Monthly Archives: December 2023

2023-12-31: News Headlines

Ben Norton (2023-12-31). Most important stories of 2023: Gaza, Ukraine, China, BRICS, dedollarization, bank crises, inflation. These were the most important geopolitical and economic issues of 2023, including the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, US-China tensions, BRICS expansion, growing de-dollarization, inflation crisis, crypto fraud, bank crashes, European de-industrialization, and more.

The Independent (2023-12-31). Ongoing conflict ravages Sudan's economy, society in 2023. KHARTOUM, SUDAN | Xinhua | As the Sudanese people expected to see an end to the years-long instability in 2023 to avoid an economic collapse in the country, Sudan slid into a deadly military conflict in April that has been ongoing till now. HEAVY TOLL ON CIVILIANS On April 15, residents of the capital …

Gus Speth, Resilience. (2023-12-31). Opening A New Path On Climate And The Future. Of the many climate struggles going on today, the great one, played out in hundreds of arenas around the world, is the struggle to rein in and then halt the buildup of greenhouse gases. Gaining ever-more attention is the struggle to adapt to the climate impacts already upon us. But there is a new struggle that needs to be joined now: the struggle to learn from our mistakes — the Big Mistake of climate catastrophe. What is it about our society, our economy, our politics, and our culture that has let this giant failing happen? What is it that has led us to this tragedy? | There are a set of readily available… (2023-12-31). Xi: China's economy weathers storm to be more resilient, dynamic. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday said the year 2023 has seen China's economy weather the storm and become "more resilient and dynamic than before."

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-12-30). World's Economic Centre Of Gravity Is Returning To Asia. In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound. Following a modest post-pandemic recovery of 6.1% in 2021, economic growth in 2023 fell to 2.4%, below pre-pandemic levels, and is projected to remain at 2.5% in 2024. The global economy, UNCTAD says, is 'flying at "stall speed"', with all conventional indicators showing that most of the world is experiencing a recession. (2023-12-30). China to further strengthen implementation of monetary policy: PBOC. China will step up implementation of the existing monetary policies in efforts to promote development while maintaining stability, the People's Bank of China (PBOC) said in a statement released on Thursday after the latest quarterly meeting of its monetary policy committee.

The Independent (2023-12-30). European economy struggles amid recession fears, geopolitical chaos. FRANKFURT, GERMANY | Xinhua | As German companies are getting increasingly dissatisfied with their status quo, their scepticism over business prospects for the first half of 2024 has grown. The Ifo Business Climate Index, which measures entrepreneurs' sentiments about the current business situation and their expectations for the next six months, slipped to 86.4 points …

The Independent (2023-12-30). High inflation persists as Nigeria enters New Year. ABUJA, NIGERIA | Xinhua | Nigeria, Africa's largest economy, enters the New Year amid internal and external difficulties challenging its "Renewed Hope," with President Bola Tinubu vowing to tame stubborn inflation. The country is battling its highest inflation rates in nearly two decades. The latest data, from the National Bureau of Statistics, put November's headline …

Juan M. Garcia (2023-12-31). Cuba and China in the dynamics of a multi-sector alliance. Beijing (Prensa Latina) China and Cuba have reinvigorated their economic-commercial relations, strengthened mutual political trust with high-level meetings and signed several agreements during a fruitful year for their ties. (2023-12-31). Xi: China to consolidate, strengthen momentum of economic recovery. China will consolidate and strengthen the momentum of economic recovery, and work to achieve steady and long-term economic development, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Sunday while delivering his 2024 New Year message.

Juan M. Garcia (2023-12-31). Xi Jinping predicts economic revitalization and development in China. Beijing, Dec 31 (Prensa Latina) President Xi Jinping on Sunday reviewed China's achievements and challenges in 2023, and predicted a coming year of greater economic revitalization with a new development paradigm. (2023-12-31). Data applications key to driving economic growth. China plans to expand the application scenarios for data in 12 key fields, including smart manufacturing, modern agriculture, trade circulation, transportation and financial services. (2023-12-31). Xi hails steady recovery amid challenges. China has successfully achieved the main targets for economic and social development in 2023, with the estimated total economic output set to exceed 126 trillion yuan ($18 trillion), President Xi Jinping said on Friday.

Vijay Prashad (2023-12-30). The World's Economic Centre of Gravity Is Returning to Asia. Han Youngsoo (Republic of Korea), Seoul, Korea 1956—1963. In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound. Following …

Staff (2023-12-30). India-UAE ties transcend to multilateral level in 2023. Dubai : The already strong India-UAE ties transcended to a truly multilateral level in 2023 with the announcement of the strategically important India-Middle East Economic Corridor and the expansion of the BRICS grouping to include the key Gulf nation. The bilateral ties have witnessed qualitative and quantitative progress with Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving top …

Staff (2023-12-30). India-UAE ties transcend to multilateral level in 2023. Dubai : The already strong India-UAE ties transcended to a truly multilateral level in 2023 with the announcement of the strategically important India-Middle East Economic Corridor and the expansion of the BRICS grouping to include the key Gulf nation. The bilateral ties have witnessed qualitative and quantitative progress with Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving top …

News Desk, The Cradle. (2023-12-30). US Sanctions Yemeni Money Network Over Pro-Palestine Action. The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on 28 December imposed unilateral economic sanctions on one individual and two currency exchange houses in Yemen, accusing them of "facilitating" the flow of funds for the Ansarallah resistance movement. | "Today's action underscores our resolve to restrict the illicit flow of funds to [Ansarallah], who continue to conduct dangerous attacks on international shipping and risk further destabilizing the region," said Brian Nelson, the US Treasury under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence. | The sanctions targeted Nabil Ali Ahmed [mda…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-30). World's Economic Centre Of Gravity Is Returning To Asia.

Jacob Nordangard (2023-12-30). World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" Revealed. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity. (2023-12-30). Data applications key to driving economic growth. China plans to expand the application scenarios for data in 12 key fields, including smart manufacturing, modern agriculture, trade circulation, transportation and financial services. (2023-12-30). Xi hails steady recovery amid challenges. China has successfully achieved the main targets for economic and social development in 2023, with the estimated total economic output set to exceed 126 trillion yuan ($18 trillion), President Xi Jinping said on Friday.

John Mueller (2023-12-30). Remember when Japan was going to take over the world?

The most important security issue for the United States, the contest/competition/rivalry with China, may soon fade away.The plausibility of this proposition is enhanced if we take as a parallel not the rivalry with the USSR during the Cold War, but the one that smoked through the 1980s and early 1990s when Japan appeared to be becoming "Number One." The rather benign ending of that rivalry may have something to say about what will happen as China slides into what many suggest will be a lengthy period of slow growth or even stagnation.In both cases, the perceived threats have been primarily economic.<...

Eugene Puryear, Liberation News. (2023-12-31). Crisis In The Democratic Republic Of Congo. Since 1996, at least 6 million people have been killed in successive conflicts in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The same conflicts are largely responsible for the 6.9 million internally displaced people in the DRC today, one of the world's largest populations of IDPs. Successive waves of violence have unfolded against a backdrop of a desperate struggle for the $24 trillion of mineral wealth embedded in Congolese soil. Despite immense wealth, nearly 60 million people — 64% of the country — live on less than $2.15 a day. One in six people living in extreme poverty in Sub-Sahar…

Desinformémonos (2023-12-30). Mexico: more than 8,000 people advance towards Oaxaca in migrant caravan. The more than 8,000 Central and South American migrants who make up the migrant caravan known as the "Exodus of Poverty" continued their journey early this morning from the municipality of Escuintla to Mapastepec, in Chiapas, to reach the state of Oaxaca. | On the fourth day of their journey, the thousands of men, women, and children from Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Cuba advanced along the coastal highway of Chiapas to head north. | According to Luis Rey García Villagrán, an activist with the Human Rights Centre for Human Dignification, nine out of ten migrants in the caravan want to s…

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-31). Greeks Protest Docking Of US Warship. On Thursday, December 28, anti-imperialists in Greece protested the docking of the US Navy's aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford at the Souda Port in Chania. The mobilization, called by the Peace Committee and labor unions in Chania, saw participation from activists of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE), the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), and All Workers Militant Front (PAME), among others. | Activists held a banner that read "There is no place here for murderers! US and NATO soldiers are not welcome!" The aircraft carrier docked at the port on Dece…

Juan M. Garcia (2023-12-31). Doctor Mercedes Blanco, a Cuban physician in Guatemala. Guatemala (Prensa Latina) Dr. Mercedes Blanco's story in the northeastern department of Alta Verapaz shows the work during 2023, and before, of the anonymous heroes of Cuba's collaboration in Guatemala.

Sebastiana Romero (2023-12-31). Uruguay a la vanguardia en el uso de energías renovables. Montevideo, 31 dic (RHC) Uruguay sigue marcando hoy pauta en el uso de energías renovables, según un registro elaborado por la Administración del Mercado Eléctrico (ADME).

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-31). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo…

teleSUR, JGN (2023-12-31). Presidente Maduro recuerda entrada en vigencia de Constitución venezolana. El 2 de febrero de 1999, cuando asumió la presidencia, Chávez incluyó en su juramento de Ley su intención de elaborar una nueva Carta Magna.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-31). Travis AFB 14 Get Out of Jail After Protest at Largest Military Air Base in the US. At a protest to stop the shipment of weapons from Travis AFB to Israel, 14 people were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly. After being released they talk about what happened and why they decided to take this action.

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-30). Beyond A Ceasefire: Palestinian Youth Movement's Demands For Liberation. The entire Palestine solidarity movement in North America has united behind the demand of a ceasefire in Gaza. For the first time in years, organizations of the working class such as labor unions have been united against the status quo of Western foreign policy and taken an unprecedented stance against Israeli violence. | At the same time, important sectors in the movement have been trying to push the demands even further. The Palestinian Youth Movement, a major international formation of Palestinian youth with significant presence across North America, has been working to push the movement beyond dreaming of an…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-30). Nicaragua greets the people of the world for the new year. Managua, Dec 30 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua today conveyed a New Year's greeting to the people, governments, social, labor and cultural movements of the world and urged them to continue the fight against injustice.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-30). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo…

Labor Video Project (2023-12-30). Travis AFB Protest to Stop US Arms to Israel STOP the Genocide. An action of over 150 people took place on 12/28/23 to shutdown Travis AFB which is the largest US transfer base for US military weapons in the United States. It sends weapons to Israel, Ukraine and to Okinawa and the 800 bases around the world.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-30). Fascism, Civil War, Argentina, Melei & The Class Struggle With Ricardo Ortiz. WorKWeek looks at the rise of Javier Melei in Argentina, the rise of fascism and the growing class struggle and possible massive general strikes to bring down the government.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-30). Travis AFB 14 Get Out of Jail After Protest at Largest Military Air Base in the US. At a protest to stop the shipment of weapons from Travis AFB to Israel, 14 people were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly. After being released they talk about what happened and why they decided to take this action.

Kelli Duncan, Next City. (2023-12-30). Black Investors Take Back Legal Tool To Restore Chicago's Affordable Housing. It was early 2020 when Jay Davis realized his family was going to lose his childhood home, a red brick house in Rosemoor on the South Side of Chicago that had been in his family for generations. | Davis' great-uncle had been living there, and as his dementia worsened the one-story house began to deteriorate. When he died, he left it to his son who had serious health issues and could not maintain the home, Davis said. | Davis, 41, wanted to keep the house from becoming another vacant lot on the South Side. He understood the significance of homeownership as a tool for building generational wealth that has been deni…

The Independent (2023-12-30). The futility of waste management. COMMENT | SARAH NEWMAN | When the world leaders gathered in Dubai for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), the United Arab Emirates unveiled the world's highest-capacity waste-to-energy (WTE) facility. The plant is designed to process two million metric tons of municipal waste annually, producing enough electricity to power 120,000 households per year by incinerating …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-31). German farmers come out in force to protest new law which increases fuel prices. German farmers are enraged at proposed cuts to diesel subsidies cuts and taxes that directly impact their livelihoods. They say these could cost them up to ‚Ǩ1 billion. Farmers from across Germany …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-31). German farmers come out in force to protest new law which increases fuel prices. German farmers are enraged at proposed cuts to diesel subsidies and tax exemptions that directly impact their livelihoods. They say these could cost them up to ‚Ǩ1 billion. Farmers from across Germany …

The Independent (2023-12-30). Luwero: Water prices skyrocket after a one week water crisis. Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Water prices in Luwero Town Council have skyrocketed. The increase in the water price is a result of the water crisis that hit the area one week ago, which has triggered a significant challenge for residents and businesses alike, as they struggle to find water for various purposes. With the …

The Independent (2023-12-30). Christmas in the West gets less Christmassy amid dogged inflation, rising insecurity. BEIJING | Xinhua | Another Christmas has come and gone, replete with families and friends exchanging gifts beside a crackling hearth, sharing stories under a Christmas tree and enjoying traditional holiday meals. Others weren't so fortunate, receiving church handouts, curling up in a subway station to avoid the cold or grieving the loss of beloved …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-31). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-30). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places…

The Independent (2023-12-30). UAE's post-oil ambitions steer a multibillion-dollar push into African freight. Sheikdom ramps up multi-billion dollar investment in Africa's freight industry, positioning itself as a logistics and trade behemoth in a post-fossil-fuel era. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | United Arab Emirates-based companies and funds are doubling down on a foray into Africa's freight and logistics scene. Earlier this year, Emirati maritime giant, DP World, inked …

Staff (2023-12-30). The pharmaceutical landscape in occupied Palestine. Teva Pharmaceuticals, based in Israel and recognized as one of the largest producer of generic medications globally, manufactures various essential drugs, including versions of mixed amphetamine salts (usually marketed under the trade name Adderall), fluoxetine, ibuprofen, among others. In 2022, the company achieved a gross profit of USD 6,973 million US dollars. As one of …

Yves Engler (2023-12-30). Why are Canadian Taxpayers Subsidizing Israel's Military? Critics say Israel is an army with a country, but it is the apartheid state's supporters who confirm it. Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University has once again launched an initiative to promote the Israeli military even though it violates charity regulations and risks the group's special tax status. In a recent end of year …

WSWS (2023-12-30). Oppose the unions' attempt to short-circuit the Quebec public sector workers' struggle! If rank-and-file workers do not organize to defeat this betrayal, public sector workers will suffer a further deterioration in their wages and working conditions, and the right-wing populist Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) government will accelerate its privatization plans.

Editor (2023-12-31). Dec 31, 2023. "Katyusha" — Soviet Army Song (Female Choir) 2024: Coming USA Political Dysfunction, by Karl Sanchez "Listen to what he says," by Patrick Armstrong Michael Hudson: Neoliberalism, Industrial Capitalism, and the Rise of Debt |- Robinson's Podcast Trickery, Humiliation, Death — and the Timeless Hunger for 'Honour and Glory,' by Alastair Crooke No, Biden Is Not Being Played by Netanyahu. U.S. Imperialist Policy Is the Systematic Problem, by Finian Cunningham The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone, by Joseph Mercola Democrats Facing Election Wip…

Peter Handel (2023-12-30). We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created. Capitalism is killing us. That's the unequivocal message of a new book, Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It by Charles Derber and Suren Moodliar. The authors draw critical links between capitalism, militarism and environmental destruction to show how nothing short of radical change is required to shift the deadly course humanity as a whole is now on. |

The Independent (2023-12-31). Xinhua's top 10 world news events in 2023. BEIJING | Xinhua | The following are the top 10 world news events in the year 2023 selected by Xinhua in a chronological order: 1. Generative AI accelerates industrial transformation The number of monthly active users of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, reached 100 million in January. Generative AI represented by ChatGPT is developing …

Tesla Workers Solidarity Network (2023-12-31). Saturday 1/13: Solidarity Rally At Tesla Fremont: Support Swedish Strikers. Tesla Fremont Assembly Plant | Industrial Drive & Fremont Blvd | Fremont, CA…

Tesla Workers Solidarity Network (2023-12-30). Saturday 1/13: Solidarity Rally At Tesla Fremont: Support Swedish Strikers. Tesla Fremont Assembly Plant | Industrial Drive & Fremont Blvd | Fremont, CA… (2023-12-31). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-30). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Andreas Malm (2023-12-31). On Palestinian and Other Resistance In Times of Catastrophe. A lecture from Andreas Malm on the situation in Gaza. | Hosted by Teach Ins for Palestine, and Stockholm Academics for Palestine. | Recorded in Stockholm, 7th December 2023. | Andreas Malm is a Swedish author and an associate professor of human ecology at Lund University. He is on the editorial board of the academic journal Historical Materialism. He has been active in the Palestinian solidarity movement for many years, including living in the Occupied Territories for extended periods. He is the author of:

WSWS (2023-12-30). Sri Lankan workers condemn pro-government thug attack on SEP members. Workers' action committees in Sri Lanka have sent protest letters condemning the violent attack by Podujana Pragathishili Sevaka Sangamaya trade union officials on two Socialist Equality Party members.

WSWS (2023-12-30). "When I think of the party in America, I think of Helen" We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard written by Laura Tiernan, a member of the National Committee of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain and writer for the World Socialist Web Site. (2023-12-31). Xi meets Chinese diplomatic envoys to foreign countries. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with Chinese diplomatic envoys attending the annual work conference for overseas envoys to foreign countries in 2023 at the Great Hall of the People on Dec 29. Xi delivered an important speech.

thecommunists (2023-12-30). Israeli far right's plans for expulsion and expansion. Reproduced from Le Monde Diplomatique, with thanks. ***** It's often said that wars are easier to start than finish. Israel's war in Gaza is already proving to be a particularly telling demonstration of this. Hamas's operation Al-Aqsa Flood of 7 October has given Israel's far right, which dominates the government Benjamin Netanyahu formed in late …

2023-12-31 18:58:22 | 18:58 EST | tr | 63 | 1 | 39 | 28 | 0 

2023-12-28: News Headlines (2023-12-27). Industrial firms see profit growth for 4th straight month. Aided by a policy boost, China's economy is showing more signs of improvement, as official data on Wednesday revealed that profits at China's industrial firms grew for the fourth consecutive month in November.

infobrics (2023-12-27). China, Saudi Drive BRICS' Push to Erase Dollar in Global Economy. The global financial landscape is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with the BRICS alliance — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — at the forefront of a daring initiative to challenge the supremacy of the US dollar…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-27). Chilean banks make a negative balance of the national economy. Santiago de Chile, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Chile's economy has remained stagnant for a decade and currently its growth is the lowest in the region, the Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (Abif) stated today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-27). Cuba urged to correct distortions and re-boost the economy. Havana, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, reiterated that the implementation of the measures recently announced in the National Assembly is necessary to update the Government's work systems, local media published today.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-28). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

MEE staff (2023-12-27). Israel-Palestine war: Israel trumpets Intel's $25bn investment as it pounds Gaza. Israel-Palestine war: Israel trumpets Intel's $25bn investment as it pounds Gaza | Intel's decision to plow ahead with investment in chip plant comes as the war on Gaza takes an economic toll on Israel | Wed, 12/27/2023 – 19: 28 | A visitor interacts with a display by Intel at a technology exhibit at the Peres Centre for Peace and Innovation in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv on 3 September 2019 (A…

Jomo Kwame Sundaram (2023-12-27). World Bank enables private capture of profits, public resources. The World Bank insists private finance is needed for economic recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals but does little to ensure profit-hungry commercial finance serves the public interest.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-27). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-27). Caricom aims to deepen trade and economic integration. Georgetown, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) The Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) will continue to diligently manage the regional bloc's priorities of deepening economic integration and trade, an authority asserted in statements released today.

Joel Richards (2023-12-27). Argentina's trade unions march in capital. Argentina's powerful trade unions marched on Wednesday December 26 in protest at the Javier Milei government's plans to usher in sweeping economic reforms by presidential decree. | Joel Richards reports from Buenos Aires. (2023-12-27). New high-speed railway routes start operations. Three new high-speed train routes became operational on Tuesday, promoting social and economic development, improving the quality of people's lives and showcasing China's expertise in building high-speed railways in varied and difficult terrain, according to the operator.

The Independent (2023-12-27). EU-China cooperation vital in face of global challenges, economist says. BRATISLAVA | Xinhua | Europe and China have common interests in several areas, such as climate, trade and technology, and the cooperation between the European Union (EU) and China is vital, a Slovakian economic expert told Xinhua in a recent interview. Juraj Sipko, former head of the Institute of Economic Research at the Slovak Academy …

Staff (2023-12-27). 'Is Ram Mandir real issue? Talk about inflation, employment…': Congress. New Delhi : As the country is preparing for the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, senior Congress leader Sam Pitroda has raised a question, stating, "Is Ram Mandir the real issue or unemployment and inflation?" "I have no problem with any religion. It is okay to go visit the temple once in a …

Staff (2023-12-27). 'Is Ram Mandir real issue? Talk about inflation, employment…': Congress. New Delhi : As the country is preparing for the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, senior Congress leader Sam Pitroda has raised a question, stating, "Is Ram Mandir the real issue or unemployment and inflation?" "I have no problem with any religion. It is okay to go visit the temple once in a …

Labor Video Project (2023-12-28). Fascism, Civil War, Argentina, Melei & The Class Struggle With Ricardo Ortiz. WorKWeek looks at the rise of Javier Melei in Argentina, the rise of fascism and the growing class struggle and possible massive general strikes to bring down the government.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-12-27). How The Hell Did We Get Here? We could have been so much more. We have the ability to create a healthy and harmonious world and collaborate to give everyone on earth everything they need, and instead we're killing the biosphere while arguing about whether or not it's anti-semitic to oppose an active genocide.We could have peace on earth and move from competition-based systems to collaboration-based ones to maximize our creative and innovative potential and spend our existence explori…

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-12-27). Cuba and China open ophthalmologic hospital. Hefei, China, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of Cuba and China on Wednesday opened here the new venue of an ophthalmologic hospital with specialists from both countries, as part of a collaboration of more than 10 years.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-27). Fascism, Civil War, Argentina, Melei & The Class Struggle With Ricardo Ortiz. WorKWeek looks at the rise of Javier Melei in Argentina, the rise of fascism and the growing class struggle and possible massive general strikes to bring down the government.

Editor (2023-12-27). Big Contract Battles Ahead for Unions in 2024. By Dan DiMaggio / Labor Notes Major contract fights in 2023 at UPS, the Big 3 automakers, and Hollywood studios set the tone for next year's contract campaigns. Impressive gains and increased transparency got members of other unions asking, "Why can't my union be like that?" The bar will be high. Many of the contracts …

WSWS (2023-12-27). Prime Healthcare victimizes 7 workers as struggle by Southern California healthcare workers against understaffing continues. Management fired 7 workers, including the entire SEIU-UHW bargaining team, as the union launched another limited Unfair Labor Practice strike.

teleSUR odr (2023-12-27). Rusia afirma que 30 países pretenden establecer lazos con el Brics. El canciller ruso señaló que la pretensión es resultado de la labor que el Brics ha desempeñado.

teleSUR, lfb, JCM (2023-12-27). Investigan muerte de 5 personas a causa de un naufragio en Ecuador. Inicialmente se pensó que había un fallecido, pero durante las labores de rescate se encontraron cuatro víctimas más, tres mujeres y un adolescente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-12-27). Reportan al menos siete muertos por lluvias en Sudáfrica. Las labores de búsqueda y rescate continúan en un contexto difícil por las lluvias que continúan sobre el territorio.

Staff (2023-12-27). Who Funds Canary Mission? James Bamford on Group That Doxxes Students & Profs for Palestine Activism. Longtime investigative journalist James Bamford's latest piece for The Nation looks at Canary Mission, a shadowy pro-Israel group that publishes the photos and personal details of students who take part in Palestinian advocacy on U.S. colleges, branding them antisemites and often damaging their career prospects. Bamford explains how this operation has direct links to the Israeli government, and that wealthy Americans who fund this effort could be breaking the law by acting as agents of a foreign power. "The purpose is to blacklist and dox students, professors, and largely anybody who disagrees with Is…

WSWS (2023-12-27). UN report finds Sri Lanka's social inequality among the worst in Asia. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) revealed that Sri Lanka was one of the top five countries in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of wealth inequality. (2023-12-27). Used goods proving to be trendy commodities. An increasing number of young consumers attach greater attention to low-carbon, sustainable consumption, with higher acceptance of used merchandise.

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-27). Activists Declare: No Christmas During Genocide! Thousands marched through New York City's busiest shopping district on December 23, to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The march called for by the #ShutItDown4Palestine coalition stated that there can be no holiday celebrations as usual while Israel carries out a genocide in Gaza, with complete political and financial backing of the United States. | Organizers from the Palestinian Youth Movement, the ANSWER Coalition, the People's Forum, and more condemned the ongoing atrocities and the role of US officials in perpetuating them. | Watch Peoples Dispatch's report from the streets!

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-27). Ukrainian Government Workers Will Face Salary and Pension Delays If US and EU Don't Approve More Aid. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko said Wednesday that Ukrainian government workers could face delays in the payment of their salaries or pensions if the US and the EU do not approve new aid packages soon. "The support of partners is extremely critical," Svyrydenko said, according to Financial Times. "We need it urgently." The US …

Ann Brown (2023-12-27). Who Will Defend Us? 3 Black American Leaders And Organizations Who Are Financially Compromised By Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo, one of the largest financial institutions in the U.S., has recently made headlines with its multimillion-dollar grants and partnerships to promote racial equity and support minority communities. However, a deeper examination reveals a complex relationship between Wells Fargo and some prominent Black American leaders and organizations. While Wells Fargo's financial support may appear …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-12-27). Craig Mokhiber: UN Officials Abdicate Responsibilities Regarding the Gaza Genocide. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by international human rights lawyer Craig Mokhiber. Daniel Machover: "States Must Invoke the Genocide Convention at the International Court of Justice" Why is the UN Genocide Office Silent About Gaza? Why the World Court, Not the ICC, is the Right… (2023-12-27). Japan's move sparks concerns in region. Japan's approval of hefty increases in the defense spending bill and the official security assistance budget for the upcoming fiscal year is a departure from its postwar military and diplomatic policies, threatening the safety and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-27). A Growing Butcher's Bill: Israel's War Spending. The Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron is worried. He is keeping an eye on the ballooning costs of his country's war against Gaza and the Palestinians. Initially, the Netanyahu government promised to increase its defence budget by NIS 20 billion (US$5.48 billion) per annum in the aftermath of the war. But a document from …

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-27). US Announces $250 Million Arms Package for Ukraine. The Biden administration announced a new $250 million weapons package for Ukraine that the White House said will be the last until Congress approves new spending for the proxy war. The arms package uses the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the US to ship weapons straight from US military stockpiles. The Pentagon still has over …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-27). Israel's War Spending: The Ballooning Costs of Israel's Genocidal War against Palestine. (2023-12-27). Leader: West pursues no logic in issue of women, only pursues profit, pleasure from them. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the West follows no logic in the issue of women and merely seeks profit and pleasure from them. (2023-12-28). Iran: Nothing new in nuclear work, all activities in line with rules. Iran's atomic chief says the country's nuclear activities are in line with international regulations.

Staff (2023-12-27). Sirajuddin Qureshi's defiance: ED, CBI charges and age limit challenges at IICC. By Syed Zubair Ahmad Sirajuddin Qureshi's stubbornness to retain the presidency of the India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC) until his final moments seems to disregard all norms and regulations. Despite crossing the age of 75, Qureshi adamantly refuses to relinquish his position, leading him to navigate a labyrinth of legal battles without respite. The crux …

Staff (2023-12-27). Sirajuddin Qureshi's defiance: ED, CBI charges and age limit challenges at IICC. By Syed Zubair Ahmad Sirajuddin Qureshi's stubbornness to retain the presidency of the India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC) until his final moments seems to disregard all norms and regulations. Despite crossing the age of 75, Qureshi adamantly refuses to relinquish his position, leading him to navigate a labyrinth of legal battles without respite. The crux …

Alan Kanner (2023-12-27). Trump Crosses the Lines. On Veteran's Day, November 11, 2023, Donald Trump crossed the line. In his Claremont, New Hampshire speech, he said: "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections."

a guest author (2023-12-27). Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989). Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989) Por Olmedo Beluche El autor es un sociólogo marxista panameño. (Tomado del libro: "Diez años de luchas políticas y sociales en Panamá. 1980-1990") Manifestación en Panamá, 20 de diciembre de 2021. El presidente de Estados Unidos, George Bush (padre), justificó la . . . |

Elsy Fors Garzon (2023-12-27). Lula's government increases minimum wage in Brazil. Brasilia, Dec 27 (Prensa Latina) The Government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will increase the minimum wage in Brazil by 6.8 percent as of January 1, which represents an increase to 1,412 reais (292.2 dollars ).

Brett Wilkins (2023-12-27). Teen Who Refused to Enlist Over Israel's "Revenge Campaign" Jailed for 30 Days. A young Israeli man was sentenced Tuesday to 30 days behind bars for refusing to enlist in the Israel Defense Forces as it wages a genocidal assault on Gaza, a war the teen condemned as "a revenge campaign… not only against Hamas, but against all Palestinian people." Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel Aviv, entered the Tel Hashomer enlistment center with other members of the Mesarvot Network — a… | (2023-12-27). China to step up research on future-orientated technologies. China's top industry regulator said on Wednesday that it will step up the research on future-oriented technologies, such as artificial intelligence, and push forward new industrialization.

Common Dreams (2023-12-27). US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption. The $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year is the scam that keeps on giving—to the military-industrial complex and the Washington insiders—even as it impoverishes and endangers America and the world. | By Jeffrey D. Sachs | On the surface, US foreign policy seems to be utterly irrational. The US gets into one disastrous war after another — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Gaza. In recent days, the US stands globally isolated in its support of Israel's genocidal actions against the Palestinians, voting against a UN General Assembly resolution for a Gaza ceasefire backed by 153 c…

Lee Camp, Break Through News. (2023-12-27). How Israel Buys Support From Celebrities. Why have so many celebrities, politicians, and influencers come out to strongly support Israel? The two word answer: the "Israel lobby." But it's much deeper than that. | Comedian Lee Camp reveals the gruesome and often hidden details of how the Israel Support Industrial Complex's sausage is made. (2023-12-28). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-27). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Emir Sader (2023-12-27). The Future of Brazil. By Emir Sader — Dec 26, 2023 | It was a better year for us in Brazil. Definitely. First of all, because we had the first year of a new Lula government, leaving the Bolsonaro years behind. When the latter was no longer an option, Bolsonaro was defeated, although not necessarily Bolsonarism. The ideological and political struggle to consolidate democracy and advance anti-neoliberalism continues. | This year allowed the Brazilian government to resume the prioritization of social policies. Specifically, the rescuing of traditional programs, starting with Bolsa Familia, followed by others and adding new programs…

WSWS (2023-12-27). "Helen was convinced the international socialist programme of our world party would resonate with the working class" We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard written by Ulrich Rippert, the former national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Germany (Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei) and founding member in 1971 of its predecessor, the League of Socialist Workers (Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter). (2023-12-27). CPC Central Committee holds symposium commemorating 130th anniversary of Mao's birth. The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Tuesday morning held a symposium at the Great Hall of the People to commemorate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong.

2023-12-28 22:19:42 | 22:19 EST | tr | 52 | 1 | 49 | 7 | 0 

2023-12-26: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-12-26). Why Expansion of BRICS Is So Profound for the Global Economy. The enlarged grouping accounts for almost 37% of world's GDP if one uses the purchasing power parity measurement method, while the G7 represents just 30%…

latintimes (2023-12-26). Top Latin Times Stories in 2023: Politics and Immigration for U.S. Latinos. 2023 has been a year of milestones and challenges for Latinos in the U.S.

Mike Whitney (2023-12-26). Yemen's Houthis Have "Biden by the Shorthairs". Disruption of the Most Important Maritime Trading Routes. Potential Shock to the Global Economy.

Ret Admiral Cem Gàºrdeniz (2023-12-26). Disruption in Maritime Trade Routes from the Black Sea to the Red Sea Triggers Crisis of the World Economy. Escalation, from Israel-Palestine War into Iran-US War? (2023-12-26). Robert Kuhn: China addresses challenges to bolster economyÔΩúMy Memory of China. "I wish all my Chinese friends a Happy New Year," Robert Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, smiled and said in both English and Chinese before he shared his memory of China in 2023 during an inclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-12-26). China raises 2024 import quota for Australian wool. China on Monday announced the 2024 import quotas for zero-tariff wool products from New Zealand and Australia, with a 5 percent rise in Australia's quota, in line with the terms of their bilateral free trade agreement (FTA).

The Independent (2023-12-26). Kenya's economy grows 5 percent in 2023 despite challenges. NAIROBI, KENYA | Xinhua | Kenya's economy grew 5 percent in 2023, up from 4.8 percent in 2022 despite continued challenges, the World Bank said in a report released recentlyy. According to the World Bank's 28th edition of Kenya Economic Update (KEU), the improved growth was buoyed by a strong rebound in the agriculture sector … (2023-12-26). Increasing yield per unit: China sets overall grain production targets for 2024. China has established overall targets for its 2024 grain production, aiming to stabilize food grain, maize and soybean production, expand rapeseed planting area, and increase yield per unit area, as announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. (2023-12-26). China starts zero-tariff treatment for 6 least-developed African countries. The zero-tariff treatment China had granted for six least-developed African countries officially took effect on Monday. (2023-12-26). Robert Kuhn: China addresses challenges to boost its economyÔΩúMy Memory of China. Looking back at the year 2023, Dr. Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, told China News network that he focuses on how China dealt with its complex economy, seeking to bolster the economy in the short term in ways that benefit, not sacrifice the economy in the long term.

David McCall (2023-12-26). How Biden's Economy Puts Money in Workers' Pockets. Libbi Urban's co-workers broke into applause at the union hall last year when they learned that their new contract with Cleveland-Cliffs not only increased wages by a whopping 20 percent but provided greater work-life balance and even enabled them to retire earlier than planned. They'd spent years fighting for some of the improvements. But this time, they (2023-12-26). Arab League Hails Yemen Agreement as Positive Step Toward Lasting PeaceYemen has been mired in a brutal civil war since 2014, pitting the Houthis against the internationally-recognized government. In 2015, a Saudi Arabia-led coalition intervened to support the Yemeni government, further intensifying the conflict. The Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council and the Houthi group have committed to a nationwide cease-fire, lifting economic restrictions, and engaging in preparations for inclusive UN-led political negotiations.

The Independent (2023-12-26). Egypt continues to act as mediator in resolving crises, conflicts in 2023 despite economic challenges. CAIRO | Xinhua | Despite the multiple economic challenges it faced in 2023, Egypt continued to play an active peacemaking role in maintaining security and stability in the Middle East. Surrounded by crises and conflicts in its neighboring countries and regions, including Libya, Sudan and the Gaza Strip, Egypt acted as a major mediator in …

Brian Berletic (2023-12-26). Thailand's Kra Land Bridge (Might) Reshape Asia. Thailand's government has put together a serious proposal to build a land bridge across the Thai Kra Isthmus connecting ports on either side, providing an alternative for maritime shipping transiting the Malacca Strait, saving several days of travel in the process. | The project, if completed, would transform Asia's economic and even security architecture. The land bridge, along with the still-under-construction Thai-Chinese high-speed railway, would solidify Thailand's role as a regional logistics hub connecting the Indian Ocean with the Pacific Ocean, and also moving freight and people from across Southeast Asi… (2023-12-26). EU, U.S. support for Ukraine tends to fade. The United States and the European Union have both failed recently to pass the aid package for Ukraine due to internal divisions, and 2024 is certain to be tougher for Ukraine, which is already in a dire economic situation, analysts said.

Adam Fishbein (2023-12-26). In Memory of Robert Solow. We were honored to have Robert Solow as a member of our Advisory Board at the Center for Economic and Policy Research for more than a decade. Professor Solow was a brilliant economist, who broke ground in many areas of the discipline. While he was a great mathematician, he always viewed economics as a way … (2023-12-26). Plan to spur HK, Macao investors. A three-year action plan released on Monday by the mainland's top economic regulator signaled a potential relaxation or removal of eligibility criteria, shareholding ratios and industry access restrictions for Hong Kong and Macao investors, emphasizing increased openness in the financial sector.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-12-26). Cuba reiterates priority relations with the Eurasian Economic Union. Havana, Dec 26 (Prensa Latina) The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reiterated that for Cuba it is of utmost importance to expand ties with all member nations of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). (2023-12-26). New high-speed railway to boost development in Fujian's western region. The China State Railway Group, the national railway operator, announced on Monday that a new high-speed railway is set to open in East China's Fujian province on Tuesday, aiming to enhance social and economic development in the western part of the province.

latintimes (2023-12-26). President Milei's Economic Deregulation: Argentina Opens Doors to Bitcoin Contracts. Experts explained to The Latin Times what the announcement means. "It's not a step in terms of regulation just yet"

noemail (2023-12-26). GLOBAL MARKETS-Global stocks edge up, dollar holds near 5-month low. Global stocks crept higher on Tuesday and the dollar lingered near a five-month low as investors held fast to bets that cooling U.S. inflation will lead the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates next year. Oil prices jumped over 3% earlier in the session to the highest in almost a month, as Middle East strife continues and investor hope possible rate cuts will boost global economic growth and fuel demand.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-26). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness. (2023-12-26). Iran, Eurasian Economic Union sign free trade agreement. Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union sign a major agreement to engage in free trade.

Alexandra Jacobo (2023-12-26). Iowa declines federal summer food aid, sparking backlash. Critics argue that the state's stance implies mistrust in low-income families' ability to make healthy food choices for their children, which they consider demeaning and counterproductive.

noemail (2023-12-26). Construction worker killed, another injured as lift malfunctions in Delhi's Narela. A labourer was killed and another suffered injuries in outer Delhi's Narela area after a lift of an under-construction building malfunctioned, police said on Tuesday.

Democracy Now! (2023-12-26). Democracy Now! 2023-12-26 Tuesday. Headlines for December 26, 2023; "Christ in the Rubble": Watch Palestinian Pastor Deliver Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem; Christmas in Palestine: Bethlehem Reverend Slams West for Praising Prince of Peace & Beating Drums of War; Labor Demands a Ceasefire: UAW, Electrical & Postal Workers Call for Israel's Assault on Gaza to End | Headlines for December 26, 2023; "Christ in the Rubble": Watch Palestinian Pastor Deliver Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem; Christmas in Palestine: Bethlehem Reverend Slams West for Praising Prince of Peace & Beating Drums of War; Labor Deman…

Democracy Now! (2023-12-26). Labor & Palestine: Jeff Schuhrke & Bill Fletcher on How U.S. Unions Are Responding to War in Gaza. Part 2 of our conversation with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about union calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, the 2024 election and more. | Part 2 of our conversation with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about union calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, the 2024 election and more.

Democracy Now! (2023-12-26). Labor & Palestine: Jeff Schuhrke & Bill Fletcher on How U.S. Unions Are Responding to War in Gaza. Part 2 of our conversation with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about union calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, the 2024 election and more. | Part 2 of our conversation with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about union calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, the 2024 election and more.

Democracy Now! (2023-12-26). Democracy Now! 2023-12-26 Tuesday. Headlines for December 26, 2023; "Christ in the Rubble": Watch Palestinian Pastor Deliver Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem; Christmas in Palestine: Bethlehem Reverend Slams West for Praising Prince of Peace & Beating Drums of War; Labor Demands a Ceasefire: UAW, Electrical & Postal Workers Call for Israel's Assault on Gaza to End | Headlines for December 26, 2023; "Christ in the Rubble": Watch Palestinian Pastor Deliver Powerful Christmas Sermon from Bethlehem; Christmas in Palestine: Bethlehem Reverend Slams West for Praising Prince of Peace & Beating Drums of War; Labor Deman…

Staff (2023-12-26). Labor Demands a Ceasefire: UAW, Electrical & Postal Workers Call for Israel's Assault on Gaza to End. Unions across the United States have begun to shift from a long history of supporting Israel to condemning the Israeli occupation of Palestine amid growing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, where Israel's 80-day assault has killed over 20,000 people. As ceasefire demands from teachers to Starbucks workers are published across the country and a major march led in part by union organizers in New York called on members of Congress to stop taking campaign cash from pro-Israel lobbyists, Democracy Now! speaks with longtime trade unionist Bill Fletcher and labor historian Jeff Schuhrke about the United States labor…

jamanetwork (2023-12-26). Approaches Decreased EHR Time for Primary Care Clinicians. Factors such as team collaboration on orders and the presence of a clinic pharmacy technician to help with medication refills might reduce the amount of time primary care practice (PCP) clinicians spend on the electronic health record (EHR) during and after typical work hours, according to 2021 data from 307 US physicians from 31 primary care clinics at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital. The research appeared in JAMA Network Open.

jamanetwork (2023-12-26). Changes to Nonauthor Collaborator Names. The Original Investigation titled "Effect of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Initiation on Organ Support—Free Days in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial," published on April 11, 2023, has been updated to fix the spelling of names in a supplement (Alessandro Belletti, Alessandra Bonaccorso, Claudia Costantino, Ashlish Dawda, Pierre-Yves Egreteau, Nasir Khoso, Sven Laudi, Juan Martin-Lazaro, Jack Richecoeur, L. Roebers, Giovanna Russelli, Patrica Thompson, and Harald Verheij are the correct spellings. L. Roebers was missing from original a…

jamanetwork (2023-12-26). Revisions to Nonauthor Collaborator Names. The Original Investigation titled "Intravenous Vitamin C for Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19: Two Harmonized Randomized Clinical Trials," published on November 14, 2023, has been updated to fix the spelling of names in a supplement (Alessandro Belletti, Alessandra Bonaccorso, Claudia Costantino, Ashlish Dawda, Pierre-Yves Egreteau, Nasir Khoso, Sven Laudi, Juan Martin-Lazaro, Jack Richecoeur, L. Roebers, Giovanna Russelli, Patrica Thompson, and Harald Verheij are the correct spellings). This article was corrected online.

The Independent (2023-12-26). Africa's rich biodiversity offers a wealth of carbon offset projects for Gulf investors. Africa's carbon credit market is experiencing a significant surge in investor interest, thanks to a surge in fresh investment from the Gulf. But more regulation, stricter auditing and greater transparency is required, according to industry insiders. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | Africa is a prime target for new multimillion-dollar carbon offset projects as companies …

UMMID (2023-12-26). Owning home still a dream for majority in United States. Owning a home is still a dream for majority of the families in the United States this even as prices have gone down, a latest survey result released Thursday December 21, 2023 showed.

Ann Brown (2023-12-26). Nigerian Tech Executive Busted By SEC Over Fake Accounting, Short Seller Research Pointed Feds To Target. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has unleashed charges of "massive fraud" against Nigerian tech executive Dozy Mmobuosi and three affiliated companies, alleging a widespread scheme to inflate financial metrics with the intent of deceiving investors. The SEC claims that these entities fabricated their financial statements and those of their Nigerian counterparts, Tingo Mobile … (2023-12-26). Company Law draft revision to bolster confidence. A draft revision to the Company Law has been put before Chinese lawmakers for a fourth reading on Monday, which officials and experts said comes amid China's ongoing efforts to enhance its business environment and bolster investment confidence.

American Friends Service Committee (2023-12-26). "Shrouded in Secrecy": The Companies Profiting from Israel's 2023 Attack on Gaza.

Ann Brown (2023-12-26). This Entrepreneur Did His Homework On Airport Restaurants. Next Came The Profits. Randy Hazelton, CEO of H&H Hospitality, is a testament to the power of learning from past failures. His journey from bankruptcy to building a thriving business in the competitive world of airport restaurants is a story of determination and strategic thinking. Hazelton did his homework and turned his airport restaurant venture into a multi-million-dollar success. …

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-12-26). Uruguay to hold plebiscites. That year could be the highest in terms of number of plebiscites (five). Out of them, the one assured is seeking to approve police night raids, for which the ruling National Party obtained the necessary signatures in Parliament. | The main argument in defense of the said plebiscite is that regulations are needed to further address insecurity, particularly drug trafficking. | There are four other initiatives whose proponents are fighting to present it in the 2024 elections: the social security reform law, for which the PIT-CNT union center is collecting signatures; the restructuring of debts owed to individuals,…

Chris Walker (2023-12-26). 22 States to Ring In New Year With Minimum Wage Increases. Nearly two dozen states and several municipalities across the U.S. are set to increase their minimum wage levels for workers in the new year. Sixty-five jurisdictions in total, including 22 states, will see minimum wage increases starting on that date. A majority of those jurisdictions will see their rates go up to or higher than $15 per hour. Three other states, as well as 22 other localities… |

jamanetwork (2023-12-26). Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation and Psychological Distress. To the Editor A recent study examined the effects of atrial fibrillation catheter ablation on mental health. This is a clinically relevant area of research, and the results are certainly interesting, although there is a question, in our opinion, regarding the nature of the observed associations. Treatment for depression is notorious for placebo effects, and it appears such effects may be due to activation of certain neurotransmitting pathways by the "idea" of active treatment. Research has shown that placebo-induced activation of the Œº-opioid system is implicated in the formation of placebo antidepres… (2023-12-26). Africa's role in Palestinian liberation. Calling for African support for Palestine against Israel's military-industrial complex.

marketing (2023-12-26). Casualties In Israeli Aggression On Gaza Reaches Over 20,600 Martyrs #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – The Peninsula) QNA Gaza: The number of casualties of the ongoing Israeli occupation's aggression against the Gaza Strip since October 7 has risen to 20,674 martyrs and 54,536 wounded. | In …

marketing (2023-12-26). Five Bodies Found In Apartment Near Paris: Prosecutors #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – The Peninsula) AFP Bobigny, France: Five dead bodies were found on Christmas Day in an apartment in the town of Meaux to the east of Paris, the local prosecutor told AFP, adding that a …

marketing (2023-12-26). Amendment To Law On Electricity To Be Discussed At Azerbaijani Parliament #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – AzerNews) Abbas Ganbay Read more From January 1 next year, the operation of electrical | installations with a capacity of more than 200 kW in Azerbaijan | will be carried out based on a …

marketing (2023-12-26). Netflix Documentary With Costa Rican Nature Wins Emmy #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – Costa Rica News) ocref&&(Object(document,"referrer",{get: function(){return litespeed_docref}}),sessionStorage("litespeed_docref")); Netflix Documentary with Costa Rican Nature Wins Emmy ? …

marketing (2023-12-26). Ayahuasca Or Psilocybin, Which Is The Right One For You? #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – Costa Rica News) ocref&&(Object(document,"referrer",{get: function(){return litespeed_docref}}),sessionStorage("litespeed_docref")); Ayahuasca or Psilocybin, Which is the Right One for You? …

marketing (2023-12-26). Colonialism Led To The Extinction Of Indigenous Shaggy Dogs In Canada #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – Costa Rica News) ocref&&(Object(document,"referrer",{get: function(){return litespeed_docref}}),sessionStorage("litespeed_docref")); Colonialism Led to the Extinction of Indigenous Shaggy …

marketing (2023-12-26). Central Bank Of Azerbaijan Releases Report On Currency Rates #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – AzerNews) Asim Aliyev Read more According to the official rate of the Central Bank of | Azerbaijan, the US dollar exchange rate remained unchanged at the | level of AZN 1.7, Azernews … (2023-12-26). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-26). Matthew Ehret: Without numerous anti-Semitic fascists, Zionism would not have been possible. Imperial socialism has always been at the heart of 20th-century fascism, writes Matthew Ehret. Without the force of numerous anti-Semitic fascists throughout the last two centuries, Zionism would have never been possible. …

thecommunists (2023-12-26). Comrade Ranjeet talks to Press TV about his arrest and the fight against zionism. Following his recent arrest, along with three other party comrades, for the 'racially aggravated crime' of offering for sale a book that tells the truth about the history of zionism, Comrade Ranjeet Brar talks to Press TV. Western governments and media like to tell us that they are the upholders of freedom of speech. But …

2023-12-26 23:36:43 | 23:36 EST | tr | 55 | 0 | 1 | 64 | 0 

2023-12-25: News Headlines

ecsorinoco (2023-12-25). Cuba To Implement a Macroeconomic Stabilization Plan. On Thursday, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero presented the macroeconomic stabilization program that will be implemented to boost the Cuban economy in 2024. | This program includes measures aimed at increasing foreign exchange income by promoting exports of goods and services and increasing the participation of foreign investment, especially in the production of food and energy. | Cuban authorities will reduce tariffs on intermediate products and increase tariffs on final products to promote the competitiveness of local industries. | Among the measures to reduce the budget deficit, it is proposed to update fue…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-25). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

The Independent (2023-12-25). Better jobs mean better development. Governments must learn how to enhance productivity and employment in labour-intensive service sectors COMMENT | DANI RODRIK | Conventional economics has always had a blind spot when it comes to jobs. The problem goes back to Adam Smith, who placed consumers, rather than workers, on the throne of economic life. What matters for well-being, he … (2023-12-25). Dalian committed to opening-up, economic vitality. Dalian, Liaoning province, is committed to expanding high-level opening-up and forging new frontiers for cooperation, the city's annual economic work conference, which concluded on Saturday, emphasized.

Roger Harris (2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. Alex Saab and President Maduro, Youtube screengrab. | Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, ch…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-25). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Staff (2023-12-25). A Tribute to Blacklisted Lyricist Yip Harburg: The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz. His name might not be familiar to many, but his songs are sung by millions around the world. Today, we take a journey through the life and work of Yip Harburg, the Broadway lyricist who wrote such hits as "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" and who put the music into The Wizard of Oz. Born into poverty on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Harburg always included a strong social and political component to his work, fighting racism and poverty. A lifelong socialist, Harburg was blacklisted and hounded throughout much of his life. We speak with Harburg's son, Ernie Harburg, about the music and politics of his father. T…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-25). Charlie Chaplin's Enduring Legacy. Few individuals did more to shape modern cinema than the actor, director, and producer Charlie Chaplin. One of the greatest of all comic mimes, he also pioneered cinematic techniques and storytelling. His films with his iconic role as the beleaguered Little Tramp with baggy trousers, mustache, cane, and bowler hat were not only comic masterpieces, but unflinching looks at poverty, unemployment, capitalism, exploitation, the callousness of authority, the search for meaning and dignity in a hostile world, and the yearning for love and acceptance. | He argued that drama should be derived from the close observation o…

Jake Johnson (2023-12-25). Iowa's Republican Governor Opts Out of Summer Food Program for Kids. Iowa's Republican-led government sparked outrage late last week by declining to participate in a federal program that would have provided low-income residents with $40 a month in additional food assistance during the coming summer. Created by the U.S. Congress late last year, the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) for Children program aims to boost nutrition benefits for families with… |

UMMID (2023-12-25). Owning home still a dream for majority in United States. Owning a home is still a dream for majority of the families in the United States this even as prices have gone down, a latest survey result released Thursday December 21, 2023 showed. (2023-12-25). E-commerce gives recovery solid momentum. The rapid evolution of technologies and innovations has made e-commerce, which was initially a convenient tool to buy low-priced household goods, personal accessories or services like food delivery, integral to consumption in recent years, experts said. (2023-12-25). Demand for foreign brands drives consumption upgrading. Chinese consumers are demanding high-quality, foreign brands in keeping with changing lifestyles, fueled by enhanced logistics efficiencies and preferential policies such as lower tariffs and an expanded list of imported goods, experts said. (2023-12-24). E-commerce gives recovery solid momentum. The rapid evolution of technologies and innovations has made e-commerce, which was initially a convenient tool to buy low-priced household goods, personal accessories or services like food delivery, integral to consumption in recent years, experts said. (2023-12-24). Demand for foreign brands drives consumption upgrading. Chinese consumers are demanding high-quality, foreign brands in keeping with changing lifestyles, fueled by enhanced logistics efficiencies and preferential policies such as lower tariffs and an expanded list of imported goods, experts said.

infobrics (2023-12-25). BRICS in Global Financial System: The Need to Level the Playing Field. The nations of BRICS have repeatedly called for the enhancement of their role and status within the current global financial system, which was long overdue…

EcoWaste Coalition (2023-12-25). EcoWaste Coalition Cites 10th Year of Groundbreaking Chemical Control Order Banning Toxic Lead in Paints. 23 December 2023, Quezon City. The EcoWaste Coalition, a non-profit environmental health organization, lauded the Chemical Control Order (CCO) banning lead — a potent neurotoxin causing irreversible damage to children's brains — in the production of paints as the groundbreaking regulation marks its 10th anniversary today. | Issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) on December 23, 2013, the group, in a statement released 10 years ago, described the broadly supported regulation as "a splendid Christmas gift to our children." | Als…

_____ (2023-12-25). Climate Profiteers Exploit Somali Suffering. 20 Dec 2023 – NGOs and other climate profiteers treat Somalia as a poster child for global warming.

Horacio Rovelli (2023-12-25). Capitalismo salvaje y de la peor especie: El no-régimen de Milei. Tras dos semanas de gobierno, no queda duda de que, por más que el ahora Presidente de la República diga que las medidas que se imponen no son "business friendly" (favorables a los negocios), sino que son market friendly (amigables…

teleSUR -JCM (2023-12-25). A 13 se eleva cifra de muertos tras explosión en una fábrica en Indonesia>. Tras el incidente, los trabajadores fallecidos y heridos fueron trasladados de inmediato al centro médico ubicado dentro del parque industrial.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-25). Presidente de Bolivia envía mensaje navideño de paz y unidad. Destaca el valor de la solidaridad y la inclusión, y de aplicar la política de industrialización como pilar fundamental del modelo económico, social, comunitario y productivo. (2023-12-25). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Javier Tolcachier (2023-12-25). Will Argentina fail in 2024? Between 2019 and 2020 massive social uprisings shook the political scene in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. The drops that overflowed the glass of popular (in)patience were the increase in the cost of public transport, the price of fuel and a tax reform. | Beyond the cathartic explosion, the generalised rage was unleashed against the continuity of neoliberal policies sustained for decades in Chile and Colombia and adopted by the electoral betrayal of Lenin Moreno in Ecuador. It's not thirty pesos, but 30 years, was one of the main slogans of the Chilean "cabros", who, like their Colombian and Ecuadorian generational…

thecommunists (2023-12-25). Joti Brar: The essential lessons of October. The speech above was delivered at our recent meeting celebrating the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution at Bolivar Hall in central London. ***** In this brief speech, Comrade Joti Brar sums up some of the essential lessons of October, highlighting the fact that it changed the world forever by opening a new historical era …

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-25). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: (or scan QR code in the image)…

2023-12-25 22:59:42 | 22:59 EST | tr | 26 | 0 | 3 | 27 | 0 

2023-12-24: News Headlines

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-24). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Staff (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 announced by President Javier Milei on Wednesday December 20, proposes significant changes to the country's labor regime, amid the proposed modification of more than 300 regulations. In addition, it advances a profound deregulation of the economy, proposes a "shock stabilization plan," and aims to advance the privatization …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). DPRK newspaper calls U.S. as exporter of wars. Pyongyang, Dec 23 (Prensa Latina) North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun described the United States as exporter of wars, and also condemned that the foundation of its economy is the war industry, ACNC agency reported Saturday.

dzorinoco (2023-12-23). Economic Costs of War: a Lesser Misfortune for 'Israel'. Al-Carmel Editorial Team — Dec 17, 2023 | Since the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7, 2023, economic experts anticipated a substantial impact of the war on the "Israeli" economy. Indeed, figures released by "Israeli" newspapers and media revealed significant economic losses compared to previous wars waged by the enemy. However, this wasn't surprising. | The negative economic indicators of the occupying entity are deemed "natural consequences," as markets and economic estimations are affected by general conditions in any country, especially during periods of instability, whether financial, se…

Redacción Chile (2023-12-23). "We are hopeful, but we are not naàØve", artisanal fishermen react to the draft new fishing law. Artisanal fishermen from CONDEPP reacted to the presentation of the draft of the new fishing law by President Gabriel Boric accompanied by the Minister of Economy Nicolás Grau, this morning in the cove of Quintay. | For Hernán Cortés, president of the council for the defence of the fishing heritage A.G. CONDEPP, the presentation responds to artisanal fishermen's desire for a decade. "From the beginning, we denounced that the fishing industry had links with parliamentarians in the fisheries commission that approved the Longueira law, that is why we appreciate that the government fulfills its commitment to present…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-23). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2023-12-24). Putin se reunirá con el Consejo Económico Supremo Euroasiático. La Habana, 24 dic (RHC) El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, participará el 25 de diciembre en la reunión del Consejo Económico Supremo Euroasiático con sede en San Petersburgo, informó hoy el servicio de prensa del Kremlin.

Roger Harris (2023-12-24). How the Campaign to Free Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. Negotiated prisoner exchange In […] | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ articles, check the status of y…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-24). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness. (2023-12-24). German economic adviser calls for higher taxes to fund Ukraine war. A German economic adviser has proposed a tax increase to fund the proxy war in Ukraine.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-12-23). Transnational Corporations Provoke A Single Scream Of Horror. Within the United Nations, there is a little-known debate about the status of global tax regulation. In August 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a draft document called 'Promotion of Inclusive and Effective International Tax Cooperation at the United Nations'. This document comes out of a long debate led by the Global South about the unregulated behaviour of transnational corporations (especially the ways in which they avoid taxation) and about the fact that discussions regarding regulations have been dominated by Global North countries (notably those in the Organisation for Economic Cooperatio…

Patricia Harrity (2023-12-23). Experts Warn — WEF's Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4+ Billion People. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-23). WEF's deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda. "Working together, restoring trust" was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum ("WEF") held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF's …

Staff (2023-12-23). Nation in ruins, Cadillac, Aircraft, and Lincoln in view: Jinnah's leadership examined. By Nasim Yousaf Since 1947, Pakistan has faced a tumultuous history marked by political upheavals, economic difficulties, corruption, and instability, with Muhammad Ali Jinnah serving as the inaugural Governor General. The nation was not given a sound foundation, and its challenges can be attributed to Jinnah's lack of foresight, limited governance experience, dictatorial tendencies, and …

The Independent (2023-12-23). Africa is steadily marching toward gender parity. Africa is making significant strides towards closing gender gaps across key areas: economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment, according to the World Economic Forum. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | Namibia is among a select group of nine nations globally that have successfully closed over 80% of their gender gap, marking a significant stride …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-23). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-23). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Labour Against The Arms Trade, World Beyond War, Socialist Project. (2023-12-23). Toronto Picketers At Military Contractor Pratt And Whitney. On Tuesday morning of December 12, more than two hundred workers and union members from across the Toronto area picketed the Mississauga manufacturing plant of defence contractor Pratt & Whitney Canada. As Israel pursues its deadly assault on Gaza for a third month, the picket lines interrupted business as usual at an aerospace giant that makes engines for aircrafts that the Israeli military is using to carry out its bombing campaign against Palestinian lives and infrastructure. Encountering banners that read "Stop Arming Apartheid" and "Arms Embargo on Israel Now" as they arrived for morning shift, cars wer…

WSWS (2023-12-23). The New Zealand National Party-led government's agenda of war and austerity, and how to fight it. The opposition that is already emerging to the National Party-NZ First-ACT coalition government's agenda of austerity and war must be transformed into a conscious socialist movement, in opposition to Labour and its allies which are seeking to suppress and divide the working class.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Clinical trial finds cell therapy improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Stem cell-based therapy improved quality of life for patients with advanced heart failure, Mayo Clinic researchers and international collaborators discovered in a late-stage multinational clinical trial. In one of the largest studies of cell intervention after a heart attack, patients reported their daily hardship lessened when stem cells optimized for heart repair supplemented standard of care. This clinical study further documented lower death and hospitalization rates among those treated with cell therapy….

Staff (2023-12-24). Campaign for Voter ID preparation for minorities. By Dr. Danish Lambe Mumbai: Rahman Foundation in collaboration with Star Foundation, two prominent organizations in Maharashtra, are leading a comprehensive campaign in key minority areas with the objective of assisting individuals from minority communities in obtaining their voter IDs. This initiative represents a significant step towards enabling active and empowered participation of these communities …

Staff (2023-12-24). Campaign for Voter ID preparation for minorities. By Dr. Danish Lambe Mumbai: Rahman Foundation in collaboration with Star Foundation, two prominent organizations in Maharashtra, are leading a comprehensive campaign in key minority areas with the objective of assisting individuals from minority communities in obtaining their voter IDs. This initiative represents a significant step towards enabling active and empowered participation of these communities …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo… (2023-12-24). Agricultural universities urged to act. Agricultural universities are being urged to report to market regulators suspected unauthorized advertising of snacks in order to safeguard their reputations. The move comes after a number of colleges denied any involvement with popular snacks sold online that falsely claimed collaboration with the institutions.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-12-24). FBI investiga por malversación a colaboradores de Juan Guaidó. Sospecha que gran parte de fondos dirigidos a Venezuela terminaron en poder de Carlos Méndez y su canal EVTV Miami, que Guaidó intentó usar para sustituir a teleSUR.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-24). 35 muertos por inundaciones registradas en el sur de India. El Secretario General de Gobierno de Tamil NAdu, Shiv Das Meena, indicó que ya las labores de rescate culminaron por lo que 35 es el saldo final de muertos registrados oficialmente.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-24). Nicaragua reporta el rescate de 22 personas de un naufragio. La Fuerza Naval del Ejército de Nicaragua envió al sitio del accidente un grupo de lanchas rápidas para colaborar en las acciones de rescate.

WSWS (2023-12-23). Australia: Labor government representatives promoted at Gaza vigil in Newcastle. The promotion of Labor MPs is a warning of the attempts to subordinate opposition to the genocide to the very government backing it.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Clinical trial finds cell therapy improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Stem cell-based therapy improved quality of life for patients with advanced heart failure, Mayo Clinic researchers and international collaborators discovered in a late-stage multinational clinical trial. In one of the largest studies of cell intervention after a heart attack, patients reported their daily hardship lessened when stem cells optimized for heart repair supplemented standard of care. This clinical study further documented lower death and hospitalization rates among those treated with cell therapy…. (2023-12-23). Agricultural universities urged to act. Agricultural universities are being urged to report to market regulators suspected unauthorized advertising of snacks in order to safeguard their reputations. The move comes after a number of colleges denied any involvement with popular snacks sold online that falsely claimed collaboration with the institutions.

ARG Medios (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. Milei pushed forward more than 11 labor laws and modified 20 aspects of the Labor Contract Law. It will now be cheaper to fire, protests are restricted if not banned, and precariousness will be the order of the day.

WSWS (2023-12-23). Los Angeles County doctors and dentists set to strike December 27. To undercut doctors' militancy, the UAPD is pursuing the AFL-CIO's treacherous script of Unfair Labor Practice strike action.

WSWS (2023-12-23). 2,000 attend Labor for Palestine rally in Oakland, California. The militant mood of workers attending Saturday's demonstration stood in contrast to the official speakers from local unions and the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America.

Josh Crowell, Tamara Dowell, Labor Notes. (2023-12-23). Amazon Goes Into Union-Busting Overdrive. Our union campaign at Amazon's "superhub" air cargo center, KCVG in Northern Kentucky, is taking off. And not surprisingly that's prompting the company to go into union-busting overdrive. | In the last two months of 2023, we've organized three marches on the boss—demanding translation rights for workers who are English language learners, and also challenging the company when they gave out "final written warnings" to 11 of us for union tabling activities, even though they were outside of work areas. | The video of our first march on the boss got over 5 million views on Tik Tok.

Sybil Davis, Jason Koslowski, Left Voice. (2023-12-23). The Hollywood Strikes Showed A New Class Consciousness Is Growing. As 2023 draws to a close, one of the biggest stories of the year was the "hot labor summer" and the overall rise of labor activity. The most significant of these strikes was the UAW strike, which began in mid-September and lasted until mid-October. | The Hollywood strikes of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) probably generated fewer high-profile headlines. But they deserve some special attention for a few reasons. The strikes ground a highly lucrative industry to a halt, and they cost California and other production-heavy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo…

Staff (2023-12-23). Nota informativa del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. El Consejo de Ministros ha decidido disponer el receso laboral con pago del salario, el miércoles 3 de enero de 2024, como justo reconocimiento al esfuerzo realizado por nuestro pueblo en el año 2023 y con el objetivo de propiciar el descanso de los trabajadores. (2023-12-23). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

WSWS (2023-12-23). As billionaire wealth surges, US faces record homelessness. The latest "point-in-time" survey from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed a staggering 12 percent jump in homelessness in 2023, one of many indicators of severe social distress in capitalist America.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2023-12-23). Burundi – Food Security Outlook Update: High food and fuel prices likely to drive Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes in east, December 2023.

UMMID (2023-12-23). Owning home still a dream for majority in United States. Owning a home is still a dream for majority of the families in the United States this even as prices have gone down, a latest survey result released Thursday December 21, 2023 showed.

JANET (2023-12-23). New York City: Monday global strikes for Palestine. By Toni Arenstein December 22, 2023 New York City The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for global strikes to take on Mondays until the Zionist aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people ends. They stated, "The duty today for all the free people of the world, especially the sons and daughters of the Arab nation, is to escalate pressure and protest using all means of struggle and its forms and tools, to strike the interests of the forces of aggression, besiege their embassies and bases and prevent financial and military support to the Zionist entity that slaughters and bes…

Larry Johnson (2023-12-23). Simon Kuper Wins The Ben Hodges Award for Ukraine Fabulism. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels | No. That is not Simon Kuper hanging with Def Fàºhrer. This is Simon Kuper. | Simon Kuper | He is a "columnist" for the Financial Times. I think a more accurate title is, "fabulist." For those whose native tongue is other than English the word, "fabulist", is a polite synonym for LIAR. And boy did he lie in his latest column, " (2023-12-23). US, Europe plan to seize Russia's $300 billion in assets: Report. The Biden administration is showing favor in seizing over $300 billion in assets the Russian central bank has set aside in Western financial institutions.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-24). Day 77 roundtable: Gaza's Christians; Craig Mokhiber on genocide. Why does the UN fail to stop Israel's slaughter?

Brandon Soderberg, Andrew Friedman, The Real News Network. (2023-12-24). Here We Go Again. It was about to get dark. | In the summer of 2003, Devin was 19 years old and living in West Baltimore with his mom and two brothers, just a few blocks away from the Western District Baltimore Police station. Every night around 9 or 10 p.m., Baltimore cops patrolled the area heavily. They drove in marked and unmarked cop cars searching for signs of disorder, ready to round up people for mass arrest. It was all part of a policing strategy introduced in the late '90s called "zero tolerance." | "It always happened around sundown," Devin told The Real News. "The police see you out with even just one or two people and…

The Independent (2023-12-24). Japan OKs FY 2024 budget, defense spending reaches new high. TOKYO | Xinhua | The Japanese government on Friday adopted a draft budget of 112.07 trillion yen (about 787 billion U.S. dollars) for fiscal year 2024, with defense spending hitting an all-time high for the 10th straight year. The figure approved by the cabinet for the fiscal period from April 2024 to March 2025 marked …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Mindfulness and mental health. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've been hearing a lot about mindfulness meditation lately and how it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. But I'm a bit skeptical and don't really understand how sitting still and doing nothing can make such a big difference. I have a busy and active lifestyle, and the idea of spending time just focusing on my breath or thoughts sounds boring. Are there real benefits of mindfulness meditation and how…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Mindfulness and mental health. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've been hearing a lot about mindfulness meditation lately and how it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. But I'm a bit skeptical and don't really understand how sitting still and doing nothing can make such a big difference. I have a busy and active lifestyle, and the idea of spending time just focusing on my breath or thoughts sounds boring. Are there real benefits of mindfulness meditation and how…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-24). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places… (2023-12-24). Investment in power grid rises 1.8% to $78b. Investment in China's power grid has remained relatively stable in recent years, with total investment in national grid construction projects in 2022 reaching 500.6 billion yuan ($78.22 billion), up 1.8 percent year-on-year, according to the China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places… (2023-12-23). Investment in power grid rises 1.8% to $78b. Investment in China's power grid has remained relatively stable in recent years, with total investment in national grid construction projects in 2022 reaching 500.6 billion yuan ($78.22 billion), up 1.8 percent year-on-year, according to the China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute.

JANET (2023-12-23). Migrants wage 7th hunger strike at Tacoma detention center. By Jim McMahan December 22, 2023 Tacoma, Washington Detainees at the NorthWest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma are waging their seventh hunger strike against intolerable conditions this year. The migrant workers are imprisoned at a facility owned by the huge Geo corporation, which operates prisons for profit. Outside the Northwest Detention Center, Tacoma, Washington, Dec. 17, 2023. Credit: Jim McMahan Strikers at the NWDC have numbered from a few to over 100, and as of this writing they are in their 37th day! They are demanding to be released, although that often means deportation. Demonstrators outside are de…

The Independent (2023-12-24). Museveni backs European Union ban of coffee linked to deforestation. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has expressed support for the European Union's regulations aimed at only accepting coffee exports from registered farmers and those grown on non-deforested lands. Recently, the European Parliament approved a landmark deforestation law banning imports into the European Union of coffee, beef, soy, and other commodities if …

Michaela Herrmann, Clare Carlile, DeSmog. (2023-12-23). Animal Pharma Industry Resists Curbing Overuse Of Antibiotics. Two years after landmark European Union legislation designed to curb the overuse of antibiotics on farms came into force, new analysis from DeSmog reveals eight key narratives the veterinary medicine and farming lobbies deploy to defend the billion-dollar market for the drugs. | Aiming to combat the emergence of deadly treatment-resistant bacteria in humans, known in medical jargon as "antimicrobial resistance," or AMR, the new rules are the world's most rigorous legislation governing farm antibiotics. The regulations banned the "routine" use of antibiotics on farms for whole herds of healthy animals, including o…

Michaela Herrmann, Clare Carlile, DeSmog. (2023-12-23). Animal Pharma Industry Resists Curbing Overuse Of Antibiotics On Farms. Two years after landmark European Union legislation designed to curb the overuse of antibiotics on farms came into force, new analysis from DeSmog reveals eight key narratives the veterinary medicine and farming lobbies deploy to defend the billion-dollar market for the drugs. | Aiming to combat the emergence of deadly treatment-resistant bacteria in humans, known in medical jargon as "antimicrobial resistance," or AMR, the new rules are the world's most rigorous legislation governing farm antibiotics. The regulations banned the "routine" use of antibiotics on farms for whole herds of healthy animals, including o…

WSWS (2023-12-23). Argentina's ultra-right government declares war on working class. On December 20, Argentina's ultra-right President Javier Milei signed a decree to downsize the government, scrap regulations and strip the working class of existing social, wage, retirement and welfare benefits.

Pete Dolack (2023-12-24). So Long, and Thanks for All the Hamburgers. Image by Li-An Lim. | It's not true that humanity is committing suicide, as exemplified by the COP28 farce of a climate summit. The world's industrialists and financiers are committing humanity to ecocide. More than ever, it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. | Death by capitalism. That phrase has a certain catchy feeling to it. But it's no joke, is it? No, no joke at all. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but can't read CP+ ar…

Editor (2023-12-23). Capitalist contradictions and revolutionary struggle: An introduction. Hearing or reading about the "contradictions of capitalism" in an article or at a rally might be intimidating, like a foreign language or a term only a certain group can understand.

teleSUR -JCM (2023-12-24). A 13 se eleva cifra de muertos tras explosión en una fábrica en Indonesia>. Tras el incidente, los trabajadores fallecidos y heridos fueron trasladados de inmediato al centro médico ubicado dentro del parque industrial.

teleSUR, SH (2023-12-24). Explosión en un parque industrial de Indonesia deja 12 muertos. Entre los fallecidos por el incendio en la fábrica de níquel se encuentran siete ciudadanos indonesios y cinco extranjeros.

Editor (2023-12-23). How Israel Buys Support From Celebrities & Influencers (w/ Lee Camp). By Lee Camp / BreakThrough News Why have so many celebrities, politicians, and influencers come out to strongly support Israel? The two word answer: the "Israel lobby." But it's much deeper than that. Comedian Lee Camp reveals the gruesome and often hidden details of how the Israel Support Industrial Complex's sausage is made.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). Italy's foreign trade with non-EU nations scaled down in December. According to the National Statistics Institute (ISTAT) ¥s latest report, this monthly decline in exports impacted on industrial power groups as well as both intermediate and non-durable consumer goods, by dropping 31.0; 3.4 and 2.5%, respectively. | However, ISTAT's experts, foreign sales of consumer durables experienced a growth of 2.6% at that stage. | Regarding imports, there were cyclical declines in all groups, with a 7.5% drop in energy and 4.5% in consumer durables but purchases of capital goods grew by 1.7%. | In November 2023, Italy ¥s trade balance with non-EU countries was positive for an amoun…

Last Real Indians. (2023-12-23). Hoopa Valley Tribe Reclaim Over 10,000 Acres. The Hoopa Valley Tribe announced today the acquisition of 10,395 acres of land bordering the western boundary of the Tribe's Reservation. The return of the Hupa Mountain property brings the Tribe's landholdings to a total of over 102,000 acres. When the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation was created, the Hupa people lost access to and use of more than two-thirds of their ancestral lands. The Tribe's $14.1 million purchase of the land rightfully returns management, conservation, and use of the land to Hupa People. | "Today is a day of intense celebration for our Tribe," said Hoopa Valley Tribal Chairman Joe Davis.

Ann Brown (2023-12-23). U.S. Government: Atlanta Attorney Fraudulently Took $7 Million In PPP Loans, Purchased Barbie-Color Bentley. Georgia attorney and former City of Atlanta police officer Shelitha Robertson has been convicted of a fraudulent scheme to obtain over $7 million in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, Robertson, a 62-year-old Atlanta resident, conspired to submit fraudulent PPP loan applications on behalf … (2023-12-24). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-23). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

teleSUR, MS (2023-12-24). Aprueban amparo contra los decretos neoliberales de Javier Milei. Dicho amparo será inscrito en el Registro de Procesos Colectivos, planteando ser el escenario para incluir otras presentaciones en el mismo expediente penal contra las medidas tomadas desde la Presidencia.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-24). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: (or scan QR code in the image)…

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Stop the Gaza genocide! Build a socialist anti-war movement!"—SEP (Australia) holds well-attended public meeting. More than 150 workers and young people joined the meeting to discuss the way forward for the working class in the fight to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Helen Halyard's patience and kindness have nurtured an entire generation of socialists" The following tributes to Helen Halyard were read out to an international memorial meeting held on December 3.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-23). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: (or scan QR code in the image)…

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-24). Ajamu Baraka: Report Back From Peace Delegation To China. On the issue of Chinese diplomacy, it is important to note that the Chinese approach is a significant departure from the crisis oriented, zero-sum diplomacy that is characteristic of diplomacy emanating from the West. | This was a particularly important element that we addressed in our discussions with members of Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, various specialists on China and in a meeting with representatives from the Chinese Communist Party. | What is clear is that on the issue of diplomacy there is a fundamental divergence in core values. The principles articulated by President Xi Jinpi…

thecommunists (2023-12-23). Defeat in war deepens the cracks in Ukraine and its backers. The imperialist proxy war against Russia is now dead in the water, with the much-lauded Ukrainian 'offensive' stuck in the mud and all the previous claims of imminent victory ringing hollow. Attempts to soften the blow of defeat by rebranding it as a 'stalemate' fool nobody: there is neither an equality of rival forces nor …

2023-12-24 21:01:38 | 21:01 EST | tr | 77 | 4 | 48 | 27 | 0 

2023-12-23: News Headlines

Staff (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 announced by President Javier Milei on Wednesday December 20, proposes significant changes to the country's labor regime, amid the proposed modification of more than 300 regulations. In addition, it advances a profound deregulation of the economy, proposes a "shock stabilization plan," and aims to advance the privatization …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). DPRK newspaper calls U.S. as exporter of wars. Pyongyang, Dec 23 (Prensa Latina) North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun described the United States as exporter of wars, and also condemned that the foundation of its economy is the war industry, ACNC agency reported Saturday.

Redacción Chile (2023-12-23). "We are hopeful, but we are not naàØve", artisanal fishermen react to the draft new fishing law. Artisanal fishermen from CONDEPP reacted to the presentation of the draft of the new fishing law by President Gabriel Boric accompanied by the Minister of Economy Nicolás Grau, this morning in the cove of Quintay. | For Hernán Cortés, president of the council for the defence of the fishing heritage A.G. CONDEPP, the presentation responds to artisanal fishermen's desire for a decade. "From the beginning, we denounced that the fishing industry had links with parliamentarians in the fisheries commission that approved the Longueira law, that is why we appreciate that the government fulfills its commitment to present…

dzorinoco (2023-12-23). Economic Costs of War: a Lesser Misfortune for 'Israel'. Al-Carmel Editorial Team — Dec 17, 2023 | Since the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7, 2023, economic experts anticipated a substantial impact of the war on the "Israeli" economy. Indeed, figures released by "Israeli" newspapers and media revealed significant economic losses compared to previous wars waged by the enemy. However, this wasn't surprising. | The negative economic indicators of the occupying entity are deemed "natural consequences," as markets and economic estimations are affected by general conditions in any country, especially during periods of instability, whether financial, se…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-12-23). Saturday 1/13: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. Email a few days beforehand for the online invite.

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2023-12-23). Transnational Corporations Provoke A Single Scream Of Horror. Within the United Nations, there is a little-known debate about the status of global tax regulation. In August 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a draft document called 'Promotion of Inclusive and Effective International Tax Cooperation at the United Nations'. This document comes out of a long debate led by the Global South about the unregulated behaviour of transnational corporations (especially the ways in which they avoid taxation) and about the fact that discussions regarding regulations have been dominated by Global North countries (notably those in the Organisation for Economic Cooperatio…

Patricia Harrity (2023-12-23). Experts Warn — WEF's Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4+ Billion People. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-23). WEF's deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda. "Working together, restoring trust" was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum ("WEF") held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF's …

The Independent (2023-12-23). Africa is steadily marching toward gender parity. Africa is making significant strides towards closing gender gaps across key areas: economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment, according to the World Economic Forum. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | Namibia is among a select group of nine nations globally that have successfully closed over 80% of their gender gap, marking a significant stride …

Staff (2023-12-23). Nation in ruins, Cadillac, Aircraft, and Lincoln in view: Jinnah's leadership examined. By Nasim Yousaf Since 1947, Pakistan has faced a tumultuous history marked by political upheavals, economic difficulties, corruption, and instability, with Muhammad Ali Jinnah serving as the inaugural Governor General. The nation was not given a sound foundation, and its challenges can be attributed to Jinnah's lack of foresight, limited governance experience, dictatorial tendencies, and …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-23). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-12-23). We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness | Call it socialism – as the wealthy GOP does – or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

The Independent (2023-12-23). Nakasongola district council kicks security commitee out of tender awards. Nakasongola, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Nakasongola District Council has passed a resolution banning the Security Committee from recommending applicants for the award of tenders to collect dues from the cattle markets. The District Security Committee recently resolved to screen applicants before they are selected by the Procurement Officer for tenders to collect revenue from …

Labour Against The Arms Trade, World Beyond War, Socialist Project. (2023-12-23). Toronto Picketers At Military Contractor Pratt And Whitney. On Tuesday morning of December 12, more than two hundred workers and union members from across the Toronto area picketed the Mississauga manufacturing plant of defence contractor Pratt & Whitney Canada. As Israel pursues its deadly assault on Gaza for a third month, the picket lines interrupted business as usual at an aerospace giant that makes engines for aircrafts that the Israeli military is using to carry out its bombing campaign against Palestinian lives and infrastructure. Encountering banners that read "Stop Arming Apartheid" and "Arms Embargo on Israel Now" as they arrived for morning shift, cars wer…

WSWS (2023-12-23). The New Zealand National Party-led government's agenda of war and austerity, and how to fight it. The opposition that is already emerging to the National Party-NZ First-ACT coalition government's agenda of austerity and war must be transformed into a conscious socialist movement, in opposition to Labour and its allies which are seeking to suppress and divide the working class.

WSWS (2023-12-23). Australia: Labor government representatives promoted at Gaza vigil in Newcastle. The promotion of Labor MPs is a warning of the attempts to subordinate opposition to the genocide to the very government backing it.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Clinical trial finds cell therapy improves quality of life in advanced heart failure. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Stem cell-based therapy improved quality of life for patients with advanced heart failure, Mayo Clinic researchers and international collaborators discovered in a late-stage multinational clinical trial. In one of the largest studies of cell intervention after a heart attack, patients reported their daily hardship lessened when stem cells optimized for heart repair supplemented standard of care. This clinical study further documented lower death and hospitalization rates among those treated with cell therapy….

ARG Medios (2023-12-23). Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree. Milei pushed forward more than 11 labor laws and modified 20 aspects of the Labor Contract Law. It will now be cheaper to fire, protests are restricted if not banned, and precariousness will be the order of the day.

Sybil Davis, Jason Koslowski, Left Voice. (2023-12-23). The Hollywood Strikes Showed A New Class Consciousness Is Growing. As 2023 draws to a close, one of the biggest stories of the year was the "hot labor summer" and the overall rise of labor activity. The most significant of these strikes was the UAW strike, which began in mid-September and lasted until mid-October. | The Hollywood strikes of the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) probably generated fewer high-profile headlines. But they deserve some special attention for a few reasons. The strikes ground a highly lucrative industry to a halt, and they cost California and other production-heavy…

WSWS (2023-12-23). Los Angeles County doctors and dentists set to strike December 27. To undercut doctors' militancy, the UAPD is pursuing the AFL-CIO's treacherous script of Unfair Labor Practice strike action.

WSWS (2023-12-23). 2,000 attend Labor for Palestine rally in Oakland, California. The militant mood of workers attending Saturday's demonstration stood in contrast to the official speakers from local unions and the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic hits milestone of 1 million YouTube subscribers. The channel's success is driven by the collaboration of teams from Mayo Clinic's Center for Digital Health, Marketing, IT and Communications, along with staff members across Mayo Clinic who share their expertise to help others. ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic's YouTube channel recently surpassed 1 million subscribers. Mayo Clinic started its YouTube channel in 2006, before the streaming platform became a household name. Over the past 17 years, the channel has grown steadily, delivering Mayo… (2023-12-23). Agricultural universities urged to act. Agricultural universities are being urged to report to market regulators suspected unauthorized advertising of snacks in order to safeguard their reputations. The move comes after a number of colleges denied any involvement with popular snacks sold online that falsely claimed collaboration with the institutions.

Staff (2023-12-23). Nota informativa del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. El Consejo de Ministros ha decidido disponer el receso laboral con pago del salario, el miércoles 3 de enero de 2024, como justo reconocimiento al esfuerzo realizado por nuestro pueblo en el año 2023 y con el objetivo de propiciar el descanso de los trabajadores. (2023-12-23). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

WSWS (2023-12-23). As billionaire wealth surges, US faces record homelessness. The latest "point-in-time" survey from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development revealed a staggering 12 percent jump in homelessness in 2023, one of many indicators of severe social distress in capitalist America.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2023-12-23). Burundi – Food Security Outlook Update: High food and fuel prices likely to drive Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes in east, December 2023.

UMMID (2023-12-23). Owning home still a dream for majority in United States. Owning a home is still a dream for majority of the families in the United States this even as prices have gone down, a latest survey result released Thursday December 21, 2023 showed.

JANET (2023-12-23). New York City: Monday global strikes for Palestine. By Toni Arenstein December 22, 2023 New York City The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for global strikes to take on Mondays until the Zionist aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people ends. They stated, "The duty today for all the free people of the world, especially the sons and daughters of the Arab nation, is to escalate pressure and protest using all means of struggle and its forms and tools, to strike the interests of the forces of aggression, besiege their embassies and bases and prevent financial and military support to the Zionist entity that slaughters and bes…

Larry Johnson (2023-12-23). Simon Kuper Wins The Ben Hodges Award for Ukraine Fabulism. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels | No. That is not Simon Kuper hanging with Def Fàºhrer. This is Simon Kuper. | Simon Kuper | He is a "columnist" for the Financial Times. I think a more accurate title is, "fabulist." For those whose native tongue is other than English the word, "fabulist", is a polite synonym for LIAR. And boy did he lie in his latest column, " (2023-12-23). US, Europe plan to seize Russia's $300 billion in assets: Report. The Biden administration is showing favor in seizing over $300 billion in assets the Russian central bank has set aside in Western financial institutions.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Mindfulness and mental health. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've been hearing a lot about mindfulness meditation lately and how it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. But I'm a bit skeptical and don't really understand how sitting still and doing nothing can make such a big difference. I have a busy and active lifestyle, and the idea of spending time just focusing on my breath or thoughts sounds boring. Are there real benefits of mindfulness meditation and how…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-23). Mayo Clinic makes transformative $22 million investment in local communities. Twenty-one nonprofits will receive support to help those in need ROCHESTER, Minn. ‚Äï Mayo Clinic cares for its patients, communities and each other, and Mayo's Bold. Forward. strategy supports this care through work to Cure, Connect, and Transform healthcare for all. As this strategy successfully unfolds, this year Mayo Clinic is able to invest an additional $22 million in community organizations addressing pressing needs related to housing, food insecurity, access to healthcare, and safe places… (2023-12-23). Investment in power grid rises 1.8% to $78b. Investment in China's power grid has remained relatively stable in recent years, with total investment in national grid construction projects in 2022 reaching 500.6 billion yuan ($78.22 billion), up 1.8 percent year-on-year, according to the China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute. (2023-12-23). The profiteers of war: Companies fueling the Israeli assault on GazaThe U.S. government has facilitated the transfer of an immense array of weaponry to Israel. In the initial month-and-a-half following the October 7 declaration of war, over 15,000 bombs and 50,000 artillery shells made their way into Israeli hands. The secrecy shrouding these transfers highlights the sensitive nature of this support, a topic often left out of public discourse and congressional oversight.

JANET (2023-12-23). Migrants wage 7th hunger strike at Tacoma detention center. By Jim McMahan December 22, 2023 Tacoma, Washington Detainees at the NorthWest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma are waging their seventh hunger strike against intolerable conditions this year. The migrant workers are imprisoned at a facility owned by the huge Geo corporation, which operates prisons for profit. Outside the Northwest Detention Center, Tacoma, Washington, Dec. 17, 2023. Credit: Jim McMahan Strikers at the NWDC have numbered from a few to over 100, and as of this writing they are in their 37th day! They are demanding to be released, although that often means deportation. Demonstrators outside are de…

Michaela Herrmann, Clare Carlile, DeSmog. (2023-12-23). Animal Pharma Industry Resists Curbing Overuse Of Antibiotics On Farms. Two years after landmark European Union legislation designed to curb the overuse of antibiotics on farms came into force, new analysis from DeSmog reveals eight key narratives the veterinary medicine and farming lobbies deploy to defend the billion-dollar market for the drugs. | Aiming to combat the emergence of deadly treatment-resistant bacteria in humans, known in medical jargon as "antimicrobial resistance," or AMR, the new rules are the world's most rigorous legislation governing farm antibiotics. The regulations banned the "routine" use of antibiotics on farms for whole herds of healthy animals, including o…

WSWS (2023-12-23). Argentina's ultra-right government declares war on working class. On December 20, Argentina's ultra-right President Javier Milei signed a decree to downsize the government, scrap regulations and strip the working class of existing social, wage, retirement and welfare benefits.

Editor (2023-12-23). Capitalist contradictions and revolutionary struggle: An introduction. Hearing or reading about the "contradictions of capitalism" in an article or at a rally might be intimidating, like a foreign language or a term only a certain group can understand.

Editor (2023-12-23). How Israel Buys Support From Celebrities & Influencers (w/ Lee Camp). By Lee Camp / BreakThrough News Why have so many celebrities, politicians, and influencers come out to strongly support Israel? The two word answer: the "Israel lobby." But it's much deeper than that. Comedian Lee Camp reveals the gruesome and often hidden details of how the Israel Support Industrial Complex's sausage is made.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-23). Italy's foreign trade with non-EU nations scaled down in December. According to the National Statistics Institute (ISTAT) ¥s latest report, this monthly decline in exports impacted on industrial power groups as well as both intermediate and non-durable consumer goods, by dropping 31.0; 3.4 and 2.5%, respectively. | However, ISTAT's experts, foreign sales of consumer durables experienced a growth of 2.6% at that stage. | Regarding imports, there were cyclical declines in all groups, with a 7.5% drop in energy and 4.5% in consumer durables but purchases of capital goods grew by 1.7%. | In November 2023, Italy ¥s trade balance with non-EU countries was positive for an amoun…

Last Real Indians. (2023-12-23). Hoopa Valley Tribe Reclaim Over 10,000 Acres. The Hoopa Valley Tribe announced today the acquisition of 10,395 acres of land bordering the western boundary of the Tribe's Reservation. The return of the Hupa Mountain property brings the Tribe's landholdings to a total of over 102,000 acres. When the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation was created, the Hupa people lost access to and use of more than two-thirds of their ancestral lands. The Tribe's $14.1 million purchase of the land rightfully returns management, conservation, and use of the land to Hupa People. | "Today is a day of intense celebration for our Tribe," said Hoopa Valley Tribal Chairman Joe Davis.

Ann Brown (2023-12-23). U.S. Government: Atlanta Attorney Fraudulently Took $7 Million In PPP Loans, Purchased Barbie-Color Bentley. Georgia attorney and former City of Atlanta police officer Shelitha Robertson has been convicted of a fraudulent scheme to obtain over $7 million in loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, Robertson, a 62-year-old Atlanta resident, conspired to submit fraudulent PPP loan applications on behalf … (2023-12-23). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Stop the Gaza genocide! Build a socialist anti-war movement!"—SEP (Australia) holds well-attended public meeting. More than 150 workers and young people joined the meeting to discuss the way forward for the working class in the fight to stop Israel's genocide in Gaza.

WSWS (2023-12-23). "Helen Halyard's patience and kindness have nurtured an entire generation of socialists" The following tributes to Helen Halyard were read out to an international memorial meeting held on December 3.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-12-23). Wednesday 1/31: Reading Circle: The Palestinian Struggle for Self-Determination. New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St (near Ellis), SF | Also on Zoom | Register: (or scan QR code in the image)…

thecommunists (2023-12-23). Defeat in war deepens the cracks in Ukraine and its backers. The imperialist proxy war against Russia is now dead in the water, with the much-lauded Ukrainian 'offensive' stuck in the mud and all the previous claims of imminent victory ringing hollow. Attempts to soften the blow of defeat by rebranding it as a 'stalemate' fool nobody: there is neither an equality of rival forces nor …

2023-12-23 22:45:46 | 22:45 EST | tr | 50 | 0 | 2 | 48 | 0 

2023-12-21: News Headlines

Dean Baker (2023-12-21). The National Debt, Tax Farming and Patent Monopolies. It increasingly looks like the Fed and the Biden administration have nailed the notoriously difficult soft landing, with inflation rapidly falling towards the Fed's 2.0 percent target and the unemployment rate still under 4.0 percent. All the signs are that the economy will continue to grow and create jobs at a healthy pace in 2024

teleSUR (2023-12-21). Argentines Reject President Milei's Economic Deregulation. On Wednesday night, thousands of Argentinians protested against the state downsizing policies, privatization of public assets, and economic deregulation proposed by President Javier Milei. | RELATED: | Through an "urgent" decree, Milei reformed over 300 laws to establish "the foundations for the reconstruction of the Argentine economy." | Among other things, his decree transforms all state-owned enterprises into…

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-21). Argentine President announced economic deregulation and privatization. Buenos Aires, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) Today, the Argentine President, Javier Milei, announced that he signed a Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) to deregulate the economy with more than 300 reforms, including the privatization of public companies and the selling of land and natural resources to foreign individuals and companies.

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-21). Cuba forecasts 2% economic growth for 2024. Havana, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is projecting for 2024 a gross domestic product (GDP) growth, at constant prices, of around two percent, Deputy Prime Minister and head of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil, said.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-20). Despite Biden's Claims, Gaza Health Ministry Death Toll Is Accurate. The death toll of Israel's war on Gaza reported by the Palestinian health ministry is accurate, according to two peer-reviewed studies by scientific experts published in top medical journal The Lancet. | As of December 18, Israel had killed 19,453 Palestinians in Gaza, the ministry reported. Two-thirds of the deaths were children (7,729) and women (5,153). | United Nations bodies, human rights organizations, and major media outlets have often used these statistics, because they have a history of being accurate. | "International organizations including the United Nations usually rely on these same figures as they…

Matt Bruenig (2023-12-20). What About Wages? This is my fourth entry into the "is the economy good" debate ( The di…

F. William Engdahl (2023-12-20). "The Great Reset" Is Here: Follow the Money. "Insane Lockdown" of the Global Economy, "The Green Agenda" The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a technocratic cabal led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum— the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030— is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus…

Dongsheng Collective (2023-12-20). The Third Wave of Socialism. After the end of the Cold War, socialism suffered significant global setbacks. Despite this, a new wave of socialism has gradually emerged. Through decades of reform and opening up, China has incorporated a market economy into its socialist system. China's rise has generated tremendous interest in the country's path of development and the socialist market economy. As capitalism faces its most severe crisis in a century, there are opportunities for a new wave of socialist development. (2023-12-20). Officials: 2023 GDP goal well within reach. China is confident and capable of reaching this year's GDP growth target of around 5 percent, and policymakers have ample tools to stabilize the economy next year, officials and experts said on Tuesday. (2023-12-20). Economists share confidence in Chinese economy's further growth. There's still room for the Chinese government to make macroeconomic policies stronger next year, economists said at a seminar of the China Macroeconomy Forum, Securities Times reported on Wednesday. (2023-12-20). NDRC to revise PPP mechanism to boost private investment. China's top economic planner on Tuesday vowed to expedite the implementation of a new mechanism for public-private partnership (PPP) projects and revise the rules for operating licenses involving infrastructure facilities and public utilities.

Pressenza New York (2023-12-20). Bangladesh: Remittance inflow surges in the second half of December: Positive for the economy. A recent increase in remittances, touching $1.07 billion during December 1-15, 2023, underlines significant support for our foreign exchange reserves. This significant increase not only indicates promising growth but also reveals a resilient pattern in remittance flows. As Bangladesh navigates through economic transitions and global challenges, the robustness shown in remittance flows serves as a beacon of hope, promising resilience and prosperity in the times ahead. | The information provided by the Balance of Payments (BOP) Department and Statistics Department is not just a numerical update; It is a narrative o…

Pressenza New York (2023-12-20). Offshore wind power can help reduce greenhouse gases. All emerging nations, not just our own, struggle with electricity. And the straightforward explanation that electricity is either not available or not available by demand, etc., is often given. Scientists have taken the initiative to develop a new device that uses the temperature differential between the European deep sea and the surface to create power, to avert this electrical crisis. They have achieved a completely sustainable and continuous electricity supply by addressing climate change. For the benefit of the free market economy, there is a growing demand for and use of alternative fuels, particularly as th… (2023-12-20). China, Nicaragua upgrade bilateral ties to strategic partnership. China and Nicaragua announced on Wednesday they agreed to upgrade bilateral relations to the strategic partnership, vowing to expand bilateral trade and bring their Free Trade Agreement (FTA) into force as soon as possible.

nosihle (2023-12-20). Government refurbishes Wolwekloof Nature Reserve project to attract tourists. Government refurbishes Wolwekloof Nature Reserve project to attract tourists | Minister of Tourism Patricia de Lille has handed over the multimillion rand refurbished Wolwekloof Nature Reserve Project in the Witzenberg Municipality to CapeNature in the Western Cape. | The multimillion rand infrastructure maintenance project was funded by the Department of Tourism with the intension to stimulate demand by investing in tourist attractions to build and diversify the country's tourism offerings. | "Tourism is a key sector in our economy, injecting billions into the economy each year and providing much needed jobs f…

Brian Berletic (2023-12-20). US Races to Provoke Conflict Over Taiwan Before China's Irreversible Military and Economic Rise. — The US is provoking China over the island province of Taiwan by placing troops on the island, arming the administration in Taipei, and increasingly encouraging separatism; | — The US officially recognizes China's sovereignty over Taiwan through its "One China" policy, yet unofficially undermines its at every juncture; | — Upcoming elections in Taiwan are subject to US political interference, which is extensive and undermines claims of Taiwan's "political independence;" | — Taiwan's economy depends heavily on the rest of China for continued prosperity and future opportunities the US is incapa…

Daniel Costa, Samantha Sanders, Economic Policy Institute. (2023-12-21). Congress And President Biden Should Not Trade Away Human Rights. The Senate, House, and White House are embroiled in down-to-the-wire negotiations to trade harmful changes to the asylum system and draconian immigration enforcement measures in exchange for approving a one-time defense supplemental funding package. We urge members of Congress and the White House to reject any such deal. | If Congress passes the one-time defense supplemental, the money will likely run out in just a few months. But the major anti-immigrant policy changes that Congress and the White House are reportedly considering will be permanent.

infobrics (2023-12-21). Colorado court blocks Trump from running for president because of "Bidenomics" failure. US citizens blame Biden for not having good economic prospects, finds new poll.

Roger D. Harris (2023-12-21). How the Campaign to Free Venezuelan Political Prisoner Alex Saab Succeeded. Alex Saab was freed from US captivity in what Venezuelan Prof. Maria Victor Paez described as "a triumph of Venezuelan diplomacy." The diplomat had been imprisoned for trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Venezuela in legal international trade but in circumvention of Washington's illegal economic coercive measures, also known as sanctions. Negotiated prisoner exchange In …

Gabriel Vera Lopes (2023-12-21). Thousands take to the streets in Argentina in the first mobilization against Milei's government. Thousands of Argentines demonstrated, this Wednesday December 20, "against the economic austerity measures" implemented by Javier Milei's government. The day was marked by high tension early on, following a major police operation carried out at the main entrances to the city of Buenos Aires. | The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, announced that she would debut her "anti-picketing protocol", presented last Friday December 15, and threatened that they would not allow the demonstration to take place. However, the call to mobilization managed to overcome the fear that the government tried to install. | The pe…

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, EcoWatch. (2023-12-21). Americans Abandoning Neighborhoods Due To Rising Flood Risk. As flooding becomes more common due to the shifting and strengthening weather patterns and sea-level rise associated with climate change, so does climate migration. | New research by the First Street Foundation (FSF) has combined historic population change trends with flood risk data to reveal climate migration patterns happening in areas with high flood risk across the United States. | "Much of the world's population is exposed to some kind of extreme weather event exacerbated by climate change. These events have been directly connected to impacts on human systems including economic, social, and political crises…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-21). WEF and UN join forces to initiate the next global crisis — water. Water's global moment has arrived, the World Economic Forum joyously declares on its Global Water Initiative page referring to the upcoming United Nations Water Conference. The website must be out of date … (2023-12-21). UN official: Climate change an important part of regional cooperation. "Countries must speed up implementing their commitment to achieving national net zero targets, accelerate the deployment of renewable energy and low carbon technology,and foster regional and international cooperation," said Armida Alisjahbana, under-secretary-general of the United Nations and executive secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

Steven Ganot (2023-12-21). Houthis Target Israeli-Linked Ships, Yemenis Worry About Economic Fallout.

Lana Ikelan (2023-12-21). War Takes an Economic Toll on Israeli Businesses and Employees.

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-21). Prime Minister announces actions for Cuba's economic recovery. Havana, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero announced today a group of actions aimed at increasing foreign currency income, increasing national production, and reducing the budget deficit.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-12-21). Realizan marcha contra medidas de ajuste económico en Argentina. En la marcha estuvieron presentes al menos 100 organizaciones sociales, políticas, sindicales, estudiantiles y de derechos humanos (DD.HH.).

Khalil Harb, The Cradle. (2023-12-20). From The River To The (Red) Sea: The US Is Forming A New Naval Task Force. Instead of pressuring Israel to stop its brutal assault on the Gaza Strip, the Biden administration is now mobilizing Arab and western fleets – and perhaps an Israeli one as well – to safeguard Tel Aviv's economic, political, and military interests. | Amid heightened naval operations carried out against Israel-bound vessels by Yemen's Ansarallah-aligned armed forces, this US mobilization is taking place under the guise of upholding freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab. | Officially, Washington claims it is doing its utmost to prevent Israel's war from expanding into a regional confrontation, and…

WSWS (2023-12-20). North Korea conducts ICBM test launch amid increasing US-led provocations. The greatest destabilizing force in the Indo-Pacific region is US imperialism, which is seeking to maintain its political and economic hegemony through any means, including nuclear war.

infobrics (2023-12-20). Latest China-EU summit exposes Brussels' complete lack of sovereignty. Xi Jinping's and Li Qiang's attempts to nudge the talks more toward economic topics were ignored by von der Leyen and Michel. Virtually every Chinese offer of cooperation was not only rejected, but was also met with completely unreasonable demands that had nothing to do with economic relations. Political considerations were the only thing the EU was interested in.

The Independent (2023-12-20). Museveni Hails Bishop Zziwa's Wealth Creation Gospel. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has commended Joseph Anthony Zziwa, the Bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese for working with the government in fighting poverty through socio-economic development programs. "Thank you for your slogan and those projects. I have been telling you that yes be religious but hardworking, so I am very happy about …

Mauro Ramos, People's Dispatch. (2023-12-20). 95% Of Trade Between China And Russia No Longer Done In US Currency. On a recent visit to China, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov stated that this year the use of the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan in trade between the two countries has already reached 95%. | At the same time, from January to October, 68% of all Russian trade was carried out in the two countries' currencies, according to Russian Minister of Economic Development Maksim Reshetnikov. | The yuan has also been used by Russia in commercial transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan, and Singapore.

Jordan Atwood (2023-12-20). Biden's approval wanes amidst economic challenges and Israeli policy scrutiny.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-20). Schwab's warnings to Globalists about Black Swan events. In 2013, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, began predicting "Black Swan" events threatening global security. He predicted them again in his book 'Covid-19: The Great Reset' released in July …

Aram Aharonian (2023-12-20). Argentina: not to be mistaken for a nightmare, this is reality. Argentina's cities are rapidly losing their traditional vertigo. A strident, lethargic, lethargic silence survives. The euphoria of winning the World Cup is over, although the media still insist that the Argentinians "are world champions". | The people are aware that nothing will ever be the same again. They have kept deep within their interior those ideas of equality, solidarity, fraternity, smiles and hugs. Now it's every man for himself for almost everyone, except for those who already had everything… and are going for more. | It is not an economic shock — to which citizens are accustomed -, it is not a…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-20). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

The Independent (2023-12-20). Oil and Gas is a Matter of 'Life and Death'-Kasaija. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Matia Kasaija, the Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development has underscored the importance of Uganda's oil and gas exploration, emphasizing an unwavering commitment to the project's seamless progression. During a visit to the Kingfisher Development Area (KFDA) in Buhuka village, Kyangwali sub-county in Kikuube district on Tuesday evening, Kasaija reasserted …

Gabisile (2023-12-20). Thousands of jobs created in tourism, clothing sectors in W Cape. Thousands of jobs created in tourism, clothing sectors in W Cape | Targeted skills programmes run by the Western Cape's Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT), in partnership with the private sector, resulted in 2 772 jobs for previously unemployed young people between April and November 2023. | The province said there has been "notable" post-pandemic growth in the tourism sector. | According to the latest data, between 2021 and 2022, 154 442 tourism jobs were created in the province, bringing the total to 214 909 jobs. | "In just three sectors in the Western Cape, we have seen the creation of n…

Sean Mathews (2023-12-20). War on Gaza: Why the oil market isn't freaking out about Houthi Red Sea attacks. War on Gaza: Why the oil market isn't freaking out about Houthi Red Sea attacks | The Houthis have refrained from targeting vessels carrying Saudi, Russian and Qatari energy, potentially keeping oil markets subdued | Wed, 12/20/2023 – 20: 05 | Forces loyal to Yemen's Houthi rebels hold Palestinian flags as they march in a show of solidarity with the Palestinians on 15 October 2023, in Sanaa (Mo…

Government of the Philippines (2023-12-21). Philippines: DSWD, UN agency strengthen food security system through Digital Mapping System. Country: Philippines | Source: Government of the Philippines | In line with the anti-hunger initiatives of the government, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the United Nations — Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) launched on Wednesday (December 20) the Digital Mapping System (DMS), an innovation designed to strengthen food security systems in the country. | The DMS is an initiative under the DSWD Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Convergence Program that aims to strengthen the capacities of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and small-holder farme…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-20). Eugene Puryear on Sudan, 5 years since the December revolution. Five years after Sudan's December revolution, the country is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis. A raging civil war has left hundreds of thousands displaced, facing hunger and poverty.

WSWS (2023-12-20). UN Special Rapporteur denounces extreme poverty in UK for second time. Referencing his predecessor's visit five years ago, Olivier De Schutter said, "The warning signals that Philip Alston gave five years ago were not acted upon… Things have got worse."

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-21). Cuba to implement additional payments to health and education worke. Havana, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Prime Minister Manuel Marrero announced today that as of 2024 the country will implement measures aimed at making additional payments to improve the income of workers in the health and education sectors.

Martin Hacthoun (2023-12-21). Cuba to raise fuel prices and electric tariff in 2024. Havana, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero announced today a raise of fuel prices and an increase in electricity rates for high-income consumers in the residential sector, among other measures for 2024.

Eric Toussaint (2023-12-20). "Developing Countries" are Trapped in a New Debt Crisis : How Can This be Explained? The latest World Bank report on the debts of "developing countries", published on December 13, 2023 [1], reveals an alarming fact: in 2022, developing countries as a whole spent a record US$ 443.5 billion to pay for their external public debt. The 75 low-income nations that are eligible for loans from the International Development Association (IDA),

WSWS (2023-12-21). Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump coup attempt disqualifies him as candidate. The Democratic Party and the Biden administration, however, will take no serious action against the fascist ex-president. They seek collaboration with the Republicans on a shared agenda of war in Ukraine and Gaza.

Barbara Madeloni, Labor Notes. (2023-12-21). Teachers Push For Ceasefire, With Education, Agitation, Resolutions. When Becky Pringle, president of the 3-million-member National Education Association (NEA), the largest union in the country, tweeted, "We join our partner organizations along with Jewish and Muslim leaders across the globe in an urgent call for an end to the violence," it was one more step in the growing movement among union activists demanding a ceasefire in Palestine. | Teachers unions including the Chicago Teachers Union, the San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Professionals, and the Massachusetts Teachers Association were some of the first unions to sign on to a ceasefire resolution spearheaded by t…

David Bacon (2023-12-21). Biden Is Paying Growers to Replace Farmworkers With Bracero Contract Labor. On September 22, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it would begin paying growers to use the notorious H-2A contract foreign labor (or guestworker) program. Tapping into $65 million from the American Rescue Act, the USDA will pay between $25,000 and $2 million per application to defray the expenses of recruiting migrant workers from three Central American countries… |

Neal Resnikoff (2023-12-21). International Migrants Day: How To Change the System? By Neal Resnikoff — Dec 18. 2023 | The UN General Assembly proclaimed December 18 International Migrants Day in 2000. It took into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world. It aimed to further the 1990 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. | The Convention recognizes the human rights of migrant workers and promotes their access to justice as well as to humane and lawful working and living conditions. It provides guidance on the elaboration of national migration policies and for international cooperation based on… (2023-12-21). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Workers World Party (2023-12-21). PDF of December 21 issue. Download the PDF. U.S.-led armada threatens Yemen, Iran Resistance forces defy imperialist fleet Labor solidarity with Palestine grows Download the PDF. More PDF back-issues here. |

WSWS (2023-12-21). Another Labor state or territory leader quits suddenly in Australia. In the fourth such exit since June, Northern Territory Chief Minister Natasha Fyles abruptly resigned this week, pointing to a developing political crisis of the Labor governments across the country. (2023-12-20). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Dennis Broe (2023-12-20). The (television) season of our discontent: Streaming and striking in 2023. The year in the TV business can be broken into three parts. It began, following last year's market doubting of the profitability of streaming, with retrenchment as the studios cut back on both product and labor in an attempt to show solvency and address back debt. On both fronts, these cutbacks amounted to an attack …

Joseph Grosso (2023-12-20). A New Hope: The UAW Victory and Beyond. If there has been a constant theme to Left discourse in the U.S. it has been that a labor revival is always just around the corner. While this has proved to be quite elusive, it can be said that this year has put workers rights squarely in the spotlight. There has been the continuing organizing

Martha Grevatt (2023-12-20). Labor solidarity with Palestine grows. Labor solidarity with Palestine continues to grow — even in the U.S. where the leadership of organized labor has historically been pro-Zionist. Thousands of union activists and allies rallied in Oakland, California, on Dec. 16, to voice solidarity with Palestinian workers. Called by Bay Area Labor for Palestine, the demonstration . . . |

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Ten Predictions for Labor in 2024.

Stuart Littlewood (2023-12-20). Palestinians' Superior Right to Self-defence is Ignored, as Usual. The UK's leaders are tying themselves in knots in their desperate attempt to defend the indefensible. In a debate on Israel and Palestine in Parliament last week, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Affairs Leo Docherty got up and said: There is no scenario in which Hamas can be allowed to control Gaza … (2023-12-21). Shanghai Disneyland opens world's first Zootopia-themed attraction. Prices of anti-influenza drug soars, doctors give warnings…

Hank Pellissier (2023-12-20). Friday 12/22: CeaseFire in Gaza Now – Protest in San Francisco. 456 Montgomery in the Financial District of San Francisco – Israel Consulate…

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2023-12-20). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 74: Hamas Tells Israel It 'Arrived Too Late'. The atrocities Israel committed in the Gaza Strip may need a UN special tribunal, said Martin Griffiths, the UN's under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs. | Griffiths told The Financial Times in an interview that he has dealt with conflicts and natural disasters in Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, and Sudan, and yet the situation in Gaza, where 136 UN workers have been killed in Israeli bombardment, is by far the worst. | "None of the normal, sound foundations you see across the world for humanitarian operations in places like Syria and Afghanistan exist for us in Gaza.

infobrics (2023-12-20). Ukraine weapons fund will run out on December 30, Pentagon claims. Kiev will hold out for 'a couple of months' without financial support from the West — IMF.

NEOB (2023-12-20). SAA, SunExpress sign MoU. SAA, SunExpress sign MoU | South African Airways (SAA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with SunExpress for four aircrafts to support the national carrier's operations in the 2024/25 financial year. | According to SAA, the MoU is an add-on to the two airlines' current six-month damp lease agreement, which includes "the lease of two Boeing 737-800s, as well as maintenance and cockpit crew". | "In addition to plans to increase the number of damp lease aircraft, SAA and SunExpress are currently exploring options for a multi-year reciprocal capacity support and further cooperation with regards to mainte…

The Media Line Staff (2023-12-21). Turkey's Central Bank Hikes Policy Rate to 42.5% Amid Inflation Battle.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-21). Day 74 roundtable: Tech and genocide. Yemen engages in humanitarian intervention.

Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams. (2023-12-21). 80+ Groups Descend On DC, Demand Gaza Cease-Fire, Migrant Rights. Activists from more than 80 advocacy groups took to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday to protest what they called the Israeli genocide in Palestine and "cruel" immigration policies here in the United States. | The demonstrators demanded a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, an end to American military aid for Israel, and protection for migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. | "As the Biden administration and Senate Democrats indicate a willingness to advance cruel immigration proposals in order to pass a spending package that will send billions of dollars to Israel to continue its genocide in Gaza, we come toget…

L. Randall Wray (2023-12-21). MMP Blog #10: Keeping Track of Stocks and Flows: The Money of Account. We will go through the details of keeping track of stocks and flows in the money of account. That will also lead us into a discussion of the relation between "money" and "spending"—how do we "pay for" things?>

Staff (2023-12-20). "This Is a Colonial War": Historian Rashid Khalidi on Israel, Gaza & the Future of Palestine. Historian Rashid Khalidi discusses the pending United Nations Security Council vote on suspending fighting in Gaza to allow the entry of humanitarian aid, and the future of Palestine. The Biden administration reportedly delayed the U.N. vote and pushed other countries to water down the language. This comes as Israel and Hamas leaders have signaled they are open to another truce and hostage exchange. Israel's relentless assault on Gaza has now killed nearly 20,000 Palestinians and displaced over 90% of the Gaza Strip's 2.3 million people. "The situation in Gaza is unspeakable," says Khalidi…

infobrics (2023-12-20). Cabinet Greenlights PetroSA Partnership with Gazprombank to Restart WC Refinery. Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni has defended the move, saying it would lower the price of fuel and was based on South Africa's partnership with BRICS nations to increase trade and investment between them…

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-20). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

Joel Stein (2023-12-20). LEFT WONDERING: How Can You Invest In An Ethical Fashion? Welcome to a new edition of Left Wondering with Joel Stein, our advice column for paid subscribers of The Lever on how to lead an ethical life in an increasingly unethical world.
Dear Left Wondering,: We are trying to invest funds in the U.S. in an ethical fashion and are running into roadblocks.Can you help?Thanks,Nancy BolanDear Nancy,: Roadblocks are indeed an interesting area for investment, since they're ripe for disruption. Those orange-striped sawhorses and cones haven't changed since I was a kid. One challenge I bet you're having is that your ethics are different from other people's ethi…

repost (2023-12-21). Speak Out at SF Civil Service Commission on Layoffs at Tenderloin Neighborhood Development. Terminated workers at the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) and community members protested the layoff at the "non-profit". The City of San Francisco does no oversight of these agencies which are contracted out do do public work with private non-profits with self appointed boards.

repost (2023-12-20). Speak Out at SF Civil Service Commission on Layoffs at Tenderloin Neighborhood Development. Terminated workers at the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) and community members protested the layoff at the "non-profit". The City of San Francisco does no oversight of these agencies which are contracted out do do public work with private non-profits with self appointed boards.

Joel Warner (2023-12-20). Hope Amid The Hooligans.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-12-20). Is slavery back in Alabama? BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Is slavery back in Alabama? Adam Obernauer, organizing director for the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union—one of five organizations, including the AFL-CIO, now suing to stop it—says "yes." And, of course, the profit motive is behind all of it: Alabama reaps $450 million annually in fees from private firms. It lets them use …

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-20). UK Parliament debates IHR amendments: If sovereignty is knowingly and deceitfully forfeited by government there are specific laws for dealing with that, says Andrew Bridgen. On Monday, the UK House of Commons debated the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations ("IHR"). The debate was held in response to a petition to the …

NEOB (2023-12-20). NERSA welcomes imprisonment of criminals damaging Transnet infrastructure. NERSA welcomes imprisonment of criminals damaging Transnet infrastructure | The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has welcomed the arrest and successful prosecution of criminals tampering with the Transnet pipeline to steal petrol and diesel. | In two separate matters, a thief was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for damaging essential infrastructure, while in another, two men were sentenced to 10 and 15 years, respectively, for theft of fuel. | Regulator Member Primarily Responsible for Petroleum Pipelines Regulation at NERSA, Muzi Mkhize, said: "We commend the law enforcement agencies for the…

Bruce Lerro (2023-12-21). Yankee Micro Social Psychology Part I. Orientation Developing a Marxist social psychology is a very important aspect of explaining what is going on within the individual in relation to society as well as what is going on in small group interactions between themselves. What we find when we examine social psychology in Yankeedom is what you might suspect, and that is …

A Guest Author (2023-12-20). Europe's military drift and the attack on social services. By Manuel Raposo Lisbon, Portugal Raposo is a Marxist analyst and editor of the Portuguese web periodical found at, where this article was published on Dec. 16, 2023. Translation: John Catalinotto. Demonstration in Lisbon, February 2023. For a fair life, not a penny more for NATO. Judging by recent . . . |

Mansa Musa, The Real News Network. (2023-12-20). The 13th Amendment Legalizes Slavery; Many States Have Their Own Version. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution makes an exception to the abolition of slavery in order to permit the use of "involuntary servitude" as punishment for a crime. The modern system of mass incarceration depends on this exception to justify paying millions of incarcerated people subminimum wages that many advocates say is virtually indistinguishable from forms of slavery. Various US states also have their own constitutional "exception clauses" that mirror the language of the 13th Amendment, providing an additional layer of legal justification for the exploitation of prisoners.

Kathleen Wallace (2023-12-20). Suffer the Young Women. t's not your imagination. Life is definitely getting harder for almost all Americans, whether we are speaking of those tightrope walking as they balance escalating costs of living and stagnant wages or for those who have fallen off the rope completely, descending into an ever widening homeless population. The very subjective nature of "it's just

Paul Street (2023-12-20). The Four Horsemen of the Capitalist-Imperialist Apocalypse. Followers of my writing have I hope noticed me repeatedly arguing that capitalism produces four mutually reinforcing and multiplying apocalyptic horsemen: ecocide, pandemicide, potentially terminal nuclear war, and fascism. Capitalism at the Dark Taproot I want to dig into this formulation here, explaining how capitalism generates each of these apocalyptic menaces and how the "four

WSWS (2023-12-20). Nippon Steel acquires US Steel for $14.9 billion. The takeover of US Steel is a further sign of the decades-long decline of American capitalism and the loss of its industrial dominance.

Dongsheng Collective (2023-12-20). The New Forms of Socialism in the Twenty-First Century. The world has come a long way since the mid-nineteenth century, when scientific socialism emerged in Europe. Contrary to initial expectations, socialism did not emerge in the developed capitalist countries, but in the underdeveloped colonies and semi-colonies, such as China. Faced with challenges that could not be answered by classical theories of socialism, China had to develop its own solutions. Having attained significant achievements in modernisation, China must now reach a higher level of socialist development and surpass capitalism.

A A (2023-12-20). Crisis humanitaria y colapso del capitalismo. El presente estudio parte de la necesidad de entender la crisis humanitaria como expresión del colapso del capitalismo [2] Para ello aborda ciertos mitos y creencias ?que conllevan a la inconsistencia y vulnerabilidad ideológica?, para configurar una desconexión entre el común y el pensamiento 'crítico' de los intelectuales. En la indagación se encontraron cuatro grandes leyendas: el mito del yo, el mito del Estado y la creencia en el derecho, el mito del sujeto revolucionario, el mito de la justicia, –se puede adicionar– en quinto lugar el mito de la izquierda y la derecha.

Staff (2023-12-21). Industriales asegura cupo a semifinal de la Liga Élite. Industriales regresa este jueves a La Habana para concluir su calendario regular con la tranquilidad de haber clasificado para la semifinal de la Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano. Los Leones se impusieron el miércoles a Sancti Spíritus con pizarra de 4-2.

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Israel's Decision To Push Industrial Settlement WHERE?! (2023-12-21). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-20). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-21). Australian Senator for Queensland says Drain the Swamp. Australian Senator for Queensland, Gerard Rennick, joined Club Grubbery to discuss the state of the Liberal National Party and politics in general in Australia. "We need to clean out the bureaucrats … …

Juan Carlos Junio (2023-12-21). Argentina — Otra vez el "ajuste doloroso" junto al "estatuto del orden" El nuevo ciclo ultraconservador en la Argentina ha comenzado, sustentado en una viscosa mezcla ideológica: el discurso fundacional de Martínez de Hoz, el menemismo de los 90 con su interregno delarruista de fin de siglo, y el neoliberalismo privatizador macrista…

Editor (2023-12-20). Dec 20, 2023. Arise Donbass! (–í—Å—Ç–∞–≤–∞–π –î–æ–Ω–±–∞—Å—Å!) Donetsk 'Tis the Season for War, by Bill Astore No Plan B: The Western Elites Didn't Plan for China, Russia and Iran Remaining Independent, by Roger Boyd Yuri Bezmenov: Interview with NS Lyons, author of The Upheaval, about "The China Convergence" The Terror Watchlist Prepared the Way to Tyranny, by Paul Craig Roberts Is neoliberalism really dead? Or does it live on like a zombie? V…

Liam Crisan (2023-12-21). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another. This past Sunday, Chileans voted once again on a new constitution, opting to reject — for the second time in two years — an attempt at constitutional revision. Rejecting a highly conservative text, voters chose to keep the dictatorship-era constitution for the time being. A political saga that began amid immense hope has now devolved

Liam Crisan, Inequality. (2023-12-20). Lessons From One Unequal Society To Another. This past Sunday, Chileans voted once again on a new constitution, opting to reject — for the second time in two years — an attempt at constitutional revision. Rejecting a highly conservative text, voters chose to keep the dictatorship-era constitution for the time being. A political saga that began amid immense hope has now devolved into a dismal disarray that's left countless Chileans tired and frustrated. | Here in the United States, we face an equally bleak political outlook. According to a recent Pew Research Center report, 25 percent of U.S. adults feel that neither of the nation's two major par…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Lessons From One Unequal Society To Another.

WSWS (2023-12-21). Sri Lankan SEP General Secretary Deepal Jayasekera discusses international socialist program in TV interview. Jayasekera explained that the working class need to take matters into their own hands to fight for a socialist and internationalist solution to their burning social and democratic issues.

Yvan Ysmael Yonaha (2023-12-20). From Associational to Institutional Power: the Case of Platform Workers in the Philippines.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-20). Italian workers resist Salvini's strike breaking methods. Trade unions and left-wing groups in Italy are organizing to resist recent attempts by deputy prime minister and transport minister Matteo Salvini to break strikes and workers' protests. Workers in the transport sector in the local bus, subway, and tram services joined 24-hour strikes in major cities of the country on December 15. | Trade unions and left-wing groups like the Communist Youth Front (FGC) also organized demonstrations in various cities protesting Salvini's attack on workers' rights. Protesters are also calling out the apathy of the far-right government led by Giorgia Meloni towards workers' demands… (2023-12-20). CPC allocates 100 million yuan to quake-hit areas. China's main Communist Party of China personnel management and Party building body has allocated 100 million yuan ($14 million) from the Party funds to northwestern China's Gansu and Qinghai provinces to support rescue, relief and rebuilding work in quake-stricken areas.

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2023-12-20: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-20). Despite Biden's Claims, Gaza Health Ministry Death Toll Is Accurate. The death toll of Israel's war on Gaza reported by the Palestinian health ministry is accurate, according to two peer-reviewed studies by scientific experts published in top medical journal The Lancet. | As of December 18, Israel had killed 19,453 Palestinians in Gaza, the ministry reported. Two-thirds of the deaths were children (7,729) and women (5,153). | United Nations bodies, human rights organizations, and major media outlets have often used these statistics, because they have a history of being accurate. | "International organizations including the United Nations usually rely on these same figures as they…

Staff (2023-12-20). Despite Biden's claims, Gaza health ministry death toll is accurate, say peer-reviewed scientific studies. Subscribe now The death toll of Israel's war on Gaza reported by the Palestinian health ministry is accurate, according to two peer-reviewed studies by scientific experts published in leading medical journal The Lancet. As of December 18, Israel had killed 19,453 Palestinians in Gaza, the ministry reported. Two-thirds of the deaths were children (7,729) and …

F. William Engdahl (2023-12-20). "The Great Reset" Is Here: Follow the Money. "Insane Lockdown" of the Global Economy, "The Green Agenda" The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a technocratic cabal led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum— the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030— is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus… (2023-12-20). Officials: 2023 GDP goal well within reach. China is confident and capable of reaching this year's GDP growth target of around 5 percent, and policymakers have ample tools to stabilize the economy next year, officials and experts said on Tuesday. (2023-12-20). Economists share confidence in Chinese economy's further growth. There's still room for the Chinese government to make macroeconomic policies stronger next year, economists said at a seminar of the China Macroeconomy Forum, Securities Times reported on Wednesday. (2023-12-20). NDRC to revise PPP mechanism to boost private investment. China's top economic planner on Tuesday vowed to expedite the implementation of a new mechanism for public-private partnership (PPP) projects and revise the rules for operating licenses involving infrastructure facilities and public utilities.

Pressenza New York (2023-12-20). Offshore wind power can help reduce greenhouse gases. All emerging nations, not just our own, struggle with electricity. And the straightforward explanation that electricity is either not available or not available by demand, etc., is often given. Scientists have taken the initiative to develop a new device that uses the temperature differential between the European deep sea and the surface to create power, to avert this electrical crisis. They have achieved a completely sustainable and continuous electricity supply by addressing climate change. For the benefit of the free market economy, there is a growing demand for and use of alternative fuels, particularly as th…

Dongsheng Collective (2023-12-20). The Third Wave of Socialism. After the end of the Cold War, socialism suffered significant global setbacks. Despite this, a new wave of socialism has gradually emerged. Through decades of reform and opening up, China has incorporated a market economy into its socialist system. China's rise has generated tremendous interest in the country's path of development and the socialist market economy. As capitalism faces its most severe crisis in a century, there are opportunities for a new wave of socialist development. (2023-12-20). China, Nicaragua upgrade bilateral ties to strategic partnership. China and Nicaragua announced on Wednesday they agreed to upgrade bilateral relations to the strategic partnership, vowing to expand bilateral trade and bring their Free Trade Agreement (FTA) into force as soon as possible.

Ben Norton (2023-12-19). Despite Biden's claims, Gaza health ministry death toll is accurate, say peer-reviewed scientific studies. US President Biden criticized Gaza's health ministry, but its statistics on Israel's killings of Palestinians are accurate, according to peer-reviewed articles in top medical journal The Lancet.

F. William Engdahl (2023-12-19). "The Great Reset" Is Here: Follow the Money. "Insane Lockdown" of the Global Economy, "The Green Agenda" The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a technocratic cabal led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum— the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030— is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown for a virus…

Joel Richards (2023-12-19). Latin America economy wrap up 2023. The International Monetary Fund expects global growth will rise about three percent in 2024, despite inflation and concerns about the conflict in Ukraine. The nations of Latin America, with some exceptions, grew more than predicted in 2023 as the region faces challenges and opportunities in the coming year. | Joel Richards looks back on 2023.

Samir Saul, Michel Seymour (2023-12-19). 2023 in Review: Reality Makes a Forceful Comeback. Three major issues dominated 2023: the conflict in Ukraine, the economy and the conflict in Palestine. The first two upheavals began in 2022, the third in 2023. In all three cases, developments brought about a head-on collision with largely concealed realities. A mental universe built on myths, fantasies, fables, "alternative facts", and "narratives", not to mention crass ignorance, self-delusion, and conceit, smashed against the reef of the real world. The shock was brutal, akin to a hard landing, and devastating for the storytelling in which the West has become accustomed to wallowing. It has now become harder…

Dan Collyns (2023-12-19). Bolivia commercially taps its lithium reserves. Bolivia, which has the world's biggest untapped reserves of lithium, has officially opened its first industrial-scale lithium plant. The initiative kicks off what the country hopes is a lithium export boom and move its economy forward. | Dan Collyns shares the latest.

Dean Baker (2023-12-19). The National Debt, Tax Farming, and Patent Monopolies. It increasingly looks like the Fed and the Biden administration have nailed the notoriously difficult soft landing, with inflation rapidly falling towards the Fed's 2.0 percent target and the unemployment rate still under 4.0 percent. All the signs are that the economy will continue to grow and create jobs at a healthy pace in 2024 … (2023-12-19). China purchases 90 million tons of autumn grain to strengthen food security: NDRC. China is stepping up autumn grain purchase, with state-owned enterprises in the country's major grain-producing areas buying over 90 million tons of grain as of December 15.

The Independent (2023-12-19). Vibrant consumption fuels China's economic recovery. NANCHANG | Xinhua | Despite external pressure and internal difficulties, China's economy has achieved a recovery and made solid progress in high-quality development in 2023, noted the annual Central Economic Work Conference held last week. Among various factors propelling growth, consumer spending is playing an increasingly important role, accounting for 83.2 percent of economic growth …

noemail (2023-12-19). Union Pacific says closed rail bridges to Mexico account for about half of cross-border shipments. Union Pacific Corp said on Tuesday that El Paso and Eagle Pass rail bridges, which were closed on Dec. 18 by U.S. border officials, account for about 45% of its cross-border shipments and include goods critical to the U.S. economy. The railroad operator said it is working closely with multiple government agencies to reopen the two border crossings, but flagged that the Department of Homeland Security did not have an estimated time of reopening. (2023-12-19). The need to free Iran's economy from bondage of dollar. Iran's parliament has already come up with a plan to reduce the dependence of the economy on the dollar and pivot to national currencies in foreign trade.

Khalil Harb, The Cradle. (2023-12-20). From The River To The (Red) Sea: The US Is Forming A New Naval Task Force. Instead of pressuring Israel to stop its brutal assault on the Gaza Strip, the Biden administration is now mobilizing Arab and western fleets – and perhaps an Israeli one as well – to safeguard Tel Aviv's economic, political, and military interests. | Amid heightened naval operations carried out against Israel-bound vessels by Yemen's Ansarallah-aligned armed forces, this US mobilization is taking place under the guise of upholding freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab. | Officially, Washington claims it is doing its utmost to prevent Israel's war from expanding into a regional confrontation, and…

WSWS (2023-12-20). North Korea conducts ICBM test launch amid increasing US-led provocations. The greatest destabilizing force in the Indo-Pacific region is US imperialism, which is seeking to maintain its political and economic hegemony through any means, including nuclear war.

infobrics (2023-12-20). Latest China-EU summit exposes Brussels' complete lack of sovereignty. Xi Jinping's and Li Qiang's attempts to nudge the talks more toward economic topics were ignored by von der Leyen and Michel. Virtually every Chinese offer of cooperation was not only rejected, but was also met with completely unreasonable demands that had nothing to do with economic relations. Political considerations were the only thing the EU was interested in.

The Independent (2023-12-20). Museveni Hails Bishop Zziwa's Wealth Creation Gospel. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has commended Joseph Anthony Zziwa, the Bishop of Kiyinda-Mityana Diocese for working with the government in fighting poverty through socio-economic development programs. "Thank you for your slogan and those projects. I have been telling you that yes be religious but hardworking, so I am very happy about …

teleSUR (2023-12-20). Argentines March Against Milei's Economic and Security Policies. On Wednesday, human rights defenders, social activists, workers, students, teachers, and retirees will march in Buenos Aires to reject President Javier Milei's economic adjustments and security protocol. | RELATED: | This marks the first major mobilization against the far-right administration and coincides with the anniversary of the 2001 social upheaval that led to the resignation of then-President Fernando de la Ru…

Mauro Ramos, People's Dispatch. (2023-12-20). 95% Of Trade Between China And Russia No Longer Done In US Currency. On a recent visit to China, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov stated that this year the use of the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan in trade between the two countries has already reached 95%. | At the same time, from January to October, 68% of all Russian trade was carried out in the two countries' currencies, according to Russian Minister of Economic Development Maksim Reshetnikov. | The yuan has also been used by Russia in commercial transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan, and Singapore.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-20). Schwab's warnings to Globalists about Black Swan events. In 2013, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, began predicting "Black Swan" events threatening global security. He predicted them again in his book 'Covid-19: The Great Reset' released in July …

The Independent (2023-12-20). Oil and Gas is a Matter of 'Life and Death'-Kasaija. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Matia Kasaija, the Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development has underscored the importance of Uganda's oil and gas exploration, emphasizing an unwavering commitment to the project's seamless progression. During a visit to the Kingfisher Development Area (KFDA) in Buhuka village, Kyangwali sub-county in Kikuube district on Tuesday evening, Kasaija reasserted …

Aram Aharonian (2023-12-20). Argentina: not to be mistaken for a nightmare, this is reality. Argentina's cities are rapidly losing their traditional vertigo. A strident, lethargic, lethargic silence survives. The euphoria of winning the World Cup is over, although the media still insist that the Argentinians "are world champions". | The people are aware that nothing will ever be the same again. They have kept deep within their interior those ideas of equality, solidarity, fraternity, smiles and hugs. Now it's every man for himself for almost everyone, except for those who already had everything… and are going for more. | It is not an economic shock — to which citizens are accustomed -, it is not a…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-20). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

infobrics (2023-12-19). BRICS Expansion and Economic Fairness in Focus. Policy makers and experts from several countries speaking at the Doha Forum 2023 highlighted the potential of the BRICS group to establish trade and investment alliances, fostering economic and social development in a multipolar world…

Mauro Ramos (2023-12-19). Dedollarization: 95% of trade between China and Russia is no longer done in US currency. On a recent visit to China, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov stated that this year the use of the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan in trade between the two countries has already reached 95%. | At the same time, from January to October, 68% of all Russian trade was carried out in the two countries' currencies, according to Russian Minister of Economic Development Maksim Reshetnikov. | The yuan has also been used by Russia in commercial transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan, and Singapore. | The debate about the need for de-doll…

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2023-12-19). Year 2023 In Review For Latin American And The Caribbean. December 2 marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year include a world economic slowdown, a continuing drug plague, and a more aggressive hegemon reacting to a more volatile and disputed world order. | The progressive regional current, the so-called Pink Tide, slackened in 2023 compared to the rising tide of 2022, which had been buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil.

Paulo Cabral (2023-12-19). Temporary jobs spike in Brazil for holidays. Brazil is seeing a spike in temporary jobs this holiday season — at levels not seen in ten years. It's a positive development, and one driving hopes the country will see an upswing in overall economic performance in 2024. | CGTN's Paulo Cabral shares the story from Sao Paulo.

Adam Fishbein (2023-12-19). Statement: Final Merger Guidelines by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice. The Center for Economic and Policy Research applauds the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission for the Merger Guidelines it released yesterday. The guidelines provide a clear roadmap to antitrust agencies and courts to prevent further industry consolidation in markets already dominated by a few large firms. They address the twenty-first-century problem of … (2023-12-19). China on way to meet 2023 economic growth targets. China is well-positioned to meet its annual economic growth targets for 2023, the country's top economic regulator said on Tuesday.

latintimes (2023-12-19). Argentina's Central Bank Changes Its Benchmark Interest Rate Amid Economic Crisis. The central bank's announcement follows President Javier Milei taking office on Dec. 10 and making the exchange rate 800 pesos per dollar, compared to the previous rate of 400 pesos per dollar.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-19). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

Isaac Nellist (2023-12-19). Supermarket workers go on strike: 'All we want for Xmas is a living wage'. Workers at Coles and Woolworths supermarkets have ramped up their campaign for a living wage, secure jobs and safe workplaces with a Christmas #Superstrike. Isaac Nellist reports.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-20). Eugene Puryear on Sudan, 5 years since the December revolution. Five years after Sudan's December revolution, the country is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis. A raging civil war has left hundreds of thousands displaced, facing hunger and poverty.

The Independent (2023-12-20). ENERGY: d.light joins $148M off-grid solar grant initiative in Uganda. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Solar solutions company d.light is set to help government expand access to clean and affordable solar energy across homes, businesses, and public institutions lacking reliable energy sources in Uganda in a new $148milion grant deal. A global provider of solar solutions and financial access for low-income households, d.light is actively engaged …

Eric Toussaint (2023-12-20). "Developing Countries" are Trapped in a New Debt Crisis : How Can This be Explained? The latest World Bank report on the debts of "developing countries", published on December 13, 2023 [1], reveals an alarming fact: in 2022, developing countries as a whole spent a record US$ 443.5 billion to pay for their external public debt. The 75 low-income nations that are eligible for loans from the International Development Association (IDA),

WSWS (2023-12-19). Clarence Thomas demanded more money just before receiving gifts from his ultra-rich supporters. A new report from ProPublica says Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas campaigned publicly and privately for an increase in his salary and then suddenly dropped income complaints after he was showered with money and gifts from right-wing wealthy political supporters.

WSWS (2023-12-19). Record high for debt repayments by low-income nations. Nearly half a trillion dollars was paid into the coffers of the banks and financial institutions, paid for by cuts in health, education and other vital facilities.

Aina J Khan (2023-12-19). UK: Labour Muslim Network pressures Starmer to cut ties with Israeli ambassador. UK: Labour Muslim Network pressures Starmer to cut ties with Israeli ambassador | Starmer urged to take 'no further engagements' with Tzipi Hotovely, after she said her country would not accept a two-state solution when the war in Gaza ends | Tue, 12/19/2023 – 15: 03 | Keir Starmer at the funeral service of former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling at St Mary's Episcopal Cathedra…

Daniel Johnston (2023-12-19). Labour leftists looking for a win should embrace the big green elephant in the room.

Martha Grevatt (2023-12-20). Labor solidarity with Palestine grows. Labor solidarity with Palestine continues to grow — even in the U.S. where the leadership of organized labor has historically been pro-Zionist. Thousands of union activists and allies rallied in Oakland, California, on Dec. 16, to voice solidarity with Palestinian workers. Called by Bay Area Labor for Palestine, the demonstration . . . |

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Ten Predictions for Labor in 2024.

Joseph Grosso (2023-12-20). A New Hope: The UAW Victory and Beyond. If there has been a constant theme to Left discourse in the U.S. it has been that a labor revival is always just around the corner. While this has proved to be quite elusive, it can be said that this year has put workers rights squarely in the spotlight. There has been the continuing organizing (2023-12-20). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

WSWS (2023-12-19). SEP (Australia) holds speakout to promote meeting tomorrow in Sydney opposing Gaza genocide. The meeting will discuss the need for a political struggle against the Labor government, which has backed the genocide, and the entire capitalist system that is responsible.

JANET (2023-12-19). PFLP calls for weekly global strikes on Mondays. December 18, 2023 The following statement was posted on X (formerly Twitter) by the Axis of Resistance on Dec. 17, 2023. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls for participation in the global strike, which was called for by forces in solidarity with our oppressed and struggling people for their freedom. The strike is scheduled for every Monday until the cessation of the aggression and genocide against our people. The Front invites labor unions, professional associations, progressive forces, and supporters of our people around the world to engage in every possible effort to make this strike succes…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-19). Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret's book 'Covid-19: The Great Reset' identified "the global governance free fall" as an existential challenge and if we do not collaborate "we are doomed." "Nation states make …

Jenny Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-12-19). 2023 In Review: Big Strikes, Bigger Gains. Strikes and threats of strikes extracted contracts ranging from good to excellent from employers across the country this year. Half a million U.S. workers walked out—machinists, teachers, baristas, nurses, hotel housekeepers, and auto workers—with much of the motion coming from unions led by reformers. | The year started out with a squeaker of an election victory that turned out to be momentous. In late 2022, the Members United slate swept most top offices at the Auto Workers (UAW) on a platform of "No Concessions, No Corruption, No Tiers." March saw a presidential runoff pitting the old guard incumbe…

Staff (2023-12-19). Colaboración entre Roswell Park y el CIM: Lo que aspiramos de las relaciones entre los pueblos de EEUU y Cuba. "Las posibilidades de intercambio científico, tecnológico, académico y cultural entre el pueblo cubano y el pueblo norteamericano tienen unas enormes potencialidades, y esta empresa es una expresión de ello", subrayó Díaz-Canel al recibir a varios directivos del Hospital Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, institución que junto al Centro de Inmunología Molecular de Cuba crearon la empresa mixta Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance SA (IIA).

Joseph Grosso (2023-12-19). A New Hope: The UAW Victory and Beyond. If there has been a constant theme to Left discourse in the U.S. it has been that a labor revival is always just around the corner. While this has proved to be quite elusive, it can be said that this year has put workers rights squarely in the spotlight. There has been the continuing organizing (2023-12-19). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-19). Bay Area Unions & Thousands of Workers Rally & March for Palestine in Oakland. Thousands of workers and unionists from throughout the Bay Area rallied in Oakland against the US supported Israel war on Gaza and the Palestinians. A growing number of unions are breaking from the pro-Zionist leadership including AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and many of other union heads…

Stuart Littlewood (2023-12-20). Palestinians' Superior Right to Self-defence is Ignored, as Usual. The UK's leaders are tying themselves in knots in their desperate attempt to defend the indefensible. In a debate on Israel and Palestine in Parliament last week, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Affairs Leo Docherty got up and said: There is no scenario in which Hamas can be allowed to control Gaza …

It's Going Down (2023-12-19). "Feed the People, Eat the Rich!": Group Wearing Jeff Bezos Masks Ransacks Whole Foods. On Friday, December 15th, "a "merry band of miscreants" entered a Whole Foods in NYC, lifted a bunch of groceries, and walked out in Jeff Bezos masks," reported independent journalist Talia Jane on Twitter/X. The journalist posted, "the action was in protest against corporate wealth alongside increased food insecurity & to call attention to Amazon's…

Ron Jacobs (2023-12-19). Rich Kid's Resurrection in Annapolis—A Thought Experiment. Marc Estrin's newest fiction is titled Et Resurrexit. The title is shared with a chorus from Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B minor (H-moll in the original German). A slim text, it begins with a male heir of the Vanderbilts—a young man whose perception of the world is certainly shaped by his family's wealth—rising from

Famine Early Warning System Network (2023-12-19). Chad – Key message update: In the Sahel, food consumption deficit is exacerbated by declining harvests and atypical food price increases, November 2023.

Mustafa Abu Sneineh, Mondoweiss. (2023-12-20). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 74: Hamas Tells Israel It 'Arrived Too Late'. The atrocities Israel committed in the Gaza Strip may need a UN special tribunal, said Martin Griffiths, the UN's under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs. | Griffiths told The Financial Times in an interview that he has dealt with conflicts and natural disasters in Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, and Sudan, and yet the situation in Gaza, where 136 UN workers have been killed in Israeli bombardment, is by far the worst. | "None of the normal, sound foundations you see across the world for humanitarian operations in places like Syria and Afghanistan exist for us in Gaza.

unitedEditor (2023-12-20). Georgia at the crossroads: EU process and NATO or the "3+3" format? The South Caucasus is expecting with important developments in terms of regional peace and stability. It is not possible for such an environment of peace and stability to exist without Georgia. We talked with Shota Apkhaidze, Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, about Georgia's new …

infobrics (2023-12-20). Ukraine weapons fund will run out on December 30, Pentagon claims. Kiev will hold out for 'a couple of months' without financial support from the West — IMF.

World Bank (2023-12-19). Solomon Islands: World Bank Assistance Will Boost Solomons Islands' Public Financial Management, Private Sector Development, and Support Climate Resilience. Country: Solomon Islands | Source: World Bank | WASHINGTON, December 19, 2023 —The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a US$20 million grant to support the Government of Solomon Islands in improving financial management, strengthen the business environment, and improve emergency preparedness. | The First Solomon Islands Resilience Development Policy Operation with a Catastrophe Drawdown Option will support the Solomon Islands government to increase tax revenue through the government's Value Added Tax Bill and the introduction of a new nickel royalty based on the value of the metal containe…

latintimes (2023-12-19). Financial Entities Risk Missing on Billions if They Don't Approach Latino Savers and Businesses: McKinsey.

WSWS (2023-12-19). Junior doctors resume strikes in England: For a joint offensive of NHS workers against below inflation pay deals! The extended walkouts testify to the determination of the BMA's junior members to win a 35 percent "pay restoration" increase. By the end of the January action, assuming it goes ahead, the doctors will have taken 34 days of action.

Toni Waterman (2023-12-19). Food bank demand soars in United States. Food banks across the U.S. are feeling the squeeze this holiday season. Demand for assistance is soaring as grocery, housing and overall living costs rise. But those same inflationary factors are also limiting people's ability to give, leaving donation centers scrambling to keep families fed at a time when food insecurity is rising in America. | Toni Waterman shares the story from Austin.

latintimes (2023-12-19). Mexican Food Retailers To Maintain Price Cap For Staples Like Corn: Official. The agreement was reportedly made to curb the impact of inflation in the country. (2023-12-19). UK health crisis: Welsh junior doctors to go on strike amid 'grueling conditions'. Thousands of junior doctors in Wales will go on strike in January after being offered a below-inflation pay offer of 5 percent.

Ezio Boero (2023-12-19). Progress in the results of the strike of the workers of the large Californian hotels. Since the 4th of July holiday weekend, around sixty large hotels in Southern California, and especially in Los Angeles, have been affected by extensive strikes, mobile pickets and demonstrations. | 32,000 workers (room maids, cooks, dishwashers, bartenders and receptionists) are trying to renew their employment contracts which expired on June 30th. | They ask for an increase of 11 dollars in hourly wages over the course of the three-year contract (5 dollars/hour from the signing of the agreement), improvement of health care and pension benefits, reduction of workloads, possibility of access to work for people who…

Staff (2023-12-20). "This Is a Colonial War": Historian Rashid Khalidi on Israel, Gaza & the Future of Palestine. Historian Rashid Khalidi discusses the pending United Nations Security Council vote on suspending fighting in Gaza to allow the entry of humanitarian aid, and the future of Palestine. The Biden administration reportedly delayed the U.N. vote and pushed other countries to water down the language. This comes as Israel and Hamas leaders have signaled they are open to another truce and hostage exchange. Israel's relentless assault on Gaza has now killed nearly 20,000 Palestinians and displaced over 90% of the Gaza Strip's 2.3 million people. "The situation in Gaza is unspeakable," says Khalidi…

infobrics (2023-12-20). Cabinet Greenlights PetroSA Partnership with Gazprombank to Restart WC Refinery. Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni has defended the move, saying it would lower the price of fuel and was based on South Africa's partnership with BRICS nations to increase trade and investment between them…

Joel Stein (2023-12-20). LEFT WONDERING: How Can You Invest In An Ethical Fashion? Welcome to a new edition of Left Wondering with Joel Stein, our advice column for paid subscribers of The Lever on how to lead an ethical life in an increasingly unethical world.
Dear Left Wondering,: We are trying to invest funds in the U.S. in an ethical fashion and are running into roadblocks.Can you help?Thanks,Nancy BolanDear Nancy,: Roadblocks are indeed an interesting area for investment, since they're ripe for disruption. Those orange-striped sawhorses and cones haven't changed since I was a kid. One challenge I bet you're having is that your ethics are different from other people's ethi…

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-20). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-19). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

repost (2023-12-20). Speak Out at SF Civil Service Commission on Layoffs at Tenderloin Neighborhood Development. Terminated workers at the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) and community members protested the layoff at the "non-profit". The City of San Francisco does no oversight of these agencies which are contracted out do do public work with private non-profits with self appointed boards.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-12-19). Amazon Construction Site Disrupted by Pro-Palestine Activists in Central Point, Oregon. Report back on solidarity action against Amazon in solidarity those in occupied Palestine. In Southern Oregon, anti-genocide activists disrupted work at an Amazon-owned construction site in solidarity with Palestine this morning. With messages of "Free Palestine," "Amazon Profits Off Genocide," and "Los Pueblos Unidos Jamás Serán Vencidos" the activists entered the construction site on Table…

repost (2023-12-19). Speak Out At SF Civil Service Commission On Layoffs At Tenderloin Neighborhood Development. Terminated workers at the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC) and community members protested the layoff at the "non-profit". The City of San Francisco does no oversight of these agencies which are contracted out do do public work with private non-profits with self appointed boards.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-20). UK Parliament debates IHR amendments: If sovereignty is knowingly and deceitfully forfeited by government there are specific laws for dealing with that, says Andrew Bridgen. On Monday, the UK House of Commons debated the World Health Organisation's ("WHO's") proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations ("IHR"). The debate was held in response to a petition to the …

A Guest Author (2023-12-20). Europe's military drift and the attack on social services. By Manuel Raposo Lisbon, Portugal Raposo is a Marxist analyst and editor of the Portuguese web periodical found at, where this article was published on Dec. 16, 2023. Translation: John Catalinotto. Demonstration in Lisbon, February 2023. For a fair life, not a penny more for NATO. Judging by recent . . . |

Mansa Musa, The Real News Network. (2023-12-20). The 13th Amendment Legalizes Slavery; Many States Have Their Own Version. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution makes an exception to the abolition of slavery in order to permit the use of "involuntary servitude" as punishment for a crime. The modern system of mass incarceration depends on this exception to justify paying millions of incarcerated people subminimum wages that many advocates say is virtually indistinguishable from forms of slavery. Various US states also have their own constitutional "exception clauses" that mirror the language of the 13th Amendment, providing an additional layer of legal justification for the exploitation of prisoners.

Ana Luisa Brown (2023-12-19). Guatemala's President announces minimum wage increase for 2024. Guatemala City, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei announced today an effective wage increase from January 1, 2024 of 6.6 percent for this department and 3.6 percent for the rest of the country.

Kathleen Wallace (2023-12-20). Suffer the Young Women. t's not your imagination. Life is definitely getting harder for almost all Americans, whether we are speaking of those tightrope walking as they balance escalating costs of living and stagnant wages or for those who have fallen off the rope completely, descending into an ever widening homeless population. The very subjective nature of "it's just

Dongsheng Collective (2023-12-20). The New Forms of Socialism in the Twenty-First Century. The world has come a long way since the mid-nineteenth century, when scientific socialism emerged in Europe. Contrary to initial expectations, socialism did not emerge in the developed capitalist countries, but in the underdeveloped colonies and semi-colonies, such as China. Faced with challenges that could not be answered by classical theories of socialism, China had to develop its own solutions. Having attained significant achievements in modernisation, China must now reach a higher level of socialist development and surpass capitalism.

WSWS (2023-12-20). Nippon Steel acquires US Steel for $14.9 billion. The takeover of US Steel is a further sign of the decades-long decline of American capitalism and the loss of its industrial dominance.

Paul Street (2023-12-20). The Four Horsemen of the Capitalist-Imperialist Apocalypse. Followers of my writing have I hope noticed me repeatedly arguing that capitalism produces four mutually reinforcing and multiplying apocalyptic horsemen: ecocide, pandemicide, potentially terminal nuclear war, and fascism. Capitalism at the Dark Taproot I want to dig into this formulation here, explaining how capitalism generates each of these apocalyptic menaces and how the "four

Frank Cappello (2023-12-19). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Muppet Christmas Carol (w/ Wren Mack).

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Israel's Decision To Push Industrial Settlement WHERE?!

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-12-19). The Deadly Influence Of The Military Industrial Complex At COP28. We hear about the growing influence of fossil fuel, nuclear and Big Agriculture corporations over the United Nations' Conference of Parties (COP) meetings, but hardly anything about the presence of weapons makers and NATO leaders. Clearing the FOG speaks with Canadian environmental lawyer and peace activist Tamara Lorincz, who reports about the meetings and outcomes of the recently-concluded COP28. She is part of an organizing effort to highlight the carbon footprint of Western militaries and the significant contributions of NATO countries to the climate crisis. Lorincz points out the great discrepancies between…

EcoWaste Coalition (2023-12-19). Single-Use Food Packaging from 17 Countries Contains PFAS "Forever Chemicals" 19 December 2023, Gothenburg City, Sweden/Quezon City Philippines. A study released today by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and 18 IPEN member groups found toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, including globally banned substances, in single-use, paper, cardboard, and plant-based molded fiber food containers and tableware purchased from 17 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean. | PFAS chemicals have been linked to cancer, infertility, and endocrine disruption. Prior studies have shown that PFAS in food packaging can…

Ragip Soylu (2023-12-19). Northern Cyprus to restrict property sales after rumours of mass Jewish purchases. Northern Cyprus to restrict property sales after rumours of mass Jewish purchases | Media campaign has alleged that thousands of Israelis and Jewish Europeans had purchased land in the region, though Turkey's foreign minister denies this is the case | Tue, 12/19/2023 – 08: 12 | The Kyrenia mountain range, north of the divided Cypriot capital, with the flags of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of No… (2023-12-20). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-19). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Editor (2023-12-20). Dec 20, 2023. Arise Donbass! (–í—Å—Ç–∞–≤–∞–π –î–æ–Ω–±–∞—Å—Å!) Donetsk 'Tis the Season for War, by Bill Astore No Plan B: The Western Elites Didn't Plan for China, Russia and Iran Remaining Independent, by Roger Boyd Yuri Bezmenov: Interview with NS Lyons, author of The Upheaval, about "The China Convergence" The Terror Watchlist Prepared the Way to Tyranny, by Paul Craig Roberts Is neoliberalism really dead? Or does it live on like a zombie? V…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-19). Celebrating its 30th anniversary, MVIWATA vows to strengthen peasant solidarity in Tanzania. MVIWATA or the National Network of Farmers Groups in Tanzania just concluded its 30th-anniversary celebration and 28th Annual General Meeting (AGM). Fraternal organizations from all over the world traveled to Njombe to participate in the meeting. MVIWATA was formed in 1993 for farmers to unite and face the challenges presented by neoliberalism. | During the meeting, members remembered the legacy of former socialist president Mwalimu Julius Nyerere who was instrumental in organizing the country's peasantry. | Stephen Ruvuga and Theodora Pius from the organization talk about the historical significance of MVIWATA.

Angela (2023-12-19). Saturday 12/30: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Liam Crisan, Inequality. (2023-12-20). Lessons From One Unequal Society To Another. This past Sunday, Chileans voted once again on a new constitution, opting to reject — for the second time in two years — an attempt at constitutional revision. Rejecting a highly conservative text, voters chose to keep the dictatorship-era constitution for the time being. A political saga that began amid immense hope has now devolved into a dismal disarray that's left countless Chileans tired and frustrated. | Here in the United States, we face an equally bleak political outlook. According to a recent Pew Research Center report, 25 percent of U.S. adults feel that neither of the nation's two major par…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-20). Lessons From One Unequal Society To Another.

Editor (2023-12-19). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another.

Liam Crisan (2023-12-19). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another.

WSWS (2023-12-19). The Israeli state's fascist ideology and the genocide in Gaza. This lecture was given by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. (2023-12-20). CPC allocates 100 million yuan to quake-hit areas. China's main Communist Party of China personnel management and Party building body has allocated 100 million yuan ($14 million) from the Party funds to northwestern China's Gansu and Qinghai provinces to support rescue, relief and rebuilding work in quake-stricken areas.

2023-12-20 18:09:17 | 18:09 EST | tr | 106 | 1 | 60 | 53 | 0 

2023-12-19: News Headlines

Ben Norton (2023-12-19). Despite Biden's claims, Gaza health ministry death toll is accurate, say peer-reviewed scientific studies. US President Biden criticized Gaza's health ministry, but its statistics on Israel's killings of Palestinians are accurate, according to peer-reviewed articles in top medical journal The Lancet.

Samir Saul, Michel Seymour (2023-12-19). 2023 in Review: Reality Makes a Forceful Comeback. Three major issues dominated 2023: the conflict in Ukraine, the economy and the conflict in Palestine. The first two upheavals began in 2022, the third in 2023. In all three cases, developments brought about a head-on collision with largely concealed realities. A mental universe built on myths, fantasies, fables, "alternative facts", and "narratives", not to mention crass ignorance, self-delusion, and conceit, smashed against the reef of the real world. The shock was brutal, akin to a hard landing, and devastating for the storytelling in which the West has become accustomed to wallowing. It has now become harder…

The Independent (2023-12-19). Vibrant consumption fuels China's economic recovery. NANCHANG | Xinhua | Despite external pressure and internal difficulties, China's economy has achieved a recovery and made solid progress in high-quality development in 2023, noted the annual Central Economic Work Conference held last week. Among various factors propelling growth, consumer spending is playing an increasingly important role, accounting for 83.2 percent of economic growth … (2023-12-19). China purchases 90 million tons of autumn grain to strengthen food security: NDRC. China is stepping up autumn grain purchase, with state-owned enterprises in the country's major grain-producing areas buying over 90 million tons of grain as of December 15.

Dean Baker (2023-12-19). The National Debt, Tax Farming, and Patent Monopolies. It increasingly looks like the Fed and the Biden administration have nailed the notoriously difficult soft landing, with inflation rapidly falling towards the Fed's 2.0 percent target and the unemployment rate still under 4.0 percent. All the signs are that the economy will continue to grow and create jobs at a healthy pace in 2024 … (2023-12-19). The need to free Iran's economy from bondage of dollar. Iran's parliament has already come up with a plan to reduce the dependence of the economy on the dollar and pivot to national currencies in foreign trade.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? Or does it live on like a zombie? Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss neoliberalism, and the premature predictions about its demise.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? t's happening again. Reports of the death of neoliberalism are once again proliferating. Just take a look at the UK Guardian. In the UK Guardian website, there is a whole series of stories whether it is "Neoliberalism is Dying," "The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism," "Biden Just Declared the Death of Neoliberalism," "Is Neoliberalism Finally Over?," "Is Neoliberalism Finally Dead?" and "Is the Neoliberal Era Over Yet?" And of course there are also contrary views: "The National Institutes of Health Say Neoliberalism is Not Dead." And there is also a very interesting story in The Jacobin, which says "The Rumors are… (2023-12-18). China unveils rules on supervision of non-bank payment institutions. China's State Council unveiled rules on the regulation of non-bank payment institutions on Sunday, in a move to prevent financial risks, regulate the industry's growth and protect consumers' interests amid the rapid development of the sector. (2023-12-18). Chinese economy to keep its growth momentum in 2024 despite facing challenges: official. China's economy faces more opportunities than challenges in 2024, with economic growth remaining on the recovery trajectory and more factors contributing to high-quality growth.

cameron orr (2023-12-18). Democracy, peace, and equality: today's anti-racist imperatives. The following report was presented by Eric Brooks on behalf of the African American Equality Commission to the December 3, 2023 CPUSA National Committee meeting. | Thank you comrades for the opportunity to present this report. | The African American Equality Commission (AAEC) welcomes the current upsurge in people's struggle in the U.S. The massive union struggles and huge marches demanding a ceasefire in Palestine reflect large segments of the U.S. population, including youth, rising up to defend human dignity and demand peace and a just economy. | Fascism thrives on racism, sexism, and xenophobia. It fosters… (2023-12-18). Yemeni army's operations have left significant economic impact on Israel: Ansarullah. Ansarullah says the Yemeni army's attacks against vessels headed to the occupied Palestinian territories have taken a big toll on the Israeli economy.

infobrics (2023-12-19). BRICS Expansion and Economic Fairness in Focus. Policy makers and experts from several countries speaking at the Doha Forum 2023 highlighted the potential of the BRICS group to establish trade and investment alliances, fostering economic and social development in a multipolar world…

Mauro Ramos (2023-12-19). Dedollarization: 95% of trade between China and Russia is no longer done in US currency. On a recent visit to China, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov stated that this year the use of the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan in trade between the two countries has already reached 95%. | At the same time, from January to October, 68% of all Russian trade was carried out in the two countries' currencies, according to Russian Minister of Economic Development Maksim Reshetnikov. | The yuan has also been used by Russia in commercial transactions with Mongolia, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Japan, Tajikistan, and Singapore. | The debate about the need for de-doll…

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2023-12-19). Year 2023 In Review For Latin American And The Caribbean. December 2 marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year include a world economic slowdown, a continuing drug plague, and a more aggressive hegemon reacting to a more volatile and disputed world order. | The progressive regional current, the so-called Pink Tide, slackened in 2023 compared to the rising tide of 2022, which had been buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil. (2023-12-19). China on way to meet 2023 economic growth targets. China is well-positioned to meet its annual economic growth targets for 2023, the country's top economic regulator said on Tuesday.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-12-19). Video: Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse. Michel Chossudovsky.

infobrics (2023-12-18). BRICS Expansion and Economic Fairness in Focus. Policy makers and experts from several countries speaking at the Doha Forum 2023 highlighted the potential of the BRICS group to establish trade and investment alliances, fostering economic and social development in a multipolar world…

Benjamin Velasco (2023-12-18). Silent pandemic: Mental health issues among informal transport workers in the Philippines. Workers in the informal transportation sector in the Philippines faced an upsurge in mental health issues due to increased economic precarity during the COVID-19 lockdown…

Edward Lozansky, Consortium News. (2023-12-18). War In Ukraine And The 'Crisis Of Western Civilization'. The war in Ukraine has become a crisis of Western civilization. | Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker writes that the West is "losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small." | Baker nevertheless reminds us that "liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or polit…

Observer R (2023-12-18). The End of Ukraine. According to many reports, the population of Ukraine has declined by more than half, from 40+ million to 20- million, with death, injury, and destruction widespread in the country since February 2014. Let's look at some of the stages where this outcome might have been prevented: | Stage One—The Ukraine administration of Yanukovych had negotiated a better economic deal with China and Russia than what the West was offering. China was very much interested in helping Ukraine increase agricultural production, thereby increasing exports to China. However, Yanukovych was overthrown in the 2014 Maidan revolut… (2023-12-18). Over 5,000 Chinese suspects of economic crimes fleeing overseas apprehended from over 100 countries and regions: Ministry. More than 5,000 Chinese suspects of economic crimes fleeing overseas have been caught and arrested from over 100 countries and regions by the public security organs across the country since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Roger D. Harris (2023-12-18). Year 2023 in review for Latin America and the Caribbean. December 2nd marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year include a world economic slowdown, a continuing drug plague, and a more aggressive hegemon reacting …

Ahmed Adel (2023-12-18). Devastating Economic and Social Crisis: A Majority of Germans Want A New Government and Early Elections.

Isaac Nellist (2023-12-19). Supermarket workers go on strike: 'All we want for Xmas is a living wage'. Workers at Coles and Woolworths supermarkets have ramped up their campaign for a living wage, secure jobs and safe workplaces with a Christmas #Superstrike. Isaac Nellist reports. (2023-12-18). Gold gains traction among country's investment options. Gold holdings will increase among Chinese high net-worth individuals next year as uncertainties loom in capital markets, experts said, as wealth preservation and security top their asset management priorities.

William Bourke (2023-12-19). Universal basic income for a more prosperous Australia.

WSWS (2023-12-19). Clarence Thomas demanded more money just before receiving gifts from his ultra-rich supporters. A new report from ProPublica says Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas campaigned publicly and privately for an increase in his salary and then suddenly dropped income complaints after he was showered with money and gifts from right-wing wealthy political supporters.

WSWS (2023-12-19). Record high for debt repayments by low-income nations. Nearly half a trillion dollars was paid into the coffers of the banks and financial institutions, paid for by cuts in health, education and other vital facilities.

Daniel Johnston (2023-12-19). Labour leftists looking for a win should embrace the big green elephant in the room.

Simon Hooper (2023-12-18). Jewish man expelled by Labour claims discrimination over antisemitism accusation. Jewish man expelled by Labour claims discrimination over antisemitism accusation | Stephen Marks, a Labour member for more than 40 years, says accusation of antisemitism is 'repellent' and ignored his Jewishness and anti-Zionist beliefs | Mon, 12/18/2023 – 09: 54 | Stephen Marks warned that Labour leader Keir Starmer's refusal to support a ceasefire in Gaza would have political consequences for…

Labour Against the Arms Trade (2023-12-18). Toronto Picketers at Pratt and Whitney. On Tuesday morning of December 12, more than two hundred workers and union members from across the Toronto area picketed the Mississauga manufacturing plant of defence contractor Pratt & Whitney Canada. As Israel pursues its deadly assault on Gaza for a third month, the picket lines interrupted business as usual at an aerospace giant that makes engines for aircrafts that the Israeli military is using to carry out its bombing campaign against Palestinian lives and infrastructure. Encountering banners that read "Stop Arming Apartheid" and "Arms Embargo on Israel Now" as they arrived for morning shift, cars were…

A A (2023-12-18). They Can Wait at Leisure, Whilst Netanyahu Labours — and Errs.

JANET (2023-12-19). PFLP calls for weekly global strikes on Mondays. December 18, 2023 The following statement was posted on X (formerly Twitter) by the Axis of Resistance on Dec. 17, 2023. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine calls for participation in the global strike, which was called for by forces in solidarity with our oppressed and struggling people for their freedom. The strike is scheduled for every Monday until the cessation of the aggression and genocide against our people. The Front invites labor unions, professional associations, progressive forces, and supporters of our people around the world to engage in every possible effort to make this strike succes…

WSWS (2023-12-19). SEP (Australia) holds speakout to promote meeting tomorrow in Sydney opposing Gaza genocide. The meeting will discuss the need for a political struggle against the Labor government, which has backed the genocide, and the entire capitalist system that is responsible.

Jenny Brown, Labor Notes. (2023-12-19). 2023 In Review: Big Strikes, Bigger Gains. Strikes and threats of strikes extracted contracts ranging from good to excellent from employers across the country this year. Half a million U.S. workers walked out—machinists, teachers, baristas, nurses, hotel housekeepers, and auto workers—with much of the motion coming from unions led by reformers. | The year started out with a squeaker of an election victory that turned out to be momentous. In late 2022, the Members United slate swept most top offices at the Auto Workers (UAW) on a platform of "No Concessions, No Corruption, No Tiers." March saw a presidential runoff pitting the old guard incumbe…

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-19). Klaus Schwab wants to stop the retreat of globalisation and global governance with a new form of globalisation and global governance. Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret's book 'Covid-19: The Great Reset' identified "the global governance free fall" as an existential challenge and if we do not collaborate "we are doomed." "Nation states make …

Staff (2023-12-19). Colaboración entre Roswell Park y el CIM: Lo que aspiramos de las relaciones entre los pueblos de EEUU y Cuba. "Las posibilidades de intercambio científico, tecnológico, académico y cultural entre el pueblo cubano y el pueblo norteamericano tienen unas enormes potencialidades, y esta empresa es una expresión de ello", subrayó Díaz-Canel al recibir a varios directivos del Hospital Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, institución que junto al Centro de Inmunología Molecular de Cuba crearon la empresa mixta Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance SA (IIA).

Joseph Grosso (2023-12-19). A New Hope: The UAW Victory and Beyond. If there has been a constant theme to Left discourse in the U.S. it has been that a labor revival is always just around the corner. While this has proved to be quite elusive, it can be said that this year has put workers rights squarely in the spotlight. There has been the continuing organizing (2023-12-19). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-19). Bay Area Unions & Thousands of Workers Rally & March for Palestine in Oakland. Thousands of workers and unionists from throughout the Bay Area rallied in Oakland against the US supported Israel war on Gaza and the Palestinians. A growing number of unions are breaking from the pro-Zionist leadership including AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and many of other union heads…

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian protesters: "We need a general strike to stop the Gaza genocide!" "The union leadership in this country is all led by the Labor Party, they all benefit from ties with Israel, they don't want to do anything that harms that."

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian Labor government hails US passage of AUKUS legislation. Beyond the issue of Australia's acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, the legislation seeks to consolidate a military block clearly aimed at preparing for war against China. (2023-12-18). Closer global collaboration urged to reach UN goals. Prospects of achieving the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development goals are bleak, and countries need to make a much more concerted effort if progress is to be made, a top United Nations official says.

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-18). US Airstrike Reported in Somalia for First Time in Months. The US launched an airstrike in southern Somalia on Sunday as part of an operation in collaboration with the Mogadishu-based government, Voice of America reported. The US-backed government claimed the operation killed a senior al-Shabaab commander. US Africa Command (AFRICOM) confirmed the accuracy of the government's report to VOA, a US-state-funded media outlet, although AFRICOM …

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian government tries to thwart High Court challenges to new detention laws. The Labor government's manoeuvre underscores how far it is prepared to go, hand-in-hand with the Liberal-National Coalition, to override even the limited protections in the Australian Constitution against arbitrary detention by executive decree.

Julia Conley, Commondreams. (2023-12-18). Starbucks Ordered To Reopen 23 Stores. Like its alleged intimidation tactics and firing of workers who have led unionization efforts, Starbucks' closure of at least 23 stores amid a nationwide workers' rights push last year did not go unnoticed by federal regulators, who ordered the global coffee chain to reopen the locations on Wednesday. | The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a complaint saying that eight of the shuttered stores were among the more than 360 Starbucks locations that have voted to unionize, and that executives did not notify the union, Starbucks Workers United, about the closures ahead of time—robbing organizers of a…

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-18). The Fascist Movement's Biggest Threat: Labor Unions?

Mark Gruenberg (2023-12-18). UAW hits the gas on organizing effort at Honda, Hyundai, and Volkswagen. DETROIT—The United Auto Workers are stepping up their organizing drives at U.S. plants of foreign automakers Honda in Greensburg, Ind., Hyundai in Montgomery, Ala., and Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tenn., despite bosses' labor law-breaking and use of union-busters. "At the non-union automakers, it's a dictatorship," UAW President Shawn Fain said in a Facebook video. "The moment …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-18). Flirting With Nuclear Energy Down Under. It was a policy that was bound to send a shiver through the policymaking community. The issue of nuclear energy in Australia has always been a contentious one. Currently, the country hosts a modest nuclear industry, centred on the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), nuclear medicine and laboratory products. But even this has created headaches in terms (2023-12-18). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-18). Bay Area Unions & Thousands of Workers Rally & March for Palestine in Oakland. Thousands of workers and unionists from throughout the Bay Area rallied in Oakland against the US supported Israel war on Gaza and the Palestinians. A growing number of unions are breaking from the pro-Zionist leadership including AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and many of other union heads…

Ron Jacobs (2023-12-19). Rich Kid's Resurrection in Annapolis—A Thought Experiment. Marc Estrin's newest fiction is titled Et Resurrexit. The title is shared with a chorus from Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B minor (H-moll in the original German). A slim text, it begins with a male heir of the Vanderbilts—a young man whose perception of the world is certainly shaped by his family's wealth—rising from

_____ (2023-12-18). World Peace Is a Possibility. Being on Earth is like being on a plane. We are all transients sharing a temporary flight. We may not have the best seats but will be landing somewhere else, so why quarrel? Those who have the best seats–fancy houses, wealth, prestige–will also have to give them up when the flight is over, at death.

Chauncey K. Robinson (2023-12-18). 'Wonka' review: A condemnation of wealthy elites the whole family can enjoy. Just in time for the holidays is a family movie that intertwines fun with a message targeting greed and capitalist monopoly. While the movie isn't shouting "Down with the system!" from the chocolate rooftops, dominant themes throughout Wonka are the battle against corrupt wealthy businessmen and the plight of the poor. The new musical fantasy …

Will Jones (2023-12-19). Audi Hits Brakes on Electric Vehicle Rollout as Demand Plummets. Audi will hit the brakes on its rollout of electric car models as consumer demand plummets in the face of high prices compared to petrol models.

WSWS (2023-12-18). German government finalizes its war budget. Unlimited funds for war and armaments, cuts in social spending and higher energy prices—this is the core of the German government's 2024 budget.

Dean Baker (2023-12-18). Wages and Prices: Who Is Keeping Up with What? Since President Biden took office, the media have run a constant stream of news stories about how high various prices were and telling their audiences that this has led to mass suffering. These stories appear less frequently now, although we still hear Republican politicians and people posting in social media that they are paying $5 …

Famine Early Warning System Network (2023-12-19). Chad – Key message update: In the Sahel, food consumption deficit is exacerbated by declining harvests and atypical food price increases, November 2023.

Chloe Atkinson (2023-12-18). COP28 Agreement to Move Away From Fossil Fuels. In what many see as a first-of-its-kind deal signaling the eventual end of the oil age, representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed on Wednesday to begin reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst impact of climate change. In a demonstration of global solidarity, negotiators joined together at the COP28 climate summit in

World Bank (2023-12-19). Solomon Islands: World Bank Assistance Will Boost Solomons Islands' Public Financial Management, Private Sector Development, and Support Climate Resilience. Country: Solomon Islands | Source: World Bank | WASHINGTON, December 19, 2023 —The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors approved a US$20 million grant to support the Government of Solomon Islands in improving financial management, strengthen the business environment, and improve emergency preparedness. | The First Solomon Islands Resilience Development Policy Operation with a Catastrophe Drawdown Option will support the Solomon Islands government to increase tax revenue through the government's Value Added Tax Bill and the introduction of a new nickel royalty based on the value of the metal containe…

WSWS (2023-12-18). US financial system a "minefield of vulnerabilities" The annual report by the Financial Stability Oversight Council has listed a wide range of potential problems in the financial system flowing from higher interest rates.

Ann Brown (2023-12-18). Fact Check: Millionaires Live In Relatively Smaller Houses, Only 2600 Square Feet, Mortgage Is Paid Off. When it comes to the lifestyles of millionaires, there are often misconceptions about their housing preferences and financial choices. A recent study conducted as part of the National Study of Millionaires done through Ramsey Solutions sheds light on where millionaires call home and how they manage their mortgages. Most don't have a mortgage. Millionaires—and even … (2023-12-19). UK health crisis: Welsh junior doctors to go on strike amid 'grueling conditions'. Thousands of junior doctors in Wales will go on strike in January after being offered a below-inflation pay offer of 5 percent.

Ezio Boero (2023-12-19). Progress in the results of the strike of the workers of the large Californian hotels. Since the 4th of July holiday weekend, around sixty large hotels in Southern California, and especially in Los Angeles, have been affected by extensive strikes, mobile pickets and demonstrations. | 32,000 workers (room maids, cooks, dishwashers, bartenders and receptionists) are trying to renew their employment contracts which expired on June 30th. | They ask for an increase of 11 dollars in hourly wages over the course of the three-year contract (5 dollars/hour from the signing of the agreement), improvement of health care and pension benefits, reduction of workloads, possibility of access to work for people who…

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-18). White House Says US Can Only Fund One More Weapons Package for Ukraine. The White House said on Monday that a weapons package will be provided to Ukraine later this month, and after that, the US will be out of funds to arm Ukraine until Congress authorizes more spending on the proxy war. According to POLITICO, the Pentagon still has $4.4 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows …

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-19). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-18). 50 Years Of Mass Incarceration Has Devastated American Society. Fifty years ago, the United States embarked on a path of mass incarceration that has led to a staggering increase in the prison population. Today, almost 2 million individuals—disproportionately Black Americans—are incarcerated in our nation's prisons and jails. The prison population has grown 500% since 1973, the year America began to sharply increase its prison population. "The social, moral, and fiscal costs associated with the large-scale, decades-long investment in mass imprisonment," The Sentencing Project notes, "cannot be justified by any evidence of its effectiveness. Misguided changes in sen…

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-12-18). Guanajuato: Mexico's industrial heartland. The world is living through what many are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. | Just as AI and modern technology are changing lives on an individual level, those advances are doing the same to industry and the assembly line. | CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock shows what this look like in Mexico's industrial heartland in Guanajuato state, in this first in a special series. | The state received more than $31 billion in foreign direct investment last year.

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-12-18). Mexico's Industrial Transformation. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock brings us this special series of reports from Mexico's industrial heartland. | The world is living through what many are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Just as AI and modern technology are changing lives on an individual level, those advances are doing the same to industry and the assembly line. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock shows what this look like in Mexico's industrial heartland in Guanajuato state, in this first in a special series. The state received more than $31 billion in foreign direct investment last year.

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-18). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

Derek Seidman (2023-12-18). These "Experts" Cheer on Gaza Siege Without Disclosing Ties to War Profiteering. We might be in an age of social media, but cable news channels like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN still have enormous influence in shaping mainstream narratives about war and U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, it's alarming that numerous "experts" that news channels bring on to explain war and conflict are actually — unbeknownst to news viewers — themselves cogs within the military-industrial complex… |

Sam Knight (2023-12-18). Build Back B.S. .

Adriaan Alsema (2023-12-18). Colombia's ELN guerrillas agree to suspend kidnappings. Colombia's largest guerrilla group, the ELN, agreed to suspend kidnapping people for profit in ongoing peace talks with the government. The agreement that was announced in Mexico comes days after…

Frank Cappello (2023-12-19). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Muppet Christmas Carol (w/ Wren Mack).

The Independent (2023-12-18). Eating yogurt could reduce your risk of depression and anxiety, study finds. ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | A new study in mice has found that the bacterium Lactobacillus helps the body manage stress, potentially preventing the onset of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. The results could pave the way for new therapies to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Experts say these findings support a …

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-12-19). The Deadly Influence Of The Military Industrial Complex At COP28. We hear about the growing influence of fossil fuel, nuclear and Big Agriculture corporations over the United Nations' Conference of Parties (COP) meetings, but hardly anything about the presence of weapons makers and NATO leaders. Clearing the FOG speaks with Canadian environmental lawyer and peace activist Tamara Lorincz, who reports about the meetings and outcomes of the recently-concluded COP28. She is part of an organizing effort to highlight the carbon footprint of Western militaries and the significant contributions of NATO countries to the climate crisis. Lorincz points out the great discrepancies between…

Rick Sterling, MintPress News. (2023-12-18). The JFK Assassination Was Good For Zionist Israel. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated sixty years ago. If he had lived and won a second term, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would have evolved differently. Possibly, the path toward Israeli apartheid and genocide in Gaza could have been avoided. | In his short time in office, Kennedy significantly changed U.S. foreign policy. As documented in the book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Still Matters," JFK resisted the CIA and military-industrial complex in the policies he set regarding the Third World and the Soviet Union. The Vietnam War, the assassination of Indonesia's President Sukarno,…

_____ (2023-12-18). Regenerative Agroecology: The Necessary Solution to Counter Climate Change. 12 Dec 2023 – Industrial agriculture sees the world as a machine, not as a self-organized living system, and has created devastation contributing to climate change. Our latest report, 'Regeneration is Life', presented at Cop28 in Dubai, analyzes the causes of climate change and the regenerative solutions vis-a-vis the false solutions by polluters.

EcoWaste Coalition (2023-12-19). Single-Use Food Packaging from 17 Countries Contains PFAS "Forever Chemicals" 19 December 2023, Gothenburg City, Sweden/Quezon City Philippines. A study released today by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and 18 IPEN member groups found toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, including globally banned substances, in single-use, paper, cardboard, and plant-based molded fiber food containers and tableware purchased from 17 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America and the Caribbean. | PFAS chemicals have been linked to cancer, infertility, and endocrine disruption. Prior studies have shown that PFAS in food packaging can… (2023-12-19). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls. (2023-12-18). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Editor (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? Or Does It Live on Like a Zombie?

Angela (2023-12-19). Saturday 12/30: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

_____ (2023-12-18). Merchants of Death… are Making a Killing in Gaza, Ukraine, …

Angela (2023-12-18). Saturday 12/30: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Editor (2023-12-19). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another.

Liam Crisan (2023-12-19). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another.

isabella (2023-12-18). Lessons From One Unequal Society to Another.

Sam Pizzigati (2023-12-18). In Our Deeply Unequal World, the Garbage Rises Ever Higher. The summit of Mount Everest, in case you haven't heard, has become somewhat of a trash heap, a high-profile embarrassment that some have taken to calling the "world's highest garbage dump." A half-century ago, few would have expected this outcome. Back in 1976, Nepal, the Himalayan nation that counts Everest — Mount Sagarmatha — as (2023-12-18). Iran: Palestinians definite winners of 'unequal battle' against Israel. The Iranian foreign minister said Israeli officials continue to commit crimes more heinous than those by Daesh.

WSWS (2023-12-19). The Israeli state's fascist ideology and the genocide in Gaza. This lecture was given by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board Chairman David North at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

WSWS (2023-12-18). The lioness, the oak tree, the matron: In loving memory of my mother, Helen Halyard. We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by her son, Jamal, to a memorial meeting for Comrade Helen held by the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the International Committee of the Fourth International on December 3.

2023-12-19 17:48:07 | 17:48 EST | tr | 95 | 0 | 60 | 41 | 0 

2023-12-18: News Headlines

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? Or does it live on like a zombie? Political economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson discuss neoliberalism, and the premature predictions about its demise.

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? t's happening again. Reports of the death of neoliberalism are once again proliferating. Just take a look at the UK Guardian. In the UK Guardian website, there is a whole series of stories whether it is "Neoliberalism is Dying," "The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism," "Biden Just Declared the Death of Neoliberalism," "Is Neoliberalism Finally Over?," "Is Neoliberalism Finally Dead?" and "Is the Neoliberal Era Over Yet?" And of course there are also contrary views: "The National Institutes of Health Say Neoliberalism is Not Dead." And there is also a very interesting story in The Jacobin, which says "The Rumors are… (2023-12-18). China unveils rules on supervision of non-bank payment institutions. China's State Council unveiled rules on the regulation of non-bank payment institutions on Sunday, in a move to prevent financial risks, regulate the industry's growth and protect consumers' interests amid the rapid development of the sector. (2023-12-18). Chinese economy to keep its growth momentum in 2024 despite facing challenges: official. China's economy faces more opportunities than challenges in 2024, with economic growth remaining on the recovery trajectory and more factors contributing to high-quality growth.

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-12-18). The American Political Crisis. The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan administration, to give his assessment of the political situation in the US and whether a candidate other than Biden could result in a more reasonable US policy toward the rest of the world, and here is his reply. | American politics is in crisis. The evidence is overwhelming that Biden was not elected but was put into the presidency via a stolen election, and the evidence is overwhelming that Democrats and the Biden regime are attempting to… (2023-12-18). Yemeni army's operations have left significant economic impact on Israel: Ansarullah. Ansarullah says the Yemeni army's attacks against vessels headed to the occupied Palestinian territories have taken a big toll on the Israeli economy.

infobrics (2023-12-18). BRICS Expansion and Economic Fairness in Focus. Policy makers and experts from several countries speaking at the Doha Forum 2023 highlighted the potential of the BRICS group to establish trade and investment alliances, fostering economic and social development in a multipolar world…

Edward Lozansky, Consortium News. (2023-12-18). War In Ukraine And The 'Crisis Of Western Civilization'. The war in Ukraine has become a crisis of Western civilization. | Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker writes that the West is "losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small." | Baker nevertheless reminds us that "liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or polit…

Observer R (2023-12-18). The End of Ukraine. According to many reports, the population of Ukraine has declined by more than half, from 40+ million to 20- million, with death, injury, and destruction widespread in the country since February 2014. Let's look at some of the stages where this outcome might have been prevented: | Stage One—The Ukraine administration of Yanukovych had negotiated a better economic deal with China and Russia than what the West was offering. China was very much interested in helping Ukraine increase agricultural production, thereby increasing exports to China. However, Yanukovych was overthrown in the 2014 Maidan revolut…

Roger D. Harris (2023-12-18). Year 2023 in review for Latin America and the Caribbean. December 2nd marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year include a world economic slowdown, a continuing drug plague, and a more aggressive hegemon reacting … (2023-12-18). Over 5,000 Chinese suspects of economic crimes fleeing overseas apprehended from over 100 countries and regions: Ministry. More than 5,000 Chinese suspects of economic crimes fleeing overseas have been caught and arrested from over 100 countries and regions by the public security organs across the country since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The Independent (2023-12-18). 'Government setting URA targets that are hard to meet'. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development is proposing that the Uganda Revenue Authority raises almost 29.96 trillion Shillings in taxes next financial year, up from the current year's 29.67 trillion. However, this will prove a tall order for the tax body considering that it has not been … (2023-12-18). Gold gains traction among country's investment options. Gold holdings will increase among Chinese high net-worth individuals next year as uncertainties loom in capital markets, experts said, as wealth preservation and security top their asset management priorities.

Simon Hooper (2023-12-18). Jewish man expelled by Labour claims discrimination over antisemitism accusation. Jewish man expelled by Labour claims discrimination over antisemitism accusation | Stephen Marks, a Labour member for more than 40 years, says accusation of antisemitism is 'repellent' and ignored his Jewishness and anti-Zionist beliefs | Mon, 12/18/2023 – 09: 54 | Stephen Marks warned that Labour leader Keir Starmer's refusal to support a ceasefire in Gaza would have political consequences for…

Labour Against the Arms Trade (2023-12-18). Toronto Picketers at Pratt and Whitney. On Tuesday morning of December 12, more than two hundred workers and union members from across the Toronto area picketed the Mississauga manufacturing plant of defence contractor Pratt & Whitney Canada. As Israel pursues its deadly assault on Gaza for a third month, the picket lines interrupted business as usual at an aerospace giant that makes engines for aircrafts that the Israeli military is using to carry out its bombing campaign against Palestinian lives and infrastructure. Encountering banners that read "Stop Arming Apartheid" and "Arms Embargo on Israel Now" as they arrived for morning shift, cars were…

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian protesters: "We need a general strike to stop the Gaza genocide!" "The union leadership in this country is all led by the Labor Party, they all benefit from ties with Israel, they don't want to do anything that harms that."

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian Labor government hails US passage of AUKUS legislation. Beyond the issue of Australia's acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines, the legislation seeks to consolidate a military block clearly aimed at preparing for war against China. (2023-12-18). Closer global collaboration urged to reach UN goals. Prospects of achieving the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development goals are bleak, and countries need to make a much more concerted effort if progress is to be made, a top United Nations official says.

Julia Conley, Commondreams. (2023-12-18). Starbucks Ordered To Reopen 23 Stores. Like its alleged intimidation tactics and firing of workers who have led unionization efforts, Starbucks' closure of at least 23 stores amid a nationwide workers' rights push last year did not go unnoticed by federal regulators, who ordered the global coffee chain to reopen the locations on Wednesday. | The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a complaint saying that eight of the shuttered stores were among the more than 360 Starbucks locations that have voted to unionize, and that executives did not notify the union, Starbucks Workers United, about the closures ahead of time—robbing organizers of a…

WSWS (2023-12-18). Australian government tries to thwart High Court challenges to new detention laws. The Labor government's manoeuvre underscores how far it is prepared to go, hand-in-hand with the Liberal-National Coalition, to override even the limited protections in the Australian Constitution against arbitrary detention by executive decree.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-12-18). teleSUR y Green Zone Foundation de Qatar firman convenio. En días anteriores, teleSUR y la televisión pública brasileña EBC, así como el Instituto de Radiodifusión del Estado de Bahía, anunciaron un acuerdo de producción.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-18). Flirting With Nuclear Energy Down Under. It was a policy that was bound to send a shiver through the policymaking community. The issue of nuclear energy in Australia has always been a contentious one. Currently, the country hosts a modest nuclear industry, centred on the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), nuclear medicine and laboratory products. But even this has created headaches in terms (2023-12-18). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-18). Bay Area Unions & Thousands of Workers Rally & March for Palestine in Oakland. Thousands of workers and unionists from throughout the Bay Area rallied in Oakland against the US supported Israel war on Gaza and the Palestinians. A growing number of unions are breaking from the pro-Zionist leadership including AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and many of other union heads… (2023-12-18). Houthi attacks on commercial ships have upended global trade in vital Red Sea corridorThe attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea by Yemen's Houthi rebels have scared off some of the world's top shipping companies and oil giants, effectively rerouting global trade away from a crucial artery for consumer goods and energy supplies that is expected to trigger delays and rising prices. | | Proofread, edit, APA 2¢/word! – Editing & proofreading service

WSWS (2023-12-18). German government finalizes its war budget. Unlimited funds for war and armaments, cuts in social spending and higher energy prices—this is the core of the German government's 2024 budget.

Chloe Atkinson (2023-12-18). COP28 Agreement to Move Away From Fossil Fuels. In what many see as a first-of-its-kind deal signaling the eventual end of the oil age, representatives from nearly 200 countries agreed on Wednesday to begin reducing global consumption of fossil fuels to avert the worst impact of climate change. In a demonstration of global solidarity, negotiators joined together at the COP28 climate summit in

WSWS (2023-12-18). US financial system a "minefield of vulnerabilities" The annual report by the Financial Stability Oversight Council has listed a wide range of potential problems in the financial system flowing from higher interest rates.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-18). 50 Years Of Mass Incarceration Has Devastated American Society. Fifty years ago, the United States embarked on a path of mass incarceration that has led to a staggering increase in the prison population. Today, almost 2 million individuals—disproportionately Black Americans—are incarcerated in our nation's prisons and jails. The prison population has grown 500% since 1973, the year America began to sharply increase its prison population. "The social, moral, and fiscal costs associated with the large-scale, decades-long investment in mass imprisonment," The Sentencing Project notes, "cannot be justified by any evidence of its effectiveness. Misguided changes in sen…

The Independent (2023-12-18). Insurers need to embrace sustainability initiatives — IRA. Embrace sustainable practices not just for today's bottom line, but as a strategic investment Kampala, Uganda | JULIUS BUSINGE | Insurance players have been urged to embrace the aspect of sustainability in their operations to positively impact communities, the environment, and related fields in their business. "In the realm of insurance, risk assessment extends beyond policies. …

National Homelessness Law Center (2023-12-18). Law Center Statement on 12% Increase in Homelessness. Point in Time results must drive housing investments, not despair…

Derek Seidman (2023-12-18). These "Experts" Cheer on Gaza Siege Without Disclosing Ties to War Profiteering. We might be in an age of social media, but cable news channels like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN still have enormous influence in shaping mainstream narratives about war and U.S. foreign policy. Therefore, it's alarming that numerous "experts" that news channels bring on to explain war and conflict are actually — unbeknownst to news viewers — themselves cogs within the military-industrial complex… |

Sam Knight (2023-12-18). Build Back B.S. .

Adriaan Alsema (2023-12-18). Colombia's ELN guerrillas agree to suspend kidnappings. Colombia's largest guerrilla group, the ELN, agreed to suspend kidnapping people for profit in ongoing peace talks with the government. The agreement that was announced in Mexico comes days after…

The Independent (2023-12-18). Eating yogurt could reduce your risk of depression and anxiety, study finds. ANALYSIS | AGENCIES | A new study in mice has found that the bacterium Lactobacillus helps the body manage stress, potentially preventing the onset of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. The results could pave the way for new therapies to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Experts say these findings support a …

Rick Sterling, MintPress News. (2023-12-18). The JFK Assassination Was Good For Zionist Israel. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated sixty years ago. If he had lived and won a second term, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would have evolved differently. Possibly, the path toward Israeli apartheid and genocide in Gaza could have been avoided. | In his short time in office, Kennedy significantly changed U.S. foreign policy. As documented in the book "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Still Matters," JFK resisted the CIA and military-industrial complex in the policies he set regarding the Third World and the Soviet Union. The Vietnam War, the assassination of Indonesia's President Sukarno,… (2023-12-18). Housing activists organise national day of action for public housing, rent controls.

Editor (2023-12-18). Is Neoliberalism Really Dead? Or Does It Live on Like a Zombie?

Angela (2023-12-18). Saturday 12/30: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Sam Pizzigati (2023-12-18). In Our Deeply Unequal World, the Garbage Rises Ever Higher. The summit of Mount Everest, in case you haven't heard, has become somewhat of a trash heap, a high-profile embarrassment that some have taken to calling the "world's highest garbage dump." A half-century ago, few would have expected this outcome. Back in 1976, Nepal, the Himalayan nation that counts Everest — Mount Sagarmatha — as (2023-12-18). Iran: Palestinians definite winners of 'unequal battle' against Israel. The Iranian foreign minister said Israeli officials continue to commit crimes more heinous than those by Daesh.

WSWS (2023-12-18). The lioness, the oak tree, the matron: In loving memory of my mother, Helen Halyard. We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by her son, Jamal, to a memorial meeting for Comrade Helen held by the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the International Committee of the Fourth International on December 3.

thecommunists (2023-12-18). Heating and eating: the impoverishment of British workers. It is clear to everyone that the standard of life for the vast majority of workers in Britain has been falling dramatically in recent years. What is not so clear is what is driving this decline. Variously attributed to the Covid pandemic, to wars abroad, to immigration, or to the activities of this or that …

thecommunists (2023-12-18). Grangemouth refinery workers' jobs at risk. On the morning of Wednesday 22 November, 500 Grangemouth oil refinery workers received an email informing them that the nature of business at the site would change from refining and supplying 80 percent of Scotland's oil to simply being an import hub for finished fuel products. The email further informed them that this change would …

2023-12-18 18:54:09 | 18:54 EST | tr | 46 | 0 | 0 | 49 | 0