Daily Archives: January 26, 2022

2022-01-26: News Headlines

Editor2 (2022-01-26). The Economics of The Sandinista Revolution in 2022 (Interview). orinocotribune.com Nicaragua ended 2021 with extraordinary results in the economy, highly positive results in production and is leading economic growth in the region after three difficult years during which it faced a coup attempt, two devastating hurricanes, Covid-19 and permanent attempts by the United States and big capital to destroy the country's economy. | In Managua, we interviewed Minister of Finance, Ivan Acosta, on Nicaragua's model, regional economic integration and new prospects as Nicaragua and China seek cooperation after reestablishing relations in December. Kawsachun News' Camila Escalante sat down with Minister Aco…

Staff (2022-01-26). President Maduro: Federal Council's Priority Should be Public Services — Meets with Opposition Governors. orinocotribune.com On Monday, January 24, from the plenary of the Federal Council of Government, the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, emphasized that the Council's priority should be the country's public services and economy. | The head of state estimated that of the investment allocated to governors and mayors, the resources should be distributed as follows: 35% to water, 25% to electricity, 20% on roads, 10% on gas, and 10% on solid waste. | "The priorities of this Federal Council of Government are already established," stated Maduro from Miraflores Palace. "The first is the economy, with great import. However, it must als…

ecns.cn (2022-01-26). China publishes five-year plan for construction industry. ecns.cn China unveiled a development plan on Tuesday for its construction industry over the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) to push the pillar sector of the country's economy onto a greener, smarter and safer path.

Robert Reich (2022-01-26). The Curse of Financial Entrepreneurship. indybay.org We are not prisoners of bad decisions made in the past. We can and should rein in Wall Street, break up its five giant "too-big-to-fail" banks, support local and state banks, resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act's divide between investment & commercial banking, tax all financial transactions — and rebuild jobs and wages on the product side of the American economy.

Kungu Al-Mahadi Adam (2022-01-26). Museveni: Uganda would be far if Amin had not wasted our time. plusnews.ug The former President of Uganda, Idi Amin slowed the rate at which the country was progressing in terms of economic and political growth, and had it not been him, Uganda would be far. This is according to President Yoweri Museveni. He says although Uganda's economy has grown 29 times since 1986 to the extent that …

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2022-01-26). Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camps. dissidentvoice.org In the politically charged, polarizing tug-of-war that is the debate over COVID-19, we find ourselves buffeted by fear over a viral pandemic that continues to wreak havoc with lives and the economy, threats of vaccine mandates and financial penalties for noncompliance, and discord over how to legislate the public good without sacrificing individual liberty. The …

WSWS (2022-01-26). As pandemic rages across the EU, WHO Regional Director for Europe proclaims pandemic "endgame" wsws.org The effort to normalize COVID-19 infections and deaths in Europe and the US is not driven by science or public health but by economic considerations.

WSWS (2022-01-26). As pandemic rages across the EU, WHO Regional Director for Europe proclaims pandemic "endgame" wsws.org The effort to normalize COVID-19 infections and deaths in Europe and the US is not driven by science or public health but by economic considerations.

ecns.cn (2022-01-26). Gov't gets tough on developers' eco-violations. ecns.cn Amid downward economic pressure, China's central environmental inspection has shown no leniency toward environmental violations in property development, an industry that for years has been a major economic driver for the country.

Staff (2022-01-26). Will fears of 'Russian invasion' of Ukraine obliterate world financial markets? rt.com Global financial markets are pricing in geopolitical risk amid US claims of rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine | NATO announced this week it was putting forces on standby and reinforcing Eastern Europe with more ships and fighter jets, as the US continues to accuse Russia of gearing up to invade Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly denied planning to attack its neighbor, with the Kremlin insisting Russian forces are not preparing for war. | How are global markets reacting to the crisis? | Volatility has gripped the global equity markets, which saw a widespread sell-off this week, as fears of conflict rattled…

sputniknews (2022-01-26). 1 in 4 Holocaust Survivors in Israel Live in Poverty, State Does Little to Help. sputniknews.com Although 54,000 victims are getting an assistance package worth up to $2,000 per month, the vast majority are forced to live off a stipend of roughly $105, a drop in the ocean given Israel's high living expenses.

Matt Sedlar (2022-01-26). The Medicaid Gap Fix in the Build Back Better Act Could Improve Health and Save the Lives of Low-Income Individuals. cepr.net The Build Back Better (BBB) Act would improve health and save lives by expanding access to affordable health care.

Sue Bull (2022-01-26). What solutions for labour shortages? greenleft.org.au Labour shortages give unions a stronger bargaining position. Sue Bull argues they need to argue against racist and nationalistic tropes that migrant workers steal Australians' jobs, while defending workplace safety, wages and conditions.

Labor rise for sustainability (2022-01-26). Friday 2/4: Transit Equity Day – Join Bay Area-wide lunchtime zoom event & action! indybay.org register for zoom meeting bit.ly/Transitequity

ecns.cn (2022-01-26). China's spending on R&D reaches new high in 2021. ecns.cn China's spending on research and development (R&D) hit a new high of 2.44 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021, up 0.03 percentage points from the previous year, official data showed Wednesday.

Stella Levantesi (2022-01-26). EU scientists and politicians clash over gas and nuclear as 'sustainable' investments. nationofchange.org Scientific experts have reiterated what they have been saying since the beginning: gas and nuclear have no place in the taxonomy.

ecns.cn (2022-01-26). Profits of Chinese SOEs surge 30.1 pct in 2021. ecns.cn The combined profits of China's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) surged 30.1 percent year on year to nearly 4.52 trillion yuan (about 715 billion U.S. dollars) in 2021, official data showed Wednesday.

sputniknews (2022-01-26). 'PartyGate' Probe 'Has Pics of BoJo Next to Wine Bottles' at Lockdown-Breaching Bashes. sputniknews.com After Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick revealed in a news briefing on Tuesday that the force was investigating "a number of events" at Downing Street for potential breaches of COVID-19 regulations, Boris Johnson told the Commons yesterday that he welcomed the probe that would "help draw a line under matters".

Editor (2022-01-26). Solution to global inequality is socialism! workers.org Around the globe, billions of people are suffering incredible losses resulting from capitalism's inability and refusal to seriously address the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions have lost lives or loved ones. Families are houseless. Workers have been forced to choose between risking their health at minimum wage jobs and feeding their families, . . . |

Dante Strobino (2022-01-26). In Virginia, workers honor Dr. King, rally for collective bargaining. workers.org On Jan. 18, the newly formed Virginia Beach City Workers Union, UE Local 111, and faith community supporters rallied before the city council demanding a real voice for safety, dignity, living wages and an end to institutional racism on the job. City workers from the Public Works, Public Utilities and . . . |

WSWS (2022-01-26). Thousands of couriers at Turkey's largest e-commerce platform Trendyol launch wildcat strike for wages. wsws.org Skyrocketing living costs and the thousands of preventable deaths caused by the homicidal response of governments around the world to the COVID-19 pandemic are driving growing sections of the working class into struggle.

WSWS (2022-01-26). Thousands of couriers at Turkey's largest e-commerce platform Trendyol launch wildcat strike for wages. wsws.org Skyrocketing living costs and the thousands of preventable deaths caused by the homicidal response of governments around the world to the COVID-19 pandemic are driving growing sections of the working class into struggle.

Staff (2022-01-26). "Gangsters of Capitalism": Jonathan Katz on the Parallels Between Jan. 6 and 1934 Anti-FDR Coup Plot. democracynow.org We speak to award-winning journalist Jonathan Katz about his new book "Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire." The book follows the life of the Marines officer Smedley Butler and the trail of U.S. imperialism from Cuba and the Philippines to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Panama. The book also describes an effort by banking and business leaders to topple Franklin D. Roosevelt's government in 1934 in order to establish a fascist dictatorship. The plot was exposed by Butler, who famously declared, "War is a racket." The far-right conspira…

teleSUR, yart, DRL (2022-01-26). FMI insta a El Salvador a eliminar curso legal del bitcóin. telesurtv.net El Gobierno salvadoreño impulsó la Ley Bitcóin en 2021 y de la Asamblea Legislativa se convirtió moneda de curso legal.

Staff (2022-01-26). California city first in US to mandate liability insurance for gun owners. rt.com The law passed by the city council is likely to be challenged in court on constitutionality grounds | The San Jose city council has passed a bill that will require gun owners to pay an annual fee and purchase liability insurance policies. | The piece of legislation was O…

WSWS (2022-01-26). UK: The sell-out of the Stagecoach Yorkshire pay strike and the pseudo-left accomplices of Unite. wsws.org There is nothing militant, let alone socialist about these tendencies. They are the most conservative political force imaginable, dedicated to preventing the very break with the trade union apparatus on which any successful fightback depends.

WSWS (2022-01-26). UK: The sellout of the Stagecoach Yorkshire pay strike and the pseudo-left accomplices of Unite. wsws.org There is nothing militant, let alone socialist about these tendencies. They are the most conservative political force imaginable, dedicated to preventing the very break with the trade union apparatus on which any successful fightback depends.

Federico Fuentes (2022-01-26). 'Millions have their hopes set on a Bolsonaro defeat': An interview with Brazilian socialist Roberto Robaina. greenleft.org.au Green Left speaks to Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) leader Roberto Robaina about Jair Bolsonaro's extreme right project, the upcoming elections and how Brazil might fit into the new wave of left governments in the region.

WSWS (2022-01-26). UK: The sellout of the Stagecoach Yorkshire pay strike and the pseudo-left accomplices of Unite. wsws.org There is nothing militant, let alone socialist about these tendencies. They are the most conservative political force imaginable, dedicated to preventing the very break with the trade union apparatus on which any successful fightback depends.

Alex Bainbridge (2022-01-26). Socialist Alliance maintains electoral registration. greenleft.org.au The Socialist Alliance has managed to remain a registered political party, able to run in the federal elections with its party name and logo. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Ann Brown (2022-01-25). Goldman Sachs: The Federal Reserve Is Either Hiking Into Stagflation Or Hoping To Create A Recession. moguldom.com Inflation has hit America hard and the economy seems to be reeling. So what's to happen? Goldman Sachs has a prediction. The multinational investment bank apparently thinks the Federal Reserve will either keep hiking interest rates into stagflation or it's hoping to set the country up for a recession. Stagflation is characterized by slow economic growth …

ecns.cn (2022-01-25). China's steady economy facilitates RMB ranking promotion in global payments: expert. ecns.cn The stable economic situation has facilitated rankings promotion of Chinese currency renminbi (RMB) in global payments, an expert said Tuesday.

deweylaura (2022-01-25). "Upswing" authors look to history for signs of progress today. cpusa.org The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again By Robert D. Putnam with Shaylyn Romney Garrett (Simon & Schuster, 2020) Is social, economic, and political history repeating itself? Robert D. Putnam, best known for his 2000 book Bowling Alone, and his co-author argue here that the …

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-01-25). U.S. government pays big money for bad news about Cuba. peoplesworld.org The cruder U.S. methods for destroying Cuba's revolutionary government—military attacks, bombings of hotels and a fully-loaded airplane, violent attacks on officials, biological warfare—did not work. Nor has economic blockade, which of course continues. A more subtle approach also exists. Like the blockade, its purpose is to cause despair and then dissent. U.S. officials pay for …

WSWS (2022-01-25). Why the US and NATO want war with Russia. wsws.org The ruling classes in the United States and Europe confront a series of intractable economic, social and political crises, all of which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. They are turning to war in a desperate attempt to find a way out.

Editor (2022-01-25). China launches Global South Economic Alliance to challenge U.S. 'unilateralism' and 'Cold-War mentality'. mronline.org China is leading an international effort to develop alliances to counter U.S. hegemony.

WSWS (2022-01-25). In face of protests, US judge imposes Puerto Rico debt restructuring plan. wsws.org Puerto Rico's 25 years of financial implosion and economic decline will now take a new turn with the approval of the debt restructuring plan.

WSWS (2022-01-25). Sinhala chauvinist JVP promotes itself as alternative Sri Lankan government. wsws.org JVP leader Dissanayake offers a government of technocrats, as if new faces will solve Sri Lanka's profound economic problems that are rooted in the worsening crisis of global capitalism.

Abdul Rahman (2022-01-25). War-ravaged Syria demands end of sanctions and occupation of its territories by US and others. peoplesdispatch.org The Bashar al-Assad government in Syria has called the sanctions and the occupation crimes against humanity and a form of economic warfare…

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-01-25). Outrage in Peru following devastating Repsol oil spill. peoplesdispatch.org The devastating oil spill has polluted 1.7 million square meters of soil and 1.2 million square meters of ocean, tarred 21 beaches on Peru's Pacific coast, and killed a vast variety of marine wildlife, besides incurring huge economic losses to fishing and tourism industries…

ecns.cn (2022-01-25). Xinjiang's economic highlights in 2021. ecns.cn

WSWS (2022-01-25). Poverty surging so fast in UK that foodbanks unable to keep up with demand. wsws.org In the six months from April 2021, Trussell Trust foodbanks distributed 936,000 parcels, but as the new year sees many more workers thrust into poverty and desperation, this is expected to sharply increase.

Editor (2022-01-25). Kerala scheme shows how to create work opportunities while caring for the environment. mronline.org Environment and employment two fronts on which India has been besieged in recent years. Unemployment since 2011 has worsened in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdowns. About 100 million workers lost their jobs with women and the youth being more adversely impacted.

_____ (2022-01-25). How Can We Solve Inequality? popularresistance.org Oxfam's latest report on global inequality has highlighted some alarming statistics on how wealth distribution has worsened during the pandemic. While the wealth of the world's 10 richest men doubled since the pandemic began, the incomes of 99% of humanity became worse off because of COVID-19. What are the solutions to this crisis?

Alex Salmon (2022-01-25). The British Empire's dirty secret. greenleft.org.au Alex Salmon reviews a new book by historian and author Graham Seal that documents how the British government shipped more than 376,000 men, women and children across the oceans to provide slave labour in its colonies.

Mark Gruenberg (2022-01-25). Walsh: Biden to push not just jobs, but good jobs. peoplesworld.org

Editor2 (2022-01-25). US Mayors Show Interest in Cuban Medical Collaboration. orinocotribune.com Washington, Jan 20 (Prensa Latina) A group of US mayors is currently showing interest in Cuba's medical collaboration, mainly in the Henry Reeve internationalist brigade, which has assisted the fight against Covid-19 in several countries of the world. | This was reported by the website The Washington Informer, which gives details on the obstacles imposed by Washington to Cuba's medical assistance. | Amid the spread of the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the United States, this media outlet notes, a group of local leaders will urge the Biden administration to lift this long-lasting blockade that p…

Editor (2022-01-25). World Inequality Report: Class divide explains more than regional divisions. mronline.org The report clearly shows how the class divide has become relatively more important than the regional divide in determining global inequality. This simply tells that in today's world where one is born and brought up has relatively less impact than in which class the person belongs to in explaining relative earnings and wealth status.

ecns.cn (2022-01-25). China's domestic consumption further recovers in 2021. ecns.cn Despite the impact of COVID-19, China's consumer market in 2021 saw steady recovery, exhibiting strong vitality and resilience, according to the commerce ministry Tuesday.

Rick Rozoff (2022-01-25). Invasion canard aside, U.S./NATO must deploy more troops against Belarus, Russia in Baltics: Estonian PM. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kallas calls for more US forces in Baltics Russia's biggest deterrence is the American flag, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas told the Financial Times while calling for more U.S. forces to be brought to the Baltics. Kallas told the newspaper that Nato should strengthen its presence in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania whether Russia invades Ukraine or …

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