2023-09-17: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-09-17). China, Zambia upgrade relations. ecns.cn China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy.

ecns.cn (2023-09-17). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. ecns.cn Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises.

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). China, Zambia upgrade relations. ecns.cn China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy.

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. ecns.cn Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises.

Pankaj Kumar Garg (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Challenges and opportunities for India on the world stage. thelancet.com Although India faces numerous domestic challenges, such as health care, education, and the economy,1 India's Government is striving to address these challenges and is implementing policies that promote the wellbeing and prosperity of its citizens.2,3 India's G20 priorities reflect a commitment to inclusive and resilient growth and focusing on issues such as climate, finance, sustainable development, and global health resilience.4 India advocates for a gradual and systematic approach to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions while supporting the most affected sections of society.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-09-16). The silences of the Delhi declaration. mronline.org THE G-20 meeting in Delhi was occurring in the midst of an acute economic crisis of the world economy.

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-09-16). Intellectual property, knowledge monopoly and the rent economy. mronline.org Neoliberalism privatised the rewards but socialised the risks of the patents system.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-09-17). Venezuela keeps standing up in solidarity, Pdt Nicolas Maduro assured. plenglish.com Through his X account, the head of state called to continue working with the premise of respect, effort and union for the success of the present and future projects of the new world. | "We are here to make them a reality!" he said. | Maduro fulfilled an intense work agenda abroad with a week-long visit to China in which he strengthened alliances as the two countries signed 31 agreements in strategic areas such as economy, trade, aerospace, mining, agriculture, and tourism, among others. | After his stay in China, he traveled accompanied by the first combatant and deputy to the National Assembly, Cilia Flores, to…

ecns.cn (2023-09-15). China, Zambia upgrade relations. ecns.cn China and Zambia on Friday underscored the two nations' goal of achieving sustainable, common prosperity via powerful tools such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the green economy.

ecns.cn (2023-09-15). Comicomment: 'China collapse' mongering aims to cover up crises at home. ecns.cn Some U.S. politicians and media havehurleddoubts and skepticism at Chinese economy, trying to disrupt and hinder China's development. However, it is the United States that is truly facing multiple crises.

ecns.cn (2023-09-17). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. ecns.cn China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA.

ecns.cn (2023-09-17). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

The People's Forum. (2023-09-17). The Closing of the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism. popularresistance.org After nine powerful months of international hearings on sanctions & economic coercive measures, we announce the closing event of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Economic Coercive Measures. | Hosted over two days, September 29 and 30, at the People's Forum in New York City, this concluding chapter will not only deliver our verdict but also lay the groundwork for the continuation of our international movement to abolish sanctions regimes. | While this marks the end of the Tribunal, it is only the beginning of our collective efforts as an international movement…

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-09-17). Reparations Organizers Targeted by FBI to Speak in Oakland. indybay.org The Uhuru Solidarity Movement presents "The Uhuru 3" on U.S.- wide speaking tour to expose the FBI's violent, pre-dawn raids and the U.S. Department of Justice baseless charges against African People's Socialist Party leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela and two reparations activists working under his leadership. Learn about the struggle for reparations and black economic development!

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-16). A Daft Policy: The US Economic Strangulation of China. dissidentvoice.org The broad lament from commentators about global economic growth is that China is not pulling its weight. Not enough is being done to stir the sinews and warm the blood, at least when it comes to the GDP counters. And many such pundits hail from countries, most prominently the United States, which have done everything …

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. ecns.cn China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA.

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

Gabriel Vera Lopes (2023-09-16). In final declaration, G77 rejects "digital monopolies" and calls for "reform" of the financial system. peoplesdispatch.org In the final declaration, the G77+China Summit highlighted the importance of technology for development, the impacts of climate change, and called for a reform of the international economic system. The event ended on Saturday September 16 in Havana, the capital of Cuba, and was attended by heads of state from Latin America, Africa, and Asia including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, as well as United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and diplomats and delegations from more than 100 countries. | The summit is the larges…

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-09-16). Russia's Far East. European and Asian Business Interests Participate in The Vladivostok Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). globalresearch.ca

Misión Verdad (2023-09-16). G77 Summit in Cuba to Focus on Global Financial System Reform. orinocotribune.com The G77+China Summit is taking place in Havana, Cuba, during September 15-16. The G77 is a group of countries that brings together the leaders and representatives of the Global South. Founded in 1964, the bloc now consists of 134 countries that account for nearly 80% of the world's population, 46% of the world's GDP, and two-thirds of the member countries of the United Nations. | The summit agenda includes dialogue on science and technology for development, the environment, the world economic order, and other issues of global impact. According to Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, the final declaration of th…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Guatemala thanks Cuba for hosting the G77+China Summit. plenglish.com Taking the floor on the second and last day of the meeting, under the theme "Current development challenges: the role of science, technology and innovation", René Castillo said that emerging technologies can and should provide solutions for sustainable development. He described them as a key factor for a sustainable and resilient recovery ahead of present international crises, as a planning tool, and from this analysis to generate relevant social, economic and environmental measures. | The diplomat encouraged increased research and development through cooperation among experts, to join efforts in technology trans…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Thailand urges G77+China to innovative approach for development. plenglish.com According to Chaivaivid, director general of the Department of International Economic Affairs at the Foreign Minister, his country has policies of investment in human development. | He cited as an example the policies implemented by the government with science-based approaches to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. | He acknowledged, however, that this problem and today ¥s geopolitical conflicts have a negative effect on international cooperation and, therefore, on nations ¥ development. | He warned that all the member states face similar concerns and appreciated the role of the G77+China as p…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-16). Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams. globalresearch.ca We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-09-16). Reparations Organizers Targeted by FBI to Speak in Oakland. indybay.org The Uhuru Solidarity Movement presents "The Uhuru 3" on U.S.- wide speaking tour to expose the FBI's violent, pre-dawn raids and the U.S. Department of Justice baseless charges against African People's Socialist Party leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela and two reparations activists working under his leadership. Learn about the struggle for reparations and black economic development!

WSWS (2023-09-16). North Korean leader meets Putin in Russian Far East. wsws.org Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin come together amid an intensification of the US-NATO war on Russian in Ukraine and economically crippling sanctions led by the US on North Korea.

WSWS (2023-09-16). Australian studies reveal record levels of wealth inequality. wsws.org In the decade 2009‚Äí2019, 93 percent of economic growth in Australia benefitted just the richest 10 percent of the population.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). China-Asean expo starts for greater economic integration. plenglish.com According to the Foreign Ministry, this year's event will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative and the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. | "China has been the largest trading partner of Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for 14 consecutive years and both sides have been each other's largest trading partners for three consecutive years," spokeswoman Mao Ning said. | According to the spokeswoman, the China-Asean Expo is a key platform for deepening bilateral cooperation and promoting regional economic integration.

ecns.cn (2023-09-15). Shanghai FTZ eyes alignment with global rules. ecns.cn China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which is set to celebrate its 10th anniversary on Sept 29, should make greater attempts to help China better align with high-level international economic and trade rules such as the CPTPP and DEPA.

ecns.cn (2023-09-15). Xi emphasizes role of Railway Express in trade. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping has underlined the significant role of the China-Europe Railway Express in maintaining global industrial and supply chains, saying that the nation is willing to work with all parties to leverage the freight train service to better contribute to global economic growth.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Belize: A hostile blockade against Cuba is an affront to all peoples. plenglish.com Havana, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) Belize's Deputy Prime Minister Cordel Hyde said that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba is an affront to all the peoples around the world.

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson (2023-09-16). Policing and Policy: Prisons, Prices, the Fiction of "Free Markets" and the "Era of Global Nihilism" globalresearch.ca

Candice Norwood, Scheer Post. (2023-09-17). Teenagers' Detention At Angola Exposes Fractured Juvenile System. popularresistance.org This week the state of Louisiana was expected to transfer a group of mostly Black boys out of the former death row unit of Louisiana State Penitentiary — a maximum-security adult prison also known as Angola. But a federal appeals court on Wednesday temporarily paused a judge's order requiring the state to move the children out of Angola by Friday. | The American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and several law firms, pushed for a year to stop the state from detaining children at the prison, which is located on a former slave plantation. The legal advocates praised a federal judge's man…

Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Lucy Dean Stockton, The Lever. (2023-09-17). Automakers Hand Billions To Shareholders While Stiffing Workers. popularresistance.org Roughly 150,000 auto workers are preparing to launch what may be the biggest strike in decades this Thursday over their employers' refusal to provide adequate pay and job security. Meanwhile, in the past twelve months, the Big Three automakers — General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis — have authorized $5 billion in stock buybacks, effectively giving billions of dollars to shareholders that could have gone to auto workers. | On top of the stock buybacks, the Big Three have reported $21 billion in profits in just the first six months of 2023. Despite the enormous gains, the companies have cried poverty in…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). G-77 Has a Common Position to Create a New International Order. libya360.wordpress.com Addis Ababa, September 16, 2023 (The Ethiopian Herald)- "The group of 77 needs a collective reflection on how to face the new global realities to have access to development, eradicate poverty, defend cultures and take its rightful place in the global decision-making that affects everyone. Since its establishment, this group has played an important role as…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-16). The Polycrisis Is The Singular Dilemma Of Humanity Called Capitalism. popularresistance.org Dilemmas of humanity abound. There is little need to look at statistical data to know that we are in a spiral of crises, from the environmental and climate crisis to the crises of poverty and hunger. In 1993, the philosophers Edgar Morin and Anne-Brigitte Kern used the term 'polycrisis' in their book Terre-Patrie ('Homeland Earth'). Morin and Kern argued that 'there is no single vital problem, but many vital problems, and it is this complex intersolidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrolled processes, and the general crisis of the planet that continues the number one vital problem'.

Isaac Nellist (2023-09-17). New cost-of-living report recommends regulating food and energy prices. greenleft.org.au Anglicare Australia's new report documents how people on low incomes often end up paying more for basic goods. Isaac Nellist reports.

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-17). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-17). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Keith Brower Brown, Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-17). 'No Justice, No Jeeps!' Scenes From The Auto Workers Strike. popularresistance.org The strike is on. Last night the Auto Workers (UAW) shut down three major assembly plants at Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis (formerly Chrysler). It's the first time in history the union has struck all three companies at once. | New UAW leaders kept a tight lid on plans for which plants to strike, counting on members to be more prepared to quickly swing into action than management. The strategy, so far, seems like a success, with widespread reports of managers caught by surprise, after making costly materials moves for strike prep at the wrong plants. | At each striking plant, auto workers have organized str…

Don Thompson (2023-09-16). California Health Workers Could Soon Secure Nation-Leading $25 Minimum Wage. truthout.org A sweeping agreement between labor and the health industry would gradually raise the minimum wage for hundreds of thousands of health workers in California to a nation-leading $25 an hour while ending a years-long battle over dialysis clinics. The pact approved by state lawmakers on Thursday, the last day of this year's legislative session, would phase in the wage increase for hospitals… |

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-16). Labor, Coalition block Greens motion outing Australia's role in Salvador Allende coup. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-16). Labor's sleight of hand over Israel's occupation of Palestine. greenleft.org.au

Labor Video Project (2023-09-16). Apple Whistleblower Ashley Gjà∏vik On Retaliation, Toxics & Corruption & Poisoning Workers. indybay.org Apple former seinor engineering program manager Ashley Gjà∏vik became a whistleblower after discovering that her office which was located on a Superfund site and her apartment which was located next to an Apple silicon factory was spewing dangerous toxins and chemicals. She discusses her struggle with Apple and what her RICO suit is about.

Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-09-16). Auto Workers Strike Plants At All Three Of The Big Three. popularresistance.org Tick, tock. At midnight the clock ran out, and auto workers massed on picket lines. | The first-ever simultaneous strike at the Big 3 automakers—General Motors, Ford, Stellantis—started September 15 with 13,000 workers walking out of three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri. There are 146,000 Auto Workers (UAW) members at the Big 3. | The UAW is calling its strategy the "stand-up strike," a nod to the Flint sit-down strike of 1936-1937 that helped establish the union. | The shot across the bow came two hours shy of midnight via a very short Facebook Live video where UAW President Shawn Fa…

teleSUR, MS (2023-09-16). Chile y Bolivia firman importantes acuerdos de seguridad. telesurtv.net Los acuerdos buscan intensificar la colaboración en materia de lucha contra el crimen organizado y la migración irregular.

Truckers Movement for Justice, Popular Resistance. (2023-09-16). Truckers Movement For Justice To Protest At Hunts Point Market. popularresistance.org For years, Truckers Movement for Justice (TMJ) has worked to contribute to fixing issues within the trucking industry by informing the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the US Department of Labor (USDOL) that truckers need ALL HOURS WORKED ALL HOURS PAID, OVERTIME FOR ALL, and ENFORCEMENT OF THE RIGHT TO SEE THE FREIGHT BILL. Without movement on these three simple demands, TMJ picketed on 1 May 2023 in front of the USDOT and American Truckers Association (ATA) buildings to remind and warn them to act immediately. Dirt was dumped onto the sidewalk and TMJ President Billy Randel drew a line through it bef…

Christian Sorenson, Substack. (2023-09-16). Public Need Versus The Business Of War. popularresistance.org The American public is hurting. The bare necessities—clean water, nutritious food, and affordable housing—are hard to come by. | Tap water is contaminated with lead, PFAS, and other pollutants. The water systems that serve cities and towns suffer additional stressors, including drought, overuse, and a failure to incorporate greywater systems. And, like many necessities, you have to pay for it in the United States: Water utility prices continue to go up and up. | Hunger is a severe problem. Insufficient money and/or access means that millions of families regularly go hungry. Massive corporations domina…

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). Gold prices soar in Chinese market as demand picks up. ecns.cn The domestic gold market is hot, and the retail gold price of some jewelry brands has exceeded 600 yuan ($82.44) per gram. In several jewelry stores in Beijing, the CNS reporter found that gold ornaments per gram were 540 yuan ($74.16) per gram after a discount. "ÄÄ…

Sharmila Devi (2023-09-16). World Report] German medical association objects to cannabis plan. thelancet.com Government proposals to legalise consumption of cannabis in private clubs have been criticised for their potential effects on young people. Sharmila Devi reports.

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-09-17). Angola plans to eliminate refrigerant gases by 2030. plenglish.com Since 2012 the country began to apply the schedule for the gradual elimination of these gases, which are harmful to the ozone layer and cause global warming, in compliance with the Montreal Protocol, Ivone Pascoal, the person in charge of the issue in the aforementioned ministry, explained to the Angolan Press Agency. | It is expected that the application of the measure of not importing these gases and their exclusion from consumption will be completed by 2025, leaving a margin until 2030 for their total disappearance. | Reaching this point, required intense awareness-raising work on good refrigeration practices…

Fight Back (2023-09-16). U of MN Twin Cities SDS kicks off fall semester with rally to defend ethnic and gender studies. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On September 14, 50 University of Minnesota students, staff and faculty gathered outside of the Student Union to join Students for a Democratic Society at their first rally of the semester to demand that the administration chop from the top and fully fund their ethnic and gender studies programs. | Students and other members of the campus community have been putting pressure on the UMN Board of Regents to defend ethnic and gender studies programs within the College of Liberal Arts through financial means since April, when university faculty from these departments reached out to SDS regarding al…

Fight Back (2023-09-16). U of MN Twin Cities SDS kicks off fall semester with rally to defend ethnic and gender studies. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On September 14, 50 University of Minnesota students, staff and faculty gathered outside of the Student Union to join Students for a Democratic Society at their first rally of the semester to demand that the administration chop from the top and fully fund their ethnic and gender studies programs. | Students and other members of the campus community have been putting pressure on the UMN Board of Regents to defend ethnic and gender studies programs within the College of Liberal Arts through financial means since April, when university faculty from these departments reached out to SDS regarding al…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). G77 Final Declaration Rejects "Digital Monopolies" and Calls for "Reform" of the Financial System. libya360.wordpress.com Gabriel Vera LopesCuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, the host and president of the G77+ group, addresses the summit. Photo: Presidencia Cuba Declaration of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 and China on "Current development challenges: the role of science, technology and innovation" In the final declaration, the G77+China Summit…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Puerto Rico Bank in bribery scandal fined 15M dollars by FinCen. plenglish.com San Juan, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen) from the United States imposed a USD million fine against Bancrédito for violating the Bank Secrecy Act in Puerto Rico for seven years.

Ryan Cristián (2023-09-16). Dr. Mercola Interview — Technocratic Censorship & Financial Attacks In The Age Of The COVID Illusion. thelastamericanvagabond.com Joining me today is Dr. Joseph Mercola, here to discuss his near unprecedented level of censorship and financial attack at the hands of the government and financial institutions. The most alarming part of the recent development in his story is how they did not just go after Dr. Mercola, or even just his family —

WSWS (2023-09-16). UPS executives gloat over Teamsters contract: "Really good" for shareholders. wsws.org UPS' Chief Executive Officer said the sell-out contract was "really good" for shareholders, while the Chief Financial Officer said he was "pleased" with the deal.

Rising in Community Defense (2023-09-17). Transgender Rights Now! Protesting TERF Convention in SF. indybay.org Demonstrators protested outside the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco's Financial District, where Women's Declaration International USA is holding its convention.

WSWS (2023-09-17). UK retail chain Wilko collapses, threatening 12,500 jobs. wsws.org The trade union representing Wilko workers, the GMB, has played its usual role during the entire affair, supporting the owners over the workers. Even though it was aware of the retailer's dire financial straits, the union did not warn workers of the threat to their jobs, nor did it mount any struggle in their defence.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-16). Nigerian university students protest fee hike amid soaring cost of living. peoplesdispatch.org Students at the University of Lagos have rejected a recent hike of mandatory fees that could see the cost of some courses soar by up to 600%. Several other public universities have announced similarly steep hikes in recent months even as inflation soars…

WSWS (2023-09-16). Sri Lankan migrant workers speak out over worsening social conditions. wsws.org The Sri Lankan government encourages people to seek employment abroad to boost foreign exchange earnings but is indifferent to their ruthless exploitation and harassment.

Moshe Arbel (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Israel's health-care system is under no threat. thelancet.com Shelly Kamin-Friedman and colleagues1 criticised and condemned the decision made by the Knesset to amend a Basic Law and limit the courts' authority to intervene in cabinet and ministerial decisions on the basis of unreasonableness. As the Minister of Health, and because Kamin-Friedman and colleagues stated the amendment "poses a substantial threat to public health", I see it as my duty to respond to the concerns outlined, even though the matter is hardly connected to issues of health—it is a political and legal matter.

Pepe Escobar (2023-09-17). In Vladivostok, the Russian Far East Rises. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — Sep 14, 2023 | In Vladivostok this week, the 'Russian Far East' was on full, glorious display. Russia, China, India, and the Global South were all there to contribute to this trade, investment, infrastructure, transportation, and institutional renaissance. | VLADIVOSTOK — Russian President Vladimir Putin opened and closed his

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-16). Ethiopia: Deepening Cooperation with China Under BRI. libya360.wordpress.com Ethiopia stands ready to further deepen cooperation with China under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), said a senior Ethiopian official. "Ethiopia attributes its double-digit growth in the past decades to investment from China. The kind of infrastructural development booming in Ethiopia is basically because of Chinese investment in roads, bridges and railways," Temesgen Tilahun,…

Jake Johnson (2023-09-16). Bernie Sanders to Big Three Automakers: "Time for You to End Your Greed" truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders used his remarks at a United Auto Workers rally in Detroit on Friday to send a message to the chief executives of the Big Three U.S. car manufacturers, which have thus far refused to meet the union's wage and benefit demands despite raking in huge profits over the past decade. "It is time for you to end your greed," the Vermont senator said to cheers from the crowd gathered in… |

Tina Landis, Friends of Socialist China. (2023-09-16). Capitalist Urbanization, Climate Change, And The Need For Sponge Cities. popularresistance.org In this fascinating article, first published in Liberation School, environmentalist and author Tina Landis explains the concept of sponge cities: what they are, why they are needed, and China's leading role in developing them. | Tina observes that "the majority of the world's cities today were built for profit and speculation in mind, with little to no consideration given to negative impacts on either ecology or humanity." | "Vast hardscapes—sidewalks, roads, parking lots, buildings—and gray infrastructure that channels water away as it falls, places these urban centers at odds with biodiversity and t…

ecns.cn (2023-09-16). Shaanxi closes down unapproved golf course. ecns.cn Yulin city, Shaanxi province, has shut down an unapproved golf course in response to concerns about its violation of state regulations and impact on environment, a local joint investigation group said on Thursday night.

Jon Jeter, Black Agenda Report. (2023-09-17). The Pyramid Scheme That Is Racial Capitalism. popularresistance.org On August 26, a lone white gunman, 21-year-old Ryan Christopher Palmeter, fired 11 rounds from his semi-automatic weapon into the windshield of a car parked outside a Jacksonville Dollar General, killing the African American driver. Then he walked into the discount store, and fatally shot two other African Americans before turning the gun on himself. | Palmeter left behind a manifesto indicating his displeasure with African Americans, reminiscent of another 21-year-old white gunman, Dylan Roof, who eight years earlier sat outside the Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. Finishing off a bottle of Smir…

Editor (2023-09-16). Capitalism must be stopped, not reformed. mronline.org The time needed for understanding is delaying the radical decisions that are needed immediately. This premise is fundamental. If we wait for people to understand fully, we do not save ourselves. We do not save the planet.

Lylla Younes, Next City. (2023-09-16). A Toxic Polluter Is Shutting Down, Thanks To Resident Organizing. popularresistance.org In a major victory for the people of south Memphis, a plant that uses carcinogenic ethylene oxide to sterilize medical equipment announced this fall that it is shutting down. | The decision by Sterilization Services of Tennessee follows more than a year of dogged organizing by residents and activists fed up with the industrial pollution that the company, and more than 20 others, releases into their community. Ethylene oxide, an odorless and colorless gas, has been linked to multiple forms of cancer. | "We're relieved that the community will soon have one less polluting facility that they have to contend with," Am…

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-17). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. indybay.org Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

Scott Tucker & Larry Gross (2023-09-16). Socialist Health Care Organizers Exit DSA. indybay.org Open letter from former members of DSA-LA explaining why they resigned from DSA following the organization's abandonment of a true fight for Single Payer health care in CA.

Staff (2023-09-16). 19 September, Vancouver: Political Education Discussion on Walid Daqqah. samidoun.net Tuesday, 19 September 7 pm Centre for Socialist Education 706 Clark Drive Vancouver Join Samidoun Vancouver for a political education discussion on the writing of Walid Daqqah, Palestinian political prisoner, freedom fighter and revolutionary intellectual, struggling for freedom while suffering from a rare cancer. We will be reading "Consciousness Molded, or the Re-Identification of Torture," …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-09-16). Honduran president calls for a socialist and democratic state. plenglish.com Tegucigalpa, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) Honduran President Xiomara Castro on Saturday urged for a more just, socialist and democratic State that respects freedoms and the struggle for independence.

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