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2024-03-29: News Headlines

Joe Sims (2024-03-29). Build the Party, Build the Clubs. Editor's Note: Build the Party, Build the Clubs is one of three discussion documents submitted by the CPUSA in preparation for its 32nd National Convention. It was approved for submission by the party's National Board at its March 27th meeting. | As the 2024 election unfolds, the U.S. working class is increasingly taking the fight to the bosses. Last year, strike action was way up, as was involvement in electoral struggles all over the country. Labor is taking greater independent political initiative to set the national agenda. The AFL-CIO, for example, recently demanded a ceasefire in Gaza. | This independen…

Endowment Justice Collective (2024-03-29). Rutgers profits from Boeing airstrikes launched on Gaza. Vote 'Yes' to divest! Rutgers profits off of Palestinian suffering by investing $100 million in Boeing, the company that manufactured the munitions that leveled Gaza. Vote "Yes" to divest from the genocide.

Arvind Dilawar (2024-03-29). The Nonprofits Fundraising for Israel's Military on U.S. Campuses. Since October 7, Chabad houses have sent tens of thousands of dollars to the Israel Defense Forces—potentially in violation of both campus rules and their nonprofit status.

infobrics (2024-03-29). BRICS: Russia Has Taken the Leadership of the Alliance and More and More Countries Want to Join. Many countries are vying for admission to the BRICS economic group backed by China and Russia, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor…

infobrics (2024-03-29). Financial Settlements Within the BRICS Framework: Moving Forward Despite Problems. The creation of new financial mechanisms through BRICS is one of the most promising fields for the development of the association. In the final declaration of the BRICS countries after the 2023 Summit, financial policy was given quite a lot of attention. In particular, it was stated that the BRICS Payment Task Force (BPTF) needs to prepare a report on payment mechanisms, including those based on cross-border payment systems…

The Independent (2024-03-29). MTN Uganda launch life-changing spring wells for Gulu City residents. Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | More than 8,000 residents across Gulu City are set to gain access to clean and safe drinking water following completion of four spring wells, thanks to a collaborative effort between MTN Uganda's philanthropic arm, MTN Foundation and Safe Water Uganda, a community-based organisation. This initiative, part of the transformative MTN … (2024-03-29). Water use remains steady as GDP increases. China managed to keep its annual water consumption well within 610 billion cubic meters from 2014 to 2023, despite its GDP almost doubling during that time"… (2024-03-29). Free trade zones partnership boosts global cooperation. Panelists at the Global Free Trade Ports Development Forum said on Wednesday that they have confidence in the collaborative potential of the world's free trade zones and ports.

WSWS (2024-03-29). New Zealand Labour Party leader feigns concern about inequality. Workers and young people should not be taken in by the utterly hypocritical posturing of Labour leader Chris Hipkins, who leads a party of big business and imperialist war, which is responsible for the worsening social crisis.

Kathleen Wallace (2024-03-29). Neoliberalism 2024: The Math's Not Mathing. Bridges being knocked down, the average income needed to meet basic needs being unavailable to most, thousands dying yearly from a lack of medical care, worker productivity through the roof without a commensurate increase in wages…… What a time to be alive in the United States. The great irony in all of this is that

tvbrics (2024-03-29). New Space Africa 2024 conference to be held in Angola. The meeting could be a favourable event to attract foreign investment for the whole continent… (2024-03-29). First Nations peace walk against AUKUS takes aim at Labor.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-29). Animal Experiments: Illogical, Unscientific and Pointless. Pharmaceutical companies conduct initial trials on animals to determine the safety of new drugs. If a drug does not harm an animal, it is deemed safe for human consumption. However, if an … (2024-03-28). Nation vows to further expand opening-up. China will build on a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, based on rule of law and internationalized, top legislator Zhao Leji said, adding that the country will also shorten the negative list for foreign investment. (2024-03-29). Low-altitude aviation setting its sights high. China's latest plan to integrate general aviation equipment comprehensively into people's jobs and daily lives by 2030 will give a strong boost to the development of the low-altitude economy, including electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL).

Staff (2024-03-29). ESG Funds Under Attack: Why Republicans Are Targeting Socially Responsible Investing. Republicans are on a "crusade" against responsible investing, says Andrew Behar, CEO of the nonprofit group As You Sow that promotes corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy. His group was subpoenaed to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this week as Republicans probe whether investments that take into account environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns violate antitrust laws. Republicans have introduced bills in dozens of states across the U.S. to limit state bodies from working with banks and other financial firms that take things like climate change into consideration…

Ryan Black (2024-03-29). U.S. Responsibility For Cuba's Economic Crisis. SALIM LAMRANI | Z NETWORK…

Editor (2024-03-29). The Truth About China's Economy: Debunking Western Media Myths.

tvbrics (2024-03-29). Egypt to emphasise environmental sustainability this year. 50 per cent of public investment is planned to be allocated to green projects…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-03-29). ICTs and women's empowerment in Cuba. Havana, Mar 29 (Prensa Latina) Women's entrepreneurs in Cuba seek to take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for their labor insertion and the flourishing of businesses, without ignoring the existing gender gaps in the country.

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-29). Diosdado Cabello Comments on Possible Final Presidential Candidate of Unitary Platform. Following the far-right Unitary Platform's (PUD) registration of Edmundo González Urrutia as their "cover" candidate for the presidential elections, the first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, has commented on who might replace this "provisional" candidate of the far-right opposition. | During the broadcast of his program Con el Mazo Dando, Cabello first talked about what a "cover candidate" means, and how it is defined in the Venezuelan legal system. He explained, reading from Electoral Law, that a "cover" candidate may be replaced by someone who has already been…

WSWS (2024-03-29). Accelerated US protectionism rooted in preparations for war. In the latest in a string of statements and actions directed against China, US treasury secretary Janet Yellen issued a warning to it not to flood the world with cheap clean energy products that would distort global markets. (2024-03-28). Experts see signs of recovery in economy. China's economy is showing signs of steady recovery with effective measures to boost domestic demand and tackle structural issues, participants attending the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 said on Thursday. (2024-03-29). IDC: China's GenAI sector investment surges. China is expected to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 86.2 percent for generative artificial intelligence (AI) investment between 2022 and 2027.

albawaba (2024-03-29). Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years in prison for FTX crimes. Former billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried has been convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for orchestrating a massive financial fraud that led to the downfall of the crypto trading platform FTX.Bankman-Fried was found guilty of seven counts of fraud, including stealing customer funds from FTX accounts and lying to investors and creditors. The total amount believed to have been stolen was at least $8 billion.Prosecutors argued that the embezzled funds were used for a lavish lifestyle in the Bahamas, political lobbying, and investments in other companies. In court, Bankman-Fried expressed remorse for the collapse…

albawaba (2024-03-29). How to Sell Appliances Online: Tips and Steps. Do you have old appliances that you want to sell or do not use now? Are you looking for new appliances to buy but you do not want to throw away the old ones you have? Or do you want to grow some income by selling useful tools online? | Knowing how to sell appliances online is a great solution for you. By selling these items, you will generate an income and help others who are constantly looking for used appliances to purchase or new ones with reasonable costs. | In this short article, we will help you know how to sell appliances online and make the best out of this small project! | How to Sell Appliances Onli…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-29). Cuba investing to solve water and energy shortages. Havana, Mar 29 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban government is addressing two of the main problems the Cuban people are facing: water and electricity shortages, by investing to improve infrastructure and supplies. (2024-03-29). Nation lifts tariffs on wines from Australia. China has decided to lift anti-dumping duties and countervailing tariffs imposed on imported Australian wine for more than three years, in keeping with shifting market conditions in the Chinese wine market.

Eric Brooks (2024-03-29). Strategies for organizational unity and action. The only remedy against a highly organized ruling class is a highly organized Communist Party. The fascist MAGA right is becoming Struggles within the Struggle | The Party Program states, "Grassroots Communist Party clubs are vital to bringing the Party's vision, strategy, and tactics into local work with masses of working people." As a member of a newer, smaller club, however, we are of…

Anand Naidoo (2024-03-29). The Heat: Boao Forum for Asia. World leaders gathered for the annual Boao Forum to discuss regional and global development. China's top legislator made a keynote speech reaffirming the country's commitment to being open for business and to lead economic growth. | Joining the discussion: | Carl Fey is a Professor at BI Norwegian Business School and a Visiting Scholar at the Boao Forum. | John…

Staff (2024-03-29). Boeing Back in Bargaining — First Time in 16 Years. Boeing 787 Dreamliner Cockpit. Niklitov, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Don McIntosh / Northwest Labor Press A lot of eyes will be on the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) this year as it takes part in one of the most significant labor negotiations of recent times. Boeing is one …

WSWS (2024-03-29). Australia: Labor government targets Aboriginal youth with draconian curfew in Alice Springs. People under 18 will be banished from the streets of the Central Australian town after dark, in a harsh authoritarian move that has been met with bipartisan support at territory and federal level.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-29). Investments in Cuba for water and energy supplies. Havana, Mar 29 (Prensa Latina) Two of the main problems faced by the Cuban population: water and electricity shortages, stood out in the national news spectrum, given the progress of investments in infrastructure.

David S. D'Amato (2024-03-29). The Antiauthoritarians of the First International. The International Workingmen's Association, popularly known as the First International, first met in September of 1864 at St. Martin's Hall in London. It began as a relatively modest gathering of workers, trade unionists, and socialists of various kinds and political inclinations a half-century before the fated October Revolution, before the twentieth century cemented a particular (2024-03-29). Coal production in China reach historic highs last year. Coal production and import volumes in China reached historic highs last year, driven by several factors, such as economic recovery and the rapid development of high-energy-consuming tech industries like computing power. (2024-03-29). Central government departments disclose annual budgets. The central government departments in China have recently disclosed their annual budgets to the public.

Liam Crisan (2024-03-29). Labor Holds the Line in Argentina. This March, Argentina's school year began with empty classrooms. The price of learning materials rose by 502 percent over the past year, leaving many children unprepared for the year to come. And the teachers? On strike after President Javier Milei announced deep cuts to their salaries. There's something much larger happening here: Workers rights are

The Exposé (2024-03-29). WEF's Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and …

Misión Verdad (2024-03-29). Venezuela: 5 Strategic Reasons for Nicolás Maduro's Presidential Candidacy. By Misión Verdad — Mar 26, 2024 | During his second term as the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has achieved fundamental milestones to overcome the crises generated by the far-right opposition and the United States. These achievements have led the country towards political, economic, and social stability. They have strengthened his leadership within Chavismo and have positioned him as the natural candidate to represent the Bolivarian Revolution in the presidential election scheduled for July 28 this year. | The following are five milestones, five strategic achievements, whic…

Binoy Kampmark (2024-03-29). Imperial Fruit: Bananas, Costs and Climate Change. The curved course of the ubiquitous banana has often been the peel of empire, its sweetness masking a sharp, bitter legacy. Arab conquerors introduced it to the African continent as they cultivated a slave market. European imperialism did the same to the Americas via the Canary Islands, insinuating the luscious fruit into markets of solid …

Ron Jacobs (2024-03-29). Consider the Commune: Venezuela and Beyond. About midway through his new book Commune or Nothing: Venezuala's Communal Movement and its Socialist Project, author Chris Gilbert introduces the reader to Marxist theoretician István Mészáros and his groundbreaking book titled Beyond Capital: Toward a Theory of Transition. Gilbert does so in the context of a discussion about the commune movement in Venezuela. The (2024-03-29). Employment strong in 2023. China's employment in urban areas grew last year, with the nation's economy and job market returning to normal after the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts said.

WSWS (2024-03-29). California fast food restaurants conduct mass layoffs in retaliation against state minimum wage increase. The new legislation also creates a nine-member "Fast Food Council" with the authority to annually increase wages by the lower of the Consumer Price Index or 3.5 percent, guaranteeing that workers continue to receive cuts in real pay each year.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-29). Consejo de Transición en Haití emite su primer comunicado. Afirma ya haber elaborado los criterios y mecanismos para la elección del presidente del Consejo, el nombramiento de un nuevo jefe de Gobierno y el gabinete de ministros.

GRAIN (2024-03-29). Food inflation: The math doesn't add up without factoring in corporate power.

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-29). For a Europe of the peoples against the EU fortress of capitalism.

newarab (2024-03-29). US official quits State Dept. over Israel Gaza war support. A US State Department official working on human rights issues in the Middle East resigned Wednesday in protest over Annelle Sheline, 38, left her position as a foreign affairs officer in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor just a year into her role, with nearly half of that period overshadowed by Israel's

newarab (2024-03-29). Morocco's Moudawana reform puts women's rights in ballot box. For many Moroccans, SaàØd Saadi embodies the struggle for women's rights. Now a researcher in political economy and a retired professor, Saadi looks back on his upbringing as the spark for his career, one filled with fighting social injustice and misogyny. He recalls his earliest years when he was surrounded by his politically active family, including his sisters. | Saadi soon became involved in the Progress and Socialism Party (PPS) and years later, joined Abdrerrahman Youssoufi's leftist government as Secretary of State for Social Protection, Family and Childhood in 1998. | In office, Saadi pushed for…

newarab (2024-03-29). Afghan girls refrained from schools for third year running. Sequestered at home in a remote Afghan town, 18-year-old Shekiba often roams the house hunting for the patchy internet signal that is her last link to education. | Shekiba has turned to online learning since the Taliban returned to power in 2021 and shut her out of classrooms, signing up for live economics lectures she squints at on a pocket-sized phone screen. | Boys and men returned to classes with the start of the Afghan new year, but girls and women will be left behind again by a Taliban government education blockade that is part of a raft of restrictions the United Nations has labelled 'gender apartheid' (2024-03-29). French pensioners rally against Macron austerity. Pensioners rallied in hundreds of towns and cities in France against President Emmanuel Macron's determination for even more austerity cuts amid the inflation crisis.

2024-03-29 17:00:20 | 17:00 EST | tr | 52 | 0 | 3 | 58 | 0 

2024-03-27: News Headlines

Mnar Adley (2024-03-27). MintPress News: Pushing Back Against Atrocity Propaganda. While corporate mainstream media gave Israel the cover to commit genocide in Gaza, MintPress has been at the forefront of challenging atrocity propaganda and naming the names of those who profit from this massacre. For this, we have been targeted financially and algorithmically.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-27). Achille Mbembe's Necropolitics Theory Predicted Israel's Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza. The New Black Nationalist Network "The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories serves as a laboratory for a number of techniques of control, surveillance, and separation that are today proliferating to other places on the planet. We are increasingly faced with the question of what to do with those who's very existence does not seem to…

midwesternmarx (2024-03-27). The man in whose shadow Netanyahu walks By: Chris Bambery. If there is one leader whom the current Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, follows, it is Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, which would form the bedrock of Netanyahu's Likud party.Since 2005, Israel has had a Memorial Day to honour Jabotinsky (29 Tammuz, the day of his death on 4 August 1940, according to the Hebrew calendar). At a 2017 celebration, Netanyahu said: 'I have Jabotinsky's works on my shelf, and I read them often.' He …

Dave DeCamp (2024-03-27). US, Japan to Strengthen Military Ties in Buildup Aimed at China. Next month, the US and Japan are expected to announce the most significant change to their military alliance since the 1960s as the US is bolstering its forces in the region to prepare for a future war with China. According to Financial Times, the US and Japan will unveil a plan to restructure the US …

infobrics (2024-03-27). BRICS+ and the Global South Collaboration: Problems and Prospects. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards collaboration among countries in the Global South, with BRICS+ emerging as a key player in this movement…

infobrics (2024-03-27). BRICS Building Bloc in Africa. Entry to the club for rising economic powers should be a trading boon for Ethiopia and Egypt, but without a clear membership framework, the benefits are frustratingly vague…

infobrics (2024-03-27). State Duma deputies accuse US, Ukraine of masterminding terrorist attacks on Russian territory. Nikolai Kharitonov, a Communist Party deputy in the Russian Federal Assembly's State Duma and runner-up in the country's recent presidential election, along with a number of his colleagues in the parliamentary corps and public figures have sent a Statement on an Immediate Investigation and Prevention of the Financing of Acts of International Terrorism to the prosecutor general's offices in five countries — the Russian Federation, Germany, Cyprus, the USA and France.

Muhammed Shabeer (2024-03-27). Austrian social democrat wins Salzburg mayoral runoff, vows to resolve housing crisis. Bernhard Auinger from the Social Democratic Party of Austria has won the mayorship of the city and the runner-up Kay-Michael Dankl from the Communist Party of Austria will take charge as the deputy mayor.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-27). Putin: A Champion of the Global South? By Janna Kadri — Mar 25, 2024 | Moscow's defiance of Western elements, particularly the economic sanctions and the military aid to Ukraine, has not only set an example for other nations to follow but also eroded the legitimacy of the West's ideological supremacy. | On

midwesternmarx (2024-03-27). Europe Sleepwalks Through Its Own Dilemmas By: Vijay Prashad. On March 19, 2024, the head of France's ground forces, General Pierre Schill, published an article in the newspaper, Le Monde, with a blunt title: "The Army Stands Ready." Schill cut his teeth in France's overseas adventures in the Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, and Somalia. In this article, General Schill wrote that his troops are "ready" for any confrontation and that he could mobilize 60,000 of France's 121,000 soldi …

The Independent (2024-03-27). IMF: Gov't financial squeeze expected to ease in FY 2025/2026. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The government programs continue to be impacted by financial pressures this year, amidst dwindling low-cost financial sources and plans to reduce commercial borrowing. This is a spillover from the large (5.5 percent of GDP) fiscal deficit in 2022/2023 was larger than planned, due to a supplementary budget approved late in …

WSWS (2024-03-27). Baltimore-area bridge collapses following collision with cargo vessel. While more details will emerge in the coming days, what is certain is that cost-cutting and profiteering played a central role in the disaster. (2024-03-27). NBC sought a conservative voice. But its employees didn't want Ronna McDanielNBC News cut ties March 26 with former Republican National Committee chief Ronna McDaniel less than a week after hiring her as an on-air political contributor, a decision that followed a furious protest by some of its journalists and commentators.

Comment: This story shows how American MSM that only serves both Dems and Repubs has gotten stupider from year-to-year. (2024-03-27). Top UN court likely to issue tough decision against Israel for ongoing attacks on Gaza The world court will rule on the requested additional measures in the coming days, which may include criticism of Israel as well as requests for additional monitoring reports, according to the KAN broadcaster report. (2024-03-27). Hezbollah retaliates against Israeli atrocities in Gaza with strikes on military bases Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement has conducted multiple operations against Israeli military outposts in the northern part of the 1948 occupied territories, expressing its unwavering support for Palestinians in Gaza amid a genocidal war. (2024-03-27). Palestinians drown trying to reach Gaza aid air-dropped by US into seaThe Pentagon confirmed that three of the 18 packages it air-dropped on Monday had parachute malfunctions and fell into the water just off the coast of the Strip. However, US officials did not confirm if any Gazans were killed while trying to reach the aid. (2024-03-27). Teens in Gaza hoping to be killed to end their "nightmare" : UN – Firstpost A spokesman for the UN children's agency said on Tuesday that the situation in the war-torn Gaza is so bad that teens are increasingly expressing their desire to be quickly murdered in order to end the "nightmare".
  "The unspeakable is regularly said in Gaza," said James Elder, spokesman for the United Nations children's agency UNICEF.

L'Indipendente (2024-03-27). In Germany, a forest was occupied to stop Tesla's new mega factory. Real camps have been set up with hammocks, tree houses up to 11 meters high, and banners: in Germany, a group of around a hundred environmentalists has occupied a natural area that is set to be destroyed in favor of a new wing of the Gigafactory, the Tesla factory which represents the main industrial hub in Europe for Elon Musk's car company. The headquarters, which could accommodate up to 12 thousand employees and produce up to 500 thousand cars per year, should soon be expanded into an adjacent area, intended to house a goods station, warehouses, and a company nursery. However, to build the plant it would be ne… (2024-03-26). Country vows to create more opportunities for investors. China's rich innovative application scenarios, supportive policies and thriving market will continue to offer appealing investment opportunities for global investors, particularly in the fields of emerging industries and innovative business formats.

WSWS (2024-03-27). Right-wing presidential candidate RFK Jr. picks wealthy Silicon Valley lawyer Nicole Shanahan as running mate. Shanahan, 38, is a longtime donor to Democratic Party campaigns and was formerly married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the 10th wealthiest person in the world.

tvbrics (2024-03-27). Russian Deputy Prime Minister and President of NDB discuss current economic situation in world. They held a meeting at the Boao Asian Forum in China…

WSWS (2024-03-27). Australia: SEP electoral members call on workers and youth to help put a socialist anti-war party on the ballot. "They're trying to make it harder for minority parties to exist—it's crazy. I'm for our voices being heard, normal people, not the billionaires sponsoring all the other parties."

| Entertainment Desk | (2024-03-27). Zayn Malik wants to collaborate with Miley Cyrus — Should we expect a duet from the pop powerhouse? Musician Zayn Malik has opened up about his musical aspirations, and a collaboration with superstar Miley Cyrus is high on his list! | In a recent fan chat on Stationhead, the former One Direction star expressed admiration for Cyrus' music and a desire to work with her. | "I'd like to do a collaboration with her," he said of the Grammy winner. Malik continued: "I like her recent music a lot. She's got a sick voice." | Malik envisions a powerful creative synergy, noting their sounds would mesh well on his upcoming album, Room Under the Stairs. "I think we could do something really cool together, especially in l… (2024-03-26). China boosts bilateral ties with Sri Lanka. China and Sri Lanka signed a number of agreements on Tuesday as part of the two countries' efforts to promote bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade, investment, customs and development partnership. (2024-03-27). Jan-Oct foreign investment in Shenzhen manufacturing surges nearly twofold. Shenzhen in South China's Guangdong province remained a beacon for foreign investment in 2023, said a report by global consultancy powerhouse PwC, as the tech mecca welcomed 7,258 new foreign-invested enterprises during the past year.

WSWS (2024-03-27). "Unprecedented" growth of US debt could bring market shock. The Congressional Budget Office director has warned the US could face a Liz Truss style financial crisis. (2024-03-27). Insights | Global Development Initiative a way for China to share development experience: U.S. expert. The Global Development Initiative proposed by China has made significant contributions to fostering consensus on development, global poverty reduction, and economic development, said Benjamin Norton, chief editor of the Geopolitical Economy Report, in an interview with China News Network in Wuyishan, Nanping City of East China's Fujian Province. (2024-03-27). Georgia may limit farm purchases by China 'agent'. The Georgia House of Representatives has passed and sent to the state Senate a bill that would ban any "agent" of China from buying farmland or land near military sites. (2024-03-27). China's industrial profits surge 10.2% in first two months of 2024. Profits of China's industrial enterprises above the designated size rose 10.2 percent in the first two months of 2024, reversing from the 2.3-percent decline in 2023, the latest government data showed on Wednesday.

The Independent (2024-03-27). Stanbic Uganda shareholders to get shs.280 billion in dividend payout. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Shareholders of Stanbic Uganda Holdings are set to receive up to 280 billion shillings in total dividends payout for the year ending December 2023. This is a record-high payout, and it is 45 billion shillings higher than last financial year's payment. The payment arises from the recommended payout for the …

unitedEditor (2024-03-27). The dilemma of the Argentine Congress in the face of a presidential decree that aims to change country's foundation. By àörsula Asta, Buenos Aires, Argentina The government of Javier Milei in Argentina began with a package of regressive measures for the vast majority of the people. In the first weeks of his mandate, first, there was an accelerated economic deterioration in form of a mega devaluation of 118 percent and a sharp increase in … (2024-03-27). To invest in China is to win the future: spokesperson. During the China Development Forum 2024 that was held on Sunday and Monday, global business leaders and practitioners spoke favorably of China's economic prospects, saying they would continue to invest in the country.

Vernal Coleman (2024-03-27). Inside the historic suit that the gun industry and Republicans are on the verge of killing. Gunmakers have repeatedly tried to end one city's lawsuit over illegal gun sales. Meanwhile, illicit purchases of firearms continued at an unrelenting and hazardous pace. (2024-03-26). China files WTO complaint against U.S.' discriminatory EV subsidy policies. China filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization against the United States Inflation Reduction Act on Tuesday to protect the interests of its electric vehicle companies and ensure fair competition in the global EV industry.

WSWS (2024-03-27). Media blackout of "suicide" of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett continues as company CEO David Calhoun steps down. The numerous incidents on Boeing aircraft in the past three months reflect the drive of the company's executives to maximize profits for stockholders to the detriment of safety on its fleet of commercial airliners.

marketing (2024-03-27). 'The Amazon Of Sports' Has Already Cornered Baseball's Apparel Market And Is Now On The Verge Of Subsuming Baseball Cards, Too #'The #Amazon #Sports' #Already #Cornered #Baseball's #Apparel #Market #Verge #Subsuming #Baseball #Cards, #Investment #Fund #Contract #Company #Employee. (MENAFN – The Conversation) During spring training, Major League Baseball's official uniform supplier, Fanatics, became a focal point for all the wrong reasons. After arriving in Florida and …

unitedEditor (2024-03-27). The dilemma of the Argentine Congress in the face of a presidential decree that aims to change country's foundation. By àörsula Asta, Buenos Aires, Argentina The government of Javier Milei in Argentina began with a package of regressive measures for the vast majority of the people. In the first weeks of his mandate, first, there was an accelerated economic deterioration in form of a mega devaluation of 118 percent and a sharp increase in …

channelnewsasia (2024-03-27). As yuan skids, markets bet more depreciation is in store.

The Independent (2024-03-27). Local companies secure Shs.7 trillion in oil and gas deals. Limited skilled manpower, inadequate financing, extended payment cycles, and geopolitical tensions continue to impact the sector a head of oil production Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Following the Final Investment Decision (FID) announcement in Feb, 2022, the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) has approved contracts worth US$7.16 billion in the ongoing oil and gas development … (2024-03-26). Boao forum sees China driving global growth. With China as a key growth engine, Asia will play a crucial role in bolstering the world's economic growth this year, given the Chinese government's strong policy support, a key report published on Tuesday stated.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-27). AUKUS and AUKMIN submarine deals are robbing Australian taxpayers. Last week, Australia-UK Ministerial ("AUKMIN") talks between UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron and Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and their Australian counterparts took place to identify new ways to grow and strengthen collaboration … (2024-03-27). 3 U.S. big tech giants face EU inquiry. The European Commission launched a noncompliance investigation on Monday into U.S. tech giants Apple, Google parent Alphabet and Meta for violating its Digital Markets Act, or DMA.

Staff (2024-03-27). "We Don't Need More Detention Centers, More Border Patrol": Fernando García on SB4 & New Spending Law. An immigration battle continues on the border between Texas and Mexico, as Texas's state government increases its militarization of the region, deploying hundreds of National Guard troops and constructing new infrastructure on the border. Meanwhile, a new federal spending bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden has increased funding for ICE and CBP, and state and federal courts have been wrangling over the legality of SB4, a new Texas state law that gives local police sweeping powers to arrest and deport anyone they suspect has entered the United States without authorization. We hear… (2024-03-27). First Nations peace walk against AUKUS takes aim at Labor.

| Our Correspondent | (2024-03-27). Nawaz hopeful for a better future. Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo, expressed optimism for a brighter future, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts from all stakeholders, including politicians, administrative authorities, and police, to navigate the country out of challenging times. | The 'time of comfort will come', he remarked. | In a meeting with members of national and provincial assemblies from Faisalabad Division, the former premier lamented the removal of their government in 2017, asserting that Pakistan would have made significant progress otherwise. | He criticized those who seized power, stating the…

Peter Boyle (2024-03-27). 'Malaysia needs a strong left front' — PSM leader. Socialist Party of Malaysia (Parti Sosialis Malaysia, PSM) Deputy President S Arutchelvan (Arul) recently spoke with Green Left's Peter Boyle about a new hope for reviving left unity in the country.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-27). Billion-dollar money laundering case: Suspect handed 6 new charges over forged financial statements.

Editor (2024-03-27). The U.S. is witnessing a considerable growth in strike activity. Cornell University's Labour Action Tracker reports have noted a 77 per cent growth in strikes since 2021.

WSWS (2024-03-27). Australian government fails to ram through bill to quickly deport non-citizens. This legislation marks a further lurch in a right-wing, autocratic direction, spearheaded by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's Labor government.

marketing (2024-03-27). Kenya Has Tightened Its Laws To Stop Money Laundering: Why Banks Are The Focus #Kenya #Tightened #Laws #Stop #Money #Laundering: #Banks #Focus #Factory #Output #Production #Appliance #Equipment. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Kenya's banking industry has in recent years been in the crosshairs of national , regional and international watchdogs, given the country's role as a financial hub in … (2024-03-27). HK chief vows to boost national security education, economy. Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said on Tuesday that the special administrative region's government will focus on economic development following the enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, while continuing public education and explaining the law. (2024-03-26). Cooperation seen key to Asia energy transition. Multi-dimensional and comprehensive cooperation in Asia, in terms of policies, industry regulations, technologies and market mechanisms, is vital to help advance the journey toward zero-carbon electricity, experts said as a new report on green transition was unveiled on March 26.

GRAIN (2024-03-27). Food inflation: The math doesn't add up without factoring in corporate power.

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-27). For a Europe of the peoples against the EU fortress of capitalism.

newarab (2024-03-27). UK lawmakers call on government to halt Israel arms sales. Over 130 The letter, sent to Foreign Secretary Signatories included Labour MP Zarah Sultana, Stephen Flynn, the head of the Scottish Na…

newarab (2024-03-27). Turkey denies arms exports to Israel amid war on Gaza. Online magazine The Cradle mentioned a report from Trading Economics that in January, the country exported almost $319 million in goods to Israel including precious metals, chemicals, insecticides, nuclear reactor parts, gunpowder,…

newarab (2024-03-27). Iraq raises car fuel prices, taxes celebrities. In a strategic manoeuvre to overhaul fiscal strategies, the

newarab (2024-03-27). Despite inflation and Gaza, Egyptians rekindle Ramadan magic.

2024-03-27 16:28:03 | 16:28 EST | tr | 60 | 0 | 5 | 66 | 0 

2024-03-26: News Headlines

Staff (2024-03-26). Jeremy Corbyn Applauds U.N. Ceasefire Resolution, Says World Must Prevent "Another Nakba" Former U.K. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn reacts to the United Nations Security Council's resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, which passed 14-0 on Monday after the United States declined to use its veto by abstaining from the vote. Corbyn calls the war and suffering in Gaza "a global disgrace" and says the ceasefire must be enforced. "It's time to stand with the Palestinian people."…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-03-26). How the US weaponizes terrorism statutes against Palestinians. Scholar Darryl Li examines history of criminalization of solidarity activism.

Staff (2024-03-26). Paul Mason smears audience member who calls out pro-Israel lobby partnership with Labour. Commentator Paul Mason, who is trying to become a Labour MP, slandered an audience member as antisemitic during a Q&A discussion at an event entitled 'Is it worth voting Labour in 2024?' The audience member said: I can't believe that there hasn't been any mention here of the Labour Files, like you know the way …

marketing (2024-03-26). How Central Asian Jews And Muslims Worked Together In London's 20Th-Century Fur And Carpet Trade #Central #Asian #Jews #Muslims #Worked #Together #London's #20Th-Century #Carpet #Trade #USA #Russia #US #President #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) From the late 1920s, London was home to a lively, if small, community of Jewish merchants from Afghanistan and central Asia . Most spoke Judaeo-Persian, popularly known …

marketing (2024-03-26). Politics With Michelle Grattan: Kim Beazley On Kevin Rudd, Being An Ambassador, And A Possible Second Trump Presidency #Politics #Michelle #Grattan: #Beazley #Kevin #Rudd, #Being #Ambassador, #Possible #Second #Trump #Presidency #USA #Russia #US #President #Biden #Ukraine #War #Palestine #Gaza #Israel #. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Kim Beazley, a former Labor leader, served as Australia's ambassador in Washington between 2010 and 2016. He is widely respected for his expertise in foreign and defence …

Patricia Harrity (2024-03-26). CENSORED: Keir Starmer's Emails About Israeli War Crimes Case. Labour leader Keir Starmer likes to talk about his time as Director of Public Prosecutions when courting votes. But some cases are still shrouded in secrecy. Especially when he blocked the arrest … (2024-03-26). Donald Trump's net worth shoots past $6bn; enters Bloomberg's 500 richest list. Trump achieves remarkable milestone despite facing legal hurdles and financial setbacks… (2024-03-26). Donald Trump to sell 'God Bless the USA' Bibles amid legal struggles. Trump urges supporters to purchase special edition Bibles amid legal battles…

infobrics (2024-03-26). Trends and Prospects for Indian-China Trade and Entrepreneurship. Trade and entrepreneurship are crucial in shaping the broader bilateral relations between India and China. Beyond the economic realm, they serve as channels for cultural exchange, technological cooperation and diplomatic engagement. India and China, being two of the world's fastest-growing economies, recognise the immense potential for mutual benefit through increased trade and entrepreneurial ventures…

unitedEditor (2024-03-26). Bailout packages for Egypt prevent geopolitical catastrophes in the region. Reporting from Cairo, Egypt Over the past two years, Egypt has been facing bleak economic prospects that have been worsening day by day. The features of its economic crisis began to take shape and worsen clearly after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war in February 2022, but the flight of hot money from the country …

unitedEditor (2024-03-26). Bailout packages for Egypt prevent geopolitical catastrophes in the region. Reporting from Cairo, Egypt Over the past two years, Egypt has been facing bleak economic prospects that have been worsening day by day. The features of its economic crisis began to take shape and worsen clearly after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war in February 2022, but the flight of hot money from the country …

David Swanson (2024-03-26). Video: Teach-In with Norman Solomon: Make War Visible…And End It! By California for a World BEYOND War and the RootsAction Education Fund, March 26, 2024 | As wars continue in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere, efforts to stop them are up against a powerful military-industrial-media complex in the United States. No matter how much coverage of war comes through mainstream news outlets, the human realities of war are scarcely conveyed. On March 18, 2024, we hosted an online presentation — "Make War Visible… and End It" — with author and activist Norman Solomon, whose book "War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine" was published last… (2024-03-26). War on Gaza: 'Reasonable grounds' to believe Israel committing genocide, says UN expert UN human rights expert Francesca Albanese submitted a report to the UN Security Council on Monday, stating that Israel has committed several acts of genocide in its war on Gaza and that it should be placed under an arms embargo. (2024-03-26). Israel storms the last four hospitals still open in GazaIsrael launched a deliberate assault on Gaza's remaining hospitals last week, murdering patients, workers and people sheltering in medical compounds. Zionist forces hit the areas around four hospitals—Al-Shifa and Al-Nasr in Gaza City, and Al-Amal and Nasser in Khan Younis. (2024-03-26). Ocasio-Cortez Condemns US Complicity in Gaza "Genocide" and "Forced Famine" Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) said that Israel's siege of Gaza amounts to a "genocide" in a speech on the House floor on Friday as she condemned Israel's "forced famine" and U.S. complicity in the massacre. (2024-03-26). US Shift in Rhetoric Isolates Israel, But Can It Prevent the Invasion of Rafah? US Shift in Rhetoric Isolates Israel, But Can It Prevent the Invasion of Rafah? (2024-03-26). UN General Assembly Overwhelmingly Votes to Demand Gaza CeasefireThe text passed with 153 votes in favor, while 23 countries abstained from the vote. Israel voted against the resolution, along with eight other countries and the United States, which vetoed a similar resolution at the United Nations Security Council (2024-03-26). Israel's toxic legacy: Bombing southern Lebanon with white phosphorus Scientists, historians point to a pattern in Israel's white phosphorous use that destroyed swathes of southern Lebanon.

WSWS (2024-03-26). Pro-NATO media doubles down on propaganda narrative about Moscow terror attack. As with all imperialist war propaganda over the war in Ukraine, the narrative spouted by the New York Times and the Financial Times relies on a complete obfuscation and distortion of facts and context. (2024-03-25). China, Dominica to boost ties. China is ready to work with the Commonwealth of Dominica to better align the two countries' development strategies and transform their friendship into the driving force of win-win cooperation, in order to benefit their peoples with greater achievements, President Xi Jinping said on Monday.

Ruth Milka (2024-03-26). Revolutionizing industry: Biden's bold $6 billion plan to green steel, ice cream, and more. This substantial financial injection, sourced from the Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is set to fund 33 innovative demonstration projects across more than 20 states.

The Independent (2024-03-26). NSSF payouts insufficient for retirement-survey. Many retirees, burdened with dependents, find themselves continuing to work, with 63% of beneficiaries still employed Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Beneficiaries Survey Report for 2023, conducted in collaboration with Enterprise Uganda, exposes a glaring insufficiency in the country's retirement benefits, with an average payout of Shs24 million to …

Austin S. Fallah (2024-03-26). Diversity as the New World Currency: Navigating the Landscape of Social & Economic. Diversity as the New World Currency: Navigating the Landscape of Social and Economic Development…

tvbrics (2024-03-26). Egyptian Prime Minister reviews annual report on implementation of initiatives proposed by National Dialogue. It presents initiatives from different sectors, including the economy, tourism and the social sphere…

WSWS (2024-03-26). Put a socialist, anti-war party on the ballot! Join the SEP (Australia) as an electoral member today! Socialist Equality Party assistant national secretary Max Boddy calls on workers and young people in Australia to sign up as an SEP electoral member. (2024-03-26). Forum condemns Labor's racist refugee policies. (2024-03-26). Forum focus on world challenges. The concept of building a community of shared future for mankind is the way forward for the world to tackle complex challenges through joint dialogues and construction, mutual respect and benefits, experts said ahead of the Boao Forum for Asia, or BFA, annual conference.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-26). Money Talks Podcast: Invest 101 – What you need to know about investing in private markets. Private markets are slowly opening up but do you have what it takes to enter them? (2024-03-26). Medical insurance enrollment stable. Enrollment in China's basic medical insurance system has remained stable in recent years and rising premiums have contributed to improving the nation's healthcare services and lessening financial burdens on patients.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-26). Lebanese Communist Party condemns US interference against Cuba. Beirut, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) The Political Bureau of the Lebanese Communist Party (PCL) condemned on Tuesday the ongoing US pressure against Cuba and the interference in its internal affairs and the attempt to destabilize its security and stability.

| (2024-03-26). Prince William takes time off for Easter, flies to Anmer Hall with Kate Middleton and kids. Prince William will be spending Easter holiday privately with his wife Kate Middleton and kids. | Following the announcement of Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis and preventive chemotherapy, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, along with their children, flew off and travelled to their Norfolk residence, Anmer Hall. | The family will miss the Easter church service. | While many people were hoping the Princess of Wales would be able to resume her duties by Easter, a Kensington Palace spokesperson confirmed that, "The Princess will return to official duties when she is cleared to do so by her medical team." (2024-03-26). First Nations peace walk against AUKUS takes aim at Labor.

| Reuters | (2024-03-26). Indian opposition supporters detained ahead of protest at Modi's home. Police in the Indian capital detained dozens of opposition supporters on Tuesday as they attempted to march to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's residence to protest against last week's arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. | Kejriwal, a key opposition leader whose Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has governed the national capital territory for a decade, was arrested by the financial crime-fighting agency on corruption charges relating to the city's liquor policy, weeks before India begins voting in general elections on April 19. | He was remanded to the custody of the Enforcement Directorate until March 28, with…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-26). Russian security dismantles corruption scheme in ministry. Moscow, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) announced on Tuesday that it has dismantled a corruption scheme involving the Ministry of Economic Development's high-ranking officials and some entrepreneurs. (2024-03-26). Asian economy expected to increase 4.5 percent in 2024: report. The Asian economy is expected to increase by 4.5 percent in 2024 amid a strong consumption and proactive fiscal policy, faster than 2023, according to the Asian Economic Outlook and Integration Progress flagship report issued at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 in South China's Hainan Province on Tuesday. (2024-03-25). Nation firm on closer ties with financial institutions. Beijing reaffirmed its commitment to forging closer partnerships with international financial institutions as leaders of the central government hosted top officials from the World Bank.

WSWS (2024-03-26). Social collective agreements prepare way for closure of Ford Saarlouis parts supplier park. Ford has been in the process of closing or reorganising entire plants in Europe, the US, Brazil, Russia and India for four years in order to increase profits at the expense of the workforce. However, works council representatives and the IG Metall have done everything in their power for years to ensure that resistance to this has come to nothing.

jamanetwork (2024-03-26). Advances Needed for Diabetic Foot Infections, Experts Say. This Medical News article discusses how multidisciplinary care teams, new drugs and devices, and practical solutions to socioeconomic factors could reduce diabetic foot infections and amputations. (2024-03-26). China vows to establish integrated computing power network, boosting digital economy: NDB chief. China pledges to build a national integrated computing power network, in an effort to optimize the distribution of computing power and provide better services for the development of the digital economy.

Howard Schneider (2024-03-26). Book Review: The Loophole that Allows the Government to Buy Your Data. Corporations collect consumers that the feds can then purchase without needing a warrant.

John Mage (2024-03-26). First city-wide rent reduction in the history of New York State, ordered by the Rent Guidelines Board of Kingston, New York, is upheld by Appellate Court. New York State's Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 permits the regulation of residential rents ("rent stabilization") on the declaration of a housing emergency in New York City when the vacancy rate falls below 5%, or by similar declarations in municipalities in the suburban New York City counties of Nassau, Westchester and Rockland.

| our.correspondent | (2024-03-26). President, PM discuss politics. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday met with President Asif Ali Zardari wherein they expressed their resolve to steer the country out of prevailing challenges. | In the meeting, they discussed the country's overall political and economic situation, a President House press release said. | The meeting also featured the deliberations on the measures to extend relief to the masses during the Holy Ramazan. | Read also: PM Shehbaz vows to bring economic stability, ensure GDP growth | Addressing the Tax Excellence Awards ceremony in Islamabad, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed the resolve on Tuesday to bri…

OCHU (2024-03-26). Women's Wages and the Attack on Public Sector Workers. Since the Ford government came to power in 2018 in Ontario, there has been an attack on the wages of workers in the broader public sector. This is also an attack on women's wages. The result is that women's wages have been eroded in the leading sector of women's work. This has led to both an erosion in real wages and an erosion in wages in these female-dominated sectors relative to other industrial sectors. | Women comprise 74% of the Ontario education, healthcare, and social assistance workforce. A strong female majority is present in all these sectors but is especially marked in healthcare and social assista… (2024-03-26). Insights | Chinese path to modernization a valid model for challenges facing humanity: Spanish scholar. The Chinese path to modernization represents a valid model to address the main challenges facing humanity such as sustainable development, the search for peace, and the fight against inequality and poverty, said Javier García, journalism professor at Renmin University of China and former director of Agencia EFE in China.

Fred Fuentes (2024-03-26). Ecosocialism 2024: New speakers announced. The full conference agenda for Ecosocialism 2024 has been released, with an exciting list of new speakers and panels. Fred Fuentes reports.

David Swanson (2024-03-26). The Destruction of Mosul. By Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, March 26, 2024 | The bloody destruction of Mosul by U.S. led coalition forces is examined in detail with particular emphasis on the complicity of U.S. weapons manufacturers. War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity are revealed by the evidence gathered in this installment of the Tribunal.

marketing (2024-03-26). Why Parts Of Good Friday Worship Have Been Controversial #Parts #Good #Friday #Worship #Have #Been #Controversial #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Churches around the world will be holding services for their three most important days during this Holy Week: Holy Thursday, sometimes called Maundy Thursday, Good …

Staff (2024-03-26). Assange Extradition Delayed: British MP Jeremy Corbyn on U.K. Court Seeking More Assurances from U.S. The British High Court in London has put the extradition of Julian Assange on hold until the United States provides assurances that he would get a fair trial in the U.S. without facing the death penalty. If those assurances are not met, Assange will be granted the right to a full appeal hearing. Speaking outside the court Tuesday, Stella Assange called for the Biden administration to "drop this shameful case" against her husband. "Julian should never have been imprisoned for a single day," she said. We speak with MP Jeremy Corbyn, who led the U.K. Labour Party from 2015 to 2020 and who has…

jamanetwork (2024-03-26). Clinical Guidelines on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. To the Editor Dr Leung and colleagues should be commended for their short but comprehensive JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis about NAFLD, as its recommendations are actionable. However, the developers, the AACE and the AASLD, incorrectly allow alcohol consumption for the diagnosis (up to 21 drinks per week for men or 14 drinks per week for women).

GABIK (2024-03-26). Have your say in eThekwini service delivery plan. Have your say in eThekwini service delivery plan | Residents of eThekwini are invited to submit their comments on the draft Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the 2024/2025 financial year – a key city strategy that informs and guides all service delivery and development in the region. | All planning, including budgeting, management and decision-making related to delivering services and development in the municipal area, is considered in this important city business plan. | "The IDP considers the challenges facing the city and the strategic approach to resolving these as underpinned by city's long-term develo…

Julia Gledhill (2024-03-26). White House Wants $895 Billion for Pentagon and Nukes in Fiscal Year 2025. The White House released its budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 on March 11th, and the news was depressingly familiar: $895 billion for the Pentagon and work on nuclear weapons at the Department of Energy. After adjusting for inflation, that's only slightly less than last year's proposal, but far higher than the levels reached during either the Korean or Vietnam wars or at the height of the Cold… |

Peter Boyle (2024-03-26). Labor rejects majority vote to demerge Inner West Council. The NSW Boundaries Commission has rejected the Inner West Council's bid to deamalgamate despite 62.5% of residents voting to do so. Peter Boyle reports.

| Radio Pakistan | (2024-03-26). PM Shehbaz vows to bring economic stability, ensure GDP growth. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed the resolve on Tuesday to bring macroeconomic stability and put Pakistan the path of growth. | Addressing the Tax Excellence Awards ceremony in Islamabad, the premier said ensuring export-led growth through joint efforts was the only solution to make the country debt-free. | The prime minister also said the government will strive to elevate productive sectors such as industries, information technology (IT), and agriculture. | Referring to the new IMF programme, the premier said the government is taking the step to bring stability to the country's economy. | "The state wi…

marketing (2024-03-26). What Your Sad Desk Sandwich Says About Your Working Habits #What #Your #Desk #Sandwich #About #Your #Working #Habits #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) How's that sandwich? If you're munching on a supermarket meal deal while reading this, well, I probably am too. Brits in particular are known for their obsession with …

marketing (2024-03-26). Road House Explores What It Means To Be A Hyper-Masculine Hardman In The 21St Century #Road #House #Explores #What #Means #Hyper-Masculine #Hardman #21St #Century #Investment #Fund #Contract #Company #Employee. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Through Doug Liman's reimagining of the Patrick Swayze vehicle Road House (1989), Amazon Prime is trying to draw a distinction between toxic hyper-masculinity …

Staff (2024-03-26). President Maduro Registers Candidacy Alongside Supporters, Bomb Attack Thwarted (+Photo Gallery). This Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro went to the National Electoral Council (CNE) headquarters in Caracas to formally register his candidacy for the presidential elections scheduled for July 28. He officially registered his candidacy after joining his supporters on a massive march on Bolívar Avenue in Caracas. | The Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, followed the Electoral Processes Law by delivering the application form to nominate Maduro, issued by the CNE's automated system, to the electoral body's Board of Directors. | President Maduro thanked his P…

Editor (2024-03-26). Corporate power is killing the planet. In the 1950s, a system of corporate courts was created to allow Western businesses to sue the Global South for threatening their profits—and now fossil fuel giants are using it to stop any country from fighting the climate crisis.

marketing (2024-03-26). Ben & Jerry's And Why It's Hard For Activist Brands To Stay True To Themselves After Corporate Buyouts #Jerry's #It's #Hard #Activist #Brands #Stay #True #Themselves #Corporate #Buyouts #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Since its founding in 1978, Ben & Jerry's has been known for its advocacy on a wide range of social causes, including homelessness, fair trade and GMO-free products. In …

WSWS (2024-03-26). Top executives announce early retirements as crisis at Boeing accelerates. Decades of prioritizing profit over safety and quality have provoked a massive crisis within the former staple of American industrial power.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-26). Japan's corporate service inflation steady in February.

WSWS (2024-03-26). Sri Lankan government, companies and unions conspire to impose poverty wage on estate workers. Irrespective of the outcome of these tripartite meetings the pay rates will not provide a living wage or address the endemic poverty afflicting these highly exploited workers.

WSWS (2024-03-26). David North presents German edition of Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century at the Leipzig Book Fair. On Saturday, David North presented the German edition of his book Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century at the Leipzig Book Fair.

| APP | (2024-03-26). Iqbal directs expediting work on Gwadar Power Plant. Planning Minister Professor Ahsan Iqbal on Tuesday directed the authorities concerned to expedite the construction work on the Gwadar Power Plant. | The minister passed the directives while chairing a meeting to review progress of the plant. The Private Power Infrastructure Board (PPIB) is processing the 300MW coal power project at Gwadar, being developed by M/s CIHC Pak Power Company (Pvt) Limited (CPPCL). | Read also: Pakistan, China to form WG on 5 new economic corridors under CPEC | The project is in the 'priority list' of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and holds paramount importance for the e…

Liam Crisan (2024-03-26). Labor Holds The Line in Argentina. This March, Argentina's school year began with empty classrooms. The price of learning materials rose by 502 percent over the past year, leaving many children unprepared for the year to come. And the teachers? On strike after President Javier Milei announced deep cuts to their salaries. There's something much larger happening here: Workers rights are …

marketing (2024-03-26). Trump-Era Tax Cuts Contributed To A Decline In Higher Ed Giving, With Fewer Americans Donating To Colleges And Universities #Trump-Era #Cuts #Contributed #Decline #Higher #Giving, #Fewer #Americans #Donating #Colleges #Universities #Inflation #Currency #US #Dollar #Exchange #Recession. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Policy changes brought on by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act , which former President Donald Trump signed into law at the end of 2017, appear to have led many small-dollar … (2024-03-26). Insights‰∏®50th China-Brazil ties prompt bilateral economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges: Brazilian professor. The Brazilian and Chinese directors of Confucius Institute at the University of Campinas in Brazil shared their opinions on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between China and Brazil, as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries. "ÄÄ…

channelnewsasia (2024-03-26). South African star Tyla says she and Blackpink's Lisa have talked about 'making a song together'. Tyla recently shared a video of herself and Blackpink's Lisa listening to her new album, TYLA.

Dean Baker (2024-03-26). AI, Budget Defecits and the Aging Crisis. I have long been amazed at how major debates over various economic policy issues can have completely contradictory assumptions, and no one seems to notice. This was driven home to me by a New York Times column by Peter Coy (a very good columnist) where he addressed the issue of whether AI would take all (2024-03-26). AI begins to feature prominently in 2024 Hurun Global Rich List: report. Artificial intelligence technology is playing an increasingly important role in driving the global economy, which has also featured prominently in the Hurun Global Rich List for 2024.

marketing (2024-03-26). Chinese Acquisitions In The Bordeaux Vineyards: Have Their New Owners Really Been Neglecting Them? #Chinese #Acquisitions #Bordeaux #Vineyards: #Have #Their #Owners #Really #Been #Neglecting #Them? #Investment #Fund #Contract #Company #Employee. (MENAFN – The Conversation) Since 2012, more than 200 acquisitions have been made by Chinese investors in Bordeaux's prestigious vineyards , mainly from the country's economic, political and … (2024-03-26). Top legislator to attend gathering. Zhao Leji, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, will attend the opening ceremony of the event on Thursday, and deliver the keynote speech.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-26). Japan's land prices rise at fastest pace since 1991.

NEOB (2024-03-26). Former Steinhoff director appears in court for fraud, racketeering. Former Steinhoff director appears in court for fraud, racketeering | Former Steinhoff director Stephanus Grobler has appeared in court on charges of racketeering, three counts of fraud worth R21 billion, manipulation of financial statements and failure to report fraudulent activities. | Grobler appeared in the Pretoria Specialised Commercial Crimes Court on Monday where he was granted bail of R150 000. | National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana explained that Grobler and then Steinhoff Chief Executive Officer, Markus Jooste — who has since been reported dead — allegedly commit…

SAM (2024-03-26). We Should Rein In The Pentagon's Profligate Spending. JULIA GLEDHILL AND WILLIAM D. HARTUNG | TOM DISPATCH…

nosihle (2024-03-26). Call for inclusivity in efforts to grow biodiversity economy. Call for inclusivity in efforts to grow biodiversity economy | President Cyril Ramaphosa has emphasised that previously disadvantaged individuals and communities must be at the centre of efforts to fully harness the benefits of the biodiversity economy. | "We must put rural communities at the centre of every decision making process, and ensure we are empowering and equipping them for the new opportunities in the biodiversity sector," President Ramaphosa said on Tuesday in Boksburg. | Addressing the Inaugural Biodiversity Economy and Investment Indaba, the President called on industry, finance institutions, philan… (2024-03-25). Foreign firms set to expand investment in China. As China ramps up efforts to promote new quality productive forces, Chinese and foreign officials as well as institutions that participated in the China Development Forum 2024 (CDF) on Sunday expressed their optimism about its development prospects, which feature artificial intelligence (AI), new-energy vehicles (NEVs) and other emerging industries.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-26). Analysis:Bank of Japan may be less dovish than markets think. (2024-03-25). New quality productive forces boost MNCs. China's focus on advancing its high-end manufacturing sector and fostering new quality productive forces will generate fresh growth points for multinational corporations, making the global economy and supply chains even greener and diversified.

GABIK (2024-03-26). Higher Education deregisters four private institutions. Higher Education deregisters four private institutions | The Department of Higher Education and Training has cancelled the registration of four Educor institutions after failing to submit proof of their financial viability to the department. | Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, announced the deregistration of City Varsity (Pty) Ltd, Damelin (Pty) Ltd, Icesa City Campus (Pty) Ltd and Lyceum College (Pty) Ltd during a media briefing held in Pretoria on Tuesday. | Nzimande said the four private institutions failed to comply with the requirements of the 2016 Regulations for the Regi… (2024-03-25). Market liberalization big pull for investors. China's continuous efforts to tap into the country's domestic demand, open its doors even wider and foster an enabling business climate will provide greater trade and investment opportunities for enterprises around the globe.

CADTM International (2024-03-26). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles!

GRAIN (2024-03-26). Food inflation: The math doesn't add up without factoring in corporate power.

Eric Toussaint (2024-03-26). For a Europe of the peoples against the EU fortress of capitalism.

newarab (2024-03-26). Ras al-Hekma: How the UAE deal dumps the UN in choppy waters. The beaches of Egypt's Mediterranean coast have long attracted tourists from across the world. They are now also catching the eye of foreign investors with tens of billions of dollars to spare. On February 23, Reuters reported that Egypt and the United Arab Emirates concluded The agreement has offered Egypt's economy a lifeline as it continues…

newarab (2024-03-26). 11 killed in suspected IS attack on Syria truffle hunters. An attack by the Islamic State group (IS) killed at least 11 people searching for desert truffles in northern Syria on Sunday, a war monitor said, in Between February and April each year, hundreds of impoverished Syrians risk their lives to forage for the delicacy in the vast Syrian desert – a known hideout for IS militants that is also littered with mines. | Desert truffles can fetch high prices in a country battered by 13 years of war and a crushing economic crisis. | "At least… (2024-03-25). Please note: At about 10 minutes into the official UN video recording today, the Ambassador from the Russian Federation explains how the wording of the Security Council Ceasefire Resolution was changed just before the meeting started to weaken the language for a 'PERMANENT' ceasefire to something more contrived (a two week pause).

2024-03-26 21:51:39 | 21:51 EST | tr | 88 | 0 | 6 | 95 | 0 

2024-03-23: News Headlines

Michael Arria (2024-03-23). U.S. cuts UNRWA funding as famine looms for Gaza. Congress passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill that will continue a ban on funding UNRWA until at least 2025. President Biden has said he will sign the bill immediately.

WSWS (2024-03-23). Australia: NSW Labor, Canterbury-Bankstown Council ban discussion of Gaza genocide at Lakemba Ramadan night market. Labor, working with Zionists and police agencies, is trying to prohibit discussion of the Gaza genocide in a working-class area of Sydney with a major Middle Eastern and Islamic population. (2024-03-23). Under pressure, Labor reinstates some visas to Gazans fleeing genocide.

Ben Norton (2024-03-23). US TikTok Ban Aims To Weaken China & Protect Big Tech Monopolies. By Ben Norton — Mar 18, 2024 | The US government's plan to either ban TikTok or force owner ByteDance to sell it to a (US) company is part of Washington's economic war on China, and an attempt to protect Big Tech monopolies from competition. | The US government has for years threatened to ban TikTok, one of the It's now looking like this might actually happen. | This March, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to pass legislation called the "

Editor (2024-03-23). Mar 23, 2024. Kenny Chesney — Don't Blink Just Seeing Through The Propaganda Isn't Enough‚Ää —‚Ää We've Got To Open Our Hearts As Well, by Caitlin Johnstone Wake-up Call, by James Howard Kunstler Who wants to march on Moscow, by Alex Kriel Karl Sanchez: Why the West Cannot Stomach Russians, by the late Andre Vitchek Multipolarity: The Era of the Great Transition, by Alexander Dugin — Arktos Journal Bill to Ban TikTok Is 'Egregious Attack' on U.S. Constitution, Critics Say, by Brenda Baletti Meet the AI-Censored? Naked Capitalism, by Matt Taibbi Objective/Non…

People's Dispatch. (2024-03-23). French Public Sector Employees Protest Cuts In State Spending. Public sector employees in France led massive protests on Tuesday March 19, demanding an increase in wages to compensate for cuts in their real wages indexed with the inflation. They also participated in a general strike on Tuesday called for by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT), Solidaires, Force Ouvrière (FO), the CFE-CGC, the Autonomous Federation, the SNES-FSU and the UNSA. Major rallies were held in Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, and Toulouse.

| Reuters | (2024-03-23). US urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian energy infrastructure, FT reports. The United States has urged Ukraine to halt strikes on Russian energy infrastructure, warning that drone strikes risk provoking retaliation and driving up global oil prices, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter. | The attacks helped boost oil prices that have risen nearly 4% so far since March 12, when Ukraine first started targeting Russia's energy infrastructure. A further rally in gasoline prices in the United States would weaken President Joe Biden ratings and undermine his re-election chances. | Russia and Ukraine have both used drones to strike critical infrastru…

| Shahbaz Rana | (2024-03-23). PM clips finance minister's decision-making wings. In a significant move, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reshuffled key positions within the cabinet, depriving Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb of chairmanships in two pivotal committees while carving out a major role for Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar in financial matters. | The premier has reconstituted four cabinet committees. Out of these, Finance Minister Aurangzeb has been appointed as the chairman of only one committee — a departure from past practices where finance ministers typically chaired three out of the four committees. | The cabinet division has notified the reconstitution of the new commit… (2024-03-23). Wang wraps up tour of New Zealand, Australia. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi wrapped up a highly successful tour of New Zealand and Australia on Thursday with a private meeting in Sydney alongside former Labor prime minister Paul Keating after a tight schedule.

albawaba (2024-03-23). Trump claims nearly $500 Million amid real state fraud allegations. ALBAWABA – Amid accusations of real estate fraud, former US President Donald Trump has made a daring claim in an ongoing legal battle. In contrast to what his legal team has said, Trump declared on his Truth Social media platform that he had "almost $500 million in cash."In the middle of arguments over how he would be able to afford the $454 million fine that was assessed in the real estate fraud case, Trump maintained that brilliance, hard work, and good fortune are the reasons behind his current financial situation. He made it clear that he intended to use this considerable amount for his next presidential camp… (2024-03-23). Water conservation regulations announced. China has unveiled its first national-level regulations on water conservation, which experts say provide legal guarantees for water security and ecological protection. (2024-03-23). Amid Israeli Genocide – Gaza's Faith Unbroken (PHOTOS & VIDEO) Faith is a central component in the lives of Palestinians. Gaza, now undergoing an Israeli genocide, is in greater need of its faith than ever before. (2024-03-23). Defunding UNRWA Was Never About HamasThe refugee agency is a reminder that Palestinian refugees exist and have inalienable political rights—a truth the Israeli government finds deeply inconvenient. (2024-03-23). The UN Security Council is set to vote on a resolution demanding a Ramadan cease-fire The U.N. Security Council is set to vote on a NEW resolution demanding a humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The resolution, put forward by the 10 elected council members, is backed by Russia and China, who vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution Friday. The council is expected to vote on the resolution Monday morning. (2024-03-23). US Has Redefined "Human Shields" to Enable Israel's Slaughter of Gaza Civilians President Biden and members of Congress have cynically reinterpreted "human shields" to flout international law. (2024-03-23). 'She Never Returned Home' – Palestinians Children Remember Their Mothers, Killed in Israeli Airstrikes In fact, for many children, there will be no mothers to celebrate anymore as well over 9,000 Palestinian women have been killed since the beginning of the war. Moreover, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a statement on X on Thursday that the Israeli war on Gaza has been killing an average of 37 mothers daily since October 7.

Israel-Gaza War Update: Latest Figures and Statistics

Posted by Richard Medhurst.

The Independent (2024-03-23). Kiira motors seeks shs 524 billion to finance five year business plan. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kiira Motors Corporation, a budding indigenous mobility enterprise in the country has presented a 524 billion Shillings proposed business investment budget to the Presidential Affairs Committee of Parliament. It was contained in the Ministerial Policy Statement, and Budget Estimates for the FY 2024/2025. "We are counting on guidance and support … (2024-03-23). Shanghai real estate company faces $1.2 mln fines for multiple violations. Shanghai Industrial Development Co. (SIDC) Ltd, primarily engaged in the real estate business, is facing penalties totaling 8.5 million yuan (about $1.2 million) due to allegations of failure to timely disclose anticipated losses, signing of significant contracts, and suspected of false records in annual reports for six consecutive years.

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-03-23). Once more on poverty figures of India. Poverty in short had increased significantly between 2011-12 and 2017-18. After 2017-18 we have had a pandemic, and a lockdown induced by it, from which the economy is just recovering, though unemployment today is higher than before the pandemic.

Daniel Tanuro (2024-03-23). Marx, Communism and Degrowth. Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism. Cambridge University Press, 2022. | – | / |

The Jones (2024-03-23). Chaos as Street Artists displaced by Sale of Public Sidewalk to Vendors in Santa Cruz. Chaos unfolds as Santa Cruz and Global artists Alex Skelton and Joff Jones are confronted by territorial vendors, police officers, and more new regulations which see large areas of Pacific Avenue made exclusive and privatized by a new permitting system where certain individuals are apparently granted exclusive use of our Public Sidewalk if they pay money to the City. | This is a developing story. . . (2024-03-23). Stock market mulls future as IPOs slow. China's stock market is agog with talk about the sluggish IPO scene, which appears to have been exacerbated by, among other factors, the recent strengthening of regulations to improve market quality.

The Independent (2024-03-23). Kenya, Tanzania launch project to boost financial inclusion. NAIROBI | Xinhua | Kenya and Tanzania on Friday launched a project in partnership with the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA) to boost financial inclusion in the two countries. Simon Chelugui, cabinet secretary in the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Development told journalists in Nairobi, the … (2024-03-23). Chinese investments bring Africa benefits. As Africa strives to industrialize, the ability to bring prosperity, create jobs and improve incomes for all will be greatly helped by Chinese investments in the continent, as well as helping deepen the relationship between the two partners.

albawaba (2024-03-23). To avert government shutdown, US Congress approves $1.2 trillion budget. ALBAWABA – By a resounding vote of 74 to 24, the U.S. Senate approved a $1.2 trillion budget bill, hoping to avert a partial government shutdown.The bill was approved by the House of Representatives and is scheduled to provide funding for a few government departments through the end of the fiscal year 2024. The Senate is still to vote on the bill.The Senate passed the $1.2 trillion budget bill with 74 votes in favor and 24 against, easily securing its passage despite some delay.The bill will now go to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature, thereby avoiding a government shutdown brought on by financial limi…

channelnewsasia (2024-03-23). US Senate passes government funding Bill, averting shutdown.

tvbrics (2024-03-23). CIS sectoral co-operation bodies continue to interact with BRICS, SCO and EAEU. Commonwealth states intend to jointly implement targeted programmes…

channelnewsasia (2024-03-23). Singapore is capable of hosting the Commonwealth Games, observers say. But does it need to? CNA looks at the relevance — and the possible political repercussions — of staging the multi-sport event.

WSWS (2024-03-23). The Democrats' "all-out war" on third parties and independent candidates. The Democratic Party is spending millions of dollars on lawyers, operatives and propaganda to ensure workers and youth will have no choice in the 2024 US presidential election except Biden and Trump.

Editor (2024-03-23). Inequalities and concentration of wealth in USA have wide implications. A study by the Urban Institute (UI) in 2018, before the pandemic struck, found that nearly 40 per cent of non-elderly adults and their families struggled to afford at least one basic need for health care, housing, utilities or food in 2017.

Talha Burki (2024-03-23). World Report] Research in Focus: Gates MRI. As a non-profit biopharmaceutical development organisation, Gates MRI hopes to solve the neglected problems of global health. By Talha Burki.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-23). President López Obrador highlights strength of Mexico's economy. In the state of Veracruz, the president referred to the decision made on Thursday by the Bank of Mexico, which reduced the target for the overnight interest rate by 25 basis points to a level of 11 percent, effective as of Friday, according to a press release from the financial institution. | "It was a bold move, because rates in the United States do not want to move and here they are already lowering them, even if only slightly, and this could have led to a depreciation of the peso in relation to the dollar," but nothing happened, said the president, who considered it was a good decision. | He added that the lo…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-23). Proletarian Internationalism: The Disconnect of the Western Left. By Agonas — Mar 20, 2024 | The Disconnect of the Western Left | Proletarian Internationalism stands as a cornerstone principle in socialist theory, rooted in the understanding that capitalism systematically exploits and oppresses the global working class. Advocating for a unified struggle against capitalist exploitation and imperialism, internationalism recognizes the interconnectedness of the modern world, necessitating a global approach to addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. | Within the Western left, particularly in affluent countries, there has been a noticeable detachment from the pri…

EcoWaste Coalition (2024-03-23). EcoWaste Coalition: True Radiance Comes from Within, Not from Skin Lightening Products with Mercury. Watchdog Group Backs UN Campaign to End Mercury Use in Cosmetics: | 23 March 2024, Quezon City. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition, which has been tracking mercury in skin-lightening cosmetics in the Philippines since 2011, reiterated its support for the global effort to put an end to the persistent production, trade, and consumption of racist beauty products with mercury content that claim to whiten the skin and deal with other skin woes. | "We are one with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in emphasizing the urgency for e… (2024-03-23). Better support for housing emphasized. China will optimize its policies pertaining to the property sector and scale up the supply of high-quality housing projects so as to ensure the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, the State Council, the country's Cabinet, said on Friday.

The Independent (2024-03-23). NSSF Report: Savers are spending benefits on education, land. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A recent National Social Security Fund- NSSF beneficiary survey report indicates that savers are spending their benefits on non-income-generating expenses, such as education, constructing residential homes, and acquiring land. According to the report, the expenditures come at the expense of ensuring a decent standard of living after retirement, which contradicts …

Paulo Cabral (2024-03-23). The current status and potential of China-Honduras relations. One year since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Honduras and China, there are already positive developments in trade exchanges and investments between the two nations. | Honduran Minister of Economic Development Fredis Cerrato talked to CGTN's Paulo Cabral in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa about the current status of the relationship and its future prospects. (2024-03-23). Insights | China's new quality productive forces will also benefit neighboring countries: Indian scholar. China is actually leading in so many areas of economic growth and its development also benefits neighboring countries, said Salikyu Sangtam, a professor from the Department of Political Science at Tetso College in Nagaland, India, during an interview with China News Network in Wuyishan, Nanping City of East China's Fujian Province, on Thursday. (2024-03-23). Nations push for safe development of nuclear energy. More than 30 heads of state, government leaders, senior representatives and chiefs of international organizations attended the first-ever Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels on Thursday to highlight the role of nuclear energy in addressing the global challenges to reduce the use of fossil fuels, enhance energy security and boost economic development.

| Our Correspondent | (2024-03-23). Pakistan to get $107m SFD loan for two hydro projects. The Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) has signed two loan agreements to the tune of $107 million with Pakistan for hydropower projects in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). | A visiting SFD delegation called on Economic Affairs Minister Ahad Khan Cheema in Islamabad. | Later, Economic Affairs Division Secretary Dr Kazim Niaz and SFD CEO Sultan Bin Abdul Rehman Al-Marshad signed the loan pacts worth $66 million for the 48 MW Shounter Hydropower Project and $41 million for the 22 MW Jagran IV Hydropower Project. | According to a news statement issued by the Economic Affairs Division, these endeavours are aimed at harn…

Paul Martial (2024-03-23). New attempt at a unity government in Libya. Attempts to resolve the crisis are coming up against the interference of foreign powers and the leaders of militias who are profiting greatly from the country's troubles. | – | / |

| Talib Faridi | (2024-03-23). Railway track missing in port terminal revamp. An upgraded bulk cargo terminal has been developed at the Karachi Port but it lacks a railway track, sources on Friday said. | The Karachi Port Trust (KPT) had entered into a concession agreement with Abu Dhabi Ports Group (ADPG) of the UAE government to operate the Karachi Gateway Terminal Limited (KGTL). | Under the pact, the terminal underwent modernisation at a cost of $220 million, with an additional investment of $1.8 billion over the next 10 years. | The capacity of the terminal has been increased, and the depth of the berths expanded to accommodate post-panamax vessels carrying 8,500 containers. | The…

albawaba (2024-03-23). Friendly: Argentina vs El Salvador predicted lineups. World champions Argentina face El Salvador in a friendly at the Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia on Friday.La Albiceleste will be without their captain Lionel Messi who is suffering from a minor hamstring injury.Match date: Friday, 22 March | Kick-off time: 00: 00 (GMT)…

Federico Fuentes, Mikhail Lobanov (2024-03-23). Russian leftists are planning to disrupt Putin's fake presidential election this weekend. "That is why I call on left groups, parties and trade unions in different countries to realise this and lend a helping hand to Russian socialists who are now regrouping and preparing for the future struggle." | – | / |

channelnewsasia (2024-03-23). President Tharman approves government's spending plan, says Singapore avoids 'magical thinking'. (2024-03-23). NSW Labor introduces ban on LGBTIQ conversion practices. (2024-03-23). Forum condemns Labor's racist refugee policies.

channelnewsasia (2024-03-23). Commentary: Amid all the climate gloom, let's not ignore the good news. Powerful economic and technological factors are driving the shift to clean energy, says the IEA's Fatih Birol for the Financial Times.

WSWS (2024-03-23). One week after Flint teachers' sickout, school board refuses to pay contractual wages. The Flint school board is stonewalling teachers' demands instead offering to renegotiate an existing settlement to force through further budget cuts. For its part, the union has refused to honor the teachers' strike vote and is participating in talks.

The Independent (2024-03-23). Italy vows to renew economic presence in Uganda. Rome, Italy | THE INDEPENDENT | Italy is embarking on a new era in its trade and investment relations with Uganda, with officials promising new and bigger investments in different sectors, especially agriculture, health and other sectors. This comes as the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation (FederUnacoma), is in the final stages of organizing this year's …

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-23). Presidente de Bolivia convoca participación en censo del 23 de marzo. El mandatario llamó a la población boliviana a contribuir y colaborar en gran medida con el proceso censal.

GRAIN (2024-03-23). Food inflation: The math doesn't add up without factoring in corporate power.

CADTM International (2024-03-23). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles! (2024-03-23). EU's shift towards 'war economy' amid Russia tensions. European Council President Charles Michel has warned that the European Union needs to ramp up its military production and shift to a war economy in response to an alleged threat posed by Russia.

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2024-03-22). A New Coalition Demands Healthcare And Justice For East Palestine. This Saturday, March 23, unionists and labor leaders, environmental justice groups, community organizers, community members from other "sacrifice zones," and supporters from around the country are coming to East Palestine to join residents as part of the newly formed Justice for East Palestine Residents and Workers coalition. The coalition has come together in recent months and mobilized around the core objective of pressuring President Biden to invoke the Stafford Act and issue a major disaster declaration for East Palestine.

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2024-03-22: News Headlines (2024-03-22). Under pressure, Labor reinstates some visas to Gazans fleeing genocide.

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2024-03-22). A New Coalition Demands Healthcare And Justice For East Palestine. This Saturday, March 23, unionists and labor leaders, environmental justice groups, community organizers, community members from other "sacrifice zones," and supporters from around the country are coming to East Palestine to join residents as part of the newly formed Justice for East Palestine Residents and Workers coalition. The coalition has come together in recent months and mobilized around the core objective of pressuring President Biden to invoke the Stafford Act and issue a major disaster declaration for East Palestine.

People's Dispatch. (2024-03-22). Number Of Victims And Illegal Profits From Forced Labor Has Increased. A new study conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) claims that both the number of people engaged in some kind of forced labor and illegal profits incurred from that have increased dramatically in the last decade. ILO claims that forced labor in the private economy generates over $236 billion annually in illegal profits which is USD 64 billion (37%) more than USD 172 billion a decade ago. | Forced labor is defined as all kinds of "work that is both involuntary and under penalty or menace of penalty (coercion)" extracted by an individual, private player or a state. It is also closely linked to hum…

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-03-22). Former US Treasury Secretary Reveals TikTok Purchase Plans. Former US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said he is building an investor group to acquire TikTok, a day after the House of Representatives voted to force the social media platform's Chinese owner ByteDance to sell the app or face a US ban. | The US House passed the legislation by a vote of 352-65 on March 13, citing national security risks. The bill now goes to the Senate. US President Joe Biden previously said he would sign the bill into law if it passes both houses of Congress. | "I think the legislation should pass and I think [TikTok] should be sold," Mnuchin, who leads Liberty Strategic Capital, told…

Ellen David Friedman, Labor Notes. (2024-03-22). Steward's Corner: 'There Aren't Enough Of Us'. It's a common situation: there's too much union work to do, and not enough people doing it. And the ill effects are serious. | Carrying too much work puts a lot of pressure on you, and you're liable to burn out. You may find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, unable to prioritize, dissatisfied with the results—and possibly making poor decisions, because you're too busy to solicit and include ideas from others. | Most important, this arrangement squanders the intelligence, creativity, and energy that your fellow members could bring. | Unfortunately, the most common "solutions" rarely work. (2024-03-22). Councils, communities demand Labor rethink its pro-developer rezoning, housing scheme. (2024-03-22). NSW Labor introduces ban on LGBTIQ conversion practices. (2024-03-21). Hunan urged to stay committed to reform, innovation. President Xi Jinping has reiterated the need to leverage science and technology to drive industrial innovation and enhance independent innovation capabilities in key fields. (2024-03-22). Forum condemns Labor's racist refugee policies. (2024-03-21). China emphasises importance in relations with the UK. China attaches great importance to its relations with the United Kingdom, as the nation welcomes more investment from British businesses, Wang Huning, chairman of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, said on Thursday. (2024-03-21). Apple opens its eighth store in Shanghai. Apple officially opened its eighth store in Shanghai on Thursday, in its latest push to ramp up sales in the world's second largest economy.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-22). Capitalism's Noose and Commoditisation of Science. By Prabhat Patnaik — Mar 16, 2024 | Scientific advance, including the use of AI, in the context of capitalism today will inevitably generate massive unemployment. | There is a paradox at the core of the efflorescence of science that has occurred over the last millennium. In essence, this efflorescence has the potential to increase human freedom immensely. It increases the capacity of man within the man-nature dialectic; scientific practice aims to go beyond the "given" not just in a once-for-all sense, but as a perpetual movement through incessant self-questioning, so that this practice is potentially a coll… (2024-03-21). RRR cut buzz gathers steam. Lukewarm financing demand and the upcoming issuance of a large amount of treasury bonds may necessitate a cut in the reserve requirement ratio in the second quarter of the year as the external financial conditions are set to improve. (2024-03-22). Russia vows retaliation if EU arms Ukraine with its frozen asset profits. The EU is pressing ahead with a plan to use the profits generated from Russian assets held in Europe to arm Ukraine. (2024-03-22). Biggest rise in 'absolute poverty' for 30 years seen in UK. The United Kingdom has seen the biggest rise in "absolute poverty" in 30 years. (2024-03-22). French unions strike against austerity. In France workers from the top 8 unions walked off the job to demand higher pay to offset enduring inflation, which portends looming trouble for the administration of President Emmanuel Macron.

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2024-03-13: News Headlines (2024-03-13). China to drive global growth, experts say. China will remain a key driver of global economic growth, with analysts expressing confidence that the world's second-biggest economy is on track to hit its 5 percent GDP target this year. (2024-03-13). Central SOEs to invest 700 bln yuan in 133 projects in Xinjiang by 2026. China's centrally administered state-owned enterprises (SOEs) plan to invest in 133 projects in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from 2024 to 2026, with a total investment of nearly 700 billion yuan ($97.55 billion). (2024-03-13). International enterprises zoom into China's large market as 7th CIIE heats up. As the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) heats up, a number of international enterprises, especially French companies, have begun to seize the opportunity to zoom into the huge Chinese consumption market.

Gaius Baltar (2024-03-13). WHY IS THE EUROPEAN UNION DESTROYING ITS OWN ECONOMY? Authored by Gaius Baltar ( Things are bleak in Europe these days. European leaders are caught in a "fight or flight" response, deciding whether they should run and hide or send troops into Ukraine to fight the Menace from the East. However, the existential terror of Emmanuel Macron and his toxic-narcissist accomplices in the EU will have to wait for a dedicated article because this one will focus on the European economy. | It has puzzled many how the EU has been managing its economy since the beginning of the Ukraine war. Ther… (2024-03-13). Insights | European scholar: World economy set to grow with China. China's 2024 two sessions have attracted global attention. "China will continue to be an important engine for global economic growth, which will benefit the world," said Fabio Massimo Parenti, professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence, Italy, in a recent interview with China News Network.

albawaba (2024-03-13). Hezbollah rocket attacks trigger Israeli economic collapse. ALBAWABA – Israeli media outlets report ongoing activities by Hezbollah, expressing mounting apprehension in the northern regions over the looming economic downturn.The primary cause of the Israeli economy's downturn is attributed to the high expenses incurred by the Iron Dome's interception missiles. This escalation in costs is driven by the significant volume of missiles launched from Lebanon towards the northern territories under Israeli occupation. More than 150 rockets have been fired from southern Lebanon towards northern Israel and the Golan Heights since this morning.The report also emphasizes the skyrock… (2024-03-13). Russia seeks exchange of experience with Belarus in industrial tourism. Russia is interested in sharing experience with Belarus in industrial | tourism, Olga Shandurenko, Project Director of the Urban Economy | Division of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects | (Russia), told the media at the international seminar Industrial…

newarab (2024-03-13). Is Egypt finding its path towards economic recovery?>. (2024-03-13). Insights | Former Nepal PM: World to benefit from China's quality economic growth driven by tech innovation. "China is focusing on quality development, not speedy development," said Jhala Nath Khanal, Nepal's former Prime Minister and a senior leader of the CPN (Unified Socialist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently.

EDWIN (2024-03-13). SA, Ghana have great potential to unlock economic opportunities. SA, Ghana have great potential to unlock economic opportunities | President Cyril Ramaphosa says there is great potential to unlock economic opportunities through investment-led trade initiatives aimed at increasing the trade of value-added products between South Africa and Ghana. | "We need to move beyond trade in commodities and on to the purchase of job creating agricultural goods, and advanced manufactured and value-added products," President Ramaphosa said. | Addressing the SA-Ghana Business Forum held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand on Tuesday, President Ramaphosa said South Africa and Ghana s…

infobrics (2024-03-13). Association to Foster Economic Growth and Tech Development. Sber's proposal for a cybersecurity association within BRICS banks signals a strategic move towards economic cooperation, technological advancement, and sustainable development. By fostering collaboration in cybersecurity, the initiative aims to unlock new economic prospects, drive innovation, and support a fair energy transition among emerging economies…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-13). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black Americans are at higher risk of chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease is a condition where your kidneys lose their ability to filter waste and fluid from your blood. This can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and kidney failure.The Black community faces a higher risk of chronic kidney disease. This can be due to genetics, higher rates of hypertension and diabetes, and socioeconomic issues such as access to healthcare and structural racism. Dr. Ivan Porter II, a Mayo Clinic nephrologist, says these factors create a… (2024-03-13). Belarus to tax companies from unfriendly countries, suspend double taxation avoidance agreements. From 1 April 2024 through 31 December 2026 the document will impose a 25% income tax rate on dividends and similar revenues of foreign organizations that do not operate in Belarus via a permanent representative office. At present the tax rate stands at 15%. (2024-03-13). Belarus' vice premier sets tasks for Atlant's new director general. A reminder, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave the greenlight to the appointment of Dmitry Kharitonchik, who previously worked as Deputy Industry Minister, as Atlant director general. (2024-03-13). Belarusian manufacturers to take part in Korea Import Fair. Korea Import Fair 2024 runs an extensive business program, including seminars, B2B meetings, and dialogue business platforms. (2024-03-13). BUCE to develop cooperation with Russia's Trade Representation in Morocco. As part of the talks held online, the Belarusian Universal Commodity | Exchange (BUCE) and the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation | in the Kingdom of Morocco discussed topical issues of exchange trade | with the countries of North Africa and identified promising areas of…

Hannah Davenport (2024-03-13). Campaigners build cemetery outside Parliament warning 'cold homes cost lives'. Activists have constructed a cemetery outside the Houses of Parliament this morning drawing attention to the thousands of avoidable deaths in the UK due to fuel poverty and cold homes. | Hundreds of headstones made of insulation boards were put up in Victoria Tower Gardens along with an eight metre long funeral wreath with the message 'Cold Homes Cost Lives', as activists accused the government of failing on energy efficiency policy. | The protest, staged by Greenpeace UK activists, came as new analysis by the environmental campaign group found 58 people have died every day during winter due to cold homes over…

averyr (2024-03-13). REPORT: More for Them, Less for Us: Corporations That Pay Their Executives More Than Uncle Sam. More for Them, Less for Us: | Corporations That Pay Their Executives More Than Uncle Sam | Sarah Anderson | Zachary Tashman | William Rice | Institute for Policy Studies | Americans for Tax Fairness | Introduction:
  Corporate tax dodging and executive pay packages have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. corporations are paying their top executives more than they're paying Uncle Sam in federal income taxes. | The Institute for P…

Sarah Anderson, William Rice, Zachary Tashman (2024-03-13). More for Them, Less for Us. In his State of the Union address, President Biden called out "massive executive pay" and vowed to "make big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their share" of taxes. | Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have gotten so out of control that many major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they're paying Uncle Sam. | Tesla is perhaps the most dramatic example. Over the period 2018-2022, the electric car maker raked in $4.4 billion in profits but paid no federal income taxes. Meanwhile, Tesla CEO Elon Musk became one of the world's richest men. | When it comes to fleecing taxpayers while…

DikelediM (2024-03-13). Inspection blitz nabs non-compliant employers. Inspection blitz nabs non-compliant employers | The Department of Employment and Labour, working with other law enforcement agencies, have issued over 50 contravention notices and compliance orders against non-compliant employers in Rustenburg in the North West. | Nine undocumented foreign nationals were also arrested during a joint blitz inspection by the department and other law enforcement agencies. | The three-day blitz inspection that started in Rustenburg on Monday was led by the Inspection and Enforcement Services unit of the Department of Employment and Labour in the North West in partnership with the D…

Gabisile (2024-03-13). SA must join forces to create youth employment, says Mashatile. SA must join forces to create youth employment, says Mashatile | Deputy President Paul Mashatile emphasised the need to strengthen multi-sectoral partnerships to increase opportunities for youth empowerment and participation in the labour market. | "Together, we can contribute to national efforts to create employment and get South Africans working," he said on Tuesday. | Deputy President Mashatile was speaking at the National Council of Provinces during a question and answer session. | In 2020, he said Cabinet approved the National Youth Policy (NYP) 2030, which is a cross-sectoral policy intended to redress th…

newarab (2024-03-13). Three Egyptian Coptic monks killed in South Africa: Church. Three "Three monks were subjected to a criminal assault inside our Coptic monastery," the spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church said in statement posted on Facebook, without elaborating.

Sarah Hyden (2024-03-13). Forest Management: The Words Matter. Until reasonably accurate and ecologically appropriate language is used by the Forest Service and their collaborators to describe their forest management strategies and activities, fundamental ecological issues will not be well understood, and the necessary paradigm shift to protect our forests and communities will not occur. A range of misleading language and terms, picked up

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-13). Transportistas alemanes van a la huelga. Las acciones laborales afectaron a todas las salidas de Lufthansa desde el aeropuerto de Frankfurt y a las operaciones ferroviarias en todo el país.

WSWS (2024-03-13). Video: SEP (Australia) launches electoral registration campaign. The SEP is fighting to provide the working class with a political voice, in opposition to the pro-genocide, pro-war Labor government and political establishment.

WSWS (2024-03-13). UPS part-timer in New York City speaks out against mass layoffs. At warehouses nationwide, shifts are being cut and entire facilities being replaced by new automated hubs requiring a fraction of the labor. (2024-03-13). Palestine and Labor's hideous contradiction.

krish-rad_ind (2024-03-13). Strike Threat Wins in Confrontation over Remote Work.

Labor Video Project (2024-03-13). On Women's Day 2024 Global Action to Defend Palestinian Women Journalists in SF. On International Women's Day a solidarity rally was held for Palestinian Gaza women journalists who have been attacked and murdered. Sixteen have been killed in Gaza and there are 124 journalists who have lost their lives…

Peter Boyle (2024-03-13). Who's afraid of Leila Khaled (and why she should be allowed to speak)? It is rank hypocrisy to deny Palestinian freedom fighter Leila Khaled a visa or a platform to speak, while Labor is going visas to former Israeli army people wanted for war crimes. Peter Boyle reports. (2024-03-13). Miklashevich: Updated Constitution strengthens foundations of Belarusian society, state. The commentary will be used to explain the provisions of the Constitution in labor collectives, educational institutions, among all segments of the population in order to cultivate a respectful attitude to the Basic Law of the country, to raise awareness of their constitutional rights, freedoms and obligations and to promote the understanding of the importance to strictly observe the constitutional norms in daily life and professional activities.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-13). Comprehensive testing helps diagnose and manage rare genetic disorder. Lauri's daughter, Christy, a genetic counselor at Mayo Clinic, was instrumental in getting Lauri the testing she needed for an accurate diagnosis. Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life "never feeling quite right" physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic's Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was…

UFCLP, RUF (2024-03-13). Monday 3/11: Action at SF Labor Council: Stop the Genocide NOW! For General Strike to Shutdown Genocide. San Francisco Labor Council Meeting | 55 Fillmore St. | San Francisco…

The Exposé (2024-03-13). Wealth over Health: Decision to withdraw Rotavirus Vaccine in 1999 & NOT withdraw COVID-19 Vaccines proves Health Authorities are Corrupt & only care about Wealth. The decision in 1999 to withdraw the Rotashield rotavirus vaccine from the market due to its association with an increased risk of intussusception—a rare but serious bowel obstruction—set a precedent for vaccine …

CADTM International (2024-03-13). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles!

GABIK (2024-03-13). University of Pretoria settles R400 million NSFAS unallocated funds. University of Pretoria settles R400 million NSFAS unallocated funds | The University of Pretoria (UP) has fully paid the R400 million that is due to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) in unallocated funds. | In a statement on Tuesday, the Special Investigating Unit said the money paid by the university was in unallocated funds from 2016 to 2021. | SIU spokesperson, Kaizer Kganyago, said the money was paid in four instalments of R100 000 into the SIU's Trust account, bringing the total recoveries to R 937 926 351 received from institutions of higher learning, since the investigating unit's NSFAS inv…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). ALBA-TCP Presents 2030 Agenda on Cooperation. On Monday, Jorge Arreaza, the secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), participated in the International Seminar "New Regional Financial Architecture. Challenges for a better integration in a changing world", held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. | RELATED: | During his speech, Arreaza highlighted that the regional bloc formed by Venezuela, Cuba, Nicar…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Argentina: TELAM Agency Workers Reject 'Voluntary Retirement'. On Tuesday, workers of the TELAM news agency rejected the "voluntary resignation plan" proposed by Argentine President Javier Milei, who announced the dissolution of this public institution on March 1st. | RELATED: | On Sunday, TELAM authorities sent journalists a severance agreement that includes financial compensation according to age and years of work. The Buenos Aires Press Union (SIPREBA), however, rejected this prop…

WSWS (2024-03-13). The global significance of Germany's train drivers' strike. The fight against inflation, cuts in real wages and increasing workloads cannot be conducted under the leadership of the trade unions and is inextricably linked to the fight against war and military rearmament. (2024-03-13). Inflation persists as Fed mulls cuts, and stocks rally anyway. While the Federal Reserve expects to cut interest rates this year, and the stock market is anticipating that, inflation so far has refused to go along. (2024-03-13). China welcomes Hungary's visa facilitation measures: FM spokesperson. China welcomes a move by Hungary to facilitate visa for Chinese citizens visiting the country for investment and cooperation purposes, and welcomes visa facilitation by more countries.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-13). Mayo Clinic's strong performance in 2023 ignites healthcare transformation. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fueled by strong performance across all activities in 2023, Mayo Clinic achieved remarkable progress toward its goal of transforming healthcare for people everywhere by making critical investments in valued staff, innovative facilities and pioneering digital technologies. Key performance highlights include: Industry-leading rankings from Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. A record high of more than 2,500 active clinical trials for patients seeking new cures. Delivering high-quality, convenient care to patients through…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Russia to Deepen Political Dialogue With Latin America: Lavrov. On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his nation will deepen multilateral and bilateral political dialogue with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to enhance trade and investments. | RELATED: | His statements occurred during a meeting in Moscow with Latin American diplomats held ahead of the Russian presidential elections scheduled from Friday to Sunday. | Lavrov also…

Sarah Anderson (2024-03-13). Corporations That Pay Their Executives More Than Uncle Sam. Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they're paying Uncle Sam. Tesla is perhaps the most dramatic example. Over the period 2018-2022, the electric car maker raked in $4.4 billion in profits but … (2024-03-13). Experts call for more efforts in robotics. The industrial robot market in China experienced steady growth in 2023, with sales reaching 316,000 units, representing a year-on-year increase of 4.29 percent. (2024-03-13). Measures to boost industrial system. The nation will launch an initiative for pursuing high-quality development of key manufacturing chains, with a focus on shoring up weak links, reinforcing strengths and fostering new capabilities, the report said.

WSWS (2024-03-13). No charges or investigation one week after fatal industrial explosion in Detroit suburb. One week after industrial explosions rocked the Detroit suburb of Clinton Township, Michigan, killing a young bystander and spewing steel gas canisters and shrapnel as far as two miles from the blast site, the police and local authorities have yet to initiate an investigation or lay any charges against the owners of the cannabis business that erupted in flames and multiple detonations.

tvbrics (2024-03-13). Chinese province steps up construction of modern industrial system. This was announced by Communist Party Secretary of Hainan Feng Fei…

Staff (2024-03-13). TikTok Witch Hunt! On today's episode Brian and Prof. Richard Wolff discuss Congress's attempt to ban TikTok and what's coming for the United States if it does. Professor Richard Wolff is an author & co-founder of the organization Democracy at Work. You can find his work at Please make an urgently-needed contribution to The Socialist Program by …

albawaba (2024-03-13). What is the Safest Way to Buy on AliExpress: Tips! While the platform boasts convenience and affordability, ensuring a secure shopping experience is always crucial. | Given the multitude of sellers and products, it is important to implement measures to protect your purchases. | This guide will give you tips on what is the safest way to buy on AliExpress to be able to shop always with ease. | Secure Shopping: What is the Safest Way to Buy on AliExpress: | Below are some of the tips what will assist you on…

Staff (2024-03-13). Total of 22,217 electoral bonds purchased from Apr 1, 2019 to Feb 15, 2024: SBI to SC. New Delhi : The State Bank of India (SBI) on Wednesday, March 13, told the Supreme Court that a total of 22,217 electoral bonds were purchased and 22,030 redeemed by political parties between April 1, 2019 and February 15 this year. In a compliance affidavit filed in the apex court, the SBI said as per …

Staff (2024-03-13). Total of 22,217 electoral bonds purchased from Apr 1, 2019 to Feb 15, 2024: SBI to SC. New Delhi : The State Bank of India (SBI) on Wednesday, March 13, told the Supreme Court that a total of 22,217 electoral bonds were purchased and 22,030 redeemed by political parties between April 1, 2019 and February 15 this year. In a compliance affidavit filed in the apex court, the SBI said as per …

WSWS (2024-03-13). Autoworkers respond to UAW President Shawn Fain at Biden's State of the Union. Biden is relying on union bureaucrats, arch-sellouts like Shawn Fain, to suppress the class struggle as the US prepares for World War III.

Earthwurm (2024-03-13). Willard/Ho Chi Minh Park under attack! Trees and Clubhouse in Willard/Ho Chi Minh Park under attack by the forces of NeoLiberalism and Privatization!

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-13). CELAC Should Revisit Its Position on Haiti. By Mona Péralte — Mar 6, 2024 | The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was founded in Caracas, Venezuela in December 2011 as an alternative to the Washington, DC-based Organization of American States (OAS), formed in 1948 to be a Cold War chariot. Cuba characterizes the OAS as Washington's "Ministry of Colonial Affairs, " which expelled the socialist nation in 1962. | "As the years go by, CELAC is going to leave behind the old and worn-out OAS," then Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said at the 33-member alliance's inaugural ceremonies. | "It's the death sentence for the Monroe Doctrine… (2024-03-13). Insights | Former Nepal PM: China to prosper from high-quality development driven by tech innovation. "China is focusing on quality development, not speedy development," commented Jhala Nath Khanal, Nepal's former Prime Minister and a senior leader of the CPN (Unified Socialist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently, as China's 2024 Two Sessions wrapped up. (2024-03-13). Geelong socialist councillor says councils must invest in communities, do more for the disadvantaged.

2024-03-13 13:58:22 | 13:58 EST | tr | 59 | 0 | 4 | 64 | 0 

2024-03-11: News Headlines

Dean Baker (2024-03-11). Economy Created 275,000 Jobs in February, Unemployment Edged Up to 3.9 Percent. The economy continued to create jobs at a rapid pace last month, with payroll employment up by 275,000. However, any concerns about an excessive pace of job growth are alleviated by the fact that the prior two months' total was revised down by 167,000. This puts the three-month average at 265,000. The household survey showed (2024-03-11). (W.E. Talk) Cornell professor: China can play important role in helping other countries invest in green economies. China is emerging as a big player in international assistance to lower-income countries, noted Parfait M Eloundou-Enyegue, professor from Cornell University. He added that in terms of investments, assistance to countries in areas like the green economy is crucial, and China has a major role to play in global cooperation."ÄÄ…

tvbrics (2024-03-11). Lula da Silva: Brazil experiences golden moment in economy. The Brazilian president made an announcement on investment in the Brazilian economy…

Associated Press (2024-03-11). Indian students flock to US universities in record numbers, for brighter prospects, overseas jobs: 'we value education'. As India's economy grows, unemployment persists, even among college graduates, so many Indian students see universities as a stepping stone to careers abroad. (2024-03-11). Multinational enterprises confident of China's economic growth target. many multinational enterprises operating in China maintain that such a target is in line with the growth potential of the Chinese economy.

Alan Austin (2024-03-11). Despite media frenzy, Labor continues to lead economic metrics worldwide. (2024-03-11). SOEs crucial to China's economic growth. State-owned enterprises are playing a key role in boosting China's economic growth, Lu Jin, chairman of China National Gold Group Co Ltd, said on Sunday. (2024-03-11). Insights丨Pakistani scholar: China's high-quality development invigorates economic transformation of Pakistan. "This year's Two Sessions, the focus may be more besides the discussions with what comes from the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), I think the more important aspect will be the Premier's government work report," said Hassan Daud, formal diplomat at the Pakistani Embassy in China and director of BRI & Regional Studies Global Governance Institute and SDPI, during an online interview with China News Network. (2024-03-11). Insights‰∏®Pakistani scholar: China's high-quality development worth praising and more cooperation expected. China's Two Sessions are attracting global attention. Hassan Daud, formal diplomat at the Pakistani Embassy in China and director of BRI & Regional Studies Global Governance Institute and SDPI, told China News Network that he pays close attention to China's expected economic growth targets, further expansion of high-level opening up, AI innovation etc. mentioned in the Government Work Report."ÄÄ…

Editor (2024-03-11). Mar 11, 2024. ‚ô´ Hauser — Air on the G String (J. S. Bach) On the Brink of Nuclear War, by Evaggelos Vallianatos Michael Brenner: The West has set itself on a path of collective suicide — both moral and economic Sick, and Sick of It All, by Edward J. Curtin, Jr. Do You Say You Want a Revolution? by Philip Giraldi Can Americans Have Hope? by Paul Craig Roberts The Great Archaeological Discovery of Our Time, by Lambert Strether "Psychological Giant," Psychiatrist Dives Into Donald Trump's Mental State — Tucker Carlson, Keith Ablow (Video) Worrying About TikTok During An Active Genocide, by Cait…

infobrics (2024-03-11). Expansion of BRICS, Geopolitical Implications and Prospect for Bangladesh. The recent BRICS 15th summit held in Johannesburg, has garnered more attention compared to previous gatherings. The focal point of this summit was the announcement of new member nations. Notably, six countries—namely, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE got invitation to join this influential economic coalition…

infobrics (2024-03-11). A Relevant BRICS: Reimagining Global Economic Reform>. As BRICS navigates the evolving global economic landscape, its trade, investment, and finance progress underscores its significance as a transformative force…

Malte Kornfeld (2024-03-11). "Modern societies cannot function without a welfare state" Modern societies cannot really function well without a general social security system. That's why we need a security system for the whole of society that everyone pays into. In addition, growing social inequality is also a major economic risk.

Sam Pizzigati (2024-03-11). The Gilded Age Then, the Gilded Age Now. How many people in India are going hungry? Researchers working on the Global Hunger Index are currently tracking 125 nations across the world. Exactly 110 of those nations, those researchers reported last fall, are suffering less hunger than India. But India, by contrast, is doing quite well on the gluttony front. Few nations today can

Staff (2024-03-11). US Intelligence Operation Against Cuban Finances Unveiled. The US intelligence community is carrying out a strategy to distort Cuban finances, as part of the US economic war against the Caribbean nation. | Recently leaked information shows a series of maneuvers carried out to induce inflation within the Cuban market. The strategy is divided into four stages: shortages, induced inflation, supply boycott, and financial blockade. | In the first stage, they limit to the maximum the entry of foreign currency into the country, fundamentally dollars. The restrictive measures of the blockade make it difficult for the Cuban government to use this currency, which hinders the Cuban…

EDWIN (2024-03-11). Non-payment of invoices has a huge implication for small business. Non-payment of invoices has a huge implication for small business | The Public Service Commission (PSC) says the non-payment of suppliers' invoices has huge implications for small businesses that rely on cash flow for survival. | "Therefore, there is a need for urgent and timeous payment of suppliers given the critical role of procurement in economic development and emancipation," said Public Service Commission Commissioner Anele Gxoyiya. | At a media briefing in Pretoria on Monday, Gxoyiya said the total number of invoices paid after 30 days by national departments amounts to 33 394 to the value of R1 billion, w…

infobrics (2024-03-11). Russia-Brazil Relations Bolster BRICS Influence, Eye Future Economic Growth. Explore the outcomes of the recent Russia-Brazil Commission meeting, focusing on strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations, enhancing government and business contacts, and its implications for BRICS and global economic dynamics…

infobrics (2024-03-11). South Africa Eyes Stronger Ties and Trade with Russia Amid Global Uncertainties. Discover the intricate bond between South Africa and Russia, as Ambassador Maqetuka sheds light on the potential growth and cooperation between the two nations. Explore the role of BRICS in reshaping the global economic landscape and the significance of energy cooperation in diversifying South Africa's imports…

NEOB (2024-03-11). Transnet to invest in Durban Port road rehabilitation. Transnet to invest in Durban Port road rehabilitation | Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) says it will invest some R233 million in the comprehensive rehabilitation of the Durban Port road. | TNPA said the project is expected to be implemented over a two-year period, with a traffic management plan in place to redirect traffic flow. | TNPA Port Manager for the Port of Durban, Nkumbuzi Ben-Mazwi, said: "Embarking on this road rehabilitation journey will ensure that we deliver on our mandate of providing port infrastructure to ensure the port's efficient functioning as the economic gateway to our South African…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-03-11). Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid. Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. The historic March 11, 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos Worldwide. It was an act of "economic warfare": a war against humanity.

tvbrics (2024-03-11). ASEAN countries adopt 14 priority initiatives. It demonstrates the determination of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to actively promote economic co-operation… (2024-03-11). Belarus to boost cooperation with Kazakhstan in engineering industry. According to Pavel Utyupin, Kazakhstan President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev | may make an official visit to Belarus in Q3 2024, which will give a new | impetus to the relations between the two friendly countries. (2024-03-11). Minsk Automobile Plant, company from India sign memorandum of cooperation. "The company will promote trade, provide maintenance services, | engineering and information support for the MAZ brand. It will also | assist Minsk Automobile Plant with participating in major tenders," the… (2024-03-11). New 55t BelAZ haul truck passes final tests. BelAZ-7555M has an economical 700 hp diesel engine and a modernized | driving axle, which provides increased working life of gears and | bearings. (2024-03-11). Belarus, Bangladesh discuss political, economic cooperation. The fifth round of Belarusian-Bangladeshi political consultations took | place in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka within the framework of | Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yevgeny Shestakov.

tvbrics (2024-03-11). Special Representative of Russian President Mikhail Shvydkoy: Russia needs to enter new cultural markets. One of the most developed co-operation mechanisms is formed with China… (2024-03-11). Insights‰∏®German expert shows confidence in China's future success. China's two sessions this year have attracted global attention. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Michael Borchmann, former head of the European and International Affairs Department of the federal German state of Hesse, highly appreciated China's achievement in urban-rural development, poverty alleviation, green energy technologies and so on."ÄÄ…

Emilia Cieslak (2024-03-11). The Weekly Round-up: Trump on the ballot, government defeats in the House of Lords, and abortion a constitutional right. In UK news The government has suffered defeats in the House of Lords, as the peers voted through ten amendments to the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill. The amendments included: Labour's Lord Coaker, the Speaker for the Opposition, has confirmed that the House of Lords will not block the bill. Lord Coaker did … (2024-03-11). Wang calls for greater solidarity. China's top political adviser, Wang Huning, called on Sunday for greater unity and extensive collaboration in order to consolidate efforts to promote the country's modernization drive.

WSWS (2024-03-11). Maritime Union of Australia embraces pro-Israel, pro-war, Albanese at national conference. Outside the conference, protesters rallied against the Gaza genocide and its support by the Labor government. Inside, the MUA leadership welcomed the prime minister with open arms.

Democracy Now! (2024-03-11). Democracy Now! 2024-03-11 Monday. Headlines for March 11, 2024; "Empire's Laboratory": How 2004 U.S.-Backed Coup Destabilized Haiti & Led to Current Crisis; Guilty: U.S.-Backed Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Convicted of Drug Trafficking; "The Trauma Is Immeasurable": Palestinian Writer Susan Abulhawa on Israeli Violence in Gaza | Headlines for March 11, 2024; "Empire's Laboratory": How 2004 U.S.-Backed Coup Destabilized Haiti & Led to Current Crisis; Guilty: U.S.-Backed Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Convicted of Drug Trafficking; "The Trauma Is Immeasurable&…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-11). Comprehensive testing helps diagnose and manage rare genetic disorder. Lauri's daughter, Christy, a genetic counselor at Mayo Clinic, was instrumental in getting Lauri the testing she needed for an accurate diagnosis. Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life "never feeling quite right" physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic's Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-03-11). Massive demonstration in Rome calls for ceasefire in Gaza. On March 9, Saturday, peace and working-class groups in Italy organized a major mobilization in Rome demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. In the march called by the Assisi Pace Giusta committee, various organizations participated including the Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament, the Italian General Confederation of Labor (CGIL), the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC), Union of University Students (UDU), and others. The groups demanded an end to Israel's ongoing genocide in Palestine and called on the Italian and European governments to stop sending weapons to support wars. | Over 31,000 people have be…

UFCLP, RUF (2024-03-11). Monday 3/11: Action At SF Labor Council: Stop The Genocide NOW! For General Strike To Shutdown Genocide. San Francisco Labor Council Meeting | 55 Fillmore St. | San Francisco…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2024-03-11). Saturday 4/20: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Wealth Supremacy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite. (2024-03-11). Ningxia seeks tech-driven high-quality development. The Ningxia Hui autonomous region will continue to attract projects with advanced technology and low energy consumption in order to promote high-quality development and innovation, said the region's top official.

newarab (2024-03-11). Gulf state ready to fund Lebanon-Israel border deal: report. A Gulf state has expressed readiness to financially support Lebanon's military and fund Citing unnamed diplomatic sources, Nidaa al-Watan newspaper said an Arab Gulf state had expressed its willingness to finance the voluntary recruitment of 7,000 soldiers in the Lebanese army, as well as fund obse…

albawaba (2024-03-11). Bitcoin rallies to another record high, hitting $71,000 as FCA approves Crypto ETNs. ALBAWABA — Bitcoin topped the $71,000 price point for its first time as its ongoing bullish rallies keeps pace, hitting a 3.2 percent jump towards $71,631.45, with smaller coins like Ether, Solana and Avalanche following the price hike, according to Bloomberg.The historical price pump comes as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK lifts its objection regarding Crypto-based ETNs, with founders of newsletter service LondonCryptoClub saying "with the London Stock Exchange just announcing it will take applications for BTC and ETH ETNs. The powerful demand-supply dynamic from the BTC ETFs continues una…

CADTM International (2024-03-11). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles!

GABIK (2024-03-11). Almost all universities pay NSFAS February allowances. Almost all universities pay NSFAS February allowances | The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has commended the cooperation from all universities and Student Representative Councils (SRCs) who ensured that the February allowances payment was implemented seamlessly. | This follows a media briefing held on 4 March 2024 where NSFAS reported that universities would be facilitating the payment of allowances for the months of February and March 2024. | In a statement issued over the weekend, NSFAS reported that 25 out of 26 universities have paid the February allowances, as per their commitment dates. | Th…

newarab (2024-03-11). Egypt's annual urban inflation jumps to 35.7% in February. (2024-03-11). Private enterprises should look to Jinjiang as a leader. Currently, the private enterprises contribute more than 70 percent of tax revenues in Fujian, over 80 percent of employment opportunities and over 90 percent of market entities, he said. (2024-03-11). Youth employment to get further boost. Government departments and higher education institutes in China have been ramping up efforts to cultivate talent according to the demands of social development and ensure that college graduates have access to multiple employment channels. (2024-03-10). Youth employment to get further boost. Government departments and higher education institutes in China have been ramping up efforts to cultivate talent according to the demands of social development and ensure that college graduates have access to multiple employment channels.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-11). Health Situation "Catastrophic" as Gaza Genocide Enters Sixth Month. Nora Barrows-Friedman A wounded child is treated by physicians at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir El-Balah following Israeli attacks, 7 March. Doctors, nurses and medical staff in Gaza are being forced to treat patients in increasingly dire situations as Israel continues to block food, water, medicine and basic supplies with the backing and complicity of the United…

albawaba (2024-03-11). How to Buy Cryptocurrency for Beginners: Guide. In the evolving world of finance, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a game changer capturing the attention of both experienced investors and beginners. | With their promise of profits and technological advancements, cryptocurrencies present an investment prospect. | However, for those who have just started out in this journey, navigating the world of cryptocurrency trading can appear overwhelming. | We will share with you a short simple guide to help you know how to buy Cryptocurrency for beginners. This step-by-step guide will unravel the complexities and equip you to make informed choices. | Steps and Advice…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-11). Mayo Clinic's strong performance in 2023 ignites healthcare transformation. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fueled by strong performance across all activities in 2023, Mayo Clinic achieved remarkable progress toward its goal of transforming healthcare for people everywhere by making critical investments in valued staff, innovative facilities and pioneering digital technologies. Key performance highlights include: Industry-leading rankings from Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. A record high of more than 2,500 active clinical trials for patients seeking new cures. Delivering high-quality, convenient care to patients through…

newarab (2024-03-11). Saudi Aramco reports 24.7 percent drop in profits for 2023.

albawaba (2024-03-11). Elon Musk challenges OpenAI with open-sourcing his xAI chatbot Grok. ALBAWABA – Days after he filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, arguing they left behind their open-source strategy for profit, Elon Musk has stated that in a post on X (formerly Twitter) his artificial intelligence firm xAI plans to make its ChatGPT competitor "Grok" available to the public in open-source this week.Earlier this month, Musk had filed a complaint against Microsoft-backed OpenAI, which he co-founded in 2015 before departing shortly after three years according to Reuters. OpenAI responded by publishing emails that revealed Musk was backing a proposal to establish a for-profit firm and favored a merger with…

ontariohealthcoalition (2024-03-11). Exposing a 'Wild West' of for-profit healthcare in Ottawa private clinics. Fraud, criminal conviction, misrepresentation and unlawful user fees.

WSWS (2024-03-11). Short films in Berlin: Surreal and realistic depictions of "the absurdity of our capitalist times" Wars, climate catastrophes, social devastation—the state of global capitalism are the real basis of many of the short films shown at this year's Berlinale.

Ann Garrison (2024-03-11). "What Is Anti-Racism? And Why It Means Anti-Capitalism," A book review. Arun Kundnani details the histories of liberal and radical anti-racism and argues that anti-racism ultimately means anti-capitalism.

Ian Angus (2024-03-11). Capitalism's New Age of Plagues (Part 1). In our time, pandemics will occur more often, spread more rapidly, and kill more people.

Nancy Fraser, Federico Fuentes (2024-03-11). Transnationals, imperialist expropriation and fighting 'cannibal capitalism'. Critical theorist, feminist and author Nancy Fraser continues her conversation with Green Left's Federico Fuentes, focussing on the role of expropriation and transnationals in modern imperialism, and the challenges facing anti-imperialists and anti-capitalists.

Chris Jarvis (2024-03-11). 28 MPs call for 'full inquiry' into policing of Miners' Strike. An Early Day Motion has been tabled in parliament calling for a 'full inquiry' into the the policing of the 1984-5 Miners' Strike. Signed by 28 MPs, the The motion reads says: "four decades on, many mining communities are still struggling as a result of the industrial vandalism and are still awaiting a just transition to the industries of the future". | It goes on to argue that during the strike, there was a "weaponisation of… (2024-03-11). 'Israel' Mulling Ways to Safeguard Import of Goods in Case of War with Hezbollah. The Israeli Ministry of Transport plans to purchase a port in Cyprus in a bid to safeguard the Zionist entity's import of goods in case of a war with Hezbollah, Israeli media reported. Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Sunday that upon instructions from Israeli Minister Miri Regev, a ministry delegation headed by the head …

WSWS (2024-03-11). Widespread interest in IYSSE's socialist perspective at university orientations across Australia and New Zealand. The IYSSE saw widespread enthusiasm for its fight to end the genocide in Gaza based on a revolutionary socialist, internationalist perspective. Nearly 500 students left their contact details and more than 200 signed up as members of the IYSSE clubs. (2024-03-11). Geelong socialist councillor says councils must invest in communities, do more for the disadvantaged.

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Parliamentary Elections in Portugal With 51.96% Turnout. Portuguese citizens go to the polls this Sunday to elect the 230 deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, which in turn, will elect the Prime Minister, in a day that has developed normally. | RELATED: | Main candidates in Sunday's legislative elections in Portugal are Luís Montenegro, the head of the centre-right opposition, Pedro Nuno Santos, the new leader of the Socialist Party, and André Ventura, the founde…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Right-Wing Wins Portugal's Elections. With 95,04% of the votes counted, the conservative coalition Democratic Alliance (AD, center-right) leads with 30,8% of the votes this Sunday's legislative elections in Portugal, which defines it as a clear winner. | RELATED: | In second place is positioned with 28,5% the Socialist Party (PS), led by Nuno Santos, and as third force appears the André Ventura's ultra-right party Chega ("Enough"), with 19.23% of the support, accor…

Reuters (2024-03-11). Portugal's conservatives win election as far-right surges. Portugal's Socialists conceded defeat in a parliamentary election on Sunday which saw the far-right emerge as the biggest winner.

thecommunists (2024-03-11). Women found guilty under terror laws for wearing a sticker at a demo. On 14 October 2023, a week after the Palestinian resistance had mounted a highly effective attack on Israel, three women went on a pro-Palestinian march in London to oppose Israel's genocidal attack on the Gaza Strip and to express their approval of the fact that the oppressed were fighting back so fiercely against their oppression. …

2024-03-11 18:51:53 | 18:51 EST | tr | 64 | 0 | 2 | 66 | 0 

2024-03-10: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-03-10). United States Sends Israel 100+ Weapons Shipments. Polling shows that a slight majority of people in the United States oppose sending weapons to Israel to help it wage its brutal war on Gaza. | However, despite the fact that only a quarter of North Americans support arming Israel, the Joe Biden administration has sent the country more than 100 arms shipments since October 7, the Washington Post reported. | The newspaper quoted a former senior Biden administration, who remarked, "That's an extraordinary number of sales over the course of a pretty short amount of time, which really strongly suggests that the Israeli campaign would not be sustainable without this le… (2024-03-10). Multinational enterprises confident of China's economic growth target. many multinational enterprises operating in China maintain that such a target is in line with the growth potential of the Chinese economy.

Gabisile (2024-03-10). Govt continues to support women-owned businesses. Govt continues to support women-owned businesses | Government continues to provide targeted support for female-owned businesses to promote women's sustainable participation in the economy, said Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Maropene Ramokgopa. | "The ultimate goal is for women to develop sustainable enterprises that contribute to the country's gross domestic product, employment, equity and economic transformation to enable women to have equal access to and control over economic resources," she said. | The Minister was delivering a keynote address at the 2024 Forbes Woman Af… (2024-03-10). Chinese military budget moderate increase beneficial to world. He noted that the Chinese government takes into consideration both of the demands of its national defense and the economic development when planning for the country's military expenditure. (2024-03-10). SOEs crucial to China's economic growth. State-owned enterprises are playing a key role in boosting China's economic growth, Lu Jin, chairman of China National Gold Group Co Ltd, said on Sunday.

Gabisile (2024-03-10). Police seize over R30 million worth of fake goods. Police seize over R30 million worth of fake goods | The South African Police Service (SAPS) says it remains relentless in its efforts to uproot the illicit trade in counterfeit goods, as it has a detrimental impact on the economic growth of the country. | The police services' National Counterfeit Unit led another integrated takedown operation in the Johannesburg CBD on Friday, which resulted in the seizure of counterfeit goods worth over R9 million. | The team comprised of SAPS members, officials from the South African Revenue Services (SARS), Gauteng Traffic, Brand Protectors, Crime Prevention Wardens and securi…

Tom Llewellyn, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2024-03-10). The Story Of Rural Electric Cooperatives. At a moment when the world is awakening to the clear and present need to transition our energy system, a hopeful light gleams from the rural landscapes of America. The Rural Power Coalition (RPC), a diverse alliance of US advocacy groups serving rural communities from Alabama to Alaska, has taken another step forward with the release of "Power to the People: The Story of Rural Electric Cooperatives." This animated short film that premiered today during the annual PowerXchange Conference in San Antonio, Texas, is not just a tale of the past; it's a clarion call for a greener, more equitable future.

tvbrics (2024-03-10). BRICS News Digest for the previous week. We tell you about what happened in economics, politics, culture, science and education in the countries of the association…

infobrics (2024-03-11). Expansion of BRICS, Geopolitical Implications and Prospect for Bangladesh. The recent BRICS 15th summit held in Johannesburg, has garnered more attention compared to previous gatherings. The focal point of this summit was the announcement of new member nations. Notably, six countries—namely, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE got invitation to join this influential economic coalition…

infobrics (2024-03-11). A Relevant BRICS: Reimagining Global Economic Reform>. As BRICS navigates the evolving global economic landscape, its trade, investment, and finance progress underscores its significance as a transformative force…

Colin Todhunter (2024-03-10). Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food. The food transition, the energy transition, net-zero ideology, programmable central bank digital currencies, the censorship of free speech and clampdowns on protest. What's it all about? To understand these processes, we need to first locate what is essentially a social and economic reset within the context of a collapsing financial system. Writer Ted Reece notes …

Ellen Brown, Web Of Debt. (2024-03-10). The Public Bank That Wasn't: New Jersey's Excursion Into Public Banking. In 2017, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive, made the establishment of a public, state-owned bank a centerpiece issue during his run for New Jersey governor. He regularly championed public banking in speeches, town halls and campaign commercials. He won the race, and the nation's second state-owned bank following the stellar model of the Bank of North Dakota (BND) appeared to be in view. | Due to the priority of other economic-policy goals, the initiative was largely kept on the back burner until November 2019.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-10). President of Cuba highlights work of telecommunications sector. Havana, Mar 9 (Prensa Latina) The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, described telecommunications as a sector with highly qualified and decisive personnel in the economic and social development of the country.

Staff (2024-03-09). Nicaragua Shows Solidarity With Zimbabwe Over US Aggressions. Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry presented its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe, on the occasion of regarding the 6th March 2024 Illegal Sanctions of the United States against Zimbabwe. | RELATED: | The United States government sanctioned the Zimbabwean president, Emmerson Mnangagwa last March 4th, by allegedly finding that "serious abuses of political, economic and human rights" continue to be co… (2024-03-10). Insights‰∏®German expert shows confidence in China's future success. China's two sessions this year have attracted global attention. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Michael Borchmann, former head of the European and International Affairs Department of the federal German state of Hesse, highly appreciated China's achievement in urban-rural development, poverty alleviation, green energy technologies and so on."ÄÄ…

Oscar Perry Abello, Next City. (2024-03-10). Arizona Using Covid Relief Funds To Cancel Medical Debt. Arizona has just launched a partnership with the nonprofit RIP Medical Debt to acquire as much as $2 billion in medical debt— and forgive all of it. The program, announced on Monday by Gov. Katie Hobbs, will benefit up to 1 million Arizona residents living below 400% of the federal poverty line or owe medical debts totaling more than 5% of their annual income. | At $30 million in funding — out of pandemic relief funds allocated to Arizona under the American Rescue Plan Act — it's the biggest example yet of a state or local government using federal dollars for massive debt cancellation.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-10). The Globalists' war against humanity includes the war against farming and local food security. The EU's globalist agenda prioritises dependency rather than local self-sufficiency, even though relying on food and oil imports poses risks. Importing food from distant locations significantly increases fuel consumption and labour compared … (2024-03-10). China to continue to prioritize employment promotion. China will continue to prioritize employment promotion work this year by releasing more preferential policies, optimizing job services and tightening supervision on labor relations, said a senior official. (2024-03-10). Henan Museum sets sights on shaking up scene. As a member of the International Council of Museums, it collaborates on museum security and through international events and partnerships, continues to foster global cultural dialogue and exchange, Ma says. (2024-03-10). Labor must listen to 81% saying ceasefire.

Martha Ríos (2024-03-10). Díaz-Canel resalta labor del sector de las telecomunicaciones en Cuba (+Foto). La Habana, 10 mar (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel calificó al Ministerio de las Comunicaciones (Mincom) como un sector con un personal altamente calificado y decisivo en el desarrollo económico y social del país.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-10). Comprehensive testing helps diagnose and manage rare genetic disorder. Lauri's daughter, Christy, a genetic counselor at Mayo Clinic, was instrumental in getting Lauri the testing she needed for an accurate diagnosis. Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life "never feeling quite right" physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic's Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was…

newarab (2024-03-10). Gulf state ready to fund Lebanon-Israel border deal: report. A Gulf state has expressed readiness to financially support Lebanon's military and fund Citing unnamed diplomatic sources, Nidaa al-Watan newspaper said an Arab Gulf state had expressed its willingness to finance the voluntary recruitment of 7,000 soldiers in the Lebanese army, as well as fund obse…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Panamanian builders on strike against financial harassment. Panama City, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Panamanian builders will go on general strike on March 19th against the arbitrary closing of their bank accounts in the state-owned Caja de Ahorros, a measure of a political nature, local press unfolded on Sunday.

CADTM International (2024-03-10). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles! (2024-03-10). Private enterprises should look to Jinjiang as a leader. Currently, the private enterprises contribute more than 70 percent of tax revenues in Fujian, over 80 percent of employment opportunities and over 90 percent of market entities, he said.

tvbrics (2024-03-10). Investment in India's space startups are US$12 million in April-December 2023. The country has earned US$174 million for launching 424 foreign satellites since the 1990s…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-10). Mayo Clinic's strong performance in 2023 ignites healthcare transformation. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fueled by strong performance across all activities in 2023, Mayo Clinic achieved remarkable progress toward its goal of transforming healthcare for people everywhere by making critical investments in valued staff, innovative facilities and pioneering digital technologies. Key performance highlights include: Industry-leading rankings from Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. A record high of more than 2,500 active clinical trials for patients seeking new cures. Delivering high-quality, convenient care to patients through…

Laura Crossett (2024-03-10). E-Books Can Subvert Book Bans, But Corporate Profit-Seeking Stands in the Way. The past few years have seen record e-book lending for libraries — as well as record profits for OverDrive, the company that provides e-books access for 95 percent of libraries in the U.S. (OverDrive's profits have trickled up — the company was bought by the private equity firm K.K.R. in 2015.) But as library e-book lending has taken off, so has another trend: book bans. Book bans… |

unitedEditor (2024-03-10). Where and at what moment in history are we? (II and end). In recent years, three events have accelerated the process of building the new world: 1. The Covid19 pandemic The pandemic revealed the inability of the international system and capitalism to confront a common enemy of all humanity. It was a stellar moment to coordinate actions and agree to cooperate, but this was impossible because the … (2024-03-10). Insolvent housing companies must file for bankruptcy. Chinese housing companies that are seriously insolvent or can no longer operate must file for bankruptcy or restructuring in line with the country's laws and market rules, a senior official said on Saturday, adding that any action impairing people's interests will be punished accordingly.

albawaba (2024-03-10). 5 Top Best Bitcoin Games for 2024. In the world of currencies, Bitcoin stands out as a leader attracting the interest of investors, fans, and gamers. | As the landscape of cryptocurrencies continues to grow so does the world of Bitcoin games. In 2024 the fusion of gaming and cryptocurrency has reached levels, offering a variety of thrilling experiences for players to enjoy. | Let us explore some of the top best Bitcoin games for 2024 that offer excitement, rewards, and a touch of innovation. | Discovering: Top Best Bitcoin Games for 2024: | Where entertainment meets digital currency, below are a list of the best Bitcoin games for 2024: | 1…

Misión Verdad (2024-03-10). Dispute Between Chevron and ExxonMobil Over Stabroek Block in Undelimited Waters of Essequibo. ExxonMobil and Chevron are in a dispute over the control of almost a third of the stakes in the Stabroek block, located in the territorial waters of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and in the undelimited waters between Guyana and Venezuela. | In October 2023, the US oil company Chevron reached a purchase agreement with another US oil company, Hess, to acquire 30% of the shares in the Stabroek block. The offshore oil block is administered by the US oil multinational ExxonMobil illegally, since a significant part of this block is located off the Atlantic coast of the Essequibo region, whose territorial waters ar…

Tara Raghuveer, In These Times. (2024-03-10). Missing From Biden's State Of The Union: A Plan For The Rent Crisis. Demetrius Mosley works on trucks all day, assessing crash damage and fixing brakes on 18 wheelers. He earns $29 an hour. On the first of every month, he purchases a money order from a local Kroger store to pay his rent, the biggest bill in his budget. | Mosley moved to Louisville, Kentucky three years ago with his four kids and their mom. The family rented a trailer in Pioneer Acres, a mobile home park. Rent was $885 per month. Since then, the owner has added fees and fines and hiked the rent to $1,100. He couldn't afford to feed his kids, so he sent them to live with family in Florida.

thecommunists (2024-03-10). Joti Brar on the connection between women's liberation and socialism. Comrade Joti Brar speaks to an online meeting organised by British Sri Lankan women's group Ethera Api on the question of women's rights, women's liberation and bourgeois feminism. What is the root cause of women's oppression? How did it start? How will it end? Are men really the enemy? Who launched the 'battle of the …

Editor (2024-03-10). Belfast's International Wall becomes the Palestinian Wall. In a defiant show of solidarity with the people of Palestine a group of mural artists led by internationally renowned artist Danny Devenny has transformed Belfast's iconic "International Wall" into the "Palestinian Wall" to show off amazing murals designed by Palestinian artists who would have suffered imprisonment, torture and death had they attempted to paint them in their homeland. | Danny Devenny (artist): | Bobby Sands said, back in the day: | "The men of art have lost their heart. | They dream within their dreams. | Their magic sold for price of gold | Amidst a people's screams. | They sketch the moon…

1944-02-04 16:18:00 | 16:18 EST | tr | 38 | 0 | 1 | 41 | 2 

2024-03-08: News Headlines (2024-03-08). Secondhand economy a win-win scenario. Scenes of individuals selling their underused or outdated goods have become increasingly common in China. (2024-03-08). U.S. experts: growth target achievable. China's economic goals this year reflect a focus on high-quality growth combined with sensible support for local governments, as the country navigates global political and trade obstacles, U.S. experts said. (2024-03-08). Prominent economist Justin Lin debunks 'peak China' claims. A prominent Chinese economist and a national political advisor has debunked various negative claims about the Chinese economy. (2024-03-08). Chinese payment platforms improve services, facilitating foreigners visiting China. China's leading payment platforms Alipay and Weixin Pay have introduced a series of measures to improve payment services for foreign nationals. This initiative marks China's latest effort to facilitate easier access for foreigners visiting the country.

GABIK (2024-03-08). MSC's R350m investment poised to boost KZN economy. MSC's R350m investment poised to boost KZN economy | The Mediterranean Shipping Company SA's (MSC) R350 million investment in KwaZulu-Natal will go a long way in boosting the provincial economy and creating jobs for the local community. | KwaZulu-Natal Premier, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, said this at the unveiling of MSC's new cold storage facility at Cator Manor in Chesterville, Durban. | Officially opened on Thursday night, the facility has the capacity to accommodate 10 000 pallets and is poised to meet the growing demands of the cold logistics market and ensure the preservation of temperature-sensitive goods, guaran…

Gabisile (2024-03-08). Economy must transform to meet development demands. Economy must transform to meet development demands | All sectors of the economy must adjust to new demands for personnel, skills, research, digital connection, and alternative platforms for education, health, and public services. | This is according to the Deputy President, Paul Mashatile, who was speaking at the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) retreat in Johannesburg on Friday. | "For us to match with the new demands, we must undergo a rapid paradigm shift and reorientation to realign the content of our curriculum offerings and skills development programmes," he said. | Chaired by the Deputy Presiden…

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-08). Cuba investigates fr deputy prime minister and minister of Economy. Havana, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The First Secretary of the Communist Party and President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, told the nation today about mistakes made by former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil, in the performance of his duties. (2024-03-08). Experts hail Government Work Report. China has set a rational GDP growth target that indicates substantial confidence and robustness in its economy and the government is working to ensure that the benefits of economic growth are shared by all. (2024-03-08). Legislators eye growth boost. China is planning to strengthen its legislation concerning the economy this year to accelerate the creation of a new pattern of development and deepen reform across the board, an annual work report said. (2024-03-08). Fiscal moves to bolster recovery. China will strengthen its proactive fiscal stance and improve the quality and efficiency of fiscal policy this year, to bolster economic recovery and high-quality development, the Ministry of Finance said. (2024-03-08). Adviser: Rebound, growth on track. The economic development of China is set to witness more favorable conditions than unfavorable ones, while the underlying trend of economic rebound and long-term growth remains unchanged, a national political adviser said.. (2024-03-08). Shaolin Show: What do the China-made 'new three' represent?>. Chinese Premier Li Qiang said in his government work report that exports of the China-made "new three"in 2023 increased by nearly 30 percent year on year. What are the "new three"? What are their roles in China's economic development? Follow anchor Shaolin to learn more."ÄÄ…

Seth Sandronsky (2024-03-08). Book It: Reading About Heterodox Economics. Opinion polls show that Americans want humane policies and politics. To this end, two recent books from Monthly Review Press on heterodox economics shed light on injuries of social class and progressive next steps. Michael D. Yates is the author of "Work Work Work: Labor, Alienation and Class Struggle" (2022). The editorial director of Monthly

WSWS (2024-03-08). Xi's economic agenda no answer to China's problems. In his "work report" premier Li Qiang said the foundation for continuous economic recovery was "not solid." (2024-03-08). Insights丨Economic expert: Technology-focused private sector advances new quality productive forces development. During the 2024 Two Sessions, new quality productive forces are frequently highlighted.

MEE staff (2024-03-08). Human rights group urges India to cease military ties with Israel. Human rights group urges India to cease military ties with Israel | Human Rights Forum lament over India's deepening economic and military ties with Israel, drawing attention to Adani's sale of combat drone to Israel as genocide deepens in Gaza. | | Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (R) and Israel…

newarab (2024-03-08). Vigilantes try to uphold order as war batters Gaza's Rafah. Whether directing traffic or controlling prices, a group of vigilantes is determined to uphold order as five months of war have shattered any semblance of normalcy in Gaza's southernmost city of Their faces covered with black balaclavas, the so-called "Popular Committees of Protection" patrol Rafah where vast numbers of displaced people have sought refuge. | "We are hundreds of individuals and volunteers maintaining security and protecting citizens from high prices, organising public markets and transpor…

T.J. Coles (2024-03-08). The New Atheism at 20: How an Intellectual Movement Exploited Rationalism to Promote War. Inspired by the attacks of September 11th, the New Atheism appeared on the scene shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. It became immediately clear that the Four Horsemen were exploiting Enlightenment principles to justify the bombing of women and children in third world nations. Muslim terrorists are not aggrieved by Western foreign policy, the authors claim, but rather by their fanatical devotion to their faith. The decimation of Iraq was not motivated by elite US strategies to control oil markets, but because "god" told Bush to invade. The state does not exploit religious differences for cynical realpolit…

T.J. Coles (2024-03-08). The New Atheism at 20: How an Intellectual Movement Exploited Rationalism to Promote War. Inspired by the attacks of September 11th, the New Atheism appeared on the scene shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. It became immediately clear that the Four Horsemen were exploiting Enlightenment principles to justify the bombing of women and children in third world nations. Muslim terrorists are not aggrieved by Western foreign policy, the authors claim, but rather by their fanatical devotion to their faith. The decimation of Iraq was not motivated by elite US strategies to control oil markets, but because "god" told Bush to invade. The state does not exploit religious differences for cynical realpolit…

Angelina de los Santos (2024-03-08). Argentines Take Feminist Strike to the Streets on International Women's Day. Argentinian women from all walks of life will take to the streets nationwide on 8 March, International Women's Day, as part of a feminist strike calling for an end to the country's growing poverty, which already affects 57% of the population of 46 million. The protesters' "most important demand" is a solution to Argentina's "food emergency", said María Claudia Albornoz, an activist from La… |

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis, Jayne Miller, The Real News Network. (2024-03-08). Why Did Baltimore Lavish Tens Of Millions In Tax Breaks? Baltimore is often maligned as a shrinking city beset by crime and intractable poverty. But take a walk down President Street just south of Little Italy on a Friday night, and you will enter a world that appears far removed from the idea of a city that is terminally in decay. | Past the empty pavilions of the Inner Harbor and east of the city's increasingly troubled downtown business district, a cluster of towering high-rises emerges from the harbor like a defiant mountain range of concrete. | A cobblestone boulevard leads to a European-style thoroughfare dotted with a dazzling array of upscale restaurants and ou…

Isaac Nellist (2024-03-08). Albanese talks big on equality, leaves women trapped in poverty. Anthony Albanese's refusal to tackle structural disadvantage reveals his 'commitment to gender equality' is a farce, argues Isaac Nellist.

Hrishikesh Munshi, Rahul K Gajbhiye (2024-03-09). Correspondence] Strengthening global snakebite data for WHO's goal for 2030. Snakebite envenoming is a substantial but neglected public health issue, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Annually, there are approximately 4 ∑5—5 ∑4 million snakebites, 1 ∑8—2 ∑7 million cases of envenomation, 81‚Äà000—130‚Äà000 deaths from snakebites, and a considerably higher number of permanent disabilities from snakebites worldwide.1 Roughly 95% of these incidents occur in LMICs.1,2 Snakebite envenoming was initially overlooked by the WHO review of neglected tropical disease burden in 2007.

Jin-Long Wang (2024-03-09). Correspondence] Snakebite envenomation: first aid and rescue network. Snakebite envenomation is one of the most neglected tropical diseases according to WHO, and the harm caused by snakebite envenomation is immense.1,2 David A Warrell and David J Williams discussed the problems in the management of snakebite envenomation in low-income and middle-income settings and gave practical guidance in a Seminar.3 However, Warrell and Williams did not mention the role of first aid and pre-hospital rescue in the management of snakebite envenomation.

Inter Press Service (2024-03-08). Climate change hits rural women hardest. Heat waves and floods caused by climate change affect rural women more than men because they exacerbate inequalities, the By IPS correspondent | The study, "The Unjust Climate", says that "in low- and middle-income countries, female rural household heads suffer significantly greater financial losses than men each year". | On average, female-headed households lose eight percent more income from heat stress and three percent more from flooding than male-headed households. | In an average year, poor households lose…

Labor Video Project (2024-03-08). Lives Over Profits! At CPUC, Shut Waymo Robo Taxis & Defend Landlines From AT&T Closures.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2024-03-08). Toyota Workers At Critical Engine Plant Launch UAW Union Drive. Auto workers at a Toyota engine plant in Troy, Missouri, have signed up 30 percent of their 1,000 co-workers to join the United Auto Workers (UAW)—a first at Toyota, the world's largest automaker, on the heels of the union's announcements of organizing campaigns at Volkswagen, Hyundai, and Mercedes-Benz. | Workers at the plant just outside St. Louis build 2.6 million cylinder heads per year. Should they stop building them, it would cut off supplies for all of the company's engine plants in North America. Toyota is still working to build up its supply of chips and other inventory, following pandemic lockdown…

NEOB (2024-03-08). Justice department and Multichoice partner against piracy. Justice department and Multichoice partner against piracy | The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and the Multichoice Group have signed an anti-piracy memorandum of understanding (MOU). | The MoU will cover the following areas of collaboration: | Policy development and regulatory frameworks; | Capacity building and experience sharing; | Intellectual property rights protection and anti-piracy partnership, and | Monitoring and compliance. | The department's Director-General, Advocate Doctor Mashabane, said: "[This] marks another milestone in the government's efforts to fight broadcast and content…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-08). Rusia convoca a la embajadora de EE.UU. para ser requerida. A la embajadora se le entregó una nota oficial demandando que cese cualquier colaboración con las actividades de ONGs.

Zane McNeill (2024-03-08). Missouri Advances Bill Targeting Abortion-Specific Training in Medical Schools. The Missouri House is advancing a bill aimed at limiting abortion-specific training at both private and public medical schools within the state. Sponsored by Rep. Justin Sparks (R), the bill, HB 2621, also seeks to prohibit collaborations between medical schools in Missouri and clinics located in other states for the provision of such training. "If a university or research institution is going to… |

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-07). Rusia convoca a la embajadora de EE.UU. para ser requerida. A la embajadora se le entregó una nota oficial demandando que cese cualquier colaboración con las actividades de ONGs.

David Rovics (2024-03-08). Wadi Gaza is Arabic for Babi Yar and Aaron Bushnell is American for Szmuel Zygelboym. The holocaust that is underway in Gaza is being enabled by the US government and denied by the mainstream US press. When the German Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators massacred their Jewish, Roma, and other victims, they often coaxed them to the site of the massacre by offering them food. For media consumption, they had (2024-03-08). Labor must listen to 81% saying ceasefire.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-08). Comprehensive testing helps diagnose and manage rare genetic disorder. Lauri's daughter, Christy, a genetic counselor at Mayo Clinic, was instrumental in getting Lauri the testing she needed for an accurate diagnosis. Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life "never feeling quite right" physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic's Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-08). Médicos cubanos en Djibouti atienden heridos de buque True Confidence. La Habana, 8 mar (RHC) Médicos de la brigada cubana que labora en Djibouti atendieron a los heridos del buque portacontenedores True Confidence, el cual navegaba con bandera de Barbados y fue atacado por hutíes el miércoles, se conoció hoy.

Ruth Conniff (2024-03-08). Middle America: What Venomous GOP Attacks on Immigrants Really Mean. Immigrant workers, crucial to the American agriculture industry, are extremely vulnerable to labor exploitation and human trafficking, writes Ruth Conniff.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Chilean Senate Begins Processing the Pension Reform. On Wednesday, the Senate's Labor Committee began to study the bill for pension reform presented by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | "The dialogue has just begun. The president has instructed us to be open to seeking formulas that allow us to increase the amount of pensions, which is the objective of this reform," Labor Minister Jeannete Jara said. | Presented in November 2022, the bill proposes the creation of a m…

Amy Goodman (2024-03-08). Katrina vanden Heuvel: Foreign Policy Undermines Best Proposals in Biden's SOTU. President Biden delivered his State of the Union address Thursday night. In it, he made his case for a second term ahead of this year's presidential election, criticizing Republican front-runner Donald Trump without mentioning him by name, and highlighting his administration's policies to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, reinstate reproductive rights and provide support to Ukraine. |

albawaba (2024-03-08). 900 luxury watches go missing in a $13M scam. ALBAWABA — Japanese authorities are on the hunt to return 900 luxurious worth $12.6 million to their 190 owners, as they were on a watch rental site called Toke Match before the site's owner, who is suspected of selling he loaned from an owner back in January, fled to Dubai as reported by local media.The Osaka-based site, Toke Match, was a rental site that would loan luxurious goods like premium Rolex, Omegas and Tag Heuers watches from wealthy individuals to clients. Operated by mother company, Neo Reverse, which had terminated the service by the end of Jan. and announced plans to return all watches to the…

Helen Santoro (2024-03-08). Pharma's Secret Middlemen Are Poisoning Health Care. Lawmakers from both parties and 39 state attorneys general joined forces to stop the shadowy corporate middlemen behind rising drug prices and the death of independent pharmacies. Now these reform efforts are in peril, following nearly $50 million in industry lobbying — including tens of thousands to Congress members who sponsored reform legislation.These largely unregulated middlemen, called pharmacy benefit managers, serve as intermediaries between insurers and pharmaceutical manufacturers, determining which drugs insurers will cover and how much they cost. But they are incentivized to opt for the most e… (2024-03-08). Foreign capital in financial sector in focus. Chinese policymakers and political advisers during the ongoing two sessions have stressed the need to attract more foreign investment in the country's financial sector. (2024-03-08). SPP committed to law-based business climate. Procuratorates have fully exerted their functions to provide higher-level judicial support for the equal development of various business entities, the promotion of innovation-driven development and the maintenance of financial security over the past year.

CADTM International (2024-03-08). Women, especially some of them, are the first victims of wars, the Far-Right and the international financial system. All on strike and long live intersectional feminist struggles!

M. Reza Behnam (2024-03-08). Cut From the Same Cloth: The United States and Israel in Palestine. Revolutionaries in Iran in the 1970s referred to the United States as the "Great Satan" and to its ally, Israel, as the "little Satan." The truth of their rallying cry resounds today as Israel executes, unimpeded, its scorched earth policy in Gaza. The Israeli war on Gaza has been oiled by the military, financial and

Dean Baker (2024-03-08). Is "Greedflation" Over? Peter Coy used his column to beg President Biden not to use the term "greedflation" to explain the runup in inflation since the pandemic. I am sympathetic to much of his argument, most importantly, the idea that corporations suddenly turned greedy is a bit far out. As Coy notes, corporations are always greedy. The real (2024-03-08). Simplified payments to facilitate foreign visitors. China has unveiled a guideline to improve payment services, which experts say underscores top policymakers' strengthened focus on addressing any payment difficulties facing international visitors as the country aims to boost inbound tourism and attract foreign investment. (2024-03-08). In Numbers: China's investment in R&D.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-08). Mayo Clinic's strong performance in 2023 ignites healthcare transformation. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fueled by strong performance across all activities in 2023, Mayo Clinic achieved remarkable progress toward its goal of transforming healthcare for people everywhere by making critical investments in valued staff, innovative facilities and pioneering digital technologies. Key performance highlights include: Industry-leading rankings from Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. A record high of more than 2,500 active clinical trials for patients seeking new cures. Delivering high-quality, convenient care to patients through…

Ji Siqi (2024-03-08). Time to 'cut off' US outbound investment in China biotech firms like BGI Group and Wuxi AppTec: House panel. Bipartisan support on show amid concern 'every bit of value flowing' to companies in the industry 'will be used to strengthen the CCP and the PLA'.

Derek Seidman (2024-03-08). Farmworker Festival Dials Up Pressure on Wendy's Billionaire Chairman. Palm Beach, Florida, is one of our nation's true billionaire enclaves, whose denizens include some of the world's most powerful corporate barons, with sunny oceanfront estates valued at eight- and nine-digits. But for the next three days, the farmworkers who harvest the produce plenishing the menu items and grocery store shelves that deliver their profits, are coming to town. |

albawaba (2024-03-08). Iraqi resistance targets Rosh Pina airport with drone. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has announced its second attack, targeting a military barracks at Rosh Pina Airport, an Israeli airport located in Rosh Pinna, near the Safed-Hatzor-Rosh Pina Industrial Park, in the occupied territories. The attack was carried out using a drone and is said to be in support of the people in Gaza.This comes after a pause in activities last month following an attack on an American base in Jordan, resulting in casualties among American soldiers. In response, the US launched airstrikes on Iranian-backed armed group sites in Iraq and Syria. The resumption of attacks by the Islamic Resist… (2024-03-08). China takes big swings in 6G wireless technology R&D. China will step up the research and development of 6G wireless technology and launch an "artificial intelligence plus" initiative to leverage AI to promote new industrialization, the country's top industry regulator said on Friday.

Jackson Albert Mann (2024-03-08). The Historical Origin of "The Singing Union" The early history of the Industrial Workers of the World has become the stuff of legend for the U.S. socialist left. Key to the legendary status of the early IWW is the notion that the organization was a "singing union."

albawaba (2024-03-08). Elon Musk faces $128 million lawsuit. ALBAWABA – A group of former Twitter executives recently filed a lawsuit seeking millions of dollars in unpaid severance against Elon Musk and his business X.The turbulent events surrounding Musk's purchase of the business in October 2022 are at the center of the case. Soon after the takeover, Musk fired Agrawal, Chief Legal Officer Vijaya Gadde, CFO Ned Segal, and General Counsel Sean Edgett.As to the court document, Musk was said to harbor resentment towards this particular group because of the protracted acquisition procedure. Agrawal is allegedly owed $128 million in severance pay, with Segal owing $44.5 mill…

Ammar Ali Jan, Federico Fuentes (2024-03-08). Pakistan: 'Imran Khan has been the beneficiary of hatred towards the ruling parties'. Green Left's Federico Fuentes spoke to Pakistani socialist Ammar Ali Jan of the Haqooq-

socialistproject (2024-03-08). IWD: What is Canadian Feminism? Demanding Equality argues that Canadian feminism was polyphonic; it was a chorus of diverse political voices rather than solos sung by a few women leaders.

2024-03-08 21:04:01 | 21:04 EST | tr | 58 | 0 | 4 | 64 | 6 

2024-03-06: News Headlines

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (2024-03-06). 2023 Brief on Sierra Leone. Country: Sierra Leone | Source: Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation | Please refer to the attached file. | Sierra Leone has encountered various challenges, including global crises and internal political tension, which have greatly affected the economy and the lives of its citizens. The country's infrastructure has historically been underdeveloped, with transportation, energy, and communication systems needing improvement. Additionally, the high inflation rate has significantly impacted daily business operations, making it difficult for citizens to afford basic food commodities. | In response to these challenges, th…

Chris Hedges (2024-03-06). How private equity conquered America. Blackstone, Apollo, and a handful of other firms are demolishing the US economy for short-term gain, and leaving workers and communities in the wreckage. (2024-03-06). Senior adviser upbeat about HK's future. Former Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying has reaffirmed his unshakable confidence in China's bright future and Hong Kong's economy and says he hopes the two sessions will further align the city's advantages with the country's needs. (2024-03-06). Shaolin Show: What do new quality productive forces mean?>. As China's two sessions kicked off, the term "new quality productive forces" has caught the eye of global media and experts. What does this term mean? How much will the Chinese economy be energized by such new forces? Follow anchor Shaolin to learn more. (2024-03-06). Belarusian economy minister satisfied with last year's performance. Yuri Chebotar said: "Last year ended quite successfully for us. The gross domestic product growth rate totaled 103.9%. It was above the target. Real earnings of the population went up. Salaries rose by 11% and real pensions by 11% as well."

nosihle (2024-03-06). Government welcomes slight GDP growth. Government welcomes slight GDP growth | Government has welcomed the release of the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures by Statistics South Africa, which show a slight growth of 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2023. | "This growth is particularly encouraging as it surpasses pre-pandemic levels. This indicates a resilient economy showing signs of recovery, and bettering previous strength," Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, said on Wednesday. | In the fourth quarter, real GDP reached R1 158 billion, marking continuous improvement from the pre-COVID-19 level of R1 150 billion, although still bel…

Stephanie Kelton, Steven Hail (2024-03-06). MMT sees America through rapid economic recovery. (2024-03-06). Policies can help China hit GDP goal. China has room to pursue a more proactive fiscal policy and an expansionary monetary policy, thereby boosting economic recovery and helping achieve the targeted economic growth of around 5 percent this year, experts said on Tuesday. (2024-03-06). Legislators: New forces will bolster supply chains, growth. China's emphasis on developing new quality productive forces and advanced manufacturing by giving full play to the leading role of innovation, will enhance the resilience and competitiveness of its industrial and supply chains, and inject new impetus into the country's long-term economic growth. (2024-03-06). Ambassador: Belarus-Pakistan cooperation is based on mutual respect. The Pakistan Embassy in Minsk has held a reception to mark the 84th | Pakistan Day and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of | Belarus-Pakistan diplomatic relations. (2024-03-06). Belarus' PM: Export should be a priority. Export should be a priority, Belarus' Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko | said at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 6 | March, BelTA has learned. (2024-03-06). Belarus, Uzbekistan discuss joint industrial projects. The parties discussed issues related to the implementation of agreements | reached during the visit of Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko | to Uzbekistan, and the second forum of regions of the two countries. (2024-03-06). Moscow to host CIS International Economic Forum on 28-29 March. The forum will feature 21 sections, and more than 2,000 participants. | The event will highlight issues related to cooperation between the CIS | member states in logistics, customs, construction, industrial | cooperation, migration policy, medicine, tourism, sustainable… (2024-03-06). New company at China-Belarus Industrial Park Great Stone to make IC packaging. The company will produce metal-ceramic packages for integrated circuits. These packages make IC safe and easy to install.

Isabel Ortiz (2024-03-06). The World Social Forum: The counterweight to the World Economic Forum.

noreply (2024-03-06). Indian Home Minister; Trial Court Judges; Two Supreme Court Judges; Sanctioning Authority Stand Convicted in Public's Eyes! — Professor G. N. Saibaba's Acquittal. by | P.S. Sahni & | Shobha Aggarwal | | had published our article — within | 9 days of Saibaba's arrest (euphemism for abduction) on 9 May 2014. The article | titled: | "Professor G.N. Saibaba — A Prisoner of Conscience" | was published on 18 May 2014. See Ten years of his life — as | also of others incarcerated with him — has gone waste. Their careers have been | ruined; family members devastated and underwent extreme economic hardships. The | acq…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-06). UK's planned energy transition to net zero is an unprecedented act of economic self-harm. In the run-up to Budget Day today, 6 March, a new paper by a former World Bank economist and published by The Global Warming Policy Foundation warns that the UK's current decarbonisation …

Saleem Samad (2024-03-06). Japan to tie landlocked Northeast India with Bangladesh. Hopes for the Red Sun finally glimmer lights over landlocked northeast India and plans to connect with landlocked states with Bangladesh, which has been deemed as geostrategic significance to Japan. | Japan after the brutal Second World War has developed several proven friends of South Asia and is edging closer to Bangladesh and India for socio-economic development. | Many think tanks say Japan has enlarged its diplomatic vision in a bid to counter the economic hegemony of China, which has set its eyes on South Asia. | Well, Japan has been a major donor and development partner since the war-ravaged Bangladesh, 52… (2024-03-06). Cloud service providers gaze abroad with excitement. Chinese cloud computing companies are scrambling to expand their presence in overseas cloud service markets.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Asian Stocks Advance After Global Markets Fall On Tech Sell-off. Gold prices and bitcoin hit all-time highs Tuesday before reversing gains, while the sell-off in some technology stocks hit many markets around the world.

DikelediM (2024-03-06). Accomplishments and hurdles along the job creation journey. Accomplishments and hurdles along the job creation journey | The Gauteng Department of Employment and Labour says creating employment and the management thereof has been a mixture of success and challenges in the province. | The department was presenting its provincial overview in terms of service delivery and the job creation mandate to the Employment Standard (ES) Board. | The ES Board is in the province to engage directly with the Department of Employment and Labour's management in Gauteng, the Sheltered Employment Enterprises (SEE) and Employment Solutions. The visit started on Tuesday and will conclude today…

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-06). Asamblea Popular de China realizan segunda sesión de trabajos. Zhao Leji, presidente ejecutivo del presidium de la sesión, presidió la reunión. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presentó el informe sobre la labor del Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Asamblea Popular de China realizan segunda sesión de trabajos. Zhao Leji, presidente ejecutivo del presidium de la sesión, presidió la reunión. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presentó el informe sobre la labor del Gobierno. (2024-03-06). Labor must listen to 81% saying ceasefire.

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (2024-03-06). Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between MoENR, Bhutan, and ICIMOD. Country: Bhutan | Source: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development | Thimphu, Bhutan — March 5, 2024 | The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MoENR) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have entered into a long-term collaboration and cooperation through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, at the MoENR headquarter in Thimphu. | The Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB) is one of the founding members of ICIMOD since its establishment in 1983. Previously, ICIMOD collaborated with RGoB through periodic Memoranda of Understanding, e…

Joe DeManuelle-Hall, Labor Notes. (2024-03-06). Rail Machinists Rerun Contested Election. A new election for top officers will be held in Machinists District Lodge 19 on May 3, after complaints about bad addresses and campaigning at polling locations during a close vote last year. | The new vote for president and secretary-treasurer will establish who will set the union's approach to the upcoming contract fight with the big freight rail carriers. Negotiations between the 13 rail unions and the carriers begin later this year. | District Lodge 19 represents 8,000 machinists who repair locomotives and heavy equipment for carriers including CSX, BNSF, and Union Pacific.

Julia Conley, Common Dreams. (2024-03-06). First Western Leader Referred To ICC As 'Accessory To Genocide In Gaza'. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is one of several Western leaders who have provided political and material support of the Israeli government and military over the past five months as their bombardment of Gaza has killed more than 30,000 people, but on Monday he became the first to be referred to the International Criminal Court for being an "accessory to genocide." | More than 100 lawyers supported the referral under Article 15 of the Rome Statute, arguing that Albanese, a member of the Labor Party, as well as members of his Cabinet and of Parliament, have provided Israel with "rhetorical support in th…

Scaling Up Nutrition (2024-03-06). Championing change: Chad's youth leading the charge against malnutrition. Country: Chad | Source: Scaling Up Nutrition | In Chad, a pivotal step forward in addressing malnutrition has been the recent establishment of the Réseau des Jeunes pour la Nutrition (RéJNuT), or the Youth Network for Nutrition. Led by Mr. Kossi Clément TAMBAYE, the Secretary General, and in collaboration with the national SUN Media Network (RJTN), and SUN Civil society platform, this initiative underscores the critical role of youth engagement in the fight against malnutrition, supported by the SUN Movement and Action Against Hunger (ACF). | RéJNuT, officially launched to address the pressing nutritional chal…

UN Children's Fund (2024-03-06). ADB and UNICEF join hands to strengthen climate resilient water and sanitation services in two major cities of Pakistan. Country: Pakistan | Source: UN Children's Fund | New partnership will benefit up to 1.5 million people | Islamabad, Pakistan, 5 March 2024 — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) today signed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) to collaborate on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and solid waste management interventions under an ADB-funded project in the cities of Rawalpindi and Bahawalpur in Punjab province of Pakistan. | The agreement was signed by Yong Ye, ADB Country Director for Pakistan, and Abdullah Fadil, UNICEF's Representative in Pakistan, at UNICEF's Pa…

Gabisile (2024-03-06). SA, Czech Republic to collaborate on science, tech and innovation. SA, Czech Republic to collaborate on science, tech and innovation | The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Ji≈ôí Kozák, recently visited the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to explore potential areas of collaboration with South Africa. | The Deputy Minister was in South Africa for bilateral political consultations with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). | Organised by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), Kozák toured the CSIR's National Centre for Nanostructured Materials and the Cybersecurity Operations Centre t…

infobrics (2024-03-06). BRICS Green Cooperation: Pioneering Sustainable Development for a Greener Future. The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – represent a formidable coalition of emerging economies united by a shared commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. Collaborating under BRICS, these countries have embarked on a collective path to promote green initiatives and advance environmental sustainability on a global scale…

Labor Video Project (2024-03-06). Newsom's Prop 1 Press Conference Disrupted in SF: No Privatization of Mental Health. At a press conference by Governor Gavin Newsom to support California proposition 1, which will privatize mental health services and take away rights of mentally disabled, protesters spoke out disrupting the press conference. The anti-labor ballot initiative is supported by the leadership of SEIU2015, SEIU 1021, UBC and other unions despite the fact it will destroy public jobs.

Labor Video Project (2024-03-06). Breed "Sucking Up To SEIU" While Attacking SF City Workers With 2% Wages & Privatization. San Francisco Mayor London Breed was accused by Gavin Newsom of "sucking up to the SEIU" by wearing a purple dress. At the same time she is attacking City workers by only offering 2% which amounts to a wage cut and also continuing to outsource City jobs to non-profits. There is also a massive corruption crisis in the City.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Peru PM Resigns Over Influence-peddling Claims. Otarola has denied any violation of Peruvian labor laws or other wrongdoing.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-06). Comprehensive testing helps diagnose and manage rare genetic disorder. Lauri's daughter, Christy, a genetic counselor at Mayo Clinic, was instrumental in getting Lauri the testing she needed for an accurate diagnosis. Multiple doctors and multiple examinations could not figure out why Lauri Sieben had spent much of her life "never feeling quite right" physically. Fortunately for Lauri, that changed after her daughter Christy began working as a genetic counselor in Mayo Clinic's Molecular Technologies Laboratory. After seeing similarities between the patient testing she was…

Dean Baker (2024-03-06). The Estate Tax Exemption is $27.2 Million for a Couple. The New York Times had a piece on the tax code changes that will take effect next year unless Congress acts to extend current provisions. One of the items on this list is an increase in the amount of wealth exempted from the estate tax. The piece lists the amount currently exempted as $13.6 million,

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2024-03-06). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 150: Israel Is 'Engineering Famine' In Gaza. Thousands of families in the Gaza Strip are barely finding enough food to cook a meal for their children as Israel's military aggression and aid blockade continue for the 150th day. | At least a quarter of Gaza's population is just a step away from famine, with already reported deaths of babies and children in homes and hospitals. | Prices of the little fruits and vegetables available on the market have soared, and non-essential products such as coffee have skyrocketed, with one kilogram sold at $100 (360 shekels). | The most expensive cup of coffee is now to be found, not in Paris or the Maldives, but in Gaza, a…

WSWS (2024-03-06). Surge in gold and bitcoin prices points to concerns over stability of US dollar. Amid a developing global slump there is a growing financial bubble that increasingly resembles that which preceded the crisis of 2008. (2024-03-06). FM: West resorts to illegitimate transport, financial blockade on Belarus. Relations between Belarus and Western partners predictably continued to deteriorate in 2023. The West has gone as far as to impose an illegitimate transport and financial blockade on our country, Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik said.

Global Research News (2024-03-06). Selected Articles: Sending NATO Soldiers to Ukraine Is "Apocalypse Warning," Says Slovak Prime Minister. By Fico also highlighted Ukraine's inability to resolve the conflict despite the West's substantial financial and military aid. He emphasised that an …

Santa Cruz News Network (2024-03-06). Tallying Election Contributions Made by Development Interests in the City of Santa Cruz. Real estate and development interests continue to flood political campaigns in the City of Santa Cruz with large cash contributions. In the lead up to the March 5, 2024 election, financial documents show construction and development interests have provided the vast majority of the funding for the No on Measure M campaign. Santa Cruz Together, the political action committee heavily financed by real estate and property development interests, spent more than $14,000 on a city-wide campaign mailer in support of four Santa Cruz City Council candidates: Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson, Sonja Brunner, Susie O'Hara, and Gabrie…

albawaba (2024-03-06). Starbucks lays off 2,000 employees due to boycott. ALBAWABA – The Middle Eastern franchisee of Starbucks has initiated the termination of around 2,000 employees from its coffee establishments throughout the region in response to boycotts caused by the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.AlShaya Group, the retail conglomerate responsible for Starbucks' Middle Eastern operations, is reportedly planning to terminate the employment of over 2,000 workers as a consequence of the extensive consumer boycotts associated with the ongoing Gaza conflict.The Middle Eastern and North African locations of Alshaya Group, which is headquartered in Kuwait and owns franchise rights for n…

Basit Mahmood (2024-03-06). Richest households will gain 12x more from National Insurance cut than poorest, think-tank warns. The chancellor is preparing to announce the second big cut to employment taxes in a year, after his decision to cut national insurance rates by 2p at last year's autumn statement, portraying it as a pre-election giveaway…

Staff (2024-03-06). Super Tuesday: Biden, Trump Head to Rematch; Schiff Helps Garvey Place in CA; AIPAC Suffers Setback. On Super Tuesday, millions of voters cast ballots in primaries across the United States, and we look at key contests in California, North Carolina, Arizona and elsewhere with American Prospect executive editor David Dayen. He says the California race to fill the seat of the late Senator Dianne Feinstein highlighted the ideological fight inside the Democratic Party, with centrist Congressmember Adam Schiff successfully boxing out his more progressive rivals by spending millions to elevate the profile of Republican candidate Steve Garvey. Both men are now headed to the general election, where Schiff is all but cert…

tvbrics (2024-03-06). Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to provide funds to boost Brazil's development. The parties discussed long-term co-operation…

Basit Mahmood (2024-03-06). GB News reports 40% increase in losses to £42 million. GB News is owned by All Perspectives Ltd, a holding company backed by hedge fund millionaire Sir Paul Marshall and investment firm Legatum, amongst others, with Marshall pumping millions into the channel. (2024-03-06). Saudi-hosted show makes a huge 'leap'. The largest tech show in the Middle East, LEAP 2024, hosted by Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, is drawing multiple investments, including from Chinese companies, in sectors from healthcare to smart cities and from fintech to future energy. (2024-03-06). China planning a further boost to R&D. China's investment in research and development rose 8.1 percent last year to more than 3.3 trillion yuan ($458.4 billion), Science and Technology Minister Yin Hejun said in Beijing on Tuesday.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-06). Mayo Clinic's strong performance in 2023 ignites healthcare transformation. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Fueled by strong performance across all activities in 2023, Mayo Clinic achieved remarkable progress toward its goal of transforming healthcare for people everywhere by making critical investments in valued staff, innovative facilities and pioneering digital technologies. Key performance highlights include: Industry-leading rankings from Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report. A record high of more than 2,500 active clinical trials for patients seeking new cures. Delivering high-quality, convenient care to patients through…

Lara Witt, Maya Schenwar, Truthout. (2024-03-06). Media Organizations Come Together For A Free Palestine. The United States-backed Israeli siege and genocide in Gaza is entering its sixth month. Israel's relentless bombings and executions by Israeli snipers and soldiers have killed more than 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, with thousands more uncounted and decomposing under the rubble, and more than 70,000 injured. Reports by nonprofit agencies and organizations have detailed the Israeli military's numerous war crimes, including abductions, torture and sexual violence against Palestinians. More than 2.3 million Palestinians are at risk of dying from Israeli-imposed starvation, indiscriminate bombing, the spread of disea…

WSWS (2024-03-06). Steward Health Care: Massachusetts hospital chain held hostage to private equity parasitism. The Steward affair is one of the most insidious instances of putting profit maximization before human need. The health care provider is the third-largest hospital owner in Massachusetts and has dozens of hospitals across nine states plus facilities in Colombia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

tvbrics (2024-03-06). Egypt to change regulations for health facilities. New rules presented by the country's Minister of Health and Population…

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-06). MEP Rob Roos: The elites have decided we are "living wrongly" and "everything must change" in the name of "climate change" The ruling class, which controls politics, wants farmers to disappear by crushing them with one regulation after another and then concluding trade agreements with the entire world where they see fit, all …

Editor (2024-03-06). Mar 6, 2024. ‚ô´ Anne-Sophie Mutter, Daniel Barenboim, Yo-Yo Ma — Beethoven: Triple Concerto How does the genocidal regime expect to defend its industrial heartland against Hezbollah? by Don Hank Day 151, Mondo: Israel 'campaigns' to end UNRWA in Gaza Strip Why Are Arab Regimes So Impotent in the Face of Zionist Barbarism?, by Kevin Barrett The Documented (And Suppressed) History Of Palestine & Zionism — Ryan Cristián Video Israeli Peace Activists agree War must end with some form of Democracy for All, by Atalia Omer China: Palestine has right to armed struggle, by John Catalinotto Aaron Bushnell,… (2024-03-06). Social workers take unprotected industrial action for Palestine. (2024-03-06). AI industrial chain spurred on by Sora. China's artificial intelligence industrial chains, including computing power, cloud servers and data centers, are expected to usher in unprecedented development opportunities amid a worldwide frenzy around Sora. (2024-03-06). Heavy Damage in Israeli settlements as Hezbollah Avenges Killing of 3 Lebanese in Houla. Israeli media reported on Wednesday losses in northern settlements as Hezbollah retaliated for the Israeli attacks on south Lebanon which claimed lives of three citizens, including a woman, on Tuesday. Israeli media reported heavy damage to an industrial chicken coop in in Avivim, which was hit an anti-tank missile fired from Lebanon overnight. For its …

infobrics (2024-03-06). India and Russia in Talks Over Long-term Oil Deals. New Delhi reportedly wants to secure a steady supply of crude instead of one-off purchases…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Venezuela Holds Events in Honor of Hugo Chavez. On Tuesday, the young people of the United Socialist Party (PSUV) will lead a solemn event at the "Mountain Barracks," where the remains of former President Hugo Chavez, the historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, rest. | RELATED: | "Eleven years after Commander Chavez's sowing, we ratify his legacy: a powerful revolutionary identity that brings together the forces of the emancipatory deeds in our Amerca's history. Chavez lives and…

Freedom Socialist Party (2024-03-06). Sunday 3/17: Deep Care — A history of radical reproductive rights activism and lessons for today. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco | 7 blocks from Civic Center BART& on or near the #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49 Muni bus lines | Also available online — to register:

Socialist Organizer (2024-03-06). Saturday 3/9: Women in the Palestinian Struggle. Register in advance on zoom…

albawaba (2024-03-05). Russians to open Stalin death investigation after 71 years. ALBAWABA – According to Erem News, the Russian Communist Party including protestors taking to the streets demanded that the Russian Federal Security Service and top prosecutors investigate the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953.The

Government of the Philippines (2024-03-06). Philippines: DSWD DROMIC Report #3 on the Armed Conflict in Iloilo as of 06 March 2024, 6AM. Country: Philippines | Source: Government of the Philippines | Please refer to the attached file. | I. Situation Overview | On 28 February 2024 at around 3AM, an armed conflict transpired between the troops of the 61st Infantry (Hunter) Battalion and Communist NPA Terrorists (CNT) of Southern Panay Front, Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay in the Municipality of San Joaquin,, | Iloilo which resulted in the displacement of affected families / individuals and several reported casualties. | On March 04, 2024 at around 4: 40 PM, series of encounter occurred in Brgy. Igsolique, Miagao, Iloilo and Brgy. Igcabito-on during the…

Ji Siqi (2024-03-06). TikTok told to break with China's Communist Party or lose access to US users. New push by American lawmakers would give TikTok parent company ByteDance 165 days to divest, else the popular app would no longer be available on app stores.

2024-03-06 12:29:41 | 12:29 EST | tr | 66 | 0 | 4 | 69 | 0