2024-08-23: News Headlines

newarab (2024-08-23). Algerian fuel tanker on mercy mission to power-short Lebanon. newarab.com An Algerian oil tanker set sail Thursday for power-hungry Clashes in Lebanon's south since last October has only added to the troubles of a country which is politically largely rudderless, whose economy collapsed five years ago and where Prime Mini…

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-08-23). Paul Craig Roberts: Defeat for Israel? What the Media Isn't Telling You! — NATO's Devastating Gamble. thealtworld.com Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy. | President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Departmen…

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Gaza war extends toll on Israel's economy. aljazeera.com Combat operations are straining Israel's economy, leading to shrinking of the GDP and downgrading of sovereign rating.

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Nepal lifts TikTok ban after blocking app over 'social harmony' concerns. aljazeera.com Move comes weeks after Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli was sworn into office following collapse of previous government.

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Transgender woman's ban from female-only app discriminatory, court rules. aljazeera.com Australian judge orders trans woman be paid $6,700 in compensation over exclusion from Giggle for Girls networking app.

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Canada intervenes to end freight rail shutdown triggered by labour dispute. aljazeera.com Ottawa orders railroads to enter arbitration with labour union to avert prolonged disruption to services.

ecns.cn (2024-08-23). China and Belarus new trade agreement to establish mutual openness. ecns.cn China and Belarus signed a trade agreement in services and investment on Thursday to further enhance their business ties, said China's Ministry of Commerce.

ecns.cn (2024-08-22). China and Belarus new trade agreement to establish mutual openness. ecns.cn China and Belarus signed a trade agreement in services and investment on Thursday to further enhance their business ties, said China's Ministry of Commerce.

ecns.cn (2024-08-23). Unlock Chinese Cities: Ancient city ignites night economy. ecns.cn In Central China's Henan Province lies an ancient city Luoyang, hailed as the Divine Capital. It's one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals, a cradle of Chinese civilization. The centuries-old Luoyang historical and cultural block is a must-visit spot for tourists who come to this central Chinese city.

ecns.cn (2024-08-23). Per capita residential construction area in urban areas exceeds 40 square meters. ecns.cn Per capita residential construction area in China's urban areas exceeded 40 square meters by the end of 2023: housing and urban-rural development authorities.

ecns.cn (2024-08-22). Unlock Chinese Cities: Ancient city ignites night economy. ecns.cn In Central China's Henan Province lies an ancient city Luoyang, hailed as the Divine Capital. It's one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals, a cradle of Chinese civilization. The centuries-old Luoyang historical and cultural block is a must-visit spot for tourists who come to this central Chinese city.

ecns.cn (2024-08-22). Per capita residential construction area in urban areas exceeds 40 square meters. ecns.cn Per capita residential construction area in China's urban areas exceeded 40 square meters by the end of 2023: housing and urban-rural development authorities.

WSWS (2024-08-23). Gold price reaches record high. wsws.org Another clear sign of the growing instability in the US and global economy and financial system.

hindustantimes (2024-08-23). Fresh Headache For Israel, Electricity Crisis Set To Worsen Amid Global Anger Over Gaza War | Watch. hindustantimes.com Just days after Colombia halted coal exports to Israel, similar demands erupted in South Africa. Anti-Israel protesters on August 22 gathered outside offices of Glencore coal in Johannesburg. Protesters demanded that the company end its economic relations with Israel. The protest occurred days after Colombia suspended coal exports to Israel on August 19. Watch for more.

Eve Ottenberg (2024-08-23). Economic War with China is a Losing Proposition. counterpunch.org It's always better to do business with people than to pick fights with them. But this piece of common sense seems to have dropped out of the brains — if they have them — of American congressional and white house leaders. During his presidential tenure, Donald "The Tariff Man" Trump slapped tariffs on washing machines, aluminum, steel, solar panels and other goods, totaling $380 billion worth of trade from China, the U.S.'s third biggest trading partner. That amounted to a tax increase of $80 billion. Not to be outdone in the stupidity sweepstakes, Joe "Copycat" Biden added his tariffs. They affected b…

Tomasz Konicz (2024-08-23). Crisis Beyond the Bubble. indybay.org The speculative air is slowly leaking out of the global valorization machine — but hardly anyone seems to have noticed. At the beginning of 2024, the World Bank warned of a "lost decade," the worst economic performance in more than 30 years. Without a "major course correction," the 2020s will go down as a "decade of missed opportunities,"

Abdul Rahman (2024-08-23). Afghans continue to bear the cost of two decades of US occupation. peoplesdispatch.org Three years since the defeat and withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan, the people of the country face extreme economic difficulties and deteriorating human rights…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-08-23). Russian and Armenian leaders discuss Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. plenglish.com According to the communication, both leaders referred to the steps taken to guide relations between Yerevan and Baku, including the recent dialogue between Putin and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev during the former's official visit to the South Caucasian nation. | The Russian head of state confirmed Moscow's willingness to continue providing assistance to Yerevan and Baku to "develop a peace agreement, promote the process of delimitation and demarcation of the border, as well as unblock transport and logistics connections." | Putin and Pashinyan also discussed bilateral trade and economic cooperation and note…

Maria Calvo (2024-08-23). Medios de Prensa en Cuba explican nuevas medidas económicas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 23 ago (RHC) El medio de Prensa digital, Cubadebate relata hoy con detalle las nuevas medidas económicas aplicadas en el país, con la finalidad de abrir el camino hacia soluciones a los problemas de esta nación.

WSWS (2024-08-23). Australian "Closing the Gap" report reveals worsening conditions for Aboriginal youth and workers. wsws.org Regardless of token official apologies for injustices and the Labor government's posturing of concern during its failed indigenous Voice referendum campaign, economic and social conditions are deteriorating.

Staff (2024-08-23). Los municipios podrán aprobar nuevos actores económicos. cubadebate.cu El proceso de descentralización de la facultad de aprobación de nuevos actores y otras autorizaciones a los municipios es coherente con la autonomía municipal que se prevé en la Constitución del año 2019. Se ha previsto un proceso de 180 días en el que se irán incorporando paulatinamente los municipios que ya tengan las condiciones técnicas y el personal preparado para ello.

WSWS (2024-08-23). Increased mortgage rates push 320,000 UK adults into poverty. wsws.org The Institute for Fiscal Studies has highlighted the damage being caused by an exploding mortgage timebomb, with those renewing their home loans, or having to take out new loans in the past two years experiencing a sharp fall in their disposable income.

Labor Video Project (2024-08-23). Thousand of Chicago Protesters at DNC Oppose Harris Biden US Supported Israeli Genocide. indybay.org Thousands of people rallied in Chicago to protest the continuing genocide supported by the Democratic Party and the Harris Biden administration.

UFCLP (2024-08-23). Monday 9/2: On 2024 Labor Day: Bust The Union Busters & Racists At Fremont Elon Musk's Tesla Plant! indybay.org Tesla Fremont Assembly Plant | Industrial Drive & Fremont Blvd | Fremont, CA…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-23). La mujer cubana es protagonista de su destino. radiohc.cu La Habana, 23 ago (RHC) El General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, líder de la Revolución Cubana, envió un mensaje de felicitación ´a todas las federadas cubanas por la labor heroica que han desarrollado en estos 64 años, por lo que han hecho y continúan haciendo ª, informó en la red social X la Secretaria General de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-23). FMC, incansable labor a favor de las mujeres cubanas. radiohc.cu Hoy, 23 de agosto, llega a un nuevo aniversario una organización que desde su creación, un año después del triunfo revolucionario de enero de 1959, promovió un cambio radical en la vida de todas las cubanas.

Maria Calvo (2024-08-23). Agradecen en Vietnam valiosa y generosa ayuda de Cuba. radiohc.cu Hanoi, 23 ago (RHC) La valiosa y generosa ayuda brindada por Cuba tanto en la batalla por la liberación y unificación nacional, como en la actual labor de construcción y protección de la Patria, fue agradecida hoy en un acto realizado hoy en esa norteña provincia, a propósito del 71 aniversario del asalto al cuartel Moncada…

Staff (2024-08-23). teleSUR anuncia el concurso "Sur Influyente" telesurtv.net El concurso invita a jóvenes, mayores de edad, creadores de contenidos a elaborar piezas audiovisuales de máximo 60 segundos en formato vertical (9: 16).

newarab (2024-08-23). Egypt govt hikes electricity prices by 40% to cut subsidy bill. newarab.com The A source at the electricity ministry told Mada Masr on Thursday that the increases will be made public soon on the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency's official website. | The planned electricity price increases have been delayed several times in recent years ov…

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Under the radar, Ireland is helping illegal Israeli settlements do business. aljazeera.com If it is to maintain its pro-Palestinian rights reputation, Ireland must end its financial ties to settlements.

newarab (2024-08-23). US unveils sweeping sanctions against Russia's defense sector. newarab.com The US imposed sweeping sanctions Friday on hundreds of firms in Russia and across Europe, Asia and the Middle East, accusing them of providing products and services that enable Russia's war effort and aiding its ability to evade sanctions. | Among those sanctioned by the Treasury Department were 60 Russian-based technology and defense companies, including three Russian financial tech companies. | Also sanctioned were firms in Turkey, France and Hong Kong that act as suppliers to Russia-based Promtekh, a wholesale distributor of transportation equipment, and an ammunition procurement network connected to Itali…

Manasi Karthik (2024-08-23). Kenya Protests: A Wake-Up Call to a Failing International Financial Architecture. fpif.org Protests ignited by recent

C.J. Polychroniou (2024-08-23). Interest Rate Cuts Now Could Help Workers. But That's Not Who the Fed Serves. truthout.org The Federal Reserve hasn't changed interest rates since July of last year, after 11 hikes between March 2022 and July 2023 in the hope that higher borrowing costs would slow down consumer and business demand so inflation rates would drop. It kept the benchmark interest rate unchanged in its latest meeting ending July 31, 2024, but Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that the first rate cut in… |

aljazeera (2024-08-23). Argentina's Milei to veto pension reform to push through austerity measures. aljazeera.com The Senate defied the president by approving a pension increase to match the country's triple-digit inflation rate.

Germán Gorraiz López (2024-08-23). China and the new US nuclear strategy. pressenza.com The Anglo-Jewish axis would outline for the next five years a plan that would involve the recovery of the role of the US as a world gendarme through an extraordinary increase in US military interventions abroad to recover the Unipolarity in global geopolitical framework; following the Wolfowitz Doctrine, which outlined "a policy of unilateralism" and "preventive military action to suppress possible threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from being elevated to the status of a superpower". | Biden and the "Nuclear Employment Guide" | According to the New York Times, President Joe Biden approved a high…

MEE staff (2024-08-23). Saudi Arabia: 34 Egyptians among dozens facing execution for drug offences. middleeasteye.net Saudi Arabia: 34 Egyptians among dozens facing execution for drug offences | At least 50 people face the death penalty for drug offences in Tabuk prison, with many tortured while on death row, says a rights group | | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrives at the Future Investment Initiativ…

tvbrics (2024-08-23). Brazil's pulp and paper sector announces investments. tvbrics.com Investment plan promises to create around 36,000 jobs during the works and another 7,000 permanent vacancies…

WSWS (2024-08-23). Bangladesh's right-wing interim government moves to consolidate its power, end popular ferment. wsws.org The government's first orders of business are ensuring that capitalist "law and order" is re-established, Bangladesh's garment industry resumes pumping out profits for global investors, and the IMF austerity measures Hasina agreed to in January 2023 in exchange for a $4.7 billion emergency loan are implemented.

tvbrics (2024-08-23). Saudi Arabia introduces new regulations for groundwater conservation. tvbrics.com The use of groundwater from wells will now be strictly controlled…

WSWS (2024-08-23). Wellington rail workers reject proposed attacks on wages and conditions: Form a rank-and-file committee to fight back! wsws.org The Socialist Equality Group in New Zealand is holding an online meeting for Wellington rail workers this Sunday, August 25, to discuss the need for a rank-and-file committee, independent of the RMTU bureaucracy that is working with Transdev and Hyundai Rotem to impose another sellout deal.

Democracy Now! (2024-08-23). Democracy Now! 2024-08-23 Friday. democracynow.org Headlines for August 23, 2024; "Historic Moment": Barbara Ransby on the Symbolism & Shortcomings of Kamala Harris's Nomination; Watch: Palestinian American Lawmaker Gives Speech the DNC Wouldn't Allow on Stage; Thousands March Against U.S. Arming of Israel as Harris Accepts Presidential Nomination; How Shirley Chisholm & Fannie Lou Hamer Paved the Way for Kamala Harris; "Two Faces of American Capitalism": Juan González on What the RNC & DNC Reveal About U.S. Politics; "A Generational Fight": Political Organizers on Kamala Harris, Defeating Authoritarianism & More; &…

Paramjit Singh (2024-08-23). Peasants and Politics in Neoliberal India: The 2020-21 Peasant Movement. cadtm.org

infobrics (2024-08-23). The Future of BRICS Countries in a Multipolar World: Humanitarian and Long-Term Dimensions. infobrics.org It is important that efforts be made in a more tangible and practical way to bolster our common humanity should we seek a shared destiny. Drawing upon the uneven distribution of knowledge competences, it could prove useful for the BRICS+ to utilise their capacities and capabilities in science and technology to provide information and technical solutions on a more socialised basis, Rasigan Maharajh writes…

Janet Mayes (2024-08-23). Consciousness raising: personal and social — The struggle for change. workers.org The process of raising social consciousness about the need for revolutionary socialism parallels the process of raising personal consciousness in psychotherapy. People are brought up by people. Their original primary caretaker(s) are responsible for their existing, surviving and thriving even from before the moment of birth, usually until pre-adolescence, when . . . |

ecns.cn (2024-08-23). Xi urges advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics on 120th birth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping lauded the "outstanding contributions" of late leader Deng Xiaoping and urged advancing socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by Deng, as the country marked Deng's 120th birth anniversary on Thursday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-08-23). Cuban Women's Federation celebrates its 64th anniversary. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 23 (Prensa Latina) Intending to make a decisive contribution to safeguarding the Revolution, defending socialism, and promoting sustainable prosperity for the nation, the Cuban Women's Federation (FMC) is celebrating its 64th anniversary on Friday.

WSWS (2024-08-23). Left-wing organisations in Sri Lanka support "Free Bogdan Syrotiuk" campaign. wsws.org The United Socialist Party, the Socialist People's Forum and the Frontline Socialist Party's "Youth for Change" have issued statements demanding the immediate release of Bogdan Syrotiuk.

WSWS (2024-08-23). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the DNC: The pro-imperialist politics of the DSA. wsws.org The role of the Democratic Socialists of America and DSA-backed candidates in defending the pro-capitalist and imperialist policies of the Democratic Party has emerged as a significant element of the Democratic National Convention.

Staff (2024-08-23). Las pequeñas empresas estatales y el socialismo. cubadebate.cu Hace unos días salió publicado en la Gaceta Oficial (N 78-2024) el Decreto-Ley 88 "Sobre las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas". Es un tema del que se discute mucho en Cuba. øHablamos sobre cualquier empresa pequeña, o hablamos de las que son de tecnología avanzada, o hablamos de las que son (o pueden ser) exportadoras, o hablamos de las que son de propiedad estatal, privada o mixta?

ecns.cn (2024-08-23). CPC leadership reviews measures on western region's development. ecns.cn The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Friday to review policies and measures to open up a new vista in the large-scale development of the western region.

ecns.cn (2024-08-22). CPC leadership reviews measures on western region's development. ecns.cn The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Friday to review policies and measures to open up a new vista in the large-scale development of the western region.

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