Monthly Archives: December 2023

2023-12-15: News Headlines (2023-12-14). Expansion of resources for non-SOEs high on agenda. China has strengthened financial support measures to promote the robust growth of the private economy, with expanding financing channels for private enterprises high on its work agenda. (2023-12-14). World Bank, ADB project China GDP growth of 5.2% in 2023. The World Bank has predicted China's economy will have grown 5.2 percent in 2023, with momentum expected to stabilize in the near term, propelled by a gradual recovery of consumer sentiment and policy stimulus. (2023-12-14). State Council approves development plan for Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone. China's State Council on Tuesday approved the development plan for the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, South China's Guangdong Province, further accelerating the integration of the Macao Special Administrative Region and Guangdong Province.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Argentina's Milei announces first batch of class war measures dictated by the IMF. On Tuesday, Argentine Economy Minister Luis Caputo announced the first set of economic shock measures, which are supposed to set a new bar for attacks against living standards of workers everywhere.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Year-end job cuts spread across the US. Job cuts are sweeping across the US economy as corporations purge their payrolls for the coming year.

Reza Javadi, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-12-14). Israeli Regime Turns To Western Mercenary Groups To Back Genocide. Apart from the lavish military aid offered by the United States and Europe, the Israeli military is turning to Western mercenary groups in its genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. | In a recent interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Pedro Diaz Flores, a notorious Spanish mercenary, revealed that the Israeli regime is recruiting Private Military Companies (PMCs) to achieve its interests in the besieged territory. | He revealed that "many" mercenary groups have joined Israel's army, which pays them "very well." | "So I came for the economy, for money. They pay very well, they offer good equipment and the work…

Dean Baker (2023-12-14). Nate Cohn Says People Don't Like Biden Because It's Harder to Do Things Today. There is a clear disconnect between how people rate the economy (the general economy, not their own economic condition — which most say is good) and standard measures of economic performance. This disconnect has led to a "vibes" vs economic reality debate, with one side arguing that negative news coverage and social media have led … (2023-12-14). China's economic activity picks up for 2023. The Word Bank has revised up its forecast for China's economic growth this year and next from its October estimates, expecting the world's second-largest economy to grow by 5.2 percent in 2023 and 4.5 percent in 2024. (2023-12-14). Imperial launches Centre for Sectoral Economic Performance. Imperial is launching a new research centre to find ways to make the UK economy more productive and competitive.

Lawrence S. Wittner (2023-12-14). Replacing a Disastrous War with a Just Peace in Ukraine. Although the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza has captured the world's horrified attention, the war in Ukraine has had even more terrible consequences. Grinding on for nearly two years, Russia's massive military invasion of that country has taken hundreds of thousands of lives, created millions of refugees, wrecked Ukraine's civilian infrastructure and economy, and consumed enormous financial resources from nations around the world. | And yet, despite the Ukraine War's vast human and economic costs, there is no sign that it is abating. Russia and Ukraine are now bogged down in very bloody military stale…

teleSUR (2023-12-14). There Will Be Peace When We Achieve the Goals: Putin. During the television program "Direct Line", President Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia has achieved economic growth despite all the aggressions and blockades imposed by the United States and its allies. | RELATED: | "The Russian economy has a sufficient safety margin not only to feel secure but also to progress. Public external debt decreased from US$46 billion to US$32 billion. Unemployment stands at 2.9 percent,… (2023-12-14). Realty foresees glad tidings next year. Real estate experts anticipate 2024 to be a pivotal year with fresh measures expected to resolve industry risks, reshape realty development framework and facilitate stable economic development. (2023-12-14). Iran FM says US to blame for influx of refugees to West Asia, Europe. Iran's FM has blamed America's irresponsible actions and its coercive economic measures for the recent influx of refugees to West Asia and also Europe and elsewhere.

Black Alliance For Peace, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-14). On Human Rights Day; The US Is The Greatest Violator Of Human Rights. As the international community celebrates December 10th as International Human Rights Day, it is imperative that the world also affirm that violators of the fundamental human rights of peoples and nations will be held accountable. | From the war in Ukraine to mass incarceration of Black, Latino and Native Peoples in the U.S. to Obama's ongoing war in Yemen to murderous economic sanctions, coups, assassinations, war and abandonment of Afghanistan, international arms sales, commodification of COVID vaccines, illegal military occupations in Syria and Iraq, the pending invasion of Haiti and the resource wars in the D…

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-12-14). Don't Dismiss Marx. His Critique of Colonialism Is More Relevant Than Ever. During the last couple of decades, we have been witnessing a resurgence of interest in the thought and work of Karl Marx, author of major philosophical, historical, political and economic works — and of course, of The Communist Manifesto, which is perhaps the most popular political manifesto in the history of the world. This resurgence is largely due to the devastating consequences of… | (2023-12-14). Raised forecast for China's economic growth. The Asian Development Bank has raised its forecast for China's economic growth in 2023 to 5.2 percent from September's estimate of 4.9 percent as household consumption and public investment have driven up growth in the third quarter.

Irene Leon (2023-12-14). Guayana Esequiba: Geo-Economics of an Occupation. An air of bonanza has raised the projections of the Exxon Mobil corporation, which accumulated around 414 billion dollars in 2022, an unprecedented income in its history, which represents 44.8 percent more than the previous year. It is a gigantic increase if compared to its crisis in 2020, when its losses put its place in the stock market in jeopardy. | RELATED: | Also from the research of that American corporati…

Observer R (2023-12-14). DINNER WITH THE OLIGARCHS. This article is intended to help shed light on some of the reported murky dealings in both Russia and China as the communist system ran into serious trouble. American influence upended the old order in Russia during the period of Yeltsin and the same happened in China during the Jiang period, although to a lessor degree. In addition, many of the Western political, economic, and social ideas became fashionable in both countries. | Russia led the way in adopting Western ways, without stopping to investigate whether they were good or bad, or how to adopt them successfully. China made great efforts to avoid the…

Zoya Teirstein (2023-12-12). The hidden death toll of flooding in Bangladesh sends a dark signal about climate and health. In the summer of 2022, one of the worst monsoons on record turned swaths of Bangladesh, a low-lying country in South Asia, into huge, muddy lakes. When the brunt of the flooding finally eased, at least 141 people had died and millions of others throughout the region had been injured, impoverished, or displaced. The sheer scale of the destruction … (2023-12-14). Argentina's new president implements shock economic measures, devalues currency and cuts subsidiesArgentina on Tuesday announced a sharp devaluation of its currency and cuts to energy and transportation subsidies as part of shock measures new President Javier Milei says are needed to deal with an economic emergency. (2023-12-14). (2023-12-14). [missing title] (2023-12-14). [missing title]

Ana Perdigón (2023-12-14). Venezuela's 2024 Budget Prioritizes Social Investment. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez presented the nation's budget for the year 2024 to the National Assembly earlier today. The budget earmarks 77% for social investment. | The budget totaled 729 billion bolívars (USD 20.5 billion). The vice president explained that ordinary income represents 38.8% of the budget, extraordinary income represents 47.8%, and represents debt 13.4%. It is estimated that assets will be allocated to development projects of the Homeland Plan (Plan de la Patria). | She said that, for the first time, the defense of Guayana Esequiba was included in the nation's budget, in compliance w…

Labor Video Project (2023-12-14). SEIU1021 SF General Hospital Workers & Healthcare Workers for Palestine Rally at Hospital. San Francisco SEIU 1021 General Hospital workers rallied to prepare for their contract expiration and the growing attacks by Mayor London Breed who is cutting healthcare funds while wanting to increase the police budget by $300 million. They were joined by a contingent to Healthcare Workers For Palestine who called for more money for healthcare and not war.

Ruth Milka (2023-12-14). Behind bars and beyond burgers: Exposing Alabama's prison labor exploitation. This lawsuit seeks not only to compensate those who have been exploited, but also to dismantle a system that generates an estimated $450 million annually from this coerced labor.

Santa Cruz News (2023-12-14). Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Calls for Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. On December 6, the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council voted on a statement calling for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine to local, state, and federal electeds. The Monterey Bay Central Labor Council (MBCLC) is the local body of the AFL-CIO. MBCLC serves as a coalition of the Labor Community in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, with over 80 affiliated unions, representing more than 37,000 union members and their families.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2023-12-14). Protesta laboral paraliza servicios en hospital del sur de Haití. Los manifestantes además exhortaron a las autoridades sanitarias de la nación caribeña a cumplir con sus reivindicaciones antes de que concluya el año 2023.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Australian government postures over ceasefire, but backs Israeli war machine. While voting for the UN resolution, Labor signalled its support for an indefinite Israeli onslaught against Gaza, punctuated only by occasional "humanitarian pauses."

WSWS (2023-12-14). Australia Labor government unveils plans to slash disability funding. NDIS Minister Bill Shorten outlined measures to block most children from the NDIS, and to use "assessors" to deny access to many adult applicants as well. (2023-12-14). Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe's bill to uphold First Nation's rights in law. (2023-12-14). Labor's new AUKUS bill declares Osborne in SA, Stirling in WA as nuclear zones. (2023-12-14). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised. (2023-12-14). NDIS Review: Is Labor adopting the Coalition's cuts?

Binoy Kampmark (2023-12-15). Flirting With Nuclear Energy Down Under. It was a policy that was bound to send a shiver through the policymaking community. The issue of nuclear energy in Australia has always been a contentious one. Currently, the country hosts a modest nuclear industry, centred on the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), nuclear medicine and laboratory products. But even this has … (2023-12-13). Managing differences amid collaboration stressed. President Xi Jinping has called on China and Vietnam to advance pragmatic cooperation and effectively manage their problems and differences. (2023-12-13). Not even snow will stop Professor Ge from his passion. After the snowfall in Beijing on Monday, a netizen captured a touching scene on the campus of the University of Science and Technology Beijing: Professor Ge Changchun, 89, braving the cold to ride to the laboratory, reported Beijing Daily.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-14). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,…

teleSUR (2023-12-14). Africa CDC Delivers Cold Chain Equipment to Botswana. On Thursday, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), delivered cold chain equipment to Botswana's Ministry of Health on Wednesday to strengthen its healthcare system. | RELATED: | Speaking during the handover ceremony in Gaborone, Botswana's capital, Sethomo Lelatisitswe, the assistant minister of…

Editor (2023-12-14). The 'brain drain' is a symptom of how capitalism has failed the healthcare sector. Every year, thousands of healthcare workers leave South Africa, in order to chase better opportunities, as wealthier countries exploit desperate working conditions faced by them. This brain drain is a direct result of neoliberal policies, especially austerity.

Dean Baker (2023-12-14). Dealing with Patent Monopolies and High Prices. Government-granted patent monopolies have become pretty much sacred in the United States. In fact, when high drug prices become a political issue, most discussion, including from progressives, turns reality on its head. The standard story is that the market creates high drug prices, the issue is whether the government should intervene through some type of (2023-12-14). Boosting consumption high on 2024 agenda. China is likely to take more steps to revive consumer demand and boost spending appetites next year as it seeks to inject strong impetus into a consumption-led recovery amid pressure from subdued demand and property sector weakness.

Charlie Squire (2023-12-14). The Leftist Case for Collecting. Collecting, as a practice of love and admiration, is the antithesis to over-consumption. Through collecting, progressives can cherish, dwell on, and live with the physical manifestations of our humanity.

Gustavo Figueroa (2023-12-14). "Financial confidence": the semantic field of seduction and repression. A communicational and decolonial analysis of Javier Milei's first speech as president | Javier Milei repeated the phrase "the adjustment is inevitable" four times in his first speech as president. He also quoted Roca, Sarmiento and Benegas Lynch (h). He invoked God and "the forces of heaven". He recalled the times of the Expeditionary Campaign to the Desert as the most productive in the country's history. He treated the pre-existing peoples as "barbarians" and indicated that a programme of shock is more efficient than one of gradualism. On the other hand, on a symbolic level, Milei greeted Mauricio Macri during t…

WSWS (2023-12-14). "This is a capitalist government that just wants to dismantle the system, then privatize it": Over half- a-million Quebec public sector workers complete sixth day on strike. The workers are determined to win inflation-busting wage increases, put an end to punishing working conditions, and secure major reinvestments in public services.

Aram Aharonian (2023-12-14). Argentina was on the brink: did it step forward? The far-right Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina for the next four years: on taking office he ratified his "chainsaw" plan and said that the adjustment would fall on the state and not on the private sector, but acknowledged that it would hurt "activity, employment and wages". It is not a dream or a dystopia, it is real. | It was not a defeat of Peronism, or of Kirchnerism, it was a defeat of all progressivism, of the left, not only of Argentina but of all of Latin America. Milei will be another voice of the US and European neo-fascism in the region, a spearhead against China, the main trading partner,…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-14). Israeli sniper kills "everyone who moves" in Gaza hospital. Physicians say situation is "unbearable" as health system collapses.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-15). Day 69 roundtable: Is Israel losing the war? Israeli military attempts to craft an image of victory as it hides casualty figures.

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-14). Israeli sniper kills "everyone who moves" in Gaza hospital.

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-14). Senate Passes Massive $886 Billion National Defense Authorization Act. On Wednesday, the Senate passed the mammoth $886 billion 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which funds the Pentagon and military spending in other government agencies. The bill passed in a vote of 87-13, with six Democrats, six Republicans, and one Independent voting against it. This NDAA now heads to the House, where it's expected …

Editor (2023-12-14). Enslaved By Nonprofits: How NGOs Colonize Developing Countries.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-12-14). Enslaved By Nonprofits: How NGOs Colonize Developing Countries. November 21 marked the 28th anniversary of the signing of the US-brokered Dayton Agreement, which brought an end to the proxy war in Bosnia after three years and eight months. It is an event few celebrate — although there was much cheering in Sarajevo two days later when Stuart Seldowitz, the man who led negotiations on Washington's side, was arrested for subjecting Muslim Americans to vile verbal abuse. | The war in Bosnia — encouraged, financed, armed, and prolonged at every step by the U.S. — tore apart a previously harmonious, inclusive and prosperous republic of Socialist Yugoslavia. In all…

Carlos L. Garrido (2023-12-14). Why Are Intellectuals Divorced from Working People? This article is a transcript of a presentation for a panel on the subject, hosted by the International Manifesto Group, the Critical Theory Workshop, and the Midwestern Marx Institute, with other presentations from Gabriel Rockhill, Radhika Desai, Glenn Diesen, and Noah Khrachvik. The question we are exploring today, concerning the divorce of intellectuals and the …

Juan Pablo Cárdenas (2023-12-14). Chile: A left-wing government… When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in our troubled regional history and the best-remembered case is that of the assassination of Salvador Allende. | Progressive leaders obviously will be willing to satisfy social demands such as, for example, improving workers' wages, resolving the high housing and health deficits, strengthening public education, and as promised, improving pensions for retirees. | To do this, sta…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Irish government seizes on far-right riot as pretext for state clampdown. The numerically insignificant far-right draws strength because its agenda corresponds to the needs of the ruling class to destroy democratic rights, scapegoat the most vulnerable, drive down wages and conditions and prepare for war.

Stewart Lawrence (2023-12-14). Is Big Pharma Over-Selling Depression? If you watch late-night television you've probably seen the ads for a new antidepressant drug called "Rexulti." It's billed as a break-through cure for people who've already been treated for depression but are still experiencing its symptoms. The manufacturer, Otsuka, is heavily promoting Rexulti just as it did its earlier controversial anti-depressant known as "Abilify."

Judy Haiven (2023-12-14). Censorship and Civic Terror in Canada: The Silencing of Palestinian Voices and Palestinian Supporters. (2023-12-13). Xi pays tribute to late leader Ho Chi Minh. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, visited the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, on Wednesday to lay a wreath and pay his respects.

thecommunists (2023-12-14). Cuba to international meet: Never before has world peace been so threatened. The following speech was made on behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba by the party's head of international relations Emilio Lozada Garcia at the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties in Turkey on 20 October 2023. ***** Dear Kemal Okuyan, general secretary of the Communist party of Türkiye, Dear comrades, brothers and …

2023-12-15 00:41:02 | 00:41 EST | tr | 60 | 5 | 63 | 2 | 0 

2023-12-14: News Headlines (2023-12-14). Expansion of resources for non-SOEs high on agenda. China has strengthened financial support measures to promote the robust growth of the private economy, with expanding financing channels for private enterprises high on its work agenda. (2023-12-14). World Bank, ADB project China GDP growth of 5.2% in 2023. The World Bank has predicted China's economy will have grown 5.2 percent in 2023, with momentum expected to stabilize in the near term, propelled by a gradual recovery of consumer sentiment and policy stimulus. (2023-12-14). State Council approves development plan for Hengqin Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone. China's State Council on Tuesday approved the development plan for the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, South China's Guangdong Province, further accelerating the integration of the Macao Special Administrative Region and Guangdong Province.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Argentina's Milei announces first batch of class war measures dictated by the IMF. On Tuesday, Argentine Economy Minister Luis Caputo announced the first set of economic shock measures, which are supposed to set a new bar for attacks against living standards of workers everywhere.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Year-end job cuts spread across the US. Job cuts are sweeping across the US economy as corporations purge their payrolls for the coming year. (2023-12-13). China's economy able to buffer short-term pressures, stands out on a global scale. China has ample space in macroeconomic policies to buffer short-term pressures, said Han Wenxiu, an official with the office of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs, on Wednesday.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-13). Cuba's resort hotels roll out circular economy. Ciego de Avila, Cuba, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) A group of circular economy initiatives are being developed on today by workers and managers of the Iberostar Daiquirí Hotel in Cayo Guillermo, north of this central Cuban province, in order to contribute to the tourism sustainable development.

Staff (2023-12-13). Israeli Regime Turning to Western Mercenary Groups to Back Genocide In Gaza. By Reza Javadi — Dec 12. 2023 | Apart from the lavish military aid offered by the United States and Europe, the Israeli military is turning to Western mercenary groups in its genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. | In a recent interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Pedro Diaz Flores, a notorious Spanish mercenary, revealed that the Israeli regime is recruiting Private Military Companies (PMCs) to achieve its interests in the besieged territory. | He revealed that "many" mercenary groups have joined Israel's army, which pays them "very well." | "So I came for the economy, for money. They pay very well, th…

WSWS (2023-12-13). Australian working class confronts deepening social and housing crisis. Economists say Australian households and the economy have "hit the wall," with the Australian economy "almost" coming to a "standstill in the September quarter."

Reza Javadi, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-12-14). Israeli Regime Turns To Western Mercenary Groups To Back Genocide. Apart from the lavish military aid offered by the United States and Europe, the Israeli military is turning to Western mercenary groups in its genocidal war against the Gaza Strip. | In a recent interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Pedro Diaz Flores, a notorious Spanish mercenary, revealed that the Israeli regime is recruiting Private Military Companies (PMCs) to achieve its interests in the besieged territory. | He revealed that "many" mercenary groups have joined Israel's army, which pays them "very well." | "So I came for the economy, for money. They pay very well, they offer good equipment and the work…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-13). US Troops Are Occupying Syria's Oil Fields; Congress Rejects Withdrawl. The US military has occupied Syrian sovereign territory since 2014, preventing Damascus from accessing its own oil and wheat fields. | A top Pentagon official has acknowledged that Washington's strategy is to starve Syria's central government of revenue it needs to rebuild, after a decade of war fueled by foreign powers devastated the country. | Former US President Donald Trump boasted in 2020: "They say, 'He left troops in Syria'. You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil. They're protecting the oil. I took over the oil".

Joel Richards (2023-12-13). Milei makes major reforms to Argentine economy in first week of presidency. Argentina devalued its currency by more than 50 percent on Tuesday, part of an emergency economic plan announced by the new government of Javier Milei. | The country is in the midst of its worst economic crisis in decades. | Other measures announced this week include a reduction in subsidies for energy and transport. Imports will become more expensive and will hit industries and services. | CGTN's Joel Richards reports.

Dean Baker (2023-12-14). Nate Cohn Says People Don't Like Biden Because It's Harder to Do Things Today. There is a clear disconnect between how people rate the economy (the general economy, not their own economic condition — which most say is good) and standard measures of economic performance. This disconnect has led to a "vibes" vs economic reality debate, with one side arguing that negative news coverage and social media have led … (2023-12-14). China's economic activity picks up for 2023. The Word Bank has revised up its forecast for China's economic growth this year and next from its October estimates, expecting the world's second-largest economy to grow by 5.2 percent in 2023 and 4.5 percent in 2024. (2023-12-14). Imperial launches Centre for Sectoral Economic Performance. Imperial is launching a new research centre to find ways to make the UK economy more productive and competitive.

Lawrence S. Wittner (2023-12-14). Replacing a Disastrous War with a Just Peace in Ukraine. Although the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza has captured the world's horrified attention, the war in Ukraine has had even more terrible consequences. Grinding on for nearly two years, Russia's massive military invasion of that country has taken hundreds of thousands of lives, created millions of refugees, wrecked Ukraine's civilian infrastructure and economy, and consumed enormous financial resources from nations around the world. | And yet, despite the Ukraine War's vast human and economic costs, there is no sign that it is abating. Russia and Ukraine are now bogged down in very bloody military stale…

teleSUR (2023-12-14). There Will Be Peace When We Achieve the Goals: Putin. During the television program "Direct Line", President Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia has achieved economic growth despite all the aggressions and blockades imposed by the United States and its allies. | RELATED: | "The Russian economy has a sufficient safety margin not only to feel secure but also to progress. Public external debt decreased from US$46 billion to US$32 billion. Unemployment stands at 2.9 percent,…

teleSUR (2023-12-13). Argentina: Milei's Package Includes Sharp Currency Devaluation. On Thursday, President Javier Milei's administration announced that the official nominal value of the Argentine currency with respect to the U.S. dollar goes from 400 to 800 pesos per dollar. | RELATED: | In a prerecorded message, Economy Minister Luis Caputo presented the following 10 emergency measures: | 1. State labor contracts with less than one year of validity will not be renewed. | 2. Government national advertising in the media will… (2023-12-14). Realty foresees glad tidings next year. Real estate experts anticipate 2024 to be a pivotal year with fresh measures expected to resolve industry risks, reshape realty development framework and facilitate stable economic development. (2023-12-14). Iran FM says US to blame for influx of refugees to West Asia, Europe. Iran's FM has blamed America's irresponsible actions and its coercive economic measures for the recent influx of refugees to West Asia and also Europe and elsewhere.

Alexis Sterling (2023-12-13). Unraveling the knot: The Biden administration's struggle for comprehensive student debt relief. This article explores the multifaceted journey to reshape student debt relief, a journey that weaves through political, economic, and social intricacies.

Ju-Hyun Park, The Real News Network. (2023-12-13). Why Activists Shut Down The 2023 APEC Summit In San Francisco. From Nov. 11-17, leaders from 20 nations across the Pacific Rim gathered in San Francisco for the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit. An activist coalition known as No to APEC greeted the visiting world leaders with a countersummit decrying APEC as a forum to advance the interests of transnational corporations at the expense of workers and the environment. While the Biden administration worked to construct a new free trade regime in the Pacific exclusive of China, known as the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), grassroots organizations in the No to APEC Coalition advanced an alternate vis…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2023-12-13). Cuba's PCC to analyze domestic priority issues. Havana, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) The Central Committee of Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) will analyze issues in its 7th plenary session, on December 15-16, that are a current domestic priority in the economic, political and social areas, PCC Secretary Roberto Morales posted on X and explained that the Cuban people will be provided with broad information on those debates. (2023-12-13). Iran FM says US to blame for influx of refugees to West Asia, Europe. Iran's FM has blamed America's irresponsible actions and its coercive economic measures for the recent influx of refugees to West Asia and also Europe and elsewhere.

Redacción Chile (2023-12-13). Human Rights and education. On 10 December, Human Rights Day (HRD) was celebrated all over the world, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris in 1948. This declaration was a very important historical milestone in human civilisation, in its articles it enshrines the inalienable rights that every person has as a human being, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political position, socio-economic status, nationality or any other condition. These are rights that must be promoted and protected throughout the world. | It is now 75 years and it is worth asking ourselve…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-12-13). ECOWAS to hold talks with Niger as Sahel states moves to expand ties. The West African regional bloc has decided to negotiate with Niamey for a "short transition roadmap" that can potentially lift sweeping economic sanctions. Meanwhile, Niger, along with Mali and Burkina Faso, is strengthening regional integration…

Black Alliance For Peace, Black Agenda Report. (2023-12-14). On Human Rights Day; The US Is The Greatest Violator Of Human Rights. As the international community celebrates December 10th as International Human Rights Day, it is imperative that the world also affirm that violators of the fundamental human rights of peoples and nations will be held accountable. | From the war in Ukraine to mass incarceration of Black, Latino and Native Peoples in the U.S. to Obama's ongoing war in Yemen to murderous economic sanctions, coups, assassinations, war and abandonment of Afghanistan, international arms sales, commodification of COVID vaccines, illegal military occupations in Syria and Iraq, the pending invasion of Haiti and the resource wars in the D…

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-12-14). Don't Dismiss Marx. His Critique of Colonialism Is More Relevant Than Ever. During the last couple of decades, we have been witnessing a resurgence of interest in the thought and work of Karl Marx, author of major philosophical, historical, political and economic works — and of course, of The Communist Manifesto, which is perhaps the most popular political manifesto in the history of the world. This resurgence is largely due to the devastating consequences of… |

Shailly Gupta Barnes (2023-12-13). As We Look to 2024, Here's What Hope Looks Like. After a year of economic hardship, climate disasters, and war, few could be blamed for feeling like our leaders have let us down. As we look ahead to a new year, I find it helpful to remember examples of those who not only saw the problem clearly, but brought people together to find solutions. | In 1967, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called for a "radical redistribution of political and economic power" to address poverty, war, and racism. To do so, he turned to those who were on the frontlines of these crises, not those who perpetrated them. | He worked tirelessly to organize the original Poor People's Cam…

Tanupriya Singh (2023-12-13). ECOWAS to hold talks with Niger as Sahel states move to expand ties. The West African regional bloc has decided to negotiate with Niamey for a "short transition roadmap" that can potentially lift sweeping economic sanctions. Meanwhile, Niger, along with Mali and Burkina Faso, is strengthening regional integration… (2023-12-14). Raised forecast for China's economic growth. The Asian Development Bank has raised its forecast for China's economic growth in 2023 to 5.2 percent from September's estimate of 4.9 percent as household consumption and public investment have driven up growth in the third quarter.

Irene Leon (2023-12-14). Guayana Esequiba: Geo-Economics of an Occupation. An air of bonanza has raised the projections of the Exxon Mobil corporation, which accumulated around 414 billion dollars in 2022, an unprecedented income in its history, which represents 44.8 percent more than the previous year. It is a gigantic increase if compared to its crisis in 2020, when its losses put its place in the stock market in jeopardy. | RELATED: | Also from the research of that American corporati…

Observer R (2023-12-14). DINNER WITH THE OLIGARCHS. This article is intended to help shed light on some of the reported murky dealings in both Russia and China as the communist system ran into serious trouble. American influence upended the old order in Russia during the period of Yeltsin and the same happened in China during the Jiang period, although to a lessor degree. In addition, many of the Western political, economic, and social ideas became fashionable in both countries. | Russia led the way in adopting Western ways, without stopping to investigate whether they were good or bad, or how to adopt them successfully. China made great efforts to avoid the…

teleSUR (2023-12-13). Noboa's Bill To Forgive Debts to Large Ecuadorian Companies. On Wednesday, the Workers' United Front (FUT) and the Ecuadorian Confederation of Free Union Organizations (CEOLS) criticized President Daniel Noboa's "Economic Efficiency and Job Generation Law," which was discussed in the first debate in the National Assembly. | RELATED: | Besides demanding the immediate payment of overdue salaries to public officials, the unions rejected the creation of free trade zones that undermine labor conditions and the forgive… (2023-12-13). Tech innovation critical to growth. China's latest efforts to develop new productivity boosters and speed up the construction of a modern industrial system through technological innovation are expected to inject strong impetus into the country's high-quality economic development and boost the country's core global competitiveness.

Zoya Teirstein (2023-12-12). The hidden death toll of flooding in Bangladesh sends a dark signal about climate and health. In the summer of 2022, one of the worst monsoons on record turned swaths of Bangladesh, a low-lying country in South Asia, into huge, muddy lakes. When the brunt of the flooding finally eased, at least 141 people had died and millions of others throughout the region had been injured, impoverished, or displaced. The sheer scale of the destruction … (2023-12-14). Argentina's new president implements shock economic measures, devalues currency and cuts subsidiesArgentina on Tuesday announced a sharp devaluation of its currency and cuts to energy and transportation subsidies as part of shock measures new President Javier Milei says are needed to deal with an economic emergency. (2023-12-14). (2023-12-14). [missing title] (2023-12-14). [missing title]

WSWS (2023-12-13). Key central bank meetings as higher interest rates start to bite. There is a veritable clamour in financial markets for rates to be cut motivated by both greed and fear.

Karen Dolan (2023-12-13). Celebrating the Resilience of Low-Income Women. It's been a difficult few years for poor people in this country. Just a year after the pandemic era safety net expansion saw poverty fall to its lowest level on record, we saw a historic Women and children have been among the hardest hit. In 2022, the last year we have data for, at least Despite that…

Bella DeVaan (2023-12-13). Like it or Not, Billionaires Are on Your Gift List This Holiday Season. It's high giving season in America. From Angel Trees and red buckets to year-end appeals, nonprofits and charities receive more donations during the five week holiday stretch than any other on the calendar. | Millions of people whose incomes are too low to take advantage of charitable tax deductions are still moved by the holiday spirit to give generously. | For Americans with enough income to itemize — less than

Ana Perdigón (2023-12-14). Venezuela's 2024 Budget Prioritizes Social Investment. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez presented the nation's budget for the year 2024 to the National Assembly earlier today. The budget earmarks 77% for social investment. | The budget totaled 729 billion bolívars (USD 20.5 billion). The vice president explained that ordinary income represents 38.8% of the budget, extraordinary income represents 47.8%, and represents debt 13.4%. It is estimated that assets will be allocated to development projects of the Homeland Plan (Plan de la Patria). | She said that, for the first time, the defense of Guayana Esequiba was included in the nation's budget, in compliance w…

Labor Video Project (2023-12-14). SEIU1021 SF General Hospital Workers & Healthcare Workers for Palestine Rally at Hospital. San Francisco SEIU 1021 General Hospital workers rallied to prepare for their contract expiration and the growing attacks by Mayor London Breed who is cutting healthcare funds while wanting to increase the police budget by $300 million. They were joined by a contingent to Healthcare Workers For Palestine who called for more money for healthcare and not war.

Ruth Milka (2023-12-14). Behind bars and beyond burgers: Exposing Alabama's prison labor exploitation. This lawsuit seeks not only to compensate those who have been exploited, but also to dismantle a system that generates an estimated $450 million annually from this coerced labor.

Santa Cruz News (2023-12-14). Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Calls for Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. On December 6, the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council voted on a statement calling for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine to local, state, and federal electeds. The Monterey Bay Central Labor Council (MBCLC) is the local body of the AFL-CIO. MBCLC serves as a coalition of the Labor Community in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, with over 80 affiliated unions, representing more than 37,000 union members and their families.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2023-12-14). Protesta laboral paraliza servicios en hospital del sur de Haití. Los manifestantes además exhortaron a las autoridades sanitarias de la nación caribeña a cumplir con sus reivindicaciones antes de que concluya el año 2023.

WSWS (2023-12-14). Australian government postures over ceasefire, but backs Israeli war machine. While voting for the UN resolution, Labor signalled its support for an indefinite Israeli onslaught against Gaza, punctuated only by occasional "humanitarian pauses."

WSWS (2023-12-14). Australia Labor government unveils plans to slash disability funding. NDIS Minister Bill Shorten outlined measures to block most children from the NDIS, and to use "assessors" to deny access to many adult applicants as well.

Comunicaciones teleSUR (2023-12-13). teleSUR y canales públicos brasileños firman acuerdo. Este convenio se firma con el objetivo de fortalecer los lazos de amistad y colaboración que promoverá la diversidad y el pluralismo en la información.

dzorinoco (2023-12-13). An Extension of Nazism: How Did Zionism Collaborate With Hitler to Establish 'Israel'? By Mohammad Ali Fakih — Dec 8th, 2023 | One of the more significant outcomes of the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation is that it has forced researchers in the history of the Zionist movement to confront the "phobia" of exposing historical facts that occurred during World War II, that would reveal their collaboration with Nazism. This movement, characterized by unethical tactics such as difficult-to-detect lies, exaggeration of facts, presenting opinion as truth, espousing contentious concepts as clear-cut, and fostering false connections and herd instinct, has long excelled in obfuscating the association between Zion… (2023-12-13). Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe's bill to uphold First Nation's rights in law. (2023-12-13). Labor's new AUKUS bill declares Osborne in SA, Stirling in WA as nuclear zones. (2023-12-13). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised. (2023-12-13). NDIS Review: Is Labor adopting the Coalition's cuts?

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-13). Cuban president calls for an end to genocide in Gaza. Havana, Dec 13 (Prensa Latina) President Miguel Díaz-Canel called for an end to the genocide being perpetrated by Israel, in collaboration with the United States, against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-13). SEIU1021 SF General Hospital Workers & Healthcare Workers for Palestine Rally at Hospital. San Francisco SEIU 1021 General Hospital workers rallied to prepare for their contract expiration and the growing attacks by Mayor London Breed who is cutting healthcare funds while wanting to increase the police budget by $300 million. They were joined by a contingent to Healthcare Workers For Palestine who called for more money for healthcare and not war.

Staff (2023-12-13). 15-16 December 2023: #LaborShutItDown4Palestine: End All Complicity With Genocide—Stop Arming Israel! #LaborShutItDown4Palestine on D15-16, 2023 End All Complicity With Genocide—Stop Arming Israel! We welcome growing union calls for a permanent ceasefire to end the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza. Now, we call on our labor bodies to take the next step of fully embracing the Urgent Call from Palestinian Trade Unions: End all Complicity, Stop Arming …

Steven Greenhouse, In These Times. (2023-12-13). Starbucks' Offer To Resume Contract Talks Comes With Serious Fine Print. Starbucks received lots of favorable press when it told its workers' union that it wanted to resume contract talks. The move was a much-needed PR boost for a company whose recent battles with the union have stirred bad press and contributed to sinking stock prices. A top Starbucks official wrote to the union's president on Friday saying the company wanted to end the bargaining impasse‚Äâ—‚Äâone caused by the coffee chain's refusal to hold any negotiating sessions for more than six months. As a result of that refusal, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has repeatedly…

The Labor | Health Reporter (2023-12-13). AMC Theatres Endanger Public Health. As SAG-AFTRA strikes end — Adam Aron and AMC Movie Theaters, the largest chain in the world, endangers the public health with their treatment of sick employees in violation of OSHA and state sick leave laws.

Zahir Ebrahim (2023-12-13). The Great Taking and Central Banks. Do you care about what's not in your pocket anymore, real money, real assets? What's actually jingling in your pockets and purses giving you the illusion of loose change is the insufferable debt. From personal debt to national debt is one big elite scam. Americans labor under the delusion more than Europeans and other nations from South America to Asia, that they are free. Yeah, free to be in perpetual debt slavery and happy or at least nonchalant about it. Have you ever stopped to ponder how the world's riches and man's sweat of the brow both have both fallen into a very very few wealthy hands who create greater… (2023-12-14). Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe's bill to uphold First Nation's rights in law. (2023-12-14). Labor's new AUKUS bill declares Osborne in SA, Stirling in WA as nuclear zones. (2023-12-14). Labor's new punitive refugee laws criticised. (2023-12-14). NDIS Review: Is Labor adopting the Coalition's cuts?

Santa Cruz News (2023-12-13). Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Calls for Ceasefire in Israel and Palestine. On December 6, the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council voted on a statement calling for a ceasefire in Israel and Palestine to local, state, and federal electeds. The Monterey Bay Central Labor Council (MBCLC) is the local body of the AFL-CIO. MBCLC serves as a coalition of the Labor Community in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, with over 80 affiliated unions, representing more than 37,000 union members and their families. (2023-12-13). Managing differences amid collaboration stressed. President Xi Jinping has called on China and Vietnam to advance pragmatic cooperation and effectively manage their problems and differences. (2023-12-13). Not even snow will stop Professor Ge from his passion. After the snowfall in Beijing on Monday, a netizen captured a touching scene on the campus of the University of Science and Technology Beijing: Professor Ge Changchun, 89, braving the cold to ride to the laboratory, reported Beijing Daily.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-14). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,…

teleSUR (2023-12-14). Africa CDC Delivers Cold Chain Equipment to Botswana. On Thursday, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), delivered cold chain equipment to Botswana's Ministry of Health on Wednesday to strengthen its healthcare system. | RELATED: | Speaking during the handover ceremony in Gaborone, Botswana's capital, Sethomo Lelatisitswe, the assistant minister of…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-12-13). Poison pills in House money bill for labor too much to swallow. WASHINGTON— House Republicans this week have put forward outrageous attacks on immigrant rights with their push for policies that will stop all efforts at meaningful immigration reform. They are busy impeaching President Biden with no evidence whatsoever and they have stepped up their now-temporarily halted drive to prevent workers from exercising their right to form …

Ann Brown (2023-12-13). American Credit Card Debt Is Over $1 Trillion: 5 Things To Know About Avoiding Making Credit Card Companies Rich, Black America Poor. Credit card debt in the United States has surged to over $1 trillion, with millions of Americans falling into the dangerous trap of revolving credit card balances. While credit cards can offer convenience, they can also lead to financial stress and wealth disparities, particularly in Black communities. Here are five things to know about credit …

Lerato Mthunzi Mthunzi (2023-12-13). The 'brain drain' is a symptom of how capitalism has failed the healthcare sector. Every year, thousands of healthcare workers leave South Africa, in order to chase better opportunities, as wealthier countries exploit desperate working conditions faced by them. This brain drain is a direct result of neoliberal policies, especially austerity…

Sarah Anderson (2023-12-13). In the World's Wealthiest Country, Housing Should Be a Human Right and a Community Builder. Too many of us have to depend on sheer good luck to make it — especially when it comes to putting a roof over our heads. We grow up hearing that hard work alone will lift us above the hardships we're born into. But many of us also watched as our parents worked two and …

Editor (2023-12-14). The 'brain drain' is a symptom of how capitalism has failed the healthcare sector. Every year, thousands of healthcare workers leave South Africa, in order to chase better opportunities, as wealthier countries exploit desperate working conditions faced by them. This brain drain is a direct result of neoliberal policies, especially austerity.

Dean Baker (2023-12-14). Dealing with Patent Monopolies and High Prices. Government-granted patent monopolies have become pretty much sacred in the United States. In fact, when high drug prices become a political issue, most discussion, including from progressives, turns reality on its head. The standard story is that the market creates high drug prices, the issue is whether the government should intervene through some type of

Elliott Wallace (2023-12-13). Inflation still hitting Americans' pockets. Average Americans are having to spend thousands of dollars extra every year, just to maintain their standard of living. | U.S. government data shows that soaring inflation last year — to a 40-year-high — meant many households had to part with more cash to keep treading water. | Even as prices fall and the jobless rate reaches a two-decade low, people are still feeling the pinch. | CGTN's Benji Hyer reports. (2023-12-14). Boosting consumption high on 2024 agenda. China is likely to take more steps to revive consumer demand and boost spending appetites next year as it seeks to inject strong impetus into a consumption-led recovery amid pressure from subdued demand and property sector weakness.

Charlie Squire (2023-12-14). The Leftist Case for Collecting. Collecting, as a practice of love and admiration, is the antithesis to over-consumption. Through collecting, progressives can cherish, dwell on, and live with the physical manifestations of our humanity.

Gustavo Figueroa (2023-12-14). "Financial confidence": the semantic field of seduction and repression. A communicational and decolonial analysis of Javier Milei's first speech as president | Javier Milei repeated the phrase "the adjustment is inevitable" four times in his first speech as president. He also quoted Roca, Sarmiento and Benegas Lynch (h). He invoked God and "the forces of heaven". He recalled the times of the Expeditionary Campaign to the Desert as the most productive in the country's history. He treated the pre-existing peoples as "barbarians" and indicated that a programme of shock is more efficient than one of gradualism. On the other hand, on a symbolic level, Milei greeted Mauricio Macri during t…

teleSUR (2023-12-13). Namibia To Bolster Efficiency, Transparency of Trade Processes. On Wednesday, the Bank of Namibia and the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) officially launched the country's first Trade Verification System (TVS). | RELATED: | According to the Financial Intelligence Center in the National Money Laundering, Terrorist and Proliferation Financing Risk Assessment Report of 2021, the TVS is expected to reduce the estimated 33 billion Namibia dollars (about 2.2 billion U.S. dollars) of pote…

WSWS (2023-12-14). "This is a capitalist government that just wants to dismantle the system, then privatize it": Over half- a-million Quebec public sector workers complete sixth day on strike. The workers are determined to win inflation-busting wage increases, put an end to punishing working conditions, and secure major reinvestments in public services.

Aram Aharonian (2023-12-14). Argentina was on the brink: did it step forward? The far-right Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina for the next four years: on taking office he ratified his "chainsaw" plan and said that the adjustment would fall on the state and not on the private sector, but acknowledged that it would hurt "activity, employment and wages". It is not a dream or a dystopia, it is real. | It was not a defeat of Peronism, or of Kirchnerism, it was a defeat of all progressivism, of the left, not only of Argentina but of all of Latin America. Milei will be another voice of the US and European neo-fascism in the region, a spearhead against China, the main trading partner,…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-14). Israeli sniper kills "everyone who moves" in Gaza hospital. Physicians say situation is "unbearable" as health system collapses.

krish-rad_ind (2023-12-14). Israeli sniper kills "everyone who moves" in Gaza hospital.

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-14). Senate Passes Massive $886 Billion National Defense Authorization Act. On Wednesday, the Senate passed the mammoth $886 billion 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which funds the Pentagon and military spending in other government agencies. The bill passed in a vote of 87-13, with six Democrats, six Republicans, and one Independent voting against it. This NDAA now heads to the House, where it's expected …

The Independent (2023-12-13). 'If we don't invest now, somebody from Europe, America or China will come to own what is ours'. MARRAKESH, Morocco | THE INDEPENDENT | -Herbert Mensah, the newly elected President Rugby Africa, has said the continent's nations can continously be world beaters in the game, if the right investement is made. The President of the continental governing body made the remarks in an interview with African news channel Africa24 English during the Africa Investment …

teleSUR (2023-12-13). E-Commerce Strategy Launched in Kenya to Boost Online Commerce. Rebecca Miano, cabinet secretary for Investment, Trade and Industry, said the implementation of the strategy would stimulate domestic and cross-border trade, enabling Kenyan producers to respond to the international market and thus help address the trade imbalance between the country and others. | Kenya's National E-Commerce Strategy was launched this afternoon at Radisson Blu, UpperHill. Dec. 13, 2023. (2023-12-13). Two countries capitalizing on their complementary industrial structures. Growing trade between the two countries, advantageous tariff rates resulting from free trade agreements, enhanced international capacity cooperation and surging Chinese corporate investment in Vietnam are creating many more opportunities.

Shealeigh (2023-12-13). California's Groundbreaking Investment in Education for Incarcerated Youth. In an article for The Imprint News, Jeremy Loudenback and Sara Tiano dive into the details of California's June 30, 2023, signed budget, which incorporates investments in higher education for…

Editor (2023-12-14). Enslaved By Nonprofits: How NGOs Colonize Developing Countries.

Kit Klarenberg, MintPress News. (2023-12-14). Enslaved By Nonprofits: How NGOs Colonize Developing Countries. November 21 marked the 28th anniversary of the signing of the US-brokered Dayton Agreement, which brought an end to the proxy war in Bosnia after three years and eight months. It is an event few celebrate — although there was much cheering in Sarajevo two days later when Stuart Seldowitz, the man who led negotiations on Washington's side, was arrested for subjecting Muslim Americans to vile verbal abuse. | The war in Bosnia — encouraged, financed, armed, and prolonged at every step by the U.S. — tore apart a previously harmonious, inclusive and prosperous republic of Socialist Yugoslavia. In all…

Ex-Workers Collective, CrimethInc. (2023-12-13). Don't Stop: Continuing The Fight Against Cop City. Starting in April 2021, people in Atlanta, Georgia set out to defend Weelaunee Forest, where politicians and profiteers are attempting to build a police training compound known as Cop City. Over the past two and a half years, this movement has given rise to one of the fiercest struggles in North America. Opponents of Cop City have repeatedly destroyed equipment and forced contractors to withdraw from the construction project, while the authorities have killed one forest defender and pressed outlandish racketeering charges against 61 more, including the members of a legal support collective.

splcenter (2023-12-13). Contracts Between Hungarian Nonprofit and Christopher Rufo, Others, Raise Foreign Agent Concerns: Expert. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's government has long courted international conservative and far-right movements. Hatewatch obtained contracts between Hungarian U.S. conservative figures that suggest they should register as foreign agents under U.S. law.

Laurent Ross (2023-12-13). Capitalism's rent-to-live society and the abolition of private property. Karl Marx quite famously says in The Manifesto of the Communist Party that "…the theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property." This quote has been used over and over again by the capitalist class to scare workers away from contemplating socialism. After all, according to the …

Juan Pablo Cárdenas (2023-12-14). Chile: A left-wing government… When the left takes over the government, thanks to an electoral and democratic process, its rulers hasten to achieve their reforms before the forces of reaction manage to destabilise it and return to power. This has happened several times in our troubled regional history and the best-remembered case is that of the assassination of Salvador Allende. | Progressive leaders obviously will be willing to satisfy social demands such as, for example, improving workers' wages, resolving the high housing and health deficits, strengthening public education, and as promised, improving pensions for retirees. | To do this, sta…

WSWS (2023-12-14). Irish government seizes on far-right riot as pretext for state clampdown. The numerically insignificant far-right draws strength because its agenda corresponds to the needs of the ruling class to destroy democratic rights, scapegoat the most vulnerable, drive down wages and conditions and prepare for war. (2023-12-13). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, December 2023. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents eight important new books for rebels and revolutionaries on your gift list…

WSWS (2023-12-13). Three establishment candidates line up for Indonesian presidential election. All three candidates are defenders of capitalism and, despite their populist electoral rhetoric, innately hostile to the interests of working people.

Stewart Lawrence (2023-12-14). Is Big Pharma Over-Selling Depression? If you watch late-night television you've probably seen the ads for a new antidepressant drug called "Rexulti." It's billed as a break-through cure for people who've already been treated for depression but are still experiencing its symptoms. The manufacturer, Otsuka, is heavily promoting Rexulti just as it did its earlier controversial anti-depressant known as "Abilify."

teleSUR, JGN (2023-12-13). La COP28 acuerda iniciar transición que deje atrás industria de combustibles fósiles. El texto de la COP28 busca limitar el aumento de la temperatura global en 1.5 grados celsius por encima de niveles preindustriales.

Carlos García Hernández (2023-12-13). Peace and Reindustrialization: Beyond Thatcher's Trauma. The European left suffers from a post-traumatic stress disorder that has its origins in Margaret Thatcher's policies and does not know how to cope with it in a functional way.

teleSUR (2023-12-13). Russia Takes Part in Lithium Extraction Project in Bolivia. On Wednesday, Karla Calderon, the president of the state-owned company Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB), announced a two-year agreement with the Russian company Uranium One Group to establish a plant for lithium extraction. | RELATED: | "Let's continue advancing steadily, convinced that the industrialization of lithium is the path forward for the benefit of all," said Bolivian President Luis Arce during the launch event of this partnership i…

teleSUR (2023-12-13). COP28 Concludes With Agreement for Energy Transition. On Wednesday, 198 countries approved the final declaration of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) through which it was agreed to advance an energy transition through the gradual abandonment of fossil fuels. | RELATED: | The COP28 text seeks to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. To this end, deep, rapid and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas…

M. Reza Behnam (2023-12-13). The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Policy in Palestine.

M. Reza Behnam (2023-12-13). The Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Policy in Palestine. Among the many memories I have of growing up in Tehran are of my elementary school days in Ms. Naji's class. On one occasion, she assigned a poem by the celebrated 13th-century Iranian poet and mystic, Saadi Shirazi. Our class was asked to write our reflections on Saadi's poem from his book, the Gulistan (flower land). Little did

Tina Renier (2023-12-13). Women's Rights and the Dominant Neoliberal Agenda: The Current Global Trajectory Is Far from Sustainable. (2023-12-13). Xi says upgrade of China-Vietnam ties sends signal of solidarity, joint development. Xi Jinping said Wednesday the announcement to build the China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance sends out a positive signal of the two socialist countries' commitment to solidarity, friendship and joint development.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-12-13). After months of war and over 18,000 Gazans killed, US Senator Bernie Sanders calls for a ceasefire. The Senator, who repopularized socialism with an influential 2016 presidential campaign, had, until now, opposed the demand for a ceasefire…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-12-13). China y Vietnam acuerdan construir comunidad de futuro compartido. Xi Jinping manifestó que la causa de la construcción socialista en China y Vietnam avanzará de manera constante.

WSWS (2023-12-13). "The attack on the SEP members is an attack on the international working class": Will Lehman defends Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka. William Lehman, the Pennsylvania Mack Trucks worker and socialist candidate for UAW president in last year's election, issued the following statement defending the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka.

WSWS (2023-12-13). "To mark Helen's life is to recognise her place of honour in the history of the Fourth International" We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by Chris Marsden, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK), to a memorial meeting for Helen held December 3.

WSWS (2023-12-13). New Zealand pseudo-left group whitewashes unions' complicity in Gaza genocide. The International Socialist Organisation cited mealy-mouthed statements by unions in New Zealand, the US and Australia calling for a ceasefire, while covering up the role of the unions in preventing strikes and other actions to stop the supply of weapons for Israel's war machine.

Judy Haiven (2023-12-14). Censorship and Civic Terror in Canada: The Silencing of Palestinian Voices and Palestinian Supporters. (2023-12-13). Xi meets Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, met on Wednesday with Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong. (2023-12-13). Xi meets Vietnamese PM. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, met on Wednesday with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. (2023-12-13). Xi meets chairman of National Assembly of Vietnam. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, met on Wednesday with Chairman of National Assembly of Vietnam Vuong Dinh Hue. (2023-12-13). Xi says China, Vietnam should be alert to and oppose any attempts to mess up Asia-Pacific. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, said Wednesday that China, Vietnam should be alert to and oppose any attempts to mess up Asia-Pacific. (2023-12-13). Xi pays tribute to late leader Ho Chi Minh. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese president, visited the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, on Wednesday to lay a wreath and pay his respects.

thecommunists (2023-12-14). Cuba to international meet: Never before has world peace been so threatened. The following speech was made on behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba by the party's head of international relations Emilio Lozada Garcia at the 23rd International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties in Turkey on 20 October 2023. ***** Dear Kemal Okuyan, general secretary of the Communist party of Türkiye, Dear comrades, brothers and …

thecommunists (2023-12-13). Britain using its Cypriot base to aid Israeli genocide in Gaza. This statement is reproduced from the Union of Cypriots website, with thanks. ***** The Union of Cypriots stands unconditionally with the Palestinian people and supports their resistance. The Cypriot people have consistently expressed their unwavering solidarity with our neighboring Palestinian people. Both Cypriots and Palestinians have become victims of ongoing occupation, settler colonialism, and violations …

thecommunists (2023-12-13). Solidarity with Greek comrades under attack for anti-imperialist activities! The CPGB-ML wishes to express its solidarity with communists in Greece, who were recently subjected to a cowardly attempt to terrorise a member of their organisation. According to a report from the Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity in Athens: "On the eve of the anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising and the … (2023-12-13). China, Vietnam agree to build community with shared future that carries strategic significance. General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping attends a welcome ceremony held by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, Dec. 12, 2023.

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2023-12-11: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-11). US Blocks Gaza Peace Proposal At UN For Third Time, Holds World Hostage. The United States has used its veto power in the United Nations Security Council three times in less than two months to kill resolutions calling for peace in Gaza. | Meanwhile, Washington is sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel, directly assisting the country as it commits war crimes against Palestinian civilians. | On December 8, the Security Council voted on a resolution that called for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire" and the unconditional release of all hostages. | The United States was the only country on the 15-member council that voted against the measure. (2023-12-11). Enormous potential in economic and trade cooperation between China and Vietnam. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. (2023-12-11). In numbers: China's economy sustains good momentum of recovery.

John Teufel (2023-12-10). What's a Good Economy, Anyway? Far from being an obviously good economy that only partisans and the brainwashed could question, by any more specific measurement than "jobs are good," the economy is in fact awful, and has relentlessly squeezed the average American for decades. Yes, on some level, it is better to have a job than not to have a job — but understandably, Americans seem to want a bit more from life than a place to clock in and clock out. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but ca… (2023-12-10). Renewable investment urged at COP28. China is indispensable for the world's green transformation, considering the remarkable achievements the country has made in the renewables sector, international experts said on the sidelines of the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (2023-12-10). Digital sector roadmap to aid recovery. Tech firms urged to hike investments in basic research, strategic fields | China's efforts to boost its digital economy and platform companies, and speed up the integration of the digital and real economy will foster new growth drivers and inject strong impetus into the country's economic recovery amid downward pressure, experts and company executives said. | Highlighting that the digital economy has become a new driver in promoting industrial upgrade, they said Chinese tech enterprises should step up investments in state-of-the-art technologies, basic research and strategic forward-looking areas, as well as furt…

latintimes (2023-12-11). Argentina's Milei Warns Of 'Shock' Austerity As He Takes Office. Latin America's third-biggest economy is on its knees after decades of debt and financial mismanagement, with annual inflation at 140% and 40% of Argentines living in poverty. (2023-12-10). Leadership sets tone for economic work. Solid steps will be taken to effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and defuse risks and improve social expectations as part of the nation's efforts to promote reasonable economic growth in 2024, according to a key Party meeting on Friday. (2023-12-11). Officials emphasize digitalization's role in low-carbon future, economic recovery. Officials have called for further efforts to tap the potential of digital transformation in promoting low-carbon transition and economic recovery amid the global climate crisis.

Edited (2023-12-11). 2024 California Black History Month – Pan African Presence in Early California History. Pan Africans migrated to California in significant numbers. By 1790, they made up nearly 20 percent of California's population, or one out of every five residents. More importantly, the concept of "race" had far less significance in California than in the United States. While European-born Spaniards controlled California society, Afro-Latinos and mestizos did manage to gain political and economic influence during the Spanish and Mexican periods of California history. African Cuban, Danish Jewish first elected Treasurer of San Francisco, Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. and several other "hidden figure…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2023-12-11). Argentine government to carry out heavy cutbacks. Buenos Aires, Dec 11 (Prensa Latina) The cabinet of the Argentine President, Javier Milei, analyzed in its first meeting a reorganization of the State, the economic situation, a strong fiscal cut and the review of contracts, informed today the spokesman of the Casa Rosada, Manuel Adorni.

Staff (2023-12-11). Abu Saleh Shariff spearheads empowerment initiatives for minorities in Maharashtra. By Dr. Danish Lambe In a series of thought-provoking programs across Aurangabad, Beed, and Nanded, initiated by Abu Saleh Shariff, the esteemed economist and key member of the Sachar Committee, and organized under the leadership of Honorable Hussain Dalwai, President of Maulana Azad Vichar Munch, discussions were led on the economic and social challenges faced …

WSWS (2023-12-11). Reject the tentative agreement with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and expand the strike! The United Steelworkers is attempting to betray the months-long strike of 1,700 nurses by imposing a contract that will not ensure safe staffing or meet the workers' most basic economic needs.

Edited (2023-12-10). 2024 California Black History Month – Pan African Presence in Early California History. Pan Africans migrated to California in significant numbers. By 1790, they made up nearly 20 percent of California's population, or one out of every five residents. More importantly, the concept of "race" had far less significance in California than in the United States. While European-born Spaniards controlled California society, Afro-Latinos and mestizos did manage to gain political and economic influence during the Spanish and Mexican periods of California history. African Cuban, Danish Jewish first elected Treasurer of San Francisco, Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. and several other "hidden figure…

Independent Media Institute (2023-12-10). The Cradle of Humanity: Georges Bataille on the Birth of Art and of Humanity. Why should we explore caves and excavate fossils? Why should we seek more information about our origins? And what can the first women and men tell us about the human condition? Reading Georges Bataille (1897-1962) answers these questions profoundly. The French writer considerably influenced authors such as Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Julia Kristeva, with provocative novels and essays exploring love, grief, economic theories, social structures, and systems of beliefs. He was also fascinated by prehistoric art and culture, a topic he wrote about in many essays, reviews, and books, including…

The Independent (2023-12-10). Alcohol dealers cite loopholes in new bill. The issue of alcohol has an economic, social and health impact on society and we must strike a balance in the bill Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Alcohol Industry Association has brought to the attention of the Minister of State for Investment Evelyn Anite and the Minister of State for Trade David Bahati …

_____ (2023-12-11). Socialism's Self-Criticism and Real Democracy. 5 Dec 2023 – Democracy is incompatible with class-divided economic systems. Masters rule in slavery, lords in feudalism, and employers in capitalism. Whatever forms of government coexist with class-divided economic systems, the hard reality is that one class rules the other.

infobrics (2023-12-11). Nigeria Expresses Interest to Join BRICS Nations. Following the BRICS 2023 annual summit's announcement of a six-country expansion plan and Argentina's unexpected decline, Nigeria has expressed its ambition to join the economic alliance…

NEOB (2023-12-11). Business licensing policy up for public comment. Business licensing policy up for public comment | Cabinet has considered and approved the draft National Business Licensing Policy for public comments. | This is according to Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni who briefed the media on the outcomes of the Special Cabinet meeting held last Friday. | The Minister said the objectives of the policy are: | The provision of a fair, transparent and ethical allocation of business operating licenses in a manner that enables citizens to actively participate in an economic life. | The assertion and clarification of South Africa's sovereign right to determine the…

NEOB (2023-12-11). Operation Vulindela making "significant progress" Operation Vulindela making "significant progress" | The Presidency and National Treasury have released the third and fourth quarter progress report of Operation Vulindlela. | The report was released during a media briefing on Monday. | Operation Vulindlela was launched in 2020 and is an initiative between Treasury and the Presidency aimed at, among other things, accelerating the implementation of structural reforms and to support South Africa's economic recovery. | The five desired outcomes of Operation Vulindlela are: | Stabilising of the electricity supply | Reduce cost and increased quality of digital communic… (2023-12-10). CPC leadership holds meeting on 2024 economic work, anti-corruption work, Party discipline. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday held a meeting to analyze and study the economic work of 2024, arrange Party conduct and anti-corruption work, and review regulations on the CPC's disciplinary action.

The Independent (2023-12-10). Experts Concerned About Unutilised UGX 200b SME Recovery Funds. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Small and medium-scale enterprises are still experiencing an increase in the cost of production and inputs, even as COVID-19 is long gone. This is according to the results of a survey done by the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) meant to among others assess business resilience to the effects of …

latintimes (2023-12-11). Asian Markets Mixed Ahead Of US Inflation Data, Fed Decision. All three main indexes on Wall Street rose Friday but Asian traders struggled to extend the rally. (2023-12-10). Work begins on underground oil storage project. Construction began in Zhejiang province on Saturday on China's largest commercial underground oil reserve project, further balancing domestic oil supply and demand, said its operator China National Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC.

Dean Baker (2023-12-11). Strong Job Growth Pushes Unemployment Rate Down to 3.7 Percent. The rise in unemployment from the 3.4 percent low hit in April had some worried that a recession was looming. The Sahm Rule holds that a 0.5 percentage point rise in the unemployment rate presages a larger increase. (This is based on 3-month averages, not single month data.) The drop in unemployment to 3.7 percent

Talya Wintman (2023-12-10). Social Worker Shortage Looms If Field Keeps Relying on Unpaid Student Labor. Anyone who has ever interacted with New York City's vast social welfare system has probably come into contact with a social work student. For those who haven't, it might come as a surprise that much of the case management, housing stabilization, crisis intervention and counseling services for people who are low-income, criminal legal system-involved, experiencing homelessness, or disabled… |

Saleem Samad (2023-12-10). Sheikh Hasina hints at dealing with sanctions after the election. Looming threats of sanctions on labour issues have raised eyebrows among the government, policymakers, garment entrepreneurs and industrial bodies. | Most ready-made garments (RMG) factories have failed or partially implemented international compliance and ethical practices, which has ignited labour unrest. | Recently, Bangladesh has witnessed intense labour unrest and violent protests related to wage disputes in the garment industry. The dispute on fair wages for RMG workers has sparked widespread protests demanding against the government's Wage Board decision to increase BDT 12,500 ($113) per month for garment…

WSWS (2023-12-10). Around 100,000 protest in London against US and UK support for Israel's genocide in Gaza. Of sitting Labour MPs only Apsana Begum and John McDonnell were on the platform. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who now sits as an Independent, again refused to even name Sir Keir Starmer or the Labour Party as supporters of genocide.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-11). The Weapons Israel Tests On Palestinians Will Be Used Against All Of Us. The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel's drones, surveillance technology including spyware, facial recognition software, and biometric gathering infrastructure, along with smart fences, experimental bombs, and AI-controlled machine guns are all tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as "battle-tested" and sold around the world. | Israel is the tenth largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 n… (2023-12-10). COP28 sets eyes on AI to fight climate change. The grand challenge was part of a high-level event organized by the UN Climate Change Technology Mechanism on Saturday in Dubai, in collaboration with the COP28 Presidency. (2023-12-11). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures. (2023-12-11). Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe's bill to uphold First Nation's rights in law.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-12-11). Tornados en Tennessee, EE.UU. dejan al menos seis muertos. Equipos de emergencia mantienen las labores de búsqueda y rescate para constatar la existencia de más víctimas, entre muertos o heridos.

The Labor | Health Reporter (2023-12-11). AMC Theatres Endanger Public Health. As SAG-AFTRA strikes end — Adam Aron and AMC Movie Theaters, the largest chain in the world, endangers the public health with their treatment of sick employees in violation of OSHA and state sick leave laws.

WSWS (2023-12-11). Australian Greens offer no way forward in fight against Gaza genocide. The Greens are trying to subordinate opposition to the barbarism to moral appeals to the Labor government that is fully committed to the mass slaughter.

WSWS (2023-12-11). Australia: Union bosses force unpopular Queensland Labor premier to quit. Palaszczuk's tearful departure underlines a developing crisis of the political establishment as a whole nationally, and not just the Labor Party. (2023-12-10). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-12-10). Tornados en Tennessee, EE.UU. dejan al menos seis muertos. Equipos de emergencia mantienen las labores de búsqueda y rescate para constatar la existencia de más víctimas, entre muertos o heridos.

Xander Nieuws (2023-12-10). "Is the Virus Fictitious"? Laboratories in US Can't Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-12-11). Weapons Israel Tests On Palestinians Will Be Used Against All Of Us. The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel's drones, surveillance technology including spyware, facial recognition software, and biometric gathering infrastructure, along with smart fences, experimental bombs, and AI-controlled machine guns are all tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as "battle-tested" and sold around the world. | Israel is the tenth largest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 n…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-12-11). Africans Should Expel all American Biolaboratories. By Batko Milacic — Dec 8, 2023 | In the early 21st century, new concerns about bioweapons being used to generate terror and also with a series of newly emerging or newly understood disease-causing microbes have resulted in infections and deaths of workers studying these microbes in the laboratory, generally to gain understanding and to develop treatments and vaccines. Here, five examples are summarized: 1) smallpox virus escaped from a UK laboratory where it was being maintained and stored, 2) the 2014 infections and deaths of five researchers who were isolating West African Ebola virus for deoxyribonucleic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-11). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,…

Gabisile (2023-12-11). SA to celebrate Universal Health Coverage Day. SA to celebrate Universal Health Coverage Day | South Africa will on Tuesday, 12 December, join the global community in celecrating the progress made towards health for all. | According to the Department of Health, government will also observe the day by raising awareness of the necessity for resilient, equitable, and robust healthcare systems to achieve the Universal Health Coverage (UHC). | The Department of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) South Africa and other health sector stakeholders, will host a seminar to reinvigorate pledges to accelerate UHC efforts in South Africa.

Belinda Jones (2023-12-10). Funding for religious organisations favours those in Labor-held seats.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-10). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,… (2023-12-10). Economists call for more policy push. China's consumer prices dropped for the second consecutive month in November, indicating still-weak demand and backing the case for further policy support, including a likely reduction in the reserve requirement ratio for banks. (2023-12-10). Envoy calls for more joint efforts on climate action. China will push for more financial support from developed countries for Global South nations amid the climate crisis, and rather than sharing in the support thus gained.

infobrics (2023-12-10). Expanding BRICS for Numerical Strength or Ensuring Qualitative Geopolitical Influence. As stipulated by the guidelines, Russia takes over BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa] from January 2024. With the heightening of geopolitical tensions, Russia's priority focus is on the group's possible enlargement to counter U.S. hegemony. It plans to push seriously for critical reforms in the international financial architecture and create a solidified platform for building an equitable multipolar world order…

infobrics (2023-12-11). Expanding BRICS for Numerical Strength or Ensuring Qualitative Geopolitical Influence. As stipulated by the guidelines, Russia takes over BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa] from January 2024. With the heightening of geopolitical tensions, Russia's priority focus is on the group's possible enlargement to counter U.S. hegemony. It plans to push seriously for critical reforms in the international financial architecture and create a solidified platform for building an equitable multipolar world order…

EDWIN (2023-12-11). Cabinet briefed on NSFAS preparations for 2024. Cabinet briefed on NSFAS preparations for 2024 | As part of ensuring readiness for the 2024 post-matric academic year, Cabinet has been briefed on measures that are being put in place to avoid the challenges that affected the National Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). | "As part of ensuring readiness when the 2024 academic year for post matric education begins, Cabinet was briefed on measures that are being put in place to avoid the challenges that bedevilled NSFSAS in the 2023 post-matric academic year," Cabinet said in a statement on Monday. | Last month, the scheme announced that applications for financial aid for…

UOFCHA (2023-12-11). World: UN launches 2024 global humanitarian appeal: $7.6 billion required to support 32.3 million people in dire need across West and Central Africa. Countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, World | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | In West and Central Africa, the number of people in need targeted under each country's 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan and the associated financial requirements are as follows: | ‚Ä¢ Burkina Faso: 3.8 million people targeted, US $935 million | ‚Ä¢ Cameroon: 2.3 million people targeted, US $376 million | ‚Ä¢ Central African Republic: 1.9 million people targeted, US $39…

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-10). Zelensky to Visit Washington Amid Congressional Negotiations on Ukraine Aid. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Washington this week to push for more aid as Congress is still negotiating a massive spending package that includes over $60 billion for Ukraine. On Tuesday, Zelensky will meet with President Biden at the White House and hold talks with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). He was also invited …

Mat Schumer (2023-12-10). Pro-Israel PACs Gear Up for Significant Spending to Oust Progressive Congress Members in 2024. A November house vote to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was the latest effort to counter members of the progressive "squad" by politicians backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The squad, a group of eight lawmakers, mainly women, has been critical of Israeli policy and is calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Already one of the most influential political organizations in… |

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-12-11). Dominican farmers demand more investment in rural areas. Santo Domingo, Dec 11 ( Prensa Latina) Hundreds of small and medium Dominican agricultural producers demanded the government to increase investment in rural areas to prevent further migration to the big cities.

Brian H. Silverstein, Left Voice. (2023-12-11). University Of Michigan Administration Caves To Zionist Pressure. Last week, the University of Michigan student body was set to vote on a resolution calling for the university to recognize the genocide in Gaza and to assess the ethics of the institution's investments, including investments in the State of Israel. The campaign has been led by the Tahrir Coalition, a broad and diverse group of over 60 student organizations. As the vote was underway, the university administration buckled to pressure from a coalition of off-campus Zionist organizations and canceled the vote, citing improper use of a university listserv to promote the vote. | Michigan Hillel, with the support of an…

The Independent (2023-12-10). MTN Uganda empowers 1,400 learners with special needs. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | MTN Foundation's Digital Access for Inclusion program has opened the doors of technology to nearly 1,400 learners with disabilities across five schools in Uganda this year, marking a significant investment of Shs800 million. The impact of the program reverberates across different regions, with Salama School for the Blind and Masaka …

Freddy Brewster (2023-12-11). Largest U.S. Teachers Union Allows Private Equity To Prey On Educators.

The Lever (2023-12-10). LEVER WEEKLY: "We're Talking Five Million People That Could Potentially Be Monitored"

John Clarke (2023-12-11). 'Pharmanomics: How Big Pharma Destroys Global Health' — book review. Pharmanomics is an important book that shows how Big Pharma's profit seeking damages health care globally, but the solution lies outside the current system, argues John Clarke…

_____ (2023-12-11). Genocide — The Gaze from the Abyss. 7 Dec 2023 – In October, we discussed the corporate media invention of so-called 'disinformation experts'. Although journalists are 'working within profit-maximising, billionaire-owned, advertiser-dependent, government-subsidised media, they are nevertheless exposing "disinformation" without the slightest trace of bias'.

midwesternmarx (2023-12-11). Essequibo and ExxonMobil: A Tale of Imperialism and Undermining of the Bolivarian Revolution By: Lema Maiwand. As a collective, we need to seriously re-evaluate the contexts in which we use the terms "sovereignty", "self-determination", and "imperialism", especially when it's devoid of historical analysis/context and in service of imperialist designs. We are at the point of the news cycle (again), where every two years or so, there is global denunciation and vilification of Venezuela, and even stronger calls for military intervention in the country. F …

midwesternmarx (2023-12-11). Why Are Intellectuals Divorced from Working People? By: Carlos L. Garrido. This article is a transcript of a presentation for a panel on the subject, hosted by the International Manifesto Group, the Critical Theory Workshop, and the Midwestern Marx Institute, with other presentations from Gabriel Rockhill, Radhika Desai, Glenn Diesen, and Noah Khrachvik. ​The question we are exploring today, concerning the divorce of intellectuals and the working class, is fundamental for assessing the crisis we face in the subjective conditions for revolution. The first … (2023-12-11). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed. (2023-12-10). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed.

Javier Tolcachier (2023-12-11). Capitalismo y derechos humanos, dos términos incompatibles. Pensar en lograr un ejercicio pleno de los derechos humanos en el marco de un sistema capitalista es un error garrafal y una ingenuidad absoluta. Error de apreciación que no es espontáneo sino inducido intencionalmente por los detentores de la…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-12-10). This Dread and Depression is on Purpose! Don't Fall Victim! Don't Blame Yourselves! In this episode, I talk about some of the difficulties with remaining positive through a very dehumanizing, morbid, draining, and existential moment that we are all living through today. Whether we are Palestinian, Congolese, Nicaraguan, Cuban, Jamaican, Chinese, indigenous, or so-called American, we are all dealing with the extremes of capitalist, exploitation, extermination campaigns, mass, incarceration, the preponderance of social media, hyper individualism, mental health and climate crisis, and just in general, having to go to school or go to work every day while the world is blowing up around us. What do we…

latintimes (2023-12-11). 'Not A Minute To Lose': Clock Ticks On Fossil Fuel Deal At Climate Summit. Simon Stiell urged countries to preserve the "highest ambition" to check warming at no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

marketing (2023-12-11). Putin, Netanyahu Discuss Gaza Over Phone #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – Nam News Network) | MOSCOW, Dec 11 (NNN-TASS) Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, discussed the humanitarian situation in Gaza, during a …

marketing (2023-12-10). 133 Palestinians Killed By Israel's Attacks In Gaza In 24 Hours: Source #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – IANS) Gaza, Dec 11 (IANS) At least 133 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others were injured on Sunday, as Israel's air and artillery attacks continued on the Gaza Strip, a …

marketing (2023-12-10). US Still Not Clear How The Israel-Hamas War Will End After Vetoing UNSC Resolution For Ceasefire #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. (MENAFN – IANS) Washington, Dec 11 (IANS) The US government still has no clue as to how the Israel-Hamas war is going to play out till the end even after vetoing the UNSC resolution for a ceasefire …

Aram Aharonian (2023-12-10). From Alfonsín to Milei: 40 years of Argentinean democracy. In early 1982, when I was a correspondent for the Inter Press Service Agency in Argentina, I was asked by the head office to interview the leader of the Radical Civic Union, Raúl Alfonsín, whom I did not know personally. I replied, via telex, that it seemed more appropriate to interview another Radical, Luis León, senator of the Movimiento de Afirmación Yrigoyenista, a more combative leader. | They did not accept my suggestion and the new answer came by telephone: "Interview Raúl Alfonsín, who is going to be the next president: the Socialist International says so". | The interview was very cordial, in his law off… (2023-12-10). Ballarat TLC says fascists will never co-opt Eureka Day.

ecsorinoco (2023-12-11). More Reflections on Multipolarity. By Hanna Eid — Dec 7, 2023 | An analysis of Samir Amin's four criteria in "National States: What is the Way Forward?" | The four criteria of a 'reliable' multipolar world, as posited by Samir Amin are as follows: Europe should chart an independent path from the Atlanticist one it has treaded for 400 years, China should redouble its efforts at socialist construction intentionally, the countries of the South should revive the Bandung legacy of a 'united front', and a reorganization of national and international systems of rights. | In this article, I hope to revisit these four criteria in light of new interna…

John Longhurst (2023-12-10). The exhausting pre-Christmas period of parties and socialising.

2023-12-11 19:48:26 | 19:48 EST | rz | 76 | 3 | 33 | 48 | 0 

2023-12-10: News Headlines

John Teufel (2023-12-10). What's a Good Economy, Anyway? Far from being an obviously good economy that only partisans and the brainwashed could question, by any more specific measurement than "jobs are good," the economy is in fact awful, and has relentlessly squeezed the average American for decades. Yes, on some level, it is better to have a job than not to have a job — but understandably, Americans seem to want a bit more from life than a place to clock in and clock out. | To read this article, log in If you are logged in but ca…

Ben Norton (2023-12-09). US blocks Gaza peace proposal at UN for 3rd time, holding world hostage. The US government has paralyzed the United Nations, voting against the rest of the world and preventing peace in Gaza by vetoing three different resolutions in the Security Council. Meanwhile, Washington continues giving weapons to Israel. (2023-12-09). Upward trend continues in China's foreign trade. China's total imports and exports of goods in November grew by 0.3 percentage points from the previous month to 1.2 percent year-on-year, according to data released Thursday by the General Administration of Customs. (2023-12-09). 99% of Americans will be financially worse-off than pre-pandemic by mid-2024: Business Insider. Most Americans have depleted their excess savings accumulated during the COVID-19 pandemic, Business Insider reported on Friday, citing JPMorgan, noting that nearly everyone is likely to be worse off financially in the coming months than they were in 2019. (2023-12-09). Renewable investment urged at COP28. China is indispensable for the world's green transformation, considering the remarkable achievements the country has made in the renewables sector, international experts said on the sidelines of the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (2023-12-09). Leadership sets tone for economic work. Solid steps will be taken to effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and defuse risks and improve social expectations as part of the nation's efforts to promote reasonable economic growth in 2024, according to a key Party meeting on Friday. (2023-12-09). Digital sector roadmap to aid recovery. Tech firms urged to hike investments in basic research, strategic fields | China's efforts to boost its digital economy and platform companies, and speed up the integration of the digital and real economy will foster new growth drivers and inject strong impetus into the country's economic recovery amid downward pressure, experts and company executives said. | Highlighting that the digital economy has become a new driver in promoting industrial upgrade, they said Chinese tech enterprises should step up investments in state-of-the-art technologies, basic research and strategic forward-looking areas, as well as furt…

WSWS (2023-12-09). Washington Post staff wage 24-hour strike to oppose low salaries and corporate restructuring. The strike emerges against a backdrop of growing crisis in the news media industry and within the economy more broadly. (2023-12-10). Renewable investment urged at COP28. China is indispensable for the world's green transformation, considering the remarkable achievements the country has made in the renewables sector, international experts said on the sidelines of the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (2023-12-10). Digital sector roadmap to aid recovery. Tech firms urged to hike investments in basic research, strategic fields | China's efforts to boost its digital economy and platform companies, and speed up the integration of the digital and real economy will foster new growth drivers and inject strong impetus into the country's economic recovery amid downward pressure, experts and company executives said. | Highlighting that the digital economy has become a new driver in promoting industrial upgrade, they said Chinese tech enterprises should step up investments in state-of-the-art technologies, basic research and strategic forward-looking areas, as well as furt… (2023-12-10). Leadership sets tone for economic work. Solid steps will be taken to effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and defuse risks and improve social expectations as part of the nation's efforts to promote reasonable economic growth in 2024, according to a key Party meeting on Friday.

Jianning Guo, Wenquan Niu, Qi Zhang, Xia Cui (2023-12-09). Correspondence] Lower respiratory tract infections in early childhood. The Article by James Peter Allinson and colleagues1 has aroused special interest from paediatric and respiratory physicians and researchers. This birth cohort study, which spans about eight decades, has highlighted the close relationship between lung health during early childhood and the survival rate from respiratory disease during adulthood. The authors claim that impaired lung function is a mediator linking early childhood lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) to respiratory-cause adult mortality, independent of socioeconomic circumstances and adult smoking.

Edited (2023-12-10). 2024 California Black History Month – Pan African Presence in Early California History. Pan Africans migrated to California in significant numbers. By 1790, they made up nearly 20 percent of California's population, or one out of every five residents. More importantly, the concept of "race" had far less significance in California than in the United States. While European-born Spaniards controlled California society, Afro-Latinos and mestizos did manage to gain political and economic influence during the Spanish and Mexican periods of California history. African Cuban, Danish Jewish first elected Treasurer of San Francisco, Honorable William Alexander Leidesdorff, Jr. and several other "hidden figure… (2023-12-09). CPC leadership holds meeting on 2024 economic work, anti-corruption work, Party discipline. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday held a meeting to analyze and study the economic work of 2024, arrange Party conduct and anti-corruption work, and review regulations on the CPC's disciplinary action. (2023-12-09). Pakistani delegation experiences autonomous driving in Beijing. On Thursday, a delegation of Pakistani media think-tankers visited the Yizhuang economic development zone in Beijing, experiencing China's autonomous driving technology at Apollo Park. "ÄÄ…

Joel Richards (2023-12-09). Javier Milei prepares to take oath as Argentina's president. On Sunday, December 10, Javier Milei will take office as President of Argentina. The Libertarian has promised "shock" therapy to address the country's economic troubles, but since winning the election the president-elect has moderated his agenda.

WSWS (2023-12-09). Minnesota Nurses Association fires staffer for pro-Palestinian statements. The MNA's termination of Singh expresses the broader political role of the trade unions to prop up the pro-war Democratic Party and suppress the growing opposition of workers to the economic and political situation.

The Independent (2023-12-10). Alcohol dealers cite loopholes in new bill. The issue of alcohol has an economic, social and health impact on society and we must strike a balance in the bill Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Alcohol Industry Association has brought to the attention of the Minister of State for Investment Evelyn Anite and the Minister of State for Trade David Bahati …

Jacob Nordangard (2023-12-09). World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" Revealed. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity.

The Independent (2023-12-09). Norfund delegation visits Uganda, signaling increased investment commitment. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kampala on December 5th hosted a high-level delegation from Norfund, the Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries. This visit underscored Norfund's strategic intent to deepen its engagement and expand investment activities in Uganda. "Norfund's delegation visit represents Norway's steadfast commitment to fostering stronger economic … (2023-12-10). CPC leadership holds meeting on 2024 economic work, anti-corruption work, Party discipline. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee on Friday held a meeting to analyze and study the economic work of 2024, arrange Party conduct and anti-corruption work, and review regulations on the CPC's disciplinary action.

The Independent (2023-12-10). Experts Concerned About Unutilised UGX 200b SME Recovery Funds. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Small and medium-scale enterprises are still experiencing an increase in the cost of production and inputs, even as COVID-19 is long gone. This is according to the results of a survey done by the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) meant to among others assess business resilience to the effects of …

The Independent (2023-12-09). Electricity Pricing: Winning the battle but losing the war. COMMENT | By DR HARRISON MUTIKANGA | A decade after Andrew Mwenda's article, "Electricity cost going up 40%: but who benefits most from subsidies to UMEME?" in The Independent (Issue No.196 January 13-19, 2012), the details of electricity pricing, subsidy policies, and their ramifications remain a concern. Mwenda's call to remove subsidies, deeming them economically …

Talya Wintman (2023-12-10). Social Worker Shortage Looms If Field Keeps Relying on Unpaid Student Labor. Anyone who has ever interacted with New York City's vast social welfare system has probably come into contact with a social work student. For those who haven't, it might come as a surprise that much of the case management, housing stabilization, crisis intervention and counseling services for people who are low-income, criminal legal system-involved, experiencing homelessness, or disabled… | (2023-12-10). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-12-10). Tornados en Tennessee, EE.UU. dejan al menos seis muertos. Equipos de emergencia mantienen las labores de búsqueda y rescate para constatar la existencia de más víctimas, entre muertos o heridos. (2023-12-09). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures.

teleSUR, lfb, JDO (2023-12-09). Maquinistas de ferrocarriles alemanes van al paro por mejoras laborales. Demandan aumento salarial que compense pérdidas de poder adquisitivo debido a la inflación y que se reduzca la jornada laboral.

WSWS (2023-12-09). Australian state Labor governments threaten school teachers over Palestine solidarity actions. Labor governments, their Departments of Education, Zionist organisations and the corporate media have worked to whip up a frenzied atmosphere of intimidation, including through false allegations of antisemitism.

Xander Nieuws (2023-12-10). "Is the Virus Fictitious"? Laboratories in US Can't Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests.

Katya Schwenk (2023-12-09). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: Farewell, Methane. Good things are happening! The EPA announces a long-awaited crackdown on methane emissions, labor organizers take on non-union automakers around the country, Michigan will automatically register to vote anyone who is leaving prison, and a new study finds massive lithium deposits in California's Salton Sea.EPA Slashes Methane Emissions: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-10). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,…

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-12-09). Inspired By Strike Wins, 1,000 Volkswagen Workers Sign Union Cards. Today workers at Volkswagen's Chattanooga, Tennessee, assembly plant announced their third bid to unionize plant-wide with the Auto Workers (UAW). | Riding the momentum of its strike of the Big 3 automakers, the UAW now wants to double its numbers in the auto industry by adding 150,000 workers at companies that have long avoided unionization. Thirteen non-union automakers are on notice: Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan, Subaru, Mazda, Mercedes, Volvo, BMW, Volkswagen, and electric vehicle producers Rivian, Tesla, and Lucid. | The union says it has been inundated with calls and online sign-ups by workers at these fi…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-12-09). Identifying new potential in cancer-killing T cells. When Joanina Gicobi began her Ph.D. degree five years ago at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, she was interested in thinking creatively about ways to improve cancer treatment. In particular, she was curious about the body's natural ability to fight tumors: Could that process be improved? In the laboratory of Haidong Dong, M.D., Ph.D., she joined efforts to learn more about the T cells that are part of an inherent cancer-killing immune response. Joanina Gicobi,…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-09). Cuba reaffirms willingness to collaborate with Botswana. The statement was made on X, on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Havana and Gaborone back in 1977. | Since 1977, thousands of Cuban health professionals (Comprehensive Health Program (PIS), Compensated Collaboration and Medical Services, specialists in Pharmacy, Electromedicine and Rehab.) have been serving in the African country.

The Independent (2023-12-09). Catalysing precision medicine by Africa, for Africa. Tapping into its vast genomic research potential will require steady investment, capacity-building, and collaboration COMMENT | COLLEN MASIMIREMBWA | Africa is the continent with the most genetic diversity, but is gravely underrepresented in genomic research, with only 2% of global genomic data coming from people of African ancestry as of 2021. As a result, disease risk …

F. William Engdahl (2023-12-09). Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF "Great Reset"

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-12-09). Day 62 roundtable: Genocide enters third month. In-depth look at new revelations into Israel's killing of their own civilians on 7 October.

midwesternmarx (2023-12-09). PROPAGANDA WAR: PRO-ISRAEL TROLLS ARE MOBBING TWITTER'S COMMUNITY NOTES By: ALAN MACLEOD. Almost as important as its military campaign for Israel is its battle to control its public image. Even as it kills thousands of people in Gaza, the small Middle Eastern nation is spending millions of dollars on a propaganda war, purchasing ads on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other online apps. At the same time, an army of pro-Israel trolls has invaded the Community Notes function on X/Twitter, attempting to influence the online debate around the ongoing crisis.SPENDING MILLIONS TO WHITEW …

The Independent (2023-12-10). MTN Uganda empowers 1,400 learners with special needs. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | MTN Foundation's Digital Access for Inclusion program has opened the doors of technology to nearly 1,400 learners with disabilities across five schools in Uganda this year, marking a significant investment of Shs800 million. The impact of the program reverberates across different regions, with Salama School for the Blind and Masaka …

The Independent (2023-12-09). Chinese-invested Husab mine marks 10 years of sustainable growth in Namibia. SWAKOPMUND, Namibia | Xinhua | Chinese-invested Swakop Uranium's Husab mine in Namibia on Friday celebrated its 10th anniversary since its commencement of operations at an event held at the mine, near the town of Swakopmund in the Erongo region of west-central Namibia. Addressing the ceremony, Namibia's founding President Sam Nujoma said Swakop Uranium's investment and development …

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-09). Cuban vice president tours biofertilizer plant in Central Province. Santa Clara, Cuba, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés on Saturday checked the investment process of a biofertilizer and biopesticide factory being built in Santa Clara province.

The Independent (2023-12-09). COP28: $400-million green investment commitments announced for Uganda. Dubai, UAE | THE INDEPENDENT | Over $400 million in green investment commitments have been announced for Uganda at the climate change conference (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The green investment commitments, current and future, are for the next four years in the areas of renewable energy, water filtration and forestry, Uganda Investment …

The Independent (2023-12-09). Ethiopia, Tanzania and Morocco ranked Africa's top tourism performers 2023. The three countries have by far exceeded their pre-pandemic arrival numbers on robust tourism infrastructure expansion and aggressive destination promotion. SPECIAL REPORT | BIRD AGENCY | The end of a civil war in Ethiopia, Tanzania's president featuring in a historical tourism documentary and rising infrastructure and marketing investments in Morocco have bolstered the three countries' …

Peter Koenig (2023-12-09). WHO's Worldwide Power Grab: Beware of the New International Health Regulation and Pandemic Treaty, a Health Tyranny Never Heard of Before in Human History.

midwesternmarx (2023-12-09). Essequibo and Other Border Issues: Venezuela's Territorial Losses to Imperialist Powers Through the Centuries (Part 1) By: Saheli Chowdhury. Official map of the Captaincy General of Venezuela, as of 1777. Photo: Wikipedia Editorial note: Part 2 of this important series can be read here.With the Venezuelan consultative referendum on reclaiming the Essequibo territory from Guyana just around the corner, one may wonder what it is about and why it is being conducted now. Venezuela has been accused of intending to carry out imperialist expansion and attempting to control the petroleum resources of a "foreign territory.& …

midwesternmarx (2023-12-09). Essequibo and Other Border Issues: Venezuela's Territorial Losses to Imperialist Powers Through the Centuries (Part 2) By: Saheli Chowdhury. Orinoco Tribune editor, Jesus Rodriguez-Espinoza, and his wife Yullma Hernandez next to a banner for the Essequibo Referendum campaign showing the map of Venezuela (including the Essequibo territory) and the following caption: "Venezuela is all of us, all Venezuela vote 5 times yes. On December 3, we have an appointment with the homeland, Venezuela is calling us!" Photo: Orinoco Tribune. ​Editorial note: Part 1 of this important series can be read here. Venezuela's defense o …

midwesternmarx (2023-12-09). Essequibo Referendum: 'Yes' Wins Overwhelmingly with Significant Turnout By: Orinoco Tribune. Hand of a person holding a small Venezuelan flag and a book entitled The Truth of the Essquibo. Photo: Matias Delacroix/AP.Caracas (—The Venezuelan people and Chavismo scored an important victory this Sunday when Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) made public the first report on the results of the Essequibo Referendum called by the National Assembly (AN) two months ago, on September 27, and announcing an overwhelming victory of the "Yes," the option promoted … (2023-12-10). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed. (2023-12-09). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed.

WSWS (2023-12-09). The divisive role of the GDL rail union leadership. The policy of "social partnership" has turned all trade unions into an auxiliary police force for the corporations and government. What the GDL union sells as a clever ploy to wrest higher wages for train drivers in the face of staff shortages actually amounts to dividing rail workers.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-09). Lynn Forester de Rothschild wants to use AI to radically change economies; to "save capitalism" The Council for Inclusive Capitalism ("CIC") was formed at the height of the covid pandemic. It is essentially everything that conspiracy theorists have been warning about for years packaged into a single …

Rachel Sherrington, Clare Carlile, Hazel Healy, DeSmog. (2023-12-09). Big Meat And Dairy Delegates Triple At COP28. Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Lobbyists from industrial agriculture companies and trade groups have turned out in record numbers at COP28, which this year has a strong focus on tackling emissions from the food sector. | Attendees are present from some of the world's largest agribusiness firms — such as meatpacker JBS, fertiliser giant Nutrien, food giant Nestlé and pesticide firm Bayer — and powerful industry trade groups. | Meat and dairy interests are especially well represented with 120 delegates in Dubai, triple the number that attended COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. | Overall the analysis of th…

No Automatic License Plate Readers! (2023-12-09). Tuesday 12/12: Stop the City of Santa Cruz from Buying Automatic License Plate Readers. Council Chambers, Santa Cruz City Hall, 809 Center St, Santa Cruz | The proposal to purchase Automatic License Plate Readers is #26 on the city council agenda, and will be heard sometime after 12: 45 PM, in the mid-afternoon or early evening. (2023-12-10). Ballarat TLC says fascists will never co-opt Eureka Day.

Bruce Lerro (2023-12-09). Crowds, Masses and Movements. Orientation Why study crowds, masses and movements? It is tempting to imagine that as socialists we must know a great deal about crowds, masses, and in medieval thought individual meant inseparable, that is indivisible. People were defined as individuals by reference to the groups of which they were members. Group membership defined their very identity … (2023-12-09). Ballarat TLC says fascists will never co-opt Eureka Day.

WSWS (2023-12-09). Australian school students strike against Gaza genocide, but pseudo-left advance dead end of protest politics. The pseudo-left organisers of the school strikes, including Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance, are seeking to suppress discussion of the fundamental issues of political perspective required to halt the genocide and war.

2023-12-10 19:56:24 | 19:56 EST | rz | 60 | 5 | 48 | 16 | 0 

2023-12-08: News Headlines (2023-12-08). China issues plan to promote further opening-up of Shanghai FTZ. China's State Council on Thursday unveiled a comprehensive plan to promote the high-level institutional opening-up of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone by aligning it with high-standard international economic and trade rules. (2023-12-08). Guideline to optimize Shanghai free trade zone. The State Council, the country's Cabinet, published a comprehensive plan on Thursday with measures to support further development of the Shanghai free trade zone, Xinhua News Agency reported. (2023-12-08). Upward trend continues in China's foreign trade. China's total imports and exports of goods in November grew by 0.3 percentage points from the previous month to 1.2 percent year-on-year, according to data released Thursday by the General Administration of Customs.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-07). Officials Admit West Sabotaged Ukraine Peace Deal With Russia. The United States has played a key role in fueling the wars in both Israel-Palestine and Ukraine. | The US government has sought to prevent peace in Gaza, vetoing resolutions in the UN Security Council that call for a ceasefire, while sending weapons to Israel to help it bomb densely populated civilian areas, contributing to the killing of more than 15,000 Palestinians, approximately 70% of whom are women and children. | Since 2022, Washington has done exactly the same in Ukraine, torpedoing peace proposals that Russia had supported. | This has been confirmed by numerous sources, including the former leader of Ge…

David Schultz (2023-12-07). Inequality in America? Bah, Humbug! If the US economy is in such great shape why are there so many poor in America and why is there such inequality in the country? According to The Economist we are entering the golden years for American workers. After decades of the closing of factories, the loss of blue-collar jobs, wage stagnation, and a (2023-12-07). China's foreign trade up 1.2% in Nov. China's imports and exports expanded by 1.2 percent year-on-year in November, with exports recording first expansion in seven months, as more positive factors emerge for the country's foreign trade recovery. (2023-12-07). China committed to high-quality growth, high-level opening-up. China remains resolute in advancing high-quality growth and high-level opening-up, delivering enhanced services for global companies, said China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao.

Rhoda Wilson (2023-12-08). Council on Foreign Relations tries to combat rise of anti-globalisation. Major economic powers are turning inward. In other words, they are turning away from globalisation in favour of economic nationalism. The shift away from hyper-globalisation poses huge questions for Globalists. Officially, the … (2023-12-07). Forum: China still offers opportunities for U.S. companies. Despite an economic slowdown in China, the Chinese market still provides great potential for foreign companies, and U.S. companies need to be in it to learn how to compete at Chinese speed, said American experts.

infobrics (2023-12-07). Brics Will Help New Members Ethiopia and UAE to Cement Ties. Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which are set to become full members of the Brics economic bloc on January 1, 2024, committed to utilising the platform to enhance their all-round relations and cooperation…

infobrics (2023-12-07). BRICS: UAE Ditches U.S. Dollar for Oil Trade. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is asking BRICS countries to settle oil trade in local currencies and not the U.S. dollar. The Middle Eastern nation is aiming to diversify its economic partnerships by renewing payment methods for oil trade deals…

Melvin Goodman (2023-12-07). The Washington Post Gratuitously and Wrongly Trashes Jimmy Carter. Unlike Kissinger, who had no regard for democratic values in the making of national security policy, Carter's "design" for foreign policy stressed the importance of the rule of law, universal human rights, self-determination, and the avoidance of military intervention. Whereas Kissinger orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile, Carter suspended military and economic aid to the authoritarian government of Augusto Pinochet.

Partido Humanista de Chile (2023-12-07). Disability, a world to be adapted and not the other way round. December 3rd International Day of Disability: | The United Nations in 1992 declared December 3rd as the International Day of Disability. The aim is to promote the rights and wellbeing of persons with disabilities in all ambits of society and development, as well as to raise awareness of their situation in all aspects of political, social, economic and cultural life. | In Chile, after the advent of democracy and in accordance with the evolution of international law, in 1994 the National Congress approved Law No. 19.284, which regulated for the first time in our country the rights of persons with disabiliti…

Pavel López Lazo (2023-12-07). Restrictive measures affect world food prices — WTO. Brussels, Dec 7 (Prensa Latina) Recent and old restrictions to international trade contribute to the volatility in current food prices, amid a tense and uncertain economic scenario, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday.

WSWS (2023-12-07). Johnson unrepentant on second day of UK COVID Inquiry questioning. Questions focussed on Johnson's actions from the summer of 2020 through to January 2022. Attention was drawn repeatedly to the influence of "economic" concerns on government decision making.

Staff (2023-12-07). "Green Colonialism": Nigerian Climate Activist Nnimmo Bassey Says Africa Is Being Sold Out at COP28. Longtime Nigerian activist and poet Nnimmo Bassey joins us at COP28 in Dubai to discuss how "false climate solutions" like carbon trading markets are hurting efforts to reduce emissions and prevent catastrophic global heating. "People are making deals rather than talking about how to cut emissions at source," says Bassey. "We're seeing a sellout of the African continent." Bassey is director of the Health of Mother Earth Foundation and received the Right Livelihood Award in 2010 for his environmental activism.

WSWS (2023-12-07). Giant Chinese property developer Evergrande given stay of execution. There is concern that an Evergrande liquidation could severely impact the ability of other corporations, not only highly indebted real estate developers, to raise money in international financial markets.

The Independent (2023-12-07). Capital Markets Authority seeks greater powers over mushrooming ponzis. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | At least sh3.6 billion has so far been lost by Ugandan investors in closed-down investment companies, which were declared Ponzi Schemes by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA). CMA issued a warning to the public in September on potential losses from investing in Capital Chicken Ltd, The Mall Fund Limited, …

Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, MasarBadil. (2023-12-07). Call To Workers Of The World: Block The Ships Of Israeli Genocide! The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, calls on all labour activists, trade unionists and workers' organizations to take action to block Israeli ships, refuse to load or unload them, and refuse to transport weapons of war to the Israeli occupation currently waging a genocide against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip. | We have already seen several important actions around the world, first and foremost the actions of the Yemeni military and people in blocking the use of Yemeni seas for the transportation and passage of Zionist ships and cargo.

Brava Theater Center (2023-12-08). Friday 12/15: Ghostly Labor: A Dance Theatre Performance. Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110… (2023-12-08). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-08). Washington Post San Francisco Bureau WBNG Journalists Speak Out At Solidarity Strike Rally. Striking Washington-Baltimore News Guild members who work at the Washington Post rallied in San Francisco and spoke out about why they're striking nationally.

Longshore Rank & File Injured Workers (2023-12-08). Thursday 12/7: Injured Longshore Workers To Protest PMA, Bosses, HMO's, OSHA, Lawyers & US Dep Of Labor. Frank Ogawa Plaza | Oscar Grant Plaze | Oakland City Hall…

The Independent (2023-12-08). Luwero town council disowns protesting mortuary attendants. Luwero, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Luwero town council has suspended the involvement of a mortuary attendant and a casual laborer in handling the burials of unclaimed bodies due to their demonstration over unpaid allowances. George Kallibala, a mortuary attendant, and Rogers Bulime Kakumba, a casual laborer at Luwero Hospital, protested by dumping two decomposing …

WSWS (2023-12-08). Australian Nazis march through regional city as entire establishment vilifies refugees. With a few cosmetic changes, the Nazi rally could have been called by Labor or the Liberal-National Coalition, both of which are engaged in a racist campaign against oppressed refugees.

WSWS (2023-12-08). Australian government rams through detention and citizenship-stripping laws. Backed by a foul witch hunt against refugees and immigrants, the Labor government and the Coalition are lurching further and further toward authoritarian methods of rule.

WSWS (2023-12-08). Labor government announces end of daily delivery at Australia Post. The change is part of longstanding restructuring plans, aimed at slashing costs and transforming the publicly owned mail service into a parcel delivery business, with the ultimate goal of full or partial privatisation.

Brava Theater Center (2023-12-07). Friday 12/15: Ghostly Labor: A Dance Theatre Performance. Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110… (2023-12-07). China's ultra-deep underground laboratory commences operations. The Jinping Underground Laboratory, recognized as the world's deepest and largest ultra-deep underground facility, officially begins operations in Sichuan Province, marking China's entry into the realm of ultra-deep underground research. (2023-12-07). Global deepest, largest underground lab starts scientific operation in SW China. A 2,400-meter-deep physics laboratory in Southwest China's Sichuan Province was put into scientific operation on Thursday, making it the deepest and largest underground laboratory globally, Xinhua News Agency reported. (2023-12-07). World's deepest, largest underground lab operational in China. A 2,400-meter-deep physics laboratory in southwest China's Sichuan Province became operational on Thursday, making it the deepest and largest underground lab in the world. (2023-12-07). Labor falls short on Robodebt royal commission measures. (2023-12-07). Labor must bring refugees to safety from Indonesia, PNG and Nauru.

infobrics (2023-12-07). Strengthened Sino-UAE Bilateral Relations Hailed. The Sino-UAE diplomatic relations, based on the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect, have notably strengthened over recent years, said Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, ambassador of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to China…

Labor Video Project (2023-12-07). Labor, Demo Rights, Zionism & The Attack The UAW 2325 With UAW 2325 Member Mimi Rosenberg. In New York, Zionists in UAW 2325 went to a Federal judge to get a Temporary Restraining Order TRO preventing the local from discussing a resolution to support the Palestine ceasefire and opposing US military aid.

Longshore Rank & File Injured Workers (2023-12-07). Thursday 12/7: Injured Longshore Workers To Protest PMA, Bosses, HMO's, OSHA, Lawyers & US Dep Of Labor. Frank Ogawa Plaza | Oscar Grant Plaze | Oakland City Hall…

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-12-07). Hollywood actors approve new contract. A historic labor dispute officially comes to an end as Hollywood actors vote to ratify a new contract with major film studios. | Nearly 80 percent of the union members who participated voted in favor of the new deal.

Labor Video Project (2023-12-07). Washington Post San Francisco Bureau WBNG Journalists Speak Out At Solidarity Strike Rally. Striking Washington-Baltimore News Guild members who work at the Washington Post rallied in San Francisco and spoke out about why they're striking nationally.

Sharon Zhang (2023-12-07). Democrats Introduce Bill Banning Hedge Funds From Owning Single-Family Homes. Democrats have introduced bicameral legislation this week to take a step toward getting Wall Street out of the housing market amid a crisis during which house prices have soared to record highs. The bill would ban hedge funds from buying and owning single-family homes. The legislation would require hedge funds to sell off their stock of single-family homes over the next 10 years and would then… |

WSWS (2023-12-08). Postdoctoral workers at Icahn School of Medicine in New York begin strike. The strikers are demanding pay increases and wage adjustments for inflation, improved visa and financial support for international researchers, better benefits and healthcare for fellows and increased transparency on authorship and intellectual property.

WSWS (2023-12-08). Question mark raised over the world's most important financial market. The $25 trillion US Treasury market, where government debt is bought and sold, forms the key foundation for the global financial system.

Codepink (2023-12-07). Friday 12/8: Shutdown Lockheed Martin. No Weapons for Genocide. Lockheed Martin Office, 275 Battery St. (@ Sacramento), San Francisco Financial District… (2023-12-07). UN official urges more financial aid to developing nations at COP28. United Nations Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell has called for bigger financial support to the developing nations, stressing finance as the "great enabler for climate action".

Leila Warah, Mondoweiss. (2023-12-07). 'Operation Al-Aqsa Flood' Day 62: United Nations Chief Invokes Article 99. Israel's ruthless attacks, the brutal military siege, and the displacement of over a million people in the space of two months, have left the Gaza Strip in ruins and its population severely traumatized, sick, injured, starving, and, in most cases, homeless. | In only seven weeks, Israel has flattened entire neighborhoods in northern Gaza and severely damaged over 60 percent of its buildings. | The extent of destruction has approached levels seen during the years-long carpet bombing of German cities during World War II, according to a report by the Financial Times. | "Gaza will also go down as a place name denotin…

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-07). Senate Republicans Block $111 Billion Military Aid Bill Over Border Dispute. Senate Republicans blocked a motion to advance a massive $111 billion spending package that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan over a partisan dispute on border issues. The effort failed in a vote of 49-51, with every Republican voting against the measure. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also voted "no" due to his opposition … (2023-12-07). Vietnamese student in China: 'It's more beautiful here than I imagined'. A Vietnamese girl, who is currently studying Tourism Management at Jilin International Students University, has expressed her growing love for China after spending nearly three years in the country. "It's more beautiful here than I imagined," she remarked in Chinese.

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-07). WFP Is Halting Food Distribution In Houthi-Held Northern Yemen. The World Food Programme (WFP) announced on Tuesday, December 5 that it is suspending its food distribution program in areas controlled by the government in Yemen's capital Sana'a due to lack of funds and lack of agreement with the authorities. | The government in Sanaa is backed by the Ansar Allah (Houthi) group which also controls most of northern Yemen. | "This difficult decision, made in consultation with donors, comes after nearly a year of negotiations, during which no agreement was reached to reduce the number of people served from 9.5 million to 6.5 million," the WFP statement read.

David Ruccio (2023-12-08). The machine is broken. Corporations are also using their profits to repurchase their own shares (thereby boosting stock indices to record levels), to finance mergers and acquisitions (which increase concentration, but not investment, and often involve cutting jobs)… (2023-12-08). Data, AI, digital twin investment key to growth. Chinese companies should invest in data, artificial intelligence and digital twins, which are increasingly perceived as key drivers to build resilient supply chains and achieve autonomous production. (2023-12-08). Envoy: Honor spirit of Xi-Biden summit. The recent rhetoric about a "China threat" and calls by some U.S. officials and lawmakers to intensify curbs on exports and investment run counter to the commitments that U.S. President Joe Biden made in his recent summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping in California.

David Ruccio (2023-12-07). The machine is broken. Corporations are also using their profits to repurchase their own shares (thereby boosting stock indices to record levels), to finance mergers and acquisitions (which increase concentration, but not investment, and often involve cutting jobs)… (2023-12-07). National data body highlights role of platform companies. China's National Data Administration highlighted the important role of platform companies in leveraging investment to drive development, jobs and innovations.

The Independent (2023-12-07). 'Too late for new comers in Uganda oil sector'. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Major contracts for construction activities for the Tilenga project have been awarded two years after a Final Investment Decision (FID) for the project was taken. The project is located in Bulisa and Nwoya districts and is led by TotalEnergies. Philippe Groueix, the Chair of TotalEnergies in Uganda and General …

Katya Schwenk (2023-12-08). Private Prison Firms Set To Cash In On Immigrant Surveillance Boom.

The Independent (2023-12-08). Medical bureau explain why not-for-profit hospitals charge exorbitant fees. Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) has spoken out on concerns by the public that Private-not-for-profit-PNFP health facilities continue charging patients highly for services despite receiving an annual grant from the government. Dr Tonny Tumwesigye, the Executive Director of the bureau says the majority of these hospitals were initially …

Media Lens (2023-12-07). Genocide: The Gaze from the Abyss. Left-progressive websites don't always get it right. Take Media Lens, for example. In October, we discussed the corporate media invention of so-called 'disinformation experts'. We lampooned the claim that although journalists are 'working within profit-maximising, billionaire-owned, advertiser-dependent, government-subsidised media, they are nevertheless exposing "disinformation" without the slightest trace of bias'. Last May, the BBC unveiled …

Vijay Prashad, People's Dispatch. (2023-12-07). ExxonMobil Wants To Start A War In Latin America. On December 3, 2023, a large number of registered voters in Venezuela voted in a referendum over the Essequibo region that is disputed with neighboring Guyana. Nearly all those who voted answered yes to the five questions. These questions asked the Venezuelan people to affirm the sovereignty of their country over Essequibo. "Today," said Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, "there are no winners or losers." The only winner, he said, is Venezuela's sovereignty. The principal loser, Maduro said, is ExxonMobil. | In 2022, ExxonMobil made a profit of $55.7 billion, making it one of the world's richest and most powerf… (2023-12-08). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed. (2023-12-07). After years of struggle, NSW public sector wages cap is removed.

WSWS (2023-12-08). Trump threatens dictatorship, but "Genocide Joe" is no alternative. The threat of a personalist Trump dictatorship is now being acknowledged by the Democrats and the corporate media, but they offer no way out of the crisis of American capitalism except imperialist war.

Dave DeCamp (2023-12-07). US Looks to Help Ukraine Increase Its Own Weapons Production. Ukrainian officials traveled to Washington this week to attend a conference on building up Ukraine's own military industrial complex to reduce its reliance on the West for military equipment. Opening the conference on Wednesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the US and its allies would work to strengthen "Ukraine's defense industrial base, both to …

WSWS (2023-12-07). Yellow bankruptcy auction raises $1.9 billion for Wall Street. Yellow's asset auction raised more than enough funds to pay off its nearly $1.6 billion in debt.

Michelle Begue (2023-12-07). Colombians file for bankruptcy. The number of Colombians who declared bankruptcy in 2023 is 1/3rd higher than 2022. | While this may indicate harder times for Colombians, some experts say the good news is that more people are using bankruptcy laws, to recover. (2023-12-08). Online shopping lets us live like kings. Every day most of us take for granted the fact that we can order and purchase all sorts of items online, thanks to e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD and Pinduoduo.

No Automatic License Plate Readers! (2023-12-08). Tuesday 12/12: Stop the City of Santa Cruz from Buying Automatic License Plate Readers. Council Chambers, Santa Cruz City Hall, 809 Center St, Santa Cruz | The proposal to purchase Automatic License Plate Readers is #26 on the city council agenda, and will be heard sometime after 12: 45 PM, in the mid-afternoon or early evening.

Arvind Dilawar (2023-12-08). Walmart Is Selling Hanukkah Candles That Fund Anti-Arab Discrimination in Israel. Each year, in preparation for Hanukkah, many Jews across the United States purchase candles to light their menorahs. For those in areas where Walmart has squeezed out competitors, the limited options of Hanukkah candles to choose from will include Rite Lite, which the superstore stocks from New York to California and sells online. These candles are advertised as benefiting the Jewish National Fund… |

WSWS (2023-12-08). David North sends a message to Sri Lankan SEP members attacked by pro-government thugs. "The cowardly thugs—trade union bureaucrats who serve as the hirelings of the capitalist regime—stupidly believe that they can intimidate our party with such reactionary tactics. In fact, they draw upon themselves the contempt of the working class."

Editor (2023-12-08). Dec 8, 2023. ‚ô´ "Al Pueblo" — Cuban Socialist Song My Speech To A Seminar on Multipolarity, by Larry Johnson Towards a Palestine Without Palestinians, by Philip Giraldi Genocide: The Gaze From The Abyss — Media Lens Jesus Buried Under Rubble in Bethlehem, by Finian Cunningham If The Pro-Israel Position Was Based On Truth And Morality, It Wouldn't Depend On Lies And Slander, by Caitlin Johnstone Day 62: UN Chief invokes Article 99, warning Israel's war on Gaza threatens.. by Leila Warah Israeli Government is 'Breaking Apart' — Türkiye's Erdogan Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hi… (2023-12-08). Ballarat TLC says fascists will never co-opt Eureka Day.

WSWS (2023-12-08). "Helen was a true comrade, who was willing to sacrifice so much, even her life, like Tom Henehan" The following tribute to Helen Halyard was sent by Gary Tyler. Helen played a leading role in the fight carried out by the Workers League, the predecessor to the SEP, and its youth movement, the Young Socialists, to free Gary, who was framed up in Louisiana at the age of 16 for the shooting of a white youth during the integration of Destrehan High School. Convicted by an all-white jury, Gary was initially sentenced to death and released only in 2016.

WSWS (2023-12-08). Growing support for Sri Lankan SEP campaign against pro-government thug attack on its members. "The attack by two SLPP thugs shows the pathetic state of the ruling Wickremesinghe regime which resorts to physical violence to stop the cultivation of socialist consciousness among workers and youth." Andrei Ritsky, Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists from the former Soviet Union.

WSWS (2023-12-08). "Helen was our comrade, friend and fighter. She was an indefatigable fighter for the working class and socialism" We are publishing here the tribute given by Larry Porter, the assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US), to Helen Halyard.

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-12-07). Venezuela: National Assembly Approves Essequibo Defense Law in 1st Discussion. This Wednesday, in an extraordinary session, Venezuela's National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved, in the first discussion of the matter, the Organic Law for the Defense of Essequibo to comply with the mandate issued by the Venezuelan people last Sunday, December 3, in a binding referendum. | The legal text was presented by United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Deputy Diosdado Cabello, who highlighted the massive participation on Sunday in the referendum. | "We came out stronger, more united," said Cabello. "I celebrate the active participation of sectors that are not aligned with the Bolivarian Revolutio… (2023-12-07). Ballarat TLC says fascists will never co-opt Eureka Day.

WSWS (2023-12-07). Public meeting in Australia: Stop the Gaza genocide! Build a socialist anti-war movement! The meeting, in Sydney and online, will discuss the revolutionary socialist perspective required to end the genocide and its source, the capitalist system.

WSWS (2023-12-07). "The essence of Helen Halyard is that she was party, she was cadre" We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by Cheryl Crisp, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Australia, to a memorial meeting for Comrade Helen held by the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the International Committee of the Fourth International on Sunday, December 3.

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