2024-01-21: News Headlines

C.J. Polychroniou (2024-01-21). The Only Solution to "Wealth Supremacy" Is a Democratic Economy. truthout.org The extraction of wealth is a pathology of late capitalism and is defined by the cultural and political processes by which the rich establish themselves as the dominant class. Social theorist and organizer Marjorie Kelly labels this phenomenon "wealth supremacy" which is also the title of her latest book. But as she points out in this exclusive interview for Truthout, wealth supremacy… |

Michael Roberts (2024-01-21). Davos and the melting world economy. cadtm.org

ecns.cn (2024-01-21). After solid 2023, growth on track in Q1. ecns.cn China's economy is on track for solid growth in the first quarter after registering a full-year growth of 5.2 percent in 2023, with economic momentum set to further strengthen in the second half, said a senior economist.

ecns.cn (2024-01-21). China's economic growth provides driving force for global economy: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn It fully shows that China's economy is picking up and high-quality development is making solid progress, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning at a press conference on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2024-01-21). China remains world's largest online retail market for 11th consecutive year. ecns.cn China's online retail sales in 2023 recorded a year-on-year increase of 11 percent to 15.42 trillion yuan ($2.17 trillion) – remaining the world's largest online retail market for 11 consecutive years.

ecns.cn (2024-01-21). Data highlights of China's economy in 2023. ecns.cn

Angela (2024-01-21). Wednesday 1/31: Virtual Meeting: Local Peace Economy. indybay.org

EuroBRICS (2024-01-21). Thanks to Russia sanctions: India's oil exports to Europe reach record levels. pressenza.com The emerging economic power India is pursuing in the face of the West's sanctions on Russia is a pragmatic policy, which allows it to reap immense financial benefits, among other things. The Indians achieved record figures in 2023, primarily through the import of Russian crude oil, its processing and the subsequent export of petroleum products to Europe. | By Alexander MaÃànner | India is undisputedly considered a very independent player who takes a pragmatic view of the current turbulence in world politics and knows how to use it to its advantage. The Asian country, which is one of the largest impo…

Jon Letman (2024-01-21). Are Nuclear-Armed Nations Entering a New Arms Race in 2024? Experts Weigh In. truthout.org Like waking up with a bad hangover, 2024 began with geopolitical headaches and pains from the previous year's conflicts, chaos and instability. Multiple wars in Africa, Europe and the Middle East; human-caused climate and environmental crises; and concerns about democratic backsliding, economic stress and social unrest marked the beginning of the new year. In 2024, a record number of national and… |

Justin A. Davis (2024-01-21). Inside the Movement to Save Philly's Chinatown From a New NBA Arena. truthout.org This article was originally published on Waging Nonviolence. Since the summer of 2022, the city of Philadelphia has seen a fierce battle over the home of their professional basketball team, the 76ers. Currently located at Wells Fargo Center on Philly's south side, economic power players have been shopping around a proposal for a new 18,000 seat arena called 76 Place, which would move NBA games to… |

Jacob Nordangard (2024-01-21). The World Economic Forum (WEF) —United Nations Partnership Constitutes "A Global Corporate Takeover" globalresearch.ca

The Independent (2024-01-21). Davos watch: The "Trump Shock" in Davos. independent.co.ug DAVOS, Switzerland | Xinhua | The 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos unfolded this week amid hope for a stronger recovery as well as concerns over global crises and risks. Prior to its opening, news came from across the Atlantic: Former U.S. President Donald Trump won the first Republican primary …

The Independent (2024-01-21). Buhweju tea farmers demand UGX 3B from Igara tea factory. independent.co.ug Buhweju, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Tea farmers in Buhweju district are seeking compensation of over three billion Shillings from the Igara Growers Tea Factory. They claim to have provided the factory with green- tea leaves over four months but have not received payment. Nicholas Abenaitwe, a tea farmer, expresses the economic crisis faced by the …

ecns.cn (2024-01-21). Trade still robust amid noise over competition. ecns.cn In a recent forum commemorating the 45-year diplomatic legacy between the United States and China, economic experts contended that trade relations have shifted from cooperation to competition, and that the governments need a more strategic approach to risk management.

presstv.ir (2024-01-21). Hundreds protest in Davos ahead of World Economic Forum. presstv.ir Demonstrators protest against the World Economic Forum in the Swiss city of Davos.

presstv.ir (2024-01-21). US Presidential election campaigns begin. presstv.ir The 2024 US presidential election is shaping up to be a brutal campaign, with both candidates facing high disapproval ratings amid economic, political, and military disasters.

Jasmin Kreutzer (2024-01-21). Filipinos are Good at Being "Resilient": Lifting the Philippines out of Poverty with Sam Tamayo's non-profit Project SMILE. pressenza.com Sabrina (Sam) Tamayo founded her non-profit, Project SMILE, in the Philippines in 2018. Her organization helps people of various ages and professions rise out of poverty and follows an inspiring mantra of starting small and building a reliable impact. In this interview she discusses human rights, the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and various aspects of life in the Philippines. | What would you say is the main difference between living in the UK and living in the Philippines? | I hope this doesn't sound depressing, but if I had to use one word I'd describe living in the Philippines as precarious. There is a…

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). Capitalism and the Production of Poverty By: Jim Silver. midwesternmarx.com The perpetual production of ever-changing forms of poverty is an inevitable part of the creative destruction that characterizes capitalism. The form of the poverty changes, because capitalism is dynamic and constantly changing, but poverty remains. The production of poverty is not only an inevitable but also a necessary part of capitalism. This has been the case in Britain, the world's first capitalist industrial power, for the past eight hundred years.Poverty is in large part about …

Paul Craig Roberts (2024-01-21). Some Prices the Year I Was Born. thealtworld.com gallon of milk 48 cents | loaf of bread 8 cents | dozen eggs 36 cents | 2 postage stamps 3 cents | gallon of gasoline 19 cents | minimum wage 30 cents an hour | New car $680 | New home $3,850 | Average income $2,163 | Dow Average 134 | The price of gold $35 per ounce | Price of gold today $2,038 per ounce | The price of silver $1 per ounce | Price of silver today $23 per ounce | I worked the summer of 1956 in a cotton mill for $1 an hour. My take-home pay after tax was $33 for a 40 hour week. | The Federal Reserve created by Jewish bankers to protect their fraudulent schemes destroyed the value of paper money.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-01-21). Mayo Clinic engages Cerebras to deliver potent computing power, scale AI transformation. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic, the world's No. 1 hospital and a global leader in advancing trusted generative artificial intelligence (AI) healthcare applications, has announced a multi-year strategic collaboration with Cerebras Systems to develop multimodal large language models (LLMs) to improve patient outcomes and diagnoses. The collaboration combines Mayo Clinic's expansive repository of decades of deidentified clinical data with generative AI capabilities developed by Cerebras to train models to complement physicians' expertise. The…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-01-21). ICAIC ¥s Vice President Perez Abradelo passes away. plenglish.com According to a press release, Abradelo ¥s death came after a long and painful illness, which he faced while working till just a few weeks ago. | From his work, Milton served as organizer of ICAIC ¥s festivals and audiovisual events to which he dedicated all his strength. Recently, the film Estrés team, directed by Marilyn Solaya, thanked Abradelo for his strong collaboration to make this film possible. | The press release stressed that Abradelo also worked recently in the concept of movie theater recovery programs and in the purpose of saving audiovisual heritage. | His responsibility, devotion and charac…

The Independent (2024-01-21). Airtel, Tecno unveil SPARK 20 Pro. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Airtel Uganda, in collaboration with the TECNO Mobile Uganda, and StarTimes, launched the SPARK 20 Pro+, an exciting addition to its popular SPARK 20 Series. This was during a recent launch held in Kampala officiated by the Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Chris Baryomunsi. This partnership aims to extend …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-01-21). Mayo Clinic's inclusive onboarding sets new standard in lab accommodations. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Conor Peck and Brigette Baig After Conor Peck cleared the initial interview panel for a clinical laboratory technologist role in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, it didn't take long for him to catch Brigette Baig's attention. "He has a biochemistry degree, and we like chemistry people in our lab," says Baig, supervisor of the Metals Laboratory. "I called him to just give him an informal tour of the lab using…

greenleft.org.au (2024-01-21). Concern grows over NSW Labor's secret plan for Powerhouse Museum. greenleft.org.au

UFLP (2024-01-21). Stop the War on Public Worker & Privatization – United Strike & Labor Party Now. indybay.org Thousands of San Francisco City workers may be going on strike on July 1 for a contract. They face massive privatization and outsourcing and a union busting drive by Mayor London Breed and the City managers. Billions of dollars are going to outsourcing with the support of the Democrats on the Board Of Supervisors backed by the Mayor…

Federico Fuentes, Patrick Bond (2024-01-21). US imperial dominance, BRICS sub-imperialism and unequal ecological exchange. cadtm.org Patrick Bond is a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, as well as a political economist, political ecologist and scholar of social mobilisation. He is the author of BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique and Extreme Uneven Development: Financial Volatility, Deep Capitalist Crisis and Super-Exploitation in South Africa and the World. In this interview with Federico Fuentes for LINKS International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Bond discusses modern-day (…) | – | / |

The Independent (2024-01-21). BOU Liquidates EFC Uganda. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Bank of Uganda (BoU) on Friday, took a decisive step by utilizing its authority as outlined in Sections 72 (1) and 12 (1) (d) & (g) of the Microfinance Deposit-taking Institutions (MDI) Act, 2003, as amended, to officially initiate the liquidation process for Entrepreneurs Financial Centers (EFC) Uganda Limited. …

Eric Toussaint (2024-01-21). The WB assists those in power in a witch-hunting context. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

The Independent (2024-01-21). MPs demand justification to increase Uganda Airlines budget. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Members of Parliament on the Budget Committee tasked the government to justify the continuous capitalization of Uganda National Airlines, following the proposal to increase the airline's budget in the 2024/2025 financial year. The budget increase is entailed in the report of the Committee on Physical Infrastructure on the National Budget …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-01-21). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Anna Massoglia (2024-01-21). Outside Spending on 2024 Election Tops $318 Million, Outpacing Past Elections. truthout.org Outside spending on 2024 federal races is outpacing all previous election cycles, according to an OpenSecrets analysis of campaign finance reports. Super PACs and other outside groups that can raise and spend unlimited sums of money on federal elections have already poured nearly $318 million into spending on presidential and congressional races as of Jan. 14 — more than six times as much as had… |

The Lever (2024-01-21). LEVER WEEKLY: "A Frightening Tale Of Political Influence" levernews.com

Redacción Perú (2024-01-21). Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom make statements on Peruvian Forestry Law. pressenza.com Due to the "potential impacts" on the environment, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom have expressed their views on the amendments to the Peruvian Forestry and Wildlife Law, enacted by the Peruvian Congress last week. | The joint declaration, in which Canada also participated, joins a series of statements from different national and international institutions such as the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), producers' associations, the Ombudsman's Office, the Ministry of the Environment, among others. The Executive observed the regulation and the President of the C…

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis By: The Cradle. midwesternmarx.com Photo Credit: The Cradle Iraqi security sources are warning of an ISIS revival in the country, which coincides all too neatly with the spike in Iraqi resistance operations against US bases in Iraq and Syria, and with widening regional instability caused by Israel's military assault on Gaza. More than six years after declaring victory over the terrorist organization, Iraqi intelligence reports now indicate that thousands of ISIS fighters are emerging unscathed, under the protection o …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). Thanks to Gaza, European philosophy has been exposed as ethically bankrupt By: Hamid Dabashi. midwesternmarx.com From Heidegger's Nazism to Habermas's Zionism, the suffering of the 'Other' is of little consequence Imagine if Iran, Syria, Lebanon, or Turkey – fully backed, armed and diplomatically protected by Russia and China – had the will and the wherewithal to bomb Tel Aviv for three months, day and night, murder tens of thousands of Israelis, maim countless more and make millions homeless, and turn the city into a heap of uninhabitable rubble, …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). Anti-Fascism & Solidarity: Bhagat Singh Jan Adhikar Yatra By: Vansh Yadav. midwesternmarx.com First Day of Bhagat Singh Jan Adhikar Yatra, December 10 Phase 2 of The Bhagat Singh Jan Adhikar Yatra (BSJAY), which began on December 10, is set to cover 8,500 km, going through 80 districts and 13 states, and will continue until March 3. The Rally is primarily organised by the Revolutionary Workers Party of India (RWPI), Disha Students Organisation, Naujawan Bharat Sabha, and Mazdoor Bigul Dasta, along with numerous other progressive organisations. The Yatra is essentially an an …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). COMMUNISTS AND AN OPEN BALLOT By: Max R. midwesternmarx.com The recent political events of state courts in Colorado and Maine barring Donald Trump from running in the 2024 election should be of intense interest to Communists in the USA. While center-left "progressives" and those who tail the Democrats applaud this decision by the state courts, this is not a beneficial development for anti-imperialists or for all Americans who value our civil liberties. In the United States since the period of McCarthyism and the Cold War, the civil lib …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). 01/15/24 – Cuba: a Vital Utopia in Resistance By: Tatiana Coll. midwesternmarx.com photo: Bill Hackwell It is difficult, very difficult to make a valid account of 65 years of great events, of profound transformations, of surprising achievements, of complex challenges, of internationalist victories, of global warnings, of new approaches, of constant search and also of mistakes; but always of tenacity and fierce constancy, sustained in the most contradictory circumstances by a whole people on the march. In short, the Cuban revolution changed the circumstances of the …

midwesternmarx (2024-01-21). Our Postmodern Crisis and the Progressive Alternative in the Harlem Renaissance By: Kathie Jiang. midwesternmarx.com This article explores the Harlem Renaissance's ideological and artistic contributions to the American social consciousness for imagining possibilities for political struggle, and as a timely alternative to the dominant postmodern aesthetic and cultural tendencies of nihilism of our times — including 1950's Pop Art, the 1980's neo expressionist art of Jean-Michel Basquiat, and contemporary hip-hop culture. Between World War I and the Great Depression, in New …

presstv.ir (2024-01-21). Hezbollah vows strong response if Israel wages all-out war on Lebanon. presstv.ir A senior Hezbollah official says Israel should expect a "strong slap in the face" if it decides to raise the ante and wage an all-out war on Lebanon.

Tina Renier (2024-01-21). Reflections on Racism, "Coloniality of Power", Mal-Development and Contemporary Capitalism. globalresearch.ca

Rick Thomas (2024-01-21). The Transnational Capitalist Class. The Billionaires, the Trillionaires. Stake Holder Capitalism and The New World Order. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2024-01-21). Experts Worry About At-Risk Women's Access to New Postpartum Depression Pill. scheerpost.com

Achin Vanaik (2024-01-21). The Tragedy Of India's Authoritarian Descent: The Case of Prabir Purukayastha. socialistproject.ca Despite all the talk about India being the world's largest democracy the existing reality is very different indeed. For persistent dissidents and opponents of the current Hindu nationalist regime headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the general political environment is effectively an undeclared emergency. In many respects it is worse than the declared Emergency of 1975-77 with its suspension of fundamental civic and political rights. That lasted a little less than two years. The current process of systematic degradation of the basic institutions of Indian democracy under the Modi government has been going o…

Won Youngsu, Federico Fuentes (2024-01-21). Behind rising tensions on the Korean peninsula: A socialist view. greenleft.org.au Green Left's Federico Fuentes spoke to Youngsu Won, a socialist and coordinator of the International Forum in South Korea, about the new tensions flaring on the Korean peninsula and their potential ramifications.

greenleft.org.au (2024-01-21). Socialist councillor: New rainbow crossing a 'positive step'. greenleft.org.au

Pavan Kulkarni (2024-01-21). Sudanese Communist Party newspaper's editor abducted by paramilitary RSF. peoplesdispatch.org The Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which has been at war with Sudan's army since April 15, 2023, broke into the family home of Haitham Dafallah, the chief editor of Al-Maydan newspaper, and abducted him along with his brother, on January 19.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-01-21). China: CCP announces over 44M-dollar promotion to train members. plenglish.com Beijing, Jan 21 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of China (CCP) on Sunday allocated 318 million yuan (USD.2 million) to improve both education and training of its members, local press reported.

thecommunists (2024-01-21). Post Office scandal: Trouble on the Horizon. thecommunists.org Back in 1996, the Japanese company Fujitsu started providing…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-01-21). Cuban President opens Operation Truth Conference. plenglish.com The Cuban leader is being accompanied by the Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Roberto Morales Ojeda, as well as by other government officials. | On the 65th anniversary of the first Operation Truth, which gathered over 400 journalists in Havana to refute the smear campaigns against newly-formed 1959 Cuban Revolution, this meeting is critical to inform Cuba's big efforts to achieve a more prosperous and sustainable development model.

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