2024-01-08: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). PBOC sets goals to support economic growth, development. ecns.cn China's central bank will work to sustain buoyant financing activity while expanding financial opening-up this year as part of its efforts to effectively support economic growth and high-quality development.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). New guidelines aim to boost affordable rental housing. ecns.cn China unveiled a guideline on Friday to strengthen financial support for the rental housing market in a bid to effectively boost the supply of affordable and commercial rental housing.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). Data guideline set to boost high-quality development. ecns.cn China's latest push to expand the application scenarios of data elements and give full play to the multiplier effect of data is expected to foster new growth drivers as well as bolster its high-quality economic development, experts said.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). Nation to tackle population aging. ecns.cn The State Council, China's cabinet, is currently engaged in extensive research and development of policies aimed at nurturing the silver economy and improving the well-being of its senior citizens.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). Molly Show: 'Ice City' Harbin offers cozy getaway for tourists. ecns.cn To let visitors experience the generosity of Northeast China, locals slice the frozen pears and plate them beautifully, and add sugar to bean curd jelly to cater to their taste.

ecns.cn (2024-01-08). Xizang aims for steady economic growth this year. ecns.cn The Xizang autonomous region is expected to witness high-quality development and steady economic growth this year, said Yan Jinhai, chairman of the regional government, on Sunday.

Dmitri Kovalevich, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-01-07). Ukraine: 2023 Was A Year Of Disappointment. popularresistance.org For Ukraine, the year 2023 was far from comforting, notwithstanding the efforts by the country's government and heavily-censored media to uplift the spirits of the population with promises of economic improvement and military victories in the new year. | The news at the end of the year makes clear, even to optimists, that everything promised by the West and by the Ukrainian authorities during the past two years has been mere words. The sole purpose of all the year-end, optimistic statements and promises is to induce Ukrainians to continue to suffer conditions of war and economic upheaval… for the interests of t…

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). China remains an important engine driving world economic growth: spokesperson. ecns.cn China will remain an important engine driving world economic growth in 2024. In a world battling economic uncertainties, China is a source of certainty and positive energy…

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-01-07). The "Public Sector" Has Long Been Privatized. thealtworld.com American liberals see the public sector as where government does good for citizens, and they see the private sector as the place citizens are ripped off by greedy capitalists who must be endlessly regulated in order to protect the public. This liberal view amounts to total delusion. | For many years I have pointed out that the public sector has been privatized and is much more private than the private sector because it is not regulated. There used to be a field of economics called public finance which was entirely an illusion. | Conservatives have long opposed big government because of its threat to liberty. The…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-01-07). Tourism to Cuba grew 34% in 2023. plenglish.com In his Facebook profile, the analyst explained that 2,436,097 international visitors were reported, a figure that represents some 822,892 more visitors than in 2022, with an increase in all markets except for the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. | Perello said that 70,9% of international visitors correspond to five main segments: Canadians, Cubans living abroad, Americans, Russians and Spaniards. | Regarding Cubans living abroad, the expert noted that 320,193 come from the United States. | According to the researcher, Cuba as a tourist destination lagged behind its Caribbean competitors in reaching the 2019 a…

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2024-01-08). Construction Workers Reject Labor Export Deal To Israel As 'Sinister Ploy'. popularresistance.org Over the past few weeks, at least two states in India, governed by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), have issued notices for the recruitment of construction workers to be sent to Israel. | Reports emerged towards the end of last year that Israel was seeking to hire up to 100,000 workers from India to replace Palestinian workers in its construction sector. After the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation began on October 7, Israel revoked the work permits given to all Palestinian workers from Gaza, where unemployment and poverty rates are rampant due to the ongoing 17-year-long siege imposed by the Zionist occupation.

Paul Burkett (2024-01-08). Marx's Vision of Sustainable Human Development. mronline.org With global capitalism's worsening poverty and environmental crises, sustainable human development comes to the fore as the primary question that must be engaged by all twenty-first century socialists in core and periphery alike. It is in this human developmental connection, I will argue, that Marx's vision of communism or socialism (two terms that he used interchangeably) can be most helpful.

Rick Baum (2024-01-08). In 2023: The Ludicrous Amount of Wealth of the U.S. Wealthiest Shot Up. counterpunch.org In 2023, we learned from the government that poverty and homelessness both increased in 2022. In 2023, there is also evidence of a massive surge in the already enormous wealth held by the wealthiest among us. On the last day of the year, one can read in the Guardian an article with the headline "Smiles

Guest Blogger (2024-01-07). Climate Change Weekly #492: Climate Goals Undermining Global Poverty Reduction. wattsupwiththat.com Efforts to rapidly restrict the use of fossil fuels is hampering the #1 goal of poverty reduction in Africa and is restricting Africa's efforts to develop and utilize its own oil and gas resources (goal #7), as funds previously used for development are being redirected to CO2 mitigation (goal #13).

scorinoco (2024-01-07). President-Elect of Guatemala Promises Radical Changes. orinocotribune.com By Alejandra García and Bill Hackwell — Jan 4, 2024 | Guatemala's president-elect, Bernardo Arévalo de León, will take office on January 14 with high expectations for radical change. It remains to be seen if his ambitious plan will succeed, but for the time being, any of his decisions will be a step forward in a country where 44% of the population of 17 million is Mayan and where more than 50% of the population lives in conditions of extreme poverty. | In statements to foreign press, Arévalo stated that his first action upon assuming power will be to revoke "irresponsible" and "absurd" decrees of the outgoin…

Alex S. Vitale (2024-01-08). An Open Border Could Benefit Us All. Instead, Both Parties Want to Build a Wall. truthout.org Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently signed two bills into law designed to further harden the southern border. SB 3 provides $1.5 billion for additional wall building and to support more state law enforcement targeting of low-income immigrant neighborhoods, like Houston's Colony Ridge. SB 4 gives local police the power to engage in immigration enforcement, including arresting people for not having the… |

WSWS (2024-01-07). Thousands protest in London against Gaza genocide, as police step up repression. wsws.org There were 11 protests in London, including one in Camden which marched to the constituency offices of Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer and Labour MP Tulip Siddiq, both supporters of Israeli genocide.

Garrett Brown, Against the Current. (2024-01-08). Talking Socialism On The Job. popularresistance.org With a new generation of socialist activists entering the workforce to build unions and the socialist movement, experiences from 45 years ago may provide lessons about what works and what does not work when talking socialism on the job. | I joined the Young Socialist Alliance in 1971 and the Socialist Workers Party in 1973, resigning from the party in December 1983. I was a student activist in California, Massachusetts, and Illinois, before becoming the labor reporter for The Daily Calumet newspaper in southeast Chicago in 1976. | While a journalist at The Daily Calumet I covered the United Steel Workers of Ameri…

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-08). Union Reformers Made Labor History in 2023. They're Just Getting Started. inthesetimes.com

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-08). Suspenden huelga en metro de Londres por avances en negociación. telesurtv.net Los sindicatos exigen un aumento salarial superior al 5 por ciento, prestaciones de viaje y una mejor clasificación laboral.

Labor Video Project (2024-01-08). UC's War on People's Park, The Defense & Destruction of People's Park with Harvey Smith. indybay.org The attack and destruction of People's Park is part of the privatization developers drive by the UC Regents, management and City and State government and Harvey Smith of the People's Park Historic District Advocacy Group speaks about this in the interview…

Chris Bohner, Labor Notes. (2024-01-07). Direct Elections For Labor Leaders Make For More Militant Unions. popularresistance.org The labor movement is rightfully celebrating recent contract victories by the United Auto Workers, Teamsters, SAG-AFTRA and the Writers Guild of America, which together cover nearly 650,000 workers. An essential thread uniting the campaigns is that the top union officers were all directly elected by the members, a basic democratic right denied to many union members in the United States. As other unions seek to learn lessons from these historic contract fights, a key takeaway is that a vibrant democratic process—"one member, one vote"—is crucial to a revitalized labor movement.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-07). Suspenden huelga en metro de Londres por avances en negociación. telesurtv.net Los sindicatos exigen un aumento salarial superior al 5 por ciento, prestaciones de viaje y una mejor clasificación laboral.

The Independent (2024-01-08). Butime optimistic Commonwealth Speakers will become Uganda's ambassadors. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Minister of Tourism Tom Butime has urged members of the just-ended Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth to be ambassadors of what Uganda offers to the world. The minister was addressing speakers at the Entebbe-based Uganda Wildlife Education and Conservation Centre (UWECC) where they had …

The Independent (2024-01-08). Uganda hands over to India, Among calls for conflict free world. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda, Anita Among, has called on her counterparts in the Commonwealth to take the lead in delivering a peaceful, conflict free world. She was speaking at the closure of the 27th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) at the Munyonyo …

ecns.cn (2024-01-08). Annual anti-graft blockbuster premieres. ecns.cn In the first weekend of 2024, state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) started to air an annual anti-corruption documentary revealing shocking details which go beyond financial corruption.

ceasefire (2024-01-07). Canada must end potential genocide complicity by suspending arms exports to Israel. ceasefire.ca South Africa justifies its standing to bring the case on the basis of its obligation to prevent genocide.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-01-08). China 'Actively Involved' in Iraq's Reconstruction. orinocotribune.com Chinese investment has sparked the rise of many significant infrastructure projects in Iraq | Beijing is fully committed to "friendly" ties with Baghdad and "actively participates" in Iraq's reconstruction, a Chinese official told Kurdish news outlet "China and Iraq share friendly relations; as a sincere friend China actively participates in Iraq and the reconstruction of the country," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told Rudaw at a press briefing in Beijing. | He added that the Chinese…

David Cronin (2024-01-07). Firms profiting from Gaza genocide take part in London weapons fair. electronicintifada.net Sponsors have made equipment used in Israel's war.

ecns.cn (2024-01-08). Rules tightened to better guard ozone layer. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Qiang has signed an amendment to a regulation overseeing ozone-depleting substances, as the country strives to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

midwesternmarx (2024-01-08). Genocide in Gaza By: John J. Mearsheimer. midwesternmarx.com I am writing to flag a truly important document that should be widely circulated and read carefully by anyone interested in the ongoing Gaza War.Specifically, I am referring to the 84-page "application" that South Africa filed with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 29 December 2023, accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.1 It maintains that Israel's actions since the war began on 7 October 2023 "are intended to bring …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-08). SUCCESS OF FAR-RIGHT PARTIES HIGHLIGHTS THE DEAD END OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY By: MLToday. midwesternmarx.com The far-right, anti-immigrant party Alternative for Germany (AfD) surged in the Bavaria's state election in October, coming third with just under 2 million votes and gaining 10 seats in the state legislature. This follows a trend of electoral success for AfD, which is now polling at around 20 percent across all of Germany.Interestingly, the far right enjoys large support in the formerly socialist east German states where until recently the working class largely supported the democra …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-08). "OUR CAPACITY TO RESIST AND WIN IS BASED ON SOCIALISM" By: MLToday. midwesternmarx.com Compatriots: We arrive at the 65th anniversary of the triumph of our socialist Revolution. Many have been the challenges we have had to face to reach this point; but it has been worth it, the work of the Revolution and its social achievements, even in the midst of difficulties, corroborate this.For Fidel has been the first thought of Cubans in this historic commemoration, especially here, in the heroic city of Santiago de Cuba that treasures his immortal remains, and also for all those who …

WSWS (2024-01-08). Mass layoffs begin in California as corporations retaliate against new state minimum wage laws. wsws.org Companies have begun laying off workers in response to California legislation raising the minimum wage for fast food and healthcare workers.

WSWS (2024-01-08). Mass layoffs begin in California as corporations retalitate against new state minimum wage laws. wsws.org Companies have begun laying off workers in response to California legislation raising the minimum wage for fast food and healthcare workers.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-01-08). Hezbollah Wages More Attacks on Israeli Occupation Sites near Lebanon Border. english.almanar.com.lb In support of the Palestinian people and resistance in Gaza and in light of the Israeli aggression on the various South Lebanon villages, the Islamic Resistance continued striking the Zionist occupation sites near Lebanon border. Hezbollah military media issued consecutive statements to illustrate the attacks and their outcomes. The first statement mentioned that the Islamic …

ATTAC (2024-01-08). 28th session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) No to green colonialism, no to the false solutions of green capitalism, no to green normalization, Yes to the sovereignty of peoples over their territories. cadtm.org

ATTAC (2024-01-07). 28th session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 28) No to green colonialism, no to the false solutions of green capitalism, no to green normalization, Yes to the sovereignty of peoples over their territories. cadtm.org

ecns.cn (2024-01-08). Key sectors to remain targets of nation's anti-graft efforts. ecns.cn Sectors with a high concentration of power, funds and resources will continue to be the focal point of anti-corruption efforts, even as significant progress has been made in effectively curbing industrial and systemic corruption risks in the past year, experts said.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). Changsha residents line up to purchase stamps marking the Year of the Dragon. ecns.cn During an interview with China News Network, Rana Mitter, ST Lee Chair in US-Asia Relations at the Harvard Kennedy School, expressed his hope of 2024.

George Yancy (2024-01-07). How Can Philosophy Speak to a World in Crisis? The Answer May Lie in Our Bodies. truthout.org The body is precarious. That is, as embodied people, we are all precarious, interdependent, fragile, vulnerable. As much as neoliberalism would like us to believe otherwise, we are not totally independent and asocial. My body is aging as I write this sentence. Indeed, none of us are impervious to growing old. In doing so, we will need to confront the adverse conditions that come with aging: loss… |

Erica Frankenberg, Scheer Post. (2024-01-07). 70 Years After Brown Vs. Board Of Ed, Public Schools Still Deeply Segregated. popularresistance.org Brown vs. Board of Education, the pivotal Supreme Court decision that made school segregation unconstitutional, turns 70 years old on May 17, 2024. | At the time of the 1954 ruling, 17 U.S. states had laws permitting or requiring racially segregated schools. The Brown decision declared that segregation in public schools was "inherently unequal." This was, in part, because the court argued that access to equitable, nonsegregated education played a critical role in creating informed citizens — a paramount concern for the political establishment amid the Cold War. With Brown, the justices overturned decades of…

krish-rad_ind (2024-01-08). Talking Socialism On The Job. popularresistance.org

WSWS (2024-01-07). Protests in Britain against Israel's destruction of Gaza: "All the people that have died can't be in vain. This needs to be a catalyst for change" wsws.org Reporting teams from the World Socialist Web Site spoke with people protesting Israel's war on Gaza at demonstrations on Saturday in Manchester and Leeds. These were part of around 50 protests across Britain.

ecns.cn (2024-01-07). Two senior officials expelled from CPC. ecns.cn Two former senior officials from China's State-owned enterprises have been expelled from the Communist Party of China for serious violations of discipline and the law, according to China's anti-graft watchdog.

thecommunists (2024-01-07). Who wants war with Iran? thecommunists.org John Bolton, erstwhile US national security advisor (and neocon blowhard for all seasons, in or out of office) wrote an article in the Telegraph newspaper shortly after Christmas. The article lambasted the inaction of the Biden administration over attacks on Israel-affiliated shipping, accusing it of "ignoring the reality of who is calling the shots in …

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