2023-09-24: News Headlines

Dr. Pascal Sacré (2023-09-23). The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test" To Lock Down Society. globalresearch.ca The misuse of the RT-PCR technique is used as an intentional strategy by some governments, supported by scientific safety councils and by the dominant media, to justify the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, the destruction of the economy with the bankruptcy of entire active sectors of society,…

ecns.cn (2023-09-23). Shenzhen to help Saudi Arabia diversify economy. ecns.cn High-tech hub Shenzhen is set to play a key role in the future of Saudi Arabia as the Gulf nation seeks to reduce its dependence on oil and transition into a more sustainable economy.

Elaine Reyes (2023-09-23). The Heat: United Nations Sustainable Development. america.cgtn.com From efforts to eradicate world hunger to building affordable housing, we'll discuss why sustainable development matters. | As part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, member countries are working to complete 17 goals. They include creating sustainable cities, combating climate change, and eliminating hunger and poverty. | Later in the show, my colleague Mike Walter will bring us his conversation with the president of the UN's International Fund for Agriculture Development. | But first, my interview with

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). War, Terrorism and the Global Economic Crisis. Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts. globalresearch.ca Everything is interrelated: war, terrorism, the police state, the global economy, financial fraud, corrupt governments, poverty and social inequality, media disinformation, war propaganda, WMD, international law,…

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson (2023-09-23). BRICS or NATO? G20 or G77? Summits debate rapidly changing world order. geopoliticaleconomy.com Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar to discuss the rapidly changing world order at a time of summits of BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson (2023-09-23). BRICS or NATO? Summits debate rapidly changing world order. geopoliticaleconomy.com Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson are joined by geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar to discuss the rapidly changing world order at a time of summits of BRICS, G20, and G77 and the UN General Assembly.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Presidente de Cuba llama a cambiar orden económico mundial. telesurtv.net En declaraciones exclusivas a la multiestatal teleSUR, afirmó que cada día que pasa se acrecienta la crisis climática en detrimento del Sur global.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-09-24). Rusia insta a EE.UU. y la UE a poner fin a medidas restrictivas. telesurtv.net Expresó ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas que EE.UU. y la UE asumen compromisos y no los cumplen.

Ana Hurtado (2023-09-23). It's Either Cuba or Daniel Blake. dissidentvoice.org The world is in turmoil. As the Western powers and their economic policies continue to tear apart the global whole, the countries of the South have united to demand justice. This is a long story, one that continues and remains on a planet where human beings have gone straight into an invisible plane. Since the …

F. William Engdahl (2023-09-23). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" globalresearch.ca The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). Fascism is Capitalism in Decay. libya360.wordpress.com Ekaterina Cabylis The Relationship Between Economic Decline and Authoritarianism "Fascism is capitalism in decay," we have all heard this referenced to Lenin. While it's important to note that this specific quote may not be verbatim from his writings or speeches, it does capture the essence of Lenin's views on capitalism and its potential consequences. Lenin…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). The European Union Will End Up Under China's Technological Dominance. libya360.wordpress.com The European Union faces the failure of its sanctions against Russia. Faced with a historical economic and social crisis, she is between the rock and the wall, forced to enter the economic war unleashed by the United States. Like the United States, trade relations with China have worsened within the European Union. As Washington tries…

JANET (2023-09-23). LIVE SATURDAY, SEPT 23, 7PM: CUBA & VENEZUELA SPEAK FROM NYC Inbox. iacenter.org TONIGHT, tune into Breakthrough News for a special broadcast, live from New York City, featuring Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba & Yvan Gil Pinto, Foreign Minister of Venezuela. Over the past two centuries, the United States has waged various wars, economic sabotage, coups, blockades, and sanctions across the Americas and the Caribbean to assert the interests of the U.S. business and political elite under the auspices of the Monroe Doctrine. The same forces that have carried out the Monroe Doctrine are now fighting for a rollback of fundamental civil rights in the United States. As we enter the 200th year of…

Juan Torres López (2023-09-23). Intereses bancarios: aberración económica y espada de Damocles. globalizacion.ca El semanario The Economics calculó en un informe publicado el pasado mes de febrero que las empresas, hogares y gobiernos de 58 países que en conjunto representan el 90% del PIB mundial pagaron en 2022 un total de 13 billones…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-09-23). India-Middle East — Europe Economic Corridor Is a Geopolitical Pipe Dream. orinocotribune.com By M. K. Bhadrakumar — Sep 18, 2023 | The gusto with which the United States co-opted the idea of an

Mickey Z (2023-09-23). "Own Nothing" and "Be Happy": Kissinger, Gates, Schwab and the WEF Depopulation Agenda. globalresearch.ca

Mickey Z (2023-09-23). "Own Nothing" and "Be Happy": Kissinger, Gates, Schwab and the WEF's Depopulation Agenda. globalresearch.ca

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). AFRICA'S NATO? HOW ECOWAS BECAME A TOOL FOR WESTERN IMPERIALISM By: ALAN MACLEOD. midwesternmarx.com Niger is shaping up to be the surprising frontline of the new Cold War. Yesterday, the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ordered the "activation" and "deployment" of "standby" military forces to the country, an action that threatens to spark a major international war that could make Syria look minor by comparison.In this venture, ECOWAS has been fully supported by the United States and Europe, leading many to suspect it is being used as an imperia …

Mosa Tsay, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-09-23). Musician Cooperativism At Groupmuse. popularresistance.org I am a cellist and worker-owner of a cooperative. As an ICDE fellow, I hop out of my usual action-oriented work to reflect on why cooperativism is an alternative to the status quo for freelancing musicians. As a professional cellist, I witnessed the infrastructural fractures that musicians in the United States have to navigate. In 2020, I returned to the U.S. from a year of studying in France, after contemplating during quarantine about the economics of working as an artist. One important question I wanted to solve: Rather than competing with my colleagues for limited paid gigs, how can I generate new opportuniti…

People's Dispatch. (2023-09-23). At UN General Assembly Session, Global South Leaders Call For Urgent Reforms. popularresistance.org On the first day of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, September 19, countries from the Global South raised the demand for urgent reforms in multilateral institutions, both political and economic, for a just and democratic world order. The session was addressed by UN General Assembly chair Dennis Francis, UN Secretary General António Guterres, and leaders of various countries including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, among others. Each of these leaders highlighted the growing geopolitical tensions in the wo…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. globalresearch.ca Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-09-23). Global Nuclear War and Staged Pandemics: Michel Chossudovsky and Mike Adams. globalresearch.ca We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

scorinoco (2023-09-23). AMLO Will Not Attend Asia Pacific Forum in US Due to Boluarte's Presence. orinocotribune.com Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he will not go to the United States to participate in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, to which his US counterpart Joe Biden had invited him, due to the presence of Dina Boluarte, coup president of Peru whom the Mexican government does not recognize. | "I am not going to San Francisco because we do not have relations with Peru, and it has to do with the Asia Pacific, and we do not want to participate in that, with all due respect," AMLO said on Thursday, September 21. | In August, the Mexican president had announced that he had been i…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Cuba ratifies its willingness to strengthen ties with Croatia. plenglish.com The statement was made by the Cuban Foreign Ministry on its account on the social network X, formerly Twitter, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries. | In 2021, during the 2nd Round of Political Consultations between Foreign Ministries, Cuba and Croatia expressed their desire to promote the development of economic-commercial relations. | The Cuban Government thanks Croatia for its historic position against the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

scorinoco (2023-09-24). It's Cuba or Daniel Blake. orinocotribune.com By Ana Hurtado — Sep 20, 2023 | The world is in turmoil. As the Western powers and their economic policies continue to tear apart the world, the countries of the South have united to demand justice. | This is a long story, one that continues and has been there on a planet where human beings have gone straight into an invisible plane. Since the emergence of capitalism, we have witnessed the progressive destruction of people, their cultures, communities, their environment and their freedoms by oppressive forces that increasingly abuse all people. | Is this what we human beings are destined for? | In 2016, the…

scorinoco (2023-09-24). Venezuela's Vice President Calls Out OAS Chief's Interventionist Comments on Essequibo Referendum. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez called out the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, for his interventionist comments on the Essequibo region. The region is disputed between Venezuela and Guyana. | "Venezuela has always defeated you and will continue to do so," Vice President Rodríguez wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday, September 23, referring to Almagro. "You are a shameful stain for our region. You have participated in coups d'état, economic wars, and corruption. You are the godfather of regional extremism and the perverse mind of lawfare. Vene…

Patrick Mazza, Resilience. (2023-09-23). How To Build The Future In Place: Taking The First Steps. popularresistance.org Building the future in place envisions bringing together an ecosystem of community-based institutions and public policies that meets human needs and balances our relations within the natural world. It involves weaving together community initiatives and advocacy campaigns that now often operate in separate compartments to create a coherent politics, built around deep-rooted, place-based movements informed by comprehensive visions for transformative change at local and bioregional scales. It starts where markets and the system are failing, prioritizing communities and people who are being failed the most. In the pr…

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-09-24). BYD launches affordable EV in Mexico. america.cgtn.com Electric mobility is fast becoming the preferred mode of transportation around the world, with sales of electric vehicles growing yearly. | A leading market is China, where eight million EVs were sold in 2023, more than double that of any other global region. But Chinese EV technology is becoming available in other markets too. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports.

Editor (2023-09-23). Venezuela: Gov't to launch China-backed anti-poverty program. mronline.org The Social Equality and Happiness Mission will adapt the Chinese experience to the Caribbean country's reality to alleviate poverty and inequality.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-09-23). U.S. poverty rate shows record jump. america.cgtn.com The latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau show the poverty rate rose to 12.4 percent in 2022 in what appears to be the largest one-year jump on record. | Inflation drove living costs up at a time when federal programs that provided aid to families during the COVID-19 pandemic were expiring. | Ediz Tiyansan reports.

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). Marxism & Class By: Helena Sheehan. midwesternmarx.com This is the text of a talk at the conference of the Irish Labour History Society on September 17, 2023.What does Marxism bring to a conference on visions of labour and class?For me, this is connected to what Marxism brings to everything: context, clarity, coherence, comprehensiveness.Marxism is an intellectual tradition connected to a political movement that focuses on totality, on how everything is connected to everything else. It is a theory of everything, one that is open-ended and alw …

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-24). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-24). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping. greenleft.org.au

Luis Feliz Leon, Lisa Xu, Labor Notes. (2023-09-24). Auto Workers Strike Spreads To 38 Parts Depots. popularresistance.org The clock has ticked and tocked for two of the Big 3 automakers. At noon 5,000 more members of the Auto Workers (UAW) at 38 parts distribution centers for Stellantis and General Motors walked off the job. The facilities are spread across 20 states. They join 13,000 workers at assembly plants in Ohio, Michigan, and Missouri who have been out for a week—for a total of 18,000 Big 3 auto workers on picket lines nationwide. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) The escalation adds a new type of facility to the mix. Parts distribution centers (PDCs) supply after-sales spare parts and accessories to dealershi…

Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad, Peoples Democracy. (2023-09-24). Collaboration, Not Confrontation. popularresistance.org The United States has articulated a policy that it wishes to continue this war to severely 'weaken Russia' — as US defence secretary Lloyd Austin and other high officials have been explicitly stating — and, it is claimed, to place Ukraine in a stronger bargaining position for eventual negotiations (or in a weaker position, if the Russian offensive makes an impact, a strong likelihood that is quietly ignored). The policy of trying to 'weaken Russia' through the escalation of the war in Ukraine is the position of the United States and the United Kingdom, and with some variation, their European allies (F…

Charlie Saperstein, Dan DiMaggio, Labor Notes. (2023-09-23). Mexican Auto Parts Workers Face Blacklist After Union Campaign. popularresistance.org In August 2022, auto parts workers at VU Manufacturing won a landmark election to gain recognition for a new independent union, the Mexican Workers' League (La Liga). A year later, after refusing to negotiate a new contract, the company has shut down, leaving 400 workers jobless—and 71 workers without their legally-mandated severance pay. VU is located in the border city of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, where politicians brag about maintaining "labor peace" in the foreign-owned factories known as maquiladoras. This "peace" is largely mediated by the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM), a powerful company-fri…

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-23). Housing activists say NSW Labor's budget fails the test. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2023-09-23). Protesters call on Labor to protest Fukushima nuclear waste dumping. greenleft.org.au

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). History of Fascism in Ukraine Part III: 1944-1963 UPA War, Ratlines, and the Assassination of Stepan Bandera. libya360.wordpress.com Hugo Turner Dedicated to the memory of Luciana Bohne. With special thanks to T.P. Wilkinson. The "Heroes" monument in Ellenville incorporates busts of Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, both Nazi collaborators. A monument to Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army was unveiled in Hamptonburgh in 1989. Just prior to the Russian invasion of…

Michael Welch (2023-09-23). Challenges for Ending the War in 2023. The Road to Peace Paved by "Russian Collaborators?" globalresearch.ca

Sky Chadde, Ryan Murphy, In These Times. (2023-09-23). Construction Companies Exploit Agricultural Visas To Underpay Workers. popularresistance.org Jose Ageo Luna Vanegas first worked for Signet Builders in the early 2000s. Hired on a temporary labor visa, he traveled from Mexico to U.S. job sites. The hours were long, but he was paid overtime. Years later, around 2017, Signet hired him again. This time, he received no overtime pay. | That's when he "started asking questions," his attorney, Jennifer Zimmermann, said. | The work was largely the same. His visa was different. Originally, Luna Vanegas was hired on an H-2B visa. Various industries use the visas to fill labor shortages. A hotel facing a busy summer might hire foreign maids, fo…

WSWS (2023-09-23). Campaign for active boycott of Australian Voice referendum wins support from workers and students. wsws.org Socialist Equality Party campaign teams are finding widespread distrust or opposition to the Albanese Labor government's referendum, seeing it as a diversion from, and a cover for, for the underlying ruling class program of war and austerity.

WSWS (2023-09-23). Socialist Alternative hysterically defends Voice referendum as its crisis deepens. wsws.org Socialist Alternative does not even pretend that the Voice will solve anything for ordinary indigenous people. But despite this, the pseudo-left is aggressively pushing Labor's policy.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Kim Jong Un thanks China for supporting DPRK. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Labor Party and president of State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jong Un, acknowledged China's support for his country's struggles in defense of socialism.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). Mayo Clinic in Florida opens downtown Jacksonville site focused on education, research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic in Florida has opened its Community Health Collaborative in downtown Jacksonville. The office aims to understand the healthcare needs of Mayo Clinic's neighbors and share health education and biomedical research that supports their needs. "Expanding Mayo Clinic's footprint into downtown Jacksonville with a dedicated space for community engagement and Mayo Clinic research teams, allows us to fully explore innovative solutions that address the communities' most pressing health issues," says Kent…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). On the road again – thanks to collaborative cancer care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In a matter of months, Bill McDermott went from having abdominal pain and learning he had lymphoma to being told it was time for hospice care. What his family did next would steer him in an entirely different direction. Although he doesn't remember all of the details, Bill McDermott says he began having abdominal issues and pain in mid-2021. He went in for some tests at a local hospital, where he got a diagnosis…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). Mayo Clinic and GE HealthCare enter strategic collaboration to advance innovation in medical imaging and theranostics. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Combining the world-class clinical and research expertise of Mayo Clinic with the deep research, engineering, and product development expertise of GE HealthCare, this new collaboration aims to forge an integrated innovation engine to advance the practice of radiology and care to patients worldwide. ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Today, Mayo Clinic and GE HealthCare announce a strategic healthcare collaboration for research and product development programs aimed to transform the experience of patients and clinicians in the practice…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-09-24). At-home COVID-19 tests: A Mayo Clinic expert answers questions on expiration dates and the new variants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org COVID-19 at-home antigen test At-home COVID-19 tests allow you to collect your sample and detect active COVID-19 infections. But what if you have at-home COVID-19 tests nearing expiration or expired on your shelf? Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., director of the Clinical Virology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, says companies set the original test dates arbitrarily due to these diagnostic at-home tests being developed rapidly. So, check your boxes before you toss them. "Now that we are 3 1/2 years into…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-09-24). Continúa protestas en contra de reforma laboral en Grecia. telesurtv.net Por otro lado, la ley prohíbe a los huelguistas impedir a un colega que vaya a trabajar durante un paro.

WSWS (2023-09-23). "School expenses are unbearable"—Students, parents and teachers denounce Sri Lankan government. wsws.org Government cuts and hyperinflation have led to a drastic rundown of education facilities and the increasing inability of parents to pay for the education of their children.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-24). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. indybay.org There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2023-09-23). 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America. indybay.org There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of the raided farms are closed forever.

Kyle Anzalone (2023-09-23). House Speaker Reverses Course, Will Add Ukraine Funding to Defense Bill. news.antiwar.com House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced on Saturday that the House would vote on a Pentagon funding bill that includes aid for Ukraine. Initially, the Congressman said the $300 million in aid for Kyiv would be voted on separately from the annual Department of Defense spending bill. Congress is seeking to pass spending bills before …

Owen Fairclough (2023-09-24). Republicans in Congress clash over spending as government shutdown looms. america.cgtn.com U.S. Republican lawmakers are spending the weekend trying to introduce legislation aimed at avoiding a government shutdown in less than a week. | But a small faction of their hardline conservative colleagues opposes them, demanding that their leader trim spending to reduce debts. | Owen Fairclough reports.

Ralph Nader (2023-09-23). Insurers Can Be Sentinels for Health and Safety. dissidentvoice.org For nearly thirty-five years, a small nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. has been having an outsized impact on highway and auto safety. It is Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety and it is funded by a dozen or more property-casualty insurance companies; with a board composed of consumer leaders and insurance company representatives. Its origins …

Editor (2023-09-24). System Change: An Ecosocialist Discussion on Environmental Crisis. socialistproject.ca The worst wildfire season in Canadian history, worsening environmental degradation, and the hottest week ever recorded. Amid the consequences of human impact on our planet becoming increasingly dire, large corporations — including the fossil fuel industry — continue to hold enormous sway over environmental policy and enjoy record levels of profit. Despite numerous international climate agreements and corporate pledges, market based solutions have failed at every stage to offer a credible way out of our current crisis. | It's in this moment that many in the environmental and climate justice moveme…

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). NATO Destroyed Libya in 2011; Storm Daniel Came to Sweep Up the Remains: The Thirty-Eighth Newsletter By: Vijay Prashad. midwesternmarx.com Shefa Salem al-Baraesi (Libya), Drown on Dry Land, 2019. Dear friends,Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.Three days before the Abu Mansur and Al Bilad dams collapsed in Wadi Derna, Libya, on the night of September 10, the poet Mustafa al-Trabelsi participated in a discussion at the Derna House of Culture about the neglect of basic infrastructure in his city. At the meeting, al-Trabelsi warned about the poor condition of the dams. As he …

midwesternmarx (2023-09-23). Ukraine lost around 85% of its initial mobilized force: Field general By: Al Mayadeen English. midwesternmarx.com

WSWS (2023-09-23). Hospital workers in Bay City, Michigan protest starvation wages. wsws.org Workers recently voted by 99 percent to authorize a strike, decisively rejecting the hospital's latest contract offer.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-09-24). 'Silent Coup': How Capitalism Defeated Decolonization. popularresistance.org The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact devel…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-09-23). Capitalism is the greatest threat to public health, warn researchers and activists. peoplesdispatch.org During the opening of the 19th conference of the International Association of Health Policy Europe, academics and activists warned that capitalism remains biggest threat to human and planetary health…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-09-23). NATO Destroyed Libya In 2011; Storm Daniel Came To Sweep Up The Remains. popularresistance.org Three days before the Abu Mansur and Al Bilad dams collapsed in Wadi Derna, Libya, on the night of September 10, the poet Mustafa al-Trabelsi participated in a discussion at the Derna House of Culture about the neglect of basic infrastructure in his city. At the meeting, al-Trabelsi warned about the poor condition of the dams. As he wrote on Facebook that same day, over the past decade his beloved city has been 'exposed to whipping and bombing, and then it was enclosed by a wall that had no door, leaving it shrouded in fear and depression'. Then, Storm Daniel picked up off the Mediterranean coast, dragged itself…

ecns.cn (2023-09-23). Purchasing limits eased to propel realty market. ecns.cn The latest adjustments to the home-purchasing restrictions policy and value-added tax exemption period in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, will better support local people in addressing housing issues through market-oriented methods and promote the recovery and development of the residential property market, local authorities and industry insiders said. | According to a notice issued by the local government on Wednesday evening, residents with local household registrations, or hukou, in the city's districts of Yuexiu, Haizhu, Liwan, Tianhe, Nansha and some areas in Baiyun district, can only purchase a maximum of tw…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Protests in Syria against US mercenary militia. plenglish.com Damascus, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) Demonstrations continue for the fifth consecutive day against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), supported by the United States, in the municipality of Qamishi, in the northeastern province of Hasakeh, it was reported here on Sunday. Activists quoted by various media outlets reported that hundreds of angry protesters and merchants gathered in the municipal roundabout to denounce the illegal and criminal measures imposed by this illegal group and the US forces.

Franz Hinkelammert, Matthias Hui & B Dietschy (2023-09-24). Making the Kingdom of God Present. indybay.org Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-09-24). Tuesday 9/26: Reading Circle: The Planetary Crisis & the Crucial Role of a Revolutionary Party. indybay.org New Valencia Hall 747 Polk St. (near Ellis St.), San Francisco. | Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or new Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 | Or register to attend via zoom: bit.ly/ReadingCircleRegistration

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-24). Media Counterinsurgency Against the African People's Socialist Party: Ignore the Show Trial, Reinforce the Anti-Russia Psyop Behind it. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea The fraudulent charges against the African People's Socialist Party are supposed to represent the starting stage in our national security state's war against dissent during…

Franz Hinkelammert, Matthias Hui & B Dietschy (2023-09-23). Making the Kingdom of God Present. indybay.org Freedom does not come from the market. Rather, in socialist terms, we need a market to which we are free. What we have, on the other hand, is a market that dictates everything. Our Mrs. Merkel says that democracy must conform to the market. What we have developed in our work in Costa Rica runs exactly the opposite way: the market must conform to democracy.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-23). The Success of Chinese Socialism. libya360.wordpress.com In the following article, originally published in the Young Communist League of Britain's Challenge magazine, Kate Woolford and Rares Cocilnau debunk some of the most persistent myths surrounding China's development. The first misconception discussed is that China is an undemocratic, "authoritarian" state. The authors point to China's system of whole-process people's democracy, "which allows citizens to…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-09-24). Communist Party of Chile appoints Lautaro Carmona as president. plenglish.com Santiago de Chile, Sep 24 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Chile (PCCh) appointed Lautaro Carmona as its new president on Sunday to replace Guillermo Teillier, who led the organization for 18 years until his death on August 29.

2023-09-24 22:50:23 | 22:50 EST | rz | 72 | 2 | 45 | 25 | 0