2023-06-23: News Headlines

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-06-22). North Korea Slams Blinken's Recent China Visit as 'Begging Trip'. orinocotribune.com North Korea has ridiculed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent visit to China as a "disgraceful begging trip," further slamming it as a failure of policy aimed at exerting pressure on Beijing. | The rare visit was aimed at begging for the relaxation of tensions as the "attempt to press and restrain China may become a boomerang striking a fatal blow to the US economy," said North Korean international affairs analyst Jong Yong in a column published by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Wednesday. | "In a word, the US state secretary's recent junket can never be judged otherwise than a disgra…

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Ann Pettifor (2023-06-22). A new Third World debt crisis? The need for system change. geopoliticaleconomy.com Political economists Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, and Ann Pettifor discuss the growing debt crisis in the Global South and the urgent need for forgiveness and system change.

Staff (2023-06-22). Biden Calls Xi Jinping a "Dictator": China-U.S. Relations and a Growing Multipolar World. democracynow.org Officials in Beijing have denounced U.S. President Joe Biden for describing Chinese President Xi Jinping as a "dictator," calling it a breach of diplomatic protocol. Biden's remark at a fundraising event this week came just days after Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China to help thaw relations at a time of growing competition and suspicion between the two superpowers. "What Biden said, in fact, is true in every word," says Ho-fung Hung, professor of political economy and sociology at Johns Hopkins University, though he adds that China's response is also expected, as…

_____ (2023-06-23). EDITORIAL PRESS RELEASE "NEW EASTERN OUTLOOK" journal-neo.org In connection with the inclusion of New Eastern Outlook in the EU's 11th sanctions package, we sincerely appreciate the free and effective promotion of our journal. For many years, New Eastern Outlook has been an open forum for experts from different countries to express their views on a wide range of political, economic and social […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-06-23). Iran Joins Forces With Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua To Blow Back US Sanctions. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell — Jun 19, 2023 | The president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, concluded this Friday in Havana, a trip to Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, that aimed to denounce the U.S. sanctions and imperialist policy suffered by the four countries, and to create new economic and commercial agreements to promote the development of their peoples. The tour succeeded in uniting forces between these countries, which are under heavy unilateral sanctions at a time of economic hardship. | Raisi was received with honors in Caracas by President Nicolás Maduro. This was the starting point of the leader…

WSWS (2023-06-23). The economic, political and military logic behind the sellout contract for West Coast dockworkers. wsws.org After nearly a year of working without a contract, dockworkers are being told to stop any slowdown on the ports since an undisclosed agreement has been reached.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-06-22). How Does the US blockade Affect Food Production in Cuba? libya360.wordpress.com Alejandra Garcia Food production, marketing, and prices are some of the issues that most concern Cubans and is what most directly impacts our quality of life. Although this is a strategic and priority sector for Cuba, it is directly connected to the current economic situation of the country, aggravated by the impact of the US…

Editor (2023-06-22). The Need to Reform American Labor Laws. scheerpost.com By Bernie Sanders / CounterPunch We are living in a moment where corporate America and the 1% have more economic and political power than they have ever had in the history of our country. The time is long overdue for Congress to stand up for the working families of our country, 60% of whom live …

Staff (2023-06-22). US Non-Compliance With 'Mexico Talks' Agreement Affects Venezuela's Electrical Grid. orinocotribune.com When the "Second Agreement for the Social Protection of the People" was signed in Mexico, within the framework of the Dialogue and Negotiation Table, also known as the Mexico Talks, the priority consisted of addressing, with the expected unfrozen financial resources, the most decisive social and economic injuries to the Venezuelan population. These hardships occur as a consequence of the expansive and generalized use of US illegal "sanctions" including economic and wage limitations, difficulties in accessing food, reduced availability of vaccines and other supplies in public healthcare centers, and failures in bo…

WSWS (2023-06-22). London's Ukraine Recovery Conference plans imperialist looting operation. wsws.org Already being bled white militarily and demographically to weaken Russia, Ukraine faces the same fate economically at the hands of the US and European powers.

ecns.cn (2023-06-23). Insights | China's poverty reduction experience instructive for Latin America: Honduran official. ecns.cn One of the main things that Latin America could learn from China is the strategy used for poverty elimination, said Marcela Arias, minister at the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the UN and Other International Organizations based in Geneva, on Thursday in an interview with China News Network.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-06-22). Poor People's campaigners bring call to end poverty to Congress. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Poor People's Campaign members and their allies descended on Congress advocating an end to poverty in the U.S. But on that issue and others like workers' rights and slashing the military budge, they got a mixed reaction. Several hundred of the campaigners and allies then rallied after a day of lobbying to hear colleagues describe …

Talha Burki (2023-06-24). World Report] Global inequities in access to medical morphine continue. thelancet.com A new WHO report has shown how most of the world's morphine goes to high-income countries, compromising the provision of pain relief. Talha Burki reports.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-23). Labor breaks election promise with new income management card. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2023-06-23). Millions losing Medicaid coverage, other benefits, after Biden-Republican deals. wsws.org The dumping of people off the government program that provides health insurance for low-income adults and children is a direct result of the bipartisan budget deal approved by Biden last December.

ecns.cn (2023-06-23). Insights | China's poverty reduction experience instructive for Latin America: Honduran official. ecns.cn One of the main things that Latin America could learn from China is the strategy used for poverty elimination, said Marcela Arias, minister at the Permanent Mission of Honduras to the UN and Other International Organizations based in Geneva, on Thursday in an interview with China News Network.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-06-22). Poor People's campaigners bring call to end poverty to Congress. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Poor People's Campaign members and their allies descended on Congress advocating an end to poverty in the U.S. But on that issue and others like workers' rights and slashing the military budge, they got a mixed reaction. Several hundred of the campaigners and allies then rallied after a day of lobbying to hear colleagues describe …

Talha Burki (2023-06-24). World Report] Global inequities in access to medical morphine continue. thelancet.com A new WHO report has shown how most of the world's morphine goes to high-income countries, compromising the provision of pain relief. Talha Burki reports.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-23). Labor breaks election promise with new income management card. greenleft.org.au

WSWS (2023-06-23). Millions losing Medicaid coverage, other benefits, after Biden-Republican deals. wsws.org The dumping of people off the government program that provides health insurance for low-income adults and children is a direct result of the bipartisan budget deal approved by Biden last December.

WSWS (2023-06-23). Millions losing Medicaid coverage because Biden ended COVID-19 public health emergency. wsws.org The dumping of people off the government program that provides health insurance for low-income adults and children is a direct result of the Biden administration's ending of the COVID-19 public health emergency, which took effect May 11, 2023.

WSWS (2023-06-23). Germany's highest labour court rules: No to equal pay for equal work. wsws.org The basis of the ruling is that legal requirements for "equal pay for equal work" no longer apply when the trade unions negotiate worse treatment for temps than the permanent workforce.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-23). Environment coalition protests NT Labor's plans for more gas. greenleft.org.au

LaborNet (2023-06-23). Friday 6/23: Hands Off Korean Independent Journalist Jan Jin-young-Drop The Charges NOW! indybay.org San Francisco Korean Consulate | 3500 Clay St. | San Francisco…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-06-23). Sindicatos se movilizan por mejoras laborales en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Por la implementación de iniciativas de mayor seguridad, los constructores uruguayos se concentraron ante las oficinas del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS).

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-23). Prosecutors of Bolivia and Spain strengthen collaboration. plenglish.com La Paz, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia and Spain are preparing cooperation to fight against transnational organized crime, after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on this issue by the Public Ministries of both countries.

Misión Verdad (2023-06-23). The Visit That Could Reignite Talks Between Washington and Caracas. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Jun 22, 2023 | This week, various Venezuelan news outlets have The plane was reportedly carrying Roger Carstens, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the US State Department and current…

JANET (2023-06-22). Eyewitness Xinjiang: the reality vs. U.S. propaganda. iacenter.org By Sara Flounders June 19, 2023 The author is a co-director of the International Action Center and a contributing editor to Workers World newspaper. A slightly abridged version of this article was published in Global Times. U.S. imperialism's hostility to China is increasing — with military threats, new rounds of sanctions and increasingly wild fabrications. The media have been saturated with allegations of human rights abuses, forced labor, religious persecution and "genocide" — especially of Uygur and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. Sara Flounders, Lee Siu Hin and Arjae Red in front of Id Kah M…

The Lever (2023-06-22). üéß LEVER TIME: Boots Riley On The Writers Strike, Organized Labor, And His New TV Show, I'm A Virgo. levernews.com

WSWS (2023-06-22). Pseudo-left Socialist Alternative supports nationalist, pro-business indigenous Voice to Australian parliament. wsws.org Socialist Alternative acknowledges that the Voice to parliament has not emerged from the demands of Aboriginal workers and youth and will do nothing to address their plight, but insists that the Labor government's policy must be supported.

greenleft.org.au (2023-06-23). CPSU campaigns to restore the Commonwealth Employment Service. greenleft.org.au

Editor (2023-06-22). The Unlimited Campaign Spending by Corporations and Billionaires Has Destroyed Democracy. scheerpost.com When corporations use their vast wealth to distort or seize control of the political process, they have ceased to operate within the constraints established at their creation. They are in violation of their own corporate charters and should be shuttered or sold off.

rebekah (2023-06-22). The 2022 Giving Slump Exposes the Fragility of Top-Heavy Charity. inequality.org This week, the Giving USA Foundation published Giving USA 2023: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2022. The numbers were bad. Really bad. 2022 was, as the Chronicle of Philanthropy wrote, "one of the worst years in philanthropy history." Steep revenue losses more than wiped out the giving surges of the previous two …

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-06-23). Summit for New Global Financial Pact comes to an end. plenglish.com Paris, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) The summit for a New Financial World Pact convened by France, in which a hundred heads of State and Government participated, will end with a high-level dialogue and a press conference.

Keegan O'Brien, Left Voice. (2023-06-23). New York City Teachers: Vote No And Fight For More. popularresistance.org Three years ago, we were essential frontline workers, heroes that kept this city running. Now; we are barely worth 3%. But our value is *so* much more than what this contract offers. Yes, there are some decent things, the city knew they couldn't get away with giving us nothing, so they sprinkle in a few concessions to make it appear like they care; a sign on a bonus, a reduction in time it takes to move up in pay scale. These victories matter and we deserve them. We also need to be sober and honest with ourselves that sub inflation 3% annual raises, even with bonuses, utterly pale in comparison to what teachers d…

WSWS (2023-06-22). American Airlines fined $15,000 after worker was sucked into plane engine. wsws.org An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) report stated that the airline did not provide "a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death of serious physical harm to employees that were exposed to ingestion and jet blast hazards."

Mark Gruenberg (2023-06-22). Starbucks is latest corporation ditching Pride to protect profits, showing rainbow capitalism's limits. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Somebody tell Starbucks's bosses that June is Pride Month. They've gone in the other direction. An internal memo, leaked to Starbucks Workers United—the Service Employees-backed group that's aiding the grassroots union organizing drive at the coffee giant—orders local store managers to take down and remove all pro-LGBTQ material from their stores. This is, of course, …

WSWS (2023-06-22). Scapegoated nurse RaDonda Vaught fights for reinstatement of nursing license. wsws.org As nurses warned, Vaught's persecution has opened the door for increased attacks on healthcare workers made to pay for dangerous short staffing and conditions in hospitals driven by profit interests.

WSWS (2023-06-22). Hunter Biden plea deal intensifies political warfare in Washington. wsws.org The plea deal with federal prosecutors is both a cover-up of Hunter Biden's profiteering from the political connections of his father and fuel for false Republican and far-right claims of a legal double standard in comparison to the recent federal indictment of Donald Trump.

Shampa Ghosh, Soumya Ghosh, Manchala Raghunath, Rakesh Bhaskar, Jitendra Kumar Sinha (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Balancing potential benefits and ethical considerations of gene editing. thelancet.com Although the potential benefits of gene editing are enormous,1 considering that it also presents serious ethical, scientific, and social challenges that must be addressed is important.2 A recent Editorial3 highlights heritable genome editing risks and urges regulatory clarity to prevent unintended generational changes.4 Reproductive embryo DNA alteration is banned in many countries, but ambiguous regulations pose accountability challenges.3…

Julia Conley (2023-06-22). Environmental Groups Urge EPA Action on Methane Emissions From Landfills. truthout.org Joined by two residents of a community where emissions from landfills have forced them to live in the "center of a toxic wasteland," more than a dozen environmental and community advocacy groups on Thursday filed a petition with the Biden administration calling for a number of specific regulations to address the United States' third-largest source of methane pollution. A month after the… |

Pavel López Lazo (2023-06-22). WHO chief calls for stern control in formula milk trades. plenglish.com Geneva, Jun 22 (Prensa Latina) The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday called for stricter regulations to prevent companies that manufacture and market milk formulas from putting their interests before the health of children and families.

Peter Boyle (2023-06-23). The idea of degrowth communism was Marx's last breakthrough—and perhaps most important. mronline.org Even if Japanese Marxist Kohei Saito had not written

John Bellamy Foster (2023-06-23). Marx, the Anthropocene, and the Metabolic Rift. mronline.org A Polen Ekoloji seminar featuring John Bellamy Foster on the theoretical and historical background of Marx, the Anthropocene, and the metabolic rift.

C.J. Atkins (2023-06-22). Remembering Gary Dotterman: Anti-racist Oklahoman, Vietnam vet for peace, and irrepressible gay Communist. peoplesworld.org Fighter against racism and Jim Crow segregation in 1960s Oklahoma. Vietnam vet turned peace activist. Advance man for Robert F. Kennedy's presidential campaign who was standing next to the candidate the night he was assassinated. Gay rights pioneer who pushed the Communist Party USA to turn away from its homophobic past. Advocate of socialism on …

Editor (2023-06-22). On the dialectics of socialism and western Marxisms' purity fetish. mronline.org Gabriel Rockhill "one of my favorite jokes that I've heard about the socialist project is the following: socialism looks good on paper, but in reality… you just get invaded by the United States."

Peninsula Peace & Justice Center (2023-06-23). Thursday 6/22: Pride, Prejudice & Corporate P.R: Corporate Capitalism and Anti-LGBTQIA+ Hate. indybay.org Online via Zoom…

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-06-23). Petro asegura que capitalismo no resolverá crisis climática. telesurtv.net El mandatario colombiano aseguró, además, que las medidas propuestas por Bruselas son demasiado dependientes de la empresa privada.

WSWS (2023-06-23). Podemos electoral debacle in Spain exposes bankruptcy of Revolutionary Left (IR) group. wsws.org IR's complaint that "the 'progressive' management of capitalism has gone very wrong" amounts to an exposure of this party's decade-long support for the anti-worker Podemos party.

Alain Braillon, Eiko I Fried, Ioana A Cristea, Lisa Cosgrove, Florian Naudet (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Treatments for major depression. thelancet.com Here we raise several concerns regarding the Review by Steven Marwaha and colleagues.1 First, the concept of treatment-resistant depression does not have reliable criteria for research and is conceptually empty. The key question remains whether the disorder is resistant to treatment, or whether treatments are less effective. For example, an individual participant level of analysis of clinical trial data revealed small average differences between antidepressants and placebo.2…

Flávio Kapczinski, Bruno Braga Montezano, Taiane de Azevedo Cardoso (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Latent bipolar disorder. thelancet.com Anita Thapar and colleagues' Seminar1 raised a word of caution about suicidality and latent bipolar disorder.1,2 Of note, we recently showed that 4 years before the onset of the illness, various features can be predictive of manifest bipolar disorder, and suicidality is the main one (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0 ∑82, 95% CI 0 ∑75—0 ∑88).3 It is known that major depression is usually the first manifestation of bipolar disorder (appendix). When bipolar disorder is the underlying disorder, antidepressants might trigger full-fledged bipolar disorder and worsen the course…

Steven Marwaha, Allan H Young, Trisha Suppes, Rachel Upthegrove (2023-06-24). Correspondence] Treatments for major depression — Authors' reply. thelancet.com Alain Braillon and colleagues outline several judgements about novel treatments for depression and argue that treatment-resistant depression does not have reliable research criteria. Although we are aware of the debate concerning multiple treatment-resistant depression1 definitions, their specificity, and precision, we used the widely accepted definition of not responding to at least two treatments that is consistent with approximately 50% of definitions that are used in the literature.2 We believe this was a pragmatic and reasonable choice, as the alternative is to not investigate therapy for people who have not…

Ian Whitaker, In These Times. (2023-06-23). Big Dairy Is Milking California Dry. popularresistance.org Planada, Calif.‚Äâ—‚ÄâRita Rodriguez had prepared everything for her 57th birthday, a backyard family cookout with wine, hot dogs, popcorn, kebabs and a projector to watch Pete's Dragon under the stars. Then came the smell of manure. | "It just hits and you can't really do anything about it," Rodriguez says, recalling how they were forced to move inside because of the industrial Hillcrest Dairy nearby. "It was just so toxic that we couldn't sit out there." | When Hillcrest Dairy arrived in Merced County in 2002‚Äâ—‚Ä&ac…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-06-23). Gobierno boliviano anuncia convenios para aumentar producción de litio. telesurtv.net El Modelo Soberano de Industrialización de Litio en el país, fue aceptado por CATL, el gigante asiático de baterías.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-06-23). Presidente de Brasil: países industrializados deben pagar la deuda que tienen con el planeta. telesurtv.net El mandatario indicó que quienes han contaminado el planeta desde el inicio de la revolución industrial, tienen una deuda histórica.

ecns.cn (2023-06-23). China extends NEV purchase tax breaks. ecns.cn China will extend purchase tax breaks on new energy vehicles to the end of 2027, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance.

WSWS (2023-06-23). Los Angeles march for striking writers reveals major support, but union officials prepare betrayal. wsws.org While film and television writers remain determined to fight against the major studios, and in some cases, the capitalist system, union bureaucrats continue to preach a false "solidarity," while isolating striking workers from their class brothers and sisters.

Fight Back (2023-06-22). FRSO fund drive surpasses $70,000. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization Fund Drive has now surpassed $70,000 and more money is coming in every day. | FRSO Organizational Secretary Tom Burke states, "The FRSO online fundraiser was a grand success. Now we need a push to achieve our final goal. The money we spend will make us bigger, badder and bolder in advancing the cause of the American working class." | Burke also urged local FRSO groups to follow up on folks who have made pledges. | To contribute to the fundraising drive, go to FRSO.org and hit the donate button. You can also donate by mailing a check made out to "Lucy Parso…

Jan Lust (2023-06-22). Political Crisis in Peru: From the Left to Right-Wing Authoritarianism. socialistproject.ca

ecns.cn (2023-06-23). CPC official says China, UK have common responsibility. ecns.cn Despite having different views on a number of issues, China and the United Kingdom share a common responsibility to shun group politics and bloc confrontations, and China welcomes genuine discussion based on equality and respect to expand mutual understanding, a senior official of the Communist Party of China said.

thecommunists (2023-06-23). Seek the truth to save humanity: why context matters. thecommunists.org The press office of the international department of the Communist Party of China's central committee sent an email last week containing some links to videos that highlight different facets of Chinese history and culture. An exercise in public relations (PR), and no wonder considering the rap the Chinese are getting from western media. A cynic …

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