunak contest, lost their seats. The likes of Penny Mordaunt, Grant Shapps and Gillian Keegan wer…

MEE staff (2024-07-08). UK: First Yemeni British MP Abtisam Mohamed vows to fight for a ceasefire. UK: First Yemeni British MP Abtisam Mohamed vows to fight for a ceasefire | The Sheffield Central MP is a former lawyer and councillor whose father and grandfather worked in Sheffield's steel mills | | Abtisam Mohamed with Paul Blomfield, whom she replaced as Labour MP for Sheffield Central (X) | Lab…

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-07-08). The specific form of poverty under capitalism. There are roughly four proximate features of capitalist poverty.

C.J. Atkins (2024-07-08). France proved the popular front strategy is the way to beat fascism. Georgi Dimitrov would be smiling this morning in Marxist heaven, if such a thing existed. The Bulgarian Communist is credited with introducing the "people's front" (or popular front) strategy of uniting labor, left, progressive, and centrist forces to block fascism back in 1935, and France — the first country to elect a popular front government … (2024-07-08). PM Modi leaves for Russia; know what's on agenda. PTC News Desk: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Moscow for the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit on Monday at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This 2-day visit is Modi's first to Russia since Moscow invaded Ukraine in February 2022. His most recent visit to Russia was in 2019 when he attended an economic conclave in Vladivostok.

tvbrics (2024-07-08). Chile's minimum wage increase takes effect. The third and final part of Chile's minimum wage hike is coming into effect, following two increases in May and September 2023…

WSWS (2024-07-08). Labor's cuts threaten thousands of jobs in Australian universities. Economic modelling estimates that the cut to international student numbers will cause nearly 22,000 direct and indirect job losses in 2025.

WSWS (2024-07-08). Minneapolis Park Board workers on strike against concessions demanded by Democratic Party. The strike pits the workers against the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the state Democratic Party is known.

Human Rights Watch (2024-07-08). Iran: Security Forces Killing Kurdish Border Couriers. Click to expand Image | Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border, Kurdistan, Iran, April 29, 2017. | © 2017 Abed Jalilpouran/Middle East Images/Middle East Images via Getty Images | Iranian authorities have used excessive and lethal force against predominantly Kurds crossing the border from Iraq with goods for resale.High rates of unemployment and poverty are among the drivers for people to work as border couriers, known as Kulbars, legally or illegally, which is a physically demanding and dangerous work.Iranian authorities should develop sustainable economic opportun…

newleftreview (2024-07-08). Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

UMMID (2024-07-08). Mt. Gox Bitcoin pay-out fears leave Crypto market poorer by over $170 bn. Cyrpto market Friday July 05, 2024 lost over $170 billion amid the reports that the trustee overseeing the Mt. Gox bankruptcy has announced the commencement of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash repayments to creditors affected by the infamous hack resulting in losses worth billions.

aljazeera (2024-07-08). 'Stark warning' as global temperatures hit record levels for 13th month. It has been 12 straight months that the world has been more than 1.5 degrees Celsius hotter than pre-industrial levels.

newleftreview (2024-07-08). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

The Independent (2024-07-08). Uganda among top FDI destinations. Favoured for its stable macro-economic policies, liberalised business environment, and strategic location as a logistics hub within the Great Lakes region SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | While the clean energy sector draws significant global foreign investment to Africa, particularly green hydrogen, solar, wind, and battery manufacturing, this is not Africa's only drawcard. Rapid economic growth …

Plus News (2024-07-08). New Luwero DPC Cautioned against Traps laid by Wealthy Land Grabbers. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ahimbisibwe Brighton, the incoming Luwero District Police Commander (DPC), has been warned about the traps set by affluent land grabbers who are suspected of using law enforcement officers to further their aims. Several reports from Luwero District have highlighted ongoing land disputes involving high-ranking authorities in the country. For …

The Independent (2024-07-08). IMF is failing countries like Kenya. Why and what can be done about it to reverse the trend going forward ANALYSIS | DANNY BRADLOW | The recent Kenyan protests are a warning that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is failing. The public does not think it is helping its member countries manage their economic and financial problems, which are being exacerbated by a …

Kimera Abdu (2024-07-08). Government Urges Media to Promote Positive Image of Uganda. In a bid to boost Uganda's investment and tourism sector, government officials are calling on media professionals to highlight the country's positive attributes rather than focusing on negative sentiments. This appeal was made during a meeting hosted by Col. Edith Nakalema, head of the State House Investors Protection Unit (SHIPU), at the unit's offices in …

aljazeera (2024-07-08). In Australia, energy crunch prompts a heated debate on going nuclear. Australia's opposition leader has proposed building the country's first nuclear plants, but many are unconvinced.

William Hartung (2024-07-08). Automated Warfare Is Risky and Really Motivated by Wealth. Venture capital and military startup firms in Silicon Valley have begun aggressively selling a version of automated warfare that will deeply incorporate artificial intelligence (AI). Those companies and their CEOs are now pressing full speed ahead with that emerging technology. They are largely dismissing the risk of malfunctions that could lead to the future slaughter…

Gabisile (2024-07-08). President Ramaphosa receives congratulatory call from President of Egypt. President Ramaphosa receives congratulatory call from President of Egypt | President Cyril Ramaphosa received a call on Sunday evening from his Egypt counterpart, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, who expressed his sincere congratulations on his new term of office. | Last month, President Ramaphosa was re-elected to serve for a second term at the first sitting of the National Assembly after the highly contested elections in May where he won 283 votes, against Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema who received 44. | "President El-Sisi shared with President Ramaphosa his expectation that South Africa and Egypt will co…

newleftreview (2024-07-08). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

UMMID (2024-07-08). 2024 UK Election Result: Keir Starmer is new UK Prime Minister. UK Election 2024 Results Live: In a strong comeback after 14 long years, Keir Starmer led Labour party registered a landslide victory in the 2024 UK General Elections polling for which was held Thursday July 04 and results were announced on Friday July 05, 2024.

Cris Barrish (2024-07-08). Millions in Delaware opioid relief dollars at risk of 'fraud, waste, abuse'. From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cover? This story was supported by a statehouse coverage grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. | Delaware prosecutors are investigating how nonprofit Code Purple Kent County spent $290,000 from the state's opioid settlement windfall, spurring Attorney General Kathy Jennings to call for an immediate halt to grants from the multimillion dollar fund aimed at reducing overdose deaths from prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl. | Jennings is co-chair with Lt. Gov.

Carmen Russell-Sluchansky (2024-07-08). David McCormick claims he created 'hundreds of jobs' in Pennsylvania. Records say otherwise. What questions do you have about the 2024 elections? What major issues do you want candidates to address? Ho…

María Candela (2024-07-08). øReino Unido, cambio sin cambios. Tras la aplastante victoria del Partido Laborista en los comicios legislativos realizados en el Reino Unido, el mayor en la historia moderna de esa nación, el primer ministro Keir Starmer se convirtió en el gobernante con más poder de que se tenga memoria tras la II Guerra Mundial.

Staff (2024-07-08). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

2024-07-08 14:48:12 | 14:48 EST | tr | 61 | 2 | 3 | 67 | 0 

2024-07-03: News Headlines

Alfred de Zayas (2024-07-03). Another imperialist scam by the USA. The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention. (2024-07-03). Labor Senator Fatima Payman under pressure to resign for opposing Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Gabisile (2024-07-03). Cape Town school shortlisted for World's Best School Prize. Cape Town school shortlisted for World's Best School Prize | The independent school Christel House, which made the top 10 shortlist for the World's Best School Prize for 'Overcoming Adversity," has received a congratulatory message from the Western Cape Education Department. | The school, which is situated in Ottery in Cape Town, serves learners from disadvantaged communities. | Christel House's mission is to help children break the cycle of poverty, realise their hopes and dreams, and become self-sufficient members of society. | Most of the learners at the school must face gang warfare, drugs, alcoholism, hunger…

infobrics (2024-07-03). BRICS Gathered in Geneva to Discuss a New Digital Order. The UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Webinar on Competition law and policy approaches towards digital platforms and ecosystems in cooperation with the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre and the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) was held in Geneva, Switzerland…

infobrics (2024-07-03). Russia Seeks Indian Investment in Its Oil and Gas Sector. Russia urged India to deepen its investments in the sanction-hit country's oil and gas sector, and is keen on expanding the sales networks of Russian companies in Asia's third-largest economy… (2024-07-03). Yemeni Forces, Iraqi Resistance Target Haifa in Support of Gaza. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — The Yemeni armed forces, in collaboration with Iraqi resistance forces, conducted a military operation against Israeli targets in support of Palestinians in Gaza.

The Associated Press (2024-07-03). Iran's presidential hopefuls talk nuclear deal, economic sanctions ahead of Friday runoff. Iran's reformist candidate says he will work to revive the nuclear deal with world powers, while his hardliner competitor condemned him for not having any plans for lifting the economic sanctions imposed by western countries…

Lucia Posteraro (2024-07-03). European financial institutions invest billions in arms companies that sell weapons to Israel.

WorkWeek (2024-07-03). Saturday 7/6: Racism, Labor And White Supremacy-Panel At ILWU Local 10. ILWU Local 10 | 400 North Point In Henry Schmidt Room On 2nd Floor | San Francisco…

albawaba (2024-07-03). New 3D currency released in Japan after 20 years. ALBAWABA – Japan released a new currency after 20 years of using the same old currency which was first showcased in 2004. | The new currency is outstanding as it features the three-dimensional (3D) technique; featuring photos of founders of women's financial and educational institutions to prevent fraud. | What is unique about the new currency as per the announcement by Japan National Printing Bureau is the use of the 3D technique that changes based on viewer's angles, which is known to be the first of its kind in the world! | Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda delivers a speech at the start of issuance of new yen…

albawaba (2024-07-03). Adidas Qamis for football and mosque takes internet by storm. ALBAWABA – Adidas has launched its latest "football Qamis" that works for both; prayers and playing football causing wide fuss on social media.Adidas has collaborated with Malian-origin designer Émile-Samory Fofana who created this new collection of "functional football Qamis".The functional football Qamis is a long white Thob, traditional Muslim clothes, marked with gold Adidas accents on the sides. Fofana's new collection with Adidas came from his dedication to blending "functionality with cultural and athletic significance".Adidas new functional football Qamis by Émile-Samory Fofana. (Instagram)According to me…

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-07-03). Biden in the Bardo. Seymour Hersh said Biden isn't all there. Thomas Friedman and Jane Fonda were reduced to tears. Rob Reiner, who watched the debate with Fonda in LA in the company of Doug Emhoff, the husband of Biden's VP Kamala Harris, screamed at the TV: "We've lost." One of the party's top money-bundlers told Politico: "Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention or he dies. Otherwise, we are fucking dead."

Jeffrey St. Clair (2024-07-03). Biden in the Bardo. Seymour Hersh said Biden isn't all there. Thomas Friedman and Jane Fonda were reduced to tears. Rob Reiner, who watched the debate with Fonda in LA in the company of Doug Emhoff, the husband of Biden's VP Kamala Harris, screamed at the TV: "We've lost." One of the party's top money-bundlers told Politico: "Our only hope is that he bows out, we have brokered convention or dies. Otherwise, we are fucking dead." (2024-07-03). Trump hush money sentencing delayed weeks before US election. Former US president Donald Trump. — AFP/File | British Pakistani lawyer Mehreen Malik from Conversative Party to contest against Labour Party's candidate for prime minister Sir Keir Starmer in UK elections 2024. — AFP/Reporter | Labour party's parliamentary candidate for Birmingham Ladywood Shabana Mahmood. — Reporter | A woman is consoled a…

latintimes (2024-07-03). Growing Discontent Amid Dollar, Fuel Shortages In Resource-rich Bolivia. Bolivia is unable to purchase and import sufficient fuel for its needs due to a shortage of US dollars, in turn caused by a dramatic drop in exports of natural gas — once a mainstay of the economy.

latintimes (2024-07-03). Keir Starmer: Britain's Next Prime Minister. The 61-year-old, named after Labour's founding father Keir Hardie, is the centre-left opposition party's most working-class leader in decades.

latintimes (2024-07-03). Asia Markets Track Wall St Records As Powell Revives Rate Hopes. After a run of above-forecast data and warnings from central bank officials suggesting monetary policy would remain elevated for some time, the remarks provided fresh optimism that a reduction — and possibly two — was on the way before the end of the year.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-07-03). Bolivian entrepreneurs and Brazilian president to review investments. La Paz, Jul 3 (Prensa Latina) The Confederation of Private Entrepreneurs of Bolivia (CEPB) is preparing a meeting with Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on investments and bilateral trade on July 9.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-07-03). Russia suspends participation in OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Senators of the Russian Federation and lawmakers of the State Duma (Lower House of Parliament) deem it reasonable and legitimate to suspend Russia's participation in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate's press service stressed on Wednesday. | They also agreed to eliminate the payment of the Russian Federation's contributions to the budget of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, a statement from the two chambers noted. | On June 19, the International Committee of the Federation Council (Upper House of Parliament), supported by the State Duma, proposed suspending Russia's membership in the OSCE Parliamentary A…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-07-03). Vietnam PM confirms South Korea's interest in expanding investments. Seoul, Jul 3 (Prensa Latina) Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh confirmed the interest of several South Korean economic groups in expanding their investments in Vietnam, which has become one of the main economic engines in Southeast Asia.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-07-03). Western sanctions against Russia have failed, Moscow says. Moscow, Jul 3 (Prensa Latina) The recognition of Russia as a high-income country by the World Bank demonstrates the ineffectiveness of Western sanctions, Russian permanent representative at international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, stated.

Dipankar Bhattacharya, Communist Party of India Marxist-Leninist Liberation (2024-07-03). India: Key pointers and takeaways from the 2024 verdict (plus: CPIML Liberation on the need for a strengthened opposition). Dipankar Bhattacharya — The 2024 elections have delivered a major setback to the BJP. What makes this result look almost like a victory for the opposition is that it came in India's most unequal elections till date. (2024-07-03). Iran Presidential Hopefuls Outline Economic Plans in Home Stretch. TEHRAN (Tasnim) — As Iran is geared up for the presidential runoff election on coming Friday, the two racers appeared in the final televised debate to lay out their plans for the settlement of economic crunches. (2024-07-03). One U.S. college closing per week: Analysis. Colleges in the United States are struggling financially, so much so that about one college is shutting its door every week on average this year, an analysis found.

noemail (2024-07-03). Jakson Green Inks Landmark PPA with NHPC for 400 MW Solar Power. Jakson Green, a nascent yet rapidly burgeoning Independent Power Producer (IPP), has taken a significant stride in its renewable energy endeavors by inking a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with NHPC, a state-owned entity. The agreement, which entails the supply of 400 MW solar power, marks a notable achievement for Jakson Green, as elucidated in a company statement on Wednesday.

aljazeera (2024-07-03). Japan issues first new banknotes in 20 years. Redesigned bills pay tribute to Japanese capitalism, women's equality and scientific innovation.

Reuters (2024-07-03). AI deals lift US venture-capital funding to highest level in two years, data shows. Investors' ongoing excitement around building and adopting artificial intelligence has fuelled the recovery of venture-capital funding in the world's largest economy.

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-03). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / | (2024-07-03). Senior diplomat: Iran to use 'all means' to back Hezbollah if Lebanon attacked. Kamal Kharrazi is the head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations. He gave an interview to the British daily Financial Times.

hindustantimes (2024-07-03). Netanyahu Angers Putin With Ukraine Weapons Talks? After Hezbollah & Iran, Israel Making New Enemy. The United States is reportedly in talks with Israel to send eight Patriot missile air defense systems to Ukraine. This was reported by the Financial Times, citing several unnamed sources familiar with the ongoing negotiations. Meanwhile, Russia fumed over reports of a possible U.S.-Israel agreement to send Patriots to Ukraine. Russia's envoy to the United States, Vassily Nebenzia, warned that Ukraine may face political ramifications. Watch this video to know more.

NEOB (2024-07-03). Good news for motorists as fuel prices decrease. Good news for motorists as fuel prices decrease | The Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources has announced a decrease in prices for all grades of fuel for July, bringing much needed relief to consumers. | This is the second month in succession that a fuel price decrease has been implemented. | The fuel prices for July are adjusted as follows: | Petrol 93 (ULP and LRP): R1,05 decrease. | Petrol 95 (ULP and LRP): 99c decrease. | Diesel (0.05% sulphur): 30c decrease. | Diesel (0.005% sulphur): 24c decrease. | Illuminating Paraffin (wholesale): 18c decrease. | Single Maximum National Retail Price for illuminat… (2024-07-03). China's National Immigration Administration collaborates with other countries in repatriating individuals involved in smuggling cases. NIA is collaborating with relevant agencies of other countries to pursue fugitive criminals and repatriate individuals involved in smuggling cases. (2024-07-03). China a market 'all MNCs cannot ignore'. China's economy is expected to maintain growth momentum in the second half buoyed by strong policy stimulus measures and continuous technological innovation. (2024-07-03). Labor's 'Community Improvement Districts' bill hands property owners special say over public space. (2024-07-03). Railway comes as a boost for Lao business. Located 15 kilometers east of the Lao capital, the Vientiane South Station is the largest freight station on the Lao section of the China-Laos railway that connects Vientiane with Kunming in Southwest China's Yunnan province.

newleftreview (2024-07-03). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

Scott Ferguson (2024-07-03). Housing for All with Chris Martin. Money on the Left is joined by Dr. Chris Martin to discuss Modern Monetary Theory's vital importance for the struggle to provide adequate housing for all. A Senior Research Fellow at the City Futures Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, Martin is a long-time tenant's rights advocate in Australia with scholarly training in law and heterodox political economy. We speak with Martin about this report and its reception in Australian housing policy debates. We also ruminate about what housing-for-all movements in Australia, the US, and across the world stand to learn from each other.

aljazeera (2024-07-03). Labour '99 percent certain' to beat Blair's 1997 election landslide: Poll. After 14 years of Conservative rule, Starmer's Labour looks set to inherit a divided country with economic challenges.

Bloomberg (2024-07-03). Canada to consider blocking Chinese investment in new factories to keep EVs at bay. Ottawa seeks feedback on measures aimed at preventing Chinese-made electric vehicles from accessing the Canadian market.

James Borton (2024-07-03). US may not set the rules but can still shape the future of deep-sea mining. The wealth of critical minerals on the ocean floor and strategic advantages they offer mean the US must act before it is too late.

Hannah Davenport (2024-07-03). Tory Minister absolutely destroyed by Sky presenter over Tories 'politics of fear' campaign tactic. Tory Minister Mel Stride has been absolutely destroyed during a final interview of the election campaign over his party's 'politics of fear' tactic attempting to warn voters of a Labour 'supermajority', rather than saying anything positive about the Tories 14 year record. | Mel Stride made a striking statement on the morning broadcast rounds today (3 July) as he conceded Tory defeat and that a Labour landslide was "likely". He claimed Labour were on course for "the largest majority this country has ever seen" and bigger than in 1931. | The extraordinary claim has been called a wild exaggeration of the current… (2024-07-03). Analysis: How presidential hopefuls outlined economic blueprints in final runoff debate. The two contenders running for Iran's presidency squared off in the second and final debate centered on economic issues, presenting their blueprints to woo voters ahead of the runoff vote.

Judith Deutsch (2024-07-03). Water, Climate, Violence. "For Fanon, then, the right to indifference, or to ignorance, does not exist." The doctor's task "was to rise up in revolt, become indignant, show alarm… not to dissimulate the real." — Achille Mbembe Weather whiplashing, unprecedented heat waves, drought, and forest fires, are in the news. Storytelling may begin in the middle of an action such as in John Milton's poem "Paradise Lost," in media res (into the middle of things), as in common reporting about climate change. In this essay I will focus on what is oft… (2024-07-03). Insights | CPC charts course for China's development: former Malaysian ambassador. "The record of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been very excellent,"said Dato Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan, former Malaysian ambassador to China and president of Malaysia-China Friendship Association, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently. (2024-07-03). Will NSW Labor's 'once in a generation' plan fix the housing crisis?

Business Insider (2024-07-03). World Bank upgrades Russia to 'high-income country' as war-driven economy grows. The country's GDP grew 3.6 per cent last year amid demand for military goods and services. (2024-07-03). Quixotic regulation: Australia's eSafety commissioner capitulates. (2024-07-03). Rising Tide calls Labor out on 'bullshit' climate policy.

newleftreview (2024-07-03). Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

Editor (2024-07-03). "Our difficult, beautiful subject": Peter H. Feist's Marxist method. In a striking photograph, Otto Karl Werckmeister captured Peter H. Feist—widely regarded as the leading art historian of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR)—at the sculpture garden of the Georg Kolbe Museum in Berlin. Feist, dressed in a sharp blue suit, fixes his attentive gaze on the viewer, holding his camera poised at the ready. (2024-07-03). Veteran member donates 1 million yuan to Party. Days before July 1, when the Communist Party of China celebrated the 103rd anniversary of its founding, 97-year-old veteran CPC member Hao Jiarun donated 1 million yuan ($138,000), almost all his lifetime savings, to the Party.

Mia Nulimaimaiti (2024-07-03). China's trade landscape a battleground, as data shows tariff duels to escalate with WTO hamstrung. With multiple trade investigations being conducted against Chinese goods and the WTO incapable of acting as international arbiter, analysts and official data suggest this is only the start of a long trend. (2024-07-03). Talks critical to resolving EU tariff spat. The additional provisional EU duties on imported Chinese-made EVs are due to apply from Thursday, with the tariffs expected to be finalized on Nov 2.

newleftreview (2024-07-03). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership. (2024-07-03). Highlights of Ecosocialism 2024.

Plus News (2024-07-03). Supplementary Expenditures Eroding Credibility of Budgeting -World Bank. The World Bank is advising the government on better budget discipline this financial year than the levels exhibited in 2023/2024 if the fiscal policies are to benefit the citizens and the nation as a whole. The year ending June 2024 was characterized by not only what has been termed non-prioritized spending, but also supplementary budgets … (2024-07-03). China's AI unicorns surge to 71. From 2023 to the first quarter of 2024, the number of AI unicorns in China hit 71, according to "the White Paper on the Global Digital Economy 2024" released at the Global Digital Economy Conference 2024 on Tuesday. (2024-07-03). Italian employer arrested in connection with Punjabi farm labourer Satnam Singh's death. PTC News Desk: The owner of the agricultural enterprise that abandoned a 31-year-old Indian labourer on the road without providing medical attention after his arm was cut by heavy field machinery, resulting in his death—a tragic event that stunned the nation and its leaders—has been taken into custody by the Italian police.After a strawberry wrapping machine in Lazio, near Rome, cut Satnam Singh's arm last month, the ANSA news agency said that Singh died from "copious bleeding" and was left without support from his company. | After being evacuated to a hospital in Rome, the Sikh casual agricultural l… (2024-07-03). Fintech, large language models match made in heaven. The rapid emergence of new technologies, particularly AI represented by large language models, is driving transformative changes in China's financial sector.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-07-03). Cuba garantiza seguridad de colaboradores en el Caribe ante Huracán Beryl. La Habana, 3 jul (RHC) Autoridades del Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap) de Cuba adoptaron medidas para garantizar la seguridad de colaboradores en países caribeños afectados por el huracán Beryl, y donde previsiblemente impactará hoy el evento meteorológico.

Staff (2024-07-03). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

1945-01-08 18:42:00 | 18:42 EST | by | 63 | 0 | 3 | 72 | 0 

2024-07-01: News Headlines

Sharon Zhang, Truthout. (2024-07-01). SCOTUS Overturns 'Chevron' Deference, Massive Transfer Of Power To Courts. The Supreme Court ruled along ideological lines on Friday to overturn a 40-year-old doctrine known as Chevron deference in a seismic decision that could see a major erosion of federal administrative rule in issues of public health, labor rights, environmental protection, food safety, and more. | The Court ruled 6 to 3 in a pair of decisions that hands a massive amount of control over federal regulatory powers to the courts, overturning the doctrine that allowed federal agencies to have interpretive authority when there was any ambiguity in a law. Chevron deference allowed experts at federal agencies — as pe…

WSWS (2024-07-01). Genocide by design: The Gaza massacre is made in Washington. The World Socialist Web Site calls on workers and young people throughout the United States to come to Washington D.C. on July 24 to protest the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Alfred de Zayas (2024-07-01). Another imperialist scam by the USA. The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

infobrics (2024-07-01). Russia Tackles Accumulation of Rupees Through Investments in India. Russia has also taken steps to ensure the flow of crude despite Western sanctions on state-owned shipping company Sovcomflot…

Imran Mulla (2024-07-01). UK election 2024: Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain'. UK election 2024: Labour's non-Zionist Jews complain of 'disdain' | Current and former Jewish members of Labour who are pro-Palestinian tell MEE they feel targeted, harassed and discriminated against | | Keir Starmer has made his party more pro-Israel since becoming Labour leader (AFP) | The…

newarab (2024-07-01). Israel's Zionist left Labor, Maretz merge to form The Democrats.

newarab (2024-07-01). Pro-Gaza independent takes on Labour in UK 'battleground' seat.

newarab (2024-07-01). Starvation shadows northern Gaza as ceasefire talks stalls. Moaz Hassan is forced to visit three markets in "Searching for something to eat in Gaza has become like searching for a needle in a haystack; no food, no vegetables, and no fruits," the 45-year-old father of five, remarked to The New Arab while wandering around a popular market in the Al-Sa…

Lyn Neeley, Workers' World. (2024-07-01). Striking Nurses: 'Patients Over Profits'. Portland, Oregon – Over 3,000 nurses from six Providence Corporation hospitals across Oregon completed a three-day strike on June 20, carrying signs saying, "Patients over profits." Since December, the Oregon Nurses Association (ONA) has been in negotiations with Providence for a contract that ensures safe staffing ratios, better hours, higher pay and improved health care benefits. The striking nurses shouted: "Heroes treated like zeros!" | Providence, one of Oregon's largest corporations, owns one-quarter of Oregon's health care market. The yearly income of Providence CEOs has risen to $10 million.

Anthony Grasso, The Progressive Magazine. (2024-07-01). The Supreme Court Made Regulating Corporations Nearly Impossible. On June 28, the Supreme Court published its decision in the case Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. While the case has not attracted as much attention as some of the Court's recent spate of controversial rulings, it revoked a long held precedent and will limit government agencies' ability to do their jobs. | Loper Bright deals with seemingly mundane questions of commercial fishing regulation. Current federal law requires fishing companies to allow National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) monitors to board their boats for regulatory purposes. The NMFS, however, has interpreted federal law to create a new rule…

Micah Herskind, Welcome to Hell World. (2024-07-01). The Goal Is To Attack A Movement. The Georgia Attorney General's office appears to have made a major blunder in the ongoing prosecution of 61 Stop Cop City activists—one that could potentially cost the state its case altogether. | According to a motion filed by attorneys for three defendants who run the nonprofit Atlanta Solidarity Fund (ASF), Georgia Deputy Attorney General John Fowler's prosecutorial team has extensively and brazenly violated multiple defendants' right to attorney-client privilege. | This motion is just the most recent episode in the RICO case that has been denounced by activists and legal experts as a political prosecuti… (2024-07-01). China's EV sector continues to lead world's green transition. The firm has a global consulting network with more than 10,000 people and supports clients in over 70 countries and regions, providing advisory and technology solutions to many of the world's leading companies and organizations. (2024-07-01). (W.E. Talk) 'If you are an intelligent person, you'll necessarily be interested in what Marx has to say'. In a BBC poll in 1999, revolutionary writer Karl Marx was voted the greatest thinker of the millennium. What was the reason behind it? What are the characteristics of Marxism? How can Marxism help us understand the relationship between people, artificial intelligence, and the natural world? | Speakers at the latest W.E. Talk included David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, fellow of Goldsmiths College, University of London, and four scholars at the Central Institute of Socialism – Zuo Peng, director of the Marxist Theory Department, Xu Feng, deputy director of the United Front Theory Department, Weng He… (2024-07-01). Capturing Kashgar's captivating culture. Erfa Iqbal, a Pakistani civil servant for more than 25 years, recently graduated from Peking University with a doctoral degree in economics. With the governance knowledge she has acquired in China, she will soon return to her position with the government of Pakistan. (2024-07-01). Poor Xiajiang transforms into 'green, wealthy, and beautiful' village. In 2003, Xi Jinping, then Party Secretary of Zhejiang Province, visited Xiajiang Village, observing the heavily polluted local environment. He advised closing the mountains off for afforestation and finding solutions to clean the river. (2024-07-01). (W.E. Talk) British scholar: A strong government is China's advantage in tackling climate crisis. "China has a very strong government which is one of the advantages that China has in tackling climate crisis."said David McLellan, author of Karl Marx: A Biography, in a recent interview.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-07-01). Hunted Biden: The First Presidential Debate Disaster. It was cruel. Sinister cruel. While Donald Trump was always going to relish the chance to be not only economical with the truth but simply inventive about it, Joe Biden, current Commander in Chief of the United States, leader of the self-described Free World, seemed a vanishing shadow, longing for soft slippers and the fireplace with cocoa, a case of comfort rather than the battling rage of politics.

Eric Toussaint (2024-07-01). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GRAIN (2024-07-01). Free trade frenzy: the hidden costs of South Asia's economic gamble.

Jonah Raskin (2024-07-01). Kinky Friedman, the Abbie Hoffman of Country Music. When I read Kinky Friedman's obituary the other day I felt like crying and laughing. Laughing because I laughed at the lyrics to many of his songs, including "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Anymore," which pokes fun at Jews and non-Jews alike. Also, because I found his many murder mysteries immensely entertaining and even

F. Douglas Stephenson (2024-07-01). SCOTUS and the Sackler Bankruptcy Settlement. Gainesville, Florida (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) — Allen Frances, M.D., distinguished former chair of psychiatry at Duke University school of medicine wrote in a Oct., 2017 New Yorker magazine expose, "Their name (Sackler/Purdue Pharma) has been pushed forward as the epitome of good works and of the fruits of the capitalist system. But, when it comes (2024-07-01). UK Elections 2024: Conservatives trail behind Labour Party in latest survey. Britain's Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader, Rishi Sunak delivers a speech in Leeds, northern England on June 27, 2024, as part of a campaign event ahead of the upcoming general election in UK. — Reuters | British Pakistanis may punish Labour for Gaza policy. — Reuters/FilePakistani voters are leaning more towards the Green party.41% of Pak-origin Britons regard Gaza conflict as grave issue.Ethnic minorities badly hit by rise in the cost of living.The United Kingdom election is days away,… (2024-07-01). UK Elections 2024: Conservatives trail behind Labour Party in latest survey. Britain's Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader, Rishi Sunak delivers a speech in Leeds, northern England on June 27, 2024, as part of a campaign event ahead of the upcoming general election in UK. — Reuters | British Pakistanis may punish Labour for Gaza policy. — Reuters/FilePakistani voters are leaning more towards the Green party.41% of Pak-origin Britons regard Gaza conflict as grave issue.Ethnic minorities badly hit by rise in the cost of living.

Leon Kunstenaar (2024-07-01). Protest Against Legalized Insurance Blackmail. How insurance companies profit by worsening the climate crisis.

Ruth Milka (2024-07-01). Supreme Court overturns Chevron doctrine, progressive democrats push for urgent legislative response. Supreme Court's seismic decision strips federal agencies of interpretive authority, sparking immediate legislative action from progressive lawmakers to safeguard public health, labor rights, and environmental protections.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-07-01). France heads to second round showdown between left alliance and far-right. The left-progressive New Popular Front struck a significant blow to Macron's centrist neoliberalism, winning over 29% of the votes, trailing only 5 points behind Le Pen's National Rally…

WSWS (2024-07-01). Australian political, media establishment buries far-right plot to behead Labor MP. Though no one was injured, the incident, involving a far-right man entering a Labor Party electorate office in Newcastle, could have been catastrophic.

UMMID (2024-07-01). End of Petrodollar Agreement and World Currency Reform. What will be the impact of the recent ending of the special petrodollars agreement involving Saudi Arabia and the USA under which the former had agreed to denominate oil trade in US dollars and, less explicitly, to use surplus petrodollars to buy US treasury bonds in return for US military assistance and security for Saudi Arabia and its rulers?

Patrick Bond (2024-07-01). South Africa's 'Government of Neoliberal Unity' is constructed on shaky ground. Patrick Bond — Given declining living standards, an elite transition will not stick nearly as well as Nelson Mandela's 1994-99 reign. It may be a matter of just months before the centre can no longer hold.

newleftreview (2024-07-01). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

GABIK (2024-07-01). AgriSA welcomes new Agriculture Minister. AgriSA welcomes new Agriculture Minister | AgriSA says it is looking forward to a collaborative and productive relationship, working together with the newly appointed Agriculture Minister, John Steenhuisen, to advance the agricultural sector in South Africa. | AgriSA extended its sincere congratulations to Steenhuisen on his appointment as Minister of Agriculture and Mzwanele Nyhontso as Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development in the seventh administration. | "These appointments come at a critical juncture, and we are confident that under these Ministers' leadership, the agricultural sector will thrive and…

aljazeera (2024-07-01). Myanmar detains 11 accused of rice price gouging. Amid armed conflict following the 2021 coup, Myanmar's fast-depreciating currency is destabilising the economy.

newleftreview (2024-07-01). Oliver Eagleton: Stakeholder Capitalism, Again. Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British capitalism, from a proselytizer of Blair's Third Way.

noemail (2024-07-01). Far-Right Election Surge and U.S. Rate Outlook Roil Markets. Uncertainty over the U.S. rates outlook kept Asian shares steady on Monday, while the euro rose after the first-round voting in France's shock snap election was won by the far-right, albeit with a smaller share than some polls had projected. The shock vote has unsettled markets as the far-right, as well as the left-wing alliance that came second on Sunday, have pledged big spending increases at a time when France's high budget deficit has prompted the EU to recommend disciplinary steps.

Associated Press (2024-07-01). In final days before UK election, PM Rishi Sunak insists he can stay in power. 'I'm fighting very hard,' Sunak said on Sunday. Opinion polls have found the Conservatives trailing far behind the opposition Labour Party of Keir Starmer.

Human Rights Watch (2024-07-01). Using AI to Fight Trafficking Is Dangerous. Click to expand Image | © Shutterstock/Syda Productions | The US State Department has released its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIPs) Report ranking nearly 200 countries' anti-trafficking efforts.The report finds perpetrators increasingly use "social media, online advertisements, websites, dating apps, and gaming platforms" to force, defraud, or coerce job seekers into labor and sexual exploitation, and encourages technology companies to use "data and algorithm tools to detect human trafficking patterns, identify suspicious and illicit activity, and report" these to law enforcement.Sweeping calls to col…

The Independent (2024-07-01). Uganda's economy to grow 6.2% in the FY2024/2025, says World Bank. The government need to invest more resources in education, health, and social protection to benefit from the demographic dividend Kampala, Uganda | ISAAC KHISA | The World Bank has projected Uganda's economy to grow faster by 6.2% in FY24/25, accelerating to 7% in the medium term, driven by investments in oil and gas. This growth is …

Medjool (2024-07-01). Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada 2023 CRA filing. Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada (JHFC) is a registered charity in Canada governed by provisions of the Income Tax Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 1 (5th Supp.), and subject to oversight by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). JEWISH HERITAGE FOUNDATION OF CANADA Business Number : 118974294 RR 0001 Charity Intelligence Canada (CIC) which provides a zero/F …

aljazeera (2024-07-01). Canada's WestJet cancels most flights as mechanics strike. Plans of some 110,000 travellers upended after some 680 workers walk off the job.

Agencies (2024-07-01). In final days before the UK election, defiant Sunak insists he can stay in power. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insisted the Conservatives can still win Thursday's UK election despite multiple polls pointing to a commanding victory by the opposition Labour Party.

The Independent (2024-07-01). Uganda in top 10 African countries that attracted most FDI in 2023. While the clean energy sector draws significant global foreign investment to Africa, particularly green hydrogen, solar, wind, and battery manufacturing, this is not Africa's only drawcard. Rapid economic growth and a fast-growing, youthful population are also driving investment in the continent. Here, bird story agency looks at the 10 countries that drew the most foreign …

Sophia Schmidt (2024-07-01). Chester County hayfields can be traps for baby birds. A collaboration aims to make them havens. Have a question about Philly's neighborhoods or the systems that shape them? PlanPhilly reporters want to hear from you! In a big field outside Coatesville in Chester County early last summer, the golden hay was 3 feet tall.

The Independent (2024-07-01). Government Analytical Laboratory gets ISO17025 certfication. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda's Directorate of Government Analytical Laboratories (DGAL) has attained accreditation to the international standard for testing and calibration in laboratories. Uganda and Zimbabwe's Central Veterinary Laboratory (CVL) have been receiving support of the IAEA and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Achieving this accreditation is a goal for …

GABIK (2024-07-01). KZN Premier recommits to collaborative and effective governance approach. KZN Premier recommits to collaborative and effective governance approach | KwaZulu-Natal Premier Thamsanqa Ntuli has reiterated his commitment to a team-oriented approach to governance, and to collaborate with everyone willing to work alongside him. | Ntuli made the commitment during his meeting with the officials in the Office of the Premier in Pietermaritzburg on Friday. | The meeting, which saw a large turnout from staff eager to engage with the new Premier and hear his vision for the future, set a positive and constructive tone for Ntuli's administration, laying the groundwork for a collaborative and effecti…

Abul Rizvi (2024-07-01). Labor and AAT feeling pressure of Dutton's trafficking scam legacy.

aljazeera (2024-07-01). US wants Boeing to plead guilty to fraud over fatal crashes, lawyers say. Boeing said to have until end of the coming week to accept or reject prosecutors' offer.

Kandy Wong (2024-07-01). Climate, demographics and geoeconomic cracks top challenges: EU economist Rolf Strauch. European economist Rolf Strauch touches on climate change, demographic, geoeconomic fragmentation and financial challenges for the global economy.

nosihle (2024-07-01). Government departments fail to pay suppliers within 30 days. Government departments fail to pay suppliers within 30 days | A report by National Treasury shows that in the 2023/24 financial year, national and provincial government departments have overall regressed in paying invoices to suppliers within the required 30 days. | According to the annual report on non-compliance with payment of suppliers' invoices within 30 days, the number of invoices paid after 30 days by national and provincial departments in the 2023/24 financial year amounted to 362 068 invoices, to the rand value of R35.1 billion. | "The R35.1 billion, although paid late, was settled and paid during the 2…

Staff (2024-07-01). CIGB de Sancti Spíritus: Tras las huellas de la ciencia. La actual etapa está marcada por el cumplimiento de la elaboración de reactivos biológicos asociados a la liberación de más del 95% de productos biotecnológicos de la industria, lo cual han cumplido con esmero. De igual forma, generan y comercializan anticuerpos monoclonales, sus conjugados y proteínas recombinantes para su uso como reactivos biológicos destinados a la investigación-desarrollo de productos biotecnológicos y de diagnóstico.

Staff (2024-07-01). Santiago arrincona a Industriales en postemporada beisbolera. Santiago de Cuba venció este domingo 5-4 a Industriales en 11 entradas y mantuvo su invicto en la postemporada de la 63 Serie Nacional de Béisbol, colocándose a un triunfo de sacar boleto a semifinales.

Staff (2024-07-01). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16). (2024-06-30). China-Serbia FTA to take effect on July 1. The free trade agreement (FTA) between China and Serbia will officially take effect on July 1, 2024…

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