Daily Archives: November 21, 2023

2023-11-21: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-11-21). China resumes Australian barley imports in October. ecns.cn China resumed imports of Australian barley in October, with the amount reaching 313,700 tons worth $88.4 million, according to data released by the General Administration of Customs (GAC) on Monday.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-11-21). Saturday 12/9: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

WSWS (2023-11-21). Fascistic candidate Javier Milei elected president of Argentina. wsws.org The vote was a massive repudiation of Peronism and its candidate, Economy Minister Massa, who was the face of social austerity and devaluations of the peso at the behest of the IMF and the corporate-financial oligarchy.

Brandi Morin, Geordie Day, The Real News. (2023-11-20). Indigenous Community Bears The Toxic Effects Of Canada's Oil Boom. popularresistance.org In Northern Alberta, Canada, sit the Athabasca tar sands—the world's largest known reservoir of crude bitumen, and a major driver of Canada's economy. The vast majority of Canadian oil production comes from extracting and processing the crude bitumen found in the tar sands. But while Canada prospers off the tar sands industry, Indigenous communities downstream are in the grips of its toxic impact. It is well documented that the people of Fort Chipewyan, in northern Alberta, have been struck by disproportionately high rates of cancer, and their proximity to the tar sands has long been the suspected dominant…

Brett Wilkins (2023-11-20). Far Right Trump Admirer Javier Milei Wins Argentina's Presidential Runoff. truthout.org Javier Milei — a far-right admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump who says that climate change is a "socialist lie" and who pledged to take a "chainsaw" to social programs — will be Argentina's next president after winning a decisive victory in Sunday's runoff. Sergio Massa, Argentina's Peronist economy minister, conceded defeat Sunday evening to the 53-year-old Milei… |

ecns.cn (2023-11-20). China's shipping industry grows with AI, boosts global development. ecns.cn The Tianjin International Shipping Industry Expo 2023was held from Thursday to Saturday in north China's Tianjin Municipality to promote the development of the global shipping industry and marine economy.

ecns.cn (2023-11-20). Housing market tries to find its feet again. ecns.cn Despite constant fluctuations in China's troubled housing market, a tentative recovery is taking shape nevertheless, particularly in top-tier cities, on the back of several local-level policy easings — and this will likely lay a solid foundation for the real estate sector's high-quality and sustainable development in the long term, experts said.

infobrics (2023-11-20). Align Kenya with BRICS to Rise. infobrics.org The current economic situation in Kenya is in dire need of a turnaround. In 2021, the Kenyan economy staged a strong recovery, growing at 7.5 percent although some sectors, such as tourism, remained under pressure…

Larry Johnson (2023-11-20). Can Israel Withstand Growing Diplomatic Pressure and Isolation? sonar21.com Israel is caught between the proverbial dog and the fireplug. It has vowed to destroy Hamas militarily but has committed to a grinding war that is causing massive civilian casualties, which in turn is galvanizing the Arab and Muslim world to support a Palestinian state. Israel's economy is being battered as a consequence of the war, now deprived of Palestinian workers and Israeli reservists who were called to active duty. With the majority of the Palestinian citizens of Gaza now hunkered down in southern Gaza, Israel confronts a dilemma — if it escalates attacks on the south it will increase dramatica…

Lila Sharif (2023-11-20). Gaza Used to Be a Thriving Spice Capital. Now There Is Neither Bread Nor Safety. truthout.org For 4,000 years, the Gaza District was a thriving and bustling spice hamlet along the Silk Road. Pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves — the spices that for centuries moved the world's economy in their storied transit across the Old World — all passed through Gaza. The Gaza District, where my father was born and raised, connected Somalia and the Horn of Africa to the West along the Mediterranean's… |

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-11-20). Saturday 12/9: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: The Feminist Subversion of the Economy. indybay.org Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the online invite.

The Independent (2023-11-21). Javier Milei wins Argentina's presidential runoff. independent.co.ug Buenos Aires, Argentina | Xinhua | Javier Milei from the far-right Liberty Advances coalition has won Argentina's presidential runoff against Economy Minister Sergio Massa, initial results of the electoral authority showed on Sunday. Conceding defeat before official results came out, Massa said he has congratulated Milei, who will be the country's president for the next four …

Centro Latinoamericano de Análisis Estratégico (2023-11-20). The "libertarian" Javier Milei will be Argentina's next President. pressenza.com Argentina embraced the far right. Javier Milei, 53, won the second round of Argentina's elections with 56% of the vote against the current economy minister Sergio Massa, who won 44% of the vote. Massa, the economy minister in a country with 142% year-on-year inflation, admitted defeat even before the official results were announced. The result was an unprecedented landslide. | By Rubén Armendáriz | And Argentina is now facing the unknown, on the path already trodden by Donald Trump in the United States and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Chainsaw in hand, he called during the campaign for the "extermination of the poli…

The Independent (2023-11-20). Gulu district revenue drops after ban on sale of forest products. independent.co.ug Gulu , Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Gulu district is facing financial challenges due to a significant drop in local revenue following a presidential directive against the sale of forest products, severely impacting its economy. The District Speaker Phoebe Ayoo highlighted the directive's adverse effects on the economy, coupled with the detachment of the City …

The Independent (2023-11-20). Is Uganda Human Rights Commission rebranding? independent.co.ug New focus is on the economy, instead of civil and political rights Kampala, Uganda | DICTA ASIIMWE | For years, Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) has produced annual reports with various variations of this excerpt from its 2020 report: "The government was reluctant to investigate, prosecute, or punish officials who committed human rights abuses, whether in …

ecns.cn (2023-11-21). Nation's role in volunteerism praised by UN. ecns.cn A senior United Nations official in charge of the UN volunteers who contribute to global socioeconomic development has hailed China's focus on volunteerism, welcoming the Chinese volunteers' role in bolstering sustainable development worldwide.

ecns.cn (2023-11-21). Anti-corruption fight taken to the next level. ecns.cn China has stepped up anti-corruption efforts this year in the financial sector, including on regulatory bodies and the banking, insurance and securities industries, to safeguard economic security.

ecns.cn (2023-11-21). China rejects Australia's claims of 'unsafe and unprofessional' warship encounter. ecns.cn China has firmly rejected Australia's accusations that a Chinese warship acted unsafely and unprofessionally when interacting with an Australian vessel in international waters near Japan's exclusive economic zone.

International League of People's Struggle, US. (2023-11-21). No To APEC Coalition Unity Statement. popularresistance.org At the close of our People's Counter Summit Against APEC, we issued a unity statement to summarize the positions of the No To APEC Coalition during our 2023 campaign culminating in the 800+ person Counter Summit. The statement is titled "People and Planet against Profit and Plunder: Towards a World Beyond Profit-Oriented Systems!" | We publish this statement as the APEC Heads of State concluded their own Summit with the so-called "Golden Gate Declaration" to lay out the rosey-sounding false solutions they spent an entire year writing while desperately-needed practical policies for reversing the global economic, p…

ecns.cn (2023-11-20). Why does the 'Heart of Asia' lie in China's Urumqi?>. ecns.cn Nicknamed the "Heart of Asia," Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has become the forefront of China's opening to the West since the Belt and Road Initiative was proposed ten years ago. It has played a crucial role in strengthening China's economic and trade ties as well as cultural communications with Central Asia and Europe.

James Hughes (2023-11-20). Why did London School of Economics censor this article on Israel's lobby? electronicintifada.net A view on "extremism" regarded as unpalatable by an influential website.

James K. Galbraith, Portside. (2023-11-20). Why Mainstream Economics Got Inflation Wrong. popularresistance.org Austin – In his November 7, 2023 New York Times newsletter, the economist Paul Krugman asks a good, albeit belated, question: Why did so many economists get the inflation outlook wrong? After all, the near-consensus among mainstream economists in recent years was that inflation would persist — and even accelerate — and that this justified substantial interest-rate hikes by the US Federal Reserve. Yet the quasi-inflation of 2021-22 proved transitory. | Krugman poses his question with impeccable diplomacy, professing "respect" for three authors of a September 2022 paper published by the Brookings Instit…

John P. Ruehl (2023-11-20). Comparing How the West and China Offer Loans to Developing Countries. counterpunch.org In October 2023, amid celebrations commemorating the 10th anniversary of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Beijing, Pakistan and Chinese leaders signed a multibillion-dollar deal for a railway project. As a pivotal component of China's efforts to promote economic integration and develop infrastructure abroad, Pakistan has received significant developmental assistance from Beijing through the $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-11-20). New international order on plural debate in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana (Prensa Latina) Representatives of different ideological and theoretical positions agreed in Cuba on the relevance of fighting for a New International Economic Order (NIEO) in accordance with the current global demands, ideas in compliance with those of the G77+China.

Patricia Harrity (2023-11-20). Another Crisis "Much Worse than Covid", Paralysis of Power Supply, Communications, Transportation. The WEF "Cyber Attack" Scenario. expose-news.com The World Economic Forum (WEF) which represents the Western financial elites, played a key role in the launching of the March 11, 2020 corona lockdown, which was conducive to a Worldwide process …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-11-20). Video: Expanding Middle East War. Who is Behind Netanyahu? Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca We stand in Solidarity with Palestine. But we must recognize that the United States Military and Intelligence apparatus is firmly behind Netanyahu. | There are strategic, geopolitical and economic objectives behind Israel's genocide directed against the People of Palestine. | Who : …

Susanta Kumar Das (2023-11-20). Political crisis of Bangladesh is the byproduct of the capitalist crisis. peoplesdispatch.org From the viewpoint of imperialist forces, Bangladesh is the strategic springboard for heading towards the South-East and Asia Pacific. To achieve their political and economic goals in Bangladesh, imperialists consider the anti-liberation forces, the religious fundamentalists and their political allies, as their natural friends…

WSWS (2023-11-21). MGM Grand Detroit casino workers reject contract betrayal, continue strike. wsws.org Striking MGM Grand casino workers have voted down a supposed "historic" agreement that would have kept workers locked into poverty rates of pay as gaming profits surge.

WSWS (2023-11-20). Sixth week of mass protests in New Zealand against Gaza genocide. wsws.org After backing Israel's genocidal bombing of Gaza for six weeks, the deeply discredited Labour Party issued a mealy-mouthed call for a ceasefire, as large protests continued across New Zealand.

Mayday Multimedia, Brian Sulicipan (2023-11-20). Philippines workers denounce police killing of Jude Fernandez, labor leader. therealnews.com On Sept 29, union leader Jude Thaddeus Fernandez was killed in his home by Philippine National Police during a labor campaign to raise wages and end government corruption and abuses. Fernandez is the 72nd victim of labor-related killings in the Philippines since July 2016. The Real News reports from Manila. | Producer: Mayday Multimedia, Brian Sulicipan | Videographers: Aly Suico, Bane Vicente, Francis Manaog, Kat Catalan, Tel Delvo | Video Editor: Mervine Aquino | Narrator: Kate Calimag |
| Transcript: | Jerome Adonis, Secretary General, Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU): Our call: Justice for Comrade J…

Laurel Thompson (2023-11-21). Palm Oil in Common Household Products Is Destroying the World's 'Orangutan Capital'. counterpunch.org Picture a rhinoceros in the rainforest. Add a herd of elephants, families of orangutans swinging through the treetops, and tigers prowling the understory, and there is only one place in the world you could be. Indonesia's Leuser Ecosystem is one of Earth's most ancient forest ecosystems, a laboratory of life's potential where the alchemy of

teleSUR, lfb, YSM (2023-11-21). Aumentan a 24 los muertos por lluvias en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Algunos de los muertos no aun han sido identificados, y se espera para que el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses (Inacif) termine la labor.

Editor (2023-11-20). After a long defeat, Labor is rising from the ashes. mronline.org Stephen Franklin on labor's losses—and explosive resurgence.

Roger Stoll, Popular Resistance. (2023-11-20). On The Perpetration Of Mass-Death Events. popularresistance.org The holocaust now visited on Palestine by US/Israel is unique in many ways. Rates of killing and maiming exceed those of previous Israeli assaults on Gaza, the perpetrators announce their genocidal intent with unusual frankness, and Western media and official apologists are especially shameless. | But in a world under centuries of West European domination, this particular intentional genocide/mass-death event ought to seem familiar. These mass killings have always been necessary for the global system to function, providing land for settlement, cultivation and resource extraction, labor for hyper-exploitation, and…

teleSUR, JDO (2023-11-20). Gobierno de Nicaragua felicita a joven seleccionada Miss Universo. telesurtv.net Ejecutivo expresa que Nicaragua está de fiesta. Atribuye el reconocimiento a "la hermosura y el talento de nuestras mujeres y de nuestras laboriosas y humildes comunidades".

WSWS (2023-11-20). Australian government gives David McBride no choice but to plead guilty after exposing war crimes. wsws.org Three chilling steps by the Albanese Labor government, clearly acting in concert with the US and other allies, demonstrate its determination to make McBride's fate a warning to all whistleblowers.

geo.tv (2023-11-20). Rita Roberts: Girl with flower tattoo, murdered 31 years ago, identified. geo.tv Rita Roberts was identified through 'Operation Identify Me', a collaborative effort led by Belgian, Dutch, and German police in partnership with Interpol…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-11-20). Fast Fashion Is Antithetical to Workers' Rights. counterpunch.org 'Tis the season for holiday shopping, and as American consumers ready their spending dollars, few of us are likely to link our gift buying to the high cost of low prices on the other side of the planet. This is especially true for what has come to be known as "fast fashion," the clothing equivalent

WSWS (2023-11-21). Corrupt self-promoter George Santos faces expulsion from US House of Representatives. wsws.org Santos is being punished because his lies promoted his personal financial interests, rather than those of Wall Street and corporate America.

Joel Richards (2023-11-20). Argentina elects Javier Milei. america.cgtn.com It's being described as a political earthquake. | Argentina elected far-right candidate Javier Milei as president on Sunday in a second-round run-off. | The Libertarian has pledged drastic and immediate reforms to tame the country's triple-digit inflation and end what he called Argentina's decline.

Dave DeCamp (2023-11-21). Republican China Hawks Want $12 Billion Added to Biden's $105 Billion Request. news.antiwar.com Seven Republican members of the House's China committee led by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) sent a letter to congressional leaders on Sunday calling for an additional $12 billion to be added to President Biden's behemoth $105 billion spending request. Biden's request includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and funding for border security. "We write …

Editor (2023-11-20). German Constitutional Court rules climate change fund is unconstitutional—A signal for further social cuts. mronline.org Germany's Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the federal government's Climate Change Fund is not a legal, but a political decision. It reduces the previously agreed budget by ‚Ǩ60 billion in one fell swoop and is a signal for further social spending cuts.

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Popular Resistance. (2023-11-20). Israel Lobby In USA. popularresistance.org AIPAC has mobilized its vast resources to attack the few voices in Congress that piut US interests ahead of Israeli Interests (see for example www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/11/israel-ads-attack-rashida-tlaib-us-politicians). So what is AIPAC and how was it founded and why? There is another and a bit more moderate pro-Israel lobby called J Street. I will not cover the differences here (they both do not support a ceasefire while 120 countries do). There are also hundreds of pro-Israel organizations spending hundreds of millions to ensure the media and the officials walk lockstep with the Israeli gove…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-11-20). Germany promises energy investments in Africa. plenglish.com Berlin, Nov 20 (Prensa Latina) Germany confirmed on Monday its interest in soaring its business in Africa through energy investments, which could amount to some four billion euros between now and 2030.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-11-20). George Soros makes moves to take over Polish mass media. expose-news.com Poland's mainstream media is being infiltrated by left-wing backed investment groups supportive of Eurocrat Donald Tusk, a French news site has claimed. George Soros' Media Development Investment Fund ("MDIF") and the German-Swiss …

Joy First (2023-11-21). US War Profiteers vs. US Citizens. counterpunch.org Hatem Ahmad Hatem Al-Hissi aged 2, Jenna Hamed NaserAl-Asatal aged 1, Esraa Mu'ayyad Yousef Abu Marzouq aged 12, Hayat Abdullah Musa Al-Asatal aged 6. While I was lying on the cold sidewalk under a sheet made bloody with red fingernail polish, David Barrows' booming bass voice called out just a tiny fraction of the names

Ruth Milka (2023-11-20). Tenants demand a national renters bill of rights amidst skyrocketing rents and corporate landlord profiteering. nationofchange.org Rising up for housing justice: tenants unite to demand a national renters bill of rights.

Horacio Rovelli (2023-11-20). Anarco-capitalismo: Si el Estado no planifica el futuro, los grupos financieros lo harán. globalizacion.ca David Ricardo (1722-1823) fue uno de los padres de la economía política, con dos grandes méritos. El primero: fundamentar la teoría valor-trabajo, esto es, la economía es el trabajo de transformación de los elementos que nos brinda la naturaleza para…

ecns.cn (2023-11-21). Experts laud policies, industrialization drive. ecns.cn China's supportive policies and its latest industrialization drive will open up more opportunities in advanced manufacturing and digital transformation in its vast market.

Adrián Sotelo Valencia (2023-11-20). El complejo industrial-militar-imperialista sediento de sangre. globalizacion.ca °La resistencia palestina derrumbó el mito de la presunta inviolabilidad de la Cúpula de Hierro del sionismo! Como economía de guerra y de armamentos, Estados Unidos tiene que utilizar sus peones en el tablero geopolítico para abrir mercados de guerra,…

Olivia Rosane (2023-11-20). Friday's Global Temperature Breach Is a Canary in the Coal Mine, Scientists Say. truthout.org Global temperatures surpassed 2°C above preindustrial levels for the first time Friday, according to preliminary data from the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts' ERA5 data set showed global service air temperatures rising 2.07°C above the 1850-1900 average on Friday and 2.06°C above that average on Saturday, the service said. |

Walden Bello (2023-11-20). From Bin Laden to Gaza. fpif.org The dramatic events of the last six weeks have left the U.S. position in the Middle East a total wreck, with Washington coming across as a dog being wagged by its tail, the state of Israel, which is carrying out the genocidal elimination of the Palestinian people in Gaza, of whom over 11,000 have been killed by airstrikes. Nowhere was the bankruptcy of American diplomacy in the region and globally more exposed than during the UN General Assembly vote on October 30, 2023 for a Jordan-sponsored resolution for an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor for aid which passed 120 to 14, wit…

Bruce Lerro (2023-11-21). Collectivist, Individualist and Communist Selves Part II. dissidentvoice.org Summary of Part I In Part I of my article, we began by distinguishing the social self from two forms of identity that are often confused with it: temperament and personality. The focus of part one is to show how very social (or even socialist) was the work of social psychologist George Herbert Mead. We …

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