2024-08-03: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-08-03). VIDEO: SEP (Australia) national secretary calls for workers and youth to put a socialist anti-war party on the ballot. wsws.org In this video, Cheryl Crisp urges viewers to support the Socialist Equality Party's campaign to provide the working class with a political voice, in opposition to the pro-genocide, pro-war Labor government and political establishment.

Max Elbaum (2024-08-03). The United States presidential election after Biden's withdrawal — The energy has changed. The underlying politics have not. links.org.au Max Elbaum — The mood among opponents of MAGA has shifted dramatically. But the electoral map hasn't changed, and the Gaza genocide continues. What does this mean for progressives and the socialist Left?

Hanny Al-Samkari, James B Bussel, Yoshi Miyakawa, Catherine M Broome (2024-08-03). Correspondence] Efgartigimod for primary immune thrombocytopenia: the ADVANCE IV trial — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Jeremy W Jacobs and colleagues for their comments about the ADVANCE IV trial.1 Regarding efgartigimod and laboratory assessment of immunohaematologic parameters, the authors raise some intriguing approaches that could be investigated in the future. In clinical trials, efgartigimod has resulted in a 60—80% reduction of IgG concentrations from baseline,1,2 as has been observed with other neonatal Fc receptor inhibitors. Whether this reduction reaches the IgG concentrations required for the potential effect described by Jacobs and colleagues is unknown.

Jangu E Banatvala, Peter Muir, Will Irving, Emma Meader, Sandeep Ramalingam, Mike Kidd (2024-08-03). Correspondence] The role of the clinical virologist in pandemic responses. thelancet.com The UK Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely criticised. In an Offline piece,1 The Lancet described the findings of the COVID-19 Inquiry as evidence of "criminal incompetence". Many of the people who advised the Government had little front-line experience in laboratory, epidemiological, and clinical aspects of infection. Although expert advisory groups could not be expected to accommodate all scientific specialties, it is unfortunate that clinical virologists, who have front-line expertise in diagnosis, infection control, and epidemiology, were not widely consulted on setting up the Natio…

Juan Garay, Elham Kateeb, Diana Zeballos, Luis Eugenio Souza, Steering Committee of the Sustainable Health Equity Movement (2024-08-03). Correspondence] Inequity in sustainable health today. thelancet.com The COVID-19 pandemic starkly highlighted health inequities disproportionately affecting socioeconomically vulnerable communities worldwide. Disadvantaged populations faced higher infection and mortality risks than advantaged populations, compounded by systemic inequities that treat health as a commodity. Overwhelmed health-care systems in high-income countries foreshadowed dire challenges for low-income and middle-income nations. Wealthier nations' stockpiling and profiteering led to an open letter to the UN, supported by over 120 entities representing five million public health professionals and advocates for t…

WSWS (2024-08-03). Australian Labor government whitewashes Israel's murder of aid worker. wsws.org The report into the killing of Zomi Frankcom is a straight repeat of IDF lies, underscoring Labor's full support for the murderous operations of the Zionist regime, including those directed against Australian citizens.

scorinoco (2024-08-03). President Maduro and 8 Former Candidates Attend Supreme Court Hearing, Far-Right Edmundo González Absent. orinocotribune.com Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro, along with eight former candidates for the July 28 presidential elections, went to the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to sign a document in which they promised to comply with the commitment to collaborate with and abide by the decisions of the highest court of the country. | On Friday, August 2, President Maduro, Antonio Ecarri from Lápiz Alliance, José Brito from Primero Venezuela, Luis Eduardo Martínez from Acción Democrática and COPEI, Benjamín Rausseo from Conde, Javier Bertucci from El Cambio, Daniel Ceballos from AREPA, Claudio Fermín from Solutions for Venezuela, and Enr…

Greg Godels (2024-08-03). Searching for JD Vance. dissidentvoice.org What explains the meteoric rise of a little-known principal at an investment firm to one of the youngest, least politically experienced Vice-Presidential candidates in US history? How did Senator J. D. Vance rise from relative obscurity in 2016 to become the current running mate to Donald Trump? Simple: groveling service to the ruling class. In …

Rachel Fink (2024-08-03). These are the airlines cutting flights to Israel as regional tensions and prices skyrocket. haaretz.com So far, all U.S. airlines serving Israel, along with several European carriers, have suspended flights. El Al, Israel's flagship airline, is maintaining its regular schedule, but prices have soared…

newarab (2024-08-03). Ben Sedrine, ex-head of Tunisia's truth commission arrested. newarab.com In "This decision [to arrest Sedrine] was based on an investigation initiated by the investigating judge of the economic and financial judicial hub, following a complaint from a member of the Truth and Dignity Commission," said Mohamed Zitouna, spokesperson for the Tunis First Instance Court, to local radio Mosaique FM. | The Truth and Dignity Commission (TDC, or IV…

Duncan Freeman, Labor Notes. (2024-08-03). Leadership In AFSCME DC 37 Is Stifling Rank And File Engagement. popularresistance.org Members of District Council 37's Local 3005 in New York City say that attempts to mobilize their coworkers over the last two years have been stonewalled and met with apathy by union leadership. | Current and former members say that since the pandemic, they have presented proposals to create a membership committee, speak out about city budget cuts, fight for telework rights and other efforts and that all were slow-walked or shot down by the union's president Jeff Oshins. | Most recently, some members have wanted to introduce motions calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and for the New York City Employees' Ret…

Editor (2024-08-03). How Unelected Regulators Unleashed the Derivatives Monster — and How It Might Be Tamed. scheerpost.com By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost "It was not the highly visible acts of Congress but the seemingly mundane and often nontransparent actions of regulatory agencies that empowered the great transformation of the U.S. commercial banks from traditionally conservative deposit-taking and lending businesses into providers of wholesale financial risk management and intermediation services." — …

Paddy Colligan (2024-08-03). Remembering Vietnamese hero Nguy·ªÖn Phú Tr·ªçng. workers.org Nguy·ªÖn Phú Tr·ªçng, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Secretary of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party and Chairman of the National Assembly, died July 19, 2024, at the age of 80. Tr·ªçng was widely respected for his ideological contributions as well as his long leadership . . . |

aljazeera (2024-08-03). Vietnam President To Lam gets top job as Communist Party chief. aljazeera.com Lam has taken the nation's top job but it is unclear whether he will also remain president.

CADTM Afrique (2024-08-03). The fourth CADTM-Africa University, in coordination with the World March of Women (WMW) and the National Forum on Economic and Social Strategies (FNSES). cadtm.org

Patrick Bond (2024-08-03). Corporate Corruption of South African Politics and Economics. cadtm.org

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). CPC Central Committee seeks opinions, suggestions from non-CPC personages on economic work for second half of this year. ecns.cn The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a symposium at Zhongnanhai in Beijing on July 26 to seek opinions and suggestions from leaders of the central committees of non-CPC political parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), and representatives of personages without party affiliation on the country's current economic situation and economic work for the second half of the year.

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). China taking steps to expand market access. ecns.cn China is taking significant steps to expand market access and encourage foreign investment across a wide range of industries such as finance, manufacturing and services, the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). China aims to expand FTAs. ecns.cn China is poised to expand its high-standard free trade zone network, with a focus on accelerating its accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and advancing negotiations with multiple countries.

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). To Lam elected as Vietnam's party general secretary. ecns.cn Vietnamese President To Lam has been elected as general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee, according to a press conference here on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2024-08-03). Xi congratulates To Lam on election as general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee. ecns.cn General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a message to To Lam, congratulating him on election as general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-03). Official at the centre of the Olympic gender row worked at WEF and calls Kier Starmer an "old mate" expose-news.com Mark Adams, the spokesman for the International IOC who is vehemently defending the right for men to compete in Olympic women's boxing events, worked at the World Economic Forum for 10 years …

Rhoda Wilson (2024-08-03). Official at the centre of the Olympic gender row worked at WEF and calls Kier Starmer an "old mate" expose-news.com Mark Adams, the spokesman for the International IOC who is vehemently defending the right for men to compete in Olympic women's boxing events, worked at the World Economic Forum for 10 years …

Prof Denis Rancourt (2024-08-03). Spatiotemporal Variation of Excess All-cause Mortality in the World (125 countries) During the COVID Period 2020-2023 Regarding Socio-Economic Factors and Public Health and Medical Interventions. globalresearch.ca Summary: | We studied all-cause mortality in 125 countries with available all-cause mortality data by time (week or month), starting several years prior to the declared pandemic, and for up to and more than three years of the Covid period (2020-2023). …

Michael Webster (2024-08-03). The Looming Financial Crisis: An Urgent Warning. indybay.org The U.S. financial landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of economic indicators, market dynamics, and geopolitical factors. Recent trends suggest heightened vulnerabilities in various sectors, including housing, debt markets, and international trade…

Yaiyr Carter (2024-08-03). Intro To Black August by Yaiyr Carter. indybay.org Black August is about the kinds of resistance to white supremacy that is not limited by the bounds set by the ruling class and its collaborators.

Speak Out Socialists (2024-08-03). Friday 8/16: Our Society in Crisis: We Don't Have to Accept This! indybay.org 2727 California St. | Berkeley, CA…

Labor Video Project (2024-08-03). Arrest Billionaires Not The Homeless! Rally At SF City Hall To Protest Attack On Homeless. indybay.org

Michael Webster (2024-08-03). The Looming Financial Crisis: An Urgent Warning. indybay.org The U.S. financial landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of economic indicators, market dynamics, and geopolitical factors. Recent trends suggest heightened vulnerabilities in various sectors, including housing, debt markets, and international trade…

East Bay Democratic Socialists of America (2024-08-03). Monday 8/26: üåπ Divest From Apartheid: Teach-in. indybay.org EBDSA Office/Zoom – 1610 Harrison St Suite D, Oakland, CA, 94612…

Yaiyr Carter (2024-08-03). Intro To Black August by Yaiyr Carter. indybay.org Black August is about the kinds of resistance to white supremacy that is not limited by the bounds set by the ruling class and its collaborators.

Editor (2024-08-03). Spanish citizens revolt: 'Less tourism, more life'. mronline.org Spaniards across the country are protesting against the uncontrolled influx of tourists that has caused a collapse in quality of life, a jump in housing prices and a rise in the cost of basic necessities.

Editor (2024-08-03). U.S. economists 'expose' China's economy. mronline.org Bourgeois economists, ever ready to proclaim the impending demise of the socialist economic model in the People's Republic of China (PRC), find every opportunity to throw shade on China's economic system.

Gerardo Daumon (2024-08-03). The Havana Reporter /No 8 AGO 3, 2024. plenglish.com Discussions at the National Assembly of People's Power; approval of new laws; announcement of measures to face the serious economic crisis the country faces, and constant calls for unity in the face of the increasing hostility by the United States, are some of the topics featured in the August edition of The Havana Reporter. In …

Martin Hacthoun (2024-08-03). Cuba will increase sevenfold solar energy generation. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba will reportedly increase sevenfold the generation of energy with the use of solar radiation through a macro investment program that is part today of the program to change its energy matrix and sovereignty on this field.

presstv.ir (2024-08-03). At least 13 killed in Nigeria protests against economic crisis. presstv.ir Nigeria's security forces have killed at least 13 people protesting against economic hardship, rights groups say.

presstv.ir (2024-08-03). Hundreds join pro-Palestine rally in Sydney attempting to disrupt NSW Labour conference. presstv.ir Hundreds joined pro-Palestine rally outside Sydney Town Hall demanding Australia's PM Albanese to speak for ceasefire in Gaza.

unitedEditor (2024-08-03). Venezuela: Logbook of a new victory. uwidata.com By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, Caracas, Venezuela The presidential election has concluded. They were long days of extreme tension in which the Venezuelan people were subjected to strong psychological pressure campaigns accompanied by enormous financial and media support for the opposition that included an action of digital terrorism against the National Electoral Council (CNE), preventing it …

WSWS (2024-08-03). Organise action committees to fight privatisation of Telecom, Insurance and Electricity corporations! wsws.org We cannot defend our jobs, wages and working conditions and improve them under these unions. We have no time to waste in organising a united struggle against the government's IMF austerity.

WSWS (2024-08-03). Intel slashes 15,000 jobs as US unemployment rate jumps to 4.3 percent. wsws.org The cuts at intel are only the latest in a global offensive against jobs, particularly through the use of new labor-saving technologies.

WSWS (2024-08-03). Way forward for Walmart Chile workers after union federation sells out mass strike. wsws.org The accumulation of obscene wealth by Walmart and the Walton family is a direct product of the super-exploitation of an underpaid workforce, which has been reduced from 2.3 million in 2020 to 2.1 million in 2024.

WSWS (2024-08-03). The way forward for Walmart Chile workers after union federation sells out mass strike. wsws.org The accumulation of obscene wealth by Walmart and the Walton family is a direct product of the super-exploitation of an underpaid workforce, which has been reduced from 2.3 million in 2020 to 2.1 million in 2024.

WSWS (2024-08-03). Top-level US-Philippine ministers meeting escalates war drive against China. wsws.org Blinken announced that the US would be providing $US500 million in additional military funding for the Philippines to "boost security collaboration."

Jess Spear (2024-08-03). Jess Spear (RISE, Ireland): Capitalism kills — The case for ecosocialism. links.org.au Jess Spear — We need to place an understanding of the ecological crisis at the centre of what we are doing. We are not just ecosocialists when we are campaigning about the environment and socialists the rest of the time.

Liliana Segura (2024-08-03). Bitcoin Bros and the MAGA Faithful Converge in Nashville — and Embrace an Alternate Reality. theintercept.com It was an hour before the motorcade was set to arrive in downtown Nashville, and the lady in the "Trump Save America" T-shirt was explaining why she hates Kamala Harris. "I'm not meaning to say I'm a prejudiced person," she began. Of the many ways to end such a sentence, none were promising. I assumed she would call the vice president a "DEI hire," as right-wing pundits had done all week. But she veered in a different direction. | Harris, the woman went on, believes in pushing homosexuality, transgenderism, and "people acting like cats and dogs." At her grandniece's public school in Kentucky, students identify…

noemail (2024-08-03). Innovations in Science: Fighting Dengue, Unveiling Mummy Mysteries, and Moon Discoveries. devdiscourse.com A Spanish laboratory is actively stemming the tide of dengue fever by breeding and sterilising thousands of tiger mosquitoes, as climate change accelerates their spread across Europe. Utilizing an electron accelerator, the Biological Pest Control Centre in Valencia sterilises approximately 45,000 male mosquitoes weekly to reduce the mosquito population by preventing females from transmitting diseases.

noemail (2024-08-03). Justin Timberlake's DWI Charge and Olympic Athlete's Financial Rescue. devdiscourse.com In a recent development, pop star Justin Timberlake has pleaded not guilty to a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge during a court hearing in Sag Harbor, New York. Following his arrest in June for not obeying a stop sign and veering off lane, his driving privileges in New York have been suspended pending his next hearing on August 9.

Anand Naidoo (2024-08-03). The Heat: Global Economy. america.cgtn.com

newleftreview (2024-08-03). Radhika Desai: Peak Hindutva? newleftreview.org As Modi's BJP loses its overall majority, Radhika Desai examines the part played by India's capitalist conglomerates in his rise—and the contradictions on which their strategy has foundered. The economic crisis of the parched countryside as brake on Hindutva's forward march.

Holly Chik,Ralph Jennings (2024-08-03). Despite reforms, Vietnam remains a non-market economy, US declares. scmp.com US Commerce Department keeps the country on a list of12 nations so designated, including China and Russia, surprising some analysts.

Urban CNY News (2024-08-03). New York State Announces $17.2 Million To Strengthen Social Services that help Vulnerable Families Achieve Financial Stability. urbancny.com Governor's Family-Centered Services Initiative Supports Local Departments That Serve Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Income Families Across New York Initiative First Announced as Part of Governor's 2024 State of the State Governor Kathy Hochul on August 2nd, announced $17.2 million in awards through the Family-Centered Services initiative to strengthen social services that help vulnerable families achieve financial stability. This funding will help local social services departments throughout New York to hire more staff as they continue serving hundreds of thousands of low-income families statewide. "We're strengthe…

Kandy Wong (2024-08-03). China's EV, battery firms bolt into emerging markets as trade remains caustic. scmp.com Although China's electric vehicles are proving a sore spot for the US and EU, firms making the cars and their batteries are setting up facilities in emerging markets to meet a groundswell of demand.

The Independent (2024-08-03). Deputy Secretary to the Treasury: Loan repayments are chocking Uganda. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Uganda has joined the international chorus urging for the reform of international financial architecture. The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap says reforming the international financial architecture is imperative to give developing countries like Uganda a fair chance to turn its immense potential into opportunities to overcome future challenges. …

Charles Rotter (2024-08-03). Exposing the Financial Web: Clinton-Run Organizations Funding Climate Activists. wattsupwiththat.com American voters who have bought tote bags decorated with pictures of Mrs Clinton or sweatshirts promoting abortion rights have inadvertently funded disruption in the UK.

UMMID (2024-08-03). Indonesia announces major crackdown on smoking, cigarette sales. ummid.com In a major crackdown on smoking, Indonesia on Wednesday banned cigarette sales to people under the age of 21 while announcing a new regulations to curb tobacco addiction.

newleftreview (2024-08-03). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? newleftreview.org Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

newleftreview (2024-08-03). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

Holly Chik,Ralph Jennings (2024-08-03). Despite reforms, Vietnam remains a non-market economy, US declares. scmp.com US Commerce Department keeps the country on a list of 12 designated nations, including China and Russia, surprising some analysts.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-08-03). Intercambia Primer ministro de Cuba con colaboradores en Angola. radiohc.cu La Habana, 3 ago (RHC) La compleja situación por la que atraviesa Cuba y las acciones para reimpulsar su economía centraron hoy el diálogo entre el primer ministro, Manuel Marrero, y una representación de los colaboradores de la isla en Angola.

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