2023-11-09: News Headlines

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-09). Denialism, rights and security among topics for debate in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) The candidates for vice president of Argentina from Unión por la Patria (UP), Agustín Rossi, and La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Victoria Villarruel, held a TV debate on Wednesday about economy, labor, security, defense, education, social policies, justice, rights humans and transparency.

Ann Brown (2023-11-08). Jobs Market Shows Signs Of Cooling, Report Shows 150,000 Jobs Created In October. moguldom.com Things are looking different in the job market. For several months now, the U.S. labor market has been on a cooling trajectory. The U.S. economy added only around 150,000 jobs in October, falling below expectations but still notching a solid month of employment growth, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. October's job growth came …

infobrics (2023-11-08). Rise of BRICS Reveals Shifting Power Dynamics of Global Economy: FII Panel. infobrics.org According to the IMF, in 2022 the BRICS bloc GDP was worth $26 trillion…

John Feffer (2023-11-08). How Long Can America Maintain a War Economy? fpif.org The U.S. economy is in reasonably good shape, according to conventional measurements. The official unemployment rate is below 4 percent, and the productivity of U.S. workers Last year, economists were pr…

Laith Fadel (2023-11-08). APEC pushes for female integration in global economy. america.cgtn.com The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC, trade group has been working for decades to promote the inclusion of women across all sectors of its 21-member economies. At this month's APEC meeting in San Francisco, the issue is once again on the agenda. CGTN's John Bartlett reports.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-08). Putin sets priorities for cooperation with Central Asian countries. plenglish.com Moscow, Nov 8 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that cooperation in security, economy, trade and energy is among the priorities of interaction with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-11-08). Seeing Through the Economic Bait and Switch. counterpunch.org Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, recently issued a scathing statement about the shameful state of the United States economy. On October 31, 2023, De Schutter called out several top private employers in the U.S., Amazon, Walmart, and DoorDash, for trapping their workers in a cycle of poverty.

UNCTAD (2023-11-08). Prior to Current Crisis, Decades-long Blockade Hollowed Gaza's Economy, Leaving 80% of Population Dependent on International Aid. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-11-08). UK Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee: For solidarity action with Palestinian workers to shut down Israel's war machine. wsws.org The fight must now be taken onto the industrial front by the international working class, the most powerful force in the world, able to paralyse the economy and bring down warmongering governments.

WSWS (2023-11-08). Reserve Bank of Australia deepens attack on working class. wsws.org Governor Michele Bullock wants the economy to slow further and unemployment to increase, as mortgage payments for home buyers rise by hundreds of dollars a week.

Tomasz Konicz (2023-11-09). Cottage with a catastrophic view. indybay.org In Florida's real estate market, the late neoliberal bubble economy and the capitalist climate crisis are mutually reinforcing each other; at the local level, the internal and external barriers to capital are being felt here: rising sea levels and more devastating storms threaten to devalue real estate – and a climate-induced collapse of the real estate market would weigh on the economy.

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). China issues guideline for new public-private partnership mechanism. ecns.cn China on Wednesday released a guideline for the new cooperation mechanism between government agencies and social capital, aiming to further deepen the reform of the infrastructure investment and financing system while effectively stimulating the vitality of private investment.

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). GDP growth expected at around 5% this year: central bank governor. ecns.cn China is expected to achieve its annual GDP growth target of about 5 percent this year, based on the expansion of 5.2 percent in the first three quarters.

infobrics (2023-11-09). What Is the "Big Idea" of Russia-India Relations?>. infobrics.org Russian-Indian strategic cooperation has been successfully developing for many decades. The USSR was one of the key countries that provided assistance and support to the young Indian republic in its formative years. Over the years of development of bilateral relations, Moscow has made significant efforts to develop India's economy, industrial sector and education system, and actively developed military-technical cooperation programmes…

teleSUR (2023-11-08). PDVSA and Maurel & Prom Sign Framework Agreement. telesurenglish.net This is an agreement "for the increase of production, which is extremely important and will allow continue strengthening the development of the state-owned oil company for the benefit of the national economy," said Pedro Rafael Tellechea. | Framework agreement between Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and the French company Maurel & Prom. Nov. 8, 2023.

Editor (2023-11-09). Nov 9, 2023. sitrepworld.info ‚ô´ Buffy Saint Marie — Soldier Blue Gaza — 'A Graveyard For Children' — Media Lens When Cultural and Economic Hegemony Fails Violence Tends to Follow, by Roger Boyd MoA: Another Interview With Dominique De Villepin On The Conflict In Palestine Dismantle Israel And The Entire US Empire, by Caitlin Johnstone Biden and Western Media Telling Outrageous Lies… This Is U.S. Nuclear-Powered Genocide, by Finian Cunningham Letter to the Children of Gaza, by Chris Hedges Why are the Arab leaders silent? — Middle Nation (Video) Day 33: U.S. fears reoccupation of Gaza 'not the right th…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-09). Cuba denounces US blockade and its impact at UNESCO. plenglish.com Paris, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Minister of Education Naima Ariatne Trujillo on Thursday denounced at UNESCO the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States, and considered it the fundamental impediment to the country's development.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-11-09). Uzbekistan and Iran intensify bilateral contacts. plenglish.com Mirziyoyev and Raisi met on Thursday during the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Summit to discuss fostering bilateral cooperation. | According to a statement, both leaders expressed satisfaction with the active and ongoing mutual contacts, and stated that the growth dynamics in bilateral trade is still strong, while collaboration projects are being implemented in various economic sectors. | The press release indicated that the two presidents emphasized the possibility of expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in industry and localization, the agricultural sector and logistics, and spoke out in favor o…

Ruth Milka (2023-11-09). Sanders advocates for equity in pandemic response, presses for fair pricing in WHO treaty talks. nationofchange.org Economic parity in health emergence: Sanders' rallying cry for global equity in WHO pandemic accord.

Union for Radical Political Economics (2023-11-09). Economists for Palestine. counterpunch.org We stand in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people. Since October 7th, 2023, over two million people have faced a brutal onslaught by the Israeli military and state. They have been forced to flee with nowhere to go as homes, shelters, evacuation routes, border crossings, hospitals, places of worship and entire neighborhoods have been bombed.

Zakiah Koya (2023-11-09). Malaysia to raise Palestine issue at San Francisco Apec meeting Nov 11-17. indybay.org Malaysia will raise the issue of Israeli aggression against Palestinians at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Economic Leaders' Week 2023 in the United States, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Camilo Pérez-Bustillo (2023-11-08). APEC Summit Will Celebrate Corporate Power. Activists Plan to Shut It Down. truthout.org Increasing global repudiation of United States complicity with Israel's genocidal slaughter of civilians in Gaza underlines the stakes for the Biden administration as it prepares to host 21 heads of state and leading CEOs at the annual summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in San Francisco November 12-18. This will be the first global summit since the Gaza war began… |

ecns.cn (2023-11-08). Interest rates to be in line with potential growth, PBOC governor says. ecns.cn China will implement counter-cyclical adjustments and keep interest rates at a level in line with the requirements of achieving the potential economic growth rate, said Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank.

infobrics (2023-11-08). Namibia Urged to Consider Brics Market. infobrics.org Economist and managing director of High Economic Intelligence, Salomo Hei, says the market space provided by the Brics group of countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) could be a conducive destination for Namibian products…

Laith Fadel (2023-11-08). APEC security woes. america.cgtn.com The meeting of APEC, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, is set to kick off in the U.S. city of San Francisco. The city has had its share of negative press over the past year, battling crime and homelessness. CGTN's Mark Niu reports.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-11-08). FAO warns about true cost of corporate food systems. peoplesdispatch.org A new FAO report warns against the high hidden economic and health costs of the world's food systems, adding up to around USD 12 trillion in PPP terms, which is about 10% of the global GDP. These costs involve environmental damage, contributing to social inequalities, and harming human health…

Sarah Anderson (2023-11-08). The Huge Paradox at Biden's Summit of Latin American Leaders. inequality.org President Joe Biden recently convened Latin American leaders in Washington for the inaugural summit of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, a forum the administration claims will help boost "high-standard" investment in the hemisphere. What do they mean by "high standard"? In their final declaration, the leaders committed to encouraging "private sector investment that meets …

WSWS (2023-11-08). Australian PM's visit to China part of pre-war manoeuvring. wsws.org Albanese's official trip to China, following a state visit to Washington, is bound up with the intensifying US economic and military pressure on China, accompanied by escalating preparations for war.

Zakiah Koya (2023-11-08). Malaysia to raise Palestine issue at San Francisco Apec meeting Nov 11-17. indybay.org Malaysia will raise the issue of Israeli aggression against Palestinians at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Economic Leaders' Week 2023 in the United States, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-11-09). cardiovascular Diseases first cause of death in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Cardiovascular diseases are still today the first cause of death in Cuba and of complications and economic and work-related effects on society, said Dr. Eduardo Rivas, president of the Cuban Society of Cardiology.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-11-08). Sixth Investment Forum winds up at FIHAV 2023. plenglish.com Havana, Nov 8 (Prensa Latina) The 6th Investment Forum winds up at the 39th Havana International Fair, FIHAV 2023, on Wednesday, and among its main activities taking place at EXPOCUBA fairgrounds until November 11, is to show foreign investment opportunities for the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

Audrey Boytim (2023-11-09). Baltimore Rallies for Palestine. workers.org Baltimore, Nov. 1, 2023. Baltimore Hundreds of people were out at Baltimore's Penn Station on Nov. 1 to protest against Israel's genocide of Palestinians. The rally, led by Baltimore Palestine Solidarity, If Not Now, Jewish Voice for Peace and Ujima People's Party, targeted U.S. political and economic support for the . . . |

Caleb Crowder (2023-11-08). The Huge Paradox at Biden's Summit of Latin American Leaders. ips-dc.org President Joe Biden recently convened Latin American leaders in Washington for the inaugural summit of the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, a forum the administration What do they mean by "high standard"? In their

Joel Wendland-Liu (2023-11-08). Tactical questions abound in new book, 'A People's History of Grand Rapids'. peoplesworld.org Grand Rapids is Michigan's second-largest city, a place where political and economic life is dominated by a small group of billionaires and millionaires, most of whom don't live in the city proper. Names like Meijer, Pew, DeVos, Secchia, Van Andel, and Cook are plastered on the city's landmarks, university buildings, hospitals, and other major buildings. …

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-11-09). Law Center Statement on UN Report Decrying Ongoing Human Rights Abuses Against Unhoused People. indybay.org WASHINGTON, D.C. — (November 3, 2023) Today, the United Nations Human Rights Committee highlighted serious and ongoing patterns of human rights abuses — including those against people experiencing homelessness and poverty — in the Concluding Observations from its recent convening that investigated the United States' compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-11-08). Law Center Statement on UN Report Decrying Ongoing Human Rights Abuses Against Unhoused People. indybay.org WASHINGTON, D.C. — (November 3, 2023) Today, the United Nations Human Rights Committee highlighted serious and ongoing patterns of human rights abuses — including those against people experiencing homelessness and poverty — in the Concluding Observations from its recent convening that investigated the United States' compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-09). Cuba states that peace and sustainable development are urgent goals. plenglish.com Paris, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Minister of Education Naima Ariatne Trujillo called at the 42nd UNESCO General Conference on Thursday to maintain efforts tirelessly in pursuit of peace, sustainable development and the eradication of poverty.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-11-09). Palestine's poverty ramps up due to ongoing Israeli onslaughts. plenglish.com Geneva, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Whether the war in Gaza pursues for another month, the poverty rate in Palestine will ramp up 34% and will push nearly half a million more people into misery, an official study warned on Thursday.

WSWS (2023-11-09). New Zealand Labour PM defends Israel's genocidal bombing, smears pro-Palestine protests. wsws.org Outgoing prime minister Chris Hipkins declared that he was "not going to make a judgement" about whether Israel has committed war crimes, after previously defending its genocidal war against Gaza as "self-defence."

Labor Video Project (2023-11-09). SFGH UCSF Healthcare Workers Protest Israeli US Genocide In Gaza Against Palestinians. indybay.org San Francisco healthcare workers from San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF walked off the job and rallied on Friday November 4, 2023 to protest the massacre and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They talked about the conditions of healthcare workers and their patients.

LaborFest-SAG AFTRA (2023-11-09). Sunday 11/12: SAG AFTRA Benefit For Striking Members-Music & Solidarity. indybay.org IBT 70 Hall | 7750 Paredes Lane | Oakland…

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-11-09). Thursday 11/9: Rally Speak Out at SF AFL-CIO, End AFL-CIO Complicity with Genocide. indybay.org San Franciscoo Labor Council | 1188 Franklin St. | San Francisco…

Labor Video Project (2023-11-08). SFGH UCSF Healthcare Workers Protest Israeli US Genocide In Gaza Against Palestinians. indybay.org San Francisco healthcare workers from San Francisco General Hospital and UCSF walked off the job and rallied on Friday November 4, 2023 to protest the massacre and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They talked about the conditions of healthcare workers and their patients.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-08). Organizations across the globe to coordinate planned disruptions as part of "Shut it down for Palestine" peoplesdispatch.org As Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip escalates, Palestine solidarity organizations are collaborating to interrupt business as usual. A host of actions are being planned in the United States…

Sam Pizzigati (2023-11-08). The Global Significance of the UAW's Win. otherwords.org Working people the world over have celebrated the first of May as "International Labor Day" since 1886, when workers in the United States struggling for an eight-hour day staged a May 1 national protest. | Thanks to the new deal America's auto workers have signed with Detroit's Big Three — Ford, GM, and Stellantis — that day could have new global significance. Their watershed new contracts all set April 30, 2028 as their expiration date. | If May 1, 2028 arrives without signed contracts for America's unionized auto workers, UAW president Shawn Fain has made plain, these workers don't plan on walking o…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-11-09). Sindicato de educadores uruguayos protagonizan paro de labores. telesurtv.net El último componente a analizar en la proxima asamblea será la reforma educativa.

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). Top world scientists confident in China's scientific development. ecns.cn Foreign scientists have expressed their confidence in China's scientific development and say they are looking forward to more collaboration with Chinese scientists and research centers.

Editor (2023-11-09). Australia's Greens Party walks out of session in pro-Palestine protest. mronline.org Greens Party leader Mehreen Faruqi calls out the Labor's "weasel words" which "are not going to stop war crimes" by "Israel".

Ju-Hyun Park, Dave Zirin (2023-11-09). Inside Ron DeSantis's takeover of a Florida liberal arts college. therealnews.com Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's war on education has been a major pillar of his administration, and the tiny liberal New College of Florida is now a laboratory for his political agenda. Dave Zirin speaks with Mike Sanderson of the Studio Production: Cameron Granadino | Post-Production: David Hebden | Audio Post-Production: David Hebden | Opening Sequence: Cameron Granadino | Music by: Eze Jackson & Carlos Guillen | <...

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-11-09). Researchers discover new molecular drug targets for progressive neurological disorder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org There is no cure for progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), a brain disorder marked by walking and balance difficulties. Its symptoms also mimic Parkinson's disease and dementia. The condition leads to rapid, progressive decline and death. In a new paper published in Nature Communications, Mayo researchers and collaborators outline new therapeutic targets that may lead to potential future treatments for PSP, as well as Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. People with PSP usually are diagnosed in their late 60s and 70s….

Sam Pizzigati (2023-11-09). UAW win has global significance. peoplesworld.org Working people the world over have celebrated the first of May as "International Labor Day" since 1886, when workers in the United States struggling for an eight-hour day staged a May 1 national protest. Thanks to the New Deal America's auto workers have signed with Detroit's Big Three — Ford, GM, and Stellantis — that …

teleSUR (2023-11-09). US Artists and Studios Reach Tentative Deal to End Strike. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) announced that they had reached a tentative agreement that should end the actors' 118-day strike and breathe life back into Hollywood within weeks. | RELATED: | SAG-AFTRA is an American labor union representing approximately 160,000 media professionals worl…

teleSUR (2023-11-08). Barbados & Trinidad and Tobago for New Fishery Agreement. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago agreed to move quickly toward concluding a new fishery agreement. | RELATED: | Although the parties did not identify a timeline for initiating negotiations, they considered launching a collaborative research regime to conduct a sub-regional assessment of fish stocks with a focus on specific species, Barbados Today reported. | According to a joint statement, "crucially, the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-11-08). Axis of Resources: Gaza War Spells Disaster for Europe's Energy Security. libya360.wordpress.com Mohamad Hasan Sweidan Israel's war on Gaza looks set to escalate into a region-wide conflict in West Asia, Europe's primary source of oil and gas since severing its Russian supply. Any regional conflagration will drive energy prices through the roof, particularly when the conflict leaks into the waterways of the Persian Gulf. Following the outbreak…

Yumna Patel (2023-11-09). 'Thought police': Israel passes law criminalizing 'consumption of terrorist materials'. mondoweiss.net Israel's parliament, the Knesset, passed what rights groups are calling one of the "most intrusive and draconian legislative measures" ever passed.

W. T. Whitney (2023-11-09). Cuba Scores a Big Victory in the UN General Assembly. counterpunch.org Cuba's financial losses from the blockade reflect factors like the high cost of substituting for goods excluded under the blockade with more expensive goods and/or those with higher transportation costs. Losses take the form also of an overall lack of necessary materials, goods, and services. And "barriers Cuba faces in gaining access to advanced technology" lead to monetary loss.

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). Property risks tolerable with smarter financing. ecns.cn China is capable of preventing risks in its real estate sector from spreading to its financial system, and will meet the appropriate financing needs of property developers under all types of ownership as equals, the central bank said on Wednesday.

mforinoco (2023-11-09). Mass Walkouts by Garment Workers in Bangladesh. orinocotribune.com By John Clark — Nov 4, 2023 | A huge round of protests is underway in Bangladesh, with thousands of garment workers walking out of their factories and taking to the streets of Dhaka and the industrial district of Gazipur to demand substantial increases in their monthly minimum wage. This wave of action follows an offer by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association to increase the wage to $90, instead of the $208 that had been demanded. With inflation taking a devastating toll on living standards, the employers' offer is hopelessly inadequate and this has sparked outrage among the workers.

Bilal Baydoun (2023-11-08). How to Make America More Affordable. otherwords.org

ecns.cn (2023-11-09). China's CPI down 0.2% in October. ecns.cn China's consumer price index, the main gauge of inflation, declined 0.2 percent in October on a yearly basis, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Thursday.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-11-09). LatAm, Caribbean with higher overweight levels than global estimate. plenglish.com Between 2020 and 2021, the cost of a healthy diet increased by 5.3% in the region, which can be explained by rising food inflation driven by confinements, global supply chain disruptions, and human resource shortages. | According to Panorama 2023, the average cost of a healthy diet globally is US$3.66 per person per day. | Latin America and the Caribbean is the region with the highest healthy diet cost, reaching US$4.08 per day. It is followed by Asia, with US$3.90; Africa, with US$3.57; North America and Europe, with US$3.22; and Oceania, with US$3.20. | The Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023…

Editor (2023-11-09). Leak shows ex-Trump ambassador to Israel threatening NYU over Palestine protests. mronline.org The Grayzone has obtained a letter signed by former President Trump's fanatically pro-settler ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and sent to New York University leadership demanding the school crack down on free speech to satisfy Israeli interests.

Anarchist Actions for Intifada (2023-11-08). JVP Bay Area Facilitates "IDF" Fundraiser: A Critique of Obedient Protest. indybay.org At the November 5 protest against the "Friends of the IDF Gala" in San Carlos, hundreds of people mobilized to shut down this fundraiser for a fascist zionist genocidal army, but the key player preventing the actual disruption of this event was the non-profit that "organized" the protest, Jewish Voices for Peace Bay Area. | JVP Bay Area did the dirty work of the police and the "israeli" occupation forces [IOF]. Through their aggressive peace policing, relentless harassment of anyone who wanted to do something more than stand and shout, and protest marshaling that helped the donors of settler-colonialist genocide…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-11-09). Mayo hospitals earn highest grades for patient safety from Leapfrog Group. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Hospitals across Mayo Clinic scored high marks for patient safety, earning A grades from The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit organization that provides safety ratings. The ratings are intended to help patients choose their preferred healthcare destinations. Mayo Clinic hospitals that received an A grade are: Arizona Mayo Clinic Hospital Florida Mayo Clinic Hospital Rochester Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea and Austin, Minnesota Eau Claire, Wisconsin Fairmont, Minnesota…

splcenter (2023-11-09). Settlement marks step toward ending abuses at for-profit immigrant prisons. splcenter.org

Safe Ag Safe Schools (2023-11-09). Farmworker communities protest new regulation of cancer-causing pesticide as racist. indybay.org November 7th, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) sent its new regulation for 1,3-D use regarding residential bystanders to the Office of Administrative Law, setting the target exposure level at 0.56 ppb — allowing for 14 times more 1,3-D in the air than the State's official lifetime cancer risk warning level, and aligning perfectly with Dow Chemical's stated desires.

Michael Barker (2023-11-08). Naomi Klein in the Tracks of Her Double. counterpunch.org Marxists understand what it's like to have liberal intellectuals and hostile media pundits distort their ideas as if "refracted through a funhouse mirror". Similarly in Naomi Klein's book, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (2023), the bestselling writer explains what it has been like to have her progressive ideas fed "into a bonkers blender"

Michael Barker (2023-11-08). Naomi Klein in the Tracks of Her Double. counterpunch.org Marxists understand what it's like to have liberal intellectuals and hostile media pundits distort their ideas as if "refracted through a funhouse mirror". Similarly in Naomi Klein's book, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (2023), the bestselling writer explains what it has been like to have her progressive ideas fed "into a bonkers blender"

Dean Baker (2023-11-08). China and Coal: If It Keeps Adding Wind and Solar, Who Will Use Coal? counterpunch.org The pace at which China adds capacity shows no evidence of slowing and may in fact accelerate if Xi decides to incorporate clean energy in a stimulus package. As a result of its rapid adoption of clean energy, its greenhouse gas emissions may peak next year, well ahead of its 2030 target.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-11-08). Viciousness Regnant: Humanitarianism as a Weasel Word. dissidentvoice.org It may be time to reconsider the use of such words as "humanitarian" and "humanitarianism". There has been little of that sort evidenced in the Israel-Hamas War, marked by industrial-mechanised atrocities, enforced deprivation and starvation, orders to evacuate (read expulsion and banishment), preceded by massacres most haunting and visceral. Its constant evocation by various sides …

A Guest Author (2023-11-09). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine statement: 'We are on the threshold of achieving a historic victory'. workers.org Demonstration in Berlin, May 22, 2021. This edited statement was released by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Office, Nov. 5, 2023. The enemy's perpetration of a new massacre in Al-Maghazi and the continuation of the war of extermination is evidence of bankruptcy, incapacity and confusion. . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-11-09). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine'We are on the threshold of achieving a historic victory'. workers.org Demonstration in Berlin, May 22, 2021. This edited statement was released by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Office, Nov. 5, 2023. The enemy's perpetration of a new massacre in Al-Maghazi and the continuation of the war of extermination is evidence of bankruptcy, incapacity and confusion. . . . |

Carlos del Castillo (2023-11-08). Fraude, quiebras y cárcel: dónde están hoy los criptomillonarios del gran boom del bitcoin. globalizacion.ca Los magnates de las criptomonedas han perdido gran parte de su fortuna y viven acosados por demandas de fraude solo dos años después de que el bitcoin les colocara entre las personas más ricas del planeta. | El otoño de 2021…

Ashley Curtin (2023-11-08). Chevron buys Hess, becomes second megadeal in the energy sector. nationofchange.org Chevron announced it will purchase Hess Corp. for $53 billion weeks after Exxon Mobil announced its deal to acquire Pioneer Natural resources for $60 billion.

Committee on the Judiciary, the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government (2023-11-09). The Weaponization of "Disinformation" Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats: How the Federal Government Partnered with Universities to Censor Americans' Political Speech. globalresearch.ca

Speak Out Socialists (2023-11-09). Sunday 11/12: Online Townhall: Oppose the Genocidal War on Gaza! Solidarity with the Palestinian People! indybay.org Join on Zoom: | us02web.zoom.us/j/82158800683?pwd=N2J6UjgxNWhNak1WRWdUdm9CUit4QT09 | Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683 | Passcode: 340756 | One tap mobile | +16699009128,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US | +16694449171,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US | Dial by your location | +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) | +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) | +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)…

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-11-09). Cierran acuerdo para investidura de Pedro Sánchez en España. telesurtv.net El Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) y JxCat llevaban días negociando en Bruselas los detalles de ese proyecto de amnistía…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-11-08). Progressive forces condemn right-wing attack on PSOE headquarters in Madrid. peoplesdispatch.org Progressive and left-wing forces have condemned the attack on the headquarters of the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) in Madrid by a right-wing mob on Monday, November 6. | The ongoing protests by the conservative People's Party and far-right groups, including Vox, triggered by the PSOE-led acting government's plan to grant amnesty to the leaders of the Catalan independence protests, turned violent on Monday. | A section of protesters tried to barge into the PSOE office and clashed with the police. The leadership of the PSOE and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) denounced the attack and termed the…

Speak Out Socialists (2023-11-08). Sunday 11/12: Online Townhall: Oppose the Genocidal War on Gaza! Solidarity with the Palestinian People! indybay.org Join on Zoom: | us02web.zoom.us/j/82158800683?pwd=N2J6UjgxNWhNak1WRWdUdm9CUit4QT09 | Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683 | Passcode: 340756 | One tap mobile | +16699009128,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US | +16694449171,,82158800683#,,,,340756# US | Dial by your location | +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) | +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) | +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)…

WSWS (2023-11-08). Workers and young people speak out against Gaza genocide at SEP (Australia) public meeting. wsws.org "Mobilising the international working class is the only way that we can get out of this situation and prevent future wars. The only solution is socialism."

WSWS (2023-11-08). Democratic Socialists of America is a "key player" in Israel's assault on Gaza. wsws.org As millions in the world are demonstrating their opposition to Zionism the DSA is scrambling to coverup its role in supporting Israel's actions.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-11-09). Cuban President visits El Morao community in Havana. plenglish.com The head of State was accompanied by Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), and top Party and Government officials in Havana and the neighborhood, the Presidency of the Republic reported on its X account. | According to source, in El Morao, one of 11 neighborhoods undergoing transformation the Havana municipality of La Lisa, 1,500 people have benefited from the changes, mainly in social works, which consist of paved streets, sports and recreational areas, health care and education. | The transformation pla…

Zo HaDerekh (2023-11-09). Israeli Communists and others take peace protest ban to Supreme Court. peoplesworld.org JERUSALEM—Expect fewer peace demonstrations in Israel, thanks to a decision of the Supreme Court on Wednesday that sided with police who argued protests are a threat to public order. Though many Israelis—Jewish and Arab—have been taking to the streets to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's war against Palestinians over the past month, the size of …

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