2024-02-06: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-02-06). Germany approves $17B support for gas power plants transitioning to hydrogen. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – The German Ministry of Economy announced on Monday that the government has approved plans to support gas power plants that can transition to hydrogen, with a support cost of $17 billion. This move is part of the efforts to address the gaps in renewable energy intermittency and accelerate the shift to low-carbon energy generation.The decision comes after pressure from the industry for more details, following the government's promise of this strategy last year, as Germany relies on hydrogen to move away from gas and coal, Bloomberg reported.After closing its remaining nuclear power plants, Germany has to…

Angela (2024-02-06). Wednesday 2/14: Virtual Meeting: Local Peace Economy. indybay.org

Ben Norton (2024-02-06). Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia. geopoliticaleconomy.com Reports reveal that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) used known criminals to spy on and destabilize the left-wing governments in Venezuela, Mexico, and Bolivia.

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). A-share market needs policy stimulus, experts say. ecns.cn Lack of investor confidence continues to affect the performance of the subdued A-share market, with industry experts calling for stronger policies to seize the right time window to inject more liquidity into the market and buoy overall sentiment.

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). Chinese banks issue 17.86b yuan in loans to first batch of 'white-listed' real estate developers: report. ecns.cn In order to meet the reasonable financing needs of Chinese real estate developers, a total of 17.86 billion yuan ($2.51 billion) in loans has been issued to 83 real estate-related projects included on the "white list".

Pressenza New York (2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. pressenza.com Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy,…

Angela (2024-02-05). Wednesday 2/14: Virtual Meeting: Local Peace Economy. indybay.org

ecns.cn (2024-02-05). Chinese economy shows new vitality. ecns.cn The Chinese economy has shown new vitality in different industries as companies sign new orders and staff members are busy at production lines.

ecns.cn (2024-02-05). China's securities regulator vows to take forceful measures to prevent risks from pledged shares. ecns.cn CSRC) said on Monday that it will closely monitor risks from pledged stocks and take targeted forceful measures to prevent such risks, noting that the current increase in major shareholders adding collateral to their stock pledge is of protective nature and will prevent forced liquidation.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-05). Ukraine – Key Message Update, January 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Ukraine | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | Ukrainian economy continues to recover, but inflation is projected to rise. | Key Messages. | According to the Ukrainian Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Council, Ukraine has enough surplus grain and oilseeds to export another

Ingo Schmidt (2024-02-05). The Indispensable Opponent. indybay.org The West's hostility towards China has increased since China's engine began to stutter. At the same time, the US government is pumping massive amounts of money into the economy and has thus been able to prevent an impending recession for the time being, but is far from regaining its former role as a global engine of growth.

DikelediM (2024-02-06). Progress in the nation's recovery and rebuilding documented in summary five-year review. sanews.gov.za Progress in the nation's recovery and rebuilding documented in summary five-year review | The Presidency has released a five-year review publication that documents the strides made in South Africa's recovery and reconstruction since 2019, delving into the transformative initiatives undertaken by the Sixth Administration, specifically targeting the pressing challenges confronting the nation. | 'Leave No One Behind 2024 — A Five-Year Review', which was released on Tuesday, outlines in summary form the progress made in growing the economy and jobs; fighting corruption; tackling poverty; developing human capita…

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). More measures coming to brighten biz climate. ecns.cn China will take a number of measures to improve its business environment and attract more foreign investment, in order to strengthen the drive for high-quality economic development, officials said on Monday.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-02-06). 25 Years Into The Revolution, Venezuela Resists US Interference. popularresistance.org February 2 marked the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of President Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, which was the beginning of the Bolivarian Revolution. Over the past 25 years, Venezuela has made remarkable gains in reducing poverty, ending illiteracy and building social infrastructure such as housing, health care, education, transportation and more, despite persistent interference by the United States to impose an economic blockade, fund an opposition, attempt coups and assassinations, delegitimize the elections and threaten military attacks. Clearing the FOG speaks with Leo Flores, a Venezuelan activist, about t…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women need to be screened for cervical cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While all women can develop cervical cancer, non-Hispanic Black women are more likely to be diagnosed and die of cervical cancer, compared to white women in the U.S.This disparity is not due to genetic differences among white, Black or Hispanic women, but rather related to systemic racism, access to healthcare and socioeconomic factors, says Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist. That is why she encourages women to learn more about this often-avoidable cancer and…

Rania Khalek (2024-02-06). ECOWAS Exodus: Niger, Mali, & Burkina Faso's Anti-Colonial Uprising Continues. thealtworld.com On January 28, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger announced their withdrawal from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a bloc condemned by West Africa's popular movements as a vestige of French neo-colonial control of the region. In a statement announcing the exit, the three countries stated, "Under the influence of foreign powers", the regional bloc of ECOWAS "has become a threat to its member states." | Kwesi Pratt, Jr. the General Secretary of the Socialist Movement Ghana (SMG), explains how West Africa's popular movements are rising up against French neo-colonialism and what the withdrawal means…

Roger Harris (2024-02-06). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. counterpunch.org The State Department accused the Venezuelan government of actions that are "inconsistent" with the Barbados agreement, negotiated last October. This accord arranged a prisoner exchange with the US and the issuance of licenses allowing Venezuela to sell some of its own oil and gold. The agreement promised temporary and partial sanctions relief for Venezuela, although major coercive economic provisions were still left in place.

The Exposé (2024-02-06). From Democracy to Dystopia: The World Economic Forum's Stealth Takeover. expose-news.com In a world increasingly shaped by shadowy figures and clandestine gatherings, the World Economic Forum (WEF), spearheaded by Klaus Schwab, emerges as a formidable architect of a future where national borders blur …

_____ (2024-02-05). The Transnational Capitalist Class. The Billionaires, the Trillionaires. "Stake Holder Capitalism" and the New World Order. transcend.org 21 Jan 2024 – In 2011, the Great British Class Survey was conducted in collaboration with the University of Manchester, the London School of Economics, and the University of York. The British have always been obsessed with class, so it is not surprising that they would attempt something of this nature.

DikelediM (2024-02-05). Indaba to place spotlight on local mining industry. sanews.gov.za Indaba to place spotlight on local mining industry | The 2024 Investing in African Mining Indaba will place the spotlight on the significant potential of the mining sector in fostering economic expansion and employment opportunities, said President Cyril Ramaphosa. | "This week's Mining Indaba in Cape Town will showcase the enormous potential of the mining industry to drive economic growth and job creation. The actions underway to improve the logistics system will help us to unlock this potential, given that mining companies depend on the rail network and ports to compete in global markets. | "From the work alrea…

Editor (2024-02-05). China is 'world's sole manufacturing superpower', with 35% of global output. mronline.org China's state-led economic development model and robust industrial policy has transformed it into what an influential European think tank calls "the world's sole manufacturing superpower", making up 35% of global gross production—more than the 9 next largest manufacturers combined.

infobrics (2024-02-05). The BRICS Wealth Report: Challenging the Global Economic Order. infobrics.org The total investable wealth currently held in the BRICS bloc amounts to USD 45 trillion and its millionaire population is expected to rise by 85% over the next 10 years, according to the inaugural BRICS Wealth Report, published by international investment migration advisory firm Henley & Partners in partnership with global wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth…

infobrics (2024-02-05). BRICS to Dominate Global GDP by 2050. infobrics.org Over the past year, the BRICS economic alliance has grown notably in its prominence. Indeed, the bloc enacted its first massive expansion since 2001, inviting six nations to join its ranks…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Black women need to be screened for cervical cancer. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While all women can develop cervical cancer, non-Hispanic Black women are more likely to be diagnosed and die of cervical cancer, compared to white women in the U.S.This disparity is not due to genetic differences among white, Black or Hispanic women, but rather related to systemic racism, access to healthcare and socioeconomic factors, says Dr. Olivia Cardenas-Trowers, a Mayo Clinic urogynecologist. That is why she encourages women to learn more about this often-avoidable cancer and…

tvbrics (2024-02-05). Mozambican carrier opens additional routes to South Africa. tvbrics.com The move will boost economic and cultural ties between the countries…

WSWS (2024-02-05). Indonesian presidential candidates back greater military spending. wsws.org All three candidates indicated a tilt away from economic dependence on China and by implication closer relations with US imperialism as it ratchets up its war preparations against Beijing.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-02-06). Tedros the Terrorist tries to push WHO's Pandemic Treaty using university students. expose-news.com Over the weekend, the University of Warwick concluded its Warwick Economics Summit. On the second day, 3 February, the World Health Organisation ("WHO") Dictator-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, joined the Summit via Zoom …

albawaba (2024-02-06). Saudi $100B Alat appoints previous DELL executive CEO. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — New Saudi Arabia firm has announced the appointment of Amit Midha, previously president for Asia Pacific and Japan Global Cities at Dell Technologies, as Chief Executive Officer to lead Alat, a newly established technological advancement company backed by a $100 billion in capital investments from the Public Investment fund, which has been putting focus on funding advanced project with a $700 billion budget in line with the kingdom's 2030 plan to diversify economical income.Alat is described by Midha in a recent statement as an enterprise dedicated to transforming top international corporations a…

albawaba (2024-02-06). Former Chinese banker gets suspended death penalty for corruption. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – A former high-ranking banker in China, Tian Huiyu, has been sentenced to a suspended death penalty by a court in Changde, Hunan province. Tian, who previously served as the president of China Merchants Bank and was a close aide to the country's former economic minister, has been found guilty of corruption charges including bribery and insider trading.According to the court's ruling, Tian will face the death penalty with a two-year reprieve, meaning if he stays out of trouble during this time, his sentence could be reduced to life imprisonment. He was convicted of abusing his position in state-owned ins…

Editor (2024-02-06). "What Is Anti-Racism?" — review. mronline.org Arun Kudnani traces its roots to the campaigns of 1930s' cultural thinkers such as anthropologist Ruth Benedict and gay rights activist Magnus Hirschfield, who were theorising the rise of Nazism in Germany and urged the U.S. political elite to educate the working class, believing that without this, economic hardship would make racism more likely.

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). Fresh chickens return to Macao market shelves. ecns.cn Fresh chickens from the mainland returned to Macao supermarkets on Feb 2, ensuring a plentiful supply for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

_____ (2024-02-05). Wealth of Five Richest Men Doubles Since 2020 as Five Billion People Made Poorer in "Decade of Division," Says Oxfam. transcend.org 15 Jan 2024 – * Fortunes of five richest men have shot up by 114 percent since 2020. * | * The world could have its first-ever trillionaire in a decade; it would take over two centuries to end poverty. *…

Andrés Tapia Arias, Andrés Madrid Tamayo, People's Dispatch. (2024-02-05). Capitalism And Drug Trafficking In Ecuador. popularresistance.org Ecuador is experiencing a wave of organized crime violence that is linked to structural problems. It is the product of a complex context divided between the increase in poverty, new drug routes worldwide and the emergence of a local narco-bourgeoisie. Amid all this, a global crisis of neoliberal capitalism, and consequently, the decomposition and rupture of the social pact between classes, peoples and hegemonic blocks. | In this context, the Government of Daniel Noboa has decided to confront the wave of drug crime that is drowning Ecuador through the declaration of internal armed conflict. In other words, war aga…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-02-05). The Hegemonic UN-WEF-NATO Triad: U.N. "Sustainable Development" (SDG 2030) = Endless Wars, Poverty and Famine Worldwide. globalresearch.ca First published by Global Research on October 2, 2023 | *** | February 5, 2024, we commemorate Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann. | "Those of us who do understand the nefariousness of the empire, and the ever-increasing danger it represents, must be clear that …

Chris Walker (2024-02-05). Report Lauds Effects of Guaranteed Income Program for Struggling Boston Families. truthout.org A guaranteed income program in Boston, Massachusetts, which began in the summer of 2021, resulted in numerous positive outcomes for recipients, highlights a recently published study by the groups that organized the program. Camp Harbor View and UpTogether, the organizations that dispersed the payments, privately funded the program from a group of 107 donors. Around $750,000 was raised in total… |

newarab (2024-02-06). UK Labour's ratings tumble among Brit Muslims amid Gaza war. newarab.com

DikelediM (2024-02-05). Work seekers warned not to fall for jobs scam. sanews.gov.za Work seekers warned not to fall for jobs scam | The Department of Employment and Labour has warned work seekers not to pay for employment opportunities. | The department has noted with concern a number of scams that keep popping up periodically, where unemployed people are promised jobs at a fee. | The latest scam is one that uses the department's name for promises of so-called admin worker jobs, where scammers request unsuspecting members of the public to pay a refundable fee of R250 at PEP stores for background checks. | "Work seekers are advised not to deposit any fees and share their contact and personal inf…

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-06). Labor doubles down on support for genocidal Israel after ICJ ruling. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-06). Palestine solidarity supporters call on Labor to boost funding to UNRWA. greenleft.org.au

Jack Rasmus, LA Progressive. (2024-02-06). How US Government Statistics Are Like The Bible. popularresistance.org This week on February 2nd, the US Labor Department released its monthly jobs report for January. One of the Department's two surveys showed +353,000 jobs created in January. But a second report shows a drop in total employment in January of -1,070,000 full time and part-time jobs (and an additional -400,000 jobs if one includes unincorporated independent contractors jobs. So, like the Bible, one can find whatever one wants in the government job stats. | So why the discrepancies between the two surveys in the monthly jobs report? | One reason is that the two surveys have big differences in their methodologies (and…

Jack Rasmus (2024-02-06). Why US Government Statistics are Like the Bible. counterpunch.org On February 2, 2024 the US Labor Dept released its monthly jobs report for January. One of the Department's two surveys showed +353,000 jobs created in January. But a second report shows a drop in total employment in January of -1,070,000 full-time and part-time jobs (and an additional -400,000 jobs if one includes unincorporated independent

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-06). Mayo Clinic Minute: How precise diagnosis of lymphoma offers patients best treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lisa Rimsza is a pathologist, director of the Mayo Clinic Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and researcher with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research specializes in lymphoma, with a focus on developing tests for accurate patient diagnoses and assessing disease aggressiveness. Dr. Rimsza has made significant advances in this field of research. She says having a precise diagnosis allows physicians to provide patients with the best possible treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/M6ARKpwlWYU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-06). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-06). Presidente de México presenta paquete de reformas a la Constitución. telesurtv.net Las propuestas abarcan varios rubros, como pensiones, salarios, programas sociales, derechos laborales y política energética, entre otros.

UAW Labor For Palestine, Mondoweiss. (2024-02-06). Honor The Palestinian Trade Union Picket Line. popularresistance.org On October 16, 2023, Palestinian trade unions issued an urgent call to End all Complicity and Stop Arming Israel. At the CAP Conference on January 24, 2024, the UAW International Executive Board — without membership engagement or approval — crossed that picket line by endorsing Joe Biden, whose administration arms, funds, and facilitates the relentless Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Gaza and throughout historic Palestine that has already killed more than 30,000 people, including thousands of children, in just over 114 days.

WSWS (2024-02-06). Australian Labor government backs US bombings and wider war in Middle East. wsws.org Echoing the Biden White House, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declared his government's full support for Washington's strikes on alleged Iranian-linked sites in Syria and Iraq.

_____ (2024-02-05). After Expelling Palestinian Workers, Israel Turns to the Global South for Labor. transcend.org 26 Jan 2024 – Israel has thus far signed agreements with Kenya and Malawi to bring in workers to its agricultural sector, which has otherwise relied on Palestinian and Thai migrant labor.

Chris Mills Rodrigo (2024-02-05). It's Not 'Inflation' — We're Just Getting Ripped Off. Here's Proof. inequality.org Many Americans are still experiencing the sticker shock they first faced two years ago when inflation hit its peak. But if inflation is down now, why are families still feeling the pinch? The answer lies in corporate profits — and we have the data to prove it. Our new report for the Groundwork Collaborative finds that corporate profits accounted …

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-05). Labor doubles down on support for genocidal Israel after ICJ ruling. greenleft.org.au

greenleft.org.au (2024-02-05). Labor's 'Stage 3 Lite' still gives biggest tax cuts to the rich. greenleft.org.au

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2024-02-05). Hyundai Workers Roll The Union On In Alabama. popularresistance.org Auto workers at Hyundai in Montgomery, Alabama, have signed up more than 30 percent of their nearly 4,000 co-workers in an ambitious drive to unionize. | The Auto Workers (UAW) announced the organizing breakthrough with a new video, "Montgomery Can't Wait," where workers link the labor and civil rights movements: "Montgomery, the city where Rosa Parks sat down, and where thousands of Hyundai workers are ready to Stand Up." | "There's something about our fight to unionize being homegrown that makes it just that much sweeter," said Quichelle Liggins, a 12-year quality inspector at Hyundai.

Mark Gruenberg (2024-02-05). Ukraine moves to supersede national labor federation. peoplesworld.org KIEV, Ukraine—Even as U.S. President Joe Biden declares Ukraine is a frontline democracy amidst its war with Russian invaders, Ukrainian unions would sharply differ with him. Because if an independent non-government-controlled labor movement is a characteristic of a democracy, then Ukraine—whose current labor laws mimic weak U.S. labor law in many ways—is headed in the …

newarab (2024-02-05). Israel needs 5 years to recover from Gaza war: ex-spy chief. newarab.com Israel's former spy chief said the country would need at least five years to recover from the Yossi Cohen, Mossad's former director, didn't elaborate further but said that Israel would have to pay a heavy price to bring back captives still held in Gaza. | Speaking to the Israeli public broadcaster Kan, Cohen said any

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: How precise diagnosis of lymphoma offers patients best treatment options. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lisa Rimsza is a pathologist, director of the Mayo Clinic Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory and researcher with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. Her research specializes in lymphoma, with a focus on developing tests for accurate patient diagnoses and assessing disease aggressiveness. Dr. Rimsza has made significant advances in this field of research. She says having a precise diagnosis allows physicians to provide patients with the best possible treatment. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/M6ARKpwlWYU Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 05) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-05). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-06). Cuba and Spain carry out exchanges on communications. plenglish.com First Deputy Minister of Communications Wilfredo González Vidal detailed, during a videoconference with Spanish and Cuban businessmen residing in Spain, the domains in which there is potential to deepen existing or new types of collaboration ties. | Vidal explained that there are possibilities of developing joint models with Spain. "Joint projects could be marketed in Latin America due to the language facilities that the two nations share," he said. | In his introductory words, González Vidal mentioned among Cuba's strengths the formation of human capital, which offers a space in a sphere in which there is great…

UAW Labor For Palestine, Mondoweiss. (2024-02-06). Honor The Palestinian Trade Union Picket Line. popularresistance.org Endorsing Joe Biden's re-election is in direct violation of the UAW's December 1 call for ceasefire in Gaza and UAW President Shawn Fain's claims to uphold justice in and beyond the workplace.

Staff (2024-02-05). President Maduro Announces Cabinet Changes. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, announced several changes in his Cabinet days before the announcement of the 2024 Presidential Elections schedule. Through his social media accounts, he reported the appointment of Luis Villegas Ramírez as Minister for National Commerce. Dheliz àÅlvarez, who held that position, will become the new Minister for Women and Gender Equality, and Guy Vernaez will become the new Minister for Communes. Alexis Corredor will become the new Minister of the Social Labor Process. | "With the need to continue advancing in the strengthening of the government team, I have decided t…

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-02-05). TSE de El Salvador sigue sin actualizar resultados electorales. telesurtv.net El TSE de El Salvador indicó a los integrantes de las Juntas Receptoras de Votos que elaboren las actas de forma manual.

albawaba (2024-02-06). Biden administration considers recognizing Palestinian state. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- President Joe Biden addressed Hamas's reaction to the proposed agreement brokered by Qatar for a prisoner exchange and ceasefire, stating that negotiations are ongoing. He refrained from elaborating on the details of Hamas's response at this time. According to NBC, a senior US administration official added that the Biden administration is exploring options to recognize a Palestinian state following the Gaza conflict. Meanwhile, Hamas released a press statement confirming its response to the framework agreement, expressing a positive outlook and aiming for a comprehensive ceasefire, relief for Palestinia…

Adriaan Alsema (2024-02-06). Pressure on Colombia's Supreme Court to pick new chief prosecutor. colombiareports.com Labor unions and political organizations close to Colombia's President Gustavo Petro announced protests to demand the Supreme Court pick a new chief prosecutor. Teachers union Fecode said it will take…

WSWS (2024-02-06). The 66th annual Grammy Awards: Notable protests against Israeli-US genocide in an ocean of self-satisfaction. wsws.org The event was largely a spectacle of self-congratulation and jockeying for position among wealthy celebrity performers. However, broader tendencies also made themselves felt.

Binoy Kampmark (2024-02-05). When Much is Too Much: Elon Musk's Compensation Package. counterpunch.org When is the acquisitive nature of open frontier capitalism too much? When Elon Musk is told that US$56 billion as a pay package is unfair. This, at least, was the finding by Delaware Court of Chancery by Judge Kathaleen McCormick regarding the spellbinding 2018 compensation package for the planet's wealthiest human being. McCormick and Musk already have

David Bollier. (2024-02-05). Using Solar Commons To Decentralize And Share Solar Energy. popularresistance.org Energy from the sun is sure one of the most pervasive forms of common wealth. So why not capture and share that wealth more widely with everyone? | That's the basic idea behind the Solar Commons, a prototype project that uses revenue streams from solar energy and partnerships to build community wealth. The primary vehicle is a Solar Commons trust agreement among diverse community groups and the owner of a solar power array. | The driving force behind this socio-legal innovation has been Kathryn Milun, a community-engaged scholar, writer and energy democracy advocate.

albawaba (2024-02-06). Gold prices in Riyadh today, Tuesday 6 February. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — Gold prices in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today, Tuesday, February 6, opened at SAR 7605.74 per ounce, according to saudigoldprice.com.24-karat gold rates in Riyadh on Tuesday: The price per gram of 24-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 244.52 today, Tuesday.22-karat gold prices in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday: The price per gram of 22-karat gold in Saudi stood at SAR 224.14 early today, Tuesday. 21-karat gold rates in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday: The price per gram of 21-karat gold in KSA stood at SAR 213.96 at the start of the business day, today, Tuesday.18-karat gold prices…

Sonali Kolhatkar (2024-02-06). The Real Reason Your Grocery Bill Is Still So High. counterpunch.org Americans have had to weather much in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic first began, including price inflation of basic necessities. Grocery bills, especially, are a drain on household finances. But, as recent reports show, inflation is easing across many industries, and yet food prices overall have remained stubbornly high. Not only is that an indication of

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-05). Mali Price Bulletin, January 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Mali | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing monthly prices in the current marketing year in selected urban centers and allowing users to compare current trends with both five-year average prices, indicative of seasonal trends, and prices in the previous year. | Millet, rice, and sorghum constitute the basic staple foods for the major…

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-05). Niger Price Bulletin, January 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Niger | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing monthly prices in the current marketing year in selected urban centers and allowing users to compare current trends with both five-year average prices, indicative of seasonal trends, and prices in the previous year. | Millet, maize, cowpea, and imported rice are the most important food com…

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-05). Nigeria Price Bulletin, January 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Nigeria | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing monthly prices in the current marketing year in selected urban centers and allowing users to compare current trends with both five-year average prices, indicative of seasonal trends, and prices in the previous year. | Sorghum, maize, millet, cowpea, gari (fermented cassava starch), and r…

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-05). Senegal Price Bulletin, January 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Senegal | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) monitors trends in staple food prices in countries vulnerable to food insecurity. For each FEWS NET country and region, the Price Bulletin provides a set of charts showing monthly prices in the current marketing year in selected urban centers and allowing users to compare current trends with both five-year average prices, indicative of seasonal trends, and prices in the previous year. | Rice, millet, sorghum, and maize are the primary staple foods in Seneg…

tvbrics (2024-02-05). Chinese exports contribute to global consumer goods deflation. tvbrics.com Electronics prices continue to fall, reducing inflation in several countries…

Gabisile (2024-02-06). Prices of petrol and diesel to go up from Wednesday. sanews.gov.za Prices of petrol and diesel to go up from Wednesday | Mineral Resources and Energy Minister, Gwede Mantashe, has announced the adjustment of fuel prices for February 2024, which shows a hike in both petrol and diesel prices. | The price adjustments will come into effect from Wednesday, 7 February 2023. | Consumers will now pay 75c more for a litre of unleaded petrol of both grades (93 and 95), while the wholesale price of diesel will go up by between 70c and 73c. | The wholesale price of illuminating paraffin will be increased by 53c a litre and the maximum retail price for LP gas is going up by 37c per kg.

Ann Brown (2024-02-06). Avoiding Bait And Switch Marketing And Sales Techniques: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Bait and switch tactics have long been a thorn in the side of consumers, leaving them feeling deceived and frustrated. This morally questionable sales technique involves enticing customers with promises of quality products or unbeatable prices, only to switch them out for something else entirely once they've taken the bait. It's a form of retail …

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). 4th CICPE scheduled from April 13-18, further boosting consumption recovery. ecns.cn The 4th China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE) will take place in Haikou, capital of South China's Hainan Province, from April 13 to 18, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday.

albawaba (2024-02-06). Paris Olympics chief is officially under investigation over salary disclosure. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – AFP reported citing inside sources that an investigation has been launched into the salary of Tony Estanguet, the head of the Paris Olympics organizing committee.The investigation by magistrates specialized in financial crimes began "last week" and will look into the way Estanguet receives his pay as chief executive of the organizing committee.

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). China's ODI reaches $148 billion. ecns.cn China's outward direct investment (ODI) reached $147.9 billion last year, edging up 0.9 percent year-on-year, among which non-financial ODI grew 11.4 percent to $130.1 billion, said a report by accounting firm EY China.

Eric Toussaint, Maxime Perriot (2024-02-06). Is there a debt crisis in the South and what is recommended by the CADTM? cadtm.org Maxime Perriot: In an article published in December 2023 you claimed in the wake of a World Bank report that "developing countries" were trapped in a new debt crisis, yet the Financial Times and other sources point out that in the first two weeks of 2024 several so-called developing countries managed to easily refinance their debt. What is actually the situation?
| The three developing countries that managed to sell sovereign bonds all produce oil and gas
| Éric Toussaint: The three countries (…) | – |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-06). Early conflicts between the UN and the World Bank/IMF tandem. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-06). SUNFED versus World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint, Maxime Perriot (2024-02-05). Is there a debt crisis in the South and what is recommended by the CADTM? cadtm.org Maxime Perriot: In an article published in December 2023 you claimed in the wake of a World Bank report that "developing countries" were trapped in a new debt crisis, yet the Financial Times and other sources point out that in the first two weeks of 2024 several so-called developing countries managed to easily refinance their debt. What is actually the situation?
| The three developing countries that managed to sell sovereign bonds all produce oil and gas
| Éric Toussaint: The three countries (…) | – |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-05). Early conflicts between the UN and the World Bank/IMF tandem. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-05). SUNFED versus World Bank. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Eric Toussaint (2024-02-05). The WB assists those in power in a witch-hunting context. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

ICRC (2024-02-05). ICRC appoints Chief Financial Officer. icrc.org News release | Marc Rivers joins the ICRC with an outstanding record of senior-level leadership, financial management, risk and compliance.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-06). Bolivia and China to sign financial agreement on zinc plant. plenglish.com La Paz, Feb 6 (Prensa Latina) The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, confirmed that the Ministries of Mining and Development Planning will sign an agreement with the Government of China to finance the construction of a Zinc Plant in Oruro.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-02-05). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

newarab (2024-02-06). Turkish inflation increase adds pressure on central bank. newarab.com The year-on-year

Gabisile (2024-02-05). Health working around the clock to absorb unemployed doctors – Minister Phaahla. sanews.gov.za Health working around the clock to absorb unemployed doctors – Minister Phaahla | Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla says while there are budgetary constraints when it comes to the employment of doctors who wish to remain in the public service after completing community service, the Department of Health is working around the clock to address this. | "We are doing everything possible, working with the provincial Health Departments, to mobilise resources to fund vacant posts, especially in health facilities in underserved communities," the Minister said on Monday. | Phaahla was addressing media on issues related to th…

NEOB (2024-02-05). President Ramaphosa to engage with youth. sanews.gov.za President Ramaphosa to engage with youth | President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to hold a Presidential Youth Engagement at the Belhar Sports Centre in Cape Town on Tuesday. | The engagement forms part of the National Youth Development Agency's reflection on the three years since the initiation of the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) and Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI). | "During this engagement, young people will have access to a Training Hub, facilitating interactions with trainers, mentors and peers who have benefited from the intervention. | "Additionally, an Opportunities Hub will sho…

M. Shahid Alam (2024-02-06). The Confessions of Thomas Friedman. counterpunch.org The inestimable Thomas L. Friedman uncharacteristically makes a dangerous confession. Once again, he writes, there is an awareness "that the U.S. will never have the global legitimacy, the NATO allies and the Arab and Muslim allies it needs to take on Iran in a more aggressive manner unless we stop letting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold our policy hostage…" | Did NYT really allow these words to slip onto its op-ed pages?

newarab (2024-02-06). Thomas Friedman NYT Middle East Animal Kingdom enrages Arabs. newarab.com The short blog post, published on February 2, addressed the ongoing Friedman, a NYT columnist who has regularly upset Middle East natives and experts for de…

Editor (2024-02-06). New York Times' Friedman Hits New Low With Animalization of Arabs and Iranians. scheerpost.com By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Calling people animals is a way to dehumanize them, and probably helps convince individuals that the other people around them approve of treating the animals badly. In ways that aren't entirely clear, this way of speaking is certainly wrought up with violence and even …

Colonel Ann Wright, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-05). For God's Sake Joe, What the Hell Are You Doing? popularresistance.org It's 3am and I can't sleep again. All of us concerned about Gaza and the West Bank are spending sleepless nights and busy days trying desperately to pressure the Biden administration to stop its complicity the relentless Israeli genocide in Gaza, to stop providing weapons and money to Israel and to demand an end to the carnage. Ceasefire Now! | We awakened to the news that the US has attacked Syria, Iraq and Yemen in retaliation for militants firing missiles into US troop areas in Syria and Jordan and Houthis stopping Red Sea cargo ships. Why have there been attacks on U.S. troops and interests?

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-05). Senate Unveils $118 Billion Bill With Money for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and New Yemen War. news.antiwar.com The Senate Appropriations Committee on Sunday unveiled a massive $118 billion spending bill that includes military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as spending for President Biden's new war with Yemen's Houthis. The bill is the result of months of negotiations between Senate Democrats and Republicans on border policies and includes $20 billion …

Jessica Buxbaum (2024-02-05). Facts For Peace: The Billionaire-Backed Campaign Attacking the Palestinian Cause. mintpressnews.com Jessica Buxbaum investigates how "Facts for Peace," founded by Pro-Israel real-estate billionaire Barry Sternlicht, is trying to turn public opinion back in Israel's favor by spending exorbitant amounts of money targeting American social media users.

Michael Arria (2024-02-06). New Senate funding bill would send $14 billion to Israel and cut all funding to UNRWA. mondoweiss.net A new Senate spending bill supported by the Biden administration would rush $14 billion in military aid to Israel while blocking funding to UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-06). Bolivia prepares multi-million investments in Oruro department. plenglish.com During the Solemn Session that Arce attended with vice president David Choquehuanca, the governor of Oruro, Johnny Vedia, and other authorities, Arce explained that the funds will cover projects in the educational, healthcare, and agricultural sectors and related to the industrialization of the department. | The President reported that during the current year the Comprehensive Health Center at Curahuara de Carangas and the Health Center at the municipality of Carangas will be built based on agreements signed with the Special Projects Unit of the Presidency, with an investment of eight million bolivianos (more th…

ISAAC KHISA (2024-02-05). Inside Uganda's industrial boom. independent.co.ug Trade experts recognize progress made but express dissatisfaction with existing trade and investment policies Kampala, Uganda | ISAAC KHISA | In the late 1990s, the Ugandan government came up with the idea of establishing specialized zones dedicated to industries, commonly known as industrial and business parks, where local and foreign investors would be provided with the opportunity …

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-06). Ethiopian-Russian business forum promotes investment opportunities. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, February 6 (Prensa Latina) An Ethiopian-Russian business forum held in Moscow with the participation of companies from Ethiopia and Russia focused on presentations to promote investment, trade and tourism opportunities, local press reported.

Compañeros del Barrio TNDC Workers For Justic (2024-02-06). Monday 2/5: Stop The Corruption At Non-Profits, Union Busting & Privatization-Outsourcing. indybay.org San Francisco City Hall Polk St. Entrance…

ecns.cn (2024-02-06). Stable growth forecast for China's machinery makers this year. ecns.cn China's machinery sector is expected to report year-on-year revenue and profit growth of 5 percent each this year, while exports are likely to increase by around 2 percent, industry experts estimated on Monday.

Katya Schwenk (2024-02-06). TV's Big Dark (Money) Secret. levernews.com

_____ (2024-02-05). Act Now Against These Companies Profiting from the Genocide of the Palestinian People. transcend.org Below is a detailed guide to our targeted consumer boycotts, divestment and pressure campaigns. Help us spread the word to maximize our impact!

Compañeros del Barrio TNDC Workers For Justic (2024-02-05). Monday 2/5: Stop The Corruption At Non-Profits, Union Busting & Privatization-Outsourcing. indybay.org San Francisco City Hall Polk St. Entrance…

albawaba (2024-02-06). Is UK about to reveal actual Bitcoin inventor?>. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — A court in London has opened its doors for a case brought upon by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a non-profit organization founded by Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder, and several key figures in the Crypto industry like Coinbase and Microstrategy, against an Australian computer scientist named Craig Wright, who alleges to be the highly debated Bitcoin Inventor, dubbed "Satoshi Nakamoto" in the Bitcoin Whitepaper manifesto released with the currency in 2008, in hopes to confirm or deny these claims.The UK High Court received this case from COPA in response to several suits filed by Craig Wrig…

ecns.cn (2024-02-05). Campaign to prevent coal mine accidents. ecns.cn China is launching a campaign targeting production safety accidents in coal mines following a newly enacted administrative regulation focused on the problem.

Speak Out Now (2024-02-06). Saturday 2/24: Exposing the Lies of Israel's War Machine. indybay.org Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library, 6501 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609 | Also online, see website for zoom details…

Editor (2024-02-05). Book review: 'Pragmatism versus Marxism'. mronline.org Written by Marxist philosopher George Novack (1905-1992) and published in 1975 by Pathfinder Press, "Pragmatism versus Marxism: An appraisal of John Dewey's Philosophy" sought to explain the origins, emergence, class basis, and norms of pragmatism, which has been the predominant mode of thought in U.S. intellectual and political life.

Speak Out Now (2024-02-05). Saturday 2/24: Exposing the Lies of Israel's War Machine. indybay.org Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library, 6501 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609 | Also online, see website for zoom details…

tvbrics (2024-02-06). Hourly wages to increase in South Africa. tvbrics.com The law will come into force from the first of March this year…

WSWS (2024-02-06). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Impoverished residents in Mexico City and suburbs face continuing water shortages while 13,000 teachers in Saskatchewan walked out last week over low wages and underfunding of education.

WSWS (2024-02-05). German Airport security staff go on 24-hour warning strike. wsws.org Around 25,000 security staff employed in passenger, personnel and cargo screening took part in the industrial action, demanding better wages and overtime pay.

WSWS (2024-02-05). Sri Lankan health unions end two-day strike, claiming "positive response" by government. wsws.org Last week's national walkout is a part of a rising wave of strikes and protests over Colombo's International Monetary Fund-dictated attacks on jobs, wages, working conditions and democratic rights.

Editor (2024-02-06). Source Who Revealed How Taxes Steal for the Rich Rewarded With Five Years in Prison. scheerpost.com By Ari Paul / Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR) Because of Charles Littlejohn, we know that former President Donald Trump and a whole bunch of other rich people pay next to nothing in taxes, while the rest of us frantically file tax returns and see our wages sucked away to fund the military, aid …

Eugene Puryear (2024-02-05). Tales from the pages of COINTELPRO. liberationnews.org It is naive to assume that the ruling class and its institutions are not attempting to sow dissension in the ranks of the movements challenging capitalism and imperialism today.

WSWS (2024-02-05). Capitalism leads to genocide and war—youth and students must fight for world socialism! wsws.org The fact that genocide has been adopted as policy by all the major capitalist powers is a warning. Gaza is the test case, the imperialist powers are making clear that there are no "red lines" they will not cross in their struggle to sustain their hegemonic rule.

Angela (2024-02-06). Monday 2/19: Webinar: Dissenters: Students Say No to the Military-Industrial Complex. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-06). Tuesday 2/6: Webinar: The U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the Assault on Gaza. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-05). Monday 2/19: Webinar: Dissenters: Students Say No to the Military-Industrial Complex. indybay.org

Angela (2024-02-05). Tuesday 2/6: Webinar: The U.S. Military Industrial Complex and the Assault on Gaza. indybay.org

ecns.cn (2024-02-05). SPP commits to fighting rise in telecom fraud. ecns.cn Telecom fraud has become characterized by group formation, industrialization and cross-border activities, with some large-scale criminal organizations overseas operating under the guise of industrial and technology parks.

ecns.cn (2024-02-05). Beijing's Yizhuang unveils plans for a 'rocket street' and 18 supporting measures. ecns.cn Yizhuang has announced plans to create a "rocket street" and revealed 18 supporting measures at an industrial meeting on Saturday as part of China's efforts to speed up the development of the commercial space industry.

WSWS (2024-02-05). English local councils face £4 billion funding gap, bankruptcy and maximum council tax hike. wsws.org Institute for Government figures show that even with the £600 million in additional funding, the core money available to councils will still be 10 percent lower than in 2010-11.

marketing (2024-02-06). US, UK May Recognize State Of Palestine After Gaza War #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – Asia Times) The US and UK governments have indicated they are considering recognizing Palestine as a state after the current conflict ends. | On a visit to Lebanon on February 1, the UK …

marketing (2024-02-06). Coach Of Inter Miami Explains Why Messi Not Play In Match In Hong Kong #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – AzerNews) The head coach of the American Inter Miami, Gerardo Martino, | explained why the striker of the team Lionel Messi had not played | with the local club Hong Kong XI (4: 1), Azernews …

marketing (2024-02-05). A 6-Year-Old In Gaza City Was Calling To Be Rescued. Did Anyone Find Her? #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – The Peninsula) The Washington Post The Hamada family was trying to get to safety. An order from the Israeli military had gone out earlier on Monday, ordering them to evacuate their …

marketing (2024-02-05). Billie Eilish Wins Grammy For Record Of Year #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – AzerNews) By Alimat Aliyeva | With the song called What Was I Made For? American singer Billie | Eilish was awarded a Grammy in the nomination "Record of the Year," Azernews reports. | The …

marketing (2024-02-05). Israel's War On Gaza Updates: Officials Report 'Massacre' In Deir El-Balah Death Toll Rises To 27,478 #MENAFN #Bitcoin #LatestNews #BreakingNews. menafn.com (MENAFN – Nam News Network) | GAZA, Feb 6 (NNN-XINHUA) The death toll of Palestinians killed from Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip has risen to 27,478, the Palestinian Health Ministry said, …

Ron Jacobs (2024-02-05). Any Way You Look at It, You Lose. counterpunch.org Here it is, February 2024 and it's as if the US' two major parties had already held their nominating conventions. Biden vs. Trump. Two corpses of the US political system as the vaunted democracy's choices. Reactionary neoliberalism or reactionary fascism. The key word in both phrases is reactionary. At this point in history, I don't

Editor (2024-02-06). What's the Fate of Social Security in a Brutally Unequal America? scheerpost.com

guest author (2024-02-06). Venezuelan analyst: Lenin on 'Socialism and War'. workers.org By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein A message from Rodríguez Gelfenstein, a political analyst and former Venezuelan diplomat and official, to the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine on Jan. 21 in New York City. Amid the horror exposed by Israel's colonial-imperialist aggression against the Palestinian people, we commemorate the . . . |

WSWS (2024-02-06). Australian pseudo-left slanders workers, defends unions' complicity in Gaza genocide. wsws.org Defending the union bureaucracy, prominent Socialist Alliance member Tim Gooden described workers as ignorant adherents of the "Murdoch media," whose attitude to the mass murder of Palestinians is "it's got nothing to do with us…"

Editor (2024-02-05). Trudeau, Restore UNWRA Funding Now: An Open Letter. socialistproject.ca Dear PM Trudeau and Minister Hussen, | I am still reeling over your decision to cut aid to UNRWA. What a disgrace! And, this, at a time when the people of Gaza (and elsewhere in the Middle East) are in desperate need of help. Allegations levelled at UNWRA, which emanate (through torture) from the Israeli military, are highly suspicious. They come on the heels of the ICJ's preliminary ruling and can only be construed as a vicious riposte against the UN, and as an

A Guest Author (2024-02-06). Lenin yesterday, today, tomorrow. workers.org By Georges Gastaud Gastaud is a retired teacher, union militant and for nearly two decades the general secretary of the Pole for the Rebirth of Communism in France, the PRCF. His message to the Lenin Centennial, held in New York City on Jan. 21, follows: In 2024, we commemorate the . . . |

Pavan Kulkarni (2024-02-05). "We will fight in the streets of Nairobi for our brothers and sisters in Haiti" peoplesdispatch.org Despite the prohibition by Kenya's High Court, President William Ruto has vowed to deploy policemen within this week to Haiti. Communist Party of Kenya leader Booker Omole says Ruto is selling the country's foreign policy to the highest bidder, namely the US…

Patricia Harrity (2024-02-06). Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969 — Part 1 — "Plans Much Bigger Than Communism." expose-news.com "Plans much bigger than communism' have been set in motion" and people who were not primarily in public office, but people of prominence and known to the public through their occupations or …

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