2023-05-10: News Headlines

Ben Norton, Michael Hudson (2023-05-10). NY Times is wrong on dedollarization: Economist Michael Hudson debunks Paul Krugman's dollar defense. geopoliticaleconomy.com Economist Michael Hudson responds to the misleading arguments against de-dollarization that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made in his attempt to defend US hegemony and the dollar system.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-05-10). India: The grim unemployment scenario. mronline.org THE data on unemployment brough out by the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE) present a grim picture. Not only has the unemployment rate increased sharply for some years now, starting from even before the pandemic, but the figure which had shot up during the pandemic has not come down much despite the recovery that has occurred in the level of GDP from its trough.

Misión Verdad (2023-05-10). Where is Latin America on the De-Dollarization Map? orinocotribune.com By Mision Verdad — May 8, 2023 | In recent weeks, the information trend in economic matters has been led by multiple geopolitical endeavors that point towards de-dollarization or the diversification of finance and the world economy. It is becoming evident that a transformation of the financial system is being forged with the intention to decentralize the dollar rather than eliminate it from the overall equation, a move led by large emerging powers. | In the case of Latin America, two events showed important signs of such a financial transformation since they came from the countries that represent the largest…

Staff (2023-05-10). Mexico's AMLO sent Biden letter blasting US 'interventionism' and funding of opposition groups. geopoliticaleconomy.substack.com Subscribe now Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent US leader Joe Biden a letter criticizing Washington for meddling in his country's internal affairs. The document condemned funding that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has given to right-wing opposition groups that have organized protests against Mexico's elected government, seeking to destabilize it. USAID …

ecns.cn (2023-05-10). VP calls for economic partnership on Portugal visit. ecns.cn Vice-President Han Zheng has reaffirmed China's commitment to deepen cooperation with Portugal and the European Union to promote the growth of the economy and aid global economic recovery during a visit to Portugal from Sunday to Tuesday.

teleSUR (2023-05-10). Republicans, Democrats in Fight as Debt Default Deadline Looms. telesurenglish.net Republicans and Democrats are nowhere near a deal after a high-profile debt ceiling meeting failed to yield a breakthrough on Tuesday, risking a debt default that economists warn could cripple the U.S. economy and spawn a financial crisis. | RELATED: | Republicans are proposing spending cuts in exchange for raising the borrowing limit. U.S. President Joe Biden and Democrats, meanwhile, are urging Congress to pass a "clean" debt ceiling increase without conditions.

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-09). Senator Whitehouse: 275 of 315 Pages of GOP Debt Limit Bill Are Big Oil Favors. truthout.org As congressional Republicans unite around their plan to hold the economy hostage in order to advance their extremist debt limit package, some Democrats are pointing out that the vast majority of the bill is dedicated to favors for the fossil fuel industry. Last week, the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing on the Limit, Save, Grow Act, dubbed the "Default on America" bill by Democrats. |

Amitabha Roychowdhury (2023-05-10). Multilateral banks debunk Indian government's claims on growth rate. peoplesdispatch.org The so-called theory of trickle-down effect projected by the government (high prosperity of the rich flows down to enhance the economic welfare of the poor) has been debunked by the data on the growing gap between the rich and the poor in the country, rising poverty, unemployment, and the perpetually rising prices…

WSWS (2023-05-10). German Chancellor Scholz visits East Africa and sends the Bundeswehr to Niger. wsws.org Africa, too, is increasingly coming into the focus of German imperialism. The coalition government is aggressively pursuing the goal of increasing Berlin's political, economic, and military influence on the resource-rich continent.

Staff (2023-05-10). Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprueba 67 nuevos actores económicos (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Economía y Planificación anunció hoy la aprobación de 67 nuevos actores económicos, como parte de las medidas para impulsar el desarrollo económico y social. De estos, 63 son mipymes privadas y 4 son mipymes estatales.

teleSUR (2023-05-10). 42nd ASEAN Summit Kicks Off, ASEAN Centrality, Economic Growth. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the 42nd summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) officially kicked off in the town of Labuan Bajo situated in the eastern region of Indonesia. | Related: | Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, delivered a discourse advocating the significance of ASEAN unification and economic integration as key factors in fostering regional peace and development. | "With unity, ASEAN will be able to b…

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-09). Recession Watch: Professional Networking Leader LinkedIn Lays Off 716 Workers. moguldom.com Microsoft's business social network platform LinkedIn is discontinuing its China-specific jobs app, InCareer, and laying off 716 workers worldwide, citing unfavorable economic conditions, despite recently reporting 8 percent revenue growth year over year. The Silicon Valley-based company will continue to "manage expenses," CEO Ryan Roslansky said in a memo to employees, suggesting that more layoffs …

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-05-09). Defiant Cuba Celebrates May Day. mronline.org Mainstream reports on this past May Day celebration in Cuba leave out a key element: the imperialist economic and financial blockade.

teleSUR (2023-05-09). Rio De Janeiro To Host G20 Summit In 2024. telesurenglish.net The Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro will host the Group of Twenty (G20) heads of state summit in 2024, Rio state governor Claudio Castro announced. | RELATED: | On his official Twitter account, the governor said that "it's official! Rio will host the G20 heads of state summit next year. The twenty largest world economic powers will gather, plus ten other nations that will be invited, for a total of thirty." | The G20 summit is scheduled for November 2024, w…

Sue Bull (2023-05-10). Labor's budget ignores the needs of millions. greenleft.org.au Labor's budget betrays renters, job seekers and people doing it tough. It leaves millions stuck in poverty while billionaires get tax cuts, argues Sue Bull.

Joel Richards (2023-05-09). Argentina's rising poverty. america.cgtn.com Poverty in Argentina is increasing, with an inflation rate over 100% hitting low-income sectors the hardest.

Adam Theron-Lee Rensch (2023-05-09). No Politics But Class Politics: Class, Identity, Inequality. socialistproject.ca In his recent book, Poverty, by America, Matthew Desmond writes, "Poverty might consume your life, but it's rarely embraced as an identity. It's more socially acceptable today to disclose a mental illness than to tell someone you're broke."

Anonymous (2023-05-10). Breaking: LA Valley College Building Delayed Till 2025. indybay.org $100 million dollar building sold to taxpayers as needed for low-income students will open a almost decade late. In the meantime low income San Fernando Valley students have struggled with mold, asbestos, and flooding.

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-05-09). Defiant Cuba Celebrates May Day. mronline.org Mainstream reports on this past May Day celebration in Cuba leave out a key element: the imperialist economic and financial blockade.

teleSUR (2023-05-09). Rio De Janeiro To Host G20 Summit In 2024. telesurenglish.net The Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro will host the Group of Twenty (G20) heads of state summit in 2024, Rio state governor Claudio Castro announced. | RELATED: | On his official Twitter account, the governor said that "it's official! Rio will host the G20 heads of state summit next year. The twenty largest world economic powers will gather, plus ten other nations that will be invited, for a total of thirty." | The G20 summit is scheduled for November 2024, w…

Sue Bull (2023-05-10). Labor's budget ignores the needs of millions. greenleft.org.au Labor's budget betrays renters, job seekers and people doing it tough. It leaves millions stuck in poverty while billionaires get tax cuts, argues Sue Bull.

Joel Richards (2023-05-09). Argentina's rising poverty. america.cgtn.com Poverty in Argentina is increasing, with an inflation rate over 100% hitting low-income sectors the hardest.

Adam Theron-Lee Rensch (2023-05-09). No Politics But Class Politics: Class, Identity, Inequality. socialistproject.ca In his recent book, Poverty, by America, Matthew Desmond writes, "Poverty might consume your life, but it's rarely embraced as an identity. It's more socially acceptable today to disclose a mental illness than to tell someone you're broke."

Anonymous (2023-05-10). Breaking: LA Valley College Building Delayed Till 2025. indybay.org $100 million dollar building sold to taxpayers as needed for low-income students will open a almost decade late. In the meantime low income San Fernando Valley students have struggled with mold, asbestos, and flooding.

WSWS (2023-05-11). New Zealand teacher strikes continue. wsws.org The unions are seeking to keep teachers and other workers divided so they can impose a sellout agreement in line with the Labour government's austerity agenda.

WSWS (2023-05-10). Widespread anger in New Zealand over anti-immigrant "dawn raids" wsws.org The early morning raid and detention of a so-called "overstayer" has again exposed the fraud of the Labour government's "apology" to Pacific Islanders for the anti-immigrant campaigns of the 1970s.

WSWS (2023-05-10). Australian Labor government's budget hits workers behind sham "relief" wsws.org Workers and their families will even more bear the burden of the real wage cuts, plus soaring mortgage payments, rents and prices for food, petrol and energy, while the wealthy enjoy super-profits and billions of dollars are set aside for war preparations.

WSWS (2023-05-10). Contract bargaining for German public sector workers: A response to the union's lies. wsws.org In line with its close collaboration with the German government, the Verdi leadership is using its apparatus of thousands of full-time officials to suppress the class struggle.

cameron orr (2023-05-10). A people's victory in Chicago. cpusa.org "Happy May Day 2023, Chicago! May we always stand in solidarity with workers everywhere to ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and the right to organize. "Never forget: the power of the people is what built this city and makes Chicago strong." So tweeted Chicago mayor-elect Brandon Johnson, a labor leader, Chicago Teachers Union …

Isaac Nellist (2023-05-10). Labor's budget does nothing for young people. greenleft.org.au Labor's budget is a huge disappointment for many, but especially young people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, surging rents and expensive education. | Despite

Dana Sanchez (2023-05-10). College Graduates Are Expecting To Make $84,000, Report Says Reality Is $55,000. moguldom.com Despite a hot labor market and record-high job openings, college graduates could experience a rude awakening after stepping off the stage of their commencement ceremonies when it comes to salary expectations versus reality. The average starting salary for recent graduates is $55,911 but today's undergraduates expect to make $84,855 one year after graduation — a …

Kap Seol, Labor Notes. (2023-05-10). South Korea: Labor Union Leader Sets Himself Afire. popularresistance.org A South Korean union leader has ended his life, enraged in anger and humiliation as the government attempted to bring racketeering charges against him over union activity. | On the morning of May Day, Yang Hoe-dong, a chapter leader of a national construction workers union, set himself on fire at a courthouse where he was summoned to a hearing for the review of an arrest warrant for him. He was pronounced dead at the hospital the following day. | The death was in protest of attacks by the government of President Yoon Suk-yeol on the 160,000-strong Korean Construction Workers Union and its rival union since Februa…

Dan Bacher (2023-05-10). Big Oil pumps $9.4 million into lobbying California officials in 2023's first quarter. indybay.org WSPA and Big Oil wield their power in 8 major ways: through (1) lobbying; (2) campaign spending; (3) serving on and putting shills on regulatory panels; (4) creating Astroturf groups; (5) working in collaboration with media; (6) sponsoring awards ceremonies, including those for legislators and journalists; (7) contributing to non profit organizations; and (8) creating alliances with labor unions.

Martha Grevatt (2023-05-10). May Day marches and rallies celebrate workers' struggles. workers.org May Day — International Workers Day — commemorates the 1886 struggle in Chicago for the eight-hour day. Despite its radical origins in U.S. labor history, May Day has to a large extent been supplanted by moderate events on Labor Day in September, a holiday designed to dampen class struggle and . . . |

Judy Greenspan (2023-05-10). Oakland teachers launch Unfair Labor Practices strike. workers.org Frustrated by the Oakland Unified School District's refusal to bargain a new contract, more than 3,000 teachers and other educators, all members of the Oakland Education Association, went on strike on May 4. OEA teachers and supporters kick off a march on the second day of the strike. (Credit: Craig . . . |

Pip Hinman (2023-05-09). NT Labor gives fracking the go-ahead, despite First Nations' objections. greenleft.org.au First Nations people, farmers and communities across the Northern Territory have condemned NT Labor's decision to approve exploration permits for shale gas fracking in the Beetaloo Basin. Pip Hinman reports.

Derek Seidman (2023-05-09). Labor Organizers Launch a New Model for the Fight Against Private Equity. truthout.org On May Day, a small group of labor advocates and workers weaved through midtown Manhattan, stopping at the shiny corporate headquarters of several firms with names like KKR, Sycamore Partners, Apollo Global Management, BC Partners and Roark Capital Group. Most people don't recognize these names, or if they do, know very little about them. But these are some of the wealthiest and most influential… |

Rhoda Wilson (2023-05-09). Charles "The Great Reset" King and Global Britain using the Commonwealth, Five Eyes and City of London to exert influence. expose-news.com This week, Charles was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other 14 Commonwealth realms. But that is not all. He has also become head of the British Commonwealth, head of …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-05-09). Charles III Coronation Ignored Imperialism, Colonialism, Genocide, Trauma, Deadly Colonial Legacy & Palestine. libya360.wordpress.com Dr Gideon Polya Perhaps billions around the world saw at least part of the coronation of King Charles III and marvelled at the pomp, the pageantry and the glorious choral music. The colourful military uniforms and the final parade of thousands of British and Commonwealth military forces testified to past imperial glory. However the lavish…

Carolin Kilian, Julia M. Lemp, Laura Llamosas-Falcón, Tessa Carr, Yu Ye, William C. Kerr, Nina Mulia, Klajdi Puka, Aurélie M. Lasserre, Sophie Bright, Jàºrgen Rehm, Charlotte Probst (2023-05-10). Review] Reducing alcohol use through alcohol control policies in the general population and population subgroups: a systematic review and meta-analysis. thelancet.com We estimate the effects of alcohol taxation, minimum unit pricing (MUP), and restricted temporal availability on overall alcohol consumption and review their differential impact across sociodemographic groups. Web of Science, Medline, PsycInfo, Embase, and EconLit were searched on 08/12/2022 and 09/26/2022 for studies on newly introduced or changed alcohol policies published between 2000 and 2022 (Prospero registration: CRD42022339791). We combined data using random-effects meta-analyses. Risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle—Ottawa Scale.

WSWS (2023-05-10). Notes on the financial oligarchy: Jeffrey Epstein and the criminality of the ruling class. wsws.org A lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase gives a window into the narrow, incestuous world of financial-state power.

WSWS (2023-05-10). Financial storms building up on several major fronts. wsws.org In its latest Financial Stability report, issued earlier this week, the Federal Reserve said the runs on SVB and Signature "were of unprecedented speed" compared with previous runs.

ecns.cn (2023-05-10). China appoints Li Yunze Party secretary of new national financial regulatory administration. ecns.cn China appointed Li Yunze as Party secretary of the new national financial regulatory administration on Wednesday.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-05-10). Philly could be next in line for a progressive mayor. peoplesworld.org PHILADEPHIA—Community activist, organizer, and former teacher Helen Gym is putting together a progressive multi-racial coalition in her bid to become the 100th mayor of Philadelphia. Does this sound familiar? It's how financially outgunned Rep. Karen Bass (D) succeeded in her bid to become Mayor of Los Angeles and what Teachers (AFT) member and Cook County …

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-10). U.S. transfers F-22s from Poland to Estonia to "defend NATO's eastern flank" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMay 9, 2023 US F-22s deploy to Estonia from Poland The U.S. Air Force F-22s supporting NATO Allied Air Command's Air Shielding mission along the eastern flank have executed an Agile Combat Employment deployment to Amari Air Base, Estonia on May 8…. The US fighters joined their Royal Air Force colleagues who are …

krish-rad_ind (2023-05-10). U.S. OMB says U.S. military spending this year is $1.448T, next year's request is $1.510T. theduran.com

WSWS (2023-05-10). Australian prime minister hails opening of highly automated grocery warehouse. wsws.org Opening the new Queensland distribution centre, Albanese claimed it would create 320 jobs. The reality is that the facility is part of a $1 billion investment in job-cutting technology by major supermarket chain Coles.

Brittani Banks (2023-05-10). Why There Is a Growing Student Absentee Rate—and How Community Schools Can Fix It. independentmediainstitute.org School absentee rates that increased dramatically during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic have not declined. In fact, they're getting worse, according to a September 2022 research analysis posted on the blog site of Attendance Works, a national nonprofit that advocates for reducing "chronic absenteeism" in schools. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing at least …

WSWS (2023-05-10). The corporatist record of the Communication Workers Union: 2007 to 2023. wsws.org Corporatism asserts a common interest between workers and employers and means the total subordination of the working class to the profit dictates of the company. The bitter experience of the past 15 years shows that there is no such "common interest."

scorinoco (2023-05-10). Privatization of US Healthcare by UnitedHealth Group. orinocotribune.com By John P Geyman — May 7, 2023 | Profiteering against the public interest | Privatization of public programs such as Medicare and Medicaid has been proceeding rapidly in recent years with little coverage by the media of its harms to patients, the public and taxpayers. This article has four goals: (1) to bring brief historical perspective to this trend in the US; (2) to shed light on the experience over the last 12 years of profiteering by UnitedHealth Group, now the largest US private health insurer; (3) to describe negative impacts on our health care system; and (4) to briefly consider lessons that can be l…

repost (2023-05-10). SF City Politicians Outsource Police Oversight To Non-profit HealthRight 360. indybay.org The murders by police and recently by the Walgreen's security guard Banko Brown have exposed the role of Mayor London Breed and the rest of the Democratic Party politicians to allow the police and company police to have free hand. | Diana Aroche started with Coleman Advocates, then worked for Maria Su at the Mayor's Office of Children, Youth, and Families, then for Mayor Edwin Mah Lee – who outsourced Violence Intervention and Prevention to HealthRight 360 – and now works at the SF Police Department as its Director of Policy and Public Affairs.

Editor (2023-05-09). War for Profit: A Very Short History. scheerpost.com

Olivia Rosane (2023-05-09). 'This land is our life': Indigenous Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo people defend forest from illegal destruction in Peru. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo people of the Peruvian Amazon are organizing themselves to protect their ancestral forests and waters from illegal fishing, logging, and coca growing amidst conservation and development efforts from both the government and international nonprofits that they say are ineffective at best and actively harmful to Indigenous ways of life at worst.

Staff (2023-05-10). Venezuela's Opposition Defines Rules for October Primary Elections. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's opposition primaries will take place on October 22 of this year. In recent months, the parameters of the elections that will determine who will be the candidate to face Chavismo in the 2024 presidential elections have been defined. | According to the latest update from the National Primary Commission (CNP) on Sunday, May 7, the regulations establishing the rules for nominations, advertising, participation of witnesses, voting abroad and the voting process have been finalized. | As established by the CNP, the registration of candidacies will begin on May 24 and end on June 23. After this, "admitted…

Friedrich Engels (2023-05-10). "Karl Marx:" A biography by Engels. mronline.org Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier, where he received a classical education. He studied jurisprudence at Bonn and later in Berlin, where, however, his preoccupation with philosophy soon turned him away from law.

midwesternmarx (2023-05-09). Free Cuba to Free Ourselves. By: Calvin Wu. midwesternmarx.com ​We left Havana on May 3. Tired after days of seminars, meetings with locals, and cultural activities, I was able to begin unpacking and relax, unlike many others returning home to the United States who ended up being detained at the airports of Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Newark. They were granted special permission to visit Cuba under the US blockade that has been in place for more than sixty years (except for a short reprieve from 2014—2017). Yet, despite legal documents and …

Ryan Black (2023-05-09). Bernie Sanders Unveils Push For $17-An-Hour Federal Minimum Wage, Citing State Increases. progressivehub.net ARIANA FIGUEROA | FLORIDA PHOENIX…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-05-10). Robin D.G. Kelley: Understanding police violence through racial capitalism. therealnews.com In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George Floyd over an alleged counterfeit bill, catalyzing a nationwide rebellion. Much of the discourse surrounding racist police killings have focused on perceived flaws within the institution of policing itself, but explanations for the consistency and pervasiveness of police violence cannot be found within police departments alone. Police operate within a system of race and class-based segregation,…

Frank Cappello (2023-05-09). üéß MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: V for Vendetta (w/ Evan from LOTP). levernews.com

jamanetwork (2023-05-09). Study: No More Than 6 Teaspoons of Added Sugar per Day. jamanetwork.com Moderate-quality evidence has tied high intake of sugars, particularly those containing fructose, with a range of poor outcomes, such as obesity in children, coronary heart disease, and depression, according to an umbrella review of 73 meta-analyses that included 8601 studies, a majority of which were observational.

Lynda Carson (2023-05-10). Bankruptcy filing for Diocese of Oakland over clergy child sexual abuse lawsuits. indybay.org Diocese of Oakland – Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Documents Filed On May 8, 2023:…

Rick Rozoff (2023-05-10). Germany to boost Puma fighting vehicles to 580 to meet NATO demands, confront Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMay 10, 2023 German lawmakers grant $1.6 billion for 50 Puma fighting vehicles German lawmakers have approved a Defence Ministry request to order 50 Puma infantry fighting vehicles for more than $1 billion, buying into the government's proposition that the purchase bears risks but is necessary to fulfill NATO obligations by 2027. Parliamentarian appropriators …

Staff (2023-05-09). Headlines for May 9, 2023. democracynow.org Israel Bombs Gaza Strip, Killing 13 People, Including Children, Putin Delivers Defiant "Victory Day" Speech as Russia Fires Missiles Across Ukraine, Sudan's Warring Parties Hold Peace Talks in Saudi Arabia But Won't Agree to Ceasefire, Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested in Islamabad, Tens of Thousands March Against Gun Violence in Serbia After Two Mass Shootings, Texas Gunman Was Rejected from Army, Had Nazi Tattoos But Purchased AR-15 Legally, Texas Man Who Rammed SUV Into Migrants Charged with Eight Counts of Manslaughter, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Deploys "Tactical Bo…

Mónica Peralta Ramos (2023-05-10). Del neoliberalismo al mercantilismo: el nuevo consenso de Washington. globalizacion.ca Una creciente crisis de legitimidad y la escalada bélica en Ucrania contextualizan la convocatoria a un "nuevo Consenso ª con el Estado en un rol central. Altos funcionarios del gobierno norteamericano admiten por estos días que el orden económico global, surgido…

Sharon Zhang (2023-05-10). AOC: "Public Policy" Failures and "Demonizing of the Poor" Killed Jordan Neely. truthout.org In a new interview, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has spoken out about the myriad societal causes behind the tragic death of Jordan Neely on a New York City subway last week, saying that his death was the direct result of policy decisions that left him vulnerable to people with a violent hatred of poor people. Speaking with The Cut this week, Ocasio-Cortez said that the neoliberal… |

Ben Norton (2023-05-10). US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine. indybay.org The IMF granted large loans to the invaded country and enforces the so-called neoliberal "Washington Consensus"[1]. In a major privatization campaign, the Ukrainian government is selling off state assets. U.S. corporations such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and Halliburton participate in negotiations to take over the oil and gas industry of the Eastern European country.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-05-10). Ukraine War: Biden Displays Frighteningly Poor Leadership. Lies and More Lies. globalresearch.ca

Ryan Black (2023-05-09). Why Do We Keep Feeding The Merchants Of Death? progressivehub.net DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA | MERCOLA.COM

Ajamu Baraka (2023-05-09). Africans in the U.S. are a colonized people: A comment on the indictment of the African People's Socialist Party. mronline.org Red Scares, McCarthyism, COINTELPRO, "Black Identity Extremists" are all indicative of how the colonized are treated by the state.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-05-10). Communists across Europe mark 78th anniversary of Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. peoplesdispatch.org Soviet red flags were raised in Victory Day celebrations across Europe, despite a ban on the display of Soviet and Russian flags in several countries including Germany…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-05-09). Grenada's PM: We Support China's Efforts Towards Peace and Global Development. orinocotribune.com We are pleased to republish the speech given by Hon. Dickon Mitchell, Leader of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and Prime Minister of Grenada, at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting, which was organized by the Communist Party of China on 15 March. It was originally carried on the website of the Not…

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