2024-02-02: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Provincial-level regions set GDP targets at about, above 5% for 2024. ecns.cn As of Wednesday, 31 provincial-level regions in China had announced GDP growth targets of about or above 5 percent for 2024, as stronger momentum is expected to be unleashed in the new year.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2024-02-01). China Is 'World's Sole Manufacturing Superpower', 35% Of Global Output. popularresistance.org China has overseen world-historic economic growth through a government-led development model, in which state-owned enterprises control the natural monopolies and "commanding heights" of the economy, state-owned banks give favorable loans to strategic industries, and the state's robust industrial policy helps the country move up the value chain toward higher value-added forms of production. | This model, which Beijing officially refers to as a socialist market economy, has been so successful that a prominent European think tank has acknowledged that "China is now the world's sole manufacturing superpower". | In 20…

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-01). EU Gets Hungary to Agree on 50 Billion Euro Aid Package for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The EU successfully pressured Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to approve a 50 billion euro ($54 billion) aid package to Ukraine, and EU leaders agreed to push through the spending on Thursday. Ahead of the summit, Financial Times reported that the EU was threatening to sabotage Hungary's economy if Orban vetoed the spending package. A …

Dean Baker (2024-02-01). Contrary to What You Read in the Washington Post, Malaysia Is Not Stuck in a Middle-Income Growth Trap. cepr.net The Washington Post ran a piece, Georgetown University professor Erwin Tiongson telling readers that to find out about the state of the world economy, look at the bottom of toy cars. The point was that toy cars are produced by a relatively simple manufacturing process. The countries that manufacture these cars are likely to have …

Michael Roberts (2024-02-01). Davos and the melting world economy. cadtm.org

Ben Norton (2024-02-02). China Is 'World's Sole Manufacturing Superpower' With 35% of Global Output. orinocotribune.com By Ben Norton — Jan 31, 2024 | China's state-led economic development model and robust industrial policy has transformed it into what an influential European think tank calls "the world's sole manufacturing superpower," making up 35% of global gross production — more than the 9 next largest manufacturers combined. | China has overseen world-historic economic growth through a government-led development model, in which

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). Provincial-level regions set GDP targets at about, above 5% for 2024. ecns.cn As of Wednesday, 31 provincial-level regions in China had announced GDP growth targets of about or above 5 percent for 2024, as stronger momentum is expected to be unleashed in the new year.

tvbrics (2024-02-02). India's Finance Ministry: The country's economy to grow by 7 per cent in the next financial year. tvbrics.com This forecast has been made on the basis of strong domestic demand…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-01). ASEAN countries agree to unite efforts to fight cybercrime. plenglish.com During a bloc's digital ministers meeting, participants also pledged to draw up a code of ethics to control the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). | Thailand's Economy and Society Minister Prasert Chanthararuangthong said the 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers' Meeting agreed to set up cybersecurity and fight international cybercrime, besides formulating the so-called AI Governance and Ethics to control AI development. | Thailand proposed the establishment of a working group on anti-online scams in 2023.

Daniel Falcone (2024-02-02). A Radical Reinvention of the Enlightenment. counterpunch.org In this interview, exclusive for CounterPunch, Richard Whatmore discusses his latest book, The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis (Penguin, 2023). In a world that demands highly rational planning to abolish empire and combat the manifest exploitation of a capitalist society, Whatmore emphasizes that the left needs to sustain the critique of fanatical economic practices.

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Fiscal policy aims to whet consumption. ecns.cn The Ministry of Finance will moderately step up proactive fiscal policy adjustments this year while improving fiscal governance efficiency and effectiveness in order to expand domestic demand and boost economic recovery momentum, Wang Dongwei, vice-minister of finance.

Graham Peebles (2024-02-02). The Planet is Under Siege. counterpunch.org How bad must it get before the politicians and corporates act in a way commensurate to the scale and urgency of the environmental emergency? Imprisoned by an economic ideology that demands insatiable consumption and short-term profit; moral weakness in the face of populist pressures from the far right and a staggering degree of self-denial, greed

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women need to be screened for cervical cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While all women can develop cervical cancer, non-Hispanic Black women are more likely to be diagnosed and die of cervical cancer, compared to white women in the U.S.This disparity is not due to genetic differences among white, Black or Hispanic women, but rather related to systemic racism, access to healthcare and socioeconomic factors, says Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist. That is why she encourages women to learn more about this often-avoidable cancer and…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-02). Cuba y la Unión Económica Euroasiática coinciden en profundizar la integración y la cooperación. radiohc.cu La Habana, 2 de feb (RHC) Intervención del primer ministro de la República de Cuba, Manuel Marrero Cruz, en la reunión del Consejo Intergubernamental Euroasiático, celebrada en Almaty, República de Kazajstán…

Al Mayadeen English (2024-02-01). Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger exit ECOWAS, form separate alliance. greenleft.org.au The military governments in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger announced on January 28 that they would leave the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and have formed their own alliance, reports Al Mayadeen English.

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). Railway logistics centers complete. ecns.cn With the establishment of the Harbin Railway Logistics Center on Monday, 39 railway logistics centers across China have been launched, marking a milestone in the development of the railway logistics system and bolstering high-quality social and economic development.

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). Pioneering zone to be launched in Hunan to propel Sino-African trade. ecns.cn China's green light to build a pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa economic and trade cooperation in the central Chinese province of Hunan will pave the way for exploring innovative avenues of bilateral collaboration in the next stage.

Frank Cappello (2024-02-01). LEVER TIME: The Wonk Attempting To Change Republican Economics. levernews.com

GAIA (2024-02-01). The Ripples of a Revolution: The Birth of an Initiative to Combat Single-Use Plastics (SUP) in Asia and the Pacific. pressenza.com In stark contrast to the linear nature of SUPs, the reuse model is designed for multiple lifecycles, offering economic benefits to communities while mitigating environmental impact. Approximately one-third of plastic packaging currently finds its way into the environment, highlighting the urgent necessity of transitioning to reuse. Embracing reuse systems presents an opportunity to reduce plastic pollution by 30 percent by 2040 and potentially decrease greenhouse gas emissions from packaging production by a staggering 80 percent. | Addressing this need, the Asia Reuse Consortium, initially convened by advocacy gr…

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2024-02-01). The ICJ Ordered Israel Not To Engage In Genocide; What Happens Now? popularresistance.org What comes next, now that the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, has handed down its near unanimous ruling that South Africa presented a "plausible" case that Israel was violating the Genocide Convention? | The January 26 provisional ruling — which was a landmark victory for the Palestinian people, and indeed, for international law itself — now goes to the United Nations Security Council for enforcement. It would be within the Security Council's purview to order economic or trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans or even military force. | But in the likely event…

Medea Benjamin, Steve Ellner (2024-02-01). Redefining US-Latin American Relations. counterpunch.org An all-encompassing expression of goodwill in the form of a New Good Neighbor Policy will meet resistance from vested economic and military interests, as well as those persuaded by racist arguments. The Trump administration dusted off the 19th century Monroe Doctrine that subjugates the nations of the region to U.S. interests. The Biden administration, instead

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-01). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women need to be screened for cervical cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While all women can develop cervical cancer, non-Hispanic Black women are more likely to be diagnosed and die of cervical cancer, compared to white women in the U.S.This disparity is not due to genetic differences among white, Black or Hispanic women, but rather related to systemic racism, access to healthcare and socioeconomic factors, says Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist. That is why she encourages women to learn more about this often-avoidable cancer and…

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). China, Japan must nurture a stable and healthy relationship. ecns.cn China and Japan stand as important economic and trade partners for each other and both sides should maintain stable and smooth industrial and supply chains, and promote the healthy and stable development of economic and trade relations.

Gabisile (2024-02-01). Mashatile engages business leaders. sanews.gov.za Mashatile engages business leaders | Deputy President Paul Mashatile has held an interactive session with more than 50 business leaders at a Sandton event organised by The European House — Ambrosetti, a leading global think tank. | According to the Deputy President's Office, Wednesday's event was convened to strengthen the strategic relationships between industry and governments and promote growth through a multi-stakeholder approach. | Discussions touched on various topics, including economic priorities and reforms, tackling unemployment and poverty, building investor confidence in South Africa, and drivin…

Staff (2024-02-01). ALBA—TCP Condemns Recent US Imperialist Actions Against Venezuela. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America—Peoples' Trade Treaty (ALBA—TCP) condemned the most recent imperialist measures taken by the United States against Venezuela and demanded the lifting of the illegal sanctions imposed by the White House against the Venezuelan people. | Through a communiqué, ALBA—TCP stated that the government of the United States "has no moral standing to threaten a free and sovereign state such as Venezuela, an example of participatory democracy in our region." | Likewise, ALBA-TCP urged the international community to condemn the US economic…

Candace Baker (2024-02-02). Why WIC Matters. counterpunch.org When my grandmother was raising my cousins and me, she taught us to work hard and go after what we wanted. I didn't know it at the time, but we were in poverty. Scared of judgment and bureaucracy, my grandmother refused to apply for assistance programs. But that meant she had to work several jobs,

NEOB (2024-02-02). Eskom rolls out load limiting in Gauteng. sanews.gov.za Eskom rolls out load limiting in Gauteng | Eskom is rolling out its load limiting project — aimed at optimising electricity consumption — across Gauteng following the project's successful implementation in Fourways, Johannesburg. | According to the power utility, load limiting aims to better balance the supply and demand of electricity during Stages 1 — 4 of load shedding. | "Through load limiting measures during Stages 1 to 4 of load shedding, customers' electricity capacity will be reduced from 60/80 Amps to 10 Amps. This will allow customers to continue with the minimal use of electricity for…

WSWS (2024-02-01). UPS cuts 12,000 jobs: The ruling class accelerates its policy of mass unemployment. wsws.org The logistics giant's mass layoffs, which will go into effect in the first half of this year, are part of an accelerating and global wave of job-cutting in auto, technology and other industries.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-02). Toolkit for reducing cervical cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. In the U.S., cervical cancer is no longer a common cause of cancer death because of the use of a screening test called a Pap smear, which detects changes in cervical cells. While the overall rate of cervical cancer in the U.S. is declining, the number of people diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer is increasing, and rates among Black women are disproportionately high. Research also indicates…

Rosie Williams (2024-02-02). Cost of living hardest for those on income support. independentaustralia.net

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-02-01). The rent crisis: Half of US renters face unprecedented housing affordability challenges. nationofchange.org The study reveals a staggering 50 percent of U.S. renters were dedicating more than 30 percent of their income to cover rent and utilities.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-01). Kenya Key Message Update January 2024: Household access to food and income is expected to improve through at least May 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Kenya | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | Key Messages | In the pastoral areas, forage and water resources have significantly improved following the conclusion of the October to December 2023 short rains. Satellite-monitored waterpoints indicate that water levels across northern Kenya are greater than the long-term median water level during the pastoral lean season, keeping livestock in the wet season grazing areas and lowering domestic trekking distances for water. The good pasture and forage conditions support good to very good body conditions for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-01). Toolkit for reducing cervical cancer risk. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women globally, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. In the U.S., cervical cancer is no longer a common cause of cancer death because of the use of a screening test called a Pap smear, which detects changes in cervical cells. While the overall rate of cervical cancer in the U.S. is declining, the number of people diagnosed with late-stage cervical cancer is increasing, and rates among Black women are disproportionately high. Research also indicates…

Labor Video Project (2024-02-02). Reinstate Namibian Hasab Mine Unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje. indybay.org Namibian unionist Marcia Kauatjitotje is a union leader at the second largest uranium mine in the world owned by Chinese state owned China General Nuclear Power Group CGNP. She was fired after exposing the conditions at the mine and participating in the Namibian Labour Tribunal last October in the capital Windhoek. She also went to the media and that was one of the charges against her. The Chinese owners said that she had exposed the work conditions embarrassing the company and it's subcontractor Eagle Night Watch. These workers are forced to do mine work at substandard wages with no healthcare and benefits. Sinc…

Neal Meyer, Federico Fuentes (2024-02-02). United States: 'We are living through a resurgence in labour struggles'. greenleft.org.au Neal Meyer a national leader of Bread & Roses (B&R), a caucus of Marxist activists in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) speaks to Green Left's Federico Fuentes about the recent rise in labour activism in the United States.

tvbrics (2024-02-02). The UAE Ministry of Finance implements robotic process automation. tvbrics.com The automation has saved 39,000 hours of human labour…

WSWS (2024-02-01). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands join strikes in Finland against austerity and anti-strike laws across all sectors, including defense, affecting weapons shipments to Ukraine; general strike hits Kurdistan cities in Iran to protest the execution of Kurdish political prisoners, as steel and oil workers continue protests against falling living standards; Ghanaian university administrators in nationwide strike over pay and conditions continues in the face of National Labour Commission's directive…

newarab (2024-02-01). UK Labour in 'damage control' over Gaza, polls Muslim voters. newarab.com The UK Senior party figures are reportedly concerned that damage to Labour voting shares of Muslims, nearly half of whom voted for the party in 2019, could make a difference in over a dozen seats, particularly if polls narrow. | Labour has refused to back calls for a ceasefire in…

Tina Renier (2024-02-01). International Students' Lived Experiences in Canada. Exploitation in the Labour Market. globalresearch.ca

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-02). Labor doubles down on support for genocidal Israel after ICJ ruling. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-02). Labor's 'Stage 3 Lite' still gives biggest tax cuts to the rich. greenleft.org.au

Lindsay Owens, Elizabeth Pancotti (2024-02-02). It's Not Inflation: Here's the Proof We're Getting Ripped Off. counterpunch.org Many Americans are still experiencing the sticker shock they first faced two years ago when inflation hit its peak. But if inflation is down now, why are families still feeling the pinch? The answer lies in corporate profits — and we have the data to prove it. Our new report for the Groundwork Collaborative finds that corporate profits accounted

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: How precise diagnosis of lymphoma offers patients best treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lisa Rimsza is a pathologist, director of the Mayo Clinic Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and researcher with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research specializes in lymphoma, with a focus on developing tests for accurate patient diagnoses and assessing disease aggressiveness. Dr. Rimsza has made significant advances in this field of research. She says having a precise diagnosis allows physicians to provide patients with the best possible treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/M6ARKpwlWYU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-02). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-02). Firman Etiopía y Cuba acuerdo para cooperación en sector azucarero. radiohc.cu La Habana, 2 de feb (RHC) Los grupos de la Industria Azucarera de Etiopía y el Empresarial Azucarero de Cuba (Azcuba) firmaron un memorando de entendimiento para colaborar en la investigación y desarrollo, producción, asistencia técnica, entre otros…

TeleSUR English. (2024-02-02). Argentine Court Invalidates President Milei's Labor Reform. popularresistance.org On Tuesday, the National Chamber of Labor Appeals declared the constitutional invalidity of the labor reform included by President Javier Milei in the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) signed in December. | During a press conference at the Pink House, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni said that Milei will appeal this decision at all necessary levels, including the Supreme Court. | "The reform is essential to create employment, for companies to hire, and to have a much more friendly labor market for both parties," he said, attempting to justify a pro-corporations proposal that has been strongly rejected…

teleSUR (2024-02-02). UN Rapporteur On the Right to Food Visits Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil welcomed Michael Fakhri, the United Nations the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. | RELATED: | "It is an honor to receive the UN Special Rapporteur Fakhri. He will accompany us until February 14 to collaborate in strengthening the Venezuelan people's food security," he said. | During his visit, the UN Special Rapporteur will be able to observe the challenges tha…

a guest author (2024-02-01). Desmontando la hipocresía occidental sobre Xinjiang y Gaza. workers.org Estatua del Presidente Mao Zedong en Kashgar, Región Autónoma Uigur de Xinjiang. Desmontando la hipocresía occidental sobre Xinjiang y Gaza Por Arjae Red Arjae Red, activista sindical y dirigente del Partido Mundo Obrero, junto con Sara Flounders, redactora colaboradora de Mundo Obrero, viajó en mayo de 2023 a la Región . . . |

Drew Bradley (2024-02-01). Detroit rallied for jobs, justice, and Dr. King's "real dream" peoplesworld.org DETROIT — On a chilly Monday afternoon, Detroiters gathered at the Historic St. Matthew's & St. John's Episcopal Church for the 21st Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Rally for Jobs, Peace & Justice. Year after year, this rally brings together a wide range of progressive community, labor and faith organizations to celebrate the life …

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-01). Labor doubles down on support for genocidal Israel after ICJ ruling. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-01). Labor's 'Stage 3 Lite' still gives biggest tax cuts to the rich. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-01). Thousands march for Gaza, as Labor suspends aid to UN Palestine refugee agency. greenleft.org.au

Joseph Trevithick (2024-02-01). Drone Boat Swarm Vision Laid Out By DoD. twz.com The Pentagon is looking for help to turn a vision of future fleets of hundreds of low-cost highly autonomous drone boats able operate collaboratively to intercept "noncooperative" ships into a reality. | What is known as the

Larry Johnson (2024-02-01). Great Conversation with Tom Luongo. sonar21.com A new friend. I was honored to be invited to chat with Tom Luongo. If you don't know Tom, I am a Former Research Chemist, Amateur Dairy Goat Farmer, Anarcho-Libertarian and Obstreperous Austrian Economist whose work can be found on sites like Zerohedge, Lewrockwell.com, Bitcoin Magazine and Newsmax Media. | I have a fantastic wife of 30 years and a teenage daughter, both of whom humble me with affection and respect I feel is now only mostly undeserved. | Professionally, I've spent a lot of my waking hours inside of various analytic laboratories testing…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-01). Mayo Clinic Minute: How precise diagnosis of lymphoma offers patients best treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lisa Rimsza is a pathologist, director of the Mayo Clinic Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and researcher with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research specializes in lymphoma, with a focus on developing tests for accurate patient diagnoses and assessing disease aggressiveness. Dr. Rimsza has made significant advances in this field of research. She says having a precise diagnosis allows physicians to provide patients with the best possible treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/M6ARKpwlWYU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in…

WSWS (2024-02-01). Australia: Psychologist reveals "horrors" for children in Queensland police cells. wsws.org A psychologist's open letter shows that Queensland's Labor state government is systematically inflicting shocking conditions on youth, mostly indigenous, in overcrowded police watch houses.

W. T. Whitney (2024-02-02). U.S. Drug War Arrives in Ecuador, with Baggage. counterpunch.org Joined by other U.S. officials, Laura Richardson, commander of the U.S. Army's Southern Command, was in Ecuador January 22-25 to confer with government leaders there about U.S. military assistance. They included recently elected, and very wealthy, President Daniel Noboa. She mentioned to reporters an "investment portfolio…worth $93.4 million including not only military equipment … [but also] humanitarian assistance and

Independent Media Institute (2024-02-01). How Media Companies Can Meet Their Climate Commitments—and How Readers Can Help. pressenza.com A few simple strategies for recipe curation can help newsgroups achieve their own climate goals. | By Laura Lee Cascada | The global shift toward plant-forward diets, particularly in wealthy countries, is consistently Given the significant influence media wields in shaping cultural norms, news outlets have a unique opportunity to promote plant-based eating, mainly through the recipes they offer their audiences. Through several simple behavioral nudges, news out…

albawaba (2024-02-01). Mark Zuckerberg's wealth soars making him 5th richest person globally. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The fortune of Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, saw a significant increase in 2023, with an addition of $84 billion. This propelled him to become the fifth richest person in the world, with a total net worth of $139.1 billion, according to Forbes' real-time billionaire list.Despite the challenges of the past year, this surge, estimated at around $9.6 million per hour or nearly $230.6 million per day, reflects the recovery of Meta's stock, approaching its all-time high. This reinforces investors' confidence in the company's long-term vision, transforming Facebook into more than just a social media platform.

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Regulation put forward as way to control bride prices. ecns.cn In the ongoing campaign against the escalating bride prices prevailing in rural China, a policy adviser from Jiangxi province has advocated for a solution — introducing a certification system for rural matchmakers.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2024-02-02). Airbnb Drives Up Housing Costs for Everyone: Time to Regulate It. counterpunch.org Americans have been on a vacation binge since the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. In particular, the vacation rental company Airbnb is thriving. Late last year, the company posted its highest-ever profits. Meanwhile cities are seeing rising rents, unaffordable home prices, and increased homelessness. Authorities are now linking these crises in part to Airbnb — and some now

Dean Baker (2024-02-01). GDP Grows 3.3 Percent in Fourth Quarter as Productivity Surge Continues. counterpunch.org The Commerce Department reported that GDP grew at a 3.3 percent rate in the fourth quarter driven by continued strength in consumption. This growth brought the growth for 2024 (4th quarter 2022 to 4th quarter 2023) to 3.1 percent. This is especially striking since this is a year for which many forecasters had projected a

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-01). Caffeine consumption: Some sources may surprise you. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You probably know that tea and coffee contain caffeine, but did you know it also can be found in other drinks, food and some medications? When it comes to caffeine consumption, you're not alone if you depend on it to help you concentrate or be alert. Studies have shown that about 90% of U.S. adults consume a form of caffeine every day. How much caffeine is too much? Caffeine content in beverages widely varies. For…

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). China overtakes India to become the world's largest gold jewelry consumer in 2023. ecns.cn China's consumption of gold jewelry overtook India to become the world's top gold jewelry consumer in 2023, becoming the main engine of growth globally as demand has recovered post-pandemic.

albawaba (2024-02-02). Apple struggles in China despite improved global sales. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — Apple has released its fiscal Q1 report for 2024, which showed a break of the declined sales streak that spanned for four quarters, with quarterly 2 percent higher revenue of $119.6 billion and $2.18 in quarterly earnings per diluted share, a 16 percent increase from the previous year, while sales in China are 13 percent less than anticipated numbers from LSEG, with $20.82 billion compared to analysts' estimate of $23.53 billion.Apple's stock price saw a decline of 1.6 percent during trading hours and 2 percent further in extended trading hours, with the tech giant's Chief Financial Officer, Luca…

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Hungary ends row with EU over aid. ecns.cn The leaders of the European Union's 27 member nations unanimously agreed at a summit in the Belgian capital Brussels on Thursday to send financial aid to Ukraine, ending a row that had exploded between the bloc and member nation Hungary.

Eric Toussaint, Maxime Perriot (2024-02-02). Is there a debt crisis in the South and what is recommended by the CADTM? cadtm.org Maxime Perriot: In an article published in December 2023 you claimed in the wake of a World Bank report that "developing countries" were trapped in a new debt crisis, yet the Financial Times and other sources point out that in the first two weeks of 2024 several so-called developing countries managed to easily refinance their debt. What is actually the situation?
| The three developing countries that managed to sell sovereign bonds all produce oil and gas
| Éric Toussaint: The three countries (…) | – |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-02). Early conflicts between the UN and the World Bank/IMF tandem. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-02). SUNFED versus World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-02). The WB assists those in power in a witch-hunting context. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GABIK (2024-02-02). Over 32 000 beds registered on NSFAS platforms available for students. sanews.gov.za Over 32 000 beds registered on NSFAS platforms available for students | Out of the 40 522 beds registered on the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) platforms at Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges, 32 272 have been accredited and are available for registered NSFAS-funded students. | NSFAS Acting Board Chairperson, Professor Laurens Van Staden, said about 8 250 registered beds on NSFAS platforms in TVET colleges are in the process of being accredited. | "For universities, out of the total of 72 241 beds registered, 43 581 have been accredited and are available for registered NSFA…

Elizabeth Vos, Consortium News. (2024-02-01). Russiagate And Gaza. popularresistance.org Just a few years ago, the Russiagate narrative dominated the news sphere: anyone who questioned the status quo was labeled a Putin puppet or a Russian bot, including American journalists. | In recent months, Israeli officials have similarly labeled anyone and any organization who opposes them as anti-Semitic or Hamas sympathizers, even going so far as to label the International Court of Justice anti-Semitic. | Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took both narratives a step further over the weekend, calling on the F.B.I. to investigate pro-Palestinian protests for alleged financial ties to Russia. | Her statements c…

Eric Toussaint, Maxime Perriot (2024-02-01). Is there a debt crisis in the South and what is recommended by the CADTM? cadtm.org Maxime Perriot: In an article published in December 2023 you claimed in the wake of a World Bank report that "developing countries" were trapped in a new debt crisis, yet the Financial Times and other sources point out that in the first two weeks of 2024 several so-called developing countries managed to easily refinance their debt. What is actually the situation?
| The three developing countries that managed to sell sovereign bonds all produce oil and gas
| Éric Toussaint: The three countries (…) | – |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-01). Early conflicts between the UN and the World Bank/IMF tandem. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-01). SUNFED versus World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-01). The WB assists those in power in a witch-hunting context. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

GABIK (2024-02-01). NSFAS financial aid application deadline extended. sanews.gov.za NSFAS financial aid application deadline extended | The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) board has extended the deadline for applications for student financial aid to 15 February 2023. | The decision was taken during a meeting between the NSFAS board and the South African Union of Students (SAUS). | The NSFAS board, led by Acting Board Chairperson Professor Laurens Van Staden, met with the South African Union of Students (SAUS) Executive, led by President Yandisa Ndzoyiya, to discuss NSFAS's state of readiness for the beginning of the academic year, where the parties agreed on the extension of the 20…

NEOB (2024-02-01). President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa hands over Welisizwe programme bridges | President Cyril Ramaphosa says the Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme remains one of government's top priorities as these bridges improve the safety, well-being, and access for communities in rural areas. | On Wednesday, the President handed over complete bridges at the rural area of Mkhambathini in KwaZulu-Natal. | The Welisizwe Rural Bridges Programme is a result of the objectives announced in the 2023 State of the Nation Address that outlined government's plan to construct at least 96 bridges during the 2023/24 financial year. | Some 11 bridges have b…

EDWIN (2024-02-01). SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA. sanews.gov.za SIU authorised to investigate ECRDA | President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of serious maladministration in the affairs of the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | The SIU is also authorised to recover any financial losses suffered by the State and ECDRA. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for the planning and design of the Marine Tilapia Industry Incubator Project within the Mbhashe Local Municipa…

NEOB (2024-02-01). SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs. sanews.gov.za SIU to probe Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency affairs | The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is expected to investigate allegations of serious maladministration at the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency (ECRDA). | This after President Cyril Ramaphosa signed a proclamation authorising the unit to delve into the affairs of the agency. | SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the unit will also look to recover any financial losses that the state may have incurred. | "Proclamation R147 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting for goods, works or services concerning a tender for th…

Editor (2024-02-02). It's Not 'Inflation' — We're Just Getting Ripped Off. Here's Proof. scheerpost.com

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-01). South Australian tribunal orders employer to pay compensation for vaccine injury. expose-news.com The South Australian Employment Tribunal ordered the Department of Child Protection ("DCP") to pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a covid booster under a …

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2024-02-01). US judge rebukes Biden's "unflagging support" for war on Gaza. electronicintifada.net Civil rights organizations say they are continuing to pursue all legal avenues to stop Israel's crimes.

Amnesty International (2024-02-02). Amnesty International: "States that have suspended funding to UNRWA should reverse their decision" pressenza.com At least 11 states have decided to suspend funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), following allegations that some staff were involved in the attacks perpetrated by Hamas on October 7 in southern Israel. This decision deals a severe blow to the over two million refugees in the occupied Gaza Strip, for whom UNRWA represents the only lifeline. | Amnesty International urges these states to reverse their decision and refrain from suspending funding to the Agency."It is deeply disconcerting — indeed, inhumane — that several governments have m…

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-01). Report: Iraqi Government, Iran Pressured Kataib Hezbollah to Stop Attacking US. news.antiwar.com The Iraqi government and Iran pressured Kataib Hezbollah and other Iraqi Shia militias to suspend attacks against US forces in an effort to de-escalate tensions in the region, Reuters reported on Wednesday. Kataib Hezbollah, one of Iraq's main Shia militias, announced on Tuesday that it was suspending operations against the US because it didn't want …

The Independent (2024-02-02). Developing countries need debt relief. independent.co.ug To act on climate change, the gap between their short-term debt and long-term investment must be closed COMMENT | ISHAC DIWAN & VERA SONGWE | If developing economies found it hard to manage their debts in 2023, they are likely to face even more formidable challenges this year. Though most possess relatively small debt stocks …

tvbrics (2024-02-01). India and the UAE sign a bilateral investment treaty. tvbrics.com The decision will have a positive impact on investment inflow from abroad and on job creation…

Ed Grystar (2024-02-02). High Costs Are Dooming Traditional Medicare. counterpunch.org Medicare was originally established as a quasi single-payer system in 1965 because of the insurance industry's refusal to cover seniors since they didn't generate enough profit. Over the decades, powerful industry lobbying and weak, unprincipled, bipartisan Congressional connivance are permitting the same forces of privatization that control the rest of our healthcare delivery system to

infobrics (2024-02-01). Thakur Family Foundation takes aim at Indian medicines to protect US pharmaceutical profits. infobrics.org India poses a great threat to US pharmaceutical dominance.

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Shanghai makes great strides in improving business environment. ecns.cn A total of 535,500 new market entities were registered in Shanghai in 2023, up 29.1 percent year-on-year, according to a white paper released by Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). Xi chairs CPC leadership meeting to review reports, guideline and regulations. ecns.cn The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Jan. 31.

Monica Moorehead (2024-02-02). 'Palestine has taken center stage in the world struggle against imperialism'. workers.org Excerpted from a talk given by Monica Moorehead, a Workers World newspaper managing editor and editor of "Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle,"at a panel she chaired on"Voices and Defenders of the Palestinian Resistance"during the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine. It was held on Jan. 21 . . . |

Paul Street (2024-02-02). The U.S. Bourgeois Democracy Farewell Tour. counterpunch.org US-Americans, let's get real: Donald "Take Down the Metal Detectors Cuz the Guys with the AR-15s Don't Want to Hurt Me" Trump is damn near on a glide path back to the White House. Fascism, So What? So what if the orange fascist Trump: + now openly channels Hitler by saying that: Marxists, socialists, and communists

C.J. Polychroniou (2024-02-01). 2024 Will See Wave of Minimum Wage Hikes — But the Impacts Won't Be Felt Evenly. truthout.org On January 1, 2024, the minimum wage increased from coast to coast. Indeed, 22 states and more than 40 cities and counties experienced wage increases in 2024 — most of them approaching $15. More states will follow with minimum wage increases later in the year. Undoubtedly, this is mainly the result of underpaid workers organizing and fighting for a decent living wage over the past decade… |

WSWS (2024-02-02). Break the stranglehold the Verdi union! Build independent action committees! wsws.org Calling the first nationwide public transit strike since 1992, Verdi is reacting to the growing anger of transport workers over intolerable working conditions and low wages. But the union is doing all it can to sabotage the strike.

The Independent (2024-02-02). FMD: Government to seek supplementary budget for livestock vaccination. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Frank Tumwebaze has said that government is considering a policy reversal on vaccination of livestock, to allow farmers purchase vaccines. The Minister made this revelation while presenting a statement on the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) during the …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-02-01). Global Coup d'État and the "Great Reset". Global Debt and Neoliberal "Shock Treatment" globalresearch.ca

Angela (2024-02-02). Saturday 2/10: Virtual Meet-Up: Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. indybay.org

Daniel Bernal-Serrano, Paola Abril Campos, Rafael Velasco-Vazquez (2024-02-03). Correspondence] Missing voices from Latin America in the O'Neill—Lancet Commission. thelancet.com We commend the O'Neill—Lancet Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health for advancing health equity for all.1 However, there is a concern regarding the insufficient representation from Latin America, a highly unequal region with a complex colonial history. This omission could perpetuate power imbalances in global health.

Otis Grotewohl (2024-02-02). Socialist Korea and People's China strengthen ties. workers.org Representatives of the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's of Korea (DPRK) held a meeting in Pyongyang, North Korea, Jan. 26, that they described as productive. The meeting indicated growing solidarity between the two socialist countries. Sun Weidong, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Chinese ambassador to the DPRK . . . |

Joe Allen (2024-02-01). The Crisis in the Teamsters. counterpunch.org Last summer, the Teamsters were riding a wave of goodwill and favorable publicity. The union's year-long contract campaign at UPS raised expectations for a potential transformative national strike at the country's largest private-sector employer. Much of the US Left, especially the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), encouraged dozens of their members to get jobs at UPS, while over one

Joe Allen (2024-02-01). The Crisis in the Teamsters. counterpunch.org Last summer, the Teamsters were riding a wave of goodwill and favorable publicity. The union's year-long contract campaign at UPS raised expectations for a potential transformative national strike at the country's largest private-sector employer. Much of the US Left, especially the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), encouraged dozens of their members to get jobs at UPS, while over one hundred of their branches pledged support for their Strike Ready campaign. However ill-defined, the DSA and many other socialist activists expected to play an important role in the coming battle as the National UPS-Teamsters na…

ecns.cn (2024-02-02). Xi visits people in Tianjin ahead of Spring Festival. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited people in the northern city of Tianjin ahead of the Spring Festival.

cameron orr (2024-02-01). Anti-monopoly democracy — a transitional stage. cpusa.org Lenin on Transitional Forms | In 1920, recognizing the temporary restabilization of the capitalist system, V.I. Lenin pointed out that Communist Parties in advanced capitalist countries faced a difficult task. Lenin stated that, | All efforts and all attention should now be concentrated on the next step … That step is: the search after forms of transition or the approach to the proletarian revolution. Since Lenin voiced this profound statement, the international Communist movement has sought a series of transitional forms, changing with each change in objective conditions, to reach the…

ecns.cn (2024-02-01). Xi visits people in Tianjin ahead of Spring Festival. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited people in the northern city of Tianjin ahead of the Spring Festival.

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